A Tale Of Victorian Debauchery 1 free porn video

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The problem with Lord Barrington was his unique and limitless sexual desires. Some have even said that his sexual proclivities are what led to the death of his young, beautiful wife Rowena. She had a timid demeanor and had always been prone to bouts of melancholia after he visited her bedchamber, but she usually recovered after a couple of days. That was until the day she came home early from afternoon tea at The Strand to find the Lord copulating with one of the kitchen maids and a footman in their marriage bed. Lord Barrington, who always tried to be attentive to his dear Rowena’s needs, had simply invited her to join in the festivities when she ran from the room and threw herself from the stairs in a fit of despair.

Lord Barrington did not grieve for his young wife very long. He found this to be an incredibly well timed turn of events as he had already squandered the sizable inheritance from his father on a series of bad debts and expensive mistresses. Within a week he was out celebrating his newfound freedoms and wealth, but no matter how much money he spent or how many people he rutted with he still could not find what he was searching for. There was an emptiness and need inside him that he could not fill. That was until the day he met Miss Eliza Turner.


Miss Eliza Turner had not had an easy life, orphaned while she was still in the cradle, she had spent her childhood being shuffled around orphanages and girls homes throughout London. As soon as she turned eighteen she found herself being tossed out of Mrs. Chatterly’s home for wayward girls onto the streets of London. Well really she only had herself to blame for that. Miss Chatterly had been kind enough to keep her on as a kitchen maid after she had come of age. That was until she was caught lifting her skirts for the cook’s son out by the wood pile. The repercussions of the incident were not worth the little pleasure she had received from coupling with the inexperience lad as he roughly rutted into her with his small prick. She regretted it now as she was standing on the corner trying to sell posies for enough money to keep food in her belly, and pay for a bed in a run down rooming house in Cheapside.

Truth be told though she would have made the same mistake again if given the chance. Eliza was a bit of a different creature than most other ladies. Her every thought and desire was driven by her needy quim. This all started after arriving at Mrs. Chatterly’s and being introduced to her new roommate Beth. Beth was several years her senior and quite a little minx. They spent many a long night engaged in petting and licking each others tight quims until they fell into and exhausted slumber. Unfortunately Beth had found herself pregnant with the footman’s babe and was thrown out of Mrs. Chatterly’s a month before Eliza’s own departure.

Eliza now spent her lonely nights in the rooming house petting and playing with her cunny, fantasizing about Beths angelic mouth and nimble fingers. She had taken to using candles and carrots to stroke the itch deep within her quim, but it was never the same. She had considered taking up work in one of the bawdy houses, but was too afraid of being roughed up by a patron or becoming pregnant.


It had been a most trying day in Parliament and Lord Barrington was in need of several wet, warm cunts to release his frustrations upon. Feeling particularly unsettled this afternoon he had directed his carriage driver to let him off a few blocks away from his favorite bawdy house so he could walk the rest of the way. He ambled leisurely down the sidewalk avoiding the various peddlers and three pence whores, until he came upon a most angelic creature selling posies. Her soft blonde ringlets, large doll shaped blue eyes and rosy cheeks captivated him immediately. She could have been confused for a china doll if not for her tattered, dirty frock.

“Sell you a posy for a pence Sir. Sure to put a smile on your lady’s face,” she said holding her basket out for his inspection.

Lord Barrington stooped down from his impressive height to peer into the basket but quickly averted his gaze to meet Eliza’s bright blue eyes.

“I’m sorry to say that I do not have a lady to take it home to, but how about I give you a shilling to come to my carriage for a moment,” he said flashing his dazzling grin.

Eliza hesitated for a moment before responding, a shilling would pay her room and board for a week and ease the constant rumbling in her stomach, but the risk was just too great.

“I’m sorry Sir, I must decline. I am not a harlot.”

“I apologize Miss. I was so enchanted by by beauty that I lost my manners. Let me introduce myself, Lord Richard Barrington III, It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am sure your parents are very proud of such a darling daughter.”

Eliza’s eyes lit up and her little cupid mouth turned up into a smile, “Thank you Sir, but I have no parents. My name is Eliza Turner.”

“Ah well then I am sure your guardian or husband is much pleased. I tell you what, I am in need of a new house maid. Would you be interested in working for me?”

“I’ve no husband or guardian sir. I take care of myself just fine,” Eliza replied with a grin as she twirled her basket.

Lord Barrington’s eyes lit up at the revelation of this sweet, little waif being completely unattached. “No guardian, what a shame. Well in that case, I have been looking for a ward and I think you will do just wonderfully. How would you like to come and live in my nice townhouse on the Strand with me. I will buy you some new dresses, and we can groom you into a fine young lady.”

Eliza bit her lip and looked into his dazzling green eyes, as he held out his hand to her.

“What do you say little one? Come with me and I promise to make your life pleasurable,” he purred in a low timbre that sent a shiver straight to her cunny. She nodded her head and took his hand as he led her across the street to his carriage.


Eliza studied the Lord as the carriage trundled across the rough and dirty streets of Cheapside. He was a handsome man, well dressed and roughly twenty years her senior. He had broad shoulders and long legs making him an imposing figure in the small cab of the carriage. His deep emerald eyes met her gaze and he smiled.

“So tell me how does such an angelic young lady find herself all alone in Cheapside?”

Eliza averted her gaze into her lap before replying, “I was orphaned as a babe. I was living at Mrs. Chatterly’s and working in the kitchen until a month ago when she threw me out.”

“That’s terrible why would she throw such a fine young lady like yourself out into the street?”

Eliza bit her lip and looked out the carriage window, trying to avoid his intense gaze as a tear rolled down her cheek. Lord Richard leaned forward and took her delicate hands in his, “Come now little one. I don’t want you keeping any secrets from me.”

Eliza’s cheeks where flushed bright red with shame and she choked back a sob before replying, “I got caught out by the woodpile with the cook’s son.”

“Hmmm, I see. And what were you and the cook’s son doing than enraged Mrs. Chatterly so?” He asked knowing full well what act they were engaged in but wanting to hear it from this waifs angelic mouth.

