An Incest Victim Grows Up free porn video

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When I was in high school, I had been dating a boy who was sexually aware. Donnie kept pressuring me to have sex. Within a few months, I had partially given in and started giving him hand jobs. By the time that I graduated , this escalated to blowjobs. He kept after me, trying to get me to 'go all the way', and I continuously refused. I must say that I became quite expert at orally pleasing him. Finally, I conceded. On our first and only encounter Donnie had taken my virginity and was still 'making love' to me when my father walked in on us.

Donnie was allowed to leave with his body intact, but I was not that lucky. My father raped me on the spot. At first, I hid the truth from my mother, because dad had pleaded with me and promised that he would never touch me again. It was the alcohol that made him do it, he insisted. He even swore to me that he wouldn't drink anymore. However, within two weeks, I had missed my period, and from then on it was all downhill for him.

On mama's insistence and my testimony, my father was sent to prison.

During the interim fourteen years, my life has been a personal Hell. I have not been able to have a lasting relationship with any of the men in my life because the memory of the incestuous incident is so deep-seated in my psyche. Even my short-lived relationships have been without sex because of my fears of older men (father figures). Needless to say, my inner sexual feelings were often in turmoil.

Yet, as I get older (I am 29 years old now) I often think of my father and I sometimes wonder whether he was truly at fault or was it 'in him'? Could it have been in his genes? Was it possible that he could not have avoided it? These thoughts are now especially relevant.

It was about a month ago that I found my son on top of his 'girlfriend' in our living room, pawing and trying to put his hands inside of her clothes. I interrupted the scene and soothed the young girl's nerves before taking her home. Naturally, she 'broke off' with him immediately thereafter.

I felt that the time had come to talk to my son about sex. He already seemed quite knowledgeable but I wanted to make sure that he was fully aware of all of the dangers and the perils. I told him everything that was necessary yet he had a real curiosity and wanted to know things about his father, about me, etc. I answered as best I could but finally I slipped and the truth came out.

I expected him to react in horror but instead I found him positively enthralled and he kept asking more and more questions. The Genie was out of the bottle. I realized that I was telling him much more than he needed to know, yet I felt a strange inner excitement in sharing the details with him. To my surprise, I noticed that my story had gotten Donnie aroused. I could see the tent pressing in his jeans.

That first night, after relating my experience to my son I went to bed, finding myself strangely aroused. Unable to sleep, I began to masturbate, remembering my father fucking me. Remarkably, I only had pleasant memories. As I worked myself to a sexual frenzy my mind switched from my father and for the first time in my life, I thought of my son's cock.

After finishing myself off, I lay in horror at what I had just envisaged. It was bad enough that I had dreamt about Donnie for the past couple of years, but to now actually masturbate and fantasize about him was shocking. Was this what had happened to dad? Did he have these same feelings about my sister and I? Obviously, from everything that I had gone through, I realized that my thinking was perverted. Yet, I could neither hate nor stop myself. During the next couple of nights, I found myself glancing at Donnie's crotch when he was not looking and, when I was in my bed afterward, I thought of it.

On Friday night, he again queried me about my rape. God forgive me but this time I purposely began going into the details, while fully intending to arouse him. I told myself that I just wanted to see if Donnie would get hard at my words. Instead of just telling him that my father had just put his 'thing' in me and forced himself, now I told him graphically how I spread my legs, wrapped them around him, and pushed back with my body.

Within seconds, Donnie's pants were sticking out. I am sure that he was also wet. Shortly thereafter, we said goodnight to each other. Donnie gave me my nightly peck on the lips but I could feel him linger there longer than on other nights and I felt an uncomfortable strangeness within me. We both went to our bedrooms.

As I undressed I tried to understand what I did and why. Was I truly trying to arouse my own son? Obviously, I was, but for what purpose, I wondered. Was it for my own amusement at seeing him get hard? Then I faced the more obvious question. Was I trying to get Donnie aroused so that he wanted to do more? I denied to myself that was the reason yet I knew deep down inside of me that was probably my real motive.

What if I had succeeded? After all, I thought, he did linger a moment while kissing me goodnight. Had he been thinking of trying to kiss me...really kiss me? I felt those familiar stirrings within my loins and the answer became obvious. I was enjoying making my son hard and it was exciting me that I was doing so.

Quickly I jumped into bed, completely naked, with the full intention of bringing my body to eruption. I slipped beneath the blankets and just as my fingers began to touch my pussy Donnie knocked on the door. I quickly pulled my hand from between my legs.

He stuck his head in the door. "Ma?" he called softly.

Like a little girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar my heart began beating hard against my chest. I had no idea what to expect or any inkling as to how I might react.

"Yeah, sweetie, what'sup?"

As he walked into the room I saw that he only had his jockey shorts on, which was his usual attire.

"Can I, can we talk a minute?"

"Yeah hon. Sit here." I moved a hand from under the blanket and patted the side of the bed. He sat down and remained silent while looking at me, apprehensively.

"Well?" I prodded.

I saw his Adam's Apple swallow nervously and after a thirty-second wait, he plunged into the conversation, "I, well, your story, you know, what you told me about you and, well, I er..."

He was obviously uncomfortable, so I tried helping. "Yeah sweetie, what about it? What d'ya wanna know?"

