A Night Of Passion With My Best Friend's Little Sister free porn video

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I'd often stay at Charlie's, his family were incredibly welcoming to me and we were quite close having known each other for so long. It wouldn't be unusual for me to stay for there for a few days at a time. He was living with his mum and his only sibling, Amy. I'd known Amy since she was born, and she'd always been a pretty shy kid, but she'd recently turned 18 and I'd noticed her start to get much more talkative. I think she was starting to get more confident and comfortable with herself as she matured. Amy was a beautiful girl, about 5 ft 6, and very lightly tanned as her parents owned a holiday villa in Spain which they'd frequent throughout the year. She had long brown hair to the length of her waist and rounded but soft facial features. Her womanly features had filled out a lot since I last saw her a couple years ago, the subtle curves of her ass and breasts made me a bit flustered when I first saw her again. I don't normally have sexual thoughts about girls so young, but there was something about Amy that caused a bulge to swell in my pants.

I was staying at Charlie's for the weekend, we didn't have too much of a plan, just hit up a few pubs and maybe watch some films at his. On the Friday evening we'd just finished watching something and it was about 1am.

'Yeah so you've got the spare room again, it's pretty sweet in there since you last stayed, mum paid for it to be completely re-done . There's even a mini-fridge!' Charlie laughed.

'Sounds like a hotel' I said with a grin on my face.

'I think it's just because she loves you. I'm gonna head up but let me know if you need anything'.

'Cool, night man'.

Charlie and me got ready for bed and went upstairs, and I heard his door shut as I was brushing my teeth. I was just walking across the landing to the spare room and noticed Amy's door slightly ajar, with a lamp on inside. I peered through the crack in the door and noticed Amy lying on her front on the bed. She had a pair of blue boy shorts on that were hugging her round ass tightly, and it looked like she'd fallen asleep with the light on. I thought I should go and just switch the light off so she could sleep a bit better, so I slowly pushed the door open and went inside. She was completely naked apart from her shorts and a pair of fluffy white socks, and I could hear her steady breathing while she slumbered.

My dick started to twitch as I was taking in her lucious little body, I could see the side of her boob being squeezed in between her and the bed, and as I reached over to turn the light off a dark thought entered my mind. I could just touch her for a second to feel how soft she was, turn the light off, and retreat to the spare room and rub one out. Even better, I thought, I'll take a few pics on my phone, and relieve myself using those. What should I take a picture of? I really liked her sweet ass, I'd love to imagine myself behind her, so I thought I'd start there. I approached the foot of the bed and looked over her body. She had nice thick thighs and it looked like she shaved her legs, the lightly tanned skin carried all the way up to the crease where her ass cheeks started. Her little boy shorts hugged her ass closely and the material went in between her cheeks a little so I could see the whole shape of her ass.

I was feeling risky, and I thought if I could snap a picture of her behind with her shorts pulled down, I wouldn't need any more, that would give me wank material for weeks. I moved my hand and lightly grazed her thigh, she didn't show any signs of waking. I placed my hand fully on it, feeling her warm soft skin. My dick was rock hard by this point and I really wanted to see what was under her shorts, so I moved my hand up her leg and cupped one of her ass cheeks. It felt gorgeous in my hand, like a little pillow, I almost wanted to lay my head down and fall asleep on it. Slowly, I moved my hand up to the waistband of her shorts, and started to pull the waist down, peeling the material back from her ass. She shifted slightly, and my heart stopped for a second, but she continued to sleep peacefully, and after building my courage back up I kept going. I was pulling her snug shorts down over her ass and I just started to see the crack appear. I was so turned on now that I could feel precum dripping down my shaft and soaking into my underwear.

I pulled her shorts down even further and caught the first glimpse of her butthole. It was light brown around the outside and lightly pink in the middle, with a few very small light hairs. I'd never seen such an innocent butthole before and the sight blew my mind. It was small and tight looking, and I noticed her musky scent in the air coming from her exposed hole. I continued pulling her shorts down and the bottom of her pussy lips came into view. They were plump, and I noticed goosebumps forming as the cool air came in contact with her lips. Just a little bit further to go I thought, as I tugged further on her shorts. Gradually, I slipped her shorts down even further to expose the rest of her pussy. She had thick-ish lips, and her pink slit was quite neat looking, although not totally symmetrical. I noticed she had some pussy hair just above her clit, she clearly hadn't started shaving it yet, it was light brown and quite sparse, and was a huge turn-on for me at the time.

