Wedding Training Part 3 free porn video

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Wedding Training Part 3 Alan pulled open the bus door, and was surprised to see ten of his mates in the bus. All that stuff about only inviting five was just a wind-up, he thought. And the lads certainly weren't aware that he was expecting less. He immediately put behind him the humiliation of the last 24 hours, and got in to party mode. There was a lot of laughing and joking as they headed for the race track and much comment about Alans choice of after- shave. He weathered the storm of derision about stinking like a Turkish brothel. When they arrived, they were given a pre-set lunch of prawn salad followed by French fancy cakes. There was a lot of ribbing about who had chosen the food, it was not the steak and chips that Alan had imagined might be on the list. "That's what comes when you trust a woman to organise things" he said as they picked over the lettuce leaves. But they were all keen to get out on the track, and see what was available to drive. The afternoon passed by in a blur of pleasure, and they each had the chance to drive some fabulous high performance cars. The last drive of the day was a time trial, and the cars had been pre- selected for each person. Alan was the last to go and having seen his mates drive the mile distance in Ferraris and Porsches, he was horrified to see a bright pink VW Beetle wheeled out. The lads thought it was a hoot, and cheered Alan to get into his girlie car and "drive carefully." He was indignant and asked if he could change cars, but this was not an option apparently, on instructions from the lady who booked it. He was slightly mollified when he discovered that the car had been souped up and had decent acceleration, but even so, he came last in the time trial. They headed off to the hotel in the minibus again, and went to the private room booked for them, which had a bar. The beer started to flow, and at 8pm, the food was served, with the whole group seated round one table. By now, Alan had nearly forgotten about his stupid corselette, although he kept his jacket on just in case it showed through the white shirt. The food was good - mixed starters, then steak and chips basically, and red wine and they were all slowing to a halt over the cheese when the manager from the hotel announced a special visitor. He then stood back from the doorway, and in marched two people - a tall woman in a long black coat and a shorter man in a tuxedo. They strutted to the end of the room which had more space, and the man plugged in a small boombox he was carrying and set it going to some loud anthem like music. The woman was quite an eyeful, her hair a mass of blonde curls and the lads all gasped when she threw off her coat to the man, to reveal a short red dress which barely contained her bosom. She strutted her stuff in time to the music, and picked out Alan as the groom-to-be, and began to flirt with him. The lads all cheered and encouraged Alan to get up and join in the dance with blonde. In the meantime, the man had pulled a stand of some sort out from the corner, and whipped the cloth off it, revealing two lengths of wood in a cross shape, attached to the stand. The blonde put her arms around Alan, and hugged him tight into her bosom, which brought even greater cheers from the boys. She took control of their movements and he was happy to be embraced and almost lifted off his feet and she swung him towards the stand. He felt himself come into contact with something, and was caught between her body and the stand. Quick as a flash, the man took his wrist and slid it into a small noose of rope, and pulled it tight, doing the same to the other wrist, so that Alan was held spread-eagled on the cross with his arms pulled out above his head. The strippergram lady continued her dance, and began to interact with her male helper. She pulled the jacket from him, and threw it to one side, and then she stood behind him and wrapped her arms around, reaching for the buttons on his shirt. She swiftly pulled the shirt open, popping the buttons with her strong hands. The lads were really enjoying this, better than strip club. They all cried out in surprise, when they realised that the man was dressed in bright pink corset, and as he dropped his trousers, he revealed suspenders and black stockings. With a final flourish, the lead dancer grabbed her man by the hair, and pulled - it was a wig, and they realised that he was a she, and they roared and cheered their approval. It was the tall ones turn to be stripped now, and sure enough, the support dancer, unzipped the red dress on her friend, and revealed another pink corset and stockings. The two women danced around the tables, caressing the men, and teasing them with their sexy bodies. Alan was feeling rather left out, as they were ignoring him and putting on a show for the lads. But they soon turned towards him, and Alan could see their faces more clearly. His heart sank. He recognised Alison, now her male disguise was gone, and realised that the tall blonde was actually his Mother-in-law. The two women advanced on him, and began to caress his body and Sandra took a firm grip on his crotch and squeezed his caged dick, which was aroused from watching the performance of his wife, but now suffering