Again a slight hesitation. "Well you know I'm said he...Well I'm trying to know...How come, I mean, I think you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I smiled at my son's discomfit, and by now my own incestuous genes were taking over. I guessed that Donnie's were starting also.

"You mean when my dad was inside me? Pushing in and out?" As I asked these questions, I could see his jockeys rise from his expanding prick.

He nodded almost as if he was afraid that his voice would betray him if he spoke. I realized at that point that I had truly wanted to have sex with this man, my own son. I had often seen his prick, and as he got older I took notice of its increasing in size. I also, god forgive me, but I had actually seen this piece of flesh as a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty that, I must admit, excited me.

I purposely looked at Donnie's crotch so that he could see me looking there, and I whispered, "Does that make you hard? Thinking of my dad in me?"

With downcast eyes he simply murmured, "Uh huh...yeah, I er guess so..."

"When I tell you the story do you think of the cock moving in and out of me?"

He nodded furiously. I turned on my side to face him. Lying on one elbow I gently moved my free hand over his body and placed it on his lump, as I whispered, "Whose cock do you think of in me, baby? Your daddy's?"

He did not respond. He seemed frozen to the spot. Slowly I closed my hand softly on his cock and whispered, "This cock? Is this the cock you think of in me sweetheart?"

As I squeezed on the hardness in his pants he groaned, "Nnnnggg, yeah, yeah, mom, yeah I doooooooo..."

"Take off your shorts baby. Is that what you want?" He nodded and stood, and I urged, "Hurry, baby. Come up here..."

I was out of control. All these years without sex and now I had the cock of my desire. The cock I had watched since he was a baby. The same cock that I began dreaming about from the time that the boy. I had dreamed the thoughts but now I did not want to dismiss them anymore. I wanted this cock as surely as my father wanted me. The only difference was that I was not forcing this on my son. He actually desired me just as my dad...his dad...desired me.

As soon as he kicked his jockeys off his ankles, he stood there looking at me awaiting instructions. My eyes traveled to his cock and I was fascinated by it. The flesh was so pure and full. Not as big and scary as our father's was, but bigger than the original Donnie, who was three years older than my son was. With the original Donnie, I became an expert at giving 'head' and I actually enjoyed doing it. The thought of sucking my own son's cock had my pussy juices simmering.

"C'mon baby lay here..." I moved inside further and patted the bed.

My son moved, nervously climbing up on the bed. I lifted the blanket for him to slip underneath.

"You more comfortable under the blanket baby?" I asked as he lay his head down and turned to face me.

"Uh huh, y-yeah mom."

Lying on my side and facing my son, I allowed my hand to move toward his crotch. I watched his eyes widen as he looked at me, knowing where my hand was going. My fingers wrapped themselves around the hardness of male flesh. Donnie moaned softly and I studied the look of absolute pleasure that filled the child's face. His cock was red hot and throbbing.

"This is what you wanna put in me, hah baby?" I whispered as I slowly pulled the pecker tightly to the top and then brought my hand down slowly.

"Ummmm, yeah..." His eyes pushed to the back of his head for a moment.

"I know baby. I know...You've thought of me...and I've thought of you." I was slowly stroking his cock now. "Haven't you baby...thinking of me for long..."

"Mmmmmm ooooo a long time ma. I...You're so pretty...I do that...what you're doing...I... think of you."

"Do you baby? That's nice. Think of your mama. Putting it in me."


"Before last week...You've been thinking of me before this past week when I started telling you about sex?"

"Yeah...yeah mom." Stroke. Stroke. "Nice...I...oooo...Since I first learned...OHH that's nice. Can I...can we do it mom?"

I couldn't stand the pressures anymore. I threw the blanket off our naked bodies. Eagerly my hand raced right back onto the boy's large cock. I wanted to put it in my mouth. I wanted to show him how good I was with my mouth, as my father had showed me how good he was with his. I talked on my son's quivering belly as I kissed my way downward on the baby-soft skin. At the same time, my fingers continued working on his rock solid cock.

"You wanna put this in mama, don't you. Tell me baby. Tell me what you've been wanting to do," I prodded as my mouth reached its destination.

My fingers clasped at the bottom of the shaft to hold the beautiful looking thing steady. I pursed my lips and brought them to the tip of his twitching cock. Slowly I opened my mouth to take the throbbing mass in me.

I heard him gasp and then groan, "Nnnnnnnngggggg. Oooooo mama yeah oooh gooood. You''s so good...I wanna put it in you too your er your pussy. I wanna oooo put it OH in your cunt...OHHH...and your ass...your ass looks so niccccccce."

I heard his words and my mind swirled. I couldn't believe that Donnie was so advanced in his knowledge.

My former boyfriend's cock had never felt so smooth, large and hard inside of my mouth. The twitching that my mouth and tongue was causing was heating up my lustful urges. I could feel the tip of my son's cock at the beginning of my throat and then I pulled upward, slowly, and tantalizingly. The thrilling cock-flesh passed smoothly within my lips. My mouth was sucking forcefully. I could feel his body trembling, as he pushed up to meet me and I moved my mouth back down. This was something that I only now recognized that I had wanted from the time that I first realized that my son had a man-cock.

I allowed my mouth further movement up and down on the smooth shaft. I temporarily slid my lips all the way off and my tongue licked first around the delicious head and then around and about the throbbing shaft.

