- 3 years ago
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Dr. Amos Phials is the name, and during the past forty years of servicing humanity, there is one person that stands out from the crowd. Bob a patient since his birth is one exceptional individual. He has many attributes the best of which is his photographic mind. Unlike most people, Bob hears or reads something and can later recall it verbatim. It is because he has a gift that what he tells as his story bears extreme credibility. What began as if a simple physical examination for a marriage license became instead his living a situation that goes beyond all logical and scientific understanding! This is his story of a young man deformed by powers inexplicable in modern times.
At the age of eighteen, Bob traveled with his parents to visit relatives living at or near the small town by the name of Bundy, it in south-central Minnesota. While there, he had a life changing experience that brought his high school senior sporting awards to a halt. Physically deformed changed in more than his outlook on life, he became instead quite serious about school and of his scholastic achievements.
As told by Bob, he began tell a scene-by-scene account of what all happened that fateful day. Bundy, Minnesota is a very small town built at some insignificant crossroad in the middle of nowhere. A Place surrounded by flat pasture land in every direction, the town made up by five houses, a church, and directly across the main road set of all things a pig farm. To him this was a place of complete boredom, and bad as that, it became worse when the breeze changed direction and the stink of pigs nearly ceased his ability to breathe. Bob, like most that prefer being a city dweller. He prefers city living after the experience of his for three days and two long hot nights while having hand to come along with his parents visiting. Although he had requested to remain at home, his parents insisted he needed to come along after the last time they trusted him to stay home alone. Experienced, his parents knew enough about their eighteen-year old son not to trust him at staying at home; Bob admits he was renowned for getting into mischief.
Reluctant as well forced to come along, they went with his father driving, the three of them traveled from Pennsylvania to visit with an elderly relative, he the minister for the church there at Bundy.
Exceedingly bored by the manners of those there that they came to visit, the relative, people from the old school era, felt children should be see and not heard! Once the greetings ceased and conversations began, they expected of Bob to sit with hands folded and wait like a dog for the beckoning of his master.
He felt unappreciated, so after a petite luncheon Bob decided to take a walk. To walk there in Minnesota farmland Bob soon discovered it as flat in every direction. Therefore, as Bob walked he found walking along a gravel road in such flat countryside to be both hot and boring too! When after he had walked more than a mile or so until coming to a crossroad that came from nowhere and continued into the distance to some more nowhere.
Chance had nothing to do with what happened then, as in a farming community the news people visiting with relatives travels fast. About ready to give up and walk back to Bundy when from out in the heat waves rising off the gravel road, he saw a horse and rider coming toward him.
Seeing he was not so alone, he stood and waited for the rider to come closer. If just a fond hope the person would be friendly, Bob thought of at least someone to converse with other than the stuffy relatives.
He had seen only ponies at pony rides and the occasional police mount at the county fairs, but this horse stood taller, and its rider looked equally as tall sitting in the saddle. Wishing to gain a friend, he extended an arm high above his head and began to wave in hope the rider would stop and talk with him. The closer they came the more thrilled and delighted was Bob as he saw then the rider to be a slender, blonde haired young woman. She seemed eager too of meeting him or maybe somebody along the road, and returned the wave with her excited waving back to Bob.
She called a friendly hello as did Bob return the greeting with a simple "Hi there!"
She said her name bluntly as Karen, she announcing of her age as twenty, the daughter of her mother, and with a disgruntled tone said as much she being the forgotten child of a no-good cowardly father. If blunt she acted quite friendly toward Bob, her hurt was apparent even to someone her younger. Friendly and grumbling all at the same time, she spoke harshly about too many rude people, spreading talk and rumors about what they knew little about or what was true.
Bob told her of why he was there and from where he came. He had disgusted words about the physical openness all around him as something beyond the word of boring; he wished he could find something more interesting.
Trying to befriend Bob, Karen reminded him he was not at home and for him to wander out into the heat, and he being without any water or drink was dangerous. She offered Bob a drink to chug from two water bottles she had with her in the saddlebags. Thirsts quenched, she offered to take Bob for a ride on her horse.
Nothing to lose and only able to gain, Bob liked conversing with her about something other than past events, or of people he never knew existed. She talked mostly about her horse, it a undeniable male, and she loving him as much as the stallion like to press his nostrils into her ample breasts. The animal sniffed deeply at her breasts, he seemed to like her sweaty scent, it aroused from him something Bob never saw or thought about what a horse has when aroused.
Karen admitted she too felt bored and was out for a ride to find a possible temporary distraction of the male variety. They laughed, and then after a couple of failed hoisted tries to get up and mounted, once Bob sat then seated behind her, he delighted when she suggested he put his arms around her middle and hang on.
The bouncing rump of a horse at trot is not a comfortable place for a city boy. Bob never rode a horse and while this young woman grew-up living with and riding horses, she laughed at what Bob said as an unbelievable jostling way to travel.
Not knowing where she was taking him; when they arrived at a farm likened to so many others, Bob was ready to get off his bony bumpy ride. While Karen put her sweaty mount in a corral to cool down and drink his fill of refreshing water, she kept watching Bob as he did of her. She saw him try to get comfortable lying leaning against an old Maple tree, he relaxing in its shade and occasionally trying to hide his rubbing of a sore butt.
He sighed, and Karen heard it, she thought of him to be another like her, someone like her mother said about her, a person very promiscuous! Later as to allure Bob to do whatever she might ask, told him of her protective mother so often warning her about men and they with their passions would do her daughter great harm. Karen admitted to Bob that she liked that kind of a man, she willing to letting them do to her what they wished. She stunned Bob by admitting her open wanton desire to feel sensual, liking to toy and fondle with..., or even bedded down to enjoy what new lurid fun a male friend had for making whoopee.
Acting so lighthearted then Karen she offered to show Bob around the farm beginning with the house, to this he agreed. He liked her and she saw it, she the best-looking girl he had seen in two miserable weeks. She giving the grand tour, so noted, admitting her mother not being at home but at work during the day, she boldly asked him if he would like to see her bedroom.
