Reluctant Desires free porn video

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For the last couple of months, my boyfriend has been trying to get me to come to his work and have sex. He's begged and pleaded, even tried bribing me with foot massages. There is no fucking way I am having sex in the library. For me, sex is private. We've all got things we don't want the public knowing about, so the idea of having sex in such a public place gives me the whiggins.

My name is Corey. People say I'm good looking, but I look nothing like the tanned blond bimbos that fills up the internet. I'm a short little 5'2 twig with small breasts and pale skin. I've never really done the girly thing. I wear my hair short, my clothes baggy and my face makeup less. I didn't even start shaving my legs until I started dating Sebastian at the tender age of 26. I'm awkward. I've never really understood people. I still don't understand what Sebastian sees in me, but having a boyfriend keeps my parents quite. I prefer working at the funeral home. I'm mostly alone and can be myself, listen to music and really unwind while I prep bodies for services. It's quite. Nothing at all like the library with a million people in and out all day. Dear sweet Corey, trying to convince me to have sex in the local history stacks.

"No one ever goes back there, it'll be private." Private, sure. He's a nice guy, but when he doesn't let the matter drop for 4 months, he really starts to get on my nerve. I try explaining how him taking my virginity last year was a big step for me, and I am not ready to do something so bold as public sex. He doesn't let up. One night while watching a crappy movie together, I finally loose it.

"Why the fuck is it so important that we have sex at the library?" I shout. He nearly jumps of the couch, the only reason he doesn't is that I have my legs spread out over his lap. He's not used to me being so forceful.

"It's no the's just...I've always liked the idea of having sex in, you know, weird places." He mumbles, averting his eyes. He's clearly uncomfortable about opening up about this.

"What, like a fetish?" I ask gently.

I feel him shift his weight. "I guess. I know it's weird, but I've just always liked to think about having sex in different places. Like work, or the park. I don't actually want to be watched, but the idea that anyone could stumble onto it is...exciting." He looks over to me with pleading eyes. I never realized how much this meant to him. I can imagine him thinking how fucked up he must seem. To some people, maybe. Not to me. I know what it's like to have desires that are uncomfortable for most people, worried about being found out.

"Let me think about it?" I tell him. Sebastian gives me a wry smile out of the corner of his mouth.

"Sure. Thanks babe." He says, patting my feet.

We end up having sex that night. It's not great. I've only ever had an orgasm when I masturbate in private. When he falls asleep next to me, I prop myself up on my elbow, so I can look into his face. He really is a good looking guy. 6 feet tall, chubby, but in a cute way. Brown hair you can tell used to be blond. I love watching him sleep, he never seems more beautiful to me. So at peace.

While I watch him I begin running our conversation on the couch over in my mind. Sebastian has a fetish. Who am I to judge. If it means that much to him, maybe I should do it. I mean, if I ever want to do the things I want, it's only fair, right?

In the morning I'm sitting on a stool in the tiny kitchen I have drinking coffee when he comes downstairs.

"Morning babe." He mumbles, kissing the top of my head as he walks over to the coffee machine.

"Morning." I reply. While I work up the courage to broach the subject, I take a sip of my coffee.

"Sebastian?" I start.

"Mmm?" He reply's, pouring himself a cup.

"I've thought about what we talked about last night."

He let's my words hang in the air as he puts the pot back into the coffee maker.


I can feel him behind my back, worried about what I'll say.

"You know that I'm about a lot...what I mean is,"

He cuts me off. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't want to push you, it's just that-"

"Shush." I make a zipping motion with my hands as he walks back around the counter. "I know you know. That's why I'm sure you'll understand why I don't want to have sex in the library."

Like a sad puppy, he kind of sinks. "But..." I continue.

Sebastian cautiously perks up. "But?"

"I would be willing to take a baby step in that direction. Somewhere...taboo, but still private."

His telltale smirk spreads across his face. "Okay."

"I was thinking that maybe if we do this, we could also do something I'd want too." I avert my eyes and take a long drink of my coffee, trying to hide myself as much as I can.

"That you'd...Corey, do you have a fetish too?" I've taken him completely off guard. Throughout our relationship I've been so repressed, the idea that I might have a serious interest in sex, something kinky mind you, is baffling to him.

"Yeah." I reply from behind my coffee cup.

"What is it?"

I lower my cup a bit, cradling it before me like a safety blanket. I close my eyes.

"Baby steps Sebastian. Let me show you...saying it is too..." I don't have the words.