“We were, he was, we were rutting Sir,” she exclaimed with a sob fearing that he would throw her out of the carriage now that he knew she was tainted. “Please don’t throw me out Sir. I promise I will be good.”

Lord Richard quickly pulled her across the carriage and into his lap. He held her and stroked her hair softly.

“There there little one. It’s just fine. You are perfect,” he cooed into her ear. He was actually quite delighted that she was no longer chaste. He had sullied a vast number of virgins in his day but they were just never suited to the rough rutting that he desired.

Eliza had ceased crying and was nuzzled into his neck peacefully as the carriage arrived at his opulent townhouse on the Strand.

They were greeted by his butler and one of the house maids. He introduced Eliza to them as she climbed down from the carriage. Andre the butler was a large African man, he bowed and kissed Eliza’s hand causing her to giggle and blush. Lord Barrington introduced the tall busty maid as Marina, she would be Eliza’s personal maid and was to take her to the guest suite and make her comfortable. Andre took Eliza’s hand and led her up the steps to the house as the Lord conversed quietly with Marina.


Eliza sunk into the deep copper tub with a sigh. The warm, fragrant water felt truly decadent as it rolled over her porcelain skin. She was accustomed to bathing with a rag and cold water from a bucket in the corner of the room. She relaxed back into the water as Marina lathered and massaged her scalp with rose oil shampoo.

“I see our little one likes to be pampered, oui,” Marina said in her thick French accent as she rinsed the suds from Eliza’s golden locks.

“I’m just not used to any of this. It is so wonderful,” Eliza murmured as Marina lathered her body with the same sweet smelling rose soap.

Marina just nodded as she nudged Eliza’s legs apart to wash between them with the soft sponge. She took her time, eliciting a low moan from Eliza before moving up to wash the small buds of her breasts, her fingers tracing over the small pink nipples. Eliza’s cunny quivered at Marina’s delicate touch and she was reminded of all the lovely nights she had spent with her dear Beth. She was drawn from her lustful reverence when Marina dropped the cloth in the tub and stood to retrieve a bath sheet.

“Come now, we have to make you ready for Lord Barrington, he is expecting you at dinner shortly,” she said as she motioned for Eliza to step out of the tub. Eliza climbed out of the tub and Marina rubbed her briskly with the sheet until her porcelain skin was pink and glowing. She then led her over to a chase in the corner of the bathing room and motioned for her to lie back as she retrieve a glass bottle from the cabinet. She began to rub the sweet smelling jasmine oil all over Eliza’s body.

“I think you will love it here little one, oui,” Marina said as she ran her oiled hands over Eliza’s thighs nudging them apart till her quim was in full view.

“Ooo and you have barely any hair down there,” she exclaimed as she rubbed the oil over her mons and down her labia, “This is good, we will not have to wax. Lord Barrington will be very pleased.”

Eliza could only reply with a moan as Marina rubbed the oil deeper into her cunny, pressing the tip of her thumb inside. Marina continued with her task, paying little attention to the affect she was having on Eliza as she spread her labia for inspection and ran her finger over the tiny bud of her clit several times. Eliza moaned loudly and grinded against Marina’s hand desperately seeking release.

“Ah, no no. Little one,” Marina exclaimed as she pulled her hand away, “The Lord would surely give me the fist if I made that little cunny cream before he did.”

Eliza groaned as Marina pulled her towards the vanity so she could fix her hair. Eliza watched as Marina combed and arranged her hair into golden ringlets, she finally worked up the nerve to ask Marina what she meant about pleasing the Lord.

“Marina, are you saying that Lord Barrington wants to marry me?”

“Oh no darling, I doubt that. He tried that once and it did not end well. He wants to make you his special little one.”

“So you mean he wants to make love to me?”

Marina laughed out loud at thought of Lord Barrington making love as she walked to the wardrobe to retrieve the outfit that Eliza was to wear.

“Little one, let me tell you something about the Lord. He fucks, he ruts, he buggers but he does not make love. And it seems that he is intent on making you his new, favorite toy.”

“Oh my!” Exclaimed Eliza at the revelation.

“Oh do not worry, Little one. He is very good and I am sure will bring you much pleasure. Oui,” Marina stated matter of factly as she pulled a white silk stocking up Eliza’s slim leg. Eliza remained silent as Marina quickly dressed her in a pink satin dress that barely came to her knees. She found it odd that she was not provided with any under garments but her cunny was bare under the short skirt. Marina slipped her dainty feet into some satin slippers and led her down to the dining room.


Lord Barrington was seated at the table reading the day’s news rag and sipping brandy when Marina led Eliza into the room. His prick quivered and started to grow hard as soon as he saw her. She was a vision of perfection in the short, frilly pink dress and white stockings. Her petite stature and delicate bone structure suited the dress perfectly. Her golden hair fell in ringlets around her face and Marina had applied the faintest amount of pink rouge to her cheeks and pouty cupid lips. He cleared his throat and excused Marina from the room.

“Turn around for me Eliza,” he said in a low throaty timbre as his eyes devoured her.

Eliza blushed and twirled around slowly as he rose from his chair and stalked across the room to her.

“Oh my, You are perfection,” he purred as he reached his hand out to stroke her cheek.

Eliza gave him a warm smile and stuttered, “Thank you Sir.”

Lord Barrington smiled down at her, “Ah. No more of that sir nonsense, little Eliza. You must call me Daddy now. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yes sir, I mean Daddy,” Eliza replied with a charmingly sweet smile that seemed to come natural to her.

“Good girl,” Barrington cooed as the stroked her hair and ran his hand down her back, “Now be a good girl and bend over for me. I must have a glimpse at your precious quim.”

Eliza blushed but did not hesitate to bend over the table and display her bare bum to him. To say that the Lord was pleased by the sight would be an understatement. She had the most perfect little peach of a cunny he had ever seen. Her mons was covered with a light spattering of downy blonde hair and her prominent puffy outer lips gave no glimpse of her inner lips or pleasure bud tucked within. He groaned with approval as he ran a finger gently down her slit and was rewarded with a low whimper from Eliza.

