Strange Way To Arrange A Spanking Part II
- 4 years ago
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I own a successful training company specializing in courses for large Blue-Chip enterprises. The job excites me, always has, and I get to spend the majority of my time traveling. I also get the benefit of being able to work from home. The workweek is typical, Monday through Friday, nothing out of the ordinary, so I look for ways to spice it up, so to speak. That is where my passion for corporal punishment comes in. I have collected CP magazines and DVDs for years, and more recently downloaded much material from the internet. I have a nice collection of punishment instruments and other items collected over time. The toy collection as I like to refer to it.
I like to keep myself fit, spend a lot of time outdoors in the countryside around my Dorset home. I am single by choice and although now in my fifties I look good for my age (even if I say so myself).
I am a neat and tidy person, but like most people, I do not enjoy housework. As the business is doing well, I decided to hire someone to clean and tidy the house and really to do the jobs that I can never seem to find either the time or the energy for. This is quite a step for me as I am by nature quite a private person, but it is amazing what you will do to get out of housework.
So, having decided to get someone to help around the house I advertised on the notice board in the local shop to see if anyone was interested. I got several e-mail responses but only one interested me. She explained that her kids went to the local middle school so she was looking for work that would allow her to drop off the kids and have some flexibility around hours. She could then balance work, life, and the school activities her kids got involved in. The whole tone of the e-mail was light and friendly, and I felt it would be worth at least having a chat. She had given me a mobile number to call her on and after a few minutes of reflection, I made the call.
Sophie Finn answered her phone and we immediately struck up a friendly conversation. In my experience, you know early on if you are going to be able to get on with someone, and in this case, that person would be working in my house sometimes alone. Trust and confidence are therefore essential. At the end of the call, we agreed she would drop round for a coffee after the school run the next day and we could take it from there.
The doorbell rang promptly at nine-thirty the next morning. I opened the door to see a woman in her early to mid-forties. She looked a nice and shapely woman, even though she did look a bit nervous again the first impression was this was someone I would like and would be happy to employ. We had coffee and biscuits and after the usual small talk, we agreed that we would give each other a trial of a month to see how it goes. The plan was that she would work three mornings a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday although I was flexible with the days in case anything cropped up on the family front. We agreed she would start the following Monday and I felt good about the situation.
Monday rolled around as usual and Sophie arrived on time, eager to start. I gave her a quick tour of the house; it is a three-bedroom detached house so this did not take long. I showed her where everything was kept and explained all that I thought was required. I keep all my CP magazines etc in a chest in the cupboard in my office so I did tell Sophie that as far as the office was concerned just vacuum the floor and keep the surfaces dust-free, everything else related to my work and she should leave well alone. I hoped this would avoid her seeing anything she should not.
For the next couple of weeks, I was working full-time from home. We chatted each day and conversation was easy and we started to relax in each other’s company. We shared a mid-morning coffee which gave us a chance to get to know each other better. I found that she had separated from her husband just over a year ago, he had left her for a younger model as she put it. Although he paid his way with the kids, she needed to work to pay for the little extras that we all need.
In the third week, I was going to be away on Wednesday and so I gave Sophie a key and was quite relaxed about leaving her alone in the house. When I got home late on Thursday all seemed well. Work was picking up and I was regularly away, so I did see less of Sophie, but we did leave each other sticky notes of updates and news. These notes did start to have a lot of banter and humour. As I say we did seem to get on.
This was the situation for a couple of months, Sophie and I agreed the trial period worked for us both, and then I did start to notice that in my toy chest (as I like to call it), things were not as I had left them. I started to take pictures on my phone before closing the box and then checking again when I got back from a trip. Someone had been looking in the chest. This presented me with a problem. What should I do? Have it out with Sophie? Or simply ignore the situation?
When we met, we still got on well and nothing seemed to have changed. This helped me to decide what the best course of action was to be. I remembered reading a spanking story of a maid who had gone against her master’s instructions and had been punished as a result. I printed this story out and laid it on the top of the things in the toy chest with a sticky note saying I thought you may like this story. What do you think? I left this on the Tuesday before being away on Wednesday and then returning home late on Thursday.
Whilst I was away my emotions swung all over. Was I crazy leaving the story, would Sophie leave and tell everyone about my obsession, would she be offended? It did seem like an exceptionally long two days. When I did finally get home, I rushed into the office and nervously opened the chest wondering what if anything I would find.
I lifted the lid and found a sticky note saying. Great Story. The Maid did deserve her punishment. Her boss had made the rules clear and she had broken them. Then she had drawn a smiley face.
The next day Sophie and I stopped for coffee in the morning and carefully avoided any mention of the story, the box, or sticky notes.
On my next trip away, I printed another similar story and again left a sticky note this time saying. I agree the maid should be punished for breaking the rules, what punishment does a naughty maid deserve in your opinion?
For the days away I was still nervous but this time probably more excited by what reply I would find when I returned home. Again, as soon as I got home, I rushed into the office opened the chest, and read Sophie's reply. It seems the maids in your stories always get the cane. Is that the punishment that would fit the crime?
