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“Hahaha...excuse me what?” I interrupted my own laugh. “Oh you didn’t know?” said Ramesh. “No, of course not!” I blurted alarmingly.

"You mean to say Amishi spent the night in Dhanwarlal's house?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, I thought you knew...haven't I said this to you already?" Ramesh replied.

"Of course not man, this is serious, tell me everything" I requested.

"That night as you already know we were four guys and your ex girlfriend hanging out at the brewery" Ramesh started. "We had a couple of drinks and we also visited a disco. It was pretty late when we decided to call it a night and quite drunk as well." he continued. "So we booked a cab for five of us and headed to my home first"

"Five of you, in one cab?" I looked puzzled. "Yeah, Amishi sat in the front, we managed at the back" Ramesh explained. To give a background, Amishi, my ex-girlfriend's apartment was near to Ramesh's and that night his wife was away at her parents' place.

"So when we reached my place, I got down along with Amishi and Dhanwarlal and his other two friends left off for their destination. I bid her goodbye but was shocked when she said that she wanted to spend the night at my house as her apartment gates would already be closed by now. That was no way possible as our society would definitely get the wrong idea, plus my wife wasn't home either. So I quickly called up the guys, had them drive back and sent her off with them" Ramesh described.

To be honest I was very angry at the moment. Dhanwarlal was a friend of mine but a fuckboy by nature. He had already slept with countless girls and by nature he would never hesitate to hit on a girl just because she was a friend's girlfriend. I also knew he had his eyes on Amishi from the day I introduced them to each other. He wanted to get close to her in the name of friendship and get into her pants when he gets the opportunity. Sex was primary for him, friendship secondary. Dhanwarlal's other two friends, Kishan and Suraj were also naughty but they wouldn't cross the limits or safe to say, they weren't smart as Dhanwarlal to take the advantage.

Well to be fair, I coulnd't blame them wholly, Amishi was irresistable. Fair, flawless skin, round, tight boobs, good ass and a cute face.

"So then what happened" I asked again.

"Then they went off man" Ramesh said "I don't know much after that."

"But how did they sleep that day" I asked puzzled. "There are only two beds"

"She slept in Kishan's room" Ramesh replied. "On the floor, while Kishan slept on his bed"

I was a bit relieved that she didn't pair up with Dhanwarlal at least, but I wasn't satisfied.


Part Two – The confrontation (Amishi and me)

Amishi and I had broken up for a while now. Though we weren't together, I still had feelings for her and was hoping to get back together in the future. But this was a shocker. Dhanwarlal's house was only minutes away from mine, she could have at least texted me. It doesn't matter if we longer talked, I pondered.

I started getting restless after this incident was revealed to me and wanted to know everything. But we longer talked and didn't want to call her up just to start a fight and ruin my chances of getting back together with her.

But one day I got drunk and texted her to call me. To my surprise, she called back immediately and we started talking.

"Are you well" she asked. "Not bad, but I wanted to ask you something" I replied trembling.

"What is it?" she asked again. I paused for a while and finally questioned her "That night when you went out with my friends to the disco, I thought you went back to your room."

"Oh my God Shankar, you call me after so many days and you want to fight with me. I'm going to hang up if you..." she started complaining.

"Wait, I promise I won't fight. But I want to know what happened" I interrupted her. "I don't trust Dhanwarlal and he had his eyes on you for a long time. Please tell me everything"

"You'll get angry" she said softly. My heart sank.

"I won't, I have to know" I pleaded.

"Okay but don't blame me later" she said reluctantly and started the story.

The story continues from her point of view below.

Amishi began...


Part Three – The Story (Dhanwarlal and Amishi)

Ramesh was kind enough to call back the guys and luckily they came back for me. You know about our apartment right, they close the gates at midnight and it's very difficult to get in after that.

I greeted them with a smile and sat in the front seat. Dhanwarlal was making us laugh throughout the journey and we were having fun.

We reached their apartment soon and took the lift to their room. It was a bit awkward but we made small talks. Finally we entered the room.

I was quite drunk and expecting to sleep right away but Dhanwarlal proposed that we continue the party. He said he has a good stock of beer bottles in the fridge. Kishan and Suraj cheered in joy and I couldn't deny so I agreed as well.

Dhanwarlal laid a mat on the hall floor and asked us all to sit down. He soon joined us with four beer bottles and smiled at me. I smiled back. Though already quite drunk and sleepy I was happy at the moment and wanted to enjoy more.

