How To Train Your Daughter Ch. 1 free porn video

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Ramer's fourth daughter, Lilly, had turned 18 a week ago, and she was in the final stages of preparation for the Yarrow Festival next month. Ramer had used this as an opportunity to present a lecture series which gave fathers from other towns an opportunity to observe Lilly's development and training as the Festival grew nearer. Once every three months we gathered at the Ramer house and soaked in all the information we could from George over snacks and drinks, and engaged in question-and-answer sessions with him and Lilly.

Each month had a different focus-previous sessions had covered Evaluating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Daughter (a frank and honest assessment of every inch of her body, which laid the foundation for a successful winning strategy), Basic Exercise and Diet Guidelines, Choosing the Talent Portion of Your Daughter's Routine, and Designing the Photo Portfolio. It had been fascinating to watch Lilly grow up before our eyes and become a formidably beautiful young woman who was sure to take top marks next month. Needless to say, we were all glad none of us were competing against the Ramers.

Tonight was the last lecture of the series, and would cover final preparations for the Festival, as well as things to expect and things to avoid in the last weeks and days before the big event. The Ramer's den was well lit, with comfortable leather chairs, a large pool table, and a small bar across from the entertainment center, and the assembled fathers talked excitedly in low tones as George joined us from upstairs and motioned for silence.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight, gentlemen, for our last lecture in our special series on preparing your daughter for her Festival. I hope the last year was useful to all of you, and that my Lilly was a helpful learning aid. Sometimes things make more sense when you can see them and touch them then when they are just abstract concepts." We all nodded enthusiastically and voiced our appreciation with applause. Ramer held up his hand.

"I'm glad to have been of service. Good luck to you all this year. Now let's get down to business. Tonight we are going to cover some last considerations as the Festival gets close. Lilly, why don't you come in here now?"

Instantly the door to the spare room off the den opened, and Lilly walked up to join her father. She was a breathtaking blonde, about five-foot-six, with curvaceous hips and a well-formed, but not over-large, bust. She was wearing cobalt-blue strappy heels and a matching silk bathrobe that ended just below her mid-thigh.

"As always, gentlemen, feel free to ask questions as we go. This is your time, and I want to make sure we cover things that will be useful to you-but let's get started here. You'll notice that Lilly has very natural makeup on. This tends to play well with the judges; I can get you a couple recommendations for artists if you need to hire someone to do this. Just remember, don't go overboard with the blush or the eye shadow."

Lilly stood tall and motionless beside her father as he spoke, smiling at each of us individually, her hands clasped gently in front of her, hinting at only the slightest bit of shyness.

"We're also going to keep her hair fairly natural, focusing on lots of volume and liveliness," George continued, moving behind his daughter and loosening the bow that had held her rich blond curls back in a ponytail and letting them fall about her shoulders.

"Now, Lilly's been keeping up with her exercise regimen and diet, and she's looking fantastic. Obviously different girls are going to have different body types, but to place in the top three, you're almost certainly going to want good arm tone, curvy-but-not-chubby legs, and a little stomach definition. Let's take a look at Lilly, here." With that, Ramer reached around to the front of Lilly's bathrobe, untied the sash, and then eased the robe off her shoulders. Lilly blushed, but we were impressed to see her retain control of her instincts and allow her father to undress her in front of us. He had obviously trained her extremely well.

Beneath the robe Lilly was wearing a panty and bra set of the same dark blue. Both garments were constructed primarily of lace, with a tiny bit of solid blue fabric conveniently appearing in front of the very bottom of her vagina, just concealing the exact spot all our eyes had immediately sought. Her breasts were not so lucky, however, and we could clearly see her aureoles and her nipples, which pressed insistently against the intricate and insubstantial fabric.

Her body was a dream, and Ramer was going on about the finer details of her abs, her shoulders, and her hips; it sounded like he was underwater, though, as we devoured her with our eyes. I snapped back to reality as he began discussing the choice of lingerie, gesturing toward his daughter's breasts.

"...ensure you get her bra fitted properly. You need sufficient support, and you don't want any overflow. Lilly is just a B cup, so she does fine in a lighter, less heavily constructed bra like this." As he spoke, Ramer slipped his index fingers into the tops of the lacy cups of his daughter's bra to demonstrate that the sheer fabric hid nothing. "Slightly smaller breasts are actually an advantage at times, because you can highlight them more effectively in nearly transparent numbers like she's wearing. Believe me, the judges won't complain about getting a preview of her nipples. A girl with a larger bust would be forced to wear much more substantial pieces; while certain judges might prefer bigger breasts on a girl in general, that girl won't have the option of this 'x-ray' view, so to speak. Remember, it's all about working with what you've got."

We were taking notes furiously while trying not to take our eyes off the luscious bit of girl-flesh in front of us. Ramer then took his daughter by the shoulders and turned her around to show us her rear view. The panties turned out to be a thong, and Lilly's amazing backside was greeted by soft hoots and whistles.

"Speaking of which," Ramer smiled, "this is our secret weapon right here. Lilly's butt is obviously spectacular, and we are able to use a thong to emphasize the firmness and curvature of her glutes." Keeping one hand on her shoulder, he ran the other down to the small of her back and applied a light pressure.