I should probably say here about my views on spanking and women, I have read hundreds of stories and watched many, many videos. I think spanking should always take place between consenting adults and should be for the enjoyment of both parties. The anticipation, the build-up, and role-play all play a big part in the enjoyment of the situation. Although punishment should hurt, in no way should anyone be left with stripes that last for days or be unable to sit comfortably. In other words, spanking should be fun for all parties. If you look at any pornography you would believe that almost every woman in the world is slim and in possession of a perfect figure. Do not get me wrong these women are beautiful, but so-called ordinary mature women are very beautiful too. There is nothing in this world better than the sight of a mature woman in possession of a shapely bottom.
The next day was Friday and I was working at home. That night I was again undecided of what to do. Sophie was not averse to the idea of spanking, but was this just a game, or could we go to the next level? These thoughts churned around in my head all night, I was not sure I was any nearer an answer when I woke up the following morning.
We had coffee as usual and we had the usual easy conversation about the weekend etc. After coffee, Sophie went out the back to do some work in the garden and I left a sticky note on the kitchen table.
The cane would seem to fit the crime, how many strokes do you think the maid would deserve?
I popped back downstairs twenty mins later to see the message.
Six strokes seems to be the tariff for most offensives. Again, a smiley face.
I then wrote, Would this be over clothing or on the bare bottom?
Over the next couple of hours, we exchanged the following sticky notes. I know it sounds silly, but it was very exciting to me and I am sure Sophie was enjoying it too.
Bare bottom would certainly make the message clear.
Should the maid be made to count the strokes?
Definitely and say Thank You for each one.
At the end of the punishment, she must stay in position bent over, otherwise, the whole thing would have to be repeated.
If the Master of the House says so, I hope she remembers.
Just before Sophie was due to leave, I wrote my final message of the day. Do you think you should be punished in this way, for breaking my rules? Think about it over the weekend and let me know on Monday. If you decide to go ahead the punishment will take place next Friday.
I heard the front door close behind Sophie and went downstairs to see that she had taken the final sticky note with her. So began another weekend of waiting. When Sophie started to work for me I removed a picture from my office wall. It was an image of a classic French maid holding out a cane for someone to punish her with. It is one of my favourite pictures and I like looking at it during boring conference calls. It seemed a bit daft to hide it in the cupboard now so I replaced it on the wall.
Monday rolled around as usual and when Sophie arrived, I was on a call. Over coffee, we managed not to mention the elephant in the room but talked about the mundane even talking about the rain due that afternoon. I heard the front door close behind Sophie later and decided that she must have chosen not to go ahead. I could only say I was extremely disappointed. The disappointment did not last long, I went downstairs to find a note saying. Your maid will report for punishment in your office at ten on Friday. She will knock on the door and wait to be asked to enter.
The rest of the week passed in a bit of a blur, again I was away on Wednesday so did not see Sophie. Time did seem to drag but finally, Friday came round. I decided to dress quite formally and waited in my office for the knock on the door. I heard Sophie come into the house a few minutes before ten o’clock and heard her moving about downstairs before she climbed the stairs to the office. At exactly ten o’clock there was a timid knock on the door.
“Enter,” I called. It does take a lot to surprise me, but what a saw next totally shocked me (in a particularly good way). Sophie came into the room dressed to resemble the French maid in my picture. She was wearing a short frilly dress, black stockings, and suspenders together with high heels. She looked stunning. She also looked extremely nervous.
“I have come for my punishment,” she whispered.
“Remind me why are you to be punished today?”
“I disobeyed your very clear instructions, Sir.”
The Sir was whispered very quietly.
“Right let us get started then. Six strokes of the cane across your bare bottom.” I looked up at Sophie who just gave a slight nod of her head.
“The cane is on the hook behind the door if you would be so kind as to pass it to me.”
Sophie looked behind her and saw the cane, she had to turn round to take a couple of steps to reach the door. I got my first glimpse of her bottom. It was peeking out under her frilly skirt and looked like the perfect bottom to receive the cane. She did look stunning.
Sophie held out the cane to me, again like the maid in the picture. When passing it over she said in a quiet voice, “The cane for you to use on my bottom, Sir.”
“Thank you, Sophie, now if you will approach the desk, bend over and push your bottom out for me. Remember at the end of your punishment remain in position until you are told to rise. If you fail to do this the punishment will be repeated. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir, thank you, Sir.”
I was not sure what she was thanking me for me but was not going to ask.
She stepped forward and very gracefully bent over my desk, she reached out and gripped the far side of the desk and pushed her bottom up, it was perfectly presented for the caning to follow.
“Do you want to remove your knickers, or should I do it for you?”
“Please Sir could you do it, it is so shameful.”
I lifted the skirt up, although it was so short anyway, and then hooking my thumbs into the side of her panties slid them down to the tops of her stockings. I took a step backward to admire the view. There is honestly no better sight than a beautiful mature lady in stockings bent over presenting her bottom for the cane. I could have stood there for an hour just taking in the view. However, the bottom was not going to cane itself. As I retrieved the cane from the desk, I could distinctly smell the aroma of sexual excitement in the room. I know for myself it was very exciting.
“Right, we are ready, remember to try to keep your bottom still, thank me for each stroke and stay down when the punishment is over.” I also added, “if you want this to stop at any time just say primrose,” where primrose came from I have no idea.
“Yes Sir,” Sophie said with a little more confidence in her voice.