Right away he's the concerned, comforting boyfriend. "Hey, no problem babe. I understand it took a lot of courage to even talk about it. I'd be happy to do anything you need me to. I love you."

I sigh in relief. "Thanks."

Sebastian finally sits down on his stool. As he stirs in some sugar into his cup, he asks "So where were you thinking of wanting to go? If not the library?"

"Well...if you want somewhere taboo like the work place, but I want somewhere private, I was thinking, maybe, we could go"

As I speak, I keep my eyes away from Sebastian's face. His spoon stops in his cup.

"The funeral home?" He rolls his shoulders, creeped out. "Isn't that a little...morbid?"

"'s just that it's a place I'm comfortable. I have keys, we could go in at night and be alone. And even then, it's just me and Mr. Trotsky, and he's, like, 80. So it'll be private."

Just like I'd done while working up the courage to broach the subject, Sebastian now takes a sip of his coffee, working everything over in his mind.

"I won't have to see any...bodies, will I?"

"Oh, no! I'll put everything away so it won't be too weird for you."

"Well, I guess if you do this for me, it's only fair." He offers.

Hopefully I ask, "Is that a yes?"

He nods. "Sure. Thank you. Really."

I get off my stool and run around the counter and throw my arms around him. "Are you kidding. You're the best boyfriend ever. I can't wait for tonight!"

"Tonight, really?" He gasps.

I let him go and stare into his eyes. "Absolutely. I've been waiting my whole life for someone like you, someone who would need to go home, I've got to get ready for tonight, and I've got to do it before I go to work."

"Go home, Corey it's not even 7 A.M. yet."

I'm already handing him is coat. "I've got to get some things, I've got to get some makeup...I've got to shave. Everywhere." I say this last part as sultry as I can, running my finger down his chest. "This is a big night for us." I see his Adam's apple jump as he gulps. I keep myself tidy, but the idea of my pussy being clean shaved is clearly exiting him.

"Sure, yeah. I'll see you tonight?"

I give him a kiss at my back door. "Sure thing, I'll come pick you up at 10 o'clock."

"Al...right?" Everything's happened so fast, the poor baby can barely register it all. Looking at him walk away, my heart does a little pitter patter it's never done before. I think I might actually care about him. The thought had never really occurred to me before. I mean, it's not like I've ever hated Sebastian, it's just that the only reason that I started dating him was he asked me out. It was normal. Now, as I watch him turn down the alley, I realize that I truly love him for doing this for me.

The morning goes by in a blur as I go shopping at sex shops for everything I need. I swing by the drug store and pick up mascara and eyeliner. At work, Mr. Trotsky notices I'm moving a million miles a minute. I finish the makeup job on an elderly woman 3 hours before my shift ends, and spend the remainder of my time cleaning the place. As Mr. Trotsky leaves, he gives me a pat on the shoulder and thanks me for the great job I did on Mrs. Everdeen.

"You know Corey, you've turned out to be a first rate assistant. How would you like to help me out with the wake tomorrow morning. I think it's time you started understanding the other aspects of the business. Eh?"

For the first time today, I stop. Mr. Trotsky wants to give me more responsibilities? "Wow Mr. Trotsky, I'd be honored. Thank you."

"Pish posh." He waves me off. "You're a good girl Corey. Be here 9 A.M. and we'll get everything sorted."

"Yes sir, 'night."

Cloud nine. That's the best way to describe it. All the way home I float. I replay the day as I soak in the tub and shave. Despite never going bare before, I don't knick myself once. I admire myself with the help of a hand mirror. At 9:30 I'm finishing off my mascara. My reflection in the mirror is very different than my usual appearance. Normally I look like a shy, pasty girl. Now I'm a total vamp. Vaguely goth even. I smack my lips together, getting used to the feel of the lipstick. In minutes I'm outside Sebastian's apartment, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel while I wait for him.

When he gets in the car I can smell the Old Spice aftershave on him. It's nice to know that he's trying to make this special. I lean over and kiss him before taking off.

"Wow, Corey. You" He tells me, gawking.

I can feel his eyes settle on the hem of my skirt. "Thanks hon, I wanted to look good for you tonight." He settles a hand on my thigh just below my skirt line. "You look great." He leans over and starts to kiss my neck. Soon enough we reach my work. I lead him through the back door. Inside he eyes everything around him.

"So, we're not gonna do it in a coffin, are we?"

I roll my eyes as I lead him to the surgical table. "We're not going to do it in the viewing room. We're doing it here, my work room."

Sebastian's eyes roam the surgical steel counters and table. "Not exactly romantic, is it?"

