- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
Sophia “Sia” Symone walked towards the door of the large classroom. This was her first day and she wanted to make a good impression. She had heard and seen a lot during orientation but she still didn’t feel prepared.
Mind you, she rarely did. She figured being anxious was her signature move.
She took a long, deep breath, clutching her textbooks close to her chest as she pulled on the door handle on the right side of the auditorium-style room. But it stayed firm. No matter how much she pulled, it wasn’t about to budge. Inside through the small glass window, on the side of the heavy wooden door, was a tall black man. He looked young but certainly not as young as the other students who were framing him. He was positioned right near the front of the class on the left side.
He was setting up his laptop, a professional and expensive business model before he looked right at her. His eyes were a warm, sensual brown with a dark, starkly masculine face highlighted by a strong chiseled jawline straight out of a comic book, a short well-groomed beard, and unruly curls that dominated most everything above shoulder length. Sia was so busy staring that she didn’t even realize he was pointing at something.
She turned and quickly saw that there was another door on the opposite side. She gulped awkwardly before rushing off to the other side. She did not want to be late on her first day. And she couldn’t let herself be distracted even by...
No, she had to focus.
She opened the door, keeping her head low as she made her way in. Everyone was already seated and it was clear that class was about to start. Sia looked around frantically for a seat but everywhere was filled up by people sitting with their massive groups of friends. It felt that she was the only one not bundled up in a group of chattering people.
How had people even made friends this quickly?
She had no idea but there was only one other person who seemed unattached. And that was the tall black man who had been staring at her earlier. The seat next to him was unoccupied and before the professor could really start going, she booked over, moving past the long wooden desk to where he was seated.
“Um, excuse me. Is that seat taken? If it is I can try to find somewhe-”
“No one’s here. Feel free.” Sia sighed in relief as she swung her backpack heavily off her shoulders, before slamming it down onto the desk. She placed her books down as well before walking around the curve at the end of the table to try to reach her seat. She shuffled forward, trying to minimize her space as much as possible. There wasn’t much room between the back of the chairs and the next long desk raised behind them.
As she got closer to the tall black man, she tried to suck in but there was one part of her body that wasn’t going anywhere. Despite him trying to scooch in, her massive tits still rubbed gratuitously across the back of his neck, flopping against the sides of his head briefly before she managed to squeeze past. She blushed furiously as she sat down on her chair.
She had been an early bloomer back in elementary school and it just never stopped from that point. She thought it was never going to end as she went from above average to large to huge to the edge of most normal people’s imagination and beyond. Only when she managed to hit the dreaded I Cup did her tits finally calm down. Though even with that being said, she still strained against the bra which probably meant she would have to get resized soon.
Every bra she owned was custom made and most, except for one particularly expensive item, were utterly hideous. This clothes-related crisis was only exasperated by her ass, which was also fittingly ridiculous. Both her enormous thighs and gigantic ass had ruined more pairs of pants than she could count. Unfortunately, being dummy thicc was not all it was cracked up to be.
While she was very standoffish, in high school, she tried the whole partying and dating thing. Unfortunately, most of the men she met managed less than a second of eye contact. Worse, it seemed like their brains just drained out whenever she went out with them. They could barely get out a word and when they did, it usually involved getting her onto a bed for one reason or another. Any compliments she received were focused towards her ”assets”, which was unfortunate. She was incredibly smart, usually at the top of her class, and an incredible artist and painter. Even from an appearance perspective, her face was beautiful.
In an alternate universe, she could have been a model. Her light-skinned complexion contrasted perfectly with her dark raven hair. Her bright green eyes glowed like glittering emeralds and her thick, sensual lips were incredibly eye-catching. But in this universe, with this body, only porn would take her. At this point, she just gave up trying to put herself out there. She wore what she normally wore. A thick, well-knit red sweater, a white knee-length pleated kilt, and a pair of thick-bottle cap glasses.
Sia planted herself on the chair, the width barely maintaining her massive ass as it pressed into the plastic. She pulled out her laptop, an old Dell, and her purple pencil case.
