W & Little D 01 free porn video

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All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

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It was late, almost time to call it a day and go to bed. Denise was curled up on the couch reading a book on her tablet. She stopped and looked up at me. I don’t know if she made a noise or if I just felt her eyes boring into me as I worked at the small table I had set up in front of my chair, but in any case I stopped what I was doing so that I could pay attention to her. When I looked up, she asked in her sweet, almost melodious voice, “Uncle W, have you ever killed anyone?”

Denise is my little sister’s only child. Sis is almost twenty years younger than I am and Little D, as I call her, is in her first year of college... or would be if everything hadn’t been screwed up by a worldwide pandemic. Sis’s husband Theodore, usually called Theo, is some sort of high level genius inventor-engineer who works for a company with offices and plants all over the world so they travel a lot. This was a very short notice trip that was going to last a couple of months and Sis asked me if I could “babysit” Little D.

Anyone who saw Little D curled up in her babydoll pajamas would immediately know that she really didn’t need babysitting. She was old enough to take care of herself. But despite her 18 years, she was still very naive and innocent. She had inherited her father’s extreme intelligence and all of the social awkwardness that often goes along with that. She was a nerd– no she hates that word. As she told me many, many times, nerds are kids who obsess about things like Star Wars. Geeks, on the other hand, obsess about knowledge and technology and actual space exploration. Denise is a self-described Geekette.

But she is a Geekette who has inherited her mother’s beauty. There are many men– and women– in this world who would love to take advantage of her innocence for their own purposes. There had been a series of nannies and governesses to watch over her as she grew up and blossomed into a woman. And normally someone like that would be watching over her now, but she was supposed to be away at a very good, very exclusive, private college, so the last governess had been given excellent references and gotten a job with a different family. On short notice it was impossible to find a governess that Ted and Sis could truly trust, so Sis batted her little sister eyes at me and said, “W, could you watch her for a few weeks... a couple of months at the most. Just keep the wolves away from her until we get back. Please...”

I hate video calls for many reasons, but now I have one more. Little sisters can throw the full melt your heart act at you and get you to do just about anything. My line of work allows for a lot of down time– if I want it. And a lot of it is design and prep that can be done anywhere. So to satisfy Sis, I am sitting in a fortieth floor apartment in a Virginia suburb just outside Washington, DC, playing nanny to a little girl in a woman’s body.

I stared back at her for several long seconds. “How much do you know about what I do?” I asked evenly.

“I know you invent things,” she said. Then she looked down at the floor and added, “... kinky things.” She looked back up at me and gave an embarrassed smile before continuing, “And I know that you work as a private detective even though you don’t really need the money.” She paused and looked back down at the floor. “Mom said you run with– and sometimes against– some very dangerous people and that I should never ask you about your life.” She looked up at the ceiling and stuttered, “Dad... dad... dad once talked about you having to shoot your way out of some really nasty places. So, I guess, you probably have killed people.”

She suddenly became very calm and looked me directly in the eyes and said, “What I really want to know is how you became who you are. Were you born that way or did something change you? What was the first time you had to... had to kill someone?”

I took in a very deep breath and held it. No matter what I said at this point Sis was going to end up very pissed at me, so I let out the breath and said, “Do you want the truth or a fancy story?”

“The truth,” Little D said softly. I hadn’t realized it, but she had gotten up off the couch and was now curled up on her knees on the floor directly in front of my chair.

“Did your mother tell you I started out from college as an engineer working for The Company?” I asked.

“The Company?” she replied. Her face was furrowed and reflected her confusion.

I laughed slightly and said, “The CIA... the Agency... Big Brother.”

“Oh,” she said. “Yes, she said something about that once.”

“I was good at what I did,” I replied, “... maybe a little too good. I got sucked into some really super secret projects and ended up with a really high level security clearance. Then one day one of the other techs came into my office and set a folder on my desk. ‘Are you willing to work on this?’ he asked, tapping on the front of the folder.”

I held my hands as if I was holding that folder and looked up at her for a moment. Then I continued, “The folder was the standard red of all of our work order folders, but it had a strip of black and white striped tape diagonally across the front that said, ‘EYES ONLY’ on it. That meant it was so secret you weren’t supposed to speak about the contents out loud in case the room was bugged. It also had an extra signature and a bunch of initials on the work order slip stapled to the front of the folder. I wasn’t sure who the initials belonged to at that time, but I absolutely recognized the signature of the President of the United States. I learned later the initials were five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This was a work order for an assassination device.”

I waited for the shocked look to leave Little D’s face and then continued, “Bill– the other tech– needed someone with my level of security clearance who could accurately make RF measurements. He was a photo specialist, but that wasn’t why he had been tagged for this particular job. He was also a private pilot and more importantly, he kept a plane at a certain local airport. He could show up there without raising suspicion. We went out to the airport and he showed me his plane. We even taxied it around a little bit. Then he pulled it over next to a taxi area and I set up some equipment around the plane. We acted like we were working on his plane, but what I was doing was providing cover so he could sneak into another nearby plane and replace the crash beacon with a tracking beacon. He triggered it on for a moment and I made sure it was transmitting like it was supposed to. Then we shut everything off. We had to assume that it would turn back on when the plane got above 3000 feet. We had tested it back at our facility with a negative pressure chamber, but we had no real way of testing it once it was in place on the plane.”