This is it I thought, I tapped the cane lightly on her bottom and she flinched ever so slightly.
I brought my arm back and delivered the first stroke, certainly not full power but enough to give her a red line across her bottom. Sophie blew out all her breath shook her bottom most beautifully and lifted her head all at the same time. I was just going to remind her to count when I heard.
“One Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
She pushed her bottom up to receive the second stroke. I did not want to rush the punishment so placed the cane against her bottom again, paused, drew breath, and then. I delivered the second stroke and got a very similar reaction to the first, maybe just a small ouch from Sophie, again after a few seconds the count followed.
After the third stroke, I said to Sophie I would pause for a few seconds. I heard, “Thank you, Sir,” in reply.
After thirty seconds or so. “Right let’s complete the rest of your punishment, push your bottom out for me.”
Sophie did indeed push her bottom out in the most delightful way. It looked absolutely beautiful adorned with its three stripes.
I delivered the fourth stroke to the middle of Sophie's beautiful bottom. With each stroke, I was getting a gradually more verbal reaction. I decided the fifth stroke should be on the sit spot just above where the bottom meets thigh, I tapped the cane where I wished it to land and thankfully delivered the stroke just as intended. Sophie did let out more of a cry and waved her bottom from side to side.
I did say, probably unnecessarily, “Sophie, will you please keep your bottom still, by your actions you deserve this caning. Now dip your back and push your bottom out properly. Keep still and remember to stay in position after this final stroke. Are you ready?”
Sophie looked around and with a slight smile on her face replied, “Yes sir.”
As usual with all canings I wanted the final stroke to be the hardest but had no intention of making it too hard. Again, I picked a spot in the lower half of Sophie's bottom drew the cane back, and delivered the stroke.
It was a perfect stroke but even as I was mentally congratulating myself Sophie jumped up, clutched her bottom, and was hopping from foot to foot.
“What are you doing Miss Finn, I specifically asked you to stay down after the final stroke.”
“Sorry Sir, I forgot.” Her face and manner did however not match the words she was speaking.
“What did I say would happen if you stood up?”
“The punishment would start all over again, Sir. Oh, please, sir.” Again, just the small hint of a smile.
“Right let us have you in the corner for five minutes and then we will have to start over. This could take all morning.”
Sophie moved to stand in the corner, by now her knickers were laying on the floor in a little pool of satin. I sat down behind my desk and took in the view, and what a view. Sophie was stood in the corner with her uniform barely covering her punished bottom.
“Sophie, I think you should put your hands on your head.”
“But Sir, you will be able to see my bottom.”
“You should have thought of that earlier, now hands-on head.”
Sophie did as she was told and indeed did reveal more of her bottom to my view. Six clear red stripes became visible and I sat back to admire my handiwork.
After the five minutes had passed, I stood up picked up the cane, walked over to Sophie, and spoke.
“Right back into position, and this time remember this is all your fault.”
“Yes, Sir, sorry sir.”
Sophie stepped back over to the desk, bent over, flipped her skirt up, and pushed her bottom out. I was in heaven.
“Right, you know the procedure now, we start back at one again.”
With that, I delivered the next stroke, which was greeted with a small cry and a frantic wave of her bottom.
“One Sir, thank you.”
The remainder of the caning was delivered with more gasping and wriggling but I did finally hear.
“Six Sir, thank you.”
This time Sophie did stay in position, and I was able to step back and admire my handiwork for a final time. Twelve lines across a perfect bottom was a beautiful sight to behold.
“Right Sophie, I will leave you to compose yourself, if you need the bathroom you know where everything is, I will see you downstairs when you are ready.”
I retreated to the kitchen; it was not yet eleven o’clock but what a day. After ten minutes or so Sophie came down back wearing her coat. She asked, “Is it OK if I leave early, I have some personal stuff I have to attend to.”
I could only reply, “Of course, I will see you on Monday.”
As Sophie closed the front door, I went upstairs to attend to some personal stuff of my own.
Sophie arrived as usual on Monday and we did not get a chance to speak until later in the morning. We sat down with coffee and biscuits and I casually asked.
“How are you?”
Sophie looked me in the eye and asked. “Are you asking me how my weekend was or are you asking how I am after been beaten by my merciless employer?”
“The second.”
“Well, after been forced to bare my bottom and receive twelve hard strokes of the cane, which was six more than agreed I was very conscious of my bottom for most of Friday. I had to inspect myself a few times. I did wonder what the other Mums at school would say if they knew. It was however incredibly exciting, and I enjoyed it immensely.”
She broke into a grin, and I smiled back.
“Where did the uniform come from?”
“My ex-husband liked that sort of thing. It was hiding at the back of the wardrobe at home. I never thought it would see the light of day again. Did you like it?”
“You looked stunning.”
“Well thank you, kind sir.”
“Shall we do it again sometime?”
“Yes, I think so, yes.”
For the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, I was tied up with calls. So, it was not until Sophie had gone home that I came back downstairs. On the dining room table, there was an envelope with my name on it. With great curiosity, I opened it to find a piece of typed paper with the headline saying.
Punishment Slip.
Offense. Surfing Pornography.
Sentence. Six strokes of the senior cane, bare-bottomed
Date. Friday @ ten am in your office.