"It's not supposed to be." Standing close to him, my fingers find his belt. "It's supposed to be kinky." I bite his lower lip suggestively. When I pull back, his belt comes with me. I toss it over my shoulder.

"You're naughty!" He says, admiringly. I rest against the counter so he can drink in the sight of me. The only light is coming from the surgical lamp above the work table in the center of the room, and I'm on the other side of it. He barely sees me. I lift my hand and curl my finger, beckoning him to me. He smirks his smirks and tears off his leather jacket, dropping is as he comes to me. Before he reaches me I stop him with my foot.

"Take it off." He looks down at my high heeled foot resting against is stomach. His eyes trace up along my leg to my skirt, it riding up suggestively. He unclasps the shoe and takes it off. I drop my leg and raise the other. He repeats the process before kicking his shoes off himself. I beckon him to me again with another come hither finger. He collides into me, kissing me roughly. One hand on my shapely ass, the other finds my breast, squeezing me through the fabric of my shirt. It seems to silly, but the only though I have through this is 'I've never felt so sexy.'

I break the kiss once I feel his erect penis poking into me.

"Strip and get on the table." I tell him, holding him at bay. Not used to me giving him orders, he hesitates a moment. But I'm sexy and he's horny. His sweater and jeans hit the floor in moments, and he kicks off his boxers. As he leans back onto the counter, his 5 inch cock waves to me. He's not huge or anything, but in the light of my work, his cock looks gorgeous like never before. My bare feet patter against the linoleum as I walk to the head of the table, Sebastian's eyes follow me.

"Here, give me your hands." I tell him. He does, not sure what I'm up to. I gently put his arms to the corners of the table above his head, then start to buckle the slave cuffs I'd bought this morning onto his wrists.

"Corey, is this what you like? To be in charge, me being handcuffed?"

As I do his other wrist, I ask, worried. "That's part of it, is that a problem honey?"

"No. Not at all. It's kind of a turn on actually."

"I can see." I nod towards his erect penis. He looks down and then back to me. "He's happy too." Ugh, men. They can be little kids sometimes. I give Sebastian an upside down kiss before making my way to his feet and repeating the process on his ankles.
"Can you move?" I ask him. Sebastian tests the leather cuffs. The steel clasps don't give more than an inch of wiggle room.

"Nope." He answers, looking back to me.

"Good." I slide out of my skirt, revealing the black thong I'd bought this morning. Hopping up onto the table, I straddle his stomach with his cock resting against my ass cheeks. I stare down into his beautiful face. "You like?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, better than I could've imagined." He squirms a bit, trying to get more press his penis into me.

"Really? Better than this?" I pull my shirt over my head and let it drop to the floor. He stares up my bare chest. For years I'd been self conscious about my small chest. The way he looks at them, as I cup each breast and pinch my nipples between my fingers, I've never been more proud.

"Nope. Waaaaay better." I start to grind my hips into him, sliding his cock along the crack of my ass. I feel Sebastian gasp between my legs. The feeling is so intimate.

"Like that?" He nods affirmative. "That feels good?"

"Oh yeah. You are so fucking hot babe." I lean forward and dangle my breasts above his face, all the while continuing to grind against him. I know he can feel the heat resonating from between my legs. "You're sweet. I think you deserve a blowjob."
Sebastian's eyes go wide. "Really?" In the past I've balked at taking him in my mouth. I nod, biting my lip. "What do you think. Is that a good idea?"

He nods, enfatically. "Yes. God yes."

I swing my leg off of him and drop to the floor. I stop to pick something out of my purse. Sebastian is about to ask what, but when my hand gently touches his shaft, his mind goes elsewhere. I grab my hand around it and begin to slowly pump his cock, all the while keeping my eyes locked on his face. My thumb rubs the underside of his head, and his whole cock jumps at the sensation. I smile, satisfied that I'm doing it right. I lower my mouth, taking as much as I can into my mouth. His pubic hair smells like Dove soap. I raise my mouth, spreading saliva all along his dick.

As I being to massage his sack, I quicken the movements with my mouth. I stop myself from gagging as best I can, since I don't think it'd be sexy to choke on your boyfriends cock. But I do run my tongue all along the underside of his shaft. I raise my mouth off of his cock altogether, instead stroking it with my hand. My saliva acts as a beautiful lubricant, so my palm slides along wonderfully. Sebastian's eyes are closed, his head back. From his moans I take it he's enjoying himself. My mouth returns to the job at hand, taking him in an out, masturbating him with my mouth. For a change in pace, I grip the base of his cock, and position his shaft between my teeth, gently running my molars along his cock.

