Cassie and her brother do more than study
- 2 years ago
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Nearly two weeks after Zack and Ellen moved into their new apartment there came a knock at the door. It was a bit of a surprise, since their place was at the end of a two-story building and offered a nearly private entrance for them and the one other apartment on the end.
“El, can you get that?” Zack called from the second bedroom. He was attempting to assemble a TV stand and desk in what was going to be an office for him.
“Okay!” Ellen dried her hands and went to the door. She glanced toward the rear of the apartment, wondering how long Zack was going to futz around with the furniture before asking for a hand. She almost regretted the decision to turn that room into an office for his computer because she knew once it was set up, he would be disappearing into it most evenings. But then, that might be a good thing, she sighed in resignation.
While she had thought about arguing to turn it into a studio for her, the light was all wrong. As she walked to the door, she once again pictured the great room re-arranged to give her an area for her easel where the light from the skylight and two picture windows was nearly perfect, especially in the morning.
Ellen was in her late twenties, an open face with a nice smile. She wasn’t slim, but well-proportioned for her height. Personally, she felt it made her a bit pear-shaped, so she worked hard to avoid what she called the ‘Gardener Girls Curse’. All three of her sisters had fallen victim to it and looked like the fruit. Well, except for Rosie, but only because she has enough topside to be more dumbbell-shaped, not that anyone would ever say that to her face!
That thought had Ellen smiling as she opened the door and immediately realized that whoever the woman was, Ellen was never going to look that good, not in her lifetime! The woman was tall and so strikingly beautiful that Ellen was momentarily speechless.
“Hi, I’m Cassiopeia. I know I’m late, but I was out of town and missed you moving in. I just want to welcome you to the building.” She was holding a bottle of wine by the neck and a small casserole dish.
“Come in, come in. And thank you! We were wondering about our neighbor, but nearly assumed the apartment was empty.” She took the offered casserole and invited their neighbor in. From behind her, Ellen watched her hips sway and was surprised at her own reaction. Cassiopeia was taller than Ellen, much taller, nearly six feet in her heels, long curly dark hair which was loose and hung down to the middle of her back. Proportionately, she beat Ellen by a couple of cup sizes, well maybe even more than a couple. Ellen thought, 'No sign of a pear with that bust and those hips!'
“What a lovely place. I can’t believe you have done so much so quickly. That painting is wonderful! Oh, I’m sorry. I tend to get carried away, but that painting is terrific. It caught my eye as soon as you opened the door.” Cassie approached Ellen and held out her hand as Ellen put down the things in her hands. “Please call me Cassie, and according to the agent, you must be Ellen because there is no way you are a Zack.”
“Yes, I’m Ellen, El for short. So, there is gossip already?”
“Oh no, nothing like that. I was gone and had them hold any packages. When I saw Gabby in the office she told me you had moved in. The only thing she said was that they finally rented this apartment, that you two were a nice couple, and that you didn’t have any kids. She wasn’t gossiping, we had a small issue with a teenage boy who used to live here. She knew I was a little worried about who might move in.”
“An issue?”
“Well!” She said as she struck a very sexy pose. “Can we just say boys aren’t very subtle when they decide to pay attention to you? I’m sure you’ve experienced that as well. You are lovely!”
“Nothing in your league, you look amazing!”
“Thanks, but I disagree! So, do I get to meet your husband?”
“Sure but lose that pose. He might cum all over himse … oh hell; did I really just say that out loud?”
Cassie started laughing, a nice laugh from her belly. “Oh Ellen, I think we are going to get along wonderfully. Just never edit anything you want to say to me! That was perfect -- complimentary, hilarious, and a little dirty. Pretty much describes me to a ‘T’.”
Ellen blushed as Cassie came over to her. “No blushing, I love anyone who can frankly speak her mind. I get a lot of smoke blown up my skirt at work and having someone honest is a blessing.” She hugged the younger woman with some feeling. Ellen could only think that if Zack were watching, he might really cum all over himself! Cassie was gorgeous and, as her Dad occasionally said about a woman: ‘Built like a brick shithouse’, only if he knew Ellen, her sisters, and their Mom were out of earshot. She never really understood if that was supposed to be a compliment or not until right this minute.
“Zack’s in the back wrestling with some assemble-it-yourself furniture. Let me get him.”
As she walked out, she saw Cassie in profile looking at the painting again, her painting and one she was quite proud of even if Zack never said squat about it.
'Yup, a brick shithouse!' She thought as she walked out. She couldn’t wait for Zack’s reaction! After eight years of marriage, she pretty well figured out Zack’s reaction to most things. She used to laugh whenever she busted him girl-watching and then his silly attempts to cover it up, but for the last couple of years, he rarely tried to cover it up.
The few times she gave him shit about being so obvious right in front of her, his excuse was, "But honey, I'm a guy", as if that excuses shitty behavior!
“Zack! Our neighbor is here. They’ve been out of town so that’s why we haven’t seen hide nor hair.” She deliberately didn’t mention their neighbor’s gender so Zack would get no warning at all.
“Sure thing, just give me a minute.”
“Okay, we’ll be chatting.”
Back in the living room, Cassie was still looking at the painting. It gave Ellen a great feeling. That painting was her pride and joy. She worked as a graphic artist for a web company, but her passion is painting, and while she’d sold a few pieces, being a starving artist sounds better than really starving. The attention Cassie was giving it made her feel incredible.
Cassie suddenly turned as she realized Ellen had come back into the room. “You painted that, didn’t you?” she said, somewhat accusingly.
“God, it’s wonderful! Will you sell it to me?”
“No, not that one.”
“You have more?”
“A few still in boxes. Are you an art collector?”
“No, I just love this painting! If you have something just as good, I would love to see it. But my heart is set on seeing that one over my mantle.”
“Your apartment has a fireplace?”
“Not here, my house, outside Santa Rosa, I keep the apartment for work. Your picture would be perfect there.”
