Talaes From The Frog-lady: Couple Therapy free porn video

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Tales from the Frog-lady: Couple therapy by Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - Introducing the Silvas Eduardo is the first one to wake up. He is still in that half sleep, half awake phase in which dream and reality mix, but even in this state he realizes something feels strange. In the 10 years of his marriage with Adriana, he slept in the same side of the bed, so the image he has from his bedroom is pretty much the same everyday. Now things seem to be out of place. It takes about 15 seconds to perceive he is in Adriana's side of the bed. Was it possible that he went to sleep in the wrong side of the bed last night? He looks at her at his side, and gets a surprise: there is a man sleeping there. There is something recognizable in this man. The first thing he recognizes is his pajama, it is the same pajama he went to sleep last night. The man's head turns towards him and Eduardo recognizes this face, indeed he knows it, he sees it everyday in mirrors. That man is a copy of him. Then he decides to move and sits down, just than he realizes he is wearing a transparent nightgown, Adriana's nightgown, through which he sees his breast. Suspecting what he would see, he looks at the mirror in Adriana's vanity, just to confirm that Adriana's face appears. Eduardo realizes somehow he is in her body. With all this movement the man at the other side of the bed starts moving and finally wakes up. He opens wide his eyes and says, "What the hell!" Eduardo is familiar with that voice, he used to record it for his lectures and since he was already expecting, he is not surprised to hear it. The man, however, is visibly surprised and places his hand over his mouth, as wanting to avoid to speak further. Suspecting one thing, Eduardo asks, "Adriana, is that you?" The man answers, "Eduardo?" "Yes" "What happened?" "I have no clue, apparently we exchanged bodies, but how is this possible?" As to answer this question, both of them notice a strange lady standing in the room, close to the bed. The lady is ugly and deformed. Her face seems distorted, with small eyes, too close from each other to look natural. She has oversize cheeks, and large mouth. Her neck seems to be non existent. Her face reminds that of some nasty animal, a frog, a lizard, or something even worse. Both remain silent, still surprised with that stranger appearing in their room apparently out of thin air, and the lady speaks. "Eduardo and Adriana Silva, I have been looking at your marriage already for some time, and decided you need couple therapy." Adriana, in Eduardo's body, is the first to react. "Who are you?" "Who am I is not important, the important is who you are." Then she continues, "Your marriage is lame, you accommodated in the routine of working and parenting and let things evolve to the point that both of you resorted to cheating." To himself, Eduardo, in Adriana's body, thinks, "How is it possible that this lady knows about his affair with Victoria?" As if she reads his mind, the lady tells, "I know everything." Before any of them have opportunity to answer, the lady completes, "You need to understand each other better, I sense you still love each other, so you deserve an opportunity to save your marriage." "You will live for a period each other life." This time Eduardo, in Adriana's body, asks, "For how long?" "Something over nine months," answers the lady. "Why nine months?" Then the lady turns towards Adriana (in Eduardo's body) and asks, "You didn't tell him?" "I was going to, but we started arguing, and I forgot." In reality, Adriana had been afraid to tell Eduardo that they would soon have another mouth to feed. The finances of the family were already stretched with the two children they already had, in spite of both of them having their jobs. She couldn't understand how the pill failed, but as her period failed to appear last week ago, she bought a pharmacy test and had just confirmed yesterday what she feared, she was pregnant again, for the third time. She reminded the despair she felt after seeing the result of the test, thinking about the long months of discomfort faced her, then she realized one important thing about their present situation, that switch means this time it will be Eduardo who will experience the discomforts of the pregnancy. The lady, sensing these thoughts, smiled and said, looking towards Eduardo (in Adriana's body), "Congratulations, your are going to be a mommy!" "What?!?" "That's right, you will live a full term pregnancy, and don't even think of interrupting it, you will learn that even this thought makes you feel sick." As soon as Eduardo perceives she was mentioning the possibility of abortion, he feels disgusted, almost nauseated. "Let me tell you some rules" the lady continues. "You are only able to refer to yourselves with your true names between you, when you speak to a third party, including your kids, you will answer only to your body names." "Other than this, I leave your minds intact, usually at this point I remove some of the inhibitions of my customers, but in your case I sense the awkwardness of the situation is key for your reform." "Second, you may access some of the memories of your other self, you just need to concentrate in how to do what you want to do, however use this with care, because you will live these memories, and this may seem disturbing." Then she points at Eduardo, in Adriana's body, and says, "Finally after Adriana here delivers, I will meet you again, then we will decide what to do next." "One more thing, this is to save your marriage, if you break it I will disappear and you will be stuck like this until you die." After saying this, she disappears in thin air. Both remain silent for a while, contemplating the impossibility of all that. Then Adriana (in Eduardo's body) breaks the silence, "You cheated on me." "From what I heard you did this too." The situation is already escalating in an argument, then Eduardo (in Adriana's body) takes the initiative of d?tente, "If we keep recriminating we will both suffer, you hear what the witch said, we must cooperate to revert this, I ask you to pardon me, and I pardon you and we finish this discussion here and now, how about that?" Adriana (in Eduardo's body) is still visibly upset, but she reflects on the proposition and agrees, in order to show this more clearly, she gives Eduardo a hugg. After this is solved the tension decreases, Eduardo, however completes, "We will run into these people, so it is better we disclose who they are now, in my case it is Victoria, the secretary of my department." Adriana is hurt, of course she knows Victoria, from the Department's past Christmas parties. Half in order to recognize their agreement, half to hurt Eduardo, she says, with a sensation of vengeance, "In my case it is my manager, Ronaldo." It is Eduardo's turn to get hurt, he always suspected that jerk was hitting on his woman, and now he has the proof. He resists the temptation to ask how long and how often this went through, it wouldn't be useful and he would need to answer that same question for her as well, concerning Victoria. It is better to remain ignorant. In order to change the subject, instead, he asks, "What should we should do now?" Adriana, still a bit upset, a bit ashamed, answers, "We should do what we do everyday." "And what is this?" It is time of Adriana's revenge, she answers, "If I remember right, I will go to shower, shave and dress myself, while you are going to cook breakfast, wake up the kids, make sure they are ready for school, feed us, and after that I will drive them to school." Eduardo feels hard the irony of that remark, which shows clearly the asymmetry of chores they had in their lives. He regrets never offering help to Adriana in these tasks, so now he can't ask her to share. The worst is the realization this will happen with the numerous other house chores, since his contributions home normally limited to driving and shopping. This was Adriana's turn. At least they have a cleaning lady who comes every week on Thursday, so the cleaning tasks limit to the most urgent maintenance and dish washing, as well as clothes washing, drying and ironing. Even so Eduardo already imagine how his routine will be, and, of course, he can't complain unless he shows out how hypocrite he is. Defeated he leaves Adriana in the room and go to the kitchen, still wearing the nightgown. He looks for the coffee powder, the filter and feed them to the coffee machine. This is obviously not the first time he makes coffee and prepares breakfast, he did that everyday when he was a bachelor, but this didn't prevent him to leave this to Adriana alone every day for the last ten years of their marriage. He reminds also that the kids take their coffee with milk, so he takes the milk tetra-pack package out of the refrigerator, takes a pan and pours the milk into it, placing it over the fire in the oven. He still remembers his bachelor's days so he pays attention to shutdown the fire as long as the milk boils, preventing the making of a mess by spilling. After everything is ready he goes to the kids room to wake them up. He