"Jesus Christ!" Sebastian yelps. "Holy fuck! That's incredible. Oh my god, that's fucking amazing. Oh Corey. Holy God, Jesus Corey, I fucking love you."

I don't want to risk him getting any closer. I my mouth off of Sebastian and replace it with the thick elastic ring I've bought. I pull it down over his cock and balls, just like the instructions showed.

"Jesus Christ Corey, what the fuck?" Sebastian asks, startled.

"It's called a cock ring. It keeps you from going soft after you cum." I tell him.

That smirk. "Really."

"Oh yeah, I can't risk you going limp on me." I don't wait for any answer, I start stroking him fast. My mouth covers his cockhead. As I jack my hand back and forth my toung flicks back and forth across the tip as fast as I can. It only takes a moment for him to suck in air and have a little convulsion before sinking to the table, spent. Sure enough, no semen seeps out because of the cock ring. I let Sebastian catch his breath while I eye him for a minute
As Sebastian lays there I scoop his belt and walk around to the head of the table. "Was I good enough for you hon?" I ask as I thread the belt into a loop.

"Corey, you were amazing. This is better than I could have imagined."

I sigh. "Good, I really wanted to get your turn right before we did mine."

"Hmm?" Sebastian asks, sleepily. I slide the belt over Sebastian's head and onto his neck, then pull it as tight as I can.

"I really didn't think you and I would work out honey." I tell him, as he starts to panic. "I mean, I really fucking hate living people. They gross me out so much." He pulls desperately against his cuffs. It's a good thing we're alone, for all the racket his thrashing is making.

"All those years, masturbating while thinking of dead people, everyone could tell there was something weird with me. Dating you put that all to rest. I figured I'd do the normal thing for a while until it grew unbearable, then I could dump you and be alone again. No one would talk. I'd've had a normal relationship and a normal break up. I'd be normal." Sebastian's face begins to take on a darker shade of red.

"But when you confided in me that you had a compulsion, I knew you'd understand. What it's like to desire something that's not normal. Worried what people would think. You became so beautiful to me then. I knew I could trust you." As Sebastian continues to thrash, the pressure in his head gives him a little nose bleed. It's cute.

"That's why I did everything I hate about sex for you tonight. When you agreed to meet my needs, the least I could do was meet all of yours. I really am glad you liked the blowjob baby. Even though it was disgusting, I tried really hard to make it special." The red gives way to a dark purple as Sebastian's thrashing becomes less forceful.

"But that's what people who love each other do, right? They sacrifice. I had sex with you while you were still alive, and you were willing to die for me. You don't know how much that means Sebastian. But you can trust me. No one will find out, this will be our little secret." Sebastian's eyes roll back into his head in the most adorable way as he goes limp.

"Oh, I know baby, I love you too." I keep the belt tight for full minute longer, just to make sure he's really dead.

I take my time taking the belt of his neck and removing all the shackles, as I want him to void everything by the time I'm done. Cleaning him and the table up doesn't bother me. Years of working at a mortuary have got me used to worse, so I don't mind. By the time I'm done, lividity has set into Sebastian. His skin is paler and his hands have the sexiest shade of blue.

I can smell my sex as I pull my thong down. With great anticipation I climb back up to the table, swinging my leg over Sebastian's side. This time, however, I don't lower myself onto his stomach. Moving slowly so I can savor as much as I can, I lower myself onto him, sliding him up into me.My weight carries me down his cock until my pelvis hits his. I have my first, real orgasm. I close my eyes, and grab Sebastian's chest as the waves of pleasure rock into me. I being to cry a little.

"Thank you Sebastian. I love you so much." I lower my mouth to his, kissing him deeply. I begin to pump my hips, sliding him in and out of me. Leaning forward, I continue to kiss him as we make love. As I take him into me, over and over, I cradle his face. I being to near my second orgasm. I pick the pace up of my thrusts, sliding his cock in and out as quick as I can. My moan of pleasure catches in my throat as I ride another orgasm through.

A little shiver runs down my spine as the pleasure recedes. A new hunger takes over and a being to ride Sebastian's dick with more force. We quickly stop making love and start fucking in earnest. My hips crash down onto his cock, impaling me over and over again. My nails dig into his broad shoulders as enjoy another orgasm.

I collapse forward, pleasantly numb. I enjoy the feeling of him still in me as I shower his face with kisses.