Signed. Sophie Finn
It is hard to describe the emotions that raced around over the next couple of minutes. Partly I was extremely excited but very scared, would I go through with this? My mind was in complete turmoil, suddenly the stuff of dreams was made real, but do you want your dreams to come true?
This conflict of emotions continued throughout the rest of the day and most of the night. I was travelling the next day and not due back again until Thursday. I screwed up all my courage and simply left a message for Sophie saying, See you Friday.
The next few days passed in a bit of a whirl; the course I was running went well. I was certainly fired up on adrenaline. I still had all sorts of emotions but there was a great feeling of anticipation mixed with a good deal of fear. I arrived home Thursday evening to find a note for me saying. I do not wish to see you until ten am tomorrow, please knock when you are ready, I would advise you not to be late. It was signed, Mistress Sophie.
I did smile at the cheek of the note, but I was looking forward to this in a strange way.
Friday morning found me waiting in my bedroom for Sophie to arrive. Just before ten o’clock, I heard her key in the door and I heard her making her way up the stairs and into my office.
I was dressed in suit trousers and shirt, what should you wear to an occasion like this I wondered? At ten o’clock precisely I knocked on my office door.
“Come in.”
I opened the door to find Sophie sitting in my chair looking very stern. She motioned for me to approach the desk and then asked.
“Do you accept you should be punished for your behaviour?”
I swallowed an exceptionally large lump in my throat and quietly replied, “Yes, Miss.”
“You will address me as Mistress whilst in this office,” said a very cross-looking, Sophie.
“Yes, Mistress.”
Sophie stood up; she was dressed as a very classy-looking secretary. Grey jacket, white blouse, and grey fitted skirt. She was wearing black boots that disappeared under her skirt. Even with everything going on in my head, I did think wow she looks lovely.
Sophie made her way around to stand next to me. The next sentence set my heart racing.
“OK, let’s get you undressed, I would like you naked. Place your clothes neatly on the sofa and come back and stand here.”
I was of course expecting to bare my bottom but having to strip naked somehow felt far more humiliating. I slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, undressed and stood back in front of the desk. Being stood naked in my own office was a very strange feeling.
“Right over you go, bend over the desk and grip the far side. Feet apart and bottom right up. Remember to stay down at the end. As I am sure you know what happens if you do not. I will get the senior cane for your bottom to enjoy.”
Although I was sure my bottom was not going to enjoy this too much, I knew that Sophie was enjoying her powerful new role. Another part of my anatomy was having the time of its life and standing at full attention. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions with excitement and fear competing for first place. Fear was currently winning.
Sophie stepped over to the cupboard and was back in no time. She placed the cane on the desk in front of me and casually said.
“This will be visiting your bottom this morning and you only have yourself to blame. How many strokes was the punishment?”
“Six Mistress.”
“Ah yes, six of the best, the traditional punishment for naughty boys. Could you please count them for me, and woe betide you if you forget? Ready?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
The cane left my sight and I soon felt it pressed against my bottom it tapped me a couple of times and then I heard it woosh. It struck the centre of both of my buttocks. It was not hard, but I certainly felt the stroke.
“One, Thank You, Mistress,” I remembered to say.
More tapping and the second stroke landed. I was not sure if Sophie had done this before, but this second stroke was stronger and certainly had a sting. I remembered to count again.
The next three strokes landed, and each seemed slightly stronger than the last. I was starting to struggle not to cry out. It was also an effort to keep still.
“The last one coming up and remember to stay in position.”
More tapping and the sixth stroke landed. It took my breath away. My bottom was feeling on fire. I remembered to count and stayed in position.
Sophie put the cane down in front of me again and walking around the desk sat in my chair.
She did look incredibly beautiful, beautiful, and excited.
“You took your punishment very well.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Then with a twinkle in her eye, she stood up and bent over giving me a beautiful view down her blouse, I could see red lingerie trimmed with black lace.
“Would you like me to remove my blouse?”
“Yes, please Mistress.”
“It will cost you three strokes of the cane; would you still like to see?”
“Yes, please Mistress.” I had no hesitation she looked so sexy and the atmosphere was electric in the room.
Sophie sat back done and slowly undid the buttons and very slowly removed her blouse. Underneath she was wearing a red corset with lovely black lace trimmings. She again bent over giving me a grandstand view of her cleavage.
“You like?”
“Very much Mistress, you look beautiful.”
“You do say the nicest things, however now you need to pay the price.”
She collected the cane and disappeared from my view. The now-familiar tapping re-commenced.
“Three strokes, please remember the count.”
The first stroke was very firm, and I made my first involuntary sound. I did remember to count.
“Are we getting through to you?”
“Yes Mistress, it does hurt.”
“You wanted to look, was it worth it?”
“Oh yes indeed.”
The cane returned to tapping and the second stroke and the third was delivered. By now I had tears in my eyes.
Sophie sat back in my chair.
“Hurts does it?”
“Oh yes.”
She stood again turned and bent over slightly pushing her bottom towards me. I was transfixed.
“Would you like me to remove my skirt?”
Although I knew what was coming, my immediate answer was, “Yes, yes please.”
“Three strokes?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
She smiled very sweetly, and with her back to me undid the button on the skirt and gently pulled down the zip.