horribly from the bite of the pins inside the cage. Sandra and Alison stood either side of him as the music came to a close, and then with one swift movement, they grasped his shirt front from each side, and pulled, the studs popping open and revealing Alan in his bright pink corselette. The lads suddenly paused in their applause, trying to work out what they were seeing, then burst out into gales of laughter at the sight of Alan wearing a matching corset to two ladies. His trousers were pulled down to show the full effect, and then removed from his ankles. Alison them ceremoniously and rather sexily, produced a pair of scissors and cut away his shirt and trousers, and tossed them into a rubbish bin in the corner. Sandra called for quiet and made an announcement. "Gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed your day, and the supper and entertainment, and I'm sure you will join in my big thankyou to Alan, soon to be known as Alice for his sporting contribution - he is joining my family in the next two weeks, and we thought that we'd show that uniting of Alice and Alison was not just a superficial event, but ran deeper. Alan interrupted. "My name is Alan, for heavens sake, not Alice." "Al is Alan or Alice or Alison, they are all Al, and we need to differentiate between Alison and Alan, so Alice is my chosen name for you, my lovely boy" replied Sandra. "Well it's not my choice," complained Alan, at which point, Sandra reached down and pulled her panties off and stuffed them in his mouth, using a scarf handed to her by Alison to keep them in place. This brought great cheers from the lads, who couldn't quite believe their eyes as the announcement continued. "In this age of gender confusion, Alison and I have decided that this marriage will not be based on traditional roles but rather the best person for the job. I am supporting Alice financially in his investment business, and expect to do rather better than him, once we have resolved the current overdraught and debts. In turn Alice will support Alison in her nursing career, ensuring she has a stable home environment and a good sex life (cheers from the lads), and finally, Alison will grow her career to meet my lifelong aspirations for her. So, enjoy the rest of the night, the minibus arrives at midnight, please ensure Alice is delivered home safely, and in the meantime, join him in celebrating his new corselette and celibate condition. Goodnight everyone!" Alan scowled furiously at this, but the gag prevented him from protesting his treatment, and indeed that the marriage described was not the sort of marriage he had in mind. When he got out of this mess, he'd put both women straight. The lads crowded round him, still bound to the cross, and cracked jokes at his expense, and eventually someone untied his gag and he sighed with relief. "Just untie me now, and I might call it a day. Perhaps we can get the bus in early?" "No way, pal, or should I call you Palice" joked one of his more extreme mates. "Its time for a few more beers to celebrate you losing your bachelorhood. And whats this about being celibate? Is your dick out of action? Or is it worn out from too much wanking?" The lads just couldn't stop laughing, and one of them pointed to the closed flap on Alans crotch, and asked what it was. "Oh nothing, just, part of the bloody corset." But now they had seen it, they wanted to explore, so it was unhooked and opened and out popped Alans caged dick. This brought more roars of laughter, as they pulled and poked it, and commented on the padlock. They then discovered the padlocks on his corselette and crotch, and were now becoming intrigued by his predicament. "So, your Mother-in-law has locked you up in a cock cage and corset, but who has the keys? Noooo, don't tell me, she's given the keys to Alison so she decides when its playtime? Under the thumb, already mate, but maybe we can spring you from the cage, liberate the groom for one last fling before he's doomed to serve...." The mechanically minded ones started looking at ways they might pick the lock or just cut it off, but Alan refused to consider any of these, as he knew that his financial loan from Sandra might be in jeopardy. "Just leave it be, and untie me from this cross, I need a beer, and I'm going to have to borrow a coat from someone to get home. They released him, and beers started to appear, almost as if the lads wanted to apologise for the way they had laughed. They commented that he didn't make too bad a looking bird, just needed some hair and a shave! "Don't go getting any ideas, you lot, I've got enough on my plate to deal with" he complained. "Well, any time you fancy a date, just call me" said James, who was outwardly gay, and rather enjoying the sight of this fella in a corset. Midnight came, and their minibus turned up to take them all home. It was quite chill outside, and no-one was keen to offer Alan a coat to hide his corset, so they marched him out boldly through the hotel foyer, much to the amusement of the staff and few guests who were still drifting about. James made a point of sitting next to Alan on the bus, and settled his hand surreptitiously but firmly on his leg, and hushed Alan as he tried to protest. "Shhhh sweetheart, its ok to wear a corset, I just love it, and you look divine to me. I'll make