A Naive Cowgirl Grows Up Quickly - Parts 19, 20 &21 free porn video

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The next week was a busy one. Phil called me several times to see how I was doing and if I was ready for Cheyenne. I had been practicing every evening with Mom giving me constructive criticism. My times were improving and I felt confident that I could do well in Cheyenne.

“Chelsea, this rodeo is probably one with the toughest competition, outside the National Finals. All the top contenders will be here doing their absolute best so you have to be totally in it if you’re going to do well.

“I know Mom, and I think that I’m ready. Rip is doing good and making the turns really well.”

“One more thing Chelsea and this is just a suggestion. Lay off the sex the night before. It will take your edge off….believe me, I know this for fact. Make that a rule and stick by it. There is plenty of time for sex when you don’t have to compete. Like I said, it’s only a suggestion, but if you want to go to the National Finals, do it for yourself.”

“Ok Mom, I’ll remember that……and I’m not being facetious…..I really will.”

As I was brushing Rip and putting him away, Brett came over. I’m always glad to see him, he just lifts me up. “Are you done for the day, want to go into Rawlins and get a burger,” he asked?

“That sounds good Brett, I think that Mom is having liver and onions tonight and that’s not one of my favorite dishes. Let me feed and water Rip and I’ll be ready to go……my truck or yours?”

“I’ll drive,” he told me, “You have a tendency to scare the shit out of me sometimes,” he said laughing.

I threw Rip’s brush at him as he ducked and ran out the door. After the time I’ve been spending with Phil, I’m really beginning to like him. On the other hand, I really like being around Brett and I know that it’s just a matter of time till they are going to find out about each other. I just don’t want it to get out of hand. Next week at Cheyenne could very well be when they find out about each other…..I’m going to have to figure out how to handle this.

When I had Rip put away, I went to the house and told Mom that I would be going to get a burger with Brett then went out to his truck. While we drove to Rawlins, I decided that I should tell Brett about Phil.

He took it very well saying, “I don’t have any claims on you Chelsea, we’re just good friends. We have a lot of fun together. I’m not saying that I won’t ever have deep feelings for you and want to make a life with you, but right now Chels, we’re both free and adults and we can see whoever we want to.

“I’m glad you feel that way Brett, I do think of you as my best friend and lover. I do enjoy the intimate times we have had and I want that to continue. I don’t want to have to sneak around, hoping I don’t get caught….that is just not me.”

We got to Burger King and went inside. We laughed and kidded each other all through the meal. When we finished our burgers, we had double chocolate milk shakes and that topped it off. As we walked out of Burger King, we both saw the same thing and had the same thought. Right in front of us, across the way was the Holiday Inn Express.

“Chels, it’s too early to go home……wanna get a room?”

I just grinned from ear to ear and replied, “I think it would be a lot more comfortable than the back seat of your truck…..and I really would like to get naked with you.”

We checked in and went up to our room. It was up on the 4th floor and had a great view. Brett and I embraced, shared a kiss and just held each other for the longest time. We fell onto the bed and continued to kiss and hold each other.

“I need the bathroom,” I said, “I’ll be right back….don’t go anywhere.”

I went into the bathroom, removed my clothing, went to the bathroom then went back into the room grinning. Brett had stripped the top covers off the bed and was in the middle of it with a gigantic hard on. He had his arms spread open and said, “Come to me you beautiful creature, I need you…..now!”

I slowly crawled on top of Brett and kissed him. As our tongues danced, I felt the tip of his hard cock begin to enter my wet pussy.

It continued on its journey until he was fully inside me. We fucked slowly, watching the expressions on each other’s faces. His hands explored my body, squeezed my tits and kneaded my ass cheeks. It all felt so good I could not hold it.....I began to cum on his cock. He continued to take long slow strokes in and out of me. The pleasure I felt was so tremendous. In a few moments more, I felt intense heat inside me as he began pumping his hot semen into my void...pulse after pulse of the fluid pushed me into another intense orgasm that lasted and lasted till the streams of warm cum ceased to flow.

For quite some time we just lay there kissing and holding each other. Slowly his manhood deflated and fell from my satiated cunt. I felt his cum slowly ooze from inside me. I rolled over onto my side and wrapped my arms around Brett. We fell asleep within minutes.

Sometime around 3 am I felt Brett's hardness enter my body again. We were laying beside each other, my leg over his, opening my wet pussy up to him. I was half awake...half asleep as he continued to push in and out of me. In my semi-conscious state, I could hear myself moaning as he pleasured me. I heard him grunt, push all the way inside me and felt the warmth fill my insides again.

I just lay there drifting on air after having a wonderful orgasm. Brett said to me, "Hey there sleepy head.....do you need to go home or shall we spend the night here?"

I looked at him and said, "I want to stay here tonight and feel good with you." We were kissing as he rolled over on top of me and pushed his wonderful cock inside me again. At that point I had no worries and didn't care about anything at all except that piece of hard flesh that was making me feel so good.

I believe that Brett has a lot more stamina than most of the men I've been with. He continued to make me cum many more times before the sunlight began to flood the room.

At 6:00 am I came fully awake and realized that the night was over and morning was upon us. I know I'm not in trouble. After all, I am an adult....but I'm still going to have to explain where I've been all night. I ran to the shower as Brett began to stir.

When I came out of the shower, Brett was half dressed. I kissed him on the cheek and said, please hurry.....I need to get home." When I finished dressing, Brett was ready and we hurried to his truck and headed home.

I had him drop me off at my office. I could fix my hair and makeup there....maybe no one would notice I hadn't been at home all night and I wouldn't get those 'wonder where you've been all night' looks and grins behind my back that I knew would happen.

Matt came to my office about 8:30 am. "I've been wondering where you were at...didn't see you at breakfast. What time did you come out here." he asked.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep so I came out here to catch up on some paper work really early."

Matt continued, "I guess I never heard you come in last night when you got home...usually I always hear you. I guess I must have been more tired than I thought....oh well. Do you want to go up to section 38 and vaccinate those heifers today? I can go load the horses and get ready if you want to get that chore done. I think it should only take us about 3 hours."

