My Unfaithful Girlfriend free porn video

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As the buzzing continued I realized the situation she was in and reached out to grab her hand. She didn’t remove it this time and looked at me instead with pleading eyes. Not only was the bud in her panty vibrating wildly there was a chunk of plastic lodged into her ass, vibrating as well.

I was deciding what to do or say when her phone suddenly rang and I saw Dhanwarlal inviting her to a video chat. We both looked at each other and I instinctively grabbed her phone to pick it up. I picked up the call and looked into the camera.

‘What the hell man, you guys are back together?’ Dhanwarlal blurted out in shock as he stared at me. ‘We aren’t dude, but this has to stop right now’ I demanded. Without saying anything further the video call disconnected and the buzzing stopped immediately. I kept down the phone and looked at Amishi. She had started crying.

‘Hey please don’t cry. It has ended. I’ll talk with him’ I caressed her arm trying to console her. Amishi looked down for a while wiping her tears and then stood up suddenly ‘Can you please walk me to my home’.

‘Of course’ I said still holding her hand and stood up. Her apartment was just a couple of blocks away; we started walking slowly in silence. Though horrified with disgust and anger I was somehow happy to be finally able to hold her. ‘Is it very uncomfortable?’ I spoke out, eyeing her ass. She simply nodded and looked down.

As we reached her apartment I still held her hand hoping she’ll invite me in. ‘Thank you’ she spoke out suddenly and I realized she wanted me gone now. ‘I need to get rid of these things’ she said shyly.

‘I can wait here if you want’ I replied with hope. She thought for a moment but shook her head to my dismay ‘We aren’t together anymore, you’ve helped me enough, but I need to be alone for now’.

I let go of her hand and spoke again ‘I’ll call him and ask him not to disturb you anymore’. ‘Just wait for now’ she interrupted me ‘He has my photos and videos. Plus there’s something more you have to know’.

I simply looked at her puzzled. ‘Go home and call me, I’ll explain why I broke up with you’ she said slowly and started walking away. I stood there for a moment and left.

Reaching back home I simply sat down thinking about Amishi’s story. I changed my clothes and got ready to call her as directed.

‘Finally I’ll know why she left me’ I thought to myself and dialed her number. It rang and she picked up.

‘Did he call you again?’ I asked. ‘I thought he’ll be infuriated and punish me but strangely he has neither called nor texted me’ she replied thankfully ‘Thank you again’.

‘There’s nothing to thank come on, plus he’ll pay for what he has done’ I said with a hint of anger. ‘No, he has enough material to destroy my reputation. We can’t push our luck’ she replied back. ‘That is also true’ I said slowly. ‘I better start what I promised but I hope you’ll understand’ Amishi said finally. I lay back on my seat and got ready to hear her.


THE FLASHBACK – Amishi’s final story

Part 1 – The Buildup (How Amishi got close to her colleague)

(in her words)

You already know Suresh right and I’m pretty sure you could make out we are close by what happened when he intervened when you came to meet me and quarreled with you.

You see everything was okay between you and me till I had joined his project. After that things took an unexpected turn for me.

I was a new joinee and found extremely difficult to understand my work or carry out my responsibilities in office. Seniors would yell at me often and I found myself on the verge of crying at work. I wanted to share my problems with you but then stopped myself as you too were fighting your own battles. I kept everything to myself and kept suffering.

That’s when Suresh entered my life. I was struggling with a huge report submission one day and was barely able to proceed with my task. My senior had already yelled at me during the morning and warned me of my failure to submit.

‘Hi Amishi, Suresh here’ he introduced himself suddenly ‘I saw you are really stressed and thought I could help’.

‘No it’s fine actually’ I replied with a faint smile but before I could say anything more he sat down beside me and looked into my computer. ‘Oh this is very simple. Let me do this one for you and you can learn along the way’ he spoke out assertively and started working on my PC.

At that point it was a huge relief for me. Not only was I getting my work done for free but could also learn along. I made more space for him and let him work.

Suresh was expert at this and started teaching me while progressing with the report. I simply let him carry on and within half an hour the report was done, plus I had learned everything about it. If only my seniors were this kind, I thought.

Suresh got up with a smile and suggested we should grab lunch together. I never went out with guys alone so I declined respectfully citing some excuse. He accepted and went away.

I was finally happy after a long time and I still remember having a long call with you that day. However I never mentioned about him to you as you would only get jealous and angry.

