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Gossip By Cassandra Morgan It is impressive in its mass, staggering in its force, frightening in its destruction. It travels faster than sound, faster than light, faster than thought. It is mean, and it is harsh, and it is deadly. It doesn't care who it hurts, or which lives it wrecks, or which souls it devours. It is the thing called gossip. And it is undefeated. Everyone plays a part. A snarky comment here, a spicy rumor passed on there, a tasty bit of innuendo everywhere. Oh, no one means anything by it - they never do. They just repeat this tidbit and that one along the coconut telegraph like a virus. And so it was that Seth Rogers sat in the cafe next to the pro shop of the St. Michael's Golf Course, sipping a Gatorade after a perfectly ordinary 18 holes. It was a warm afternoon in Southern Ohio, and Rogers had just spend another day chasing a white ball around a green field. He rode in a cart, but the called it exercise. Another golfer, Hank Simmons, walked into the restaurant and asked for a BLT and an iced tea. "Hit it straight and long?" Seth asked. Simmons shook his head. "Fairly straight," he said. "Not very long. I did hit it a lot, however." "Tell me about it That's the thing about golf. We all stink. Some of us worse than others." Hank sat at the table across from Seth. "I spend too damn much money and too much time on this shit," Hank said. "Yeah. Let's cut all the courses back to nine holes." "Maybe more than nine. How about 15?" "Sure. Then when I shoot a 79, it would sound better." The two men sat and talked about the weather, and the dogleg on 14, and politics. Seth talked about his new driver. Hank said that sand traps were the reason we didn't like the Middle East. The two switched to beer. The guy running the cafe put the Reds on the television. Finally, Seth brought it up. "You hear about your buddy Wilson?" he asked. "Jason? No, what about him?" Seth grinned. "No one told you?" he said, snickering. "These days, he's a her." He flopped his wrist as if to sugest that Jason was gay. "What are you talking about?" "I hear Jason went over the other side," Seth said. "He's a woman now. He minces around like the grandest fairy at the ball." "Bullshit," Hank said. "I saw Jason a few days ago. Well, maybe a week and a half ago. He's the same old guy. A knucklehead, but a guy." "Not what I hear," Seth said. "I think he's a RuPaul these days. Tits and all. He even had the operation." "You're full of it. You don't get those things overnight, and Jason didn't say a word to me about it." "I can see why he wouldn't. I wouldn't tell anyone if they cut my dick off, either." "They don't cut it off, dumbass," Hank said. "They....surgically alter it. I mean, that's what I've heard." Seth looked at Hank for a long while. "So you've checked sex-change surgery out, have you?" he asked. "No. God no. Where did you hear this about Jason?" "Everyone's talking about it. Her name is Jasmine now. From what I hear, she's a pretty good-looking homo. I mean, if you like that sort of thing." "Look, I still don't believe it. But even if Jason...Jasmine is a woman now, it doesn't make her gay." "No. Sucking dicks makes her gay," Seth laughed. "No fucking way." "Way. I hear she sucked Danny Cater's dick. Twice." "You're lying," Hank said. "If I'm lying, I'm dying," Seth said. "He butt-fucked her, too, in the alley behind the Rainbow Room. I hear she squealed." "I don't buy it. I've known Jason since high school. We played soccer together. We've, uh, we've showered together." "Did he offer to wash your ass?" Seth said, grinning. "Stop that. Jason has been married to Darci for 10 years or so." "Caitlyn Jenner was married to a woman for years. Had a lot of kids. Now look at her. Same thing with Jason." "Shit. Are you sure about this?" "Yeah," Seth said. "I mean, I haven't seen her myself, but a lot of folks are talking about it. Where these is smoke, there is fire." "Jesus. Jason's really a chick now?" "I always knew he was light in the loafers, Hank. You can tell. The way he looked at guys just isn't normal." "I...I guess not." "Hey, Manny," Seth called out to the heavy-set man at the cash register. "You hear about Jason Wilson?" "The tranny? Yeah, I've heard about him. He's a pervert. Some guys will do anything to be able hit off the ladies' tees." Seth laughed. He looked at Hank as if he were a reporter and had just found an independent source. "That's funny, Manny," Seth said. "Yeah. She spent the afternoon competing with the ball-washer," Manny said. "You're killing me, Manny," Seth said. "Nothing like making fun of sissies." "Hell, what else are sissies for?" Manny said. Seth turned back to Hank. "See. The guy's in panties now. He wears dresses. He dates men." "My God. I can hardly believe it." Seth shrugged. "Some guys like dick," he said. "I guess one of us was bound to. That damned closet is pretty big, you know?" "Still, Jason is ..." "Jasmine," Seth corrected him. "She's a knob polisher. A dick-smoker. Gayer than springtime." "Fuck," Hank said. "I hope nobody beats her ass." "Someone might," Seth said. "If her ass gets big enough, she might like it. Why? You thinking about her ass? That ass all covered in panties?" "Stop it," Hank said. But just for a second, maybe two, Hank couldn't help wondering what Jasmine's ass looked like. * * Darci Wilson moved slowly through the book store, searching for a book by Pat Conroy. "The River is Wide," was the title. She had to read it and be prepared for a discussion for her book club by the following Friday. She looked through the titles. They had "The Prince of Tides," of course. And "The Great Santini." But they didn't have "The River Is Wide." 