"Oh baby, thank you thank you thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I sob into his chest, thanking God for finding such a kind man. I pull myself off of him, and lay down next to him, my arm draped over him. He looks so at peace now. Sebastian is even more beautiful now then when he slept. My fingers play with his hair as we cuddle together. We spend nearly 10 minutes like that, laying on the table together.

I finally give him one last kiss before I get up and wheel over the equipment. I need to embalm him if we're going to make love again. If everything goes right, we can be together for most of the week before I cremate him. Before I pierce his neck with the rod, a sudden thought strikes me. I slip on my underwear and make my way up to Mr. Trotsky's office. In his bottom drawer is his old Polaroid camera. I hold it before me as I make my way back to the prep room. This is way better than a digital camera. More romantic. I lay down next to Sebastian again and nuzzle against him, smiling.


The Polaroid photo slides out. I set it aside and return the camera before embalming Sebastian. I leave the cock ring on to ensure we can have fun later on in the week. As I get dressed, I examine our photo together. My mom is right, we really are a cute couple.

The sun's coming up by the time I put Sebastian into the mortuary slab. I use the one farthest back, since Mr. Trostky fills them up front to back. I yawn the whole way home. If I'm lucky, I should be able to get about 3 hours sleep. Before I slide beneath my covers, I take the photo album my parents gave me for Christmas and put the photo of my and Sebastian into it. I let out a sigh. The one photo in an entire empty book is a little depressing, but it's important and deserves to be protected. The last thought I have before I fall asleep is this; I can't wait to feel Sebastian inside of me when he's as cold as the grave.


The Everdeen wake is hell for me. I don't really like interacting with most people, but Mr. Trotsky is counting on me, so I act as well as I can. Afterwards, he says I did just fine.

"Very polite, just so Corey. But sluggish. Were you sick my dear?" He asks in his clipped accent.

"Oh, no Mr. Trotsky. Just sleepy. I was...too excited to sleep."

Mr. Trotsky settles deeper into his office chair. "You know Corey, you're a good girl. Not many people are able to do this work. You flourish. You're a good girl."

"Thank you Mr. Trotsky."

"You know," He starts. "I have no one to take up after me. Have you given any though about what you want to do with your life?"

"Not really Mr. Trotsky." Is this going where I think it is?

"Could you see yourself doing this work. Forever, I mean."

"Yes sir, Mr. Trotsky. It's peaceful. I like the peace."

He chuckles. "So do I, my dear. It is one of the reasons I started this home. What I mean to ask is, if I started training you to take over, would you?"

I'm vibrating, I'm so happy. "I would love to learn more Mr. Trotsky. But I've never given any thought to being a business owner. Do you think I could do it?"

"Pish posh." Mr. Trotsky replies. "You're a smart girl with a good head. You'll do fine. You can be so serious sometimes, which is good when you have finances to consider. I would be proud if you would be the one to take over. Not that when you started I thought this was anyplace for a young girl. Now I see this is the only place for you, I think. Eh?"

He's right. I love working with the dead. It's everything in life I enjoy. Even as I say yes, and we begin to go over everything we'll need to do to make the transition, my mind wanders to other things.

If I own the funeral parlor, I'll have free reign. I'll have all the privacy I could ever want. Privacy enough to...start dating regularly. The memory of the empty photo album lingers a moment. The photo of me and Sebastian, so pretty but so alone.

I wonder.

How long will it take me to fill up the album?


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A week had elapsed since I had effectively raped Ling in her office before I had participated in my latest fuck movie with a young pregnant Indian woman. She had annoyed me greatly and I had taken out my anger on her. I was expecting retribution. I was contacted by her assistant to organise my next movie appearance. That was in itself strange because Ling usually did the organising herself. I was told that the movie plot involved a young woman who had come for a massage. I was to provide the...

3 years ago
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Dark Desires

She lay back on the elegantly upholstered, exquisitely comfortable, chaise. The thought of that weekend stirred Servalan, her hand moved down to her crotch. She needed something, a quick orgasm would be perfect for her now. She was ready, she thought of her favorite fantasy. Torturing political prisoners in a dungeon, that one always got her there in a hurry. She hadn't had that pleasure for real, for years, during the revolution was the last time. It hadn't been long before the new regime...

2 years ago
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A Conflicted Girlfriend 8211 Part 1 My Sexual Desires

It is difficult for any woman in Indian society to navigate and explore her sexual desires as she wants. Especially for a young woman like me who lives in Bangalore under the supervision of her strict father. My parents are divorced, and I grew up without any guidance. But that comes with an advantage. I’ve learned to compromise my moral values because I want to get what I desire. I have suppressed my desires my entire life, compromised on what my body wants and my thirst for newness. Yes. I...