Little D was now staring at me. “Did someone catch you? Did you have to fight your way out?” she asked.

“No,” I answered with a laugh. “We both went back to work like nothing had happened.” I stopped for a sip of my dark ale. Then I continued, “But about a week later, Bill came into my office with a newspaper. One of the stories on the bottom half of the front page said ‘High Level CIA Official Killed in Plane Crash.’ Bill pushed the door closed and then said softly, ‘They suspected he was a mole and that he would try to escape to Cuba before they could close the net. He often flew down to the Company Base in Florida so a flight wouldn’t be suspicious until it was too late. About twenty minutes out of Miami, he declared Mayday and said that he had engine failure. Then he dropped below radar and headed east for Cuba. What he didn’t know was that there were two fighters shadowing him. As soon as he headed east, they locked onto the beacon and fired their missiles.’ Bill gave me a minute to digest what he had just told me then he said, ‘I was afraid that if you figured it out, you might say something to someone.’ He smiled broadly at me and then added, ‘But now that I’ve officially told you, it is part of the folder. So don’t ever tell anyone or the next missile might be right up your ass... or mine.’”

“But you didn’t kill him,” Little D said, shaking her head.

“I didn’t pull the trigger,” I answered, “but it’s the same thing. I was directly responsible for his death.”

“When did you first pull the trigger?” she asked. Then she raised up on her knees so she could look directly at me and said, “I’m not being morbid. I really am trying to figure out how you became you.”

There was something behind her words... something hidden behind her innocent face. Something was deeply troubling her. I think she was trying to figure out who she was and what she would become. But her only way of handling it... for now... was to ask me how I became me.

“The first time wasn’t a trigger,” I said softly. In my mind I was suddenly back on a dark side street in Mexico City. “I was in Mexico City,” I finally said. “I was down there to install some special equipment for El Presidente. Unfortunately, someone high up in the Mexican police thought I was a secret agent trying to sniff out corruption or drug traffickers– meaning them– so they put out a contract on me. I had to leave for a while to give the right people time to talk to the right people in the Mexican police and assure them that I was just an engineer installing some equipment for Numero Uno. They cancelled the contract, but for the remaining weeks I was down there I had to be really careful.”

I took another sip of ale. “You learn from your mistakes– if you survive them. One night I got careless. I went out of the hotel alone after dark. I just wanted to see the city lights. But as I turned down a side street to return to the hotel I suddenly realized that there was someone walking behind me. He was matching my steps very carefully– perhaps to help hide his presence– but he was gaining on me. When we got to the center of the block he called my name... or more accurately, he called out the cover name which had only been used in the cable traffic arranging for me to enter Mexico and work with El Presidente.”

Little D was now listening intently. “I stopped,” I continued, “but I didn’t turn around. I felt a hand on my right shoulder and suddenly whoever it was pulled hard, spinning me around. He evidently wasn’t worried about me trying to hit him because he didn’t try to block my hand. He looked like the kind of man who had been hit on the chin many times in his life without any real effect. But my hand wasn’t formed in a fist, and I wasn’t aiming for his chin. The fingers of my left hand were curled back flat exposing the middle knuckle like I was going to do a Karate chop. But I wasn’t chopping. I was aiming my bent over fingers for his throat. I hit hard at the top of his adam’s apple. A knife fell to the ground as he brought his hands up to his neck. He stood there gurgling for a moment or two and then I saw the life leave his body. His eyes became very wide and his pupils dilated fully so that his eyes suddenly appeared black. Then he crumpled to the ground like a puppet when the strings are cut.”

I waited for Little D to regain her own breath before finishing with, “But that didn’t make me what I am. It only revealed it. When I swung around, I was already a person who was willing to kill. Leaving that man dead in that alley merely showed me what I already was.”

“Oh,” she said. She shuddered in a strange way and suddenly stood up and turned away from me. I probably shouldn’t have watched her cute little butt as she carefully walked back to the couch, but I was appreciating beauty and perfection, not perving on my niece.

She settled down onto the couch and became very thoughtful after that. “Thanks for telling me that, Uncle W,” she said as she curled back up and set her tablet on her lap. I could tell there were deep thoughts going through her head, but something told me this wasn’t the time to push her to talk more about it.

About an hour later, we called it a night and both went to bed. I waited for her to go into her room and then asked through the door, “Are you in there for the night?”

“Yes, Uncle W,” she replied. Then she opened the door slightly and said, “Uncle W, would you call the building super in the morning and say that we need an exterminator. I keep hearing bugs running around in my room at night. I haven’t found any, but I can hear them.”

“OK, Little D,” I replied, “I will do that. Are you sure you’re in there for the night?”

“Yes, Uncle W,” she replied, sounding weary or perhaps upset. “You can set your special alarms now. I won’t come out of my room.”

She had her own bathroom, so unless she got hungry during the night she wouldn’t have to leave her room. I set up the scanner tripod in the living room and another in the hallway next to the kitchen. With the open doorway and serving window to the kitchen the scan would cover both areas and the front door. The living room scan would cover the windows and the sliding door which led out to a balcony. Her bedroom was interior to the apartment with no walls on the outside or against neighboring apartments. There was no way anyone was getting in there without me knowing about it.

