Prosecutorial License free porn video

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When I first heard the accusation, I was shocked. It hardly seemed possible. But as the district attorney in my small Midwestern city — let's call it Springfield, in the interests of anonymity — I had little choice but to credit it with further investigation.

I heard the charge at my own dinner table. My daughter, Sandra, brought it up.

"Dad," she said, looking up from the bowl of pasta she had been picking at. "I heard something that I think you should know about, but I don't know how to tell you."

I exchanged a quick glance with my wife, Cynthia, and then looked at my fourteen-year-old daughter with concern. "What is it, honey?"

"You know Tamara, Tamara Wong?"

"Sure. What about her?" Of course I knew Tamara — she ate dinner at our home nearly every week.

"Well, um, she says something bad happened to her. That Mr. Johnson did something bad to her." This got my attention. Mr. Johnson was the gym teacher at Midland Junior High School, which both Sandra and Tamara attended as eighth-graders.

"What sort of 'bad' ... you mean something inappropriate?" Cynthia and I looked at each other again, and this time her face showed understandable alarm.

"She says ... Mr. Johnson, well ... she says he's had sex with her, in his office."

Well, I don't need to tell you that this was serious business indeed. Tamara Wong was a sweet little fourteen-year-old schoolgirl, and if she had been molested, particularly if by a man in a position of trust and authority over her, then my duty was clear. He must be brought to justice. Not to mention that this sort of case is always good for a politically ambitious district attorney. I promise you, however, that that element was only secondary in my thoughts, at least at first.

I assured my daughter that I would look into it without hesitation, and I did just that.

That very evening, I met two detectives in my office to lay out the story, as best I knew it. Tamara Wong was an immigrant, having arrived with her family about six years earlier from Taiwan. Tamara was her "American" name. I wasn't sure at the time what her original name was.

In addition to attending school with my daughter, she and her family could also claim some loyalty from me by virtue of being near-neighbors of ours. They lived a few blocks down the street from us in the same upscale South Hill neighborhood. Her father owned a profitable import business. Although I had only spoken with him and his wife a couple of times, I would do my best for them.

The first order of business was to talk to the girl. Detective Smith, a woman, would pull Tamara out of class in the morning and see if this was a serious accusation or just a tall tale among schoolgirls. No reason to raise a ruckus if it was just schoolgirl silliness.

However, if the claim was serious, the other detective, Sergeant Williams, would be waiting outside Judge Gonzales' chambers with the search warrant request we'd draft tonight. If he got the call from Detective Smith, within thirty minutes he and several uniformed officers would be searching Mr. Johnson's home for evidence, while another team took the offender into custody.

Sure enough, by one o'clock the following afternoon, I was sitting in my office with Tamara and her parents, hearing the story firsthand. She had earlier confirmed her charges to Detective Smith, after some initial hesitation, and shortly thereafter Mr. Timothy Johnson was taken to police headquarters for questioning. Although he denied everything, he matched the profile to a tee: forty years old, unmarried, and involved in a variety of activities which kept him in contact with children. He coached girls' gymnastics, girls' volleyball, and boys' wrestling, and he led a local Boy Scout troop. We'd have a lot of kids to interview to get some more charges; charges that I knew would be forthcoming.

The search of his home had been somewhat disappointing. No physical evidence and no outright kiddie porn. But the police had uncovered an album containing many photos of youngsters, kids from the teams he coached and the activities he led. Most of the photos were unremarkable, but in some the kids were in leotards, or swimsuits, or just gym shorts and T-shirts. In a parent's album, nothing to look twice at. But since we knew Johnson to be a pervert and a sex offender, we could use those otherwise innocent photos to charge him with child pornography as well. A sound and just distinction, I thought at the time.

"Tamara, please tell me exactly what happened. I know it's embarrassing, but I assure you that none of it was your fault."

After looking at her parents furtively, Tamara responded. "He called me into his office. A few weeks ago. He told me he knew that my parents wanted me to get straight 'A's'. He said, 'Do you know why I gave you a 'C' on your mid-term report card?' I told him 'no', and he said it was because he knew I'd have to do anything to get it up to an 'A' before the final report."

"Why did he think that?" I asked. Mr. Wong replied.

"Tamara must get straight 'A' on report card. No excuse." Mr. Wong's heavy accent contrasted sharply with his daughter's perfect, youthfully informal English.

