- 3 years ago
- 25
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Today was the day.
Bleary eyes focussed on the halo of light around the curtains. He stretched out from a foetal position. Scratching a day’s growth, cotton-mouthed, anticipation pushed away the lethargy.
It was platonic, and should always be platonic.
Washed clean, he towelled himself, accompanied by birdsong from the ajar window. Light and alert, his body illuminated by bright sunlight through the frosted glass.
He spied the aftershave on the shelf, too much effort, too overt.
They were friends, for months, it had to be that way.
He dressed, shorts, pressed, a polo shirt, new. Descending the stairs, there it was. The plywood case, between new and used, sharp-edged and brass-buckled. She said nine-on-the-dot, enough time for breakfast, and lunch cooled in the fridge.
Peering through the window, it inspired a smile: an acid azure sky.
The doorbell rattled like a marble in a tin can. The bite of ice-cold apple juice salved his nerves.
Each footstep elevated the thumping in his chest; through the mottled glass, she was there.
Face-to-face for the first time at the weekend, “Morning Amy.”
“Morning!” Effervescent as always and her bright eyes twinkled for him. Her lustrous brown hair dappled by the morning sun, “Ready?”
“Absolutely,” and Jack reciprocated her welcoming smile.
“Amy? You’ve done something with your hair, it looks great. Really suits you.”
“Aw, thank you.”
Lunch in the coolbag, he grabbed the case. The letterbox clattered when the front door shut.
He snored; he always snored after a heavy night at the pub. Amy always gravitated towards the dip in the bed he made.
Caught between dreams and awake, a single thought was all it took. The curdling heat rose, today was the day. He held her close, silent, with determination in his eyes. Embraced in his strong arms, the graze of her lips onto his stoked the inferno. Taken in hand, so rigid and primed for her. She would guide him in.
A loud snuffle and the coarse exhalation of stale breath yanked her daydream away.
She could do it now, and have him just like this. A furtive caress stirred her viscous juices. The vibrancy of her imagination compelled her. Wake the sleeping lump, pretend it was him, and alleviate this ache.
Something to placate the physical need, not her emotions. It had been like this for months.
Morality scorched her design, a moment of lust for a permanent memory of regret. She knew the words his friends used behind her back: doormat, plain, boring, arty-farty.
Procrastination was something she did tomorrow, that changed, not that he noticed.
Months of gym work and countless hours of aerobic classes, not that he noticed.
She substituted glasses for contact lenses, a makeover consultation and new clothes.
Not that he noticed.
Yesterday, her hair coloured, expensive, not that he noticed.
She yearned for more and craved fulfilment.
Not that he noticed. Snuffling like a pig, he snored.
Propped against the kettle, Amy left a note. The letterbox clattered when the front door closed.
Dabbing at three colours on the palette, Jack huffed, and reached for another tube of oil.
Amy peered over, “Yes, that one, the empty square mark on the tube is a transparent colour. It’s perfect for the sky and those faint wisps of cloud.”
He looked towards her, “Oils are tricky, I should stick to watercolour.”
She saw the child in his eyes, “Oils are more expressive. They have a texture that entertains the eye. It will be worth it, promise.”
Glancing back at her car, parked under the broad canopy of the solitary oak tree, she felt his gaze upon her. Turning back, Jack averted his eyes.
“How’s Rosheen?”
He shrugged, “I wouldn’t know, we split up last week.”
“Aw Jack, I’m sorry to hear that.”
Still dabbing at his palette, “It’s okay, I did the splitting up. We wanted different things.”
“Different things?” Her nonchalant tone just right, “If you don’t mind me asking…”
“I don’t mind. There’s a bit more to me than rugby and drinking songs. I know I’m more complicated. I think she thought I was being difficult.”
“Oh, I see.”
He gave a weak smile, “I’m sorry, I know she’s your friend. I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings, it wasn’t a row or anything.”
“No need to apologise. Rosheen is capable of looking after herself, she’ll be fine.”
“That’s good to know.” His smile broadened, “We were hardly star-crossed lovers. A few dates, nothing more.”
Amy already knew.
Seriously, when your Mammy says it’s th’ strong silent types you have to be lookin’ out for… that’s fair enough. I just wish me Ma told me about some’at else. Yer know? Jack’s fuckin’ blessed. A big lad downstairs. I only wanted a bit of fun. He’s such a taciturn soul, pity he’s too serious for me.
