- 5 years ago
- 41
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In the late seventies my mom and dad split. My dad had found himself a young woman and ran off with her, leaving me, my mom and my sister to fend for ourselves. It took Mom 6 months to find him and another six months to get a divorce. My dad was a CEO of an international company so with the divorce settlement and child support we had enough money to live comfortably.
Mom had started suffering migraine headaches during the divorce process. The doctors told her it was psychosomatic but it didn’t help moms headaches. Sometimes she would be awake all night with a headache. The doctors finally prescribed a sedative that was guaranteed to let her get some rest.
The first time mom took a pill for one of her headaches she sleep the entire night. She woke the next morning rested with no memory of suffering from a headache. From then on when she felt a headache coming on she would take a pill and wake the next morning rested.
I didn’t realize the total effect of the pills until one evening when my aunt called. Mom had taken a pill and gone to bed an hour and a half earlier. Aunt Carol called and wanted to talk to mom. I told her mom had already gone to bed but Carol insisted I wake mom so she could talk to her. I told my aunt I’d wake mom and have her call Carol back.
I went up to moms room and knocked. When there was no answer I opened the door and found mom sound asleep. Normally I wouldn’t have bothered her, but Carol had been insistent. I walked over and gently shook moms shoulder calling her name. She didn’t respond. I shook her harder. She still didn’t respond. I shook her even harder and was almost yelling her name.
Finally moms eyes fluttered open and she said,”Wha….what?”
“Carol wants to talk to you.” I told mom.
I picked up the bedside phone and said to Carol,”Here’s mom.” and handed it to mom. She fumbled with the receiver and I had to help her get it to her ear.
I could hear Carols voice as she spoke to mom. Mom was responding with,”Uh, hu. Yea. Uh, uh. Ok.”
Finally after a few minutes mom mumbled,”Goodbye,” dropped the phone in the cradle and flopped back on the bed.
I pulled the blankets over her and left.
The next morning as we were eating breakfast I asked Mom,”What did aunt Carol want last night?”
“Aunt Carol? I don’t know. I haven’t spoke to her for a week.”
“Mom you talked to her last night, don’t you remember? I woke you to talk to her on the phone.”
“No I don’t remember. I took one of those pills. I must have been out of it.” She replied.
I started to wonder about her actions while under the influence of the pill. Before I left for school I copied the name of moms sedative so I could look it up later. That afternoon on my way home I swung by the library. I knew they had a copy of the Pharmacists Drug handbook. I found the book and after a bit of browsing found the page with the drug I was looking for:
The side effects of Rohypnol
“The effects of Rohypnol use may be felt within 15 to 20 minutes of administration and may last for over 12 hours. Symptoms associated with use of Rohypnol include drowsiness, lowered blood pressure, muscle relaxation, dizziness, slurred speech, poor reaction time, confusion and memory impairment. One side effect associated with Rohypnol use is retroactive amnesia, where the person who takes the drug can’t remember events that occurred while under the influence of the drug. Although Rohypnol is a depressant, it may produce excitability, talkativeness, or hyper sexual behavior.”
The term “retroactive amnesia” hit me and I reread that passage. That sounded exactly like what had happened with my mom. I put the book away and walked home thinking about the implications. The term “hyper sexual behavior” kept buzzing in my head.
Mom didn’t use another pill for close to a week, but Tuesday the next week she had another headache. She took a pill at 7:00 and went to bed. My sister Jean was off with her boyfriend and I knew she wouldn’t be home until at least midnight. I waited until 9:00 then figured I would try an experiment with mom.
I went up to her room and walked in. My throat was dry and my hands were shaking. Mom was sleeping on her back. I pulled the covers back and shook her to wake her.
It took a long time before she mumbled,”Wha…what’s going on?”
I took a deep breath. I knew if this backfired, if mom remembered any of it I was going to be in deep trouble. But I also knew this was the only way I was going to find out whether she had the side effects of the pill.
“Mom,” I said putting my hand on her knee,”How do you feel?”
“I feel fine.” She said in a slurred voice, her eyes still closed.
“You….aw..don’t feel horny?” I asked and held my breath.
She was silent for a few moments then said in that slurred voice,”Yes….I am.”
I had to make certain she was out of it and that she wouldn’t remember anything of what
I took a breath and said,”Mom, do you want to fuck?”
She was silent for several seconds and just hen I thought I was going to be toast she said,”Yes. I want to….yes.”
I didn’t really want to fuck her, I just wanted to know if she would and it sounded like she was all ready to do it. I got up and left with the thought that the next morning would be the real test.
The next morning I was very nervous. I had no idea whether mom would remember anything about the evening before. When she finally got out of bed I sat waiting for the ax to fall. But all she said was “good morning” as she walked to the coffee pot and got a cup of coffee. As the minutes passed I began to understand I was safe. But also the possibilities began to run though my head. I thought if when mom takes a pill she doesn’t remember anything, what if I give Jean one? Could I fuck her?
Like I said my little sister was a fox and I knew if I could get her to take one of the pills I’d fuck her until I couldn’t get it up again. My sister was a year younger then me and really hot. She was short, 5′ tall and weighed about 85 lbs. She had red hair, and a set of nice B cup tits. She was part of the gymnastics team so she had a very well toned body with a pair of killer legs.
I knew my sister was on the pill. I had snuck into her room a few months before intent on
checking out what kind of underwear she had (and maybe use one to jack off with) and found her diary buried under her panties.