"I see. Please, tell me Tamara, how did he use this information? What did you have to do?"

"He make me touch his thing, and he touched me, and then I had to put in it my mouth, and then he put it in my, you know."

"You mean he had intercourse with you?"

"Yeah, we had intercourse. More than once. He said I'd get my 'A'."

I looked at the cute little schoolgirl, for the first time actually visualizing her engaged in sexual acts. No question about it, she was beautiful. Her small mouth, with its thick, pursed lips, was nearly round, and in a perpetual pout. Her large, dark, almond eyes stared back at me in hurt innocence. Yes, she was quite attractive for such a young girl.

And young she was. Her long, silky black hair was pulled back in a juvenile ponytail, and her slight form had barely a curve to it. She couldn't have been over 4'10'', and I doubt if she weighed eighty pounds — more like seventy-five. Yes, I guessed that I could see how a pervert, if one were to be a pervert, could be attracted to her. Hell, I was perfectly normal, and for a moment, I was almost sexually drawn to her. The very fact that I was forced to recognize this attraction made me even angrier. Johnson would have to pay for bringing such a thought to my mind!

"Mr. and Mrs. Wong, I want you to know the extent of the outrage this community will feel at this incident. I assure you that justice will be done. I would like your permission to have a doctor look at Tamara, both to make sure she's okay, and to round out our evidence."

"Mr. Sanders, you are kind. But we don't want to — how do you say it — press the charge? This is bad experience for our family, and is best that no one know, please."

I was momentarily flabbergasted at Mr. Wong's reply. But this sort of thing happened from time to time. I'd just have to talk them into it.

"Mr. Wong ... Mrs. Wong ... no one will need to know the identity of the accuser. As a victim of what is effectively rape, and as a minor, Tamara's name will not be made public." The girl's parents looked uncertain.

Mr. Wong said something in Chinese, at which Tamara arose and left the room, closing the door behind her. Then Mr. Wong spoke again.

"Mr. Sanders, Tamara says lies sometimes. Maybe she lies so we don't punish her for getting 'C'. We don't want to cause trouble for innocent man."

"Mr. Wong, your reaction is a common one, a normal one. But I assure you, these terrible things do happen, more often than I'd like to believe, and very often the girl is afraid to come forward. I must tell you that we found some very damning evidence in her gym teacher's home," I exaggerated, "We probably have enough to proceed with the case, which we are obligated to do, with or without your permission. However, I would like your cooperation, and ask that you take her to our doctor for examination. Without a strong case, this pervert might get off, and do the same thing to more young girls. I know you don't want that."

"We will think on it, Mr. Sanders. We do appreciate all you do for us. But is very — humiliating — thing. We let you know, sir." They arose, so I did too, to walk them to the door.

Minutes after they left, I was before the local TV crews and print reporters, announcing our arrest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I am Dan Sanders, your district attorney. I have a sobering announcement to make. This morning at ten a.m., Springfield Police arrested Mr. Timothy Johnson, a physical education instructor at Midland Junior High School. The charges include statutory rape, sexual assault of a minor, and child pornography. Mr. Johnson has coerced at least one child into sexual activity, and we have reason to believe there are many others. Your district attorney's office will uncover all of his misdeeds, and see that he is convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. More importantly, we will remove this menace from our community."

Needless to say, a juicy arrest like this had the press in a tizzy, and I basked for the next several minutes in their questions and in my authoritative answers. "It's just this sort of case that launches a political career," I thought to myself.

The next day, the papers were full of it, with my picture on the front page of both major dailies. My press conference had played on the evening and the morning news. Yes indeed, we had quite a big case here.

Tim Johnson was held without bail. Naturally, he denied everything, but they always do. The police began interviewing other children who had contact with Johnson — students, Scouts, kids from his church. Nothing had come up yet, but sometimes kids need to be coaxed to the tell truth about things like that. We'd keep after them until somebody else was willing to accuse the monster.

Our city isn't that large, so this story stayed near the front burner all week. Johnson's counsel tried the standard ploys to get the charges dismissed, and of course they failed.

A few days later, I had to take make car by the shop. The damned radio was out.

Stan, my mechanic, said he'd have to order a replacemnt. So as I drove to the office, for once over an hour-and-a-half late, I couldn't listen to the news. Instead, I mused upon the young victim, Tamara Wong. She had again eaten dinner at our place the night before last and I had discovered myself looking at her in a whole new light.