Lost in concentration, Jack did not notice Amy’s admiring gaze.
He was not the pallid tortured soul attracted to art. In profile, smooth skin kissed by the sun. His enigmatic congeniality rested easily on handsome features. Those piercing eyes cut through her self-restraint. In those dimpled smiles of delight, she lost her train of thought. A perfect blend of athleticism and muscle, baser thoughts lingered on the bulge in his shorts.
This afternoon together was torture. Amy wanted to be different, Jack thought she was the same.
Last night in the pub, Rosheen told her everything, blow-by-blow, graphic and colourful. Amy tried not to fidget. Her legs clamped shut, she felt the heat within. What was it with Jack? What had he done to her? She was demure, a wallflower, someone that never spoke up, or out of turn.
Her panties were sodden.
Alone in bed, wide-awake, her inhibitions dissolved by wine. Naked skin caressed by fresh cotton sheets, her imagination made it his touch upon her. An idle hand roamed. Would he touch her like this? How would he make love to her? Gently, probably, and butterflies stirred in her stomach. Relenting, she wanted him to fuck her with all his might. Take her until her eyes rolled back in their sockets.
The half-forgotten item in her pedestal seized her. Rummaging through her panties, she found it. The thrum, alive in her grasp, an unknown quantity from old batteries, it would do.
She would undress him. Laid on the bed naked, his muscular body taut. She would approach, naked too. A visual temptation until she knelt beside him. Meandering fingers traced over the definition of his body. Haughty eyes tempted and her touch beguiled his hunger into words.
The vibrating tip circled the sensitive hood of her clit. The fire raged, automatic hips joined the clamour.
“Not yet,” she muttered, “Not yet.”
It would fill with blood and she would ogle the thick chord of his erection, ominous, caught between dread and lust. His balls tight, their contents were hers. Holding it, stroking it, she stared into his pleading eyes.
She rested between his legs. Taken in hand, his rigid shaft pressed to her cheek. A wandering caress ranged over his defined torso, and his urgent words pleaded. Eye-to-eye, her tongue traced around the juicy corpulent head. Into her mouth, his deep groans were her reward.
Her body raced faster than her mind, “Fuck!”
Pressing the toy into her folds, she moved on the rise and fall of the thrum.
He took control and the heft of his girth made her into a woman. Clinging to his body, he would discover all of her desires. If he stuttered or stalled, she would take over, and show him more.
The fluidity of her body accelerated and she mimicked the motion.
“More,” she whispered, “more.”
They moved with the grace of swallows, they swooped and rose as one. Inextinguishable, consumed by his power, she had to relent. The bulk of his body against hers, yet she clung on and matched his every move.
Orgasm after orgasm, lost in the ebb and flow of sexual congress. Until she implored him for it, and he filled her with his essence.
Buried deep in her sex, toes pointed, she shook in rising tremors. For a moment, disconnected from reality, a kaleidoscope of colour exploded behind her eyelids. The pillow muffled her anguished cries. Trembling, she endured its savagery, until her abdominals tightened for another. Shoulders down, her hips raised off the bed, heels dug in, she thrashed as it rattled through her.
The toy withdrawn, her torpid body glowed. She opened the drawer, threw it in and slammed it shut.
Lost in the dreamy haze of soporific warmth; she succumbed.
In the midst of the coastline, a promontory stuck out as a fat finger to the defiant sea: still and asleep. Vales of pasture, rolled towards them, clipped into parcels by hedgerows. A copse of trees punctured the vista. An occasional seagull competed with hedgehoppers and cried to break the tranquillity.
“Amy, how do you know about this place?”
“Through friends, it’s farmland. Don’t worry we have permission. Beautiful isn’t it?”
“It’s so peaceful.” He snorted, “Last year, if you told me I would be doing this, I really wouldn’t believe you.”
“Why do you, Jack?”
“The sense of calm,” it shot from him like a bolt of lightning, “I always liked to draw, I had no idea how difficult this was though.”
She giggled, “I could not bear to see you struggle in class. Besides, I like helping you.”
Looking at her, he grinned, “I like it too. I think I got the better deal though.”