"Why don't we do that....I've been putting it off all week and I really would like to have it done before I go to Cheyenne. I'm going up to the house to get my hat, gloves and a jacket...I'll be right back."

I couldn't tell if Matt knew if I'd been out all night or not...I'll know before the day is over. I see Dad's truck is gone so all I have to get past now is Mom. If she knows, she won't say anything....she will just smile.

When I walked into the kitchen, Mom just smiled at me and said, "You were up and gone early this morning, would you like some eggs and sausage?"

"Sure Mom…that would be good." I told her being cautious.

"Are you wearing the same clothes you had on last night, you really should change dear."

"Yeah, they weren't dirty so I decided to wear them again today. Matt and I are going up to section 38 and vaccinate that group of heifers."

She came to the table with a plate of food. "You know, Chelsea.....I didn't hear you come in last night. You must have been really quiet," she said smiling.

I knew right then, she knows. "Well Mom, I didn't come home last night, I got here about 6 this morning and went to the office."

She continued to smile at me and said, "I know....I just hope you are being careful dear. Just so you know, I think that Brett is really a nice young man....you could do worse."

"I know Mom.....I have to get going, Matt will be pissed if I don't hurry up. Thanks for the breakfast. We should be back by around 2:00 pm, so put lunch in the oven and we'll eat when we get back."

I stopped in my office and filled a large thermos with ice and water and we were on our way. It takes about an hour to get up to section 38 so Matt and I had a lot of time to talk. He never mentioned anything about me not coming home last night so I just let the sleeping dog alone.


As we drove along, there was one thing that was really on my mind so I decided to ask Matt about it. "Matt, tell me the truth, what did you guys do with Mike and his buddy?"

"Chelsea….that is something that you really don't want or need to know. Just know that neither of them will ever be bothering you again. We took care of the situation....that's all you need to know."

In the back of my mind I think I know what went on, but it looks as though I will never know for sure. Matt and his friends are a really closed group. I know that when something is going on with anyone they are close to…they all get together and take care of the problem. Mom had told me to just forget it and don't mention it again. But still, I would like to know. Maybe one day I will have my answer.

We arrived at section 38 and found that the heifers were spread out across the meadow. We unloaded our horses and began to herd them to the working pens. About an hour later, we had them all secured and had begun to vaccinate. The work went along smoothly and we finished up in about 4 hours. We turned them all loose and loaded the horses and headed back to the house.

"Is there anything else you want to get done before I go to Cheyenne? I'll be here tomorrow then I'll be gone for 10 days straight," I told Matt.

"I think we are in good shape around the ranch. I don't think there is anything that we need to do before you get back. I just want you to go down there and win at Frontier Days. If you win this one, you will be in really good shape in the standings.....it won't take a lot more to cinch up the finals in Vegas. I would love to see you win at the NFR your rookie year on the circuit.

"Yeah, me too......but I'm not getting my hopes up. Are you coming down to Cheyenne? Mom said she was coming down the day I compete then going back home the next morning."

"I don't know yet, I have a couple of things going on that have to be attended to.....I'll let you know."

We arrived at home and unloaded the horses and parked the trailer. I went into the house to get something to eat....I was starving.

The next morning I went to the office and finished posting all the records. Frontier Days begins on Friday. I’ll leave here on Thursday so I can get there and get settled. I have reservations at the Holiday Inn Express. I checked with Phil, and he is staying at the Hampton Inn. I know that Phil will be there the whole time, but he did say he had to go home on Saturday and wouldn’t be back till Wednesday.

I finished up all the work I needed to get done before I leaving for Cheyenne. As I was finishing up my paperwork in the office, I noticed that Matt and Annie going into the barn. I really didn't think much of it as I see them together around here a lot. It took me about 20 minutes to finish up what I was doing then my intentions were to go give Rip a bath so he would be clean and shiny for the rodeo.

I went over to the barn to get Rip out of his stall and heard Matt in the wash bay. I decided to go see what he was doing in there and when he would be finished so I could give Rip a bath. As I rounded the corner, I stopped in my tracks and backed up around the corner. As I peeked around the corner I still couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Annie was naked and bent over a saddle tree, which was positioned almost under King Arias, a thoroughbred stallion that belongs to my Mom. Matt was helping King Arias fuck Annie. I estimated that she had over half of his cock buried in her pussy. Annie was moaning and groaning while Arias continued fucking her. Arias lunged forward and began to cum. In one or two spurts, he had filled Annie completely and cum was running out of her and onto the floor. I could tell that Annie was cumming also from her cries of pleasure. Matt had his cock in his hand and was cumming on Annie's back.

It was more than I could handle. I was turning to leave the area undetected when I tripped and fell into the wash bay. That is when Matt and Annie became aware that I was there. I picked myself up off the floor as Annie stood up. I watched as Arias's cum ran out of her gaping pussy. Matt was busy putting his cock back into his pants.

"What are you doing here, I thought you were working?" Matt barked at me.

I just looked at them, still not believing what I had just seen. "What the hell are you two doing? I was coming out here to give Rip a bath before we go to Cheyenne and heard noises from here so I came to investigate. I've never seen anything like what I just witnessed and I still can't believe it."

Annie was visibly embarrassed and Matt was trying to make excuses. "This is something that Annie likes and I help her do it. Please don't say anything to Mom and Dad....Mom wouldn't understand.....Okay Chels?"

"No, I won't say a word Matt." Then I looked over at Annie. "Do you really like getting fucked by a horse Annie, that's a lot of cock for a woman to handle."

Annie was still somewhat embarrassed. "Yes I do Chelsea, I've done this since I was a young girl and it has really become a habit. I'm sorry you had to see this.....it just feels so good to be filled with that much cock and cum. I confessed my weakness to Matt some time ago. I didn't want to start a marriage off with a lie, so I decided that I would tell Matt before we got serious. I hope you don't think less of me for it Chelsea."

"It's okay Annie, your secret is safe with me." I told her.

