The Next Step - Chapter Three free porn video

I must be imagining this, I think to myself as the knocking noise continues.
My heart is in my mouth as I make my way to the door.
It can’t be you… it just can’t be…
I feel light-headed.
Could it be?
I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle.
“Good morning!” comes a woman’s voice. “Housekeeping!”
I visibly deflate as I pull the door open, cursing myself for thinking it would be you. I explain to the lady that there was a last-minute change and that I won’t be checking out until tomorrow. She offers to make the bed and change the towels, and I am instantly reminded of seeing you emerge from the shower earlier. I tell her that I will be going out shortly, and she agrees to come back later.
After changing into my jeans, I sit on the edge of the bed whilst I put my ankle boots on. As I pull up the zip on the second one, I catch my reflection in the mirror; again, I am reminded of you and of how it felt as I watched you pleasuring me with your fingers, your mouth brushing the side of my neck and the top of my shoulder.
Turning my attention back to the day ahead, I use my phone to find a local cab company, slip on my denim jacket and make my way back down to reception. The taxi is waiting for me by the time I get outside, and the driver makes polite small talk on the short journey to the shopping centre. It’s starting to rain as we pull into the enormous car park, so I am thankful that he manages to drop me off right outside the entrance.
I decide to get a drink before hitting the shops, so look around for the nearest coffee shop. Once my hazelnut latte is ready, I find a free seat, sit down, and get out my phone. There’s a smile on my face as I see a message from you, letting me know that you got back okay and telling me that you’re still thinking of last night and this morning. I type a quick reply, telling you how much I enjoyed it and that I can still feel you inside me, add a few kisses and hit send.
As I leave the cafe, I start thinking about which shops I want to visit. There’s nothing I really need, but it seems like forever since I had some retail therapy, so I decide that I’m going to spoil myself today.
First up is a department store. I spend ages browsing the cosmetic and fragrance counters, taking in the enticing smells and cleverly designed visual displays. I sample a new perfume from my favourite brand, which smells simply divine, so I purchase that, along with the matching body lotion.
After testing numerous lipsticks on the backs of my hands, I pick out the one that I like best. It’s a deep, sultry shade of crimson red, much darker and more daring than my normal nudes and rosy pinks, but it feels like the colour that best sums up my mood today.
As I queue to pay, my mind begins to wander. I imagine leaving a trail of sticky, red lip prints all over your delicious cock, kissing it and then devouring it the next time that we are together.
There’s a nail bar here. I can’t remember the last time that I had my nails done professionally, so I decide to add this to my me-time treats. I show the technician the lipstick that I have just bought, and she manages to find a close colour-match from their gel range.
Whilst I sit with my fingers under the lamps, patiently waiting for the polish to set, I am imagining how it would feel to run my nails down your back, digging them into your skin, just hard enough to leave a mark. I wonder if you would enjoy that; my instincts tell me that you would.
Once my glossy talons are dry, I make my way to the lingerie department. There are some beautiful items in here, most of which have eye-watering price tags. My attention is drawn to a stunning chemise nightie and matching short gown. Both are made from soft black satin, intricately trimmed with the sheerest black lace.
There’s one set left in my size, and I take that as a sign that I should try it on. I find the nearest changing rooms, and an assistant shows me to a free cubicle. Slipping off everything apart from my knickers, I carefully slide the nightie over my head. The fabric glides across my skin, hugging my voluptuous curves and accentuating my ample breasts. The cups are diamond-shaped panels of lace, offering a teasing glimpse of the firm, pink nipples that sit behind them.
Draping the robe over my shoulders, I look at myself in one of the full-length mirrors. I know immediately that I have to buy this set; it’s the sort of lingerie that can take a plus-sized, middle-aged woman and turn her into a boudoir goddess, brimming with sensuality and sexual power, in just a matter of seconds.
Reaching for my phone, I ruffle my hair, breathe in to push my boobs up, and take a selfie, which I then send to you.
What do you think?!? I type.
Your reply arrives within seconds, consisting only of a series of kissing faces, interspersed with flame emojis.
I remove the garments and put my clothes back on. I smile at the changing room assistant and tell her that I will be making a purchase. She takes me over to the till, wraps each piece in layers of silver tissue paper and places them into a ribbon-handled bag. I ignore the numbers on the screen as I punch in my pin number, reasoning that you can’t put a price on how good this outfit made me feel.
