Demonic_(0) free porn video

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Occidia looked into the shimmering pool of blood and grinned as she purveyed her appearance. For a demon, it was not often that she spent time in her own skin, and for the last few days she had begun to feel that she no longer owned a body other than that of the Bulgarian foot soldier’s. The battle had raged long and hard, and she had enjoyed every minute of it. Now however, she had other distractions.

Various cultures had adored her as a goddess; others feared her for her true self, the nameless demon of lust and death. She had never quite grasped why humans felt the need to categorise her, and none of their depictions were ever quite right. To the Christians, she had been mistaken as Lilith. Pah! Lilith was a simpering succubus and ugly to boot. Yes, she had power over men when they slept, but Occidia had power oozing from her fingertips.

What really galled Occidia was that the humans believed it was Lilith who had spawned Asmodeus. Her and Samael’s son was now a king of hell, and she enjoyed sex with each of his three heads more than with most of her fellow demons. To think that such a masterful creation could have been created by a mere angel of prostitution was a slap in the face.

She snarled and brushed herself down, silken flesh replacing blood-soaked leather armour. The tang of blood and death filled the air and soothed her anger. She stretched as she allowed her wings to unfurl. Sleek midnight leather spread out behind and above her and cast a menacing shadow over the broken bodies at her feet.

Fighting had made her hungry and she tore off an arm with one clawed foot, the joint capsule popping with a slithering of shearing ligaments.

The Greeks had known her as Lamia, the child eater. Narrow minded warmbloods, she didn’t discriminate - adults tasted just as good. She had no idea where they got the whole idea that Lamia had gone mad after the slaying of her own children though, she had slain plenty of her offspring herself and enjoyed it. She really should stop copulating with the more grotesque inhabitants of hell, it riled her to see such hideous creatures born of her, but they were easily dispatched. Some of her sons and daughters were of use however, and a very few had made her proud.

She was a fallen angel, once the unspoken will of god, the embodiment of his desire. But she had become knowledgeable of the way of man, and she saw how he gave them desire beyond his own. Once Eve had been seduced, the embodiment of god’s desire had become disillusioned by her creator and finally had been cast down. Brought to her senses by her brother Lucifer, she no longer was filled with the light of god’s desire but that of all beings.

Demonic and human lust without any of the shame or moralistic impurities. She was the seed of thought which led husbands to lay with whores. The all-obtrusive desire that pushed men to rape. She was seduction and death incarnate, made unholy flesh.

Now she was one of the most powerful demons of Hell.

Looking back into the blood pool, beginning to congeal in the midday sun, she reconfigured herself until she was contented. Vanity was a sin, and she was especially good at it. Shaking her head she watched the long black satin of her hair as it swished around pale defined shoulders. Her pupils dilated as green eyes replaced her natural yellow ones.

Stroking down along the swell of her breasts, she thought about outfitting herself. A few muttered words and papery black sinews wrapped around her torso enclosing her in a soft embrace. Feeling along her waist, her six fingers lingered along the charcoal bodice, and she created a long, deep gash from neck to navel. Her breasts swelled and nipples became visible behind the soft velvety fabric. One last glance in the pool and she could see the material slicing between her thighs, barely covering her genitals.

Her fingers dipped to her mount and slid beneath the strange fabric. Wearing the skin of those flayed in the fires of hell was turning her on. She recalled a few of the more interesting humans she had sent there herself, and the thought that their charred remains now magickally entwined her own flesh caused a profusion of thick, viscid fluids to flow from her centre. Her lips drew back over sharp, porcelain teeth as her fingers found their target.

She thought back to the recent days she had spent in the guise of a Bulgarian warlord. The Battle of Anchialus was a bloody one, and she revelled in the brutality of it all. Bodies littered Katasyrtai, and dried blood caked her legs still. The waft of carrion reached her nose and sent quivers along each twisted nerve fibre.

It was no wonder the Celts called her Mor-Rioghain. The terror queen who observed the slaughter, the crow which circled the battle. A smile quavered over her lips. She was more than a mere raven goddess though; she was the thrill of letting blood itself. The teeth marks on the corpses cooling around her gave away her demonic nature.

Eligor came into her field of vision and she drew up, shaking the last remnants of gore from her pallid flesh. A fragment of bloody skull lingered on her left breast, and she raised it to her lips before crunching satisfactorily.

“Occidia, must you interfere in the games of men?”

“Eligor, dear friend, I have no idea why it worries you so that I sometimes join in the fray. You get your souls no matter who wins, the bargain is made. The spoils are fair game.” Occidia used her forefinger to remove a shard of bone from her teeth, and then crushed it. The trace of her own arousal lingered on her fingertips and she licked along one talon-like nail.

“Don’t you have better tasks to be doing, instead of creating problems? I was unaware you had stooped to chaos as a pastime, you lower yourself.”

“Nonsense, chaos merely follows me like the stench of rotting flesh, I do not create it. Would you deny me my pleasure?”

“I may as well command the sun to stop rising, you find pleasure in all things.” Eligor eyed the demoness as she began toying with herself anew. When they had been cast down from heaven, some had taken to their new situation with vigour and Occidia had done so with more relish than most. Condemned to existence in hell and on earth, she had thrived. Not only that, but she was amongst the Silent Ones.

When they had fallen, the angels had been bound to the earth by god. Now as demons they hated the humans who had inspired their fall from grace. It infuriated the beings of hell to be at the beck and call of sorcerers. Elaborate rituals often went awry as sorcerers conjured evil untold from the depths of hell, only to be obliterated by the forces they wished to control. The Silent Ones were free from the restraints of being conjured however, as the human race had never known their true name. They lived free of constraint and unknown to the humans.