We both paused and looked at my painting. It was of a barefoot woman walking through the doorway of a Mexican-style house. What made the painting so special to El was how the lighting works. There is light coming through a window, a glass-paned door next to her, and behind her in an open doorway. Her head was tilted down, with her hair hanging, covering her face, and a small dog was walking next to her. Ellen titled it ‘Santa Fe Sun’ and fell in love with it again. The model was based on a college roommate of hers, only more blonde and curvier. For a moment El realized it would look a little like Cassie if the hair had been darker. They both looked at the painting for a moment until Zack came in.
Zack was also in his late twenties, about 5’10", and looked a little like the former high-school soccer player he had once been, just one starting to gain a little weight. When he walked in, Cassie was looking at that painting of Ellen’s and then she turned around, Zack stopped like he had been hit by a bus.
Ellen called it right, Zack was so surprised he actually physically stopped; she grinned to herself as she did the introductions.
After shaking Cassie’s hand, he sat on the arm of the couch next to his wife while the two ladies talked for a bit.
“Zack, Cassie brought over a bottle of wine. Why don’t you open it and pour three glasses.”
“Sure thing!”
While he was getting the wine, Cassie and Ellen shared a look, a look every woman understands, “Men!”
Cassie went back to her apartment, pleased on several levels. First off, that there was no hormonal cowboy with no tact or sense of privacy living next door. Secondly, she genuinely liked Ellen, especially her comment. Zack came across as a typical guy who had trouble meeting her eyes. But El had a freshness, not naive, just a freshness in both her look and openness. Cassie also thought just how pretty she was. Finally, there was the painting. It was incredible, and Cassie firmly considered, 'I wasn’t kidding about buying it!'
Later that night, Cas had a dream which involved Ellen and left her wet and turned on. “I haven’t had one of those in a while!” She curled up under a light sheet and told herself firmly, “She’s married!”
After Cassie left and Zack and El went to bed, El was a bit surprised. Zack was in an amorous mood, the first time in weeks. She wouldn’t call what happened ‘making love’, more like having quickie sex... well, quickie for him. Once again, he left her approaching the edge while he finished. Like what has become her new normal, when she went into the bathroom to clean up, she took things into her own hands and surprised herself thinking more about Cassie than anything else. She smiled to herself and images from Art School came to mind.
As weeks went by, Ellen saw more and more of Cassie. She wasn’t sure what she did, but her work pattern was weird. Some days Cassie was out and about early, other days late, some days she worked well past midnight, and still others she was in early. Then she would disappear for a few days, Ellen assumed to her home, several hours to the north. Ellen asked what she did a couple of times, but Cassie seemed to be good at redirecting the conversation.
Cassie found herself spending more time at her apartment than she used to. It wasn’t a change in work schedule, but she found that she really liked Ellen. It didn’t take long to realize that El and Zack weren’t overly happy with their relationship, but that was a line Cassie never crossed. She simply made sure she was there for her new friend whenever she could. What other people did generally didn’t bother her, but there were times when she got more than a little pissed off when someone did something really stupid!
One Saturday, Ellen got the answer to what Cassie did for a living, but she got it in a very unpredictable way. The two were sharing a drink that Cassie called ‘late-in-the-day-mimosas’. Instead of champagne and orange juice, she substitutes wine coolers. Something was bothering Cassie and El assumed it was work-related.
Zack wasn’t home for a change. He was spending a lot of time on his computer, so even when he was at home, he wasn’t always home. El wasn’t sure where he was off to, but she wasn’t too worried. It was nice to relax with just Cassie.
“El, we need to talk,” Cassie said in a serious tone.
El got a little concerned. She wasn’t sure why but suddenly Cassie’s slight distraction went from her own problem to one of Ellen’s.
“Cass, that sounds like a break-up conversation. Are you moving?”
“Oh no, nothing like that; it’s about your husband.”
“Did Zack make a pass at you? That asshole!”
“He tried, can we just say it didn’t work out as he thought.” Then she handed El a small key on a chain. Cassie almost grinned at the look on her face as she held the key.
“I don’t understand!”
“I know and I promise I will explain it all. For the first part, Zack figured out what I do for a living.”
The apparent non-sequitur caused El to shake her head.
“Trust me, it applies. Cassie took a deep breath before continuing. This was the unpredictable part, some people didn’t react well. “When I was in my early twenties, I did porn, a lot of porn. Something like a couple of hundred films. I do look different, but I guess Zach saw one of my film clips on the Internet and made the connection. I’m always hesitant to tell anyone about it simply because people get so strange about it.”
El did think about it, but it didn’t really bother her. The artist in her secretly wished she did portraits more often so she could paint Cassie and do her justice. At least she told herself that was what she thought when the idea of a nude Cassie popped in her head a while ago.
“What did Zack do?” El pushed aside the idea of a naked Cassie and remembered they were talking about her husband, who apparently did something idiotic.
“Zack knows how close we’ve gotten and — well, he sort of threatened to tell you about my past. He assumed I wouldn’t like that and it would make me amenable.”
“Amenable? You mean he wanted sex and figured you would go along to avoid ruining our friendship.”
Cassie heard the tone in El’s voice and realized that her nice, sweet, open neighbor was very, very angry and she was glad it wasn’t directed at her. She was more than a little concerned about how El would take her old profession and even her current one, but there was no way she would go along with Zack. What happened wasn’t exactly a common problem, but he wasn’t the first guy to try and capitalize on her past.
“That shit! I’ve just…”
“El, trust me, things didn’t work out as he planned. Zack’s not the first guy I had to deal with. Did you see him much yesterday?”
“No, I came home from work and tried to do a little painting. He was in his office. I thought he was on the computer, but I heard one of his tools.”
Cassie pulled out a DVD from her bag. “After he approached me yesterday, I told him to come back after lunch and I set up a security cam. I wanted there to be a record of whatever he did and thought you might get a kick out of it.”
El looked at the woman who had become her best friend, “A kick?”
“Yeah, like I said, things didn’t work as planned. Would you like me to tell you or would you like to see?”
“Wait, you recorded my husband making a pass at you?”
