Magical Incest Chapter 3 Of 5: The Black Mirror free porn video

The following day when Dean met his mother for breakfast, he asked, "So how did you sleep?"
His mother looked at him and, with a smile, teasingly replied, "Oh, I had a lovely rest. I feel so refreshed today. How about you?"
"Oh… I guess I can say the same."
Dean then noticed he was running late and quickly finished his meal. But, before rushing off, he went to give his mother a quick kiss on the cheek and was startled when she promptly turned her head, and their lips met.
Astonished, Dean pulled back as his mother grinned and said, "Have a great day, Son."
"Um... You too, Mom?" Dean replied and went out the door on his way to school.
At school, Dean replayed what his mother had done and then how she acted afterward. Her carefree reaction, along with the way she smirked, had him wondering if it was more than just a mishap.
Dean shook his head and thought. What am I thinking? It had to have been.
But he couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than that. Then if that wasn't enough to boggle his mind once at home, he felt the sudden need to read more of the sinful tales he discovered online.
I have to stop myself. It's not helping by reading those stories, he thought.
However, he couldn't, and as he opened the website, he mumbled, "Maybe just one more." There was a new story listed on the page titled "The Black Mirror." That caught his eye, and he began to read.
Hi, my name is Morgan. My mother, Kalea, and I now live in a small apartment since my father passed away fourteen months ago. Dad, unfortunately, didn't have any life insurance, and with all the debt and burial expenses, Mom was forced to sell the house. It took some time, but eventually, I adjusted to the life change except for one small detail. After that, I began to think of my mother inappropriately.
It happened the night my girlfriend and I were sitting in the living room, and Mom decided to join us. At first, I was fine with it since I wanted Mom to like Janis. However, as I sat there listening to them talk for over an hour about nothing in particular, their words became gibberish, and my eyes, for some reason, focused on my mom.
Now I've seen my mother's complexion at least a thousand times prior to my turning eighteen. But, this time, it was different, because instead of looking at her as my mother, I was sinfully seeing her as a sexy older woman.
Honestly, I don't know why, but as my eyes traveled from her long red hair to her succulent C-size breasts; that were squashed under her tight-fitting, low-cut white dress; I wondered what it might be like to suckle on one, then flick my tongue over her hard nipple.
Then my dick stiffened as my eyes wandered lower until I was staring at her bare knee. Mom had her legs bent and resting to her side on the sofa. However, as mom chatted away with Janis, her leg ever so slightly lifted off the couch and exposed more of her hidden flesh to my prying eyes.
My mind suddenly ventured down a dark path as I yearned to see more of what lay beneath her dress. With my raging cock tented under my clothes, I peered endlessly at Mom's inner thighs until my peripheral vision caught mom's hand waving and heard her say, "Hey earth to Morgan."
I looked up at Mom's face and noticed her questionable expression as my face reddened.
"So, are you going to answer her?" Janis said.
"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry I was lost in thought."
"I should say so," Mom said. "I asked if you wanted to watch a movie."
"Oh. Um. Sure. If Janis is interested in watching one."
Both of them laughed. Apparently, while I was in 'la-la land,’ they had already discussed which movie they wanted to watch.
Mom put the DVD on and turned off the lights, and of course, as it began to play, it was obviously a chick flick.
Mom and Janis quickly became engrossed in the estrogen-filled feature. This was a good thing because whilst the movie played, I again fixated on Mom's legs. It got to the point that my cock actually hurt from pressing so hard in my jeans, and I needed to find some kind of relief. So quickly, I asked if anyone else felt a bit chilly, and they both replied, "Yes."
Excusing myself, I went and got two blankets and handed one to Mom and then sat on the couch and covered Janis and myself with the other. Then, with my bottom half covered, I bent my left leg under the blanket, causing it to tent, which allowed me to release my stiff cock undetected.
I don't know why, but having my dick out and my mother only feet away caused me to do something daring. As Mom watched the movie, I slowly maneuvered Janis's hand to my exposed cock. She softly gasped as she looked at my mother, and I whispered, "Shh."
Janis did try to pull her hand away, but I kept it firmly in place, moving it slowly across my shaft until she finally took hold of it herself.