Eligor was not amongst them, and he was jealous. Every battle, some prince or dictator was consulting him for advice and destiny. He had been ordered to retain his angelic good looks when dealing with the warmbloods, but now reverted to his true self.

Black scales gleamed as they cascaded over his body, from his thickly veined neck all the way down to two clawed and knuckled feet. Black leathery skin rippled and shone as his blond hair was replaced with a dense, glistening sable thatch.

Occidia watched the transformation with glee. As handsome as a knight in armour was, this spectre of evil was far more appealing to her demon eyes. No mortal could bear the weight of such huge wings which were now unfolding above her, their glossy black feathers rustling like the gathering of a monumentous swarm of bees.

Piercing yellow eyes took the place of innocent blue boyish ones and Occidia’s nipples hardened further as they focused on her masturbation.

“Nothing like a good fuck after a good victory, I say.” Occidia coquettishly proposed to Eligor in the childish fashion she knew always worked for her cousin. Her tail hissed its ascension and she stilled it with a thought.
“Is that all you ever think of? He gave you celestial power and all you ever do is fuck. Women, men, demons, angels even...”

“Yes, well, you have to admit that was a work of genius. I must thank my brother for his help with Gabriel. I never could have pinned him down by myself AND pleasured myself on all those wings. Do you remember when he used to boast he had the softest wings of all? You know, I think he was right!” Occidia laughed, the sun glinting on her incisors.

“I still don’t understand why we were cast down and not him, the selfish little messenger boy is guilty of pride and envy. Still, I heard he gave quite a fight.”

Occidia rubbed her side where Gabriel had shattered a rib. Once she had settled after a shift, her bones were as strong as diamond, and it had been a long time since she felt pain like that.
“It was worth it. Gloating is my brother’s job.”

To the left of her, the air turned suddenly cold and then rushed in upon itself. Her hair tousled and a feeling not dissimilar to pain lodged itself behind her eyes. Thwwwwp.

“Too right it’s my job.” Lucifer stood next to Occidia, his hair identical to hers, falling around his shoulders like a liquid cape. Occidia reached up to push it aside before kissing her brother full on the lips. He smelled of fear and wrongdoing, and it excited her.

Lucifer’s lips parted and his forked tongue wound its way around hers. Tasting the death fresh on Occidia’s breath, he snaked his hand across her back and pulled her hips into him. Occidia could feel herself becoming wetter, and ground against her brother’s smooth hips. His unfurling demon cock was swelling against her mound and her tail lashed the back of her thighs in enjoyment.

“Sister, nowhere do I feel more welcome than at your side. When you were cursed with everlasting insatiable lust, I think it was truly a blessing for the rest of us.” Lucifer grinned and pulled away from Occidia, leaving her simmering. “Although sometimes I find resistance a more potent aphrodisiac than easily-spread legs like yours.”

“Perhaps it’s time we accosted another one of god’s messenger’s brother. If Eligor would assist with his almighty strength,” she looked across at Eligor’s rippling musculature and her forked tongue lasciviously tasted the flesh of her lips, “you might have a chance to tear a good fucking-hole in the next witless songster.”
“A good idea, sister, if I were not so occupied already with the business of running Hell. Satan does well at the torture, but he is not so adept at truly punishing souls. He relies on practical methods; I prefer the route of degradation and torment. Following this battle, I have a number of particularly corrupt souls who I wish to attend to personally. This leads me to my business here. I’m missing one.”

“Missing one, Sire? All the souls you desired were here on the battlefield. I checked all 71,210 of them myself.”

“Duke, I think you will find that one Nicholas Stadskarsa has not yet been cast down. FIND HIM!”

Lucifer bellowed, his majestic form growing to an incredulous seething beast of fire and menace. Flames licked around his swollen limbs and the odour of scorching flesh pervaded the air as the corpses at his feet crumbled. As suddenly as he had appeared, the Prince of Hell vanished, leaving behind a charred wasteland of immolation.

“Does he have to do that every time?” Eligor shook his head.

“You know my brother. The most self-obsessed, conceited angel in heaven, how else would he act down here? You know he used to sit in his thrown all day long when it was left empty. Now he has one of his own and it’s made him ten times worse.”

“I have to search for this Nicholas.” Snarling, Eligor breathed in deeply and called his children to him. Screeching black wraiths started to pour over the battlefield, their cries echoing along the valley. Seething, the angry loathsome mob ransacked the countryside looking for the deserter.

“No, you don’t. He’s in my halls.”

Eligor span around and leapt over to Occidia. “Demoness! What is your meaning of this intrusion into my work?” He spat the words at her and droplets of spittle flew from his onyx lips and assaulted her bosom. “This battle was MINE to oversee!”

Drawing back her ashen shoulders, Occidia stepped up to the raging demon. “Have you forgotten your rank, Duke? I am not to be spoken to like a common wretch, you rotting piece of humanising vomit. I am your Queen! The human Nicholas is mine to do with as I please, before his soul is sent to be judged. Would you stand between my quarry and me?”

“He was my charge, and you have meddled in business which is not yours to be toyed with.”

“I will not have subordinate scum telling me who or what I can use for a plaything. Kneel.”

At her word, Eligor’s knees trembled. The demonic duke resisted, his brow knotted in fury, but her word was absolute, and his body strived to submit. Atramentous flesh bent and strained as monstrous weight was shifted. Eligor was made to kneel before his queen.

