Wanking Fantasy Now His Lover free porn video

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Having finally got to bed his boyhood crush after twenty years, thirty-seven-year-old Ben Luckhurst was ecstatic because not only had he bedded Gillian Hepworth, there was every prospect of bedding her again and again and again.

It was about five in the morning and he had left Gill's hotel room about two hours previously but he had not had a moment's sleep as he thought back over the last few hours. He had attended the sixty-year-old Gills retirement party, a party to which he had been invited as an ex-employee of the company that Gill had eventually become Managing Director of. He had gone to the party to get a glimpse of the woman that he had lusted over twenty years previously but had not actually seen for eighteen years and he had ended up having a great fuck with her, or two fucks actually.

He was on his back on the bed and his mobile buzzed, his first thought was who was ringing him at this hour but as he picked the phone up it lit up as 'Gill' and a smile spread across his face. They had exchanged phone numbers because they both had every intention of fucking again soon.

"Hey baby," purred Gill.

"Hey yourself," replied Ben who's hand automatically went to his naked penis on hearing her voice.

"That was one great fuck, well two actually," she laughed.

"Yes, it was fantastic," confirmed Ben.

"I didn't ask, do you still live in town?" asked Gill concerning the town that the company was based in.

"Well not with my mum and dad anymore but I don't live far outside," laughed Ben thinking it strange that he was naked on a hotel bed in the early hours of the morning having a phone conversation with a woman, possibly also naked, in another room in the hotel.

"So we should not have too much trouble getting together again?" said Gill who was actually naked having removed the stockings that she had been wearing earlier.

"Nope, this is all a dream to me," said Ben still not being able to believe what had happened.

"Oh Ben, I wish that I had tried the seduction that I often thought about all those years ago," sighed Gill.

"I had no idea that you even noticed me," replied Ben.

"I need that cock of yours in me again soon, can you spend the weekend in my house from next Friday?" asked Gill.

"I would love to but I don't know where you live," replied Ben.

"I think that I could probably give you the address," laughed Gill before adding, "If I don't see you at breakfast I will see you on Friday."

"Ha, it is almost time for breakfast and I have not been to sleep yet," said Ben into the phone.

"Me neither but you need to build your strength up because you are going to be busy next weekend," giggled Gill who was thinking that she was falling in love. Well, lust anyway.

They did not see each other in the hotel in the morning but they had several phone conversations, and several suggestive texts, during the week, and Gill had, of course, given Ben her address.

Ben still could not really believe what had happened and what was going to happen when he arrived at Gill's house for what promised to be a weekend of sex. Gill looked gorgeous in a white trouser suit when she met him at the door.

"Hello Mister Luckhurst, welcome to my home," she said before locking her lips on his.

"So pleased to be here Mrs Hepworth," he replied when the kiss finally broke.

"Yes, you do seem to be rather pleased," laughed Gill as she stroked the bulge in Ben's trousers.

He followed her into the living room with his eyes focused on the firm mature buttocks in her white trousers, he was already erect in his own trousers.

"I had thought of us relaxing for a while before we go to bed but I want you so much that I don't think that I can wait," said Gill as she turned to embrace him. They snogged and Ben cupped Gill's arse cheeks as his rock-hard penis pressed against her body.

"I want you so much too, Gill,"  replied Ben although she had already reached that conclusion herself.

Gill had Ben's cock out of his trousers and was slowly wanking it as he undid her blouse. Ben then undid her bra and with it now loose her large tits were hanging free. There was more snogging and they were both gasping with lust.

Gill dragged Ben's trousers and underpants down and licked the end of his rigid prick as he stepped out of them.

Ben wanted Gill naked down below as soon as possible and he had her trousers and then knickers at her ankles and she duly stepped out of them.

They kissed again with Ben's erection pressing against Gill's body as he gripped her bare buttocks.

"I am not going to make it upstairs, take me here," panted Gill as she lay on her back on the carpet and Ben was delighted to slide his cock into her very welcoming vagina.

With the whole weekend ahead of them there was no need for subtleties at this stage because they were both too far gone in lust as Ben slammed in and out of Gill hard and fast as she locked her legs behind his back.

They were both panting with exertions and excitement as rigid penis serviced wet cunt, "Yes, oh hell Ben, fuck, oh yes, yesss," Gill gasped as she had her first orgasm of the weekend, and although Ben usually had a lot of staying power he knew that he was not going to be holding off his ejaculation for long.