Bob agreed, he walking along following her had a problem keeping his blue jeans from showing a rising tent just under his zipper. Once they entered into the spacious bedroom, he looked around seeing it painted all pure white, even the four-posted bed, it topped with a pink flowery canopy. As he gawked at it all, there on one wall, a cork board and on it pinned were a couple dozen red and blue ribbons for "4-H club" awards in horseback riding competitions. Looking at the surroundings, Bob stood stunned by his host as she peeled off her jeans in front of him, while doing her best to be alluring, she walked around her bedroom in a blouse and silk panties. She wanted him to feel eager if an uncomfortable question arouse about being around a aroused horny female.
She watched her prey closely, and notating his occasional hand brushing at the tented front to his jeans, this made her smile. An alluring smile did more to reinforce his discomfort and build in him some of his own lusty fantasized urges. When she thought he was about ready to bust, she pulled on over her legs a pair of exceedingly tight hot pants, and then taking Bob by the hand led him along with her out of the house. Together, hand in hand, she took Bob to the barn where there she had him stand and watch as she prepared a special sort of entertainment for him.
Karen went to one stall, took hold of the haltered horse, and led it to a large box stall, its high set plank walls as high as the withers of the horse. She then told Bob to climb up a ladder and sit up in the very warm hayloft. She pointing to where she wanted Bob to go and sit or wait, a place he discovered had a complete view of the large stall directly below.
He ignorant to her plans, Bob asked of nothing as he climbing up the wall-mounted ladder, and cautiously made his way over to where he found some hay bales arranged and covered with two large blankets. Obviously, the loft there was some sort of love making place Karen used often for her entertaining of male companions. He was not ignorant of the ways of women trying to act alluring while knowing his male urges, if she did as he hoped, then the afternoon need not be boring at all!
Bob sat Indian style with his legs criss-crossed as he waited and watched with interest, he looking down on Karen as she talked to the horse, it named Rachel. A common brown colored horse, black mane and tail, it walked obediently along and into the stall below where suddenly the horse became quite excited.
Intent with interest as of what Karen had planned, Bob sat close to the edge, looking down he saw how the horse, a mare in the stall continued to flick her tail, acting excited as if feeling some eager anticipation for something more to happen.
A true city boy watched as the horse danced and pranced in the stall, while Karen kept a watchful eye up at Bob he doing as she asked, seated and in the proper position, as she went to get another horse. Karen returned leading another horse, this one not quite as tall as was the first horse. Bob peered down seeing that this horse prancing along the open main aisle, a definitely male horse, had too its maleness swinging and slapping his broad thighs, offering a sense of empathy between the stallion and Bob.
He figured Karen was arranging for him a bit of beastly action, the mating ritual of two horses. If this were just that, a sex show, he knew she would not have made such an insisted fuss about him going up into the loft, and of him finding her nest. Impatient for her to come and join him, Bob unsnapped his jeans for quick removal and fast action.
As Karen released the smaller stallion into the box stall, she slammed the door shut and using the bolt locked the door. The stallion saw the mare and began snorting and he too prancing a high stepping dance for his mare lover. Bob watched the horses, he interested, but noted too as Karen climbed up the ladder she coming to the loft. As she came closer to him, he looked back at the horse and pony frolicking; he saw something that made no sense to him.
Asking of Karen about the show and stall below, he wanted to know what significance the letters of "G" and "D" painted in different colors on at least the three walls there in the stall.
As Karen joined him and once seated beside him she answered his question. Karen stated that to some people who saw the large letters painted on the inside walls of the stall meant something damning, like then, "God Damned!" However, the real meaning came from how she made use of the stall; it was for "Growth" and "Develop." That really confused Bob, and so as not to cause an argument with this pretty distraction from boredom, he decided not to ask anything more but just watch with her the action below in the stall.
One excited mare stood waiting, shivering, obviously filled with eager anticipations, similar to how the smaller stallion acted, but he snorting and trying to stand as upright and tall as he could. Sadly, the shorter stud could not stand tall enough to reach his hopeful and lusty objective. Karen laughed as she watched the pony had its terrible time wanting to breed but incapable due to his lack of height.
Before Bob could ask more about the scene going on below, Karen commented about it being unkind to both animals. That said, she reached a hand under the blanket they sat upon, and digging around under it she found then what she wanted. Taking it then in her hand, it a shiny black stone shaped into a perfect cube about four inches square. Holding the stone up to near the face of Bob as if she wanted him to look at it closely, she told him the stone and the stall had in them something magical.
Bob thought Karen was suckering him into a joke, so he went along and acted as if impressed. She knew from past times there in her loft that other men thought she was joking too. She knew how to change a mind and the attitude simply by showing of what power was of the stone. Karen stood up, she inched carefully toward the dangerous edge and held the stone out over the stall and two frolicking animals below and commanded aloud, "May you both there below be equal to the task!"
Bob inched closer to the edge as he watched, seeing as she held the stone in her fingers and with an outstretched arm keeping it at a distance from her body. It began emitting then a droning humming tone. This made Bob take more intent an interest on the two nervous clomping horses down below in the stall. To his amazement, the pony stallion began to grow larger, taller too. The large mare seemed as well to be changing, she becoming maybe smaller, but acting just as horny; the two of them became equal to the task of mating. A few minutes of this and Karen ceased her reach out over the stall, cupping her hand around the black cube; she said then, "Enough now get to it!" Enough indeed, as Bob leaned out over the edge and looking below, the pony stallion had found his mark, and the two animals were equal then of height and size. Seeing this and the stallion pony although busy, lifted his head and cocking it he looked up at Karen and Bob, as it then screamed a harsh whinny.
Karen said the pony stallion was saying thank you, but Bob then said and argued that it seemed to him as if the animal was showing a sense of rage in the harsh tone of how it whinnied.
Karen smiled when hearing Bob give his opinion, she said that Todd the pony stallion would soon realize it was to his advantage. She looking down as the two horses stood coupled, Karen said for Bob to see how the pony by becoming bigger his tool grew longer, larger, and gave him more male pleasure.