"Maybe one of these days you might be interested in trying it. I think you would like it. I'll be glad to help you." Annie told me.

"I don't think so Annie....I prefer men with cocks not quite that big." I said grinning.

"So, if you guys are finished, I'd like to bring Rip in and get him washed down before dark." I told them.

Matt was grinning as he said, "I think we're done here, feel free to use the facility. We will put King Arias away and get out of your way."

As I walked to Rip's stall, the visions of that big cock shooting its load inside Annie kept running through my head. I noticed that my panties were very wet. "Shit, did that turn me on?" I asked myself thinking how disgusting it was. Oh well, whatever floats your boat.

I took Rip to the wash bay as Matt and Annie came out of the bathroom. Annie still looked a little embarrassed. "I'm really sorry you had to walk in on that, Chelsea." Annie said to me.

"That's ok Annie, just give me a heads up so I won't walk in on you next time," I said laughing. Annie looked at me and giggled, understanding I was not mad but giving her a hard time.

She smiled, laughing as she said, "You might want to join me next time."

I just grinned and began to wash Rip.

Matt and Annie left the barn and drove away. I gave Rip a good bath and put him away for the evening. I guess I'll go pack and get ready to go to Cheyenne. I'm looking forward to seeing Phil, it's been a while.


The next morning I loaded up and headed for Cheyenne. The visions of what I had witnessed in the barn on the preceding day continued to flash back in my head. I like horses, but not quite that much. I suppose that everyone has their own ideas of fun….it just happens that mine is to get fucked by cowboys.

When I arrived in Cheyenne, I checked into the Holiday Inn Express and took Rip over to the boarding stables and got him settled. I went to the Frontier Days rodeo office and checked in. It looks like the final word is I'll be riding on Tuesday. I received all of my credentials then went out to check out the arena.

I went back over to the boarding stable to check on Rip and give him some feed and water. As I was leaving the stable, I ran into Phil as he arrived to stable his horse.

“Good afternoon to you lovely lady,” he said tipping his hat to me.

“Hi Phil, I’m really glad you could make it,” I said to him as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Chelsea, I just couldn’t wait to get down here and see you again. What are you doing tonight, want to go have some dinner with me and go to the party over at the Mayflower?”

“That sounds like fun, where are you staying….I could come to your hotel and we could leave from there.”

“I’m over at the Hampton Inn. Where are you staying, was it the Holiday Inn?”

“Yes, I have reservations there through the end of the rodeo. Did you tell me you have to go home for a day or two?”

“Yeah, we’re receiving some stock and I drew the short straw. It’ll work out ok though, I have to ride on Saturday then my roping event will be on Thursday. I’ll go home on Saturday afternoon and come back on Wednesday.”

“What about Rowdy and Sam, are they riding here also?”

“Yes, they’re coming in sometime this afternoon, I think they both ride next week, maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday. Anyway, they wanted to know if you wanted to do another horse race. They said they really enjoyed the last one.” He said laughing.

“I think I’ll pass this time,” I said grinning.

That evening, I drove over to the Hampton Inn and met Phil. He took me to a really nice restaurant named T-Joes Steakhouse & Saloon. The atmosphere was great and the food was fabulous.

There are times I just can't really tell what Phil is thinking. Sometimes, it seems that he is trying to get really close to me. He asks questions like, would I ever consider moving from Rawlins, do I want to stay on the rodeo circuit, how big of a family I want to have and so on and so on. It's like he is trying to get really close to me.

He told me that he is building a new house on the ranch and I should come to see him and give him some design advice. Most of the time I feel that he is like me and really likes the freedom of the rodeo and freedom to have sex with whomever he likes. Other times he gets really serious and gets talking about "our" future. I am not sure that I am ready for a serious relationship.

We finished dinner and went to the Mayflower. The party was going strong when we got there. I ran into several of my newfound rodeo friends and visited with them. Phil and I danced a lot and as the evening went on, his hands were on my ass most of the time. I knew that before this night was over, Phil would be inside me making me feel like a fulfilled woman.

I was beginning to get that itch between my legs that I wanted scratched. Phil had kissed me several times and I knew I was becoming excited.

"Phil, let's go to your hotel, I want to be alone with you," I whispered in his ear as we danced.

Phil pulled me closer and I could feel a hardness growing inside his Wranglers. He kissed me again then looked at me with a serious look. "Chelsea, you know we don't have to do this, I don't want you to feel like we have to have sex every time we meet. I really like you Chels and I want what we have now to grow....I don't want you to feel obligated."

I put my head on his chest and pulled him close as we danced. Inside, I was smiling to myself thinking, 'maybe all men aren't alike. Have I found the one? Could that be possible?'

I looked up at Phil and said, "Phil, I don't feel like I have to go to bed with you, I want to go to bed with you and I want to make love to you......and Phil, I really like you too."

We finished the dance and left the bar. We drove to Phil's hotel and went to his room. We skipped all the usual protocal of undressing each other, we took all our clothes off and got into the bed and began to kiss and caress each other. I could feel the wetness between my legs growing. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my belly as we pressed our bodies together.

I reached down and put his hard cock between my legs and let him slide it between my engorged lips. It felt so good gliding along my crack and over my clit. I knew I would cum quickly from his stimulation. It wasn't a major orgasm, but the feeling my orgasm caused, made my body shudder. Phil was caressing my tits with his hands and nibbling on my erect nipples as his cock rubbed me into a second orgasm.

I raised my leg up and over Phils, opening my pussy so Phils hard cock could slide inside me. As he plunged into my depths, a supreme feeling of extasy washed over my entire body. I pushed him over onto his back and rolled over on top of him, not letting his cock slip out of my well lubricated hole. We began to fuck hard and within a few minutes, I felt a sense of warmth inside me as Phil filled me with his hot cum. Spurt after spurt of his fertile seed splashed against my cervix.

Phil didn't lose his hardness and continued to assault my wanting pussy. He fucked me into one orgasm after another, making my body weak. Phil rolled over pushing me onto my back and him between my legs pounding my pussy like there was no tomorrow.