“Oh you are truly perfection. I must have just a sniff before dinner!” He exclaimed as he bent over behind her and buried his face in her cunny. He couldn’t help but run his tongue across the length of her slit several times, causing her to squeal in surprise, before tearing himself away and pulling her to sit in his lap at the head of the table.

“Ah, what a truly delectable little cunny you have Eliza. It is taking all my gentlemanly training to restrain myself from bending you over the table and plowing into you right now.”

Eliza was nearly trembling with desire and wiggled in his lap, pressing her bum into the hard length of his manhood.

“If that would please you Daddy,” she said breathlessly as one of kitchen maids came in and set the table with platters of delectable smelling food.

Lord Barrington let out a deep chuckle as he cut into the duck in front of him.

“Oh what a little minx you are. I think we will get along just fine Eliza. But we must have dinner before dessert and I am sure that little tummy of yours is rumbling.”

“Yes Daddy, it smells so good.”

He smiled and fed her a morsel of honey roasted duck from his fingers.

“So tell me Eliza. What led you to rutting out back with the cook’s son. Did he promise to love and marry you?”

Eliza swallowed the duck and replied, “No Daddy, I was just lonely after Beth left. I couldn’t help myself.”

Barrington fed her another morsel and asked, “Who is Beth? And by lonely do you mean that you had a needy little quim?”

Eliza blushed at his blatant assertion and stuttered,“Beth was my roommate at Mrs. Chatterly’s. We.. we pleasured each other.”

“Ah, I see. So you are a little nymph. Do you enjoy the taste of cunny?”

“I’ve not really thought about it Daddy. It was just something we did. We sometimes stole candles, and carrots from the kitchen to use also.”

Barrington took a heavy swig from his glass of brandy and ran his hand up Eliza’s skirt to find her cunt soaking wet.

“So did you two kiss and rub your bare cunnies together also?”

Eliza just nodded her head and elicited a low moan as his fingers probed her slick folds.

Barrington cleared his throat and abruptly pulled his hand away to feed her another morsel of duck.

“Eat up little one. My prick is about to bust through my trousers and you are going to need energy for tonight.”

“Yes Daddy,” she replied as she bit into a roasted fig.

“I think you will love it here Eliza. You can be yourself here and not be ashamed of your needs and desires. So did you enjoy your bath with Marina?”

“Mmm, yes I did Daddy.”

“Good, she will be your maid. And you can play with her too if you want.”

“Do you mean play, like me and Beth did?” She asked and wiggled excitedly in his lap.

“Oh yes darling, and sometimes Daddy will join you too,” he replied with a wide grin.

They quickly finished the rest of their meal and Marina entered the room again.

“Ah Marina, so glad you are here. Please take the little one to my room and prepare her for bed before I spill my load into my trousers.”

Marina just nodded her head and grinned as she led Eliza away.

Lord Barrington let out a sigh of relief and sunk back into his chair to finish the rest of his brandy. This little one might be the death of him.


Marina led Eliza into the Lord’s master suite. Eliza gasped in surprise at the decadent furnishings. In the middle of the room was a large four poster bed adorned with numerous pillows, red silks and furs. There was a large chase in front of the window that looked down to the street below and several large bureaus. In the corner of the room was a fireplace with a fur rug and ottoman in front of it.

“Come on let’s get you undressed. The Lord is not in a patient mood tonight,” Marina said as she pulled Eliza to the middle of the room and pulled her dress over her head. She left her stockings on and gave her a short sheer white robe to wear for some modesty.

“There, now you are perfection. You look so much better eau natural than in all those silly frilly garments.”

“Thank you Marina,” Eliza blushed and looked around the room with a bewildered gaze.

“Oh sweet thing, come here and relax on the chase. You can have a sip of brandy to calm your nerves while you wait on the Lord.”

Marina led her to the chase and poured her a glass from the decanter.

“Do not be vexed little one. I assure you that a minx like you will enjoy your night with the Lord.”

“I hope you are right, but I am a bit nervous,” Eliza replied before taking a sip of the warm brandy.

“You will be fine. He is enamored with you,” Marina replied with a grin and wink before leaving the chamber and closing the heavy door behind her.


Lord Barrington met Marina in hallway as he ambled towards his suite.

“Is she ready for me?”

“Oui, more than ready my Lord. She smells of arousal,” Marina replied with a lick of her thick pouty lips.

“You better not have sampled her before me you lecherous wench,” he chuckled in reply.

“Never Master. Although it was tempting.”

“Marina, Andre is looking for you,” Lord Barrington said with a wink as he turned the knob to his chamber door.


Eliza took a deep breath to settle her nerves as Lord Barrington walked into the chamber and shrugged out of his jacket dropping it onto the ottoman. He stalked across the room to her, his deep emerald gaze meeting hers. He uttered not a word as he undid the belt on her sheer robe and slid it off her shoulders. He licked his lips as he gazed upon her small breasts. They were just small buds topped with delicate pink nipples. They were the type of breasts he could fit his whole mouth around and the though aroused him immensely. He traced his fingers over her chest and down to her belly before coaxing her trembling thighs apart.

“Now my little one, I really do think it is time that I get to taste this delectable peach of yours,” he purred as he knelt between her spread legs. He brought his face to her quim and took a deep breath before sliding his tongue along her slit. He was rewarded with a soft whimper from Eliza. He grunted his approval and and began to lap at her cunny, delving his tongue between her thick labia in search for her pearl. Eliza relaxed back into the cushions and spread her legs wide allowing him uninhibited access to her box. He found her clit with his tongue and began to flick across it before gently sucking it between his lips.

“Oh oh! Yes that’s so good Daddy!” Eliza exclaimed and he was rewarded with a dose of thick cream from her quim. Barrington eagerly lapped at her tunnel, probing deeply with his tongue to savor her delectable cream while he ran his thumb across her pearl. He continued his adoration until Eliza was trembling beneath him and moaning. Her quim was a fountain and he could dine there all day but if he didn’t get his prick wet soon he was sure to unleash in his trousers.