Her girlish musk grew even stronger now that her ass and pussy were both completely exposed, and my heart was pounding by this point by the situation. Her shorts were now down to her mid-thigh, with everything exposed. This was probably the most enticing sight I'd seen in my life, this cute teen, with her little tight butthole and delicate pussy in full view. I'll cum so hard over this, I thought. I took my phone out and lined it up with her holes to get the perfect picture. I pressed to take the picture, and shit, I left the flash on and hadn't put it on silent! The flash burst and lit up the whole room, and my phone made a loud snapshot noise.

'Hmmm, huh?' Holy shit, she was awake, I'd really fucked it now.

'J-Jack? What are you doing? Why am I naked? Are you taking pictures of me?'

'I-no I was, I didn't mean to...' I was fumbling my words, I didn't even know what I was trying to say, how could I explain this?

'Show me', she said.


'Show me the picture you just took!'.

This was incredibly embarrassing, I went into my gallery and opened the picture, and there she was. Lit up by the flash, butthole and pussy in full view, pictured in perfect detail. Even though I was fearing for my future at this point, my dick was still rock hard, and I was pretty upset deep down that I'd be losing this amazing picture.

'What do you think?' Amy said,

'What do I... sorry, what?' I was getting more confused by what was happening.

'Well, is it what you wanted?' She didn't seem angry, weirdly. She actually seemed like she was trying to tease me a bit.

'I mean, I'll be honest, it is turning me on right now'.

'Yeah? What's your favourite bit?' Amy said, she was biting her finger, and giving me a sensual look in her eyes.

'You can tell me, I'm interested to find out what made you sneak into my room, pull my shorts down, and take a picture of me. I think it's the least you can do after perving on me'. She was smiling a little bit now, and my fear started to fade.

'Well, I really like your butt, it's nice and round, and your asshole looks beautiful'.

'Hehe, wow ok. Tell me more, what do you like about it?'

'I love the tiny little hairs, and how gentle it looks'. I sounded like an idiot now but I was speaking entirely with my dick.

'Damn, I never knew you were this dirty, Jack'. She said, softly.

'Close the door', Amy said.

I couldn't believe I was getting away with this, I walked over and shut her door to, she hadn't even pulled her shorts up, they were still half-way down her thighs. She was looking me right in the eye while her behind was still on full display.

'Do you want a closer look?'

'Come on, get down here, I won't bite'.

I was trembling with how horny I was, and got down on my knees, I moved my face close to her ass, taking in her girlish musk once again.

'If you could do anything right now, what would you do?' She playfully asked me,

'I... I want to taste it, it looks so delicious'.

She flipped her hair to the side non-chalantly, and said,

'Well, I'm going to lie here, and whatever you decide to do, I won't tell. You can get up and leave, or you can stay her for a bit with me, I don't mind.'

'Touch me'.

Well that was it, that was consent as far as I was concerned. I moved my face closer to her ass, until I was about an inch away from her hole. I stuck my tongue out and pushed it onto her asshole. There was a slight tang, and I could feel the texture of her ridges. My dick was begging to get out of my pants.

'Ohh, mmmmm'. She cooed gently,

I moved my tongue in circles around her asshole, coating her rim with saliva, savouring her taste, the sweet taste of my friend's little sister. I pulled back, and started swilling up some spit in my mouth. Once I had a good amount ready, I spat a large glob of saliva right on her waiting hole. She giggled and let out a long satisfied sigh.

'Mind if I take another picture?' I asked,

'Like I said Jack, do whatever you want to do, I won't stop you'.

I took my phone out and snapped another picture, this time her little asshole covered in spit, there was so much it had started dripping down over her pussy lips. It was glistening on the flash and there were bubbles forming around her tasty hole. I put my phone back in my pocket and plunged my tongue back in. This time, I wasn't holding back, I plunged my tongue deep into her ass and started ravashing her. I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them wide, causing her asshole and pussy to open slightly. This allowed my tongue to enter inside her ass even further, and my nose was jammed deep into the crack above her hole. Amy gasped as my tongue entered fully up into her. The taste became more pronounced and I was fully entranced by her girlish scent. My hands were rubbing, squeezing, and spreading her ass cheeks as I continued to spit on and tongue her hole. It was extremely wet by this point, and I was making a real mess of her innocent rear, but I was loving every second. Slurping, sucking, kissing and licking that little pink butthole.

'This is the sexiest ass I've ever seen, Amy'.

'Hehe, thanks. You seem like you're enjoying yourself' She looked over her shoulder and winked at me. Holy fuck, I thought, my dick might just explode right here.