A quick look down and Bob sat back and away from the edge, wondering about who or what he was sitting near, he feeling some concern for his safety and personal well being. Karen turned upon her guest and approached him she walking on her knees across the hay hales covered with the blankets to where he sat looking rather uncomfortable.
He sat there with his back pressed tight to the stacked hay bales behind him, feeling a load of apprehension about this woman there with him. Karen asked him if he were just a little jealous of the stallion pony that just had his second adjustment of growth and development. Before he could answer her, she reached over to Bob and set down the black cube into his lap nearer his groin. Karen then spoke as if commanding what she called the GD stone, wanting it to do for Bob what it first did for Todd when he sat once there in her nice love nest.
"Todd," Bob exclaimed, "How could he get up here?"
Karen smiled, knowing what she said made no logical sense, so she confused the issue even more by pointing to the wooden ladder nailed to the barn wall, "He climbed up the same way you did," she told Bob.
The GD stone was then humming, emitting its power and Bob felt it as if a vibrating massage to his aroused maleness. He did not want to touch it, but wanted the thing off him, so he jerked his legs to one side and sent the stone rolling and bouncing toward the edge.
Karen screamed as she swore at him, she leaped at it, catching her magical stone before it fell down and then into the mating stall below. Scared, Bob stood up but doing so, he then whammed his head into the barn roof rafters, the clunking about knocking him senseless. Stunned, and with Karen angry, her seeing Bob stand up and bang his head made her laugh. Laughing she could hardly talk and this made Bob angry, so mad he wanted to take hold of her, throwing her off the hayloft edge, and down into the stall with the two horny and happy horses.
Grumbling at Karen, Bob stood ready to do as he had thought, but stopped when she knew his intentions and ordered him then not to come any closer. She kneeling and held out between them her magical rock as if a gun-drawn to use as her protection.
"Come no closer or by the GD this stone here will make of you the same as is now Todd down there, he a few months age was like you, a fun thrill. He became too serious, talked to mother about us as if we were thinking of eloping. He needed something to cool his heels and making him a stallion pony did the trick! So heed me, or you and Todd will look like you were foaled as if brothers." Karen said as she then snickering, said as well, "You both have what it takes to make a girl satisfied, he has his and you, yours just like it, but about the size belonging to a yearling pony, different, thrilling, but yours will not always fit and might even hurt your horny girlfriends!"
Her words were a warning remaining vivid in the memory of Bob, as he told how after that he many a wrestles night trying to sleep, as if he saw the words she said like printed upon stone tablets, along with his name. That memory of his maleness so changed set off such an aroused state, it too a constant reminder of how he felt when confronting Karen. They in her hayloft hide-away, and he standing, stood there embarrassed trying to choke back his massive and inhumanly shaped erection.
Similar in its outline to what he had seen hung and hanging stiffly earlier that afternoon of the stallion horse Karen rode when they first met. Although much smaller than what her horse had, it was several times longer than what came with him to Bundy Minnesota. Bob scared then jammed a hand down and inside his pants to take a fuller feel of what she had changed. He began to moan because of his touching of it sent such waves of sensual desire through him, he then screamed and became angrier.
Fondling finger felt the multiple number of skin folds, as if weathered skin of a sheath. As he fondled his hand there, he held and felt the new heft of his two testicles. They had become massively larger then those of a human, equal to the task of a pony stallion wishing as needing to inseminate a mare.
Struck with the horror of what happened and whom she was willing to make of him, Bob then yanked down his jeans to get give him as well her a more vivid view of his changes.
Karen sat there and smiled, she eyeing closely and admiring her handiwork, delighted at the prospect of Bob able then to give her much heightened sensual fun for an afternoon. Bob though looked down seeing as he felt what his male package boasted, felt urges coming from it. As if his testicles were taking control over his mind, deciding for him what was primary, his hands let go and he let the thing do as it if it had a wish of its own.
Wavering bodily as he stood there, his pony penis and testicles stood at full ready stiffness, his not black of color like the stallion h had seen that day, but his being pretty, bright pink if as well larger and longer.
Karen sat wide eyed and acting as quite interested then more than moments before as she said, "Wow, and another wow, what I have here is a virgin boyfriend, likely too your parents had you circumcised, but that is now history, and you growing white fur too, you are as blessed!" Bob did not feel any blessing at that moment or even long after that fated day. He took note then of sprouting fur, beginning in his groin, it was spreading as it thickening, in moments it coated over his thighs and ultimately continued to cover his legs and feet.
As he gawked at the sight of what was happening then to his body, he realized that if Karen had her fun, she would not want him to inform her mother, and the best way to assure he could not tell was to make for her farm another pony. Angered at her cruelty he felt so enthralled by his new and so aroused penis, he stood there and felt like asking of Karen to let the changes continue to some animalistic finality.
A reminding shiver ran down his spine, it helped Bob regain some sense of what she wanted him to say, to ask, and to become. He burst out saying, "That GD stone, it is a God Dammed thing, look what it did...," Bob said, exclaimed and screaming his words at Karen.
She still amazed at the fact her chosen stud was still a virgin, and knowing her craft well she with a smile of admiration then told Bob, the changes need not make of him a complete animal. They would enhance greatly his enjoyment while having sensual fun from his lust loving male abilities. However, if he asked nicely, and allowed her to use the stone to change him into a new pet pony, he after a time learn as well realize how good it is to be a stallion pony. She said how that later, after she had found another, a human friend to thrill her, she would place Bob into the GD stall and use the magical stone to enhance him further, maturing him into a prime stud.
He still a virgin would with changed form becomes a white pony and perfect of conformation, a prizewinner! Accordingly, as from his virginity if first lost on a needy mare, he retaining his pretty, pinkish skin, whiteness and growing white, he would keep his intelligence. He would know still of is past self, and understand of what he became, owing to having a logical human reasoning mind, it there to help him appreciate his sensual lifestyle.
Bob admitted her offer had its appealing if odd aspects of promised of a highly sensual life. He reared by two very religious and respectable parents had drummed into him a wealth of social ethics that told him what she offered was wholly unholy and wrong! In addition, he had plans of his own, hopes and dreams that did not include his becoming as farm animal, horse, stallion or some continuously horny stud.