“You bet, and as I said, he wasn’t the first. I sort of developed this technique in dealing with them. The downside of the internet is there is so much porn and pretty much everything I did over a decade ago is out there for guys to jerk-off to.”
“Before you get into it, what do you do now?”
“Oh, I still work in the industry, on the management side of making the movies. I produce some and handle the production details. The last husband who made a pass over my job didn’t want sex, he wanted me to take him on location and introduce him to some of the actors. Personally, I think he was more interested in some of the male actors than me anyway.”
“So, what did you do?”
“Something like what I did with Zack. You see, I hate cheaters. And when the cheater is married to anyone I think of as a friend I get annoyed. So, show or tell?”
“Show, I guess!”
Cassie grinned, “I really think you are going to like this.”
El shook her head. She was having trouble understanding why Cassie thought she would enjoy watching her husband do this.
Cassie put the DVD in El’s player and sat next to her. When it started she was surprised by how Cassie was dressed. She was used to her dressing nice but casual. She always looked good, but usually very relaxed around her apartment. In the video, she was decked out as El had never seen her. A short, tight dress that traced every curve was visible as she stepped away from the camera. She ran her hands down her front, which was impressive to watch. El could easily see her in a porn movie... in fact, before she could finish that thought, the video Cassie spoke.
“HI, El. If things go well, you are going to watch this. Do me a favor and know I would never betray you. But this dress and my actions early on will be self-explanatory. It’s going to look like I am going along with Zack, but trust me, he’ll never see it coming, guys never do!”
El watched as Cassie opened the door and the lust she saw on Zach’s face was something she hadn’t seen in a few years. She felt a flare of jealousy that anyone, even Cassie, could make him feel like that. In many ways she missed it, but her sex life had been on the decline for a while. It just made her mad to know Zack obviously had little interest in her, even though she still looked like the girl he had married.
The sound was spotty, but she didn’t really need it. Zack was acting like the jerk from his high school days and tried to pull her into a hug and kiss. Cassie slowed him down and got him sitting on the couch. He tried to kiss her, but she ducked away and knelt between his legs.
El got annoyed as she watched Cassie open his fly and take out his cock. Then she did something El didn’t understand. Cassie paused the playback.
“I’m telling him about a trick used by porn actors that keeps them hard for a long time. It’s not exactly true, but guys always believe it.”
She started the video again and while she couldn’t make out what Cas was doing, a couple of minutes later Zack jumped up and pushed her away. In the video, she saw Cassie laughing. The sound cleared up mainly because Zack was yelling.
“What the fuck?”
“It’s called a cock cage, Zack. It’s locked so unless you plan on cutting off your dick, it’s on there until you get the key.”
Zack repeated, “What the fuck!” while he looked down at his crotch.
El couldn’t get a good look, but where she normally saw unkempt pubes, she saw metal. While she was still annoyed, she giggled. Cassie was very happy to hear that giggle.
In the video, Cassie explained, “Fuck you, Zack, you’re married to my best friend! Did you really think trying to blackmail me was a good fucking idea! Ellen might not like what I do for a living, but I would never betray her like that!”
Where’s the fucking key, Cassie?” He moved toward her in a threatening manner. Cassie got to her feet quickly and looked quite ready to defend herself. Zack backed off.
El never thought about how much of a schoolyard bully Zack could be. But looking at the two of them, she thought Cas would have wiped the floor with him if he tried to get physical.
He carried on, almost incoherently, but Cassie wouldn’t give in. Eventually, he left, still pissed off, but also looking worried.
Cassie killed the video, pulled out the disc, and gave it to El in a plastic case.
El asked, “Did you tell him you were going to tell me?”
“No, I did that once and the guy really flew off the handle. After him, I started recording things.”
“How many times have you done this?”
Cassie thought for a second, “With the cock cage, only four. Before I had some other things. I did have to tase one guy who got real belligerent when I poured permanent ink on his cock. He’s lucky the ink wasn’t flammable.”
El couldn’t help but giggle at that mental image of a guy with his crotch on fire, “Brings a whole new meaning to ‘beating off’, doesn’t it?"
That started Cassie off and soon the two women were laughing heartily. “We can laugh, but that moron cost me new couch cushions.” Which set El off again.
The two settled down, El looked less angry, “I feel like I should be even madder, but feel kinda numb for some reason.”
Cassie looked carefully at her friend sitting there on the couch next to her. She leaned in close and whispered, “There is one more thing you should know,” as she touched El’s face.
El looked at her, just a couple of scant inches away. She touched Cassie's hand on her cheek, “What’s that?”
“Almost all the porn I ever did was lesbian porn. I much prefer women and I can’t think of you as married any longer.” Very slowly she closed the gap between them and touched lips. Cassie was seriously afraid of rejection. She hadn’t any indication anything like this would be well received. But there was something in El’s face that reached out to her. There was no way she could not respond, even if it scared El off.
The kiss lasted a long time, longer than Cassie would have predicted. As they pulled apart, Cassie and El both had a stunned look on their faces. El shook her head like she was trying to clear it. She didn’t say anything as Cassie pulled back, unsure of what she was feeling herself. Uncharacteristically, Cassie dropped her face, but El touched her chin with one finger and brought her face back up.
Neither said much as El packed a bag. Cassie offered to put her up at her house until she decided what to do. As they walked out, El grabbed two last things. The first was the key. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but she was still mad enough at Zack to make sure he didn’t find it. The second was her painting. There was no way she was going to leave it behind. Whatever her decisions were in the future, that painting was one thing she could never leave behind.
As they drove to Santa Rosa, they never addressed the elephant in the car, that kiss. Cassie was alright with that because she didn’t want to push El, but Cas was dying to know what she was thinking. They made a quick stop for dinner and got to Santa Rosa a little later. El got out of the car and looked at Cassie’s house and just stood there. Her phone buzzed again. She took a quick glance at the screen and put it back in her purse. Cas assumed it was Zack and was glad El wasn’t going to have a conversation with him while she was around.