opens the door and says, "Miguel, Clara, time to wake up!" The older boy, Miguel, answers, "Ah, mom, just five minutes more!" Inside Eduardo laughs, thinking how many times he said the same for his own mother when he was a boy. This proximity with their children is something positive of doing the chores and Eduardo realizes he had missed this all those years. He has a job to do, however, and incorporating his own mother, he answers, "I will not say this again, wake up, you will delay your... father." He hesitates before saying the last part, the kids however, don't perceive this and go, unwillingly out of bed, and towards the kitchen. Looking at the kids bedroom, small for the two beds, he realizes they will need to squeeze again with another child in that small apartment. He stretches the bed sheets in both beds and separates the school uniforms both kids will wear, and then he goes to the kitchen, arriving just in time to prevent the 9 year old Miguel to make a mess with the milk pan. Just at the same time Adriana arrives in the kitchen. She has shaved, and, with satisfaction, Eduardo saw that she cut "himself" while doing it. Eduardo pours coffee into a cup and serves Adriana, as she used to do everyday for him in the past ten years. Doing this Eduardo reflects in the rituals they had in their marriage. It is strange how easy is for him to enter the role of Adriana, he also realizes he instinctively thought of Adriana as a "he". He still feel male inside, but at the same time it is difficult to see the female in Adriana. Was she thinking of him as a "she" also? They have their breakfast in silence as they used to do everyday. After the kids finish their breakfast, Eduardo dispatches them to the bedroom, to get dressed and prepared for school, and then he has some 15 minutes in private with Adriana. After some awkward silence "he" says, "I separated your clothes to wear, they are over the bed." This is a sort of peace offering, and Eduardo answers, smiling, "Thanks." In fact it is a relief that Adriana did that for him, he has no idea how to select clothes for a woman to wear. Of course, Adriana has plenty of experience in choosing clothes both for her and for him. They finish their breakfast just in time for the kids to arrive, dressed for school and with their backpacks. Before leaving, Adriana approaches him and softly kisses his lips. This was another ritual. It is strange to think how easy it was to fall into these routine behaviors. After everybody leaves Eduardo returns to their suite. As Adriana promised the clothes are separated over the bed. Skirt, panties, bra and a blouse. There is also a pair of silk stockings and, in the floor, a pair of high heel shoes. He considers whether Adriana did that on purpose, but then he remembers that she is a cashier in the bank and this is probably something like a uniform. He undresses the nightgown, folds it and places under the pillow (as Adriana used to do everyday, at least this was something he observed), and then he enters in the shower. He knew that she generaly took a shower normally without washing the hair, so he takes care to do the same. This is his first opportunity to explore his female body. He explores Adriana's firm breasts, courtesy of the implants placed two years ago. Since he is alone, he don't need to show inhibition, and he touches generously the breasts, feeling the pleasure caused by the sensations. He also touches his pussy and, in particular his clitoris, out of curiosity. He controls himself not to continue with the masturbation. He finishes the shower and returns to the bedroom. Fortunately he payed enough attention to Adriana, to know how to dress himself as her. The stockings took more effort, but he managed to dress everything in five minutes. Under the clothes he found a written note: "Don't forget make up!" He has no idea how to do this, but he remembers what the witch said about getting one of Adriana's memories and concentrated on how to apply make up. He was rewarded with a memory of preparing for a party a few weeks ago, He reminded that party, they had an argument just before leaving, and in the memory Adriana was still upset about him. This was strange, because during the course of that memory, he was Adriana, and he felt the hate of himself. At least he knows now how to apply make up, and he does that. He then gets her purse and leaves the apartment, towards the bus stop. Chapter 2 - Adriana "If I remember right, I will go to shower, shave and dress myself, while you are going to cook breakfast, wake up the kids, make sure they are ready for school, feed them, and after that I will drive them to school." Adriana says this not to mock at Eduardo for their situation. In fact, Adriana says this because she is impatient, she needs to get rid of Eduardo urgent. Actually she is ashamed. Her penis is trying to get hard since the end of the conversation with the witch and she is trying not to present a fully erect penis, which would be clearly visible with that pajamas she is wearing. After Eduardo left she quickly undressed the pajamas and went straight to the bathroom. There she observes amazed her penis increasing in side and slowly rising from its naturally down position. The more she watches, more aroused she is, and faster the penis increases in size. This goes on until she can't resist anymore, she grabs the penis with her right hand and feels the volume growing. In a sudden inspiration she starts rubbing her penis and it quickly springs to a fully erect position. She is now totally horny and, fortunately, she has the intelligent idea to finish the masturbation inside the shower booth, and a few seconds later she erupts in orgasm, watching amazed the jets of semen splashing in the wall. It is a mixture of pleasure and an overwhelming sense of power. She is totally spent after that experience, but she is awake enough to open the water and wash the mess she made in the wall. Then she showers. She knows that men have no problem to wash the hairs everyday, so she does the same. After she finishes she knows she has to shave. Men's beards have the annoying tendency to grow everyday. She saw Eduardo doing this some times, but she realized she has no idea how to perform that simple task herself. Then she reminds what the witch said about concentrating hard and was indeed rewarded with one of Eduardo's memories, "I open the faucet, letting water flow in the sink and moist my face, closing the faucet again to save water. I take the aerosol can in the right hand, and press the button on top to produce a small amount of shaving foam in my left hand, then I spread it over my face, evenly covering all area with facial hair. I take the cartridge razor and start shaving. The procedure is so automatic that my mind wanders, the troubles of the day return to my head and I think about the supermarket buy I will need to do after job. I hate using the credit card for these expenses, it feels like trying to putting out a fire with gasoline, considering size of the bill I have to pay every month. If it weren't for Adriana's salary they would be in trouble, even so it would be nice if she could get a raise. The shaving is finished and I wash my face to remove the cream's residues." The experience is intense, she feels like she was him then. She is ashamed in double, first because she feels guilty for resorting to masturbation less than one hour after waking up in Eduardo's body, and second because she had no idea their money situation was so bad. She recognizes that the memory is from yesterday. She always left those details to Eduardo and since his salary was much bigger than hers, she never bothered asking. She learnes from that memory that Eduardo purposely shielded her from these worries. The memory, however, also gives her the information she needs: how to shave. She reproduces the movements she lived in the memory and is able to almost do a perfect job, the exception is that she gets distracted and moves the razor blade sideways, cutting her skin. She finishes the shaving, washing away the residues, while she bleeds from the cut, then she takes some toilet paper trying to stop the bleeding. It takes a lot of time. Then she returns to the sleeping room. She knows how Eduardo dresses every day for work. So she has no trouble dressing, but she realizes that Eduardo will have much more trouble in that matter. Perhaps he reminds using one of her memories, but she decides make sure he will choose the right clothes, so she selects the items from the wardrobe and place them over the bed. When she is almost ready, she reminds Eduardo will have no idea he has to apply make up. She decides to leave a note, reminding him, but places it under the clothes, not to scare him from the beginning. Then she leaves the room to have her breakfast. Chapter 3 - Way home Eduardo (in Adriana's body) types the commands in the computer to close her cashier. He had to resort to another of Adriana's memories to learn how to do that, and this was particularly disgusting, because she was thinking about Ronaldo feeling lust. He feels ashamed too, he is a university professor and had to rely on Adriana's memory to do such a simple task as closing a cashier. He