Janis slowly stroked me as her head shifted from glancing at Mom then back to the television. I, on the other hand, kept my eyes on Mom and imagined it was her hand jerking me off. My cum rose quickly, and I gave Janis some subtle hints of its arrival by squeezing her arm and thrusting slightly in her hand. Janis jerked quicker, and I held my breath as my sperm splattered under the cover.
Without moving too hastily, she wiped her hand on my chest and pulled it out of the cover, and placed it on her lap.
However, I wasn't finished with my little game just yet. Easing my hand over to Janis, I worked it inside her jeans until my fingers rubbed her little pussy. Once again, I glanced at Mom and wished it was her cunt I was dabbling inside of. Janis softly whimpered while I toyed with her clit until she came all over my fingers.
I pulled my hand out of Janis's pants and put my manhood away just as the flick ended, and Mom asked, "So how did you like the movie?"
I replied, "Different."
"Yes, definitely different," Janis said as she looked at me, quite shocked.
Mom got up and said, good night leaving, Janis and me alone on the sofa. Then as Mom vanished up the steps, Janis let me have it.
"What the fuck Morgan?!"
"You know what! What if your mother caught us doing that? I would have died!"
"I thought it was kind of exciting. I mean, you did cum, so you must have liked it also?"
"That isn't the point!"
"Well, I'm sorry if I upset you. You want to fool around some more?"
"Oh my god! Your mother is right upstairs. Didn't you hear me say I would die if she caught us?"
"So that is a no then?"
"Ugh! Please just take me home."
Well, I did as she asked, and that was the last time I saw Janis. Not that she broke up with me, but because I no longer had an interest in her. I couldn't help but think of Mom in this new sexual way; it tormented me.
I found myself at night jerking off to unthinkable images of Mom and me in different sexual positions, as well as checking out her ass and tits every chance I got during the day. That's when I knew I had to do something about this new perversion before it drove me into doing something I would regret.
I looked into ways I might be able to correct this problem myself and came across the subject of self-meditation. After reading a dozen or so articles on the subject, I found an author that was selling a book along with a kit that took my interest. According to her sales pitch, anything was possible if you meditated hard enough. I figured what do I have to lose, so I went and placed the order.
After several days, it finally arrived, and that night in the comfort of my room, I opened the package, and inside was the book along with instructions attached to this eight-inch circular black shiny object. I've never seen such a thing, but according to the instruction, it was a black mirror.
After reading the instructions, I hung the mirror to see my reflection in a seated position and then read the book. It took four nights before I finished reading it, and I was anxious to try out what I had learned.
Setting a chair in front of the mirror, I stared long and hard into it. After a half-hour or so, I noticed a black ring forming in my peripheral vision. Over the next several minutes, the black ring began to increase until I could only see myself in the black mirror.
That's when I thought to myself. You don't think your mom is sexy. You don't want to fuck your mother. You don't want to fuck your mother. You want to fuck your mother. Wait... What?
Even though my intentions were pure, I couldn't yet break the strong sexual drive and desire I was feeling. So night after night, I practiced until I began to think of some of the things Mom and I did together. The thoughts weren't sexual but loving, and I figured this was a good sign.
Over the next two weeks, I gazed at the mirror and meditated, and sure enough, I wasn't jerking off or checking her out anymore and thought to myself, I did it.
But how wrong I was! The following night as I meditated, I lost concentration when a sudden strong urge to take a leak came over me. Our bathroom is at the end of the hallway, which meant I had to pass by Mom's room. As I did, I noticed her door was partially open, which caused me to pause and admire her sleeping body tucked under the covers. As Mom slept, unaware of my presence, I wondered what she could be dreaming about. I finally left and relieved myself in the toilet.
As I returned to my room, the thought of Mom's dreams stayed in my mind, and when I returned to my meditation, I unknowingly concentrated on that. I guess without realizing I could do this, my mind entered my mother's dream, and just as if I was a bystander, I watched it unfold.
Mom dreamt about Dad and her at the ocean, and I felt my heart sink when I saw him again. The vision appeared to be so real I could smell and taste the ocean air. In fact, it scared me so much that I broke the connection.
However, that night I lay in bed and was awed by what I found I could do and looked forward to trying it again.