Ben managed to hold it long enough for Gill to cum for the second time but as she was still in the process of doing that he yelled, "Fuck!" as his spunk jetted into her.

When their bodies finally finished expelling sex fluids they relaxed a bit and kissed long and deep.

"I think that we both needed that," said Ben.

"We did, now we can have a nice long chat about old times before we go to bed," replied Gill.

They scrambled up off the floor and used kitchen roll to clean themselves up a bit but even so, Gill put a blanket on her expensive settee because, as they were both still naked from the waist down, she did not want any cum stains on it.

They were cuddled up close with Gill with her head on Ben's chest and he with his hand on her hip and sometimes on her bare arse.

They were sipping wine and Ben asked, "Did you really fancy me all those years ago?" because he still could not believe that the gorgeous then forty-year-old married woman thought of him like that.

"Yes really, I honestly often thought of having your young cock between my legs," she replied.

"But you were married and you were one of the bosses," he said, still not convinced.

"Not happily married and even bosses think about sex sometimes," replied Gill.

"If only I had known, I wanked most nights thinking of you," he confessed although he had told her that she had been his wanking fantasy the previous week.

"I wish that I had done the wanking for you," she said as she playfully ran a finger over his relatively soft cock.

They kissed again and drank some more wine and then Gill sank to her knees and took the still seated Ben's penis in her mouth.

She sucked in briefly before saying, "We can make love all day tomorrow if you can't manage another go tonight but for now I want to blow you, okay?"

Ben moved his arse forward a bit on the settee, opened his legs wider, and closed his eyes saying, "Do whatever you want my darling."

For more than ten minutes Gill worked Ben's throbbing penis with her lips, tongue, and hand and was edging him but as he seemed to be enjoying it she did not yet take him over the edge.

Ben squirmed and groaned and tensed but was loving what this multi-talented woman was doing with his cock.

Ben was looking at the beautiful eyes closed face of his sixty-year-old lover as her cheeks moved in and out with her sucking and she was once again getting him very close to cumming. It did not appear that she was going to stop this time and he thought he had better warn her that she was about to get a mouth full of spunk.

"Oh fuck Gill, I am going to shoot," he managed to pant as his excitement approached fever pitch.

She opened her eyes in acknowledgment and then sucked harder and faster and a smile lit up her face, as best it could with an ejaculating cock in her mouth, as Ben's cream spurted into her throat.

A while after he had finished cumming and she had licked her lips, Ben said, "Your turn now, sit here," as he patted the settee that he was vacating.

Gill was soon in place with her generous thighs on Ben's shoulders and her legs on his back as he buried his head between her legs. Ben had become proficient at most things sexual and he was certainly good at cunnilingus, as he had shown Gill in the hotel, and he played her cunt and clit as she twisted on the settee in pleasure. "Shit, shit, shittt," she shrieked as she came.

Having fucked earlier and having given each other oral pleasure they slept naked and content in the knowledge that there would be much more sex to come on Saturday and Sunday.

They awoke and Ben said, "I am so happy to be waking up with you."

"I am just going to nip to the bathroom, you can show me how happy you are when I get back," said Gill.

"You have a lovely arse, Gill," said Ben as his lover headed for the bathroom.

"Why thank you," she replied as she stopped and wiggled it before giving him a lovely smile over her shoulder.

Gill was soon on her way back and Ben had thrown the bedclothes off the bed and his cock was almost fully erect.

"You have not been having wanking fantasies again have you?" Gill giggled.

"No, just showing you how pleased I am to be here," answered Ben.

It only took three strokes of Gill's right hand to have him fully erect and Gill said, "As you like my arse so much how about fucking me from behind." She did not wait for an answer but Ben was not going to object as Gill got into position towards the bottom of the bed facing a large mirror. Ben had not really noticed the mirror the night before but now Gill was smiling into it as he got behind her and looked at her wonderful arse with her cunt just below.

They looked into each other's eyes via the mirror and Gill gasped as Ben held his erection against her arse crack and dragged it up and down, she gasped again as he teased her anus with a finger and she swayed her backside from side to side. A touch with his fingers was enough to tell that her cunt was wet enough for penetration and they looked at each other's facial expressions as he slowly slid his penis into her.