sure none of the lads do anything stupid like tie you to a lamp-post like you hear about some stagnights. I'll be your knight in shining armour, you can be my lady-in-waiting." Alan groaned, and whispered that he didn't want to be anybodys lady-in- waiting, and please remove your hand from my leg before any of the other lads see whats going on. James smiled with delight. "Oh my, methinks the Lady Alice doth protest too much, but its alright, sexy, your secret is safe with me. I like your chosen name, by the way, Alice is a very pretty name." When they got to Alans house, James got out to allow Alan out, and then announced that as he lived not far from there, he would see Alan in to his house safely before walking home. The bus drove away, and James took Alan by the arm, and sashayed down the path with him. "Door keys?" asked James. Alan fumbled around and realised that he didn't have any keys, they were in his ruined trousers which got left behind at the hotel. "Damn, no keys, sorry." James boldly rang the doorbell, and saw a light come on in the hall. The door opened, and Alison smiled broadly at the two men. "Safe delivery of one groom-to-be," announced James with great charm. Alison was a sight to see, clad in just her pale blue baby doll nightie and negligee and fluffy slippers. It was a shame he didn't fancy women, thought James. "Why thankyou, kind sir," she replied, and invited him in for coffee. She kissed Alan passionately as he came in, and told him how lovely he looked. Alan scowled. "I'll look better when I get back into my proper clothes," he complained. Sandra was in the lounge where they had been enjoying a final glass of wine, as they waited for Alans return. She was also ready for bed, but in full length vintage nightdress, a concoction of lace, nylon and ruffles. Sandra embraced James and gave him a double kiss in true continental style, and she also took Alan into a bearhug embrace and planted a big kiss on his cheek, her lipstick remaining bright red. "Good day out, then James?" she asked. "Did Alice get up to any mischief after we left?" "Alice was as good as gold," replied James "he was left on the cross for a while before we released him, but we did have a good laugh with him about his little cage." "You may have laughed, but I don't see it that way" growled Alan. "And I'd like to get out of this corset now if you don't mind." Sandra laughed. "Oh but we do mind, the corset was our gift to you for the whole weekend, so you have the pleasure of wearing it all of tomorrow..." Alan scowled, but didn't want to start a row whilst James was there. James tried to break the tension by changing the subject of the conversation. "I must say how impressed I was that Alice (if you don't mind me using Al's new name, grin) joined in the fun tonight, the three of you must have practiced the deception, we none of us knew who you were when you arrived." "Yes we practiced the make-up and costumes, and we also tried to make it a big surprise for Alice, as it was his stag night. He may have told you that he is obsessed by the idea of having more kinky adventurous sex, and as Mummy has prohibited actual vanilla sex ahead of our wedding, we felt it only fair to Alice to show him how kinky we could be with unconventional sex in the meantime." "Look, will you stop calling me Alice, my names Alan, and I'm not into kinky sex or anything like that," shouted Alan. Sandra looked at Alison, and then at James. She sighed, and turned to Alan. "I'm really not prepared to accept this level of antagonism and misbehaviour, Alice. I might have some sympathy with you, but I know that you have explicitly asked Alison for kinky sex, she has told me all about your ideas, and as far as I can tell, this includes gender mixing and boy-boy, boy-girl and girl-girl action as well as boys being girls and the other way round." Alan tried to object again, and Sandra grabbed her soiled panties from her handbag, and looking to the other two for help, stuffed them back into Alans mouth, the scarf being tied tightly to keep the musky panties in place. As he tried to rip the gag away, James swiftly used another scarf to tie Alans wrists behind his back. James was strong and the two women appreciated his help. They pushed Alice down into an armchair, and added a further scarf to his ankles, so he was immobile. "I know its late, but shall we share a bottle of wine whilst we think about how we take Alice forward? I think we understand her position on this, she secretly desires kinky sex, but is too embarrassed to admit it," summarised Sandra. Alan tried to talk through his gag, but they could not make out what he was trying to say, so they ignored him. "I'll just pop and fetch a few things that Alison and I have bought, and we can see additional ideas James has. Isn't this just such fun, planning ahead for the happy union of these two lovely people?" She returned with a large box, and the first thing that came out was a pair earplugs and an MP3 player. I've programmed some nice learning lessons onto this for Alice to listen to, and it will keep her occupied whilst we have grown- ups talk. She fitted the ear plugs to him and set the player running. She then produced a black satin hood which she slid onto Alice's head and drew the ribbon drawstring closed around his neck, tying