I ate her ass for quite some time, about 20 minutes, her breathing got faster, and I cleaned her out real good. I became accustomed to her ass, but I knew I wanted more.

'Can you turn over?' I asked,

Amy flipped onto her back, and spread her legs for me in the soft light of her lamp. I took a moment to take in what I was seeing. She had smooth, supple legs, bent at the knee, and her thighs were thick and hairless. She had subtle curves to her waist, and a cute little belly button in the centre of her flat stomach. Above, she had small and tight tits, slightly bulging. She probably had some growth left in them, but for now, and for me, they were perfect. Her small pink nipples were sticking out, and had clearly hardened after the intimate tonguing I'd been giving her. Amy's shoulders and neck were perfectly smooth, and even her arms seemed perfectly proportioned to the rest of her. Her face was flushed, and pink in the cheeks. She was hot, and very slightly sweating. Her mouth was slightly parted, and I could see a longing, sensual look in her eyes as she lay there presenting herself to me.

'Is this okay?' She said,

'It's perfect.'

I still had the residual taste of her asshole in my mouth, slightly tangy, a hint of sweat, and her enticing musk on my breath. I wanted to explore her further, so I lowered my face down to her pussy, and began to kiss the insides of her thighs. When I've been with girls before, I found it drives them wild to tease around the thighs first, to tease them into what's going to happen next. I kissed and licked her thighs, sucking on her warm skin. I nibbled and bit, and left some bite marks close to her pussy. Amy continued to moan softly, and her pussy lips had parted since I'd started my exploration of her body. I could see drops of girl cum dripping down from her hole, over her freshly licked asshole, and running down the back of her ass cheeks. She gripped the back of her legs and spread herself further for me, a natural reaction to the pleasure I was giving her. I paused.

'Jack, don't stop, that feels so nice', she purred as I pulled back for a moment.

I wasn't about to stop there, I moved back in front of her pussy and stuck my tongue right into her dripping pussy hole, I caught a load of her girl cum and dragged my tongue up her slit and over her swelling clit. This tasted different, a bit more tangy, but less of a musk and more fresh. She tasted sweeter than any other girl I'd been with. I gladly took her wetness into my mouth and swallowed some. I put my fingers onto her outer lips and spread her pussy, it parted for me, with sticky residue forming strands of pre-cum in her little hole.

'I don't want to hurt you, is this your first time?' I asked,

Shyly, she said, 'I've never had sex, but I have used a dildo, I broke myself in long ago. As long as you're gentle, I'll be okay.'

I stuck my tongue back inside her hole, licking up and down her slit, I dove into her clit and started rubbing it up and down with my tongue. Amy really started responding to this and moaned quite loudly. I heard her gasp and she covered her mouth with her hand to stop the rest of her family hearing the despicable acts we were getting up to. My tongue was moving rhythmically around her swollen clit, rubbing it up and down, moving around the outside and I sucked it into my mouth. She was truly delicious, and before long my entire mouth and chin was coated in her silky precum. My nose was buried deep into her sparse pubic hair while I licked and gnawed at her little pink pussy. I withdrew from her and moved further up to look at her.

'We can't tell anyone about this' She moaned,

'You could get in serious trouble'.

'I want you so badly Amy, I'm willing to risk anything for you at this point' I said. She smiled.

'Well, you best take your clothes off then' She said,

Amy helped to pull my shirt and trousers off, and together, we slipped my boxers down, unleashing my rock hard cock. Pre-cum was leaking out the tip, and running all the way down the shaft, and the head of my dick was so swollen, I don't think I'd ever seen it this size. I looked deep into her dark brown eyes, and I couldn't resist any longer her slightly parted mouth. Her lips looked so luscious, and I moved in and planted my mouth straight onto hers.

Our tongues intertwined, saliva moving around inside our mouths, and I felt the rough texture of her little tongue pressing against mine. We nibbled each others lips while I explored her body with my hands.

'Mmmm, what's that taste? It tastes funny' She said,

'That's your asshole baby, that's your scent', I said.

'I've never tasted anything like it, but it's turning me on so much' Amy purred.

I gripped her waist and reached around to her soft ass, squeezing it, and playing with her cheeks. My finger found its way back to her asshole, which was still wet from earlier. Amy moaned into my shoulder while I rubbed her soft curves, with my tongue deep in her mouth. I was feeling bold, so I withdrew,

'I'm going to put my dick in your mouth now, and you're going to suck it for me'. She didn't protest, and willingly opened her mouth to accept my rock hard cock.

