La Corista Capitulo 5 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 5 -Daniel como este es tu ?ltima semana siendo Daniela, que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Que tienes planeado para mi Julia ?- -Pues todo lo que siempre has querido hacer, pero que t? conciencia de macho te dice " los hombres no hacen eso"- -Pero como para que?- -Mira como te dije antes, est? es una oportunidad ?nica en la vida para saber que se siente ser del sexo opuesto, puedes experimentar sin ser juzgado por la sociedad- -Para m? ya fue suficiente "experimentar" con usar vestido, caminar en tacones y usar maquillaje- -En estos meses como te ves a ti mismo?- - Me veo como un hombre que " se ha visto obligado a vestir como mujer" - -Pues todas las personas all? afuera te ven como una mujer. A m? a veces hasta se me olvida que eres hombre- -Y cu?l crees t? qu? ser?a la diferencia si me "dejara llevar" y me olvidar? por un rato que soy hombre?- -Que la parte de ti que esta pensando todo el tiempo " ya quiero volver a ser hombre" por fin te dejar?a relajarte y disfrutar el momento- - De ver?s me veo tan infeliz?- -Si, por eso yo tengo que hacerme la graciosa a cada rato para hacerte olvidar tu amargura.As? que repite: toda esta semana "Soy mujer".Me permito hacer cosas de mujeres porque...- -Porque solo por est? semana soy una mujer....?- -Correcto, as? que repite mas fuerte: que eres?-- "Soy una mujer y soy muy feliz!"- -Listo ya tienes el Girl Power!. Ahora te tengo una sorpresa, tu yo est? domingo vamos a ser damas de honor en una boda!- - Y como le vamos a hacer para que Pedro nos de permiso- -Ya me lo dio adem?s el grupo va a tocar en esa boda que es de mi amiga Niky- - Y porque me va a dejar ser una de las damas de honor?- -Porque a una de las damas de honor le dio viruela y si va a la fiesta puede contagiar a quien no le ha dado- -Y supongo que ya mandaste ajustar el vestido a mi medida?- -Siiiiii y tambi?n te apunte a todas las actividades con la novia antes de la boda, incluyendo La despedida de soltera.- Oye y es cierto que strippers musculosos y acaban teniendo sexo con la novia- - O tambi?n pueden tenerlo con las damas de honor - y le gui?o un ojo,- pero ?sta va a ser en una discoteca as? que prep?rate y ponte guapa porque vamos a bailar mucho y adem?s en esta noche, ah y no olvides tu anillo de casada...a menos que quieras... - -Lo que quiero es llevar el anillo y divertirme tranquilamente- En la noche todos Se juntaron en la casa de la novia para salir en una limusina hacia la discoteca todas hab?an puesto muy guapas y Daniel uso por primera vez una minifalda.- Otra vez Dime porque tengo que usar una falda tan corta?- -Porque esta semana eres mujer y toda mujer tiene que ser m?nimo una vez en su vida minifalda antes de que se le hagan varices- Y as? Daniel durante el resto de la semana fue la despedida de soltera, a la sesi?n de fotos con las damas honor y a una pijamada Y as? Daniel durante el resto de la semana fue la despedida de soltera, a la sesi?n de fotos con las damas honor y a una pijamada. Un d?a antes de la boda le pidieron A Julia que fuera a recoger el vestido de la novia julio pas? temprano por vac?o para llevarlo en la tarde la casa de su amiga pero llegar a la casa se dio cuenta que se hab?an equivocado de vestido le dieron el de otra persona. Julia les hablo de inmediato para que no le fue bien tragar el vestido a su amiga a la otra persona y le dijo que en un rato m?s iba a pasar a hacer el cambio. Despu?s de colgar mir? a Daniel y se le vino una idea la mente. -Sabes que cosas de mujeres te falta por hacer?- - No estar?s pensando en....?- - Si!, tienes que probarte un vestido de novia- -Pero este vestido es de otra chica que quiz?s se vaya a casar hoy o ma?ana y qu? tal si si lo da?amos por accidente?- -Prometo que seremos cuidadosas. Adem?s tienes que serlo porque...- -Porque hoy "soy una mujer "y Me permito hacer cosas de mujeres...ash!- Julia maquill? a Daniel y le arregl? su cabello para que luciera hermosa en el vestido. -Listo quedaste muy linda !. como te sientes?- Daniel mir? al espejo y se quedo contemplando a la chica vestida de novia, sonri? y pens? que quiz?s esta ser?a su vida si hubiese nacido mujer, pero como le dijo Julia esta semana lo era y lo iba a disfrutar.- Me siento como una princesa!-Se puso a bailar y hacer poses mientras se hac?a selfies con su hermana -Ahora deja te hago una sesi?n de fotos un poco m?s profecional para el recuerdo-De repente alguien toc? la puerta- Entra Arturo est? abierto- grito Julia -Ahora deja te hago una sesi?n de fotos un poco m?s profecional para el recuerdo-De repente alguien toc? la puerta- Entra Arturo est? abierto- grito Julia - Para que le llamaste a ?l?