"Let's pop that a little more, sweetie," he commanded, and she instantly complied by arching her back and raising her butt slightly into the air. "Good girl," Ramer said, patting her lightly on the butt, then running a finger under the thong where it emerged from between her cheeks and tugging lightly on it.

"If your girl isn't as blessed as Lilly, then regular panties or even boy shorts may be the best bet. We talked about some of your girls last time, and I think we came up with some good strategies. Make sure if you go with the thong, that it isn't too skimpy from the front-remember, the initial judging is looking for a more chaste style. Then, when you turn her around during the promenade, this type of rear side will cause a real stir."

Releasing the thong, he turned his daughter back around to face us, and indicated her breasts once more.

"Now let's talk about your daughters' breasts. When the bra comes off, you need to be sure that her nipples are erect and clearly visible, unless she has 'puffies.' Regardless, it has been clearly established that well-defined areolas score better."

As he talked, Ramer unclasped Lilly's bra and began easing the straps down her arms, loosening the cups from her breasts and finally removing the lacy bit of fabric altogether. Lilly flushed even more, and her arms wandered toward her magnificent breasts in an attempt to cover herself, even though she knew she shouldn't. Without missing a beat, Ramer took her wrists and guided her hands down to her sides, holding them there firmly until he felt his daughter stop resisting. Lilly demonstrated she was prepared to control herself by standing up a little straighter and pushing her chest out toward her appreciative audience, smiling sweetly and allowing us to enjoy the sight of her perfectly sculpted bosom. Releasing her wrists, Ramer resumed his discussion of the finer points of breast presentation.

"As I was saying, clearly defined areolas tend to score better. Lilly is of a naturally pale complexion, and her areolas are normally relatively faint. The color you see here is some very light rouge. You must ensure you have a color that will compliment your daughters' skin tone, and the effect must be subtle. When done correctly, as you can see here, it looks natural and draws the eye to the your young girl's nipples very effectively. I use a small bit of cloth and apply several light layers until the desired effect is achieved."

A hand was raised in the audience.

'Yes, Ted?'

"What if you accidentally color outside the lines, so-to-speak?"

"Good question. Make sure you have a makeup remover on hand, of course. But honestly you'll get the best results by not making a mistake in the first place. Steady Tawnya's breast from underneath by grasping it like this, and apply the rouge in small, circular strokes starting at the nipple and working your way out. You shouldn't have any problems. Any other questions? Yes, Graham?"

"Yeah, what about nipples? When I did the evaluation you taught us several months ago on my Rachael, I realized her nipples are not really prominent, even when they're erect-what do you recommend? I mean, Lilly's are magnificent. I'm really concerned now; if any of the girls my Rachael's going up against look like that, we may have problems."

"Good question, Graham," Ramer said, moving to Lilly's side and cupping her left breast in his hand. "My second-oldest, Sarah, had the same problem. I tried everything on that girl to get her nipples to pop, and nothing really worked-I mean ice, pressure, suction. Nothing got her high-beams turned on, if you know what I mean. It's just the way her breasts are. So I used a little lip gloss on the night of the Festival. Just a touch along the top surface of her nipples, right along here. The gloss caught the stage lights, and you could see her little nips all the way from the back of the theater! We took second that year. So try that, and let me know how it goes."

When all the questions had been answered, Ramer knelt down beside his daughter.

"Now, one of the tougher choices you're going to have to make is how you groom your girl's pubic area. A lot rides on this, and the decision needs to take into account the amount and color of her hair, your choice of panties, and how her genitals are shaped. Using Lilly's vagina as an example, let's take some time to study what I'm talking about. Pull your chairs up closer if you need to; I want to make sure you can see clearly."

As he spoke, he grasped the waistband of Lilly's thong, and eased it down to her ankles. With a hand on her father's shoulder, she stepped daintily out of her underwear, keeping her legs together in a ladylike fashion. The preceding events had made her realize she was going to be expected to be naked for our benefit, and she had evidently resigned herself to her fate. Fighting the urge to cover herself, she stood with her hands at her side, her pussy on full display as the crowning exhibit of her completely exposed body. She had a perfectly shaved landing strip about an inch wide running from the top of her slit. Ramer remained crouched beside his daughter and proceeded to instruct us on his methodology.

"Lilly has well-sculpted genitals, with the entire length of her clitoral hood clearly evident. I find it useful to classify vaginas into three main types: the first and simplest is the biform, often called the 'clamshell,' or 'peach slit.' In this type, the outer labia completely conceal the girl's clitoris, and the viewer sees only a smooth surface from the mons down to the bottom of the vagina. Sometimes this will feature a rather long slit that traverses a considerable length of the mound; other girls will in fact be nearly featureless from the front and have only a slight hint of bifurcation at the very bottom.

"The second type, which Lilly is displaying for us here, is the triform. She doesn't have "fat" lips; rather she is relatively narrow, with her outer labia distinct from her inner thighs, and forming a well-proportioned and well-defined trio with her clitoris-from side to side, you can clearly see labia, clit, labia.