I pushed my dick inside her mouth, and she moaned gently, enveloping the head of my dick with her soft lips. She stuck her tongue under my foreskin and moved it around the edges of my head, stimulating me, and licking up all the precum that had gathered there. I moved my dick further into her mouth until she'd taken the head and most of my shaft, I could feel the head of my dick resting on her tonsils. My foreskin was fully pulled back now and she swilled her tongue around my cock, sucking it, and enjoying the precum leaking out of me.

'You look so beautiful', I said, as I started to move my dick in and out of her little mouth, filling her with my passion. I fucked her mouth for about 10 mins, holding her hair back like a ponytail, desecrating her youth, and feeling her tongue on the underside of my balls. She licked my balls ravenously, and coated them in her spit as she took my dick deep into her throat. I was getting really horny now,

'Who's a little slut?'

'Me baby'

'How does this dick feel in your little teenage mouth?'

'It feels so good baby, I want it all', she was playing along nicely as I slowly fucked her face. Her muffled moans sounded around her room, and I was praying no one could hear me violating her innocent body this late at night. I thought this was enough foreplay, I had to feel her. I pulled my dick out of her mouth, a long strand of spit still sticking to my dick broke off, and I lowered my swollen, wet dick, down to her dripping entrance. I don't think she could have been more turned on than this, her pussy lips had swollen, and her slit was bright pink, throbbing, and begging for a deep fuck. I rubbed the head of my dick up and down her wetness, she moaned some more, and both our precum mixed together, coating her pussy and my shaft.

'I want to pound this little pussy more than anything else in the world right now', I said, and then planted a wet kiss right on her cheek. She simply moaned, and buried her face into my shoulder. I moved my dick down to her waiting hole, and started to slowly ease it inside. We were both so wet, it slipped inside easily, and her tightness enveloped my dick. She gasped sharply, and dug her nails into my back. Her legs wrapped around my ass as I eased my dick deeper inside her sweet teenage pussy. Finally, I hit the hilt, and my balls rested snugly on her asscheeks, my swollen hard dick fully inside of her. I paused at this point, balls deep, and moved my hand up to her neck. I gripped her soft neck and stuck my tongue deep into her mouth again. I was in pure ecstasy, and I had no concerns other than making this teen mine. We tongued each other gently for a while, before I pulled my dick out to the head, and pushed it all the way back into her. Amy moaned into my mouth, and the warm, wet, tunnel of her pussy was like heaven to my erect dick.

I picked up the pace, pounding my dick back and forth into her pussy. The wet slaps of my balls and her asscheeks rang out throughout the room, as I pushed and pulled the entire length of my hard cock into her. I gripped her thighs and decided to really go to town on her little hole, pounding deeply inside. Her small tits were wobbling with the tremors, and her long hair splayed out on the bed moved with her hot body as I fucked her. I reached for my phone and took another picture of my cock balls deep inside this little teen. She hid her face but her tits and pussy were on full show. I cupped her breasts as I continued to violate her, squeezing and teasing her nipples, rubbing them between my fingers as I filled her up. We were both so sweaty now, and I was licking and kissing the nape of her neck, biting and nibbling her while I pounded her hard. We fucked aggresively for a while, until I felt the hot cum boiling up inside of me.

I knew I wasn't done with her, so I allowed myself to cum but not completely. I felt the tingling in my balls rising.

'Open your mouth, you dirty girl'. She parted her lips and stuck her tongue out for me. I spat a great glob of spit from my mouth into hers, while fucking her pussy intensely. I released two or three strands of cum inside her, while my spit ran down the sides of her mouth and over her perfect tits. Her face contorted as she cummed onto my dick, squealing like a little school girl, and contracting her pussy hard onto my shaft. She gripped me hard with her thighs as the orgasm rocked her body. My creampie shot deep inside her, and I pulled out slightly to let it run out. Pulling back, I admired what I'd done, and watched as the globs of white sticky cum ran out of her pussy, and down over her ass. She was out of breath, and so was I.

'Jack, please, it's too much'. I heard her beg. I ignored her pleas and flipped her back over onto her front to admire her ass again. This time it was so much more beautiful, pink, swollen, sweaty, and coated in cum.

'Are you going to be a good little girl for me?' I asked. She nodded, biting her lip, still deep in the ecstasy of her orgasmic tremors.