- murmur? Daniel- -Obvio porque no puede haber novia sin novio- -Hola Julia! Para qu? me pediste que viniera r?pido y con un traje negro...- y fue Entonces cuando vio a Daniel con el vestido de novia y se qued? sin habla admirando lo bonita que se ve?a. - Est?bamos haciendo travesuras de damas de compa??a- - Y me llamaste para que me tomara fotos con ustedes dos vestidas de novia...- - Ser?a s?lo con Dani, cre? que las fotos ser?an un bonito recuerdo de despedida- - Si t? est?s de acuerdo Dani para m? Ser? un placer; porque por lo visto tu hermana nunca te avisa de sus maquiav?licos planes... -Y Arturo se arrodill? enfrente de Dani y le pregunt? -quieres casarte conmigo?- Daniel giro la cabeza cabeza y desvi? la mirada con verg?enza. - S?, claro que acepta!- dijo Julia -Ahora empecemos con la sesi?n de fotos que hay que regresar ese vestido antes de que cierre la tienda- - S?, claro que acepta!- dijo Julia -Ahora empecemos con la sesi?n de fotos que hay que regresar ese vestido antes de que cierre la tienda- Despu?s de algunas fotos al verlos un poco tiesos les puso unas canciones movidas para que bailar?n y aflojaran el cuerpo, despu?s les puso una canci?n rom?ntica para despertar ese ambiente especial y tuvieran su baile romantico -Listo ahora esa ser? su canci?n!- Los dos se miraron y soltaron una tierna sonrisa. -As? qu?dense est?n perfectos para una foto- Todo fue tan divertido que el tiempo se fue volando cuando se dieron cuenta ya casi es la hora de que cerrar? la tienda ver vestidos de novia Todo fue tan divertido que el tiempo se fue volando cuando se dieron cuenta ya casi es la hora de que cerrar? la tienda ver vestidos de novia.- Ya es bien tarde!, r?pido qu?tate el vestido yo mientras le habl? a los de la tienda para para decirles que vamos para all?- - Bueno nos vemos ma?ana Arturo- Y se despidieron con una sonrisa. Despu?s de haber manejado a toda velocidad y hacer el cambio de vestidos en la tienda Julia ya m?s tranquila le pregunt? a Danny- Y c?mo te sentiste siendo esta vez la novia?- - Fue raro, sent? que era otra persona- - Y esa otra persona que sent?a por Arturo?- - Eh?,Nada, nada!, esteee...s?lo somos buenos amigos- - Pues ya vi otra cosa, ?l se mor?a de ganas de darte un beso y t? te la pasaste resistiendo la tentaci?n- - No es cierto!, s?lo nos la est?bamos pasando bien.- - Mira no te estoy juzgando, s?lo que si tienes curiosidad por experimentar, este es el momento- - Agradezco tu consejo, Pero no me interesa "experimentar"- Esa noche cuando se fueron a dormir Danny se qued? pensando.- tal vez si fuera mujer lo hubiera besado. Pero luego qu?? Me quedo as? para siempre?. ..s?lo son las hormonas jugando con mi mente- Y se durmi? toda la noche abrazando un oso de peluche que le regal? Arturo. Despu?s de mediod?a Julia le ense?? las fotos qu? le tom? con Arturo pero en lugar de estar en la casa ahora estaban en una iglesia, en un parque y en un sal?n con muchos invitados. -Te gusta? le cambie el fondo a las fotos- -Se ven muy bien, hasta parece que nos casamos de verdad! No sabia que eras tan buena en retocar fotos- -Es uno de mis tantos talentos ocultos. Sabes, siempre quise tener un hermana como tu...te voy a extra?ar Daniela- y le dio un fuerte abrazo -Pero porque te pones as?, ya no voy ser mujer pero podemos seguir saliendo- -No es lo mismo, con Daniela me gusta hacer cosas mas femeninas- -Mas femeninas? pero si ayer te pusiste a jugar futbol con unos ni?os cuando ibamos a comprar comida!- -Siiiiiii y les met? 3 goles!- -Por cierto, como hiciste esa chilena con la falda sin que se te viera la ropa interior?- -Esa t?cnica, es una de "cosas de mujeres" a las que me refiero- -Pens?ndolo mejor creo que ya te entiendo....porque a mi tambi?n me hubiese gustado tener una hermana "m?s femenina" jajajajaja!- -Ya deja de criticarme por lo poco femenina que crees que soy y arr?glate porque nos tenemos que ir a la boda, no olvides Tu anillo "aleja-hombres", recuerda que las damas de honor son las m?s asediadas - - No te preocupes lo tengo todo planeado, cuando ponga la m?sica para bailar en pareja me voy a sentar y si alguien me quiere sacar a bailar s?lo les muestro el anillo le digo que estoy esperando a mi esposo- - M?renla qu? lista!- La ceremonia en la iglesia y fue muy emotiva Dani Jam?s hab?a disfrutado tanto una boda como ?sta ves, quiz?s tuvo algo que ver su boda falsa de ayer. La fiesta fue en un sal?n muy bonito no s? como siempre lleg? m?s gente que a la iglesia. Despu?s de que los novios bailan el vals y su canci?n rom?ntica pusieron algunas cumbias m?sica tropical para bailar as? que Dani se qued? sentado en la mesa platicando con una pareja de unos 60 a?os que era t?os de la novia Varios meses Lo invitaron a bailar y todas las veces respond?a-Gracias pero estoy esperando mi esposo- - Su esposo es un hombre muy afortunado al tener una esposa tan guapa- Dijo el t?o A lo que la t?a con algo de celos replic?