Things That Shouldn't Happen To A Little Black Bob free porn video

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This chapter is from My Black Bob - a novel of trans erotic adventure. Click on my profile for a link to the rest! x

I drift through Brighton, the fresh morning light clean and almost platinum in its glorious pale intensity. It’s Sunday and I have been conscious – often more than conscious, thanks to a cocktail of chemical enhancements I barely remember – for at least twenty-four hours. My underneath is a lovely combination of partial numbness and tingling satisfaction.

I have been well-used, by many people, and have loved every second of it. It has been a fabulous night, and there is no reason I cannot continue in a similar vein throughout the day, until my body gives out, preferably in the arms of someone appreciative who will look after me, or at least not abuse me in ways I find unacceptable.

There is such a thing as spectacular calm, because that is what I feel now. I know I’m still coasting on drugs, champagne and sex, but when I catch my reflection in a shop window, I am delighted to see that despite all the fucking my gorgeous little black bob is still intact, still crowning me with its uncanny beauty. I know a closer look will reveal matting, and other evidence of exertion by me and by others. I know that it will smell more of me now than of the chemicals at the salon, as well as my sweat, and the sweat of other people.

And yet the thick blunt fringe is still firm and dauntingly straight, and that kink at the back hasn’t returned. The little curtains either side of my face hang prettily, with their jaunty dagger tips that point towards my chin. I look at myself, and stroke my hair, and feel that wherever I go I will never feel so at home as I do now, here, in this moment, when all my selves are aligned, and my beauty is at its most luminous.

My makeup is still mostly on. Before my departure from Gary’s extraordinary house I had the chance to touch it up, but there is no denying that I am on less of a walk of shame than a marathon. I don’t mind. I think women walking home the morning after should have flowers and gifts offered to them for the joy and pleasure they bring. And I have brought so much joy, so much pleasure. I squint closer, realise I forgot my lipstick, and apply it in generous strokes.

I finish, lift my chin and inspect. Little black bob. Check. Smoky eyes. Check. Big red mouth. Check. Little blue bodycon dress. Check. Black stockings. Check. Black boots (bit scuffed now). Check.

My stomach growls and I sway. When did I last eat? It was… Actually, I don’t know. There was talk of a kebab at some point, or sushi, but I might have hallucinated that. Ah well.

I have been drifting like a sexy wraith for some time now, and have no idea where I am, where I came from, or even where that amazing house is. This is Brighton, however, so there can and will be a café nearby.

Sure enough, down a side street that suggests it is one of those ‘best kept secret in town’ places, I find a café whose exact nature is hard to identify when I peer inside. Is it a truck drivers’ café? Could be – there are men who look like they drive trucks (large, with caps). Ditto builders – there are tattooed lads with hi-viz tabards. Is it a middle-class poncy café? There is a selection of artisanal coffees with signs that say they come from Africa rather than South America, as if to prove a point only three people will understand. There are also enough student types to suggest the avante garde feel at home here, even though Brighton is full of people who look like artists, but aren’t. The furniture is battered wood rather than plastic, but that’s the case everywhere these days. There is – and this impresses me – a proper ventilation system with cassettes on the ceiling and an extract fan exuding delicious smells of bacon and toast through a vent half a metre above my head.

I have always been popular with truck drivers, builders, and people who look like artists even if they aren’t, so I go in. Everyone is troughing breakfast, which is the one meal you don’t interrupt with needless yapping. The place is large, and only half-full, so I find a table at the back and sit down.

I always feel slightly paranoid in restaurants and cafes. I worry I will be ignored, or asked to leave, even though it never happens. So I breathe breakfast smells, ignore the occasional stare, and wait. The calm is still there, still spectacular, and soon my anxiety eases.

A woman comes over, and I know at once she is in the wrong job. She has an odd, pinched expression that suggests everyone here is lucky she turned up. She is the type who mistakes panic for efficiency, and yet in me always evokes so much sympathy that I end up tolerating rudeness and then getting annoyed with myself later. Still, I am hungry, and that African coffee smells incredible.

“What can I get you?”

Her voice is lovely – she sounds like a duchess forced into lowly work by the gambling debts of a worthless husband. It is at odds with the rest of her: stringy hair she keeps blowing out of her face, a similar physique to one of the truckers that is poorly served by ill-fitting jeans, a flowery top that seems to mock her, and face that appears to be made of shiny spheres.

I find beauty in everyone, but understand how it feels to be unhappy in your own skin.

“Your biggest breakfast please, darling,” I say.


“No thank you – I am an enthusiastic carnivore.”

She glares at me. Has my answer offended her?

“White bread or brown?” she prompts.

“I only ever have white bread in cafes,” I say, as if she should know this.

“Coffee’s not included.”

“Your biggest mug then!”

“Which brand?”

“I don’t know.”

“Just pick one.”

“You choose. But…” I lean forward and fix her with the eye of a woman whose consciousness has been chemically sustained for much too long, “… choose well.” I lean back and give her my prettiest smile. “Thank you!”