I watched in awe as Sophie stepped out of her skirt. The corset had suspenders holding up black stockings and she was wearing a thong to match her corset. The boots I saw earlier finished above her knee. She looked stunning. Sophie sat back down, pushed the chair away from the desk so I could see, and slowly sat back and opened her legs.
“Is the view worth the pain?”
“Yes, definitely,” I said, and I meant it. I am not sure my bottom agreed with that statement.
“Time to pay up.”
Again, she disappeared from view, and the following three strokes were applied to my very sore bottom. I did manage to stay in control, just. But there was a couple of noises that escaped me. She was giving me a proper caning.
She whispered in my ear, “Would you like me to remove my panties for you?”
I could only say yes.
Again, the slow striptease. She turned bent over and pulled her bottom cheeks apart just enough to show her hidden charms. She then returned to my seat. I could see her beautiful, shaved pussy. I was in heaven and as she spread her legs. I could not help but notice how excited she was. This in turn started my excitement again.
The three strokes that followed took all my willpower to stay anywhere near still.
Sophie pushed her breasts against my back and whispered in my ear, “Would you like to kiss my pussy and to make me come?”
“It would be an honour, Mistress.”
“Are you willing to pay the price?”
“Yes, Mistress for you.”
“You do say the nicest things. I will punish you first then take my pleasure. It does seem almost a shame to have to cane you, but it must be done. Final three coming up.”
They hurt. I had taken eighteen strokes and my bottom felt on fire.
“You may stand and step back from the desk.”
I did as I was asked. Sophie pulled my chair around the desk and sat down. “If you would kneel you may pleasure me.”
I could think of nothing I would rather do. I knelt and carefully approached Sophies perfect pussy. She smelt heavenly and was indeed very aroused. I kissed the tops of her thighs, up one stockinged leg and down the other. I then just lightly kissed her pussy. Sophie just groaned her pleasure, which encouraged me to start to kiss with more confidence and then start to lick.
She was extremely sensitive and seemed to be enjoying the attention very much. I have to say I do enjoy oral sex and hope that I have some skills certainly Sophie seemed to be enjoying herself. After several minutes of pleasure, I sensed Sophie approaching her climax. I continued to flick my tongue over her clitoris, and she did indeed reach her orgasm. At the point of her coming, she grabbed my head and pushed my face into her wet vagina. I was in heaven.
Sophie gradually came back to earth and smiled. She said, “Enjoy?”
“Yes very, very much.”
“Good, Thank you. Your punishment is now over. Do not bother getting dressed, if you could leave now. I will see you Monday.”
This did come as a bit of a surprise and if I am honest, I bit of a disappointment. I slowly left the room and returned to my bedroom. I heard Sophie moving about and after a few minutes, she walked down the stairs and closed the front door behind her.
Like anyone who has been caned, I bent myself over in front of the mirror to examine the damage. She had left a vivid collection of stripes across my bottom, they were painful, but I was starting to feel that lovely warm post punishment buzz.
I wondered what Monday would bring.
Nina was at least glad that the time to go home had come but knew she had one last difficult task to do. Having tidied up her desk, she stood up, making sure as she had always done since being spanked earlier that her dress did not ride up so far that her red legs would be easily seen by those behind her. She managed it, and then looked across at Miss Millie, took a deep breath, and, as her bottom was still stinging from the spanking, she walked over to her boss. Millie looked up as Nina stood...
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SpankingI Love Spanking! I was about to ask if you share my enthusiasm for hard whacks and loud smacks, but I have the feeling you wouldn’t even be reading this if you weren’t into it. (Of course, if you’ve stumbled accidentally into this kinky corner of the internet and would prefer something a little more vanilla to crank off to, I’ve certainly got you covered here at ThePornDude!) Spanking’s a reasonably common fetish, so you’ll find a lot of light butt-slapping sprinkled throughout random porn...
Free Porn Download SitesMy Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...
SpankingReddit Spanking, aka r/Spanking! Are you a fan of spanking? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated just to that fetish, and everyone is welcome to check it out. So, take your time and explore everything r/Spanking/ has to offer… it is a free subreddit after all. Or you can just continue reading since I shall pretty much explain all that you need to know about r/Spanking/ and Reddit.There isn’t much to be said about this fetish, or so to speak to be fair. You are either into spanking or not, since...
Reddit NSFW ListI was quaking as Ifaced Jason’s Mother who was really annoyed, fuming, and her anger was directed at me.“Well Miss Helm? I asked you why you spanked my son?”I knew it was wrong. I teach music, to the sixth formers, a nice enough group although they find it all too easy to lose concentration but then if music wasn’t your thing then that is almost expected. Jason is one of the naughtier boys. He is newish to the school having joined at sixth form level and had not gone through the lower school....
SpankingA Holiday SpankingI have a wood shop in the basement and I am very good at making things out of wood. My wife knows this and told Kathy, a friend of hers that I would custom make her something special for Christmas. Now Christmas has passed and my wife gave Kathy a phone call to see if we could come over to her house and I could measure her house and find out what Kathy wanted made.Kathy had other plans later in the day, and this would be a wonderful time to come over. I told my wife that...