Donnie's moans were more frequent and his movements were becoming more excitable. His hips were pushing up hard, hoping to impale his cock back into my mouth. I knew that the boy was quickly reaching his climax. I plunged my open mouth upon him once again and he groaned loudly. At the same time, he frantically clasped the back of my head with his hands while his body automatically began to fuck my mouth.

He was about to cum. I held his hips tightly and moved my mouth all the way down on his shaft. He continued groaning as he pushed his hips upward with greater urgency. I felt the first blast of sperm squirt forcefully deep into my throat. I pulled my mouth back somewhat as the second spurt blasted out into my mouth, saturating my swirling tongue.

With all of my being, I sucked on the child's flesh and as I swallowed the sticky juice, another squirt shot deep into my mouth. Donnie held my head tightly as the final couple of squirts flowed into my mouth. With the dedication of a professional, I drained the thing clean, sucking and gently scraping upward with the edges of my teeth. His moaning was finally subsiding. It was just about at that time that I realized how happy my father must have been with my reaction to his eating my pussy.

Even though I had swallowed quite a bit of cum Donnie had squirt so much that I still had a mouthful. I moved up on my son's still-heaving body, mouth closed but with cum seeping at the sides. I saw his eyes widen as he followed my approach. It had to take a lot of courage for him to stay there, seeing me coming close. Then I was above him. He was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath from the excitement of his first blowjob. I watched with amusement his confusion as he realized that I had a mouthful of his cum.

I moved my hand down to his flaccid pecker, gliding over its wetness so that although I was pulling on it, my hand was only sliding, not grasping, up and down the softened shaft. I did this a few times while my face hovered about 12 inches above his. As I moved my hand, I felt his body begin to react. He was quickly becoming hard again.

"Oooooo mama..."

I bent my head down slowly, about 6 inches, leaving our mouths still about 6 inches apart. My fingers continued arousing him. I was having a terribly hard time not swallowing the mouthful of cum.

Donnie's cock was at full size again. He was looking up at me with a questioning look on his face. Amazingly, right before my eyes I saw his expression change from exhaustion to lust. In that instance a man was born. I knew that it was only a matter of moments before my son allowed himself to be overtaken by complete depravity. I loved it.

As my fingers worked their magic, I heard him give a last gasp moan and immediately thereafter I felt his hands fumbling and clutching at the back of my head, pulling me down to meet his hungry mouth. Out mouths met and I pushed out my tongue with drops of cum on it, guiding his lips to part. I felt Donnie's mouth open and mash with mine, and his hands pulled down on my head.

I opened my mouth and allowed his juices to flow down into his, while my hand continued squeezing at his now throbbing cock. The wild moans that arose from within him told me that my son was as lustful as his father, mother, and grandfather. He was as wild as any grown-up male could be.

(Oh daddy, I am sorry. I did not understand.)

By now, my insides were churning with sexual feelings. All those feelings that my father drew out of me were again flashing through me. I now somehow knew what my father experienced because right at this moment if my son had not have been a willing participant I swear that I would have raped him. My legs were straddling his little body as our lips and tongues continued sucking, kissing and licking on each other, the cum flowing in both of our mouths and throats.

His naked skin felt like it was on fire beneath mine. He was gently rolling from side to side as I pushed my pussy down on his cock, which was again at full force. I felt it probing my entrance. I had to feel him inside of me. I wanted cock! My son's cock! Now!

I pushed down, feeling him gliding into me. I had not had a man there in many years and I swear that my juices were immediately flowing. The feeling was unbelievable. My son's cock! Moving with ease into the depths of my wetness. Down I pushed further. As our mouths stayed glued together, sucking wildly, Donnie began moaning constantly. I pulled my hips back up and then fucked them back down and his hands moved up onto my breasts, squeezing roughly. This roughness increased my excitement and I increased my tempo on the hot shaft.

Donnie was now fucking up and down, and with an urgency, his hands moved quickly from my breasts, around to my back and then down. I felt them clutch tightly on the cheeks of my ass as he began to buck up and down, out of control. His mouth tore away from mine, seemingly gasping for air, and I watched his sweating face as he felt his body begin its build-up to its final eruption.


I bore down with all of my strength, tightening my pussy muscles when I pulled upward and then pushing down hard again. I wanted this to be the best that he could ever have. My body was still straddling his and I must have looked like I was riding in the Kentucky Derby, bouncing up and down with wild abandon.

"Mama something...oooo....OHHH, I'm OHHH..."

The thought that my son was cumming inside me seemed to cause my whole brain to flash red and my body to become seized with a fantastic pleasure as spasms gripped me in rapturous pleasure.

Mother and son were cumming together.

Part 2

Later as we laid there in the dark resting, he spoke.


"Yeah baby?"

"Next time, can I do you like I said?"

I am sure that I tensed; knowing to what he was alluding.

"What's that baby?" I asked innocently.

"In you, er, can I do it in your...ass?" he asked nervously.

"No. No hon, unh unh. I don't think...How do you know about that, anyway?"

"I, er, Joey Jiv had a couple of videos. I, er, I thought, that's when I first thought of you."

I was very surprised by his remark. "Why? Did...Do I look like I do that?"

