The R.A.I.D. And The Mild Mannered School Teacher free porn video

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The R.A.I.D. and the Mild Mannered School Teacher Watching the children play, Adam saw several kids form a game of tag. They were laughing and giggling as they ran around. There were innocent kids doing nothing but having fun. They looked like a bunch of boys, but one might have been a girl, as his hair was a bit longer than the rest. Not that it mattered. Adam had forgotten what it felt like to have so much fun just playing. He longed to remember how it was to enjoy himself so much. Now that he was older, things were so much more complicated. He had to consider the feelings of others. He just couldn't let himself go. Adam used the R.A.I.D. to join the game. The R.A.I.D. was a magical device that looked like a cross between a T.V. remote and a cell phone what could swap traits between two or more people. He had the small body of one of the participants. But Adam wasn't having as much fun as he felt he should. To feel that he was really part of the game, he had to swap personalities with one of the children. That did the trick. The problem was that with his little body, he couldn't carry the device. It didn't fit into his little pockets anymore. With his immature personality, he didn't see any problem with simply hiding the device and pick it up later. Finding a suitable hiding place, Adam turned off the R.A.I.D. and joined the game. In the end, he was having so much fun that he forgot all about it. As the days passed, Adam forgot all about the device. When another child found the R.A.I.D. he snatched it up and kept it hidden from his mother. This it wasn't until the child got to school that he decided to turn on the device. In Mr. Findley's class, the child took the device out and pressed the button to activate it. Luke (Mr. Finley) is a fit six feet tall man. He is 25 years old with a medium build and medium brown hair., He mostly wearings contacts although might wear his glasses depending upon how he is feeling. He is very sociable with an outgoing personality who relates well with his students. He prefers to teach the younger grades and likes to make his classes fun. His classes are unruly on occasion as he feels he should be stricter with his classes. He hasn't taught for very long and enjoys his work immensely. Mr. Luke Findley seeing one of his students, (who should have been too young to be carrying a smartphone like that) confiscated the phone before the phone could be fully activated. "I'll give this to your mother at the end of the day," Luke chided him. Luke planned on talking to the child's mother about phones at school. Regardless, he put it in his desk. The child didn't want his mother to know about the device. He was sure he would get into trouble, So when class ended, the child wouldn't have brought up getting back his device. Besides, he had forgotten all about it by then. Luke discovered the device in his desk after all the students had gone. he picked it up and heard the device announce... HELLO NEW USER AND WELCOME TO R.A.I.D (Reality Altering Interface Device) this app allows you to swap certain things with others based on the modes on the screen you will see after this one it is pretty simple to use simply aim the camera at someone and press one of the buttons and then a menu will appear allowing you to be more specific with your swap please enjoy R.A.I.D. "What was that?" Luke thought. It was hard to believe that he was imagining when he heard when Luke was still hearing the instructions of how the R.A.I.D. worked. He was becoming an expert on every feature of the device as he held it in his hand. he knew every feature the device had as well as how to use it flawlessly. It was becoming as if he had been using the device for years even though he hadn't actually used the device one. "No way should a little boy have a device like this," Luke reasoned. "It was too powerful for most people, let alone a little boy. He could get into real trouble with it. It would be best if he kept it." The problem was that the boy would be asking for the device back tomorrow. Luke couldn't let that happen. "But how can I prevent that?" The fact was that either the kid had to go or he had to go. It wasn't right to make the kid disappear (from class) he would have to go. There were several teachers that taught second grade in his school, but only two were men. Luke and Mr. Jordan Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler didn't have the best schedule, but Luke didn't want to swap with a woman. This would be his first swap and even though he knew what should happen there was some doubt. It would be best to swap with a man so that he didn't end up getting more than the teacher's schedule or some other problem. Before the students arrived, Luke sought out Jordan to make the swap. Luke tried to convince himself that this wouldn't be any big deal. He was just changing his assignment. He would still be teaching second grade. He would still be at the same school. Presumably, he would still have the same parking space. He would just be teaching a different group of kids in a different classroom. "NO BIG DEAL!" Where they the best kids in the school? "NO" But he wasn't doing this to screw another teacher out of the best kids. He was doing it to simply hide. After a short time looking, Jordan was in sight. Luke took out the device, aimed it at Jordan, and selected the appropriate option. Luke knew exactly what to 'press' to get the result he wanted. It was very intuitive. When it was over, nothing seemed to have changed. Luke walked to his new classroom. When he looked around, he found that it had been decorated to his own liking. There are the desk tables in the middle of the room arranged in a row, two students at each desk (always one boy and one girl). There's a reading area. It's called the reading area, but it is really just a big rug for the students to sit upon. In the corner, there is a couch and a rocking chair. Luke had added his own personal touch or stuffed animals that he had purchased himself. There's a semi-circle table in another area for kids to work at. Most teachers had a room set up like this, but Luke recognized his own personal style. On the walls, were posters with class rules, math facts, and student art. Luke remembered selected these from those provided by the school. IT looked like his former room. The excellent homework and tests were hung where he would have put them. Everything was the same except for the students who would be arriving soon. The room looked as if he was the one who set it up. Luke didn't expect that, but he should have. Luke looked in the drawer where he usually kept his administrative papers (such as attendance and the usual crap that the administration handed out) and it was there. They were even signed with his signature although the students were different. He knew every kid in his new classroom. He knew he hadn't met most of them, but he knew them anyway. This was his class now. Could he remember his old class? "YES" He could remember them like he remembered classes in years past. But these kids were his students now. Looking over his classroom as he was taking their attendance, Luke knew every kid as if he was been teaching them for many months and the students knew him. There was Katherine Liu, everyone called her Kitty, who was a lovely girl always willing to please. Jessica Berndle who was very friendly and fun-loving. Kurt Dean was big for a second grader and used that fact to cause mischief in the second grade. Luke could name each student and what they were like. Luke wrote on the blackboard the aim of the lesson and the homework for tomorrow as well as what he expected the class to do as soon as they entered the room. Luke was sure this class would be as smooth as his former class. Once his room was set up as he needed it, Luke waited by the door ready to greet his new students as he had greeted his former students. There was only a few minutes before the beginning of classes and the students would be arriving. Luke knew the best kids would come first, then those without many friends, those with friends would come as a group and the ones who could be trouble would be last. That's the way it was in all classes. The bell rang and the students entered the building. Luke knew that in only one minute, maybe two the kids would be at his door. Luke posed by the door with his hands balled into fists on his hips. He stood to his full height and waited for the kids to come. He felt like a man with literal superpowers. Due to the R.I.A.D. he was a man with superpowers. He could have the size and strength of an 800-pound gorilla if he wanted. Even with such powers no one would be afraid of him or think him out of place. If that wasn't superpowers, Luke didn't know what was. before the students arrived, Luke wondered if he swapped with a bird, could he actually fly. Luke was brought out of his daydreaming when the first student approached his door. "Hey, Teddy! How are you on this fine day?" Luke said as the first student entered the room. It was Ted Woodbine one of the best kids, Luke knew. "Hi Mr. Findley," the kid says cheerily as he walked to the closet to put his jacket away. Luke wished he had time to talk to the students and see what they thought of him, but the next student was already arriving and he had to greet them all. One by one, all the students entered his classroom. They took their seats, saw the work that was required of them, and began. They seemed well drilled in the procedures that Luke demanded. Luke wondered if they had always been this way or they had been changed by the swap that Luke made with Jordan. He was in as much control of this class as he was of his own. usually, he didn't need to say anything to get a student back to work, a stern look would usually do just as well. Luke tried to keep his actions low- key. That was best. Besides if he started hot, where would he go when the 'shit hit the fan?' Luke taught as he usually did, all was as he expected. The first 'test' of the R.A.I.D. was a complete success. The world had adjusted to his change and nothing went wrong. Luke assumed that all his interactions with the device would go just as smoothly. The device was well made and had many safeguards according to the instructions he remembered. (The safeguards there were inserted into his mind by the device itself.) Pretty soon it was recess and a time for Luke to be with other teachers. As