So on the following night, when Mom went to bed, I concentrated on her dreams once more. After an hour of gazing into the black mirror, an image formed. It grew in size, overtaking the black mirror until my entire room disappeared and I was in my mother's bedroom.
All the hard work and effort I did to change my thinking of Mom was lost at the moment. For in Mom's slumber was my father once more, except this time he was naked, and so was she.
I could feel my sexual desire increase as I watched them caress each other. My cock stiffened in Mom's dream as Dad guided Mom's head to his groin, and I watched as she bobbed on his dick.
In Mom's dream, I opened my pants, pulled my dick out, and slowly jerked it off as Dad laid mom on her back and got between her spread legs.
Holly fuck! For the first time in my life, my eyes were staring at my mother's bare pussy as it glistened from the moonlight that was shining through her window! Then I couldn't help but softly grunt when Dad eased his solid meat forward, parting my mother's moist pussy lips open as he sunk his full girth inside her, causing Mom to sigh in pure delight.
My strokes matched Dad's pumps as Mom wailed and moaned until Dad was fucking her fast and hard. I was just about to blow my load when I saw Mom looking in my direction, and as Dad slammed his cock into her snatch, I hear her say, "Morgan! Oh my god! What are you doing here?! Why, ugh... Why are you jerking off?! Oh no... Aww... Honey stop! Our son is watching us!"
I heard Dad reply in a grunt, "I'm sorry, Honey. I... I... I can't. I'm too close to ssstop now. Oh, fuck! Here it comes!!!"
Mom looked horrified as she watched me jerk off until I exploded just as Dad filled her womb. That's when I was ejected from my mom's dream and found myself back in my room.
I could hear Mom stirring, so I quickly jumped into bed and acted as if I was asleep. I just managed this as Mom opened my bedroom door. With my eyes closed, I listened as Mom just stood at my doorway for what seemed like a half-hour. She finally closed my door and went back to her room.
"Holy fucking shit!" I said to myself and felt my cock stirring as wicked thoughts flooded my brain. My newfound power to enter Mom's dream and actually to be able to take part was sending me down a dark road that maybe I should have avoided. However, I was too lost in my lust for Mom now.
The next morning at breakfast, Mom didn't say much. Even though I tried to make some small talk with her, she seemed off, and I figured it had to do with what happened last night. So I decided to give her a couple of days before I attempted to enter her sleep again.
Once Mom seemed to be back to her usual self, I waited until she retired to her room, and then I tried again.
It took me a good two hours of meditation before I could enter Mom's dream and I kept myself hidden once inside until I was sure I was aware of what Mom was dreaming about.
This time I saw Mom was alone sitting on the living room couch sewing something. I swallowed my spit and walked into the room, saying, "Hi, Mom. What are you doing?"
Mom looked up at me puzzled and said, "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? I live here," I replied as I sat on the couch next to her.
"Oh, nothing! It's just that. Well, I just wasn't expecting you."
"Who were you expecting?" I chuckled.
"Your father, of course."
"Is that his shirt?" I said.
"Yes. He needs it fixed for his meeting."
I reached out and touched Mom's hand, and she looked at me when I blurted out, "I'm sorry about the other night, Mom."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about; when you saw me jerking off while you and Dad were doing it."
With a shocked looked, Mom put her sewing down and said, "Wait! Oh my god! That! That was real?"
"It was Mom. It was real. And I'm really sorry it happened like that. I just couldn't help myself. You see..." I said as I reached down and slowly unzipped my pants.
You're just so fucking hot, Mom. I had trouble controlling myself. Just like now," I croaked as I pulled out my stiff pecker.
"Morgan! Wha--what are you doing! My god! This isn't happening! It can't be happening! Not again! Not with you!"
Now I was inquisitive, realizing at some point Mom must have had a sexual dream about me. But I still wasn’t sure as to what it entailed, so as I started to slowly stroke my dick said, "Again, Mom. Why can't you? Didn't you like it?
Mom rose quickly from the couch and yelled, "Morgan! You know why! It was wrong for me to fuck you the first time!"
Holly shit! Mom dreamt about fucking me! I did my best to keep my cool as I went on and said, "Sure you can, Mom."
I then caught my mother’s eyes shifting from my face to my dick as I worked on my tool and croaked, “Look, Mom. Just look how hard you're making me. See what you're doing to me. I want you just as much as before."