Heading back into the centre, I mooch around the other shops that pique my interest. I buy a newly released book of erotic poetry by one of my favourite writers, quickly deciding which piece that I will share with you first. Even though I already have about eighty-seven notebooks at home that I have yet to use, I can’t resist adding a few more from a boutique stationery store. I go a little crazy in an aromatherapy shop that I haven’t heard of before; I purchase an assortment of handmade scented candles, some new essential oils and a luxurious bath foam that apparently has aphrodisiac qualities.
Suddenly feeling hungry, I decide to stop and re-fuel. I find a quirky-looking café that has an incredible display of cakes and pastries in the window. Despite normally being a savoury fan, I feel the need for a sugar rush. It’s so hard to choose between all of the mouth-watering confectionery, but I eventually settle on a fresh fruit pavlova.
Wary of my caffeine intake after the amount of coffee I’ve already had today, I’m about to ask for a peppermint tea when I notice that they sell alcohol here. There’s no doubt about it: a glass of Prosecco would go perfectly with this.
As if by magic, my order arrives. Breaking into the meringue with my spoon, I scoop up the delicate, powdery base, add a dollop of firm, whipped cream and a cube of pineapple, and then close my eyes as the combination of flavours explodes in my mouth. I savour the sweetness of the sugar as it mingles with the juicy, sharp fruit. Keeping my eyes shut, I reach for my glass and take a sip of the cool, fizzy wine. As the bubbles fizz and tingle against my tongue, I feel shivers run through my body, prickling my skin.
Before continuing, I look down at my phone and see that I have a new message from you. Delicious though the food is, I can’t wait. I have to read it now.
What are you doing?
I giggle.
Having a foodgasm. You?
Oh? Do tell…
I take a picture of the plate in front of me, making sure that the glass is visible. Feeling mischievous, I pluck the chocolate-dipped strawberry from the centre and place it against my mouth, smearing some cream on my lips in the process. I snap a picture of this, send both to you, and continue to devour this piece of sugary heaven as I wait for your reply.
All of a sudden, I have the sense that I am being watched.
Glancing around me, I realise that there is a guy at a nearby table watching me, an amused look on his face. I blush furiously, feeling like a teenager who has been rumbled whilst doing something naughty. I lick my lips, dab at them with a serviette and then down the rest of my Prosecco in one go, hoping that it might dull my embarrassment.
My phone flashes, diverting my attention.
Very nice. Looks like you’re having fun xx
I smile as I reply.
Well, I WAS having fun, but some random guy has just seen me taking that photo! OMG I am so embarrassed! He probably thinks I was trying to hit on him or something!
I watch as you immediately start typing a response.
And were you? Bad Lisa… xx
Shaking my head and laughing, I see that there’s someone waiting for a table, so I throw my phone in my bag, pick up my purchases and head to the counter to pay. As I leave, I furtively glance over at the guy who saw me taking the picture. He looks up and smiles again, which leads to yet more blushing and a rather hasty exit.
I’m getting ready to make my way back to the hotel when I spot a well-known sex shop. Remembering our conversation this morning, I have a devilish urge to go in. I make my way past the rails of brightly coloured, sexy lingerie without paying much attention – very few of their ranges have bras that go up to an F-cup – and head towards the naughtier product section at the back of the store.
The display of toys is impressive. There’s something for pretty much every taste, occasion, and kink here. I wait until no one else is nearby and take a quick picture of the shelves of vibrators.
Hmmmm… I wonder which one I should get for tonight? (winking face)
I carry on looking around whilst you type your reply.
Get one that reminds you of me (tongue-sticking-out emoji)
I laugh.
I remember when sex toys were given really naff names… like Maximus or The Pulsator… I’m almost disappointed that they have got classier these days (sad face)
I know what the next message will say before I read it.
What would mine be called? (winking face)
I’m already typing my answer.
Ohhhhhh I think you already know… Magnificence! (three kissing emojis). And it definitely wouldn’t be displayed in the ‘recommended for beginners’ section!!! Now, I need to get on with my shopping. Bye for now! xx
I browse a little longer and then select what I want to buy, pay for my items, and leave. There’s a taxi waiting when I get outside and I thankfully climb in, my feet now starting to hurt. I spend the short journey scrolling through my phone, reading the news, and replying to my messages, including one from you.
What did you buy?
Books… candles… stationery…
From the sex shop?