it off in a pretty bow beneath his chin. It was a thick satin, and Alan's vision was reduced to zero, his head was just filled with the sound of music, in fact it was the Sound of Music with Julie Andrews singing. He was in a world of his own. Alison poured the wine and Sandra began asking James about what he considered to be kinky sex. James blushed a little, but could see he was in the presence of a broad-minded woman. "Well, there's penetrative and non-penetrative, and back and front entrances, and of course oral, and playing with all sorts of toys, and bdsm in all its forms, punishment, domme/sub arrangements, and then of course, between same sex and opposite sex relationships. I can speak more about how two men might have what they think to be kinky sex, but that's not what you have in mind for Alice, or is it? What have you tried out so far?" "Well, he has had the pleasure of giving oral sex to Alison and myself, and we have milked him - you know, prostate milking. And he has been tied up quite a bit, mainly to keep focussed on the job in hand" she replied laughing. "The thing is that I want him to be in no doubt that after he is married, he will be subservient to Ali and myself - we want FLR principles to apply to the relationship between Alice and my daughter and I." "FLR?" queried James. "Female Led Relationship," came the reply. "Wow, you have chosen quite a macho guy to introduce to that principle!" commented James. Sandra smiled and continued. "Mmm yes, but we have some financial leverage - he is in debt, and needs cash quickly, and he has fallen for Alison hook, line and sinker. His fancy for kinky sex is probably focussed on him being allowed to do what he likes, but it won't be like that. So we need to break him into accepting our view of life ahead." James pondered a while. "So I can help in the anal department, but I think you would be better off using butt plugs and dildoes, as its rare a straight man would agree to another man taking him in the backdoor." Sandra nodded thoughtfully. "But you could give him oral practice on your dick while we take him from behind with a strap-on" and she pulled a strap on belt out of her box, with several different sized dildoes which attached to the straps. "Oho, I see you're ahead of me in organising the equipment!" "As for normal sex, as you have seen, we have caged him so he doesn't get up to any hanky-panky with other girls, and I see this as a long term precaution, with release only to make babies and special treats," commented Alison. James was blown away with the plans these two women had made, and was eager to help them achieve it, as he had often thought that Alan was way too cocky for his own good, and also seemed to be pretty down on gay people. "So when would you like my help then?" he asked. "How about tomorrow afternoon, and you can stop over for supper, and see how we are getting on with domesticating Alice. I think in the afternoon, I'd like to try out another form of kinky sex for our aspiring husband. James nodded his agreement, and set off back to his flat. All this time, as they finished up the wine, Alan was sitting bound hand and foot, feeling pretty woozy from all the drink they had got through in the day, and sick of listening to Julie Andrews going on about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. His sensory deprivation left him almost dizzy when he felt someone untying his ankles. But he remained gagged and blindfolded and plugged into the music as he was guided up the stairs to the bathroom. Alison then undid his corset flap and unlocked the strap between his legs, and rolled his girdle up so he could poo and pee. He recognised the feel of the toilet seat and let go at once, heaving a sigh of relief that they had thought he might need to go. Alison then blotted his dick and wiped his bottom as if was a small child, and replaced his strap and flap, locking the flap neatly in place. She then steered him to his bedroom and laid him on the bed, where she was joined by Sandra, who sat on his legs whilst Alison released his wrists from the scarf tie. He was too exhausted to fight back and allowed her to retie his wrists to the bed head, and ankles to the bottom of the bed. And suddenly, the music stopped. Glory be, he thought, I was going mad with it. But Sandra changed the soundtrack to one she prepared earlier. Sandra's voice, and her message was clear. A relaxing background tune began to play, and then her voice joined in. "Welcome to the family, Alice, we are so excited that you are being married to Alison, and will be her housewife and sissymaid for evermore. You will learn to be a good girl and keep the house spotless, and cook and do the laundry and all other tasks she sets you. You will obey her at all times, and accept punishment as she sees fit. You will love your clothes and keep them spotless. You will look after her clothes to perfection. You will also provide the same level of devotion to her mother, who has full rights to punish you for any misdemeanours......" And it went on for about ten minutes before looping back to the start. Her voice was deep and sexy, and whilst he wanted rebel against everything she was saying, he had no choice but to listen until he fell into a deep sleep, with the messages sliding into his mind through the night.