Mom quickly turned her head, but her eyes almost hesitantly shifted back and gazed endlessly at my dick while I stroked it, long and hard.
"Yea, Mom. Oh, yea... Just look. You're making me so fucking hot I can't help myself."
"Morgan. Please stop this. It's wrong. My god, why am I still having these dreams about you like this."
"Because you want this as much as I do right now. Why don't you touch it and see how real it feels."
"Morgan! I'm your mother. I can't take part in this again."
Quickly, I stood up and took hold of her hand. "Just feel it, Mom. Feel what you're doing to your son," I said as I pushed it onto my rigid pole.
Mom shyly enclosed her hand around my shaft, and I groaned, "Oh fuck yeah... see...doesn't that feel good between your fingers?"
Then as Mom slowly moved her hand back and forth across my shaft, I took hold of her waist and pulled her closer to me.
"Oh Morgan... I... I shouldn't be doing this with you. It's so wrong of us."
"Ohh... Mom… How can this be wrong if we both want it? Oh fuck, Mom. That's it, stroke your son's cock. God, I've wanted you to do this for so long," I replied before grasping her ass and locking my lips to hers.
Mom "hmfed" in my mouth as my tongue forced in between her lips, and I felt her resistance melt away as she willingly kissed me back and stroked my cock harder. Our breath raced as I molded her firm tush in my palms and felt my sperm rising.
Then suddenly, Mom stopped wanking me and broke our kiss, panting, "Wait! Wait! We...we have to stop this insanity."
I nodded in agreement and cautiously lowered Mom down to her knees until her face stared straight at my dick.
With my left hand, I pointed my penis at Mom while my right hand gingerly moved her head toward it and said, "Taste it, Mom."
Mom looked up at me and slowly shook her head as I eased her closer to my swollen manhood.
Then it happened. Mom lightly kissed the very tip of my mushroom head, and I grunted, "Oh shit!" followed by, "Holy Fuck!" when her moist lips passed over my cock head. A sudden rush of pleasure I never experienced before consumed me, and I nudged myself into my mother's face.
My god, the feeling of Mom taking my shaft down her velvet throat was so real I couldn't stop myself from holding back any longer. Quickly I grabbed her head hard with both hands and lunged forward, forcing my entire shaft inside her mouth as I blew my wad.
Buckets of sperm raced down my mother's throat as she sucked and gagged while I came like never before. I swear I almost fell to the floor when my legs began to shake uncontrollably.
Unfortunately, my climax also broke my concentration, and I was once again thrown out of Mom's dream and back into the reality of my room, covered and completely drained and panting.
I looked down to see that my pants were open like in the dream and had cum splattered all over the place. I guess I was lucky; Mom didn't decide to check in on me like she did the last time I tinkered in her mind.
Once again, at breakfast, Mom seemed different, so I didn't push her into chatting with me. However, I also didn't give her a chance to recover from my dream encounter as I did the last time, and that night I had another sexual encounter with her.
Mom was lying in her bed this time when I walked into her room naked, holding my stiff dick in my hands.
"Oh no. Not again, Morgan. It's so wrong for us to keep doing this," Mom said as she covered her body tightly with the covers.
I grasped the sheets with my hands and pulled them clear off the bed, exposing mom's naked body underneath, and said, "But Mom. Do you see? It's your turn to cum now. And I'm going to make you cum like never before!"
"Please, Morgan. I'm your mother. This is incest."
As Mom pleaded, I grabbed her legs and pulled her body towards me. Then, with Mom's legs dangling off the bed, I spread them wide and latched my mouth onto her succulent snatch.
"Oh... Oh... Oh, Morgan," I heard as I flicked my tongue across her clit. No longer pleading, Mom put her hands on top of my head and pulled me tighter to her love hole as her hips gyrated to and fro.
I inserted two fingers inside Mom's cunt as I sucked on clit until she was bucking hard.
"Christ, Morgan, this is so... ahhh wrong," she whined, "But...oooh, it feels so good. Oh my god! My son is going to make me cum!"
"That's it, Mom. Cum for me. Cum hard! I want to taste your juices on my tongue," I said and inserted a third digit inside her while my tongue tickled her hard little bud.