I knew she was going to be gone for the rest of the day so I took it back to my room and read it. The first 3/4 of it was pretty boring. She had started it in middle school so it was all about this boy looked at me and this boy held my hand. When I got to the last few pages though it got very interesting. She detailed how she and her boyfriend had been having sex and how she had gone to family planning to get on the pill so she wouldn’t get pregnant. Since she was on the pill I knew if I could get her to take one of mom’s pill I could fuck her without worrying about getting her pregnant.
Every night for the next few days I fantasied and jacked off two or three times a night thinking about Jean taking a pill. I was hoping something would come up. My first plan was to wait until mom took a pill the same time Jean was home. I decided to steal a couple of the pills so that if things came together I’d be ready.
Thursday Mom told me and my sister she was going to visit aunt Carol that weekend and
wouldn’t be back until Sunday. She asked if we wanted to go. Neither Jean nor I really wanted to so mom said we could stay at home. That night I hoped mom would take another pill so I could go in and take a couple from her bottle, but she didn’t have a headache.
The next morning I waited until mom was making breakfast, then I slipped into her room and found her bottle of pills. Luckily she had just refilled it so it was full. I took out two, went back to my room and hid the pills. I stretched out on my bed and thought about the coming weekend. All day the only thing I could think about was what it was going to feel like to slide my hard cock into my sister’s tight pussy. When I got home mom was just putting her suitcase into the car.
“Your sister said she was going to the movies and wouldn’t be home until late so you’re on your own this evening. I left some money on the counter so you can order pizza. I’ll be home noon Sunday.”
Mom gave me a hug, jumped into the car and left. I went into the house and began to think of how I was going to get Jean to take the pill. After a few minutes I hit on a plan. I knew she loved Root beer floats. I ran to the store and got some ice cream and root beer. I crushed up one of the pills really fine so I could mix in with the float and hid it in one of the cupboards, then to keep occupied I went in to watch TV while I waited.
It seemed like forever before Jean got home at 1:00 AM.
“Hey you’re getting in late.” I said.
“Cal and I were out at the lake.” She said with a grin.
“Doing what? Bumping belly buttons?” I asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know perv!” She shot back.
“I could care less.” I said,”But from now on you need to let me know where you are incase mom calls and wants to know.”
“I hate that she puts you in charge!” Jean huffed,”I don’t think I should have to check in with you!”
“I didn’t say you had to, all I want you to do is tell me where you are incase mom asks. I don’t care if you’re fucking your boyfriend and all his friends.” I replied trying get her riled.
I was very surprised when she yelled,”How do you know? Who told you?”
“Know what?” I almost asked, but choked it back when I realized what she had just admitted to.
“I’m not telling who told me, but I heard all about it.” I said trying to hold a straight face as I bluffed her.
“Those…those…bastards!” She yelled,”They promised not to tell anyone! I only did it once!”
I realized I had just been given a nice piece of leverage. If I used it right I might not have to get her to take the pills. I might be able to fuck her while she was awake, which would be a whole lot more fun.
“Yea, from what I heard you loved taking multiple cocks!” I replied with a grin.
“I…I…I…” She stammered, then stopped and stood staring at me.
“So when did you?” I asked.
“I’m not going to tell you about it you perv!” She shouted.
“Ok fine. I’ll just let mom know about your little sexcapades.”I replied as I turned to leave.
“She won’t believe you!”Jean screamed.
“After I tell her you’re on the pill, she will.” I said smugly.
Jean’s mouth dropped open, then she gasped, “How do you know that?”
“I know a lot.” I lied,”So you have a choice, tell me what I want to know, or I tell mom what I already know and that’s enough to get your little ass in big trouble.”
Jean’s shoulders slumped as she said,”Ok, Ok. I’ll tell you.”
“Great. I’ve heard the other side, now I want to hear your’s. Before you start how about I make you and me a root beer float to make it a little less bitter for you?”
Jean perked up a little at the mention of a root beer float.
“Ok. I’m going to change and I’ll meet you in the livingroom.” She said in a resigned voice.
I let her get to her room before I ran to mine. I grabbed a small tape recorder I had, put in an extended length tape, ran back to the livingroom and looked around for a good place to hide it. The couch sat with it’s back to the wall. I pulled it out a bit and laid the recorder on the floor behind the couch and connected a remote mic I had. The couch had an afghan thrown over the back so I hid the mic under it. I turned it on and said a few sentences in a very low voice, then rewound the recorder and played it back.
To my delight every word I had said came out crystal clear. I put the tape recorder in position, turned it on and went to the kitchen to make the floats. When I had them made I carried them back to the livingroom. Jean was already there curled up on one end of the couch. I handed her the float and sat down on the other end.
She took a spoon full of ice cream put it in her mouth and sighed ,”I do love root beer floats.”
I let her eat for a few minutes then I said,”Ok, let’s hear it.”
“Well you remember a couple of months ago when you caught me sneaking into the house at 4:30 AM?”
“Yea.” I replied as I took a bite of ice cream.
“Cal’s parents were gone that night so Cal and I went back to his place. We started to make out and before long we were naked and well you know.” She said.
“Come on Jean!” I laughed,”you fucked multiple guys, don’t be shy about using the word!”
“Yea, ok.” She sighed,”We fucked. Cal rarely get’s me off so we fucked until he came, then he rolled off me. I was just getting close when he had his so I was hoping we would do it again so I could get off. We were laying together naked when his phone rang. It was his friend Jason. Before I knew what he was doing Cal told him to come on over. When I heard that I said I needed to get dressed before he got there, but Cal said not to worry about it that we would stay under the blanket. I didn’t want to do it but Cal talked me into it.”