far as the teachers were concerned, nothing had changed at all. He was still just a second-grade teacher and everyone treated him exactly as before. The little banter he had with the other teachers seemed perfectly natural to him. Luke also made sure to talk to Jordan to see if he noticed anything different. It didn't seem like he did, but he didn't want to press the point. That was the first test. The second test was when Luke saw students from his former class. None seemed to recognize him. Not even his 'favorite' students. The one with who he thought he had a rapport. Luke didn't use the device for the rest of the day. He didn't use the device for the rest of the week actually. But eventually, when Luke was sure that the device could be used benignly, he decided to have a little fun with the device. The device told him that no one would question any of the changes to reality. Luke decided to check it out. He needed something that would prove the point, but not make him look like a fool if it didn't work as advertised. It was hard to decide what to try. He could swap his hair with one of the girls and see if anyone would notice. That wasn't as bad as swapping clothes, but it was still too obvious. People would think he was strange if he had the hairstyle of a young girl...or even an adult woman. He needed something no so obvious. Something that he could check out without sticking it into people's faces. "What if I swap my...with one of my students." That is what Luke thought to himself. He just couldn't fit in the blank. Most things were either too obvious or too subtle. He couldn't swap his intelligence or personality with a student in his class. That would be nuts. besides, how would he keep his job if he gave up either of those things? Then it hit him like a thunderbolt. "What if I swap my name with one of the girls in the class." He would have to use a girl's name. That would be different enough. Plus it would have to be a girl's name so it would be distinctive. Something a man would never have. Then all Luke would have to do is get into a conversation with someone (one of the teachers) and see what they called him. He wouldn't have to instigate it. It would just come up in conversation. The next question was to swap his entire name or just his first name? Luke didn't think it matters much so why not do the whole name thing. The next day before class, Luke got in early to see who had the best name, which meant a name that was sufficiently girly. Luke decided upon Kitty Liu. This worked perfectly as Luke was neither a Kitty nor of Asian descent. Luke waited for his opportunity to use the device upon Kitty. For a short moment, Luke had a pang of conscience. He was going to take something from a little girl. But Luke decided that it wasn't bad. The girl would never know it was gone and she would get it back very soon. He wouldn't keep her name for more than a few hours; a day at the most. When the bell indicating the start of the day rang, Luke was nervous. Even more nervous than he was before. This time he was doing a swap on a child. That made it seem different somehow. Luke couldn't especially let Kitty see the device. He had to do it without her seeing anything. His best opportunity was when the kids were at work doing the opening assignment while he was doing the attendance. His heart was beating hard while the kids entered. He was going to swap something with his student. Something very personal to both of them. He had to be careful, all he wanted was her name. Not her entire identity. Not her home and family. Luke's head was down feigning doing the attendance. He already had the device out hidden behind his desk so none of his students could see. His eyes were perusing the classroom. He was looking for his opportunity to use it. Several times, he raised the R.A.I.D. a bit but then chickened out when he thought one of his students was about to look up. Finally, he decided to go for it. He quickly raised the device so it was barely over the desk and selected Kitty. His hand was shaking as he pushed the button. It was a miracle that Luke's aim was true and that he selected Kitty as intended. Luke didn't feel any different after the swap. When he thought of his name, he knew it should be Luke. But was it Kitty now? He wasn't sure. He couldn't ask the students what's my name. The best way would be to select Kitty when she wanted to answer a question. "No, there is another way." Luke looked down at the attendance. "There it is!" he thought. Listed with all the rest of the students was Luke Findley. Then on his own personal attendance card, he could see Luke Findley in the seat assigned to Kitty with the rest of her information written in her handwriting, such as address and parent's name. This meant that he was Kitty Liu now. There it was right on the top of the official attendance sheet. This was Mr. Kitty Liu's second-grade class. He was Mr. Liu. He smiled to himself. Today's math lesson was on three-dimensional shapes. Luke reached out from under his desk, pulled out a blown-up beach ball, and asked his students, "Do you know what shape this is?'' "It's a circle!" one of the kids shouted out. "Raise your hand before answering." Luke hoped that Kitty would wait for her hand. He wanted to say "Luke, what's your answer?" But there wasn't any luck. He chose another student by name. "Jeremy, what's your guess." Jeremy agreed with the first student. "It's a circle." "No, that isn't right. Circles are flat." "But it's round." "This is a three-dimensional object. It might be round like a circle, but this isn't really a circle." Another student raised her hand. "Yes, Pamela." "Is it a globe?" "Globe isn't a shape. I'm sorry, but that is a good guess." The students were stumped. "Luke? do you know?" "No, Mr. Liu," she said. "Take a guess, any guess." But she didn't know. "This is in the shape of a sphere. Have any of you ever heard of a sphere before?" Several shouted out. "Please raise your hands," Luke admonished. This class wasn't as well behaved as his former class. But that didn't matter. The important thing was that Luke now had Kitty's name. he would have to see if the other faculty and his friends thought anything was wrong with his name. When the music teacher entered the room, Luke had a free period. he pulled out his wallet and looked at his ID. Except for his name, all his cards seemed exactly the same. He pulled out his driver's license first. It proclaimed his name was Kitty A. Liu. Luke knew instinctively that the A in his name stood for Alice even know it had never been written down on her attendance sheet and Luke never asked her about it. Luke also noticed the signature on his license. It was definitely in his penmanship, but it clearly said Kitty instead of Luke. All of Luke's ID was like that. There wasn't anything that listed his parent's names, so he didn't know that his parents were now known as the Liu's not the Findley's. Also that his mother and father's first names had been swapped. They were a family who preferred to give their male children female names and vice versa. Luke entered the teacher's lounge. His ears were keen to see if his workmates called him Kitty or Luke. The few times his name was mentioned, he was of course called Kitty which pleased him to hear. This was working out quite nicely. It was fun to fool everyone. Back in class, Luke wanted to take his experiment one step further. He was going to swap his voice with one of the girls. The former Kitty Liu was the logical choice. He wasn't as nervous now as he once was. He got his students involved in an activity, took the device out of its hiding place, and selected Kitty again. This time he selected voice and activated the device. Luke then walked around the classroom encouraging the students. "That's a great job, Jimmy. You used the exact right word in that sentence," Luke told Jimmy in the high-pitched voice that used to belong to Kitty. But the voice wasn't exactly the same. It still had the commanding nature that Luke had since he was still the teacher. It also sounded different to himself, since the voice was coming from his own vocal cords. Luke made his way to Kitty to see what she sounded like. He had to induce her to say something. When he did, he recognized his own voice. It was odd to hear such a deep voice coming from such a small girl. What was odder was the sound of her giggle. Luke didn't think he had ever giggled like that. He was a man, they rarely giggled. Little girls giggle all the time though. As Luke talked, no one he talked to noticed anything wrong with his voice. On the contrary, Luke himself recognized something was wrong. It took a while before he could pinpoint the difference. It wasn't from hearing himself speak that tipped him to the problem. It was when Kitty spoke with his voice. She spoke with a slight lisp. Luke didn't know what caused it. It took some minutes before the solution hit him. Kitty spoke with a lisp because she was missing her two front baby teeth and her permanent teeth hadn't grown in. If Luke wanted to speak like Kitty he would have to have her teeth too. Luke decided this was a good idea and soon his voice had the same lisp as Kitty had because he had the same number of missing, baby, and permanent teeth as she had in her mouth. It felt strange for his tongue to feel the gaps and smaller teeth. Not that his teeth hadn't been made slightly bigger to accommodate his larger/adult mouth. At the end of the day, Luke debated swapping his name and voice back with Kitty. But he decided to keep it for the night. He was going on a date with his girlfriend Susan. Luke returned home after school and took a shower. Luke did something he hadn't done regularly, he sang in the shower. He liked to hear his new little girl's voice. Then he got dressed and headed out to pick up Susan. "Hey Thusan," he said in his little girl lisp. Susan didn't mind and returned the greeting. "Where doth you want to go?" "You pick." Then they were off to a nice Italian restaurant they had gone to many times before. Luke dominated the conversation. He liked to hear himself talk. It was wonderful that no one thought his voice was out of place coming from his gap-toothed mouth. The idea of fooling everyone was actually making him hot. After dinner, Luke took Susan to his house and they got into a kissing session. Susan had complained that Luke wouldn't kiss enough before moving on making love. But his little girl voice and small teeth were sufficient enough to make him hot. He