Ix's Slick Writing Tips free porn video

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One of the authors being complained about in the chat popped up and was generally very positive about the criticism and their desire to improve their work. They were much nicer about it than I suspect I would have been. So, as someone who likes to think they know a thing or two about words, I thought providing a few bits of general writing advice might be a constructive response to the whole affair.

Writing about writing is notoriously fraught with danger. Any rule you state is almost certainly one you have broken somewhere within your own work. Frankly, you’re doing well if you manage to avoid providing examples of the mistakes you’re talking about in the very piece of writing you discuss them in. It’s a truism that as soon as you publish something you will immediately see a glaring error, and that goes double when you write something that, by its nature, will provoke gleeful joy from anyone who spots such an error and gets to point it out.

With this in mind, I drafted a few points I thought it would be worth sharing on the thread, and that drafting process produced enough words that I thought it would be better just to publish them as an essay. That’s what you’re reading right now. This isn’t a definitive list of everything a writer should think about, but I do flatter myself that it lays out quite a few things that it’s helpful to bear in mind when reading over your first draft. Some of the points that are made here have their origin in the critique of a single story; others are my personal crusades. So if it feels like I’ve chosen a fairly arbitrary ***********ion of things to talk about, that’s why.

The reader only has your words to guide them

When you have a picture in your mind of what you want to happen in a story, it’s surprisingly easy to leave out details that you plan to rely on. Ideally, important events in your narrative shouldn’t require your reader to reassess their assumptions about what’s going on. This can be tricky, as you don’t want to be constantly adding prosaic details like, “There was a chair on the deck”, but at the same time, if someone’s going to jump on a chair it’s helpful for the reader to know in advance that it’s there. A bit of flowery de***********ion can be useful here. “The deck was strewn with a few weathered wooden chairs and a forlorn patio umbrella” pulls double duty, setting the scene and subtly letting the reader know about a prop you’re planning to use.

A related problem is that the reader can’t hear your voice. When you speak out loud the rise and fall of your voice clears up a lot of potential ambiguity. Write those same words down and there’s a good chance that a previously comprehensible sentence will become confusing as hell. Unfortunately, when you read back your own words it’s tough not to ‘hear’ the emphasis you intended, so unless you’re very careful you can end up with text that reads just fine to you, while leaving other people scratching their heads. An important part of the art of writing, then, is making it completely clear what you mean using text alone. In my opinion, that’s the main trick you should be looking to pull work to turn your first draft into a polished story.

To start with, take things a sentence at a time, then move on to looking at how sentences work with each other, and finally to do a paragraph-level analysis. I think the following checklist provides a good starting point for critiquing any unit of writing you’re examining:

Can it be clearer?

Can it be simpler?

Can it be shorter?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, then it doesn’t immediately mean the writing is ‘wrong’, or ‘bad’. You can usually make a sentence simpler and shorter by deleting adjectives and adverbs. Often that’s a good call, but not always. It’s just something to think about. I advocate erring on the side of clarity, simplicity and brevity whenever you’re in doubt.

Simplicity and brevity are pretty self-explanatory virtues, I think. A sentence that, by being more complicated than it needs to be, confuses with its great number of sub-clauses and myriad conjunctions, not to mention unnecessarily sprinkling in copious amounts of flowery, polysyllabic adjectives and adverbs, will inevitably confuse the beleaguered reader beyond any nascent interest they have, and will hence be extraordinarily difficult to read with any degree of ease. See?

When it comes to clarity though, it’s trickier to pin down what’s clear and what isn’t. This is where a certain amount of technical pedantry can be extremely helpful. It’s not necessary, or even desirable, to follow strict rules of grammar and form all the time, but if you ever want to make a piece of writing clearer, an appreciation of such rules can be very helpful. There are three topics that spring to mind here. They’re not the only ones, but they’re biggies: Pronouns, Tenses and Point of View


Simple pronouns are basically all the words you use to avoid naming the same thing over and over again. It’s clunky to say “Edmund got in the car and drove the car to the shop”, so you say “Edmund got in the car and drove it to the shop”. Examples of these basic sorts of pronouns include ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, and ‘them’.

There are also possessive pronouns like ‘my’, ‘his’, ‘its’, ‘their’ and ‘yours’, reflexive ones like ‘herself’, relative ones like ‘who’ and ‘that’, and others beside. I’m not discussing all those here though.