Ohhh that…Hmmm… can’t remember now…
You enjoy teasing me, don’t you?
Yes. As you do me, my sweet xx
Are you going to tell me later?
Maybe… But you never know… I might end up showing you instead (winking face). Anyway, gotta go now, nearly at the hotel xx
With my feet and back now aching, I am glad to get back to the room. I put the shopping bags on the floor and stretch out on the bed. As soon as I sink down onto the mattress, I am immediately thinking of you and of everything that we did in this bed. It’s not just my mind that’s thinking of you; I feel the moisture pooling between my thighs in response to these thoughts.
I decide that a bath would be a good option for my sore muscles. As the hot water begins to fill the tub, I go and get the new bath foam that I purchased earlier. It’s an exotic, erotic combination that includes the sensual scents of sandalwood and ylang-ylang, two favourites of mine that have an arousing effect on me.
I undress, slip into the water, and close my eyes, inhaling the wonderful-smelling steam as I lie back and relax. After a few minutes, it occurs to me that some soothing music would be a welcome addition. I grab my phone from the edge of the sink and select a suitable playlist. As I move to put it back, a message notification flashes up.
Are you in the bath?
Yes! How did you know that???
It’s what you’re always doing at this time of day (laughing emoji)
Yeah… fair point. Have you been for a walk?
Yes. Just got back. Having a shower in a minute.
I bite my lip as I think about what to send next. We’ve often shared suggestive bath and shower photos before, but I feel like I want to send something more this time. It’s always been my stance that I won’t share pictures below the boobs or above the knees, mainly through being cautious of the potential repercussions, but also due to a lack of body confidence. Knowing that you’ve seen everything now changes this somewhat; there’s no longer the fear of how you will react.
I part my legs and rest my feet up on either side of the bath. Holding the camera in one hand, I slip the other between my thighs, covering my pubic area with my palm as my fingers disappear down towards my pussy. I zoom in, take a picture, and send it to you.
Wish you were here, I add.
You respond with a series of emojis that suggest you approve, followed by a teasing black and white shower picture that you know will get me going.
Are you watching porn in there? you ask.
Don’t need to when I’ve got a picture like that to look at! Fuck, you know how to turn me on!!
I’m not exaggerating when I tell you how much you arouse me; there’s just something about you that never fails to get inside my mind and send delicious sensations to each and every one of my erogenous zones.
As I feel the desire start to wash over me, my fingers return to the apex of my thighs. Slipping between the soft lips, my index finger moves slowly onto my clit. I hold it still, feeling the rush of blood to the sensitive nerve endings, and try to calm my breathing rate.
We often joke about the speed at which I can cum. Many times, when we have been playing together, I’ve had to resist touching myself until the very last moment to avoid climaxing too soon.
Using my left thumb to type, I send you a message.
Guess what I am doing now?!?
The reply is almost instant.
Touching yourself, I hope?
Whilst part of me wants this to be a long, indulgent session, my inner horny vixen is desperate for her release and does not wish to wait.
After sending a message that consists of just a devil emoji and a kiss, I put my phone down, tip my head back and begin to circle my fingertip with increasing speed. I have no urge to slide any of my fingers inside me right now; the only ones I want there are yours. Picturing you here with me, your mouth on my nipples as you fuck me hard with your hand, I bring myself to orgasm in less than a minute.
I allow myself a moment to come back down to earth before grabbing my phone again.
Might’ve been a new record there! Told you that you get me going! xxx
I stay in the bath a little longer, using the shower mixer to wash my hair. Once out of the water, I start to get ready for dinner. I’ve decided to embrace my evening alone and treat it as a date night just for one.
I take the time to blow dry my chestnut bob until it’s sleek and smooth, before carefully applying my make-up, which includes my new red lipstick. I purchased a new pair of black hold-ups from the adult shop earlier and I am careful not to ladder them as I slowly roll them up my legs, only stopping when the lace-topped bands reach their resting place on my thighs. I wear the skirt from last night with the black scoop-neck top that I brought as a spare.
Checking my reflection in the mirror, I notice that it’s nearly the time that I booked the restaurant for. Once there, I initially feel self-conscious, unaccustomed to doing something like this on my own. By my second glass of Sauvignon Blanc, I no longer care; I am enjoying my own company, though you are never far from my thoughts.
