Carl's Princess free porn video

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Carl's Princess I hate the weekends that Carl comes over to have sex with my wife. He spends the night and it makes so much more work for me. I have to go to the hair salon and have myself done up in lots of curls. Big, blonde Gone-with-the-Wind sausage curls. Carl likes me in curls - he says no man would wear his hair that way, which is why I have to. He also has preferences for my make-up: cherry red lips, robin's egg blue eye shadow, extra-long dark lashes, and pink blush. Not my favorite color scheme, but it does make me look more girly than usual, which is the point of course. The dress has to be one of those little sweetheart lolita outfits that comes down only to mid-thigh. Lots of pink bows and lace. I have to wear a petticoat and pink anklets to go with my pink Mary Janes. It's a once a month event, these days, but it throws the whole house into chaos. Meagan gave me a final inspection in her bedroom before Carl's arrival. "You're looking very nice tonight, Princess," she said. She took a little bottle of scent and gave me a spritz on one wrist and had me rub it on my neck. "A gurl should smell as nice as she looks." Looks were her strong suit. A slender five foot seven with more than ample curves on top, she could pull a man's gaze from across a crowded room. Why she'd ever agreed to marry me was beyond my comprehension. I matched her in height and weight, though my upstairs was a blank canvas waiting to be written on. Downstairs was an unfinished piece of work as well. "Dress, please," she said and I lifted my hem. Beneath were a pair of pink panties decorated with unicorns. The outline of the chastity cage I'd worn for the last nine months was evident beneath them. "He'll like those," she said. "Good choice." She was wearing a body hugging top that advertised the lack of a bra beneath. Her jeans were like a second skin. I pinched my leg to stop from staring, but I could feel my poor locked manhood struggle to its knees. The cage stopped any further advances in their tracks. Downstairs the doorbell rang. I could see a current of anticipation shiver though her body. I shivered too, but for different reasons. "Go get that, Princess. I'll be in the living room." "Yes, Miss Meagan," I said, and hurried down the steps. Carl didn't like to be kept waiting. When I opened the door Carl brushed past me. He threw a large cloth bag at the foot of the stairs. He was nothing special to look at. His features were blunt and he sported a Marine Corps style haircut. He'd never been in the military, but he liked the image it portrayed. He worked out a lot so his chest and arms were very muscular. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "What are you looking at, asshole?" He gave me a once over. "Nice dress, Princess. No one would ever guess there's a guy underneath. Panties?" I blushed and pulled up my skirt. He smiled and tapped me on the nose. "Oh, like them very much. They suit you." "Thank you, Mr. Carl," I said and curtseyed. "You picked them out for me." "How about a little kiss for Uncle Carl?" He was four inches taller than me so I had to reach up to give his cheek a peck. It made me feel sick inside to do it. He slapped me on the rump hard and I jumped. It really stung. "Nice perfume. It suits you. How's life in your cage?" he asked with a grin. "Very frustrating, Mr. Carl." "I'll bet. How long has it been since you had an orgasm?" "Nine months, Mr. Carl, ever since you decided I should have to wear a cage." "And it makes you horny?" "Terribly horny," I said. I wasn't allowed to lie to Mr. Carl, so he always asked me embarrassing questions. I had to breathe in deeply to stifle a sob. I didn't want to start crying so soon. "Well, you understand why I had to do it. Can't have a free cock swinging around the house, even one as tiny as yours. Who knows when Meagan might decide to go slumming and mount you for a quickie? She's quite the slut. With you locked up like that, there's no temptation for either of you. But if I decide to move in full time, we'll have to have you neutered. Can't mix the little woman up with two different scents, can we? And if they take your balls, I bet you wouldn't have to be so frustrated. You'd have no more of those horny feelings. Am I right?" "You're so right, Mr. Carl," I said. He had threatened to have me neutered since the first time he'd visited. Back then he'd stop by once a week. Slowly the intervals had stretched out until his visits were of the once a month frequency. He was losing interest, and I felt sorry for Meagan. I knew how much she enjoyed the sex. I took a deep breath and said what I was required to say. "Would you like a blowjob, sir? I'm told I'm very good at it." I kept my eyes on the floor. "And who told you that, Princess?" "You did, Mr. Carl." He lifted my face so he could look at me. "I guess I'd be concerned where your mouth has been last. You're a bit of a tramp." "Oh no, sir," I said hastily. "My mouth is reserved for you. Only your cock has ever penetrated me there." I felt a small tear leak down my cheek. This was so damn humiliating. He wiped it away with a gentle motion of his thumb. He liked to see me cry. "I appreciate your loyalty. I'll see if I can fit you in tomorrow. Or rather, if you can fit me in." He laughed at his own cleverness. "Right now I'm here to fuck your wife. That's okay with you, right?" He liked to play a little game where he asked my permission to have sex with Meagan. I couldn't really object. "Please, Mr. Carl," I said. "Enjoy yourself. You know how