I don't know how long Phil fucked me hard. I do know that I haven't felt that good in a very long time. Phil pushed me to multiple orgasms, ejaculating again and draining his balls inside me. As he collapsed on top of me, I could feel his juice oozing down my crack and across my ass hole.

Phil raised up off of me and looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately. "Chelsea, I'm falling in love with you. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but I can't just continue and not tell you my feelings. I want to get closer to you, if you'll give me a chance."

He rolled off of me and onto his back. I honestly did not know how to respond to what he had said....I was somewhat surprised, yet, I had felt he was wanting a more serious relationship.

"Phil, I don't know how to reply. I just know that I'm not ready for a serious relationship right now. I'm enjoying the freedom to do as I please, to go where I want and be with whomever I want. I'm just not ready to settle down. I have a promising career, as a vet and in the rodeo. I don't want to have to give up either of them. I hope you understand, it's not that I don't have feelings for you.....as a matter of fact I do have feelings for you....it's just I'm not ready to get serious yet."

"Okay Chelsea, I understand what you are saying and I know I'm probably pushing things....it's just that you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I don't want to lose you....or share you with anyone else."

I leaned up on an elbow and looked him in the eyes and asked, "Even after what I did with you and your brothers, you still would want to marry me? You could know that I have fucked other men and still look past it? Is this what I'm hearing from you Phil?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying Chels. I'm no angel myself. You have to know that I'm no virgin and have been with other women. I won't lie to you about it. What's in the past is just that, in the past. We can't change any of it....it is what it is. I'm not going to give up on you and I hope you will not give up on me. Take your time and do whatever you want to do, I won't interfere. Just keep in mind there's a man that wants you just the way you are."

The words Phil spoke kind of overwhelmed me. I rolled over and kissed him deeply. I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to be really close to him.....right now. After a few minutes of passionate kissing, he was inside me again...this time it felt different like there was more of a connection between us. Whatever it was, I have never felt like that at any other time in my life and when I came to orgasm, it was the best one I have ever had in my life. Maybe I'm feeling something more than I realize. We'll see.

Phil and I went to the rodeo on Friday then hung out together. We had dinner then went to the Old West Museum. We then went out to the carnival and stayed there till almost midnight. It was really fun and Phil treated me like a princess the whole time.

Phil got up on Saturday morning and went to the rodeo arena. He had to ride in the Saddle Bronc event then would go home to receive the cattle that were arriving. He told me that he would be back late on Wednesday, so he probably wouldn't see me till Thursday sometime.

I went out to the rodeo grounds after I had breakfast and hung out till rodeo time. I wanted to watch Phil ride. I ran into several of my newfound friends and talked with them for a while then went to find a place along the fence where I could watch Phil.

I watched him as he rode the saddle bronc. I was amazed at how easy he made it look. Phil is a skilled rider and after watching his ride today, I believe he might just win the event.

After the event, I found him out back of the bucking chutes with some guys he knows. "Well, look here, it's the most beautiful barrel racer on the circuit today."

Everyone turned and looked as I walked up. "Phil, flattery will get you everywhere with me," I said to him smiling.

After that comment, the whole group of guys began to say things that were flattering to me. I just blushed and smiled and took Phil by the arm.

"I just wanted to tell you bye before you left. I guess I'll see you on Wednesday when you return."

"You bet you will," he said to me as he pulled me close and kissed me.

I left Phil and went to my hotel to get cleaned up and changed. I guess I'll go have dinner somewhere then come back to my room and get some rest. Last night with Phil took a lot out of me and I need to recuperate. It's still early, I think I'll go out to the Bunkhouse Bar. I know the food is good and they probably will have live music there for Frontier Days.

When I got to my room, there was a message from Connie Barret, one of the barrel racers that I know pretty well. When I called her, I could hardly hear her over the noise.

"Hi Chelsea, a bunch of us girls are getting together this evening to go out.....aaaaand we wondered if you would like to join us? We are all meeting here in my room at the Holiday Inn then we will leave from here. As you can probably hear, we've already started getting warmed up. Want to go out and let your hair down with us?"

"I'd love to Connie, I'll get cleaned up and come to your room, I'm here at the Holiday Inn too....what room are you in?"

"I'm in 343, we'll see you in a little while."

I went to the shower then put on my dancing boots and went up to Connie's room. When I got there, I could hear them when I got off the elevator. It sounded like I had a little catching up to do. When I got to the door, it was open and the room was full of barrel racers.

Connie saw me come in and came over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you decided to come, we're going to have a real good time tonight. There's a really good band over at the Bunkhouse Bar tonight, so, we're all going over there to have dinner then party the rest of the night....you up for it?"

"You bet. It sounds like fun," I told her.

I grabbed a beer and started circulating around the room visiting with everyone. At about 7:30 Connie yelled at everyone that it was time for us to go, as we had a reservation. So, the whole bunch left. Connie asked me if I'd like to ride over with her. It sounded like a good idea so we all headed out.

We got to the Bunkhouse just in time for our reservation. There were several guys in the bar as we walked in that gave us a whistle. We just all smiled and went on in the restaurant.

"Well girls," Connie said to us, "looks like we're going to have plenty of dancing partners tonight. A friend of mine runs this place. He said he is going to set up a big table for us up by the bandstand so we can all be together."

We had a fantastic dinner and a few more beers. By the time the band was starting, we were ready to move to our table in the bar area. The cowboys in the bar were definately checking all of us out as we walked through and telling us how lucky we were that they were here. Typical cowboy bullshit. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

As the evening moved on, we danced our wheels off. It was so much fun. I met a few more barrel racers, I didn't know, that showed up later and joined us.

There was a big crowd and all the wait staff were super busy. I went up to the bar to get another beer. While I waited, a guy came up and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Leon Brown. Could I talk you into dancing with me?"