We were seated in a circle and thankfully I was wearing jeans that day so I didn't have to worry about covering my legs. But my top was a bit revealing, it was loose at the top and I knew the guys would take chances stealing glances inside.

So our second party began. The guys were making me laugh like anything. They narrated so many incidents that I lost track of time and alcohol as well. I never knew when I gulped down two bottles of beer and was having my third bottle.

It was almost 3 AM now and I was sleepy as hell. The guys seemed bored as well now except Dhanwarlal. He was still initiating conversations. "Are you tired?" Dhanwarlal asked me suddenly. I smiled and said yes. "You guys continue I better sleep now" I said.

"Sure sure" Dhanwarlal said and explained our arrangements for the night. Dhanwarlal said he would sleep with Suraj and I could sleep in Kishan's room. "I'll take the floor" I said. We all agreed and slowly went in.

Kishan was very polite and gave me a mattress and pillow. He arranged his own bed, bid me goodnight and climbed into his bed. I arranged my own bed for the night and lied down. My head was groggy and I was feeling uncomfortable also. But I had to sleep in my clothes as I had already denied taking theirs.

Kishan switched off the lights and I prepared to sleep.

It was around 4:30 AM in the morning when I woke up. My head was dizzy as hell but I had to pee very badly. I sat up in the darkness and then stood up. Using my phone light I made my way into the attached bathroom in Kishan's room and sat down to pee. Kishan was snoring loudly which meant he was sound asleep.

Finishing my nature's call I flushed and went back into Kishan's room At this point I made a terrible decision. I was thirsty and decided to drink some water from the fridge. So I stepped outside into the hall where we had our party.

I made my way to the fridge, opened it up and picked up a bottle. I gulped down some cold water and as I was about to close the fridge I was surprised to hear Dhanwarlal's voice in his room. It seemed he was talking on the phone and he suddenly stopped. I quickly closed the fridge and tried to make my way back into Kishan's room to avoid any interaction right now but suddenly his room door opened and he stepped out in front of me. "What's wrong" he asked me.

"Oh I was just very thirsty, going back to sleep now" I replied and tried to go away. "Wait" he said and caught hold of my hand.

I feel embarrassed saying this but I didn't free my hand immediately. I stopped and asked him if he needed anything.

"You should see the view from our balcony" he said and guided me towards it. I went ahead and stepped into their balcony. He was behind me. It was true, the view was really nice and the wind was making it even better. I stood there with half opened eyes and suddenly Dhanwarlal hugged me from behind.

I was absolutely shocked and froze for a moment. Before I could react, he started kissing me from behind starting on my neck. I realized what was happening and tried to hold his hands which were on my waist to remove them. But he swiftly moved them up and grabbed my breasts. I couldn't scream because explaining the entire situation to you and his friends would be tough and I didn't want to create a scene in the middle of the night. So I just twisted my body and tried to push him away.

By this time his right hand had already slipped inside my top and squeezing my breasts from the inside. His left hand was trying to enter my jeans. I tried to wriggle out but couldn't.

With one swift motion, Dhanwarlal turned me and planted a kiss on my lips. As I tried to push away his face, he unhooked my bra. I gasped and tried to hold it in place and Dhanwarlal got the opportunity to pull me inside and held me against the wall.

"Dhanwarlal stop what are you doing" I whispered. But he held my hands on the wall and started kissing on my neck again.

Suddenly he caught hold of my top and removed it completely form my body. I wasn't fast enough to react due to my drunk state and I stood there now only in my bra. He again locked his lips onto mine and removed my bra as well. Soon after he resumed mauling my breasts and all I could do was try to push him away. I knew where this was going but still didn't have the courage or energy to shout. He pinched my nipples very hardly and I winced in pain, trying to keep my voice down.

Now Dhanwarlal was getting more aggressive and pulled me down onto the mat where we had earlier sat down. I know how horny guys get when they are drunk. I lost my balance and fell onto the mat. Grabbing the opportunity, Dhanwarlal got on top of me and got between my legs. Perhaps this was the point of no return now.

Dhanwarlal started kissing me more passionately now releasing his alcoholic saliva inside my mouth. "Dhanwarlal stop" I could only mumble.

His right hand was already on its way to open my jeans and very soon my buttons were open, then my zip. Then he started pulling them down. I tried wriggling out of his vicious grip but it was impossible with the alcohol wearing down my mind. I realized now why he wanted me to drink more beer. The next moment I realized that my pants were gone and I was fully naked now except my panties. He was sucking my breasts now while squeezing them like a toy. He would occasionally suck and bite my nipples which would send shivers down my body.