lingered on the kissing phase longer than usual. Susan loved it Especially when Luke was chatty saying that he loved her and all the usual words of affection. It felt more sensual now that Luke could hear his little girl voice saying those things. For Luke's part, he loved when Susan would scream out his name "Kitty" when they were in the middle of lovemaking. He was as turned on as he could remember. After the sex was over, Luke insisted on talking. The talking made him hotter and hotter which led to more kissing. Finally, he was ready for the second round of lovemaking. "Kitty, I don't know what got into you," Susan gushed, "but keep it up." "You wouldn't believe me, ith I told you," Luke replied. "What?" "Oh, nothing." Susan couldn't stay the night, she had work in the morning and needed a fresh set of clothing. Luke loved how it was going. It was wonderful being changed. What made it was fun and sexy was that it was his own private secret that no one else knew. He knew he would have to return to Kitty that which was hers, but he didn't have to do it immediately. In fact, he wanted more. While shaving in the morning, he decided upon another swap to do with one of the children. Kitty had given enough, so Luke decided to swap with another child. Luke didn't want to have to shave anymore, so he swapped the skin on his face with a girl in his class. Not Kitty, but a different girl. Luke could presently see the hint of stubble on the girl's face. It didn't matter that he had shaved just two hours ago, nor that he had shaved as closely as he could, there was a hint of stubble regardless. It couldn't be avoided. Luke had to touch his own face. It felt completely smooth like it had never been. But even though his face was smooth, Luke could tell it was still his face. His jawline was still square and the bones under his skin seemed to be where they were supposed to be. There was an exception though, his mouth was a bit different as he still had Kitty's teeth. Luke did wonder what he looked like now. He wished he could look at himself in a mirror, but he didn't have one and there wasn't one in the room. He tried to see himself in the reflections of shiny things and the window, but couldn't get a good look. he would just have to wait until he had a break and go to the restroom to look. Luke could do nothing more than to occupy himself with teaching his class and waiting until later. When he finally saw himself, he recognized his own face. It was as creamy as he had felt before but didn't look that much different as his bone structure hadn't changed. He looked for any differences, but the only real difference was his lips, they were the smaller lips of a girl. After thinking about it for a second, Luke said to himself, "That makes sense, lips are really part of one's skin." Then he smiled showing his missing teeth and other baby teeth. They looked more natural now than he had before with his new softer skin and thinner lips. Not that he actually had the face of a girl. While looking at his face, Luke couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss Susan with those softer lips and smoother face? Luke phoned Susan immediately, he got her voice mail. "Thusan baby," Luke's high voice said, "It was great lath night. I can't thop thinking about you. Can I thee you tonight? Let me know." Luke purposefully exaggerated his lisp for this phone call. It turned him on more. Luke would have to wait for Susan to listen to her messages and return his call. he hoped she would say "Yes." He wanted to know what it felt to kiss her with his more tender lips and smoother than ever face. By the time, Susan had returned his call and confirmed that she would love to have a repeat of the night before, Luke had also swapped his hands. They were now soft, creamy, small, and delicate as a little girl's hands. Luke didn't need the relatively big manly' hands he had once had. He was a school teacher, he didn't need big hands as if he was a construction worker. Looking more closely at his hands, he realized that his forearm and wrists had tapered to make the hands at the end of his arms seem somewhat reasonable. Luke didn't see any real downside to having small hands. Although Luke did notice that his signature had changed somewhat. It couldn't be helped as his hands were smaller and thus his writing was closer together. He still recognized his own signature despite his difference. Looking back at the notes his hand made before the swap, he could fit more upon a page than he had ever done before. While making love with Susan, Luke decided that smooth skin and small hands were wasted on children. Susan's breasts weren't any bigger than before, but they felt absolutely huge and more tender in Luke's small delicate hands. The same went for Susan's lips upon Luke's lips. Luke seriously debating keeping his hands and lips for an extended period. Luke wanted more, he considered swapping his entire body with one of the students, but that didn't make sense. If he did so he would be giving up the one thing he really needed to have a good time with his girlfriend. He wasn't ever going to give up or even modify that. But he liked the idea of fooling people. He liked it when there was obviously something totally different about him, but no one thought anything was wrong. He sounded like a little girl but still talked to people like a grown man. It was fun to scream in passion, but hear it sound like a childish squeal. Best of all, he wasn't hurting anyone. If he wasn't going to swap his body, how about just his clothes and hairstyle. The next time he saw Susan, she wouldn't be the only one wearing a dress. But, very few of his students come to school wearing a dress these days. Usually, the girls arrive at school the first day in a dress, thereafter they would be back to jeans and leggings instead. This made sense, as physical education and recess were part of every day's class. Their mothers didn't want their girls to ruin an expensive dress when it was time to play. Luke didn't have an idea who he would swap clothes and hair with at the beginning of the day. He would have to wait and see what the children were wearing. When Vicki Choat entered the class with her hair braided in two pigtails. Luke didn't think anything was more juvenile than pigtails and so he swapped his hair with hers. He felt the tightness in his scalp from the braids immediately. He shook his head and felt the tails bounce against his face. Luke enjoyed that. "Hey!" one of the kids said. Even though the children didn't see anything wrong with Luke having braids in his long hair, having him whip them around was odd. Luke immediately controlled himself. He would have time for that when no one was around to see it. Now that he had his hair 'done' he still needed something nice to wear. But no one happened to be wearing a dress today. Without anyone better to swap with, Luke decided to complete his look by swapping his clothes with Vicki. Luke didn't find himself wearing anything too girly. He was wearing a ruffled hem graphic tee in light green with the picture of a bunny's face on the front and black leggings. The outfit had resized itself to fit his larger frame. Luke looked down at himself and noticed the outline of his dick could clearly be seen under his pants. Luke reconsidered swapping apparel with the girl. But then decided that no one would think it's odd if the magic of the R.A.I.D was in full force. After all, he had the small hands of a second-grader at the ends of his arms and no one thought that was weird. Of course, his penis was different. he could swap to give himself a flat front, but that was out of the question. He decided long ago never to give up his dick. That was one thing he never wanted to lose. On his feet were slip-on pink sneakers with white trim. He wore no-show socks underneath. He was also wearing panties, but he didn't think of that. This wasn't a sexual thing. At least it wasn't in the conventional sense. He wasn't getting a sexual thrill by putting on girls' clothes. It was that he was dressed completely out of character and no one thought anything of it that was exciting to him. Besides as it turned out, his panties were little girl green boyshorts panties with bunnies on them that matched his top. There wasn't any sexy about them at all. They even covered his complete bottom as well as his upper thighs. Luke was excited to see how he looked in the mirror, but he had to wait again. Maybe he should set up a mirror in his classroom for next time? Luke decided against that idea. It didn't seem right to look at himself while he was in front of his class. Regardless, Luke was looking forward to his date with Susan. He was eager to go home and see what was in his closets. Technically he already sort of knew. He had the memory of his little girl apparel. The little girl didn't buy her clothing herself, so she wasn't quite sure what she had. Plus as she was growing fast, her mom might throw out (donate to charity) old clothing and buy new clothing at any time. Luke ran home and turned on the shower. He knew getting dressed would take longer than it usually would now that he had an entirely new wardrobe. Inside the bathroom, Luke turned on the shower's hot water and got undressed It was only at this time that he realized he was wearing panties. He hadn't thought of that before as they felt as comfortable as his old briefs. They weren't that much different. The real big difference was that their panties didn't have a fly in the front as all his briefs had. But other than that they were just cotton underwear. Once done with the shower, Luke stepped out naked and looked at himself. he saw his braids. he liked them, but somehow they didn't seem appropriate for a date with Susan. They were too casual. Maybe if he was having lunch with Susan, but not good enough for a full dinner date with Susan at a fancy restaurant. He would have to remove the braids. Luke knew instinctively how to remove the braids even though he had never done such a thing before. All that the little girl knew about brushing and combing her hair, was transferred along with her hair to Luke. That didn't mean he knew how to put the braids in the first place. Only Vicki's mother could do that for her. Luke combed out his hair the best that he could. He tried his hand on blow-drying it as it was much longer and would take a while to dry itself. Between his own knowledge and what the girl knew, he made his hair look pretty. he would have to put a bow or barrette in