La Corista Capitulo 5 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 5 -Daniel como este es tu ?ltima semana siendo Daniela, que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Que tienes planeado para mi Julia ?- -Pues todo lo que siempre has querido hacer, pero que t? conciencia de macho te dice " los hombres no hacen eso"- -Pero como para que?- -Mira como te dije antes, est? es una oportunidad ?nica en la vida para saber que se siente ser del sexo opuesto, puedes experimentar sin ser juzgado por la sociedad- -Para m? ya fue suficiente "experimentar" con usar vestido, caminar en tacones y usar maquillaje- -En estos meses como te ves a ti mismo?- - Me veo como un hombre que " se ha visto obligado a vestir como mujer" - -Pues todas las personas all? afuera te ven como una mujer. A m? a veces hasta se me olvida que eres hombre- -Y cu?l crees t? qu? ser?a la diferencia si me "dejara llevar" y me olvidar? por un rato que soy hombre?- -Que la parte de ti que esta pensando todo el tiempo " ya quiero volver a ser hombre" por fin te dejar?a relajarte y disfrutar el momento- - De ver?s me veo tan infeliz?- -Si, por eso yo tengo que hacerme la graciosa a cada rato para hacerte olvidar tu amargura.As? que repite: toda esta semana "Soy mujer".Me permito hacer cosas de mujeres porque...- -Porque solo por est? semana soy una mujer....?- -Correcto, as? que repite mas fuerte: que eres?-- "Soy una mujer y soy muy feliz!"- -Listo ya tienes el Girl Power!. Ahora te tengo una sorpresa, tu yo est? domingo vamos a ser damas de honor en una boda!- - Y como le vamos a hacer para que Pedro nos de permiso- -Ya me lo dio adem?s el grupo va a tocar en esa boda que es de mi amiga Niky- - Y porque me va a dejar ser una de las damas de honor?- -Porque a una de las damas de honor le dio viruela y si va a la fiesta puede contagiar a quien no le ha dado- -Y supongo que ya mandaste ajustar el vestido a mi medida?- -Siiiiii y tambi?n te apunte a todas las actividades con la novia antes de la boda, incluyendo La despedida de soltera.- Oye y es cierto que strippers musculosos y acaban teniendo sexo con la novia- - O tambi?n pueden tenerlo con las damas de honor - y le gui?o un ojo,- pero ?sta va a ser en una discoteca as? que prep?rate y ponte guapa porque vamos a bailar mucho y adem?s en esta noche, ah y no olvides tu anillo de casada...a menos que quieras... - -Lo que quiero es llevar el anillo y divertirme tranquilamente- En la noche todos Se juntaron en la casa de la novia para salir en una limusina hacia la discoteca todas hab?an puesto muy guapas y Daniel uso por primera vez una minifalda.- Otra vez Dime porque tengo que usar una falda tan corta?- -Porque esta semana eres mujer y toda mujer tiene que ser m?nimo una vez en su vida minifalda antes de que se le hagan varices- Y as? Daniel durante el resto de la semana fue la despedida de soltera, a la sesi?n de fotos con las damas honor y a una pijamada Y as? Daniel durante el resto de la semana fue la despedida de soltera, a la sesi?n de fotos con las damas honor y a una pijamada. Un d?a antes de la boda le pidieron A Julia que fuera a recoger el vestido de la novia julio pas? temprano por vac?o para llevarlo en la tarde la casa de su amiga pero llegar a la casa se dio cuenta que se hab?an equivocado de vestido le dieron el de otra persona. Julia les hablo de inmediato para que no le fue bien tragar el vestido a su amiga a la otra persona y le dijo que en un rato m?s iba a pasar a hacer el cambio. Despu?s de colgar mir? a Daniel y se le vino una idea la mente. -Sabes que cosas de mujeres te falta por hacer?- - No estar?s pensando en....?- - Si!, tienes que probarte un vestido de novia- -Pero este vestido es de otra chica que quiz?s se vaya a casar hoy o ma?ana y qu? tal si si lo da?amos por accidente?- -Prometo que seremos cuidadosas. Adem?s tienes que serlo porque...- -Porque hoy "soy una mujer "y Me permito hacer cosas de mujeres...ash!- Julia maquill? a Daniel y le arregl? su cabello para que luciera hermosa en el vestido. -Listo quedaste muy linda !. como te sientes?- Daniel mir? al espejo y se quedo contemplando a la chica vestida de novia, sonri? y pens? que quiz?s esta ser?a su vida si hubiese nacido mujer, pero como le dijo Julia esta semana lo era y lo iba a disfrutar.- Me siento como una princesa!-Se puso a bailar y hacer poses mientras se hac?a selfies con su hermana -Ahora deja te hago una sesi?n de fotos un poco m?s profecional para el recuerdo-De repente alguien toc? la puerta- Entra Arturo est? abierto- grito Julia -Ahora deja te hago una sesi?n de fotos un poco m?s profecional para el recuerdo-De repente alguien toc? la puerta- Entra Arturo est? abierto- grito Julia - Para que le llamaste a ?l?