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Wedding day whore

Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38C breasts being pushed up by the tight fit. She had considered not wearing a bra, but in the end she chose to put on the lace white bra as it matched her panties and stockings, which she was wearing for her husband later that night. All she had to do was put on her shoes and veil and then wait for her father to come to her room and take her down to the priest, family, and friends, all waiting to see her...

2 years ago
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Wedding Dress Nightmare

Introduction: Wife and husband decide to have sex while she wears her best friends wedding dress. Bet you cant guess how this ends! Wedding Dress Nightmare Daniella was getting married tomorrow. My wife Kim was the maid of honor and we were staying in the same hotel as the reception. The girls were all doting on Daniella and the boys were all out getting shitfaced with the groom. Kim had just about had it with all of Daniellas ridiculous indulgences and escaped back upstairs to our suite. I...

2 years ago
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Wedding Crasher

This is my first attempt at writing a story.Please rate it or give back feedback as I will continue it with fan support.Wedding Crasher  It was simply a beautiful day to have a wedding.The sun was shining and there was just a bit of wind to cool things down. Everything was going as good as could be for Alecia and her husband to be.While everything was as should be, Alecia was only thinking about one thing.She was so nervous that someone was coming to the wedding to see her.She knew he was...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day Cuckold

Pamela had been one of the most popular girls in her high school. She been in the high school girls' sorority, served as one of the varsity cheerleaders and she'd been voted as "Most Popular" by nearly all the guys and girls in her class. There was no question that Pamela was one of the most attractive and sexiest girls in the school as well and the only problem with Pamela was that she knew she was hot, she knew she was in high demand and she knew she could have her choice of any guy in...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day To RememberChapter 2

I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want to talk in the van; I...

4 years ago
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Wedding Arrangements

A few years back weddings started becoming more themed. Geared towards the couples beliefs instead of the standard church wedding. Tony and Brenda were both divorcees who had met in the swinging arena. Both were swingers and had started pairing up to participate in parties. Tony realized they were compatible and they had been having great sex and he didn't want to risk losing Brenda to someone who would realize this would be the perfect woman to share with others; swinging; and living out...

3 years ago
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Wedding Day Cuckold

My wife Holly fucks other men. Not just one, but a bunch of other men. We've been together for 3 years and married for 2 and I have been knowingly (although unwillingly) sharing her with any man that has come along since the day of our wedding.Well, that's not entirely true. Holly doesn't cheat on me with just any man. She has one basic qualifica-tion for the men she allows between her legs. Big cocks. Holly likes big cocks. Not just your run of the mill 7-incher. No, Holly likes guys who are...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day To RememberChapter 3

Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the pictures; either way they are yours." I...

3 years ago
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Wedding Day

Chapter 1 Gloria and I have loved eachother sense childhood. Puppy love. Of corse we've growmn up togther, and graduated high school. She's growmn into a stunning and respectable woman. We never had sex as Gloria wished to wait untill marriage. I agreed as I loved loved and adored her so deeply. Never did I try to take advantage or encourage sex, as I respected her wish. Mind you, it it hasn't been easy! Watching her grow from an innocent child and blossom into the well-shaped adult woman...

3 years ago
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Wedding Party

I had a full on man bush and was ready to stick my dick in some pussy. My Friends and I had talked about it for along time. Spied on each others moms and sisters. Circle jerked. Looked at magazines. I was on a trip with my parents and sister. We were staying at this fancy hotel. I would sneak out of the room and go run around the hotel in the middle of the night while everyone else slept. This night there was a huge party downstairs, someone got married. As I walked down the hall, I could hear...

3 years ago
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Wedding Night Blues

“They’re not here,” read the text from my pal Greg that was the first sign of trouble on my wedding day.Greg, a grad student who worked part-time as a limo driver, had gone to pick up my bride Julia and her bridesmaid Marcy from Marcy’s condo.“What do you mean not here?” I texted back, my heart starting to race.“Literally. The girls are gone. The lady next door thinks she heard them leave around noon,” came the reply.The blood left my face. I sank into a chair and stared at my screen, not quite...

First Time
3 years ago
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Wedding Plans Chapter One

*note: This story is a prelude to The Ceremony. I really had not thought of this before but every wedding needs planning. Enjoy Wedding Plans - By: Yvonne Kristine Emerson It was four in the afternoon as I pulled my car into the driveway. I walked to the house I knew my Mistress soon to be wife would be waiting. Tonight we would be meeting with her girlfriends to begin our wedding planning. This would be another in a long line of steps toward my complete feminization. As...