"Oh no mama, no, not that. It's just that the girl in the video looked so much like you that I...I...jerked...played with myself thinking of you. And that girl...she...well she looked like....she enjoyed...she really liked it. "

"And you masturbated thinking of doing, fucking my ass?"

He nodded shyly. Then suddenly he made a shocking admission. "Mama, I...I love your ass. It's beautiful. So much nicer than that girl. I...I love it..."

"Well I'm afraid not sweetheart. If you wanna do that you're gonna have to find that girl that was in the video. Not me. I'm sorry Donnie, but that hurts a girl too much."

"No," he immediately responded. "I...I wouldn't hurt, I-I promise...Please mama? I'll be good...go easy, I promise. Please?"

"Unh unh." I stood my ground. "Sorry sweetie."

"Will you think about it? Please?"

I could not believe how persistent he was.

"We'll see," I said and immediately regretted saying that, knowing that would only encourage him.

From that night forward Donnie began sleeping in with me. Raging incest!

During that first night, I did not sleep too good thinking of what my son had been asking of me. Utmost in my mind was that I would like to give him complete happiness. Yet, to do what he wanted scared me. I had heard stories of the pain that was inflicted by ass fucking. True I had heard a few conflicting stories but that did not alleviate the fear.

Sure, my son was full-grown and I remembered that I was able to get that dildo past the sphincter a few times when I was drinking and I masturbated. As I recalled those times, I realized that Donnie's cock was not as wide as that dildo.

Part 3

It was about a week later. I was the first of us to shower and I went to bed while my son took his shower. I had my back turned when he came into the room. He slid in behind me and whispered, "I got us a surprise."

Curious, I asked, "What sweetie?"

His arm moved over my body to my front and I held him. I felt something in his hand. "What's this?"

"It's called KY Jelly."

I tensed and lay there completely motionless, holding his hand in my grip. A fear ran through me, fear of the unknown. I had thought that Donnie had forgotten about this, although I had not. Every night for a week the thought had came to me as I wondered if my son would pursue his wish and, if he did, would I give in. Each night I convinced myself a little bit more that there would be a good possibility that it would not be so bad. And if it made Donnie happy...

Now the moment was here and as I lay there my mind raced. If we used a lot of the KY it might not be so bad, I tried to convince myself. My heart was pounding at the thought of the deed. I held Donnie's hand in front of me. He was holding a tube. I could feel his hard cock as it twitched against the crack of my ass. This was something that he obviously wanted badly.

I reached out my other hand, and as he held the tube I unscrewed the cap. As I started to do that, his cock twitched more frantically against my buttocks, knowing that I was agreeing.

"If I tell you to stop, you have to stop, understand, sweetheart?" I could hear my voice shaking. He grunted an eager "uh huh" and I started to squeeze the jelly over his fingers. I could barely hear my own voice as I said, "Put lots and lots in me sweetheart. Otherwise you're gonna hurt me."

"No I won't mom, I promise. Thanks ma."

Eagerly he began pushing at my shoulder from the back, guiding me onto my stomach. Soon I felt his trembling hands on my ass. First, his one hand moved into the crack and held it apart, and then the fingers of his other hand went to work on me, rubbing loads of the grease all along my crack, and then moving to the hole. Donnie was being extra careful. Apparently, his hand holding my ass crack open also held the KY, and he continuously squeezed gobs and gobs onto his other hand. At first, he just greased at the hole and then, once he was sure that I was prepared, his finger slowly penetrated, barely to the top of his fingernail. I tensed and then remembered that the only way that this would not hurt is if I was completely relaxed.

My son was truly trying to become a lover to me. As he fed more and more jelly within my hole his mouth began working on the flesh of my back, buttocks and thighs. His tongue and lips were not those of a young man they were more like a polished lover. I was easily becoming pleasantly aroused under the guidance of his mouth and hands. By now, he was working two or three fingers in and out of my asshole without me feeling uncomfortable. Actually, I was enjoying the intrusion.

"It's okay baby. Come on. Let's give it a try," I told him.

He did not need any coaxing. "Can y-you get up on your knees, ma?"

I knew the position required. I raised myself up on my knees and placed my head and chest down on the mattress as he got up behind me. Knowing how careful he had been I knew that his cock had to be covered with the Jelly also. He moved in and I could feel the heat of his lower body against me. My heart was pounding with fear but I forced my body to totally relax.

Donnie moved his upper body over my back and I felt his cock pushing at me. He was at the crack of my ass but at least an inch away from its goal. I reached my hands behind me to help engage him to me. I was right; his cock was completely greased. I guided the head to my hole.

"There, sweetheart, do it easy."

Almost miraculously, he entered without the least obstruction. "Unnnngggghhhh," he groaned.

At the same time, I gasped. The penetration was captivating. Not like intercourse, yet in some ways just as interesting. I was feeling my boy sliding deeper into me and I was feeling extremely stuffed. He was lying over my back. I felt his eager hands move under me, beginning to squeeze, using that same roughness that I was becoming accustomed to from him.

I could tell by his heavy breathing on my neck that Donnie was not going to last too long. Yet, I wanted him to remember this as one of the best memories in his life. His throbbing cock was buried deep within my ass and before he could slide it backwards, I squeezed my inner muscles on his flesh, forcing it back. At the same time this squeezing was giving his cock a wonderful pressurized force. He groaned again.