"The third type is the poly-form, or compound vagina; this category covers the wide variety of vaginas which feature prominent labia minora, and large or highly visible clitorises.

"Every girl's vagina is going to be unique, but you want to be sure that you choose a grooming strategy that will be most flattering for your daughter's particular style of pussy. Some of your daughters will have little peach- or clamshell pussies, just a little slit between two smooth outer labia. That style is considered very girlish, innocent even, and is usually best presented with a complete absence of hair. It's going to make your 18-year-old look several years younger, but that's fine. You can compliment that with your choice in wardrobe and makeup.

"For your girls with more dramatic inner labia which are visible from her standing position, you have two main options: you can trim most of her hair and leave it in the natural wide v-shape covering her entire mound; or you can go hairless, and try tucking her inner lips inside her outer set before she puts on her panties. She'll basically look like she has the "innocent" pussy type while she's on her feet, and then later you'll have the opportunity to do a dramatic reveal of her long labia by spreading her and allowing them to unfurl for the judges like a flower in bloom. I've seen this work with tremendous success several times, in particular Allison Tyroll two years ago.

"Now, with Lilly's vagina, I could have gone with a complete shave, Brazilian style, as you often see with triform vaginas in porn; but since her clitoris is so visible and attractive, I chose to accent that little strip of flesh nestled between her lips with this little strip of hair." Ramer extended his index and middle finger and, after aligning them vertically and positioning them over his daughter's landing strip, then gently and easily slid them between her legs, nestling them against the length of Lilly's labia, the base of his fingers resting against her clitoris as he continued:

"Notice her landing strip is precisely the width of the gap formed between Lilly's legs when she is standing up straight and ladylike. It draws attention to her clitoris and creates a visual rhythm which effectively frames the cleanly delineated lines of my daughter's external genitalia." Lilly had gasped slightly as her father's fingers made contact with her vagina, and as he talked her eyes closed, she bit her bottom lip, and we were almost certain that she began to rock ever-so-imperceptibly against his hand, taking advantage of his hands-on educational technique to quietly masturbate herself. Ramer took no notice and abruptly withdrew his fingers, causing Lilly to pout momentarily. A few knowing chuckles went round the room.

A hand went up.

"What about vaginal jewelry, or highlighting her clitoris?"

"Good question, Mark," Ramer nodded, "I don't usually recommend jewelry, first off. It's more distraction than accent, in my opinion. It can cause problems with your daughter's sensitivity down there as well. All the same, some judges have certainly seemed to favor it on some girls. At the very least, for goodness' sake don't try to pierce her clitoris or labia yourself. Hire a qualified professional to make sure it's done properly, safely, and with minimal trauma to your daughter's girl bits. It's going to hurt her like hell no matter what, though.

"I have, though, seen highlighting work very well. What that means, for you gentlemen who aren't familiar, is just using some gloss, similar to what we were talking about with Graham's daughter's nipples, and applying it to your girl's clit. It adds a little shine that certainly catches the eye. If you think that your daughter's clit should get more attention from the judges, that might be a good idea. My daughters all have fairly prominent clitorises naturally, however, so I've not really experimented with that technique. Yes, Dave?"

"Yes, um, I'm not really sure how to classify my Shawna's vagina when it comes to grooming. It seems it could look good with several options of styling. Do you do house calls?"

A laugh greeted this query, but Ramer smiled and nodded. "I do, Dave. I'll be in Stonewall next Tuesday; how about you and I drop by Shawna's school, and I'll be happy to take a look at what she's got between her legs and give you my considered opinion."

When it was evident there were no other questions on the topic, Ramer returned his attention to Lilly's vulva. Gripping her mound with his fingers and thumb on either side of her landing strip, he firmly pulled it up, exposing more of her vagina. Lilly's eyes grew wide and she let out a tiny whimper of pain and shock, spreading her legs slightly and thrusting her hips forward to allow her father to display more of her private parts to us.

"Regardless of your final grooming choice, I recommend that you wax her down here," he said, running his index finger along both sides of her clitoris and outer labia to demonstrate the smoothness of her skin. "You don't want any stray hairs to disrupt this silky texture, and the judges will definitely show their appreciation." He released her pussy and patted it lightly as if to say, "Good girl," and stood up.

"Alright, gentlemen, the last topic tonight is How to Prepare Your Daughter for Initiation. We all know that this can be a somewhat traumatic experience for a girl if she's not ready for it, and yet if you give her too much information, you can end up traumatizing her yourself. I've been fortunate with my daughters, and I'll give you my opinion on how best to get your girl excited about Initiation, and more importantly to think of it as just part of life. In fact, Lilly, why don't you tell the men what we've talked about?"

Lilly blushed again, her pale skin growing rosy all over her lovely naked body as she twisted her hands and crossed her legs shyly. "Well, you said that on Initiation night, I would be very special, and everyone would treat me really nice, and some of your friends would make me feel really good and make me be a grown-up woman." She frowned momentarily, pouting with her bottom lip. "Also that I would have to be naked in front of people. But I'm naked now," her face brightened, "and it's actually kind of fun! Do you men like to see me naked?"