She gives me a look of dead-eyed loathing, snatches the menu I have not even glanced at, and stalks to the till. No wonder the place is only half-full. I expect the food to take ages as punishment for my insolence, but she brings it over in less than five minutes.

A change comes over her when she does.

I expect her to slam the plate down, not as an affront to me personally but because ‘she’s like that with everyone’. Instead she lowers it with incredible care. Her anger seems to have disappeared as she regards the breakfast, as if checking to ensure it is perfect, which it is. It’s the same with the coffee. The over-ornate coffee machine looks like a Victorian invention that travels in time, yet she manipulates it with ease. The mug she brings over is indeed the biggest one – it’s almost a pint. It descends with the grace of a lunar lander, alongside a small jug of milk that has condensation on the side. There’s a souvenir spoon from Hastings of all places, and three cubes of demerara sugar. These delights are arrayed before me with the care of an artist putting together a still life, and I look up at her.

“Thank you,” I say, my voice soft with appreciation.

She nods, her demons visibly quieted. I realise she is one of those caterers who loves food and hates people, which is my preferred option, especially when I start on the breakfast and…

Dear Lord, that is incredible.

Dining like this is a worthy conclusion to an extraordinary night. My only regret – a common one with cooked breakfasts – is that it’s gone too soon. At least the coffee makes its presence known in my drained body, which surges with new energy. I consider ordering another, but the café is getting quieter and I sense we are approaching a short break before the lunchtime rush.

For a while I sit as the café empties and the woman bustles around, gathering plates. As she takes them through to the kitchen, I decide to walk along the beach and take in the pier because I haven’t been for years.

The coffee goes through me as it always does, so I visit the loo. When I’m done, I do some more work on my makeup and carefully brush my bob.

I hear shouting from the café.

Shouldering my handbag, I return to the dining area. The woman is there, along with the biggest chef I’ve ever seen. A lot of them are big, but this one seems to be the original model on which all other chefs are based. He’s got the lot: belly, goatee, too much body hair, and a little white hat that he never changes because no one has the guts to tell him it looks ridiculous.

Also, rage. Chefs are always angry. It’s to do with time: time for prep, time for cooking, time to get the food to the table. The slightest delay will mean a diminution of the dining experience, and there are always delays. Serving staff, people going to the loo, people taking too long to order, people being people; all these elements are factored into the chef’s calculations, and still perfection eludes him. Breakfasts are the trickiest of all, due to the delicacy of the components. The multiplying delays accumulate in the chef’s mind, in his soul, until they create an unbearable tension between what could be, and what is. This chef is no exception, and I wonder if he uses the extreme heat of his own fury to cook with.

“Thought you’d done a runner,” the woman says.

I stare at her.

“No, I’d never… I was on the loo.”

They both regard me. The chef’s eyes are already small and narrow still further until the top of his head becomes all brow, like a bushy cliff.

“Only, the windows in there don’t open. We’ve got the ventilation, you see.”

“Yes,” I say, eager to prove I’m not a thieving slag. “I noticed the ventilation. It really does make all the difference to a dining experience.”

To my surprise, the woman smiles.

“Sorry,” she says. “We get quite a few runouts. Small business like this, you can understand.”

“It was, without doubt, the greatest breakfast I’ve ever had.”

The chef’s eyes reappear. There is no other change in his expression, so I assume he is pleased.

“So,” I say, now we’re friends. “What do I owe you?”

“Fifteen. Service not… er… you know.”

“We’ll say twenty then.”

“That’s very kind.”

I reach into my bag and root around for my debit card. I root around some more. Then I put the bag on the nearest table and look through it even though by now these actions are merely cosmetic because my fucking card is gone and it can’t be a coincidence that my phone is gone too, as is my backup cash. I’ve got no idea which of the people I’ve been with would do this – if indeed it was any of them.

“Fuck,” I whisper.


“I’ve been robbed.”

“I knew it!” the woman shouts.

I stare at her, confused.

“How did you know!”

“You were doing a runner!”

“No –”

“Oh pull the other one, luv!” the woman shouts as her rage returns with the force of a tsunami. “We get prostitutes in here all the time, trying it on.”

I go to deny being a prostitute, then remember I was paid for sex last night. Although it’s more hobby than full-time career, I doubt this is the time to debate semantics.

The chef says nothing, but his emotions are visible across that vast frame like projections on a movie screen. He is even angrier than usual.

There is no way out. The huge chef and the hefty woman are between me and the door, which is closed and probably locked. Usually, I’m glad I am small and slim. Other times I am less glad, such as now.

Nervous, I lick my lips.

“Look,” I reason, “who doesn’t have a phone or a card?”

“You could have them stashed nearby,” the woman says.

She has thought of everything.

“I’m not trying to steal from you!” I cry, upset and embarrassed now. “I can transfer the money when I get home.”

“So you can nick our bank account details?”

“PayPal then. Come on, please.”

They glare at me.

“Could I do the washing up?”

“Pot washer’s done it.”

“Wait tables for you later then.”