The alarms were my own design. Actually they used standard components commonly used in the construction industry. They were basically 360 degree cameras which recorded the entire room and fed it into a special program that would create 3D views for planning or sales purposes. I added an additional camera for thermal images and fed everything into an AI program Boris had developed for me. The program continuously compared views from the cameras. No matter how surreptitiously you approached, your presence changed something and the AI would catch it.

I double checked all of the door locks, including the balcony patio doors, turned on the alarms, and went to bed. At around three in the morning, the computer that controlled the alarms started squawking. I used the remote to turn on the monitor and saw that Little D had stuck her head out of her door for just a moment. At first I was slightly pissed off that she had come out of her room like that, but then something in the back of my mind started screaming, “That’s not right.”

I brought up the thermal images for the past two minutes. They had barely started to play when I rolled out of bed and grabbed both my Glocks from their case on the floor. I knew no one was in the hall or living room, so I almost ran to Little D’s door. If I was wrong, I would have a lot of apologizing to do to my niece and a lot of explaining to do to my little sister. But if I was right, there was someone in the room with Little D.

The thermal image had shown someone behind the door holding on to Little D. Another vague image behind them meant there might be more than one intruder. I kicked in the door and jumped to the side in case someone started shooting. Then I jumped and slid through the door on my stomach with both guns out in front of me.

It was a waste of a very dramatic entry. The room was empty.

“How in the hell did she get out?” I mumbled to myself as I stood up. Then I noticed that the closet door was slightly open and a dim light was spilling out into the room. I approached very cautiously and moved so that I could see inside the closet. The closet light wasn’t on, but the floor appeared to be glowing.

I slowly opened the door and jumped back. The closet floor was gone. The concrete subfloor had been cut away in a very neat square and evidently lowered down into the apartment on the thirty-ninth floor. A smear of gray mud around the opening told me that a high pressure hydraulic stone cutter had been used to cut through the floor from the apartment below. So much for the bugs which Little D had been hearing.

A large square of white paper had been taped to the inside of the closet door. In black marker it said, “No police or your daughter dies. You will be contacted.”

Beneath the paper was a cheap print of an image that had obviously been taken against the door of the room. Little D was standing naked with a ball gag in her mouth. Leather straps went around her body just below the shoulders, at her naval, at the knees, and at the ankles. Written across the image was another warning. “No police. There are things worse than death.”

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” I kept repeating as I walked back to my room. I grabbed my cellphone and called the number Sis had given me for emergencies.

An unfamiliar woman’s voice answered the phone. I asked for Sis– actually I asked for Elaine Fredericks, her married name. I guess I could have asked for Mrs Theodore Fredericks, but I have never been that formal with Sis. The woman replied, “Who shall I say is calling?”

I tried to control my rising anger. “This is her brother. I’m babysitting her daughter and there has been an emergency. I need to speak to Sis.”

“I will put you through,” the woman said flatly. A moment later Sis answered with a shaky, “Yes?” and I immediately said, “Sis, this is W. Little D has been kidnapped.”

“Did you call the police?” she immediately asked.

“No,” I replied. “The note said that if the police were called, D would be killed... or worse.”

I half expected Sis to become hysterical, but instead she became very cool. “Don’t panic,” she said in a very controlled tone. “Call this number. Theodore and I will return as soon as possible.”

As soon as she gave me the number I almost yelled, “Christ, Sis, what in the hell have you gotten yourself into?” I recognized the number. It was a dedicated Company line for security emergencies.

I took a deep breath and then said, “Is there any codeword or phrase I should use to verify my identity?”

“No, W,” she replied. “Just say who you are and why you are calling.” She paused and said softly, “This call is monitored. They will know.” Her voice cracked a little and she asked, “Is she all right?”

“They left a picture to prove they have her,” I replied. I didn’t think it was the time to describe the picture.

“We will be there in about twelve hours,” she said firmly and disconnected her end of the call.

As soon as Sis hung up, I called the number. As expected, it was answered with just the number. There was a time when all Agency phones were answered with just the number, but now only the dedicated security numbers are answered that way.

“This is W,” I said, “I believe you are expecting my call.”

“What is your full name?” a male voice asked firmly. “My full name is W,” I replied. “I worked for you a long time ago and now my little sister needs my help... and yours.”

A different voice interrupted. “W,” he said quickly, “is the scene contained?”

“They cut in through a closet floor from the apartment below,” I said quickly. “I can’t verify what is going on down there, but things are contained here.”

“A team will be there within ten minutes,” he said. “Is there anything you can tell us about the kidnappers?”

“They made threats with sexual overtones and left a naked picture of Denise,” I answered.

“Damn,” I heard him mutter. “Tell the team I will be arriving shortly.”

A little less than five minutes later I heard someone put a key in the front door of Sis’s apartment.

“Open that door very slowly,” I said loudly, “I have a Glock 22 pointed at you so you’d better have your identification ready.

A hand reached around the door and held out an Agency Security ID.

“Is it safe to enter?” a female voice asked.