She was answered by loud cries to the affirmative, and thus encouraged, she twirled around, stopped to face us, and coyly covered her pussy with her hand and giggling.

Ramer raised a hand to settle us down, and continued. "Good job, sweetheart. That's all correct. Now what I want to do is help you understand how daddy's friends are going to make you feel good, okay? It will help you get some practice at feeling good in this way, and it will help daddy's friends here tonight to see what you look like when you feel good."

As he said this, he drew his daughter by the hand to the pool table and helped her up onto it. Pointing to the middle of the felt, he had her lay down on her back with her arms at her sides and her legs outstretched, and motioned to us to gather round. We needed no second invitation, of course, and arranged ourselves around the table, Ramer at the end nearest Lilly's head. The pool-hall lamp above the table was bright but soft, perfectly illuminating every curve of the exquisite girl-body beneath it. Lilly seemed a little apprehensive, and raised her head as if to get up, but Ramer pressed her shoulders down to the felt and talked to her in calm tones for a moment, ordering her to relax and lie down.

"Your daughters should all be fairly comfortable being naked in front of you after the past year or so, if you've been doing my program. Now, it's time to introduce them to touching in a more sexual manner, and let them see how enjoyable it can be. Until now, when I've touched Lilly while she's been naked, or touched her breasts, buttocks, or genitals, it has been in a brusque, impersonal fashion-to teach, train, guide, or discipline. When she's clothed I hug her and treat her like the daughter she's always been; but she's learned that when she's naked, I will treat her like a body, not a daughter. A body, that is, that needs to be developed and trained. You may have noticed that she began rubbing her vagina on my hand when I was discussing grooming; while a natural enough impulse-and certainly a very strong one- I would normally have to discipline her for doing that while I was lecturing. Tonight, however, we have come to a new point in our training, and I'll let it go.

"A young girl that is naked in front of men naturally becomes sexually aroused; it is instinctively impossible for her to avoid an acute awareness of the sexual nature of her position: stripped of any clothing covering and protecting her body, and especially her genitals, she takes on the role of nothing more than an inherently desirable sex object; her body will respond by preparing itself for copulation with any male that's ready for the job, even if she is not consciously knowledgeable of the mechanics of sex. Preventing those impulses from reaching culmination for the past year, while repeatedly putting her in such situations in front of you gentlemen, has wound Lilly up sexually to a very high pitch. She is starved for sexual contact, while having developed a strong taboo around gratifying herself. My goal this evening is to allow Lilly to experience her first orgasm at someone else's hand, and in so doing, build even more anticipation in her for her Initiation."

As he talked, Ramer began massaging his daughter's shoulders, neck, and arms. Lilly was obviously slipping into a deeply relaxed state, and her eyes were closed and she hummed softly to herself.

"I'm going to focus on her whole body, trying to cause her to become very aware of every inch of her skin, and allow that to build into orgasm," he continued, taking her firm breasts in both hands and squeezing them up until he reached her nipples, which he began flicking and rolling them between his thumb and forefinger. He took his time, waiting until her long nipples were fully erect, then pinched them tightly, and slowly increased the pressure. Lilly's breathing had been deep and slow; now it began to grow shallow and ragged as the pain built up in her nipples. She lay quite still, her body tensing and her back beginning to arch as she whimpered; finally her eyes flew open and she looked imploringly at her father, who smiled and immediately released his hold on her little nubs, and resumed tenderly massaging her full round breasts. A collective sigh went up around the pool table; we had all been holding our own breath as we watched the creamy-skinned young girl's body experience sexual pain for the first time.

Ramer moved to the side of the table now, and ran his hands down the length of his daughter's torso, thumbs together on her centerline. He crossed her navel with long, slow, sweeping strokes, and his hands parted at her mons and continued their separate ways over the tops of her thighs. Each time he reached her landing strip, his thumbs barely brushed her clitoris and labia, then pressed harder into her legs until he reached her knees. She had started on the table with her feet together and her legs as tightly closed as she could manage; now, under her father's experienced touch, she began to relax. With every pass he made down her body his hands almost imperceptibly moved her legs a little farther apart until, whether because she hadn't noticed or no longer cared, Lilly's feet were nearly at the side bumpers of the table. As it became evident what his intent was, the six of us had naturally congregated toward the end of the table, and each sweeping stroke of Ramer's hands rewarded us with a clearer view of Lilly's exquisite vulva, which glistened with female lubrication under the warm light of the overhead lamp. We elbowed each other and pointed out her obvious arousal in excited whispers.

Ramer's left hand now resumed wandering over her tummy and breasts, while his right began exploring her pussy. His touch was firm but gentle, and he ran his fingers over the surface of her clitoral hood and then slid his hand between her legs and cupped her vagina. Lilly let out a sigh.

"Oh, that feels nice, daddy," she whispered.

"You're doing a terrific job, sweetheart," Ramer replied softly. "I'm going to keep touching you like this for a little while, okay? You can help me by opening your legs a little more."