1 year ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 44 Katiersquos Oral Desires

A few weeks after her last tryst with Tommy, Mrs. Katie Jackson, the reigning Mrs. America, was excited beyond belief. She felt like she was walking in the clouds and couldn’t believe what had happened. An agent from Dancing with the Stars, one of the top television series, called and offered her a spot on the next season. She could barely speak as she called her husband in England to let him know the exciting news. The hot wife couldn’t explain her emotions that erupted inside of her. She...

1 year ago
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Her Life and Her Desires

They had dated throughout high school, and married soon after that. Starting their life as a family a lot sooner than they would have planned. Having their first child only 9 and a half months after their vows. Their second child was born just 3 years later. Both settled into their marriage thinking at they know each others sexual wants and needs. Years later into their marriage the kids old enough to care for themselves. Krista finds that there is something different she is in need of. Not...

First Time
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Dark Desires

There is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I'm not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work; advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...

Group Sex
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Dark Desires

Miriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is. It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during...

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Reluctant Top Pt2

******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...

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Reluctant But Wants Sex

other. Celeste's face is beautiful, she has long black hair and dark eyes, her body is small and curvaceous. What makes an Arab woman so unique and desirable is that they devote their beauty, body and soul exceptionally to their husband. Divorce brings shame to the woman's family, Arab females are born with a mission to become truthful loyal wives and good mothers. After giving birth to several children, they look astonishing in their late forties. An Arab female knows well what to use to...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Holiday Anal

It was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the livingroom and passed out cold.Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing heavily. She was sleeping really hard now.My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing.I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey...I took my pants and shorts off...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Convert

Reluctant Convert by Suzi K Part One "Look after things, David, won't you. And you will be sensible?" David's mother called anxiously from the car. She was setting out to her sister in Bradford who had fallen ill and needed looking after and help with her two young children. 16 year old David was being left behind. It was the first time he had been left on his own and his mother was anxious. "I've asked Harry, Mr. Adamson next door to keep an eye on you. And if there are any...

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Reluctant Convert 2

Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Wife

A church going wife gets caught embezzling at work she shouldn't have and becomes the reluctant play thing of a fellow employee. (M+/F, reluc, slutty-wife, D/s, blkmail, preg) ***My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Model II

The Reluctant Model II "Now, come on into the kitchen and let's see what we can do with that hair." She did the hair of a few of her friends at home and had outfitted a corner of our spacious kitchen as a little mini-salon complete with a salon chair and all the tools of her trade. As I followed her to the kitchen I was actually kind of looking forward to whatever was coming next. My erection hadn't subsided a bit and I found myself trying to sway my hips just a little extra to...

4 years ago
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Reluctant BoyGirl

Reluctant Boy-Girl by Pat T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn't true, but I guess Mom didn't want to give the bastard any satisfaction and I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the truth. My mother hid me at one of her childhood friend's houses in Texas. The judge...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Rendesvous Part 2

Reluctant Rendezvous Part 2 I knocked on the hotel door. I hear a voice tell me to enter. He sat in a chair in the corner and directed me to the bathroom. My name is Dave and I did something really stupid a few months ago. I stole some money from work. Now, one of my co-workers is blackmailing me into something I could never have imagined. If I don't follow through, I know I will go to jail. I entered the bathroom. I put my makeup bag down on the counter. I took note of...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Train Ride

“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Hero

Prologue This story is a rewrite of a story I previously wrote entitled “Coming Home.” I have used many of the same characters but the plot has changed significantly. It is as far as possible historically accurate although of course the characters and the plot are fictional. The Nazi U Boat threat in 1941 was gradually strangling the UK supply lines and Merchant shipping was being sunk faster than they could be replaced. The Germans were using their U Boats to great effect, and had introduced a...

Erotic Fiction
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Reluctant Holiday Anal Sex

It was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the living room and passed out cold. Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing very heavily. She was sleeping really hard now. My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing. I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey... I took my pants and shorts...

Drunk sex
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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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Dangerous Desires

College transforms young individuals for their awkward teens to sensual adults, but there is always a hitch when it comes to the transformation, lack of privacy. Some are quicker to shed embarrassment while others burrow deeper into themselves to the point of antisocial behavior. In the case of Samantha’s evolution, she found herself blossoming in every case but her sexuality. Since leaving home, she has been unable to find the time or privacy for self-pleasure. Her roommate having fit into the...