He very slowly fucked her, most of the time with them watching themselves in the mirror, and when Ben detected both from Gill's face and the noises that she was making that she was close he started to thrust just a touch harder and faster.

"Yes baby, fuck your horny fantasy woman," she said as Ben increased the pace, and the rhythmic shafting that he was giving her had her slumping forward and raising her arse as she came. Unlike the fuck on arrival the previous evening Ben was keeping his own forthcoming eruption under control, and he skillfully had Gill almost screaming in pleasure as he plunged in and out of her.

He was giving Gill Hepworth one of the best shags of her life and the changes in her facial expressions via the mirror were driving him on. When he did cum it took him a bit by surprise because he suddenly felt his spunk rising and soon he was filling her wet cunt with his seed.

"That was a nice way to start the day," said Gill as they got their breath back and Ben withdrew his prick from her gash.

"Yes, I wish that I could start every day like that," agreed Ben.

They showered together and despite a bit of kissing and some touching, they decided not to embark on more sex just yet.

They got dressed, not that there was really any need to but later that morning Gill suggested that they go for a walk as it was such a nice day. They walked in some woods close to Gill's home and they held hands as they walked with Gill happy to be seen with a handsome younger man on her arm.

Gill was wearing some quite tight-fitting jeans and Ben could not resist the urge to caress her arse although he did first check that there was nobody close behind them. Him doing that was getting Gill horny and she dragged him behind a tree for a snog. The snog became more as two sets of hands roamed over two rapidly aroused bodies and Gill surprised Ben by asking him, "Have you ever fucked outdoors?"

"No, have you?" he responded whilst thinking that there were probably too many people about for them to consider doing it now.

"Yeah once, a long long time ago," she said whilst fondling the bulge in Ben's jeans.

"You are not thinking of doing it here are you?" asked Ben in both excitement and trepidation.

"Not right here but if we get off the path we should be able to find somewhere, come on," said Gill as she almost dragged Ben deeper into the woods.

"You should be spanked for suggesting this," laughed Ben.

"I should be but then so should you be for going along with me," giggled Gill.

They walked quite a way through the undergrowth and reached a small clearing, "This should do," said a very turned-on Gill.

"What if someone comes?" asked Ben in all innocence.

"I would hope that we both do," replied Gill before shrieking with laughter and causing a startled bird to fly out of a tree above.

Ben was still wondering about the wisdom of what they were about to do but by now Gill had got his jeans and underpants down and was in the process of lowering her own jeans and panties which she took fully off.

"You lay down, I will ride you," announced Gill continuing to take charge.

Ben was on his back with his cock pointing skywards as Gill lowered herself onto it and groaned as it penetrated her eager cunt.

She rode him hard and fast and as her arse bounced on and off his thighs as she slid up and down his rod, she was getting closer and closer to cumming. Ben was also finding it incredibly exciting as Gill's cunt wanked his cock.

"Yes, yes, mmm, yes," Gill panted as she reached her orgasm and that seemed to suck the spunk up Ben's penis as he spurted into her. They were breathless and giggling and they had had an outdoor fuck.Gill produced some tissues from her jeans pocket, had she planned this? and they cleaned up a bit before getting dressed and resuming their walk.

"You will get such a spanking," warned Ben.

"Looking forward to it, but you will get one too," was Gill's riposte.

The happy couple continued walking but sat on a fallen tree trunk for a rest for a while, both of them with their underwear feeling a bit sticky despite the cleaning up earlier.

They had another shower when they got back to Gill's house and then had something to eat.

"I will spank you before we go to bed tonight," announced Ben.

"Okay, and I will spank you tomorrow morning," responded Gill thinking that both spankings would be great preludes to sex.

Ben was thinking similar but from a slightly different angle because although he had only been with this exiting woman a little more than twenty-four hours they had already fucked three times and she had blown him once. Even in his teenage days when he regularly wanked thinking about Gillian Hepworth he was not sure if he had that many ejaculations in a relatively short space of time.

It was quite late on Saturday, approaching eleven o'clock in fact, and they had been kissing and cuddling on the settee and both of them were again pretty turned on.

"Shall we go to bed baby?" asked Gill.

"What about your spanking?" responded Ben.

"What am I being spanked for?" asked Gill.

"For seducing an innocent young man in the woods of course," was Ben's reply.