- murmur? Daniel- -Obvio porque no puede haber novia sin novio- -Hola Julia! Para qu? me pediste que viniera r?pido y con un traje negro...- y fue Entonces cuando vio a Daniel con el vestido de novia y se qued? sin habla admirando lo bonita que se ve?a. - Est?bamos haciendo travesuras de damas de compa??a- - Y me llamaste para que me tomara fotos con ustedes dos vestidas de novia...- - Ser?a s?lo con Dani, cre? que las fotos ser?an un bonito recuerdo de despedida- - Si t? est?s de acuerdo Dani para m? Ser? un placer; porque por lo visto tu hermana nunca te avisa de sus maquiav?licos planes... -Y Arturo se arrodill? enfrente de Dani y le pregunt? -quieres casarte conmigo?- Daniel giro la cabeza cabeza y desvi? la mirada con verg?enza. - S?, claro que acepta!- dijo Julia -Ahora empecemos con la sesi?n de fotos que hay que regresar ese vestido antes de que cierre la tienda- - S?, claro que acepta!- dijo Julia -Ahora empecemos con la sesi?n de fotos que hay que regresar ese vestido antes de que cierre la tienda- Despu?s de algunas fotos al verlos un poco tiesos les puso unas canciones movidas para que bailar?n y aflojaran el cuerpo, despu?s les puso una canci?n rom?ntica para despertar ese ambiente especial y tuvieran su baile romantico -Listo ahora esa ser? su canci?n!- Los dos se miraron y soltaron una tierna sonrisa. -As? qu?dense est?n perfectos para una foto- Todo fue tan divertido que el tiempo se fue volando cuando se dieron cuenta ya casi es la hora de que cerrar? la tienda ver vestidos de novia Todo fue tan divertido que el tiempo se fue volando cuando se dieron cuenta ya casi es la hora de que cerrar? la tienda ver vestidos de novia.- Ya es bien tarde!, r?pido qu?tate el vestido yo mientras le habl? a los de la tienda para para decirles que vamos para all?- - Bueno nos vemos ma?ana Arturo- Y se despidieron con una sonrisa. Despu?s de haber manejado a toda velocidad y hacer el cambio de vestidos en la tienda Julia ya m?s tranquila le pregunt? a Danny- Y c?mo te sentiste siendo esta vez la novia?- - Fue raro, sent? que era otra persona- - Y esa otra persona que sent?a por Arturo?- - Eh?,Nada, nada!, esteee...s?lo somos buenos amigos- - Pues ya vi otra cosa, ?l se mor?a de ganas de darte un beso y t? te la pasaste resistiendo la tentaci?n- - No es cierto!, s?lo nos la est?bamos pasando bien.- - Mira no te estoy juzgando, s?lo que si tienes curiosidad por experimentar, este es el momento- - Agradezco tu consejo, Pero no me interesa "experimentar"- Esa noche cuando se fueron a dormir Danny se qued? pensando.- tal vez si fuera mujer lo hubiera besado. Pero luego qu?? Me quedo as? para siempre?. ..s?lo son las hormonas jugando con mi mente- Y se durmi? toda la noche abrazando un oso de peluche que le regal? Arturo. Despu?s de mediod?a Julia le ense?? las fotos qu? le tom? con Arturo pero en lugar de estar en la casa ahora estaban en una iglesia, en un parque y en un sal?n con muchos invitados. -Te gusta? le cambie el fondo a las fotos- -Se ven muy bien, hasta parece que nos casamos de verdad! No sabia que eras tan buena en retocar fotos- -Es uno de mis tantos talentos ocultos. Sabes, siempre quise tener un hermana como tu...te voy a extra?ar Daniela- y le dio un fuerte abrazo -Pero porque te pones as?, ya no voy ser mujer pero podemos seguir saliendo- -No es lo mismo, con Daniela me gusta hacer cosas mas femeninas- -Mas femeninas? pero si ayer te pusiste a jugar futbol con unos ni?os cuando ibamos a comprar comida!- -Siiiiiii y les met? 3 goles!- -Por cierto, como hiciste esa chilena con la falda sin que se te viera la ropa interior?- -Esa t?cnica, es una de "cosas de mujeres" a las que me refiero- -Pens?ndolo mejor creo que ya te entiendo....porque a mi tambi?n me hubiese gustado tener una hermana "m?s femenina" jajajajaja!- -Ya deja de criticarme por lo poco femenina que crees que soy y arr?glate porque nos tenemos que ir a la boda, no olvides Tu anillo "aleja-hombres", recuerda que las damas de honor son las m?s asediadas - - No te preocupes lo tengo todo planeado, cuando ponga la m?sica para bailar en pareja me voy a sentar y si alguien me quiere sacar a bailar s?lo les muestro el anillo le digo que estoy esperando a mi esposo- - M?renla qu? lista!- La ceremonia en la iglesia y fue muy emotiva Dani Jam?s hab?a disfrutado tanto una boda como ?sta ves, quiz?s tuvo algo que ver su boda falsa de ayer. La fiesta fue en un sal?n muy bonito no s? como siempre lleg? m?s gente que a la iglesia. Despu?s de que los novios bailan el vals y su canci?n rom?ntica pusieron algunas cumbias m?sica tropical para bailar as? que Dani se qued? sentado en la mesa platicando con una pareja de unos 60 a?os que era t?os de la novia Varios meses Lo invitaron a bailar y todas las veces respond?a-Gracias pero estoy esperando mi esposo- - Su esposo es un hombre muy afortunado al tener una esposa tan guapa- Dijo el t?o A lo que la t?a con algo de celos replic?