1 year ago
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My Deepest of Desires

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was shortly after my birthday, my grand entrance into my teenage years, that I first began my journey down the road of sexual exploration and desire by masturbating for the first time. It was an entirely new world, and a good one at that. I craved that sexual satisfaction for which I had little understanding of, but the greatest expectations. This was the point at which I began to see my older, and only, sister, in an entirely new light. She was 3...

2 years ago
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Submissive desires

Submissive desiresSometimes fantasy becomes reality. That can be something very satisfying,or even terrifying.I love erotic stories and am a voracious reader of stories on theinternet. My favorites are ones about trannies or cross dressers beingdominated and used to please men. That's what I love, both in my fictionand in my own sex life, to tell the truth. I've been cross dressing foryears, having finally given in to my urges to dress up and be the bestsissy slut I can be, and let me tell...

3 years ago
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When Married Angel Desires

Hi guys this is Yash, aged 22 from Bangalore. This is my Second Story & i thank to all those who appreciated my previous desirous story. I live in an independent house with my family. Adjacent to my house, there lives a Couple who just moved in two years back. Since two years their family & my family were too close. Here the Husband was very busy man, who never had time for his own wife. Let me introduce you her name Anagha aged 27 Years . She was a very beautiful Angel with a very sweet face...

4 years ago
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Friends meet to explore thier kinky desires

Part 1 – The BarAfter sharing messages and chatting for what seemed like so long...though actually a relatively short time, it was just the almost instant connection and sharing similar outlooks and desires made it seem that we had been communicating for much longer...the day had arrived that we were to meet. Though having shared desires, fantasises and arousing each other via the ethereal medium, we had agreed that there was no pressure for this meeting to be other than an opportunity to meet...

3 years ago
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Unrestrained Desires

Chapter 1At the sound of door bell, Tina turned to the kids and said, "hurry up, they are here...get your things, we don't want to have them waiting for you too long, do we!?" Mike and Sara grabbed their backpacks and jackets and eagerly went to the door as I was opening them. My parents entered with big smiles on their faces; they really enjoyed taking the kids with them to the country whenever it was possible. Kids loved them and loved those trips and me and Tina also loved being alone for...

2 years ago
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Deepu Fulfills Her Hidden Desires

Hello all, I hope you all doing well! This story is about a housewife Deepali’s hidden desires. It is a true story. Without wasting any time, I will start my story. I am Deepali, and everyone calls me Deepu. I was married at the age of 21 to Dhananjay. Dhananjay is from a rich background, and he is working in the government sector. So without any second thought, I married him. I look innocent, but I was horny at the time of marriage. I was very excited to fulfill my dark imaginations with my...

1 year ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 43 Katiersquos Neverending Desires

Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...

3 years ago
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Hidden Erotic Desires

We all have those hidden desires, those unfullfiled sexual fantasies.....Would you let losse your inhabitions if you knew no one would ever know?Karen had just received a text from her friend saying that her train had broken down and she wasn’t going to be able to meet for a drink If she had received the text five minutes earlier she could have saved herself the £7.00 she’d handed over to the barman who had just served her a large glass of wine. Although he was quite fit and it was a very nice...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 1 The Princesss Desires

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part One: The Princess's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter One: The Goddess's Daughter Zizthithana – Kozzithni, the Shahdom of Shizhuth The rasp of my scales made a sibilant hiss through my throne room as I tribbed my sex slave. Shilia, my lamia, whimpered and moaned, her big breasts rubbing against the serpentine coil of my lower body. Her nipples were two points of hardness on my...

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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...

2 years ago
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Soul of Desires

It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...

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Desires By Vicky I had many desires but none so strong as that to crossdress. I had dressed in the quiet of my home when no family members were around but that was never strong enough. So I started to do some investigating. I picked up the local underground paper to where I lived and searched the personals. There were large ads from massage parlors that offered role-play. So I called and made an appointment. I explained--very nervously- -what I was looking for and they were...

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The Well of My Desires

The Well of My Desires By Alysa Desiree This story is inspired by a painting on found on the internet with the same title. I found this painting to be extremely beautiful and I wished that I was the woman in the painting. Part of the story is true and based on part of my life. This is also my first story and I hope you enjoy it. I write this journal now documenting my journey. It seems that it was a dream so many years ago but I know it happened. I no not, if anyone will find it,...