“You did. You helped me in the gym, I helped you paint.”
He sniggered with her.
The simple things mattered so much, these easy conversations, no tongue-tied moments. The gym work emboldened her. From baggy t-shirts and shorts to her lissom figure revealed in body-hugging lycra. It was for his benefit.
Peering at his canvas, short jabs of paint forced a sigh of relief.
“Yes, Jack, that’s it, you got it, light on top of colour. They are wisps of cloud, delicate, transitory.”
“Thanks. Amy, do you think we’ll get this down in one go?”
“Maybe,” she surmised, “Depends on how much you want to finish it. Take a photo now, just in case, the mid-day light is perfect.”
Reaching for his camera, he captured the image. Turning to face her, she laughed as a mild protest. Fighting through the metallic nervousness, she swallowed it down and struck a pose.
Waves of crimson hair, loose tresses caught a sea breeze. Wide eyes smiled and matched the curl of contentment on full painted lips. The speckled dress pushed taut by the wind. Amy knew it revealed the outline of her lithe figure and unfettered full breasts.
The frisson of the shutter added to the clamour that swelled within. A sudden pang rose, instinctively, she suppressed it. She forced it and relented, the fantasy rattled through her body. So remote here, she could pose for him naked.
“Hungry, Jack?”
Comely eyes fixed on his, an expression to lure him. Amy left it there as a double entendre. She had never been so overt: a plea for attention.
A wistful smile followed, “Yes, let’s eat.”
It sloshed into the plastic cup, “It stayed chilled just long enough to enjoy it properly.”
“We shouldn’t really,” opined Jack, “you need to drive us back.”
He held out his cup too.
“By the time we are finished here, I’ll have sobered up. The light will be good for hours yet.”
“Fair enough, so if we have the time, I could use a walk later, stretch my legs. You?”
She nodded, “Yes, we have plenty of time.”
They laid on the blanket with all the decadence of a languid feast. He made her favourite things to eat as a picnic and let her talk about her favourite subjects.
“You look so relaxed, Jack, it suits you.”
Summoning all her courage, the wine helped, and loosened her inhibitions. A lilt to her head, hair draped as a curtain, she swept it from her face. Narrowed eyes burned for him, her glance flickered to his lips, and met his concerned eyes. The caress of her fingers from his forearm to sturdy bicep meant he fumbled his words.
“Amy, you shouldn’t…”
What were flames of lust all morning raged as a furnace. Listening to her body, instinct took over.
Tender and enticing, those fingers caressed his brawny shoulder; a gentle hand cradled the back of his head. Simpering lips homed in on his. As their focus blurred, his eyes closed first. Into the void, a sense deprived, placed softly onto his lips, they tasted of wine. Its delicate vacuum spoke for her. His denial conquered, he reciprocated. The realisation rocketed through her body.
“Amy… I…”
She pressed forward, he rolled prone. The yin and yang of their bodies slotted together. Her leg looped over his thigh, he would feel her heat now. He reared up, scrabbled for words, and she captured his lips again. The caress of tongue against tongue and his moan of need thrummed through her.
A temptress kiss followed, full and unbridled. His gentle strength relented, the outline of his ardour pressed against her abdomen. She ached for weeks and it flooded from her. Taking his hand, she pressed it to her breast.
He recoiled, fighting the pleasure with a last redoubt of decency.
Hushing him, she placed a solitary finger on his lips, “I left him this morning. I should have done it months ago. I cannot bear this any longer. I want you and I… I can’t help myself.”
She watched the realisation dawn on him.
“Tell me you want me, Jack.”
“I do, God, I do…”
He lunged for her, wanton, lip-locked, they snorted for air. His broad hand, a shovel, surprised her with its deft touch. Kneading her breast, he tantalised its hardened nub. She would show him everything, guide him and tutor him. A first, she would assert herself.
She took his hand, and led it between her thighs, it cupped her sex. Only flimsy damp satin left to conquer. Her hand pulled them aside, the seconds felt like hours. His first touch signalled with a soft whimper and an urgent kiss. Finding her clitoris, she melted as their tongues danced.
The motive force of her desire compelled her. Legs straddled his body, and swift hands pulled the dress up over her head. Kneeling, she unhooked her panties from each leg. Nostrils filled with ozone, Amy swept her hair to one side, and the breeze tingled the nape of her neck. She quivered before him, bared in body and soul.