Over the next few days Suresh kept helping me in my work and we became good friends. It was clear that he liked me. Slowly we started going for tea breaks together in group at first but then two of us alone as well. This is perhaps when your friends saw me with him. He would always assist me in office work and try to make me laugh; I really thanked my luck to have found such a good friend. He was a savior at my tough times.

This was also the time when we started fighting over call. You were miles away from me and we weren’t able to give each other proper time. Misunderstandings grew and you often yelled at me. Though I missed you I also started viewing you as a troublemaker rather than my boyfriend. The absence of warmth in my life slowly started getting replaced with Suresh and the more my feelings grew distant from you, the closer I got to Suresh, however still as a friend.

One day I had just gotten off with a huge fight with you on call and Suresh found me crying on my seat. He inquired and I tried to conceal the matter but finally spilled the beans out of anger. He was very understanding and consoled me. ‘Let’s go the mall after office’ he said finally. I still hadn’t gone out with him outside office premises. But that day I agreed, I owed this much to him, I thought to myself. Again that night, your friends saw me with him at the mall. I knew they would tell this to you and I somehow felt satisfied, I wanted you to feel jealous.

Within a month Suresh and I were extremely good friends now and often teased each other in public as well as in private. He often flirted with me and sometimes I flirted back. I was not only getting assistance in office work but also happiness. He would refer to me as ‘darling’ in text messages and we would always go to the mall after office. This is when I started ignoring your night calls and made excuses that I slept early.

In the beginning I used to feel extremely guilty but slowly it started fading. I felt no responsibility and flirted back with Suresh whenever he flirted with me. We started sitting very close during our tea breaks and he often tried holding my hands or my waist. However, I hadn’t officially broken up with you so I avoided direct physical contact.

Within me though, I was also fighting a silent battle. You remember when we had sex for the first time right. It was just before I joined this project, when you came to visit me. It was the first time someone had entered me. They say that once a woman has a taste for sex, she craves for it again and again. That is exactly what was happening to me.

I saw couples holding hands everyday in public, kissing in theatres and parks and the flame of desire kept burning within me, ignited by you. I also craved for a man’s touch but you weren’t there for me, you were miles away. On top of that we always fought on call and you made me feel unwanted. Suresh on the other hand made me feel special.


Part 2 – Amishi lets Suresh enjoy her body

One Sunday afternoon I was just chilling in my room when Suresh called ‘Hey I have to repair my spectacles and there’s a famous shop near your house so let’s have some tea once I’m done’. I was surprised at first but agreed readily ‘Sure all right, we’ll have tea like in our office break haha’.

At around 4 pm I got a text from Suresh informing me that he was at the shop. I was still in my house dress comprising spaghetti (no bra) and a knee length skirt. I thought of changing but then again abandoned the idea as the shop was just beside my house and we would only be having tea. I put on a shirt and left my room, hopped down the stairs and reached the shop in no time.

‘Wow nice skirt’ Suresh complimented me, eyeing my legs. He had never seen my bare legs before. ‘Shut up, as if you know a lot about women’s dresses huh’ I replied mockingly hitting him lightly on his arm. ‘I know a lot okay’ he replied, smiling mischievously.

‘Let’s have tea ya, there’s a stall here’ I said excitedly pointing outside. ‘Oh I was hoping you’ll make tea for your special guest darling’ he replied back ‘It’s my first time visiting you outside office haha’. I was taken aback by his words; he was suggesting that I take him into my room. I was about to say no but then again remembered how much he had helped me during the past month. I smiled instinctively and agreed ‘Okay darling let’s go’. I didn’t think anything would happen as no matter how much he flirted he was still respectful and most definitely not a player type.

I walked him to my apartment and led him up the stairs into my room; all the while he was cracking jokes and making me laugh. ‘Room’s quite comfy’ he said sitting on my bed as there were no chairs ‘where are your roommates?’ ‘Two of them gone to their homes and one is busy partying’ I replied and started making tea. Our chit chat continued.

Soon the tea was done and I took them towards him. I handed him a cup and sat down folding my legs holding my own cup. I saw that he stared at my legs as my skirt rode up a bit but ignored.