'Darci!" she heard a voice. She looked up and Tara Ramsey, accompanied by Allie Jensen, were standing in front of her. "Oh, hi," Darci said. "What kind of trouble are you two making?" "Just shopping. Did you buy the Conroy yet?" "No. They don't have it, and I don't have time to order it online. Do you think Barnes and Noble has it?" "Maybe," Tara said. "I'd check if I were you." "Maybe you can get your girl to find it for you," Allie said. "My...girl?" Darci said. "Get off it, Darci," Tara said. "We've heard all about you taking Jason to fairyland and making him your bitch." "My...bitch?" Allie laughed. "Yeah. Tell me: Is she pretty? Do you really make her wear maid's dresses? Does she have to call you Mistress?" "I want to know if you make her curtsy and serve you drinks on a tray. I mean, now that she's your sissy and all." "What are you two going on about?" Darci said. "What's all this talk about sissies?" "Oh, so you're going to play I've-got-a-Secret now, huh?" Allie said. "Don't sweat it, girlfriend. The word is out. To tell the truth, I'd like to put Charlie in a dress, too. I'd love to see him mop the kitchen." "Hell, I'd even like to see Billy put his plate in the sink. How did you do it, Darci? How did you get a guy like Jason to give up being a man? Is he being punished? Did he cheat on you?" "You two are off the deep end," Darci said. "I'm not going to discuss my private life with you. Certainly not in the middle of a book store." "Hey, we didn't mean anything by it," Allie said. "Hell, I admire you. I think every woman should feminize their men. If they didn't like it so much, there wouldn't be nearly as many crossies out there as there are." "Yeah," Tara said. "I'd let Villy wear a dress if it meant no more macho bullshit. The world needs fewer men and more maids." "Girls, I appreciate your opinions," Darci said. "I really do. But my marriage is mine, you know? I'm not going to discuss it. No offense." Darci walked quickly toward the exit of the store. Behind her, Tara and Allie stood stunned taht she seemed to take offfense. After a pause, however, Tara grinned. "Did you catch that that wasn't a denial?" Tara said. "Which makes it a confirmation," Allie said. "I can't wait to see Jason in his little maid's dress," Tara said. "Or out of it," Allie said. * * And so Tara told Brenda, who told her husband Gregory, who told his sister Maggie, who told Kathy, who told Teresa, who told her bridge club, which included Lexie, who told James who told Bobby, who told J.R., who told Abby, who told Belinda, who told Gus, who told Kayla, who as a in group that included Kiki, who told Penny. Breanna heard about it from Nick, who was told by Susan, who heard about it from Toby, who read about it in an email from Donald. The rumors were like electrical sparks in the air, riding on their own energy. Pretty soon, it seemed that everyone had been told, and the new gossip became old, and the old gossip because accepted fact. They talked about Jasmine at the salon, and in the bars, at a meeting of the Rotarians. Everywhere. Everyone agreed that Jasmine was a woman now, and she had had breast augmentation and tattooed makeup and a tramp stamp the said 'sissy' on her lower back. People said he wore maid's dresses and little girls' party dresses and liked tiarras. She dated ex-convicts she had met in bars and at the halfway houses. She had to get penicillin for an STD. She had been arrested for solicitation but blew the cop to get out of it. There was disagreement over whether she had already had SRS or had just scheduled it. Jasmine was a prostitute, some said. Or she was a submissive. She danced at the Drag Line on weekends because she wanted to be a drag queen. During the week, you could find her in the Greyhound Station men's room. Someone had seen her at Macy's. Someone else had seen her in church. Someone had heard she had a sex chat room. As for Darcy, she was the witch who had planned all of this. She was dating a woman from the University of Cincinnati who had taught her all about being a domme. She liked using a small whip. She liked to pee on Jasmine. She fucked Jasmine with a dildo. Darci was going to divorce Jasmine, the word was. She was going to throw her fat ass out in the street. That was after she made a cuckold. Or Jasmine was going to be her maid, and she was going to clean for outsiders, too. Or they were going to be lesbians together. Jasmine was going to get even bigger implants, maybe a DD. Someone should pass a law against the transgender , someone said. Someone should protect our schools. It wasn't normal. But talking about it was delicious. On and on the whispers flew. You couldn't walk down the street without being hit in the eye by a rumor. Hell, sometimes, the person spreading the gossip didn't believe always it themselves. It didn't matter. All lies were welcome. The nastier the better. No one seemed to know from first-hand knowledge, of course. But everyone had been told this item from that person who heard it from a cousin who got it from a bartender who knew a guy who was married to a woman who worked with someone who frequented the porn stores. Jasmine was a skank, some said. A deviant, others said. A whore. A healthy woman who was catching up on her sex life. A fag who couldn't help herself. A hooker who was raising money for her breasts. The hooker you went to when you couldn't afford a real woman. She was all things to all bystanders. And she drew strong reactions -- hate, scorn, envy, lust, admiration, disgust, mockery, revulsion, desire. She was Jasmine. And she was a pariah. * * Gossip is relentless, and its teeth are sharp. It can be mean and humbling. It has been pointed and unforgiving. Sometimes, though, it can contain a grain of the truth. Jasmine Wilson stood in the middle of their bedroom. She was wearing a soft yellow dress with a billowing skirt. She had a blue scarf on and blue heels. Her nails matched the red of her lipstick. She smiled into the mirror and twirled as her wife applauded. "I wonder what people would say if they could see you now, girlfriend," Darci said, grinning. She pointed her cell phone at Jasmine and took another picture. "They'd think you were off to blow a sailor." "Funny," Jasmine said. "Give the gossip-mongers an inch, and they'll talk about me all over again." "Well, people do like to jabber, don' t they, Jazz?" Darci said. "But you're worth talking about." Jasmine moved around the room, light on her feet. After all, she had practiced for years, from the time when she had worn her sister's Gina's clothes. It never changed, this energy she drew from dressing. "I can see a little bulge, Jazz," Darci said, giggling. "Keep that up, and I'll get you a cage. Do you that would feed the rumor mill?" Jasmine grinned. She knew her wife was just joking. But then a cloud came over her face. "Why did we have to do it this way, Darci?" Jasmine said. It wasn't the first time she had raised the question. "We talked about this, Jasmine," Darci said. "You were the one who didn't want to just come out all at once. You said it was like jumping into the deep end. Remember? So we decided to let it leak, like politicians and sports teams do. A word to the hairdresser here, a hint to a waitress there, and suddenly, everyone knows about you. Gossip can be a good thing if you use it right." "Christ, Darci. By now, everyone knows." "And they won't be surprised when they see you walk into a store in a dress, Jazz," Darci said. "Everyone's been onto you for weeks. There will be no more scandal, no more outrage, when you come out.." "There might be some outrage," Jasmine