The food is utterly delicious; it’s clear to see why this restaurant has won awards. I mentally note that we should eat here the next time that we meet and then smile at myself when I realise how automatic the thought was that there will be a next time.
I imagine leaning across the table to offer you a taste of my dessert and being jealous as your tongue licks the spoon. The thought of your mouth and the knowledge of what it is capable of makes me shiver with delight.
Once the meal is over, I decide to continue my solo date night in the bar. I order a fruit gin-based cocktail and flirt with the bartender as he throws it all together. There’s mischief creeping through me, a new-found confidence that’s beginning to blossom. I take a sip of the finished drink, lick my lips, and tell him that he clearly knows how to keep a woman happy. I show him my room card so that he can charge it to my account, wink at him, and make my way to a free table that overlooks the gardens.
I’ve not been there long when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Fancy seeing you again!” says a male voice from behind me.
I spin around in my chair and blush when I see who is standing there.
It’s the guy from earlier. The one who saw me licking cream off a strawberry.
“Mind if I join you?”
I don’t have a chance to say no; he’s already sitting down opposite me before I can get any words out.
“So, I see you’re on your own,” he says, a mildly condescending tone in his voice. “What brings you to this neck of the woods?”
I take a sip of my drink as I carefully consider my reply. The mischief that’s still bubbling inside me wants to tell him that I’m still recovering from a night of passion with my lover, just to see the look on his face.
“I met up with a friend yesterday,” I eventually tell him. “Then decided to have a day to myself, before heading home tomorrow.”
“Lucky friend, eh?” he smirks.
I try to divert the conversation by asking him why he’s here. Luckily, he’s one of those people that loves to talk about himself. He tells me that he’s on a business trip and then goes on to tell me how successful he is. In minute detail. I don’t think I could get a word in edgeways if I wanted to.
As he continues to list all his many achievements, I’m trying to withhold a smile. I’m thinking about someone that you and I both sort of know, who’s also a high-flying executive-type, and the conversations that we’ve had about me being turned on by a man who waves his Filofax at me. The more I think about this, the harder it’s getting to keep a straight face.
I’m not sure if he can sense my amusement, but he suddenly changes tack.
“Would you like another drink?”
I sense that this could be my chance to escape.
“No, thank you,” I say, smiling politely. “I have an early start tomorrow, so don’t want to be up too late. I think I’ll head back to my room now.”
“Let me walk you there. Ladies on their own can’t be too careful these days,” he adds, laughing at his attempt to be funny.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I tell him as I stand up. “Thank you for the chat. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Goodnight!”
With that, I quickly walk away, hoping that he doesn’t follow. Back in the safety of my room, I get out my phone and check for messages. There’s nothing from you, but I already know that you’re busy tonight. I decide to wait until later to tell you about my new friend.
As I put my phone down, it beeps.
What are you up to? x
I smile at your timing.
Just got back to my room. Had to escape from my ‘new friend’ haha! Are you having a good evening? x
Yes. Who’s your new friend?
I send a quick explanation, knowing that you’ll be amused when I tell you about my struggles to keep a straight face.
Not wanting to intrude on your night, I stick my phone on charge and decide to do some end-of-evening pampering. I take off my top, skirt, and hold-ups, then search out the perfumed body lotion that I bought in the department store. Pouring a generous amount into the palms of my hands, I begin to rub it into my skin, starting with my neck and decolletage.
I’m just about to take off my bra, to give me access to my breasts, when I hear a soft knock at the door.
“Fuck!” I mutter. “How has he figured out which room I’m in?”
I decide to ignore it, hoping that my visitor will assume I am asleep and go away.
For a moment, I hear nothing.
Then another knock at the door, louder this time.
I grab the black satin gown from inside its bag, scattering the tissue paper over the floor as I do so, and wrap it around my body, covering myself up.
Irritated by this intrusion, I make my way over to the door, a dozen feisty responses floating around in my mind as I turn the handle and yank it open.
The words die on my tongue as I look at who is in front of me.
“What… what are you doing here?” I ask you when I can eventually speak.
You don’t reply.
Pushing past me, you grab my hand and pull me into the room, letting the door slam loudly behind us. Before I attempt to speak again, I find myself pressed against the wall, your body pinning me there as your mouth begins to claim mine.