On that evening, in an effort to understand the crime, I had decided to try to imagine her as a sex object, and I had found that task easier than I would like to admit. She'd been wearing a tight pair of jeans that disclosed a slight swell beginning to develop in her adolescent hips. Her breasts were just starting to develop as well, and they poked through her T-shirt like a pair of ripening apricots. And the musical sound of her laughter when she and my blonde daughter shared a private joke easily pierced my heart. Yes, she was certainly attractive, even sexy. It wasn't so hard to see how someone like Johnson might be taken with her. But that's all the more reason to control it!

If all men, as I suspect, feel some attraction toward adolescent girls, then those who are weak, who give in to such urges, fail as men. Johnson's crime was to act upon his thoughts. Despicable! In contrast, I doubt whether a tawdry thought had ever crossed that poor young girl's mind, and it is the creeps like Johnson in this world, losers who can't control themselves, who rip some poor girl or another's innocence away long before its time, each and every day. Well, at least this time, the perpetrator would pay ... District Attorney Sanders would see to that!

TV crews were assembled on the courthouse steps as I pulled up. "What's this?" I thought. "Another feeding frenzy at the scent of doomed Tim Johnson?"

I have never been so outraged in my life. If I ever figure out who leaked that information to the press before even I was informed, heads will fucking roll!

The medical examiner had made a startling discovery. Tamara Wong was a virgin.

Needless to say, the case against Johnson was immediately dropped once the fourteen-year-old girl recanted her entire accusation. Apparently, she had invented the whole thing to cover her ass with her parents. Too bad this was no longer the late eighties. Back then, we'd throw the bastard in jail anyway, and haul in psychiatrists to tell the jury how Tamara was simply repressing the memory. Her physical state as a virgin would just necessitate the perpetrator's presumed point of "entry." Something like this would have never stopped a prosecution back in the hey-day of such cases.

Oh, the girl would be fine. Her parents would move her to a different school, and she'd get on with her deceitful little life. Meanwhile, my face — MY FACE — was now plastered on every paper with uncomplimentary captions. Every newscast made me a laughingstock. Commentators branded me as an "overzealous prosecutor." Bastards.

I tried to control my anger towards young Tamara. Although she had started all of this, she was just a girl, after all. Clearly, she had never intended for the story to get to the police. I'm sure she had only told Sandra the tale as backup, in case her parents should ask her friend for some sort of confirmation of the tale. She had probably counted on her parents' reluctance to risk embarrassment to prevent wider exposure, all to avoid her parents' wrath over a lousy grade.

But son of a bitch! A fiasco like this could take me years to get behind me if I ever hoped to run for public office.

My wife actually asked me if I was okay with Tamara continuing to visit our home. What could I say, but "of course?"

Tamara sat in her usual chair as we ate together that Friday evening. The girl had apologized profusely, and my wife and I repeatedly asked her to forget it. I couldn't forget it, though.

As I watched her chew, her delicate features so innocent and adorable, I was suddenly consumed with rage. This little bitch, who I had thought to be so innocent, was a conniving, manipulative little whore. In order to avoid a little parental discipline, she had wreaked havoc upon my career aspirations.

"So," I thought, "I was wrong. Tawdry thoughts have crossed this little cunt's mind."

If she could imagine herself getting fucked, at least coherently enough to invent such a story, then maybe she was ready to really get fucked. As Tamara, my daughter, and my wife ate their salads without an apparent care in the world, I thought about our guest's tiny little form, pinned down upon a bed. I imagined a man eating her probably-hairless fourteen-year-old sex. I imagined some unfeeling brute shoving his oversized manhood into her underaged hole.

I thought of all that, and I found the thoughts to be good. I actually felt some blood flowing into my groin as the unsuspecting teen continued her banter with my daughter. When the girls asked to be excused, my only vocalized response was a grunt, and to watch them walk out of the room. Just before exiting, Tamara bent over to pet my dog Rex where he lay. The shorts she was wearing rode up into her crack, and in an instant my prick swelled, and the thought of a man, this man, ripping those shorts down over her slender hips nearly floored me. Then she rose, and was gone.

Fifteen years of marriage had reduced our sex life to almost zero, but I can tell you that on this particular Friday night, my wife enjoyed a very sound thrashing indeed.