Lilly lay still for a moment, her eyes still closed, as if considering this. "I want you to keep touching me, daddy," she said, her voice a little foggy and far away-sounding. "It feels so good. I've never felt like this before-but-but won't the men see my private parts? Like, even more than just the front? I thought that only you-"

Ramer interrupted her reassuringly. "That's the way it was when you were a girl, honey. But now you're very close to being a grown-up woman, and things are a little different for grown-up women. There will be more changes later, but for tonight, I want you to know that grown-up women do exactly what you're doing right now-they take off their clothes in front of men, or let the men undress them, and they let the men look at their whole body, and sometimes let the men touch them all over, too. You've been very brave helping me up until now tonight, and now there's a last little bit of you that these men need to see. Can you be an almost-grown-up girl for me, and show us your vagina, and I'll keep touching you like this?"

Lilly lay very still for another moment, then, as her father continued to gently rub her pussy, she squinched her eyes tight, turned her head to the side, took a deep breath, and slowly spread her legs, drawing her knees up and making little fists with her hands on the felt of the pool table. "Like this?" she asked.

Amid a hushed chorus of enthusiastic fathers congratulating her and expressing appreciation for his daughter's beauty, Ramer nodded his head and smiled. "Good job," he said, "now see how good it feels when I touch you here and here?" As he said this, he ran his hands along Lilly's inner thighs, pressing them open at the knees and spreading her pussy wide with firm pressure on either side of her vagina.

Lilly's genitals were stunning. A delicate pair of inner lips ran up to meet a perfectly formed clitoris that was protruding somewhat obscenely from under it's hood; along with the trickle of clear moisture running from the bottom of her slit, there was little doubt that the young girl was unbelievably aroused. Her breathing had become ragged again, and Ramer used his finger to carry some of her juices to her clitoris and begin gently rubbing it. Lilly's hips immediately responded by moving in rhythm with her father's light touch, and she reached over her head with both hands to grab the edge of the pool table and hang on. There was not a soft cock in the room as we watched our host's young daughter stretched out before us, her skin flushed and her breasts heaving as her father brought her closer and closer to her first orgasm.

Ramer continued lecturing through the entire process-a tribute to the voluminous experience he'd had with the subject. For George Ramer, this was a purely professional activity, and he was able to bring tremendous focus and a skilled eye to the task of masturbating his daughter in front of six men who'd paid for his expertise on the topic. His demeanor was exactly like that of a horse trainer evaluating a young filly's gait.

Every few moments, he would remove his hand completely from Lilly's pussy, giving us an unobstructed view of his progress and allowing him to discuss the finer points of his technique. We were fascinated to observe her clitoris growing more prominent and erect each time, and her labia, even without much direct stimulation from her father, were opening of their own accord to give us a breathtaking view into the soaking depths of her vagina. The amount of cream the girl was producing was remarkable.

"Lilly's vagina is highly engorged now, gentlemen, and the fact that she's opening up like a flower is proof that she's extremely aroused. You may have noticed that her color has deepened considerably in her labia and all around her genital area. Remember, all I'm doing is using two fingertips to lightly stimulate her clitoris, alternating between the hood and the little head you can clearly see poking out from underneath. You don't need much pressure at all; you just want her to get used to the idea of being touched there in a sexual manner. Don't forget to keep her clit well lubricated with her own juices, too. As you can see, there's plenty to go around, so don't worry about wasting it. Go ahead and cover her whole vagina with it."

After each short comment session, which he explained also gave Lilly a chance to cool down so that her eventual orgasm would be much stronger, Ramer resumed rubbing, flicking, and squeezing his daughter's pussy, moving gradually closer to her opening at the base of her slit. Her increasing arousal began to become disruptive, as every time he'd stop for another cool-down and lecture, her frustration seemed to mount. She would thrust her hips up in an attempt to keep his hand on her hungry vagina, growl and whimper every time he withdrew, and even began trying to close her legs to trap his hand between them. Her eyes were no longer closed, but shone fiercely as she stared at each of us and spread her legs as wide as she could, presenting her receptive genitals to every male in the vicinity like any other female primate in heat-a very different girl than the one that, mere minutes ago, had severe misgivings about even letting us see her naked body. Finally Ramer had to do something.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but Lilly's arousal is now making it difficult for me to show you the final stages of the process. I'm going to need your help so we can finish this-Dave and Mark, will you please hold her wrists and arms down at that end of the table for us? Just firmly enough so she stays put, please. Ted and Graham, I need you to hold her legs. One hand on the knee or ankle, and up here near her pelvis, please, so that you can keep her hips securely on the table. Thank you." The men rushed to their posts, and Ramer continued his work between his daughter's legs, demonstrating how the inner labia were very sensitive to being tugged and rubbed between the thumb and forefinger, and how when they were stretched as far as they could go, Lilly's moans and attempts to thrash about grew even more intense.

"Now, Robert," Ramer said, addressing himself to me, "you are preparing your first daughter for her Festival, correct?" I answered in the affirmative. "Good; that's why I had the others hold Lilly down for us, since they are all on their second or third. I want you to learn something here. Lilly, sweetheart?" he called, trying to get the attention of his daughter, who had grown increasingly incoherent. She raised her head, her hair in glorious disarray, and struggled to maintain eye contact with her father.