“You are beautiful,” he gasped.
“You are too.”
Her upturned eyes pleaded, she took his hand. Pressed to her springy breast, the alacrity in his eyes completed the rout.
“Let me do this, Jack.”
“Amy… this isn’t like you…”
“It is,” she purred, “this is what you do to me.”
For weeks, her flirtation incensed him. Spellbound now, beyond his comprehension, Amy the dormouse roared.
Watching him, curled lips leered with permission; her restless hands rattled the sturdy belt buckle. The rasp of the metal fly broke the silence and seagulls cried. His internalised alarm written on his face, she giggled, and pulled on his hips.
He tried to find words that might reduce her determination. When she held him in hand, and stroked it, she witnessed his need on those handsome features. Rigid and hot, she could not close her fingers around its girth.
Exchanging a glance, hope in his eyes, and the promise of a carnal act in hers.
“You were going to say something, Jack.”
“No… no I wasn’t.”
“You don’t need to.”
She let him enjoy her body, strong hands swooped over every curve. Over her breasts, along her waist, thumbs tickled her abdomen. Down to the confluence of her thighs, and a solitary digit penetrated her.
Amy showed him its pleasure. Seizing his wrist, she took the finger to her lips. Sucking it, his gaze weakened. Distracted, she took his girth in hand and eased down.
“Amy… Oh God…”
Just the first inch or so, she fought the need for more, and savoured his capitulation.
“Tell me you want this?”
“Yes… yes I want this so much.”
Easing down, she braced against his body. Gratifying her instantly, the delicate movement of careful hips fed in more. Inch by delicious inch, the ecstasy soared through her.
“How long… fuck…” and she gasped, “how long have you wanted this?”
“Since I first saw you…”
“Why did you deny yourself?”
“Because… because you were with someone.”
“Not anymore, I am with you now, and I want us to be together.”
He groaned, “Yes, yes, I want that so much.”
Alone, in the open field, the tall hedgerow hid them from the farm track. The smear of her hips sent peals of syrupy bliss through her core. She showed him with her eyes. The delicious friction boiled her blood and compelled her for more.
She took the tender kiss, perfect in the moment, “Be gentle with me, Jack.”
Tugging at his polo shirt, she freed it from his body. His shorts and underwear kicked free. Pressing down, she swirled her hips, and ground her throbbing clit against his pubic bone. The heft of hot thick muscle made her taut sex pulse. Steering her body between the fine line of pleasure and pain, she drove down, pitched up and he responded to fill her again.
“Mmmm…” she purred. “You are hungry aren’t you?”
Groaning, he had to swallow, “I can’t help it.”
A consoling hand caressed his face, “Then don’t fight it, I’ve watched you… I’ve watched you struggle. Give in, let me take you.”
She took his hands, pulled them aloft, and interlaced her fingers with his.
Fully impaled, her knuckles whitened, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
Adapted to his girth, she drove down, it made her breasts quiver. Lowering a hardened nipple to his mouth, his velvet tongue flicked it. Hardwired to her sex, the clash of their bodies raised her first moans. Clattering down upon him, he reared up and met her at its apex. As windows to the soul, they stared into each other’s. She steered and soft words guided him. The clash of bodies rose against thrill birdsong; every gasp matched the animation of her body.
“Jesus, this feels incredible.”
He growled, “You are amazing, please… don’t stop.”
She slowed, he was there for her, she took him harder, and he was there too. He strove to match her, caress for caress, thrust for thrust. The walls of muscle tensed, it seized her effortless movements.
“I can’t sit up like this… I… I…”
He lent up to meet her, “Like this.”
Pulling her body into a lotus position, an outstretched arm cantilevered her body against his. Eyelids weighted by desire, their unbroken stare for each other propelled her hips. The ratchet tightened with croaky gasps and urgent yelps. Pawing her breast, rolling that sensitive nipple, her restraint crumbled. Panting louder, the vice-grip of her sex tightened and the ecstasy pushed her to the brink.
“Oh God… I can’t hold back.”
He swept a hand over her fevered brow, and held her close. Her arms wrapped around his neck, she had it, all of him. Breasts mashed to his torso, nostrils filled with his scent.