I moan as your tongue slips between my lips and then again as your hands roughly pull open my robe, exposing my body to you. There’s a real urgency about your need to touch me; your fingers tug at the cups of my bra, desperate to free my breasts, allowing you to maul my pale skin. I yelp as you pinch my right nipple, sending shockwaves flooding through my body.
As that sensation begins to pass, your teeth sink into the side of my neck, deep enough to leave a mark. The message is clear: your appetite needs satisfying tonight.
My mind is whirling. I have not recovered from the shock of your arrival. I cannot think straight. Everything feels like a dream and I start to doubt whether I am actually awake.
But when I look up into your eyes, I know that this is real.
I see lust.
I see desire.
But I can also see deep, dark, primal urges rising to the surface.
And I like it.
I like it a lot.
Grabbing a bunch of my hair with one of your hands, and then one of my shoulders with the other, you force me down onto my knees, my back still against the wall. My eyes level with your waist, I watch as you unbuckle your belt and unzip your jeans; the noises breaking the tense silence in the room.
My mouth is watering in anticipation as you start to pull your rapidly hardening cock free.
I lick my lips and look up into your eyes.
“Open your mouth.”
I am so desperate to taste you, to feast on your hardness, that it almost hurts.
But I’m determined to take this to another level tonight.
I fix my glance on you, bite my lip, and then pause before replying.
Your hand flies to my chin, tilting my face upwards as your thumb tries to enter my mouth.
“Open your fucking mouth.”
Your words go straight to my pussy, drenching my knickers.
“Make me.”
The hand that was on my chin drops lowers, fumbling around until it finds a plump, engorged nipple and then squeezing it between your thumb and finger.
“Fuck!” I squeal, as you slowly start to twist my skin.
You know that nipple pain will make me acquiesce faster than anything else; I part my lips and accept your cock without further protest.
Your hand is still on my tit and I know better than to push you. Opening my mouth wider, I take more of your length. Stopping just short of my tonsils, I clamp down, tightening my lips around you, and suck as if my life depends on it.
With both hands now in my hair, you are fully in control. As my saliva coats your dick and begins to escape down onto my chin, you’re fucking my mouth, reminding me that I am yours. It fleetingly crosses my mind that someone else attempting to move onto your territory earlier might be what’s got you so fired up tonight, but there’s no need for you to worry; you’re my first real-life lover and I already know with some certainty that there will never be another.
It’s a you and me thing; nothing else gets even close to what we have.
Suddenly you pull away and I gasp for breath, sinking back against the wall as my lungs begin to fill with air once more. Glancing up, I see you looking around the room, though I have no idea what you are searching for. I dare not ask. I see a flicker of a smile as your eyes land upon something on the desk.
“Stand up.”
My legs are weak from kneeling, but you help to pull me to my feet. You push me towards the desk so that I am standing in front of the mirror.
It reminds me of this morning; I wonder if you’re thinking about this too.
Without saying anything, you stand behind me and make eye contact through the glass. Lowering your mouth, you kiss my neck, brushing the area marked by your teeth. Our eyes are locked upon each other the whole time. I feel your hands on my back, struggling to unclasp my bra and then pulling it free and throwing it on the floor.
“Put your hands behind your neck.”
“Just do as you’re told. Unless you want me to- “
“No!” I cry as your hand begins to grope one of my breasts, zoning in on my sore nipple.
“Then put your hands behind your neck.”
Fearing what will happen if I don’t, I do as you ask. I place one arm behind me, wrist against the nape of my neck and elbow pointing upwards, then repeat this with the other arm. I watch as you take one of my discarded hold-ups and tightly bind my wrists, not tight enough to cut my circulation off, but secure enough to make sure I can’t free myself.
For a moment, we just stand there, you behind me, watching each other in the mirror. I am naked apart from my soaking knickers and I blush as your gaze slowly sweeps over my entire body. I know how erotic you find visual stimulation, a fact that is backed up by a certain hardness pressing just above my arse.
Almost perfectly recreating what happened this morning, you begin to play with my tits with your hands, cupping, squeezing, grabbing my naked flesh, before trailing one hand down my stomach and into my underwear.
“You liked this earlier, didn’t you?” you ask.
I nod, unable to speak.
“Especially this bit.”
It’s not a question; it’s a statement, and yet there’s an answer contained within the moisture that your fingers have encountered.
“Fuck… you are dripping.”
I whimper as your fingers find my sensitive clit and slowly begin to circle. As your other hand starts to gently flick against my nipple, I don’t know whether I’m going to pass out or cum.