-De seguro ?l tambi?n es muy guapo, no tendr? una foto de el ?- - No no creo- dijo apenada Dani - Ay c?mo que no va a traer fotos de su esposo en el celular? S?lo hay que meterse a las redes sociales y f?cilmente bajo una foto- Entonces Dani se acord? que Julia le pas? las fotos editadas, m?s las selfies que tambi?n se tom? con Arturo - Miren estas fotos son de la boda, nos casamos hace poco - Mira R?mulo te dije que ten?a qu? ser un muchacho muy guapo- Mientras estaban distra?dos mirando las fotos otra vez se acercaron a sacar a bailar a Dani y levant? la cabeza y respondi?- lo siento estoy esperando a mi ....- y se qued? sin palabras al ver que era Arturo - Hola esposa!- y al acercarse a saludar de beso danny le pregunto al o?do- cre? que nos ver?amos m?s tarde- - Julia me dijo que ya sab?as que ven?as- Y los dos se dieron cuenta que ser? otra de las "sorpresas" de Julia. - Les presento a mi esposo Arturo, ellos son Don R?mulo y Do?a Ofelia, ellos son t?os de la novia- - Mucho gusto Arturo es usted muy guapo!- Don R?mulo un poco inc?modo quiso cambiar de tema- Nos platicaba Dani qu? son reci?n casados, cu?ndo fue la boda- Arturo respondi? -Hace tan poco que nos casamos que parece que fue ayer- y mir? a Dani gui??ndole un ojo. Y as? Dani y Arturo bailaron juntos toda la noche. Sin darse cuenta cada vez que regresaron de la pista de baile volv?an tomados de las manos. Cuando lleg? el momento de que la novia aventar el ramo Julia fue por Dani - Oye pero se supone que estoy casada- - T? y yo sabemos la verdad, adem?s tienes que vivir la experiencia completa as? que echale ganas y pelea por el ramo - Cuando lleg? el momento de que la novia aventar el ramo Julia fue por Dani- Oye pero se supone que estoy casada-- T? y yo sabemos la verdad, adem?s tienes que vivir la experiencia completa as? que echale ganas y pelea por el ramo - Despu?s de que el animador hizo mucho relajo por fin aventaron el ramo y despu?s de muchos manotazos en el aire Dani se qued? con el, le tocaron las fanfarrias y recibi? el aplauso del p?blico. - Bueno ya est?s contenta Julia?- - Ni crees que me va a dar envidia, eso de que la qu? atrapa el ramo es la siguiente en casarse es puro cuento- M?s tarde se retiraron de la boda para ir a la fiesta a la que las hab?a invitado Arturo - Mira Dani Aqu? s? vamos a podernos poner una buena borrachera tienen de todo, vamos a empezar con unos tequilitas- - No pude por favor vamos a tomar tranquila porque luego te pones muy necia- - Ay hermanita t? no te preocupes tenemos toda la semana para curarnos la cruda, ademas hoy es como tu fiesta de despedida.As? que arriba abajo al centro y pa dentro- Se tomaron un Shot de tequila y m?s tarde en la fiesta con unas copas de m?s Dani y Julia estuvieron cantando canciones rancheras. De repente Danny vio que Arturo est? platicando con unas muchachas que se re?an con sonrisas coquetas.- Mira ah? a "tu esposo", todav?a no te vas y ya te est? cambiando por otras- digo Julia bien borracha - No s? qu? le ve a "esas" pero que le aproveche- - Est? celosa verdad?- - Claro que no!- - Pues qu? bueno porque aquella g?erota se lo est? comiendo con los ojos y te apuesto lo que quieras que cualquier momento se lo lleva para afuera- Al escuchar esas palabras Dani sinti? un extra?o sentimiento que lo movi? ir por Arturo. - Hola te andaba buscando- y lo tom? de las manos, con una mirada traviesa le dijo- me acompa?es a tomar tantito aire?- - S? claro! Nos vemos al rato muchachas- a lo que Dani contest? con Sarcasmo - No vamos a tardar mucho- Como la fiesta era una colonia privada pod?an caminar tranquilamente a altas horas de la noche sin correr ning?n peligro. - Qu? fue todo eso Dani?- - Hay perd?name es que el verte platicar con ellas sent? que ya te estabas olvidando de m? y eso me molest?- - Oye nunca te voy a olvidar, llegaste a mi vida cuando m?s s?lo me sent?a, salir juntos y platicar casi todos los d?as evit? que cayera en depresi?n- - T? tambi?n has hecho lo mismo por m?, te voy a extra?ar mucho Arturo y antes de irme me gustar?a hacer algo especial contigo- - En qu? te gustar?a hacer?- - Experimentar.....