4 years ago
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Wedding Belle

It had been a while since I was last able to dress up. The hair on my face and body had been growing out and my private time was very limited. Unfortunately. When the music sang to me. "We're going out of town next week." They were going away to visit some family and asked if I could join them. Naturally, I made up some excuse so I could stay back and "watch the house" while they were gone. Of course, that meant it was girl time! I had planned to spend the whole week dressed as a...

4 years ago
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Wedding Night With The Bridesmaids

Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...

4 years ago
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Wedding Dresses

My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...

4 years ago
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Wedding mix up

Mix up. That's what happened the long weekend we were going to a wedding. It was a friend of my parents who were getting married and we had to travel the Lake Tahoe to attend.The wedding was held at a little resort in the middle of nowhere. It was at least 30 minutes outside South Lake, up in the mountains. A beautiful old mansion, with some extra small cabins in the grounds.I drove up with my parents in their car. It was a pretty small wedding, maybe because the wedding couple both had been...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day Blues

A little 'loving wives' tale*"Oh my God!That's it ---- that's it ---- don't stop.Aaah you bull you, you fucking bull.More ---- more ---- more!Oh yes --- yes --- yeeeeeeeeeees!"With a final shudder that ran right through my body, my toes uncurled, my nipples seemed to explode. Then I collapsed exhausted on top of the hunk of a man that I was astride.My bare breasts flattened against his chest, and slowly, no hurry, just very slowly and deliciously, I experienced that wonderful feeling of his...

3 years ago
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Janet and I had met and dated for four months when I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we began to plan the "big event". Neither Janet nor I had been married before and we were both still virgins when we met. Janet is from a small town and we met while I was in town installing computers at a local company where she was working. I was immediately drawn to her. Janet is 23 years old, she has shoulder length dark blonde hair, small pert tits (I guess to be a perfect A cup) and the cutest ass I...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day

Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...

4 years ago
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Wedding night with the bridesmaids Part 1

Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...

2 years ago
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Wedding Night With No Wedding

She blew her hair from her face and looked at the flat tire, she then looked down at the white dress she was wearing. She then started to cry and that was how he found her. "Miss?" Kimberly turned around and wiped a tear from her cheek, before looking up at the man in front of her. "Yes?" she asked, though she knew what he was going to ask her. Frank looked at the woman before her, gauging her age to be about thirty, perhaps thirty-five, either way it was an age that seemed a little...

1 year ago
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Wedding Celebration

I really miss the weddings, especially the desi styles you could see. This was an incident when I had been to my cousin's wedding with my parents. I had the best fuck with one of the milf in the wedding, later I got to know that she's a far relative of mine. I was in the 3rd year of my engineering, born and groomed in Bangalore.I had been invited to my cousin's wedding close to Bangalore called Hassan.It was a wedding celebration to remember, which was in his farm house.Everyone who were...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day

Doe is so happy to be marrying you, so excited about the wedding. She wanted to make the wedding as special and wonderful for you as you know it will be for her. So Doe agreed to make this your fantasy wedding, the wedding of your dreams. She let you plan out whichever details you wanted, and she planned the rest. You got to plan the guest list. Standing at the alter, looking out over the rows of guests, you see a crowd of beautiful women, all dressed up in their prettiest dresses, hair done...

2 years ago
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Wedding Seduction Episode One

Lisa came to the wedding with only one thing in mind. She wanted to get laid. Lisa didn't know the bride well, but was well acquainted with the groom. She had lived with him for a year before he met his bride. She became very close friends with Barry even after the breakup. That's why she received the wedding invitation. Her dilemma was how to wear something seductive, yet wedding appropriate. It couldn't be a "fuck me" dress, but an "I'm a slut who's looking" gown. Lisa chose an outfit that...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Wedding Daze

Wedding Daze By Legion Many His hands laced through the straps of my garters as his fingers slipped between my white stockings and my smooth legs. I could feel the rough netting of my crinoline get crushed under the weight of the two of us and didn't care. He was mad for me he wanted me and would ruin my wedding dress to have me and I wanted him to destroy it as he took my maiden head. "Cut off my skirts with your knife, Phil," I whispered into his ear as he ground into me with...

3 years ago
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Wedding Night

WEDDING NIGHT ???? WEDDING NIGHT???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...