“I wait tables,” the woman yells, pointing at herself. “Me! Not some cute little tranny whore getting all my tips.”

I suddenly remember the cab fares I’ve worked off, saving a fortune and getting my pussy filled. Lifting my chin, I smooth the front of my little blue dress, and toss my sweet bobbed hair.

“There must be something I can do,” I pout.

The chef and the woman exchange a look. Some psychic exchange must take place, because her eyebrows go up.

“Not the…?” she begins.

His expression does not change. She looks at me, and smiles in a way I don’t like, which is exciting. Then she gestures to the kitchen.

“This way, princess.”

She goes through. I follow, but as I pass the chef, he puts those great ham hands on my shoulders and stops me. I stand, my back pressed against his belly. I can hear and feel him breathing, this massive, sensual beast. His light touch is almost a tickle despite the great force I can feel behind it.

He smells me.

He takes ages to do it, inhaling the scent of my hair, which he strokes and parts to get more of my aroma. He smells my neck, from the sweet spot where it meets my shoulder to my ear. He smells my arms, even underneath them. He smells my breasts, my belly, then gets on his knees to lift my dress and smell me there, front first, then back. He takes a long time smelling the back. He smells my legs, down one and then up the other. He eases off my boots and smells my feet, then eases the boots on again.

He gets up and takes my face in his hot, soft hands, then bends down and kisses me, gently at first and then with hunger, as if he is devouring me. He strokes my little black bob, and runs his hands down my back. My dress is still up so he strokes me between the legs, then grips my arse tight, pulling me against him. He grips me, kissing me and kissing me, and strokes the sides of my hair, the back of my neck, my fringe. He licks the edge of those two little curtains either side of my face, right the way to the tips, which gleam with his saliva. He smells my hair again, holds me, and a great sad sigh escapes him, as if he must get his enjoyment of me in before some calamity occurs.

“Bring her in here.”

The woman’s voice echoes from the kitchen. The chef stiffens, looks up, and a sense of sadness emanates from him with a gust of meaty sweat. I lick his neck, my big eyes defiant as I look up past my fringe at him His eyes roll up as if intoxicated, and he kisses me again, holding my head tight.

I slip the poppers from my bag, unscrew them and hold them under his nose. He takes a quick toke, and I take a bigger one. Noticing the contents of my bag, he takes a condom, squeezes lube onto his finger, and slips it into me.

Sometimes I am too tender after being heavily used to be fucked again. At other times, I can go on being penetrated and it delights me as much as the first giddy fuck of the day.

We sway in the bright lush morning as new power rushes through us.


What awaits me in there? Am I to be sacrificed? Is this what happened to the other prostitutes who couldn’t pay?

Whatever it is requires lube, so I take some big popper hits. The Dark Shore is long enough ago not to overwhelm me again, thank God. I cap the bottle and drop it in my handbag.

The chef does not bother to pull down my dress as he pushes me gently towards the kitchen. Giddy and euphoric now, I move as I am directed, through the door and into a bright, clean space full of shiny pans, a range of gas hobs and a large washing-up sink. I look around for the pot washer, but there is no one else here.

The woman waits by the sink, which contains a huge steel pot, blackened from use and full of soapy water. As she regards at me, the woman’s expression is the same as when she looked at the food: a quiet but frenzied adoration. A hunger.

“Did you smell her?”

The chef grunts.

“I know you like to smell them.”

I feel him nod.


He makes a noise that sounds affirmative.

“Her neck?” [grunt] “Her tits?” [sigh] “Her arse?” [snuffle] “Her legs?” [grunt again] “Whatever she’s got between her legs?” [humph] “Feet?” [hmm] “Her beautiful fucking cunt hair?” [Huh!]

The woman’s hands clench and unclench.

“Smell her hair once more.”

He makes another sad sound as he does. I sway against him, and he holds me.

“I see from the state of her lipstick you’ve been kissing her. Kiss her again, why don’t you?”

He does, and it’s like being devoured by a starving bear.

“Now get her over here.”

Gently, he guides me over, his hands adrift across my body. The woman grabs my arm and snatches me away from the chef. I stumble.

“Stand up! You’ll be bending over soon enough.”

I have a feeling that whatever is going happen will be driven by this woman’s deep hatred of everyone who is better-looking than her. I straighten. We are about the same height, but she is much broader and more powerful. She shakes with the kind of emotion that is usually repressed.

“See this fucking pot? The pot washer can’t get it clean. I can’t get it clean. Whatever we do, it doesn’t come up clean. So, I need some magic power, and what is more magic that a trans woman, especially one as sexy as you?”

I realise she is waiting for an answer, and clear my throat.


I feel slightly removed from this weird situation.

“Correct,” she hisses.

I blink.

“Did you want me to cast a spell?”

“You are the spell,” she says.

She grabs my perfect, beautiful, shiny little black bob at the back and looks down at the pot.

“Oh,” I gasp, realising. “No –”

She rams my head under the water.

