TA Gets T&A free porn video

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Sophia “Sia” Symone walked towards the door of the large classroom. This was her first day and she wanted to make a good impression. She had heard and seen a lot during orientation but she still didn’t feel prepared.

Mind you, she rarely did. She figured being anxious was her signature move.

She took a long, deep breath, clutching her textbooks close to her chest as she pulled on the door handle on the right side of the auditorium-style room. But it stayed firm. No matter how much she pulled, it wasn’t about to budge. Inside through the small glass window, on the side of the heavy wooden door, was a tall black man. He looked young but certainly not as young as the other students who were framing him. He was positioned right near the front of the class on the left side.

He was setting up his laptop, a professional and expensive business model before he looked right at her. His eyes were a warm, sensual brown with a dark, starkly masculine face highlighted by a strong chiseled jawline straight out of a comic book, a short well-groomed beard, and unruly curls that dominated most everything above shoulder length. Sia was so busy staring that she didn’t even realize he was pointing at something.

She turned and quickly saw that there was another door on the opposite side. She gulped awkwardly before rushing off to the other side. She did not want to be late on her first day. And she couldn’t let herself be distracted even by...

No, she had to focus.

She opened the door, keeping her head low as she made her way in. Everyone was already seated and it was clear that class was about to start. Sia looked around frantically for a seat but everywhere was filled up by people sitting with their massive groups of friends. It felt that she was the only one not bundled up in a group of chattering people.

How had people even made friends this quickly?

She had no idea but there was only one other person who seemed unattached. And that was the tall black man who had been staring at her earlier. The seat next to him was unoccupied and before the professor could really start going, she booked over, moving past the long wooden desk to where he was seated.

“Um, excuse me. Is that seat taken? If it is I can try to find somewhe-”

“No one’s here. Feel free.” Sia sighed in relief as she swung her backpack heavily off her shoulders, before slamming it down onto the desk. She placed her books down as well before walking around the curve at the end of the table to try to reach her seat. She shuffled forward, trying to minimize her space as much as possible. There wasn’t much room between the back of the chairs and the next long desk raised behind them.

As she got closer to the tall black man, she tried to suck in but there was one part of her body that wasn’t going anywhere. Despite him trying to scooch in, her massive tits still rubbed gratuitously across the back of his neck, flopping against the sides of his head briefly before she managed to squeeze past. She blushed furiously as she sat down on her chair.

She had been an early bloomer back in elementary school and it just never stopped from that point. She thought it was never going to end as she went from above average to large to huge to the edge of most normal people’s imagination and beyond. Only when she managed to hit the dreaded I Cup did her tits finally calm down. Though even with that being said, she still strained against the bra which probably meant she would have to get resized soon.

Every bra she owned was custom made and most, except for one particularly expensive item, were utterly hideous. This clothes-related crisis was only exasperated by her ass, which was also fittingly ridiculous. Both her enormous thighs and gigantic ass had ruined more pairs of pants than she could count. Unfortunately, being dummy thicc was not all it was cracked up to be.

While she was very standoffish, in high school, she tried the whole partying and dating thing. Unfortunately, most of the men she met managed less than a second of eye contact. Worse, it seemed like their brains just drained out whenever she went out with them. They could barely get out a word and when they did, it usually involved getting her onto a bed for one reason or another. Any compliments she received were focused towards her ”assets”, which was unfortunate. She was incredibly smart, usually at the top of her class, and an incredible artist and painter. Even from an appearance perspective, her face was beautiful.

In an alternate universe, she could have been a model. Her light-skinned complexion contrasted perfectly with her dark raven hair. Her bright green eyes glowed like glittering emeralds and her thick, sensual lips were incredibly eye-catching. But in this universe, with this body, only porn would take her. At this point, she just gave up trying to put herself out there. She wore what she normally wore. A thick, well-knit red sweater, a white knee-length pleated kilt, and a pair of thick-bottle cap glasses.

Sia planted herself on the chair, the width barely maintaining her massive ass as it pressed into the plastic. She pulled out her laptop, an old Dell, and her purple pencil case.

She was going to focus.

She wasn’t going to get distracted.

No matter what.