We talked randomly for a while but he soon cracked the relationship topic and I got sad all of a sudden. ‘Ah I don’t wanna discus about my bf, he just makes me angry’ I replied but he kept insisting. ‘You can share with me dear; it will clear your mind’. I started telling him about our fights and deterioration of our relationship and soon tears welled up in my eyes. Suresh saw this and suddenly grabbed my hand ‘You know I’m there for you right?’

I was taken aback by his sudden move but I don’t know why I didn’t remove his hand away and simply kept silent. He placed the cups on the floor and came closer to me, placing his arm around my shoulders. As if in a trance, I simply buried my face on his chest and wept a bit more. Suresh started caressing my back saying ‘it’s ok darling, let out your pain’.

I was really confused at this moment. I missed you, your touch and your embrace; and yet I was angry on you because you weren’t there during my tough times and only yelling at me instead. And there was this guy, helping me, providing me comfort and warmth. A hundred thoughts were racing my mind when suddenly Suresh took his hands and hugged me directly, pressing tightly against my chest.

‘Wait Suresh’ I spoke out trying to break free but he only pushed me with his body and now I was lying on my bed with him on top of me. He soon faced me and tried to kiss me. I moved my face away but he planted the kiss on my cheeks and started kissing my neck. ‘Suresh, what are you doing, have you gone crazy or what’ I cried out wriggling, trying to escape his embrace. He simply kept silent and kept kissing my neck.

‘Just one kiss Amishi’ he suddenly blurted out and faced me. I looked at him and said ‘no please’. Without warning, his face came down and he planted a kiss on my lips suddenly, this time successfully. I held his head trying to move it. Finding my hands busy he lowered both his hands and spread my legs placing himself between them. My eyes widened in shock while the kissing continued.

He tried pushing his tongue into my mouth and kept sucking on my lips in the attempt. My hands were still trying to move his head. Finding my hands engaged he started to lift my skirt upwards, rubbing and clawing my thighs.

In no time my skirt had risen to my waist, completely exposing my thighs. ‘Creamy white thighs Amishi’ Suresh stammered glancing at them. ‘Please Suresh this is not right..’ I spoke out finding the kiss gone but he again came back with more vigor.

Suddenly his hands grabbed my shirt and he started tearing it apart, the buttons flying here and there. My spaghetti was the only thing hiding my boobs now but he simply lifted it swiftly. ‘Your boobs are too good Amishi’ Suresh stared in amazement while I closed my eyes in shame. He grabbed them roughly and started mauling them. I pushed him at his shoulders but he was way too strong. He lowered his face on my right boob and started sucking on my nipple. ‘Ufff’ a moan escaped my lips encouraging him to suck even harder. Soon his other hand started caressing the other nipple.

At this point I was still hoping that he would come to his senses and stop attacking me. He was still my friend and he was just overcome by lust. I didn’t want to shout for help and cause him any harm.

‘Please Suresh, stop now it’s enough. You’ll regret this later’ I muttered trying to lift myself but he was busy sucking my nipples one by one. ‘Please for the sake of our friendship’ I spoke again and looked towards him. He stopped momentarily and looked at me ‘Amishi I can’t stop now’. Saying this he dove back into my chest, biting my left nipple. I winced in pain and grabbed his hair.

By this time, I knew I was aroused. Sex was new to me and quite exciting. I had my first sex with you only months before and since then was craving for it badly. My mind started remembering our first time and I got excited even more. All of a sudden Suresh pinched both of my nipples together and stared into my eyes. ‘Aaah’ I cried out again and arched my back. I reached out to grab his hands but he grabbed them instead with his left hand and locked them firmly above my head.

Desire was flooding my mind as well now and I closed my eyes to control myself only to find another kiss landing on my lips. I didn’t turn my head this time, I couldn’t, my body wasn’t allowing. Suresh got the signal and kissed harder trying to insert his tongue into my mouth ‘I know you like me Amishi, I’ve seen the way you flirt with me. Let this happen’.

As if in a trance, I slowly parted my lips and allowed his tongue inside. He immediately went in and started exploring. With my legs spread apart and him grinding on my pelvis, I was getting wetter as well. His right hand caressed my thighs again and slowly rested on my panties. I opened my eyes in shock and cried out ‘Please not there Suresh’ in a muffled voice. But he wasn’t there to listen.

He started rubbing my mound over my panties. ‘Ohhhhh’ I moaned wriggling my body. Again his lips latched on to my nipples and he started sucking. The sensations were building up unimaginable pleasure in my body and soft moans escaped my mouth. I had never seen him more than a friend but today everything was changing slowly.