“Jason arrived and we all sat around talking. Cal told him to get some beer out of the fridge, which he did. As we talked and drank our beer Cal slipped his hand between my legs and began to play with my pussy. I was frustrated and horny from not cumming when we fucked so I let him finger me. After a little while he asked Jason if he’d like to see my tits. I was pissed and told Cal I wasn’t going to let him see me. He begged me and kept fingering my pussy and before I knew it I had let him pull the blanket down so Jason could see both my breasts.”
“Cal began to rub my nipples and with Jason watching him do it, it felt damned good. After a while he whispered that I should let Jason touch my tits. By that time I was getting pretty turned on and I thought why not? So I said Ok. Jason came over and sat next to me and began to fondle my left tit while Cal was doing the same to my right one. It felt fantastic. I just closed my eyes and let them fondle me. A little later I felt Cal put his mouth over my nipple and a short time later Jason did the same to the other nipple.”
“I laid there and kept my eyes closed and let them suck my tits. I was getting really horny because Cal had left me that way and it felt so damned good to have both those guys sucking me. It didn’t surprise me when I felt Cal take my hand and put it on his bare cock. I just wrapped my hand around it and began to jack him off. A few seconds later Jason did the same thing with my other hand.”
“So there I was with both guys sucking my nipples while I stroked their cocks. I thought that was the best until I felt Jason slid his hand under the blanket. I was so horny by that time I didn’t stop him and before I knew it he had his fingers in my pussy along with Cal’s. I still had my eyes closed when I heard Cal say,”Spread your legs. I want to watch while we both diddle your pussy.”
I felt the blanket being pulled off me and I heard Cal say,”That’s it, stuff your finger’s into her slippery little box.” I almost climaxed right then. I felt Jason pull his cock out of my hand and I opened my eyes to see him taking his pants off. He stood in front of me with his cock in his hand as Cal said,”Fuck her, she wants it.”
I didn’t move as Jason lifted my legs, put his cock against my pussy and pushed it in. He began to fuck me and it took only three or four strokes before I climaxed. He lasted about a minute more before he filled my pussy. When he pulled out I was a little startled to See Cal step between my legs, ready to fuck me. I could have stopped it but I was still in that warm after glow so didn’t want to. He put his cock against my pussy and shoved it in.”
“For the next three hours Cal and Jason fucked me multiple times. I came three times while they were doing it. Afterward I was a little concerned about Cal thinking I was a slut, but he told me it was the hottest thing he had ever seen and he and Jason would like to do it again.”
“So you liked doing it? Liked fucking two guys?” I asked.
“Well I…aw….” Jean stammered.
“Oh fuck! Just tell me, did you like it?” I said.
She stopped and stared at the floor, then grinned as she looked up and said,”I loved it and I’ll probably do it again.”
“That’s cool.” I said then added with a sly grin,”So you won’t have a problem with fucking your brother.”
Jeans eyes grew large and she yelled,”What? You want me to fuck you? Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Come on,” I said with a grin,”You fucked two guys at once. Fucking one brother should be simple.”
“You’re my brother God Damn it!” She screamed,”That’s….that’s….sick!”
“So you won’t?” I asked amicably.
“Fuck no I won’t!” She yelled, her eyes full of anger.
“Ok, cool.” I replied as I reached behind the couch and pulled out the recorder,”I’ll just give this to mom and let her handle it.”
“You…you…record what I said?” She yelled,”Give me that god damn tape recorder!”
She grabbed for the recorder but I held it out of her reach.
“Mom needs to hear this.” I said.
“You can’t! You can’t do that!”She said desperately repeatedly trying to grab the recorder.
“You know how you can get it.” I said.
“I’m never going to fuck you!” She yelled.
“Ok.” I jumped to my feet and walked off, headed for my bedroom.
I had a lockbox in my room I used to store stuff I didn’t want others to see. I stuffed the recorder into the box, locked it and went back down stairs. As I passed her room I saw Jean’s door closed. I figured she was pouting. I turned on the TV and started to watch a movie.
The movie was just getting good when I heard Jean say from behind me,”Jesse, please don’t give that tape to mom.”
“You know what it will take for me not to.” I said.
“But I can’t fuck you, you’re my brother.” She whined.
“Look, you fucked two guys at once. Is that any worse then fucking your brother?” I asked.
“It’s incest!” She cried,”If I fuck you it’s Incest! That’s illegal!”
“Not really.” I said with a grin,”As long as we are closer then 2 years in age it isn’t and you’re only a year younger then I am.”
“But if anyone found out….” I interrupted her,”No one will. I’ll never tell anyone. Will you?”
“But….but….” She sputtered.
“Come on,” I said,”I don’t want to give this to mom and get you in trouble, besides once we’ve done it you have something on me.”
She stared at me for a short time, then her shoulders slumped and she said,”Ok. I don’t see any other way to do this.”
“Cool!’ I said,”Go shower and get into bed. I’ll be in when you’re done.”
She turned and left. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door close. As I sat there thinking about what I was about to do I got really hard. I knew I couldn’t fuck her that way because I’d cum before I got into her pussy, so I decided to have her suck me off first. After a few minutes of thought I decided that I also wanted to taste her pussy, so a 69 would be in order.
She spent half an hour in the bathroom, but eventually I heard the bathroom door open. I waited for a few minutes then turned off the TV and went to take my shower. As the water ran down over me I soaped up my cock. I knew I couldn’t do that for long or I’d cum, so I rinsed, got out, toweled dry and pulled on my boxers.
I went to her bedroom door. My heart was pounding. I knew she was in her bed waiting for me. I slowly opened the door to find her room dark. I slipped in and closed the door. I felt my way across the room to the bed, pulled my boxers off, pulled up the covers and slipped in.