I had some left in me, so reached down and rubbed my cum around the rim of her asshole, coating it well. I slipped two fingers slowly inside, and watched as her rim gripped me. Her naughty little ass was even tighter than her pussy, and I started to open her up with my fingers, rubbing the cum into and back out of her. After she loosened up, I grabbed a pillow and placed it under her waist, to lift her tight ass up closer for me. I took in the sight, a red ravashed pussy, and a small cum covered asshole, waiting for me in the soft light of her bedroom. I made the move and pressed the head of my dick into her butt, it very slowly started to enter her, as her incredile tightness gave way to my swollen cock. Amy had now closed her eyes and was biting into her duvet, as I very gradually inserted my still hard dick inside her ass. Her little pink hole opened up for me, and soon enough the head of my dick was fully inside her. Her girlish musk hit me again, and this enticed me even further. I pushed further, deeper, into her asshole, bit by bit, until I finally came to the hilt of my cock.

This was it, I was balls deep in her virgin ass, and I could feel a small bit of shit on the end of my dick. But I ignored it, and spread her cheeks lovingly so I could see the full picture. Her soft round cheeks, and her tight, brown, slightly hairy asshole, stretching to accommodate my cum covered cock. The mixture of cum and saliva served as an effective lube, and I started to ease my cock in and out of her. My cum was leaking out of her asshole and coating my shaft, running down the sides of my dick as I filled her hot little ass. I asked her to wait there a second.

I set my phone up on the side to film us, Amy already said I could do whatever I wanted, so I didn't even ask. The flash was on, and I made sure the lens could see clearly her pussy and ass in doggystyle.

'Put your knees together baby'. She did this, making her ass look even rounder and more delicious,

I slowly plunged my cock back deep into her ass, making sure it was all on film. I gripped her waist and pounded my hard cock into her cum covered asshole. Her ass was shaking and slapping against my stomach, and my balls were hitting into her wet swollen pussy as I pounded her. I picked up the pace and fucked her hardcore, gripping her hair with one hand and her waist with the other. I pulled back on her hair while my dick slammed inside her ass, the residual cum from my orgasm leaking and splurting out the sides of her butthole, and down over my balls. Cum was now squirting everywhere as I destroyed her little innocent behind.

'Uh.. ah.. mm.. fuck.. uh.. uh.. fuck.. mm..' Her moans matched each thrust of my dick inside of her. Amy's tight asscheeks were clapping against my pubic bone, slapping her wetness up onto my stomach. I pulled out briefly and ran my index finger up inside her anus, scraped out a bit of my cum and then reached around and stuck it in her mouth. She licked and slurped the cum off my finger while I stuck my dick back inside. I could feel my 2nd orgasm building, so I grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her face down into the bed, while I repositioned myself up on her ass to get the best angle. I paused balls deep in her, my balls resting on her slit.

'I'm gonna cum again soon baby, where do you want it?'

'My asshole..' She whimpered, barely holding herself together.

'What was that? What did my little teen princess say?' I teased,

'I want your cum in my asshole! Oh please Jack, cum inside me..'

I stroked her hair and back, and resumed my long, deep strokes inside her tight hole. She was red raw around her ass and pussy, sweating, out of breath, and utterly desecrated. Her asscheeks were covered in red marks from where I'd be squeezing and spreading her during our fuck session. I took a more moderate pace now, savouring every inch of her anal cavity. The hardcore pounding from earlier had now turned into a deep, sensual violation of Amy's ass. I felt the heat rising in my shaft.

'Here it comes Amy, my hot load' She held her breath, waiting eagerly.

I slammed my dick balls deep inside and the first spurt of cum squirted out the end of my cock and into her ass. I withdrew to the head, and slammed back inside again, squirting my second hot shot of jizz into her. This continued for about a minute, slamming into her and squirting another rope of sticky hot cum into her beautiful asshole. After about 7 or 8 shots of cum I was spent, and I released my grip from the back of her neck. I pulled my dick out from her ass and my cum slowly leaked out of her and down her lovely thighs.

Slowly I leant down and started licking my load out of her ass, cleaning her clit, her slit, and licking up drops of cum from her legs. I spent about 10 mins cleaning every one of her naughty hot crevices, while she cooed into her duvet cover. She then rolled over and I kissed her, my mouth still full of cum. We swapped my cum back and forth, tongues intertwining, letting it coat our teeth and mouth. Ultimately, I spat it all into her mouth and Amy swallowed the whole lot.

It was about 4am at this point, and I knew I couldn't stay in her bed. We lay together briefly while I stroked her hair and played with her asscheeks. I showed her the video I made, of me filling her asshole up from behind. She thought it was very sexy, and I still have that video on my phone. But I then left, leaving her to process what had just happened. It was one of the most passionate evenings of my life.