said. "Some, maybe. From women who think you're screwing their husbands." "I'm not." "You screwed Jill Carter's husband," Darci said. "Just saying." "That was your idea," Jasmine said. "You encouraged it. You wanted me to get in touch with my girl side." "Oh, you touched," Darci said. "Especially with the back of your throat. I thought Danny wasn't going to follow you home and propose." "Danny was sweet," Jasmine said, reluctantly. "Well, you should know," Darci said. "You kept tasting him. I didn't think you'd like it that much. You were born for sucking cock." Jasmine blushed. "It wasn't about the sex. Well, it wasn't just the sex. It was the whole scene. You were there, and you were guiding me, and well, it felt natural." "Slut!" Jasmine blushed. "But it wasn't just me who was messing around. You slept with a woman, didn't you?" "Yeah," Darci shrugged. "It's funny. Kelly dressed in jeans and men's shirts, but no one ever gave her shit for it. But my husband puts on a dress, and the whole damn town is buzzing about it." "Maybe it was a mistake," Jasmine said. "Hell, you begged for it, Jazz," Darci said. "Remember? We were still on our honeymoon when you were into my wedding dress. It went from something you did every now and then to something that consumed you. You were wearing panties to work every damned day." "Do you hate me for it?" "Jazz, I love you," Darci said. "Always have, always will. I don't care what you wear, and whether we sleep around or not. We're forever. So be Jasmine. Just relax and enjoy life. But you have to accept that people are going to talk." Jasmine nodded silently. "If you say so," she said. Darci reached out and caressed Jasmine's hair. She ran her hand down to Jasmine's breast, then further down. It slipped under the hem of Jasmine's dress, then fondled the front of her panties." "Do you like that, my jewel?" Darci said, searching her eyes. "Yes, ma'am," Jasmine breathed. "I love being your man." "No. Not my man. You're my woman. My sissy." "Yes," Jasmine whimpered. Darci smiled. "Now, why don't you do the ironing and then we'll watch a movie, okay? Just two women being together. You can do the ironing later." "The ironing?" "Didn't you hear? That's the latest rumor. Evidently, I've made you my maid, because I'm so mean and all. I make you dress in these little uniforms and wait on me hand and foot. You call me Dame Darci these days." "A maid?" Darci shrugged. "To some, it's the ultimate submission, Jazz. It means you accept that you're the lesser person in this house. You scrub the toilets and mop the floors and cook the meals like a good little girl. You wear the sexy little outfits where everyone can grab your ass." "People believe that?" Darci laughed. "They'll believe anything. You know that. But if. you want, we can try the maid stuff. You know, for 10 years of so." "God no," Jasmine said. "I like to be a woman. I don't want to be a second-class one." "You could try it on Sunday afternoons," Darci said, still teasing. "Would I have to wear a maid's dress?" Jasmine said. "Is the sun in the sky?" Darci said. "Yes." "Then you have your answer." Darci smiled as she said it. She was joking, but as her smile widened, Jasmine thought her heart would melt. Her ressolve, too. * * Darci rolled her cart through the produce aisle at Safeway's. Around her, she could hear the whispers anew. "It was her idea, you know," a pudgy middle-aged woman named Ruth said. "She's the Mistress." "Queen of the Darkness," her friend Marysaid. The friend was leaner. The 1940s called; they wanted its hair-do back. "She's always been that way, you know," the heavier woman said. "She's always told him what to do. And it's come to this." "I hear he's her maid. Little hat and everything." "Yeah. I hear sHe was sleeping with a guy, and she caught Jason going down on him in their bed. Sperm was all over her face, and lipstick was on his dick. It pissed Darci off, so she hypnotized her. Now she makes her cleans and cook and iron. She's more of a servant than a husband. She's being punished, so she has to be a maid all the time." "Must be nice," the thinner woman said. "Jealous?" The thin woman laughed. "Maybe a little. Jerome could help out a little around the house." "Hah. I'd like to see your Jerome in a dress." "And heels." "God, he'd bust his ass." "Do you think she ties him up?" "Probably. If you have absolute power, it would be hard not to take advantage of it." "I bet. Do you think Jason was always like that?" "I don't know. But I don't think they woke up one morning and decided he needed tits." "What do you supposed came first? Wearing a dress or having sex with guys?" "That's a good question. I'd say he put on a dress, and five minutes later, he let a guy take it off." "Hah." "Do you think he shaves? I mean, down there?" "Why wouldn't he? All girly-boys do. They like to be smooth for their guys." "Why do you suppose some guys like that shit? I mean, I hate wearing a bra, for instance. But girly-boys love them. The same with heels." "They like pain, I guess,: Mary said. "So let me ask you this: What would you do if Jerome asked you if he could wear one of your dresses?" "Hell, it would never fit. Not with his beer gut." "Okay. What if he wanted to buy one of his own?" "I'd cut off his nuts." "Would that deter him or encourage him? The thin woman paused. She grinned. "Maybe both." * * Gina Wilson leaned back in her chair and took full measure of her brother. All things considered, she decided, Jason had grown up to be a pretty woman. "So you like this, huh?" "You know I do. You know I always did. Even when I was playing in your things." "So you're going to stay this way? Be my sister forever?" "It feels...right, Gina. You know?" "That's what I hear. You're quite the celebrity around Cincinnati." "Don't believe everything you hear." "I hear a lot. Tell me, Jasmine. Are you really screwing the mayor?" "Of course not. I've never even met the mayor. But he's not very popular, and when he was giving a speech, someone yelled 'Collins sucks.' And someone else yelled, 'So does Jason Wilson.' Next thing you know, someone decided we sucked each other." "Would you like that?" Jasmine smiled. "Maybe." "So it isn't true that you made a porn movie?" "Ewww." "No glory hole?" "Of course not," "The butt plugs?" "Those would hurt. I'm just a girl. Isn't that juicy enough?" Gina laughed. 