"He was not all that innocent and I think that he quite liked being seduced," said Gill as she stroked Ben's penis through his jeans.

"That may be but you need to be spanked, take your jeans and panties off now," ordered Ben trying to sound authoritative.

Gill was very willing to take her jeans and panties off for Ben but she was not sure about doing it for a spanking but she complied anyway.

She lay across his lap and loved the feeling of his hard cock pressing against her body. Ben admired and stroked her full and rounded buttocks before commencing the spanking and he soon had her squirming as her arse cheeks turned pink.

Gill was both wanting it to stop and wanting it to continue as Ben's hand slapped her buttocks hard and she bucked and writhed as each spank added to both of their arousals. Gill's bottom had become quite red and it was really tingling when Ben decided to stop.

On his instructions, she got off his lap and she clutched her arse cheeks as she said, "Fuck, that hurt."

Her eyes were tearstained but wild with excitement and her face was flushed, her pussy was wet.

"You need to give me a good fucking now Ben, please," she said with a pained expression and hands rubbing her spanked cheeks.

"I will do my best," replied Ben as he removed his own jeans and pants and his cock stood rigid.

They went upstairs and Ben gave Gill's arse a couple more slaps on the way causing her to squeal before they removed their remaining clothing in the bedroom and no further time was wasted before his penis entered her vagina.

It was like the fuck that they had had on his arrival the evening before as it was quite frantic with their needs being so urgent. It was not a long fuck but it was very energetic and they both climaxed at almost the same time.

They slept well and stayed in bed well into Sunday when Gill announced, "We will have a shower and then I will spank you."

There was a lot of caressing and kissing in the shower and, after they dried, Gill sat her big bare bottom on a chair in the bedroom and beckoned Ben over her knee. They had a bit of trouble getting his erection in a comfortable position between her thighs but once that was done she proceeded to tan his arse. She spanked him as hard as she could for as long as she could and she was pleased that she had managed to turn his buttocks quite red. 

Ben had not had a spanking before and he found it hugely erotic and he was very close to cumming on Gill's thighs as his squirming on her lap was causing friction to his penis. Thankfully, for both of them perhaps, she stopped the spanking before he quite got to that stage and soon they were on the bed with Gill's legs on Ben's shoulders as he fucked her yet again.

Once again Ben creamed in Gill's wet, cum soaked cunt and they collapsed laughing on the bed.

They spent most of Sunday together but it seemed to be mutually understood that they had had enough copulating for now.

Ben got prepared to go home and they kissed long and deep as new lovers do, both reluctant to part.

"Do you know what I would really like?" asked Gill with her arms around Ben's neck and her eyes looking deeply into his.

Ben kissed her again before saying, "What would you really like, sweetheart?"

"I would really like you to move in with me," she replied.

"Are you sure because I would love to but..." started Ben but his words were cut short by Gill once again planting her lips on his.

His penis hardened but he thought that lovemaking could wait for another time because it looked like there were going to be loads of other times. He was about to become the live-in lover of his wanking fantasy from twenty years previously.

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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor III

It was 10pm; hours after the k1ds from camp had gone home and that Monique had stayed to 'help straighten up.' Monique hadnt gone that far before. She dreamed of it but not with an older man. Not with Mr. Knowles at that. No one had noticed that she just gotten home. Monique grabbed something to drink before heading upstairs to get settled for the night. She was sticky from both the sweat from the day, and from the after activities as well. As Monique got settled in she ran herself some...

4 years ago
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Wanking with my best friend

Pete and I have been friends since we were thirteen years old. We used to spend much of our free time hanging out together, going fishing, going to the pub, watching porn...I think we were about sixteen when things began to happen. Pete and I were at his parents place watching a pretty rubbish porn movie, but still, it was good enough to get us hard. They were out for the evening so we had the place to ourselves. We sat there, uncomfortable with our hard cocks pushing against our jeans, each...

2 years ago
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Wanking with Mrs Bargon

My parents are really religious and so when I went off to Uni they billeted me out in the house of a suitably Christian family. They were nice country people, very traditional in their approach to life. A c***dless couple, he worked in a bank and she stayed at home looking after the house, or assisted with various charity and church groups. Life in this middle class house with its ironed sheets and religious icons was a wild contrast to my new life at university. Alcohol was everywhere, as were...