his hair later, but he couldn't decide until he selected a dress. Naked he went to his underwear drawer and selected some panties. He decided that he liked the light blue style with mushrooms on them. He didn't know if his own style choices were being affected by his swaps. It didn't matter. Eventually, he would be returning to his old life. Luke also realized that he would have to wear some sort of camisole vest under his shirt. He didn't know why it was important, but he knew it was. Vicki's mother had always had Vicki wear a vest when wearing any party dress that she wore. In the back of Luke's mind, he knew all this. Now dressed in his underwear, panties, and a cami, Luke walked with his heart beating hard towards his closet. He opened it up. Luke was delighted at all that was in there. There were lots of dresses, skirts, and blouses for every occasion. Vicki had preferred blue to pink so most of the outfits were light blues and light greens. Luke was happy that it wasn't all pink. Of course, if he had swapped with a different girl in his class, Joanna Harkchip for example, then he would have been disappointed that they weren't mostly pink clothing in his closet. How Luke's style sense had changed because of the swap was hard to say for an outsider and impossible for Luke. To Luke, it all felt perfectly normal. Somewhat like to the rest of society. Luke selected a little girl ruffled boho dress in tank blue and fell to about four or five inches above his knees. It was nice, but he didn't want to settle on the first dress he saw. never he found a darker blue lace dress with flutter sleeves and a little bow in the back. He liked this one too. Next, he found a cyan-colored flamingo dress with thin sleeves and a charming overlay skirt. This dress was a little longer than the other two, it came to below his knees. Finally, he found an embellished ruffled tiered hi-lo tutu dress with a deep blue bodice a ruffled white tiered skirt, and a red belted flower at the waist. Luke decided this would be the best outfit for a date with Susan. It was just so pretty. It was something a little girl would wear to a wedding or formal event. But that wasn't all, he needed knee-high white socks to go with it as well as the proper shoes. Time was running out, he couldn't be as selective with the shoes as he was with the dress. Luke selected glitter butterfly Mary Jane flats with mini heels. He liked how the shoes sparkled when he wore them. Now was the time to pick up Susan. The date was fabulous. Luke felt incredibly sensual in a dress that didn't have any sex appeal at all. But that was the point. He was dressed like a little princess, but a sexy woman and that made it all that much better. He also talked like a little princess with his cute little lisp and high-pitched voice. When Luke got to Susan's home, they couldn't control themselves. Susan had appreciated that Luke dressed up extra special for their date and complimented her on him out attire. Luke seemed like an entirely new person recently. She noticed that he was feeling better about himself. That he was more of a free-spirit than before. That he seemed just in a better mood. It all showed. After it was all over, Luke noticed that he had damaged the dress he had been wearing. Luke felt awful for returning the dress in disarray. Luke had to make it up to the girl. She might not know what had happened, but he knew thus he had to fix things. Getting a new dress of this type was out of the question. He didn't know where she got it in the first place. Instead on Saturday, Luke got dressed in a flowery top and jeans and went to the mall to buy the girl a new dress she could wear to school. He would try it out first on Monday, but when he swapped back his and the girl's clothing, the new dress would be hers. Luke found her a Ralph Lauren polo dress. It was in a deep blue and had three buttons on top, short sleeves, and a flared hem on the bottom. Luke decided to go all out and get the denim jacket that came with it too. It was the perfect blend of casual and sophistication he thought. Technically it was too casual for a teacher to wear, but as he was dressing in the student's garments, it was fine until he swapped back. It also went perfectly with the sneakers he was wearing last Friday. By the time he had returned to school on Monday, Luke had started to think that he had been using his students for his own amusement. That wasn't right. he should give something back. For Vicki, she would get a new outfit. (Her old outfit that was damaged was replaced by Monday.) For the rest of the students, he would have to give something too. The first big gift he gave to Vicki was to swap her addiction to sucking her thumb. Luke knew she was trying to quit, but she was having problems. She would sometimes try and hide her thumb sucking by covering her mouth and nose with her hands like she was cold, but in reality, she was doing it to suck her thumb. She thought no one noticed, but Luke knew her secret. If he swapped that habit with her, then he would be able to get over her addiction. he was sure he could do it in no time, he was an adult. Luke taught in his usual manner even though he was dressed much like the girls in his class. These being second graders, they weren't in the same seats all the time. Depending upon the activity, the students were put into and taken out of groups of students. Luke did his best to keep his students interested and motivated. But with all groups of people, even adults, students talk and socialize. "My birthday party is Saturday," Jessica Berndle said to Lisa Zhu. "Do you want to come?" "Yeah, but I'll have to ask my Mom," Lisa replied. "Great, I can have my mom call your mom and ask." "I don't think so. I'm sure she'll let me go. Who will be there?" Jessica started to list some of the guests to her party. "Girls," Luke announced slowly. "It's clath time, you can discuss your thocial arrangements at lunch." "What does that mean?" "I mean work now, party talk later." "Yes, Mr. Liu." Luke wondered what it was like. He thought it would make him a better teacher if he understood his students better. What better way than to spend a day playing with them. Then he would know them better. Luke wished he could go to the party. A moment later, Luke decided he could go if he wanted to. All he would need to do was use the device. While the students were otherwise engaged in the assignment, Luke took out the device. He had to find a way that would allow him to go to the party. The solution was simple, Luke simply swapped the invitation to the party from Lisa to himself. he didn't have to make himself a little girl or become Jessica's best friend or anything like that. Jessica simply remembered asking Luke if he wanted to go to her party. Now all he had to do was to say "Yes" and she would be as excited for him to come as she would have been for Lisa. When class was over, Luke pulled Jessica aside. "I've given it thome thought. I think I can go to your party. What time will it be?" Luke had grown so used to his lisp that he didn't notice it anymore. "That's great!" Jessica said excitedly. "The party will be at 1:30." Then Jessica gave Luke a great big hug. "I'll be there." This left Luke with a problem. He had plans to see Susan on Saturday. But now he couldn't make it. He called Susan up. "Thusan!" "Hey, Kitty." "I have thome bad news." "What?" "Thomething came up at work. I have this meeting with thome of the people from school on Thaturday. I have to go. I'll have to call off our date." "Really? Do you have to?" "I think I thould. There will be lots of people there. I really thould go." "If you must." "It's a work thing. It just came up. I didn't think I would be invited, but I was. I have to go." "I know how important your work is to you. I guess it'll be OK." "Thanks so much for understanding. I'll make it up to you." "What about tonight?" "I can't. I have to prepare. I need a new dreth and I want to fix my hair." "OK, I'll miss you. "I'll mith you too. You know I would take you with me if I could. But it's only people from thool." Luke was very busy. He had to buy a gift for Jessica. He couldn't come empty-handed. He also wanted to get his hair done properly. Not only trim it but style it in nice braids. He didn't know how to braid his own hair. Finally, he wanted to get a real party dress and some new shoes. He also wanted to get a pair of white tights and go all out. All these things would take time. He didn't have time to see Susan tonight. As Luke drove to the mall, Luke wondered if this was the right thing to do. Should he attend a little girl's birthday party? He could reverse the swap (even without seeing Lisa) by selected the 'Undo' choice of the R.A.I.D. Luke pulled into the parking lot and contemplated not going. "Hey, I'm just going to see what it's like. It's not like I am going to do something weird with the little girls. I'll be treated just like one of the other party-goers by everyone, even her mother. It's no big deal. Getting to know my students better will make me a better teacher. I should go. Luke sat in his car over ten minutes before he convinced himself to definitely go...or at the very least, buy a new party dress. He could also 'cancel' later. Luke went to the toy store first. He didn't know which toy to get. There were hundreds of dolls and stuffed animals as well as other toys for girls and boys. "Did it matter which doll he picked out?" Luke didn't know He went up and down the aisle looking for the best choice. While looking a little girl with her mother appeared. The girl was so excited at the dolls. She ran over screaming. Luke surmised that the girl was getting a gift for something she must have done and was excited by the prospect of picking out her own reward. Luke wished he could get so excited by such a thing. Even if Luke was given a free BMW he wouldn't get so excited. It was delightful to watch her look through the dolls. Luke wished he could ask the girl which was the best toys. Then she would know which toy to pick for Jessica. But, Luke knew he couldn't ask her. Men asking little girl questions didn't look good in modern society. But he still wished he knew which toys little girls would get the most excited about. Luke realized that he could know if he wanted. He could use the R.A.I.D. to swap all his likes and dislikes with the little girl. Then he could pick out something that would be perfect without having to ask the girl. Once he had the proper gift, he could then just swap back. Luke took