It’s not boiling but it is hot. I keep my mouth shut, but can sense soap in my nose. The woman keeps the pressure on until my breasts are submerged and my head bumps the bottom of the pot. I can’t tell how much baked-on residue there is – not much because all I can feel is the smooth curved metal side.

The chef presses against me from behind. His arms lock around my waist and hold me in place.

The woman pulls me up. I gasp for breath, the taste and smell of soap much stronger now.

I can feel my hair wet against my head, ruffled at the back where she seized it, and slick at the front and sides. The little curtains are stuck to my cheeks, and my long fringe is in my eyes. It is low enough in its soaked state for me to be distantly proud of how straight it still is.

My sweet bob. It is still beautiful, because all wet hair is beautiful. One of the many reasons I love a shiny black bob is because it looks wet even when dry: the way it clings to my head, at once sculpting and celebrating it. It will not be the same now though, even if I manage to get it as slick and perfect as Dylan did a day and a life ago.

And yet one of most compelling things about beauty is how brief it is.

I reflect on that reality as the woman pours washing up liquid over my head, lacquering my slick bob into a version of its old self, this one under a gleaming green glaze. Such a violent end seems apt somehow, as if it is a brutal transformation into something else.

She slaps her hand against the back of my head again, and Big Clit twitches at the impact of a palm against my slick wet hair. I remember what happens to Louise Brooks’s Lulu, and when the woman forces me under again I get a warm inner rush as I compare my own bizarre fate.

Now I feel the chef’s hardness against my pussy, and tense at the strange angle, the peculiar circumstance. But as the woman uses my hair to scrub the submerged interior of the pot, I relax and open myself to him, so when he eases in it’s less of a shock. It helps that I’ve been fucked so much over the last day and night, by bigger cocks than the chef’s. His is a sweet penetration, and I’m glad I had the poppers when I did, because the last thing the woman cares about is my sexual pleasure.

The woman grips my neck and hauls me up, and my wet hair swings as the chef fucks me. I gasp and pant; unsure if I’m ready to be dunked again. I’m on the woman’s timetable however, and she doesn’t care how ready I am.

Down I go, as if being submerged in my own frantic, delirious narcissism. The woman uses both hands to scrub my hair against the side of the pot, her actions increasingly frenzied. Up I come, where I’m allowed a few breaths before being thrust under as the chef pounds me.

I lose track of the number of times I’m pulled out and dunked. My face feels raw, and my head hurts when she bangs it against the side of the pot. Even this brutality isn’t enough for her, because the next time she yanks me from the depths she slaps my face before plunging me under again. I’m not sure how slapping my face is meant to get the pot clean, but I suspect there isn’t a manual for whatever process we’re engaged in.

Yank [thrust] slap [thrust] dunk [thrust] scrub [thrust] yank [thrust] slap [thrust] dunk [thrust] scrub [thrust] yank [thrust] slap [thrust] dunk [thrust] scrub [thrust]

I am so turned on I can’t think. I’ve become a water creature whose top is submerged, like a reverse mermaid. Big Clit is engorged and the constraint of my panties hurts. I twitch against the chef’s penetration and try and push myself further onto it. This time when the woman hauls me up she pushes her flushed face close to mine.

“You’re the best one yet,” she gasps.

I can only stare at her and pant like an overheated dog.

“Good girls get rewards. Are you a good girl?”

I can’t talk, so I nod and my dripping hair swings.

“You want some sweeties, good girl?”

I nod again, trembling as the chef presses into me and the woman holds up my poppers. She grips the top of my wet head, and I take the biggest hits I can before she caps the bottle and drops it in my bag. The drug whirls through me, and all I want is to be dunked and slapped and fucked some more.

The woman regards me, as if deciding what to do next. The chef withdraws his cock and suddenly Big Clit is free of my panties, which are then pulled down.

A hot hand cups me.

“What’s this then, you little bitch?”

The chef re-enters me as the woman’s grip tightens.

“This changes things, doesn’t it?”

I whimper.

“I’m going to need to take care of this, so can I trust you to get that pot clean?”

“Yes,” I manage.

It turns out I don’t have a choice, because the chef binds my hands behind my back, then lifts them. At once I am levered head-down under the water again, hoping the chef remembers to pull me up –

Something hot and ferocious engulfs Big Clit, and the air rushes out of me as I scream underwater at the unexpected joy of it. The woman, on her knees, grips my thighs as the chef fucks me harder into her mouth.

I remember I can’t breathe, and strain up to the surface. Soapy water sluices off me, and then I’m thrust under, again and again as I’m fucked and engulfed.

After a while my legs and back begin to ache, but still these monsters devour me. I’m sure I’ve got their pot clean, but I don’t think they’re bothered about that anymore.

The next time I come up, I hear someone begging and realise it’s me. Begging has no effect, and I’m angled back under. I find it hard to carry on moving, to accommodate the chef as anything other than an orifice for him to penetrate, but it doesn’t stop him.

I feel relaxed now, between poles of ecstasy and dread. I don’t think I’m going to pass out; instead, I feel so used that it is a liberation, a brutal sex nirvana in which I can both participate and observe.