3 years ago
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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Own Bro Ashish 8211 Part II

Hi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...

3 years ago
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Professor Knowles Realizati

Jack Knowles had been interested in science as far back as he could remember. As soon as he could get his hands on Dad’s tools, he began dismantling and reconstructing household things, always successfully. When he first saw his Mom make bread and saw the dough rise, he became interested in chemicals and their interaction. His parents gave him a chemistry set, which he quickly took to, and completed all the possible experiments in only a couple weeks. They bought him a more advanced one, which...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Snowy Rendezvous Ann Tutors Her Lover

"I can't believe that almost three months have already passed," Ann, said quietly as she perched on the arm of the large comfortable chair David was sitting in. "Our time here will be over before we hardly know it," she complained sadly, a trace of bitterness in her soft voice. "I know, darling," David said, sympathizing with her. "I'll probably never be lucky enough to ever meet anyone as wonderful as you, Ann. " "Well, you know, Ann reflected, "Like they say Time really is the...

3 years ago
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Submissive Fantasy In USA With An Unknown Stranger Man

HI, I am MouprIya Sen, a married lady of 29 years old. My hubby Manoj Sen is of 32 years working in an MNC in MumbaI. We are very friendly, frank, open minded, love to make friends, love to watch porn movies also so we try to discover many things from those movies and try to do those to bring spice in our married sexual life. This story is during one of our vacation to New York last January. There we met a cab driver to whom we did submissive sex. So after spending four days going around the...

4 years ago
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Snow storm My Air Force Fantasy

I served 8 yrs active duty, with 22 more in the air guard. many places, a lot of faces, but oh those curvaceous female bodies still burn in my mind as what ifs. There are so many lustful thoughts that happened during those years that one story can not cover them all. I am going to take a writers liberty and combine to very desirable ladies into 1 actual situation and that's what erotic fantasy is.One of my assignments had me issuing communications packages to aircrews at a base that experienced...

2 years ago
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Wanking into lodgers panties

My sister used to have three lodgers, all hot girls between 22 and 25. All of them used to work regularly 9-5 so almost always there was no-one around there during the day at all. My sister lived away and had given me a key to call in and pick things up or do some odd jobs.Pantie-Wanker Heaven!One way or another I was often there. I always arrived at around 9:30 am after everyone had left for work. Usual routine: turn off the alarm (the fact it was on when I arrived meant that I knew there was...

3 years ago
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Wanking in public

Always on the lookout for some sexy young cunt to show my cock to. Last summer was out on the bikeand got a bit knackered as it was hot and decided to get the train for a few of stops. Went to a station in a country part of Wirral that was desertedapart from a hot girl dressed in mini skirt. high heels and crop top showing off some superb tits. I guess she was 17 or 18. Gave myself a discreet massage and walked past her with the bike and an erection tenting my shorts. Was deciding whether to...

1 year ago
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Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch

[My last story was too sweet, so I wanted to do something dark and gross. Well, dark and gross for me at least. Enjoy!] Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch by Rohmer Fan Everyone told me that Philip was a bad influence on me. I knew that they were right and that he was mostly just using me for rides, but he was funny and I had a good time when he was around. We had been hanging out now for a little over a year. Today was just like any other day after school and we were heading back...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Lover

Once again I find myself standing in my doorway, wearing only a robe, waving as you back down the drive. Watching until I can no longer see your rental car. Wondering how long until you will return to me. My long distance lover. My virtual playmate. This bittersweet parting seems to get more painful with each visit. I move through the house turning off the t.v. and the lights left on in the morning’s haste to make your flight. I move as if in a dream, remembering each touch, each embrace, each...

2 years ago
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Pygmalions Chisel

_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and...

4 years ago
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I gave my husband his creampie fantasy

Sometime ago my husband (of 25 years) confessed his fantasy to me. He told me that he wanted to lick my pussy clean after he came in me. I was a little shocked, but I figured it was not the weirdest thing I had ever heard. So, we played around with the idea, but he always backed out when it came to the moment of truth. He would talk about licking my pussy full of his cum before and during sex, but the moment he came, he always lost interest. He would say something like; “I don’t want to...

2 years ago
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The Whist Drive

The Whist DriveBy DummersPrologueMrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased.  She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item.  It was the Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker.  (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.)  And the Whist Club was skint.  But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster.  Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist.  And...