“My Glock is down, but ready,” I replied.

The door swung slowly open. A strikingly beautiful woman and a rather short, barrel-like man stood in the opening.

“Small world, isn’t it, W?” Eleanora Marshall said with a smile.

“You two know each other?” the short man said.

“We have a professional acquaintance,” I said tersely. “I build specialized equipment that Ms Marshall is interested in.”

“That Mistress Nora is interested in,” she said, again smiling. “Hugo knows all about me. My contacts in the scene are why I was recruited for this job.” She paused and then said, “I’m working on contract for a special operation.”

“I was supposed to tell you that he will be right here,” I said flatly, “only he never gave me his name.”

“You will know him,” she replied flatly as she walked over to the bedroom As soon as she entered it she said almost angrily, “This isn’t good.”

I really wanted to say, “No shit, Sherlock,” but instead followed her silently into the room.

She walked over to the paper still taped to the inside of the closet door and leaned over to examine it more carefully.

“They want us to know that they will deliver her to slave traffickers,” she said firmly, almost angrily. “It is their message that we should leave them alone.”

“So the ransom demand will not be money,” I said from behind her. “What will it be?”

Eleanora turned slowly to face me and said, “This isn’t your standard trafficker organization. They don’t supply low level whores and sex workers like the typical organization. They cater to elite customers who have specific... tastes.”

“Someone rich enough to buy a well-broken-in, true sex slave,” I replied flatly.

“Yes,” she replied. “They operate world wide and use world wide social media as their menu.” She huffed and then laughed in a flat sort of way. “What some girls post online these days. They show just about everything and talk about things that a girl wouldn’t even put in her private diary when I was a kid.”

“Yeah,” I said, “the good old days. But we live in today.” I paused and then said, “Nothing else to see here. Let’s go downstairs and see if they left any clues as to who they are.”

I took a minute to secure my Glocks back in their case, then we took the stairs down to the thirty-ninth floor. One of the units was already open and men in white paper coveralls with blue booties on their shoes were walking in and out. Agent Hugo held up his credentials and said, “These two have access, if possible.”

“Go ahead,” one of the men in white replied. “There’s nothing in there. They put up plastic sheets to contain the area they worked in and then sprayed everything down with a mixture of bleach, detergent, and hydrogen peroxide before they left.”

He pointed to two circular stains on the carpet in the hallway. “We figure they used commercial pump sprayers.” He shook his head and said, “Someone hacked into the security system and deleted videos from certain cameras over the past nine days. We know when they came and went, but have no record of who they are.”

“Get your report to the boss as soon as possible,” Hugo said and then turned to me and motioned with his hand for us to enter.

The place was a wet mess. Concrete dust mixed with a strong smelling liquid covered the floors. The hanging plastic we walked through to get to the bedroom was glistening with the same liquid. A strange-looking machine was sitting in the bedroom. On top of a big hydraulic cylinder was a square piece of concrete the exact size of the hole in Little D’s closet. Lower down was a strange square of rounded stainless steel pipe with a nozzle that evidently rode around the pipe like it was on a track. The thin high pressure hose connected to the nozzle led into the kitchen where there was a pump connected to the water pipes under the sink.

“It probably took them a better part of a week to cut through there,” I said. “They had to keep the pressure to a minimum and they could work only at night. Denise could hear them, but she thought it was bugs running around in her bedroom.”

“Well, there’s nothing to see here,” a voice said gruffly from behind me. “You will no longer be needed, W. We will take it from here.”

I felt bile rising in my throat. I recognized the voice. It was Anthony Bricker, often called Pricker by those who have ever worked with or under him. He was a high-level case officer with the Agency. Our paths had crossed once or twice before. It wasn’t pleasant for either of us.

I really wanted to tell this arrogant bastard where to shove it, but instead I said, “As you know, I have some rather special talents and contacts that could help with this.”

Bricker turned toward me and said brusquely, “I said your assistance will not be needed, W. Please leave.” He then shoved me slightly on the shoulder.

I said nothing. I just turned around and walked out of the apartment and returned to the fortieth floor. Bricker followed me every step of the way. When I got there I discovered that my clothes had already been packed into my suitcases. My computer was sitting on the kitchen table with a very young tech working on it.

Bricker said gruffly, “You’re already packed, W. Since the guns are legal and properly permitted, they are inside the suitcase.” He pointed toward the kitchen and added in almost a growl, “Your computer will be returned to you when we are finished with it.”

He then handed me my watch, keys, and billfold and nodded toward the door. I took them, but instead of leaving, I walked into the kitchen.

“You have some very impressive encryption,” the young tech said cheerfully as I entered the room.

“It has some other impressive features,” I said as I triggered the key fob in my hand.

That particular key doesn’t fit anything, but the fob, if you press the buttons in the right order, triggers a self-destruct on the laptop. The tech jumped back with a screech as the laptop burst into flames in front of him.

I turned to walk back into the living room, but Bricker was blocking my way. “I offered to work with you,” I said softly as I stepped around him. I tried not to sound too sarcastic or vindictive as I picked up my suitcase and left, saying “Nice to have met you,” to agent Hugo on my way out.