endured that memory, reminding how many times he had himself erotic dreams with Victoria and realizing that Adriana was now able to retrieve those memories. He collects Adriana's things and closes in the drawer, than he takes her purse and leave, saying goodbye to the colleagues, but avoiding looking at Ronaldo's table. He walked towards the bus stop. They never even considered buying a second car for Adriana, now he has to rely on public transportation as she did everyday. Now it was his turn. At least the bus isn't crowded, a courtesy of leaving the job at 16:00 and not in the one hour later in the middle of the rush. The bus travel takes 15 minutes, Eduardo reminds Adriana is supposed to pick up the kids at Adriana's mom, who lives in a house in the same street of their building. The kids arrived much earlier than both of them, and this arrangement was convenient, especially because the kids could have their lunch at her house. He walks towards the house and pushes the bell button. His mother-in-law opens the door and hugged him. She says, "Enter, dear, the kids will be ready in a few minutes." Eduardo enters the house, and says, "We must hurry, Eduardo will return soon, and I still have to cook dinner for us." "Relax, forget the useless husband of yours." He was not very fond of his mother-in-law, but this remark hurts, he replies, "He is not useless, he is trying to do his best." The old lady looks at what seems to be her daughter, and feels this is strange, "I don't know from where comes this change of heart, did you have a fight with Ronaldo again?" So the old hag knew about Adriana's affair, and was probably giving an incentive to it. Eduardo then answers, "It is all over with Ronaldo." An awkward silence followed. To break the ice, Eduardo decided to change the subject, "Did the kids do their homework?" "Of course, as always." Eduardo remembers checking the homework of the kids every night, and the many occasions in which something was missing, so that assurance from his mother-in-law was very doubtful. He would check in the apartment. Eduardo concludes it is best to limit his contact with his mother-in- law, so he shouts, "Miguel, Clara, hurry, I still have to cook dinner!" After some seconds the children appear, already with their backpacks in the back. They say goodbye to their grand-mother, kissing her in the cheek, and then Eduardo decides to play safe and hugs his mother-in-law. They walk towards the building, enter the gate, and go to the elevator, pushing the button to the fifth floor. They enter the apartment and the kids rush to their room. Eduardo goes to the kitchen and inspects the refrigerator. He finds seasoned chicken breast ready for cooking and decides to do this with rice and salad. Again, he did cook a lot when he was a bachelor, but after they married he left the cooking entirely to Adriana. As an excuse he used the fact that he, Eduardo, arrived home two hours later than her, and also that in the beginning of their marriage he offered to cook for her, and she refused, saying he would make a mess in "her" kitchen. He takes two pans, in one he put the water to boil and lights the fire, and reserves the other one for the rice. Then he starts chopping garlic and onion for seasoning. The activity is so automatic that his mind wanders in memory, and since their situation is forcing them to question what they did with their marriage, his mind goes to the beginning, and before the beginning, when they were still dating. He reminds how he felt then, and in one moment he thought "what was it like for Adriana?", then he was rewarded with one of her memories, "Marcia was asking her, How is he? He is nice, handsome, and kisses well, I answer, Did you...? Not yet, we considered ending up in the Motel, but it is too soon And, do you see a future? Perhaps, I think I am already falling in love for him." And the memory faded. Eduardo remembers Marcia, a friend of Adriana who vanished after they married. He guessed this memory was the day after of one of the first dates he had with Adriana. It was interesting, he could feel the love Adriana felt for him in this memory. In the same time he remembers how he felt then. The excitement, the happiness. The day of their marriage was the best day of their lives, he was sure of that. Even the birth of Miguel, they were in love then. How did their marriage derail to the point of they both resorted to cheating? Of course, the economic situation helped in the process, the debt they acquired when they bought the apartment was a burden. Already by the time Clara was born, however, the worries surpassed the joy. He made the resolution to save their marriage, he still loves Adriana. After finishing chopping the garlic and the onion, Eduardo pours some oil in the empty pan and fries both. He puts the rice in the pan and pours the boiling water, until the rice is covered with about 3 to 4 centimeters water, then he places the lid and let it cook. He is about to prepare the chicken breast fillets, which were already seasoned, to fry in the frying pan, when Miguel appears at the door. "Mom, may we go to the playground?" He means the community playground at the entrance of the building. He met the children there almost every night when he returned from work, and now he knows why. He decides, however, it could not be that easy, "I want to check the homework, both your and your sister's." "Ah, mom, dad does this every night." "I want to check it now." I leave the chicken breast resting and go with Miguel to the children's sleeping room." I examine the home works of both children and conclude they did everything, Clara did some errors in her summation exercises, but this could be corrected later, by Adriana. The he says, "OK, you may go to the playground, but return by 19:30 for the dinner." And the children rush out of the apartment, as quickly as possible, to use every second of their play time. He returns to the kitchen. Adriana may be jealous of "her" kitchen, but she was not particularly fond of cooking. The result of this was that she applied the "least effort law". For example, those chicken breasts were bought already seasoned. He hated that. Since the kitchen would from now on be his, at least for 9 months, this would change. He takes the lettuce out of the refrigerator and is about to wash the leaves, when he hears the door opening, it is Adriana. Eduardo sees in the watch that she is arriving at least 15 minutes earlier than he used to do, and considers whether she is more efficient than him in driving in the jammed city, but the answer is much simpler, "I left the job earlier because we have to talk." "The kids are in the playground." "Yes, I saw them, but I left them there playing so we can talk undisturbed." Eduardo is still preparing the lettuce for the salad, and says, "What do you want to talk about?" "Our finances." Internally Eduardo feels relief, he is fearing, Adriana would like to break their marriage, or something more drastic. Adriana continues, "I know you are probably avoiding Ronaldo, but you have to postulate your promotion." In fact, Eduardo avoided meeting Ronaldo the whole day, but not because he hated him, but out of concern of the awkward situation if he tried to hit on him, thinking he was Adriana. Anyway, the responsibility of improving their finances should not fall entirely on his shoulders, again, "You can also help, I was postponing applying to defend my habilitation thesis, it is 35% raise in my salary." Adriana was afraid. "How is this defense?" "You have to upload the file and present the results in front of a commission of five professors." "How can I do this?" "I can finish writing the thesis and then I can coach you in how to present the work." Adriana is unsure, but she finally concedes that if she wants Eduardo to face her former lover, it is just fair that she has to do her part. Eduardo is already finishing the salad and everything is ready for dinner, before calling the kids, however, Eduardo wants to ask the question which bothered him the whole day, "Adriana, I want you to tell me the truth, I promise I will not be mad at you any answer." "What do you want to know?" "Is this child mine? Or is it Ronaldo's?" She openes wide her eyes and says, "It is yours, me and Ronaldo slept only twice and with condoms." And she completed, "Sorry." Eduardo is relieved. This was something he was fearing and it was good he was not carrying another man's child in his womb. The he finishes this discussion, asking, "Can you go to the playground and bring the kids for dinner? I think we have to tell them the news." Chapter 4 - Turning point Eduardo and Adriana were preparing to sleep, Eduardo wearing Adriana's nightgown and Adriana wearing Eduardo's pajamas. The kids were already asleep. The conversation with the kids was interesting. Clara, as a typical seven years old, was thrilled with the idea of having a new brother or a new sister to play with. Miguel, a nine year old boy, was already old enough to perceive the economic problem a new child would be. At the end, however, the result was positive. They were preparing to lay down under the blankets when Eduardo, summoning all courage he had, asked, "Aren't you curious?" "Curious