- - Me gusta este experimento, ahora yo voy a experimentar en tu cuello, te gusta-- Me encanta! - le susurro al o?do y luego le mordi? el l?bulo de la oreja- Quieres continuar la casa, est? aqu? a dos cuadras-- Si vamos r?pido-Al llegar la casa de ... - Me gusta este experimento, ahora yo voy a experimentar en tu cuello, te gusta- - Me encanta! - le susurro al o?do y luego le mordi? el l?bulo de la oreja - Quieres continuar la casa, est? aqu? a dos cuadras- - Si vamos r?pido- Al llegar la casa de Arturo siguieron acariciando otro rato en el Porche de casa. Luego adentro en el sill?n Arturo recorrido con sus labios el cuello y el escote Dani mitosis con sus manos se cansaba acariciar su trasero Dani se encontraba en un trance provocado por el alcohol el placer y el deseo, todo eso junto era como una droga qu? le llevaba ?xtasis... Luego adentro en el sill?n Arturo recorrido con sus labios el cuello y el escote Dani mitosis con sus manos se cansaba acariciar su trasero Dani se encontraba en un trance provocado por el alcohol el placer y el deseo, todo eso junto era como una... Pero de repente Dany volvi? en s? cu?ndo sinti? la mano de Arturo por debajo del vestido que le est? bajando su ropa interior. - Espera ,no!. Creo que no debo cruzar ese L?mite, en verdad me gustar?a qu? le pudi?ramos hacer, pero no debemos seguir- Se paro y se alejo de Arturo - Tiene que ver con tu otra vida?- - S?, creo que ya llegu? demasiado lejos y no s? qu? tanto me va a afectar cuando regrese mi antigua vida- - Pues no regreses Qu?date conmigo!- - Si me quedo contigo lo perder?a todo, incluso a ti. As? que por favor d?jame ir- Y Dani sali? huyendo de la casa de Arturo, sent?a que deb?a alejarse de ah? lo m?s pronto posible sent?a que si se quedaba le iba a contar todo a Arturo y cuando est? supiera la verdad.... Ten?a miedo de que lo terminar? odiando. Arturo sali? corriendo detr?s de Dani hasta que la alcanz? - Espera, no quiero que todo termine as? entre nosotros, me gustas Dany y realmente me gustar?a averiguar que mas puede pasar entre tu y yo, pero si no se puede, entonces por favor recuerdame c?mo tu amigo que siempre te querido incondicionalmente, a quien no le importa tu pasado y qu? solo quieres que seas feliz.- - Yo tambi?n quiero Lo mismo para ti- - Aunque no entiendo lo que te est? pasando respeto tu decisi?n, si no me puedes decir tus razones no te pienso presionar. Pero si alg?n d?a necesitas alguien que te ayude o qu? s?lo te escuche recuerda que siempre puedes contar conmigo. - Gracias por dejarme ir Arturo tan comprensivamente- - Bueno entonces que tal si egresamos a la fiesta ... Para ver en qu? problema se metido Julia- Dani sonr?o y caminaron juntos tomados de la mano. Al d?a siguiente Juia se despert? usando el mismo vestido de anoche, con una resaca que le estaba haciendo le estallara la cabeza, as? que fue a la cocina a buscar agua y una aspirina. - No vuelvo a tomar- escuch? que alguien estaba en la cocina As? que supuso que Dani ya se hab?a levantado - Ay Dani tuve un sue?o muy extra?o so?? que ten?a el mejor sexo de mi vida con un oso de peluche...- fue Entonces cuando se dio cuenta que no estaba en su casa y qu? Arturo estaba en la cocina con cara de what the f....! -Que bueno que despertaste, toma aqu? est?n las Aspirinas y un vaso con agua- - Mejor dame la jarra- -Te ves un poco confundida. Que es lo ?ltimo que recuerdas de anoche?- -Recuerdo la fiesta, que cant?bamos Dani y yo, luego me top? con un tipo alto y guapo como de 2 metros con el que me la pas? platicando toda la noche, luego despert? aqu?!.... Me pregunto si me habr? dado su dado n?mero? - - La verdad es que cuando te encontramos estabas platicando con una pintura de Cristiano Ronaldo, el futbolista- - Con raz?n con raz?n est?s tan callado yo pens? que era muy t?mido- Julia y Dani se retiraron, Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas a la casa pero te dijeron que mejor descansar?, ya no quer?an darle m?s molestias y tomaron un taxi. - Dani porque te trajiste el maldito Ramo- - Es un bonito recuerdo- - Recuerdo de que me lo ganaste, casi era m?o, pero sabes que? no me importa porque eso de que la que lo atrapa es la siguiente que se casa es puro cuento!...oye ponme atenci?n, en qu? est?s pensando - - En nada porque?- - Es que tienes esa cara de: No deb? de haber tenido sexo con, y ahora todo va a ser muy raro cuando nos volvamos a ver.... No me digas que t? y Arturo- - No c?mo crees.! Bueno s?lo nos besamos... Y nos acariciamos- -Y que tal besa?- Pero la cara de Dani solo mostraba culpa y remordimiento - No se por que ni como pas?, de repente lo bese sin pensarlo, perd? el control.... ya no pude parar, hay Julia que me esta pasando! - -Ya no te tortures, solo fue una mala combinaci?n de el alcohol y hormonas- - S?, tienes raz?n todo es culpa de las hormonas, el foniatra dijo que se me podr?a alterar el libido- -Bueno al menos ya no creo que las cosas se puedan poner peor- Pero la entrar a su departamento se encontraron con que adentro los estaba esperando Carlos Castillo! - Hola Dany - y r?pidamente se pudo de rodillas para decir-TE LO RUEGO POR FAVOR CASATE CON MIGO-