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Desires I wake to the sound of the shower running. I can hear my Master, who I lovingly call Daddy in the shower singing to himself. Its obvious that he is excited about today. Finally after many long discussions with Daddy we have agreed that today will be the day that we work on over coming my fear of anal sex. Over coming my fears has never been easy for me. Daddy always stands by me and helps me over come anything that is bothering me or keeping me form doing what I love to do. I...

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Dark Desires

Dark DesiresThe boy was spreadeagled against the wall. Padded metal cuffs at his wrists, and upper arms, screwed directly into the white tiled wall, held them tightly above his head. More cuffs at his ankles, held him flat, stretched against the cold white ceramic. His head hung limply, tilted slightly to one side, chin resting on his chest. His youthfully handsome face looked almost angelic as he appeared to sleep peacefully, his defined chest and taut flat stomach expanding and contracting...

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Moms Secret Desires

If a guy keeps his ears open, sometimes he can learn something that he can really benefit from. Now I'm not a snooper nor an eavesdropper, but one wonderful day I overheard a conversation between my mother and her sister, entirely by accident, that changed my life--and theirs--in a terrific way. It was a warm day in June, and I had been out running, keeping myself in condition, although football season was still a long way off. I wasn't as heavy or as strong as some of the other guys on...

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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 1 Birdies Naughty Desires

Chapter One: Birdie's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday “And here is what you have all been waiting for!” I boomed into the microphone in the auditorium of Rogers College, my school. I was the president here. The architect of one of the most successful Naked in School Programs in the country. “The final four chosen to go naked for this year!” Cheers erupted through the auditorium. The cheer squad, led by Tatyana Naumov their captain, were...

2 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 1 The Shamans Desires

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter One: The Shaman's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight Kevin – The Free City of Hargone The splashing, gurgling fountain cooled the inn's common room. It was an aptly named establishment, though the innkeeper was not happy we had commandeered his entire main room despite the gold we paid him. The twelve of us sat around a circular table, reclining on tasseled pillows. My fellow knights and I...

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Nancys Golden Desires

Nancy Conners was basking in the warm afterglow of a wonderful fuck. Her fingers trailed down her tight stomach, over her bare pussy mound to run gently over her still engorged clit. She could feel Jim’s cum beginning to leak from her well-fucked pussy and Jim’s eyes as they drank in the beauty of her dancer’s body. Jim loved Nancy’s small tight frame, her pale skin, entrancing green eyes, fiery red hair. Her small hard tits had the most responsive of nipples and Jim loved to see the...

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The Reader With Desires

Hey, Fellas, Hope all are well, and enjoying the world of sex n relationships. So, today again I am here to share one of my experience which happened in Pune in this sex story. I’ll wait for your valuable feedbacks. Please take out a minute from your precious time to write me on So, here we go: This happened in January 2017, one fine morning, I woke up and saw my mobile screen which displayed a notification sent you an email. I opened the email and it says “Hi Vicky, I like your sex story on...

2 years ago
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Aunt Used Me For Desires

Hi I am Shankar, ma aunties name is Vanitha. she has big boobs and a big ass, I always use to wait to see her beautiful thoppul(navel) and her cleavage whenever she exhibits it without her knowledge. I always use to think of her and masturbate and I even use to sniff her used panties in her absence. I have noticed many times her panties lying around her room it would be very wet often, and of course it’s her moothiram (pee). I use to lick her panty in the area where her pussy and shit hole...

1 year ago
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The Chronicle of Human Desires

As I looked into her eyes, I knew it was true, and there was nothing I could do about it. Her eyes locked onto mine, conveying everything. But still i stood there, my cool brown locks wafting in the slight breeze and my rosy glare locked on to hers, the connection still there. Both she and I had waited so long for this moment, and both of us were hesitant. Neither of us wanted to take this step. Neither of us wanted to do this now, and maybe not ever, yet both of us needed to. Not by...

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KINKChapter 7 Desires

Dillon turned the shower on and started to strip angrily, pitching his clothes at the floor as if attacking the wayward wonton desires that had started to surface. Ripping his pants off, his painfully hard erection sprung forth. Scowling down at it, he was furious that he was feeling so aroused by this whole thing. “This isn’t me! I’ve never been so immediately turned on by a chick I barely know. Sure if it’d been any of the other chicks in my class I’d probably have been curious but I...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Wife

My wife Ellen had been adamant that we would never have a threesome. I had always fantasized about her having sex with another man , I wanted a black guy, She was not having anything to do with it and that was that. years had passed and she had never given in and she was now 62 and I figured it would never happen now. She still has a great figure working out at least three times per week. Our sex life had been pretty low for the last few years and with my medical problems requiring a lot of...

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