When the head of his cock was almost out of my ass, he pushed it back in to the depths. Again, I squeezed it out with my inner muscles and once more Donnie groaned. He was moving in and out now with speed. I guessed that he could not control his release. His hands were working roughly on my nipples and breasts and I was totally turned on from the roughness and the stuffed feeling.

"Oh mama I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cmmmmmmmm."

He was pounding in and out like a madman, going at such a speed that I actually felt a burning sensation up in my penetrated and violated asshole.

"Cum baby's okay...cum in me..."


His little body jerked and twisted as the final spurts of sperm shot into my ass.

I know I won't be believed when I say that I truly had not thought of getting pregnant from this night of supreme pleasure and that all that had been on my mind was my son's happiness. Therefore, I will avoid making any excuses. However, now that my pregnancy is a reality I am still trying to figure just how my life became so screwed up.

Was this all my father's fault? Was there incest in his family when he was growing up? Here I am, going to have a baby, from son? My brother? Moreover, what will my relation be to this baby? If it is healthy.

For now I will sleep with my son knowing that some day soon he will be grown and he will no longer want an older woman.

An even wilder thought occurred to me. My son has now been introduced to, and enjoys sex with, family. Whether that came from my teaching or his father's genes, I do not know. Might not it be possible that I have a daughter and sometimes in the future she and Donnie...? It is all too complicated


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Victim Of The Patriot Act

PRISON TORTURE VICTIM OF THE PATRIOT ACT It started when a I rented a room to a man they say was a terrorist.? I had protested I hadn?t know of that fact.? My protests were ignored and in no time at all I was in a federal prison without all the bother of a trail.? I had violated several parts of the Patriot Act and I had no recourse even though several lawyers tried to plead my case.? I became just another victim of The Patriot Act.?  I had several experiences with torture by guards in...

1 year ago
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Incest With My Elder Sister

Hello ISS readers, this is Rahul and today I’m going to tell you a real story which happened to me some time ago. The story is about how I made incest love with my elder sister. This is my first story in ISS. Comments are really appreciated. If anybody needs any advice or suggestion or want to share their real stories with me feel free to reach me at Moving on to the story, I was 24 back then and was working in MNC. I was working out and made a good body to impress ladies at my office just...

3 years ago
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Karmas favorite victim

Introduction: A rich girl tortures girls, and someone gets payback after she cheats Karmas favorite victim, Pt.1 (Introduction) Rich girl gets what she deserves I dont know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasnt because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didnt bother...

2 years ago
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His Willing Victim

Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...

4 years ago
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The Professional VictimChapter 1

If you're lucky, you might meet her, as I did, in a small coffee shop at a resort on the southern coast of Puerto Rico, across the island from San Juan. You could offer to buy her a drink, but she'd smile and blush, and run the fingers of her right hand lightly across her protruding belly, and explain that she can't drink until after the baby comes, but that fruit juice would be nice, thank you. She's very shy. But perhaps, if you press her, as I did, she might tell you the story of the...

1 year ago
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Incest Kliq Ep 101 Inside Secret

Note : This story is completely fictional! HEADNOTE* I would like to point out that this series isn't going to simply cater to the average horny reader's sexual needs. Though that will indeed be in this series, it's actually going to be more like a tv drama. Kind of like an incest version of The L Word, or Sex and the City... shit like that. Anyway, enjoy. Nikolai Larionov slipped his thumb underneath the shoulder strap of his book bag, pulling it further up onto his shoulder. He kept his grip...

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Incest Sex during a family function Incest Sex Stories

The wedding season was on. All the cousins that I knew in my family had gathered at my aunt’s place. We were just binding off the day. We had dinner and simply got a reason to drink too. I and my cousins gathered around the living room. Chilled beers in our hands and pop music playing in the background. I was one of the groomsmen and so I had gotten a perfect haircut. The beard was done well for the wedding. We were slowly retrieving to our beds, drunken heads. Only my cousin sister Emily...

1 year ago
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Incest is Truly Best

Jack and Sharon were always close. When in their teen years, they explored sex, but never went all the way, but 30 some years later, fate put them back together and finally made love Incest is truly Best I’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home,...

2 years ago
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Incest Is Eternal Credits To MyEX

Hello, All, This is Naveen from Vizag and I assume you have read my earlier story which shares my experience with my Cousin sister. If not please read it. Please feel free to reach me with your feedback at I assume I wrote this experience of mine in a long way but I hope you will really enjoy reading real life experiences than someone fantasies. **Ignore grammar, I did not spell check nor proofread the sex story after typing it** Just go with the flow if there were any mistakes. So making a...

1 year ago
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Incest Life With My Elder Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers. I am Varun from Kerala. My email id is . Please mail your feedbacks. This is my first story. So forgive me if there are some mistakes. From last 4 years I am a reader of ISS. I would like to share my experience also. My favorite is incest. Especially sister. Because my queen also is my sister. My family consist of 4 members. Me, pappa, amma and my sister. We are living ina village. We are one of the richest family in our village. My father is abroad. Through my stories I am...

2 years ago
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Incest Taboo And An Abnormal Part 2

At first I thanks ISS for publishing my story. My name is Honey and I think people should not get bad about incest or taboo. Think who has created ud? adam and Eve. No other male or female. So the population today is the child of them that is either by incest or by taboo sex. Our family grew up on this philosophy. So people those who don’t agree with my self please forgive me. This story is about how my son sorry son in law became normal. Actually the name of my abnormal son is Karan. He is a...