I reached over to find Jean and my hand landed on her breasts, she was completely naked. I cupped her breast and began to squeeze it gently. I slid closer and put my mouth over her nipple.
I sucked her nipple for a bit, then pulled back and said,”I think you should give me a blowjob. I’m so fucking horny I’ll cum right away and when I slide into your pussy the first time I want it to last. ”
I threw back the blanket and rolled onto my back. I took hold of her arm and urged her toward my cock. She didn’t seem to resist and a moment later I felt her wrap her hand around my cock, then the wonderful feeling of her warm mouth engulfed the head.
“Oh fuck that feels good!” I groaned as she began to suck my cock.
I let her work my hard shaft for a minute, then I grabbed her leg and pulled it toward me. She seemed to know just what I wanted, because she threw her leg over me and scooted back until her pussy was right over my face. I had never licked or tasted a pussy, but I’d seen it done a hundred times on the net.
I cupped her ass and slid my thumb into her pussy. As I did I noticed she was already very wet. I pushed my tongue between the lips of her cunt and began to lick from the top of her slit to the bottom. Each time I felt her clit, I’d pin it to her pubic bone and rub it hard with my tongue. I have no idea how long we did that, but my cock finally exploded from the fantastic blowjob she was giving me. As my cock throbbed, I felt her shove the entire length of my shaft into her mouth and throat.
When I had squirted my last rope of cum down her throat, I pulled her pussy tight to my mouth and began to lick her clit and probe her pussy hole with my tongue. She moaned and thrust her hips down onto my mouth as I ate her. Before long she let out a long groan and I felt her pussy twitching as she climaxed.
I pushed her off me, spun around and climbed between her legs. I didn’t take notice at the time because I was so excited about sliding into her wet hole, but she grabbed her legs and pulled them up, spreading them wide to give me access to her pussy. I put my cock against her pussy and lunged forward burying my rod to my balls inside her. I began to fuck her with long hard strokes.
Jean’s pussy felt so fucking good it didn’t take me long and I was ready to cum again. When my cock began to throb a second time I rammed balls deep into her and felt her wrap her legs around me, pulling me into her even deeper. When I was done I didn’t pull out, I left my cock in her as I lay between her legs.
“I see why those guys want to do it again.” I said,”You are one great fuck!”
“Aw…are you done?” She asked.
“Fuck no!” I told her,”I’ve got your pussy and I’m going to use it!”
I heard her giggle, then felt her hips tip up and rise, pushing my rod deeper into her as she
We fucked for the next hour. I came in her three more times and she came at least that many. When we were done I lay next to her my hand cupping one of her firm little breasts.
“Do you want me to go to my room?” I asked hoping she would say no.
“No.” She replied,”I’ve never slept with anyone.” She giggled and said,”I mean really slept with anyone. Stay with me.”
I fell asleep with my arm over her cupping her breast. When I woke the next morning I was cuddled up to her back and my raging hardon was pressed between the cheeks of her ass. She was still asleep so I gently pulled her leg over mine, put the head of my cock against her pussy and slowly worked it in. As I began to fuck her I heard her moan, then felt her leg move as she spread wider. I put my finger on her clit and rubbed it while I fucked her slowly. When I came I felt her pussy squeezing my cock as I did.
I pulled out of her and said,”Well sis I enjoyed every minute of fucking you.”
“That wasn’t as disgusting as I thought it would be.” she said,”How about you?”
“You are the best fuck I’ve ever had!” I said with a grin.
I didn’t tell her she was the first and only one I’d ever had.
“Cool. so I take it you want to keep doing it?” She asked.
As she spoke it hit me she wanted to do it again!
“Hell yes!” I yelped.
“Ok, but if we do you have to promise not to read my diary or use mom’s pill on me.” She said.
What she had said hit me like a physical blow.
“I would never….” I started to protest.
“Don’t deny you did.”Jean said,”I saw you go into her room and take some of her pills. And I also saw you sneaking my diary back into my panty drawer. Did you like the smell of them by the way?”
“But… could have used that to keep me from…” I began.
“To keep you from fucking me?” Jean said with a grin,”Maybe I didn’t want to keep you from doing it.”
It hit me what she was saying, she could have told me she knew about me stealing pills, about me reading her diary to keep me from fucking her, but she didn’t want to!
Then the thought hit me like a sledge hammer and I said,”So we will keep doing it?”
She smiled and said,”Well I’m going to break up with Cal. I didn’t tell you the asshole told everyone at school that he and Jason both fucked me, so let me put it this way, as long and as many times as you want, on one condition.”
“What’s that?” I asked, knowing I’d agree to almost anything to keeping fucking her.
“You have to arrange to have one of your friends help you fuck me one of these days, as long as they can keep their mouth shut that is.” She said.
I grinned and replied,”Hell yes I will and if they so much as let out a peep about it I’ll kick ’em in the balls!”
I reached out and cupped my sister’s firm little breast and knew we were going to be fucking like rabbits from then on.
This is a true story. I am not serial gigolo, so mail directed to those ends will be universally disregarded. I have to add - this is not exactly a stroke story. Let’s just say that in a lot of instances, I was in the right place at the right time with the right people. As it is, I was amazed at the details of my life I remembered – although as I remembered chronologically, more details came to the fore. © Hellraser 2014 If you followed my other looong story of growing up, there are some side...
Chapter Four: Futa Seduces Her Mom & Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Asuka Takamaki The front door whisked opened and closed softly, the knob turned to keep it from latching. My eldest daughter, Ruri, entered like a thief in the night. She was a shadow, back from her date and an hour after curfew. She took two steps when I flicked on the light. Ruri jumped, squeaking in shock. Her brown hair danced around her face. She looked the most...