“Hey, guessing you’re new here.”

“Uhhh... Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Her heart started to race as this incredibly... Sexy as fuck man was actually talking to her. And really her, not to her chest. His eyes were glued to hers.

“I’m Tyrell Anderson.” He held out his hand. It was strong, smooth, and big. But it was also calloused and a little scared. Not something you’d really expect from an academic.

“I’m... I’m…” What’s my name? Come on. It’s… “Sophia Symone.”

“Sophia. That’s a nice…”

“My friends call me Sia!” She blurted out the words unexpectedly, her tone completely jumping. She had to hold herself back from raising her hands to her mouth in shock. Great job, genius. Now he thinks you’re crazy. “Not that I’m saying you would want to be friends with me. I mean that’s pretty presumptuous. You don’t have to call me. You can call me whatever yo-”

“Sia sounds great.” Tyrell’s smile was reassuring. He didn’t look like he was judging her. He looked... Nice.

“I’m sorry. I must sound like an idiot.”

“You don't sound like an idiot. You should have seen me on my first day. I spent the first ten minutes talking to this guy at the front of the class calling him Professor Lauripaula only to realize he was the TA and very much did not care what I had to say.” She almost couldn’t believe that this perfect-looking heartthrob ever felt like a loser but still, it made her feel better.

“It’ll be okay.”

He placed his hand on her shoulder, warm and comforting. While it was only for a couple of seconds, it felt like hours. By the time he moved it, her pussy was soaked. Completely, absolutely, thoroughly, wholly, fully, fucking soaked.

“Oh, looks like he’s about to start.” The words entered Sia’s ears but she knew that she wasn’t processing them at all. It was only about two minutes in that she realized she was staring off blankly at a wall instead of taking notes.

She started typing quickly, trying to make up for a lost time but she kept finding her gaze turning slowly to her left. He was wearing a v-neck that showed off his incredibly defined build and left his god-sculpted arms open to be ogled.

Those arms… Wow, he must really work out. I bet he could pick me up without breaking a sweat. Pick me up, grab my fat fucking ass, tear off my panties, and…

“If you’ll direct your attention to your left, that young man is my TA. Would you like to introduce yourself?” The professor cut through her daze but his words didn’t make any sense. There was only one person to her left and that was…

“I’m Tyrell Anderson. I’ll be your TA for this course. If you need any help, let me know. My email’s on the syllabus and I’ll pretty chill to talk to. I know how hard 1st year can be. So don’t be a stranger.” Tyrell sat back down onto his seat but Sia’s mind wouldn’t stop racing.

He’s my TA? I’m thirsting over my TA? Wow, Sia you sure know how to pick ‘em. Unbelievably hot, nice, and a TA. He probably has girls jumping over him every second. And if I tried anything, he would just assume I’m doing it for the grades.

I might as well just




The room was suddenly filled with noise. Everyone was getting out of their seats. But why would they be getting up? Unless…

“Remember, next week we have a quiz on the material. All scantron questions, first 15 minutes only. Study hard kids. See you next week.” The professor started packing up but Kia couldn’t even think about that. She was screwed.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How did I blank out the entire class? Her notes sheet was noticeably empty except for small details about how to contact Tyrell written near the top.

I can’t fail this quiz. I worked my ass off to get here.

But the Prof is notorious. He’s not going to help me.

Sia flipped through her tabs, looking for something to help her. But there was nothing. She closed her browser hopelessly. The despair sunk in as she fell back against the back of her chair, her face buried in her hands.

She figured at the very least she could save face and leave before she broke down in front of Tyrell. She snuck a quick glance at him through the cracks in her hands and realized he was staring at something.

It was only when she opened her eyes that she understood. On her laptop screen was a full-screened image of her obscene and gargantuan knockers barely contained in an extremely skimpy piece of lingerie. She screamed internally before slamming down her laptop screen.

“I’m... I’m sorry.” Sia hurriedly packed up her bag, throwing everything in before heading towards the left to get out from past the table. This time she wasn’t taking it slow so, before Tyrell could even react, he quickly found himself surrounded by a large amount of aggressively jiggling tit flesh. She squeezed herself through but her foot caught on the chair.