-De seguro ?l tambi?n es muy guapo, no tendr? una foto de el ?- - No no creo- dijo apenada Dani - Ay c?mo que no va a traer fotos de su esposo en el celular? S?lo hay que meterse a las redes sociales y f?cilmente bajo una foto- Entonces Dani se acord? que Julia le pas? las fotos editadas, m?s las selfies que tambi?n se tom? con Arturo - Miren estas fotos son de la boda, nos casamos hace poco - Mira R?mulo te dije que ten?a qu? ser un muchacho muy guapo- Mientras estaban distra?dos mirando las fotos otra vez se acercaron a sacar a bailar a Dani y levant? la cabeza y respondi?- lo siento estoy esperando a mi ....- y se qued? sin palabras al ver que era Arturo - Hola esposa!- y al acercarse a saludar de beso danny le pregunto al o?do- cre? que nos ver?amos m?s tarde- - Julia me dijo que ya sab?as que ven?as- Y los dos se dieron cuenta que ser? otra de las "sorpresas" de Julia. - Les presento a mi esposo Arturo, ellos son Don R?mulo y Do?a Ofelia, ellos son t?os de la novia- - Mucho gusto Arturo es usted muy guapo!- Don R?mulo un poco inc?modo quiso cambiar de tema- Nos platicaba Dani qu? son reci?n casados, cu?ndo fue la boda- Arturo respondi? -Hace tan poco que nos casamos que parece que fue ayer- y mir? a Dani gui??ndole un ojo. Y as? Dani y Arturo bailaron juntos toda la noche. Sin darse cuenta cada vez que regresaron de la pista de baile volv?an tomados de las manos. Cuando lleg? el momento de que la novia aventar el ramo Julia fue por Dani - Oye pero se supone que estoy casada- - T? y yo sabemos la verdad, adem?s tienes que vivir la experiencia completa as? que echale ganas y pelea por el ramo - Cuando lleg? el momento de que la novia aventar el ramo Julia fue por Dani- Oye pero se supone que estoy casada-- T? y yo sabemos la verdad, adem?s tienes que vivir la experiencia completa as? que echale ganas y pelea por el ramo - Despu?s de que el animador hizo mucho relajo por fin aventaron el ramo y despu?s de muchos manotazos en el aire Dani se qued? con el, le tocaron las fanfarrias y recibi? el aplauso del p?blico. - Bueno ya est?s contenta Julia?- - Ni crees que me va a dar envidia, eso de que la qu? atrapa el ramo es la siguiente en casarse es puro cuento- M?s tarde se retiraron de la boda para ir a la fiesta a la que las hab?a invitado Arturo - Mira Dani Aqu? s? vamos a podernos poner una buena borrachera tienen de todo, vamos a empezar con unos tequilitas- - No pude por favor vamos a tomar tranquila porque luego te pones muy necia- - Ay hermanita t? no te preocupes tenemos toda la semana para curarnos la cruda, ademas hoy es como tu fiesta de despedida.As? que arriba abajo al centro y pa dentro- Se tomaron un Shot de tequila y m?s tarde en la fiesta con unas copas de m?s Dani y Julia estuvieron cantando canciones rancheras. De repente Danny vio que Arturo est? platicando con unas muchachas que se re?an con sonrisas coquetas.- Mira ah? a "tu esposo", todav?a no te vas y ya te est? cambiando por otras- digo Julia bien borracha - No s? qu? le ve a "esas" pero que le aproveche- - Est? celosa verdad?- - Claro que no!- - Pues qu? bueno porque aquella g?erota se lo est? comiendo con los ojos y te apuesto lo que quieras que cualquier momento se lo lleva para afuera- Al escuchar esas palabras Dani sinti? un extra?o sentimiento que lo movi? ir por Arturo. - Hola te andaba buscando- y lo tom? de las manos, con una mirada traviesa le dijo- me acompa?es a tomar tantito aire?- - S? claro! Nos vemos al rato muchachas- a lo que Dani contest? con Sarcasmo - No vamos a tardar mucho- Como la fiesta era una colonia privada pod?an caminar tranquilamente a altas horas de la noche sin correr ning?n peligro. - Qu? fue todo eso Dani?- - Hay perd?name es que el verte platicar con ellas sent? que ya te estabas olvidando de m? y eso me molest?- - Oye nunca te voy a olvidar, llegaste a mi vida cuando m?s s?lo me sent?a, salir juntos y platicar casi todos los d?as evit? que cayera en depresi?n- - T? tambi?n has hecho lo mismo por m?, te voy a extra?ar mucho Arturo y antes de irme me gustar?a hacer algo especial contigo- - En qu? te gustar?a hacer?- - Experimentar.....