The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree, Ch. 04 free porn video

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by Fidget

Chapter 4 - Too Many Apples

Over the next few weeks, Josh watched guiltily as the cheerleaders he had infected with the football's sinister influence involuntarily ripened into sex-obsessed goddesses of femininity and fertility, just as Amy had, and just as Josh had known they would. In the end, he had been equally unable to resist his own ravenous new sexual appetites, and had quickly caved to the temptation to increase the number of irresistible bimbos available to him, each of whom was instinctively driven to sate his powerful lusts with their eager, receptive bodies.

Eventually, Josh found himself in a situation where he was forced to fully enjoy the fruit of his labors. It was the cute brunette, Samantha, whose changes were a few days further along than the other girls. When she approached him yet again for some quality private time in mid-January, Josh should have expected the overwhelming lure of the powerful new femininity he had forced upon her, but he was still under the mistaken notion that Amy was somehow unique, and that Samantha couldn't possibly become sexy enough to compete with her and tempt him into infidelity.

So, Josh was completely blindsided when she finally confronted him with the overwhelming sex appeal of her fully transformed body as it spilled out of her revealing cheerleading outfit, and his need for her quickly began to overpower the diminished self control of his jock body, exacerbated by his hypermasculine urges. To be fair, Samantha didn't look like Amy, not at all, but her own idealized features - silky dark brown hair framing a refined, elegant face and smoky green eyes that sparkled with playful promises of pleasure, not to mention her thick, voluptuous new figure - was just as intoxicating as Amy's blonde, bubbly hourglass physique, and within seconds Josh was allowing himself to be led by the hand back to the scene of his original debauchery, his eyes glued to Samantha's ass deliciously bouncing in front of him as his enhanced cock stiffened and eagerly began to prepare for intercourse.

Calling back to their original conversation, Samantha once again coquettishly asked for a tour of the locker room, but Josh could tell from the hungry look in the busty cheerleader's eyes that this time she wanted much more than that first innocent makeout session, driven by youthful hormones but tempered by embarrassment, inexperience, and social inhibitions. This was the face of a mature sexual being who knew exactly what her body really wanted, and who knew equally well that Josh wouldn't be able to resist giving it to her.

Once more in the back corner of the locker room, Samantha forcefully pressed her body against his, her small, soft hands already teasing along the massive rod tenting his athletic shorts, and Josh allowed himself to be maneuvered down onto a bench in the middle of the floor, helpless to resist the powerful femininity of the two massive tits in his face as she smoothly slid his shorts down and his enormous phallus and heavy testicles bounced into view. Samantha was immediately distracted at the sight, having finally come face to face with the daunting rod of tasty man-meat and large, fascinating balls that had filled her dreams for over a month at this point.

Her tits were still dangling in Josh's face, however, and so his arousal too continued to grow until he finally reached up and began to roughly grope them, squeezing them together and jiggling them back and forth as the creamy, bouncy globes continued to erode his capacity for rational thought.

Josh vaguely recalled how he'd convinced himself that he had only started changing girls for their own good, and maybe so that they'd jerk him off every once in a while, but now that he had actively come face to face with the results of the football's effects once more, with the irresistible seductresses who needed his dick jerking in their pussies just as bad as Amy had, he realized the truth: he had always intended to fuck these girls. Once faced with this new raw, receptive femininity that was easily as overpowering as Amy's, he recognized that in his current testosterone-flooded body he wouldn't be able to resist, and he realized that that had really been his plan all along.

He didn't want to resist. He loved the way Samantha looked, the way she felt, the way she smelled, and he loved what being near her did to him, how hard it got his giant cock and how much it made him want to slide it inside her and just thrust. It was so easy to go along with her, to enjoy her body and indulge in harmless, flirty fun with her, and so when Samantha began to straddle him, obeying her own mating instinct, Josh was eager to let her slide down onto the tip of his straining cock and let it slip all too easily into this new, enticing pussy where everything felt so perfectly soft and slick and stimulating. Of course, once he had been inside for a second, and both of them had gasped in pleasure and his eyes had met hers, smoldering with mutual, irresistible need, things stopped feeling so perfect to Josh, and he began to need more of that slick stimulation, to chase that perfect sensation once again, and so his hips began rocking automatically, sending his massive, sensitive cock sliding in and out of another bimbofied cheerleader, and his lizard brain was once again satisfied, though at the base of his dick a familiar, insidious pressure slowly began to build as well.

Josh wasn't even thinking about cumming inside her when he entered her, of course. He was past being capable of those sorts of thoughts. He only knew that he needed to thrust himself into this new vision of feminine sexuality, who clearly wanted his cock inside her as much as he did. His mating instincts had entirely taken over his actions, and he began quickly driving himself toward orgasm inside her tight reproductive tract, only aware of the need to continue thrusting, and the pleasure he got from doing so, and his large balls continued to tighten as he grew ever closer to his involuntary, lifegiving release.