This guy was really good looking. The fact that he was black didn't bother me in the least. "Why not," I told him as I grabbed his hand and headed out to the dance floor. The song was a really good two-step. As we danced, I said to him, "My name is Chelsea Yates. I've heard your name before, but I can't place where. Are you in rodeo?"

"I know who you are....you are one of the most beautiful barrel women on the circuit and a real contender for World Champion this year. I'm a rodeo clown. I've watched you compete. You are really good Chelsea Yates. And I have to say, a damn good dancer too."

"Well thank you Leon. That's where I know your name from. I remember seeing you in Reno. You're a dang good clown, a lot of guys think you're about the best."

He smiled a big wide smile and said, "I love what I do. Sometimes it hurts, but I still love it. I've been wanting to meet you ever since I saw you in Reno. I knew I'd run across you somewhere on the circuit this year. You are really a beautiful woman. Man, I think I'm the envy of all these cowboys tonight."

"Well there Mr. Brown, flattery will get you everywhere," I teased him.

He looked at me and smiled and said, "I sure hope so."

We danced several dances then went back over to the bar where he bought me a drink. We talked and laughed for quite some time. A real slow dance started and he asked me out on the floor again. This song was a real buckle polisher. I think we were dancing about as close as we could get together. I could feel something hard pressing against me. There was no doubt that Leon was getting aroused.

Back in college I had dated a couple of black guys that were on the rodeo club. They were a lot of fun to be around. Of course I never had sex till I was out of college so I never had the opportunity to see if black guys really had big cocks like rumor had it.

Leon looked at me really seriously and kissed me....a long and deep kiss. His tongue found mine and I responded to him. He pulled back, looked me in the eyes and said, "You going home with anyone tonight Chelsea?"

"I grinned at him and said, "Well, as a matter of fact....yes I am."

He looked disappointed and started to say something when I interrupted him and said, "With you."

That put a smile on his face. He kissed me again and pulled me close to him. As we continued to dance he whispered in my ear, "This is going to be a memorable night with a beautiful woman."

The evening went on and we danced a lot. At about midnight he asked, "Are you ready to go Chelsea?"

I looked him in the eyes and said, "I am really ready to get out of here. Let me tell my friends I'm leaving and I'll meet you at the front door."

I found Connie sitting at the table talking to a good looking cowboy. "Hey Connie, I'm leaving. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for asking me to come with you tonight, it's been fun."

She just smiled at me and said, "I'm glad you came, we'll do this again before Frontier Days is over, I'll call you. By the way, are you leaving with that good lookin' hunk of a rodeo clown.....I'm envious."

I just grinned and winked at her as I left the table. Leon was waiting for me at the front door. He took my hand as we went out the door. "I'm staying at the Fairfield Suites, it's not too far. You still want to go with me?"

"That's not too far from where I'm staying...I'm at the Holiday Inn and Leon, I wouldn't miss this night for anything...yes I want to go with you.

It didn't take long to drive to the Fairfield. We went in and up to the 2nd floor and to his room. When we got into the room, he asked, "Want something to drink, I've got bourbon, beer, water, soda....."

I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. "Right now, you're what I want."

He didn't say a thing. He kissed me and as he did he began to unbutton my shirt and pulled it from my shoulders, then let it fall.

I was busy too, removing his shirt and opening his Wranglers. I pushed him back onto the bed and gripped his boots and pulled them off, then his jeans. As I stood there looking at him laying on the bed with nothing but his boxer briefs on, I thought to myself 'what a fantastic specimen of a man'.

I pulled out of my boots and got out of my jeans and crawled up astraddle him. I put my hands on his chest and leaned down and kissed him. He removed my bra and began to fondle my breasts and pinch my nipples. I stretched out full on top of him and continued kissing him while his hands roamed freely over my body. I could feel his cock growing between us. It felt big and I wanted to see it and kiss it....I wanted to taste my new lover.

I pushed up and got off the bed. I grasped his underwear and pulled them off of him. He lay there in front of me, totally naked. His body is beautiful. His skin tone is light black, his shoulders, arms and legs are muscular, six pack abs and a cock like I've never seen. It has to be 9 inches long and thick....at least 2 inches across.

I moved up over him and took his hard tool in my hand and licked the drop of pre cum from the end, all the time looking him in the eyes. He was smiling as my tongue circled the big head of that beautiful black cock. I had to really open super wide to get the head of that hunk of meat into my mouth. I slid down on it, only able to get 4 or 5 inches inside my mouth. No deep throating here, It would never get that far.

I let a lot of spit flow down over his cock and began to jack him with both hands as I took the head of his cock as deep into my mouth as I could. I could taste the generous amount of precum that he was leaking....it tasted wonderful. I would lick his cock from the head to his ball sack, making him moan. It was all I could do to get one of his balls in my mouth.

Suddenly, he grasped my shoulders and rolled me off of him onto my back. He began by kissing me, then he kissed me down to my tits. He took my hard nipple in his mouth and gently chewed on it. As he kneaded my tits, he moved down over my belly to my dripping wet pussy.

He looked over my body and into my eyes and said, "God, girl, you have a fuckin' fantastic body below that beautiful face of yours. I am going to make you feel so good tonight."

After that, he buried his face in my cunt and began to lick me and suck on my clit while he finger fucked me. I could feel my juices flowing, my breathing was rapid and my eyes rolled back in my head as he took me to a fantastic orgasm. I was moaning and groaning as he continued to assault my pussy with his tongue, pushing me into another mind shattering orgasm.

He moved up over me on his hands and knees, his huge penetrator hanging over my belly. "Are you ready to have this thing inside you Chelsea, I'll be very gentle, I know it's going to take time so I don't hurt you."

I nodded my head to him and said, "I want it all inside me, Leon...I want you to fill me with that beautiful cock....go ahead, I'm ready....fuck me."

Leon took his cock in his hand and began to slowly move it up and down between my engorged lips. He placed the head at the entrance and pushed slowly, stretching my pussy like it has never been stretched before. Slowly he worked that big head into my hole, pulling back to lubricate it more with my juices. Again he would push that huge head into me....this time the head popped inside me. I felt my pussy stretch, I felt the pain and I felt the pleasure....all at the same time. He didn't move, letting my pussy adjust to his size.