A cry, her first, and she plunged for it. Gruff words of encouragement provoked an outpouring of emotion. Her sex grasped against unyielding muscle; his strong embrace held her firm. Safe and wanted, she relented. Sobbing for air, the tremors rattled through her, the crashing waves came next. She quivered and flailed and his lips pressed to hers.
“Oh God, oh God…” endlessly repeated until she stilled.
Scooped up in his arms, Jack rolled her onto the blanket. Flushed, apple-cheeked, those bee-stung lips deserved this loving kiss. He moved as effortless quicksilver. A languid rhythm whilst she fought for breath. Driven by an elusive sensation, rich and rewarding, it reanimated her desire. Another stolen kiss, filled with tenderness, he rose above her.
Legs opened wide to receive him, slender hands roamed over his muscular body.
“Like this, Jack, I want to feel you when you come.”
“Inside you?”
“Yes… yes… it’s yours now.”
She bore down on his shaft and they writhed loins-to-loins. Amy watched how he laboured, the next breath shallower than the last. His muscles tied as he fought to expel it.
A hand caressed his face, in a silent exchange, he nodded.
“I’m close.”
She joined in with undulating hips to tempt his deliverance. The swell of his girth grew, the symbiosis of their bodies: the birth of a loving bond.
“It’s okay, let go, cum for me...”
Pressed to her lips, the dance of their tongues stifled his clamour. Desperate shoves followed and she pulled on his behind. Teasing his nipple, the moment came. The spasms inside her sex raced faster than his thumping chest. Taking it deep, she felt every pulse.
The caress of her fingers through his damp hair eased him to a halt.
Breathless, they shared a feverish smile.
His helpless expression consoled with a gentle kiss, “Hello, boyfriend.”
“Hello, girlfriend.”
And they laughed.
On brilliant white walls, vignettes of oil on canvas were mounted for the appraisal of others. Amy smiled at him from afar. Jack dealt with another journalist, just the local newspaper this time. Time had not aged him and he stood proud as he always did. They shook hands, his warm smile, it still made her body sing.
It did not waver as he made his way to her. She saw it in his eyes. Every day he told her and they rode the rollercoaster of life together, side-by-side.
“Hello, my silver fox, had enough adulation for one day?”
“Hello, my beautiful lady, your love is all that matters.”
Amy sniggered, “Silver Fox? Silver-tongued devil more like.”
“He wanted to know who the woman in the picture is, the vivacious beauty in the speckled dress. He wondered what that twinkle in her eye meant.”
“Oh, he did, did he?”
Jack nodded, “It’s our secret, always will be.”
And with a kiss, they would be forever young.
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Hi In my last story, I had told you how I and my mom got involved in hot incest sex. We had become habitual in our acts and fucked around without inhibitions. We visited our granny’s place for two months. Mom was free but since granny was around we could only cope a feel now and then. At one point I got so horny, I just fingered my mom to quick orgasm at night. One day granny left for a marriage leaving both of us home. I kept sleeping till granny left and held on to my hard cock. Then I...
IncestHi 2 all incest lovers. I recently discovered its website and I am very happy 2 share my experience..ok let me introduce my family… my da 48 who z working. We r above than the middle class family…..we r four in numbers, next z my mom she z 42 yrs old she got stiff boobs and beautiful ass….her figure z 38-34-36….and next my sister she z 22… Ok start the stories……nothing happened until i finsih 10th exam…in my holidays, my sister got married….everything went well…after the day of marriage.my dad...
IncestEven with the worries over the pain in Harry's lower back, the young women were feeling a sense of relief, an easing of the worry and fear they'd been living under since the attack. They were finally convinced that given time to heal, Harry was going to be okay. The men that had hurt him had been dealt with and no one had any doubt that Benjamin Sapperstein was living on borrowed time. Nicki'd gone to take a nap, so Carol and Kelly had wasted no time getting naked and falling into each...
Come with me now, sweet Rosie. I have a special space prepared, here in this world we share - here only, in our minds. The light is soft and golden - candlelight. The bed is wide and soft, and laid with silk and fur. Soft music; a sensual Middle Eastern beat, exotic, rhythmic. Oh, look; here is a bottle of scented oil...Lie down. Yes. Nude, barefoot and shaven smooth, all of you bare for my pleasure. And your own....Give me your mouth, my Rose. It's been so long. Just a touch, a moment's...