The curvy brunette whose tits were bouncing in his face as she rode him, on the other hand, was entirely focused on teasing and squeezing his giant cock until she triggered that release. She too was experiencing nearly debilitating pleasure and bliss with each powerful thrust, but a part of her mind remained razor-focused on the increasingly insistent twitchings of that cock inside her as his arousal continued to build from the slick friction of her tight receptacle. She knew exactly what that thick, throbbing cock and those massive twitching balls signified the moment they had come into view; the hyperfertile body the football had given her flooded her slutty mind with excitement and anticipation at the sight, and her ever-present desire to feel a virile cock jerking and surging and spurting inside her began to assert itself with a vengeance.

This time, however, there was none of the hesitation that had accompanied her earlier dalliances, only a feeling of euphoric satisfaction at finally being able to fully indulge in her new body's strongest craving. Samantha couldn't explain her newfound obsession with feeling that monster reflexively jerking inside her, filling her with warm, gooey potential, but that didn't make the drive to experience it any less overpowering, and willing Josh to cum inside her became a wordless mantra inside her mind with each thrust. Not that she needed to worry, of course, since Josh's instincts were driving him to do just that, and he didn't notice that with each thrust his dick became a bit more insistent.

Before either of them knew it, the inexorable coaxing of her body became more than Josh could take. Just when he felt himself losing control as his orgasm triggered and his balls began to tighten in reflex, instinct overcame him once more and he wrapped his powerful arms tightly around her soft, curvy body, pulling her down fully onto his dick as he roared and began mindlessly pumping the copious contents of his heavy balls deep into the fertile young slut.

Samantha loved the feel of his hard muscles tightening around her body as she felt his cock stiffening inside her, locking her into position and forcing her body to receive what it had craved for so long, and sure enough, a second later she felt the first thick spurt of his load blast powerfully against her cervix and soak into her greedy womb. She reached around underneath herself, where her dainty hand quickly found Josh's massive, weighty testicles reflexively tensing and tightening with the effort of delivering so much of his genetic material into her body. She wasn't sure it would help, especially because her hand felt so tiny against his swollen, pulsing ballsack, but she began to massage and fondle nonetheless as her body drove her to get as much of their contents into her as possible. Despite her eagerness to take it all in, the sheer volume of Josh's spunk quickly filled her tunnel and began to overflow onto the bench, but even so she continued her squeezing and coaxing, knowing instinctively that a steady stream flowing and soaking against her innermost recesses was what her body wanted.

As Josh finally began to come down from his ecstasy what felt like an eternity later, and his cock's pleasurable pulsing deep within the cunt of a slutty cheerleader who definitely wasn't his girlfriend began to subside, he was finally able to acknowledge the fact that Samantha had definitely become just as irresistible as Amy had, and had felt just as good to cum inside. If anything, she had almost felt better, since everything about her was new and different, including the luxurious feel of her tight pussy gripping and stroking his dick, and it seemed like his body could tell somehow, giving him an even more intense orgasm than usual, and releasing copious amounts of jizz into her in the process to ensure that she was well and truly impregnated.

Finally, Josh recognized that affecting so many girls with the football had definitely been a huge mistake, though not for the reason he had initially suspected. Before, the other girls had just been an annoying temptation that paled in comparison to the one goddess the football had chosen for him. Now, however, he knew that Amy's hadn't been unique, that the football indiscriminately made sure that every girl could be perfectly tailored to coaxing his cum into her enticing vagina, and now that he had seen how good fucking two of them could be, he could feel his desire to fuck all of them getting stronger. Still, Josh did love Amy, and at that moment committed himself to never abandoning her, no matter what happened with the other busty sluts he had been slowly filling the school with for the past few months.

He gently lifted Samantha off his body, feeling guilty at the intense aftershocks of pleasure he experienced as he slowly slid her tight, textured pussy up his shaft and his cock released a few final squirts of potent cum into her. She relaxed on the bench next to him with a glazed look of bliss on her face as he put his clothes back on, her body still rewarding her with pleasure at having accomplished its goal, and she sat there absent-mindedly squeezing a heavy breast while the other hand played with her used pussy. Josh's seed continued to drip out of her in large globs, onto the bench and down onto the floor where it began to form a pool. He could already feel the closeness of her naked body and the appealing pull of the cock-sheath nestled between her thick thighs starting to affect him again, so, having accepted his fate for better and for worse, he left her there to clean up the mess and went back to class, knowing there was nothing he could do to prevent his cum from having its own natural, transformative effect inside her vulnerable body.

Maybe she won't get pregnant, he thought to himself hopefully. Amy hadn't gotten pregnant yet, and they'd been fucking non-stop every day. In fact, now that he had resisted a second round with Samantha he could feel his body looking forward to going home and filling up his slutty cheerleader girlfriend once again with the virtually endless supply of thick cum his balls produced.