out the device and swapped all his preferences with the girl. Suddenly, all the toys looked different to him. They weren't just dolls and toys, they were things he really wanted. In some ways, he wished he could buy them all, but he was still an adult and could restrain himself. The combination of the little girl's tastes and his own restraint allowed Luke to narrow his choices for Jessica. Luke decided that he wouldn't pick up any old dolls although he loved them. He picked up something he truly wanted,. He picked up a Sprinkle Art Shaker. It comes with five bottles of "sprinkles," six bottles of glue, and 12 sheets of paper. He could use it to make all sorts of pretty things, it was really cool. He loved it. In fact, he loved it so much, that he was going to buy one for himself as well as a plush unicorn. Luke thought for a second that he should swap back with the little girl. But after another moment's thought, he decided not to until after the party. He wanted to fit into the party like the rest of the guests, what better way to do so than to have the likes and dislikes of a real little girl. He could swap back later. Luke went to another store to buy a new party dress. As his tastes had changed, he didn't want any old little girl party dress (the device changed reality such that he could always find a party dress in his size that the little girl would have gotten.) Luke wanted a party dress that had a unicorn on it. Unicorns were his favorite of all things. But despite looking high and low, Luke couldn't find a party dress with a unicorn. He had to settle for a Disney Princess Border Print Dress with a ruffle-trimmed bodice and a fanciful tulle skirt. It also had a keyhole back with button closure so he could put it on without needing someone to zip it up for him. Luke couldn't wear lots of the dresses in his closet because he couldn't zip it up properly without anyone else's help. Since Luke couldn't find a dress with a unicorn on it, he went to look for some pajamas with a unicorn. He didn't find pajamas with unicorns on them, he did find Supergirl-themed pajamas and bought them instead. It was a tank and shorts set that had a big Superman 'S' in front. "Maybe I can wear this even after the swap back," he thought. He also bought himself a pair of shiny white tights as well as some new pale blue Mary Jane to go with the dress. His last stop would be to the salon to restyle his hair. Luke didn't know how to put in his own braids besides a little trim would be nice. He got himself a sideways fishtail hairstyle. The stylist even taught him how to take out the braids for washing his hair and then rebraiding it. Luke was very pleased. Although he wouldn't be washing his hair until after the party anyway. On the way home, Luke stopped off at McDonald's. He bought himself two happy meals because one wasn't enough besides he wanted two toys. At home, Luke did three things at once. He ate his Happy Meals, he played with his Unicorn and he watched Puppy Dog Pals on Disney Jr. Idly, Luke wished he had bought more toys at the store. One unicorn, which he really loved, wasn't enough for him. A short while later, Luke couldn't resist it. he had to try on his new dress with his tights, shoes, and a slip. He was admiring himself in the mirror when Susan called. "Hi, how is it going?" Luke's feelings for Susan had changed. Luke didn't have any interest in sexual activity any more than any other seven-year-old girl. The thought of touching a woman like that didn't have any appeal to him at all. It's not that it made him sick, he just didn't find any pleasure or desire to do that sort of thing. he would rather have a tickle fight or just a great big chaste hug than to do anything sexual at all. Although he knew exactly what sex was and how to do it as he had before. He even remembered liking it previously, but not anymore. "It's OK." "What are you doing?" "I just had dinner and I'm trying on my outfit for the party." "Party?" "I mean business meeting. I guess you can call it a party." "Will there be cake?" "Probably." "Then it's a party." "OK, if you inthith." "Can I come over?" "No, I don't think so." Luke didn't want Susan to come. He would rather watch his shows. She wouldn't like them. He probably would also take some selfies of himself in his outfit too. Luke fell asleep watching cartoons and eating ice cream. The next morning was sugary cereals and watching more cartoons until it was time to leave for the party. The phone rang. "Hey Mr. Liu," Jessica said. "Some of the girls will be staying overnight after the party. You can too. Just bring a nightgown and clothing for tomorrow if you want to." "OK, Jessica. Oh and happy birthday." "Thanks, see ya soon." Luke didn't know if he was going to stay overnight after the party. It sure sounded like fun to spend the night with the girls. Regardless, he had to get dressed. He started with a pair of light blue bikini panties. Then he put on a slip that went under the dress and would give the dress a little added poof. Next came the shiny white tights. Then he pulled the dress over his head and fastened the button in the back. Finally, he put on his shoes. He was now ready for the party. There was just one thing he had forgotten. He didn't have any cute earrings. Luke left early, he had to make a stop. he went to the mall and found a place to buy cute earrings. He just had to have them. This meant he would also have to have his ears pierced though. He had never had his ears pierced before. Luke was apprehensive about going. He really didn't think it was right, but he was just so excited. In the end, he couldn't help himself. Luke found Jessica's house and knocked on the door. Jessica's mother opened it up. "Hey Mr. Liu, I'm so glad you could make it!" she said with a smile. "The girls are in the basement. Luke followed her to the party. The room was decorated in a typical little girl Paw Patrol party theme. There were cutouts and banners, loads of balloons, Paw Patrol table coverings, and all sorts of other things. Every attendee got a Paw Patrol mask of their favorite character. Luke liked paw patrol so he knew all of the names of the characters. Bright music was playing and there were candies and pretzels to munch as well as punch and soda. Jessica ran to Luke when she saw him and hugged him. "Thanks for coming!" she squeaked. "Try my special punch," she told Luke. "I made it myself." The punch was in fact ginger ale, Hawaiian Punch with sliced oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and pineapples floating inside. Luke filled a cup with the punch and joined all the fun. Soon as all the guests had arrived, Jessica's mother organized a game of musical chairs. Everyone was having a great time, but there was one problem. Jessica's eleven-year-old brother, Timmy was also at the party. besides Luke, Timmy was the only boy there. He was showing off and making an ass out of himself as boys do. His mom had scolded him for 'not playing nice'. She told him if he didn't he would have to leave. An hour into the party, one of Jessica's friends (who wasn't in Luke's class) had to go. Her mother came to pick her up. "Mommy, I don't wanna to go," the girl complained. "Your soccer team has a game. You begged to join the team and so now you have to play." "I know, but this is Jessica's birthday." "I don't care. It's time to go." Luke wished that Timmy was leaving instead. When Luke heard Timmy say under his breath, "Boy, I wish I could play soccer instead of being with these little girls." Luke gave him the personality of the little girl who had to go. Once that happened, everyone (including Timmy and the girl who had to leave) had a much better time. Luke, Timmy, and the girls went from one activity to the next. Luke really enjoyed himself. He even won one of the games. Jessica's mother set the attendees with a video while she went to prepare the meal. One of the shows had a makeup scene which caused a discussion. Jessica's mother had put a little makeup on Jessica before. "Mommy," Jessica asked her mother, "can you give us makeovers?" "I can't honey, I have to finish cooking." Luke wanted to have a makeover just like all the other girls. So to help everyone out, Luke transferred all of Jessica's makeup knowledge to Timmy. Jessica's mother's face lost all hints of color as Timmy's face and lips reddened with blush and lipstick. His eyes gained a subtle bluish tint from eye shadow. After Jessica's mother said it was 'OK' that Timmy could give the other girls (and Luke) a makeover, Timmy went into his room to get his makeup supplies. One by one, each girl had her face done up by Timmy. The other girls looked on in fascination. Timmy had the practiced hand of a person who had been applying makeup for at least two decades. Luke's thumb found its way into his mouth while he was waiting for his turn. He didn't even realize that he was sucking it. Everyone was all made up as they sat down for dinner. There was lots of giggling and compliments about each other's looks at dinner. "Hey, Mr. Liu" Jessica's mom asked, "are you going to spend the night?" Luke had been dreading this question. He wanted so much to spend the night with the girls. They were so much fun. But, in the end, these were his students, he didn't think he should stay over. I'm thorry, I don't think I can." "Awe, why not?" "Well, I didn't bring a nightgown for one thing." "You can borrow one of mine. I think I have one that would be right for you," Jessica's mother encouraged. "Thank you but." "Jessica wants you to stay." "I know, but I can't, I just can't" "Please Mr. Liu," Jessica begged. The other girls and Timmy followed suit. "Maybe next year." Luke did go home. He thought about giving Timmy his old personality back. But in the end, Luke decided that Jessica didn't deserve to be subjected to her older brother's personality on her birthday. It would be best for everyone to leave him just as he was for the weekend. Luke returned home, put on some cartoons, and played with his stuffed unicorn until he fell asleep in front of the TV. On Monday, Jessica arrived at Luke's class early. "You should have stayed, we all had a great time." "I know. I'm thorry. I did have a lot of fun at your party." "Mr. Liu, I have something to ask you." "What?" "Well, we were talking, the girls, Timmy and I, and we wanted to know if you can help Timmy out?" "Timmy?" Yeah, we were wondering if you could get Timmy put in our class? He says he doesn't like his class." "But he is older than you?" "I know, but he would