'You may have five of the top 10 rumors of all time. You're right there with Elvin being alive and Tom Cruise being gay and the moon landing being a hoax." "And O.J. is looking for the real killers and Biden stole the election and the mafia killed JFK." "And the Loch Ness monster is married to Bigfoot." The two of them dissolved into laugher. It was easy for Jasmine to be with her sister. It always had been. Her husband was another matter. "And how is the caveman?" "Mike? He's good. He says hi." "No he doesn't. Mike hates me." "He's just confused by the feelings you stir with your beauty, sis." "Bullshit." "Hey, You'd like Mike if you saw him naked." "That's all I need. Rumors about me and family members. The neighbors are going to show up with torches pitchforks if I leave it up to you." "Maybe that's what you need. A good forking." "Oh, stuff it. My life is hard enough." "That's why sex is better than life. In sex, things don't get too hard." * * * The next day, on Sunday, Jasmine was upstairs when the doorbell rang. She was wearing a navy blue dress and blue heels as she made the bed. She listened closely as Darci answered the door. "Oh...hi, Hank. What's going on?" Jasmine slinked into their bedroom and started to close the door. But she wanted to hear, so she left it cracked open. "Hi, Darci. I, I had borrowed Jason's hedge-clippers. I just wanted to drop them by." "Is that really what you wanted?" Darci said, grinning slightly. "Um, yeah. Why?" "Are you sure you didn't want to steal a peek at Jason? Just for fun?" "What you do mean, Darci?" "Oh, come on, Hank. I hear the grapevine. I know what kinds of things people are saying about my husband, about your friend." "Um, I've heard things, sure. But I didn't believe them." "Of course you didn't. But you wanted to check it out for yourself, didn't you?" "Well, maybe a little..." "Come on in, Hank. You and I can talk. Jason is...busy right now." "Oh, okay." "So go on, Hank. Ask." "Oh, well, some people are saying that Jason is a girl now." "Now? Right now? What time is it?" "You know what I mean. I mean, these days he's a sissy. That's what the word is." "And you believe those words?" "I don't know. I haven't seen Jason for weeks. But I hear someone saw him in a dress at the movie theatre. Some one saw him at the grocery store, and we was wearing a skirt. He's my friend, Darci. Is it true?" Darci studied Hank's face, wondering how much of him was here because he cared and how much was because he was a voyeur. "You know people talk, Hank," Darci said. "I can't fight the whispers." "I understand. I just wondered. I mean, people say it's your idea. That you're in charge. That you're forcing him to do this." "And why would I make my husband wear a dress, Hank?" "Well, you, you would get a maid out of it." "Hank, how much does a maid cost? A couple of hundred dollars a week for a part-timer? That isn't enough to turn my man into a servant. Not unless he a leaning that way to start with. Right?" "Is that what's going on? Does Jason...Jasmine have a leaning toward it?" "Why, Hank? Why does it matter? Are you interested in my husband, Hank? Do you want him to put his lips around your penis and bob up and down? Do you want him to get on all-fours so you can stick it in his ass? Or did you want to slide your head under his dress and suck him off? Do you want to be a girly, too?" "I just want to know the truth." "What's the movie line? 'You couldn't handle the truth.'" "It doesn't bother me if he wants to be a girl. I promise." "Do you now? And what do you want, Hank? You want to see her legs sticking out of her dress? She has nice legs, Hank. You want to run your fingers through her hair? He wears a wig, but it's human hair. It's nice. You want to tug his panties down? Do you want to taste her lipstick? Do you want to squeeze her breasts?" "Darci...it's not like that. A guy just wants to know if his friend has...changed." Darci shook her head. Finall, she raised her voice. "Jasmine, come here," she said. There was no sound for a minute. "Jasmine...come her NOW!" A moment passed, and Hank heard soft footsteps as they entered the room. And there was Jason...Jasmine. She was wearing a cherry red lipstick, and her eyes were lined, and her hair cascaded softly over her shoulders. She stood awkwardly, the him of her dress impossibly revealing. Hank couldn't help but notice the details -- her dangling earrings, and her long fingernails, and the bangles around her wrists. She looked smaller, more feminine than he would have imagined. "Hello, Hank," Jasmine said shyly. "So I guess it's all true," Hank said. "Not all of it," Jasmine said. "Rumors are like wildfire. They burn out of control. I was never a hooker. I haven't had an operation. Darci didn't make me do any of it." Hank nodded. "You look good," he said. "Thank you," Jasmine dipped slightly, an attempt at a curtsy. "Are you happy?" Jasmine smiled. "Yes, Hank. forget the scuttlebutt. This is who I am." "And you aren't being forced?" "Not even a little." "So you've never slept with a guy?" Hank said. "I didn't say that," Jasmine said, giggling. Hank blushed. He was stunned at how attractive his friend was, and stunned at how it was affecting him. To Hank, it all suddenly made sense. Down deep, this was who his friend really was. Shame on him for not accepting it sooner. Darci looked at the two of them and grinned. "Hank, would you like to join us for dinner? You can play 20 Questions with Jazz. She'll answer all of your questions no matter what you ask. Jazz is about to come out fo the world. When she does, I suspect she'll need a friend." Hank nodded. "Everyone needs a friend." "Some of us need close friends, Hank," Darci said. * * Gossip gets old and stale. There is always a new rumor, a new twist, for the prying public to dig its teeth into. When Jasmine came out, however, it added life to this one. She was embarrassed to have the world see her, friends and neighbors and strangers, but it beat living in the shadows. If people were going to talk, they might as well see what they were talking about. It was when she started keeping company with Hank that the whispers became shouts, however. Hank and Jasmine were dating, the gossip said. Hank was going to have surgery, too, and change his name to Hannah. They were going to get married and adopt a lot of transgender kids. They were going to be sissy wives and hire out as maids. Another rumor said that, together with Darci, they were a threesome. All of them were going to marry each other in a poly marriage. Jansimine and Hannah were dating a pair of weight-lifters from Akron. They had jobs as weekend strippers at Clancy's. Hank had designed a new chastity cage, and they had all made loads of money. Hannah was the top. Or both of them were bottoms, and Darci ruled the house. What was truth? What was fiction? What was rumor and what was life ever- changing? With gossip, it is always hard to tell. Not that anyone cares about the truth.