- - Me gusta este experimento, ahora yo voy a experimentar en tu cuello, te gusta-- Me encanta! - le susurro al o?do y luego le mordi? el l?bulo de la oreja- Quieres continuar la casa, est? aqu? a dos cuadras-- Si vamos r?pido-Al llegar la casa de ... - Me gusta este experimento, ahora yo voy a experimentar en tu cuello, te gusta- - Me encanta! - le susurro al o?do y luego le mordi? el l?bulo de la oreja - Quieres continuar la casa, est? aqu? a dos cuadras- - Si vamos r?pido- Al llegar la casa de Arturo siguieron acariciando otro rato en el Porche de casa. Luego adentro en el sill?n Arturo recorrido con sus labios el cuello y el escote Dani mitosis con sus manos se cansaba acariciar su trasero Dani se encontraba en un trance provocado por el alcohol el placer y el deseo, todo eso junto era como una droga qu? le llevaba ?xtasis... Luego adentro en el sill?n Arturo recorrido con sus labios el cuello y el escote Dani mitosis con sus manos se cansaba acariciar su trasero Dani se encontraba en un trance provocado por el alcohol el placer y el deseo, todo eso junto era como una... Pero de repente Dany volvi? en s? cu?ndo sinti? la mano de Arturo por debajo del vestido que le est? bajando su ropa interior. - Espera ,no!. Creo que no debo cruzar ese L?mite, en verdad me gustar?a qu? le pudi?ramos hacer, pero no debemos seguir- Se paro y se alejo de Arturo - Tiene que ver con tu otra vida?- - S?, creo que ya llegu? demasiado lejos y no s? qu? tanto me va a afectar cuando regrese mi antigua vida- - Pues no regreses Qu?date conmigo!- - Si me quedo contigo lo perder?a todo, incluso a ti. As? que por favor d?jame ir- Y Dani sali? huyendo de la casa de Arturo, sent?a que deb?a alejarse de ah? lo m?s pronto posible sent?a que si se quedaba le iba a contar todo a Arturo y cuando est? supiera la verdad.... Ten?a miedo de que lo terminar? odiando. Arturo sali? corriendo detr?s de Dani hasta que la alcanz? - Espera, no quiero que todo termine as? entre nosotros, me gustas Dany y realmente me gustar?a averiguar que mas puede pasar entre tu y yo, pero si no se puede, entonces por favor recuerdame c?mo tu amigo que siempre te querido incondicionalmente, a quien no le importa tu pasado y qu? solo quieres que seas feliz.- - Yo tambi?n quiero Lo mismo para ti- - Aunque no entiendo lo que te est? pasando respeto tu decisi?n, si no me puedes decir tus razones no te pienso presionar. Pero si alg?n d?a necesitas alguien que te ayude o qu? s?lo te escuche recuerda que siempre puedes contar conmigo. - Gracias por dejarme ir Arturo tan comprensivamente- - Bueno entonces que tal si egresamos a la fiesta ... Para ver en qu? problema se metido Julia- Dani sonr?o y caminaron juntos tomados de la mano. Al d?a siguiente Juia se despert? usando el mismo vestido de anoche, con una resaca que le estaba haciendo le estallara la cabeza, as? que fue a la cocina a buscar agua y una aspirina. - No vuelvo a tomar- escuch? que alguien estaba en la cocina As? que supuso que Dani ya se hab?a levantado - Ay Dani tuve un sue?o muy extra?o so?? que ten?a el mejor sexo de mi vida con un oso de peluche...- fue Entonces cuando se dio cuenta que no estaba en su casa y qu? Arturo estaba en la cocina con cara de what the f....! -Que bueno que despertaste, toma aqu? est?n las Aspirinas y un vaso con agua- - Mejor dame la jarra- -Te ves un poco confundida. Que es lo ?ltimo que recuerdas de anoche?- -Recuerdo la fiesta, que cant?bamos Dani y yo, luego me top? con un tipo alto y guapo como de 2 metros con el que me la pas? platicando toda la noche, luego despert? aqu?!.... Me pregunto si me habr? dado su dado n?mero? - - La verdad es que cuando te encontramos estabas platicando con una pintura de Cristiano Ronaldo, el futbolista- - Con raz?n con raz?n est?s tan callado yo pens? que era muy t?mido- Julia y Dani se retiraron, Arturo se ofreci? a llevarlas a la casa pero te dijeron que mejor descansar?, ya no quer?an darle m?s molestias y tomaron un taxi. - Dani porque te trajiste el maldito Ramo- - Es un bonito recuerdo- - Recuerdo de que me lo ganaste, casi era m?o, pero sabes que? no me importa porque eso de que la que lo atrapa es la siguiente que se casa es puro cuento!...oye ponme atenci?n, en qu? est?s pensando - - En nada porque?- - Es que tienes esa cara de: No deb? de haber tenido sexo con, y ahora todo va a ser muy raro cuando nos volvamos a ver.... No me digas que t? y Arturo- - No c?mo crees.! Bueno s?lo nos besamos... Y nos acariciamos- -Y que tal besa?- Pero la cara de Dani solo mostraba culpa y remordimiento - No se por que ni como pas?, de repente lo bese sin pensarlo, perd? el control.... ya no pude parar, hay Julia que me esta pasando! - -Ya no te tortures, solo fue una mala combinaci?n de el alcohol y hormonas- - S?, tienes raz?n todo es culpa de las hormonas, el foniatra dijo que se me podr?a alterar el libido- -Bueno al menos ya no creo que las cosas se puedan poner peor- Pero la entrar a su departamento se encontraron con que adentro los estaba esperando Carlos Castillo! - Hola Dany - y r?pidamente se pudo de rodillas para decir-TE LO RUEGO POR FAVOR CASATE CON MIGO-