He stood and undid his shirt as he kicked his boots off across the room. Eliza met his gaze as he unbuttoned his trousers and unfurled a very long, thick uncut prick. She gasped at the size of his member and he just smiled and stroked his rod as he approached the Venus between her thighs. She gasped as he pulled back his foreskin and ran the head over her slick folds and smacking her pearl. He teased her like that for a moment until she was whimpering and grinding her cunny against him. She was a woman in heat and ready for rutting when he finally pressed the plum shaped head of his prick against her tight tunnel. As much as he wanted to plow forward and bury his cock to the hilt inside her, he also wanted to hear the little nymph plead. He held the head of his cock at her entrance as he massaged her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers.

“You are such a good girl Eliza. Can you tell Daddy what you want?” He purred as he leaned down to suckle on one of her breasts.

“Please Daddy, put it inside me,” Eliza whimpered as she attempted to grind against him until he pinned her hips down with his large hands.

He shifted forward just slightly till he could feel her hot, tight hole sucking at the head of his rod.

“Mmm, thats it. Tell Daddy what you want, you naughty little minx.”

“Please fuck me Daddy,” Eliza whimpered and tossed her head on the pillow.

“Oh don’t worry dear. Daddy is going to fuck you all night,” He exclaimed as he thrust his hips forward lodging his cock inside her tight quim causing her to cry out in surprise.

“Oh, Oh thats so big,” she moaned as he pushed forward again.

“Thats it good girl. Take Daddy’s fat prick right up your tight, little cunny,” he grunted as he began to thrust in and out of her.

He pulled her bottom towards the edge of the chase and grabbed her thighs as he increased the speed of his thrusts. She moaned and wrapped her thighs around his waist as he rutted into her. Lord Barrington groaned loudly as he finally sheathed the entire length of his prick inside her velvet folds eliciting a squeal from Eliza when he bumped against the entrance to her womb. He increased the speed of his thrusts and soon his little minx was whimpering in lust. Her sheath was becoming slick with her arousal and the velvety folds within grasped at his prick each time he withdrew to piston back into her.

“Bloody Christ, what a tight, hot cunt you have!” Exclaimed Barrington before leaning down to fill his mouth with one of her pert breasts.

He continued to fuck her roughly as he bit and suckled at her breast. His hard thrusts jarred her entire body and the feet of the chase were squeaking as they moved over the wooden floor. Eliza squealed and writhed underneath his ministrations, her cunt quivering around his thick rod.

“Oh God! Oh yes, please don’t stop Daddy,” she panted lustily as he raised her hips to meet his thrusts.

Barrington brought his hand to her slick cunt and spread her swollen lips in search for her pearl. He strummed his finger across it repeatedly causing her to tremble and moan, her head tossed back and her mouth open in ecstasy.

“That’s it. Let go you little minx, give it all to Daddy,” Barrington cooed as Eliza fell over the edge of climax. Her little body stiffened underneath him as she cried out. Her cunt squeezed and milked his cock, bringing forth his own eruption. He thrust forward roughly lodging the head of his member against her womb and filled her with his seed with a triumphant roar that could have been heard from the street below.

Barrington collapsed onto Eliza pressing her small body into the chase, panting to catch his breath. He ran his hands through her golden curls and peppered her angelic face with kisses as he slowly raised up. Her cunt was still squeezing and milking his cock as he slowly withdrew from her with an audible pop. Her lips were swollen and flushed from their rutting and her tunnel gapped open for a moment allowing his seed to spill forth and drip onto the floor below.

“Gods, that is the best cunt I have ever buried my rod inside! You are truly a treasure, my little Eliza,” Barrington exclaimed as he picked Eliza up and carried her to his bed.

Barrington’s lust was far from sated as he tossed her upon the down filled mattress to fall down beside her. His hands and lips explored every inch of her porcelain skin, eliciting soft moans and whimpers of approval from her. His rod was rigid and throbbing again as he suckled on her small breasts. He rolled onto his back with a groan taking his prick in hand and stroked it slowly.

“Have you ever sucked a prick, babygirl?”

“No I haven’t Daddy,” Eliza answered with moan as he buried a finger in her slick tunnel.

“No worries we will have you sucking prick better than a three pence Cheapside harlot in no time. Come on now, give it go lass.”

Barrington pulled his fingers from her folds and directed her to kneel between his outstretched legs.

“Go on now, take it in your hand and give the head a lick.”

Eliza wrapped her small hand around his turgid member and gave it several slow strokes, retracting his foreskin to expose the purple, plum sized head. She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his as she slowly ran her lascivious tongue across the swollen glans. Barrington elicited a low growl of approval as she continued to explore his member with her tongue. She never ceased her slow stroking as she flicked her tongue repeatedly over the head and slowly down to the base of his member and up again to probe his slit. He rewarded her efforts with a thick stream precum, that she lapped up without any sign of distaste.

“Wonderful, what a good girl you are little Eliza. Now take me in your mouth and suck.”

Eliza licked her lips and wrapped them around his thick head. As well endowed as he was she struggle a bit at first but soon had his entire glans and several inches of his rod in her mouth. She looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes as she began to suck and run her tongue over his prick. She continued stroking and sucking his thick prick, her cheeks gaunt with the effort. Barrington ran his hands through her curls and directed her to bob up and down on his turgid rod causing her to take him deeper into her mouth. He soon lost himself to lust and was driving his hips into her mouth causing her gag around his length as he hit the back of her throat. Eliza’s eyes were watering and she was drooling down his shaft but she never attempted to pull away. Such an obedient doll she was, allowing her newfound daddy to take such liberties with her. However obedient she was though, he couldn’t change her anatomy and there was no way that she was going to be able to swallow his entire prick. Barrington’s lust was up and he needed to be completely buried in her warm tight cunt. He thrust forward into her throat rapidly several more times before pulling her off and swiftly arranging her on all fours. Eliza did not even have time to realize what was happening before his large hand crashed across her firm bum and he plowed into her silky depths with one thrust causing her to squeal.