4 years ago
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My name is Anthony, although all the kids at school just call me "Nerd Ant". This is my senior year and I'm the school's top honor student with straight A average for my entire 4 years of high school. I'm also probally the last virgin in the entire graduating class. Not one single date in my entire 18 years. Every time I get close to a girl I break out in a rash and on occasion even stammer somewhat. During the class elections for special categories in our year book, my picture appears...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day to Remember

Here comes the bride should be here cums the bride – well that was how my wedding was. Supposedly the best day of my life – well I will never forget it – put it that way. Everything went perfectly – up until just before the wedding. I had finished dressing in my beautiful strapless gown and I wanted a few moments to my self so I asked everyone to leave me for a while so I could really enjoy the last few moments as a single woman before I committed my self to Tony – my childhood...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day

It’s a beautiful day. A cool breeze blows, lessening the warming effects of the shining sun which has already begun its descent into the horizon. The smell of freshly cut grass and fragrant flowers adds to the ambience, creating a soothing environment as the sounds of music begin to fill the air. I lounge back in my seat, relishing the warming sensation that begins to fill my body as I enjoy my fourth gin and tonic of the afternoon. It’s a perfect day for a June wedding. I scan the crowd of...

3 years ago
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Wedding Night

Wedding Night As long as I can remember, I always wanted to get married! Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always the same. I said I wanted to get married and be a mom. My name is Mandy Roberts and I just graduated college which makes me twenty-one years old. My parents had convinced me years ago that I needed a profession to fall back on. In the 40's and 50's it was the man who would go to work and the wife stayed home and raised the k**s. However,...

5 years ago
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wedding that changed me into slut

Before I went to the Dominican Republic I had had 2 sexual partners,Bob, my current husband to be, and David, the father of my son Paul.My name is Jill, and at the time, a 34 year old, happy with her lot, getting married for the second time to a kind, considerate man. It a was dream. Getting married on a sunshine island in the Carribean, I was so lucky. What i didnt realise was that i would arrive on my holiday a normally sexed person and leave an adulderess 6 times over.A little about myself...

1 year ago
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Wedding Night

“I LOVE YOU!” My husband, of 9 hours, slurred, as he proceeded to drunkenly slide down the hotel sofa, and fall asleep. My wedding day had been everything that I had ever wished for; it was my 19th birthday, the weather was warm and dry, my dress made me feel like a princess, and the flowers in the church looked absolutely wonderful. Pete’s dad, Roger, said, “we’ll take him to bed, for you.” “Keith, grab an arm!” he shouted to his brother. They then dragged my husband through the hotel lounge,...

4 years ago
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Wedding To Remember

It all began on my wedding day, not too long ago, on a clear summer day with the sun shining above. We were driving in a brand new limousine which with my considerable money, I could easily afford to rent for a week, plus pay a limo driver to take us to our destination. My new wife's name was Sarah Kellar and my name is Mike. We were both still wearing our wedding clothes; I with my texedo and she in a traditional two thousand dollar wedding dress and her veil making her look even more lovely...

3 years ago
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Wedding Dress Blues

The ceremony had been beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful Mrs. Carol Oberwise had ever seen. With the entire wedding party in their perfect sharp tuxedos and their lace and silken gowns. The evening had turned out perfectly, warm and tranquil despite the light shower early that morning, nearly cloudless sky with a slight breeze coming in off the water as the afternoon started its slow change into evening, the air ripe with the delicate scent of jasmine. The sky was a brilliant blue with the...

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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 6

Chapter 31 As John and the Finn teens went north the rest of the Petersons minus Daisy and Claire were getting ready for their own special side trip. Emma was a bundle of nerves for the previous two days and was closely watched by Karen to ensure that she ate properly and didn't get too anxious and end up causing her blood pressure to spike. It was also why she was so sisterly towards Jaimie, she could empathize with having bad parents even if her own had not been criminal towards her...

4 years ago
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Wedding Day Body Swap

-You are James Hart, a 27 year old . Today is your wedding day - you are marrying Nina Farley, a beautiful woman you've dated since two years ago. Due to an accident with a mysterious wedding gift, Nina switches bodies with another member of the wedding party shortly before the wedding. The three of you decide to find a way to reverse the transformation It's the day of your wedding and you spend the morning getting things ready. You feel excitement mixed with nervous as you go to the home yard...

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