The house was unusual for the area, more like something you would find in Southern California, not out from San Francisco. It was done in with stucco and a tiled roof and it looked more like a large bungalow than a house. From the angle, she realized it was deeper than wide. The front of the property was nicely landscaped. She glanced at the neighborhood and while she couldn’t see much detail in the night, she thought Cassie’s house reflected a very unique style.
Cas led her inside and the main room was lovely. It was done with lots of wood and rugs rather than ubiquitous wall-to-wall carpeting. When Cas turned on the light, El could see some very comfortable furniture and a wonderful fireplace and mantle. There was a clock hanging above the mantle. Cas went right over and took it down. Then she took El’s painting and put it on top of the mantle.
“Yes, I knew it would look perfect there!”
“I know, El, I know. But I just had to see it there.”
El shook her head with a smile for her irrepressible friend.
Cassie took her on a brief tour and ended it in the guest bedroom. The house was lovely, but what caught her eye was an unusual chair in the bedroom. El went over and sat in it. It was angled like a chaise, but then the bottom half opened when she moved her leg. She looked at Cassie and saw her blushing.
“Interesting chair, Cas, it reminds me of my last visit to my GYN. What is it?”
“Nothing, something from work.”
El got up and fiddled with the chair. “How does it work?”
“El, you really don’t want to know.”
“Oh, you have my curiosity aroused now.”
“Fine!” Cas sat in the chair, her arms on the arm pads, her legs down the base, and when she opened her legs, the chair parted in the middle and opened as well. “There are straps on the arms and legs.” Cassie demonstrated by wrapping a velcro strap around her leg in two places. Then she opened and closed her legs a couple of times. “You see?”
El came over and strapped one of Cas’ arms down. “Yes, I see.” Cassie just stayed still while El strapped her other arm down. She wasn’t sure what El was up to, but this was much closer to a recurring dream she’d been having a few times, only there were fewer clothes.
“Cas, I have a confession to make.” As she said that, she knelt down between Cassie’s open legs. “When you mentioned your job, it made me think about art school. My roommate and I had a thing going, nothing serious, but we had fun. It was before I married Zack. One of the things we used to do was watch some porn together, always girl-girl. Once you said it, I realized I may have seen some of your movies and, well, you can imagine what happened between my roomie and me.”
Cassie’s eyes opened wide as El talked. She had never imagined that El had done anything of the sort. The reality was she had never actually used the chair for its intended purpose at home, only on the set a few times. She brought it home and re-upholstered it when the production company was going to toss it out. It was surprisingly comfortable to sit in for just reading. However, sitting in it, with her arms and legs restrained, and El between her legs was making her feel like she had back when she did her first few movies. There were nerves back then and also a level of excitement that she gradually lost over the years of making movies.
She listened carefully as El continued. “I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of porn groupie. I really had no idea what you did for a living, I just always thought you were gorgeous and sexy as hell. But I kept those thoughts deeply buried. I really did take my marriage seriously, even if it turned out Zack didn’t.”
As she talked, El absently started running her fingernails up and down the inside of Cassie’s thighs, scratching lightly. In moments she was squirming in the restraints.
“One of the scenes my roomie and I re-enacted was taking turns restraining each other and teasing to the point of cumming. I tried to interest Zack in some of those games after we got married, but he was more the ‘wham-bam-sorry-I-came-so-fast’ type, only without the apology. If you and he had fucked, you would have been disappointed.”
Cassie would have been shocked, listening to El, but she was getting more and more turned on. She almost asked El to pinch her to make sure she was awake but figured El would be happy to comply.
El took off Cassie’s shoes and socks. “My roommate always had a thing for my feet. When she had me tied down, she would always tease and tickle my feet. She was always a little disappointed because my feet weren’t as sensitive as hers. When I just touched her feet, she would be squirming all over the place. I wonder just how sensitive your feet are?”
She leaned down and blew gently across Cassie’s right foot. smiled as she saw Cassie pull against the strap. “Ooooo, you are ticklish, aren’t you?”
Her phone buzzed again, breaking the mood quickly. She sighed looking at it. With some reluctance and unstrapped Cassie, then she thought for a minute and grinned. “I’m going to go in the living room and talk to asshole for a few. When I am done, we can continue if you want. I don’t think we are finished yet unless you hate the idea.” Before she could get to the doorway with her phone, Cassie had her top off.
While she was in the living room, Cassie could still hear her side of the conversation.
“What do you want, Zack. I’m busy.”
“Oh, you want to know where I am, or do you want to know where the key is?”
“Yes, of course Cass told me. I hope it fits really tight.”
“Oh really, so you put it on yourself? Cass had nothing to do with it? I would call that a lie. Call me tomorrow when you are ready to be honest with me. Don’t bother if you are going to tell me any more lies.”
“None of your business. I have the key, I wouldn’t leave it in the apartment for you to find.”
“Goodbye, enjoy an uncomfortable night, unless you like wearing that thing.”
El came back in the bedroom not nearly as angry as she sounded talking to her husband. As her eyes met Cassie’s they seemed to glow. Cassie was down to her bra and bikini brief panties and had strapped her legs and one arm back in the chair waiting for her. While she was on the phone, El stripped down a bit as well, to a sports bra and boy shorts.
“He asked where I was and seemed a bit surprised when I asked him about the cage. He yelled at me as well as lied. I think he sounded madder that you told me about his try at cheating.” Her phone buzzed again and this time she turned it off before dropping it in her purse on the floor. El looked at Cassie with a hunger she recognized, just never expected to see it on El’s face.
“Do you need a hand?” El pointed to Cassie’s free arm.
“I guess I’m not coordinated enough to tie myself up,” Cassie said with a grin.
As El finished fastening the straps, “You know, I don’t know if it was your specific video, but I think I remember this chair. It was in what looked like a cheesy doctor’s office, but then I think all the sets in those vids were pretty cheesy.”
Cassie laughed, “I know some of them were ridiculous, especially back then. We try a little harder, but more people don’t look past the performers.” She stuck her chest out. “I mean did you really look past these?”