I’m not scared. I love what is being done to me, and I still feel beautiful, and strong. Instead, I am dimly frustrated that despite my stamina and the drugs, I may be nearing the end.

I don’t want to stop, though. I want these beasts to pound me through the day and night, then advertise me to customers so they can come in and take their turn. I consider suggesting this.

Instead, I slide out of the pan, banging my chin as I go, and almost fall on top of the woman. Incredibly, Big Clit is still full enough for the woman to get a condom on. She has already taken off her jeans, and lies back. The chef undoes my binding and kneels as he lowers me onto the woman. I enter her, the chef enters me, and there is an incredible moment where the colossal generosity of his weight bears down on us both.

The woman grunts, and angles herself, and the chef eases back so he is no longer crushing me. I expect the woman to slap me again, but she holds my wet face and kisses me so gently that I cry, and then I come, not in a rush but a slow hot river that doesn’t feel like it’s going to end, even as I start shaking with it, and the chef roars like a beast and shoves into me, and shoves me into the woman…

I wake up on the floor, wet and shaking. The chef pants nearby and the woman’s face is like a scarlet moon above as she does up her jeans. She sees me look at her.

“Now fuck off, you little cunt.”

Slowly, I get to my knees. With trembling hands, I reassemble my underwear as the chef kneels beside me and dries my face. All I can taste is soap. My dress now appears two-tone: dark blue to the waist, light blue with spatters below.

The chef hands me the towel and I press it against my hair, but there seems little point. I return the towel, and he gives me my bag. Unsteady, I get to my feet, and then I limp out of the kitchen and through the café.

The door is unlocked after all; I open it and step out into the bright morning.


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Cousin Bob

Sandy and her aunt had just finished supper and were still sitting at the kitchen table. They had been discussing how sixteen year-old Sandy had ended up topless earlier in the day when swimming with her seventeen year-old cousin Bob and two of his friends. "Bob's father called me today." "Oh shit ... so Bob couldn't keep his mouth shut, huh." "I don't think Bob has told his father about you getting topless this morning ... at least not yet." "Then what was he calling about. Wants...

1 year ago
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More Fun with BOB

Half Way Through My husband’s tour was well than half way done and we were making plans for our return back to the states. You know what we wanted to take with us the things we were going to give away and other things we were going to sell or donate to the Airman’s pantry that sort of thing so we had a lot to go through. And in the middle of all of that guess what the Air force did they sent my sweet loving husband on yet another deployment. But this time I knew just when he was going to go and...

4 years ago
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Uncle Bobbytantricjim©Bob pulled into his brother's driveway, pausing before he got out of his car to look over the yard and neighborhood. It had been over a year since his last visit and he enjoyed the familiarity of what he considered home. It had been his family home until his brother had moved in after their parents died. Bob kept much of his belongings stored here.He basically lived out of a suitcase and slept in hotels, motels and other temporary accommodation. His arrival must have been...

3 years ago
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James and Bob

James went to school the following day as normal. He arrived to his form room. Nobody looked at him, nobody said anything about him as far as he knew. He sat down in his usual seat. James knew Bob didn't go to form, because he was highly autistic and liked to go to the school Plus club. At break, Bob wandered over to James. "That was fun," he said. "You didn't turn me in?" Replied James. "Why would we? You weren't there when I was screaming. There was no need to add you in," Said...

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My caretaker Bob

Before i get to the main part i would like to tell you a bit about me. I had turned 16, i was a chubby kid, with thick thighs and a big wide ass. I was 5ft 7 and had an average cock. I was an innocent kid, had no exposure to porn or sex. Now my caretaker, Bob, was at this time in his late forties. He had been working for my family ever since i was born, since my family was out of town most of the time. He would cook for me, drive me to someplace and taking care of the house. He would also help...

4 years ago
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Old Bob

Old Bob By Fiona69m Misha becomes more interested in her elderly neighbour. Part1 Misha had just made herself a grilled chicken salad topped off with on-the-vine cherry tomatoes. She had taken a break from the financial report she had started yesterday for the impending external audit that had given her so many worries recently. She thought working on it from home when her husband Ken was at work would make for less distraction, and she would be able to finish and recheck it in a couple of...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A Sweet Tender Love Story for Bob

It was a beautiful spring day. Tulips of every color imaginable bloomed in gardens, along with daffodils in hues of yellow. The crocus with their skirts of blue purple white and yellow were gone, hiding beneath the ground, waiting for the next year when they would pop their little heads through the remaining winter snow, assuring mankind that the life cycle is once again being renewed. Bob drove to town that day and went directly to the nursery to order plants to put into his gardens at his...

4 years ago
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Turned Out or Turned On Part 6 Uncle Bob

Molly:It had been two weeks since the frat party.  The bruises and bites had mainly healed, but I had been unsettled.  Nothing had been the same.  I had been tingling and aroused.  I had rubbed my pussy raw trying to satisfy the feeling that had ignited at the frat party.  Caleb had been angry.  I finally fucked him to try to make it up to him.  It had been a huge mistake.  The sex had been so damn vanilla I could hardly stand it.  Caleb had not only forgiven me but he became like a puppy dog,...