3 years ago
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Incest Sex With My Sister 8211 Part II

It all happened 1 year back. My sister & my jiju are working in the same company at a very high post, and they stay in Mumbai. My sister is 10 years elder to me. Her name is Rita and mine is Jay. I used to call her didi, because of the age difference. As we stay in Mumbai, so I used to visit their house not frequently but not rarely also. Now coming to my sister, her boobs were 38C; she has a very good and round ass, with big breasts which can make any man die for it. She is a mother of one but...

2 years ago
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Incest story of my mother

Hope you may find my absolutely real story pretty hot! My name is ganesh (name changed) and I am working in a company in Chennai and native is Madurai Our family includes 4 members… my dad and my beautiful mom who is now a sexy, lustful mom craving for sex !!Again I am saying readers… this is very much real and it’s happening!! My dad is working in a bank and my mother is a house-wife and her name is Geeta. we are from a Brahmin family. Ever since i got to know about incest, i was reading about...

3 years ago
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IncestLoving Son Seduces Innocent Mom

Hello readers, this is a story that happened during the covid pandemic. I hope you will enjoy my incest experience. I am Naveen from Bangalore. I am 21 years old and a final year B.Com student. I am 6 ft. tall, a little chubby, and I have a brown–wheatish complexion. My mom is Deepa (name changed). She is a lecturer at the same college. She is 5’7, 45 years old. She somewhat looks like Bollywood actress Vidya Balan. She is not too fair nor too brown. Coming to the story. I was not an...

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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

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Incest Buddies Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Lesley looked around the parking lot. After seeing no one was around, she leaned over to the drivers seat and laid a passionate french kiss on her father’s lips. “I’ll see you tonight, Les.” “See you tonight Daddy.” Lesley stepped out of the car and walked toward the high school. School was out for the day, but it was time for cross country practice. Lesley was a junior and she loved being on the team. All her friends were on the team and all the...

2 years ago
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Incest of a Loving and Dutiful Son

Grandmother Chiyo: Äfter the war our family moved to Tokyo as our farm was no longer sustainable. My father and mother have a small restaurant in the red light district. I helped out in the restaurant and got to know pretty well some of the servicemen from America. Thinking that I might be able to help my family to migrate to America my family encouraged me to find an American husband. I succeeded in getting your grandfather Bill to marry me. However, instead of returning to America after...

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Incest Dream Of Honey 8211 Part 2

I first thank the people of this country to stand beside us and to give us freedom to express our adult thoughts of incest, perversion, kinkiness and vulgarism and those who don’t like, we have not forced them to read and write. Let me start with Honey’s expression and description . I am Honey. My mom-26 Yrs. My Dad- 27 Yrs. My Twin brothers My grandma (My mom’s elder sister)-42 Yrs. My grandpa- 57 Yrs. My great grandma (mother of my mom and grandma)-56 Yrs My great Grandpa-57 Yrs. Except...

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Incest In My Life

Hi friends my name is krish, I have read many stories in iss which inspired me to share my experience. . Incest started in my life at a very young age, where i was just 10 years old. . I used to behave like every other kid of my age up until one night which changed my life forever. . . As i live in tamil nadu where incest is not much talked about but am sure it’s happening. . . Saying about my mom she gave birth to me at a age of 36 & is a typical southern women in nature, where as she looks...

4 years ago
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Incest Mother Part 8211 1

Hello guys and gals, I am back with a new story of mine which is sizzling hot for incest lovers. Let me tell you that I am 37 years old, a happily married woman with a seductive body. I belong to a well-off and ultra modern family. I have been blessed with huge, firm but still very soft and blooming breasts with hard tits. My busty buttocks glow with radiance when massaged with body lotion. My belly is firm and flat making my pussy area a bit lifted. The swollen and a bit raised v shaped...

3 years ago
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Incest with Sons and Than Their Friends

Helo friends mera nam saima khan ha. Mera figure kafi acha ha boobs 38 waist 32 ass 42 aur rang gora ha height 6 weight 73 long hair black eyes.Ye meri true story ha.Meri family main mera husband 48 mera 2 sons parveez19 aur atif 15 hain.Mera thaluk ik high class family say ha.Mera hubby aik business man ha aur har waqt apnay business kay kam karta ratha ha aur gahar ka bilkul khayal nahi raktha vo zaida tar business toures par he ratha ha.Jis ki waja say meri sex ki piyas zaida barh gai...

3 years ago
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Incest From Adam Times

Hello guys how is life? It has been documented since time immemorial and if you think properly there should have been incest according to any custom. For example if eve has been created by Adam’s ribs it is his own part and the next generation of human beings should also have arisen from incest. Even in Hindu custom there is a god who married his own daughter. And the history says that ancient Egyptians married their blood relations to maintain the purity of blood. Even the ancient Indian...

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Incest Collection

This is a collection of short stories that involves Incest elements! Incest has always been a taboo thing in many countries. Even then, people always view they who has incest tendencies as weird, strange, or just mentally ill. But the people in this stories don't care about how others will view them. They don't give a fuck. Some of these characters will engage in sexual or romantic relationships with their family members or relatives. Some aspect on how taboo it is will obviously be...