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--- Mouth Part 1 (mmF, F-solo, 1st, blackmail, inc, nc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Leslie's throat was getting raw. "Pah...joe...ghee...fee..." She had been dictating the syllables on her screen into her computer's microphone for over an hour now, and had been doing the same every day for almost a week. She was almost done, but... She clicked the Stop button on the recording program. She had to take a break! She coughed, and then winced. "Want me to...

2 years ago
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My White Wife Lori Becomes a BlackCock Whore

This is an interracial cuckold story written for and in the first-person voice of the Lush reader and enhanced for your reading pleasure.The last thirty years almost seem like a blur as I look back at my rather unconventional, but sexually-fulfilling life with my wife, Lori. My name is Howard, and now at the age of fifty-six, and Lori at forty-nine, we are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary this year. It is still amazing to me, given Lori’s conservative religious beginnings, how she...

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The HypnotistChapter Two

The Theater, as it turns out, was a dark cavernous rooms with no windows. It was a strange room that gave Alice a sense of vertigo when she first walked into it with Robert, Grace, and Daniel. It was taller than it was wide, and the black walls and extra high ceiling made her feel as if she was standing in a silo. It was very, very warm inside, and Alice was already beginning to sweat from the heat. Robert smiled at her, and asked, ‘So, what do you think? Do you like it?’ Alice paused before...

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What is and What Should Never Be

The Background I’m no genius, but I’m not as dumb as my husband thinks I am. It’s been my experience that most men are clueless about their relationships with women. And my present husband is no exception. He’s my husband at present. It remains to be seen if he’ll be my husband in the future. Every man has something to hide, and every woman knows it. When George walks into the room with me, I know within thirty seconds if he’s hiding something. It’s an evolutionary imperative. ...

4 years ago
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Talking to Johns Parents

My name is Mary and my boyfriend recently asked me to marry him. I did accept, however he doesn’t really please me sexually. He has a very small cock and when we have sex, I can’t feel it. I really don’t know if I should marry him, or just walk away. I've been so upset with this. I know I should be happy and enjoy planning my wedding. I just feel this is going to be setting myself up for a lifetime of cheating affairs. Both my parents are deceased and I have no siblings. I’m very confused and...

Group Sex
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The Acolyte kneels on the stone steps of the altar where she has been left. Her eyes are glassy from the tincture she was given, something to help ease her into her new life in service of the god. Under the plain linen robe she was wrapped in her breasts rose and fell with her breath anxiously, her nipples rubbing themselves to hardness and aching on the texture of the fabric constraining them. She feels as though she has waited hours, as though her fatigue might steal her consciousness, when...

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Meri Pyaari Sasu Maa8230

Hello readers, mera naam nikki hai. I am a regular reader of this site aur jab mujhe bhi incest experience hua to mujhe laga ki mujhe bhi yaha apni story submit karni chahiye… Meri shadi ko 5 saal ho gaye hai aur meri sasuraal isi shahar me hai…mere saas sasur akele rahte hai. meri saas Mohini jinki umar takreeban 45 yrs hogi magar wo dikhne me 30-35 ki lagti hai. Usake size 36-30-34 hai. jab bhi me unki gaand dekhta meri laar tapakne lagti thee aur me koi mauka nahi chodata thaa unhe touch...

1 year ago
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A Short Blonde with Big Boobs and Loose Morals

I asked my husband what he wanted for his brithday. “I don’t know babe, how about a small blonde with big boobs and loose morals…” he replied. What was a girl to do?... My husband’s 45th birthday was around the corner and as usual he had not made much fuss about it. The kids had all grown and moved away - the most he got from them was a chat on Skype and maybe a card. I found him in the garage tinkering with his new remote control helicopter. “Martin it’s your birthday in two weeks’ time....

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 2 By The Lakeside

Finally, after almost three years since he detected the fourth spark of light among the black fragments of the Black Core's entity, Zax found the fifth and penultimate spark of light. Zax breath out, a contemplated look was in his eye, who viewed the ceiling of Grandmaster Kartion's cave. He lifted his back and sat on his bottom with no intentions to perceive the bottleneck of the fifth spark contained. After months of thinking about what he will do upon finding it, the one decision Zax...

3 years ago
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Part 2 Baby sitterpreggo wiv black cum

.....So young teeny Sue had been well and truly stuffed full of negro semen. Her true Afro fucker had seen to that. She had teased him in the taxi, when they 1st met. Sue as usual being skint and not been able to pay her fare. The driver a huge African immigrant had taken his fare the best way he knew how. He loved tiny slim white pussy.Sue was very impressed with what she had seen, even though she was very drunk, her memory just said....mmmmm more please.You would have thought she was happy...

1 year ago
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Dark Angel Part 3

“Don’t touch her,” he roared, enraged, as he settled between his brother and the woman he loved. He gave Garethiel a shove in case he didn’t comprehend his order. Anniel’s hands came up against his spread wings when he stepped back into her, clasping her hip to keep her behind him and out from Garethiel’s sight. After having callously deflowered her and then walking out as if she meant nothing, the thought of Garethiel putting his filthy hands on her again made Ashriel want to tear him limb...