When I was a young teenager, 16 years old, my family had a ski boat, which we used on many summer weekends and evenings. We lived close enough to a reservoir that we would often go water skiing for a couple of hours when Dad got home from work in the evening. It was during one of these short, evening ski trips that the experience I'm about to tell you about happened.While I was part of a big family, Mom, Dad and five kids, two of my siblings were much older and were off to college by the time I...
IncestI am from Gujarat and fan of this site since long and I came to know about this site through a friend of mine and after that, I was thinking about my younger sister. I am going to narrate what happened next and please forgive me if any grammatical mistake. You can give me feedback or suggestions on I was surfing porn in a cyber cafe and saw my friend in the cyber cafe who seems reading something in the monitor. I quickly ran towards him and saw that he was reading sex story about mom and son....
IncestHi readers it is happening for the first time I am going to share my real experience with you. I am a male from Lahore, Pakistan. I am 24 y with an average dick of 6 inch. I this happened to me and my cousin sis Shakila who was 15 at that time while I was 21 Let me tell about my sis Shakila she is having a slim body with 28 tits and round gaand She lives in a village. Our family does not have much good relations but just to make some tasks in our agricultural land I visited my village in 2005...
IncestThis took place a number yrs ago on my sis's 18th birthday (i was 23) it was your average 18yr old girls party and party games aswell,After all the invited family members left the Mom had left for the night.. and the only people left in the house was, My sis, her Bf Luke, Amy,Tod,Myself and my Gf Amanda. We decided to play Some drinking games then after we all were good and drunk my sis siad time to play TorD, My sis said her party her rules then she said "i dare everyone to get naked"...
Our parents were on a one-week cruise Mom earned at work. It was for two people only so they decided to make a second honeymoon out of it. The k**s had to stay home. I was the youngest, having just turned eighteen that spring. It was my last summer in high school. Mom and Dad wanted me to enjoy it. My brother joined the Marines when he graduated two years ago. My sister, Susan, was going to start her senior year in college. She offered to stay home and be sure that I stayed out of trouble. Just...
"Billy...your sister's hurt honey," were Mom's first words when I picked up the phone."What's wrong? What happened?" I demanded, the hard-on throbbing in my hand completely forgotten. "She fell...broke her leg, and her ankle...she just called from the hospital.""So she's okay...crikee, I thought for a second you meant...hell, what'd she say?""She was doped up...she didn't make a lot of sense...I've just left work...I'll call""Can I help...I can come with you," I interrupted."I'm calling from...
Hi readers i’m back with my story remember me i’m the one who wrote the “child games with sis” so i told u until our mother found out us playing naked games and beat the shit out of us.So after tht my sister backed off a lot we never discussed it again and we used to be normal bro and sis as we didn’t have any feelings as it was happened at our childhood now me and my sis had a common room we had our beds attached in our room so tht we can discuss things abt our studies so it happened to be...
IncestThis story is unlike any other stories you have ever read. This is an actual role that me and my boyfriend have done. I have cleaned it up a bit, so there are fewer spelling mistakes. Please do not leave comments on bad grammar and spelling. This is a real instant messenger conversation. Just in case you don't know, lol = laugh out loud. When there is a set of two paranthesis, likes this ((word)), it's me and him breaking out of the role. I hope you enjoy the story because it is really good and...
IncestHi this is wolverine from baroda, obviously name changed because of safety. This is my 1st story on iss so bear with my mistakes. I am following iss since last 2 years. I love incest stories. This happened 2 months ago. It may be bit of long story, so have some patient and get ready for blasting orgasm. Let me tell you about myself, I am really horny guy, I check out all the girls expects aged ladies from family. I am cricket player so you would have idea about my stamina. My high is 5’7” and...
Incest“She Seduced Me” certainly sounds like a reasonable excuse because really, who could say no to a hot girl with a nice rack, a well-shaped ass, and a pussy that’s open for business? It’s a simple phrase that could be the catch-all gimmick for a premium site that has all kinds of babe-based depravity going on. What do you know? That’s precisely what they’ve done at, which bills itself as “Lesbian Tales of Seduction and Reluctance in 4k crystal clear ultra-high definition”.That’s...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesHi this is Sonia this is my second story I am submitting on iss but dear its not a real story I have read it some book liked it very much so I am sharing with u all.. Hi my name is raja we used to live in ahmdabad with my mom sis and dad I was two yrs older to my sis when my sis came to teen age I begun to admire her body she had nice round curvy ass and loll legs( I knew as my sis always loved to wear mini skirts) and had not too big but nice small tities I used to admire her while she moved...
IncestIntroduction: I did my sis till i came in… one very cold winter night me and my 13 year old sister Brittany were walking around smoking and talking about how long her winter was till she had to go back to school. It was midafternoon when we were outside and me and my sister were geting very cold so me and her raced home and while we were running my sister Brittany sliped on some ice and hit her head on the hard frozen cement so i pick her up and take her inside and bring her something to put on...
By: sanjay Hello dosto ye meri dusri story hai. Maine pehle story mai bataya tha ki kaise maine apni mom ko choda tha. Ye stori meri or meri bahan ki hai jo hostel mai rehti thi wo mujhse 3 saal badi hai. Uska fig 34 28 36 hai. Wo bahut sundar hai. Use dekh kar kisi ka bhi mann usse chodne ka kar sakta hai. Ye baat aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai. Jab wo holidays mai ghar ai hui thi. Uske boobs or gand ko dekh kar mera mann usse chodne ka kiya. Un dino meri mom mere bacche ki maa banne wali thi...