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Passion of Brother and Sister

One night when my sister and I were home alone for the three day weekend I was watching TV on my couch. I had just gotten my own apartment from a promotion and raise at work so I was able to do so. My sister loved coming over and wondering aorund. One night she was over and was using the bathroom to shower or put her face on and I was downstairs watching TV. She then came downstairs and sat on the couch next to me. she was wearing tight jeans and a white tank top with a pink bra clearly visible...

4 years ago
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Passionate Sex With My Married And Experienced Cousin Sister

I am Siddharth, age 24 and I’ve completed my B.Tech. The best part of my life happened a year ago when I stayed in Hyderabad with my cousin sister Jasmine (name changed) and brother-in-law. I went there to take coaching for CAT exam. My sister and I got close (very close) during my college days. We used to chat during her office hours as she did not have much work to do. My brother in law is a workaholic and doesn’t reply to her much. This brought me closer to her as I used to reply her...

1 year ago
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I had sex with my bestfriends family Yummmy

It all started when my mom was moving to California with her boyfriend , I didn't want to go so I moved in with my best friend, her mom, and her grandfather. It took my months to pack but finally I was out! (My best friends family and my family ed me pack.) I'm 23 and I'm basically always horny. I'm a straight A student and everything. I have huge juicy 36DDD boobs. A big fat ass. Hips to die for. Long blond & brown hair (up to my fat or skinny , I'm nicely thick with light Carmel skin. Well I...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Night With Best Mates Sister

This story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...

4 years ago
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Awesome Threesome With Two Bestfriends

Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first​ story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...

1 year ago
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Friends of My Sister

I could hear them laughing and playing through the closed bedroom door down the hall, and through my closed bedroom door. Our parent’s room was on the first floor so they weren't bothered by the racket the four girls were making. Jean had been having the three friends over since they were in grade school and it was no big deal; I was accustomed to the riot of giggling and prattle coming from her room. This night was no different, or so I thought as I went past my sister's room to the...

1 year ago
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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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a sexy night withmy cousin sister

one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

2 years ago
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Using My best friends sister

Leah was 18, and only barely. She was just beginning her senior year of high school and was already accepted to college in a great school a few states over. But she always begged Laura to come up to our college so she could get her first taste of partying. I would see the stress it would always cause Laura, because deep down she knew that Leah was looking for "boys" or more importantly, to show off her ungodly figure. Leah was taller than Laura, by about 5 inches or so and she always got...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 3 Stacies Passionate Rebellion

Chapter Three: Stacie's Passionate Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Friday My stomach writhed as I sat naked in the main office of my college. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped my cell phone. I felt like I'd eaten a ton o lead. It just weighed me down, crushing all my insides with dread. My phone vibrated. Another angry message from Meaghan. My ex-girlfriend went scorched earth after catching me and my swim coach, Valeria Castellano, confessing our...

1 year ago
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my bestfriends

my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...

3 years ago
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My Bestfriends Boyfriend Part 2

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand as I started getting dressed. I knew it was Tara. She had been calling me non-stop for almost an hour. I shot her a quick text to let her know that I was okay. Just as I did John’s phone went off. I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I knew who it was. Of course it was Tara. I tried to busy myself with washing my face to drown out the conversation that they were having. As I walked towards the door John turned around but I just shook my head...

4 years ago
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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe' The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all the girls I hung with Rachel, Shannon and Tara I was sad to say the least experienced of all my friends when it came to sex having just lost my virginity a couple of years ago. Dont get me wrong Im not an ugly girl. I have long naturally curly black hair and...

1 year ago
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my bestfriends girl

lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5’5′.She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out. i would be working away lifting weights...

2 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

2 years ago
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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

2 years ago
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My BestFriends Brother part 2

This is part 2. Id recommend reading the first one before this one. Enjoy. Before reading, this I would recommend reading the first story. -We walked up the stairs then I realized how tired I was. Austin, I understand if you say no but I was wondering… can I sleep in your room tonight? I just dont want to sleep in the same bed as Kailyn He smiled a devious smile and his eyes lit up. Of course you can he replied. I smiled at him. I couldnt believe in anything that has happend. Im kind of glad...

3 years ago
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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...

2 years ago
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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

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my bestfriends girl

lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5'5".She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out.i would be working away lifting weights...

2 years ago
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Caught By Bestfriends Mom

Caught By Bestfriends MomWell it was the middle of the week and my friend had to show us something. Promised not to tell anyone. We were 16 and hormones rising. Curious how the female body works. Sure we've seen porns and stuff but it wasn't enough that we just masturbated to them. We went over to analyze some videos he had found in his parents room. We were all pretty excited. Three of us made a bet, who will get to lose their virginity first? We were all sitting around the TV right before the...