That very day, however, Amy finally noticed that she had missed her period, and realized with glee that it wouldn't be long before her tight abdomen began to swell as a result of her frequent intimate exposure to the very cum that was currently working its magic within Samantha. She was ecstatic, and immediately told Josh the good news that evening (as soon as she had enjoyed being pumped full of a fresh load, of course). Josh was excited too, though he also realized that this development had likely sealed his fate with Samantha and the other girls who were still deep in the throes of their transformations. Still, there was nothing to be done, and though he was also worried that things had moved a bit too fast between Amy and himself, he also somehow couldn't wait to settle down and start a family with her. He knew that his urges would continue to drive him to seek out other women, especially since he seemingly couldn't stop himself from turning them into busty bimbo sluts obsessed with his cock, but even so he knew deep down that Amy was the only girl for him. Whether that was another one of the football's effects, tying him to the first bimbo he fucked, he had no way of knowing, but either way he knew it was the truth.

For her part, Amy knew that Josh had begun not-so-subtly pursuing other girls, of course, and as ditzy and sex-obsessed as the football had made her, she had immediately figured out what the swelling busts and increasingly slutty behavior of her fellow cheerleaders had signified. Still, if it ever bothered her, she never let it show, even after the other cheerleaders' bellies began to swell like hers was. It may have been that she instinctively knew that Josh was loyal only to her, and so as long as he continued to feed her needy pussy a healthy diet of cock, she was unbothered by his powerful, testosterone-driven urge to sow his wild oats. Not to mention that that obscene, unfettered masculinity was exactly what had drawn her to him in the first place, and she understood the strength of the football's effects all too well. They had led to her own sexy body getting so thoroughly knocked up too, after all.

Life didn't stop for Josh after receiving this news, of course, and the other cheerleaders he had affected soon followed Samantha's lead in seducing him. As their reproductive urges continued to ramp up and they tired of their fruitless toying with lesser men, they sought Josh out one after another, and each time it was a little easier for Josh to give in to his desire for their nubile young bodies and allow himself to experience the carnal pleasures of their enhanced curves, and, ultimately, their flirty, stimulating pussies. Time and time again he would return to his senses riding the aftershocks of orgasm, balls deep in yet another needy cheerleader bimbo slut as he felt his body reflexively blasting rope after rope of dangerous baby juice into their vulnerable reproductive tracts while they screamed his name.

Moreover, indulging in his need to spread his seed seemed only to strengthen it, and he began expanding his sights beyond just the cheerleaders, to any girls who came on to him, knowing that all it would take was a quick touch of his football to guarantee that they would be willing to fully act out their desires, and as idealized, hypersexual versions of themselves, no less.

He could have any girl he wanted, and he knew it. Eventually, the power began to go to his head, and he began affecting girls more indiscriminately, even openly carrying the football through the halls with him so he could change girls on a whim. The shy, bookish blonde found herself becoming a lot more outgoing as her tits grew out, eventually going out for the cheerleading team, and then going out of her way to be alone with Josh, who savored the exquisite sensation of cumming in her. The petite, giggly redhead with freckles and green eyes became a much bustier, curvier, hornier redhead, though she still giggled in mindless bliss when her fun game of "just the tip" ultimately led to Josh ejaculating deep inside her. One touch of his football, and Josh would inevitably get to see what it felt like to combine his DNA with theirs. And it always felt fantastic. So many tempting pussies begging for his seed, and Josh couldn't help but fill them all. Over and over. It was never enough.

It was only when he accidentally changed one of his former, unpopular friends that he began to consider the results of his actions, albeit briefly. The clumsy, decidedly unattractive girl had accidentally bumped into the football as he carelessly carried it through the halls of the school, and though he hadn't meant to affect her, he noticed her eyes fluttering nonetheless in the characteristic look of dazed pleasure all of the girls exhibited as the football's effects took hold within their bodies, and it became increasingly clear over the next few weeks that she had indeed been fully affected.

Her complexion cleared, and her nerdy body began to swell in all of the enticing ways that the other girls' had, and Josh's testosterone-fueled mind was forced to take notice of her developing curves in spite of himself. He hated watching her initial panic at having been infected with whatever had turned the more attractive senior girls into busty sluts, but she too eventually succumbed to the effects and fully embraced her new bimbo body and persona. Once she was far enough along to seek out Josh's attentions, her new body was more than his implacable cock could resist as she continued to swell and tighten, and in spite of his reluctance and guilt he found himself unintentionally cumming in her slutty pussy anyway, spreading his seed yet further. She, of course, loved every second of it. All of the girls did. Once affected, every girl inevitably embraced her slutty new body and slutty new personality, and wanted nothing more than to get Josh alone where they could persuade him to breed them.

Even so, once he had indulged his reproductive urges with his newest bimbo, he took the incident to heart, realizing that the ball would change anyone who touched it, regardless of his own intentions. He resolved to be more careful in the future, though of course the damage had already been done as far as his thoroughly smitten, slutty, impregnated former friend was concerned, who quit the yearbook staff soon afterward to join the ever-growing cheerleading team.