El knelt back down between Cassie’s legs. “No, I guess not. I don’t think my roomie and I lasted more than fifteen minutes before we were distracted from the screen.” She started again scratching her nails up and down the inside of Cassie’s now bare thighs. In just a few seconds Cassie’s back was arching up. The nails on bare skin were such a turn-on. Then she stopped at Cassie’s feet again. Instead of blowing across them, she made gossamer-like strokes of the arch of her foot. Again, Cassie tried to pull away, her feet were...
“Ooh, you are so very ticklish! I always loved that with my roomie. She would squirm to escape until she was all out of breath, fighting so hard and once she was practically exhausted…” El stopped talking and stroked Cassie’s feet lightly, enjoying watching her. The noises she made were so sexy and brought back such memories. She paused, mainly to give Cassie a chance to catch her breath.
“What happened with your roommate?”
El looked down for a moment, “At the time she wanted more than I could give her. After graduation, she found a partner that would. I thought I found one in Zack, but we can see I was wrong. I hope she wasn’t, and is happy.”
“You didn’t keep in touch?”
“Not close, just the occasional card, letter, or email. They got fewer and fewer as time went on.”
Cassie looked closely at her friend and soon-to-be lover. “It’s a sad story, but it does have a happy ending.”
“Her and her partner?”
“No, that you are here with me!” She opened her legs wide and El couldn’t mistake the dampness on those peach-colored panties. El leaned in and stopped just a fraction of an inch away and inhaled.
“You smell delicious!”
“El, honey, I have been told I taste even better.”
El looked up at Cassie and very slowly licked across the gusset of those panties, she never broke eye contact with Cass and was thrilled when she saw her throw her head back and moan, about the sexiest sound Ellen had heard since art school. Through the stretched and damp panties, El could see Cass’s pussy perfectly, her labia, and she could even see the little man in the boat making a small bump in the fabric. She ran her tongue across it and was rewarded with another incredibly sexy sound.
As much as she wanted to go slowly, she couldn’t help herself. El sucked at Cassie’s clit through the material and slid two fingers under the sewn hem and rubbed vigorously. She felt like a kid in a candy store as Cassie bucked hard against the straps and almost tilted the chair to one side. She came with such force El wasn’t sure she wasn’t having some sort of seizure. She backed off, a little concerned until Cassie’s eyes focused on her and she said, “Oh fuck!”
They looked at each other and started smiling. Before either could say anything, Cassie’s phone rang in a strident tone.
“That’s my emergency ringtone!” Quickly El unstrapped her and Cass got her phone.
Cassie looked at the number and had a confused look on her face. “Gabby? What’s going on?”
It took El a second to realize the only Gabby she knew was the manager at the apartment complex.
“Shit!” Cass put her hand over the phone’s mic, “El, someone broke into my apartment. I have a feeling Zack got a little impatient. Gabby’s called the cops. What should I have her tell them?”
For a moment El thought it couldn’t have been Zack, but what were the odds of someone else breaking? “Cass, I don’t know.”
Cass considered things as she listened to Gabby. “Gabby, I’m out of town, so just report the break-in and I’ll talk to the police when I get back. If you could have someone repair the door enough so it can be locked, I’ll pay for that. Have them call me.”
She listened, “Okay, that’d be great. Thanks for calling me and letting me know.”
“You didn’t mention Zack?”
“El, honey, it’s possible it wasn’t him. We’ll deal with him ourselves! However if it was him and the police arrest him, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. I doubt anything will change tonight. Let’s get some sleep and figure out things tomorrow. It’s been a long day for both of us!”
Ellen looked around the guest bedroom, “So I guess I sleep in here?”
“Oh, hell no! I do have to warn you, I sleep in the nude!”
El smiled, “For the record, that was the right answer.”
“Which, sharing my bed or me sleeping au naturel?”
El stepped close, “Both,” and kissed her!
I had just discovered that my k** sister schemed to get me to have sex with her because she wanted to have my baby. She had been charting her ovulation for the past several months, and knew that she was fertile this particular weekend, so she got me back to her apartment for sex. After discovering her plan, I confronted Cassie in the kitchen, where she was preparing dinner. Cassie, still nude, slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "You remember a few minutes ago when...
Introduction: Must read part one first As we were laying there recovering from the best orgasm ever, I asked Cassie when was the last time her mom kissed her down there. She told me that when Tracie and her moved in with me. She told me we couldnt do that anymore because I might find out. If I found out I would have Tracie put in jail and she would never see her mom again. As I was laying there thinking about what Cassie just told me, Tracie called to let us know she would be home in about an...
As I was laying there thinking about what Cassie just told me, Tracie called to let us know she would be home in about an hour. I talked with Cassie some more about what just happened. I told her she must never let anyone know what we just did not even her best friend or she would never see her mom or me again. She said she understood and wouldn’t tell anyone. I then asked her if she would like to do what we did again but have her mom join us. She had a grin on her face you could see from a...
My Internet buddy Greinskyn again allowed me to take a story he started and run with it a bit. My thanks to him for his permission and indulgence. My thanks also to Max for his suggestions and help. Dan in rainy Los Angeles [email protected] CASSIDY The ringing doorbell finally ended Rosa's torment. A day spent waiting for her friend Cassidy to come over. She was unable to enjoy her favorite T.V. show or even taste supper... nothing to do but wait. The reason for the...
Cassie?s worst Christmas Cassie Once upon a time Cassandra Williams? life had been completely normal.? She lived in a nice house, in a nice neighbourhood with her nice mum and dad.? She was a nice girl, with nice friends.? She attended a nice school, with nice teachers. But then everything changed.? For ever. Cassie was twelve when her parents split up. It had come as a total shock to her when her mother had sat on the edge of her bed one evening and told her that her father had fallen...