“Ah, bloody hell! Your prick is going to tear me apart,” she exclaimed as he pummeled into her, reaching new depths in this position. Barrington groaned as he wrapped his hands around to pull on her small breasts with each thrust. Soon she was a whimpering rag doll in his arms. He rolled her nipples between his fingers as he would pull his cock out nearly to the tip just to drive back into her again.

“Good girl. Come on Daddy’s fat prick again,” urged Barrington as he grabbed her roughly by the hips and fucked into her with all his might.

“Oh Christ, yes!” Eliza exclaimed digging her hands into the furs strewn across the bed. Her quim spasmed around his prick and he struggled to thrust into her tight tunnel. Barrington brought his hand down sharply on her porcelain buttock causing her to squeal and bite into one of the down pillows as her body was wracked with the throes of her orgasm. Barrington thrust into her several more times as she trembled underneath him. He was at the precipice of orgasm himself but he did not want to spill his seed inside her again. He grasped his rod around the base and withdrew from her tight sheath, causing her fluids to gush out down her thighs. Barrington took a moment to appreciate the sight of her dripping engorged sex before flipping her onto her back. Eliza looked up at him lustily as he stroked his throbbing prick over her until he his seed erupted from the head to spill across her small breasts. Barrington groaned and directed the head of his cock into her mouth to deposit the last of his deposit on the tip of her delicate tongue. To Barrington’s surprise Eliza offered no resistance, instead she smiled and licked her pouty lips before closing her eyes and stretching out among the furs, purring in her state of sated lust. Barrington collapsed onto the bed beside her with a low groan.

“Bloody fuck, she will be the death of me,” he muttered to himself before drifting off to sleep.


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Her Victorian Bottom Shared part 2

In a pale blue sky, the Winter sun sat looking down over the snow covered landscape of Old London Town and the populace that lived out their day to day lives. The date was the 10th of December 1889 and the oncoming festive season gave rise to an air of eager anticipation despite the hardships of daily living for the majority. Along the banks of the frozen Serpentine, people from all walks of life and social standing were out and about enjoying the Christmas card scenery of Hyde Park. On the...

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Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed

Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed. Note: Recommend reading "Her Victorian Bottom Plundered" before this follow up story. Part 1. For awakened Prudence, the days had been sexually listless for Henry, her husband, was away on business. The sunlight flickered through the swaying branches of the old oak tree which majestically dominated the farthest reaches of their garden, and which underneath Prudence sat in deepest thought whilst trying to read the Times. Thoughts that unbidden always returned to...

2 years ago
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Lady Blackrook Victorian Adventuress En Pointe

[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...

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The Ring AOChapter 91 Victorian Visitor

On Friday morning Helena went shopping for the unit. Zac and Fred were in the office looking over the details of the new properties. On arriving back with some food items, an elderly gentlemen was in reception asking about unit 2201. They saw Helena and called her in. Helena asked “May I enquire on who you are please?” Silvio replied “I am Silvio Pisano and wish to see Rita!” Helena shook his hand and advised “Were you close to her?” Harry mentioned ‘Get him to the unit then explain, not...

4 years ago
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Aly the Tease After the Debauchery

A couple months had gone by since the night that Mike really laid the heavy debauchery on the lovely Aly. She is a very wonderful girl, but sometimes she can get herself into trouble, and with Mike, that was just the case. None the less, the two hit it off well and were actually quite suited for each other. Ever since the day they met, she hadn’t once been a prick tease to him. In fact, she was very good to him. Occasionally, when they stayed the night with each other – which was quite often...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 6 Classroom Debauchery

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Six: Classroom Debauchery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Linda and I headed into Rainier Christian College, the students already arriving in their uniform. Despite being in college, the school still had a uniform for its students. The guys wore their gray slacks and white shirts, their ties tucked beneath sweater vests or falling down their chests. The girls, the vast majority of...

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Taimanin Debauchery

https://vndb.org/v7747/chars#chars Key: Sentences in brackets() are thoughts. Chapter 1: Capture. Tokyo. A few years ago a mass of land appeared offshore next to the great city. None of the citizens knew what to make of it. Rumours are that this new…"island city" was funded by several powerful politicians and businessmen as a den of debauchery and crime. It was also shocking that the island declared itself independent of Japan though a long bridge led from the Tokyo mainland to...

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Farmhouse Tales of Sex and Debauchery

As a very young girl I watched a trilogy of Italian movies from the seventies. These were my bedtime feasting, heavy in sexual innuendo and full of beautiful curvaceous Italian women, heavy breasted and titillating, heavy breathing and full of dirty old men, firing a girls imagination, and the naughty ending under the bedclothes, something my roommates never failed to comment about. Looking back I guess these and others like the 'Story of O', and the 'Decameron' brought me into my oestrous...

2 years ago
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The Confessions of Jenny Grimm Tea and Debauchery

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned." Her voice was unabashedly unapologetic, a sultry purr that slithered through the screen in the that separated her and Father Lucas. "It has been three weeks since my last confession, as you very well know…" Father Lucas hooked his finger into his suddenly too tight collar and tugged. The confessional, usually quite comfortable, felt suddenly too warm; he could feel the beads of sweat on his brow as the familiar voice of the she-devil kissed his ears....

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 51 Visions of Debauchery

December 17, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio As soon as we started kissing, Hannah started tugging at my clothes, pulling my polo shirt from my jeans. We broke the kiss and she pulled my shirt over my head and reached for my belt. Less than a minute later she had me naked. “Wow!” she gasped. “It’s huge! And you can fit it in me?” “Yes,” I replied with a grin. “If you want.” “I want!” “I think you’re wearing too many clothes!” Hannah laughed and began quickly removing her clothes — sweater,...

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Victorian Dreams Pt 02

This is part 2 of a multipart story, and it is recommended you go back and read Victorian Dreams Ch 01 to gain perspective. For those of you who have expressed interest in the story I thank you and offer this part for your enjoyment. This part as well as the prior part and any parts that fool are Copyright 2003, 2004 by Charles F. Johnson, and all rights are reserved under copyright laws of the United States and other countries. Chapter 33 Haley had never stolen anything in her life. It...