I hated myself all weekend and into the next week. How could I even think of such a thing? I was sworn to prosecute the sort of slime who did the kind of things I had been imagining.

By Wednesday, I had put it behind me. When my wife told me she had to fly to Chicago for the weekend for her sister's latest bridal shower (third time's a charm), and that she had given permission for Sandra to have Tamara spend the night on Friday, I readily agreed. Smugly, I congratulated myself upon mastering my baser instincts and rejoining the civilized. I actually was quite self-satisfied.

Until Friday morning.

That's when I read the editorial in the Ledger-Dispatch calling for my removal for trying to launch a prosecutorial "witch-hunt" with the Johnson case. Since my position wasn't an elected one, and the paper had a lot of enemies in the current state administration, I wasn't really worried about losing my job, but I was absolutely furious to be in a situation in which such an idea might be even contemplated.

And then at noon, I was served with papers naming me personally, along with the DA's office, in Johnson's wrongful arrest and defamation lawsuit. Again, prosecutors get sued all the time, but very seldom successfully. Nonetheless, I was irate.

I resolved that that evening I would take my revenge. Justice would be served.

After dinner, I carefully prepared two milkshakes for the girls. In one, I ground in two Valium that my wife had left over from a recent prescription. The other milkshake I left undrugged. After carefully blending in all the telltale evidence, I brought the girls their treats. I took care to ensure that each girl got the right one.

Not surprisingly, the girls were not up late, talking in the dark, as they usually were on these occasions. One of the girls went right to sleep, and quite soundly, so the other had no one to talk to. In fact, both girls were asleep when I crept into the room to begin my retributive agenda.

I looked at the matching twin beds, a young teen sleeping quietly in each. "How precious," I thought, observing how each pink coverlet underscored the girls' youth and innocence. I approached my target.

She awoke immediately when I shook her.

"Whaa... ?"

"Shhhh. Come with me."

I led the adorable Asian teen out of my daughter's room and down two flights of stairs to the family room in our walkout basement. My daughter would sleep blissfully in her drug-aided state, no matter what sort of noise we might make down there.

"Tamara, it's time we talked."

'Talked about what, Mr. Sanders?" Her nervous timbre suggested that she knew the cause of this nocturnal conclave, but I was sure she had no dream of its intended outcome.

"We're going to talk about a couple of things. We're going to talk about wronging others with our lies. We're going to talk about the boy — or rather the girl in this case — who cried 'wolf', and what happened to her — and what will happen to her. And we're going to talk about making things right."

"What do you mean, Mr. Sanders? You know I'm sorry..."

"Well, we'll see about that. You're going to have the chance to prove that you're sorry. Sit down."

She took a seat on the couch, her little pajama shorts riding up her tanned thighs. My prick twitched.

"I'm sure in your self-centered little life you have no idea what sort of embarrassment and difficulty you have caused me, do you?" She wisely did not attempt to respond to my rhetorical question. "Well let me tell you: it is considerable. Not to mention the trouble you caused for poor Coach Johnson. For that alone, you should probably be stripped and whipped publicly, but that's not the system we have here.

"Since you're a minor, I can't have you sent to a real jail, but I could have you sent to reformatory school. I'm sure your parents wouldn't care whether or not you got straight 'A's there."


"Be quiet and let me finish! You have committed criminal acts, my dear. You have committed perjury, obstructed justice, and interfered with an investigation. I could have you shipped out tomorrow morning." A load of garbage, every bit of it, but I knew she'd believe me.

"Oh, please Mr. Sanders, I never meant..."

"Quiet, I said! You're going to have to start minding me better if you want out of this fix."

She relaxed visibly at my mention of a way out. Little did she know.

"Tamara, the way out I am going to offer you is not strictly legal, as you will immediately discern. It is, however, quite just, and legal or not, I very much think that it should be followed without obstruction. That's why we're going to talk about 'the girl who cried wolf'.

"I'm sure you understand that you have absolutely zero credibility after your little stunt. If you try to expose me for the offer I am about to make, in a pathetic attempt to prevent its execution, you will find that no one will believe you. In fact, there would instead be a groundswell of support behind me. The police and my DA's office will cheer as I cart you off to the reform school, charging you with an even more outrageous perjury than the burden you already carry. To be clear, 'perjury' means telling a lie in court or to the police. After your last big lie, another lie will be serious — even if it's really the truth. Do you understand me?"