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Dressing for Bob

Dressing for Bob by Joyce Domai My adventures in women's clothing started in the usual way. Mom and Dad were out, I went exploring, got dressed up and liked it. A lot. It was my #1 fantasy through high school and college. After earning a degree and getting a job, I was able to afford an apartment on my own. I was working as an engineer and doing OK. (Yes, I was a geek.) I'd acquired a small wardrobe and would dress up in order to masturbate. That was the extent of my sex...

2 years ago
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Remembering Bob

[ This is for Bob. He was the first-ever glory hole I ever experienced. Hard to forget those 'firsts!' ]What can I say about Bob? When I first came into contact with him it was through a website devoted to gay, gay-curious, bi, and even the occasional so-called 'straight' guys looking for some good sex. I didn't regard myself as gay. Rather, I thought of myself (and still do) as bisexual, with an occasional penchant for something like gay sex. But what about Bob? Bob was, without doubt, pretty...

2 years ago
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It was round two years ago I told my man I had long fantasised about sex with an extra man. “I would love to have sex with two men at the same time.” He had arranged it within a week, I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men and women on a regular basis. Two weeks later he told me, “Two this Sunday at the five-star hotel on Main the honeymoon suite, the female concierge has arranged two men for you honey. Ten years younger than us and really hung,” she told me. At one on the day I am...

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It was round two years ago I told my man I had long fantasised about sex with an extra man. “I would love to have sex with two men at the same time.” He had arranged it within a week, I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men and women on a regular basis. Two weeks later he told me, “Two this Sunday at the five-star hotel on Main the honeymoon suite, the female concierge has arranged two men for you honey. Ten years younger than us and really hung,” she told me. At one on the day I am...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 6 Z Interviews Bob

While messing around in the pool I noticed the tables being set for dinner. But nobody was bothering to get out of the pool. I saw the salad bar rolled out and what might be called the bread bar. Only when the chef (identified by his hat) came out did people get out of the pool, put their towels around their necks, and still dripping wet get in line for the main course. The other items were help yourself. I got in line and looking around found Marby and Mike. I took my full plate and...

3 years ago
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My naughty neighbour Big Bob

It all started with a neighbour of mine called Bob who was always leering at me in the garden. Ok it may have been partly my fault as sometimes I wore some very skimpy bikinis and sometimes when I thought no-one was watching I actually went topless. Bob was in his 50’s and was always making small chat and trying to engage me in conversation and he seemed sweet enough. But I sometimes wanted a bit of peace and quiet and I could tell by the size of the lump in Bob’s trousers that he had an...

4 years ago
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Trading FriendsChapter 10 BOB

BOB: Monday morning and I began what seemed to be a normal week at school. I was riding the bus today because mom needed the car to run some errands. I almost had enough money saved to buy my own car, but I was still a couple of months from being able to so for the time being I had to share with mom. She certainly couldn't afford to do much to help out. Her salary as a nurse kept us clothed and fed, but not much more. Dad was supposed to be helping, and for a few years he had, but when he...

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Sweet Hard Bob

We’d spent the night out. First a show at MGM Grand, then a slow romantic hand in hand walk to the Piranha for some dancing. The dancing got pretty hot,; a lot of good looking guys cut in to dance with both of us. I rubbed a lot of sweet hard cock that night before we came home an fucked. I should say that I “got fucked”. Bob’s my top. Either way, we slept late. The sun filtering through the crack at the edge of the d****s woke me up and I could feel Bob’s soft cock pressing against my back....

2 years ago
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Who The Hell Is Beating Off Bob

*********************************** Author's Note: One day I received an email notifying me that I had a fan club of sorts, made up of nine or so women who all work in the same company, and who gather at breaks to read aloud, to each other, my stories. They call themselves, it is said, "The Dirty Girls". Even if it's not true, it's a good tale, and what author could pass up a chance to write a story like that? It would give me a chance to write about myself in the...

4 years ago
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Hes Me Mums Boyfriend And Shouldnt Be Spankin Me

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. My Mum’s boyfriend, he told me to hold on to the back of the chair and to stick my bum out. “No way.” “Do as I say.”  “Fuck off. You can’t make me do that. I’m 18.”  “I can and I will. Now do as I say.” “If my Mum found out about this, she’d go absolutely bonkers.” “Well she’s not gonna find out about it, is she?” “She will if I tell her.”

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i shouldnt have

I live by an African family, i know the mother from walking by her house so often, she is a nice lady and we became close friends, we were having some tea one early morning, just laughing and telling stories about our lives. We were on the front porch enjoying the sunshine. I had to borrow her bathroom, the tea had gone through me, so I made my way through the house, up the stairs and when i arrived at the bathroom, i knocked and went inside, i closed the door, took down my pants and panties...