She was going to focus.
She wasn’t going to get distracted.
No matter what.
“Hey, guessing you’re new here.”
“Uhhh... Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Her heart started to race as this incredibly... Sexy as fuck man was actually talking to her. And really her, not to her chest. His eyes were glued to hers.
“I’m Tyrell Anderson.” He held out his hand. It was strong, smooth, and big. But it was also calloused and a little scared. Not something you’d really expect from an academic.
“I’m... I’m…” What’s my name? Come on. It’s… “Sophia Symone.”
“Sophia. That’s a nice…”
“My friends call me Sia!” She blurted out the words unexpectedly, her tone completely jumping. She had to hold herself back from raising her hands to her mouth in shock. Great job, genius. Now he thinks you’re crazy. “Not that I’m saying you would want to be friends with me. I mean that’s pretty presumptuous. You don’t have to call me. You can call me whatever yo-”
“Sia sounds great.” Tyrell’s smile was reassuring. He didn’t look like he was judging her. He looked... Nice.
“I’m sorry. I must sound like an idiot.”
“You don't sound like an idiot. You should have seen me on my first day. I spent the first ten minutes talking to this guy at the front of the class calling him Professor Lauripaula only to realize he was the TA and very much did not care what I had to say.” She almost couldn’t believe that this perfect-looking heartthrob ever felt like a loser but still, it made her feel better.
“It’ll be okay.”
He placed his hand on her shoulder, warm and comforting. While it was only for a couple of seconds, it felt like hours. By the time he moved it, her pussy was soaked. Completely, absolutely, thoroughly, wholly, fully, fucking soaked.
“Oh, looks like he’s about to start.” The words entered Sia’s ears but she knew that she wasn’t processing them at all. It was only about two minutes in that she realized she was staring off blankly at a wall instead of taking notes.
She started typing quickly, trying to make up for a lost time but she kept finding her gaze turning slowly to her left. He was wearing a v-neck that showed off his incredibly defined build and left his god-sculpted arms open to be ogled.
Those arms… Wow, he must really work out. I bet he could pick me up without breaking a sweat. Pick me up, grab my fat fucking ass, tear off my panties, and…
“If you’ll direct your attention to your left, that young man is my TA. Would you like to introduce yourself?” The professor cut through her daze but his words didn’t make any sense. There was only one person to her left and that was…
“I’m Tyrell Anderson. I’ll be your TA for this course. If you need any help, let me know. My email’s on the syllabus and I’ll pretty chill to talk to. I know how hard 1st year can be. So don’t be a stranger.” Tyrell sat back down onto his seat but Sia’s mind wouldn’t stop racing.
He’s my TA? I’m thirsting over my TA? Wow, Sia you sure know how to pick ‘em. Unbelievably hot, nice, and a TA. He probably has girls jumping over him every second. And if I tried anything, he would just assume I’m doing it for the grades.
I might as well just
The room was suddenly filled with noise. Everyone was getting out of their seats. But why would they be getting up? Unless…
“Remember, next week we have a quiz on the material. All scantron questions, first 15 minutes only. Study hard kids. See you next week.” The professor started packing up but Kia couldn’t even think about that. She was screwed.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How did I blank out the entire class? Her notes sheet was noticeably empty except for small details about how to contact Tyrell written near the top.
I can’t fail this quiz. I worked my ass off to get here.
But the Prof is notorious. He’s not going to help me.
Sia flipped through her tabs, looking for something to help her. But there was nothing. She closed her browser hopelessly. The despair sunk in as she fell back against the back of her chair, her face buried in her hands.
She figured at the very least she could save face and leave before she broke down in front of Tyrell. She snuck a quick glance at him through the cracks in her hands and realized he was staring at something.
It was only when she opened her eyes that she understood. On her laptop screen was a full-screened image of her obscene and gargantuan knockers barely contained in an extremely skimpy piece of lingerie. She screamed internally before slamming down her laptop screen.