1 year ago
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Starting Over

Very little sex in this story. Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I just got through reading an erotic story on line about a double standard. It was about a man who cheated on his wife but wanted her to forgive him. But when the tables were turned and she had an affair he couldn't forgive her. Damn, I wonder how many guys felt that way? I started thinking about my views and how I felt. Here I was twenty seven years old, single, considered good looking according to my past...

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Burning Passion Secret Love

A gentle spring breeze rustling through the tree tops was the only sound as they walked quickly down the path. They paused, looking around for other people. Time was short on these lunchtime meetings, but caution was always a concern. Seeing no one, he squeezed her hand and smiled as she met his gaze. With one last glance around, they left the main path, heading down a narrow trail. He held branches aside for her as their pace quickened. With a few more steps, they entered a clearing. Only a...

Quickie Sex
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Pennys Promiscuity 10 Daughters Distress

It was a Monday in early February and it was England so of course, it was raining.I sat at my desk in my office and watched rivers of cold water run down the clouded glass of the window as I ate my lunch without enthusiasm. In an attempt to maintain my new, slimmer figure for my lover the ‘New Me’ had dispensed with sandwiches and cafeteria food so instead, I was tucking as best I could into a pre-made salad guaranteed to be less than 300 calories.It tasted as delicious you would expect a three...

1 year ago
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JESINTA 6B 16 Back at Mr Andersons

Back at Mr. Anderson’s House After rendezvous with my boxing trainer (Jim Broadbent an African-American), I returned home to Mr. Anderson’s house. I was sitting in the kitchen, relaxing and sipping a glass of Coke. I was wearing my evening clothes, a pink tank top t-shirt and girlie boxer-briefs. My head was miles away, I was still thinking of Jimmy’s cock. Mr. Anderson came home about 8:00pm, and walked into the kitchen. He greeted me with a kiss on the forehead. “How was...

4 years ago
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Rakhee Ka Upahaar

Dear indian sex stories dot net readers, I am renu, most probably you might not remember me as I have contributed to this site my experiences around four years back. Due to domestic situations at home, I could not meet you all through this site. Now I am doing my MBA and there I met this cute lady Neeraj and we became close friends. During some chit-chat, she by mistake uttered that she is enjoying her elder brother, then tried to avoid this to me. Then I told her that I also had an affair with...

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Michaels MansionChapter 05

As soon as Serge finishes the work Will has a real estate agent in to take photos of the apartments, common areas, and the grounds. He uses the same people who are handling the rental of the town-houses and the houses the Trust owns in the new development. With the apartments in the Manor coming on-line the Trust now has ninety-five quality places in a premier location in the city close to shops, transport, and schools. Instead of paying to advertise the apartments in the local newspaper...

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it was her first time part 1

Let me first start off by describing myself and my friend: I am 5’11 with a slightly big build, I have dark brown eyes, dark brown hair with the slightest tint of blond. She (let’s call her Fran) is 5’3, slim, with legs that look like they never end, she has slightly dark skin and an ass that just won’t quit. Her hair is jet black, her are about a 36C, and she has red pouting lips. Basically, she’s a woman that would drive any man to his knees. We had been friends for a few years and had always...

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Mollys Revelation Part 5

Molly's Revelation art #5 My summer of 1988 had been a great growth period as Molly. With the acceptance by my employer to work as Molly, the persona as Molly was totally replacing a form I had never understood completely in the past, that is, the form as a male. With Mom's total understanding of my needs, at first difficult, she became an ally in my onward venture. The final breakup of her marriage to dad was related to many other issues, yet I always thought my lifestyle may have...

1 year ago
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My First Boyfriend 4

Good to his word and without saying anything, Sam got on the floor at my feet and started taking the high-heeled shoes off me. As he did, he rubbed and caressed my feet, and before long, his hands were wandering up my fishnet-covered legs. His hands wandered only so far though, and before he reached the apex between my legs, he stopped and stood. He reached behind me and unfastened the skirt, and made me lift my hips so he could pull it off me. Then he had me lift my arms and he removed the...

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mfmDaddy and Uncle outdoor sex

"What're you two doing back there?" Uncle Billy said as he adjusted the rear view mirror to get a better look. "Oh, Uncle Billy, we've got a very wet pussy back here." replied my dad as he dipped his thick fingers into my pussy juices, pushed past my clit and plump pussy lips, sticking his middle finger into my hole. I sighed and opened my legs farther for him. This wasn't the first time my father and I had fooled around in the past month since he'd been let out of jail but it was the first...

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A friend for the afternnon

We had a friend drop by the other day; I was at work as K has Fridays at home. K was dressed in a red wrap around dress and a G-string, when she answered the door. K has always like Martin tall good looking guy, married to a stunning girl, so she has not been too forward or tried to tempt him in anyway. K invited him in for a drink and he asked if we would like to join him and a few friends on a fishing trip. They had organized a 50ft charter boat for a weekend, and they needed two other...

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Introducing My Russian Girlfriend to Group Sex Par

The sexually charged party atmosphere had slowed, I think people had had sex once and were having drinks catching their breath before the second round of festivities began. The only real action was going on upstairs where Regina, Kent’s wife was being ass fucked by both her husband Kent and his friend Jack. One could hear the noise from upstairs as Regina moaned loudly and occasionally commanded “not so deep” or “Jack, use more lube”. From the sounds it was more than obvious that Regina was...