'Please, daddy...please...I don't even know guys like looking at my pussy...more, please...touch me..."

"I will, honey. You're doing so good. Listen to me now-are you listening? Remember when I said how the judges at the Festival are going to check to see that you've been a good girl? Daddy's friend here is going to help us practice that, alright? I want you to keep your legs nice and open, don't fight daddy's friends, they're helping us, okay? Keep your legs nice and open, and push your little cookie down here so Mr. Stevenson can help you practice for the judges. Mr. Stevenson is going to check that you've been a good girl, okay?"

Lilly writhed and moaned, her voice deep in her throat, "I have been a good girl...I am a good girl...I'm good..."

"You have been a good girl, sweetie," Ramer said, "so now we're going to just make sure. Mr. Stevenson is going pretend he's a judge and put his finger in your little pussy, okay? He'll be very gentle, but you need to lie very still and quiet."

Ramer looked at me and spoke softly, "Now we're going to bring her to orgasm. I want you to enter her with your middle finger very carefully; don't damage her hymen, just penetrate her as if to check that it's there, like the judges will. I want you to understand what it feels like, so you can do this with your Jenny later. Keep your finger inside her-Ted and Graham, hold her very still, please-and I will continue to stimulate her clitoris until she climaxes."

My heart was in my throat and my cock was rock hard as I moved closer and contemplated my mission. I had never dared dream that I was going to be able to touch Lilly, let alone do what I was about to do. Ramer gave the nod to the other four men, who tightened their grip on the naked, panting young girl, and then he spread his daughter's vagina wide and indicated that I should go ahead.

My finger slipped inside the confines of Lilly's vagina easily. She was tremendously tight, but her copious juices made entry extremely easy, and I pressed further until I encountered resistance about one knuckle deep. Though I wasn't very far inside her, I could distinctly feel her pulse through her vaginal walls, indicating her extreme level of arousal. I nodded to Ramer to indicate that I was at her hymen. I was in heaven; her opening was slick and aromatic, and her engorged clitoris begged to be touched. Ramer complied, laying his entire hand over her mound and squeezing gently. Lilly gasped. Ramer spoke to her again.

"Alright, honey. Remember, the judges are going to check that you've been a good girl by putting their fingers inside you just like Mr. Stevens is doing. They also want to make sure that men are going to enjoy putting things inside you. It feels really good for a man when a girl's private parts are tight, so they are going to ask you to squeeze your muscles down there. Can you squeeze Mr. Stevenson's finger really tight?"

As he said this, he began slowly rubbing Lilly's clitoris again. Lilly complied, and I was practically giddy to feel her brand new vaginal muscles tighten around me. I could barely stand the thought of how good she would have felt around my cock. The act of tightening her cunt pushed her extremely delicate pre-orgasmic state over the edge, however, and she suddenly let out a scream and began thrashing about in the throes of an impressively violent climax. The four other men gritted their teeth and held on for life, while Ramer calmly continued lightly stroking her clitoris in a steady, rapid rhythm. Ted and Graham did a fine job steadying her hips, and I was able to keep my finger snugly ensconced in the warm, wet depths of Lilly Ramer's virgin pussy until she shuddered to a halt, completely spent and glistening with a fine layer of sweat over entire body.

Collapsing in a breathlessly limp state, her arms and legs akimbo and her skin flushed, the young girl closed her eyes and made tiny humming sounds to herself as she savored the afterglow of her first orgasm brought on by a hand other than her own. Ramer motioned for the four other fathers to release their hold on his daughter's limbs, and I gently withdrew my finger from her soaking slit, a rush of liquid spilling from her opening and onto the green felt of the pool table as my fingertip left her. Ramer brought us back to the reality of the task at hand.

"Now, that was obviously very intense for Lilly. What I want to do now is help her contextualize what she just experienced. I don't want her to simply associate Stevenson's finger in her, or my hand on her genitals, with sexual pleasure-the point of Initiation is to introduce your daughters into a generalized sexual state. I want Lilly to know that whatever happens at the Festival will feel wonderful. This will put her at ease and give her the best odds of placing well at the Judging. So now I want each of you, one at a time, to take two minutes to touch Lilly anywhere you like, but especially her vagina. Do not penetrate her; we must not unduly risk deflowering her. But show her how good it feels to be caressed and fondled by a variety of men, so she learns that sexual pleasure comes from many sources. Roger, you can start if you like."

Ramer checked his watch, and one by one we took our turn with the creamy ball of sex on the pool table. Lilly was in a deeply blissful state, and she didn't struggle or protest as the five of us used our best abilities to make her feel good. When my turn came, I spread her labia as wide as I could and covered her entire vagina with my hand, rubbing firmly across the whole surface of her genitals. My other hand massaged her left breast and ensured her nipple stayed hard. When I started to pinch her nipple, she opened her eyes, smiled dreamily at me, and began grinding her pussy into my hand. Unfortunately, my two minutes seemed to end far too quickly.