“I’m... I’m sorry.” Sia hurriedly packed up her bag, throwing everything in before heading towards the left to get out from past the table. This time she wasn’t taking it slow so, before Tyrell could even react, he quickly found himself surrounded by a large amount of aggressively jiggling tit flesh. She squeezed herself through but her foot caught on the chair.
She tried to grab onto something but quickly lost her balance and found herself crashing headfirst towards the floor. Her kilt lay flipped over her back as her ludicrously fat ass layout in front of him, barely held into a pair of red plaid panties that were engulfed within the chasm of her asscrack. The fact that she had ended up in the doggy style position hadn’t escaped her.
Her hands supported her as she tried to pull herself up, only doing it semi-successfully as her head ached painfully from the fall.
“Are you okay?” Tyrell didn’t waste a second as he pulled her from the floor. “Can you stand?”
“Yes…” Just as she said that her head swam and she felt all of her energy drain out of her like a sponge. “No…”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll take you to the security desk. They have an icepack.” Tyrell threw on his backpack quickly, ready to catch her at any moment in case she lost her balance.
“No, I wouldn’t want to…”
“Sia. Seriously. I’m your TA. It’s kind of my job to keep you safe. Now, if you can’t stand, you can’t walk. I’m gonna have to carry you.” Sia didn’t know what was making her head swim more, the bruise or the fanservice. Her light skin darkened as blood rushed to her cheeks. He slipped his arms around her and before she knew it, she was being carried in his arms. Like she weighed no more than a bowling ball. Or a bag of groceries. She wrapped her right arm around his neck to feel more secure. Yeah, that was the reason. Security. Her right tit pressed against his pecs, the warmth of his chest diffusing into hers.
“Ready to go?”
“I think so.” They started moving, cutting their way through the crowds trying to make it to other classes. He surprised her. She didn’t think such a big, tough-looking guy would have such a delicate touch. But he made sure nothing so much as scraped her feet. Before long, they were walking up to the security desk, which was surrounded by four large glass windows.
“Hey, Jerry. My friend here knocked her head. You got the Advil and icepack in the back?”
“Sure thing, Tye.” The middle-aged black security guard pulled himself out of his wheely chair and lumbered to the backroom.
“Tye, huh?”
“Yeah. And now you know what my friends call me.” Tye grinned mischievously as Sia blushed. After a few moments, Sia was back on her feet, with an ice pack in one hand and a jar of Advil in the other.
“How are you feeling?”
“A lot better. Thank you.” Sia popped a couple of capsules of Advil before closing the lid. “I don’t know how I’d ever repaid you.”
“Aw, come on. Don’t even worry about it. You know, I’m here for you. Whatever you need. Just let me know.” Tye scratched his long curly locks bashfully as he moved closer to Sia. “Well, that’s my bus. I should probably take off. But here.” He pulled a small piece of paper with a number scrawled on it. “Let me know if you’re feeling better or you need anything.”
He moved forward and, at first, she thought it was going to be a handshake or something. It was only once she was fully engulfed in his embrace that she realized it was a lot more casual than that. Though maybe casual wasn’t the right word. Her boobs compressed against him, her now-hard nipples poking right through the material and dragging against his chest. His hands slipped over her back, drifting lower but staying at a responsible range. It was only a few seconds, but she wished it lasted hours. At this point, her entire body felt like it was on fire. She was sweating everywhere but that was far from the wettest part of her.
“Anyways, see you tomorrow.” As he walked off, her eyes beelined to his finely curved and defined ass.
Okay. Time for some alone time between me and my showerhead.
The Next Day
The entire last night, Sia had spent masturbating. She should have been freaking out about her quiz. But she didn’t. When it wasn’t the showerhead, it was her hairbrush handle or her mom’s back massager. And finally, just her finger, which quickly descended into multiple fingers. And then a whole fist. By the time, she was finished, she lay sprawled out in a bed soaked in her own juices with a deep sense of satisfaction. That is until her alarm went off.
That is when freakout mode was activated.