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Several years ago, we had been married for 9 years by then, when "it" happened. As far as I knew neither of us had ever even considered any adding to our bed. She was a Sunday School teacher and the thought of anything but straight sex with her never entered my mind. One day my younger sister and her boyfriend came by the house. They had her boyfriend's best friend, Roger, with them and they wanted some "alone time". So Roger was left with my wife and I watching a movie, smoking a joint and...

4 years ago
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Rita8217s juicy pussy

As Jason trudged across the Arts & Sciences quad at the State University, he mentally kicked himself for getting himself involved with a Saturday morning lab. Here it was, five minutes to nine in the morning on a perfectly lousy, drizzly day, he was hung over from too much beer and a couple of joints, and had this goddamn Geology lab. Jason wasn’t heavy into the sex- drugs-rock ‘n roll college scene of the ’60s, but he didn’t avoid a good party when the...

3 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 14

Finally, everyone seemed to come to a stopping point for the day. Sarah, the Colonel, and their hands headed back to his place and Maybel put on her first feed at the big house. I had everyone eat with us tonight, so we could get acquainted. Frank brought his wife Cara, and Bob had fetched Roberta after lunch was done, so she was with us for supper too. I'd hired the two men Frank found - Chad James, and Slick Williams - but they wouldn't be living at the ranch, so they weren't here for...

3 years ago
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The leather was soft as it scraped against Elle’s skin. Alex tightened the strap, fastening the buckle. He stood over her, his amber eyes alit with a translucent glow. A slight smile grazed his lips as she reached out her unbound hand towards him. He shook his head, encircling her slim wrist with his larger hand. Pinning her arm against the satin cloaked bed, he began to wrap the second leather strap around her wrist. Pale skin contrasting against the dark leather. Closing her eyes, she...

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The Bench

Today, looking out over the coast, as the oceans powerful waves... crashing onto the cliffs where once we wed, I remember that first kiss that brought our fates together... Actually the kiss was several days later when we finally were physically connected... Looking out from a bridge, we were able to share the soft taste of our lips caressing that very first time. Just days earlier you were but a virtual reality, an illusion as I recall... This was perhaps a meeting of chance or destiny......

2 years ago
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Dick Pic Cock Sucking Club Gay PT3

After meeting the rest of the group, on my last visit over to Tony's, things slowed down. Schedules just didn't work and life had gotten busy. About six months later, I got a text from Tony one Monday afternoon.Tony: What are you doing for the game Saturday night?Mike: No plans, what did you have in mind?Tony: Come over, watch the game, enjoy the hot tub and a couple drinks, normal night.Mike: Anyone else coming over?Tony: I texted Greg and John, but haven't heard from themMike: Let me check to...

3 years ago
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Future House A Robots Love

Future House: A Robot's Love By Kelly Davidson Edited by Geoff Jack Pratt had gotten away with murder. The district attorney's case had been airtight when the trial started, but slowly Jack's attorney had chipped away at it creating huge holes. The most damaging blow had come when his lawyer had managed to get all the evidence thrown out, due to the unlawful way the police officers had obtained it. Without the murder weapon or his confession, also obtained unlawfully, there...

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Mr B Chapter Two Small Talk

Sounds of youthful activity surrounded Frank Bradley. His black dress shoes were anchored a foot away from a flat reddish-brown tarmac race track. Tufts of rough grass spread out about the ground, dried dirt, scuffing at his heels. He took in a fresh breath of late summer air as he quietly surveyed the area.The track speeding across in front of him cut into the rough patches of dried dirt he was standing upon. Reddish-brown tarmac, divided into four evenly spaced lanes cut horizontally through,...

4 years ago
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Cheating at work

It was a normal day at work until you checked the calendar and remembered that it was Emily’s birthday. She was your secretary and she was damn good at her job. Standing at exactly 5 feet tall, her already large curves seemed even larger on her small frame. Her light brown hair hung halfway down her back when she had it down like she did today. She seemed like she was in a bad mood today. Normally she would be teasing you about something or picking on you in one way or another, but she had kept...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary part 10 Questioning and Answering

Dear Diary, Sometime ago, I joined a message board where I could talk to other cross dressers, women, trans preps, and even male admirere about all sorts of topics. It became a safe spot, a sanctuary for Kimberly to express herself. I became a regular there and even befriended some very nice people. Although never meeting any of them in person, I felt a general closeness where I could be myself and took comfort in the cloak of anonymity. I had met this guy named Dalton who lived in...

4 years ago
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Leaving a Mark

The patrol car rolled up silently, unnoticed by the scruffy man leaning against the parking meter. He was engrossed in a conversation he was holding with another man, this one neatly dressed in a suit and tie. A young police officer in the passenger seat leaned out of the open window and said, ‘Hey fella, there’s no panhandling allowed.’ After straightening up from his resting position against the parking meter, the man turned to face the police car behind him. His relieved partner in the...