She tried to grab onto something but quickly lost her balance and found herself crashing headfirst towards the floor. Her kilt lay flipped over her back as her ludicrously fat ass layout in front of him, barely held into a pair of red plaid panties that were engulfed within the chasm of her asscrack. The fact that she had ended up in the doggy style position hadn’t escaped her.

Her hands supported her as she tried to pull herself up, only doing it semi-successfully as her head ached painfully from the fall.

“Are you okay?” Tyrell didn’t waste a second as he pulled her from the floor. “Can you stand?”

“Yes…” Just as she said that her head swam and she felt all of her energy drain out of her like a sponge. “No…”

“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll take you to the security desk. They have an icepack.” Tyrell threw on his backpack quickly, ready to catch her at any moment in case she lost her balance.

“No, I wouldn’t want to…”

“Sia. Seriously. I’m your TA. It’s kind of my job to keep you safe. Now, if you can’t stand, you can’t walk. I’m gonna have to carry you.” Sia didn’t know what was making her head swim more, the bruise or the fanservice. Her light skin darkened as blood rushed to her cheeks. He slipped his arms around her and before she knew it, she was being carried in his arms. Like she weighed no more than a bowling ball. Or a bag of groceries. She wrapped her right arm around his neck to feel more secure. Yeah, that was the reason. Security. Her right tit pressed against his pecs, the warmth of his chest diffusing into hers.

“Ready to go?”

“I think so.” They started moving, cutting their way through the crowds trying to make it to other classes. He surprised her. She didn’t think such a big, tough-looking guy would have such a delicate touch. But he made sure nothing so much as scraped her feet. Before long, they were walking up to the security desk, which was surrounded by four large glass windows.

“Hey, Jerry. My friend here knocked her head. You got the Advil and icepack in the back?”

“Sure thing, Tye.” The middle-aged black security guard pulled himself out of his wheely chair and lumbered to the backroom.

“Tye, huh?”

“Yeah. And now you know what my friends call me.” Tye grinned mischievously as Sia blushed. After a few moments, Sia was back on her feet, with an ice pack in one hand and a jar of Advil in the other.

“How are you feeling?”

“A lot better. Thank you.” Sia popped a couple of capsules of Advil before closing the lid. “I don’t know how I’d ever repaid you.”

“Aw, come on. Don’t even worry about it. You know, I’m here for you. Whatever you need. Just let me know.” Tye scratched his long curly locks bashfully as he moved closer to Sia. “Well, that’s my bus. I should probably take off. But here.” He pulled a small piece of paper with a number scrawled on it. “Let me know if you’re feeling better or you need anything.”

He moved forward and, at first, she thought it was going to be a handshake or something. It was only once she was fully engulfed in his embrace that she realized it was a lot more casual than that. Though maybe casual wasn’t the right word. Her boobs compressed against him, her now-hard nipples poking right through the material and dragging against his chest. His hands slipped over her back, drifting lower but staying at a responsible range. It was only a few seconds, but she wished it lasted hours. At this point, her entire body felt like it was on fire. She was sweating everywhere but that was far from the wettest part of her.

“Anyways, see you tomorrow.” As he walked off, her eyes beelined to his finely curved and defined ass.

Okay. Time for some alone time between me and my showerhead.


The Next Day

The entire last night, Sia had spent masturbating. She should have been freaking out about her quiz. But she didn’t. When it wasn’t the showerhead, it was her hairbrush handle or her mom’s back massager. And finally, just her finger, which quickly descended into multiple fingers. And then a whole fist. By the time, she was finished, she lay sprawled out in a bed soaked in her own juices with a deep sense of satisfaction. That is until her alarm went off.

That is when freakout mode was activated.

She was lucky that she was an overachiever and always set her alarm hours in advance. But, it still meant that she only had a few hours to cram for this quiz. And she still didn’t have the notes. She didn’t know what to do until….

The Phone.

He did say anything right?

But... I don’t want him to think I’m just using him for marks or….

But it didn’t take long for Sia to realize that her Mom’s wrath was worse than any loss of standing that could come from her texting Tye.

SIA: Hey, Tye. I’m having some trouble understanding the material and I was kind of wondering if we could meet up and talk about it before the quiz. If that’s not possible, I completely understand.