SpankingCarol is in for a surprise! Carol and Sam had been friends for almost twenty years now, both sharing a fondness for history, a love of animals, and both were athletic. Carol had met Sam at a cafe those years before, and an immediate friendship grew which they found complicated, because he was a black man. Carol's mother had warned her as a teen to stay away from those "black bucks" as she had called them, and Carol had, for the most part. Sam was the first real black friend she had ever made....
SpankingSalon Spanking ‘It’s a bit weird don’t you think’ hissed Marina conspiratorially. Louise bit back the temptation to reply that this was a bit rich coming from Marina. To be fair, the gothic work-experience girl who had arrived a couple of months earlier, and immediately been nick-named Lisbeth after Stieg Larsson’s heroine, had become, well, a little less weird since the stylists at ‘Cutz’ had been let loose on her.And it was strange, really. Middle aged men didn’t often venture into the...
Chapter 1: Carol's First Spanking Carol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she had an idea what that meant. She...
A Holiday SpankingI have a wood shop in the basement and I am very good at making things out of wood. My wife knows this and told Kathy, a friend of hers that I would custom make her something special for Christmas. Now Christmas has passed and my wife gave Kathy a phone call to see if we could come over to her house and I could measure her house and find out what Kathy wanted made.Kathy had other plans later in the day, and this would be a wonderful time to come over. I told my wife that this...
Goddess was working while Axe was home alone and bored to tears. He turned on the laptop to sync his work “outlook” with their combined calendar. He scanned the page she had up on the screen. When he saw her favorite chat sites listed he was stunned. He looked at one site and couldn’t believe his eyes. He moved the cursor and clicked on the site. Within a moment he was in a ‘spanking’ room, feeling confused and shocked. The host seemed to be personable, as she asked his ASL and welcomed him....
Ruby Hamilton was a wild child. The only child of parents who were both far too busy with their own lives to care about hers, she had basically been on her own for several years. She came and went on her own with very little supervision. So long as she checked in once in awhile to let her parents she was still alive, that's all that was required. While this kind of life might be a young girl's dream, having no one really to answer to, it didn't lend itself to proper behavior. And idle hands, as...
SpankingWhat is the difference between spanking (flogging or caning, etc.) of a "sensual" nature and a "disciplinary" nature?DISCIPLINARY SPANKINGDisciplinary spanking is physically punishing a submissive for unacceptable/incorrect behaviour or attitude The submissive MUST know that they are being disciplined, and for what. Without this knowledge, they may assume that they are receiving a sensual spanking. The mindset of the submissive is central to discipline. If they don’t know they are is being...
My wife and I had been arguing. Suddenly my wife stood up, looked me in the eye and said. “You need to be spanked and spanked very hard indeed.”That stopped the argument stone dead as I looked at her. Early in our marriage, we had experimented with spanking. But now, after fifteen years of marriage, that time was long gone. When I occasionally looked at porn on the internet, I did tend to favour spanking content. One of my daydreams was to be forced to submit myself to a spanking over a...
SpankingThe art of spanking and capturing it all on video is basicly very simple you just follow my few rulesThe usual spanking scenario on video has two major mistakes: the reason for spanking and camera angleSpanking is almost always for punishment, with a lot of uninteresting babbling at loud voice before itSpanking for punishment is a contradictio in terminis serious spanking does hurt but it arousesThe position of the spankee is mostly correct: bent over with arched back to bring out bums for...
Happy Mariage W/ Spanking It all started about three years ago in a town in Oregon. I was alone in a small trailer park. Things were rather depressing, and not looking to get much better. There was an older man in the park that had a real problem with his Diebetes. He would fall and not be able to get up, sometimes laying on the floor for hours. Some of the...
She said, “You clearly need more discipline. Get your clothes off and get into the living room. Now. I so should’ve spanked you last night.” Half sitting upright and still tangled up in my sheets, I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. My mind was thinking Just say no and run away, but something much deeper inside my heart couldn’t resist her, couldn’t stand that I’d angered her, that I’d disappointed her. She turned and walked out of my room; she’d changed into gray sweats, but her ass...
SpankingCollege Spanking By [email protected] happened to me while I was going to college. I was in a class with two sisters. I would kid around with them a lot, and one day they invited to their rented house that was next to the campus. Once inside, we talked about the class we were in and also life in general. After a little bit, they asked me if I wanted to do something kinky with them. Being a red blooded American male, I said sure, and they had me take off my clothes. They left the...
SpankingMy name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...
Oral SexIt was a beautiful ceremony. I can recall the exact moment, when I got out of the limousine…my father greeted me in his arms. He told me how proud he and my mother were of me…he kissed me on my cheeks and said, “Steve’s a good man…I’m glad you found each other.” I met Steve at UCSB and truth be known, it was kinda like…love at first sight. I met him in the library. “Excuse me. Would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me?” I turned to the voice and immediately, I was taken prisoner...
The first time I got spanked, I was in college. I was 20 years old at the time. Typical Miami party girl, didn't take class too seriously, didn't really have a direction in life. All I knew was that I was hot and I was going to take advantage of it! I had a big butt (still do) and a fit body and I was going to enjoy it. Deep down though, I knew this wasn't the way to be doing things. I had been into spanking since I was a teenager. I'd always fantasize about a big, strong man putting me in my...