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An Unexpected Pastime Chapter One

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you wish to publish or adapt this work outside of this license, please contact me for options. The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright © 2013-2016 Sam Dynes. All rights reserved. Here's something that happened to me many, many years ago. I think...

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Amy 28 Flying Amy Bean Attack

Amy 28: Flying Amy Bean Attack Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I'm Gonna Eat Jelly Beans So being with someone as a girl had one thing in common with being with someone as a guy as far as I could tell. And that was the nervous uncertainty that comes at the...

1 year ago
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BFFS Dixie Lynn Athena May Lola Leda Home Run Hotties

Baseball babes Dixie Lynn, Lola Leda, and Athena May have been preparing for the big game for a long time. They want to be in tip top shape to win big in the championship, and today they are seeking some help from their favorite coach. He shows them how to properly field a ball, getting them to bend down and perk their bubbly asses out one by one. Then, they take a nutritional break, letting him slide his girthy meat stick inside their tight cunts. They gasp as he pounds them side by side,...

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Chandigarh House Owner Satisfied

Indian sex stories parhne vale sabhi sadasyo ko mera yani ki vineet ka pyaar bhra namaskar, mera naam vineet hai or main jalandhar punjab se hun. Meri pichli sex stories pad ke itne ache ache msg bhejne ka or stories se excite hoke mujhe milna ka un sabhi ladkion ka bohot bohot dhanyavaad, har story ki tarh yeh story bhi ek sachi ghatna par aadharit hai, jo ki mere saath 1 august ko chandigarh main hui, jyada bore nakarte hue seedha story pe aata hun, agar kahani pasand aaye ya koi bhi ladki,...

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Secret Society in School part 3

Introduction: Tommy drives around town with Dave for awhile, enjoying the weekend, until something good happens. Please, please, go back and read the first 2 parts. Theres a few times you have to read the first two to understand the concepts of the story. Do it. Go up and click on my username. Please. Now. Why are you still reading this? If you read the first two, thank you. Rate well. — I pressed the unlock button on my keys, and opened the door. I sat in my drivers seat, threw my bag in...

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Devils Library

Like every Halloween, there was always somewhere that was considered haunted. Whether it was an amusement park or a house or even certain woods, people went to it because they were curious. But this time, it was a library. A long time ago, this building had been closed down because of... unnatural reasons. Cars would park in the lot and people would walk in... but some didn't come out. Little by little, people disappeared. Finally, after 69 disappearances, they closed it down and locked it away...

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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 15

The watch was old, the crude ring older still. Scrabbling around in the box, I found a letter written on grocery bag paper. The letter was the same color as the cardboard box Flintkote, the letter in the box began. Just Flintkote ... Not Surprise, Cynthiamae or Jack ... just Flintkote. Flintkote, This all of your inheritance. The watch will take you to the past or the future. Eventually, if you use it enough, you will meet the Seven in One ... they are from the future ... and the past....

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Life the Gorland EditionChapter 3A Training Day 1

The sun shines directly in our faces as it rises from the east. Blinking I looked out the window and notice a small fishing boat cruising by. From where I am I can see of the three men in the boat though they haven't looked our way yet. I slow and quietly as possible awaken the other girls and we slide off the far side of the bed onto the floor. Flash. Looking to the hallway, I spot Mark snapping a picture of us hiding there. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is thinking of...

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Teenager8217s Journey to Eternal Love 8211 Part lll

I said ok but I needed some time as our exams were near and stuff. I focused on my exams and meanwhile thought about Sameer and Neha, Sameer uses Neha just for lust and also discusses his intimacy with his friends, Neha uses Sameer for his money and gifts. I loved Arman coz I liked him and trusted him, what if he makes a laughing stock of me in front of his friends??, who were my only group of friends too. I couldn’t tolerate that, so I decided to quit the relation and be just friends. Exams...