about what?" "Sex." "What do you mean?" " We are about to spend more than nine months in each other bodies, are you not willing to know how it is?" "In the matter of fact, I am, but I was afraid to ask you." Eduardo giggled. "Why, only because I am the woman in the relation now?" And to answer to that, Eduardo undressed the nightgown again, becoming naked. Adriana undressed the pajamas as well, and it was visible that her dick was trying to engorge, but with not too much success. Eduardo quickly recognized that this was due to the stress of the situation. He had an idea how to solve this, he sat in the bed in front of Adriana, who was standing, and approached his mouth from her dick, swallowing it. He had, obviously no idea how to perform a blow job, but he thought "how difficult can it be?" Anyway, either doing it right, or simply because the eroticism of the situation, it worked, and Adriana quickly displayed a full hard on. Then she took initiative, with the hand she gently pushed Eduardo to lay in his back over the bed and approached her mouth from his pussy, starting licking his outer labia and his clitoris. Eduardo went to heaven and instinctively he started massaging his breasts and nipples. He could feel his vagina becoming wet. Adriana interrupted her mouth action and advanced forward to kiss Eduardo in the mouth, approaching her penis from Eduardo's vagina in the process. Eduardo, with his hand, helped her penis to the opening of his vagina, and so Adriana penetrated him for the first time. Eduardo perceived this like in slow motion, feeling her dick filling the insides of his vagina. The sensations where overwhelming and Eduardo felt his arousal growing in intensity. As Adriana reached the deepest point in his vagina, she instinctively started the in and out movement, building up the excitation in both of them. Eduardo felt the pleasure growing until something marvelous happened, he had an orgasm. It was different than what he was used to, less explosive and more spread, but it was pleasurable. The most interesting of this orgasm was that the excitation level didn't fade after it, and Eduardo felt the pleasure growing again with the continuing fucking action of Adriana. Eduardo had the idea to do something he always wanted to ask Adriana, but never had the courage to try, he said. "Take it out a little bit." Adriana complied and withdrew her penis from his vagina, then he turned his body, standing in all four over the bed, with the pussy directed to Adriana and said, "Take me from behind." This time Adriana had no trouble to find the opening of Eduardo' s vagina, and slammed the penis inside, resuming the fucking action. Eduardo felt how the dick seemed to reach deeper portions of his vagina and felt the pace of the pleasure growing faster. He also felt how Adriana's penis seemed to grow inside his vagina, from his experience he knew what was about to happen, which added a further layer of arousal. Moments latter Adriana erupted in her orgasm, while Eduardo reached another orgasm, almost synchronous to hers. Then it was over, they were both exhausted, but smiling. Adriana had the idea to put her hand below her penis before withdrawing from Eduardo, she knew part of the semen could fall in the bed, staining the sheets. She also told Eduardo, "Go quickly to the bathroom and expel the excess semen in the vase." Recognizing that Eduardo would not have the idea to do this by himself. After that they dressed again and laid in the bed to sleep. They were still smiling. Adriana said, "It was the best sex we had since we started dating." "I had no idea that you wanted me to lick your pussy, why didn't you ask?" "I feared you would deny and be mad at me for asking." She continued, "That Idea of fucking doggy style, it was so good, why didn't you ask me to do that before?" "I feared I would insult you with that." In fact it was the first time he did something like that, not even with Victoria did he try it. Then Adriana said something which was deep, but also disappointing, "We needed to swap bodies in order to learn what each other wanted in sex." Then they quieted, it was time to sleep, but before sleeping, Eduardo said, "I no longer want to think of me as Eduardo, I will start thinking of me as Adriana, I suggest you do the same." Chapter 5 - Three months: Ronaldo, the looser "Adriana" (following that day's resolution "she" didn't think of "herself" as Eduardo anymore) was returning from the doctor's appointment of the ultrasound testing and "she" was moved with the image of the fetus inside "her" womb. It was much more developed than in the first test, one month ago, in which only a small blob could be seen. This time details of the head and body could already be devised. It was still too soon to ask about the gender, and "she" was divided, part of "her" wanted to know, part "wanted" to be surprised. "Eduardo" could not be with "her", as in the first test, because "he" needed to apply a test in "his" class, test that "she" wrote. Hence, "she" was in the bus, and since "her" small bump in the belly was already visible, "she" used the reserved seat for pregnant women. "She" felt proud to be recognized as a pregnant woman. What a difference from that first day, when the witch told "her" "she" was expecting. "She" was on the way to the bank, it was already late and "she" could go straight home since "she" had the medical dispensation, but that day the answer from "her" request would come from the matrix and "she" wanted to know if they accepted "her" promotion to deputy manager of personal accounts. After that first day, "Adriana" didn't avoid Ronaldo anymore. First he approached "her" with an intimacy which bordered sexual harassment. First "Adriana" was mad at him, but quickly "she" recognized that if "she" played right, "she" could make him do whatever "she" wanted. Perhaps, this was the first time "she" really felt female. First "she" started faking "she" felt flattered with is advances, however, "she" always found out a way to escape whenever it became too intense. He tried to invite "her" twice to go with him to the motel at lunch time, the first "time" she found an excuse, but at the second time "she" informed "she" was pregnant from Eduardo and that they decided to give a shot for their marriage, so "she" wouldn't cheat on "him" anymore. By then, Ronaldo had already forwarded "her" request for promotion and even signed a recommendation letter. When "she" reached the bank, "she" went straight to Ronaldo's booth, he looked angry, but said, "This arrived early for you, congratulations, Monday you start as deputy manager for personal accounts." Of course, Ronaldo was not happy with "her" decision to stop their affair, but what he didn't know is that "Adriana" had been recording their "meetings" before, just sound, but just enough to prove that he had been harassing "Adriana", the first time he threatened doing something against "her" promotion, she showed the recordings and started blackmailing him. "She" opened a smile and said, "Looking forward working with you closer, chief." Chapter 6 - Three months: Victoria "Eduardo" (formerly Adriana) was spared from interacting with Victoria for the first three months after their swap. The girl received a surprise invitation to attend a training course abroad just before the visit of the witch. "Eduardo" guessed she had a finger in this. However, time has an annoying tendency to pass and the girl was back. "Eduardo" tried to remain far from her the best "he" could, but when "he" went to the cafeteria for "his" lunch, there she was. "He" couldn't deny accepting the invitation to sit at her table, to have lunch together. "Eduardo" met Victoria before (before, when he was Adriana), at that time "he" didn't see much in the girl, now that "he" was a he, the beauty of that girl became evident. It helped also that Victoria was at least five year younger than both him and "Adriana", who had the same age. They started with some small talk, and Victoria told about her travel. She finished, saying, "I missed you, did you miss me too?" It was obvious that the affair was long way from being over, "Eduardo" couldn't complain, Adriana's affair with Ronaldo before the swap, although not so frequent, was also not finished then. "Eduardo" tried to escape from this trap, "Something happened Victoria, Adriana got pregnant again, we decide to give a shot to our marriage." And to complete, "I will not cheat on her anymore." If "Eduardo" was expecting the girl would be disappointed, the result was the contrary, she opened a smile and said, "Are you sure? Adriana does not need to know!" "Eduardo" had his right hand resting over the table, the girl placed her left hand over it and started gently rubbing. "Eduardo" thought, "What a bitch!" but "his" penis "thought" otherwise, "He" was having an erection. The idea of having an affair with that girl messed up with "his" head, as to recover, "he" stood up, and said. "I must return to work." And left, before the girl could say a thing. The thoughts raced fast inside "his" head, while he hurried back from cafeteria to "his" office. "He" knew this was wrong, but the thought of having sex with Victoria aroused him. "He" could feel his