Her earlier relaxation disappeared, to be replaced with an appropriate level of anxiety. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Finally, we're going to talk about making amends. You had me, your parents, and everyone else believing you were an innocent little girl. But only the slutty mind of a naughty little tramp would have dreamed up a scheme like yours. Imagine!"

"Really, Mr. Sanders, I never..."

"How many times do I have to tell you to listen?"

"Sorry." I did not respond, but simply stared sternly into her stunning almond eyes. She tried again. "Sorry, Sir," she practically squeaked.

"Alright then," I replied. "Here's the problem, as I see it. You have the mind, heart and soul of a whore, but you don't have the body to match. I intend to correct that. By the time I'm finished with you — that is, by the time you have fully made amends — no doctor's exam will ever mistake you for a virgin."

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What I found was a naked woman hiding in the shade under one of the wagons. She had a chain running to a collar around her neck with the other end fastened to a wagon wheel. Her skin was too dark for her to be a normal White woman, but I could not tell if she was Mexican or Indian. I had enough Spanish to get me by, so I asked her if there was anybody else in the camp. She answered me in common English, "I am the only one here. My captors rode off earlier this morning. You should leave...

2 years ago
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A Sacred Prayer

The crow soared far above the prairie, looking down over vast herds of buffalo in the endless fields. The dust trailed them for miles and the rumble could be heard even in the clouds. Mo’ki felt the wind on her wings as she circled in the Ghost Dance. Moving around the dancers in her feather robe she silently left her body and became Crow Woman. She was not alone soaring through the skies, Grant Left-Hand, her husband flew closely beside her. They flew above the Ghost Dancers in a desperate...

1 year ago
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Tight knit

My wrists and ankles tied to the bed , my face on a pillow as my makeup smears. My big round ass high in the air. The sun just coming up and shining in the 2nd floor window. The feeling of lube being squirted on my already gaping asshole, ohhh it feels so good running inside, cooling my rim. The extra dripping down my tiny smooth balls and over my caged peen. A man and a woman giggle in the background. I feel rough hands on my back, rubbing up to my shoulders and down do my hips. Suddenly his...

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The party girl Part 2

My husband and I were invited to a big party by his bosses at a local business mans house, we hadn’t been there before but looked forward to seeing his house, the description from friends had been fabulous. On the night we both got dressed together, he wore his best Chino’s and I opted for my favorite short black dress “How do I look?” I enquired “Very sexy as always” he replied It was a pretty skimpy get up as it was a warm evening, just a short dress with red knickers and bra underneath. We...

Cheating Wifes
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 27

"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...

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Bare Paw Rah Rah Rah

Cast of Characters in Bare Paw Ranch From Book I From book 2 Red Team Cheerleaders Blue Team Cheerleaders In the following weeks before the Cheerleaders were due to arrive at Bare Paw Ranch there were many things to prepare for. Ben was a source of help we needed. With his experience in the ‘Guide and Outfitting business’ he was able to help us revamp the lodge for the thirty-six cheerleaders coming to visit and the fourteen staff members they were bringing with them. We...

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Being Knickers for a Day

I was laying in the big white bed of my Mistress Chrissy, enjoying the luxury of being there on the soft comfy fabric, it sure beats the uncomfortable hard wooden table of the rack down in my basement which had become my bed.I had been very good and worked very hard for my mistress the day before and was granted the privilage of spending the night in her bed with her. It was about 8:30 in the morning on a cool sunny day. I felt very good having had a good nights sleep, I'd already performed the...

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London Party With Treavor

Tue, Jan 23, 2007 5:51 AM Subject: FW: London Party with Treavor Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:40 AM From: Dale Gutzman To: Conversation: London Party with Treavor > >One of the best times I had in London was fucking a young pop musician >named >Treavor. Treavor is/was straight. It's always fun to break in the pussy of >a >straight boy. I met Treavor at a cafT on Old Compton Road. He was there >with his current cunt, Linda. I was with Ian and two of Ian's friends, who >also...

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FamilyXXX Harlow West Teen Harlow Makes It Real Hard For Step Daddy

After a few days of blonde teen step daughter Harlow and hung step dad Brad spying on each other as they undressed, she decided to make the first move. Brad naturally denying any further actions to not get into trouble is convinced from Harlow everything will be fine and even better if he put his hard fat cock inside her tight teen pink pussy first. Brad thoroughly enjoyed licking up her sweet pussy juices and carefully slid his throbbing cock inside her tight lips, pounding her hot hole and...