The torture of my breasts continued along with the occasional lip locks and my body finally started responding now. I knew this was wrong, I knew I was being forced but I started to get wet.

Dhanwarlal was smart. His left hand went down and rubbed my panties over my vagina. I shivered and he smirked "You're enjoying this aren't you".

I was ashamed and yet couldn't scream. I was just looking for an opportunity to break free and end this ordeal.

Before I could even think of an escape route his hands were inside my panties and started rubbing my clit. "Ahh oh my God" I moaned involuntarily. His mouth continued assaulting my breasts and his right hand stopped my hands from making moves.

I'm sorry but I was completely wet by now. Many months had already passed since I slept with you and perhaps my body was craving this badly.

I got back to my senses once again as Dhanwarlal pushed a finger inside me. "Fuck" I groaned in both pleasure and pain. I was still trying to get free but it felt good as well. Dhanwarlal soon increased the speed and added one more finger to the assault. My body arched and he became even more violent.

Suddenly he caught hold of my panties and started pulling them down. I tried closing my legs but he was between them. My frail hands pushed his chest but it was fruitless. I don't even know how and when but suddenly I felt the air on my vagina. My panty was gone. I tried closing my legs but Dhanwarlal was already in between again.

Dhanwarlal spread my legs with his body and held my hands stretched above my head. I know what was coming next. I thought of screaming now as there was no way out. But he covered my mouth with his and inserted his tongue deep within.

I felt a nudge on my vagina. I didn't even know when Dhanwarlal got rid of his pants. Being drunk at the wrong time is a curse I thought. I felt a sudden push and Dhanwarlal was inside of me now. "Fuck" he groaned. "Wanted to do this since the day I met you."

I gasped in shock and realized what a grave mistake I had made. I should have listened to you a long time ago when you warned me about Dhanwarlal. But it was too late now.

Dhanwarlal went out and pushed back in. "Ahh" I let out a cry now. I couldn't whisper anymore. He went back inside again and started increasing the speed and force of his thrusts now. He let go of my hands now but I knew I couldn't push him away and it was too late. He grabbed my breasts again and mauled them violently, pinching and biting my nipples in between. I just grabbed his hair in anger and pulled them.

The assault on my vagina continued and he was starting to breathe heavily now. "Condom" I muttered faintly with the little energy that was remaining in me. He just carried on fucking me and I turned away trying not to look at his face. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of looking me in the eyes while he climaxed. To my surprise it was already almost morning by now and the hall was no longer dark. Suddenly Kishan's room door opened and Kishan stepped into the hall.

"What are you guys..." he stopped and stared at us in disbelief. To my shock he just smiled and winked at me. Before I could react Kishan went back into his room thinking he might disturb our fun.

Dhanwarlal's strokes were very hard now and he hugged me, burying his face on my neck. I don't know what came over me but I hugged him as well and suddenly Dhanwarlal stopped. "Aah fuck" he groaned as warm spurts of semen shot inside me. I didn't even know how to react and in my confusion I held him even tighter and locked my thighs on his.

Our eyes met momentarily and Dhanwarlal smiled "I know you liked this" and got up leaving me naked with his semen flooding out of my vagina. I quickly closed my legs and covered myself. I grabbed my clothes and hurried inside the bathroom.

With the little bit energy I had left in me I cleaned my vagina, dressed myself and angrily got out of the bathroom. "I'm going back to my place" I said. "You'll not find any cabs right now. You better take rest and leave in the afternoon" he said with indifference.

He was correct. I simply went back into Kishan's room and collapsed on my mattress. Kishan was also fast asleep and I dozed off instantly.

It was almost 3 PM when I woke up. Dhanwarlal, Suraj and Kishan were in the hall, talking out loud and laughing. I picked up my purse and stepped out. "Hey Good afternoon" Dhanwarlal smiled at me, others did too. I just stared blankly at them. They were having lunch, behaving as if nothing had happened.

"I'm going back" I said and opened my phone to book a cab. "Alright, when are you coming again" Dhanwarlal smiled at me. I just ignored him and booked a cab. While waiting for the cab they were looking at Kishan's phone and smiling. Maybe he took a snap of us, who knows but it's just a theory.

Soon my cab came and I went back to my place. Before entering my room I picked up an i-pill and that's the end of my story.