Karen beaming with ideas popping into her cockeyed head, she said then, "You could live here, with us as another on the farm. Mother is so gullible she believes easy, if you stay as you are now, we could say to her of us planning an engagement. She would then let you stay, sleeping in the bunkhouse, its not otherwise used anymore. Then after some time of us enjoying our passions, later on when the urges come. You will decide then the want to live more lustily, by choice becoming as another of our proud, happy and continuously horny horses.
You then just poof and gone, after we had had enough of each the other, your wanting and having needs for more, becoming first a pony and later a matured stallion, the disappearing would leave mom to think you ran off, just like so many others!"
A moment of personal thoughtful memories of maybe another like Bob, and she said again, "Magically speaking, you would be even better if you were a perfect specimen, as without any blemishes, no tooth fillings, and or moles, warts and such!"
Bob listening, his mind alert, he told her of just how perfect of a specimen she had standing there with her in that lofty loves nest. This made Karen sit up and smile at Bob, she telling of if he were so perfect yet and still a virgin, his changed new self would have special powers. He then granted of powers, as to entice or control and more, calming a mare into acceptance but as well if he desired a human female her company, he could beguile women to love him too!
Bob said he felt her trap closing around him and he said to her, "Do what, me stay here with you, us as lovers, or until you... get tired of your favored stud, then what, a lifetime of living like one of your prized animals? You feel nothing of a sensed wrong about this all. You use your stone and that "GD" big stall down there to force nice people into liking to be and live as would animals. This is worse than a whorehouse; it is an earthbound portion of Hell!
I can imagine you coaxing me to just walk into that stall when you were of a mind to, and like the others, are they the reason you won all those ribbons; you riding a talented horses owning a logical working human mind. Then too, what about this stuff of when the urges come, what are they, instincts eking their ways into a human mind. What after so many months or even years of living like..., the removal all cares and when I should stand absent of mind and horny, your newest stud friend then spellbound and made another prize stallion for the farm herd, no way I want out of here!"
Found out by a wit and logical mind greater than hers, as someone she had never met, Bob was a true adversary to deal with, but Karen felt as well she had the upper hand. She argued back and said, "4-H club is fun, fun for us all, but different for you and your manner of thinking. The use of the magical stone grants more, changing the club proverb to meaning as, "Hoofed, Horny, Hard-on, and Happy! Once standing you on all fours and hoofed the sense of being horny brings on a want for constantly having a hard-on. You then as a young stud, you would live a robust lifestyle, in time even wishing to forget your past and be obliviously happy to do for your owner whatever she might ask!"
Bob became furious with Karen, way beyond any limit of anger he had known in his lifetime. Bob took his chances; he lunged at Karen, wanting to get the GD stone from her hand. He reacted instinctively using his years of football game training to knocking Karen off balance. Aided by his developing new stout muscles in his legs, Bob was a better than match to the quick reaction of Karen. He grabbed at the stone in her hand, taking it from her, he then an elbow blocking action, tumbling her off the edge, as she screamed a simple phrase, it used often there around the farm she said,"Oh!"
She tipped backwards, saw the certainty of her falling and fell from her love nest there in the loft into the GD marked stall. Slamming down hard the wham of her fall knocked the wind of her. She stunned for a moment did not move. This was long enough for Todd, her horny, happy stallion and busy at being a stud with a fun-loving mare, he did trample on her body. Hard and heavy hoofs crushed fingers, and snapped arm bones. His excited mare could not ignore the chance to show a then unarmed Karen the thoughts and feelings of a friend betrayed, transformed, and made to live the lifestyle of a brood mare. She too saw Karen lying there and forgetting the raw sensation from the heat of that lusty moments, she too began kicking at and doing excessive injury to Karen.
Bob looked down as the two horses injured and did kill their owner while driven by lust and passions known best to animals. He wondered, as of Todd becoming such a stud male if he like his new self, he acting as if pleased when ushered into the stall to mate with the mare. He watching wondered too, if the mare, she a friend once of Karen, changed into a vile animal used on the farm as a brood mare for sex and reproduction of the breed, if she held any animosity for her still human friend.
Moments later, it looked likely from up on high that Karen was either dying or already dead. Bob stood there with the GD stone in his hand thought to make a wish for those two who were as animals down in that magical stall.
"To these two who were once people, give unto them their greatest desire of desires, even if they would wish to become again as humans!" The stone began to hum, droning that same previous evil inspired tone; it spread its power over two horses. Todd stopped his bucking thrusts, stepping off the mare under him; he stood looking down at a bleeding and injured Karen lying trampled there on the straw covered floor. He realizing what had happened began to act as if nervous, shying away then to the far side of the stall, he even ignoring then the mare. The stone with its powers maybe renewed enough of his human thoughts again to know right from wrong. The fact as undeniable even to a horse that after Karen had fallen into the stall she trampled to death by two excited animals. He felt the concern for his future and that of the mare, they being as animals, horses, if having killed a human; the usual result was of that in authority would insist upon destroying, as in euthanasia!
The mare likely remembered again her human name as Rachel, she too saw Karen, sniffed of her friend, and with whinnied cry, she tried to awaken her friend, but Karen was likely then dead.
The wish for Todd and his mare had begun to take its effect upon them, as pony stallion Todd stood seemingly as having matured in size, but remained a stallion. He did not return to be again human, accept possibly in his mind by how he acted about someone who had died. He took up a vigil standing by the stall door, seemed then to want for someone to come and return him to his own stall, a place he as a pony felt like it was his home.
The mare stood over the body of Karen; she had several body shaking shivers. The stone had worked on her too, but only to return to her the ability to remember her past and think as would a human about the situation around her. Whinnying as if nervous and maybe scared, she pawed with a fore foot at the blood soaked straw covering the floor there by the dead body.
When Bob saw that neither had changed from what they were as animals, he wondered if the stone could not change them back to being people, or if once having become like to an animal, they who were changed preferred being then as animals.