When looking at pronouns in your writing, there’s one question you should be constantly asking: Is it 100% clear who or what each pronoun refers to? By their nature, pronouns have ambiguous references. Whenever you use one, you’re relying on your reader to infer from the context what it’s referencing. If I write: “David and his dad were arguing. He was obviously completely wrong” then it won’t be clear who ‘he’ is. Depending on how the reader interprets the pronoun they might end up taking away exactly the opposite meaning to the one that I intend.

With specific reference to sex stories, this means it’s harder to write gay scenes than straight ones. When a straight couple fucks, ‘he’ and ‘she’ have very clear references. When two women or two men go at it you end up with problems. The line “As Karen and Elizabeth’s passion grew, she slipped her hand into her pussy” for instance, could mean one of eight different things depending on who ‘she’ and the two instances of ‘her’ refer to. Of course what I meant in this case is that Elizabeth slipped Karen’s hand into Karen’s pussy, but in other cases it might not be so obvious.


Stories are usually written in the past tense, which means you’re limited to the past perfect tense if you want to use tenses to communicate that one thing happened before another thing. Let’s just look at how those two tenses work by giving examples.

Past tense: “Sally ate all the raspberries”, “I enjoyed the story”

Past perfect tense: “Sally had eaten all the raspberries”, “I’d enjoyed the story”

The quick rule of thumb here is that the presence of the word ‘have’ or one of its variants indicates a perfect tense, which means a tense where you’re talking about the state of having done something. We’re talking about the past perfect here, so the word ‘had’ will be the variant we’re using. (‘I’d’ is a contraction of ‘I had’)

Once you get used to recognising the past perfect, be careful not to slip in and out of it by accident. You only want to use it when you are referring to something that happened before the main timeframe you’re writing in. Below is an example passage with the perfect tense bits bolded. There’s a little bit of present perfect in there as a bonus, which I’ve italicised.

John went to the fridge. The previous day he had filled it with eels, so it came as no surprise when, after opening the door, he was buried in an avalanche of long, gelatinous bodies. Digging himself out he reflected on the events that had brought him to this point. He had opened the door in the full knowledge of what would happen. The only question was why? It must have been because of the words his mother had said to him in the supermarket all those years ago. “Son,” she had said. “If ever you’re feeling down, just fill your fridge with eels and then open it up the next day. You’ll soon realise that things weren’t so bad before you did that”. How right she had been, he thought.

Past perfect gets awkward fast, so if you want to do a lengthy flashback it’s best to use some other devices to indicate it. Be very careful about nesting flashbacks within flashbacks; that way lies madness, especially if you’re using tenses as your primary way of indicating the order things happened in.

Character POV

Most readers tend to identify with one character at a time, and most stories are written to help them with that. Accordingly, unless you’re going for some weird avant-garde effect it’s best to stick to writing from just one character’s point of view (POV) at a time. This means only writing one character’s thoughts. You can still have other characters show emotions, but show don’t tell. Only speak directly about feelings when talking about your POV character. Check out the little passage below.

“Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything.”

Here we’re writing from Shelly’s POV, so when we write about Paula and Jennifer’s emotions we find other ways to communicate them by providing Shelley’s perspective. An advantage of sticking to this rule is it makes pronouns a little bit stickier. Without another clue, the reader will tend to assume she/he/they pronouns refer to the current POV character. This doesn’t always work though. Consider:

“Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything. She dropped the fish tank and it smashed on the floor.”

Here the ‘she’ is pretty non-specific. This doesn’t work. However, now consider:

“Shelly was excited to see her friends’ reactions as she carried her new acquisition into the restaurant: a beautiful Japanese koi carp. However, as she came through the door she remembered that a rampaging koi carp had destroyed Jennifer’s rose garden. Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything.

She dropped the fish tank and it smashed on the floor.”

There’s still a little ambiguity there (reading it back, I’d still probably edit it to “Shelley dropped the fish tank”). Nonetheless, we could probably get away with this. Thanks contextual information. Thanks POV!

So err… that’s all my thoughts for now. I don’t really have a conclusion or anything, I just wanted to help a fellow author be the best they could be and it got a little out of hand. Peace out fellow perverts. I’ll be back soon with an essay on the ethics of all this shit, and a fair while later with an extremely nasty slow-burn psychological story. In the meantime, please check out my take on Beauty and the Beast, if and only if you like the sound of slowly developing dom/sub romance between a young girl and a seven-foot dog man, which eventually degenerates into depraved carnality, but only after four or five chapters of nothing much happening.