Interest in the cheerleading team was at an all-time high, and the team's numbers continued to grow as more and more busty, athletic young women came forward to try out. In the spring, they had the best cheerleading team in the state, as well as the best looking, by far. The girls still deferred to Amy's leadership, not only because she was Josh's chosen mate and the first of the cheer-bimbos, but, once they noticed that she was pregnant, possibly also because they subconsciously knew that they would soon experience the same fate, especially with how often all of them were letting Josh spurt his massive loads inside their unprotected pussies.

It had gotten increasingly easy to find teachers to sponsor the team as well, after a few of the female teachers got a bit too close to Josh in the hall while he was carrying the football, and a few weeks later had gotten much too close to Josh in their classrooms after hours with some hands-on, mutually fulfilling lessons in sex-ed.

All of Josh's bimbos tried to convince him to dump Amy for them, but he never even considered it. Sex with them was just sex for him, an irresistible bodily function that just happened to result in impregnation, and he never experienced the powerful bonding experience with them that he felt with Amy. "Amy's the only girl for me" is all that he would say, and then he would head out, leaving his most recent load dripping out of the slutty pussy that the increasingly busty girl couldn't resist offering to him.

Eventually, filling their fertile young bodies with copious amounts of virile seed had its inevitable effect on Samantha and the other earliest-affected cheerleaders, and they began to swell just as Amy had as their bodies unconsciously and involuntarily blended their genetic information with Josh's and began to produce his offspring.

Many of the girls had expected their inevitable pregnancies, given the nature of their recent behavior and the copious volume of Josh's sexy emissions each time he filled them with his catalyzing cum, but just as many of the busty sluts were caught by surprise. They hadn't been able to resist their instinct to mate with Josh, so perhaps they thought their repeated couplings wouldn't have consequences, despite the fact that their bodies had swollen into caricatures of fertility in the first place, and their thoughts had become increasingly focused on feeling Josh's massive balls tightening and filling them with his fascinating, yummy jizz. Either way, after the deed was done their hyperfertile bodies reacted completely naturally to the potent seed inside them, and used that genetic material to make more copies of Josh, whether they wanted them to or not.

Even so, in all cases the bimbos were bombarded with powerful maternal instincts as soon as the found out they were pregnant, just as Amy had been, and they were all incredibly eager to have Josh's babies. Once Josh had made it clear that he wouldn't leave Amy for them, however, the girls instead found themselves drawn toward the other senior jocks as their nesting instincts asserted themselves, and they had no trouble using their hyperfeminine bodies to convince the hormonal young men to slide their cocks into their slick, flirty pussies, just to see what it felt like. It felt great, of course, and without exception the young men found their cocks teased into unprotected ejaculation. The girls loved it, but they couldn't help but be aware that they were settling after having experienced Josh's incomparably massive schlong for themselves. Still, cum was cum, and at the end of the day it was all delightfully masculine and practically irresistible. Plus, the girls knew they would need partners to help raise their children, and what better way to snare a horny young man than to offer him all the sex he could ever want with a voluptuous cheerleader straight out of his wet dreams?

Samatha had had first pick, of course, and mere days after she got her positive test, she could be seen hanging off the arm of the backup quarterback. Over the next few weeks, the other jocks had slowly been paired off with the other irresistibly sexy bimbos as well, not knowing that the receptive reproductive organs they were filling daily had already been tied up for the next nine months by Josh.

Some of the girls Josh affected with the football already had boyfriends. Initially these had been accidents, and Josh had regretted it when he saw the girls succumbing to the football's bimbofying effects right before their boyfriends' eyes, but once he saw the blissful looks of happiness on their faces as their girlfriends swelled into voluptuous bimbos, he began to feel significantly less bad about it. The girls' inhibitions shrank as their sexual appetites grew, and the curvy sluts began putting out as much as their delighted boyfriends wanted. Upon seeing how happy the couples were afterward, Josh stopped worrying about whether the girls he affected were already spoken for.

Unbeknownst to Josh, however, despite their willingness to engage in practically any sexual act as long as it resulted in clenching balls and spurting cocks, the girls still never let their boyfriends cum in them. Then, once they had progressed far enough into their transformations, they were forced to seek Josh out to be properly inseminated, just as all the other girls were. Josh initially tried to resist their advances, but inevitably his cock found its way into their tempting pussies nonetheless, and the stimulation and their overwhelming femininity would cause him to lose control inside of them, and he would end up coating their insides with his genetic material anyway. After a few such sessions, the bimbos would go back to their boyfriends, this time insisting that they empty their balls inside their tight pussies, which the men were always more than eager to do. Eventually, Josh began to consider secretly knocking up the girls almost a fee for his services, and everyone was happy.

Finally, the teachers who had succumbed to the football's influence had begun to see the effects of their private sessions with Josh as well. The quality of their teaching had degraded as their bodies had inexplicably filled out and their priorities had begun to shift, but once they were sure their slutty bodies had gotten exactly what they needed from Josh, the voluptuous, oversexed educators began to seek out private "mentorship" meetings with the principal and other senior male staff, such that by the time their bodies began to swell from the consequences of using their own fertile vaginas to teach Josh about reproductive anatomy, they had already gotten engaged and were busy fucking their lucky older fiances into blissful stupors.