much I want Miss Meagan to have a good time while you're here." "I know you do, Princess. I suppose if you were a man, you might feel like you were in a competition. Does that ever cross your mind?" "No, Mr. Carl. I know my sex parts are too small to ever compete with you. Miss Meagan told me from the very beginning I was too small to satisfy a real woman. You are the man of this house." "Well, it's good you recognize your place. That's what I like about you." We walked into the living room. I was careful to walk several paces behind him. He was the alpha. Meagan was sitting on the couch but stood up when Carl entered the room. He went to her and gave her a hungry kiss that she eagerly reciprocated. His hands curved possessively around her ass, and squeezed. She smiled. "Would you get Carl a drink, Princess?" she said. I went to the kitchen and got out a bottle of beer. He drank Bud, when he could have had anything he wanted. I took off the cap and poured it into Carl's glass. He kept one here and it was my job to keep it clean and ready for use. His name was etched on the front. I was only allowed to drink out of tea cups. He also kept some clothes here and I was responsible for washing and ironing them. The bag he had placed near the steps was a fresh load for me to wash. I was more or less his maid. When I got back into the parlor they were already wrapped around each other on the couch. His hands were up under Meagan's shirt and they were tongue locked. With her top so tight fitting, I could see every finger on Carl's hand through the fabric as he played with her nipples. Neither noticed my arrival so I took my place kneeling on the floor at one end of the couch where I could watch everything they did. I was required to watch. I had to keep a diary of Carl's visits and my wife read it be sure I had gotten everything down. I could understand Carl's motivation for all that he did to me, but I never could understand Meagan's little cruelties. We were husband and wife, after all. After several minutes of snogging, Meagan was down to just a pair of panties. Carl broke away and stood up. His face was flushed. "Help Carl out of his pants, Princess," Meagan told me. I knee walked over and unbuckled Carl's belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles. I helped him step out of them. "Now the rest, Princess," he said. He was wearing some sort of speedo thing that showed off his package to its advantage. I took a deep breath and pulled down his shorts. His dick sprang out and slapped me in the face. Both of them laughed. He was very well-endowed, a fact Meagan made sure to share with me on numerous occasions. "Since you and my cock seem to have a natural attraction, why don't you show it some affection," Carl said. I wanted to be ill but I did as I was told. I scooted closer and began fondling him and kissing the head and shaft of his penis. He let it go on for a long time. He was stiff and pre-cum kept forming at the tip and I had to lick it clean. Finally Meagan got down off the couch and pushed me aside, "Save some for Mama," she said. I sat beside her while she enthusiastically attacked Carl's dick. Watching her do it made me ache between my legs. I dreamed of her doing the same thing to me. On our wedding night she had giggled when she saw me disrobe. "Now that's a surprise, and not a good one." I'd done my best but I just wasn't large enough to please her. We'd tried for three nights, but she always ended up frustrated and using a vibrator to bring herself to completion. Finally she told me to put my face between her thighs and use my tongue. That worked. When she had climaxed, she patted me on the head and said "At least one part of you is useful." I loved servicing her in this way. My only thought was for her to be happy, and when she'd begin to buck against my face after fifteen minutes of tonguing, I'd feel happy. I was doing a man's work, and I was proud of it. I was left to bring myself to orgasm, but I had masturbated heavily in high school and college and so I didn't mind. But I did dream about her lips sucking on my dick. It wasn't long after this that she first started dressing me in women's clothes. I raised a few half-hearted objections, but went with the flow. If this made her happy, it made me happy. Then she'd started bringing other men home. My thoughts were interrupted by Carl. "I'm about to cum, Princess," he said. Those were words I'd learned to hate over the last nine months. Meagan slid away from Carl and I moved in front of him. He began stroking himself, grunting and groaning. Without warning he began to cum on my face. I opened my mouth wide, trying to catch as much as I could. Without fail, some always got in my eyes. Sure enough one spasm sent a jet of sperm right into my left eye. I tried to blink it out while continuing to catch what I could. Meagan murmured encouragement. I had to keep my eyes on Carl's face the whole time - he said a good gurl always looked to her master for any guidance. Cum was dripping down my cheeks and chin. Carl was packing a full load this visit. It seemed like he came and came, a fountain of sticky sperm that drenched my face. Finally he stepped back with a groan. "Good job, Princess," he said. "Clean me off." I took his penis into my mouth and licked him clean. Then Carl yanked me close and wiped his dick in my hair. I was nothing but a towel to him, to be used and discarded. When he was finished, Meagan examined the outcome of the facial. "You'll need to redo your makeup. You're a mess. You can have ten minutes. Be sure to stop at the fridge on your way upstairs." I