Bye for now,



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“Hey, Mom? We’re having a writing contest in ELA for an hour after school Thursday and Friday. It’s for our class only. Can I compete?” “Sure, Drew. Just remember you have laundry that Friday.” “Kay thanks!” . . . After school Friday… “Okay,” said Mrs. McD. “We are not having a writing competition. We are going to have an in-school orgy.” A collective gasp arose from the class. Mrs. McD continued. “I know that this may come as a shock, but I have always had a thing for young adults...

2 years ago
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Writing Competition

“Hey, Mom? We’re having a writing contest in ELA for an hour after school Tuesday through Friday. It’s for our class only. Can I compete?” “Sure, Drew. Just remember you have laundry that Friday.” “Kay thanks!” . . . After school Friday… “Okay,” said Mrs. McD. “We are not having a writing competition. We are going to have an in-school orgy.” A collective gasp arose from the class. Mrs. McD continued. “I know that this may come as a shock, but I have always had a thing for young...

1 year ago
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Wife Writing Dripping Wet

On her hands and knees, the sinewy muscles of her naked back jerked with each thrust I pushed into her. I had her long black hair pulled back, tightly gripped into a wad in my hand. I yanked it harder, pulling her face up so I could see the expressions on her face in the large wall mirror at the head of the bed.“Oh god, fuck me!” She screamed and moaned as sweat ran down her face and dripped off her chin.The steamy humidity sent sweat dripping down my own face, onto my chest then onto her. A...

Wife Lovers
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 5

"Just a bad dream..." Allison responded half-heartedly with a lack of conviction that was painfully obvious. Kaija rolled her eyes in disbelief. "That must've been one hell of a scary dream," she speculated. "What happened anyway?" Allison shrugged to buy some time before she answered. "It was about school." She eased into her explanation tentatively as if waiting to see if Kaija was going to buy it. When she heard no objections, she continued. "I was flunking this one class that...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 11

Allison could hear her roommate laughing from under the covers. In a way, she couldn't blame Kaija for laughing. After all, going from shy Catholic girl to topless online exhibitionist was quite a leap, especially in a single evening. If she could have gotten away with it, she'd've hidden under the covers forever. But when the laughter died down, she slinked out, tiptoed over to her shirt and bra, and slipped into them before Kaija could notice her. How in the world was she supposed to...

3 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 34

"Allison," Ben said, sounding stern. "Listen to me. I'm going to walk out that door before we do something we'll both regret." He was starting to feel like a broken record, but he had to get through to her or risk losing everything. He glanced down toward his penis. "If you think I'm lying about wanting you, consider this as proof to the contrary." She smiled at that, but only briefly. "I just don't understand why it has to be this way," she half-whined. "Especially since very...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 36

Ally had often heard the expression 'you look like you've seen a ghost', but never before had she seen it so perfectly depicted as she did at that moment. Of course he also appeared to be hearing rather than seeing this particular ghost, but that was beside the point. Had Ben been standing when he took that call, Ally was certain he would have needed to pause to sit down before continuing the conversation. "Is everything all right?" she mouthed to h im, but he was so focused on the...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife Cuckold rules and Tips

There seems to be a lot of "Cuckold Rules". Most are written by men and for men. This is a hot wife's list of rules and tips to enhance a hot wife's enjoyment of the cuckold lifestyle.When a hotwife's bull enters enters the home, he immediately becomes the alpha male of the house. As the Hotwife you become his sexual submissive and slave. His sex toy! The husband becomes a eunuch knowing his loving wife will only have sex with the bull this time Tip: deprive your hubby of sex for the entire...

1 year ago
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She caught me writing stories

This story is for you Jamie,my wife Rhonda and I have been friends with you for years.Ever since you moved into my parents old house we became closer. So now that you know I write stories like this I might as well write one describing what happened yesterday. Since Jamie was single again she seemed to be always calling on me when there was a problem or a repair that was needed. So yesterday was no different when she called in the morning to come over. I wasn't expecting what really went down....

4 years ago
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Iss Story Writing Led To A Sexy Milf Part 2

Its been great the kind of responses, i have been getting for this story, hence i decided to write part 2. Keep writing to , this will motivate to put write other incidents, After the first sex, we began to grow closer to each other, more than only sex, we like each others company, she was a bohemian, i am the person who is immersed in her beauty and personality, she wanted to experiment, i was dying to experiment, she wanted attention, she wanted some one to reiterate how great she looks, how...