Occidia’s head fell back as she laughed, her infernal snorting echoing across the terrain. The pain at the back of her eyes began again, but this time it was her doing, and within moments they were transported.
Finding himself kneeling on the floor of Occidia’s quarters, Eligor cast his xanthous eyes and took in the surroundings. The shimmering silvery floor beneath him reflected the light of fires burning and cascading overhead, like oil burning on the sea. In stark contrast to his own living areas, it was plushly furnished and draped around with fabrics from both the human world and from the tailors of Hades. The walls pulsed and writhed, and as his eyes focused he realised they were made up of the anguished bodies of the condemned.
Smiling for the first time, his body now his own again, he complimented Occidia on her choice of decoration. “The walls – your choice or your brother’s?”

“We both enjoy them equally. It seemed the most sensible thing to do, all those souls of rapists, men who ‘hath coveted thy neighbour’s wife’, incestuous souls,” the corner of her mouth rose a little at the words. “They all need housing somewhere, and so they spend eternity here, providing comfortable and appealing views to my brother and me when we choose to copulate in comfort.”

Occidia strolled past one wall and leaned into it. The bodies seethed in torment, strangulated cries of ecstasy joined with moans of anguish. Dragging her hands against the wall Occidia drew blood from entangled limbs and torsos before turning to lick a passing nipple. Eligor was treated to a view of her voluptuous buttocks and had to restrain himself from grabbing the demoness roughly where she stood.
A terrified moan, which could easily have come from the wall if it hadn’t have been for the aroma of fresh living human accompanying it, was audible from under one of the furnishings. Turning to Eligor, Occidia indicated to the group of sumptuous fabrics a few yards away. “I think you’ve found your missing soul.”

Eligor strode over to the fabrics and examined their gentle cadence. A dark stain told him that the person underneath may have been subject to a little of Occidia’s particular pastime of torture. It moaned again as the shadow of Eligor’s wings passed overhead, unnatural darkness clouding the fabric beneath. He pawed at the fabric with one clawed foot and scraped the fabric aside.

Nicholas Stadskarsa lay on the silver floor, the broken remains of a previously respectful general in the Bulgarian army. His chestnut hair was matter with blood, whether from the battle or thanks to Occidia, Eligor could only guess. Naked and shivering, one eye was fused closed and bruising marred the left side of his face. The other eye, a startling blue that reminded Eligor of Azriel, stared at him unbelievingly. The eye flicked from him to the ceiling, then darted round the room focusing on imaginary foes. The man had quite clearly been driven mad.

The rest of his body was in far better condition. Tanned polished skin covered well defined shoulders, arms with the biceps of an axe fighter. Hairless and wide, his chest heaved in panting gasps before sinking into a toned abdomen. He could see why Occidia had chosen this one for her frolics, he was amazingly well endowed for a human and his tumescent cock was accompanied by a fine pair of bollocks. The only evidence of Occidia’s involvement with the man’s state of mind was his fingers, three of which were absent.
“Could you not wait till he was dead, cousin?”

“He tasted too good,” she purred. “It was his sin; they always taste better when they’re full of sin. This one has been sleeping with the girls of his villages, much before their first season. Not only that but he bludgeoned his own wife to death last winter and blamed it on a peasant.”

Occidia crept over to the man, now humming gently to himself. Eligor wondered how a violent demon such as she managed to walk so beautifully, but then reminded himself that Occidia would always surprise him. That had been her nature as an angel and it was possibly the only thing about her that remained unchanged. That and her voice, she had always coated each word with divine desire, lust dripping off each syllable like sugar encrusted cherries.

Reaching Nicholas, Occidia bent onto all fours and began to lick from one ankle upwards. Her tongue delicately swept over his skin as if it were in love with him, begging to be closer to each oozing pore. The man himself became suddenly animated as Occidia’s presence had the effect it always did on lesser beings. Being a demon of lust made the human’s wanton desires bubble closer to the surface, and Nicholas was no exception. Moaning, he looked down to see the origin of such teasing, tickling sensations.

As his eye saw Occidia a cry of despair escaped his lips. Making no attempt to disguise her demon features, she responded to his fear with a low pitched growl of her own. Vibrations coursed through the floor and Eligor felt his loins stir as she inched her way higher on the terrified man. Her tail slipped through her legs to feel beneath and she masturbated slowly, the fork slipping past distended labia to flick at her engorged clitoris.

Nicholas was paroxysmal. He had enough wit about him to know that he was in mortal danger, that this fiend, no, woman, was something more than his puny brain could fully contemplate. He also grasped that he was in no state to resist. His hands throbbed but so did his cock, and every nerve ending was singing in a way that he had never encountered before.

She was nearly at his cock now and oh, oh, now she was licking his testicles. The delicate flames of pleasure licking at his scrotum were almost enough to take away the pain in his left eye. What had happened to his eye? He couldn’t remember, but he felt that this woman had something to do with it. Looking down at her again, some of the mist cleared and the horror of what he saw shot to his consciousness like a bolt.

Occidia had wondered how long it would be before the screams took hold. Whispering a few words, hands from the wall slipped barely visible below the mirrored floor. Reaching Nicholas, they emerged like rebounding raindrops from a pool, taking the man’s wrists into an icy grip. Ankles too were grasped in the tormented bondage, crucifying her playmate onto the floor.

Eligor quietly watched Occidia restrain her victim, her cruel games stoking fires of desire within his own body. War games and deception were his duty and he performed them with relish, but it had been almost a century since he had last found any enjoyment in fornication. Coitus had its functions though, and Occidia had brought him to her quarters for a reason.

He took in the sight before him. Occidia had the male restrained in bonds of cold flesh, spread on the shimmering floor like a sacrifice to her needs. Closing in on his manhood, the demoness was frigging herself, her tail stabbing into her pussy with wicked abandon. Juices flowed down her inner thighs in rivulets. Moving closer, Eligor reached down to trace it with his finger before bringing the smouldering liquid to his lips.