Love StoriesMaggie lay back on her sunlounger. It felt so good to feel the sun on her body. She revelled in the Brazilian heat and reached into her bag for some tanning oil. She thought how lucky she was to be staying at such a luxurious hotel. After a hard day working yesterday, it was a lovely feeling to have the day off today.The pool area was designed to look like a lagoon with shallow areas sloping from a simulated beach. It curved around waterfalls and incorporated strategically placed tropical...
VoyeurMy name is Mary Heinz and I am a 53 years old woman. I have a 22 year old daughter, Elizabeth, who lives across town in a duplex she shares with her two cats, Chief and Mia. I have been married for 31 years to a wonderful husband and provider, Phillip Heinz. I used to be what men called "cute" but as I have aged cute has turned into nice looking. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall, weigh 122 pounds and have shinny black hair that runs down my back. My bust is a 34C. Why do I tell you these personal...
Maggie woke with a start. For a brief instant she experienced one of those panic-filled "Where am I?" moments. It was dark. She stretched and looked at the hotel clock. It was after nine at night. "Bugger," she thought. "I've slept through dinner."Maggie got up and wandered over to the window. The curtains were still open and she caught sight of her own reflection in the floor to ceiling window. Her body still glistened from the after-sun oil she had applied earlier. The white of her heavy...
SeductionAfter the longest week I could remember, I came home to drown my sorrows with a long, hot shower. I stripped down and stepped in, feeling my cares begin to melt away under the hot droplets cascading down my body. As I slowly soaped out the aches and pains from my tired muscles I suddenly decided to see if I could get in a session with my massage ther****t. This would just be what the ther****t ordered, so to speak, after such a long week. I tried to call but there was no response. Damn. A sure...
Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket on an icy cold winter's night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her `slumber of the dead' a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired, weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled; it felt like floating on a fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of...
OIL ON CANVAS; A WORK IN PROGRESS The boy stood watching us, uninhibited, as Andrea and I attempted to re-arrange our dishevelled appearances. Only moments before, my friend's face had been buried deliciously between my thighs. Her lips were still damp and glistening from her foray. My shirt was open, my tits exposed, hard little nipples protruding eagerly. How embarrassing! I was aware of a deep, warm blush flooding my cheeks, this seemed to amuse him. His eyes played greedily over my body...
ToysThis is a true story .... NOTE: My Hubby is Bi One week day teatime me and my husband had been busy doing jobs around the home throughout the day the kind of jobs men put off until there wife nags at them and they do them just to shut you up. So setting the scene it had been a long day for both of us we where fed up and the weather wasn't the greatest.We both took turns having a long soak in the bath me ( Wife ) went first then I ran a fresh bath for hubby and thought hmm while he's in the...
The best corpse oil should be obtained from a corpse which fulfils the following criteria: 1. Female 2. Young (below 30 years old) and beautiful 3. Pregnant for the first time 4. At least 7 months pregnant 5.The unborn fetus must still be in the dead woman?s womb 6. Died from unnatural causes, preferably murdered The corpse must be dug up and brought to a (un)holy man for the ritual to be performed within 9 days of her death. It must be done at a particular time at night...
The best corpse oil should be obtained from a corpse which fulfils the following criteria: 1. Female 2. Young (below 30 years old) and beautiful 3. Pregnant for the first time 4. At least 7 months pregnant 5.The unborn fetus must still be in the dead woman’s womb 6. Died from unnatural causes, preferably murdered The corpse must be dug up and brought to a (un)holy man for the ritual to be performed within 9 days of her death. It must be done at a particular time at night...
I was telling a guy this story and he said I should post it :D I was out partying one night when I met a guy I used to know.We were chatting a bit when I started to remember how hot he was in bed.:P He offered me a drink and after a couple we headed to his place.I couldn't contain myself as I was tingling with excitement.As we were driving along my hand started wandering..i could feel his cock was already hard..so I leaned over and unzipped his pants..I reached in and pulled out his cock.It...