In all cases, once it became known that the women were pregnant, the men stayed. The girls were just too hot, and the sex was entirely too good to walk away from.

In early spring, Josh's father finally noticed all of the pregnancies among the surprisingly busty eighteen and nineteen year-old girls around town and asked Josh if it was his doing.

Josh said yes, feeling his powerful muscles tensing and his temper rising, ready for a confrontation, though he knew his soft-spoken father would never raise a hand against him.

"Son, I know better than anyone how strong the urges can get. Still, you should stop using the ball so willy-nilly. You're changing these girls forever, you know."

"Oh, like you changed me and Amy forever?" Josh shot back angrily, and his father sat back, deep in thought.

Perhaps he was beginning to question what he'd done to his son. He'd always assumed that the football had improved his own life, and to be sure, he'd thoroughly enjoyed its effects over the years, and had never questioned his own father's decision to pass the ball down to him. Sure, he'd occasionally been tempted to use the ball on other women, but the special bond that the ball had forged between him and his wife had kept him from doing so. With Josh, however, it was clear that the ball's effects were much more pronounced than they had been with him, and he knew how good it felt to give in to that urge to knock up sexy young women, especially ones who had fallen under the ball's influence.

"You may be right, son. I gave you the ball, but didn't give you a choice in the matter. Now the ball's your responsibility, and it's up to you to decide how to use it. Just be careful."

And so the sudden epidemic of incredibly hot cheerleaders just as quickly became an epidemic of incredibly hot pregnant cheerleaders, and their athletic young bodies continued to swell as their pregnancies progressed. By the time graduation came, the majority of the eighteen and nineteen year-old seniors were in various stages of showing as the walked across the stage to collect their diplomas, and the furthest along had begun to notice their massive breasts growing even heavier as their bodies prepared for motherhood.

Josh had no trouble securing a football scholarship to a prestigious state school, even after only having played his senior year, and while his visibly pregnant girlfriend made plans for their wedding, he made plans to move his small family to the big city. Even with her swollen belly, Amy was just as sexually insatiable as always, if not more so, and Josh was more than happy to keep filling her expanding abdomen with cum, morning, noon, and night.

Still, as he packed for the city, he couldn't help but pack his trusty old football, just in case.

End of Chapter 4

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you! If you find yourself enjoying my stories, consider supporting my work on Patreon. My profile is easy to find on Google as fidget1 (Sexstories doesn't like personal links). Patrons get a full two months of early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some fun other perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!


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Christine shushed her niece and dialed the phone.  She could still taste Lynne’s sweet pussy on her lips, and still feel her body tingling from the younger woman lapping her to orgasm only a few minutes before.“Hey, Adam.  Lady luck is smiling on us.  Why don’t you come over?”  Christine asked in a tone so seductive that a eunuch probably couldn’t have resisted.“See you in a few minutes,” she then responded when Adam said he already had the number for the cab company written down.“I’m half...

1 year ago
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The Apple Doesnt Fall Far from the Tree Ch 03

by Fidget Chapter 3 - Falling a bit farther "Joshie, do you wanna come fuck me?" Josh shifted his glance from the TV over to Amy seated on the edge of the bed. She had pulled down her top to let her heavy tits hang out, and had flipped her short skirt up, spreading her bare pussy lips for him. His cum was still slowly oozing out of her from their last session a few hours before. Even so, he began to feel that familiar, insistent desire to go stuff his hardening cock back into her enticing...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Apple Grove Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

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Adams AppleChapter 3

Christine shushed her niece and dialed the phone. She could still taste Lynne's sweet pussy on her lips, and still feel her body tingling from the younger woman lapping her to orgasm only a few minutes before. "Hey, Adam. Lady luck is smiling on us. Why don't you come over?" Christine asked in a tone so seductive that a eunuch probably couldn't have resisted. "See you in a few minutes," she then responded when Adam said he already had the number for the cab company written...

3 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 14 the Fallout From Getting Fallon

As the plane touched down and motored over to where it could be serviced, we stood around less than five minutes waiting for the courtesy van to take us to long-term parking. We cruised the lot until we found the two Broncos next to my dad’s 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I had keys to the blue Bronco, and so I unlocked the doors. We put all the luggage in my truck Pam and my ladies got in her truck, My parents and their ladies got in the Caddy; they let me drive my own truck Whoopee! We all...

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Snow White And The Apple

"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...

3 years ago
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A Falling Apple

A FALLING APPLE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT HER DOCTOR'S OFFICE "I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. You need a tight genetic...