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Victorian Dreams Pt 03

This is the third in a three part presentation of a novel. You should go back and read Victorian Dreams Ch 01 and Pt 2 to gain context before reading this third piece. This part, as well, as the two parts that preceed it are Copyright 2003, 2004 by Charles F. Johnson and all rights are reserved and protected under the Copyright laws of the United stats and other countries. Chapter 57 There was only one problem. Though their hooved feet and strong muscular legs made them speedy outside where...

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Victorian Dreams Pt 01

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of people, places or events is purely coincidental and not the intent of the author. This is a copyrighted work. Any republication, or use in part or in whole without the authors written permission is a violation of copyright laws of the United States and other countries. © Copyright 2003, 2004, Charles F. Johnson This work is lovingly dedicated to Mac who’s disappointment when the plot took a negative turn in my first attempt inspired me to try...

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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 01

A rather dreary London day greeted me as I arose in the morning, the grey pale light yet another reminder of the rather depressing northern climes I had recently returned to, but never really escaped from in my thoughts. A late night out with friends after a most stimulating discussion at the London Scientific Foundation dinner the previous evening had rendered me lethargic and un-nimble in my ablutions, in fact having just spilled a trail of urine off the corner of my bedpan in a blurry...

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Her Victorian Bottom Plundered

HER VICTORIAN BOTTOM PLUNDERED: In 19th century London, Henry Chambers was a man of note and some means. Left a not inconsiderable estate by his late father, he had speculated wisely in the city and had become a respected authority on the whims and fate of the money markets. Such was his status, his advice was sought from wide and far on all matters related to the pursuit of wealth and financial contentment. He lived in a resplendent mansion in one of the most fashionable areas of Westminster...

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The Romance of Lust A classic Victorian erotic n

The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novelAuthor: AnonymousVol 3 The castle, although in a valley between the hills, stood on a high perpendicular isolated rock some hundred-and fifty feet above its base; it was crowned with a very high building to make up for want of space at the foundation, and had besides a very lofty and bold round tower, rising high enough above the sides of the valley to serve as a lookout beyond them. The habitable part was reached from the main gate by a...

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Victorian Days

The smell of the tide mixed with garbage, seaweed and decaying flesh permeated the tight quarters near Bermondsey on the south bank of the river Thames in an area called "Jacob's Island". Dark coated Constables moved in and about the small streets, a strange sight for the inhabitants of one of the poorest sections of Victorian London. Most of its citizens had faded into the shadows as soon as the first officer arrived, thinking it was some great raid. However, the Constables were not...

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Victorian Days and Nights 2

As the carriage passed through Bath Street on the way toward the commons in Bedford Park, the world around began to wake up to a new day. A number of enterprising nannies were already walking their wards towards the commons park; some gentlemen were stepping out of their houses on the way to work. In many yards, gardeners and ground keepers were starting on the hedges and the flowerbeds. However, most of the work was unseen, inside the houses the household staff, many who had been up for...

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Lady Sally Blackrook Victorian Adventress 2 Tormenting Technology

Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack  ([email protected]) Tormenting Technology! Lady Sally Blackrook looked down at the sabre tip pressing firmly against the front of her bodice.  It had been a short fight and from the beginning she knew that her chances of killing or incapacitating the five armed men were low if not virtually non-existent despite her prowess with a blade. Still several of the men nursed wounds to their arms and faces, her own blade coloured with their...

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Her Victorian Bottom Plundered

HER VICTORIAN BOTTOM PLUNDERED:In 19th century London, Henry Chambers was a man of note and some means. Left a not inconsiderable estate by his late father, he had speculated wisely in the city and had become a respected authority on the whims and fate of the money markets. Such was his status, his advice was sought from wide and far on all matters related to the pursuit of wealth and financial contentment.He lived in a resplendent mansion in one of the most fashionable areas of Westminster...

Straight Sex
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Victorian Commune female ABDL

After inheriting a small fortune you have created in a small commune town in the middle of no where Maine. The commune is designed to organize a community to cater to your eclectic sexual taste, but provide as small profit. You are the owner, administrator, and sole profiteer of the commune. Guests/customers will come to tour the ambiance, and purchase the bric-a-brac on weekends. Where the commune performs in British Victorian fashion. However, during the week everyone creates the bric a brak,...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 2 My Uncles House and Dinner that Evening

The ride to Uncle James’ house was a short one, perhaps all of twenty minutes in length. House is not the correct term for the marvelous edifice that awaited our arrival. Mansion is the more proper term. Uncle James protested that it wasn’t all that grand, only having fourteen bedrooms, and that Cornelius would not even consider it fit to be a tenement. “Cornelius?” I questioned him. “Cornelius Vanderbilt.” I gaped. “You know Cornelius Vanderbilt?” I exclaimed. “Oh yes, loaned him some...

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The Swap ClubChapter 8 A Victorian House

We got the boys back to Debby’s mom’s place without trouble. We put them to bed and had some coffee while watching the late news, and then went to bed ourselves. We were staying in a spare bedroom across the hall from her mother’s room, and the boys were in Debby’s old room. We crawled into bed expecting to go right to sleep. Debby was in an old cotton t-shirt and I was in my shorts. I certainly wasn’t figuring to screw Debby in her mom’s house. But, somehow, when Debby leaned into me to...

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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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Beach Debauchery

 I had heard that a beach called False Cape State Park was a good place to go for alternative beach activities. So I told my wife we were going to VA Beach for the weekend and were going to try a new place for some nude sunbathing with the possibility of other recreational activities. She was only to happy to pack the cooler and bag, then put on her jean mini skirt for the 3 1/2 hour ride down.  My wife is a petite 53 year old Asian with an adventurous spirt, high sex drive and a sex body. At...

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Gabriella Powder Room Debauchery

By Millie Dynamite He lay on the floor crying his hands bound behind his back. The open safe devoid of its contents sent fear through his heart – even so, the pain she caused worried him more. The big black cases held the substances formerly in his safe while she sat next to them smoking a cigarette. She had removed the big strap-on with which she hammered his ass. “So, Mr. Banker, how long have you laundered money for the Colombians?” Gabriella asked him. “Three years and four months,”...