After a short time, he continued. He would push into me a fraction of an inch then pull out and gather more lubrication before pushing back inside me. He slowly moved deeper and deeper, my pussy yielding to this monster that was invading my body. Only a small amount of pain still exists....the pleasure of the fullness I feel is mumbing it.

After quite some time, I felt him push against the deepest part of my vagina. I could tell he wasn't all the way inside me. My legs were spread as wide as I could spread them and he was laying on top of me slowly fucking me. His cock filled my vagina. I could feel the head press against my cervix as he bottomed out inside me. My pussy was dripping wet. My arms were wrapped around him. He was kissing my neck and whispering sweet words into ear, "Ohhhhh, Chelsea, it feels so good to be deep inside you. The pleasure I feel from your body is beyond compare. You are so tight, so wet and so good. I'm gonna fuck you all night little girl, I want to make you cum so many times you won't be able to move.

I pulled my legs up and over his back, opening up more. I wanted all of him inside me. As I became more acustomed to his size, he began to move faster. It felt so good. All of a sudden I began to cum. My orgasm seemed to never stop. Waves of pleasure flowed over my body as he continued to fuck me. His mouth went to my nipples, chewing on them, sending shocks of pleasure through me. His cock continued plow my cunt and the pleasure he was giving me kept on and on and on. It was as if I was in another world.

In my orgasm subdued state, I heard him say, "Okay baby, I'm fixin' to give you my load. I hope you're on some kind of birth control, cause if you ain't I'm gonna fertilize you good."

I was in such a state that I couldn't reply, only moan. I felt the first long stream of cum squirting into my belly. It was so hot. Then I felt another and another and another. My pussy was overflowing. Cum was running down my ass. His cock continued to plunge into my depths as he continued breeding me. I could only moan and pull him close to my naked body. I began to cum again. Everything felt surreal, like I wasn't really there.

In my minds eye, I looked down upon us. The white sheets. My white arms wrapped around his dark body. My white legs splayed wide and his black ass plunging his big black dick deep into me as it spewed his fertile, sperm laden cum into my belly.

My orgasm lasted, for what seemed forever. I was so weak I couldn't move. Leon got up off of me onto his knees. He was between my legs gazing at my naked body. I could see his cock, still semi-hard, hanging over my cum covered pussy, a long string of thick cum connecting it to my gaping cunt.

"Chelsea, you're a great fuck. I hope you're up for some more girl, cause this black cock is gonna fuck you're white pussy till the sun comes up."

I looked at Leon with a big smile on my face, "Leon, that's exactly why I came here with you.....I want to fuck you all night."

He leaned over me, and gave me a tongue filled kiss. He rolled me over onto my front and spread my legs wide. "Now baby, I'm gonna stretch that pretty little ass hole of yours...you ready baby?"

I looked over my shoulder at him stroking his resurected cock. "Go for it stud.....I want more cum."

Leon retrieved a tube of lube from the night stand. He squirted a liberal amount on my ass and began to work it inside me with one finger. Soon he had three fingers pushing into my ass. He stretched my ass open and squirted more lube inside me before he lubed his cock. He pulled my legs back together and positioned his hard rod at my ass and began to push inside me.

He had done a great job lubing me and preparing my ass for penetration. In three strokes he was fully inside me, his balls slapping me on the pussy as he fucked me. The pleasure, again, was unmeasurable. He pulled out of me and grabbed me by the hipps and pulled me to my hands and knees. Again he positioned his cock at my ass hole and pushed it into me till he was balls deep inside me. He held on to my hipps and continued to dog fuck me....long sure strokes. I began to cum again. I took one hand and rubbed my hard clit, enhancing my orgasm while he continued to pound my ass with his big rod.

He suddenly pulled my ass back against him, completely impaling me on his big dick. His balls were laying against my swelled pussy lips as they unloaded their cargo deep inside my colon. I could feel his hot cum flooding me. He slapped my ass cheeks with his hand as he pulled his fuck stick out of my ass. "Girl, you are one fantastic fuck. It's gonna be a long night and the best is yet to come."

When he got off of the bed, I stood and kissed him. "Babe, I'm going to the shower and get all this cum off of me so I'll be fresh for you to fuck some more."

He just smiled and slapped me on the ass as I walked away. The shower felt great. I unscrewed the shower head from the hose and gave myself a good douch and an enema. I don't believe I have ever seen one man deliver so much cum.

When I finished my shower, Leon had opened two beers and was sitting in a chair, still naked. I looked at him and had to admire what a handsome, well built guy he was. His body was well sculpted and his light black skin made him even more attractive.

"Chelsea, have you ever been with a black man before?" he asked.

"No, Leon, you're my first.....and I can see that all the rumors are true," I said to him smiling and looking at his big cock.

Leon was grinning as I sat down and took a drink of my beer. We talked for some time about our families and rodeo. He told me that he had grown up in Texas, near Waco. His Dad had been a rodeo clown and he naturally became interested in it as he grew up.

I finished my beer, got up and walked around the table. I kneeled down in front of him, grasping his flacid cock and stroking it. Leon was smiling at me as he watched. Soon it was standing tall and I bagan to lick it like a popsicle, taking the head into my mouth as I squeezed his balls with one hand and stroked the big thing with the other. Leon moaned and laid his head back on the chair, grasping my head with both hands.

He raised his head up and said, "Girl, you damn good. You are making me feel real good. Where do you want my cum, baby?"

I pulled off his cock and said, "I love cum and I want to taste yours.....I want you to cum in my mouth."

I went back to giving Leon head. He moaned and groaned as I continued to take him deep into my mouth. My saliva was dripping off his balls as I continued. I loved the feel of his wet balls in my hand. Then, I felt his balls begin to draw up and his cock swelled a bit.

Torrents of hot semen shot into my mouth and began to run out of the corners and down onto my tits. I continued to fondle his balls and stroke his cock.....the cum continued flooding my oral cavity as I continued. Leon was moaning, "Oh fuck yes Chels, suck that cock....ooooooh baaaaby......oooooooh fuuuuck!"