3 years ago
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wanking my wifes brother

I had slept naked with Tom before.It was no big deal,and Elaine had slept in the middle.We only have a two bedroom apt,and sometimes Tom who is openly gay,comes over for a few beers,and stays the night.We have a daughter aged 1 who has the other bedroom,which is very small anyway,and just big enough for the babies cot.So if Tom stays over,he sleeps with us,with Elaine in the middle.I have always slept in the nude,and it is a family joke,no big deal.On halloween,Elaine had gone for a weekend...

2 years ago
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Wanking for my best friend pt3

It was the next day and Claire pulled me to one side to say that she had seen me sucking on Dave's cock last night when every body was asleep and i told her that i had seen her as well with her hand in her panties and smiled at her .Then she told me that if Dave and i did not start doing what she told us to do then she will tell her mum and dad.I then asked what she wanted me to do .She replied i want to see your cock and as i have already told you she was a hot redhead with at lest 36dd tits....

3 years ago
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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Brother Ashish 8211 Part I

Hi to all SS readers I am Jyoti and I will share here my true experience and this is my first story. I am very fan of ISS and regularly read all update so I think I should also share some my experience. May you like please send you comment to my id This incident happen when I was 18 years old and we are family of 5 members and I am younger them all. I have eldest sister Veena who was 24 years old and brother Ashish who was 21 years that time and we have 2 bhk flat at Ahmedabad. My sister and I...

1 year ago
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The Whist Drive

Prologue Mrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And Marjorie’s report hadn’t...

3 years ago
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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor IV

Monique had on a pair of Vera Wang nighties, it was a pair of black rayon shorts with a white lacy trimming that stopped a half inch below her crotch and while silk sleeveless shirt with grey tropical fish on it. She had brought it from Khols one day while shopping with her friends. She only wore it on nights that she knew she would be doing some serious pussy play. The fact that Todd wanted to see her was an added bonus. 'Whats up? Where you want me to go with you?' Monique inquired. 'I cant...

3 years ago
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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor

When i was younger during the summer i had to go to summer camp. Not the kind when you stay away from home but the kind that you go to during the day as your parents are at work. I enjoyed it, of course, but the boys acted kinda strange towards me. I didnt understand why, these were the same boys that i went to school with and discussed wrestling with. Many girls never understood how a girl could be so obsessed with wrestling, but that was their problem, not mine.One Tuesday i came to camp...

1 year ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare

My husband has fantasized about me being with a black man for years now. I resisted for years, but eventually a combination of his continued “badgering” over the subject, and, truthfully the curiosity that years of role playing, finding my husband's stash of interracial porn, and the recent craze of white girl/black guy dating pushed me to finally give in. I wanted to share this wild adventure with others. Maybe to warn some about what can happen when something that should stay fantasy becomes...

2 years ago
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Natalie Portman packs a surprise in his fantasy

Eager to relax after a hard night of work, I laid down on my couch, closing my eyes as I slipped my hand down my pants..."Hey sexy. Didn't I just see you yesterday?"I glanced up and watched as Natalie Portman came walking out of my bedroom and into the living room. I smiled. Somehow, despite her extremely busy filming schedule, and the time spent with her husband and their baby boy, the actress always made time for me. As usual, she looked as though she'd just stepped out of some extremely...

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72 avril lets jon live his fantasy

72 avril lets jon live his fantasyJon said you wanted to hear about another time I was bloodied. While he's busy, I'll pass this on to you. We have a small cabin that we stay at during the off season (usually Sept) and one year we were just lying around in bed when I asked Jon if he had an outdoor fantasy. I could tell by the small smile on his face he had and was about to tell me of it. There was a small island near us that was only divided by a narrow canal, accessible by one stone bridge...

3 years ago
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St Andrews Gorakhpur Ki Preety Maurya Part II Lucknow Me

Hi, dosto main Aryan from Gorakhpur.Aap logo ko preety ki pahli chudai ki kahani pasand aayi aur uska reply bhi mila. Aap logo ka thanks you.Ye ek real story hai. Meri aur meri gf preety maurya ki hai jo abhi St. Andrew gorakhpur me Bsc 3rd year mai hai. Pahli story me preety kaise chudi thi mere hi ghar mai, uske bad mere family valo ko uske upper sak hone laga to vo muskan naam ki ladki ke sath room mate bangayi. Lakin hum hamesha bahar milte the aur SRS Mall me movie dekhte the. Now coming...