3 years ago
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My bestfriends wife

My best friend Steve,invited all the boys round for a forth of July party.Just the seven of us,drinking beer outside by the pool.It was a hot day,and the drink was flowing.Every year we have a little party for the guys,and the wives get together next door and do there own thing.were there,as we always are every year,talking shit,about cars and women,as we always do.Eventually,the subject came back to Nancy,Steves wife.We all want to fuck her,its no secret,even Steve jokes about it.She is way...

1 year ago
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My bestfriends Jack and Kevin First gay tale

It was a nice spring day. My 2 friends Jack, and Kevin and I went to a baseball game. We do everything together from fishing to watching movies and camping. But this day was different. After a great game we all went to Jack's house to spend the night. Jack is about 5 feet 10 inches tall a little chunky and he is hairy and tan. Kevin is about 5 feet 7 inches and is pale and thin. While at Jacks house we made some food watched some movies, played some video games and decided to go to bed. We were...

3 years ago
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My bestfriends dad and me

ok this is the most weird day i had and its true. one day me and my friend planned a sleepover at her house, we got to her bed room and she said she forgot something down stairs and she left me upstairs. im thinking "what a ass" and i hear the door across the hallway opening and their he was, her dad sexy,strong,six pack,young, and had cute brown hair,hotter then hell i blushed when he seen me and he smiled and said "oh you must be my little girls bestie" and laughed i laughed to and said yes,...

1 year ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

4 years ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

4 years ago
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My Bestfriends Mom

My friends mom was a woman who just had gotten done with a horrible divorce. I always went to over to play video games with Zach. I always had an eye on his hot mom. She was a little chunky and tall with long curly light brown hair. I couldn't get the fantasy out of my mind of her being naked. I always imagined her rubbing her fingers on her clit, begging me to fuck her. Then again, I was 16 and didn't think I had a chance with her. That didn't stop me from eyeing her though. I loved to look at...

2 years ago
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Fucking my bestfriends mom

I had been bestfriends with this girl for probably 2 years when this happened.One day after dropping my bestfriend off at home I started talking with my bestfriends mom in her living room.her daughter was sitting next to me on the couch. Both girls were very slim, and Italian. They both stood at around 5'4. My bf had tiny A cups, while her mom had slightly larger breasts. Anyway, my bf got a call on her cell and she said she had to go pick one of her friends up. I decided to stay since an...

2 years ago
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Bestfriends Couple

Hie ISS readers, I am sri and this is my first story. This is my real story between me,my girlfriend and later my bestfriend(vikas),his girlfriend(meghana),i have a sexual desire on this meghana. First of all you have to know one thing that my gf is still using petticoats sized 85 and underwear of 85 size.gf name is amrutha(name changed),we usually talk a lot in phone and one day night we are normally talking in phone and i asked a kiss, with that kiss i became hot and my rod became semi...

4 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

First Time
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Two bestfriends

He called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...

1 year ago
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My bestfriends dad

I always thought my best friend's dad was hot. He's in his late 40's and in shape and his hair is greying at the temples, which I think is sexy and he's divorced. Last winter I went over to spend the night, but Lindsay was running late getting home from her boyfriend's house and as the weather got worse, she ended up getting snowed in. So did I. I was 18, but still lived at home. So after a couple of attempts at getting my car unstuck, I called home and let them know I was staying put. Greg was...

1 year ago
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Two bestfriends find more

Alright so me and my friend have been best friends for as longas i remember. We always chill or something. He is about 5-11 and im about 6-2, both kind of skinny but not to skinny. i went over to his house and we chilled till we decieded to go to bed. we were laying there and he was like "dude im so horny rite now" , my dick started to get hard, " me too man " i said " why dont you come up here with me" he said. i went up there and was wearing nothing but his boxers just like me. He rubbed his...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 16 Incestuous Passions Arrested

April 11th, 2027 – Isaac Nicholson Catherine dragged me down the hallway. We were both in our uniforms, blue pants and shirts, gun belts on. We’d just left the DA’s office. We were in the Yolo County Superior Courthouse in the heart of Sacramento. She looked up and down the corridor. Now one was present. She pulled me into the men’s room, this wild look on her face. “What are you doing?” I asked my younger sister. She was a cop, like me. Twenty-five. Her black hair pulled back into a...