She was lucky that she was an overachiever and always set her alarm hours in advance. But, it still meant that she only had a few hours to cram for this quiz. And she still didn’t have the notes. She didn’t know what to do until….
The Phone.
He did say anything right?
But... I don’t want him to think I’m just using him for marks or….
But it didn’t take long for Sia to realize that her Mom’s wrath was worse than any loss of standing that could come from her texting Tye.
SIA: Hey, Tye. I’m having some trouble understanding the material and I was kind of wondering if we could meet up and talk about it before the quiz. If that’s not possible, I completely understand.
TYE: Yo what’s up, Sia? How is your head doing? I know it was still hurting a bit when I left :/
SIA: No it’s good. It’s all good. Thank you so much. I hate to ask another favor but
TYE: Hey don’t worry about it. Where do you want to meet up?
And that was how they ended up in a study room at the library. Usually, you have to set a reservation in advance but turns out Tye worked there during his first three years in university, so he had a lot of connections. Within a few minutes, they were in a small boardroom alone together.
“So basically one of the first things you have to do is do your value proposition and…”
“Proposition... Right…” Sia was writing down everything he was saying but it still wasn’t sticking. Every time she tried to think of proof of interest, she started looking for proof that he was interested in her. When he started talking about early adopters, she was hoping he would be an early adopter of this pussy. She tried to focus but her eyes drifted down both his washboard abs to the thick, noticeable bulge in between his legs. It looked like he was hiding a portable missile in those jeans. And she wanted to get in.
“Sia. I’m thinking you’re having trouble focusing.”
“Yeah... Yeah. You’re right.”
“Want to talk about it? Is it my teaching style? I’m still pretty rough so maybe I’m not…”
“No! No. No. It’s nothing with you. Well, it is but it’s complicated.”
“Hey, it’s just us, Sia. Anything you need.”
“Anything…” Don’t, you idiot. Don’t even think about doing this, you dumb bitch. Don’t….
Oh, Jesus Christ.
“I think I need... This.” Her hand drifted between his legs, landing firmly on the flaccid bulge imprinted on the denim. “I’m sorry. That was so inappropriate. I know you probably don’t want someone like-”
Before she could finish her sentence, Tye was kissing her. Deeply. Passionately. She felt the breath rush out of her like it was being twisted out of her lungs. And finally, her anxiety shut the fuck up. She kissed him back, eager and excited. His hands moved down to her sweater, but there were so many layers to fumble through.
“Just tear it off.”
“I can’t wait. Just tear it off.” He didn’t need to hear it a second time. Tye tore through the sweater and shirts beneath like tissue paper, leaving her exposed, only wearing her skimpy bra and black bra. His eyes flashed in familiarity, then lust, as his hands dove in.
He unclasped the bra deftly before his hands returned to her massive bombshells. He groped strong, but not rough. He knew exactly where to touch. It was like his fingers were doing a dance with her nerve endings. His fingertips twisted past her nipples, forcing a small moan out of Sia’s desperately horny body. His teeth sunk into her neck, sending electricity rippling through her body.
She couldn’t wait. She needed him.
“Just fuck me. I don’t need anymore. I’m ready.” Tye grinned as he moved his right hand from her right udder down to her drenched panties, pulling them down past her thick thighs. He unzipped his pants letting his cock fly free. It was huge. Holy crap he’s going to bulldoze my insides with that thing.
He didn’t wait any longer, he shoved his dark black, vein-covered fuckrod into her inch by inch. She wasn’t a virgin but holy crap, this made her feel like one. He pumped slow, letting her savor each stroke like fine wine. Each one sent a shockwave of pleasure through her aching body. But that only kept up for a few minutes. Then the slow pace jumped forward, as Tye went from deliberate stroke master to a ravenous animal destroying her pussy in all the best ways possible.
As her pussy clamped down onto his cock, she felt like her brain drain out of her pussy. She couldn’t even put words together in her head, let alone saying them. All that came out were desperate moans and begs. She had never been fucked like this. He was so nice but when he was fucking her, he treated her like a complete fucktoy.