4 years ago
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Masters slave serve his desires

In 2000, when I was a student, I was renting my own house together with my boy for two years. My boyfriend was my master and we passed some of the best fantasies together. Aside from constantly fucking me and using me as a toy of sex, he shared me with other men, ordering me to satisfy them in every way they wanted. Κostas, so was his name, was 2 years older, he had a polished and shaved body and a 21cm dick and fat enough. Most nights he forced me to sleep with his sperm inside me, after a...

2 years ago
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The Gentleman

I re-read your electronic messages a dozen times imagining your voice, the way your lips move, your hands stretching over your face, removing your glasses, rubbing your eyes. The notes allow me to imagine that we actually spoke, in person. Another chance to be near you, to smell you and watch your hands dance in the air as you talk, move close to me and then pull away. When we’re together, each gesture you make is exaggerated, twisted to satisfy my desire for your touch — a simple move to...

3 years ago
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Mornings on Horseback IIChapter 5

"Mmmm..." I scooted my butt over, close to Mark as he started his truck. "Are your balls aching?" "Oh, Stephy..." Mark grinned at me and we followed Chris slowly out of the parking lot as he was driving his mom's car. "I said I was gonna tease you, remember?" I rubbed the obvious bulge in his jeans and his cock had to be hurting all trapped like it was. "You are a tease." Mark put his arm around me once we were on the county road and he didn't have to shift anymore. "I can't...

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Military NonCon

Being a new recruit definitely did not have its merit. Everyone treated me like a second class citizen and while I didn’t want to admit it, it probably didn’t help that I was 5’2 and Asian. I must've looked like I was easy to push around. To be completely honest, outside of the military I was treated like a pushover. But that’s exactly why I joined- to harden up. Yet I was back at square one. I should've known better, but what's done is done and some part of me hoped that despite my rough...

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Hes Back

Ellie and I grew up nicely. Ellie’s mom is one of the most gorgeous Latino women I’ve ever seen, and her dad is a tall, dark, African god, built like a football player. Their genes mixed perfectly to produced Ellie, who would give any top model a run for her money in any beauty contest. She’s almost 5’11”, and totally fit. We played soccer since childhood, so her legs are strong, and shapely. Her skin is perfectly smooth, milk-chocolaty brown. I get completely wet just thinking about her...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 75

Marcus opened up his stride as he reached the peak of the hill, turning into his own road to head back home, and saw his father stood at the foot of the steps. Wrapped up in a heavy coat and hunched beneath an umbrella against the heavy rain, he shuffled from foot to foot as Marcus approached, only hearing the footsteps at the last moment. "Good morning." He managed, despite the evidence, but Marcus chose not to correct him. There was a pause of a few seconds, and Marcus realised something...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 316

583 views all-time The TV network had a fleet of limos to pick up their guests for the grand arrival at the red carpet. Getting home was going to be by taxi for most folks. Peter insisted that we call him to pick us up. Since it was one less unknown in the loop, I agreed. I had the derringer safely tucked into my evening bag. No make up, no lipstick, no money, just a debit card and my derringer inside the white cloth pouch. Sylvia carried my throwaway cell phone in her purse. So the funky...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 27

Lisa and I woke up just after five and went straight to the gym room and did a thirty-minute workout. Our next stop was on the grass outside to stretch, but it was raining hard, so we stripped under the overhang and ran to the pool for some cardio work. We were laughing and having a good time when we went into the house to get a shower and dressed. Tina approached us, stark naked, and said, "It's not fair; I didn't get to work out or swim with you. Make me swim for a little while, then...