1 year ago
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You shouldnt point

I got this buddy who had been plannin this party for at least a month. It was supposed to be the biggest party that was ever thrown in my hometown, except for one thrown by tupac and his boy biggie back in 93. I live on the west coast in the great state of Cali and my name is nick but everybody calls me deuce. I went to the concert t before the party. Im 22 and I love drink the jack. But I was at my buddies’ party checkin out the females and how fine they looked with them tiny ass skirts. Due...

First Time
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The Chauffeur 26 Bob

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Although the flight was a little more than 4 hours, it didn’t really feel that long as my mind was a million miles away throughout the entire trip. Jill sat next to me on one of the couches just caressing and rubbing my thigh. Dakota and Tina had their earbuds in, however, Dakota kept looking my way to keep an eye on me. I kept replaying in my head the night that Jill and I met Bob and Melanie, during a routine pickup at the private part of the...

4 years ago
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The Drive with Tony and Bob

Wife flirts in back seat while husband drivesTim and I enjoyed our new-found game of flashing truckers while making the 2 hour drive out to the beach-house. Our little exhibitionism during our drives was quite fun and became a routine for most of our trips. We both found it extremely exciting in a fun safe way. Unfortunately it came to an end when we started giving our neighbor Bob a ride. Our neighbor was a really nice guy. He was a general contractor and was doing some work just a few mile...

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Onkel Bob

Bob Arnold hat schon immer auf die beiden Töchter seiner Schwester Judy aufgepasst, wenn sie und ihr Mann ausgingen. Die beiden Mädchen, die fast zwanzigjährige Melissa und ihre jüngere Schwester Stacy, waren auch immer gerne bei ihrem Onkel. Was keiner wußte, Bob hat eine Vorliebe für junge Vötzchen und das war sein Hauptgrund um auf seine beiden Nichten aufzupassen. Mittlerweile waren zwar seine beiden Nichten schon volljährig, aber Bob sollte trotzdem besser das Haus hüten, damit die zwei...

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Weekends with Bob

As in every story I have ever written, there is some, if not a lot, of autobiographical information included. It can’t be helped. It is my life experiences that drive the stories in my mind.- - - - - -As near as I can place it, I started meeting at Bob’s house in 1962. I had turned eighteen in January and he was a year older. It had become a usual thing for me to arrive at his house at 7 pm on a Saturday evening. The idea was that we would watch movies or whatever we found interesting on the...

1 year ago
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Sandy and Bob

My husbands mother had died and his father had married a woman in her twenties, a few years later. He owned a rather large old house that he had remodeled. He was rich, I mean really rich. He told me once that the interest coming in from his money every week was several times what many CEO's made in a year. His most favorite part of the house was what he called his DOI, or den of iniquity. He had a rule: He hired only couples for each position in the house. The chef had a wife, the chauffeur...

3 years ago
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My roommate Bob

I was stationed overseas about 40 years ago. I had a roommate, Bob, who never went downtown for pussy or a blowjob or anything. He spent a lot of time in the club after work and would come back to the room very, very drunk. When we were there together, most of the time I would have to help him back to the barracks. This one particular night I was already sleeping when Bob came in, drunk as usual. He woke me up stumbling around. I sat up and he started talking about how horny he was, started to...

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Kareena Kapoor Bob

Hello everyone, my name is bob & I am not a terrorist  that line was from a Bollywood movie ). Alright I am a big fan of ISS & I have read so many stories here in multiple categories, which motivated me to write stories of my dreams. Girls I am virgin, if anybody likes to help me with it then please contact me at . Boys if you do not like my stories so I can understand because I am virgin & these are nothing but imaginations of mine. But if at all you like it then never forget to give your...

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Gym Bob

I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...

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Gym Bob

I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...

Gay Male
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Beth and Bob

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi I am Jon and I am 26 years old and married to Beth who is 21 years old . We have been married for just over six months and live in a very nice house bought by means of a legacy left to me by my Grandfather. When I met Beth she was just over 19 years old and she is a raven hared beauty and I fell in love at first sight. After courting her for a month I tried to have sex with her but she said that she was not going to have sex until she married, but...

4 years ago
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Big Bob

Her tits were huge and old Bob loved sucking them. She was his live in sex toy. He was rich and loved huge tits. He had been sucking them for over an hour. He also had a nine inch cock and took pills to make him a great lover. She was twenty six and Bob was sixty eight. Her big tits had bought her many lovers and when she got the offer to live with bob so he could suck her tits and fuck her any time he wanted she was happy to oblige him. His rules were no underwear and he could suck and fuck...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 21 Talking to Bob

I bridged over to Bob and told him what had happened, that two nights in a row I had apparently been 'bridged' by someone else, into the dreams of someone I didn't know. "Have you considered that maybe it was really just a fantasy?" Bob suggested. "We thought of that after the first one, but twice in two nights, surrounding the same person, whom I don't know? And my ring was gone. If it was a fantasy, it was someone else's. Let me tell you about it and see if you come to the same...