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A friend of mine wrote this about his first time having sex with another man. Thought I would share. (with his permission)My first experience with gay sex was with my next-door neighbor. He was in his fifties and I had just turned eighteen. I would graduate high school in about two weeks. He'd been coming on to me for a while but I'd always resisted because I had a girlfriend. I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about what he would do to me or want me to do to him. Maybe if my girlfriend...

3 years ago
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Scarlet Part Five

SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 5 Turin, Italy Four hours ago... Black Ops Specialist William Tanner stepped into the interrogation room, the metal slide-door hissing shut and locking automatically behind him. He walked across to the wooden table at the centre of the room, behind which sat a young man. The panel lighting above his head cast him in a spotlight and his head was hung low, his sandy-colored hair unkempt and straggly. From the slow pace of his breathing, Tanner...

3 years ago
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Housewife Bobby Fucked By a Young Guy

Hi readers,I am Booby (just a name not real) from India. Let me introduce myself I am 35 year old housewife. I am white in color beautiful with heavy boobs and nice curvy ass .I am peer shaped but little fatty too. Usually in home I wear nighty or sari. From teenage onwards people gives me a special attention and care due to my beauty look.I got married at the age of 22; I had many dreams towards my married life. Initially it was happy for me but later on problems started. My hubby has some...

4 years ago
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The Occasional BachelorChapter 8

Where does the time go was the thought that ran through Greg’s mind as it normally will when he makes this drive to the airport. It seems like it just was just a blink of the eye but four months had gone by since his wife’s last trip to Dallas and here he was driving to Hopkins International for her to go back there for another month. Since she enjoyed her time with the grandkids Greg didn’t say anything about her going there. His thought was that his wife was interfering somewhat with his...

4 years ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 4

My twenty-first birthday, was the say day I was paid at the new rate my lawyer got for me. I was now making ten thousand dollars a month, or one hundred twenty thousand a year! I was up in my mom and dads pay area now. Not bad for someone only twenty-one years old. I celebrated by going to a steak house. The visit with my mom and dad had gone well. Dad had pushed the idea for savings and investment. Now that I had twice as much money as before, I had moved yet again... into another tax...

2 years ago
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Kays New Bra

Kay Baker stepped out of the shower and began toweling off. As she dried around her breasts she noticed that they felt heavier than they had the morning before. She turned, looked in the mirror and studied her profile. Although she was seven months pregnant she still didn't show all that much. Probably because of her athletic activities she thought. At twenty-three she was a well known local tri-athlete, competing about six times a year in local and state races. She had never won but she was...

4 years ago
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Maa Ki Train Mein Chudai

Hii dosto mera naam dipak h or main rampur u.P. Ka rehne wala hu or graduation kr rha hu. Ye ek sachi khani hai k kaise meri ki chudai huyi train mein. Sabse pehle main apni maa k bare mein bta deta hu..Uska naam kusuma h..41 saal umar h uski..Dikhne mein khas nhi h hight 5.2 h par uske sasir pura bhara hua h..Boobs h 38 inch k(bra dekhi h uski maine),kamar 34 inch ki h or gaand km se km 40 inch ki hogi.. To ab khani start krte h..Baat tb ki h jab mere muasi ki shadi mein hume delhi jana...

4 years ago
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Sharing Lisa

I’ve been wanting to share my wife Lisa with another man for a long time and it has finally happened. Friends of ours had a party at their place on the weekend. Lisa and I had been relaxing at home before the party and I was sitting out on the balcony when she walked out wearing only a skirt, knee high pringle socks and black high heels with silver buckles. Lisa is five foot nine, with pale, freckly skin and perfect 32C tits. She asked me what top she should wear and I replied that anything was...

2 years ago
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A Strange Day Ch 04

Please read ‘A Strange Day Parts I, II & III’ before reading this story. Oscar decided to ride the bus downtown today. It was a beautiful day and he felt like getting out in the world a bit more than he was used to. Besides, he wanted to see what kind of fun he could have with his new-found powers. His accident was weeks ago now, although he could still see that ghostly ball of St. Elmo’s Fire dancing enticingly on the hood of his car, no more than a few feet in front of him. He remembered...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 29 New Faces

September 4, 1990, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday morning, I thought about whether or not I should ask for the favor over the phone. In the end, I decided it was safe, because I was simply asking a favor and there was no quid pro quo. I had records of our meeting, including Elyse being there, to show legitimate business development, and that should provide sufficient cover so as not to cast any doubt on what I was doing. I called Alderman Roti’s office first, and talked to his aide. I...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 10 Reality TV and Further Threats

Jenny appeared at the door to Dave’s office and caught his eye. He was doing emails on his desktop computer. She said, “I have a couple of unusual visitors that I think you should see. If I understand their proposition, I think it sounds like fun, but you decide. If you want JR and I will also join in, and any of the others from the Circle.” Dave looked puzzled, “I don’t understand.” Jenny said, “You will after you talk to the man and woman for two minutes. Will you see them? They’re in...

4 years ago
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At the Club Sydney

We had been at the club for about an hour. I had gotten deep into conversation with some people at the bar and lost track of you. The E is kicking in nicely, the music and lights swirling around me. Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. Hey its me-you said, your eyes shining - and this is Tonia. Beside you is a woman almost your height, with short blonde hair and bright eyes. Your arm is draped over her bare shoulders. Her large breasts are in a tight black halter, her exposed midriff going...