just love to be with us. Can you do anything? PLEASE!" Luke couldn't do anything in his role as a teacher. Certainly not to 'demote' a student from the fifth grade to the second grade no matter how much the student wanted the change. But as a person with the R.A.I.D. there was something he could do. Luke wrote out a pass for tomorrow. It said that Timmy should be allowed to visit his sister at 11:30 tomorrow morning. "Give Timmy this path and have him come to our receth and I'll thee what I can do," Luke told her. "You'll do it?" "Yeah, I'll fix everything. Don't worry," Luke reassured. When it was time for recess, Luke stayed to watch his class and wait for Timmy. Luke wished he could play with the children, but that wasn't meant to be. Besides he wasn't there for that anyway. Timmy came as soon as possible and ran towards Luke. The boy hugged Luke and gushed, "Thank you, Mr. Liu!" "Come with me and I'll get you all fixed up." Luke found Kurt Dean who was a pain in his side and swapped their classes. Timmy was now indeed part of his sister's class. "Go run off and play," Luke instructed the boy who didn't know why he was with Luke. As far as Timmy knew he had always been in the second grade this year. As for Kurt, he was sent 'up to his fifth-grade class.' Luke hoped the boy would behave himself, being an eight-year-old bully in a class of eleven-year-olds wouldn't turn out pretty. Luke didn't mind too much, Kurt deserved it. Kurt should feel grateful, he could be going to the fifth grade in a dress or still wearing pull-ups if Luke wanted him to. There were kindergarteners in this recess. It was for the three youngest grades (kindergarten, first and second.) But Luke was being nice and just wanted the little troublemaker out of his class. He didn't need to embarrass the boy any. Timmy soon joined his sister and her friends and played a clapping game with the other girls. Luke was pleased. Luke wanted to use the R.A.I.D. to give back to the students. The device had given him so much. The best thing he could give was to become a better teacher. That didn't mean he could steal the teaching ability from another teacher. That wasn't right. But if he could see things as the kids saw them. Really see them, then he could make himself a better teacher. The way to do that was to spend the day as one of the students. He would have to see things from the perspective of a student who was trying hard but wasn't doing very well. Luke didn't swap anything back, he decided to make an additional swap instead. There were a few that fit the bill. Most of those types of students were boys so he selected John Sartaris. He was struggling, if Luke could see his class from that perspective he knew he could improve his teaching. Luke swapped his position in the class and knowledge as well as his learning ability with John. Finally, Luke swapped his authority with John. John needed authority to control the class. John had been doing the warm-up problems at the beginning of the class. Luke was still dressed in his newly bought dress when he found himself sitting among the students. The desk he was sitting at adjusted its size to accommodate his bigger frame. Luke had real superpowers. That gave him an idea. Since he was in a teacher in disguise , he removed his contacts to put on his glasses to complete the look. If it was good enough for Superman, it was good enough for him. The glasses were unlike his normal classes. They had been transformed with the rest of his apparel. They weren't wire framed anymore, they were grape tortoise with spring hinges and made to withstand the activities of an active nine-year-old. Luke looked towards the front of the class to see the problem in on the board. He remembered writing down the problem, but he wasn't quite sure how to do it. He did the best he could with his limited knowledge. He was pretty sure it was right, but not a hundred percent. The class went on as it usually had with John as the teacher. Luke noticed some things that John did that weren't particularly helpful. Luke hadn't realized these things, but now that he was in the audience they stood out. He would have to work on them when he returned to normal. Luke also instinctively starts to suck his thumb. He hadn't meant to, but somehow his thumb just found its way to his mouth. He quickly pulled it out. The day went quickly. There were lessons, new teachers coming in and out for special subjects like music and art and of course, they left the classroom for recess and gym. Luke found that his friendship with Jessica and Timmy had blossomed since they saw him as not only their friend but just one of the students. "Recess was also much more fun when your a student and not the teacher," Luke thought. He had an entirely new perspective for him. He hadn't been in grammar school as a student for decades. But now it was time to swap back before returning home. Luke picked up the device and started to point it at Mr. Santaris. "Kitty, what do you have there?" Mr. Santaris inquired. "Ummm, it's nothing. It's just Ummm." "Let me see it?" Luke was cowed by the authority of Mr. Santaris. He handed the device over. "HMMM, you aren't allowed to carry electronic devices like this into school," Mr. Santaris announced. I'm going to keep it and call your parents. You can have it back after I speak to them. "Call my parents?" Luke thought. God, I'm really an adult. But Luke didn't feel like an adult. In fact, Luke knew that he didn't live alone anymore, he lived with his parents. He had been reduced to the status of a seven-year-old. It was occurring to him that he was in a really bad position. He hadn't realized that he could lose the device. He was a fool. When he returned to normal, he would probably have to stop using the device or at least be very careful. Luke left the school with the rest of the students. He was ushered into the school bus to take him home. He didn't talk to the other students, he would have to explain to his father, "Mr. Liu" (Mr. Liu was born Mr. Findley only his name was changed when Luke changed his name to Kitty Liu.) On the bus, Luke turned on his phone. He found he had a message from Susan. "I'm sorry," the message read, "but I don't think I can make this relationship work. Please don't call anymore." That wasn't the real reason that Susan broke up with him. Susan believed that she had been dating 'Kitty' for a while now and didn't mind that he was still in the second grade. What did bother her was that he was going to birthday parties with other girls in his class and that he didn't want her to come along. Susan drove to Luke's house when he told her about the party. She saw Luke with his mother come out wearing a new pretty dress that Susan hadn't seen before. She followed as Luke's mother drove him to the party. When she saw that there weren't any teachers at Jessica's party like he said there would be, Susan, stewed all night. She had come to a decision that if he didn't want her there, she didn't want to be with him. None of this happened in real life, but that is how Susan remembered it. Luke didn't think about his relationship with Susan while making the swaps. He never considered that this could happen. Luke hoped that once he got the R.A.I.D. back, all would return to normal, Luke wasn't too concerned with the break-up at this point. He was more of a second-grader than an adult now. He had bigger concerns, like how was he going to return to normal. He instinctively put his thumb in his mouth. He was so distraught that he didn't care who saw him. The sucking made him feel better but didn't solve his problem. Some of the other students gossiped about Luke sucking his thumb. But none confronted him about it. Luke was still a strong man physically despite his pretty dress, smooth face, long hair, and small hands. Besides some of the other students on the bus also sucked their thumb occasionally. Timmy sat next to Luke. "Kitty, what's wrong?" Luke couldn't tell him about the R.A.I.D. so he told him a half-truth. "Thusan broke up with me." "I'm sorry. You can come to my house and play with Jessica and me." Timmy was concerned about his friend. He didn't remember that Luke was ever his teacher, nor that he had used his influence to get him into the same class as his sister. Timmy had always shared a class with Jessica as far as he remembered. Jessica wasn't only his sister, she was his best friend too. "Thank you. But I think I should thay home." Luke was expecting a call from the teacher about the device. he needed it back for obvious reasons. "Are you going to tell your Mommy?" "I don't know. Probably not." Timmy gave his friend a hug and they road the rest of the trip in silence. When the bus left Luke off at home, his mother was waiting for him like she did when he was originally in the second grade. "How was school?" "Fine...uh...Mom." Luke told her. This was the first time he spoke to his mother in his high-pitched girlie voice. He was in second grade and at least a half-foot taller than her. Luke decided not to bring the subject up until after Mr. Santaris phoned. He said he would call. Luke walked straight to his room. The room was decorated in such a way that would be typical for a little girl. Luke didn't take the time to look it over though. Instead, he simply took off his shoes and found his stuffed unicorn. He hugged the unicorn, put his thumb into his mouth, lied upon the bed and closed his eyes, and waited for the call. After a while, Luke changed into his Super Girl pajamas he had bought the day before. But there wasn't any call that night. In the morning, Luke's mother woke him up for school. She had laid out the clothes she wanted him to wear. This included panties as well as an outfit. It was a similar top to the one Vicki had been wearing. Luke still had her apparel. He was also wearing it with a pair of jeans that had hearts sewn into the pockets. When Luke got to his classroom, Mr. Wheeler greeted him as well as all the other students at the door. Luke would have to wait until he had an opportunity to ask Mr. Wheeler about getting back the device. He got right on his assignment as soon as he sat down. When that opportunity arose, Luke raised his hand and went up to the desk to ask Mr. Wheeler about the confiscated device. But, Mr. Wheeler didn't know what he was talking about. Mr. Wheeler didn't remember taking any such thing from any student the day before. Mr. John Sartaris was never seen at Luke's school again. Not that Luke remembered ever having such a teacher. End.