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Big Bad Bob

Amy I could tell was getting horny, I could see her tiny nipples getting hard and the way she was teasing Tom it would be no time until he led her to the pool house for fun. After a few minutes me and Mandi could hear them going at it hard and heavy. Mandi came out of the pool in one of those Fast times moments, toweled off and joined me on a pool chair. We shot the breeze for a few when she came out and said “I am bored and horny, please do me too, I'm not a virgin” This got my 25 yo 12 inch...

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Walts Poker Pal Bob

Before I left Chuck's house I asked if I could change into my last outfit for Bob and Chuck agreed. When I finished I has on a one piece out of a short black skirt that barely covered my ass and a sheer black top that easily displayed my tits and a pair of 6" stiletto heels. "OH fuck baby" Chuck said when he saw me come out of his bathroom "You're one fuckin' great lookin' whore" he added and I moved up and kissed him nice and tenderly. When I backed off, "Thanks lover" I said to him "Maybe...

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Plain old Bob

Plain old Bob Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name, like the rest of my life doesn't make me stand out. Bob. Plain old Bob. I'm only 5'7" tall, average to thin build, weighing maybe 135. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Just your average fellow. Not big enough to play on a sports team, not smart enough to hide behind a geeky face, or even try acting. My tenor voice doesn't carry well I was told. I don't even have a girlfriend. All in all, I go through the endless...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 16 Lori and Bob

In the end, Bob and Lori were all that were left. She still sat on his lap, her arm around him. "Do you want to go do something?" he asked. "No, I like it here," she said, wiggling against him. "Let's kiss some more." "This is going a little faster than I planned," he said, looking into her eyes. "I don't care," she said. "I'm having the most fun of my life. Even the guys looking at me wasn't so bad." "This fun can turn very serious," said Bob, stroking her...

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Bobo by Vickie Eggie Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn't care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. "A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft," she thought, "and I've gone about as far as I want to go."It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to hurry off and catch...

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What About Bob

With Sarah Goodwoman's kind permission, here is a continuation of her short story WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN, an excellent little slice-of-life tale about the everyday hassles of trans people, which you might want to read first. Both stories are very short, and together won't take up much of your time. ===========================0 WHAT ABOUT BOB? (What About the Children Part 2) Laika Pupkino 2017 ===========================0 Esther Krumnagle was furious! The pervert---one of these...

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WellEndowed Blackman Wanted Blacken

A few months ago my wife and I placed an online ad for a "well-endowed black man." Of course we were inundated with replies, but eventually decided to meet a few in person at a local bar. The first few were real duds. We thanked them for meeting us and parted ways. We were about to give up on our adventure, when we met Jaymes. He's been our fantasy come alive.It's Tuesday night around 7:00 and Laura and I are in bed reading getting ready to go to sleep, when our doorbell rings. We look at each...

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Becoming A Slut Husband Bob

I suppose that I have my wife to thank although I never will. In fact, I hope to God she never finds out because that would change things and the Good Lord knows that I don't want that to happen. It started the day that I found out that my wife was an unfaithful whore. It was a story as old as time. We had planned to go someplace, something came up and I had to cancel and my wife went alone. I got loose from what I had to do and showed up just in time to see my wife go off with another man. I...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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bobbi by dvs For a few seconds, James just stood there looking at bobbi. I’m sure he was soaking it all in. I know I would have. The image of a naked woman, bound and helpless, and that look on her face as she said those words. What man could resist? Not me. James’ face began to glow with desire. I could see those wheels of lust churning in his head as he looked down at her. I’ll say one thing for that slut. She knew how to get what she wanted. She knew the walk and the talk. That wasn’t the...

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what ever happenz happens

Also be sure to read my other storys all comments arw welcome ok here goes hi my name is fred i live in k-town also known as kingston upon thames i am fourteen years old and i am about fiive foot and ten centimeters tall i have brouwn hair and Light skin ich haser ein swester (yeah im also half german) she is thirteen years old and slightly shorter than me she has thr same skin type and also the same colour hair and now the story begins i woke up one morning and as i...

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Bobbi - New Girl in Town(TV, Transsexual, Prostitution, Gay & lesbian sex, Anal, Oral)[Note: the original author of these stories prefers to remainanonymous]Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a...

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Tommy and Bobbie

As a teenager, sometimes I wished I could go for an entire day without thinking about doing it. From the time I discovered that orgasms felt good, I seemed as if I thought of nothing else but doing it with a girl. I discovered that girls liked to go out on dates with guys, but contrary to the things I heard from some of the older guys, they weren't ready to fall into the back seat of the car after a movie and a Coke. It wasn't for lack of my trying! I heard two seniors talking about...

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Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a female, and couldpass anywhere. I complimented "her" on it, and "she" said, "You coulddo just as well, you know." I was flattered, but not as sure as shewas. "Come...

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Bob Becomes Bobbi

This story deals with sexually explicit material. If it offends or your not 18 or older do go any further. BOB BECOMES BOBBI by TIFFANY [email protected] I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in a small rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always a problem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year old sister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it was an opportunity to escape some...

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