Hello, guys … My name is Kunal. I am from Mumbai working in an mnc at a good position. I also work as a relationship coach and mentor. So, ladies , you can share your feelings and emotions with me regarding relationship and you will get best support and advice from me .. You can email me your worry on Ladies, you can be rest assured about secrecy and privacy from my side … Now coming to this story, I have posted my ad related to this on one social networking and I got a reply from a...
After being given a task of writing a story with oil and a knife (not my thing I must add) this is what I came up with.I had fallen out with my wife, an argument over nothing but had escalated probably unnecessarily as we both gave each other the silent treatment.It had been nearly 4 weeks since I last had sex, and my balls were busting. The hot summer days didn't help.I was working installing timber decking in the garden of a rather well to do lady, fit, early forties and a great body but such...
Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...
Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...
MILFHii, ISS readers. I am Rohan 24 years old from Bangalore. Straightaway I’ll get into the story. If you like my story you can mail me at . Any aunties, girls from Bangalore can contact me for massage and sex. Feel free to mail me and ask. And please don’t ask photos and contact number of Usha aunty. The heroine of the story is Usha aunty, 39 years old with 10 years old son. She was so sexy with 36-32-36. We stayed on the 4th floor. My mom would keep sending me to her house to help. Her husband...
Hi hello dosto kese ho aap sab.. Me ek bar fir se hajir hu apni nayi kahani ke sath.. Kafi jyada time ho gaya new story likhne me.. Kya kare dosto time nikalte kaha der lagti he.. Story thodi lambi he kyu ke sachi bat badi hi hoti he .To jyada born a karte huve mera intro dedu.. Me maulik gujrat jamnagar se hu or mene 3-4 story (aap biti)is site pe batayi he..Aap logo ke bahot sare mail aye kafi accha laga… mari story (mami sathe akhirat maja kari) (bhabhi or uski bahen ko choda) (junagadh se...
Hi hot bhabhis & girls, I am returning back to ISS after long time. Thanks to all of you sending me lot off replies and chatting. Mai aaj apko ek sacchi story sunane ja raha hu. Ye story meri ek story se shuru hui hai. Meri story “mera pahla ….” ke reply me ek bhabhi se shuru hui hai. Uska nam kajal hai aur wo ahmedabad se hai. Wo mere sath chatting karti thi bahot sexy sexy baate karti thi. Mai bhi use chodne ke mood me tha. Ek din use puch liya ke mai thume chodna chahata hu to wo maan gai...
It was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...
"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...
My name is Maggie, and my husband, Ed, and I were living and working in Pennsylvania at the beginning of this story. He was thirty years old and I was twenty-eight. Ed has been working in the oil fields since he got out of high school and had been a wireline operator for the last eight years. I earned an associate degree in computer technology and have been working as a computer support manager at a small manufacturing company. We were making good money, with Ed earning eighty thousand dollars...
CuckoldIn last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...
Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...
Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...
In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...
You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...
Hi sexstory doston mai raj. Jaise app muje jaante hi hai aur agar aapne meri pehli wali sexstory padhi hongi tho aapko pata hi hoga ki divya kon hai. So uss din pub ke terrace pe sex karne ke baad mai aur divya jab bhi milte kuch adventerous zaroor karte. Tho doston hum sab mumbai mai rehte hai. Koi mumbai se muje milna chahe ya baate karni ho tho pe mail kare ya pe mail ya hangouts wala message kare. So doston story pe aate hue. Mai ek saturday ki dopahar apne ek reader ke saathvideo call pe...
Hi friends mai raj, sorry bade dino baad indian sex kahani likh raha hu. Ye kahani sacchi hai ekdum 100%. Tho doston ye kahani hai mere dost ki behen divya ki. Divya ki umar 23 saal hai aur rang brown hai. Uske baal uske boobs tak hai aur uski aankhon ka. Wo mast slim hai aur jaise kai ladkiyon ki jaanghe yani thigh’s ka insie wala part chipakta hai waise uske nahi chipakti aur iske wajah se jab vo shorts ya tight jeans pehnti hai tab uski gand kya mast dikhti hai aur usko doggy style chodne ka...
Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...
“Hi handsome, how are you,” said Claudia to me, and I immediately reached over and cupped her breasts and moved in to kiss her.We began to kiss deeply while I felt her large 38E breasts in my hands. Claudia’s mouth tasted like a very sweet pussy and I now realized what Angela tasted like. I reminded myself that I’d have to get myself a first-hand taste of Angela later that evening if at all possible.As we broke off our long kiss, I replied, “I’m doing great now baby, so nice to meet you...