She loved it. He was perfect.
As one orgasm became fifteen, Tye finally reached his limit. As his muscles stopped shifting, his body tightened. Then his cock began to quake and throb. Until it gave out. It blew like a nuke, blasting massive gushing blasts of hot seed into her pussy without stopping. His balls were big but holy crap. She couldn’t imagine one man having this much cum. Her pussy quickly filled with his cockjuice and began leaking out continuously as he continued to fill her with more and more.
By the time he finally finished, Sia was sure she was pregnant. And she took her birth control on time every day. But if there was ever a 1% of men, he was that 1%. That was pregnancy sex. As his monster fuckpole descended into a merely gigantic flaccid pillar of flesh, he pulled out. Cum gushed out of her well-used pussy like a waterfall. She felt the last remnants of her orgasm tear through her body, causing her to quiver in that final moment of perfect bliss.
“Now, it’s time to work.” For the next hour, she crammed like no one’s business. Her fat naked ass layout in front of him and with every wrong answer she gave, he gave it a sharp smack, causing it to ripple like a tsunami. By the time they were finished, her ass was red but she knew what she was talking about.
“Alright, now you’re ready. Anything else I can help you with, Sia?”
“How about a round two?” She shook her ass seductively and before he knew it, he was already buried in that pussy, fucking her doggy style. She aced her quiz that day.
But what she remembered about that day, was meeting the love of her life and getting her back blown out by the world’s best dick for the first of many times.
Hi everyone,
Hope you enjoyed the story! If you can, tell us what you think, comments and feedback are extremely appreciated.
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It is late and quiet, and you are waiting for your husband to arrive home from a business trip. You just stepped out of the shower and are becoming tired. But, aching for his return you get ready for bed by slipping on a sheer silk nighty with lace panties and just a spritz of Chanel #5 over your body, hoping the scent will communicate to your husband your desires. You slip on a robe and wander to the front door and tentatively open it up, looking longingly in the direction from where you...
EroticDirector Jonni Darkko’s romantic, purple-hued lighting accentuates Alexis Tae’s beauty throughout this scene. The slender head turner looks stunning in dramatic red lipstick and seamed stockings. Glamorous tease includes smoking fetish as Alexis exhales puffy clouds. Muscular Rob Piper opens the orifice in her pretty butt with a clear, slickly lubed glass dildo. He replaces the toy with his big cock. Alexis masturbates her shaved pussy and squeals dirty talk through an intimate anal...
xmoviesforyouBy Hondo1906, Posted by Julie van {[email protected] can't believe I am writing this but I felt I had to because if I can become enslaved to black cock anyone can. I was about as conservative as they come, raised properly in the Christian faith, and active in the church and well versed in the sinful ways of the unrighteous and looked down at the immoral ways that society has turned. That's all changed now and I'm one of them and loving it. Billy Joel was correct when he said he would...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Another holiday, another family dinner. We were an extrememly close family, always getting together for every major holiday that ever rolled around. It was Thanksgiving, and we had all gathered at Aunt Sarah's place, much to my own pleasure. Unfortunately with the rest of the family around, I couldn't attend the dinner as Valerie. Aunt Sarah and I kept exchanging smiling glances from across the table, indicating to everyone else that we knew something...
IncestAfter the meeting with Tim, I came out of his office, no his work home, furious as I had ever been in my whole life. It seemed like the board was invoking some old rule. They wanted to take all of my clients, a practice that hadn't been used in many years.It seemed I had also signed a paper that would allow them to do just that. Tim had told me his father had put the rule into play incase someone fell ill or was incapable of performing their duties for their clients. Since then the board had...
AnalTammy was up first and had made my coffee for me so the first thing I saw when I open my eyes was coffee and a naked wife! Tammy handed me my coffee when I sat up and smiled at me it was a whenever you’re ready look on her face. I took a sip of my coffee and asked where my breakfast was Tammy just stood up and smiled at me saying here’s your breakfast. A little about us Tammy was 20 with blonde hair blue eyes 4’11” 105 pounds, (most of which was her boobs) I was 26 brown hair brown...