1 year ago
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Incest Family

Incest Family Part 1 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. My name is David, & I’m 18, my brother Tom is 17. mom & Dad have been married for 21 years. During the dot COM craze Mom; Dad & Uncle Tim started a business. They went to Vegas this weekend on a business trip, leaving Tom & I home alone. We had our girlfriends over. The 4 of us was smoking some weed & drinking. Tom popped in a video; not knowing it was fuck flick. The first...

4 years ago
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Tales of a Bullying Victim Part 1

This work is a piece of fiction, however it is heavily inspired by true events..............................................................................I was sitting alone at the back of the top deck on a bus one day, making my way home from school. I was 16 at the time, and could not wait to get in after a tough day. As usual, the bus was pretty empty as I lived the furthest away from school and after a few stops all the other k**s had gotten off at their stops already. The bus pulled up...

2 years ago
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Eternal Victim

Emma was a prisoner. There were no walls, no bars, nor wire fences keeping her. She could travel far and wide, in fact she had tried, but it provided no escape. Police, friends, and family, none of them could help, not that she had not tried. She had begged and pleaded for help, but all to no avail. Her prison was everywhere, her keeper could be anyone, her fears kept it all locked tightly. These are glimpses into the life of Emma, a perpetual rape victim: THE FIRST TIME: Until today Emma had...

4 years ago
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Incested Punjabi Family

By : Raman Hi this is Raman with a true incest story from Punjab. In order to enjoy full, please note the few Punjabi words and their English equal words. lun-cock, bhen-sister chod-fuck Bhenchod-sisterfucker bund-ass fuddi-cunt bhaaji-brother veer-brother These word swill help you enjoy the story better. It is likely to run into more parts. Please email me your comments at The hero of this true story was Kewal. He belonged to a big city in Punjab. You would be surprised when I say “he...

3 years ago
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Incest is Truly Best

I’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home, nothing fancy, but I like it. I do date, but never wanted to be tied down again, so I try to pick women who also do not want any commitments, just fun and sex. This story though, is about my cousin...

1 year ago
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Incest Gymnastics

My sister Melanie is the same way, although she is a bit than I am but anyone could tell straight away we are sisters. Some people even confuse us with been twins even though she is thirteen. We have the same hazel brown eyes, the same long dark brown hair and the same distinctive facial features, as well as similar personalities. My boobs are quite a bit bigger than Mel’s but I love her tiny little tittles. We actually bought matching leotards one year to make people believe that we were...

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Incest Gymnastics

Introduction: I attended a Gymnastics meet for young girls and I got so turned on I had to write this story so I could cum and get it out of my system…yummy. My name is Nikki, I am fourteen years old. My life revolves around gymnastics. My younger sister Melanie and I were introduced to the world of gymnastics by our mother at a young age. Mom was also a gymnast in her younger days. Like a normal gymnast, I have always been petite but Ive always had a lot of upper body strength and balance. ...

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Incest 8211 Double Delight 8211 Pt 2 Threesome With Mom And Aunt

On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.” I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.” Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was incest. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that incestuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?” I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.” Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”. I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...

2 years ago
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Incest Role Play Dominance And Pleasure

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am Vijay(frnds call me jammy) from madurai..tamilnadu… Been reading the stories in iss for a long time but this is my first story and a real one too…. I am currently doing in 2nd year in engineering in a reputed college in Madurai locality… So I have been a lover of sex for a long time since my first masturbation… I posted a gigolo ad in locanto 2 months ago and was receiving so many men, callers, thinking that it was an agent…but then after 20 days, I...

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Incest Happens In India 8211 Part 1

Hello,everyone I am Raghu posting a story ( real) which happened between one boy and his mom. I am free for chat and intimate relationship. Just mail me on . pls give feedback. It is a real thing happened in somewhere of Kerala ,and now continued in andhra. so the story will be long.( it is real,so what else stop you from reading it) I make a fake id in social networking and chatted with some incest lovers to make a erotic story,but most of them want to jerk their cock by abusing theirs mom....

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Incest Dream Of Honey Concluding Part

I am Honey.first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing all my stories.13 is not always unlucky. At the age of 13 I became the mother of our first incest child of great grand pa and me and also the female boss of the mansion.Now as per my plan I also became mother of two sons namely duke and baron by my grand pa and dad respectively. Similarly my great grandpa also impregnated his both daughters to give sweet female child. To me Prince is the next boss after me as he is the first male child...

2 years ago
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Incest Taboo And Abnormal 8211 Part 3 Concluding Part

First I thanks ISS to start my story as they have guided me to write the story.This story we should called as Incest, taboo and normal.Here is the story how an abnormal boy and an abnormal man became normal only by virtue of sex. Here is the sexpedition of their life.I am Honey 39 Yrs.and my husband 22 Yrs. Gave birth to a male child similarly Mou my daughter 20yrs.and Prabhu 43yrs. father of my husband Rajesh and aldo FIL of my son Karan gave birth to a male child at the same time in...

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Incest With My Family 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am a regular reader of this site from 2 years. I always jerked of reading these erotic stories especially incest category. Now coming to the story, we are a family of 6 people me (18), father(61), mother(56),and my 2 sisters(22&16) and my brother (26). My lund is 8 inch and my sister stats are 38-24-36(elder), 34-24-34(younger) and my mom(38-28-36). All these 3 are a fucking beauties any man would want them on bed. I also fucked my cousin sister(36-26-38)an ass dying for and I also fucked...