Hi, ISS reader and thanks for good response of my last story of Mature Horney Lady – especially to those ladies who is starved for sex and not getting oral sex from their hubby I am from Mumbai and my e-mail id is As said I get so many contact from this Divya now I became body massager, pussy hair trimmer, and pussy licker. As mentioned in the previous story my wife is also not having interest in oral sex so I am also starving for oral sex mainly special interest is licking the pussy of...
Hi readers. I am Jinshath, and I’m a reader in ISS. This is one of my stories that happened, in my life but not anymore. I live in Bangalore. My aunt does too. She has 2 kids very young ones. She is little fluffy to look at, but the ass is very fine. The perfect medium ass, tits and little fatty stomach. She is brunette in her 20’s. She always combs her hair and always oiled and so it looks wet sometimes and sexy always. One day, as I was watching tv in my home my visited had visited the house...
IncestDear friends, I received a few mails and comments to my previous story titled “Divya And My Love Life – Part I”. I am Hitesh and this story is the sequel to the first, about how our relationship was given consent by our family. You may read the previous here: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/divya-love-life-part/ Divya and I came up with an idea, which could make things simpler. She didn’t take pills after our 1st love-making. Instead, she and I looked out options of more sessions. We...
IncestThis is a story I wrote for a grandpa type who I used to chat with online.I have been going to the same mechanic for years and last week needed just an oil change. It was late on a Friday afternoon, after work, so I decided to just drive by and see if Joe was available. He was closing up the gate as I pulled up so I asked if he had time for a quick oil change. "Sure Mark, anything for you, but I have one ahead of you if you don't mind waiting a bit.", he told me. "No problem Joe, here's the...
“This should be fun to watch,” added Maddy.To our left, on the end of the couch, I watched Randy spitting all over Bobby’s hard cock, and sucking on it really aggressively. She took it out of her mouth and started stroking it hard, and was begging him to come on her face.“Give it to me baby, come on, I want your hot come all over my face,” and she put his cock back in her mouth and started gagging heavily on it.“Oh yea, ok…here it comes…ahhhhhhhh” moaned Bobby as Randy took his cock out of her...
Sir, Boss, Master, ALPHA, GOD…. They are just words. Billy is all of these things; 6’4”, muscle, ripped, tattooed, pure power, the man, the top of the food chain.He Texts:6pm, worship me. Billy.I’m ready for him. Around 6:00 I hear the keycard open the door of the hotel room. I stand to greet him as the door opens and the room fills with his presence. Billy is fresh from the gym; his body is shining with sweat, his veins thick beneath his skin and pulsing with raw power. The vest he has...
January 1, 2007 Dayna She’d wanted to call the Grimes as soon as they were on their way back to the city, and then she’d looked at the time. Two-something Pacific Standard was after 4 in Chicago. Dayna had resolved to call them first thing when she woke up. She’d considered setting a wake-up call, but after the night they’d had... It felt to her like a walk of shame as they crossed the lobby. They’d left in their finery, and were coming back in ... well, Beebee hadn’t stinted on the...
Hello! Telugu lo puku kathalu chadive andariki naa Namasaramulu. Naa peru Ravi. Ela unnaru. Eeesari meeku maa intlo pani manishi gurunchi cheputanu. Dani peru Divya. Peruku taggattugane Divyanga untundi. 18-19 yella madya vayasu. Orange palla size lo sallu. Chetilo amiretanta gudda. Tellati rangu. Saripoyetanta height. Naa vayasu 42 years. Ante musalivadinani anukovaddu. Manchi exercise body 35 37 years vadilaga kanapaduta. . Assalu 40 – 50 madya vayasekada magadu dengatamlo mature ayyedi....
Wendy and Bill had been married almost seven years now and Wendy loved Bill with all her heart. He was everything she wanted in a man. He provided well for her, they had a nice home and he earned a good living. This allowed her work only part time. Bill worked very long hours and in return Wendy happily took care of the house. She viewed her ten hour a week job as mostly fun and a way to get out and see people. They had close friends that they enjoyed seeing...