“You’re my girl,” you whisper, kissing along my shoulder blades.
“I know.”
“Good. Because I’m going to make sure you never forget that.”
Before I can ask you what that means, you push me forwards so that my elbows are resting on the desk; my nose is just inches from the surface. As I try to balance myself, I feel you pulling at my knickers, which are so wet now that they cling to me like a second skin. This doesn’t stop you though; if anything, it makes you more determined to prise them off and yank them down until they land in a heap at my ankles.
I feel your hands rubbing against my arse, and I wonder if you’re going to spank it or fuck it. I wouldn’t rule out anything tonight with the mood that you seem to be in. I hope it’s not the latter; we’ve already established that your cock isn’t best suited to beginners and I can’t imagine you taking your time to make it a slow, sensual, anal fuck tonight.
“Open your legs.”
“They’re already open.”
“Wider. I want them properly spread. I want full access to you.”
Lifting my foot and kicking off my knickers, I do as you ask.
As your hand lifts and then connects with my skin, I yelp. The sound of the smack is almost instantly replaced by my squeal.
“Ouch! That fucking hurt!”
“Good, it was meant to.”
“But- “
My words are cut off by the sting of your hand as it lands on my other arse cheek. I know without being able to see that it will have left a red mark there; I also know that the sight of that will be turning you on immensely.
You continue to spank me, loudly. I am surprised to find that it hurts less each time and also, that the pain is arousing me. It’s good pain, the type of pain that can only be created by a lover who knows the exact point at which good becomes bad, finding the boundaries whilst also pushing them.
As I stand there, trying to balance as your hand warms up my arse, you manage to confuse my senses further. While one hand is delivering pain, the other starts to deliver pleasure. I moan as you reach under me, stroking my clit as you continue to slap me.
All of a sudden, you move the hand that was on my cheeks and slide one, then two fingers, into my soaking pussy. I cry out. Still playing with my swollen nub, you add a third finger, pumping them in and out, faster and faster.
“Fuuuccckkk!” I scream as I start to cum, my cunt muscles contracting tightly around your digits.
Waiting until my orgasm subsides, you slide your fingers out and pull me up so that my back is resting against your chest. Knowing how hard I came and how lightheaded this will leave me, you wrap your arms around my waist, tightly, steadying me as the last of the aftershocks disappear.
I speak first.
“That was amazing,” I say, my voice barely a whisper.
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
“Are you going to untie me now?”
“What do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I mean, I’m not going to untie you. Yet.”
“What are you going to do then?”
“I’m going to take you now.”
Even though I have only just cum, that statement sends shivers of delight through my entire body.
Turning me around, you push me back onto the bed so that I’m lying on my back, arms above my head, wrists still tightly bound. I watch you as you begin to get undressed, quickly pulling off your clothes and throwing them in various directions.
I look down at your cock, taking in its size and apparent state of hardness.
“Is that one of your special ‘Lisa’ erections?” I cheekily ask.
“You’re about to find out,” you growl as you climb onto the bed and on top of me.
There’s no preamble this time. As your cock starts to press against my pussy, which is still soaking wet, I gasp.
“Fuck! That’s even harder than it looks!”
“Yes, it is,” you agree. “And it’s all for you.”
With that, you slowly sink into me in one long, fluid movement. I’m so tight after my recent orgasm, but you don’t hesitate or wait for me to yield; you need to be inside me, to reach that place you know is yours.
Leaning down to kiss my mouth, you grab at my tied hands and thrust, hard. I can feel the pent-up desire coursing through you as you plunge deeper and deeper, pinning my body underneath yours, pounding me into the mattress.
It’s not enough for you. Reaching up for a pillow, you roughly pull it under my hips, tilting my pelvis to give you even more access. I can feel your cock curving up inside me, pressing against my tight, wet, delicate skin.
You’re a man on a mission tonight; nothing will stop you from claiming your ultimate prize. You move my legs into various positions, hugging them up against your chest, throwing them over your shoulders and grabbing at my ankles as you fuck me with a level of passion that I have never encountered before.
This level of force, of determination, desire, would be terrifying, were it not so incredibly erotic; there’s an almost crazed look in your eyes as I stare into their depths, searching out your soul as you bury the full length of your cock inside me, over and over again.