hurried into the kitchen and got out three clean ice cube trays. Into each cube recess I placed several gobs of Carl's cum. Then I filled them with water and put the trays in the freezer. Carl insisted that a cum diet was good for a sissy. With every dinner I ate I had to make a cup of warm tea and drop in one of the special ice cubes. That way I got my daily required minimum dose of Carl's sperm. I could never get away from the taste of him, even when he wasn't in the house. It seemed almost normal now. I'd certainly just finished swallowing a mouthful in the other room without any objection. I expected it now. There was a little bit left over and I scraped it into one of those little airline TSA approved liquid containers and put it next to the beer. Once I was done with the ice trays, I rushed upstairs. I scrubbed my face and threw on some fresh eyeliner and shadow, rouged my cheeks, and redid my lipstick. I didn't want to exceed the ten minutes I'd been given. Meagan was probably downstairs with a stop watch timing me. If I was even a second late there would be some humiliating punishment applied. But when I got back downstairs, Carl was rubbing his fingers up and down the outside of Meagan's panties, right between her thighs. She was moaning and arching her hips. Carl gave me a big grin. "Your whore of a wife can't get enough. She's quite the slut, don't you think?" I nodded. I watched as a wet spot slowly grew in Meagan's panties. I could smell her juices from where I sat on the floor watching. I'd spent plenty of time with my face tongue deep in her pussy so I was very familiar with it. I could see from her face that she was getting close. Carl could see it too, so he teased her along, extending the time before she came as much as he possibly could. As she neared climax Carl called me over. "Pull your wife's panties aside for me, Princess," After I had exposed her, he said "I'm going to finger fuck her. Or rather, you are, using my hand." He made a fist leaving his middle finger extended. "Go ahead, finger fuck her." I took a deep breath. "For god's sake, don't stop," Meagan moaned. What the hell. I grabbed his hand by the wrist and guided the extended finger up to my wife's vagina. With the slightest pressure, it slid easily inside. Meagan was wet and loose and ready for entry. "Jesus God," she muttered. I slid Carl's finger in and out. With every thrust she moaned a little louder and more urgently. It was disappointing, in a way. Carl had large hands, and his middle finger was thicker and longer than my penis. She'd never responded to me the way she was responding to Carl's finger for fuck's sake. I began to increase the speed of the penetrations. Her eyes began to roll back in her head and she gave a loud gasp and her whole body shuddered. "Oh god, oh god," she said over and over. Carl had done good work. Meagan's orgasm was long and intense. No wonder she looked forward to his visits. Meagan dropped her head back on the back of the couch, panting. Carl withdrew his finger. A string of something sticky and glistening stretched between his finger and her vagina. "Go ahead, Princess, lick my fuck finger clean." I took his hand and began to suck on his middle finger. I could taste my wife. It had been a long time. Carl pulled his hand away. "Enough. I don't want you to get all excited sucking on a real man." The rest of the evening was fairly passive for me. I washed Carl's dick with warm water and a towel after a bout of missionary position. I served drinks and ordered pizza. The delivery guy gave me a quizzical look when I showed up at the door in my outfit, but he took the money and left. I was allowed to eat the crusts. "Oh, let the gurl have a treat," Carl said, when there was only a single piece left. "Alright," Meagan said. "Go get your dressing." I returned with the chilled cum jar and placed a dollop on top of the last slice. If I took just a little, Meagan would empty the whole jar on my slice, so I had to be sure it was enough to pass muster. I heated it in the microwave for twenty seconds. When I took it out, the smell of the new topping was very evident. "Eat it all up," Meagan said, "or they won't be any treats for a long time to come." I bit into the slice and chewed it with gusto. I hadn't had pizza for several months and it had once been my favorite food. Carl's cum was part of the taste, but like I said, I was used to it now. "Did you enjoy that, Princess?" Carl said. "Yes, Mr. Carl. Thank you very much." "You're a very good gurl, Princess," he said, patting me on the top of my head. "There's not much man left in you." When they went to bed an hour later, I stayed up to clean the dishes and straighten the house. When I went upstairs I was allowed to sleep in the master bedroom. My usual arrangement was to sleep in a guest room that had been converted into my "special" room. Lots of pink and unicorns, and a shelf for the dolls Meagan bought for me. But when Carl slept over, I had a place in Meagan's bedroom. Carl had purchased a pet bed, one of those round flannel stuffed cushions that dogs slept on. It was situated at the foot of the bed, on the floor. If I curled myself just right, I could fit on it without too much trouble, Carl slept next to Meagan in the king bed that used to be where I slept when I was the man of the house. I had to put on the nightie I had picked for Carl visits. It was an old style teddy, very sheer with a circle of white faux fur around the hem. The panties had rows of ruffles across the butt. He thoroughly approved of how I looked in them. I had been asleep for an hour when I