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...

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It started with a Panty Raid

I was in my dorm room trying to study when a bunch of guys in the hall started yelling Panty Raid. They were charging around the hall talking about time to have a panty raid. I was a new freshman and had never been on a panty raid, so when they charged out the door, I took off with them. For over an hour we made the rounds of the girls dorms chanting silk silk silk and were rewarded with an intermittent shower of pretty undies, bras panties, occasional slips and nighties. I kind of hung...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 2 The mild mannered torturer

The few steps to the house, where Aisha stood waiting, seemed like miles to Lila. A day that started so auspiciously, they were leaving, going home, even if that meant several hours crated in the hold of the jet, had turned so bad, so suddenly. When Al-Mansur requested Juggy as payment for the Chinese chick, Lila knew she was done for. She held herself up for the sake of her master, as her final tribute to her role model, Sarah. Now, the reality of her situation sinking in, her fear digging...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost 2 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...

4 years ago
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Andrew Lake Part 1 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first story. Its based off of a dream I had, as will the sequels in this series. Please enjoy, like the story, and comment with any suggestions. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern myself with such...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost 2 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: And it happened again FFS. Made sure this account will not be deleted, enjoy the story and wait for more. I will be posting more I promise. Apologies for the technical difficulties ???? My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, so my account was rejected by xnxx after I had posted this, so for the sake of simplicity I am re-uploading it here. I apologize for the confusion. Feel free to rate and comment again, and stay tuned for the next parts, assuming my account isnt denied again. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Shes The One School Teacher

June 1993 LondonThe Hammersmith Apollo Theatre'She's the one, she's the one,she's one that I want,She's the one, she's the oneThe one that I need,She's the one, she's the oneThe one that I chooseShe's the one, she's the oneBaby come with me.'Our song was roaring along. I was on the right of the stage playing my heart out. My candy apple red custom Fender Stratocaster seemed like a part of me as the music flowed from it. Nigel on the drums was laying out the now familiar beat to our hit song....

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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It Started with a Panty Raid Chapter 4

I got back to the dorm after my weekend at home and carried my bag into my room. I thought at first that my roomie wasn't there, but as soon as I closed and locked the door, he stepped out of the closet. "I thought you'd never get back." He was wearing a long pink lace trimmed nightgown that I could see black panties under. "I am soooo horny he said. I went shopping again today." "Get me anything, I asked." "Yep, but first you need to get out of those jeans," he said as...

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It started with a Panty Raid Chapter 5

Mark, Jimmy and I were laying entwined on my bed. We had each come at Jimmy's hand (or mouth in mine and Mark's case) and were trying to recover. Well, Mark and I were already recovering, but all three of us were wearing cum and saliva soaked lingerie. "I need to change," I said and got up to get my blue chemise and a clean pair of white nylon bikini panties out of the trophy drawer. Jimmy inquired as to why I wasn't putting on jeans and a t-shirt and I responded that the moment...

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Boarding School Encounter 06 Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher

Chapter Six: Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My bowels had a wonderful ache to them as I stumbled out of the Headmistress's office, once again dressed. I closed the door behind me. The Headmistress sat at her desk, writing on it calmly like she hadn't just sodomized me with a dildo she had strapped to her crotch with a curious, leather harness. She had pounded me with a wonderful fervor, ramming her dildo deep into my bowels and giving me such an...

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Hot Session With School Teacher

Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, I received 19 emails after the Reshma story, so thanks! After a hiatus of about 4 months, I’m back with my latest real-life incident. I’ve always said that I’ve been lucky with women all my life. This incident happened recently …… It was a hot and humid Wednesday morning and I was getting ready for work. The phone rang and I noticed that it was my ex-School landline. Wondering what the school wanted with me I took the call. It was the principal’s...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 16 The Raid Repost 2

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Note: Here's hoping third time's a charm Chapter Sixteen: The Raid When I returned home from the meeting with the Police Chiefs, Mary wasn't home yet. Desiree and Allison were cooking in the kitchen, and the other sluts were finishing cleaning the house in their cute maid outfits. I sent Xiu to go stay with Korina and relieve Thamina, who was staying with Korina at the hospital with her right now. Lillian was cleaning the living room, a feather...