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As i play with her hole her hand leaves my pussy and rubs all my pussy juice over her hole and then back to my pussy to work her magic. I continue to play with her hole which is now very wet from my juice that she put there so my finger could slide in eagerly she is now on all fores but with one hand still working my pussy this gives me an idea. I unlock our tongues and remove her hand from my pussy and get behind her, as my tongue starts on her ass hole i can taste my own juices all over...

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My Fantasy Nights Part 3

This is the third installment about how many of my fantasies have come true for me thanks to my loving wife. As noted in previous stories, my sex interests tend to be more kinky than my wife's, but she has been willing to try out some of the wilder things with me.As I stated in the second installment, we had tried out some very mild bondage and domination recently, with both of us assuming the submissive position at various times. I really prefer that my wife dominate me and I wish that she...

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Naughty Slaves Chapter 2

Chapter 2THE PUNISHMENT I have no way of knowing how long I was out I awoke to two guards unchaining my hands and feet from the wall mounts. They forced me to my knees and chained my wrists to a ring which was mounted lower on the wall. There was an intense shooting pain in my head and I felt extremely sick to my stomach. Then I heard a voice in front of me. At first, the words were garbled but as I focused I began to understand what was being said. "You have been a very naughty slave haven’t...

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Tracy 3 by Pamela ([email protected]) For the following two weekends after Tracy and Abby had me fitted for a bra and panties, Tracy was quite busy with homework and there was no opportunity to spend time with her other than washing her laundry. She still insisted I wear the bra and panties under my clothes as I worked, so that I would become better acclimated to my role as her girl bitch. On the following weekend, Tracy had her friends over to visit so that I ended up having...

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The Adult Cinema

My name is Anna and I just turned fifty. This made me feel old and unattractive. My husband told me not to worry, I was still hot. I feel like I look like a grandma. My husband has always been on me to have sex with another man while he watches. I dont know what the attraction is for him, but finally I gave in and told him I wanted to go to an adult cinema and watch some porn. I wore a long jacket to cover up the fact that I was a woman. We walked in and I counted eight men there. I sat next...

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Eric Will make a B Movie

Chapter One. I met Eric at the tennis club I had joined. We were both single men with no set schedule to speak of, so we played together pretty often. I’m a pretty laid back guy on most things, but tennis was one of the few things I was competitive at. Eric, it turns out, was the same way, and some of our arguments over points almost devolved into fistfights. The club pro took an interest, and soon we were playing in amateur tournaments as a doubles team. We were pretty much undefeated for two...

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Raising RocChapter 2

It was Roc's first planet fall; the troops were being given liberty before going into combat. Didn't the ancient Romans say "For those about to die, we salute you!" or something just as silly. Well, I get to see how Roc appears in public. I hope he behaves better than the Romans; my opinion is that the Roman warriors were dumb! The officers in charge of the soldier's little visit to this planet weren't stupid, though. After dark, the shuttles carrying the Liberty personnel landed at...

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South Indian Girl Jyotir Sathe Choda 8211 Part II

Hi bandhura kemon achho?Ami sei unknown person jar galpo Akash post korechhilo. Amar lekha “Chhatri ar ami” and “Punjabi maye Sunitar sathe chodachudi” asha kori tomader bhalo legechhe. Aaj ami aar akta story niea asechhe. Jyotir sathe amar chodachudir kahini. Bochhor dui ager ghatona. Ami tokhon banglore a akta company te chakri kori. Company ta khub akta boro noi. Okhane akjon Receptionist chhilo jaar naam Jyoti. Jyotir age aai 27-28 chhilo. Forsha tuk tuke, height 5’6” dekhte thik thak....

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

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Harry and AmyChapter 5

Bill parked his car at the curb while Amy drove her car into the garage. Getting out, he walked to the garage and watched her struggle to exit her car. It was a complex process of swinging her legs out the door, getting the knees straight, locking the braces, and then sliding out of her seat while positioning the crutches so that she wouldn’t fall over. He’d watched his father perform the same actions thousands of times. It was hard not to notice him watching her. Stepping away from the car,...

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Camp Fright

I used to be in Girl Scouts, all the way from Brownies to Juniors when I finally didn’t have enough time for it anymore. But while I was in Girl Scouts I had a lot of great fun with my friends, we were rambunctious and not very good Girl Scouts. The girls I tended to hang out with in the troop watched R rated movies and knew far too much about sex, drugs, and alcohol. I thought they were great. When I was in Juniors, about 11 years old, we all went on this camping trip. Well, we get to this...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 5 Trying to Collect

I hadn’t wanted to admit it to Alicia, but I was nervous. Walking into Lottery Headquarters to collect a fortune was new to me. Granted, I had read the process on the Lottery Commission’s web page, but reading it and doing it were two different things. It took a lot longer than I had thought. First, I had to fill out several forms. Then I had to wait while the lottery official reviewed the forms. When he said everything looked good to him, he congratulated me, and told me it would take at...