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Incest Dream Of Honey 8211 Part 1

My name is Honey .  Incest and taboo was quite practice in my home. We the family members believe in we are son of adam and eve. Apart from this we practice regular Yoga, Meditation and Aerobics. All the males are well build and females are quite supple and looks fresh and young. Let me start the story from my great grand father that is father of my grandma and incidentally my mom’s father also. My grand father was best friend in his childhood. Now the story is that the sister which my grand...

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Incest Story With Me And My Bhabhi

Hi, I am sunny from Pune. I am 22 yrs old and have an average body. I am a regular reader of ISS. And I am very fond of incest n group type of stories. This is an incest story of me and my sexy bhabhi neha which happened 4 months ago. This is my 1st story so please ignore if any mistake. She was fair, tall and her figure was 36 28 36. I am writing the story from beginning and am very big but u will surely enjoy it. Now coming to story I have a big brother who got married a yr ago with a very...

1 year ago
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Incest Link

INCEST LINK Shekhar with his wife Anita was leading a happy life with their daughter Pinky. shekhar;s younger unmarried beautiful sister Shalini and Shekhars younger brother Sanjay who were still studying were also living with them. Shekhar is a handsome well built guy, manager for marketing in some good company, earning big. He also has to go on tour often. Having a good sexual drive he (almost) always move with a hard dick filled with cum. And when he comes back from tour storm rushes into...

2 years ago
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Incest Fun 4

The school year flew by. Susan gave birth to a little girl, and DNA tests showed it was her father’s. She was auctioned off to the highest bidder, giving Susan the freedom to concentrate on her own happiness, which made some of the other girls in class jealous. There were now a total of 47 parents participating in the incest/group sex orgies sponsored by Woodrow Wilson High, as well as more than 123 students. There were few rules laid out, but there were rules. Rough sex was encouraged, but...

3 years ago
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Incest Chat

with sis: hi incestuous! are you really? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: cool! can I ask your a/s/l, if you don't mind? incestuous_angel: 27 male with sis: oh, sorry i am male as well incestuous_angel: good with sis: good?? incestuous_angel: ok with sis: so wern't you looking to chat with a female? incestuous_angel: it is ok with sis: so you are into incest? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: with who in your fam? incestuous_angel: mum n sisters incestuous_angel: u? with sis: 2...

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Incest Mother Son

100% fiction! I awoke from what I thought was a dream, the best sex I have ever had, in my life and the man that I had the great sex with was beside me in the bed. Unfortunately it was Robby, my 19 year old son. What happened and how did I find myself in this "incestuous" mess? It began as parents weekend at the university. Robby shared a dorm room with 3 other boys, I couldn't stay with him so I booked a room at the local hotel with 2 doubles and Robby and I were going to spend parents weekend...

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Incest Family 5 of 7

Incest Family Part 5 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. I asked, “Where is Grandma? Grandpa said, “She’s at home.” I said, “I’ve been here the whole weekend & I haven’t met her. Why is that?” Grandpa said, “Cause she knows why I come her, & she don’t approve of it.” I said, “Call her & ask her to come over, & by the time she’s leaves, she will approve of it.” Grandpa being high & drunk said, “Hand me the phone.” Cindy handed him...

1 year ago
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Incest Family Part 2 of 7

Incest Family Part 2 Part 2 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. I lay in Mom’s arms with her tits in my face, I couldn’t help but suck on a nipple & soon I was rocking. I moved on top of her & pushed my cock into her pussy again. Tom & Dad moved into a 69 & went to town on each other’s cock. Mom said she wanted me to fuck her doggie style, while Dad ate her pussy. Dad laid down on his back, Mom climbed on top, putting her pussy...

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Incest Irish Style

Declan and Eileen O'Keefe had a daughter, named Tara, while Angus and Dana Finnegan had a son, named Connor. Knowing full well that there was a family connection between the 2, in that Connor and Tara were 1st cousins, and Connor was also Tara's uncle, the 2 families schemed to ensure that they would be lovers, no matter whom they married. They could not wed each other, due to the family relationship, but Connor would take his niece Tara as his mistress. This "arranged affair" was set up by the...

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Karmas favorite victim

Rich girl gets what she deserves I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasn’t because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t bother them. I guess I was just a bitch because I loved to watch people suffer, it just really turned me...

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victim of the bad girls club part two

Introduction: Scarletts tempted by enough man, but sonnys cock has a lot to offer. Sonny though back on the night they had spent together it was over two weeks ago now and he was convicted she was the one, although she hadnt spent much time with him since that night. he couldnt let someone so demanding out of his head. Little did he know he had just become enough victim of the bad girls club. He didnt know why he couldnt get her out of his head, she was just a stunning girl but he knew little...

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victim of the bad girls club

Introduction: Scarlett was a stunningly attractive girl and amazingly successful, owning her own restraint/bar at only nineteen. Victim of the bad girls club Scarlett was a stunningly attractive girl and amazingly successful, owning her own restraint/bar at only nineteen. She had called it Downworld after designing the place gothicly it was one of a kind attracting a lot of young adults. Though Scarletts success and beauty, she hadnt been with a guy since her heart had been broken at the young...

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