When we'd finished, Ramer helped Lilly off the table and slipped her blue robe over her shoulders. Lilly smiled at us and thanked us for everything, saying she was now really looking forward to Initiation. We thanked her for her help teaching us such important things, and her father kissed her on the forehead and sent her off to bed. When she'd gone upstairs, he turned to us.

"Gentlemen, that concludes your course with me. I hope it was as fun for you to learn all this as it was for me to teach it. Now, I know that you are probably uncomfortably turned on after that. And I want you to know that your assistance in developing Lilly is invaluable-in all likelihood she will take first, and I will be a very happy man when I get to choose my prize. In the interests of gratitude, and in being a good host and not leaving my guests uncomfortable, as well as to celebrate the end of our little academy and your future success with your daughters using the techniques we've studied together, I'd like to give you a little surprise. Honey, would you come in now?"

At that, the door to the den opened again, and we were stunned to see Ramer's second daughter, Sarah, enter the room completely naked. She looked almost exactly identical to her sister, but was two years older and slightly curvier. Her vagina was of the clamshell type, and she had only a light, even sprinkling of blond hair covering her mound. Her breasts were relatively large, curving smoothly down to lightly-colored nipples which, as Ramer had said, were less defined than Lilly's. This was by no means a problem, however. She was stately and graceful, and obviously confident in her nakedness. She strode to her father's side and turned to face us, smiling as she presented her body to us.

"Sarah placed second in her Judging two years ago. We used similar techniques to what you have seen here tonight, and we've been very happy with the result. She has progressed very well since then in becoming a healthy, sexualized young girl," As he spoke, Ramer fondled his daughter's breasts absently, "and since she's had a good bit of experience, I'd like to offer her to you gentlemen for the next two hours as a fun wrap-up of our time together. You may do anything you like with her. You may touch her anywhere you like, you may use her vagina or her mouth, and you may come wherever and however you like. Please, enjoy yourselves."

We later agreed that none of us had ever had a better night.


Same as How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 1 Videos

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Train To Pune

Hi Friends, I thank you all for your extended support and love towards me. I would like to share a true and beautiful experience I had recently. I hope, I have put it in a way that everyone will like and enjoy. This story happened in December 2010, when I was going to Pune by train. I was working in a small company and then I got placed in a MNC. I don’t want to mention the name of the company for privacy reasons but I think most of you can guess it. My posting was in Pune, so I planned to go...

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Sex With Madhu In Train

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Last Train Home

I used to hate getting the last train home; it’s often filled with drunks or people still carrying on the party. However, that is not the last train home. If you are unlucky enough to have missed what you thought was the last train home, maybe you will be as lucky as I was that night. Let me tell you all about the real “Last train home.”I had run up the escalator and the stairs but, as I entered Victoria station, I could only look on with horror as the train pulled away from the station. I was...

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Gingers train journey

Ginger's train journey.Ginger walked confidently down the long platform towards her train. She had been in London for the day and felt confident because of the attention she had received. She had worn a new summer dress. It was a hot summers day, the dress had Spaghetti straps, in a white floral pattern, it came to just above mid-thigh length. The top skimmed tightly over her full breasts, and the buttons between them strained to keep their treasure contained. The thin fabric was cool in the...

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Fucking Stranger Man In Train Part1

Hello, Indian sex story readers. I got up and quietly got down the ladders and headed out. I thought I could walk around a little. I stayed in the intermediate area for a few seconds wondering where to go next as I realized I shouldn’t disturb the other passengers. So I just went into the bathroom, I didn’t close the close the door entirely and I became careless thinking nobody would be around and also if anyone was, there was nothing for them to see. I fixed my hair and fiddled around. Out of...

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My first encounterin a train compartment

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Sapana in train

Hello everybody this is Prakash. I am a working guy from Pondicherry. Basically, I am from North India but I am working in a south Indian company, so placed here only. I am 27 yrs, 5ft 7 inches male with a good look, & a very strong sex drive & I have a nice hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. My job requires lot of traveling in south Indian cities. So during a short period of time, I came to know about many cities of South India. But I never had any experience before this...

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London Train Encounter

London can be a very harsh place; especially if you are from India or sub-continent. If you have traveled in a Indian public transport you would have noticed that the majority of people love to talk. Talk to each other, talk to their maids on the phone, talk to the bus conductor, talk to the person sitting in the next bus or just moan about the conditions of road during the monsoon. In London the scene is quite radical. There pin drop silence on the trains. The most noise you can hear is from...

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Girl in Mumbai Local train

This is a normal morning at Virar railway station. Whole crowd rushing towards the arriving train. Some people managed to get in while train is still moving. I am in crowd near gate rushing to get in. crowd is pushing me from all sides. I am moving forward slowly and finally I am in. Still crowd pushed me from behind and I couldn't move further as there are many people ahead of me in train. I tried to hold handle, which is above my head. I held handle, which is already grabbed by someone....

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Strangers on a train

I honestly thought that, after two years of commuting into the city for work, I'd experienced it all. Until that was, the afternoon of the points failure. Now that was an afternoon that will live long in the memory. Sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, let me back track a little. I'd been traveling on the train to work for quite some time. You get to see the same faces day in, day out, but you never speak, never acknowledge that each other exists. It just isn't done. The same train in,...