Chapter 2 Crashing Bobby’s Birthday Party Written By: Mr. Mongo Cassie left the homeless man in her dust as he still held onto his pecker. She laughed to herself at the thought of that. Now is the time to try to figure out where she is. Cassie knows the mall is at least ten miles from her house, she had run that distance before, but that was with sidewalks and the roads fully clothed. Now she’s buck wild naked, so she had to be smart about where she can go without being seen or caught by...
Chapter 1 Stripped By Miss Piggy Written By: Mr. Mongo Despite a bad head cold Cassie took a shopping trip to the mall on her Fourth of July vacation. She hoped to take advantage of the fact everyone is at the beach or barbequing in his or her backyards it gave her a near empty shopping mall. For once she won’t have men gawking at Cassie as she shopped. As she walked through the nearly deserted mall, Cassie decided to try on clothes at the Fashion Hub a local thrift shop that actually...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie Hole Pt 6 The pool shimmered in the heat, the clean blue water undulating restlessly against the sides of the tiles. Michael worked some business ledgers and the cell phone that was always at his side. The sun that embraced the L.A. mansion that day was harsh and full, the shadows long and high. “Has he been picked up yet?” He asked into the cell. “Good.” He set back the phone, dismissing it and looking at his watch. A good forty-five minutes or...
IncestAn ignorant part of me still persisted: “I’m feeling up a REAL girl’s tits, this was so much better than it was with Cassie”. It wasn’t the truth of course, but I made myself believe it. Gail and I never had sex that day. She was way too nervous to have sex, but I got the opportunity to explore an actual vagina. I’ll never forget the sweet memories I had with Gail that day. She taught me a lot: spots to pay attention to, how to finger a girl, and a ton of foreplay. They say you never...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As she waited there on the floor, she could sense them collect themselves, pulling up their pants and zipping up and quietly move out the door. She stood and went back to the living room and checked her sluttish face in the mirror and gaped in the last few strings of jizz onto her tongue. She made her way upstairs and went to the bathroom to prepare herself for HIM. As she stepped out of the shower the phone rang and she flung herself over the bed as...
IncestCassie McCaffery nearly dropped her coffee cup when her best friend made his request. "Th-Three way?" She gasped, putting the cup down with a shaking hand. "You have got to be kidding!" Mark Benson grinned wickedly at his childhood buddy. "Cass, I thought you'd be overjoyed!" The busty redhead felt her face grow warm. "Overjoyed, he says?" She took a deep breath. "You can't be serious! Tracy is my friend too! She isn't just my roommate! She's also your fiancée! She'd hate us...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie woke up and reached for her Daddy, Michael, remembering HIS fat cock after her tease with Salazar, her perfect posing cunt candy opened to Daddy’s business partner, wanting desperately to have Salazar fuck and use her for HIM, because she knew Daddy wanted that. When HE interrupted and all Cassie got was a hot thick juice load on her face, and HE came in then took her back and fucked and abused her tender fuck holes, she just smiled and thrilled...
IncestCasandara Wilcox stepped out of the shower and stared at her image being reflected back to her in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Most women would kill to possess the feminine attributes Cassie took for granted, large heavy breasts, a flat wash board stomach, long lean legs, a tight but full bottom, a lovely face framed by medium length brown hair, and of course a large lipped succulent vagina! After twenty three years, however, Cassie still sometimes broke down crying...
Cassie was a looker. And she knew it. She had that kind of look that turned men’s heads when she walked down the street, and she always dressed to get attention.Her usual style of dress was either skin tight trousers, high heels that made her long legs look even longer and slimmer, and tops that did little to hide the swell of her breasts.If it wasn’t the trousers, it was mini skirts. They didn’t actually display the pleasures hidden beneath, but every man I know would have done anything to...
If you asked Cassie now why she started it, she would probably not be able to give you a straight answer; it seemed it was just something that happened of its own accord. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have a great sex life. Indeed, for a fourteen-year-old her sex life was amazing. Her Grampa had been fucking her and licking her puss at least four times a week for several weeks since she went to live with him while her Mom and Dad tried to sort out their marital problems and he gave her at least...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie and Michael walked into the mall, and she tugged him into a shop called Rave, a hip store that catered to young girls, rather something more than that, a store that specialized in fashion that was on the edge of MTV and the more subtler side of porn, some of the sunglasses and types of clothing actually had sponsors like Metro or Anabolic or Vivid Films which he recognized as porn distributors. They went in and Cassie immediately squeezed hard...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Cassie had practiced this. HIS wife’s, her mommy’s car started up and went down the stone driveway, pausing to open the security gates and flowed through. That was the key for Cassie as she moved out of her bed and went to her shower, cleaning the scum that collected on her firm young thighs from masturbating the night before, the gelled dildo still twisted in her bed sheets as she cleaned up and stepped out. She pulled her robe on and sat down to do...
IncestIt was my Dad. He sounded half asleep. “His Lordship’s daughter just rang,” he said. “She needs a lift home, Can you get her do you think?” “She’s in town, twenty one A Braithwaite Street.” “Look I got lectures first thing and how’s she going to like being fetched in my Mini?” I asked. He sort of pleaded, “Well your rooms are about a mile from her and I’m twenty five miles away, and I have a six thirty start myself, are you sure you can’t help?” “OK,” I agreed. That was the trouble, dad...
"Oh my god! Jenny! You didn't say he was THIS big!" Cassie, your girlfriend's best friend, only heard good things about you from Jenny. About how... productive you are, especially in the bedroom. Of course, she told you only good things about Cassie. Oh she'd brag about how hot she was, she could be a porn star, especially with her massive tits... but for some reason she didn't show you any of her pictures. You could only idly wonder if she bragged about your cock with the many MANY dick pics...
FetishWhen I look at Cassie Ibiza, my first question is, what hole do I stick it in first? I can tell by her content on Twitter where Cassie would like me to start: her asshole. But holes have long been at odds with one another.The Greatest Debate Ever KnownLet's take this argument orifice by orifice, starting with the mouth. I want all gents on our little blue ball to pat themselves on the back for a job well done right now. It took many moons, but we finally changed human society to reflect the...