Mom wailed and moaned as her climax built while I feverishly fucked her hard with my fingers. Then Mom grasped my head with her hands and pulled it tight as her body stiffened, and she groaned, "Oh fuck... I'm coming! I'M COMING!" Mom quivered, and I covered her pussy with my mouth while drinking down all her juices as she arched her back and grunted.
Mom was panting loudly by the time I finished sucking on her pussy. Then after wiping my mouth, I stood up and looked down between her sexy spread legs.
Mom's eyes were barely open when I eased myself forward and lined my hard cock at her entrance. But just before I could slide inside, Mom snapped her legs closed and pleaded, "No... Not that, Morgan! We...we can't fuck!"
"But Mom! I know you want this also."
"No, honey, that is too far for us to go."
Mom sat up and took hold of my cock and stroked it, and said, "I'll make you feel good another way."
After a couple of long strokes, Mom leaned forward and inhaled my cock in her mouth, and bobbed on it once more.
As Mom worked her mouth on my dick, I managed to make my way into her room for real without breaking my concentration. My vision resembled what a double-exposed picture would look like, and I could see what Mom was doing in her dream and what I was doing in real life. Once I got next to Mom's bed for real, I pulled my pants down and nudged my cock next to Mom's lips, and just like in her dream, Mom opened her mouth and inhaled it.
Just like in her dream, the feeling was fantastic, and it wasn't long before I was pushing and pulling myself in both places. Mom began to hum on my cock as my sperm became ready for release, and just before I blew in real life, I pulled myself out and splattered it into my hand. While at the same time, in Mom's dream, I blew my load down her throat again.
The climax was too much for me, and I lost my connection to Mom's dream and found myself standing next to her inside her room. Stealthily I tip-toed out as quietly as I could as Mom stirred in her sleep. But before I made it out of the room, I heard Mom mumble, "Oh Morgan, why do I love the taste of your cock so much?"
That night I was so turned on by what happened, I couldn't wait to try again. So try I did but to no avail. I just couldn't reconnect with Mom's dream and fell asleep totally drained physically and mentally.
Come the following day. Mom was very standoffish and wouldn't look in my direction, so I said, "Mom, everything okay?"
"Huh, oh yeah, Honey, I just had another bad night's sleep."
"I wasn't aware you were having trouble sleeping. Maybe you can take a pill to help you," I replied.
"It's not that. It's my dreams. They're...well...not appropriate."
"Huh? How can a dream be not appropriate?"
"Never mind Honey. It's something I have to figure out myself."
"Hey, Mom. You know I'm here for you. Tell me what they are about."
Mom sighed and said, "They're about you."
"Me?" I said with my best-shocked look that I could whip up.
"Yes... Well, also me."
"So both of us are there? I don't see how that is inappropriate. I mean, I dream about you all the time."
"You do?" Mom replied, puzzled.
"Sure. I think it's normal to dream about your family."
"Well, these aren't normal by any means."
"Mom! Just tell me already," I said.
With another long sigh, mom mumbled, "I'm dreaming about us engaging in different sexual situations."
"OH! Wow, maybe you're right, Mom. That is shocking. But I wouldn't worry too much about it."
"Nah! I bet it's only because you've been without Dad for such a long time now and just miss the closeness you used to have."
"Maybe? But still, why with you?"
"Well, what other males do you see as much, and besides, I would be lying if I didn't mention I've had some pretty racy dreams about you myself."
"Oh! Really?"
"Yeah," I chuckled. "So don't fret over this. I bet it will pass in time."
Mom appeared more at ease when I finished my talk, and we enjoyed our breakfast together.
Over the next two weeks, I spent more time doing stuff with Mom. We went out to dinner, took in a couple of movies, and enjoyed the television at night together. I also did the same in her dreams but kept the sexual stimulations down to just kissing.
My efforts began to pay off, and soon after, Mom's affections towards me grew stronger, and her attire became a little more revealing. It was then I tried once more in Mom's dreams to make a sexual advancement and was happy when Mom reached down and took out my penis on her own.
Mom stroked my dick as we kissed, and I fondled her breasts and heard her whisper, "Oh, this is so wrong for us to be doing this again. But I've missed it so much."