1 year ago
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Beginnings Chapter 1 Veronica

The easiest decision of my life had been to undertake a law degree; the most difficult had become deciding what to do with it. In spite of three years of relentless study, locked away in a law library with little on my mind beyond the obsessive desire to obtain a first class honours degree, when I eventually achieved that ambition I realized that I had no real idea what to do next. It was the summer of 1993. My mother, on the other hand, had no such doubts and was insistent that I should go...

2 years ago
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The last virgin asshole appears the disappears goo

First a trick Hell Halloween is coming keep running. Hide in a safe spot these ho's come gunning. Three years later the facts the first chick I seen never had appeared shit christmas keep bring tight fresh female virgin assholes. Lets just say tight pussy a drop of lube,the best pussy just add of hint of lotion.Major Major Major score 100. The pretty pink perfect asshole with a pale white BBW 25(I am 55, hope see 56 he he) Of cousre I went in Raw Dog I had that given to me in 4 years. Plus...

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Eternal Victim

Emma was a prisoner. There were no walls, no bars, nor wire fences keeping her. She could travel far and wide, in fact she had tried, but it provided no escape. Police, friends, and family, none of them could help, not that she had not tried. She had begged and pleaded for help, but all to no avail. Her prison was everywhere, her keeper could be anyone, her fears kept it all locked tightly. These are glimpses into the life of Emma, a perpetual rape victim: THE FIRST TIME: Until today Emma had...

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An afternoon in Jen

Jen awoke the next morning and found herself on the sofa. Immediately she sat up and put her head in her hands. Jen had a hangover. She looked around and found her empty bottle of wine beside her. “Why did she think that was a good idea??” she thought to herself. On the coffee table next to her was a note: Hey Jen! I thought about waking you but the wine bottle told me otherwise! Work has called me in today so I’ll be out all day. I feel like I haven’t seen you in days! Must do something...

4 years ago
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The night stalker

It was a warm summer night. The stars barely visible thru the light of the city. A short brunette about 5' and 145 lbs.we'll call her Janet. Janet is thick in all the right places with large dd breasts is out for a jog. unbeknownst to her, her night is about to take an unfortunate turn for worse. As she heads down the dimly light jogging path down by the river a sinister figure lurks in the shadows near by. what nefarious plans does he have in store for this young woman. Janet has on tight...

3 years ago
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The FeelChapter 9

Michelle shifted in her seat. It was another Volkeswagon Beetle, only this time a new one, not the old rusted one. It were the same people, her two best friends and Steve, the nice guy who had driven all of them home. Only this time, things were different. They were all going to Steve's house - Michelle had even called her parents to tell her that she would be at Nicole's, and Nicole had forwarded her personal phone to ring at Steve's place. Butterflies still swam in her stomach as she...

4 years ago
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Ruths big night Part 1

It had been quite a night and Ruth was a little tipsy after drinking half a dozen vodka’s. They had been in a night club and Bob knew she had no underwear on as they danced to the music. She whispered to him that she was leaking mucous down her legs as she flirted around the club attracting attention and she confessed that the wet feeling was making her hotter than ever. Bob used every opportunity to slide his hand up her dress and feel for himself and each time he pulled his hand away he...

1 year ago
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PortalsChapter 4

"When God saw the chaos that came from the males' disappearance, She sent Gran to restore order, and bring the women back to righteousness."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Dahra sat down on a large rock. Lissa on the pebbly ground, rapt in the story her adopted mother was unfolding. "Your mother looked much like you do today, Lissa, except that she was a year older than you are now, a little stockier, and had hair a shade darker than yours. Her hair was cut short in the front and...

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The Taking of Pamelas Anal Cherry

Lesley is my wife, she is a self confessed raving bi-sexual, in fact if we hadn’t been married I think she would have been a raving lesbian. Sex was always high on Lesley’s mind. Because of this we started to experiment early on in our relationship. Firstly it was with other men, then it progressed to couples and eventually we found ourselves entering the swinging scene. It was total sexual liberation for me and for her. We both loved nothing more than to see each other give and receive...

1 year ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 16 Our Family Grows Again

About a week later the weekend was upon us and I had five tickets to a ball game in the astrodome. We were in the front row where the view was tremendous. To this day I don't remember who was playing or what the score was since I was preoccupied with something more important. You see, I slipped away during the first part of the game and went to the media control room. A ham buddy of mine worked there and was director for this game. I handed him a CD and told him what I wanted him to do. He...

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bert and kelly

To say that Kelly was hot would convey the proper perspective on her being. With long, auburn hair, peachy complexion, blue eyes, nice figure she presented an imposing view to the eye of the occasional beholder. The outstanding quality of her professional work had to be the work of a near genius; yet, she had a flaw. . . a deep, dark secret! Since early childhood, Kelly had carried a deep seated fear of men. The mere touch of a man could bring an upset stomach or nervous tremors! It wasn’t...

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Sex In Theater And Then Car

We had classes and classes started being very boring for me. Hence I felt like seeing my bf and i called him to college. As I said I am a little short wheatish colored girl. He is tall and fit. He has a dick of 7 inches and my stat goes like 36, 28, 32. Like how everyone says, once you have sex you will again want to have it. This time it wasn’t as dirty as last time as we didn’t get a room. We decided to go for a movie. I met him in PVR and first we exchanged a formal hug. I was a bit shy...

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Aunty ki mast chudai

Hello friends, mera naam ( badala hua) vijay hai aur mai ahmedbad me rehta ho. Aaj jo experience me aapke saath share karne jaa raha hu wo ekdum sachchi hai. Baat un dino ki ha i jab me airtel ke inbound call centre me as a customer care executive ke post pe kaam karta tha. Mera kaam yeh tha ki jo customer apna number cancel karwane ki application dete me unhe wapis phone kar ke connection active rakhne ke liye samjhata. Ya phir unhe kuch aachi schemes samjhata tha. Aise me hi ek din ek aunty...