Musky arousal filled his mouth, and Eligor returned his finger to Occidia’s thigh. His nails were sharp, and he shifted them to a less dangerous length before tracing up to her fount. Occidia moaned and pushed her hips closer to Eligor, wanting to be mounted. Her tail swept to the side, her posterior made a rude and inviting sight.

Eligor placed his thumb at the gateway to her pleasure and thrust in, eliciting moans from Occidia. Her tongue began to sweep from Nicholas’ scrotum up the length of his burgeoning cock. Unable to stop his arousal despite his fear, it stood tall, turgid veins prominent along the shaft. Occidia’s tongue followed one from the base to bloated tip, slithering over the shining head. Dipping inside teasingly at first then with more zeal, her serpent tongue sounded the soft cavern of his urethra as it fucked his sensitive tissues.

The sound of Nicholas’ wrought moans together with the suck of Occidia’s sodden cunt on Eligor’s fingers aroused him, helped on by the now frantic writhing of the wall of souls. The scent of sex reached his nostrils and Eligor’s twin cocks began to stir beneath him.

Swelling, he throbbed to his core as he fingered Occidia’s cunt, her juices running over his wrists and onto the obsidian scales of his forearm. She was ripe for him and he was tempted to press his face into her gaping slit, to drink the milk of her lust. She had begun to fellate the human in earnest, his cock hard and upright in her mouth and Eligor watched as Occidia worked her mouth over him.

Eligor’s twin cocks had reached their full invigorated state and he contemplated shoving the human aside to give himself access to the wet orifice which was so pleasing her current victim. Having felt her wrath not long previous however, he did not want the sting of angry teeth piercing into his groin and thought better of it.
Grasping her buttocks between strong claws, Occidia felt Eligor’s scaled thighs press against her own smooth flesh and her nipples clenched. She had found a special delight in demons that had double the natural capacity to please. Whatever evil force had fashioned some demons without genitals was cruel, but the same deciding fate had given a few had two tools, one positioned above the other.

Feeling the tip of one smooth cock nudging against her sodden pussy, her clit pulsed as it slipped upwards to spread her juices at the puckered opening of her bowels. Eligor’s lower cock was thicker. Pressing against her slippery cunt it felt as stout as Occidia’s forearms and she lowered her shoulders to further pout her crotch against him.

Taking all of Nicholas into her mouth, the smell of the human’s meat was almost too good and she resisted the urge to bite down. He was making whimpering sounds now and she fed off his fear, her whole body resonating with his heartbeat. Pushing until his cock was embedded in her throat; she growled and sent vibrations through his body, well aware that it would bring his climax closer.

Behind her, Eligor pushed forwards and her rectum reluctantly opened around his surging cock. Devil’s cock was so much more substantial than human, and she revelled in the burning sensation as her delicate skin was pushed aside to make space for his length. Beneath this spearing of her anus her pussy was being skewered by another cock of colossal proportions. Any other female and they would be whimpering like a raped nun but her demonically lustful body swallowed the whole of his girth as she was impaled twice over.
Cock in all holes, Occidia surrendered for a moment to the pure bliss of being conquered. Her cunt oozed lubricating cream as Eligor withdrew, and then thrust in to embed himself up to the hilt. Her pussy and cunt squeezed simultaneously on the dual swords and Eligor responded with a deep growl.

Pulling out, Eligor took a deep breath as he felt her pussy sucking on him, almost begging him not to leave the hot wet surroundings of her body. He rectum was dilated and invitingly open, a red cave of temptation. Below it her pussy waited eagerly, smeared with the musky fluids of her lascivious enticement. He ploughed back in and let his loins direct the pace.

Occidia felt her partner start fucking her in earnest. Again and again she felt Eligor slam his cocks into her, fucking her with all the depravity a demon could muster. She was dizzy on the delights he was coaxing from her body. Slamming her head forwards she guzzled the human’s cock, glad she had no need for air as it swelled in her throat. Pervaded by masculine arousal, demon balls slapping against her clitoris and the human threatening to full her throat with his seed, she was in ecstasy.

The twin cocks were rubbing through her most intimate linings and chaffing with the most exquisite heat. Warmth pervaded her cunt and the relentless pummelling was coaxing out an orgasm which threatened to leave her weak.

Running his cock along her tongue she could feel that her prisoner was also close to his crisis. His blood pulsed just beneath the engorged skin of his member and his mortality was screaming out to be taken.
Reaching upwards her talonic hands crept to his abdomen, the soft flesh like that of a ripe fruit heated by the sun. Her approaching zenith was undulating luxuriously from her cunt as threads of heady satisfaction crept along her skin.

The human in her mouth began to buck and squirm. Moaning, he thrashed within his bonds as he climaxed. Pulsating balls nestled on her chin as he erupted; saliferous semen was driven out of his cock and pumped into her waiting gullet. The taste of his discharge reached the back of her tongue and initiated her orgasm.
Fierce dark pleasure stabbed through Occidia and she threw back her head to howl, a twisted guttural shriek which stilled the walls and reverberated through the floor. Her eyes darting back to the human, prone beneath her, pure unadulterated wanting seethed through her being.

Her claws contracted unbidden, her instincts as a demon undeniable, the flesh of the mortal blanching then splitting as her nails sheared through his dermis. Screaming with true terror his abdomen was torn, Occidia’s hands entering his entrails with deathly abandon. Sliding into his viscera her fingers squeezed onto the slippery hot guts as her climax raged though her body.

Shuddering beneath her the human lost consciousness as her fingers deftly sliced though his organs, blood erupting over her pale flesh and spattering her face like macabre rain. Her orgasm paled and she revelled in the scene she had created. Peristalsis slowed around her fingers as the now vacant husk of Nicholas closed down.