Hey, Guys! This is Kabir from Gurgaon, I am 26 years old 5’8 ft in height 60kgs, fair and good looking guy. I have been living in Gurgaon with my family for the past 7 years. The experience I am about to narrate to you is one that happened about 4 years ago when I was 22 years old with my hot aunt who is one of the hottest Milfs I have ever seen. Let me tell you a little about myself first. I live with my mother, father, and my grandmom and I work at a marketing firm here in Gurgaon. I have...
IncestDidi ki saadi 19 april ko thi. Mummy daddy shadi hone ke das din bad gaon chale gaye. Didi bhi 25 ko america chali gayee. Mera classes chalu tha is liye mujhe mumbai me rukana pada. Mera khana pados wali aunty ke taraf se ata tha. Aunty khana banane ke bad mera khana laker mere kitchen me dak kar rakh deti thi. Kyoki ek chabhi (key) aunty ke pass rakha tha humane. Sunday ka din tha maine ek blue film dekhane ka man banaya aur VCD on kar ke baith gaya aur blue film ka maza lene laga. Mujhe pata...
Hi! Friends myself Aryan aur main Indian sex story ka bahut purana fan hun 18 ke age se hi main iss ke stories padhta aa rha hun, abhi mere age 20years h ,me chandigarh me rehta hun and I m doing graduation mere height 5.10″ hai. I love to go gym.Any bhabhi,housewife,college girl,school girl,divorced woman can contant me through my Thats my honour to know such beaut.Now lets come to sex story.This is a real story happened with me 1 year back jab me class 12th me tha tab mere school me kafi...
May – June – Year 4 “Code Blue!” I heard the words and looked to see that Blossom was a sickly pale blue color. Several people ran into the room and pushed me out of the way. “We need to clear you out of here. NOW!” Dr. Grand ordered. Erin and Lynn grabbed the girls who were now scared out of their minds. We backed out the door and we went to the nurse’s station. We were all holding onto each other as Blossom was rolled out of her delivery room and down the hall. We were standing in shock...
As the laptop sits on your lap, the warmth and small vibrations from it pleasant but not fulfilling, the thoughts of a story to write pondering in your mind, before they begin to rage and develop to more concrete ideas, your legs twitch and without a change the warmth of your laptop is more fulfilling, maybe because it add to the heat you can feel bubbling up between your legs now… The thoughts getting stronger in her mind, she starts to write her story, excited and eager to see where it...
I wake up and check my iPhone, it's 7:42! I'm going to be late. Its the first day of school, I knew I shouldn't have gone out with my girlfriends. I completely blacked out last night. Jennifer thought it'd be a great idea to go to this new bar. Sheets were everywhere, my place smelled like sex, weed and cigarettes. Whoever was over last night is gone. Last thing I remembered is dancing in the club with those two black guys. Please to god I hope it wasn't them who used me. I pop out of my bed...
InterracialIt’s a Wednesday and that means that Nurse Kitana Lure is working with her favorite colleague Darrel. Kitana, being the nympho that she is, mostly loves Darrel because he’s got a massive black cock. So, when the two are alone, she wastes no time fucking him. After a quick fuck, Kitana has to get dressed quickly because she has a patient waiting to be seen in the other room. When she heads into the other room to see the patient, she realizes he’s got a BBC as well, and it doesn’t take long for...
xmoviesforyou(Asterisks around text indicate the character's thoughts) Bright morning sunlight informed me of one more thing I had lost in my bodily transition: for the first time in years, my internal alarm had failed me. By the height of the sun I judged it to be about midmorning. Departure today was a necessity. I would have preferred to leave under cover of darkness, but I could not wait for night to come again. My guarding spells appeared secure on the doors and windows still, but I...