2 years ago
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The Apple Tree Ch 03

Rebecca watched Michael sleep in the predawn glow. Only his head and chest were visible above the blankets, a soft buzz accompanied every breath. It had been a month since she completed the Vigil, and still there was more to learn even though she’d come to the fullness of her magical powers. They had returned to the Tower hand-in-hand, and he had gently taken her virginity in the morning light. Her sense of heightened awareness not only gave her sure knowledge when her monthly period began, but...

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The Omega TouchChapter 4 Apple Pie and Dog Tricks

Friday, July 10, 2009, 10:00PM Tricia got out of the car noticing that she was feeling much better. She was more relaxed, no longer riding the adrenaline rush, and no longer panicked by the attack. Instead, she was excited at her success. For she had found Joey Harper, Omega Boy, the sidekick and secret behind the legendary Omega Man, and she had exclusive access to him. She watched the boy with some pride as he eagerly scoped out the restaurant, absent-mindlessly licking his lips in...

2 years ago
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My husband doesnt know

Introduction: My sexual experiences Hi everyone, well this is my first story I am writing about my sexuall experiences and I hope you enjoy,. My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breasts for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in...

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What mom doesnt know Pt 2

Introduction: Things get a little hotter. That night I had the best orgasm I had ever had. I used the mini dildo Id secretly purchased off the internet while spreading myself before his picture as usual. I kept thinking of his hands on my tits and how amazing it had felt, and wondered how far it would have gone if mom hadnt come home. Still, the idea of doing that with her only feet away excited me somehow. Thats when my mind started wandering. How often was I actually alone with him anyway?...

3 years ago
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Helen Doesnt blowshe sucks

Introduction: My friends mother showed me how much some women love cock! Look honey, doesnt he have bedroom eyes? Helen and her husband were discussing the color of my eyes! I couldnt believe she described them as bedroom eyes, that seemed a little odd, especially to a 15 year old horny guy who had only been jacked off once by the whore at Whittier High School, in California. I had to forgive Helen though. It was her weekend off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was...

3 years ago
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My husband doesnt know

Introduction: My sexual experiences Hi everyone, well this is my first story I am writing about my sexuall experiences and I hope you enjoy,. My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breasts for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in...

4 years ago
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My Warm Apple Pie Fantasy Come True

My name is Cassie, a lonely woman in her late thirties, and not to mention horny. I could not stop thinking about sex. To be touched by another person, to touch another person giving them pleasure as they gave me sexual pleasure. It had been such a long, long time since I had gotten any. Every chance I got I would stick the porn on onto my laptop. I watch lesbian porn as its more of a turn on than straight. I'm a straight woman but straight porn doesn't do it for me. The way the porn girls...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mere Husn Ko Farhan Ney Kese Nikhara

Yeh jo kahani main ap ko sunaney jaa raha hon yeh kahani meri apni or bilkul sachi hai. Meri age 22 hai ab or yeh waqaia takreeban 4 saal pehley howa jaab k main 18 kaa tha. Meri height abhi 5’6 hai or tab bhi meri height itni hee thi, main aaj bhi slim sa smart looking larka hon meri waist takreeban 29 hai or chest kafi smoth or patley hain, hips size 36 hai clr mera kafi fair hai baal silky hain or body bilkul smoth or soft hai. Jaab main 18 years ka tha to apnee is body ki wajah say mera...

1 year ago
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The Apple Doesnt Fall Far from the Tree Ch 02

by Fidget Chapter 2 - Completing the Circle "I think our changes are getting stronger, Amy. I've been feeling... really horny around you lately. Even more than usual," Josh grunted during one of Amy's daily after-school visits. His large dick throbbed visibly against his athletic shorts, and his new girlfriend's eyes widened rhythmically in excitement with each pulse. "It's making it... hard to think," he concluded roughly, as his own eyes hungrily devoured his girlfriend's curves....

4 years ago
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The Apple Tree Ch 02

Rebecca knew exactly how fantastic the turkey leg was going to taste. Bela the groundskeeper brought the unusually plump bird in early in the week, and Magda the housekeeper had labored days preparing, seasoning and roasting it to perfection. Rebecca had fasted three days in preparation for the test, and her stomach growled, anxious for her mouth to devour the meat. She was tied to a chair, blindfolded. It was the third time she’d taken this test: eating the turkey leg by levitating it to her...

4 years ago
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An apple without an apple tree would just be a bit

Give me what she had. This story happened in the winter of 2010-2011. This was the year of the "big freeze" in the uk. It was a few weeks leading to christmas.I wanted to cut the story short but without the back story it wouldn't have been a good read so hope you enjoy every bit of this story. I had taken then train from london bridge where I used to work to Catford. I was on my way to see a friend, Glen, who ran a Caribbean styled coffee shop cafe right outside the station. I hadn't seen...

1 year ago
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My Little Miss Apple Queen

Chapter 01 My wife of seventeen years was getting ready to leave on a business trip. Her curvaceous form glided across the floor as she packed for her trip. I watched the sway of her hips and the bounce of her tits with lust in my hurt and a throb in my groin. Sherry had just stepped out of the shower, throwing on a lacey black bra that barely contained her 34D breast and her black butterfly thong that I thought was her sexiest. Her long blond hair was still wet but it only made her sparkling...