was awakened by Carl calling my name. "Hey Princess, you up?" "Yes, Mr. Carl," I answered, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. "Your wife wants another pounding, the horny bitch. You won't mind, will you?" "Please, enjoy yourself, Mr. Carl." I had to lay there and listen to the noises from the bed while my wife had sex with another man. Again. When she climaxed, she went into the "oh gods." This was an eight "oh god" orgasm. That meant it was a strong one for her. When they were finished, I had to get towels and clean them both up. They didn't want to sleep in the mess that they'd made. I dozed fitfully after that. I woke up at the usual 5:30 the next morning. I had trained myself to get up the same time every day without an alarm. It allowed me to shower, do my makeup and hair, dress, and get downstairs and start breakfast. Carl liked pancakes and so I made up a large stack along with eggs and bacon. When I was done, I carried it upstairs on a tray along with OJ and coffee for them to enjoy in bed. Then I headed downstairs to start a load of his laundry. I put the now cleaned and ironed clothes he'd dropped off during the last visit into the laundry bag and placed it by the door. My stomach growled but I ignored it. I wasn't allowed to eat before Carl departed. Two hours later Carl came into the living room where I was folding my lingerie and stockings. He usually didn't hang around long the next day. "Gotta run, Princess," he said. "Let's give you a checkup." I took a position on all fours in the center of the room. He kneeled beside me and pulled my skirt out of the way, lowering my lacey satin panties to my knees. "I bought you these, didn't I?' he said. "Yes Mr. Carl. Thank you very much." "Oh Princess, you should call me daddy." I swallowed hard. I knew what that meant. "Yes daddy. Thank you Daddy." He began to toy with my cage, making it swing like a pendulum between my legs. However much I tried not to, I began to get hard. I was so starved for sensation that anything made my body react. He tugged and rubbed, and my poor penis began to throb. He withdrew a hand and showed me the drop of pre-cum I had leaked. He let me lick it off his finger. "Look at you, gurl. Still horny. Like mama like sissy, right?" "Yes, Daddy." "So tell me, how do you like your new life?" "I'm fine with it, Daddy." "I thought we said no lying, Princess. Tell me honestly." I sighed, took a deep shuddering breath. "Sometimes I don't know if I can make it through another day. I'm afraid sometimes that I'll come to like this too much. There are parts of this that I do enjoy more than I should. The dressing up, that sort of thing. But there are some things that depress me. I see you with my wife and I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed at what I've become. I could do it if I just could get some relief. Going without an orgasm is killing me. That's all I need. Just one orgasm." "You'd like some relief?' He showed me the key to my cage. He was the keeper and the only one that could release me. I wasn't sure if he had brought it with him. "Oh yes, Daddy. Please Daddy." I hated the way I sounded - desperate and whiny and with a sob folded into the whole performance. "I know I'm just your sissy cock whore. I'll do anything you want. I'm such a pitiful excuse for a man. Really no man at all. Just your sissy. Please, Daddy." I begged for several minutes while Carl toyed with my privates. "Well, if you really want some relief, you should show me that you deserve it." I didn't hesitate. I knelt in front of him and pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles. Then I attacked his dick with all the enthusiasm that I was capable of. He responded, rocking his hips while I gobbled his cock. When he was getting close, he tapped me on the head and I began to deep throat him. Early on he'd insisted I learn to do that, so I'd spent weeks practicing until I could swallow a dildo without gagging. He pushed to the back of my throat, then down into it. He was large and long and it slid several inches deep. "Here I go, baby," he grunted, and I could feel his dick shuddering. A stream of cum began spurting down my throat on a direct route to my stomach. I was helpless to deny him - he owned my mouth and could use me as he wanted. Part way through his orgasm he pulled himself back into the front area of my mouth and spent the last of himself there. I was leaking cum down my chin when he was finished and pulled out. "That was good, Princess," he said. "You've come a long way. I think you've earned a treat. I want you to savor the taste for a few minutes." He shoved his cock back in his pants while I knelt there with a mouth full of dick goo. Finally he nodded and I swallowed it. He patted it on the head. "I really do feel sorry for you sometimes, Princess. I can't imagine going nine months without pleasure. Would you like to break your streak?" I began to beg again and he had me pull my skirt up. He inserted the key in the lock that kept me caged. I began to sob in anticipation, my fists bunched at my mouth. "I don't think so," Meagan said from behind me. At some point she'd come downstairs and had been watching me. I froze and Carl withdrew the key from the lock. "What mama wants, mama gets," he said with a grin. At that point it was clear that the offer to release me had been nothing but a game the two were playing. I began to bawl, unable to stop the tears that poured down my cheeks. "Don't cry, Princess," Carl said. "Look on the good side. You got a nice breakfast of Carl's Grade A man cum. What else could a sissy want?" Between