Bob climbed down and went to take the stallion back to his own stall. He returned to find the mare then standing by the doorway, and Bob went to lead her back to her stall, but she would not go with him. Instead, she lips nibbled his face, her big tongue licking at his cheek as if to say her thank you, she appreciating his acts of kindness. Without needing Bob to lead her, the mare strolled calmly back to her rightful stall, there she folded her legs and lay down to whimper and act as if sad for her friend dying.
All seemed as if satisfactory to them who were horses, and Bob too beginning to accept his own changes too, felt then some pity for Karen. Only having a slight idea of the powers granted to the magical stone, Bob thought first of poor Karen than of his own situation. He held an outstretched arm and hand holding the stone over her dead body lying there in the stall. Looking down at Karen, Bob wished for the stone to give or give to Karen whatever she had as her last thought of becoming before she died.
He rather expected the stone to grant her life and or the bodily form of some animal, or too, return her to be again as those of the living. He remembers vividly how he stood there laughing, seeing as what the GD stone did to Karen. As what she thought and expected from her manner of injury and then death, the farm dogs would come to feast upon her body leaving her later about the farm as small piles of crap. The magic flowed and did to Karen what she thought might happen. She changed, her skin color turned a brownish and looked like a large pile of small turds, and she got what she expected, becoming then a heap of wet crap.
Naturally, all this is but the hard to explain story of a young man to his doctor. His proof to the reality of his story comes with seeing his physical deformity. Bob tried asked a number of times to that magical stone, wishing it to change him back to being his human self, but nothing happened. He learned to accept and actually enjoy his different genitals. He felt embarrassment from them too and decided not to continue with playing of sports. So noting that after any game, the team would shower together, and he knew his teammates would not be understanding but would become offended, ridiculing Bob, he then humiliated. They just would not want to be understanding.
The team members and coach too would not understand, and neither would his parents if they knew. He tried one lonely a night to verbally make a wish and ask the stone to return his maleness to being what he had previous his meeting of Karen. The thought was not enough to overcome the sensations he had learned to enjoy. Bob could not keep from feeling happy about his having a sheath and more hearty maleness equal in all respects to that in the groin of a pony stallion.
In this modern age when on the Internet boasts many products offering varied manners of changing and increasing the size of a human penis, what Bob has as his is far more sensual that can come from pills. His penal length and the added girth as well too the glandular end of it so primal and uncircumcised in animal shape continually bothers Bob, he knowing that from having it, he would in time wish to use it. Most women would think of what Bob has as grotesque, and this is understandable. However and luckily for Bob, his present female companion feels otherwise about her lover and his odd deformity.
Because of his liking the penis and his sheath, he had lived for a while acting quite the reclusive lifestyle, aware from study about horses or stallions and how they mate; being that is what Karen made of him. He had decided what his only future meant he could never marry. Random chance change all that, when he happened to meet someone that meant something more to him than for a sensual pleasuring, he let her see his dilemma, but she still wanted her stout man to marry her.
When after his physical and the news his healthy body was of exceptionally good condition, his friendly doctor thought to add some consolation an added note of warning. As his physician, I reminded Bob to take care due to his length, girth, and that primal shaped penal gland. Although he said he realized his limits, he reminded that he remained a virgin, never having had sexual pleasuring with a female. He had partially changed of body to be like a stallion, and once he would begin enjoying sexual intercourse, the animal in him might take on more control. Helen was sympathetic to his different male self, and had admitted to Bob that she felt aroused, if from how he explained what he had, even if he would not show it to her before they were married.
Reminding Bob to be warily as well careful when he while having intercourse with his betrothed needed to beware as of his delving length an obvious problem, but the equine girth could cause her some pain. As experienced during the physical when checking him for any hernia, he swelled forth an erection. Unexpected but giving purpose to taking measurements, the glandular expansion nearest the end of it, flared, and so noted would act similar to the knot at the base of a dog's male organ. Bob and his lovely wife had big plans; they merged their finances, gained a loan from her father and planned it well to buy a farm in Ohio. As Bob said with a manner of personal pride, they decided to have a family and getting back to the roots of being true Americans.
Bob had forgot his changed testicles, they being the size of a stallion pony might likely expel only equine semen, making children with Helen as something near to impossible. Then again the fact he was mostly human might have them producing human semen but in abundant volume equal to his being a stallion. The liquid volume ejaculated by Bob most certainly should ensure that Helen would become pregnant, the only concern comes as of her likelihood then to have more than one baby per pregnancy.
Bob said too, that if his deformity became too unbearable, he had still the GD stone. If when he felt no other alternative remained, he planned to use it as originally intended for him by Karen. He said too, that Helen his betrothed wife agreed with him on that matter. She he said if it seemed then as something righteous, then she too intended to use the stone and join him in living of life as a wholly different of species.
Bob seemed resolute to his one reason for why she would not join him if need there be, that if they by then had had any children. As she should, would remain human to care and rearing their children, and of Helen keeping him there on the farm and letting the kids ride their daddy!
Chapter 1 Bob held Mandy tight and whispered into her ear, "I need you too Mandy. I want you to stay forever. Please stay forever!" Mandy sighed, kissed Bob's ear and softly whispered into it, "Yes!" They were sitting in the warmth of the tub. Safe. Secure. His arms wrapped around her and he sighed, thinking, "It has been so long since I have been with a woman. So long." Bob had never been with anyone as young as Mandy. Never had sex with anyone so young. He had been in his mid...
After finding out my wife was cheating on me with her Yoga instructor, I of course immediately demanded an divorce and a year later I was free of her.Unfortunately I lost the house in the divorce and had to find another place to live, it was then an old friend appeared back in my life, Bob.I first met Bob in college and even back then he was a cocky, charming man who seem to be able to do no wrong, and could bed any woman he wanted, by the time he left college the rumours were, he had had most...
Bob I'd worked with Bob for nearly a year. We ran heavy equipment, excavating for new construction, roadways, anything involving moving a lot of earth. Bob was short, maybe five-foot-seven and kind of slightly built. Bob was definitely one of the guys though; loud, sexist, foul-mouthed and always on time with a filthy joke or observation. Bob loved girls and could spot something wiggling along in a pair of yoga pants a mile away. Given the slightest chance, he'd talk em' up and try to...