Twitter Porn AccountsIntroduction: sorry about the story set up, I don't like giant walls of text. “Knock it off already.” Cassie had the remote control firmly entrenched in her hand and was doing her best to keep it out of reach. The TV was stuck on basketball, which sucked. I knew that there had to be some combination of leverage and brute force that would cause my sister’s fingers to open and let me gain command of the remote. Getting up and walking to the TV was simply out of the question.“Knock what off?,” I...
The strange thing about what happened, between my daughter's best friend and me, was that it seemed so perfectly natural, so utterly ordinary. It was never a destination that either of us chose, but it was a place that both of us were happy to travel to. More than happy in fact, ecstatic - at least in my case. You'd have to ask Cassie about her recollection of the events of last year. Most of all, it didn't seem strange and it didn't seem wrong, though it was clearly the former and more than...
About Mid-March, I was sitting in the cafeteria, stirring my lunch around on my plate, when I heard a voice say, "Hi, I'm Eleanor. May I sit with you?" Eleanor was a vision of class. She had flaming copper hair and green eyes, and was dressed in the female version of an Armani. She was beautiful! My stomach lurched when I saw her jacket was open. I fancied I could see her nipples through the material of her blouse. Gathering my wits, I shoved my tray to one side and said, "Sure." She...
I had a less than average life for a 17 year old. But I had little to complain about. I just finished school, I tried joining the Defence Force, which was calling for as many people as they could get. But I was knocked back. So I had two years to kill before I could try again. I thought it was going to be an uneventful two years. I was trying to find a girlfriend as well. 17 years and no, I have never had one. I’ve seen a couple of girls before, but it never turned into anything worth...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie Hole Pt 5 Cassie went upstairs as her Daddy left, HIM coming to her room and kissing her full on the lips, tonguing her mouth for a moment and running HIS manicured hands over her tits and cunt, teasing her clit up, her, smelling HIS cologne and feeling the heady movement of HIS lips on hers. She absolutely was completely in love with HIM, so positively enraptured that HE had finally started to use her, to entertain her in ways she had only...
IncestAbout a week had gone by since Cassie and I talked. She was so busy with work and school, and me with kicking my schedule up to full-time now that I was out of high school. I only saw mom once and that was just before heading out to work. Friday night had rolled around and my buddies were begging me to go out with them, but I really didn't feel like getting drunk. Instead, I caught up on some sleep. In the morning, I felt extremely refreshed. Actually it was the most refreshed I'd felt...
I heard her distinctive engine note coming down the street: Cassie was home for the summer. This would quite likely be her last summer in her hometown, for she had one final year of college remaining. She was strongly considering grad school — at least, that had been the plan when she had come home during Spring Break — so perhaps she might be around next summer. I certainly hoped that she would be here for at least one more summer beyond this one. I had watched my young neighbor grow up...
After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...
Cassie moved closer to John on the couch as they watched a movie they had rented. Unconsciously, he put his arm around her shoulders, not taking his eyes from the action on the screen. Having grown bored some minutes earlier, Cassie had decided to take control of the situation and get John’s mind away from the movie and on to her body, where it belonged. She shrugged off his arm, went to her purse, and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Light 100’s and a lighter. A smile of satisfaction...
I guess it was my boyfriend's idea. "Let's have the party at Cassie's house!" Scott said in the middle of the school cafeteria. He was 17 then and I was still waiting to get there, about three months shy of my birthday. "What?" I lifted my bright blue eyes to stare at him, brushing a bit of blonde hair from my face. I got my looks from my mom. "Yeah!" someone else said, or maybe a dozen someone else's, because it was kind of crowded even for our small school. The graduating class...
Introduction: Running from a naked homless man Cassie interupts a kids birthday part and must deal with the angry mothers Cassie Far From Home Chapter 2 Crashing Bobbys Birthday Party Written By: Mr. Mongo Cassie left the homeless man in her dust as he still held onto his pecker. She laughed to herself at the thought of that. Now is the time to try to figure out where she is. Cassie knows the mall is at least ten miles from her house, she had run that distance before, but that was with...
After that night, our lovemaking began again on a regular basis, the sweet, warm kind I wanted so badly. I knew I loved both Ellie and Patrick in a special way, and my spiritual connection to them grew. I found I could sense the messages they sent if I relaxed and became open to their nods and glances, intuiting what they wanted. A caress or a soft kiss said much more than words could convey. Every afternoon after feeding the kids, Ellie and I shared a shower or a tub together. Our bodies...
Cassie is in the Main area of the Astro Mega Ship cooking up some food while the other Rangers were out doing a mission. She opted out of said mission in order to work on some school work which she had already completed faster then she had expected. The Rangers wouldn't be back from there trip for at least another Hour and an Half. Cassie was about to head to the Training room as theres no such thing as getting to prepared for battle when your battling to save the Word. When walking down the...
BDSM(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In that state she did things for them that she would never do for anyone else,...
ReluctanceSunlight streamed through a gap in the blinds, sending a beam of warm summer light over Penny’s face. Blinking and screwing up her eyes against the rays, she slowly woke up, looking around the room, admiring the way motes of dust glittered in the morning sun. To one side, Mark, her husband, was still asleep, his head buried in a pillow. Penny’s movements disturbed him slightly, and he tried to snuggle closer to her. It had been a warm night and Penny and Mark were both naked. They had thrown...
I went in by the back door and yelled, "Hi! Mom." Mom turned from the stove and said, "There you are. We were beginning to wonder whether you'd make it home for supper." I laughed and said, "Have you ever known me to miss a meal?" She smiled and said, "Well, it's almost done. Be ready in about 15 minutes, ok?" I nodded ok, and went to my room. My knees were weak, my pussy was wet and I was sure that she could smell me. I dumped my beach bag in the closet and headed for my...
In May I turned eighteen. Along with the usual party, I got a beautiful ankle bracelet from Ellie. She also replaced my toe ring with one that had a diamond chip. My parents gave me a used car, a little six-cylinder automatic. I was told that I'd be doing a lot of the shopping and errand-running to help out, and my folks paid the first three months of insurance. Two weeks later we were released for the summer and celebrated with a day at the pool. The graduation ceremony was long and...