TYE: Yo what’s up, Sia? How is your head doing? I know it was still hurting a bit when I left :/

SIA: No it’s good. It’s all good. Thank you so much. I hate to ask another favor but

TYE: Hey don’t worry about it. Where do you want to meet up?

And that was how they ended up in a study room at the library. Usually, you have to set a reservation in advance but turns out Tye worked there during his first three years in university, so he had a lot of connections. Within a few minutes, they were in a small boardroom alone together.

“So basically one of the first things you have to do is do your value proposition and…”

“Proposition... Right…” Sia was writing down everything he was saying but it still wasn’t sticking. Every time she tried to think of proof of interest, she started looking for proof that he was interested in her. When he started talking about early adopters, she was hoping he would be an early adopter of this pussy. She tried to focus but her eyes drifted down both his washboard abs to the thick, noticeable bulge in between his legs. It looked like he was hiding a portable missile in those jeans. And she wanted to get in.

“Sia. I’m thinking you’re having trouble focusing.”

“Yeah... Yeah. You’re right.”

“Want to talk about it? Is it my teaching style? I’m still pretty rough so maybe I’m not…”

“No! No. No. It’s nothing with you. Well, it is but it’s complicated.”

“Hey, it’s just us, Sia. Anything you need.”

“Anything…” Don’t, you idiot. Don’t even think about doing this, you dumb bitch. Don’t….

Oh, Jesus Christ.

“I think I need... This.” Her hand drifted between his legs, landing firmly on the flaccid bulge imprinted on the denim. “I’m sorry. That was so inappropriate. I know you probably don’t want someone like-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Tye was kissing her. Deeply. Passionately. She felt the breath rush out of her like it was being twisted out of her lungs. And finally, her anxiety shut the fuck up. She kissed him back, eager and excited. His hands moved down to her sweater, but there were so many layers to fumble through.

“Just tear it off.”


“I can’t wait. Just tear it off.” He didn’t need to hear it a second time. Tye tore through the sweater and shirts beneath like tissue paper, leaving her exposed, only wearing her skimpy bra and black bra. His eyes flashed in familiarity, then lust, as his hands dove in.

He unclasped the bra deftly before his hands returned to her massive bombshells. He groped strong, but not rough. He knew exactly where to touch. It was like his fingers were doing a dance with her nerve endings. His fingertips twisted past her nipples, forcing a small moan out of Sia’s desperately horny body. His teeth sunk into her neck, sending electricity rippling through her body.

She couldn’t wait. She needed him.

“Just fuck me. I don’t need anymore. I’m ready.” Tye grinned as he moved his right hand from her right udder down to her drenched panties, pulling them down past her thick thighs. He unzipped his pants letting his cock fly free. It was huge. Holy crap he’s going to bulldoze my insides with that thing.


He didn’t wait any longer, he shoved his dark black, vein-covered fuckrod into her inch by inch. She wasn’t a virgin but holy crap, this made her feel like one. He pumped slow, letting her savor each stroke like fine wine. Each one sent a shockwave of pleasure through her aching body. But that only kept up for a few minutes. Then the slow pace jumped forward, as Tye went from deliberate stroke master to a ravenous animal destroying her pussy in all the best ways possible.

As her pussy clamped down onto his cock, she felt like her brain drain out of her pussy. She couldn’t even put words together in her head, let alone saying them. All that came out were desperate moans and begs. She had never been fucked like this. He was so nice but when he was fucking her, he treated her like a complete fucktoy.

She loved it. He was perfect.

As one orgasm became fifteen, Tye finally reached his limit. As his muscles stopped shifting, his body tightened. Then his cock began to quake and throb. Until it gave out. It blew like a nuke, blasting massive gushing blasts of hot seed into her pussy without stopping. His balls were big but holy crap. She couldn’t imagine one man having this much cum. Her pussy quickly filled with his cockjuice and began leaking out continuously as he continued to fill her with more and more.