Story written by me under my pseudonym "brwneyedwitch70""His name is Bob and he's a regular but a very cranky old man." Summer said as she pointed out a handsome older gentleman that entered the book store."Oh." I replied. There really wasn't much more I could say since this was my first day at my new job.I had been fired from my last job for flirting too much with the customers. I was waiting tables at a local family restaurant and too many of the "disgruntled" housewives had complained that I...
Pure fantasy but based on a true event. My birthday was coming up and my work colleague and good friend Becs invites me to spend the weekend with her and her partner Bob. Bob is not her real name, it's just a nickname given by Becs because as you may had worked out Becs and Bob are gay.Becs was 30 something, stunning looks, breasts to die for and we became friends at work because we got on so well, we would laugh and joke and I would even steal the occasional hug but that was as far as it...
Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...
College SexSandy and her aunt had just finished supper and were still sitting at the kitchen table. They had been discussing how sixteen year-old Sandy had ended up topless earlier in the day when swimming with her seventeen year-old cousin Bob and two of his friends. "Bob's father called me today." "Oh shit ... so Bob couldn't keep his mouth shut, huh." "I don't think Bob has told his father about you getting topless this morning ... at least not yet." "Then what was he calling about. Wants...
Half Way Through My husband’s tour was well than half way done and we were making plans for our return back to the states. You know what we wanted to take with us the things we were going to give away and other things we were going to sell or donate to the Airman’s pantry that sort of thing so we had a lot to go through. And in the middle of all of that guess what the Air force did they sent my sweet loving husband on yet another deployment. But this time I knew just when he was going to go and...
Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...
Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...
Uncle Bobbytantricjim©Bob pulled into his brother's driveway, pausing before he got out of his car to look over the yard and neighborhood. It had been over a year since his last visit and he enjoyed the familiarity of what he considered home. It had been his family home until his brother had moved in after their parents died. Bob kept much of his belongings stored here.He basically lived out of a suitcase and slept in hotels, motels and other temporary accommodation. His arrival must have been...
James went to school the following day as normal. He arrived to his form room. Nobody looked at him, nobody said anything about him as far as he knew. He sat down in his usual seat. James knew Bob didn't go to form, because he was highly autistic and liked to go to the school Plus club. At break, Bob wandered over to James. "That was fun," he said. "You didn't turn me in?" Replied James. "Why would we? You weren't there when I was screaming. There was no need to add you in," Said...
Following the party and her introduction to the family, Padraic and Calliope settled into their own routine. They discussed the rules and in an effort to keep his baby happy Padraic compromised on a few smaller issues and Callie learned to be cared for after so many years of having to look after herself.The biggest concession came the day after the party, when they had gone to sign the contract with the amendments they had made to it. Callie had sat up on his lap and turned to him seriously,...
Before i get to the main part i would like to tell you a bit about me. I had turned 16, i was a chubby kid, with thick thighs and a big wide ass. I was 5ft 7 and had an average cock. I was an innocent kid, had no exposure to porn or sex. Now my caretaker, Bob, was at this time in his late forties. He had been working for my family ever since i was born, since my family was out of town most of the time. He would cook for me, drive me to someplace and taking care of the house. He would also help...
Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...
Old Bob By Fiona69m Misha becomes more interested in her elderly neighbour. Part1 Misha had just made herself a grilled chicken salad topped off with on-the-vine cherry tomatoes. She had taken a break from the financial report she had started yesterday for the impending external audit that had given her so many worries recently. She thought working on it from home when her husband Ken was at work would make for less distraction, and she would be able to finish and recheck it in a couple of...
Mind ControlIt was a beautiful spring day. Tulips of every color imaginable bloomed in gardens, along with daffodils in hues of yellow. The crocus with their skirts of blue purple white and yellow were gone, hiding beneath the ground, waiting for the next year when they would pop their little heads through the remaining winter snow, assuring mankind that the life cycle is once again being renewed. Bob drove to town that day and went directly to the nursery to order plants to put into his gardens at his...
Molly:It had been two weeks since the frat party. The bruises and bites had mainly healed, but I had been unsettled. Nothing had been the same. I had been tingling and aroused. I had rubbed my pussy raw trying to satisfy the feeling that had ignited at the frat party. Caleb had been angry. I finally fucked him to try to make it up to him. It had been a huge mistake. The sex had been so damn vanilla I could hardly stand it. Caleb had not only forgiven me but he became like a puppy dog,...
TeenDressing for Bob by Joyce Domai My adventures in women's clothing started in the usual way. Mom and Dad were out, I went exploring, got dressed up and liked it. A lot. It was my #1 fantasy through high school and college. After earning a degree and getting a job, I was able to afford an apartment on my own. I was working as an engineer and doing OK. (Yes, I was a geek.) I'd acquired a small wardrobe and would dress up in order to masturbate. That was the extent of my sex...
[ This is for Bob. He was the first-ever glory hole I ever experienced. Hard to forget those 'firsts!' ]What can I say about Bob? When I first came into contact with him it was through a website devoted to gay, gay-curious, bi, and even the occasional so-called 'straight' guys looking for some good sex. I didn't regard myself as gay. Rather, I thought of myself (and still do) as bisexual, with an occasional penchant for something like gay sex. But what about Bob? Bob was, without doubt, pretty...
It was round two years ago I told my man I had long fantasised about sex with an extra man. “I would love to have sex with two men at the same time.” He had arranged it within a week, I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men and women on a regular basis. Two weeks later he told me, “Two this Sunday at the five-star hotel on Main the honeymoon suite, the female concierge has arranged two men for you honey. Ten years younger than us and really hung,” she told me. At one on the day I am...
It was round two years ago I told my man I had long fantasised about sex with an extra man. “I would love to have sex with two men at the same time.” He had arranged it within a week, I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men and women on a regular basis. Two weeks later he told me, “Two this Sunday at the five-star hotel on Main the honeymoon suite, the female concierge has arranged two men for you honey. Ten years younger than us and really hung,” she told me. At one on the day I am...