I entered my seventh month of pregnancy in October and the snow started to fly, blanketing the ground with fluffy, white softness. Safe and snug in our house, we went about our daily routine. I walked slowly, balancing carefully as I went up or down the steps from the solarium or the library. The baby moved constantly, pushing down on my bladder and making me feel the need to pee. I usually wore a loose gown and kept a towel handy for accidents. I didn't know for sure, but I thought I was...
Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years, Sue, which led her to becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and later led her to cuckolding me.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story._________________________________A couple of days ago, me and my girlfriend Sue arrived home after going out for...
Several years ago I took early retirement and we bought a second house in Florida. My wife Sally had always wanted to live near the ocean so we bought a place in a Miami suburb. It was a few miles away from the ocean but was affordable. It also had a small pool in the backyard. Sally, who is four years younger than me, had lived and worked in northern states all of her life and was very excited at the idea of spending winter afternoons lounging by the pool. Lying around the pool all day seemed...
Group SexJim felt that he owed Cheri something. She’d been his first Master PC conquest/guinea pig. He liked her. He’d liked her as a waitress before his discovery of the magic disk. She’d always been nice to him. The café where she worked had been a frequent breakfast and lunch place for Jim and Cheri was by far his favorite of the wait-staff there. She was cute, she flirted with him and what was more important, she gave him great service. He had only used her once for sex since that first time....
Rachel was about three months old when sadness enveloped the household. We were enjoying an after-dinner coffee, discussing a possible expansion of the house, when the phone rang; Patrick answered. He said "Mmm-hmm" a couple of times and then, "I'll be there as soon as I can," and hung up. With the saddest look on his face I'd ever seen, he said, "Dad died in his sleep last night." There were hugs, tears, and more than a few kisses, and he said, "I've got to get ready to...
When I was 19 I met this Girl her name was Amy we hit it off real good rel fast we dung out every day we went to the Mall the movies did our home work together we were the very best of friends . One night after 6 months Amy asked me if I wanted to have a slumber party at her house so I said sure I got to her home about 7 we ate Pizza and soda listen to music looked on the Internet you know just BS'ing arround when Amy say Cassie have you ever thought about having sex with another girl I was...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
The clinic was an unobtrusive white stucco structure surrounded by gnarled oak trees on an obscure back road. There were several cars parked in front but it gave the overall appearance of being unoccupied. The smell of late summer was in the air, with just a hint of fall breezes – my favorite time of year. I was getting on in years and just started retirement a few short months earlier. My wife continued to work to secure her retirement, having entered the work force only after my two...
Introduction: There are at least 12 chapters to this story. Each ratchets the story up one more notch. If you like them, comment, and Ill keep them coming. I have written 12 chapters to this story so far. It is something of a family affair, and we get to learn about tons of new, extreme experiences from the perspectives of four different family members. The incest in this chapter is light, but most subsequent chapters will be way racier. Just setting the stage here, but I think youll like the...
“Whatcha building?” I had not heard or seen her enter the garage, but when I heard the question and looked up from the board I was sawing, I recognized her immediately. I did not know her name, but I knew she had moved in across the street a few days prior. When I’d first noticed her playing in her front yard, I was struck by her youthful beauty. Just a few hours before she showed up there in my garage, I had watched her playing basketball in her driveway with her father while I was mowing...
It was no secret at UCLA that Cher Horowitz and Elle Woods disliked each other. And Andie Anderson hoped to catch the two of them together sometime. Cher and Elle seemingly had been rivals from the moment they entered UCLA as juniors, immediately taking to competing with each other for the unofficial title of campus queen. Both L.A. residents, one from Beverly Hills, the other from Bel Air; they had never become acquainted until their debut here. Their backgrounds were equally well-to-do and...
About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...
Another favorite!-----------------------------------------by watchdwagAbout 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had...
I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...
Affair(True Story!)After seeing Sheryl and having sex we had taken a shower got dressed talked about our lives and family. I had taken Sheryl out to dinner. We had opened up about sexual likes and dislike. Had been honest told her sex between me and the wife had changed due to medical problem for the wife. We would have sex maybe if I was lucky 3-4 times a year. I told her that I was Bi but preferred women. She said she was also Bi but preferred men. That couple years back she worked as a Dominatrix...
Bonnie entered the house from the garage carrying two bags of groceries. “There’s a sold sign on the Mitchell’s house,” she told me, excited. “Really! That was fast.” The Mitchells had lived next door for about three years. They were great neighbors. I really liked Stan. It seemed like he had two of everything. Anything I ever needed around the house he always had it. I’d miss good old Stan. Carrie was okay, too. Kind of plain though....
Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...
All though junior of high school I was attracted to this girl named Julie. Her flowing golden hair and deep brown eyes, her boobs were huge (looked better in the showers). All the boys loved her, I know I did. One time I snapped a picture of her while she was changing in the locker room an I would masturbae to it when I could at home thinking about our steamy sex we would have. It was now senior year and I heard rumors Julie was eating out a the field hockey team names kat. The night I heard...
I woke up alone the next morning, warm and cozy under the covers, but I had a sticky, smelly mess between my legs. I unstuck my hip from the sheet and walked to the bathroom. A pleasant mild ache became noticeable and I smiled. I hadn't had anything bigger than Ellie's rubber penis in there since Kevin, and it felt good to be stretched open and filled again! I had mixed feelings about the previous night, and only time would tell if I could handle them. One thought that crossed my mind was...
On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...
Penny was happy in her new home. There was still a lot to do around the house, especially the garden, but work commitments kept Mark busy, and after having taken some time off while they moved, Penny returned to her part-time job. What had been a burst of activity, making the house habitable, became the slow process of settling in and turning the house into something uniquely theirs. The rest of the week passed quickly and for a few days Penny forgot all about Alyssa and Jason and got on with...