As you lean forwards to grab at my hands again, a reminder that I am yours and that I am going nowhere, I sink my teeth into your arms, your shoulders, your chest. It’s going to leave marks, but neither of us cares about that in this moment.
I bite your forearm harder, enough to jolt you. Placing your hand on my throat, restraining my mouth, you continue to take me, your eyes never leaving mine.
I can see the orgasm building within you before I feel it.
I know that it’s time.
Time for you to reach that primal peak where you fill me with your seed, that natural place that exists without any boundaries or rules or protection.
Time for you to leave a piece of yourself inside me.
Time for you to make me your girl again.
Your mouth descends to my left breast, kissing and biting your way to my juicy nipple, which is desperate for your attention. As you lick and flick and tease and suckle, I feel an unexpected fluttering and tightening sensation, deep inside my cunt.
I’m going to cum again.
I’m going to cum all over your cock.
As you suck and fuck me hard, I explode.
Noisily, messily, desperately.
As my pussy muscles rhythmically milk your cock, I see your face tense up. Momentarily tightening the grip that you have on my throat, you make a noise that’s somewhere between man and beast as you start to fire off ropes of cum. Hot, sticky cum that belongs inside me, buried within my secret depths. A secret that only you know.
Your hand quickly loosens, and you collapse on top of me as your cock drains and twitches in my pussy.
Pausing for a minute, you slowly roll off, carefully pulling out of me as our cocktail of sexual juices begins to run onto my thighs. You untie my hands, and I rub my wrists where the nylon has dug into the skin.
“Fuck,” is all you say between deep breaths.
I curl up next to you, our foreheads touching as we silently take in what just happened.
I can feel the shift happening within you as my passionate, sensual lover returns; the caveman has now left the building.
Sliding up towards the pillows, you pull me along with you and straight into your arms. Our bodies are hot, marked, sore and sticky, but neither of us suggests showering; I don’t think we have the energy left.
“Well, that was certainly something,” I say, somewhat stating the obvious.
“Yes, it was,” you reply with a hint of amusement in your voice.
“So, I’m just thinking…”
“Yes, there’s still plenty left to do another time.”
“I wasn’t going to say that!”
“What were you going to say then?”
“I was going to say… if that was the thing that was top of both of our wish lists, what’s going to be next?”
“I don’t pre-plan these things; what happens, happens.”
“But if you were going to,” I persist. “What would it be?”
You go quiet for a moment, so I lean up on my elbow to look at you and see if I can guess what you are thinking.
A naughty smile suddenly creeps across your face.
“What? What are you thinking about?”
“Guess. I’ll tell you if you get it right.”
“Oh fuck, this is hard! It could be anything with you!”
“If you don’t guess, you won’t find out.”
“Hmmm…. okay then. Let me think. Is it… doggie-style?”
“That’s on the list, but that’s not what I’m thinking of.”
“Right. Does it involving dressing up?”
“Does it involve food?”
“In what way?”
I laugh. “Like you finally letting me try your famous roast potatoes and me blowing you to show my appreciation?”
“That’s a shame. Does it involve a specific location?”
“No. It’s an activity, not a place.”
“If it’s rimming, you can fuck right off, my sweet!”
You laugh. “I know your views on that. Keep guessing.”
“Oh, I don’t know! Give me a clue.”
“You can talk! Okay, I’ll give you a clue. It’s something we’ve never done before when we’ve been playing.”
“Well, that doesn’t help much! I don’t know… use condoms?”
“That’s never going to happen.”
“Ohhhh, I give in. Anal?”
“On the list, but it’s not that. And that has come up before.”
“It won’t be going up anywhere if you don’t tell me soon! Ohhhhhh, I give up. I’m tired,” I say huffily.
“Fair enough,” you laugh, leaning over to kiss me. “Sweet dreams.”
“You’re really not going to tell me?”
“No. Goodnight.”
“Okay then. Goodnight.”
You drop off first and I lie there in silence, still trying to guess what it was that you were thinking about. As tiredness begins to take over, I reason that it really doesn’t matter what might happen next time; the only thing that’s important right now is that there’s going to be a next time.
I’m smiling to myself in the dark as I have my last thoughts of the night.
He still doesn’t know what I bought in the sex shop earlier… and he certainly has no idea of what I’m planning to do to him when we wake up tomorrow…
And with that, I drift into a much-needed deep sleep.

- 29.09.2020
- 26
- 0
- Category:
- Straight Sex