'Once maiden starts to monthly bleed, Clear increase in her spanking need.' I do not recall the precise source of this charming couplet. Perhaps it is Marlowe's, or from Alexander Pope. Or perhaps I penned it myself in days gone by, inspired to its truth in the observation of a young niece's jutting bottom. Frankly, I don't recall (although I do vividly recollect eventually obeying the maxim to the max with the self-same niece!) An undisputed fact is that the Dr. Spock "bible" of...
I was getting back to Dayton late, about midnight, and had stopped at the usual rest stop to take a leak. A guy stepped up to the urinal next to mine, and I noticed that he was standing a little turned and had his arm out of the way so I could look at his cock, if I chose. And I did so choose. It was a medium sized cock, fairly big around, I thought. He noticed that I was looking and glanced down at my cock. I had turned so that he could see mine, too. After he finished peeing, He...
Friday Night Spanking Friday Night Spanking Joe relaxed and leaned against the wall of the kitchen, watching as Pita finished the last of the dishes. He looked down her long copper-red hair to the edge of her pink, cotton skirt that ended about three inches beneath her ass. He watched intently when the material swished with her movements. He knew there was nothing under the soft fabric except even softer skin. He could feel his hand itch with his want for her. Tonight was to be...
From Michelle's notebook... I was spanked any number of times when I was growing up. I'm going to share the last of those spankings with you. It happened in July of the summer after I graduated from High School. I was eighteen years and three months old. There's no reason why I should have been spanked and no reason I had to put up with it. But I was, and I did. I'm a little fuzzy about the incident for which I was punished. It's strange but typical. Often a spanking overshadows the...
Miss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...
(This is a direct follow-up to Part 1)I lay on the bed feeling spent from having just come. I surprisingly feel fully comfortable with having let Sir take full control of me up to this point. However, I can already feel the hunger growing in me to keep playing and not have that be the only orgasm for the evening. In this selfish thought, I also realize that I will have serve my Sir as well. Although I am naked, freshly shaven, and only wearing the ribbon he tied around my waist and looped...
I have the kind permission of Peter242 to add this chapter to his fine story The Aftermath. I recommend reading his whole series, starting with Spanked for Free. Aunt Steph was sitting thoughtfully while Becky was upstairs putting her stuff together. She had really enjoyed herself spanking Becky last night and this morning but something was nagging at her and she was having trouble getting to the bottom of it, so to speak. Gradually it dawned on her that the missing ingredient was the...
SpankingMy apologies to whoever was waiting for me to continue about Mr. Walker. I mentioned near the end of my last story that I was humping the bed shortly after my friends dad left my bottom sizzling. I didn't understand why that spanking had evoked erotic feelings in me, all I knew was that the feelings were very intense and confusing. I won't bore you with details I can't remember clearly. I do know I had no one to talk to about what was going on in my head. Was I gay because I was bared and...
Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking as an adult grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and...
Simply answering an advert leads to a whole new world of pleasure ! Sue sat nervously in her lounge, feeling excited yet scared as she waited for him to arrive. Over and over in her mind, she wondered if she was doing the right thing This was not the first time she asked herself this question. That morning as she answered David's text messages, following his instructions carefully, she wondered what had come over her. Each attempt to understand herself only made her more nervous and anxious....
SpankingMy first gay adult spanking.Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a...
We were on the bed preparing to fuck. Debbie was on all fours, her beautiful arse should have been stimulation sufficient to arm me with a rod of steel. She was pampering my aching balls and gave my unwilling pecker an encouraging touch now and then, hoping as I hoped, for some stiff action. But all to no avail. It was me that gave up in the end and I huddled on the edge of the bed, beaten in my spirits like a schoolboy who chickened out of a dare.“It doesn’t matter.” sniffed Debbie and she...
SpankingI lay there, waiting for the first blow of the hairbrush. My "inner child" was screaming at me to call it off, and yet I wasn't scared enough. It may sound strange, but something was missing - and I was pretty sure I knew what it was. "Honey?" I said, turning my head to the side. He was halfway through the motion of spanking me with the hairbrush but stopped short. Looking annoyed, he asked, "Yes?" I turned fully over on my side, facing him. My cotton pajamas were still in place and...
Adult spanking is a curious thing. I mean, most of us did not like being spanked as children. We dreaded spankings, didn't we? So, why do so many of us long to be spanked as adults. I think for some of us, it is for sexual pleasure. For others, it is to meet an emotional need. Maybe we feel we deserve it before we enjoy fucking. Some parts of society make women feel we are bad if we enjoy being fucked. So, maybe we feel better about our longing if we are punished first. I will tell you why I...
SpankingI met Sally though She contacted me in search of a motivational spanking. She needed to be pushed to get busy with her business. She knew she was goofing off, doing everything but her business. We exchanged a few emails. Discussing what she wanted. Her likes and dislikes. I informed her (in an email) when we met she is to call me "Sir" when around me.•••••••Her dislikes may go out the window, depending on the offense!••••Sally had a boyfriend. But he just wasn't into spanking her....
Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed...
Jenny's First SpankingIt all began on the day before Halloween when Jenny decided to dress up as a ‘naughty schoolgirl’ for the party she was going to with a couple of friends.She after all still had her old school uniform, the long white socks, big blue knickers, white shirt, the school tie, blazer and that stupid straw hat with the band round it. When she tried it on she was pleased to find that it was still quite a good fit, it was however far from sexy!So she swapped the just above the knee...