I stood in disbelief and couldn't think of what to say.

"You wanted to hear it right. Now please don't fight or I'm never going to share anything with you again".

"I'm going to call you later" I said and hung up. I knew there were more secrets but I had to wait for a while before I could call her up again.


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The best a man can get

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When I was about 16 I "accidently" let my sister catch me. I was laying on my bed on my back, stroking to a Penthouse, when I had a thought to have my sister catch me.( she was slender had a great chest and I had spied on her getting off several times). I closed my door almost all the way but left a slight crack, just enough to see in but not so much that it was obvious. There was a chest of drawers just outside my room that held bath linen etc.. The perfect set-up. I could hear her walking...

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Rohini The Best A Man Can Get

Hi. I’m Sidharth Ram. I’m 23 years of age. A regular viewer of ISS. I’m an engineer by profession. Basically from Bangalore. I’m 5.11 feet tall and decently built with a finely packed body. I had always been interested in an elder woman. This sex story is about my Rohini . Any lady or aunty could email me on This story has probably changed the view of my life. I learned to dream after knowing her. Now let me break the suspense. Once it so happened that I was supposed to send out an official...

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Thats all you get

"That's all you get!" Part 1I knew Amber was conceited when we first started going out, and to be honest it kinda turned me on.  She certainly had reason to be, since she was one of the most beautiful women I'd even seen, and it made sense that she was aware of her own physical attractiveness.  I'm not the handsomest guy in the world to say the least, and I was initially confused but thrilled when Amber agreed to let me take her out to dinner and a show.  I was even more shocked when she agreed...

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Hard to Get

I love teasing guys and playing hard to get. OK, it’s a cruel, but I can’t help it. I was born a natural flirt, with big green eyes, a tight little body, and luscious brown locks. In high school, I was always known as ‘that girl.’ It’s a compliment, even though it doesn’t sound like one. I never worried about being tossed into the trashcan as a freshmen, or getting soup dumped over my head. I’m a flirt, but guys and girls can’t help but like me no matter what. But I learned my lesson...

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My brotherinlaw breaks up with his GF and I get

My wife's younger brother, Tom was always with a girlfriend, and it was he that usually called it off with them as he moved on. this is about the one time a girl broke up with him.My wife and I were working in the backyard one summer day and Tom came into the yard and after looking at his sister, He fell apart. He was crying she's gone...She's gone!. We thought she died. After we got the story out of him and Peggy had hugged and kissed him for over and hour, he finally stopped crying so bad. he...

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Forgetting the Getting

Monday thru Friday provisions have been set to insure everyone meets a carbon standard. A uniform by any other could never be as supplicating to any male eye. Dress shirt and skirt simple yet the trope is often ignored and replaced by a fixation of a bearing midriff and pigtails. I am not of fan, nor do I entertain the idea of such a portrayal. Unlike my good friend Stephanie and other girls at my school, being seen as provocative is an ambition. Attention from the opposite sex is the intent....

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The closer we get

Have you ever wondered what life in a family linked with incest is like? well this is what my family is like, my name is El-Louise and I'm your average 17 year old, I'm 5'6, have small but perky 34A boobs, have longish brown hair and am quite curvy, an this is my life.I woke up this morning after my alarm went off at half 6, my older sister, Tiffany-Jade was already up and about to get ready for college, or so I thought, as I wandered downstairs into the kitchen I hear a moan coming from the...

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What Gus isnt Getting

Blake is slamming into Penny. His hot, thick cock contacts her inner core and it’s alarmingly pleasant, his impressive erection buoyed by continuous strokes and handfuls of Penny in the night. Her fleshy, pert arse glows like a moonlit peach in the Nullarbor’s open air. Gus, Penny and Blake are camped at the end of a day’s drive through nowhere. Their makeshift campervan set-up is surrounded by darkness and red dirt. Scratchy, small plants stick out in the stillness near the bight and the land...

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I Beat Up My Own Tits and Fuck My Slut Ass to Get

It’s been almost six weeks since we last saw each other. It was also the last time I’ve been fucked and it seemed like forever. My hormones are raging and I’m super horny for you. You always say you’re horny for me and I never really knew what it meant until now- all I want is for you to grab me, throw me down, rip off my clothes, and have your way with me. I dream of your hands around neck, choking me til I gasp for air then pushing my head down and forcing your fat cock in my mouth and down...