4 years ago
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Escaping The Raid FFM

The club was being raided, as the police stormed through grabbing the patrons, as many tried to escape the club. Michelle, a young woman with long dark and sexy, fiery, pale features; with blue eyes that sparkled in the light, and sexy, fiery features dropped her jaw when she saw the police storm in. She was confused, but she knew if she stood there and waited they were going to grab her and slap the cuffs on her. It was an i*****l gambling club, and she needed to get out of there fast, but...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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School May Aayi New Young Sports Teacher

Hello dosto, mera naam vicky hai aur main iss ka fan hu, main kaafi time se yaha pr desi stories padh raha hu aur main khud ko rok nhi saka apna ye 12th class ka incident likhney se. Ye mere pehli story h aap sb k liye jo ke merey jeevan ka ek lajwaab waqt tha. Main ab graduation k last year may hu aur ye baat h tb ke jb main school may 12th class may tha, april k session k baad may aur june ka humey summer break milta h toh us waqt school off rehta hai aur us k baad july 1st se school start ho...

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Two schoolgirls seduce their female teacher

Two schoolgirls seduce their female teacher My name is Anna, and I'm a teacher of 16 and 17 year olds. I 'm reasonably attractive, and I do get plenty of come ons and suggestions from the older boys, and indeed one or two of the older girls, but up to now I have been able to resist them all. After all, I know my career would be at stake if I strayed over the line with any of them.However, recently two of the older girls have been getting far too much of my attention, and I have been struggling...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 6 Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher

My bowels had a wonderful ache to them as I stumbled out of the Headmistress’s office, once again dressed. I closed the door behind me. The Headmistress sat at her desk, writing on it calmly like she hadn’t just sodomized me with a dildo she had strapped to her crotch with a curious, leather harness. She had pounded me with a wonderful fervor, ramming her dildo deep into my bowels and giving me such an effervescent paroxysm of delight. I came hard. Yes, you did, Merita, the lesbian alien...

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Tour of DutyChapter 5 Port Raid Lance corporalCam

I was walking on a cloud since Anh told me about being pregnant but she would not let me pamper her. There was more good news, I was promoted to lance corporal which meant more money. Of course there was also bad news, I was reassigned to a new unit forming in the east at a port. They were doing raids in smaller ports and fishing villages. I was also told I had been put in for the Queen's Star. Not for going after the other tanks but for taking out the first one while we were under fire. I...

3 years ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 2 Air Raid Precautions London March 1941

It was dark and cold. The whine of the air raid siren sounding the "all clear" cut through the night, blotting out the hissing and crackling sound from the fires that raged a block or so from where Clegg was standing. "Inconvenient," he thought, "I wasn't quite finished." It wasn't too much of a problem though; it would be a while before folk emerged from the shelters. As if to add to his difficulties, the wall of a nearby building collapsed with a crumbling crash, spewing a jet of...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Meri Randi Teacher

Hello readers , aaj mai aapko aise story batane jaa rha hun jisko par ke bahut maza aaega . Mai story hindi me hi likunga jisse parne me maza aaye .Ye koi story nhi hai ,ek sachi ghatna hai . Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai school me tha class 10 me .Hamare school english medium tha aur parai bhi thik thak hoti thi waha .Mujhe tab se hi bhabhiyo me zyada interest tha ,kai baar maine apne ghar me aaye auratho ke dek ke hilaya karta tha .Mera class 10 tab hi start hua thaa aur hamre school ke...

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The Raid on Kadhir Pets

THE RAID ON KADHIR PETSPrefaceThe sudden surge in the awareness of Animal Rights in the Indian Subcontinent was mainly due to a popular film actress taking interest and forming an activist group. Her group once ransacked a prestigious research laboratory at Hyderabad and forcibly released forty eight monkeys that had been kept for medical research, an incident that made headline news and provided unprecedented popularity for the actress and her group. With yet another celebrity female from the...

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High School French Teacher

(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Reunion With My Busty School Teacher

Hi, this is Praveer, from coastal Karnataka, Udupi. I am 6 ft in height and have a muscular body. I’m 20 year old, have good sized dick enough to satisfy any woman. The heroine of this story is my high school teacher. Her name is Shobha (name changed), her height is around 5.5,her body measurement which she told me later was 38-34-40. She was around 45 year old and she almost looks like porn star Anastasia Lux, having the same kind of body. Now coming to the story, one day I went to town to...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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My Teacher Mom Was Fucked By School Teacher

Hello friends this is a story received from my dear friend from Mumbai with a request to publish it on ISS with his name and his mother’s name changed. Let me tell you the story is true with name changed to protect the real identity. My friend’s name is Kapil Sagar and his mom’s name is Prema Manjula. if you liked it please send your comments to or or or to encourage me to write the further story. Hello friends I am Kapil Sagar from Navi mumbai. I am 20 yrs old now and studying in...

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The Raid

Black pillars of smoke curled upwards against a grey sky behind the wall of the garden. The clouds were tainted in yellow and red from fires burning in the town. The raid had started before sunrise while everyone was asleep and would continue long into the night. A weak rain was setting in and the distant sounds of steel clashing against steel and men screaming their warcries grew more silent by the minute. The town was lost. Now the looting would begin. The Captain stood inside the garden,...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Honeymoon With My School Teacher

Hey, readers, this is your Varun back with another story. If readers come across any mistakes please do mail me, your valuable feedback needs in my mail inbox. Any women/girls in & around Bangalore who needs to satisfy their sexual needs can contact me on: In this story our heroine is my teacher from my old school.Her name is Judy(of course name changed),she had taught me in school in Chennai but got shifted to Bangalore 4 years back. One day I was going through my Facebook (school group) &...

2 years ago
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Pantie Raid In Hell

Andrew walked over to his secretary, while on his way out of the company. He just couldn't help himself. While slapping her butt he gave her some "appropriate words". It wasn't like she could do anything anyways. He owned most part of the company and he had a firm grip on it. As he walked into the garage he spotted his jaguar. An overpowered beast of a car. *Just like me,* he thought. Speeding out to the street he thought about where to next. Being a bit early, he decided to head over...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 26 Dark Ride Dungeon Raid

Muffin and Timothy were a pair of ponies. Muffin was white with brown patches and Timothy was brown with white patches. The two ponies were working with a pair of dogs--a poodle named Britches and a boxer named Buttons. They had a comedy act and then they'd mingle with the audience with a pair of human handlers, Jane and Larry. The act and audience interaction took 20 minutes, the cast would rest for 10 while the audience changed out, and the next show would begin. From 9 AM to 5 PM the team...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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My Wife The High School Teacher

My beautiful wife Sandra was in her 5th year of teaching high school in our mid-sized town of about 60 thousand people. It is located in the southeastern part of one of the old traditionally southern states. The population mix is about 60 percent black and 40 percent black. Yet the school population was just the reverse. While having lived in the deep south both of our lives, we don?t consider ourselves as being bigots or prejudice. While we don?t associate with the black population in general...

4 years ago
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The Old Maid School Teacher

The Old Maid School Teacher By Eric Sitting around a roaring fire at the ski lodge a group of friends were telling Hallowean stories trying to scare or gross out each other. Mary looked at Mike, the football star at the High school. "MY turn - I dedicate this to Mike." She said with a smile. "I'm so scared!" Mary grinned and sipped her drink - then began. "Old Maid School Teacher Miss Hopkins was a very bitter woman. She had given her life to leaching ungrateful brats...

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Chapter 7 My sister and I visit an old school teacher

Now Rachael didn’t have a phone in her room, and I’d often told her she could call me anytime and reverse the charges. Now she began phoning me regularly, to find out mother had told me about her more personal relationships. I was happy to share the information with her, like me, she was surprised to find out who amongst her friends were lesbian. When I mentioned Mrs. Simmons, who of course she also knew from our school days she sounded quite interested. Now she told me in hindsight she...

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Romance With My School Teacher

Hi all Indian Sex Stories friends, I am Vikrant 28 yrs old, 6feet tall, good looking with an athletic body from Mumbai and this is my real sex story of how I ended up fucking my school teacher. Coming to the sex story, it includes me and my sex bomb teacher Velen. Sex bomb is actually the perfect word for as she is still hot at the age of 40. Her stats are 38-29-36. Yeah, she has a massive pair of tits. This incident happened last year when it was raining heavily in Mumbai and I had gone to a...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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