3 years ago
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Two Plugged Asses FMF bifemale

Matt and I had always enjoyed ass play. Fingering, eating, fucking, you name it. We both loved playing with each other's asses and now that we had a girlfriend to share, we were very excited to have another tight little asshole to play with. Amanda was 18, and although she wasn't a virgin, she hadn't had any ass play until she entered into a polyamorous triad with Matt and I. We started her out slowly, licking and fingering her ass and letting her lick and finger mine (who would have known she...

3 years ago
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Dog desire Chapter 6

Marie had expressed a desire to actually go to Vern and Angela’s breeding farm to see the dogs. I was less that happy about it. I had seen the way Vern looked at my wife and I was sure he wanted to have a piece of her. Of course Marie didn’t realise this as she was only interested in one thing. The dog mating with her. I told Marie that she should take a break and reassess what she wanted to do. I had hoped, that once she thought about what she was doing, she might decide enough was...

1 year ago
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Capitol BeatChapter 3

Chapter One: Zoe grew tired of the trickle of information that Congressman Francis Underwood was leaking to her. The intrepid reporter wanted more. Although she should have realized that would mean big trouble with Francis. The king maker would be none too happy with her doing a run around, but she had an insatiable desire for the next big story, regardless of how she managed to get the information. The promise of landing the big story outweighed her common sense or duty to do the right...

1 year ago
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Veterinary Vulva

Pete's mum had been nagging him to get a job for ages now he had just turned 16. He reluctantly applied for many different jobs; paperboy, shop assistant, dog groomer, and even a cleaner. However there was one job that caught his eye. Treacle Forest Farm were looking for a new part time farm worker to help out in the lambing season. This seemed like the perfect job for Pete and so he immediately applied and to his delight, received a letter two weeks later telling him he was successful. His...

2 years ago
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The Pains Of Loving Jenny Ch 02

***Writer’s note: Thanks to all of the people who commented on the last chapter. It is inspiring to get any kind of comments and even criticism helps me become a better writer. * * * * * Daniel looked at his watch for the 7th time in 5 minutes. Finally he gave up and went out the door. Jenny wasn’t coming over to walk with him to school and that was all there was to it. It was the morning after the incident at the beach. Danny had worried about seeing her, but he hadn’t expected her not to...

2 years ago
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Eager Wild WifeChapter 6

Tiffany stormed out of the building and hurried to the parking lot. Blinded with jealousy and anger, she climbed in her car, turned the key. Nothing. "Goddamn, fuckin' car!" She tried it again. Nothing. Overwrought, she pounded the steering wheel and let loose with a deluge of tears. Twenty minutes later, Tiffany tapped her toe impatiently against the asphalt. Her face broke into a smile. The tow truck had arrived. "Hi, lady," the driver said, swinging out of the truck. "Trouble,...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Autumn Falls Busty Teen Autumn Falls First Time With Two Studs

Autumn Falls may be appetizing, but it’s her well hung hunger that is fed in this downright dastardly double team scene from! The scene begins with busty Autumn uncontained in a literal string bikini. She hops into the shower and goes thru an entire jug of soap lathering up her massive juggs. After bubbling over, she steps out of the shower and into the waiting clutches of horn-dogs Jules Jordan and Marcus Dupree. The two rejoice in their good fortune as cock starved...

4 years ago
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The Breakup

The Break Up An affair can always end badly. It usually does. Someone gets hurt. The trouble is that there are always many opportunities to end it but there is always "just one more day" You've got away with it so far, Why not tomorrow as well. But of course one day it is discovered. Then the real trouble begins. You can't continue as things are, and you can't go back to the way things were. Ultimately there needs to be a complete change. A new start. Here is one such...

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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 2

In the first part, I didn’t talk much about the body size of my hot classmate Mausam as it was my first story. Anyway, let me tell you how she looked. As I already said, her body kind of resembled the body of the pornstar “Valentina Nappi”. But to be more precise, she had the figure 34-28-36 and she used to wear 34D cup size. Overall, Mausam had this hot curvy figure with fleshy thighs. So coming to the story, I returned home after the program and jerked off so hard thinking about her cleavage...

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The Guillotine

You’re helping your neighbor clear out garage one day when you notice a large wooden structure under a pile of junk. At first unsure about what it is, you investigate further to find a large, rusty, metal blade lying against it. Remembering your recent history unit on the French Revolution, you soon realize the significance of this contraption. It’s a guillotine! But what’s it doing in your neighbor’s garage. You didn’t want to pry, so you set the thought aside for the second and continue to...