By the time he finally finished, Sia was sure she was pregnant. And she took her birth control on time every day. But if there was ever a 1% of men, he was that 1%. That was pregnancy sex. As his monster fuckpole descended into a merely gigantic flaccid pillar of flesh, he pulled out. Cum gushed out of her well-used pussy like a waterfall. She felt the last remnants of her orgasm tear through her body, causing her to quiver in that final moment of perfect bliss.

“Now, it’s time to work.” For the next hour, she crammed like no one’s business. Her fat naked ass layout in front of him and with every wrong answer she gave, he gave it a sharp smack, causing it to ripple like a tsunami. By the time they were finished, her ass was red but she knew what she was talking about.

“Alright, now you’re ready. Anything else I can help you with, Sia?”

“How about a round two?” She shook her ass seductively and before he knew it, he was already buried in that pussy, fucking her doggy style. She aced her quiz that day.

But what she remembered about that day, was meeting the love of her life and getting her back blown out by the world’s best dick for the first of many times.


Hi everyone,

Hope you enjoyed the story! If you can, tell us what you think, comments and feedback are extremely appreciated. 


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Robin and I were on a small Greek island during our honeymoon. One night at around 2am, we were woken up by the couple next door having sex. The woman was quite loud moaning and we could hear the occasional spank on her ass. After about 15 minutes or so, they moaning turned to screaming and grunting as the couple reached their crescendo. Robin became quite frisky, so I went down on her. I had fucked her a few hours earlier so here pussy was still wet and cummy. Immediately she started...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 15

Tommy awoke the next morning looking forward to spending the day with Tina and Bobby. He was hoping that somehow, this time with Tina and her son would help her realize he was more than a kid. He knew thinking like that was silly. He was only eighteen and had a year of high school ahead of him. And at least four years of college after that. Thinking there could ever be a relationship between Tina and him, and especially marriage, was really a pipe dream, a distant, unachievable fantasy. He...

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Robert JenkinsChapter 11

Tuesday night, Jeanette called. From her voice, I could tell she was excited. After brief hellos, she said, "You won't believe it. A Kappa pledge had to drop out and tonight at the chapter meeting, I was voted a bid." I said, "That's great. Did you accept the bid?" I was happy for her. "It costs more money than I expected. When they gave me the costs for the year, I almost cried. The pledge fee is twenty-five dollars, local chapter fees are fifty, initiation fee is seventy-five, a...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex With Cousin Sis

Hi iss reader, I am a big fan of stories on Indian sex stories and hence decided to explain my experience on iss. I am 5 inches 10 feet gym build guy.Any ladies and girl interested can connect with me on Continuing with the story. I live in Delhi alone and work for mnc.My younger cousin sister tiya came in search for the job after completing her college and was staying close by with her friend. One day she called me and told me about her breakup and that she was feeling lonely. I asked her to...

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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 05

The Chektar family farm is about eighty kilometres from View Port and near the base of the Amir Mountain Range in a wide set of folds that go deep into the range at its widest point. The range almost seems to makes a ninety degree turn at that point. The main part of the farm extends into this fold and it runs into the foothills which make up three sides of the farm boundaries. The mountain jungle transitions into thick mountain forests for the last few kilometres before the open plains. The...

1 year ago
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My Affair with my Neighbor

Hi!! I am Neha. I live in Mumbai, in a bungalow gifted to my husband by his Boss. I am 22 (we married when I was 20) and weigh about 52kg. I am 5’ 9” in height and have exquisite features, 36-24-36 figure, black hair, black eyes, round face and a fair complexion. I like listening to music while reading books in a comfortable lounger in my house. I have a well stocked library and I sometimes borrow from my friends. It all happened when a new neighbor moved in next door and I got to know that he...

Erotic Fiction
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NeighborsChapter 7

A two-hour drive got us to a city with a zoo and some great hotels that I knew of, including a chain that owed me a few free nights on their preferred customer program. Our bellies were happily full from a stop at a popular chain restaurant. I knew I wasn't the top of the cuisine scale, but I also knew that Haley was always happy to eat at a local example. We checked into the hotel, looking for all the world like a dad and daughter. She was carrying her little overnight bag and I was...

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Freelance By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1 Cody Buckner glanced at his watch again; she was now twenty minutes late. His booth in the hotel bar gave him a good view of the only entrance, so there was no chance she could have come in without him seeing her. He reached over and picked up his drink, vodka...