2 years ago
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Apple of My Ibad Windows to the Soul

i-Mage is everything The Apple i-Mage debuted in 2020 with as much fanfare as all previous communication devices had in the previous decade of delightful downloads. That is, the wonders of technology were mirrored in the wondrous eyes of their beholders. The Apple-Google-Youtube-Microsoft merger of 2017 had brought into one corporate hand revenues beyond Wall Street dreams and talent and expertise never before gathered in one place. That place was cyberspace. Cyber-specialty had already left...

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Zena and Farhan Video

Zena and Farhan VideoBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter Walter completed his years and came out of the essential services, he only wanted to own a store. He knew with his interest in cameras and related equipment, he could make a good living. He liked the store on the Franklin Street that was one of the street busy with customers. For some reason the front entry door to the store was pushed in the store, no less than at least couple of feet making young couples to stop and do the smooching and much...

3 years ago
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AmlieChapter 12 Apple Tart

[August, 1678] Oxford, Oxfordshire SANDRINE WAS EXPECTED, but her blackness clearly surprised Heathcoate and Mistress Geraldine. The latter was, initially, plainly skeptical and uneasy about Sandrine’s presence, but she was superficially welcoming. Even as Sandrine and Amélie began their work in the shop Geraldine remained withdrawn and circumspect in the presence of Sandrine. For her part Sandrine kept an open and pleasant attitude around the printer’s wife. She was used to being the object...

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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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Farhan8217s morning Fantasy

Hello, everyone. This is Farhan (name changed) from Guwahati, Assam. I have been a regular reader of ISS since the last five years and this is my first story to be published. I hope you guys like it. Any feedbacks are welcomed. My email The story is about my girlfriend (name changed) who is busty and is currently with me. She encouraged me to publish this story in Indian sex stories dot net. She’s bi, so any girl interested may contact me through my mail. So coming to the story, it’s half...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Appleby Blush Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Case Sandra Wilson wasn’t happy. But then, she hadn’t been happy since the whole DeVere-George Blair business. Okay, it might have been an operation that the Vice squad shouldn’t have had any part of. But they’d prevented murder, killed one of the most dangerous assassins in Europe and avoided a full-scale scandal. What was their reward? Heads had rolled! It had become political, fast. Donny Webster, Head of London Met’s Vice team, had been forced into early retirement....

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Tale Of The Wizards Apples Revised

The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the inn. If he inched any closer to it, he'd probably set his motley on fire. He called out to the tapster for another mulled wine. "After you earn your keep you old trickster. Tell us a tale to gladden our faces and warm our frostbitten hearts." He bellowed back in return, followed by the murmur of much agreement by my fellow trapped passengers. I had been on my way home from the Christmas Court...

2 years ago
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The Apple Tree Ch 04

Rebecca was proud of herself for maintaining two magical processes that fooled both a master wizard and a major demon while controlling her fear. Her protection spell was keeping her warm despite her nakedness as well as protecting her from the demon’s awful whip. An illusion spell was making red marks appear on her flesh, occasionally leaking blood, in response to the crack of the whip. The illusion wasn’t hard to create in the dim light of the dungeon although having her hands stretched over...

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The Apple Tree Ch 01

Rebecca looked like most normal girls on the brink of her third decade. She was average height, with wavy light brown hair, almond eyes, a slight build, fair skin, and delicate hands. Her skin had not yet cleared from adolescent acne, but her hands were not terribly calloused. The sixth of seven daughters, she was allowed to learn reading and writing, given a chance to dust shelves for her uncle Ned the scribe and bookseller, and learn what she could from his inventory. When her father’s eldest...

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The Loving Tree

The weathered cracks of an old man’s crumpled face ran up to the sky, reaching gnarled branches and green leaves which blew with the gentle wind. Seated at the base of its trunk were two friends, a boy and a girl, twenty and twenty-one, respectively. They were students at a nearby college. The two had been mingling for six months, and this had become their favorite spot. When they sat at the base of the tree together like this, they would talk for hours. They both adored nature, and to them...

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Appleby Blush Ch 10

Chapter 10: The Aftermath The invitation had come as a surprise. Sandra Wilson had almost refused, but that would have been unwise, she decided. After Saturday’s Gala party, she needed to understand why Donald Appleby wanted to see her. It was unlikely the businessman knew her true identity, so that pointed to her modelling audition, or an outside chance that Marcia had told him about their encounter in the restrooms. Or both. Did that mean he’d try to threaten or coerce her in some way? ...