my sobs I said "Yes Daddy, thank you Daddy." "And I've been thinking. You look very feminine when you dress up like this, but there's something missing. Do you know what that is?" "No, daddy," I wept. "Tits. You need a set of tits. A nice pair, C-cup I think. Nothing obscene. Something that will look good on you for the rest of your life. You don't want to look like a gurl with beach balls under her shirt, do you? Besides, it would be amusing if you and your wife could share bras." I shook my head. "Tits are expensive," he continued. "I want you to do some research online. Find a local surgeon who'll do you. Go for a preliminary visit. Get a price quote. Once you have an idea of the cost, I want you to start pulling the money together. I know you don't work anymore, given the way you...ahem...look and act. Mama can't afford it. Neither can I. Listen, I know you have some stuff around the house you could sell. A couple sets of golf clubs, some sports collectibles - signed balls, game worn jerseys, rare baseball cards, etcetera. That stuffs worth a pretty penny. A gurl doesn't need things like that, does she?" I began to cry harder. "No, Daddy." "Well it's settled then I'll be back in say four weeks. You have everything laid out for me, show me that you have the money, and if I like the plan, I'll give you the okay and you can go have your new tits installed. Then you'll be able to focus fulltime on dresses and panties and bras - sissy stuff, the part that you enjoy." Carl kissed Meagan, slapped her on the ass, and headed to the door, I was there ahead of him with his coat, "Maybe next time, Princess," he said, and clutched my cage through my skirt, giving it a little tug. I kissed him on the cheek and off he went, taking his bag of clean laundry with him. He'd return when he felt like it. He was the bull in this house. I continued to weep. "Oh, stop your crying and come sit next to me on the couch." She gave me a little hug. "I wouldn't worry too much about what Carl said. I haven't agreed to you getting tits and I have the final say. But he's right about all that guy stuff you have in the basement. I want you to get rid of it. And if someday I say time for tits, you'll be ready. But just for the experience, I do want you to find a plastic surgeon and go for a consultation. That should be a humbling experience. You are entirely too full of yourself these days." I took a tissue and wiped at my face. My makeup must look terrible. Meagan put a hand on my knee. "I have something important to talk to you about," she said. "What do you think about a baby?" I stopped breathing. My mind was churning. Carl was certainly the kind of guy that liked to plant his seed as widely as he could. I'd never succeeded in getting Meagan pregnant. Was a child by him something she really wanted? "He doesn't love you, Miss Meagan," I said. "A child will be too much bother to him. When he finds out you're pregnant, you won't see him again. He'd make a terrible father." I paused. "But if it's something you want, I will help as much as I can and be there for you. I'll love the child as if it were my own." She looked surprised at my emotional outburst. "I'm not talking about me, silly. God, I never want a kid, and I'd certainly never have one with him. I'm talking about you." "Me? But...but -" "No buts, Carl thinks it would be fun if you started wearing one of those pregnancy bellies. They're made of silicone and you strap them around your waist. He likes to see a woman that he's having sex with sporting a swelling belly, and you're it. He's dumped enough cum down your throat to breed an army. It's time you got with the program and became pregnant." I was dumbfounded and just looked at her wordlessly. "I've already ordered the 3-4 month bump. Did it this morning on Amazon. It should be here on Monday. You'll be wearing it fulltime from now on. After two months we'll swap in the 5-6 month bump, then the 7-8 month bump, then the 9-10 month about to give birth bump. We'll have to buy new clothes to accommodate each stage of your pregnancy. I'll want to parade you around the neighborhood. What will the neighbors think about that? They're going to be very confused. If they ask, you must tell them Carl is the father. I think at some point we'll have to have a baby shower. I know you haven't talked to your sister since the wedding. We should invite her and some of your old friends. We'll want to arrange a shoot with a professional photographer to immortalize your condition, but that's not until late in your pregnancy. Listen to me - I'm just bubbling with enthusiasm. And don't worry, pregnant women can still have sex so Carl will be able to continue to make use of your services. You're up for it, aren't you Princess?" "Yes, Miss Meagan," I said quietly. It seemed like the humiliation would never end. "Good. If we do this, it'll keep him coming back to watch the changes. I know he's starting to drift away. This will pull him back in. I need the sex, Princess. He's an SOB, but he fucks like no one I've ever met. You'll help me, right? I need this. Please?" I nodded. "Good gurl." She rubbed my stomach through my dress. "Those bellies can be heavy, especially in the later stages. Your back will ache and all that weight on your kidneys will make you pee a lot more, but that's part of the price you have to pay to have a child. When you get to the larger sizes, we'll rig up some kind of a spacer between your thighs. That way you'll waddle when you walk. More realistic. Imagine that - a mommy to be. I bet you never thought this day would come." She was right. I hadn't.