4 years ago
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Orgasmic Sex With Son And Ass Bang

Hello i m Meeta, 47 years old working lady. I’m from a small town in West Bengal, few kms from Kolkata. I’m posted there. I live there with my family. My figure is 40d-32-38 so i m quite big and curvy with fair color, huge breasts, big pot shaped belly and round curvy lifted bubble ass. Because of these features men and boys always hit on me or stare at me with lusty eyes. I’m sexy and i wear both modern wear as well as traditional wear. I’m just writing this incident to write about my sexual...

3 years ago
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Think of a Vegetable

(This story is a tribute to 'The Cat Lady', and picks up after the ending in which susan talks Mitzi down from killing the 'Eye of Adam'. If you haven't played the game this story may contain spoilers, but even if you don't care I recommend playing or watching a playthrough of the game. Its excellent and very thought and emotion provoking. This story may touch on harsh subjects such as murder, suicide, depression, and cancer. Please enjoy.) It has been a week since the incident with the 'Eye'...

2 years ago
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Futa MILFs Harem WishChapter 3 Mrs Fatimarsquos Fertile Harem

A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for school. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa’dia, my eldest daughter, sixteen and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join my fourteen-year-old, twin daughters, Basima and Naila. “Yes, thank you,...

2 years ago
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Adolescent AdventuresChapter 3 Seductive Sally

The summer was a bummer. At least most of it was. There were lots of girls in the village but they were either too young for me or too old. Except for Barbara, but that didn't help. I'd tried with her two years ago and got told off in no uncertain terms. I usually slept outside on the verandah and one morning in July when I awakened at my usual time, probably about nine o'clock, I saw Norma walking up the road in front of our house. As usual my teenaged hormones were raging and, when she...

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Daniel And Eric Part One

Introduction: Okay… so its my first story, please dont judge too harshly. Its about a new vampire, Daniel, who has been sent to a safe house for humans and vampires called The Den just until he can gain control of himself. There he meets Eric… okay, so I hope you like it. Sorry about any spelling mistakes. Depending on how this one goes and if I have time I might write more (: I had lost track of time. I knew it was the early hours of the morning, that much I knew, but it had been hours, maybe...

1 year ago
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Old Friends

It was Wednesday and Angelina was nervously preparing a special lunch. She had made little butterfly cakes, eclairs, mini sausage rolls, sandwiches, etc and was just starting to work on a mixed salad. she had laid the kitchen table with precision. a pink tablecloth, immaculately ironed, on it her carefully prepared foodstuffs. she went to the fridge and removed a jug of ice cold milk for the coffee and laid that on the table too. she checked her watch for the fiftieth time that hour! she had...

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Landlady Garima Aunty

Hi i am faisal from hyderabad india se i am 26 years old boy aur meri story ek sachi story hai to 3 mahine pehle huie hai koi agar mjhse frndshp karna chahte ho to plz mail karein main der na karte hue story pe aata hun.Aur main jis ghar me rehta hun usme garima aunty jo landlady hai unki year34 ki hai aur unka size 34 28 36 hai.Aur wo bohut hi khubsurat hain aur wo ek bohut sex aurat hai aur main hamesha unko dekhte hi rehta tha q k mjhe unke boobs bohut pasand hai aur main unko dabana chahta...

3 years ago
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Dragon Age Slaves

Chapter 1: Bethany Hawke teaches someone a lesson Chapter Text Bethany had had just about enough from Isabella; and thought of a way to teach her a lesson. All she needed to do now is getting her alone; somewhere isolated and quiet. They were on a mission to stop a band of mercenaries that had been attacking anyone who dared to walk this particular trail. Just then Isabella said something that cut into her thoughts; something that made her very mad. That is it she said to herself, this has to...

3 years ago
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So wrong but so right

I’ve always been know to be the bad girl. I am aggressive when it comes to someone or something I want. But this man has changed me. He chopped down my confidence, and made me afraid. I wanted him in so many ways, but for the first time, didn’t know how to go about it. I used to be very open about my whereabouts, but what I have done with him, I can not tell those who are closest to me.   It all began on Thanks giving, when my whole family gathered for thanks giving dinner. Now, I...