1 year ago
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Small Town Girl Turns into exhibitionist

*** 1. CUMBUCKET WANTS TO DRESS LIKE A SLUT IN PUBLIC; When Cumbucket and I moved from a small town of 500 to a city of a million people I never ever thought Cumbucket would turn into a cum hungry slut . Cumbucket she’s a nice girl inside and out but when she gets into the position of bending over or spreading her leg’s her pussy start dribbling. I love having a quick hard fuck for my pleasure not hers just dump my load inside her right before we go shopping. Then quickly pulling her always too...

Group Sex
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Wreck by Waldo ([email protected]) All rights reserved by the author. Permission is given to Nifty, Fictionmania, and Sapphire to archive/distribute this story. Permission is usually given to other free sites by sending me an e-mail defining where the story will be posted. It's an adult story. Chapter 1 - How it started The harsh sound of the telephone ringing wakes me with a start. My body is instantly awake but my mind is still sluggish from the deep sleep of the last...

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Boudoir Pics to remember

Elizabeth was a hot, almost model standard girl from Dublin. She oozed sex and she just knew it too. Rather than be called Liz she always preferred Elizabeth, as this sounded more posh than Liz. She was 29, stood about 5 ft 9 inches tall; her hair was dyed from red to auburn to blonde as her mood suited her but she’d recently kept it blonde. She wore make-up that was almost slutty, had hazel green eyes, and a body to die for with stunning long legs, beautiful curves and c sized tits. Due to her...

Group Sex
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Clowns To The Left Of Me Jokers

The Story I’m going to tell you is about Love, Lust, and Fucking your Best Friend. Of course… it never does start out that simply, does it? I was cursing every force in the universe that had gone into creating HER, every sexual urge, every ungodly act, every evolutionary leap that had brought about her existence. I cursed the ground she strode upon, the air she exhaled, the very sky above her, that was about her through no fault of it’s own. To hate the sky, what a thing to do! And all over...

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Erotic Experience With Classmate

Hello Readers, I am Manoj, 26 years old from a village near to Cochin, Kerala. I am very much fond of the stories published on this website and thought of explaining my first erotic experience in life which was with my engineering classmate who eventually became my long-term girlfriend. To describe myself, I am average built, dark and tall. Even though I had sexual interests since my school days, being a shy person, I never had the courage to approach a girl. The incident that I am going to...

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Sabella von allen gefickt

Als die kleine 18 jährige Schwarze unter die Dusche ging, war es den vier Kerlen zu bunt geworden. Den ganzen Tag im Schwimmbad hatte diese kleine Nutte mit ihren grossen geilen Titten herumgewackelt und mit ihrer Freundin gekichert, wenn aber einer der Jungs sie ansprach, hatte sie nur verächtlich geguckt. Sie war einfach ein heisses Stück schwarzer Arsch, ganz glatt und rund. Zwischen ihren Titten baumelte eine schwere Goldkette, die ihre dunkle Haut noch betonte. Die Jungs waren fast...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 10

The next morning, everyone somehow woke up rested. The women rushed to get freshened up before leaving for town. David and Gil were in the kitchen with Georgette and Adele when Sarah came rushing in. She stopped short when she saw David and turned crimson. Her chest was heaving as if she had been running. Truthfully, some of it was from the running and some of it was from her memory of last night. "Whoa, girl. Slow down," Georgette admonished as she worked. She hadn't looked closely, or...

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Dr Erotic

I had been a very successful Psychiatrist with a thriving practice for a number of years. I'd worked hard for those initials behind my name, John P. Edwards, M.D. And for a good many of those years, I really thought I was providing a worthwhile service. Then, Ms. Emily Fredrickson walked into my office. When I'd initially begun my practice I had visions of treating people with some interesting neuroses, and really getting involved in some deep inner issues. What I found however was that I...

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First time black cock and gloryhole action

I recently visited my old seaside home town to hook up with some old friends and after a long night on the beers I started to make my way home along the promenade using the cliff paths to get back to the hotel I was staying at. It was about 7am and the sun was about to rise. having made my way to the top of the cliff face I started to feel the need for a piss and knowing that further along the pathway was some public conveniences I decided to head that way back, the path passes through some...

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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad Ch 08 Departures

"You've done it now bitch," Bree said. "You fuckin' attacked a cheerleader and thought that nothing would happen. You walk around free, while our friend sits in jail. Who the fuck do you think you are?" Bree snarled at Aggie.Pris elbowed Bree, and Bree's mouth dropped open. "What the fuck are you wearing? Did you turn into a fucking crack ho?"Aggie was about to use her newfound confidence, and go off on the two women standing in front of her. Before she could say anything, Bree shoved...

1 year ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 27

I caught myself starting to laugh. I mean laugh? I’d been screwed over by everybody in sight and I wanted to laugh. Why? Because of the impossible incongruity of it all. I was more than certain that the lot of them wanted to be nice to me. But their condescending gift giving, privilege granting efforts were so insulting that it was laughable! Hence my impulse, my irresistible impulse to laugh. Such of course would be followed by the equally strong urge to cry. Well, it was what it was. Yes...

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my daughter

she had some kind of sickness that made her sleep very very hard..and sometimes she would just fall asleep no matter where she was or what she was doing.I always worried she might fall sleep some nite as she drove home from her evening job after school,but thankfully she never did..Anyways..my story goes like this.."and by the way""..i never tell made up stories..mine will always be factual..i have stories about i****t with cuzins,nieces,sister..and this one about my daughter.Anyways..like i...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 5 Spy in the Midst

Joseph’s troops had set up camp a short way up the neck of the valley. The sentries had been warned to watch for anyone attempting to straggle or to leave camp once it was set up. The news that someone in his camp had tried to alert the enemy of his presence had eaten at him since Genrico had shown him the note. He had kept the news from his closest advisers, choosing to try to watch his soldiers himself and ferret out who the spy might be. He realized during the rearward trek that it was a...