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventionallife I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional? life.? My stories are based on my fantasies.? Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.?? This is my first story I hope you enjoy it.? I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.? Contact me at...

3 years ago
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Pumpkin Honey and Princess

Story's Title: Pumpkin, Honey and Princess by Honey. Short synopsis: This is a story between Pumpkin, Honey and Princess Pumpkin, aka Princess Tuesday is a professional Femdom. Honey, aka Ryan is Pumpkin’s good male friend. He is annoying, innocent but loveable. Princess is Pumpkin’s slave and used to be Honey’s best friend. Gender Codes: F/f F/m F+/m Sexual Activities: Cbt Modification Spanking Toys Fetish D/s:?Domination/submission B/D:?Bondage and Discipline S/M:?Sado-Masochism...

1 year ago
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"God, I need a cigarette," I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It's been over 3 months since I quit 'cold turkey'. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot nosed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better. Me I'm a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The 'perfect' wife and mother. I've been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I'm honest I could lose 10 pounds...oh alright 20...

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I Princess

I, Princess Autobiography written by Dauphin [email protected] Introduction I have written a few stories under different names. People have always asked me to write about my own experiences. Until now, I have refused, because? my childhood was private. Second it was confusing and even though I was happy, I had a few hard times. Often I think that my childhood has made me what I am now. Another thing is that if I wrote my...

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Summer Princess

Summer Princess Mom thought it might be a good idea to write this down, so I could show it to the therapist. I guess that's ok, and better than having to do some "How I spent my summer" essay for school. I guess there are some advantages to being home schooled, at least for now. My summer started by going to Uncle Mike's place, because my mom was sick, and she wanted me to have a normal summer for once. Little did she know. When I got to his place, it turned out that Uncle Mike had...

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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

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My New Princess

     Ever since puberty I have been enamored with beautiful Dominant Women.  Most of the fantasies I have ever had revolved around being at the feet of, and wrapped around the finger of a statuesque Femme Fatale.  Throughout my entire life I have sought these types of Women but have never found one that really shared my desires.  Sure I have met my share of demanding Women but it usually turned out that they were demanding and controlling in a vanilla way and when I told them of my fantasies...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 15 Rewarding the Naughty Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Wood burst, drawing me out of sleep. I groaned, groggy. Men shouted. Fear jolted through me. I sat upright to see men...

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The Male Princess

The male princess By Michelle Kay Chapter one The Year is 2065. In 2045 H1N1 finally went airborne. It was the second great pestilence of 2045 to 2055 in which 70 percent of the worlds population died. A disproportionate percentage of females were victims. Many men found it hard to find suitable female to wed. So, some took men and forced them to be brides. Laws were passed making it legal. The world had pretty much descended back into the 12th century Jason Oak had just...

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The Real Princess

This is the first time I am publishing one my stories. I wrote this particular one around five or six years ago. I wrote this one by taking the story from project Gutenberg archive and giving it TG theme. The Real Princess There was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess; but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled all over the world in hopes of finding such a lady; but there was always something wrong. Princesses he found in plenty; but whether they were real Princesses...