3 years ago
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Me My Friends With My Sister

Hello to all the ISS readers I am Krupal from Hyderabad doing my btech third year in a reputed engineering college near Gandipet. I live with my two of the childhood friends Vimal and Raj in a room. I and my friends are very much fond of this site and we follow this site each and every day. This is the true story happened of how me and my friends fucked my cute sister. Coming to the story my sister has just joined her btech and she took a hostel near to our room as her college is in the same...

1 year ago
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Karen My Best Friends sister

Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...

2 years ago
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My friends fucked my mom and my sister

Hi: This is a true story, which really happened to me few months back. I have been trying to get over with it. I found that sharing this story might help me overcome this incident, so i will narrate this story and let u enjoy the pain we went through as making u feel horny will make us feel better. Plz reply your suggestions to my E-mail ID below. This incident happened few months back. I’m simple but horny boy. My story begins from my house. I have a younger sister and my mother who is 45...

3 years ago
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Intense Anal with Friends Little Sister

Introduction: 13 year-old redhead gets her ass plundered! Jake and I always had a pretty lax relationship. It was definitely something that was for monetary gain, hed pay for the movie tickets, the tacos, and all that, and he also had a car. I had the advantage of being pretty good-looking and having a good personality, charisma, intelligence. But besides money, there was something else that had always kept us friends, and that was his sister. Jakes sister, Kaitlyn, was the only redhead in...

3 years ago
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Best Present Ever Ch02 Foursome With Sister

BEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister Note: Although not necessary, reading part one (Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister) will explain how Mathew goes from being a nerdy virgin to a dominant Master over his gorgeous, stuck-up cheerleading sister. Note 2: A special thanks goes to Estragon for his dedication to copy editing my work and making me a better writer. BEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister aka...Cheerleader's Orgy Christmas was pretty anti-climactic after the gift I gave myself...my...

1 year ago
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My Friends and I fuck my Mom and Sister

100% fiction! My two friends Sam and Justin were swimming in my pool were all 18, so we were just acting like normal teenagers. It was a really hot day so My sister decided to go on the pool deck and lay out. My sister is 20 years old and she's about 5'5" and has that perfect body size not skinny but not big, she has C size boobs and a nice ass. She came out in a bathing suit but for some reason she decided to wear a thong today. My friends and I instantly noticed, she was oiled up and looking...

2 years ago
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Best Present Ever Bitch Sister

Introduction: A virgin older brother makes his 18-year-old sister his slut. Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister Note 1: A special thank you goes to the great people who read my story in advance and give me suggestions and point out errors (Julia…you will always be my pet and Greg…who has sparked a few new ideas for me). Note 3: As always, a special thank you goes to Estragon for his copy editing. You are a blessing!!! 1. PROLOGUE: HOME FOR CHRISTMAS My sister was a pain in the ass. She always...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend8217s Sister

Hi friends I am Ankit Thapa from Kathmandu (Nepal). I regularly surf this site ISS and believe me guys I am addicted to this site. Here I am going to share about my sex experience with my best friend’s sister Priya happened 8 years back and she is my regular sex partner till now. Let me tell about myself I was 22 years old then when this incident happened, with average height and weight. I am not that handsome like any movie star but I am very friendly and fun loving man. I was doing my...

2 years ago
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My best friends sister

''After we get back from the club tonight can I crash at ur place so we can share a cab?'' I asked my friend David. ''Yes sure mate, but if I get lucky you're gonna have to sleep on the couch downstairs'' he replied. I agreed because I really didn't want to pay 10 euro extra to take a cab by myself, as I'm a poor student.I live close to Amsterdam, which is where we were going out that night, it was Thursday, student night and there were lots of pretty girls in the bar we were in. We spotted 2...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend8217s Sister

Hi, This is Sajid and I would like to share my live experience with you. This is my first story on ISS so if something is wrong please ignore the same, starting with myself I am not so handsome type of person but a simple guy and love to flirt with girls. If I receive a unknown calls from any girl I take around 15 minutes to say sorry mam this is wrong number (hahaha). A talkative nature person. The girl in this story is Anamika (Name Change) is beautiful by physique and nature. Love to see her...

3 years ago
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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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my hair fetish with friends sister

am a long hair lover and I love braid more. it is my real life play withlong hair and my fetish I have posted for you see and enjoy.fetish with my friends sister.my friend named raju. he is my best friend from long day when we started our schoolings. he has a younger sister named pavitra. she is very beautiful her mother also has very long hair. she likes growing very long hair since her schoolings. she is elder to raju. pavitra hair was about her hip and still more than that. she always like...

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