3 years ago
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The trouble with writing a story

As the laptop sits on your lap, the warmth and small vibrations from it pleasant but not fulfilling, the thoughts of a story to write pondering in your mind, before they begin to rage and develop to more concrete ideas, your legs twitch and without a change the warmth of your laptop is more fulfilling, maybe because it add to the heat you can feel bubbling up between your legs now…   The thoughts getting stronger in her mind, she starts to write her story, excited and eager to see where it...

2 years ago
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The trouble with writing a story

As the laptop sits on your lap, the warmth and small vibrations from it pleasant but not fulfilling, the thoughts of a story to write pondering in your mind, before they begin to rage and develop to more concrete ideas, your legs twitch and without a change the warmth of your laptop is more fulfilling, maybe because it add to the heat you can feel bubbling up between your legs now...   The thoughts getting stronger in her mind, she starts to write her story, excited and eager to...

4 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 33

"Wait up, Ally," Ben called out, trying to keep up with her. "I'm going with you!" She looked back over her shoulder as she continued her journey to the tray drop off. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I'm a total basket case right now." Ben caught up with her as she was dumping her trash, sorting out the silverware, and sending the tray down the conveyor belt back to the washing staff. "Are you upset with me for some reason?" She shook her head. "Well then it's a great...

2 years ago
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FIGHT RIGHT Sean phones Rachel to tell her he invited Roxanne to the beach with them. Popping an artery, “You did what!?” “Think about it. Her ideas about you and Jeff are unfair, and may be dangerous. What better way to help her change her opinion.” “And what better way to get her back into your life, at my expense!” “Do I hear some lack of self-assurance, Rachel. Are you gonna put a fence around me so I can’t get away?” “I want to. But you’re right…on both issues.” “I...

3 years ago
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Slick When Wet

My name is Colin and I’m writing to tell you about my experience of a popular theme, judging by the other stories I read on the subject. That is, men who get a kick out of watching other men screwing their wives. We’ve been doing it for about three years now. I’m 33 and my wife, Petra, is 29. Neither of us really see any harm in it and I get an almighty thrill from watching her rogering another guy. The experience I’m about to tell you of is a wee bit different from our...

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The mechanic using my mouth to clean off his slick cumdrenched cock

It was a pretty typical day for me….I was running errands and shopping for groceries, with plans to fix dinner for my husband and me for after he got home from work. I was halfway between the market and home when I saw the check-engine light start flashing on the dash, and I could hear a strange knocking sound coming from underneath the hood of my car. I pulled over and saw wisps of smoke coming out of the grill in front, and around the edges of the hood, so figured I had a pretty significant...

4 years ago
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SlickChapter 13

I escorted Dave to the morgue. He was allowed to see Melissa, but when he tried to touch her, he had to be restrained. That was the most painful thing I’d ever witnessed on the job, maybe in my whole life. I could see his pain, his loss. He’d lost the love of his life. I thought about Jude. Were we done? Was it over? Was it too late for us or could I stop what was happening and win her back? Did I want her back? As I was about to drive Dave back home, Martinez pulled me aside. “The...

4 years ago
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SlickChapter 15

It was utterly dark with no moon and an overcast sky. That and the black clothes, gloves and ski mask helped to make me nearly invisible as I snuck through the woods behind the strip mall. I had my eyes locked on the security camera on the corner of the building as it slowly rotated back and forth. I waited until it was pointing in the opposite direction and bolted across the pavement to the back door of the Happy Life Yoga Studio. Fortunately, the corner of the building and a large garbage...

2 years ago
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A Maids Writing To The Unknown 1 After All Now He Is She

A Maid's Writing To The Unknown 1: After All, Now He Is She By A. Anis My misfortune, it is increasing every moment. My Mistress, who is also a wealthy lawyer in Her own affairs, has been redacting certified documents for me to legalize with my compulsory signature, to evidence, Her total control of my affairs and properties. i can't think straight now and don't know how to protect my self, even less after She has forced me, apparently voluntary in presence and with the legalised...

2 years ago
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LC school of Writing 2

I have been told to wear the clothes for work which i must no deviate from, it consists of a crisp white shirt which only buttons up as far as my cleavage underneath the shirt i must wear a black push up bra with a pink lace edge on the top of the cups. A short black skirt which is mid thigh and when im told to bend over and do some filing my ass can be clearly seen i am not permitted to wear nickers, to cap the uniform off black stay up stockings and 4" black peep toes make my legs look...

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