4 years ago
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The Story of Leanna Part Three

She squared herself up to me and bit my nose playfully while she reached down and stroked my dick from the outside of my sweats and said, “You always know what to say to me, babe. I am going to be in this with you 100% under the constraints we face and I’m going to check any negative thoughts that creep into my mind when I’m not with you at the door when I am.” When I asked what she meant by negative thoughts she said, “Well, you know, the fact that we are cheating on our spouses while...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Aaliyah Love Alix Lynx My Wife Alix Present

Last week you saw Alix Lynx And Aaliyah Love hooking up in the kitchen as good neighbors should always do . Today is Alix’s husband birthday and Miss Lynx has something special in mind. Alix Convinced Miss Love to have a threesome and suck hers hubby’s big fat cock. Those two naughty wives know how to give a sloppy and sexy blowjob and the husband is super happy as well. Watch Alix and Aaliyah sucking on this massive huge cock and stroke it and jerk it until he cum all over those...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Teacher

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of these fantasies. You all have shared your experiences on the site and I also would like to share my first with you all. It is not a story but a fact of my life. I was in std. 15th at that time. I was very good at studies. I had tuition of my school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Riya. I had very good impression on her as a student. But I was very much impressed by her body especially by her boobs. They were very good & perfect in shape and size. I didn't had...

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Nice Sex Days With My Maid

Hi this is Vincy again to give you immense pleasure from my story, this is the story of me and ratna whom I had fucked in my bed room and all the places of the guest house , now this is a very different one from that and now Ratna was very happy with me and my type of sex as she had not had that in her life time and would not have also, one day simply as I was lying I got the idea of having sex in open terrace of our building and was thinking of fucking her on the terrace and that made my dick...

2 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 18

2009 - Egypt Once again we were fully dressed and all the ladies were silent when we had our breakfast in the hotel restaurant. I had reserved and paid for the rooms for three days, so nobody would question if we left the hotel carrying only some light packages with us. Of course, it was also good to have some kind of backup plan if my initial plan failed for some reason. I just wasn’t yet sure what that backup plan would be. If we were betrayed now, there was a big possibility that I...

4 years ago
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Joy MAry introduces her Aunt

It was a month since I'd last seen Mary, and importantly just after the end of month visit by her husband and his brother with their stored cum donations for her pleasure whilst away from the touch of their cocks. We'd had a great time when she introduced me to the delights of their thawed out cum. However I was somewhat surprised when she opened the door to the lounge to see an older women reclining on the sofa with a dildo thrusting in and out of her very wet cunt. She grinned and as I looked...

4 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 2 Day of Judgment

According to the preacher's texts, The Holy revealed His new calendar when Bandar the Wanderer entered the seaport city of Punta Arenas at the southern end of the ancient and mythical country of Chile. He came less than a month after the War of the Burning Metals and the blazing of Shaitan's fires across the globe. Eight years later the Holy revealed Bandar as His preacher and anointed him Bel'dar, creating the first of the Cunif Califar. We are all taught geography as children of course....

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The Dragons BackboneChapter 4 Dark and Stormy

The first snowfall heralded a great change — winter arrived with a bang. Up to the time of the first snow, we had only had rain twice in five weeks, and otherwise the sun had shone every day, though it had been cold. After the snow, the weather settled down to what Ferret called the winter pattern. Every few days, we would have a storm, which would last about a day, and drop some snow on us. Then it would fine up for a couple of days, and the sun would shine. From the day it first snowed,...

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AM Driving

We meet each other at our favorite early morning rendezvous. You are handsome as ever, your tall body casting mysterious shadows on the pavement as you walk to my car. I have a dress on and am ready for our AM excitement. I get out of my car and we meander around the parking lot, neither of us sure exactly what we should be doing, only what we want to be doing. You grab my hand and take me back to your car.I get in and you say, let’s go for a drive. You start the car and we leave our meeting...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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E026 Tuesday Evening Reading

Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the...

Love Stories
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A House in Disarray7 Bootyful Evidence

As the phone by her bed shrieked, Em wanted to bury her head and return to sleep, but couldn’t. Not in her position. Susanna cracked one eye open and peeked at her from the shelter of a pillow. “Are you—?” Em rolled over, grabbing the receiver. “I’ve got it. It takes me a minute. I’m used to waking at a specific time.” She leaned away from her girlfriend, trying to keep her voice pitched low. “‘Alo? Detective Rules here.” “Em, this is Mike Eddleson. I’m calling from my home. You need to...

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Complicated Ch 03

Chapter 3 The following morning I woke up to a wonderful tingling sensation running down from my breasts to my pussy. I opened my eyes to watch Max looming over me. He was sucking on one of my nipples while leisurely sliding his finger in and out of me. I felt too lazy to say anything, so I ran my fingers through his hair to indicate that I was awake. Max looked up at me without stopping what he was doing and appeared to smile. He withdrew his finger from my pussy and offered it to me. I...

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Ainsely 16

We slept in on Saturday morning.  I showered alone when Jack went downstairs to make us something to eat.  As I munched on the toast he'd just buttered, the phone rang.  For the next hour I listened to my mother chatter on and on about everything going on back home.  She thanked me again for being such a good little hostess during their visit and laughed that Maggie still didn't think this Army town was any place for a good Southern girl.  Dad got on the phone to ask about school, reminding me...

Wife Lovers
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My First Man on Man Experience

My first experience with a man. I have been a straight man all my life. I am now 54 and have always had sex with a women. in the past the mere thought of sex with a man mad me sick. Until now. Through out my life, I have had my fair share of women, and some would say, I would be on the higher end in terms of the number of women I have slept with. I am married and i fuck my wife daily. She enjoys sex too, and is very good at it. I also masterbate daily to relieve stress. About a year ago while...