Suresh adjusted his body again, bringing his bulging penis closer to my pussy and started grinding even harder, poking my mound with his rock hard dick. He was back at kissing my neck. I was slowly losing more control of my body and my pussy became dangerously wet now. It had begun feeling empty and needing something inside it. I really tried to fight my feelings but Suresh’s vigorous activities were sending my mind into a frenzy of sexual desires.

My resistance started fading away to the point where I was almost complying to his intrusions. Realizing this, Suresh let go of my hands; I moved them but strangely made no efforts to push him now. He brought his hands down and now started pulling down my panties. He parted the kiss to look into my eyes. I simply stared back and saw him smiling.

There was no point in resisting now; I was aroused beyond calm and Suresh was in no mood to let this moment pass. Looking at his face I knew know how much he had wanted to fuck me since the day we met. I slowly lifted my ass to let my panties slide down until Suresh removed them completely; I felt the cool wind brush my pussy as Suresh got rid of his pants and undies.

My hands were still free now but I made no attempts to push him away. Instead I lay still, staring at his face, legs spread apart, awaiting the final penetration. Suresh adjusted his body again, glancing below to adjust his dick. ‘Huhhh’ I gasped as I felt the tip of his dick touch my opening. He looked at me one last time and said ‘I imagined doing this everyday Amishi, you’re the sexiest girl I’ve met’.

‘Aaaaaaahhhhh’ I cried out arching my back as Suresh pushed his dick into me for the first time. He went in and withdrew slowly savoring the special moment. Then he went in again. My hands clenched his back and I began clawing him with my nails and he began thrusting in and out of my pussy. ‘Fuck’ he exclaimed as my tight pussy gripped his throbbing dick.

The pace started increasing and my pain slowly started turning into pleasure. I spread my legs wider and lifted them a little to allow him to enter deeper. Suresh understood this and grabbed my left leg, resting it on his shoulders. He paused for a moment and suddenly entered with full force. ‘Ahhhhhhhh’ I screamed, gasping for air.

Though I knew it was wrong I could no more resist. I started swaying my hips, accepting Suresh’s cock deeper into my pussy. The guilt of betraying you only added to my pleasure and soon I was nearing orgasm. I tried to go for a kiss but Suresh was busy biting my nipples. I closed my eyes as I felt the wave about to hit me when Suresh suddenly withdrew his penis completely and stopped everything he was doing. I instinctively tried to pull him closer and moved my pussy towards his cock but he pushed me down. ‘Ohh Suresh please….’ I pleaded looking at him, my body wriggling. He was looking at me smiling ‘Please what Amishi?’.

I realized what he wanted. I realized the degrading situation I was in now. I ran short of words for a fleeting moment but it was too much for my throbbing pussy, waiting to be ravaged. Shamefully I blurted out in a low voice ‘please do it Suresh’. ‘Do what’ he replied without moving an inch. ‘Fuck me’ I said a little louder. ‘Are you sure’ he said again playing with me. ‘Yes’, I said, lifting my body, trying to touch his dick with my pussy. ‘I can’t hear you Amishi’ Suresh replied still holding me down.

‘Please fuck me Suresh, fuck me please, just fuck me’ I almost shouted trying to pull him close. Suresh finally lowered himself on me again and placed his dick at my pussy. “Oh shittttt’ I hissed and arched my back, anticipating the incoming pleasure. But he stopped again ‘What about your boyfriend’. ‘He’s a fucking loser, he won’t know’ I replied wriggling myself. ‘Fuck me Suresh, fuck me, fuck me’ I started murmuring repeatedly, I knew he wanted me to beg him. As his dick finally started entering me again, I rejoiced in the overwhelming pleasure and wrapped my legs around him, not wanting him to escape again.

Suresh resumed thrusting me again wildly with slow but powerful strokes. He kept kissing my neck while his hands kept pinching my nipples. I was drunk in pleasure and started moaning louder and louder. I kept grabbing his hair, eyes closed and moved my hips to match his rhythm wanting to be fucked deeper and deeper. I started nearing orgasm again and held him tighter. ‘Fuck me Suresh, I’m your bitch, I’m all yours now’ I moaned into his ear. He got turned on even more and increased his pace making me almost scream.