Me and my sister were home alone because mom and dad were at work and i was babysiting my sister till they got home around 7pm so after me and her ate she left up stairs and got are 10 year old sister Nickie after her nap so all 3 of use were sitting down watching some tv till i looked over and i saw Brittany fixing her bra then her boob fell out of her t shirt and that gave me a hard on so i ran up stair and waited till my boner debonertized so i was waiting in the hallway and my sister...
Oh-Sis by Heidi --------------------------- Henry walked by his sister's room. She was doing her nails while the radio was playing in the background. It was a song he rather liked. "Mind if I come in and listen to your new CD?" "Sure, Henry, isn't it just a cool song!" Mary was in grade 12 and was quite a beautiful young lady. Henry was 4 years younger, a typical teenager - T-shirt and shorts and a mop of unkempt hair. He was almost as tall as Mary but more skinny,...
When I was 20 yrs old I went to my sisters place for summer holidays. Though I too live in Mumbai it was a good change since I would spend time with my sis who was 18 yrs. Older to me.Her hubby was working in the gulf & she did not have any kids, I used to sleep on the same bed as hers.My sis used to wear revealing clothes that used to make me horny & I would masturbate atleast 3 times n a day.The colony my sis lived had female scavengers that would come to wash the toilets every morning this...
IncestAfter having been thoroughly dominated by my wicked hot sister the day before, I woke up the next morning dazed & confused and horny as hell! I was about to want myself when Sis entered my bedroom and ordered me to get out of bed! She told me to shower & shave and meet her on the back porch. I dutifully complied. What does Sis have in mind for me now I thought! I went out to the porch and bowed before my sister/mistress who lay topless on a lounge chair! Her small firm round breasts glistened...
IncestHey frnds this is Harshit Singhania frm Kolkata with my first story which happened a week back with my super-hot sis. Let me describe you about my sis first she is jst 18 yrs fucking hot girl with 36b boobs 32 waist n 34 ass. Now abt me i am 24 years 5.11 height, average body with 6 inches dick .Hum dono tab se njoy krte aa rhe hai jab uske boobs grow krna start hue the licking kissing pressing fingering ye sab krte the hum bt sex ka mauka nai mila tha kabhi. Phir wo din aa hi gya jab humne jam...
Chapter Thirteen: Fisting Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Vicky Samuels “Movie time!” giggled my daughter Lee, her small tits bouncing as she plopped herself on Zoey's lap. My eldest niece, twenty, had a flush face from being finally fucked by Clint. She hugged my daughter, adjusting nicely to our new family dynamic. Clint had replaced his father as the man of the house. I missed Clinton, but it was nice to have a strong man to serve again. My sister, Cheryl, was happy after...
Hi, this tushar from kalyan Mumbai. This is the story about me and my younger sis. I am basically from karnataka and settled in mumbai…I will narrate this story in hindi because us mein maza hi kutch alag hai. Mein mumbai mein akela raheta hoon. As I am mech engg working with one of d mnc. I am good looking and 6 feet height, athletic body and hv 7″ tool can satisfy any girl r women. Abhi story pe aata hoon. Mere family mein 6 log hai dad mom bro elder sis & younger sis. Hum log sath mein sote...
I’m home from college for the summer. My how you’ve grown, sis, in the year i’ve been away. 18 now, and your body is filling out nicely. Late at night, I sit at the computer in the den, browsing through Literotica. I pull up a something by asian_princess, and feel my cock growing in my pants while I read the hot story. My cock has grown too big for my jeans, so I slowly and quietly unzip them. I don’t want to wake my parents or little sister. Slipping my hand in my boxers, I gently rub my...
Incest“You must have had a fun date tonight,” I quipped as I drove to full insertion on the first stroke. Her pussy had the familiar silky slickness of fresh semen. “Yup. One of my favorite guys. Big cummer and stays hard for a second go. Hope you can get some traction,” she replied with a big grin. It was a routine we had developed during the past six months since Sis had gotten on contraception. When she turned sixteen, the age of consent here, we had gone beyond playing “doctor” but short of...
I pulled my pants down and slipped my finger down to my slit and began to massage it and rub my clit. It didn’t take long for me to cum as I was really sexed up. I believed I was home alone and I moaned out loud from the satisfaction and sensation of a good orgasm. I was pretty wet so I wiped my wetness with my pants and dropped them onto the floor beside my bed. I decided to go commando afterwards and left my pants off. After this I went down to the back yard and played on the...
"I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but..." "Not scared are you?!" "No!" "Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging." "So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped singelton," I grinned. "You motherfucker," sniggered...
l was now 18 and a half and it was two years since me and my mum had begun a sexual relationship, l'd filled out to quite a good looking tall, thin, but muscular man and so had my cock. The sex l had quite regularly with my mum had just got better as time went on. Sometimes we would stay in bed all day and night, trying different things, things that were new to her to, as she had a pretty much straight wam bam sex life with my dad when he was alive. Sometimes we would hire porn films, then try...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of my Sis Chelsey and I experiances on our cross country trip. It all started when I recieved a phone call from my dad in California telling me he was getting remarried for the 3rd time. He asked me if my sister and I would be interested in flying out west to be in his wedding. I said I would love to, (not really but a free trip to Cali, why not). I told him I'd call Chelsey my sis to see if she could go for sure since she was getting...
Incesthi i'm david and i always liked my sis who is 17, shoulder length dirty hair, blue eyes, 5'7, perfect breasts about 34c, perfect ass and long legs. i myself is 16. on friday night on our parents went out on their anniversary to a fancy restaurant leaving me and my sis at home. guys go crazy about her and everyone knows it. at around 7:30 i was in my bed reading a magazine when my sis came in and said that we're gona hav pizza for dinner. When i looked up i saw she was in a tshirt about 2 sizes...