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Forgiveness Is Best Served WarmChapter 5

My P.I. filled me in on Jack Nixon, 40, years old, occupation: tax lawyer, all around ladies man and trouble maker. Married and divorced three times. Accused of sexual harassment of clients. Purportedly responsible for three divorces (four if you count mine) and three unwanted pregnancies. He has been arrested twice for domestic violence and suspected of some unsolved rapes. I’ve been trying to call Melinda but she’s not answering. When after three days, she hadn’t called back, I called her...

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Sex With Metro Friend

Hello everybody here there are many fake stories. I don’t know which are real and which are fake. From few days i’m reading these stories . After reading i also thought to post my crush with my friend. This is my first story which happen between me and my train friend. My self suprajanand, 26 age, 5.2′, 55kgs athletic body working with reputed company in new delhi and i’m married. My life is happy with my wife. My metro friend name is sunitha 28years 50kgs5.2 hight attractive body. Married...

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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 4

Hannah spent the last days of September getting organized. She got to know where the local shops were, she worked out the easiest public transport to the hospital and she arranged for a bank account, a UK SIM card for her cell phone and so on. She even remembered to tell people about the new number. She had not brought her computer over, only a backup disk. The PC was too heavy, so it would cost more than it was worth to have it sent. Besides George had promised there would be a PC in the...

1 year ago
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Kissing me gently, I turn towards you and mingle with your lips. I feel your tongue slide between mine and I fight it back with equal force. I pull you on top of me, my hands grazing every inch of your body, stopping on your firm ass. You push against me, kissing me harder and running your fingers through my hair. I grab your ass, gently at first, and then harder in response to your soft moans. You grind your body against mine and I can feel myself tingle all over. I arch up towards you,...

4 years ago
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My Twin Sister Part 3

When Rebecca left me to go shopping with Carly, I lay on my bed thinking about the amazing sex we'd enjoyed. I must have drifted back to sleep though, because when I woke it was after nine. I slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen, turned the coffee machine on and made myself a cappuccino. I wandered out by the pool and sat at the table enjoying my coffee. It was a perfect summers day, warm with a cloudless blue sky. I was having difficulty concentrating, and kept asking myself how...

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Innocentgirls lust turns her into a SEX slave

Before Ethan I thought sex was like the movies... a little touching, then an in-and-out job that all sort of happened in the heat of the moment. When Ethan crossed my life I was twenty-one and only a little experienced with sex. He was my boss, tall, dark-haired, handsome, and with the air of power that drove most of the women we worked with wild. We started becoming friends, but I couldn't get sex off my mind when I was with him. The way his teeshirts would cling to his chest, the way his wavy...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Time Of Losing My Innocence To A Cute Girl

I am once again Mohan 49 with a story of my youth when I was 18 I had gone to Kolkata for my studies. Kolkata is a beautiful place with a lot of lovely cute girls at my time. I was part of a youth group with a lot of Boys and girls. We used to meet at school functions and had a gang who went out for movies and rock shows. Many of the group were in their Junior College or in professional courses. As youth we had our Boy friends and girl friends. As a group we sat in pairs and during the movies...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Introduction to New Cock

I guess I should start this story by saying this is 100% true except for our names! My name is Jack and my girlfriend’s name is Sara. We’ve been dating for nearly 2 years now. She is a very sexy 31-year-old Caucasian brunette with an amazing body, perfect round D-Size breasts, amazing butt, and seductive look that would make any guy want her, all while remaining a size 1! I’m a 29 years old fit, confident, Caucasian guy with an average size 6 inch cock. When Sara and I first started dating,...

3 years ago
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From Dicks to Chicks Lesbian

I remember always being intrigued by the thought of touching another woman, being touched by another woman. Once I discovered how to really make myself cum, my mind would usually wander to the thought of looking down and seeing a woman's face licking my wet pussy, grabbing her hair and holding her head to my pussy, feeling her fingers sliding in and out of me, while her mouth licks my juices up and her tongue expertly laps and swirls around my clit. I would often find myself cumming to this...

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Blane closed his eyes, letting the warm sun bathe his face. He kept his eyes closed for a moment, a bit longer than a standard blink. Sighing, he opened his eyes and made his way back to the classroom. It was five minutes to 8 and the students had yet to arrive. He sat down at desk, opened up his bag, and pulled out the tests for the morning. Just then, the students started filling in. ‘Hi Mr. Stone.’ Blane looked up from his desk. Smiled his hellos, causing causing more than one of the girls...

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Red Passion Part III

Red Passion took a deep breath when Emily let her coat slip to the floor. She wore a grey tunic with long belled sleeves that had a plunging neckline, exposing the swells of her full breasts. She pulled the tunic off and slid her pants down her lush thighs after kicking off her boots. He didn’t understand why she bowed her head and clutched at her fingers. The tiny bustier she wore pushed her breasts up, making them look like big round globes that would overflow his hands. He could see the jut...

2 years ago
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stepdaughter fantasies

It was a beautiful August afternoon, warm but not too hot, only an occasional breeze stirring over the garden as Sam woke from his lazy slumber. He got up slowly from the deck chair and turned to see the cottage bathed in the bright afternoon light. He rubbed his hand lightly over his naked bronzed body. It had been a good summer, and here in the privacy of his garden, both Caroline and he had enjoyed the rays of the summer sun completely uninhibited. Just the thought of Caroline stirred...

1 year ago
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The Trip Chapter One

I’d been seeing Joe for most of the summer and in that time I had starred in maybe a dozen or so of his private home movies. My hair had grown maybe another inch, I’d had my ears pierced and my eyebrows shaped, as far as my parents were aware it was because I was helping Joe out with a film project he was directing, and the role dictated the sacrifice, it was a poor excuse but they chose not to question it further, although I did shudder when they said they were looking forward to seeing the...

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