dick hard as stone, and then some tempting idea appeared "how it was to have sex with a girl different from Adriana?". Then he turned around a corner and there she was, the witch, "The whole purpose of this is to save your marriage, I swear to you, if you have sex with that girl I will disappear and you will be stuck like this forever, but before I will tell Adriana everything." She was visibly angry and her eyes seemed on fire, before disappearing into thin air, she completed, "Imagine the shame you will feel, and the disgust Adriana will experience, knowing that you cheated on her with Eduardo's former lover." "Eduardo" never felt so scared. Chapter 7- Six months: Clara "Adriana" was sitting on a bench in the park, where Clara was playing in the playground, which was much better and complete compared with the one of the building. The girl was having a good time. Miguel was not there because he had a school excursion which would last three days. "Adriana" was also there for another reason, she had a doctor appointment few days back, everything was alright, the last ultrasound showed the baby was developing well (unfortunately the gender could not be determined), but the doctor felt she was too pale, and suggested she should take a sun bath everyday, to increase her D vitamin levels. So she was enjoying the warm summer day in the park. Before the swap Eduardo was closer to Clara than to Miguel, as is usual between fathers and daughters, but he had not enough time to interact. The kids always slept early and he arrived from work late. Now, as "Adriana" "she" had much more opportunities to deal with "her" daughter and this was paying profits. Clara was tired of playing and was returning towards the bench, she was obviously thirsty and much probably hungry, so "Adriana" retrieved the bottle of cold water and the sandwich "she" prepared for this occasion. The girl, still breathing rapidly from physical effort, took the bottle of water and drank a large sip. Then she took the sandwich and ate. When she rested enough, she asked, "Mommy, can I ask you a question?" "Sure, dear." "Is it true there is a baby inside there?" And she pointed at "Adriana's" swollen belly. "Adriana" smiled and answered, "Of course, dear, it is still very small, but sometimes it even moves." "How did this happen?" Inside "Adriana" was trilled, it was an opportunity to give sexual education to "her" daughter. "You surely already saw your brother naked, and noticed his body is different from yours." "Yeah, he has a pipi and I don't." "It is more than that, you have an opening called vagina, and he doesn't, this is the difference between man and woman." "OK," she answered. "When we grow old, these things have special functions, for example, you probably already noticed that sometimes mom and daddy go behind closed door to play." Clara acquiesced with the head, waving the head up and down, "Adriana" continued, "We call this 'making love' and during this the man's penis, what you call pipi, gets hard and the man inserts in the woman's vagina." "Yuk, that's gross!" "Adriana" giggled, "No, dear, it is a very pleasant process, you will see when you grow older." Then she continued, "During this 'making love' the man sends a half-seed called spermatozoon inside the woman, if the conditions are right, the spermatozoon meets another half-seed produced by the woman, called egg, and both form what will be a baby." "I still find this gross." "Ok, dear, you still have many years to worry about these things." The girl ate another bit of her sandwich, it was obvious that something else bothered her, after sometime, she asked, "Mommy, will I have a baby inside my belly one day?" "Dear, of course, but only if you wish." "What happens if we don't 'make love'?" "Adriana" was pretty aware that the girl had been preparing those questions for a long time, and was using the opening given by "Adriana" to satisfy her curiosity. "Adriana" answered, "About every month our body sends and egg to produce a baby, if the egg doesn't find the spermatozoon this egg and all parts of an organ we have, called womb, are expelled in what we call menstruation." "Adriana" noticed the scared face Clara was showing and completed rapidly, "You still have 4 to 5 years before start menstruation, don't worry with this now." She was still processing all information and "Adriana" thought of a way to change her focus. "Why don't you go play a little bit more, in 15 minutes we will return home." And the girl changed again in her 7 year old child mode, and ran to the playground to use all time she could have. Alone again "Adriana" kept thinking about the subtle interest Clara showed about all this, "her" mind drifted to a future in which "her" daughter would be hopefully happily married, pregnant, and in which "she" would help her raising a grand-child. Than "her" focus changed as well, there would be no dinner that night, it would be pizza night. Chapter 8 - Seven months: Success "He" could hardly believe, it was over. The president of the commission pronounced the result: "he" had been approved in his Habilitation. In the beginning "he" didn't believe "he" could do it. "Adriana" helped "him", first by finishing the thesis, and then by directing him how to collect the documents and upload in the university system. "She" also helped "him" with the lectures. Of course, in case of emergencies "he" could use one of the previous memories of this body, but "he" wanted to be prepared. The subject "he" lectured was quite technical, but surprisingly "he" got a taste for it, even for the mathematics. Back when "he" was Adriana, "he" felt unable to understand those things. Was the fact that "he" was now a male which gave "him" confidence to deal with such complex notions? As "he" depended on "Adriana" for the lectures, "she" depended on him for the basic things in a woman's life and for house administration. Of course "she" could also use "her" body's own memories, but "Eduardo" noticed "she" rarely did this. "He" could well understand the reason, after all "he" had all of Adriana's previous memories and remembered that in most of the time she was angry or complaining against Eduardo in the last years, and having these memories would surely be unpleasant. This interdependence was not bad at all, it gave them both a deeper understanding of their wedding, as well as a complicity, which, combined with their improved sexual life (mostly due to the more adventurous nature of the new "Adriana" compared with the old Adriana) helped them strengthen their bond. The new position would also be very welcome to relax their economic burden. "Adriana's" promotion already helped a lot. "Eduardo" was very curious about how "she" tricked Ronaldo in agreeing to that, but let that question unasked. "His" promotion, however, meant a much better salary raise and they could start looking to another home. Their apartment was already small for them and the two kids, and surely, until the baby grew enough to leave the crib, they could squeeze him/her in their own sleeping room. For the future, however they would need a bigger house. This was a complex process, since they would need to sell the apartment (including its debt in the bank) and buy a new house. It was a lot of trouble, but it would be worth. Victoria, after trying two more times without success gave up on him, her new target was a young professor, also married. This looked like a disease. The president of the commission then made the oldest joke in the field. "Here is the freshest habilitated professor in our department." In our language "fresh" is both a synonym of "new" and "queer", but this was repeated so often that nobody laughed anymore. Chapter 9 - Delivery "Eduardo" was returning rapidly home. He left the kids at Magda's. He preferred to use her name due to the complication of their relation. Technically, she was the mother of Adriana, hence "his" mother. However, she believed "him" to be her son-in-law, which she despised. Anyway she was unusually helpful, conscious of the importance of the event. "He" left instructions about bringing them both to the school van. Miguel wished to be with him and his mother at the hospital, but "Eduardo" denied, he would not skip school, and both kids could visit their mother at the hospital when everything was resolved. "He" opened the apartment's door and found "Adriana" at the kitchen, trying to clean the mess there. "He" said, "leave this, I can clean this later". One and a half hours earlier, "Adriana" felt something strange happening to her, they had been in that same day in a consultation at the obstetrician and everything was fine with the baby, but "she", who was asleep up to then, felt something would happen. She tried to rush to the bathroom, but her water broke when she was at the kitchen. "Adriana" was entering in labor. "Eduardo" said, "Go fetch your hospital bag." "Adriana" left and returned with the bag which contained the clothes she would need at the hospital, both for "her" and for the "baby". She seemed to be in shock with what was happening. Before leaving the apartment, however, "she" felt a sharp pain in the belly and had to keep still while it lasted. "Eduardo" asked, "A contraction?" "Yes." "What