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Evil Au Pair

Steve looked at the new au pair and liked what he saw. She was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, had long blond hair to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes. What impressed him most were the large breasts and legs which were barely covered by her short skirt. She smiled as Steve's parents Mike and Lucy welcomed her. He could see his mum frown at her short skirt and revealing top. "These are our two sons, Steve who is thirteen and our son Robert who is nearly four. Our daughter Rachel who...

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Miss Jacks Part Seven FINAL

PART SEVEN FINALEven though I was now broken, thrashing around like a fish out of water. I was still fucked relentlessly .During which injections were administered frequently, actually keeping me hard, forcing me to discharge was now in a demented state frequently passing out. It seemed to me as if I was flouting in a dream.Someone was shaking me. In a daze I could hear my aunts voice .Wake up get dressed room service is on its way we check out today had you forgotten now hurry up.Ok, I...

4 years ago
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The Traveling Cuckold

I am 5’7” , weigh about 175 lbs, have natural red hair, 40DD breasts, very pale white skin, large round hips and my husband says I have a pretty face. He is 6’ tall weighs about 190 broad shoulders nice build an average size cock with nice fat balls that hang nice and loose most of the time. Chapter 1 We have just purchased a new motor home that we will be doing all of our travels in. It is a nice unit that is 45’ long and set up very nice inside. It has all the modern conveniences of a...

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Uncontrollable Pt 2

It was the eve of Halloween. My friends, their friends, and I were all getting ready to go to a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, hanging out in our apartment until it was time to leave. It had become a tradition, and we were lucky, in such a small town, to get a showing. Kayla wore some kind of slutty outfit, and Logan wore a dress and a blonde wig. The rest of us were dressed in some manner of more stereotypical Halloween garb: ghosts, vampires, zombies,...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 110

Saturday afternoon was quiet and relaxing. The group commandeered the back courtyard again and everyone sat around swapping stories and talking about what their future plans were. "So, what is the casting scenario for 'Dragon Lore'?" Leslie wondered. "I know a lot of the big parts are going to go in-house. That makes sense. Shelly, what sort of parts are going to be available?" "There are a lot of thing up in the air," Shelly said. "Sarah originally planned for four warriors, a...

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Callipygian Excursion

I had to say goodbye to my last partner to say hello to getting my ass fucked.Yes, that phrase unfortunately describes the worst thing one person can do to another. ("They fucked us ... in the ass!") I get it metaphorically. However, I wasn't getting it literally and that was the real problem.How do you even phrase that request without looking like a huge, perverted freak? Only "wrong" people want that. I never wanted to be so wrong in my life.My next partner was ... well, playful. Not joking...

2 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung...

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EvilAngel Lily Lane Rude Blowbang Glazed Donut

Tan, tattooed sex fiend Lily Lane playfully poses, salivating as her huge tits spill from her sleek fishnet outfit. The cock-hungry starlet plays with her wet cunt, soon welcoming eight dudes for a decadent interracial blowbang! Lily giggles as the guys grope her breasts and slap their stiff pricks over her face. Explicit blowjob action features ruthless throat fucking, a squirting orgasm, and a slimy bukakke finale! The fellas slather her with multiple cum facials, and then lewd Lily soaks up...

4 years ago
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NikkiChapter 22

Dan's turn: I came home to find my Nikki and her whole group sitting round the dining room table. Here "Hey, Baby!" was intermingled with "Hi, Mister Dan" from the rest of the group. "Don't try to tell me you all are studying," I smiled. Kellen spoke up. "It's almost like a habit, being here, but no, we're just hangin' out! I guess there are a lot of ways that kids can cope with high school and family and stuff. I really like this one!" I saw Nikki smile. Nikki's previous...

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Choose your own SexVenture Page 11

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 11 = = = = = You are a happy man, smiling a big smile. ‘That was wonderful, thank you. Let’s do this again soon. Until next time,’ you say softly, and then you head to the closet and find some fresh clothes to put on. When dressed, you open the door and make your way...

2 years ago
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Violet Goes to the Movies Part 1 The Foyer

Violet stared absently at her coffee. Black. The calming aroma of the small riverside cafe did little to smooth her nerves. She took a sip. Bitter.Usually Violet limited her caffeine intake in the evening, but tonight she would be needing the energy. Across from her, Alice nursed a latte. Extra sugar.“I don’t know if I can do this.” Violet couldn’t tell if she was shaking from anxiety or coffee.“You only begged me for months to take you out.” Frothy milk stuck to Alice’s upper lip like a creamy...

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PathwaysChapter 8 Decision Time

We stood on the bridge over the Elora Gorge as the dusk slowly turned to night. Neither of us was in any hurry to end the evening. A lot was unspoken, but I could feel the excitement growing in me as we talked about the future. If there was a way for us to be together, I wanted to make it happen. It meant I would be staying here in Ontario. I would have to let Bob know my feelings and see what that meant for my future in the company. But I knew what I wanted and I was sure of it. I drove the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Freya Dee The Intern

Freya Dee may think she’s alone at work when she slips her hand beneath her dress and starts masturbating, but this intern is in for a big surprise when her boss walks in on her. Ricky Rascal catches Freya in the most incriminating of positions, with her miniskirt up, her panties pulled to the side, and her hands all over her muff. He asks her to come upstairs, but while Freya may think she’s in trouble the reality is that Ricky is enchanted and wants to see more. Always happy to...