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Me Clarissa And James The Conclusion

Clarissa slept in my bed up until the following Friday. I hadn't had this much sex since my twenties. We actually took Thursday night off to give her a chance to heal her well-used vagina. But, this would be our first real test. James would be home Friday evening, and we couldn't tell him anything per his instruction. We had to go about things like nothing had changed. I couldn't simply avoid them while he was there, which made it difficult, at best.Clarissa and I talked about every aspect of...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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First term at maidment school for boys

FIRST TERM AT MAIDMENT GIRLS SCHOOL FOR BOYS! By Sylvia Who? 1. My Dirty Protest "Wake up young man, we are nearly there!" In response to Aunt Polly's strident voice I opened my eyes and peered through the rain-soaked windscreen, and in the glare of the headlamps fleetingly read "Maidment School for Boys" as the car drove swiftly up the drive towards the brightly lit three storey buildings which were to be my second 'home' for the foreseeable...

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Rekha Aunty 8211 Emotional And Horny Night

This story is a continuation of “Rekha Aunty – Rainy Night, Under The Blanket” – First of all thank you so much for your feedbacks. Rekha aunty went to her hand bag to look at the phone who it was.I was still on mattresses. Phone was still ringing in her hand, she was breathing heavily, looking steadily into the phone as if she was preparing herself to answer the call. I didn’t understand what to do next. She started controlling her breathe and calming down. She came and sat down on edge of...

3 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbors

My wife and I are in our fifties, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, she lost her desire many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies. But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much longer, and I...

Wife Lovers
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Listening to JackChapter 12

"I don't understand why we can't just spend the whole day together," Emily said to Jack. "I mean, that'd be fun, right? Besides, I bet we could think of some other things to do together, you know, that we still haven't done yet ... really, really dirty things..." Emily lay naked with Jack in his bed, nestled up with her brother, his arm around her shoulders, their legs intertwined together beneath the sheets. After their sinfully delightful orgy with their mother and younger brother...

3 years ago
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Posturing For Action

Chapter 1 She wanted it in the worst way. That's what Missy always thought whenever she let her mind wander to her older brother and her longtime sexual fantasy of having him fuck her. She found herself obsessing on wanting him to take her and fuck her like he'd obviously done with many of her female girlfriends in recent years. Missy could never forget how many of the girls at school had told her what a fucking stud her brother, Ron was and how they'd coined several phrases to describe...

1 year ago
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Enjoyed With Nicky The Online Friend

Hi, everyone. I Neel, am one of the oldest reader of this ISS blog. I have been wanting to pen down my encounters for quite a long time, but did not have the chance to do. Do send me your feedback on I am Neel, as I said above. I am just another average looking guy, who would try on every girl possible to fuck. I met a girl on Facebook. She was my roommate’s Girlfriend’s roommate (So you know the connection now). Her name was Nicky. She used to live in Assam at that point in time. She was just...

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Priya Mami I Love You Too

Hi dosto, Areeb is back with a new story.Jase ji ap sb logo ne meri phle story ko psnd kiya hai I hope apko ye story b utne hi achhe lgegi, aur apko logo k feedbacks b aynge. So mae apne story pr aata hu without wasting your time.Ye story meri aur meri sb se choti mami ki hai.Ye story thodi long hai pr believe me story apko psnd ayge because this tym maena apne ak ak incident lkha hai.Ap sb patients k sath read kre nd imagine kre pure story ko. Yr baat around one month phle ki hai jb mae apne...

4 years ago
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Meet me at the Standard

It's the night of my birthday, and you've told me to get dressed up like we were in Vegas and meet you at the bar at the Standard at 8pm. I show up at the bar. It's a warm night; place is busy. I see you across the room, drink in hand, sizing up the place. You look stunning, in an elegant dress that stops just above the knee. We have a couple of drinks while you continue to check the place out, looking at the girls, and the guys. You see a guy you like; taller than me, good looking, and...

Wife Lovers
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 3 Oregon

Kate was very confused by what was happening. First she had been awaked by the warden and informed that her sentence was being commuted because of her terminal illness. Oh there were some conditions, but in effect she was a free woman. Then one of the guards helped her to dress and pack her meager belongings. A special nurse was brought in and introduced to her. The nurse explained she was to assist Kate on her voyage to the east coast. Kate was confused, "What voyage and why...

3 years ago
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Dad Has a New friend Part I

A day after my 18th birthday my parents decided to throw a little barbecue party for their friends. I wasn't really paying attention to it since they throw soirées like that every year for each and every birthday I have. They still like to have fun, whatever. I had my friends over the day before so I planned on just unpacking the gifts I got, watch TV and perhaps go downstairs and eat when everything is finished... It was July, the middle of summer, school was off and I enjoyed doing...

3 years ago
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Pooja ki rasili choot

Dosto mujhe nafarat hai aise logo se jo dusro ki kahani ko chori karte hai aur fir apne naam se post karte hai aur ummeed karte hai ki sexy bhabhi ya ladkiya unse contact karengi aur unhe chodne ka mauka dengi. Lekin mai ye kehna chahunga ki aise log napunsak hote hai. Unhe dusron ke sex ki baton me maja ata hai aur ko kalpana karte hai ki kash aisa hi unke sath bhi ho aur fir wo isi kalpana me original writer ki kahani me apna naam ya e mail de kar khush hote hai. Lekin chor to chor hi hai na....

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