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My Girlfriend and Best Friend fuck around

If you have not read my other stories, please check them out, they will give good insight for this story as well. This story is about 3 days after my last story. My girlfriend and I had gone to a local sex shop and bought a few things including a remote controlled vibrating egg and some vibrators. We were playing with them when we got home. She loved the vibrating egg and was getting really wet when she asked me if she could invite John over. I agreed willingly and she started texting...

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Xxxxxxxxx The man with a French accent asked over the phone, “Can we make a booking with you for next Saturday afternoon? Your abilities and prowess have been highly recommended by some mutual clients. We are from France and we are in your country on business. We run a very successful fashion business and we have just done some huge deals with some of the big stores here. And we are bilingual and bisexual. The day after that we are returning home. And my partner loves having two men at the...

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Really hot for womens

Hello dosto kaisay ho aap sub main hoon aap ka.. Shah g …()……from Islamabad ..pakistan.. Many many thanks for ur burning mails…please aisay he likhtay rahoo……I love it. Dosto main nay apni sari life phuddi (pussies) key peechay barbad ki hay u know I love mature ladies aur ye hay b ajeeb bat key mairi life main ziyada aunties he aai heen by chance early age say he mujay mature ladies chodnay ko milli heen aur ab tu elder ladies he maira taste ban gai heen. Dosto aap kuch b kahoo mature ladies...

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Fourth of July breeding bang Day 1

My Master decided to breed me. He took me off birth control last month, and had me count the days to my ovulation this month. He settled on the 4th and 5th of July which is my most fertile time. He wants me to have a black baby without having any idea who the baby daddy is so he set up two breeding gang bangs for me. Last week I got my underarms, legs and pussy waxed so I’m nice and smooth and I got to go shopping for some new slutty clothes. The first gang bang was set up for July 4th. When...

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The Ultimate Revenge

Not a day goes by without my thinking of that day. Nor do I ever expect a day to pass without recalling it. I remember the events in exact detail. It started less than a week before that day. Doug had returned from a business trip early Sunday afternoon. He is a superlative salesman and this trip was his most successful ever. The commission he earned from this sale would have paid off the remaining 25 years of our mortgage in a single payment. In spite of the magnitude of the success, he was...

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aunty takes good care of mepart 2

aunty betty gives me her towling robe to point in getting you back into clothes especially with those casts.i put the robe has her perfume and body perfume .dont you just love that smell.she puts on a white t-shirt dress.throws a chain belt round the i in heaven or what?.she looks like a goddess.she helps me to the kitchen and i sit on a counter chair.i watch as she prepares the salad.steak and salad .you need to keep your strength up for what i have in...

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Game Of Thrones A Better EndChapter 2

Disclaimer: this is a parody, farce and covered by the rules of satire. It is loosely based on the books and show known and loved by fans as Game Of Thrones. However, just like the show and characters I do not own, the plots will differ from the actual plots. There is no financial gain in the writing or posting of this story. All characters are eighteen years-old or older in this ongoing story as new chapters are added in the future. Votes and Comments: Please read and vote and realize as an...

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A Long Lost School Friend

It was my friend’s birthday last week. We all decided to go to a local lounge called The Glass House and make it .  It has nice live singers every Friday night. We reached 9 pm. The place was fairly crowded, nice ambiance, the singer and his crew were good, and nice hot girls danced at their respective tables. We sat at our table and ordered drinks. After a few beers, we all started singing with the singer and started dancing and having a blast. I noticed from the corner of my eyes, the girls...

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me and Makinzie

Introduction: This is a true story of my first time I was a 14 year old boy i wasent athletic but not fat and i hade a good reputation with the ladies. My dick was 5 and a half inches and i was 57inches tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. I was on facebook like always talking to makinzie. (me)Hey babe what you doing. (Makinzie)Not much Im really bored. (me)Well thats no good what if i was to comover and give you some excitement. (Makinzie)Yea right its like 12:30. (me)Is that a...

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Tf application

Your name is Max, the youngest of three siblings at the age of 22. You have three older sisters, all of whom are 24 years old. The first one is Rachel, who seems to hate my guts. She's always glaring at me and finding ways to make my life miserable. I don't know why she's like that, but it's really annoying. The second one is Ashley, who always seems to be in her own world. She's always listening to music or texting her friends and never pays any attention to me. It's like I'm invisible to...

Mind Control
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...

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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love

There are no explicit descriptions of sex in this story. The computer devices and technology described are purely a product of my imagination. Although, to paraphrase what someone once said . . . . . ‘Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality’. So who can really say that they don’t already exist . . . somewhere. ‘The Agency’ is fictional but perhaps it isn’t. Who really knows what goes on hidden away from the eyes of the American public. Hopefully, the gremlins that attacked my last...

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Rite of PassageChapter 10 Consecration

There were no lights or candles lit within the sanctuary yet there was light. False dawn filtered faintly down from the great skylight above the altar and gave me just enough light to see that far. My aunts formed themselves up around me in the same manner as when we had left this chamber together almost twenty hours ago. To my left, Angela and her aunts were taking their places. To my right, Jill and her aunts stood ready. I could hear the priestesses and acolytes singing somewhere off in...