While messing around in the pool I noticed the tables being set for dinner. But nobody was bothering to get out of the pool. I saw the salad bar rolled out and what might be called the bread bar. Only when the chef (identified by his hat) came out did people get out of the pool, put their towels around their necks, and still dripping wet get in line for the main course. The other items were help yourself. I got in line and looking around found Marby and Mike. I took my full plate and...
It all started with a neighbour of mine called Bob who was always leering at me in the garden. Ok it may have been partly my fault as sometimes I wore some very skimpy bikinis and sometimes when I thought no-one was watching I actually went topless. Bob was in his 50’s and was always making small chat and trying to engage me in conversation and he seemed sweet enough. But I sometimes wanted a bit of peace and quiet and I could tell by the size of the lump in Bob’s trousers that he had an...
BOB: Monday morning and I began what seemed to be a normal week at school. I was riding the bus today because mom needed the car to run some errands. I almost had enough money saved to buy my own car, but I was still a couple of months from being able to so for the time being I had to share with mom. She certainly couldn't afford to do much to help out. Her salary as a nurse kept us clothed and fed, but not much more. Dad was supposed to be helping, and for a few years he had, but when he...
We’d spent the night out. First a show at MGM Grand, then a slow romantic hand in hand walk to the Piranha for some dancing. The dancing got pretty hot,; a lot of good looking guys cut in to dance with both of us. I rubbed a lot of sweet hard cock that night before we came home an fucked. I should say that I “got fucked”. Bob’s my top. Either way, we slept late. The sun filtering through the crack at the edge of the d****s woke me up and I could feel Bob’s soft cock pressing against my back....
*********************************** Author's Note: One day I received an email notifying me that I had a fan club of sorts, made up of nine or so women who all work in the same company, and who gather at breaks to read aloud, to each other, my stories. They call themselves, it is said, "The Dirty Girls". Even if it's not true, it's a good tale, and what author could pass up a chance to write a story like that? It would give me a chance to write about myself in the...
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Although the flight was a little more than 4 hours, it didn’t really feel that long as my mind was a million miles away throughout the entire trip. Jill sat next to me on one of the couches just caressing and rubbing my thigh. Dakota and Tina had their earbuds in, however, Dakota kept looking my way to keep an eye on me. I kept replaying in my head the night that Jill and I met Bob and Melanie, during a routine pickup at the private part of the...
Wife flirts in back seat while husband drivesTim and I enjoyed our new-found game of flashing truckers while making the 2 hour drive out to the beach-house. Our little exhibitionism during our drives was quite fun and became a routine for most of our trips. We both found it extremely exciting in a fun safe way. Unfortunately it came to an end when we started giving our neighbor Bob a ride. Our neighbor was a really nice guy. He was a general contractor and was doing some work just a few mile...
Bob Arnold hat schon immer auf die beiden Töchter seiner Schwester Judy aufgepasst, wenn sie und ihr Mann ausgingen. Die beiden Mädchen, die fast zwanzigjährige Melissa und ihre jüngere Schwester Stacy, waren auch immer gerne bei ihrem Onkel. Was keiner wußte, Bob hat eine Vorliebe für junge Vötzchen und das war sein Hauptgrund um auf seine beiden Nichten aufzupassen. Mittlerweile waren zwar seine beiden Nichten schon volljährig, aber Bob sollte trotzdem besser das Haus hüten, damit die zwei...
As in every story I have ever written, there is some, if not a lot, of autobiographical information included. It can’t be helped. It is my life experiences that drive the stories in my mind.- - - - - -As near as I can place it, I started meeting at Bob’s house in 1962. I had turned eighteen in January and he was a year older. It had become a usual thing for me to arrive at his house at 7 pm on a Saturday evening. The idea was that we would watch movies or whatever we found interesting on the...
My husbands mother had died and his father had married a woman in her twenties, a few years later. He owned a rather large old house that he had remodeled. He was rich, I mean really rich. He told me once that the interest coming in from his money every week was several times what many CEO's made in a year. His most favorite part of the house was what he called his DOI, or den of iniquity. He had a rule: He hired only couples for each position in the house. The chef had a wife, the chauffeur...
BisexualIt was a terrible situation, but Allyson decided to make the best of it. She lost her room, her clothes, and all her status, such as it was, but she still believed in John, and if nothing else, she still believed in herself. She’d work harder than ever. She’d prove to John that she was worthy of his love. The next couple weeks were a continuous routine of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, ironing, serving, cooking, and her weekly humiliation at the hands of an old pervert. At first she was asked...
I was stationed overseas about 40 years ago. I had a roommate, Bob, who never went downtown for pussy or a blowjob or anything. He spent a lot of time in the club after work and would come back to the room very, very drunk. When we were there together, most of the time I would have to help him back to the barracks. This one particular night I was already sleeping when Bob came in, drunk as usual. He woke me up stumbling around. I sat up and he started talking about how horny he was, started to...
The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds. The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand...
This chapter is from My Black Bob - a novel of trans erotic adventure. Click on my profile for a link to the rest! xI drift through Brighton, the fresh morning light clean and almost platinum in its glorious pale intensity. It’s Sunday and I have been conscious – often more than conscious, thanks to a cocktail of chemical enhancements I barely remember – for at least twenty-four hours. My underneath is a lovely combination of partial numbness and tingling satisfaction.I have been well-used, by...
TransHello everyone, my name is bob & I am not a terrorist that line was from a Bollywood movie ). Alright I am a big fan of ISS & I have read so many stories here in multiple categories, which motivated me to write stories of my dreams. Girls I am virgin, if anybody likes to help me with it then please contact me at . Boys if you do not like my stories so I can understand because I am virgin & these are nothing but imaginations of mine. But if at all you like it then never forget to give your...
Having gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with. Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John...
Callum hurried down the vacant school corridor on his way to the lesson. He was already ten minutes late. He turned a sharp corner and all of a sudden collided with someone coming in the other direction. His bag went flying, spilling out the entirety of its contents on to the floor.The embarrassment of that alone would have been bad enough but at the bottom of his bag were a pair of leather handcuffs which, along with the rest of the bahs contents, were now scattered across the floor....