1 year ago
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The Little Princess

Thursday evening and I got a call from a friend who wanted me to deliver some goods. He asked if I could go round to his place and get some details and paperwork sorted. So as soon as I put the phone down I went to see him, he only lives a few minutes away. My name is Victor; I’m forty four years old, an unemployed van driver. I was made redundant a month ago, so I was looking for a new position. My friend has a small business and when he needs a hand in getting goods to his customers, I help...

Straight Sex
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The Magical Princess

Once upon a time in a far away land, there was a beautiful kingdom surrounded by deserts. People rode around on camels across the desert. The women wore colourful desert dresses that wrapped around their bodies and over their heads so just their faces were visible. And the mens' clothing were dark shirts and trousers and cloaks. Within the kingdom lived a king who had lost his queen while giving birth to their only child - the beautiful Princess Delina. The king cherished and treasured his...

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The Boy Who Became A Princess

Years ago, I wrote another story with the same title as this one; it was about a boy who discovers that he is, in fact, a princess who had been transformed by magic when she was a baby. That version was only a few pages long and this story is a different, and better, take on the same idea. THE BOY WHO BECAME A PRINCESS (c) 2009 by Anthony Durrant As I walked on my regular route through the forest, I happened to notice a poster on a...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 4 Fertile Princess

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Four: Fertile Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Ten: Function and Form Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Theophil ran his finger across the facet of the ruby, his blue eyes growing studious. “Biomancer Vebrin...” The way he said the name made my skin crawl. I swallowed, hating that I was so close to him right now. As he moved the gem in his hand,...

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Liaison with a Princess

I had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....

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The Beauty Princess

The Beauty Princess Or (My Ode to Alleta) *Note From Priscilla*: Hi girls. This is a story where I took some ideas from the real life of a very sexy and sweet Trans Girl named Alleta. She is a gorgeous Southern California Filipina Lady Boy Night Club Girl. Much of this is fiction of course. Thank you so much Alleta honey! I hope you enjoy this? I loved writing it girl! Priscilla. A story of change, redemption, and coming of age, by Sissy Miss, Priscilla Gay Bouffant I always...

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Pine Ridge to Princess

From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...

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EllenChapter 34 The Royal Princess

It was a week later. Ellen sat in her coach heading towards Kensington Palace, the seat of the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Victoria of Sachse-Coburg-Saalfeld. She was the widow of Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearne, the fourth son of King George III. Their sole offspring, Alexandrina Victoria, styled the Princess Victoria of Kent, was heir apparent to King William. Ellen was about to meet the fifteen year-old Princess at the behest of the King. The reception was frosty. The Duchess spoke...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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The Proper Rape of a Princess

***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...

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Prom Princess

Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...

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Dream Princess

Introduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...

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The Ebony Princess

The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....

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A Very Sensual Princess

Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...

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Playing to be princess

Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...

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The Nutcrackers Princess

The Nutcracker's Princess By Paul G Jutras It all started at a castle in a far off land. Queen Lesley sat up on her thrown in a red silk blouse and matching loafers. She wore a black skirt that zipped up the back. Beside her was King Ken wearing royal blue and Princess Sandra who sat between her parents in a royal red dress and heels. "Nice to be allowed to come, Mistress Lesley." My father said as he bowed before the queen and kissed the Princess' hand. "Your daughter...

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The Princess

The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...

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Pagan Princess

Pagan Princess  It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...

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Carls wedding

Amy well…what a babe she is. I was invited to my best mate Carl’s wedding and found myself staying at the same hotel in town as Amy…the maid of honor.   We knew each other vaguely from other family parties but I always thought she was either hitched or well out of my league.   On the eve of the wedding I was alone at the bar of the hotel. It was getting quite late when the girls all returned from the Hen night…all very merry and in very high spirits. Most of the girls who were staying at the...

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Butterfly Princess

It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...

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Snow White the Naughtiest Princess

Have I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...

Group Sex
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Shannons Little Princess

Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...

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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

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The Nervous Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...

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The Princess

Author’s note #1: Thanks to Hollandguy for his help in editing this story. Author’s note #2: Some of you may have seen this story before on a website that is now defunct. However I am the original author of this story. It is not plagiarized. Author’s note #3: Even though some of the characters start out as minors, All sexual acts in this story takes place after the characters have turned 18 years old. Portlanddrew ————————————————– ‘Princess Michelea Jordansa Patricila Smikto, do you take...