My mouth was so full I pulled his cock out and continued to jack him. He streamed three or four more long ropes of cum onto my face as I swallowed the remnants that remained in my mouth. I was a mess.....I had cum all over my face and in my hair and cum on my tits and belly. I used two fingers and scooped up a gob from my tits and licked it off my fingers as Leon watched me, smiling.

I saw no reason that he should not enjoy the fruits of his labor. I crawled up over his body, smearing the cum on my tits on his chest, then kissed him with a cum covered tongue. There was not a lot he could do but accept my gift. I then stood up in front of him and let him admire his work.

"You've made a real mess of me again Leon, I'll be right back." I went to the shower with Leon behind me.

"I guess I'd better go with you, I got cum on me too," he laughed.

Leon and I fucked several more times throughout the night. I have to say, I've had my fill of fucking a black man. One time will be enough for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every moment of it.....it was damn good, but, I think this will be a once in a lifetime event for me. That old adage, 'Once you try black, you never come back,' welllllll.....it just isn't true.

To be continued................


Same as A Naive Cowgirl Grows Up Quickly - Parts 19, 20 &21 Videos

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A Naive Cowgirl Grows Up Quickly Parts 10 11 and 12

PART 10 I woke up and needed to pee. I looked at the clock on Josh's dresser. It was 4 am. I knew I needed to get out of here before everyone on the ranch got up. So, I relieved myself and quietly got dressed. I found my torn panties on a lampshade. Josh was still sleeping when I left and headed toward the guest house. I undressed and found a fresh pair of panties, then got into bed. It didn't take me long to go back to sleep. I was thinking about last evening when I dozed off. ...

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Faye Grows Into It

Synopsis: Manipulation of a girl's mind into submission and depravity. (Mf, bdsm, humil, anal, modification, tattoo)Faye Grows Into It by LazyGarfield at mail dot mdI will admit that Changes by Ninja Turtle had a strong influence.  Please let me know if this universe deserves expanding.----------I call her Faye Wong. That's who she looks like to me.  Almost. Her eyes are just a little bit wider, cheekbones just a little bit more prominent. Don't get me wrong, she cleans up real nice, but...

1 year ago
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Molly Grows Up

Molly Grows Up A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Mark had never been to the officers of Albert Setter, Head of Security. It was on the ground floor of their large office block in Durham Street. When he entered he was surprised how large it was - he had expected a small office suited to a man who dished out the pass cards. In fact, the office was well appointed with bookshelves, a lounge area and a large old style desk, behind which sat the heavy set Albert Setter. "See here my...

2 years ago
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DAWNIE GROWS UPPart of her blamed the monks. They’d created her, shaped her, wrote her whole life: and they were, well, monks.Dawn had no sexual background whatsoever, especially compared to her friends. If that weren’t enough, she seemed to be everybody’s younger sister; the monks had apparently decided to include chastity when she’d put memories of her into everyone else.Her mind had been made curious, though. It was a curiosity that had only grown: and now Sunnydale was almost abandoned by...

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sister Grows Up Part 2

sister Grows Up Pt. 2I woke up after called easily be described as the best week of my life. I’d come home from school to find that in the two years or so that I’d been away, my little sister had grown up to an absolute stunner. So much so that I’d seduced my sister and fucked her brains out every day for the last week. Or had she fucked my brains out? i****t seems such a dirty word to the outsiders, but I discovered that in my family home it was considered normal. My sister Cassondra, had told...

3 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

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Naive Memories

"Are you sure about this?" I could hear the heavy breaths behind his voice. I knew there was no going back from this point. A part of me was excited, here I was about to commit to something that would either change my life forever or do absolutely nothing for me. But I suppose I should explain this a little. ----- Puberty came for me in ripples, and by that I mean in small insignificant waves. I watched my friends grow taller, get those shapely hips, and most importantly, boobs! Me, I...

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Naive And Erotic Roommates

ALL CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN THIS STORY ARE THE AGE OF 18 OR OLDER. Welcome to my first story on Chyoa! Im a somewhat inexperienced writer, so all feedback is welcome. This story was originally intended to have a far more linear intro, having the main character meet his initial roommates in the first chapter, however i saw wider potential in the idea and have decided to split the intro into multiple parts. the path labeled [Main Story] will continue the intro as originally intended. Have fun!...

1 year ago
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Naive Bride to be

In one week Kassandra, as some called her Kassy, will be getting married to her high school sweetheart.They had dated since the tenth grade and decided to wait to have sex till their wedding night.They were both nineteen, Adam wasn't a virgin by far he had a few girls along the way, even while he steadily dated his beautiful soon to be bride.Kassandra was one of the girls in school that was a playful tease you couldn't but help to like her. All the guys wanted to make it with her.She was the...

2 years ago
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Naive 2

It was a full week until my next date with Jukwaese. It seemed like that week would never end. Every time I thought of him I got a funny feeling between my legs. Twice I went to sleep thinking so deeply of what had happened between us that my pussy actually got wet - just from thinking about it! I wasn't completely sure of everything that had happened. What had made me react that way? Was it normal? One thing I knew for sure - I definitely wanted it to happen again. I could not believe how good...

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Naive Married Colleague Turns Into A Slut 8211 Part 1

My name is Manju. I am a 28 years old software engineer from Bangalore. I am 185 cm tall, average build and decent looking. It all started two years ago when I joined a new company in Whitefield, Bangalore. My team was working in the maintenance and enhancement project and the developers had to work in shifts on a rotation basis. As I was not originally hired for development, I didn’t work in shifts but one day I had to work as the team members were on leave during the festival season. It is...