1 year ago
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Fucking Wild

Hi readers, this story is very recent when last month I manage to fuck my classmate poorva. Let me tell you something about her, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall, has huge boobs, broad ass, milky white complexion, not a very model like figure rather near to fatness, but god she is beautiful. If menka of rishi vishvamitra ever existed, she would have resembled poorva. She was a dream fuck for many in my college, we all were a pack of horny engineers shagging daily thinking about her. But good things...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 17

"I looked, but I couldn't find the interview with her lawyer anywhere," I admitted. "She says we offered to forget her attempted escape, if she had sex with us." Simpson said. "It's not believable that we conspired to have sex with her," I said. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm going to tell the truth which should remove any suspicion of criminal activity. I hadn't planned to mention the escape attempt at all, but appears I'm going to have to do it." "Yeah, I agree. Just try...

1 year ago
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My Super Hot Mami

Hi everyone…. I am Rajveer from Patna… This my first story on ISS.. I m 23 years now… And my dick size 7 inch….. Ya story 2011 ki hai jab mai matric exam k baad chutiyo me apne gaao gaya tha.. Mere gaao me.. Mere nana ji (grand father) naani (grand mom) or mere maama maami rahti hai. Wo bohot hi hot hai… Unki figure maashallah kya jabrdast hai.. Kisi bhi aadmi ka lund khada kar da. 36-28-38. Meri maami hamesha ghar me sharee hi pahenti hai… Meri kabhi bhi galat najar unpar nahi gai.. Meri...

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A Pearl in the Snow Ch 04

After a late breakfast, we again spent the day taking the waters. Pat started off being a little self conscious but soon quite forgot she was nude in public and soon even joined Shinju for a nude stroll together in the temple gardens. The priests brought us a simple but tasty lunch but their sudden appearance caused Pat to squeal and cover herself up deep in the waters again. I laughed and greeted and thanked the priests who paid our nudity no heed whatsoever. Afterwards I reminded Rick and...

1 year ago
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Duty Bound

First Name=(Please Enter) A Male Character's Name Last Name=(Please Enter) A Female Character's Name The star cruiser "The Life of Riley", flagship of the New Alliance, careened through the upper atmosphere of Pandabra, cutting through cloud formations of gleaming gold and burnished orange. It was a sleek gray disc with a 400 meter radius, four raised talons that were laser cannons and a spear-like protrusion amidst these cannons that housed the Command Deck. Alarms had been sounding for half a...

2 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 31

Denise couldn't stop smiling as she and Jill pushed their way through the crowd of Christmas shoppers at the mall. She loved this time of year, fighting the crowds, looking at the holiday decorations and, most of all, shopping. Denise was especially enthusiastic this year since she was buying things for Jack. It had been too long, she decided, since she'd had a special guy to buy Christmas presents for since it was more fun than buying for a girl. Of course, not having school for a few...

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Dr NoooChapter 8

He was rutting hard against her ass his cock sliding deep to her limits. Jenny was grunting with each thrust biting her lip clenching her eyes closed. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Smith appearing to be wrestling more with his chair. The doc was taking her doggie style on the floor his hands around her waist he wasn't looking over his shoulder instead concentrating on angling his cock high up against her virginal wall. Jenny coughed and grunted his fucking making her all fours...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Alecia Fox Cayla Lyons Kirra Pussy Cats

Kirra sits at her makeup table trying on a pair of cat ears. Wearing her own kitty ears, Kayla joins Kirra and makes her intentions clear with long caresses and soft kisses. Soon the girls find themselves on the bed with Cayla helping Kirra out of her panties. Dropping to her belly, Cayla buries her face in Kirra’s landing strip snatch and goes to work with her magical tongue and talented fingers. When Cayla uses a toy that offers incredible stimulation for Kirra’s clit, she watches...

3 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 09

‘Diamonds In The Rough© and its associated nine chapters is a copyrighted production by Mostera1©. Use of its character’s or any part of this story without the author’s permission is strictly prohibited. Many thanks to my editor the all powerful word wizard, SoCalOvid for his tireless work on this series. Welcome to this the final chapter of Sam and Lynn’s story. If you are a first time visitor, ‘bienvenue’ and I recommend you read the previous chapters first. So for one more time: With an...