4 years ago
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Hard Sex With Bhabhi In Train

Hi readers, I am Kumar, staying in Bangalore for around 7 years, working as software professional and doing business as well in native, 29, fair, 6.1 ft tall, average weight, living alone in 1bhk rented house. Here I am going to tell true story with Amudha(name changed), 33, house wife, married to a shop keeper for 3 years, living with her husband Biju in kerala along with her mil in house, no kids. Story happened on 29th July 2015 in train. I use to travel every Friday week end for my...

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Train ki class

Hello dosto. Mera naam nilima hai, log mujhe nilu kahte hain. I am a student in B.A. first year. My age is 18+ ,, fair, slim, 5.4 height, sundar figure, 32 24 30. Mene isi saal collage join kiya he. Pahle jahan tak mene class 12 kiya wo ghar ke paas tha. Par collage bahut dur he, sabse sidha rasta train ka he collage jane ke liye. Local train me 1.20 hrs yani 80 minute lagte hain. Pahle to pareshani hui, koi sathi bhi nahi tha. Akele aana aur jana. Wapas aane ke samay office time ho jata tha....

2 years ago
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The Train Ride

Version One - Mother's Way Billy watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o'clock. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train finally came to a stop. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a lady hanging out of a window frantically waving at someone. She was one more good looking woman, he thought before he realized that it was his mother. He...

3 years ago
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The stranger on the train

Standing on the platform heading coast bound, at 8:30am, Scarlett was stood up, slender back leaning up against a dirty grey wall, with a half ripped poster advertising a theatre, swigging a ice cold bottle of coke. A tiny bead of coke rolled from the bottle, down her chin and rolled on to her chest, her shirt was missing a tie, and was unbuttoned to the third one down. Her shirt looked like it had spent too much time in a tumble dryer on a high heat because her size d breasts seemed to be...

3 years ago
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Riding the Train to Whoredom

It never occurred to me when I decided to visit a college friend in Asia that I'd end up a victim of different cultural attitudes toward women. I'd traveled in Europe frequently, always without incident. Besides, I never worried about riding public transportation in the middle of the day, not even in New York City. But I was in for a hard lesson about what can happen in broad daylight, if no one chooses to help you. My friend, who called herself Susie in the states because her name was a bit...

2 years ago
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How I Got Fucked On A Train

My name is Arun but I like to be called Aruna because I’m feminine in my heart and to look at also. Let me tell you about my very exciting and thoroughly satisfying experience during a long train journey. We were only 2 people in a compartment for 4. This other guy was Anand, a pleasant and well built guy. I was attracted to him but I’m a shy person and generally not able to make the first move. I was just imagining how exciting it would be if he was gay and found me attractive too. Anand...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 13 The Wrong Train Race

October 8th, 1995, 11:40 PM CT, Mile 2342 Union Station, Phoenix, AZ The finger for the train sat in the parking lot of Phoenix Union Station, in his brand-new 1995 Range Rover County, smoking a cigarette, and luxuriating in the scent of it and the Connolly leather of the poorly-built British luxury off-roader. He was intently listening to his electronic radio scanner waiting to hear from the freight train as it passed through so that he could give a good estimate, and ensure that it was...

3 years ago
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Midnight Train To Nowhere Ch 02

Chapter 2 The Kid The teenage clerk was looking at him with a blank stare, like someone trying to peer through a dirty window. The clerk craned his neck to look past the angry man in the grey pinstriped suit standing at the counter in front of him. The man realized the clerk was looking at something behind him and turned to see what it was. ‘What is it?’ The man barked. ‘What the hell are you looking at? And do you have my car or not?’ He demanded angrily. ‘He’s probably looking at the sign...

4 years ago
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CAW10 ENTRY by Hardrive The memory of that special day when a boy losses his virginity to a stranger on the midnight train to manhood.” ------------------------------------------------------------- It was a stormy evening and I was standing at the door watching my wife Cindy getting into her car. She was on her way to visit her mother and as she entered the vehicle she turned and waved a final good-bye. Looking at the distant sky I noticed that the flashing lights had...

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A long and boring train ride turns into a most pleasant one

This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...

3 years ago
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Encounter With A Stranger In The Train

This is a story of me at that time when I was studying in class 12. My boards were over and I had a long vacation ahead of me. So I and my friends planned to go out on a week-long trip. But my family intervened and told me to go visit my grandma first, who used to live in a different town. It was actually a five-hour drive. But since my father used to be busy in those days my mom told me to take the train instead which took about two and a half hours. So here I was waiting at the train station...

4 years ago
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Grinding against the lady on the train

Last Friday a car accident occurred on the major freeway in the direction of traffic travelling to the city. I usually drive to work in the city and park in the company's parking facilities. Due to the accident a major hold up eventuated. Traffic reports over the radio alerted motorists though to late for those motorists already caught up in the traffic jam. I had not left home at that point so on hearing the news of the accident i decided to drive to my nearest station and catch the train to...

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