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The Generation Game Part 2 Suze

1988 After a rather messy divorce, which was entirely my own fault, I had been rebuilding my life and trying to avoid the multiple affairs that had plagued the previous ten years. Luckily, in some ways, we had no children, so apart from the financial settlement, I had become a free agent. I had a good job and had travelled widely as a result of it, taking me away from home for weeks at a time. This hadn't helped my marriage. Looking back on it now, it was astonishing that it had lasted as long...

Straight Sex
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Driving in Snow Ch 14

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife, Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

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Wild Adventures

After landing we took a taxi to go to our new house. John had to make a stop at the new office to report in before going home. As we were very tired from the journey John falls asleep and I was looking at the new city. Soon I got bored and took a small nap. When I woke up I noticed the cab driver looking under my skirt from the rear mirror, He got startled and looked front. I immediately turned to John if he was aware of what was happening but he was sound asleep. I was wearing a short skirt...

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Two Teachers and One Pupil

Two Teachers, One Pupil. Double English was a drag, lead onto double Maths just before lunch. In fact Maths being the time of day she can catch her eye candy, flicking through pages of her course work all the while pretending not to focus on her displayed boobs, wearing her normal uniform - minus the top four buttons of her shirt. Her skirt, short as could be riding up as she walked down the corridor before class, the odd wink and whistle blew as she walked past a group of teenage boys. She...

Oral Sex
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Steward of the Wood

The spring bubbled as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above and the undergrowth around the pool. The clean smell of damp earth and fresh spring growth filled the air. Daniel laughed as yet another splash of water struck him from a completely different corner of the pool this time. Looking in the direction from which the splash had arisen, he caught a glimpse of movement. “Come out and play,” Daniel whispered. A giggle sounded from near the place where he’d seen movement only a moment before....

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Charlotte part 14

"Jamie?" the young man asks with confusion as he answers his front door. "What are you doing here this early?" "I'm here," I tell the expectant young man, "Because I love you... Stuart." Stuart closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "You love me... But?" Stuart asks, making me smile and roll my eyes at the handsome transman's paranoia. "No buts," I say. "Plenty of ANDs, though. I love you AND I want to be with you. I love you AND I'm IN love with you. I love you... AND I...

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My Mother8217s Bitchy Life 8211 Part I

Hi friends…..I am Guna , aged 24 from Madurai, Tamilnadu………My Mom name is Valli……..Her age is 44, size is 38-36-44.She is white in complexion….She has a good ass..While she is walking outside, even the aged persons are gasping her ass because it is shaking very nicely…..From the small age, I have a eager to see my mom fucked by other men…..Because She is very good in figure, so She want to enjoy the good sex and all type of sex….I am waiting for the chance to make my mom to be fucked by...

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Shilpa8217s Little Adventure

Introducing psychologist Shilpa, aged 37 and has been married for the past 12 years. Even though she was highly skilled and had a good pay grade Shilpa was one who loved being a housewife. She had an arranged marriage as soon as she completed her degree. Her husband Vivek aged 40 is an engineer. Their marriage flourished initially and they had baby girl Sara who was studying in 5th grade. After entering their 30s both Shilpa and Vivek found it hard to get each other time and ultimately their...

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White Master Son Slave Mom

Her Yoga Trainer Mike left, with a kiss on the cheeks, and sweat drying up on his forehead. He always has a smirk on his face, that says , "I love how you suck my dick making spew my load down you lengthy throat, and ride me like a cowgirl until you bucking; moaning, "white master, fuck me harder. please make me cum, don't stop, Stahop, Stahop, Stahop." "where i let my load go deep in your dripping wounds.". I get jealous of that smirk because i be wishing it was me. Mike was about...

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Anna and Kyle Part 2 The Next Morning

Kyle was still asleep next to me when I woke up. I slipped out of bed without waking him and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I had mixed emotions about the night before.On one hand the sex had been great and I felt wonderful about that, but on the other hand Kyle was so much younger than me and he was an employee of mine and my mind was racing with questions about what kinds of problems that was going to cause. Having the rest my staff find out that I...

2 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 2 Land of the Pharaohs

Golden Horn steamed into the mouth of the Damietta branch of the mighty River Nile and made her way upstream, smoke from the funnel wreathing away on a stiff easterly breeze. The buildings I had spotted from out at sea were the fort and gun batteries protecting the mouth of the river, and Damietta itself was several miles further up river. The land was green with growing crops, and in fact some fields were in process of being harvested. I supposed the soil would be extremely fertile due to...

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With Poonam In The Presence Of Her Husband At Lonavala 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, this is Rushik back again to continue the incident “With Poonam In the Presence of her Husband At Lonavala” those who hadn’t read the first part of this site. I admit that there was a mixed response from the readers of ISS some had commented that the narration was good, and were eagerly waiting for the next part and some had even commented that the incidents narrated here are fake and are posted here only to solicit woman, but whatever you believe or not the incidents posted by...

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