3 years ago
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Four Feet

Hi, BDSM Library readers! Please email me your comments and suggestions for this story, on [email protected], I would be truly delighted to receive any kind of comments on any little aspect of my writing, and hey, I can even serve you with better stories if you do. In fact, I suggest opening up a little notepad window, and typing down everything you like/hate as you read J Also, you can support the author of these stories, an amateur Indian writer named Suhas Kaushik (me!), by going over...

2 years ago
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Dream 2 Out Of The Blue

Dream 2: Out Of The Blue By Paul G Jutras As John got up, he reached over and turned off his alarm clock. Lying with the covers covering him completely, he listened to the sound of his mother making breakfast downstairs. Knowing that his mom wouldn't be walking in on him anytime soon, he kicked off his sheets and ran his nylon-covered foot up his nylon-covered leg. "It snowed." John smiled as he swung his legs out of bed and walked over to the frosted window. A white...

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Changing Minds

“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...

1 year ago
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The VoiceChapter 3

It was close to six weeks later when Scott received a phone call from Lynn his attorney. “You are officially a single man now since the divorce is final.” “Were there any problems in doing it?’ “Her lawyer did call saying Diane wanted more of her share of the assets. I told him that was not going to happen and if she insisted I was going to change the grounds for the divorce to adultery and I could prove it. He didn’t ask how I could do that but said he would need to check with his client....

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HandsOnHardcore Rebecca Volpetti MustSee Double Penetration Orgy

Blonde babe Rebecca Volpetti is alone at home and feels super horny. The leggy bombshell starts masturbating in the kitchen and rubs her shaved pink before sliding her favorite sex toy deep into her cunny. That tight asshole could need some extra stretching, so she fills it with her glass dildo before calling Yanick Shaft, David Perry and Dorian Del Isla for help! She wants some real dicks inside her twat, ass, and mouth right now! Today’s Hands on Hardcore gangbang galore will blow your...

3 years ago
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Thewedding Reception

After years of reading slut wife stories in various magazines and on Internet sites I finally have one of my own to tell. It is not about my wife, at least not this time, and it happened at a very unlikely place - my daughter's wedding. The slut? None other that the mother of the groom. Rick and Anna had been a couple for several years before Rick popped the question and Anna said yes. Jean (my wife) and I had met and had socialized with Rick's parents for over two years. There was nothing...

2 years ago
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Introduction and the first part of my story

Hi there, I am glad, that you stayed until you found this text. This will be the introduction, to all the following parts, of my story of how I became a TV / Sissy. First of all: I am not a native speaker, so please forgive me grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope I will not have many of them, but I can't really promise, that I will write or articulate everything in the right way. All started like 13/14 years ago. I was still going to school and living with my parents.I was used to watch regular...

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An Irish family 2 Threes a crowd but five could be fun

Luckily with practice I had trained him to reliably cum three time in a session and occasionally he could do 4. One day when we spent the whole day on the island he came for me 3 time in our first session anther time in a quickly after lunch and another twice later on during a very long session in the afternoon. Today we had been planning on going to the island in the afternoon and staying the night camping together, which we were still doing however the night of passion and...

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(This story was inspired by a dream I had about one of my mum's best friends)Stefania is a 40 year old mother of one, her husband works all day long and on top of this she suffers from M.E. and so it leaves with very little energy left to get as much work as she’d like done around the house, which is where I come in.I have a bit of a reputation of being a troublemaker and so mum saw this as a way of keeping me out of trouble. I wasn’t entirely happy about it but I went in with the attitude...

4 years ago
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The Servant Girl

Lord Charles Allsop III sat in the study of his grand house located in the beautiful Wessex countryside. He sat at his desk with a bottle of brandy that he poured small draughts of into a shot glass before consuming it to calm his excited nerves. It had taken a lot of courage on his part to decide to indulge in one of his fantasies. A scandal could potentially ruin him after having built a reputation as a just and Godly man of the community. Had Lady Allsop not decided to spend three weeks in...


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