Not wanting to rush this, I slowly removed Mom's clothes, and she did the same to me. Once we were standing naked in front of each other, I gingerly lay her down on her bed and lightly tickled her folds with my tongue.
"Oh, Morgan. Mmm... Ohh," Mom moaned as her hands pushed me hard into her crotch.
While Mom was busy enjoying my tongue on her clit, I was slowly making my way to her room in the real world. I had already stripped naked and was just about to lie next to her when Mom climaxed in her sleep.
In Mom's dream, I moved my head away from her mound, and she whispered, "Oh my god, I came so hard."
"Good, Mom; now let's see if I can't do it again."
I positioned Mom on her side just like she was in real life and tucked myself behind her. Once I was settled in, I slowly rubbed her breast, and Mom cooed both in her mind and for real, and I whispered, "I love you so much, Mom. I only want to make you feel good if you let me."
"Oh, baby, I know you do. But we should stop this madness before... Oh ah." Mom whimpered.
I kissed Mom's neck for real and in her dream and eased my hand down her body in both realms until I had two fingers slipped inside her snatch and said, "Jesus, Mom, you're already so wet."
"Oh, Honey, It's because you're turning me on again. I shouldn't be enjoying this."
"But you are Mom, aren't you? Enjoying what your son is doing to you."
"Oh god, I... I am! Mmmm, Oh nooo... Ssson!
Yesss... That's it Mom. Give in to your desires," I interjected as I grasped her hand and placed it on my hard cock, both in her dream and for real.
"Can you feel how hard you've made me?"
"Oh yes. I can. You're so hard," Mom hissed.
"Stroke it, Mom." I urged, and mom stroked it for real, just like in her dream.
Slowly, I removed her panties with my free hand as she whimpered in her sleep, and once they were free, I added another digit into her cunt.
Mom groaned out loud as I twisted my fingers in her and said in her dream, "Oh Mom, your pussy is grabbing my fingers."
"Oh, Honey. You've made Mommy so horny."
"You like me fucking you with my fingers, don't you?"
"Oh, I shouldn't. But I do. God help me."
"You want to come again, don't you? You want to come on your son's fingers."
In her dream and out loud, Mom replied, "Yes!!! God yes! Fuck Mommy with your fingers!"
Mom's hand stroked my cock hard as her ass pushed back until it brushed against my groin.
Slowly, I nudged myself closer until my cock head was continuously banging against her ass crack as she pushed back in her sleep and in her dream.
I stopped fingering Mom and rubbed her clit feverishly as I pushed my stiff wood hard against her bottom. Finally, Mom removed her hand and spread her legs wide while she eased back and let my dick glide over her folds.
Mom's breath raced in her sleep as I sawed my cock across her pussy lips and croaked, "Oh, Mom. I love how my dick feels against your pussy."
Mom moaned, and I said, "Doesn't it feel good, Mom?"
Ooh, it does. It really does..." Mom sighed
Nudging a little harder, my dick slipped between her out folds, and I hissed, "But it's not enough, is it. You want it inside you now, don't you?"
"Oh, Morgan. We... we shouldn't."
"But you want it don't you?" I said and nudged until the tip of my cock just barely parted inside her inner lips.
"Mmm, Yes..." Mom hissed.
Slowly, in her unconscious state, I inched more of my meat into her hot pussy. She gasped as her ass pushed back and caused half my length to sink into her.
"Oh fuck, Mom," I grunted out loud and took hold of her waist and thrust myself forward, sending my entire manhood into her welcoming snatch.
Oh my god, her pussy felt so wonderful wrapped around my shaft, and I held myself deep inside her womb while her pussy subtly grasped at my dick. Patently I fucked my mother, enjoying of great it felt to be finally inside her for real and in her mind building up my speed as I went. Only as I did, I started to lose my ability to stay in my Mom's dream.
The feeling of her warm wet cunt sucking me inside her as I pounded away was becoming too much for me to control, and it didn't help hearing Mom wailing out loud and in her dream, "Fuck me, Honey. Fuck Mommy. I want you to fuck me harder."
Mad with lust, I wasn't in her dream anymore when I pulled my dick out and rolled Mom on her back. In her limp state, I spread her legs wide and got betweenTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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