Well, welcome to the High School of the Damned. We have a few things to discuss. First of all, your name. The first name you entered is your name. The second name is my name and I'm your...well, we'll get to that...but think of it as a guardian angel. So, keep that in mind, and if you need to change it, go ahead. I'll wait. Good to go? Okay. My name is Slut and you are John. You are, or were, a Senior at Bellevue High School, but I have bad news for you, you're dead. We'll get back to that...
John was just starting to wake up, and his head was already pounding. He didn't even try opening his eyes; it felt like it would be too much effort with a hangover like his. He lay there with his eyes shut, breathing softly. He hadn't yet attempted to move, but in spite of that it gradually started dawning on him that his body wasn't his own. Since he'd had the neural port fitted into the back of his neck a few months ago, waking up as somebody else wasn't out of the ordinary for him,...
Hi, This is my first story here. Hope you like it. I am xx, 25, from Goa, working for a MNC. I was very desperate for the past 1 year for a woman elder to me. I had many past relationships but they didn’t appeal me much. I was always looking for a opportunity whenever I saw chubby woman seating next to me in a bus. I used to try and touch my elbow to their waist. But I would be afraid if they did make a noise. My desperation was increasing to get a married woman. I was trying different ideas...
All characters in this series are fictitious, as are the encounters between characters. The boarding school is at the high-school level, and all characters involved in the stories are over the age of 18. A disclaimer will be placed at the beginning of each part, with categories that the story fits into — so that, if it’s something you’re not into, you know beforehand, pun intended. This introduction is strictly for setting and character-introduction: it is not necessary, per se, to read this...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Barbara has a rather full figure and when this 'affair' started it was in 1990 when she was a size 14 with 38c boobs. We had gone on holiday in 1990 with another family. Mick & Sally and their children, between us our children were all between 4-8 years old so we had rented a big house with a pool for 2 weeks. I thought we had a normal happy relationship with everyone until one morning Barbara came back to bed to tell me that Mick had touched...
VoyeurJane thought to herself that she was really in big trouble now. In the last few days she's been repeatedly fucked in her pussy and ass and has been forced to sucked more cock and drink more cum than she has in her entire lifetime. As she sat in her brother's car trying to imagine what was in store for her this evening - feeling like any man's whore - she started to fall asleep. She drift- ed off. When she awoke, only about ten minutes later, the car had come to a halt in the driveway of...
Chapter 5 — Victor Dukov’s house Once Kim and her group had returned to her office, she began finalizing the details of Maria Elena’s immediate future. The prisoner needed a place to sleep that night, she needed to begin Danubian language lessons as quickly as possible, and she needed to find work within three days. Cecilia dispatched the language problem first. There was a new group of US exchange students at the National University who were enrolled in intensive Danubian language training...
Ann returned to San Diego on Tuesday. She decided for Dave's sake she had to get the other copies of those pictures at all costs. Perhaps, she could make them understand--she was certain she could, if she could just talk to Julia. She would explain about Dave and how he was and what their plans were for the future. She just knew she could make Julia understand. She had tried to reach her by phone all Tuesday night and Wednesday but she was absent from the store and there no answer at her...
When we both got back to the apartment that evening the bed still wasn’t anywhere near dry and we discovered that water had gotten into both our dressers from the mini-flood and a lot of our clothes were starting to mildew. So we had to do laundry. Mom suggested that we might as well wash everything, including the underwear we had on now so we put those in also. I thought that was a little unnecessary but figured she was just being thorough. That left her in her working dress and me in just my...
"She's come to stay with us, at least for a while," Ken explained as he worked, fluffing a pelt that he was getting ready for a mount. "She" was a shy, almost fearful girl about a year younger than Graydon who was now living with Ken Granger and his wife at their home with the rolling lawns and huge tree-lined pond. "She's so frightened. I tried to introduce myself and she ran into the house, crying." "She's not much better with Helen and me. It's hard for her right now. She's...