IncestIn the earlier parts, I described how my friend Anil and I manipulated and seduced my simple and conservative wife Nina with my help. In the second part my friend Anil described how he planned cunningly, the seduction of my wife with my help. Nina and I were invited to a social gathering in which, Anil was present with his wife Anita. When Anil saw my wife Nina for the first time, I knew from his face expressions that he fell heads over heels for her. I kept watching him. He was unable to take...
It all started with my sis catching me jacking into a pair of her panties. She had a cell pic of me before i knew she was there, and having threatened to show it to mom/dad I really had no choice but to ask what she needed to ensure her silence. She started with an over the knee spanking on my bare ass. Well, she's a girl and younger than me, how bad could that be, right? She neglected to mention she intended to use a hairbrush. She didn't stop until i was sobbing and blubbering like a little...
In India On vacations we used to go to the village on such days we travelled by train due to the heavy rush, but that day we missed the train and we had to go by bus My mom pulled me and sis inside as the bus moved unfortunate for her that day there was a procession which had just ended and all the men were climbing into the first bus going to go so the women had moved away but we unknowingly and since it was becoming late grabbed the first one Even the women’s seat were taken and when she...
IncestSis looked at the white fluid that I had deposited in her pussy, “Did you just cum in me?”“I’m sorry, Sis,” I cringed, “I couldn’t help it.”“It’s a damn good thing I’m on the pill,” she said, calmer than I expected.My eyes roamed her body, stopping between her spread legs. I saw the cum dripping from her tight pussy. She rubbed her finger up and down the slick mess that I had made in her sex. My cock still stood, hard and throbbing. She looked at me with a naughty smirk, “Do you want a sloppy...
Incest"Okay, we got the tent all up now," she said, before peeking over my shoulder. "Our parents are still trying to get their's up now," she added, before grabbing my hands. "So, we worked together, would you like to kiss to celebrate, Paul?""No, Mary, they might be busy, but they're still just right there, like fifty feet away," he whined, peeking at them."Oh, come on, they're not even paying attention to us. I could get down on my knees and give you head right now, and they'd have no idea," she...
Outdoor“Hey Bud, what’s goin on?” Bud, as I called him, has been my next-door neighbor and buddy for sixteen years. Bud looked disgusted, “You know my Sis moved back home two weeks ago cause she separated from her husband. She’s been complaining about being horny. I can believe that cause she was screwing lots of guys before she hitched up.” I asked, “So why doesn’t she go date now?” He replied, “Cause her lawyer and counselor said she shouldn’t until the divorce is done.” His sister I always...
Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin...
Vicky Samuels “Movie time!” giggled my daughter Lee, her small tits bouncing as she plopped herself on Zoey’s lap. My eldest niece, eighteen, had a flush face from being finally fucked by Clint. She hugged my daughter, adjusting nicely to our new family dynamic. Clint had replaced his father as the man of the house. I missed Clinton, but it was nice to have a strong man to serve again. My sister, Cheryl, was happy after six months of grief. Losing our Master and her husband had hit her...
Sheryl was a cute little thing, and I'd had fantasies about her. But I never expected her to seduce me!When I woke up this morning, Sheryl was lying in my bed just looking at me!“What are you doing, Sheryl?”“Just watching you sleep.”“Why?”“Oh, I was bored and thought that maybe you could entertain me.”“Entertain you! What are you talking about?”Then she took her little hand and rubbed my growing cock under my blanket.She smiled and said, “What is this, Jerry? Did you have a wet dream or do guys...
This story is about my ex gf's sister. My ex gf was the 'young malay milf'. The main cause of my unfortunate break up was becoz of her BITCH sister. Really a bitch. Her mouth needs some dicking all the way up to her fucking brain. So this was what i saw on that particular day.One fine day, my (then) gf went home looking tired and stressful. Yeah who doesn't right? But that evening it was rather different kind of stress that i could sense. I welcomed her at the door. Gave a kiss on her cheek and...
Here I am, 16 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 14, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...
INTRO: This is Book 2 of the story of the life of Jimmy Taylor and his family. In Book 1 our now 19 year old hero seduced his mother while his father was away on one of his frequent trips to Australia – a trip he made at least three times per year. Over 340 of you voted for the first book – THANKS! Book 1 ended with the return home of Jimmy's father. And the almost immediate realization by both Jimmy and his mother that they wouldn't be able to honor the pledge they'd made to stop their...
As I sat and watched the sun come up, tinging the dark blue expanse of San Diego bay with the reds and yellows of the new dawn, I thought about what had happened throughout the night. They had seduced me, the two of them together, seduced me as I had probably seduced some of the women in my life. I had done some things last night that I never had thought I would do... and I had enjoyed it! I had been in threesomes with other couples before and I certainly was no prude, but last night had been...
Kevin Seduced by Mom and sisterNancy’s husband Jim got up early, showered, dressed, grabbed his packed bags and headed to the airport. He had an early flight out for business and would be gone all week. She drove him to the airport and dropped him off like she did every other week. He kissed her goodbye, told her he loved her and would see her Friday night. Then Jim disappeared into the airport and Nancy headed for home.Nancy had looked forward to this day for several months. She was excited,...
Sis had just slammed her door, mad that I came all over her. I stood there with my dick in my hand just staring at that door. “Fucking tease,” I mumbled.Her panties still crumpled in her shorts on the floor. I dropped my cock and bent to retrieve them. It’s not like I had never done it before. Many a night I masturbated as I pressed my sister's panties to my nose. Tonight would be no different.“You fucking pervert,” Sis hissed.She had opened the door to toss her cummy blouse into the hamper....