Enflamed by the demoness’ delectable slaughter, Eligor reached a crushing, thrusting climax. Devastating wracks of fleshy pleasure coursed through his groin and he discharged, emptying wads of thick, foul smelling cum into both holes. Gripping Occidia, his own nails piercing her flesh, he thrust one last time into the slimy pits of her sex and rectum.

The last of his vile spunk spewed into her. Satisfied, he withdrew, his semi-hard genitals leaving Occidia’s body with a lewd sucking sound. His cum, a mucilaginous emulsion of semen and fluids, streamed from her ravaged holes and dripped onto the floor.

“Cousin, I think you’ve excelled yourself.” Reaching round to help Occidia rise, he paused to dip his fingers into the already cooling carcass before lifting them to his lips. A mixture of faeces, blood and blubbering gore coated his tongue and he resisted the urge to take another taste.

Standing, Occidia shook herself before pressing close to her cousin. His semen flowed along her inner thighs as she reached up to plant a kiss on his shadowy lips. “Think my brother will be happy now?”

“Well, he has his quota of souls. Whether he will be impressed to find yet another corpse on the floor of his boudoir is another matter.” He returned her kiss with vigour before stepping away.

“I have work to do, but I hope it will not be as long again before we take the time to indulge our mutual pleasures,” Eligor prepared himself to leave and return to his duties.

“I shall make sure we find the time to fuck again soon. In the meantime, I am yet to make my quota of perverted souls. Battling was an amusing diversion, but I ought to return to my real tasks. I have a paedophile in Rome to attend to personally” Occidia grinned. Laughing softly, her body twisted and morphed. Standing in front of Eligor was a young pre-pubescent girl, her shining slitted eyes the last thing to change before the image was complete.

Wrapping herself in conjured rags, the dainty form of Occidia smiled, before disappearing.


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Sandra looked around the apartment, making sure everything was tidy. It was Saturday, and everything had to be perfect as always. "Honey, you just about ready?" her husband's voice called from the bedroom. "Just about baby, I still have to get dressed." What to wear tonight? It really wouldn't matter; in a little over an hour they'd be in a crumpled ball in the corner of some room. Still, she liked to look cute. She chose a pink sundress. "Devin, how much time do I have?" "About...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold McKenzie Lee Makes an Irresistable Offer

Naughty real estate agent McKenzie Lee shows client Jay Romero a property and gives him an offer that he just can’t refuse, namely to break in his new couch fucking her. The busty seductress unleashes her mouthwating melons to entice the stud into titty play and wraps her pouty lips around his hard cock for one of her topnotch professional blowjobs. Watch the horny Penthouse MILF work his monster dick with her soaking wet shaved pussy, getting fucked from behind until he busts a messy...

3 years ago
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And a Happy Birthday To You Too

CHAPTER ONE: BackgroundRecently, Jenny, my wife of twenty-plus years, gave me a surprise birthday gift, a coed. Actually, she (the gift, not the wife) was a graduate student. This twenty-two-year-old’s desire to be deflowered prior to her nuptials was a ritual her dorm-mates claimed was de-rigure. The coed, Gwen, explained her reason for responding to our ad.Our houseguest stated, “Every woman deserves at least one affair. My affair will be before I marry in six months."I was wife Jenny’s...

Wife Lovers
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The Hypogeum Ch 0607

CHAPTER SIX ‘The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.’ – Frank Herbert The wooden table she remembered from her dream was piled high with food and Alma could feel her mouth water as her eyes roamed over it. Boiled ham, wooden bowls piled high with mashed potatoes, cabbage and carrots. She could see a joint of beef, carefully cut into thick slices, medium rare, just the way she liked it. There was a huge glass bowl full of trifle sat by a large square...

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The Friday Night Event

The Friday Night EventBy DBarclay© 2007 had been a bad year for me. I had divorced my bastard of a husband moved away from his area to another part of Aus, rented a nice home, found a good job and life was now settling down and at 45 I even managed to get myself in shape, and on the odd occasion managed to get myself laid. One Friday evening I arrived home from work, relaxed for a while, and decided a walk down to the local club for a drink or two might be a nice end to the week after dinner....

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Me Jen and Jill

When I was at college I dated a girl called Jen, she was a hot petite brunette with a fit athletic body, small round white tits and at times really liked to go nuts and just let loose.Those times were my favourite, like the time she streaked through the building, or the time she mooned a police car on the other side of the motorway, or the time she stripped to her underwear on the bar to get a free drink, those were some great times with her, but the best was the time she scored us a...

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The Guessing Game Part III

Kayla paced the room as she waited for the next man to enter. She was still aching from being brought so close with no reward, and her ass cheeks glided across each other like butter with every step, from her wetness that had spread everywhere. This was not what she had expected from her friends’ mystery night out. She had never done anything like this before, but she found herself invested in this game with a voracious appetite. Five minutes passed, and then ten, and still no one else entered...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Daddys Little WhoreChapter 7

Thursdays. I love Thursdays, maybe more than any other day except Sunday, and I suppose my opinion really depends on which day of the week it is. But this was Thursday and my reason for loving it was simply that I had nothing to do that day except go to school. My father went to work and that evening it was just us. That's why I loved it. Thursday was our night together. I'd been feeling it all night too, and I didn't know why. I wore one of my dad's pajama tops, an old one, with no bra...

2 years ago
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Surprised via a wrong number fiction

I'd been using a telephone dating service for a few months now. I've talked to many women on the line. Never really exchanged numbers with any of them. Most of these women are being cautious sometimes too cautious. Not really ready to open up to anyone. Maybe if they listen to my posted greeting they might just open up a little bit. Two days ago a lady named Marisol sent me a message along with her phone number. I called the number. "may I speak to Marisol?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you have the...