is the interval." "Five minutes." "Eduardo" kept still, "he" went though that twice when e was Adriana and new that a five minutes interval between contractions was very short. It was not very helpful to tell "Adriana" "his" fears, so "he" said instead, "Let's go." They left the apartment, locking the door behind them, and they took the elevator to the garage floor. "Adriana" was strangely quiet, probably overwhelmed by what was happening to her. The entered in the car, and "Eduardo" drove to the hospital, during the path "Adriana" felt another contraction. "Eduardo" silently prayed that she would not give birth in their car. They arrived at he emergency entrance in the Hospital and "Adriana" was rapidly transported inside with a wheelchair by nurses, while "Eduardo" proceeded to the reception to prepare "her" admission. "Eduardo" met "her" at the infirmary. The nurses already changed "her" clothes for the hospital gown, checked "her" vital signs, hear beat, temperature and blood pressure, and inserted the IV access in "her" arm. Then she was led to one of the waiting rooms close by. The nurses installed the microphone to hear the baby's heartbeat and left. Five minutes later an obstetrician appeared. Unceremoniously and disregarding "Eduardo's" presence, he inserted his hand in "Adriana's" vagina, saying, "She is already 5 centimeters dilated, it will not take long for the birth." "Eduardo" felt jealous, when he was still Adriana, "he" took 53 hours in the birth of Miguel and 35 hours in the birth of Clara. They were left for some time and "Eduardo" told "Adriana" she should rest, but by then the contractions were shortly spaced (between three and two minutes) and this made impossible for "Adriana" to sleep. The stress of the situation also forced them both to stay awake. Some ten minutes after they were left alone, "Adriana" felt a particularly strong contraction and then started shouting hysterically, "Something is different! Something is different!" "Eduardo" called the nurse, and she, in her turn called the obstetrician, who, again, inserted his hand in "Adriana's" vagina, saying, "I can feel the head, she is in labor." "She" was conducted to the labor room with the wheel chair, there was no time for something else, there, she stood up and laid herself in the operating bed. The nurse helped her place her feet in the stirrups which forced "her" legs to be spread apart. The team was obviously summoned in a hurry and arrived one by one in the labor room, the nurses quickly placed the monitors both for her and for the baby. Around this time "Eduardo" was allowed in the room already wearing the sterilized clothes and the mask. Another strong contraction came and "Adriana" felt like she was exploding or, more precisely, that "she" was going to be ripped apart. "Eduardo" asked the nurse close to him, "Won't she get the anesthesia?" "There is no time for this, she is already in labor." This went on for some time, a contraction came, the nurse told "her" to push, while "Eduardo" was holding "her" hand. It looked like an eternity, but in fact it took less than 10 minutes. "Adriana" felt like something big passed through "her" vagina and then she felt relief. "She" still felt pain, but not so intense as before. The nurses rushed the baby to another part of the room, while others cut the umbilical cord and extracted the placenta out of "her", "Eduardo" signed before the informed consent form to store the placenta material in the specialized bank for research purposes. Then they her the baby crying, the nurse approached and presented the baby to them, telling, "You have a beautiful, healthy daughter." The girl was still covered in placenta material, but was already calm, breathing and with her eyes closed. The nurse approached her from the parents, and then said that the girl would be cleaned and would meet them in the room. "Adriana" then asked one of the nurses, "Can I have now something for the pain." The nurse talked with the obstetrician, who said something and then she brought an injection which she inserted in her IV access, "Adriana" immediately felt a strong relief and the pain and soreness she felt in her vagina disappeared. Then "Eduardo" was directed to leave the room to undress the protective clothing and to meet them in the hospital room, while "Adriana" was transferred to a gurney and left to the same room using a different way. "She" was transported through corridors to an elevator, and the nurses tipped the fifth floor. During this way "Adriana" reflected about what happened to "her". It was unbelievable, but beautiful. Chapter 10 - Closure Hours later they were in the room, an advantage of not taking anesthesia was that "Adriana" didn't need to recover lying in the bed, she was comfortably seated in the couch, where she offered her right nipple to the little Mariana. During all ultrasound checks the girl kept her legs crossed, so it was not possible to determine her gender, they then chose names in case the baby was a boy (Pedro) and in case the baby was a girl (Mariana). This was also an open contest among the kids, Clara wished the baby to be a little sister, while Miguel wished a little brother. Clara won, evidently. "Adriana" was just talking about the kids to "Eduardo". "No way you will remain here, the kids need you, go home, I can remain alone for one night, I want anyway to sleep, as I suspect Mariana will do after finishing breast feeding." "Eduardo" wanted to reply, but was interrupted by the door opening again and the witch walking in as if it were the most common thing someone not belonging to the hospital staff walking in the hospital at that hour of the day. She said, "Congratulations for the beautiful girl." "Eduardo" and "Adriana" watched her without reacting. The witch then completed, "As promised I came to give you the option to return to your own bodies..." "No! I want to keep as I am now!" Before finishing her sentence, she was interrupted by "Adriana" with that blunt statement, the witch and "Eduardo" looked at "Adriana" puzzled, then the witch turned to "Eduardo" with a silent question, and he answered, very cautiously, "Me too!" The witch was really baffled. It was a fact that most of her "subjects" decided not to return to their older bodies, but they all gave some thought and weighted the options, "Adriana", on the contrary, was adamant. Almost as an excuse, "Adriana" explained, looking at "Eduardo", "You are a much better man than I ever was." "Eduardo" then decided to return the compliment, "And you are a much better woman than I ever was." Then he turned towards the witch and said, "It is decided, we don't want to change back." The witch then insisted, "I will never return, are you really decided?" This time it was "Adriana's" turn. "Yes, positive." "Very well, then my work here is finished." The situation was awkward, and then the witch completed with a joke, saying to "Eduardo", "I have been following your sex life, you better have your vasectomy soon." They were again surprised by "Adriana", who said, "Not yet!" Both "Eduardo" and the witch turned towards "her", and "she" explained, "I want to have one from the very begin on." "Very well, have a good life." She went to the door, but before leaving "Eduardo" asked, "Why don't you swap Victoria and Ronaldo?" The witch laughed and said, "I give my gift to those who are deserving and have some possibility to correct their ways, as it was the case with both of you." "These two will never be corrected, no matter what happens to them." And she left, leaving behind Eduardo, Adriana and Mariana. The new Adriana, or simply Adriana, was relieved. She spent the whole nine months fearing that the witch would appear again and that she would have to live as Eduardo again. She believed the witch was well intended, but that day she implied that what happened to them was a lesson, so it would be possible that this would end in their original state. It was strange, when she was Eduardo, this idea never crossed her mind: to be a woman. She was then satisfied with her sexuality. When she woke up in Adriana's body, first she rejected the idea, but very quickly she realized she enjoyed what happened. This solidified with that breathtaking sex they had in the first day. The question of the pregnancy was also complex, first she got upset to learn she was going to carry a baby for 9 months, but soon the wonder of the situation dominated her feelings and soon she realized she loved to be pregnant. Of course, there were also unpleasant parts, in particular what just happened to her wasn't funny. One thin she regretted, though. She was not the one who got pregnant, the old Adriana was. This is why she considered the possibility to get pregnant again, she wanted to do it properly and willingly. Mariana was finishing, she could feel it. That strong bond between mother and daughter was another thing she loved. Soon Eduardo would go home, and she would rest. Then her mind wandered. It was obvious that sex would be out of question for some time due to the soreness she felt in the vagina, but then a "thought" crossed "her" mind: "What about anal sex?" they never tried something like this, it would be interesting to think about. THE END