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A Life in the ServiceChapter 8 Marauder

I walked off the shuttle and down the steps ignoring the whispers. I knew what they thought, I was wearing a Class C uniform during travel. I was young and had top sergeant emblems on my collar. I pulled my float across the hanger deck and stopped at the wide desk. A junior sergeant glanced up and then smiled and leaned back, “Well, what do we have here. You are out of uniform.” He held out his hand, “ID tags.” I smiled and tossed them across the table. He shook his head and thumbed them...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Dennis

Altered Fates: Dennis (I know, its not the greatest name, but it works) By Morpheus ([email protected]) Walking home from work, I happened to look down, and saw a small brass colored medallion sitting in the gutter. Curiously, I pulled it out and held it up examining it. When I'd seen it, I'd hoped that it might be worth something, but as I looked at it, I realized that it was only a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Probably for kids or something. I noticed that there was a...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 25 Star Catcher

"Coffee or tea?" I asked Catherine when she joined me in the Dining Hall a little later. "Tea, thank you," she told me. I went to the counter for her tea, and some more coffee for myself. There were only a few people up at this time on a Sunday morning, so we had the place to ourselves. "Why didn't you have sex with her?" Catherine asked with no preamble. "Why, good morning to you too!" I laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being so stimulated this early in the...

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Ladies Circle part 5

She was in two minds as to whether she might raise with Joe the question of a threesome again, after her experience today, but she knew that Joe would only accuse her of being a tart. It was all right for him to suggest it but not her; he was old fashioned like that. Oddly enough it was the next evening that Joe raised the matter again. He seemed surprised and suspicious that she did not dismiss the suggestion out of hand as she usually did, but he soon forgot his suspicions as he enthused...

4 years ago
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Hiding Sandy Part 3

Sandy woke up and felt very confused. Mike was alternating between being very mean to her and being nice to her, and she realized she was giving into his manipulations since she was learning to tolerate getting painfully punished, since she knew afterwards she would get extreme pleasure. Her attempts at manipulating Mike were not working at all and she felt very much out of control. She got really scared that she actually might start liking the painful degrading things Mike did to her,...

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Sometimes mistakes do happen but they can be real

A few weeks ago I was wandering round some of the nice tv/gay sites for this area of France when I got a message from a guy asking me if I would like to meet. Well, I was very horny at the time, so nothing new there, was aching to do something to somebody or have them do something to me, you know the feeling, when you ache to feel something nice and long in your mouth or being slipped in your pussy.I thought to myself why ever not, he seemed like a nice guy, he wanted to meet on his way home...

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First Time Teenage Hookers

First Time Teenage Hookers My father owns the local No-Tell Motel. I get to cover the desk of Friday and Saturday from about six in the evening until midnight. My father says that it will make me a better person…earning my own money, instead of getting an allowance like all of my friends that not only get their allowance but they also have their Friday and Saturday evenings to go out and enjoy themselves. Some fat cop came in and rented three oh seven like he normally does about...

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A slave in the making

Once at the board she climbs on her knees and waits to be fastened into position. As her master fastens her bonds she feels a slight wetness forming in the crease of her legs. Fastened in doggy style, her master walks around to examine a job well done. He teases her as he walks around the board and ever so lightly stroking his fingers against the lips of his slave’s pussy. Increasing her arousal, he passes her and walks over to a cabinet placed on the opposite wall of the platform. As he opens...

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Juicys first creampie gangbang

My co slut is now standing, bent over getting spit roasted by two guys yet to cum in me, the one in her pussy has her by the waist pushing and pulling her onto him. The one in her mouth has his hands round the back of her neck doing the same to her throat, she's dribbling streams of spit from her mouth onto the floor, her hands are on his thighs trying to soften the attack on her mouth. Her pussy is dribbling down her inner thighs leaving pools of almost the same consistency. As I enter the...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-four - Packing Up My Old Life I woke up the next morning with the dildo still embedded fully inside of me. I stood to go to the bathroom. It felt so weird to walk with the cock up my ass. Because of my chastity cage, I had to sit to pee. When I pulled my panties down, the dildo began to slide free. I dropped it on the shower floor to wash when I took my shower. I showered and shaved and then got dressed. Today was going to be a day of work, so I picked out a...

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A Real Bitch

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in early June and I was standing in my backyard fussing over the BBQ grill and watching the hotdogs and hamburgers cooking and enjoying a cold Budweiser. My beautiful wife of ten years, Cary, was sitting next to the pool with her mother and, from what I could see they were having another heated discussion and it was my guess that once again, it was all about me! Cary's mother, Jewel had disliked me from day one and while her husband was still alive the two of...