3 years ago
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The TRUE Cinderella Story Ch 2 Snows Exile

Introduction: This is my third story. No pointless comments, please, but if you like it, or have any ideas on how to improve my next stories, comments welcome. This is a continuation of my Cinderella story, following the life of Snow White. Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror....

2 years ago
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Our Fantasy

I’ve had a sexual fantasy ever since Susan and I were married over twenty years ago. I never had the courage to tell her about until a recent shopping trip together. As we were driving they began talking on the radio about couple's sexual fantasies.My wife asked. “What’s your fantasy?”I was shocked and replied, “I’d have to think about that. You tell me yours first.”“Ok, I’ve had this one quite a few times. It’s my favorite.”“You have more than one?”“Of course I do, don’t you?”Before I could...

Group Sex
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His Fantasy

Still buried deep inside Kimberly, Johnathon looked into her blue eyes. Both were feeling a bit confused. She had no idea that he wanted her sexually, and he was worried that he had crossed the line. “What was your fantasy, Johnathon?” she whispered. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. He brushed a strand of her silky, red hair from her face. Johnathon marveled at how beautiful she looked laying there with a rosy flush across her cheeks and a sheen of perspiration glittering over her body....

Straight Sex
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I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True

Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasy's about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasy's, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be fantasy! Some Years ago even before and after we were married I frequently use to take my girl parking...

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Step Fantasy GIFs

If there is one common thing about all of the NSFW subreddits, it’s that they allow you to jerk off to all kinds of porn you won’t find on other tube sites. These communities focus on specific porn niches and show you only one type of pornography. It’s fucking awesome. In fact, some communities are so meta and niche that they basically show you an entirely new genre of porn!That’s not the kind of porn genre I will be covering today, though. Today, I will prove to you that XXX subreddits are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Met Slutty Priya During Campus Recruitment In Lucknow

It was summers and college 4th semester has just ended. I was selected from my company to go on a recruitment drive. Lucknow was the first city selected in our itinerary. We went to BBD university for campus selections. I was glad to visit north India after a long time. I missed north Indian girls after living for past 9 years in Bangalore.That too Lucknow famously called ‘Randiyon Ka Saher’. I was secretly excited to see hot college girls. And Lucknow did not disappoint me. Fair, beautiful...

2 years ago
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My Twin Bhabhis Twin Babies

Before starting, it is necessary to tell few words about me and my family. I am Hriday Joshi, aged 26 years from Vadodara. My father is a businessman having whole sale and retain cloth shop at God dhod Road Surat. We stay at far off locality from Surat Called Olpad. My father gets clothes from manufacturers and sells at his show room. I am 19 years old and is studying in MS University in first year of engineering and staying in a hostel. In fact, I am son of my father’s second wife. My father...

2 years ago
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Me And My Sexy Bhabhis

Hi folks, I am Rajiv, 24 yrs aged and I live in Tamil Nadu. I would like to share my great sexperience with my brothers’ wife. I have two elder brothers and both are married. My elder Bhabhi is Punya, she is 26 yrs old and have two girl kids. Punya bhabhi is fair, cute and bubbly with coconut boobs and round ass. My younger bhabhi is Seema, same age as mine. She is slim, fair but has a good body shape. She has a baby boy. Both my brothers are outside the country. So in my home my bhabhis with...

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The New Fantasy Island

The New Fantasy Island Jack had been working with the U.S. racing agents promoting their more permanent presence at the Meydan Racetrack in Dubai. So while he was staying at the Meydan, it was an interesting circumstance that a meeting was set up here in the Tiered Restaurant. Jack had seated himself as instructed at a table far to the right of the overlook of the winners circle and watched as a man in a bright green beret walked to his table and waited to be acknowledged. “Join me George, it’s...

3 years ago
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The New Fantasy Island

The New Fantasy Island Jack had been working with the U.S. racing agents promoting their more permanent presence at the Meydan Racetrack in Dubai. So while he was staying at the Meydan, it was an interesting circumstance that a meeting was set up here in the Tiered Restaurant. Jack had seated himself as instructed at a table far to the right of the overlook of the winners circle and watched as a man in a bright green beret walked to his table and waited to be acknowledged. “Join me George, it’s...


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