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Aboard the Cruise Ship SS Debauchery

Day 1 Saturday “Oh my…God…Sis, is this really happening?” I gasped as the ship slowly chugged out of Southampton harbour on its way to the Mediterranean. “I know what you mean,” My younger sister Sam grinned as I hugged me; “this is going to be the best holiday of our lives!” Sam had won an ‘All-inclusive Cruise for two’ plus £500 spending money, in a magazine competition. At 38 she was still unmarried but was the only person that this didn’t seem to bother. Her...

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The Confessions of Jenny Grimm Tea and Debauchery

‘Forgive me father, for I have sinned.’ Her voice was unabashedly unapologetic, a sultry purr that slithered through the screen in the that separated her and Father Lucas. ‘It has been three weeks since my last confession, as you very well know…’ Father Lucas hooked his finger into his suddenly too tight collar and tugged. The confessional, usually quite comfortable, felt suddenly too warm, he could feel the beads of sweat on his brow as the familiar voice of the she-devil kissed his ears....

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Back Alley Debauchery

Mardi Gras in New Orleans, it is everything wonderful about living life to the fullest. My wife and I arrived in New Orleans the Friday before Fat Tuesday, we spent four days enjoying the food, drinks, and parades building up to Fat Tuesday’s celebration. On Tuesday, we awoke early, had breakfast, showered, and went into the French Quarter. It was late morning but we started celebrating early. The Quarter was already crowded and people were partying feverishly. My wife had prepared for the...

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The Slut Academy Part 2 Further Debauchery

I woke with a start and a groan at the feeling of my morning erection engulfed in a hot and wet orifice. My mind in a fog, I realized it was not Millie, she was wrapped around my upper body gently purring in my arms with her tit nudging my lips. I gently disengaged myself from her and looked down to see Shelagh our latest student looking up at me with my cock firmly lodged in her mouth.Her head bobbed up and down, and her tongue twirled around my engorged glans each time she came up for air....

Group Sex
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Futa Debauchery

Main characters are all futas (futanari, hermaphrodite: a female with both a pussy and dick with balls optional). Here are my three original main topics, you can make your own if you want. Pregnant: You go about life impregnating, and getting pregnant. Any holes except oral, and anal are available for baby making. Pred: They only unbirth/eat. If they are unbirthed, or eaten then it is by another Pred. Bi: They are on both ends of unbirthing and vore. Prey: Only gets unbirthed and eaten. Can eat...

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Apocalyptic Debauchery

It was a normal day, just like every other one. You wake up, hate the president, complain about something being overpriced, eat breakfast, and then get dressed for your crappy job. The second you're ready to face another boring day, everything went crazy.

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Debbies Accidential Debauchery

I awoke with a groan, the bright sunlight hitting my face like a sledgehammer and making me squint. My mouth was parched and my whole body felt sore. The soft beating in my skull didn’t make getting my bearings any easier. Holding up a hand to block the stinging rays, which had, in my opinion, no fucking right to torture me at this time of day, I took a look around and felt my stomach twist. I had not the faintest clue where I was. The only things I was certain about were that I was naked,...

Group Sex
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Back Alley Debauchery

Mardi Gras in New Orleans, it is everything wonderful about living life to the fullest. My wife and I arrived in New Orleans the Friday before Fat Tuesday; we spent four days enjoying the food, drinks, and parades building up to Fat Tuesday’s celebration. On Tuesday, we awoke early, had breakfast, showered, and went into the French Quarter. It was late morning but we started celebrating early. The Quarter was already crowded and people were partying feverishly. My wife had prepared for the...

Quickie Sex
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mature friend hotel debauchery

The evening has been meticulously planned for ages ; we travel to the hotel with you looking gorgeous , hot and so so ready.. already inserted in your very needy and wet pussy is a vibrating and expandable dildo.. remote controlled; of course ! so as we drive I can control what it does to you….telling you why its important for your pussy to be ready and wanting …we have a slow drink in the bar ..chatting and flirting.. the dildo is stimulating you throughout …you keep telling me how wet your...

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Decent into debauchery

Abbey and Gorge had been together since high school and married almost twelve months ago. They had always been open about sex, and explored many things, dominance and submission, various positions and toys. More recently they had been playing with sharing partners, never actually having done it they would talk out their fantasies in bed. Abbey started to notice that George was particularly amorous when she described herself being with a black man. One night while she sat atop George she decided...

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Descent into debauchery

Abbey and Gorge had been together since high school and married almost twelve months ago. They had always been open about sex, and explored many things, dominance and submission, various positions and toys. More recently they had been playing with sharing partners, never actually having done it they would talk out their fantasies in bed. Abbey started to notice that George was particularly amorous when she described herself being with a black man. One night while she sat atop George she decided...

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Chapter 2 Steamy Incestual Debauchery

Late NightA fair few seconds of clumsy scratching sounds, presumably from a series of unsuccessful assaults on the keyhole from the outside, finally led to the front door bursting open and the duo pouring in all at once – a four-legged performance of uncontrollable giggling, swaying with interlocked arms and stumbling steps. Stephen, seated on the couch, did not need to turn away from the TV set and look at them to know that Lorna and his sister Chelsea were adequately drunk.It was past 4 AM by...

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My Descent Into Debauchery

The evening has been a few weeks in the making. Myself and four hot lads for a couple of hours of play in a hotel room. My ultimate “fucket list” item that I’ve been dreaming of for years, but in all honesty, never thought I’d actually be able to make happen, let alone have the guts to go through with it.You know that feeling of fight or flight? That’s what has been running through my head in the days leading up to tonight, as I think of how we’ll kick the evening off. Am I in the room and you...

Group Sex
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Sapphic Summer Debauchery

Wrong. So wrong. Thoughts flittered through my mind in tiny snippets, like confetti blown around by the maelstrom of my mixed emotions. Yet I couldn’t help but stare through the tiny gap in the hedge. Brittany looked around one last time, shy yet excited, then crouched down in the middle of the lawn. Sandra, her cousin, sat cross-legged on the lawn a few feet away, Brittany’s folded clothes in her lap, and watched as avidly as I did. God, how wrong. They were both eighteen. Brittany still had...