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Bikaner Ki Hot Aunty Ko Hanumangarh Tk Choda 8211 Part 1

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Maine bikaner ki hot maal ko choda.Ye story uski chudai ki hai..Ye baat kareeb do saal pahle ki hai.Mera bikaner mein net ka paper tha.Main paper dekar jaldi hi railway statoin ki taraf aaya pr 4:30 wali train nikal gai.Ab raat ko 9 bje train mein aana padega…Thoda udas ho gya.Fir bahar hotle mein nasta krne gya.Fir idhar-udhar ghuma.Raat ko wapas station pr aaya.Train aa gai.Main fatafay ek dibbe mein chadh gya. Main uper wali seet pr bag rakh diya.Niche...

3 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 10

"Appreciate the help, Sultry, Seven and your Powers ... even if it is unsettling to watch you discorporate," Alfred said. There was a long pause... (see) ... and Cassie said, "What about me? I helped, too." Helped, too was said with a catch in her throat and a tear in her eye. And an even longer pause. Sultry finally said, "For all I know, Cassie ... you sent my Jack to his death." "Sultry. There's a lot of things you could say to me and about me but don't you EVER say that to...

2 years ago
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The Bosses Wife Part Three Moving up the Corporate ladder

I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. The valet driver took the keys from me as I exited my car. He looked at me with a disapproving side gaze as he got into my car. I am sure he was used to parking high-end luxury cars and not a regular no-frills vehicle like mine. Most of the money I made went straight into a savings account. I wasn't going to blow it away on an expensive car."Yes," the man inside said as I came up to the podium where he was standing. "Deliveries are in the back,"...

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The Gathering Part 2

Lacey lay upon the bed, having experienced one of the best orgasms she'd ever felt, even if it was by a woman. As the door opened, Candice appeared and was about to excuse herself to leave when Trish invited her to stay and join in. Lacey was too exhausted to argue, the warm rush still spreading through her body.Candice closed the door behind her and then turned to look at Trish kneeling upon the floor between Lacey's legs, while Lacy was stretched out on the bed.Candice was a little more...

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Journey Of A DaughterInLaw 8211 Part 1 8216Helping Hand8217

This story is about a father-in-law, Narayan who has been stuck at his home during the lockdown. He was the senior-most member of his family and due to his age, he was prone to catching severe Covid. That meant that he couldn’t leave the house. Beside him, the family consisted of his son Prateek, his daughter-in-law Shobha, and their 2 boys. His son was trapped in another city where he worked and had to wait for the lockdown to get over to come home. Narayan had a low blood pressure condition...

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Mommy You cant be serious me baby sit Part 3

((A big thank you to Rose for taking the time to edit my story)) Mommy: You can't be serious, me baby sit? Part 3 by Princess Panty boy "Oh don't you look so pretty in your dress, and I love what she did to your hair. Pigtails really look good on you." My mom is looking at me up and down as I put my legs together when I get so nervous I feel a little pee squirt into the diaper again before I can stop it. Looking up I see her smiling from ear to ear. "Oh and she cut your...

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dogging tv slut

It was dark enough now I thought. It was about eight o'clock on a warm spring evening and I was ready. I had started getting ready about three hours earlier. I'd showered, cleaned all those special parts, applied my make-up heavily and dressed. I was wearing a skimpy flower print top over a black silk bra, my favourite suspenders, black leather micro mini skirt, black gloss stockings and high heeled black knee length boots. I peered from out behind the curtains. Yes the street was clear apart...

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Brutally Fucked My Ex After

Hello, sex story readers. This happened a month back when I went to Lucknow for some office work and there I met my old ex. It was starting the week of Aug’17 when I went to Lucknow. I landed there in Morning at 8 around and went to Clark Avadh, as my booking was off there. Had a meeting in the afternoon, so after check-in, I took bath and went out to get some cigarette for me. While I was standing at a nearby shop getting my stuff, I saw someone nearby who looked very familiar. I went...

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An end

Where do I end though it all started early one morning just after Sunani (my wife) had left for work. Bardhini (my niece) had jumped on the bed and wiggled under the covers. I was half asleep and snuggled up to Bardhini thinking she was my wife. “Mmmm this is nice uncle” Bardhini said as she snuggled right up to me, spooning. My arm had gone around her waist and pulled her in tight. Thankfully I was wearing my boxers as we lay there because I was getting hard as I normally do when I’m spooning...

2 years ago
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He Said She Said

He Said, She Said By Cassandra Morgan Part I "You've got to divorce her, Jake. You don't have any choice." "I love her, Ray-Ray." "Love doesn't matter, Jake. Not anymore," Ray-Ray Buchanan, the best friend I ever had, took a sip of his Scotch. "Not since you fucked up." I scowled. "I did that, didn't I? No excuses. I screwed around with my secretary. What a cliche. I deserve to be punished." "Not the way she would punish you, Jake. I'm...

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