2 years ago
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Appleby Blush Ch 04

Chapter 4: Tightening the grip Jimmy was the older of the twins by less than a minute. He was also the more dominant of the two and his energy had been amazing. Tommy was a different kettle of fish. He needed a little longer to rest than his brother and wasn’t so aggressive. Together, they were perfect. Alice had been able to go throughout the night, serviced by one and then the other, and had lost count of the numerous orgasms she’d experienced. Despite her lack of sleep and the early hour,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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My Big Fat Farty Friend 4 Festive Farts

I love Christmas. I love the presents, giving and receiving, I love catching up with folks and friends, I love lazing in front of the TV watching movies I've seen a dozen times before already and all the festive specials, but most of all I love the food.Christmas Day saw me blitz everything on my plate. As is tradition I go back to the folks where mum lays on all the trimmings; turkey, roasted potatoes, mash potatoes, carrots and turnips, stuffing, pigs in blankets, parsnips and of course...

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Hot Apple Pie1

I turned and said, “Hey Jim. How was the lake? Hot enough for you?” He and his wife said that it was pretty hot, but getting in the water was very refreshing. I walked the first load of my work stuff into the house, took off my dress shirt and put some shorts on. As I was coming back out, I heard the neighbor's car door open. Jim's daughters stepped out of the back seat. Erin came out first. Erin is 15, very slim and has a nice tan. She is going into her second year of high school and is...

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Hot Apple Pie0

I turned and said, “Hey Jim. How was the lake? Hot enough for you?” He and his wife said that it was pretty hot, but getting in the water was very refreshing. I walked the first load of my work stuff into the house, took off my dress shirt and put some shorts on. As I was coming back out, I heard the neighbor's car door open. Jim's daughters stepped out of the back seat. Erin came out first. Erin is 15, very slim and has a nice tan. She is going into her second year of high school and is...

2 years ago
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Eve Bites the Apple Again

It was a perfect, sultry summer night. The rock pool in the middle of a natural forest with its spectacular fifty-metre waterfall accentuated by the glimmering sparkle of the moon must surely have been a leftover piece of Eden. The moon was full and sensual; it's light skittering on the water in a siren's song, luring me in. I was tempted, but I was going to take my time before I swam. Feeling awed by the natural majesty around me, I dropped my shift dress on a rock next to me, stepped closer...

4 years ago
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Eve Bites the Apple Again

It was a perfect, sultry summer night. The rock pool in the middle of a natural forest with its spectacular fifty-metre waterfall accentuated by the glimmering sparkle of the moon must surely have been a leftover piece of Eden. The moon was full and sensual; it's light skittering on the water in a siren's song, luring me in. I was tempted, but I was going to take my time before I swam. Feeling awed by the natural majesty around me, I dropped my shift dress on a rock next to me, stepped closer...

2 years ago
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Mere Apple Phone Ki Repairing

Hi, this is pornasaxena again with my new story of a lonely girl. Mail me and I will write for you, id is at last College ki chhutti ho gayi, to mai khushi khushi ghar laut rahi thi. Naya naya engineering college jane me maja a raha tha. Mummy ne isliye mujhe ek apple ki 45000 rs ki phone di thi. Kuchh dost bhi ban gayi thi. Unmese ek thi shriya, jo mere pas baith ti thi. Bahut badmash thi. Roj apne mobile pe blue film e dikhati mujhe. Kamal ke films lati thi. Wo mere ghar ati thi to hum bahut...

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Her Apple PieChapter 8 On Speaking Terms

Those eyelids had to weigh a ton each Cliff decided. He really tried to keep his eyes open listening as Kylie read from the paper but the laws of physics won out. He missed the sight he had enjoyed. That was his girl reading to him. The girl he had fallen in love with, who looked good enough to eat even in a ratty sweater over worn blue jeans. She looked like she had stepped out of one of the happy dreams he sometimes had, dreams where his world was still like it should be. As his eyes...

2 years ago
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Mighty Oak Tree

Mighty Oak Tree Synopsis: When a lad is enchanted to become an oak tree, he finds love in the form of farmer whose son befriends the tree and in time, frees the tree and finds his love. [-][+][-] Once upon a time there was a mighty Oak Tree in a grassy meadow. It was a part of a farm owned by a farmer that loved the land and cared for the Oak Tree. One day the farmer brought a bundle to the tree and said to the tree, "Oh Mighty Oak, here is my son that I love. He shall be taught to...

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The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett

Secret Tales of the '70's: The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and has nothing to do with existing persons. The story features one celebrity, several fictional characters, kidnapping, and rape. In 1976, Downtown Corpus Christi, Texas was a very... interesting... place to be. Downtown was divided into three sections: 'The Bayfront' extend up 2 blocks from the carefully maintained marinas for the rich on Shoreline Drive. Another half mile inland, a steep...

3 years ago
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Appleby Blush Ch 02

Chapter 2: Kirsten’s Audition The taxi pulled up outside the sumptuous looking building that boasted Appleby Modelling in red across the cream façade. Next to the words was the smaller red apple symbol that connected all Appleby businesses. Kirsten had spent an hour on the computer researching as much as she could before leaving the Met. Now she was on her own. She raised her eyebrows as the driver told her the fare—was travelling to Croydon really that expensive? Maybe she should have taken...

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