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Gabriella Powder Room Debauchery

He lay on the floor crying his hands bound behind his back. The open safe devoid of its contents sent fear through his heart – even so, the pain she caused worried him more. The big black cases held the substances formerly in his safe while she sat next to them smoking a cigarette. She had removed the big strap-on with which she hammered his ass. "So, Mr. Banker, how long have you laundered money for the Columbians?" Gabriella asked him. "Three years and four months," he whimpered, then...

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Aunt Debauchery

I smiled as I replaced the phone back in its cradle. I'd just finished speaking to my sister who had pretty much begged me to have my nephew to stay for a few weeks. By all accounts he had been driving his parents up the wall with the usual adolescent behaviour. Far from feeling put upon I gladly accepted, after all it's not like I had much else to fill my days with. I'm married to a successful business man and we live a more than privileged lifestyle. But it comes with a major drawback; I...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 6 Classroom Debauchery

Steve Davies Linda and I headed into Rainier Christian High, the students already arriving in their uniform. The guys wore their gray slacks and white shirts, their ties tucked beneath sweater vests or falling down their chests. The girls, the vast majority of them, wore skirts that flashed around their thighs. Their schoolgirl skirts gave them such a sensuous sight. “Pervy teacher,” Linda said. “Staring at those sweet, young things.” I flashed her a grin. “A lot’s changed.” She rubbed...

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Kiss of the SuccubusChapter 5 Dreams of Debauchery

"Fuck yeah, bitch!" Neil Corliss screamed as he sped the stolen Chrysler 200 down the deserted forest road, happier than he'd been in years. Bethany Dutton sat in the passenger seat, rooting through Grace Harker's purse. As far as Neil was concerned, justice had been served. Detective Harker had put Neil in handcuffs years earlier, and now he'd repaid the favor. He had her money, her car, and her clothes, and the helpless detective was now miles behind him. He wanted to rape her,...

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Wow ThanksChapter 22 Slouching Towards Debauchery

Lissa resumed her spot and immediately Marie announced that she had received a dare: "Blindfold the victim. Between the remaining players, assign a number to each player after getting the victim to choose a number. That person will make out with the victim for at least 30 seconds, in whatever way they see fit. After the kiss is over, the kisser returns to their spot in the group and the blindfold is removed. If the victim guesses correctly on their first turn who kissed them it is the end of...

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Ole Time CuriosChapter 8 Debauchery

Lacey loved being his, even if it was her own little secret. Not Craig’s of course. She belonged to Mr. Basilton, she was his completely, even if he didn’t know. During the regular business day, he treated her just as he always had, protective, benevolently, and kind. He had no idea what nasty fantasies she harbored for him while he simply cared for her and her strange condition. Actually, Lacey had come to appreciate her condition; her crazy libido that kept her fantasizing all the time,...

4 years ago
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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 3 A Whiff Of Debauchery

I am Anne. I am the woman who went to Chicago to fuck a Russian concert pianist and his juicy Chinese page turner. Remember? I am also the woman who afterwards whispered "I love you" to her husband while rinsing her lover's fresh sperm from her cunt. By now you must find me disgusting. Please don't think I'd care less. I am not a masochist. I love to be liked. But yes, your disgust won't stop my desire to fuck outside my marriage. It is the spice of my life. Losing it would turn me...

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A Victorian Pony Girl part 3

A vision in White stood before him, long limbed slim, but entirely clothed in white silk, His mother Marjorie Lady Acheron soon to be the Dowager Lady Acheron explained. "It's May, I lent her some clothes, I feel you can have no qualms about her suitability now, and even if you do I do not care, you will marry her and provide an heir." her voice became more strident, "Do you hear me?" He looked relieved, "Oh, gosh, sorry, I didn't recognise you with clothes on." "May...

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A Victorian Pony Girl Pt 2

She heard voices. "Get a fucking move on, you're blocking tunnel." May replied groggily "I went ass over tit, Give us hand." Soon Ernie Shuttleworth grabbed her and dragged her free. "You bashed your head, It's no good you can't carry on." May sobbed, she loved the warm dry pit, and the men fucking her as they came off shift, she was worried about losing her baby, but suddenly she realised it was her height not her girth which threatened her idyllic...

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A Victorian Pony Girl Pt 1

Part 1 Sweat glistened in the candlelight. dripping from her forehead onto her breasts and on again to the floor, she breathed the musky odour of coal dust and sweat and heaved again at the tram with half a ton of coal she had to drag back to the pit shaft. Her harness chafed but she was proud and would not be beaten and slowly she dragged her load to its destination. "That's it pet, all done for now, till night shift come on, get thee head down lass, and her trainer Ernie...

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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 02

The thorough written evaluation of my earlier interlude with Miss Lillian was cut short by a sharp rapping at the entry hallway door. As my subject was likely at this point lodged in my study, either contentedly, apprehensively, or blankly I could not truthfully fathom, for her general abandon of months of work and progress may have ‘reset the clock’ as it were, and her general imbecility as regards her moral and other responsibilities likely had rendered her, if nothing else, slightly bored. ...

1 year ago
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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 03

‘Mrs. Emma, you look most peckish, do enter!’ I exclaimed upon seeing her. My housemaid Miss Lillian had just walked her to my study door and was standing looking at me most expectantly as I assisted the poor young doctor’s wife into the room to recline gently upon the settee, for she did look most pale and drained and reticent to sit, although with my motions I did get her to gingerly it seemed rest her posterior upon the thing. ‘Mr. Bigguns, sir, if it please you I must mention that…’...

2 years ago
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The Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Ch 2

Chapter 1 – A Reprise of my Circumstances For those who have not yet been acquainted with my story, allow my introduction. My name is Caroline Pendrake and I was born in the Year of our Lord 1880. I but recently came to live in America, traveling from my home in England. Physically, I am somewhat on the small side, being but five feet in height and weighing only a hundredweight. My hair is a golden blonde, which I wear long, to my waist, and I have deep blue eyes. My limbs are slender, as is...

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