1 year ago
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Training Babys Ass

[For Sweet Simone]TRAINING BABY'S ASSTraining my young stepdaughter to love having cock in her ass became part of my daily routine for a while. I can't tell you how excited and happy it made me - and my dick - to have THAT to look forward to after work. We were lucky that her mother usually didn't got home until early evening, giving me plenty of time most days to continue her training uninterrupted. I made sure to use her mouth, her pussy, and of course her cute puckering little pink asshole...

2 years ago
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Human ManChapter 28

Scott had the windows down, despite the freezing temperatures, to help clear the evidence of Ed's passage the previous night. He arrived outside the Mendoza home at two on the dot. Fewer cars were present than the day before. He found Mrs. Mendoza, Connie he mentally corrected himself and a woman he recognized as one of her sisters, in the kitchen. "There you are," Connie said. "Luisa dropped by with your costume." She pointed to the ensemble hanging over the back of a chair....

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 37 Youve Got to Be Kidding

December 1980, Milford, Ohio “How was your trip to Indianapolis?” Debbie asked in the car on Monday morning. “Pretty good. And very tame, actually. Katt had competition skating every day, so we were in bed early.” “I bet!” Mary giggled. “Believe it or not, we were asleep by 10:00pm both Friday and Saturday nights. Katt and I made love once each day. Well, Friday afternoon was pretty wild, but she’d already finished her skating for the day,” I said. “You mean to tell me that, except for...

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Office Policy

OFFICE POLICY "Ok ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for the beautiful and talented Erika!" the DJ's voice rang out over the thumping alternative beat as the object of my lust strutted to the stage. Erika's saucy red curls bounced on her head and on her soft porcelain white shoulders as she walked. The crowd was going ballistic with applause in anticipation. Erika climbed the four steps carefully in her outrageous platform shoes bringing all five feet two inches of...

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Seeing Heather

Seeing Heather It had been a really hard week, a hard few weeks in fact, so he was really looking forward to his first weekend off in a long time.. just a couple of days of relaxation and lounging about by the pool.. oh and some quiet time with his live in girlfriend. He parked the car in the drive, grabbed his bags from the boot and strolled into the house already relaxing as he went. As he entered he called out just in case Jane had returned from her trip and as he heard her reply he smiled....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 24 Bethany

October 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...

3 years ago
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Justin and Me in the School Bathroom 14 yrs

This happened in tenth grade, on the verge of turning fifteen. I sat in the back of Ms. Johnson’s American Literature class. Being one of the brightest kids in the class, I could pretty much just sit there and stare at the back of Justin’s head. I could draw his entire rear structure without even looking at him. He was always extremely happy, very flamboyant, but he had the hottest girlfriend in the school. That did not throw me off one bit. He had the smile—the smile that only a gay guy...

2 years ago
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Thicker Than Normal

It was Tuesday afternoon at 5:05pm. I knew this because I looked at my watch for the umpteenth time as my wife and her two employees continued to chat about work stuff. My wife had a small insurance company with a couple of office assistants and an “intern” who handled filing and small, menial tasks. She had been out of the office for a bit so I guess they had some catching up to do. I was sitting in one of the generic lobby chairs watching them on and off, catching bits and pieces of the...

2 years ago
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Finding JessicaChapter 2

Am I crazy? I sat in a large overstuffed brown leather arm chair outside a door marked "employees only" waiting for Jessica. Second thoughts? Oh yes. Once I was alone all those memories of our time together came rushing back. Sure, we were like that line from that Eagles' song, "Life in the Fast lane". "They had one thing in common they were good in bed..." At twenty two that seemed enough. A couple of weeks after we were engaged on Christmas Eve 2001, we moved into an upscale...

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Miss Cassandra camp fantasy

I was a small brat , mommy had trouble with me , school had problem with me and was going to a discipline camp before college mommy couldn't deal with me at home she said sending me away for 2 monthi was upset and dropping my bag on a bunk bed cursing at the world for being stuck at this off city camp Miss cassandra waited for all of us to be there we were 5 , white little brat teens all looking upsetshe made a speech , telling us we were bad student blablabla and were here to remedy to that...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Ember Snow Consequences

The tension between Ember and Damon has always been bubbling just beneath the surface. One night when Ember’s boyfriend leaves her behind at a party because of jealousy issues, she goes over to Damon’s place – where their mutual heat between them boils over and they finally give into the feelings they’ve always had for each other. After all, if Ember’s soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, who has never treated her the way she deserves, is going to be weird about her friendship...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel The Beginning

Hotel Hermaphrodite Adult fiction by [email protected]. If you're too young to be reading fiction of a sexual nature, you should stop now. This story has themes of Hermaphrodites, TG, come production, enemas, toys, surgery, transformation, and trickery. I was born with a small penis. That is a fact. How small? Small enough that I got the nickname "shorty" from the first girl I was intimate with. Small enough to consider anything that would help my condition. I got an email...

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Morning Delight

I wake up before the alarm, as usual, and lay quietly, enjoying waking up gradually. The room is mostly dark, the shutters closed, and it’s cool. I pull my sheet up to my neck and lay on my back. My dick is very hard, as it always is when I wake. I circle it with my thumb and middle finger, not stroking, just holding it. It feels wonderful. Still fuzzy with sleep, enjoying my soft bed, my cock throbbing with pleasure as I hold it. One of the most erotic feelings in the world. I slip off my...