Allyson involuntarily leaned back on the steps, her naked rear end on the edge of the third step from the bottom brushing up against the rough pile of the carpeted stairs. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor around her socked feet, her hands were tied behind her back with the shoes strings from the saddle shoes Hannah had bought her. Her hair was mussed, and had she been able to see, her lipstick was smudged. Standing in front of her were two young men, a third, the one who’d knotted her...
At first the call from Audra caught the boys off guard, but they quickly recovered. While Wayne pulled the sleeping bags out of the tent and rolled to them up, Paul loaded the fishing gear and coolers. Aubrey soon had the tent down, and after a walk over to clean up any litter they were on their way. All three were tired so to keep awake they started to chatter. A number of things came up, but in the back of everyone’s mind there was only one topic that anyone cared about. ‘So she wants to...
Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...
Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...
By mid-morning the Hanson’s had managed to get Allyson back to their house. Mrs. Hanson, Audra, helped her upstairs and back into Paul’s bedroom. Allyson had been given a heavy dose of antibiotics, a mild pain killer, and a sedative to calm her down. Audra was thankful the doctors had medicated her so heavily since it had made it easier to get her settled. All the way back Allyson tried valiantly to assert herself, she insisted she’d soon be OK and able to start back out on her own. Audra knew...
“Really?” she asks me with a curious smile. “That’s what some psychological studies have suggested”, I reply. A psychoanalytical suggestion that men are attracted to the female’s butt because it stands for the breasts seems to intrigue Allyson, my 19 years old Australian student. She is one of the most lively and vivacious girls amongst the 31 odds students from Italy, France, Chile, Argentina, US, India, Iran, Japan, Korea and Australia who are in the international graduate exchange programme...
TabooI don't normally write from a male perspective... so, go easy on me :)--I was, by any measure, a successful man. Finance director at a Fortune 500 company, fast car, beautiful wife, gorgeous home in an affluent part of town. I had it all, yet I threw it all away and became a sissy bitch with barely a second thought. And it all started with Cally.Cally owned my world and she didn't even know it. She was one of the P.A.s from across the hall. She worked for Hunter Chesterton, if I remember...
Fourteen year old Adam writhed in pain. He was lying on his bed with nipple clamps attached firmly to his chest and handcuffs securing him to the bed frame. Intermittently his 17 year old step brother Callum whipped him across his bare chest with a flogger further increasing his discomfort. I should say at this point the story isn’t going to be about the bondage games Adam and Callum played together. You see, when Callum and his mother had first moved in with Adam the two boys discovered they...
It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Adam was relaxing in his room when he heard a sudden shattering of glass downstairs. He ran down the stairs to find one of the front windows was now in pieces all over the floor, a frisbee laid on the carpet in amongst the glass. Just as moved to the door to look for the culprits the door bell sounded. Two girls from his school, Tilly and Summer, stood at the doorstep with guilty expressions on their faces.?Hi.? Said Tilly. ?We’re really sorry but it was us...
I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...
I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...
Gay MaleNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi I am Jon and I am 26 years old and married to Beth who is 21 years old . We have been married for just over six months and live in a very nice house bought by means of a legacy left to me by my Grandfather. When I met Beth she was just over 19 years old and she is a raven hared beauty and I fell in love at first sight. After courting her for a month I tried to have sex with her but she said that she was not going to have sex until she married, but...
IncestWith Sarah Goodwoman's kind permission, here is a continuation of her short story WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN, an excellent little slice-of-life tale about the everyday hassles of trans people, which you might want to read first. Both stories are very short, and together won't take up much of your time. ===========================0 WHAT ABOUT BOB? (What About the Children Part 2) Laika Pupkino 2017 ===========================0 Esther Krumnagle was furious! The pervert---one of these...
The Bunk’d actress now in her 8th season of shooting the Disney show in 2025 being 19 now gets an audition for her ‘first ever movie…it is a Horror/Thriller where she will be paid $20 Million Dollars…more if the movie does really good, the studio wants her for the lead role saying she would be perfect for it as she reads the script reviving a long forgotten and deeply repressed memory of something that happened to her when she was 15, something so horrible and frightening she ‘blocked out the...
Mind ControlHer tits were huge and old Bob loved sucking them. She was his live in sex toy. He was rich and loved huge tits. He had been sucking them for over an hour. He also had a nine inch cock and took pills to make him a great lover. She was twenty six and Bob was sixty eight. Her big tits had bought her many lovers and when she got the offer to live with bob so he could suck her tits and fuck her any time he wanted she was happy to oblige him. His rules were no underwear and he could suck and fuck...
I bridged over to Bob and told him what had happened, that two nights in a row I had apparently been 'bridged' by someone else, into the dreams of someone I didn't know. "Have you considered that maybe it was really just a fantasy?" Bob suggested. "We thought of that after the first one, but twice in two nights, surrounding the same person, whom I don't know? And my ring was gone. If it was a fantasy, it was someone else's. Let me tell you about it and see if you come to the same...
Amy I could tell was getting horny, I could see her tiny nipples getting hard and the way she was teasing Tom it would be no time until he led her to the pool house for fun. After a few minutes me and Mandi could hear them going at it hard and heavy. Mandi came out of the pool in one of those Fast times moments, toweled off and joined me on a pool chair. We shot the breeze for a few when she came out and said “I am bored and horny, please do me too, I'm not a virgin” This got my 25 yo 12 inch...
Before I left Chuck's house I asked if I could change into my last outfit for Bob and Chuck agreed. When I finished I has on a one piece out of a short black skirt that barely covered my ass and a sheer black top that easily displayed my tits and a pair of 6" stiletto heels. "OH fuck baby" Chuck said when he saw me come out of his bathroom "You're one fuckin' great lookin' whore" he added and I moved up and kissed him nice and tenderly. When I backed off, "Thanks lover" I said to him "Maybe...
Plain old Bob Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name, like the rest of my life doesn't make me stand out. Bob. Plain old Bob. I'm only 5'7" tall, average to thin build, weighing maybe 135. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Just your average fellow. Not big enough to play on a sports team, not smart enough to hide behind a geeky face, or even try acting. My tenor voice doesn't carry well I was told. I don't even have a girlfriend. All in all, I go through the endless...