Jenny's First SpankingIt all began on the day before Halloween when Jenny decided to dress up as a ‘naughty schoolgirl’ for the party she was going to with a couple of friends.She after all still had her old school uniform, the long white socks, big blue knickers, white shirt, the school tie, blazer and that stupid straw hat with the band round it. When she tried it on she was pleased to find that it was still quite a good fit, it was however far from sexy!So she swapped the just above the knee...
I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a complete stranger, in such a naughty way.I signed up to a gay spanking fetish website,...
I was younger around mid 20's I was starting to feel the need to be spanked. So I put ad on a free site and waited for responses. I got several but only one that stood out. Most of the ones that responded wanted to know why I wanted to be spanked or what I did to deserve the spanking and would not take that I just wanted one as I enjoy getting spanked as a response so I knew those were not the ones for me. The one that stood out just wanted a couple more pics of me and then we arranged a time...
I have always had an infatuation with spanking. There is a certain amount of eroticism and intimacy that goes with it. When you totally submit your bottom to an authority figure, to be spanked or paddled, it is quite a feeling. I think that's why I now enjoy some light spanking in the bedroom as foreplay. Every school I went to, growing up, used spanking as a form of punishment. If you disrupted class or did anything they deemed as “hindering the educational process”, you would get your bottom...
Several people have asked about my love of punishment, specifically spanking. When I think about it, I do enjoy giving a good old spanking. But my reason for it goes back to our old family house and my sister, Ginger.If you follow us, you know my sister, brother and me were raised by our mom. Dad died when we were young. If fact, my little brother Mike was only 2 months old when it happened. Mom moved us from a large 4 room house to a 2 bedroom condo. Four people in a little condo with no...
Emily heard her brother’s request, but she didn’t move. Instead she just said, “Tommy, I haven’t heard an apology yet.” Quickly turning to Shelly, Tommy blurts out, “I’m sorry Shelly.” Then he turned back toward his sister, and with his eyes, he implored her to untie him. Instead of moving toward her brother to satisfy his wishes, she now felt herself slipping back in her unusual, but now not uncommon, role as his disciplinarian and teacher. She looked back at her brother, shaking her head...
With the school year approaching, I was getting ready to go back to college. The college life is amazing: pretty girls, pretty girls and pretty girls. Let’s just say I like to date around. I can’t be tied down to just one woman, you know? My name is Bred Jakes. I am a 6’ 1”, muscular, light-skinned black guy. I live in a small apartment complex in Dallas called Sunset Apartments. I'd decided to work at a camp for children with diabetes. The experience was breathtaking; the campers were filled...
SpankingThe gentleman's name that gave me my embarrassing spanking is David. Later that Sunday evening, the same day he spanked me, I received several text message pictures from him. Pictures he had taken of me with his phone and stills from the spanking video. I got so incredibly turned on by seeing all of the pictures he sent! But some of the pictures were a bit shocking. Pictures of the front of my house, a closeup of my house number, of my truck and license plate. A stark reminder of how vulnerable...
I see there are lots of CD spanking videos on this site. That reminds me of a couple i met many years ago. She was a dominate woman who loved to spank sissies. Her husband was a submissive sissy. I took her out to lunch and we just talked for quite a while in my car and she had me take my pants down so she could see my panties and i had on a garter belt and nylons that day. We agree that i would come to her place in a few weeks for a spanking. I went to her place and walked in and she told me...
Olivia was not surprised when the phone rang at 4:30. Scott often called before he left work. Usually, to ask if she needed something he could pick up on the way home. She checked the caller ID before she answered."Hi, baby," she said sweetly. "How was your day?""Just fine, honey. I'm glad it's Friday. It’s been a long week. Is there anything I need to bring home?""Just yourself. You're all I need tonight." Scott and Olivia had been married for only six months and their love life was...
SpankingHi, I am Alpha. I am pursuing my higher degree. I have written and listen some of the spanking stories. This spanking story which I am posting is true story of my life. When I was studying in my higher school, I was leaving on a rent. My parents were abroad. The landlord of the house was a lady. She was nice, pretty, imposing and strict lady. Her name was Demetra. She was of 26, unmarried and leaving alone. When I went to leave with her, I became very happy to see such a beautiful lady. She...
SpankingToday is the day that Karen is finally going to get the spanking she has wanted for so long and so richly deserves. Not the kind of spanking she has gotten but the kind she wants and needs. I’ve gotten us a motel room so we have a good and private place to do it. I know this motel and it is decent and clean and has just the right kind of chairs for OTK, comfortable but with no arms. I arrive about 30 minutes before Karen so I can make a few preparations. I know how much this means to Karen and...
I'd had about 10 - 12 meetings with a chap from yorkshire, not too far from where I am, called Jon,he called over to my place in the afternoons over a period of about 9 month. From the outset we made our intentions, expectations clear as to avoid any surprises. Basically I would wear tights, he would spank me, and thats just how it went for the first couple of times.On the 3rd occasion he masturbated and ejaculated on my spanked backside. I didnt particulary like the bloke to be honest,...