Quickie Sex
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Jens Little Brother

Halloween Oct 31st 2011 – the Present "Trick or treat," I said with a big smile when Jennifer answered the door. She had a cute 'little princess' costume on. In pink. With ruffles. And she had a wand in her hand. I couldn't help wondering if her panties were also pink and ruffled. I knew that I'd soon find out. "And what are you doing here?" my big sister asked back. My costume, in spite of the mask, certainly hadn't fooled her! But the smile that had immediately lit up her face the...

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the professor

He loved the sexy college girls. They dressed showing off their curves and made him so horny. Today Sima leaned over his desk to ask him a question. He could see down to her fat nipples sitting on the huge tit. She enjoyed giving him a show. He so wanted to eat those tits and suck them for hours. He told her, I will answer all your questions in my office at 3. Be there on time. His cock got hard thinking of what he would do to the sexy gal.At three, he let her in and locked his office door. He...

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Fucking my first tranny Fun times with Jennifer

This happened about a month ago, it was one of those days where I felt really horny so I had to do something about it and I just didn't want to fuck a woman this time. I've been really curious about trannies for a while now, I once fucked a friend of mine when were fooling around (I should write a story about him too!), but the combination of tits, smooth ass and a cock would always catch my interest and would get me really aroused every single time I thought about having sex with one. A little...

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As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable,...

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A cock or two And First time Anal Sex

So hope you enjoy this from early this year.So every once in a while I like to suck on a cock.Usually it is from Steve who I met on Craigslist. He gives a great massage with a huge cock to suck on while he sucks me off or jacks me off. And the massage is really good as well LOL.But this day I wanted to try another cock.So again Craigslist to the rescue.Saw an advert, Mid 30's guy wants to suck cock and happy to have his cock sucked.So after a couple of emails and text found out he was only...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 7

“I know I’ve changed over the past few months. I can tell by the way my favorite shirts and shorts fit me. Rachel brags on me all the time, but she did that back when I was tall and skinny.” “Rachel and I love you, no matter how you look. Since you just happen to look like some male fitness, runway model - we have more reasons to love you. When you used your magnificent cock and your talented tongue on me, there was no way I could keep from telling you how you made me feel. I hope you...

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My Favorite Ski Resort

                  My husband Ron and I have always been very open and honest in our relationship. We tell each other our deepest darkest secrets and fantasies,especially while in the heat of the moment.                   This year my husband planned a winter vacation for us. Instead of warm places we usually go,he said we had reservations for one week at an exclusive ski resort. I was very excited about the trip of course,but all he would tell me is we would have a lot of fun. He said he...

1 year ago
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En Ammavai Soothaditha Chinna Pasanga

Hi friends this is my first story. En peyar saravan nan clge 2rd year padikuren. Nan en amma othathu 12 pdikum pothuthan. En amma name aswathy pakka nalla kunda konjm karupa irupa pakka thevidiya methiri irupa. Ava mola size 36 nalla shape aana vairu and enaku pidicha edamey ava kundithan 44 size rendu periya waterbag vachathu mathiri irukum. Ava nadakum pothu ava kundi nalla kuthikum yaru pathalum.Antha kundi ku poola vachu thechu ulla yeraka than papanga. Ava night market lan pova pona 1 hr...

3 years ago
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From a Man to a Bitch

This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  If you are too young or sensitive please leave now.  I would like to hear your comments on my humble effort. It is the only reward a writer gets.  Send your comments, positive or negative to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.                     From A Man to a Bitch                                         Written by 4play     My wife Mary and I had married young.  She was 19 and I was 20.  We had our two kids in the first two...

4 years ago
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My wifes dream come true

   My wife and I have been together for 15 years. We have always had a great sex life. 5,6, even 7 times a week. Then things just started to slow down and get into a rut. No real reason why. Maybe just age. I'm 40 now and wish I had the sex drive I had 20 years ago. Sometimes it's a challenge for me to get hard even though I'm mentally as horny as a teenager.   Shannon is 36, thick and curvy. Curly brown hair just past her shoulder. Deep blue eyes.  Perfect big nipples on her triple D's....

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The Farm LegacyChapter 4

Diana never neglected her work but she did make an effort to join Hal whenever he was off to see the bullocks or the lambs. As the harvest drew nearer she wanted to know what they grew and what it was used for. She took an interest in the machinery. She climbed up onto the combine and looked down inside while Hal explained what each compartment did. She gazed at the round baler. "How big are the bales?" she asked. "Five foot diameter and six foot across. They weigh little short of a...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 39 Relax Its Just a Concert

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 14, 2010) Chapter 39 - Relax, It's Just a Concert The 25-minute limo ride to the hotel was uneventful. It was also quiet. Josh was staying at home during the trip, leaving only Dad and I to make the journey to the Hotel...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 7

On the drive home I was on an emotional roller coaster. Was my mother going to fuck me? No, she wouldn't do that without dad telling her to. But maybe!! Oh god, maybe, would? Oh Yes. I was a young kid, but I had already been in bed with three broads at once. But my mom, THAT'S HOT, my dick could have split diamonds. When we got inside the door I reached for mom. "Oh no hold on, got a few things to say before you get the kisses I want to give you." I felt my dick easing up, what's coming...

3 years ago
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A Day In My Life

A Day In My Life By Sissy Sally-Anne My life is what I wanted it to be. I have no choice about it now. I could not change it if I wanted to. I am truly a sissy, slave to my mistress and at her disposal. Most nights, I sleep downstairs, locked in a cage under the stairs. It is barely big enough for me to fit in but it is my home. In the mornings, my mistress comes down and unlocks it to let me out. As soon as I am free, I put on my plastic apron and shower cap. She always...