Incest“Damn it, Sis,” I yelled as my nineteen-year-old sister walked into the bathroom without knocking. It was a Jack and Jill bathroom with a door leading to her bedroom and one opening into mine. I had covered my privates with a towel.”Fuck, Terry, ” she laughed, ”I used to help Mom change your diaper. Get over yourself.”The bathroom was small, just a toilet, a small shower, and a vanity. She pushed her panties and shorts to the floor and sat on the toilet. I heard the tinkle of her piss...
IncestHi ISS readers,i love ISS very much,this is the true story happened between me and my aunt… My self I am from andhra pradesh aged 20,looks good and average skin tone,my story is about how I seduced my aunt,getting in to the story,my aunt was 55 years old,having good body structure with medium sized boobs, I love her boobs very much,since I was at 18 years old I have a crush on her to fuck,one day I went to her place,she is washing clothes,i called her she suddenly turn back and smile and asking...
IncestHello guys, this is Armaan from this side of the story. This is a real incident, which happened about 6 months ago in Pune. This story is about how I fucked or rather got fucked by my brother’s mother-in-law. So, without wasting a lot of your time, I’ll come to the story. This is a long one as I’m going to explain how I seduced my brother’s mother-in-law and got seduced instead. Brace yourself for the ride! Are you guys ready to shag your wands and girls get ready to feel your pussies dripping...
In 2005 the incident happened, when I was travelling from Patna to New Delhi (India) in Shramjivi express. I was going with my husband on LTC to Rajasthan. We were in 1st AC compartment, and alone in the cabin. When the train reached Buxer, one gentleman boarded in the train and came in our cabin. He was a handsome man around 38 yr, 5’9” and a bit like muscular body. I was quite impressed with him. He said hello to my husband and smiled at me and sat on seat. As we were alone, me and my husband...
Hi, I am Rony 18.In the previous story, I told you that how I seduced my mom and was able to fuck her hard but when we had sex and at the last, my dad came.I wore my all clothes and went to my room.Who ever don’t know my previous story just go and read it my mom’s big ass seduced me. I was peeping from the door and my dad was getting ready to fuck my mom .He took out his 7 inch cock and started rubbing my moms juicy ass ….She was so tired as I had already fucked her so hard ….Bt my dad was in...
IncestDaughter Seduced and Degraded Daughter Seduced and Degraded By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] This story started in late September of Katie?s sophomore year of high school.?...
Hi guys, This is rajni (real name : raju) , again …. For those who haven’t read my previous story, i suggest you read it …. In case you are a bit lazy, here’s what it was about. That day in the morning I had seduced the plumber dressed in a skimpy orange saree and a hot sleeveless black blouse and had given him a hot blowjob. hehe . Any man who has seen me dressed as Rajni and knew that i stayed alone (my parents had gone to my cousin’s marriage) would not be able to resist my round and juicy...
This is my first sex experience with a guy. This is about how I was seduced by my roommate for a gay relation. When I was in college, I had a roommate who had a pretty good sexy look, lean, and muscular. We were very close that we will discuss all sorts of things including sex. We used to see porn movies together and even we confess each other that we masturbated in bathroom. But I never had an idea that he had a different kind of feeling towards me. Well to describe about me I have an average...
Gay MaleDear loving friends, I am posting this story on behalf my ISS friend Abhi who requested me to write his real story in my words and post it. He has read my earlier stories and got impressed and now he wants me to write his story with his reference. My friend is Abhi. His email id is This story happened 5 yrs ago. This happened when he was a teenager, 18 yrs age and his cousin sis was 2 yrs elder to him. Now I am going to write the remaining story in Abhi’s words, the way he narrated me...
IncestI heard my mother and twin sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister and I had just turned 18 and were both seniors in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends."Oh sweetie you look beautiful. That Keith guy is going to drool when he sees you," I heard my...
IncestHi, sahil is back with one more exciting real thing.after our first time, we didn’t got time to really do it as due to mostly there would be someone at home. Even on sundays, we all family members are together. Almost a month time, me and her decided to go for a movie. We decided to see a animation movie, morning show. We went to the theatre and took the platinum ticket, as not many people would go for platinum seats due to high cost and that for animation movie in morning show. My sis was...
IncestMy name rocky (nick name) i usd to liv far 4m house 4 stdies n i had 2 fuck my czn sis. N i got holidays . I wnt home the next day i went 2 czn sis. I had took condem n i removd that n threw it frnt of sis. She saw it n ask me wats ths i hide it she told me wht whm u going to do i said wen u alone tel me n i came home n then i went to meet my chachi n by mistake the condem had cm out of my pant she saw it n askd 4 whm it was . I was v scare . I told i had just kept it . Then she askd u got gf ....
IncestDear friends, as I narrated in my last story, I was fucking my lovely young sis for 3 days and on Thursday she had to return back to hometown. I was not willing to send her back and planned to go to home with her and will back with her along with her belonging in the pretext of coaching classes so that she can prepare well for the rest of the exams. I talked to my parents about coaching, and they get agreed. They asked me to come along and return back after couple of days with her. Due to...
IncestHi everybody I am Sonia back with another hot story this is my fave fantasy not real one this fantasy I always love to play whenever chat on net with my friends but none of them find it interesting I think as I am never ever able to complete this just send me message if u find it interesting and want to play this one on net….. Hi name is raja I am the youngest child of my family age 19yrs we r 3siblings in our family eldest is my bro his name is Jeetu, next is my sexxxyyy sis Sonia her age is...