3 years ago
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Naive Employee And Her Boss

I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened a year ago. I am an orphan and was raised in Goa, I moved to Delhi after finishing my graduation and started my carrier with an organization in its accounting department. I was a 21 years old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I was working under the head of accounting department, Prahlad. He is an ex-army guy, 51 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 126 Cowgirls

"You know those pretty new boots are going to get all dirty, don't you?" I asked. It was a little chillier Saturday afternoon and rain was forecast for the night so they'd dressed appropriately at least. I don't know what it is, though, about girls and skin-tight jeans. Not that I was complaining. They still looked like twins in matching chambray shirts and their red hats and boots. "Did you shop together for a whole wardrobe?" "No, just a few things," Rhonda said. "Don't you like...

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Grandpas Journals The Cowgirls Confidence Partr 1

I headed up on I-95 until turning west on I-10, pulling my big 5th wheel behind my duel cab pickup traveling back towards my ol’ stomping grounds in Arizona. It would take me several days of traveling before I got my driving stamina back, but since I had all the time in the world to get out to Oregon and my son’s house in Sisters, it really didn’t matter how many miles I put on in a day. I really didn’t mind the solitude of driving by myself because I had time to think, to plan and to...

3 years ago
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Rideem Cowgirl

My husband is a cowboy and he and I go from ranch to ranch to work cattle. He makes okay money, we get to stay free at some very nice ranches. It is good honest work and we like it. Most of these ranches have good looking cowgirls and cowboys running around and I must say that I have sampled my share of cowboys over the years and I am sure my husband has saddled a few fillies during that time. We were at this really nice ranch and my husband was out working cattle. I decided to go for a...

4 years ago
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It had become a common occurrence around the drought ravaged farms of the valley.? Small time farmers without any other recourse were forced to sell their daughters to whoever would be willing to pay something close to the asking price.? Margaret Stephen’s father was such a man.? His youngest daughter was his little angel; unlike her older sisters he had been unable to ever bear taking his belt to her when she misbehaved.? Not that she was exactly a brat; she was just a bit willful at times.?...

1 year ago
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Jessica the cowgirl

I got to my hotel room at about seven giving me 2 hrs to be ready. For me that is an hour to much so I jumped in the shower. After watching my hair and body I jumped out and kind of examined myself in the mirror. I have a dark brown hair it short and really thick. I have hazel eyes. And a slight tan. I'm 6'2 and pretty buff typical for a farmer my dad died when I was young so I did most of the work around my place. After looking myself over I decided to get dressed. I grabbed some jeans...

1 year ago
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Rideem Cowgirl

We were spending Thursday night at ‘Jack’s Bar’, along with Mandy, Paul, Jeff, and Kari. It was getting late, so Jack, dropped me the keys.  ‘Bar’s yours,’ he said, winking, ‘close up, will ya?’ As he left, I flipped the closed sign around, and locked us in.  ‘Bar’s ours!’ I said, to a chorus of cheers. Plucking a fresh bottle of tequila from the shelf, I yelled, ‘ Drinks are on the house!’ Everyone made a wild dashed to the bar. ‘Wait,’ I said, holding Kari back, ‘girls have to remove...

4 years ago
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Das Cowgirl

Kim hatte sich nach ihrer Meinung eine Auszeit verdient. Sie hatte fast zwei Jahre ohne Urlaub für eine Agentur gejobbt, etwas Geld zur Seite gelegt und auch von dem kleinem Erbe ihre letzten Verwandten, einer alten Tante, war noch einiges übrig. Sie hatte Wagen und Trailer bei einer kleinen Tankstelle am Rande der Einöde abgestellt, ihre Lieblingsklamotten angezogen und war losgeritten. Quer durch die Prärie. Ein Handy, ein GPS-System, ein Colt an der Seite, eine Winchester im Scabbard und...

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Cowgirl Up Ch 5

When my publisher called to ask me about going on a book signing tour, I was hesitant to accept the offer. Since it also included several live radio appearances, I was even more skeptical. The book signing appearances paid very little, although travel and accommodation expenses were covered. I wasn’t sure if I could handle being interviewed on live radio. I was certain I’d be at a loss for words or say something wrong or off-color. Sounding like a dumb-ass or getting embarrassed on the air...

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Cowgirl Up Ch 4

Finding Wade in the main terminal of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I never saw so many men wearing black cowboy hats in one place. My eyes were scanning over the throng of people when I saw a handsome young man running toward me. A black cowboy hat was shading his handsome face but it was unmistakably Wade!“You made it!” He shouted, scooping me up in his arms. We held onto each other like we were never intending to let go. Wade’s heart was pounding...

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Cowgirl Up Ch 3

It was late Saturday evening when J.D. and I pulled up in front of the barns at the Double D. We didn’t waste any time getting the horses unloaded. After walking them around to limber up their tired legs, we put them in adjoining stalls with plenty of water and feed.“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” I commented to my grandfather, standing at Indian Summer’s stall.“They’re both beautiful.” J.D. responded, putting his arm around me. “I’d say you made two good decisions today.” “You’re gonna do all...

2 years ago
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Cowgirl Up Ch 2

That evening after dinner, I started back to work on my book. At first, the going was slow but soon the words started pouring through my fingers onto the keyboard. I was composing on the fly just like I had done when I first started writing my stories. I felt a renewed vigor coursing through my mind as my newest story began unfolding.“What’re you smiling about?” My grandfather inquired from his comfortable recliner in the office.“Oh nothing.” I replied. “My story just seems to be coming...

3 years ago
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Cowgirl Up Ch 1

Turning north onto Highyway 54, I was just a few short miles from my destination. The little town of Three Rivers, New Mexico lay just a mile or so ahead. The Double D Ranch, my grandfather’s place, was just a few miles north of the community. Three Rivers wasn’t much of a town. A dozen or so houses and a convenience store that served as a café, gas station and post office was about it. It was a peaceful little town, disrupted only by the occasional train passing along its northern edge. After...

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The Cowgirl

Tamra has seen him in the leather store before. He scares her, because of the intensity of his gaze. His eyebrows are dark and thick above eyes that are so brown she can’t see his pupils, and when he looks at her, she has trouble meeting his eyes for long.And yet, she would be disappointed if he weren’t there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her knees tremble with a need she can’t name.Tonight is...

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