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Dad Me Uncle at Cabin

Woke up freezing under the covers, Dad had already gotten up and I didnt even here him. It was dark but I could see shadows from the fire buring bouncing against the walls with dads shadow of him stiring around, Trying not to make any noise, but wasnt doing to good of a job. I had to stop and think to myself and ask was that a dream last night or did my old man and I really suck and jerk each other and I even tasted him. Dam I was already sporting a morning wood, and had to pee real bad as...

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Our circle widens

If you have read the other stories in this series, and I recommend you do, you already know Harvey, Jake, and Julie. After our last evening with Harvey and Jake, Sherry and I were at the kitchen table having dinner and she brought up that evening and said, "I think we need another woman in this group. Three of you were just too much, and I was completely fucked out by taking on all of you. Jake is so large I am not sure I want that as a steady diet. It certainly is not going to be good for my...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Gang Force Part 1

Part 1 By: Jimmy T Seay (t+/t oral anal rape gang bang) =========================================================================== Author's Note Some of you will remember Steve from 'JailForce'. As that story concluded, Steve found himself grabbed off a dark street. And now for the new story, Steve Meets the Gang. (Another title could have been, The Gang Meats Steve........) =========================================================================== Mario and Jose had...

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Hell Have to Go

‘He’ll Have to Go’ Words and music: Joe Allison & Audrey Allison Copyright: 1959 Central Songs/Beechwood Music Corp. Author’s note: This has always been one of my favorite songs, a sad song. I particularly like the version by Jim Reeves. This will be a relatively short story and complete in this submission. Thanks very much, as always, to Techsan for his quick and accurate editing! Thanks for reading, please vote. * YOUR SWEET LIPS Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. ...

4 years ago
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Mutual Satisfaction 2

That evening as Megan was getting ready for bed, the memory of what had happened in Terry's room invaded her thoughts, and it got her excited. She crawled naked under the sheets and once again directed her fingers to slowly enter her already wet pussy.She closed her eyes and recalled the feeling of him touching, kissing and then licking her breasts as she masturbated. In her mind's eye she envisioned him in bed and jerking off into her black silk and lace panties and that increased the speed of...

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The Making of a Sissy Part Nine

As they sat sipping drinks and discussing what shots would be done indoors or out; Bella’s little cock bulged in her sari as the mature redhead licked her lips as she discussed the ways in which Bella should be trussed, collared and leashed, amongst other things. Sandy stood up suddenly and ran across the patio when she saw a tall figure emerge from the house into the sunlight; this was her Carl. Bella looked on enviously as the two squeezed and kissed at length. She could only dream of being...

4 years ago
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Arrogant Bastard

‘You know, to make things easier, you could just do my homework for me,’ he says, with his arrogant smirk on his face. ‘And if I did that, how are you ever going to learn?’ I retort. ‘Why would I need to when I have you as a tutor?’ I hate the school for assigning me as his personal tutor. Stupid jocks. Stupid football players. Arrogant bastards who think they run the school and can do anything they want. ‘I won’t always be your tutor, Adam.’ ‘Oh, but you will Alexxa,’ he says...

1 year ago
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First Time Fucking My Friends BBW Mother Pt 2

With my heart racing and my cock throbbing after watching what Diane had did and said on the camera after finding it hidden after she got out of the shower, I knew my long time dream and fantasy of fucking her was about to come true. I watched the video atleast 2 more times to make sure I wasnt dreaming and that it was real. Seeing her look into the camera and say it over again "If you really like what you see, you don't have to spy on me. I'll be in the bedroom, if you want to come see me....

1 year ago
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Secret Relation With Mommy 8211 Part I

Hi all the ISS readers and I have been reading the stories here from last two years. I am also thankful to this portal as it helped me to get what I will share with you all. This portal only helped and motivated me to take this bold step in my life. The story might not be as erotic as others but this is true story everything written in it is true and no spice is added and you all can share your feedback at and Before starting the story, let me introduce my Family and I am Anand, 21 years and...

2 years ago
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My friend Julie Part 1

I was feeling down in the dumps, my boyfriend of 8 years had dumped me and it was clear that we were not going to get back together. I sat and cried all day long, then my phone rang, it was an old friend called Julie. Julie said that my s****r had told her that me and Pete had split and that I was in a bad state. Anyway Julie asked me to go out clubbing with her, at first I said no I couldnt possibly consider that but then I though oh what the hell I need cheering up. We met at 8pm in a local...

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Myself Sukahari Kuchi

My name is Michael Goldman, and at the start of this story I was 18 years old as of that morning. I was born at 4:17 AM on the 25th of September 1986 in the maternity ward of Contoocook Valley General Hospital in Peterborough, New Hampshire, and had lived in that sleepy back country town my entire life. A long time ago Peterborough was a minor industrial center, with water powered mills and a rail line, but these days it was mostly a tourist/vacation destination and/or bedroom community for...

3 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 2 Carrie

I really, really didn’t want Sarah to go. I recognized the signs in Carlos. He was hung over, needing alcohol in the worst way, and it made him irritable as hell. But Sarah went with him, hanging her head. We went back to the camper. Mike was outside, checking the tie down straps, making sure we were safe. When we went inside, I crawled into his lap, snuggling as we watched the storm get worse. The camper, huge and heavy as it was, started swaying. Mike got up, moving around, looking for...

2 years ago
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Summer TrainingChapter 12

Jeffery awkwardly lifted his sister out of his Jeep and onto the cool cement floor of the garage. The garage door had already hummed its way shut, secreting away himself and his bound step sister from the rest of the world. Gathering her chain lead, he gave it a gentle tug and his blonde captive struggled to stand. Stephanie felt her blindfold being untied then removed. Though the adventure of being bound outside her home was arousing in many ways, the young woman was glad to be back within...

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