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Lucky to get

I think my long story posted on 20th April didnt go down very well, so decided to post a true incident that happened 2 years ago. Its a short one. A friend had this fantasy to see his wife fingered in the car while he was driving it, (he told me his real fantasy was that a cop stops him for a late night drunken driving and strikes a deal with them to avoid fine etc and fingers her in the back seat as he drives around)no penetration or blow job allowed , I even asked If I can do oral on her and...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Rebecca Volpetti Tiffany Tatum Chick Flix

Movie night with friends is tons of fun. When it’s a movie night with an element of chill, well, that’s even better. Tiffany Tatum brings the popcorn while Rebecca Volpetti picks the film. They settle on the couch and get watching their film. It’s not long before Tiffany decides to make mischief. She begins tossing popcorn at Rebecca, who indulges her girlfriend with a smile. When Tiffany leans in to nibble the popcorn off Rebecca’s belly, things of course take a sensual...

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After Winter

After Winter, By Armond "Frozen brown. All there is out here, goddammit! Where the hell's spring?" "Stop bitching. It'll be here, any day now, the rumor is. But not for our good Captain Owain." That would be me, my idiot Black Brigade escorts were referring to - Captain Owain. Prince Owain. Owain of the Sorrows. The man who'd lost everything. My chaperones may be little more than the glorified ass licks of a tyrant, but they were dead on about spring - for me, it will...

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New place

Beauty, Warmth & Elegance!Elegantly appointed for entertainment both indoors and outdoors in this 6,392 sq. ft. home that boasts a one of a kind feature that no other home for sale on Grand Bahama has - 28 foot wide, 10 foot high folding sliding door in the great room that opens up to the spacious outdoor covered entertainment area that is complimented by the pool and the canal. Built by one of the most elite developers of Grand Bahama who ensures there are no needs or wants left out. You...

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ldquoRaw Sex For The First Timerdquo Part 1

I've never felt this way before, Chris thought. He had been laying in bed, shirtless and sweating, staring upwards at his ceiling. His heart was racing and he could barely breath, he couldn't believe that his first time had felt so good. Several hours before Chris had hooked up with a girl he had just met and the sweaty groping session quickly turned into fast rough sex. I need to go to more parties like that, Chris thought as he rolled over onto his side, lazily looking over at his television...

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A Gray Winters Day

A Gray Winter's Day By Anna Feie It was in 1982, winter and the day dawned gray and miserable. I had graduated from high school a couple years before and had gone on to a local college where I received a degree in accounting. I had parlayed that degree into a job working for the county's Department of Tourism and Economic Development. It was my job to do statistical analysis on various projects the county and my department had going. Like any...

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Rehabilitation Part 12

Monday 10th March, 2020; 09:15 I slept surprisingly well, given the circumstances. Maybe it was all the stress of having to hide my chastity device from Marcus finally being released, or the relaxation from his massage, or Miss Stevens' medication ramping up its efficacy? Even my cock felt calm inside its cage this morning, which was a nice change. Perhaps I was just shattered following the rollercoaster of events over the past... week. Good God, had it really only been one week since...

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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 2 The Body

"How far to the cabin?" I asked as we started out. Rachel replied that she thought it was about half a mile, maybe a little more. As we started on the path into the woods, I noticed that she carried her weapon left handed and asked her about it. "I'm naturally left handed and even shoot that way," she explained. "It takes a little adjustment to account for casings flying off to the right, but it works for me. I'm pretty good with popup targets, but today will be the first time that I...

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The Rainy Night Part 2

As Richard stood in front of I reached up and rubbed his cock threw the pants It felt incredible. I leaned forward kissed his cock threw his pants bite it just a little bit threw the pants. I reached up to the waist band of the sweat pants slowly little by little i pulled them down. When i was about half down I kissed his bare naked shaft. Pulling the pants all the way down to revile his magnificent slab of man hood. I sat there a minute just looking at it my eyes must have been wide. Richard...

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Summer of 63

It was the summer of 1963 and my uncle was on the road sell paint. My aunt came over and asked my mom if it was ok for me to spend the summer at her apartment in town. Mom said no problem and told me to behave and do what my aunt told me to do. I packed a bag and off we went. My aunt stopped at a news stand and bought me a couple of Magazines, the first sex magazine I ever had. It was hot and the apartment was even hotter. My aunt was making supper in a house coat that buttoned down the...