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Delta OriginalChapter 17 The Faeries Township

Ross and Sparky as their King and Queen couldn’t, of course, stay in such primitive surroundings as a chookhouse. Sean and Lee increased the area of Sparky’s partitioned off corner in their room and got her a bigger bed. So, Ross moved in, and that was where they stayed for the next couple of weeks. While the renovations were taking place, Sparky took Ross to the forest to show him the improvements. She showed him where she thought they should build their new homes. It was near the old...

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The Cuckoos ProgenyCast

Character List Al Collins: 20-year-old college student. Amanda Collins: Al and Betty’s mother. Betty (Be) Collins: 18-year-old high-school graduate. Al’s sister. Delilah Rivers: Martial Arts instructor, girlfriend of Gary Marks. Eli Thead: Coffee shop barista and History major, Zita’s boyfriend. Etta Mollins: Associate biology professor at Kempsville University, wife of Theo Rawlins. Frank Evens: FBI agent assigned to guard Al in the hospital. Gary (Gar) Marks: Martial Arts instructor,...

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Dark Places ch 0102

by darthewriter 30-year-old Zahid took a final deep puff of his cigarette, and dropped it onto the wet street outside the gate of his house. A distant clap of thunder warned of more rain to come. He left his muddy shoes on the veranda of his family home and walked, in his socks, into the house. Zahid lived in a spacious but modest bungalow in the town of Abbottabad (N. Pakistan) with his parents and elder sisters. At 5 ft 11 inches in height, Zahid was a handsome young man, with dark eyes...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 108 The Judge

We remember that the Abbe Busoni remained alone with Noirtier in the chamber of death, and that the old man and the priest were the sole guardians of the young girl's body. Perhaps it was the Christian exhortations of the abbe, perhaps his kind charity, perhaps his persuasive words, which had restored the courage of Noirtier, for ever since he had conversed with the priest his violent despair had yielded to a calm resignation which surprised all who knew his excessive affection for...

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CATHLEEN Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s

CATHLEEN. Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s. PART 2My extra work on Friday evenings had never interfered with my job at the factory. The factory work was quite simple and since I had finished my secondary schooling, I was put in the office doing invoices, shipping notes, bank stuff, etc…I was one of ten clerks doing pretty well the same thing and we were supervised by an office manager who was an Irish girl like me but around 50 years old. She was about my height, a bony face with short...

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Tumblr SisterChapter 13

There was a lot of talk when I walked in. Sometimes two or three were talking at the same time. It was pretty obvious they were upset, so I just let them all vent. They were angry. I was going off, halfway around the world if the Marines did what they told me they'd do. I would be gone for years. I would be sent to Afghanistan and be blown up. My plane would crash. Marines crawled through swamps, and I'd get bitten by a poisonous snake and die. You get the idea. Danni and Frankie had been...

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its monday morning.ur sisters and jeff r all gone to vegas..u start waking up with ur shake...talking to me at on my phone ,wich is weird acording to u.what u dont know that i didnt realy tell u the whole truth.coz i wasnt working at all when we fact....i was allready pretty close to u.while we talk at aim....u keep doing ur things in the bathroom.....singing.......brushing ur teeth..doin ur hair and make up after ur shower...ill tell u uve got a...

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ReCreations of the Gods

As the blackness of it all dissipated, he could see clearly the white-capped blades of grass and the misty wetness of the day powering it's way in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from any of his other days. The nine full-length windows in the front of his home were covered with frost and crackled with ice. The air outside was bitter, wet and left no doubt that the sunny warm days had made way for a new season. The house was empty except for him. The music was playing; the fire on the stove...

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Jenny Ch 08

This is the final chapter in my re-post of Jenny, a story written over two years ago when I was just starting. I have edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar and, I hope, the readability. * Jenny and Ingrid were enjoying the last minutes of their ‘girls’ night out’ as they sat in Ingrid’s great room and enjoyed a glass of wine. Jenny had told Ingrid of her desire for to become pregnant and she and Tom were hoping they would know soon. She had also shared her concerns over Tom’s...

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Looking for Gentry part 4

Sometimes, you see a sign beside the border: "Virginia Welcomes You, Radar Detectors Are Illegal." Sometimes, there is a guard who scowls and slaps his stamp hard on a passport. Sometimes, there's just a line. And you don't see it till it's a long way behind you. I sat on Bobbie's sofa, watched her sleeping through her open bedroom door, trying not feel my life begin to shatter, trying not to think about what had just happened, what I'd just done. I'd crossed into a place I'd never...

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