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Male Erotic Allround Therapy

(Male Erotic Allround Therapy) John was an average man in is late thirties, who had most things in life sorted out. One thing that was missing in his life though was an intimate relationship with a loving woman. He had a couple of romances before, but none was quite fulfilling for him. He just didn´t seem to find the right partner. His last relationship was already through, and his ex had a new boyfriend by now, whom John couldn´t stand, but she still seemed to care for John, since she...

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The Dead Frog and Sues Cherry

You are probably wondering what a dead frog has to do with Susan Bloomington losing her cherry at the ripe young age of 16. In all honesty, Sue never expected to lose her cherry so sudden like and she certainly never expected it to be with her step-brother Ryan to whom she had always carried a particular dislike because of his sarcastic mouth and slovenly ways. When they first learned about the family camping trip to Lake Tahoe, neither Sue nor Ryan really wanted to go but they soon discovered...

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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Lonely Twenties Slut Therapy

"Oh fuck damn!" shouted Amber, in a high pitched tone while being covered in sweat.The vision became dim as she started to faint from exhaustion, heat and the pounding of Kai who had her in a doggy style position and was giving her a merciless anal pounding. Kai was so intense and held the helpless raven-haired beauty in place while tearing through her. Amber's head bounced around as she could barely balance on her knees and started to collapse, only being held up by Kai's strong grip on...

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Fierce Therapy

A Fierce Therapy, A TG Horror Story by Kathy Core [not to be reproduced in print or on a pay site] 'Fierce' as he was known to his friends couldn't take another minute of nicotine withdrawal, feeling as if somebody was perpetually screwing bolts into his head. He couldn't stop his teeth from clenching, nor control his fragile temper. He was losing control, plain and simple, and now matter whatLucy, his...

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Canine Therapy

Amy MacDonald had a terrible fear of dogs. Months ago at the beginning of summer, she had been bitten by one, and though the mark on her arm had disappeared the mere sight of a dog would make her fear for her life. Over time she learned to avoid dogs which helped her to stay calm, but a new problem had emerged and had become a real drag on her wellbeing. She was eighteen, only a month into university and finally getting her first taste of freedom, yet she now couldn't leave her own student...

1 year ago
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Lady Tether and the Three Little Discards

Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...

2 years ago
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Sissy Therapy

My advertisement read: MEN Interested in sex with other men but don't know how to proceed? Looking for a safe, friendly way to find out if this is for you? Obsessed by online bi/gay/sissy/crossdressing porn but frightened to meet someone? Is your marriage at risk because of your desires? I can help! One four-hour sexual therapy session will help you to decide if this is right for you, and will help you to understand your desires. Don't suffer alone, I can...

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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...

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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...