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DACA Dick Ass for Chillun Arrivals

i*****l immigration. Undocumented workers. Everyone has an opinion. And, like assholes damn near everybody has one and all of them stink. People ignore the realities of the complicated nature of the b**st. Let’s not fixate on the debate though. Let’s look at two D.A.C.A. recipients residing in these United States.First, there’s Fernando Rojas Guerrero, commonly known as Randy Rojas. He’s now 38 years old and came to America when he was four. Randy is five-ten and weighs about 195. The...

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Victorias Asteroid Mining Adevnture

Victoria felt a tired confidence flow through her weary body. She gently leaned forward onto the console, feeling the nose of the ship dip down as she did so. The screen in front of her was split between the rocky pick marked ground below and the ink sky studded with more lights than anyone could ever visit in a lifetime. She dipped the nose back up, a thin sheets of sweat causing the salty drops to leave a snails trail through the dirt on her skin. Victoria silently smiled, and let the ship...

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The Walters BrothersChapter 8

A week later we were a good ways down the trail. I eased up on Zeke. “Seen ‘em yet?” “Maybe five of them, tryin’ to stay out of sight. They don’t look too salty.” “The four riders on the ridge do. They look like they mean business.” “Yep, those boys act serious. Maybe we need to let the fools catch up with us get lost in the crowd a bit.” An hour later we found what we wanted, a little draw just off the trail. We eased into it and waited. We heard them for a good while before we saw them,...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XVII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XVII“The One Where Everybody Swings”, featuring Rebecca (based on a Giovanna Casotto art), Virginia (from ‘The Pearls of Love’, Georges Levis), Bernie (from a art from Joseph) and Robert (based on a André Provot art)(Virginia: http://img270.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=110551689_puplv03_123_131lo.jpgRebecca: Robert: Bernie (the guy in the left: Virginia and Robert were married for a few years and their marriage was always beautiful. They loved each other as...

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Foster Family Chapter 102

I want to express, again, that this story is 100% fiction. If the ideas in the story aren't for you, then please don't read. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 10 Kyle slowly woke up after having finally fallen asleep to the feeling of Sean slipping back into bed behind him. He then opened his eyes to see Sean’s cock pointing in his face. “Hang on,” Kyle thought, “If that’s Sean behind me…” he refocused his eyes...

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ExxxtraSmall Miki Cruz My Auto Erotic Spinner

It is their third date and Miki Cruz is unsure of what to do. They guy she has been seeing wants to take things to the next level, but she does not know if she is ready. He takes her to a dark and secluded spot and they start to make out. When his hand starts creeping between her thighs, she stops him nervously, saying that she is not ready. He offers to show her the ropes, starting with a hand job. Once she wraps her hands around his meat, it is not long before her mouth follows suit. Miki is...

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MoneyChapter 30

We had a nice weekend that included a quick trip up to Long Island, New York, to pick up two couples who were movie people and take them to Costa Rica. Diego had another couple that needed to go to Atlanta when we were down there, so we made our day really count with two nice charters. Sheena and Gin acted as our hostesses. The girls wanted a marathon love-in Saturday night that had us spreading juices until almost three in the morning. The five of us went out to the patio bar and made...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 18

Kevin Colby, my boss, actually fronted me the geld to get me into the cheapest apartment in Phoenix: the Cantwell, room 202, $350 a month including basic utilities. I finally had running water and a bed not made of concrete and smelling of gasoline or oil. I was livin’ the dream! Well, dream might be a slight exaggeration. I was driving again. Well, driving is prominent on my work resume. I was kind of out of shape, but loading my truck every day was kinda fixing that. One good thing about...

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Universe of Bubbles

Sooo.. Okay this is my first ever short story that I have ever "put out there". It's a story that I jotted down over a few days, inspired after years of secretly reading Fictionmania. Please forgive me if its scattered or hard to read. I tried to make everything make as much sense as a bimbo Tgirl story can. It was written more for fun and just to prove to myself that I could do it. I've taken inspiration from many of my favorite authors. So ladies please don't be mad >.

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TeacherFucksTeens Silvia Saige Who Wants To Be Teachers Pet

Silvia Saige is an always horny babe, but she’s also a teacher, so she has to do her best to keep her desires in check. To compensate, Silvia tends to wear sexy lingerie beneath her work clothes. She gets ready for an in-home tutoring session with her students Seth Gamble and River. Silvia makes it through only a little bit of the tutoring session before she breaks. She’s heard rumors that Seth and River are both very well endowed. Eventually, she tells the boys about the rumor and...


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