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Float Trippy Island Princess

I pulled up in the parking lot and found Tory standing by a battered Jeep SUV. I drove over and parked the Monte Carlo next to it, and he walked over to my car. “Hey,” he said looking in at Bree. “Are you guys passing out dares already? Cause I thought we’d wait until we got to the river." “That’s her fault, because she was running late. Anyway, so where are we headed?” I asked. “Down I-44 to US 19 at Cuba, then State Hwy 8 thru Steelville. You probably know how to get there, you’ve floated...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Special Agent Princess

I grimace as the black hood comes off. For the past eight hours I had been cursing and counting the minutes until someone would finally remove it but for the split second that it's yanked off and the desert sun cooks my retinas, I cannot help but groan and wish I could go back to my stifling little cocoon. The cuffs around my wrists are popped open soon after and I'm allowed the luxury of shielding my own eyes from the sun. Stiff pain arcs down my back and across my shoulders. My legs still...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 11 Fertile Princess

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “You can use my bedroom,” Journeyman Carsina said, her fiery hair dancing about her shoulders. “It’s not the biggest bed, and it’s not really fit for a princess.” “Oh, it’ll be fine,” I told her as we walked away from the Vault, my breasts jiggling before me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You should see some of the wicked places we’ve enjoyed each other. Fields. Forest glades. Libraries.” “Libraries?” gasped the girl, her ruby...

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The Hidden Princess

The Hidden Princess By Alexus Bowles Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the door way. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone, they were doing everything new including his clothes. (Which had been crated away before he could see...

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Forgotten Princess

Princess Serenity screamed in frustration. She was to be wed to an ally in order to keep the truce. It was not at how Serenity had imagined her marraige to be. For one, she thought that she would be marrying for love. When she told her parents this, they laughed and told her love is just an emotion used as an excuse to get married or to enjoy the lust of the flesh. You don’t need love when you have money and power, they reminded her. ‘I do not wish to be a princess or rich any longer if it...

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Daddys Little Princess

Your eyes slowly awake to the sight of your familiar bedroom as you rise from your night's sleep. As usual, you are instantly greeted with a 2 million dollar chandelier on the ceiling, made out of diamonds, rubies and sapphires that seems to illuminate your room with a beautiful trance. You were about to rise from your bed when you heard familiar footsteps running towards you. "Good morning Daddy!" Greeted your daughter, Sophia Storm, who as usual, is completely nude from bottom to top, her...

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Night Out with Sheetal my adorable princess

Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...

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Daddys Little Princess

We meet at the Safeway by your house. I’m shopping and you come up behind me and ask what my little slut is doing.Just picking up a few things for later. You see that I have some assorted veggies and ask what I plan on doing with those. You then tell me that I am coming back to your house where you will show me how to prepare those veggies. I will save this part for the next story.I’m a little nervous, but my cock is now twitching and growing harder and you can see it through my sweat...

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A Life Ever Changing 35 36 Princess

"Joyfully now to our princess we come Bringing gifts of all good wishes..." -- Disney's Sleeping Beauty A Life Ever Changing #35 & #36: Princess By Angel "My mommy looked like she was hurt real bad..." Do you think I could spend some of my money and send her some real pretty flowers? She loves yellow roses and I think getting them from me would make her happier." Auntie Helen said, "Angel, that is a wonderful idea, we could all send her some flowers and some...

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Another little horny princess

Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...

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Being Pretty For Princess

Oh no, I thought, my Princess will be arriving shortly and I still haven't even shaved my legs yet. In a panic, I went to the bathroom and ran a very hot bath. As soon as I stepped in, it was almost as if I was in another world. My name, Stephanie, echoed through my head as I reached for the razor and shaving creme. Being generous, I lathed on the creme and started to shave quickly lest my Princess arrived early. I don't know what I had been thinking, but I had been distracted for quite a...

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Greta the Reluctant Princess

In a display cabinet deep in Prussia is a giant bronze cock, well bronze coloured, it is actually cast iron with bronze gilding, Its head is fearsome. its eye seems to follow you around the room and its wings are so exquisitely formed you would almost think it could fly. A giant cock, and why was it made? A simple mistake, but behind it a story of a simple girl who preferred pigs to Princes, a heart warming feel good story and so I have translated the words from the original Hugenot...

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The Paper Bag Princess

The guy at the bar is wearing a T-shirt that says “Honey Badger Don’t Care.” He’s skinny enough for the shirt, but he cringes when he takes a sip from his bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.I wonder if he can fuck a girl like me and really not care.I like to tell myself that I’m not that ugly. I’ve studied my reflection enough times to believe that my cheeks aren’t that chipmunk-like, that my teeth aren’t too big, that my forehead isn’t too high. Those features are all I know, but self-confidence is a...

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