I have a tiny penis. There, I said it. Not that I haven’t known for most of my life, but admitting it lets me begin to deal with it.I guess I first knew back in school. We were required to shower after gym; the coach made us line up and walk through the showers. There were ten shower heads set mostly warm but the last one was ice cold. We lined up and walked around the loop. Over the course of several gym classes we all got to see each other. In the beginning, seventh grade, there were only a...
CuckoldI go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it's a waste of time butsometimes I get so horny I'm willing to throw away a few hours for thechance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower andchecked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for35. 6'2" and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls.Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just lookingat myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It's always...
Donny Gentile listened with his eyes closed to the splashing of his sister as she swam in the clear water of their family swiimming pool. Their parents were both off on an afternoon of flea market shopping, and they had the house to themselves. Jenny always demanded they take advantage of such oppotunities, and he would taunt her with other things he had to do, girls he wanted to visit, all the while as excited as she was. The pool was well protected by both a high fence and landscaping, so...
Sunday Afternoon Hearing the first car arrive excited the girls, far more than I would have thought, actually. The three of them were chattering and giggling, thrilled at the prospect of what was going to begin happening in a very short while. I told them to go to the bedroom, and remain there until I called for them. I heard a second, and then a third car arrive before the occupants of the first car had even entered the house. Five of my friends were already here, and apparently the...
I had introduced my best friend's daughter, Brandy, to the lovely aspects of sex. She had left her horrible college roommate and found a new one. A female one this time. From her frequent phone calls she sounded very happy with the switch. From her description, I could tell that Brandy and Sherry were total contrasts physically. Brandy was a little Latina with full breasts and a luscious ass. She had long glossy raven hair. Sherry was a little perky redhead with freckles. Brandy didn't really...
Group SexMerlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci’s father New Council Members Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton It had been two days since all three of us had returned. Rigal and Naci were still out of it. The healing, plus pain had obviously been far more than both could take. I needed both of them up when we started to plan what we were to do next. I just hoped that Ukobach didn’t have...
The next morning, Chris reminded Stephanie he was going out of town for a few days the following week.Stephanie teased him, “I wonder what a naughty wife will do with her husband out of town? Maybe she could get together with one of her lovers? Maybe even find a new one?”Chris felt a twinge in his crotch thinking about the last time he was away on a business trip, and Stephanie had the shoot with the hung black model right in their bedroom. After the shoot, she even fucked the model and Jeff’s...
CuckoldKevin smiled as he dropped his backpack in the front entrance of his home on a Friday afternoon after school. With his parents gone to the cabin for the weekend he had the house to himself for roughly the next two days. This meant that he could do whatever he wanted, whether it was having friends over, walking around naked at all hours of the day, or even watching porn on his laptop with the sound on high. Taking a deep breath in through his nose and kicking his shoes off, he walked into his...
Dan started to awaken, stretching luxuriously in the four-poster bed, feeling the soft Egyptian cotton sheets shift deliciously over his morning hard-on. Glancing over to the other side of the bed, he saw his wife had already left the bed, and he listened, perfectly still, for signs she was in the master bathroom. No sounds of the shower; he would have loved to join her under the hot spray, enjoying one of her wonderful blowjobs, or a soapy handjob, both ending in jets of his cum on her legs,...
For dinner, we roast some hot dogs over the fire as it gets dark. "Looks like we're all out of hot dogs." "What about that one?", I joke, pointing at Mark's pants. He laughs, "as long as you don't roast it first." "Mmmm, let me just have a taste", as I start to undo his pants. I slip my lips over the head of his cock and then lick it down and back up the shaft. I hold my breathe to take him into my throat, my lips reaching the base of his cock, and back off, his...
"Danielle, I can't believe it! Yes, I caught them together, right in our bed. They were doing it. "What do you mean, what do I mean 'doing it'? God, do I have to spell it out? He and that hussy, Judy, the divorcee from down the street were having sex. Right in that bed. Our bed. It was a defilement is what it was. We never have sex in that bed. Good beds aren't for that. "Where do we have sex, then? What has that got to do with anything? When I can't stand his complaining about it any...