1 year ago
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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for 9 yrs. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that's why I have hung in there. She was sexually abused from the time she was a little girl and that has caused her a lot of issues when it comes to sex. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can't because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. Its so sad...

4 years ago
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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

Wife Lovers
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Alternate Therapy

My name is Natalie Smart. I am currently studying for my Phd in Classical Literature at a large university in Eastern England. I find my studies absorbing and I guess most will call me bookish if not actually a prude. It's not that I don't get on with people, I can be very sociable whenever I want to, it's just that I quickly tire of them, finding most of them shallow and in the case of the men, interested in one thing and one thing only. Unfortunately I am frequently pestered as I am judged to...

4 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 1 Her Ladyship Comes of Age

LADY VICTORIA - PART 1 - HER LADYSHIP COMES OF AGE  BY WILLIAM STREET  Lady Victoria waited impatiently in the elegant drawing room of her father's mansion, at a loss to understand what was taking so long in loading the several large trunks containing her wardrobe. At long last the Butler arrived to inform her that her carriage was now ready at her pleasure. She answered rudely, berating him for the incompetence of his staff and followed him to the cavernous Hall of the House. Her mother was...

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Changing Channels Couples Therapy

Changing Channels - Couples Therapy Julie and I had been on the outs for about a year now.? Hard to know what started it, but I guess we weren't as compatible in real life as we were in college.? I'd strayed a bit on a business trip back East a few months ago, and I got the feeling that she'd done the same.? Neither one of us had told the other anything, but we weren't really speaking anymore anyway.? We were thinking about getting an amicable separation, but the lawyer told us...

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Physical Therapy

Unlike most smart people, I tend to ignore the fact that warming up before strenuous exercise is essential for your overall good health and for best performance. I’ve always been lazy like that and until recently, I’ve been lucky. But my luck ran out playing tennis on a hot day, and during the course of stretching to make a shot, I pulled and injured some tendons in my upper thigh.I ended up assigned to physical therapy twice a week, and the first day was uneventful. My therapist, Gretchen, was...

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It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the first real day of summer after a long rainy spring, and the wide concrete path that hugged the Chicago lakefront was packed with people enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Joggers, walkers, bikers, and rollerbladers, all fighting for position on the same crowded path, but everyone was in a good mood and having fun, including me. I was one of the rollerbladers, and not a very experienced one. After watching bladers shoot by me day after day while I was...

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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...

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Couples Therapy

Shawanda Parker glanced across the receptionist’s desk at the lone woman in the waiting room, wondering what her problem was. This was a Friday, the end of her second week on the job, and the overwhelming question she had, every day, with everyone who came in the office, was ‘What’s your problem?’ Shawanda had just turned twenty-one. She was a pretty girl, of mixed Latino-African American background, who lived with her Puerto Rican boyfriend in an apartment just outside of town. She had...

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Lady Heathers Maid

Lady Heather's Maid. By Trish. This is the story of how I was seduced from a university course that bored me into a life of skirts and service to Heather Lane. I first heard of Heather when I was about thirteen. It was after school one evening and as usual my mum was picking me on her way home from work. I was on first glance a typical teenage boy in most respects, for instance I was not happy about being forced to sit in the back because mum was giving Edith, her best friend a...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 4 Frog Prince

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 4:  Frog Prince The early summer morning light fell across George’s back and warmed him to the point of being uncomfortable.  George was awake, but he couldn’t bear to move, or breath, or open his eyes, for fear of joining the day without Dawn by his side.  Before she had told him, very naturally, that she loved him again the night before, she had promised that she would be there when he awoke.  But George was fully prepared to find that all had been a...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 4 Frog Prince

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 4:  Frog PrinceThe early summer morning light fell across George's back and warmed him to the point of being uncomfortable.  George was awake, but he couldn't bear to move, or breath, or open his eyes, for fear of joining the day without Dawn by his side.  Before she had told him, very naturally, that she loved him again the night before, she had promised that she would be there when he awoke.  But George was fully prepared to find that all had been a...

1 year ago
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Aprils Radical Mental Therapy

Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...

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Sex Therapy

“Doctor Gerard, this is Mrs. Brown, our client for the next two days.” Julienne introduced me to a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. Her short black haired, brown eyes and pale skin oozed sensuality but her droopy shoulders tried to hide her firm breasts and sexuality.“Good morning. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable.” I took Mrs. Brown’s hand and led her to the couch. She wore her conservative grey business suit, designer shoes and handbag like a suit of armour against the...

Group Sex
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my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!   THERAPY   Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard cock...

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Lady Catherine Hines

Lady Catherine Hines sat in her chair as Miss Braxton, a woman in her 40s, brushed her long brunette hair. It extended to the small of her back. Catherine was dressed in her night gown. Miss Braxton always brushed her hair before Catherine retired to her bed. "You appear downhearted, Lady Catherine. Did you not enjoy the party? You appeared happy while socializing with your friends." "I alsways enjoy my time with my friends but do you observe how Father does not allow me to socialize with...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 6 Familys Incestuous Therapy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Therapy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I'd seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so...

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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

1 year ago
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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

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"Doesn't everybody desire sexual pleasure?"This was the best opening I could muster in my first meeting with the counselor. Dr. Timothy was selected by my wife, Lou (short for Louise), of s*******n years."To some degree everyone desires sexual pleasure, Richard. Tell me why do you desire pleasure?"Lou had arranged the meeting after determining I needed help. In an intimate moment, I suggested we expand our sex life by adding a little spice—such as another woman. Lou didn't react right away, but...

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Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 203 Family Therapy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 6 In Therapy

In Therapy (part of the HH genre) TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women...

4 years ago
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Physical Therapy

  A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to the flow of traffic smashed into the rear of my car at a very high rate of speed. The impact was very severe and the paramedics who arrived on the scene suggested that I should go to the hospital and get checked out. There was some stiffness in my back and neck, but I figured it would just go away, and I was really not in the mood...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Specialist therapy

I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...

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Family Therapy

I licked my lips for a moment. "You want to invite me in with you two?" "Yes, you seem to like what you see, and you've put up with our fighting enough," Kate replied, leaning towards me and kissing me. "I wouldn't mind you joining us," she added, before grabbing a blanket and wiping my chest. "Care to join me, Stephen?" she pondered, prior to leaning down to my jugs. "Oh, you just went up even higher, Kate, yes, lick that nipple and make me feel good," I moaned, placing a hand on her head....

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"And how does that make you feel, Bob?" "It used to make me angry, Ann, but now I just ignore it." "Bob, it would be better if you addressed me as Dr. Culver. Therapy is more effective if you take it seriously. A casual approach isn't good for either of us." "That's fine by me. Henceforth you may call me Mr. Canfield." "If you wish, but I've found using first names puts a patient more at ease." "I'm not a patient, I'm a customer. I'll go along with whichever you prefer,...

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