And then suddenly I felt it, the waves of orgasm came carshing wildly. ‘Ahhhhhhh fucckkkk’ I cried out digging my nails into his back. ‘Fuckkkkkk’ I screamed my body convulsing in wild pleasure. ‘Ohh fuck’ Suresh suddenly grunted out of nowhere and started dumping his seed inside me. This made me go wild and I held him tightly trying to squeeze in every drop that he released. His grip slowly loosened and I could feel his semen dripping down into my bed as he withdrew his now limp dick outside.

It is said that when a woman goes through orgasm a hormone is released which causes her to fall in love with her partner and perhaps this was true. I suddenly felt an overwhelming affection for Suresh as I lay on the bed watching him get up. I quickly got up and hugged him tightly, my bare boobs getting crushed on his hairy chest.

Suresh hugged me for a while and got up from the bed ‘that was amazing Amishi, where’s the bathroom?’ I pointed him towards the bathroom and sat upright grabbing my top and put it on. My boobs were red with torture and nipples burning. I looked at the wet patch on my bedsheet and realized his sperm was still leaking from my vagina. I pressed my legs together in shame and looked for some rough cloth to wipe myself.

Though I knew what happened was extremely wrong, I was happy. I felt relaxed and content at that moment. A smile crossed my face as I stood and wiped his sperm from my pussy. I was searching for my panty when Suresh came from behind and grabbed my boobs. ‘These belong to me now’ he whispered into my ear as I let him play with it. I could also feel his semi erect dick on my ass. ‘Wait let me make something for you’ I spoke out. But he kept fondling my boobs and started kissing my neck. ‘Do you wanna stay tonight? We could have dinner together’ I spoke again turning my head. ‘Suresh simply nodded a no and pinched my nipples ‘I never thought this day would come you know’ he finally spoke as I let him use my boobs ‘did you like whatever happened?’ He turned me facing him and looked into my eyes. ‘Yes’, I said softly, looking down, pulling my top downwards to try and cover my pussy.

‘See you’re better without that loser boyfriend of yours’ he said bringing his hand closer to my pussy. ‘Guess so’ I replied a little confused as his hands started rubbing my pussy again. ‘Lift your top’ he demanded and I complied without hesitation. His finger started probing inside into my still wet pussy as I stood there holding my top, exposing my swollen boobs to him. ‘My babies are inside you’ he chuckled as he added another finger. ‘I can make you happy like this always you know’ he said looking into my eyes. I simply stared back at him letting him finger me. ‘But I have to go now’ saying this he withdrew his finger. He started dressing back up and so did I planning to escort him downstairs. “Leave the panty’ he said smiling and I obediently agreed. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so affectionate to him.

As I locked my door I started thinking how quickly things had changed. Only hours ago this guy was just a friend and now his semen was swirling inside me. We climbed down the stairs and stopped to bid goodbye. ‘Good evening madam’ the building watchman greeted me looking at my legs. I had almost forgot that I had no panties on and probably a little semen was still dripping on my legs.

‘Call me when you reach’ I said to Suresh and waved my hands. He simply smiled and left off. I went back to my room and fell down on my bed exhausted.

What happened after that day must be evident by now. Though he came to my room only a few times, we did engage in continuous physical stuff in the office and outside. He used to caress my thighs and grab my boobs in autos or smack my ass in the office. We used to kiss whenever possible and also had steamy phone calls, chats and even video calls but that is another story. Out of guilt and shame I decided to completely ghost you, which was a good decision for your wellbeing as well. But I got addicted to my adventures and kept pursuing them until Suresh resigned his job.


Ending – Back to reality

‘Are you still there? Are you listening?’ Amishi spoke out as I stood there in disbelief lost in thoughts of anger and disappointment. ‘Yes, uh I’m there’ I replied trying to hide my feelings. ‘I don’t even know what to say’

‘I kept my promise and have told you all there is. Hope you can forget me and do well in your own life’ she spoke again softly. ‘I could’ve hidden everything and still be with you but that would be cheating’

‘Well I’m sad we didn’t meet each other at the right time then’ I said. ‘Perhaps we would have been together forever if things rolled out differently’.

‘That is true’ she agreed.

We spoke a little bit more and hung up bidding goodbyes. Today she is married to another guy and that bastard to another girl from their own respective communities. As for me, I’m still single, wrapped up in my failures and sorrows, writing my story for the world to see.

It’s strange how things can change between two lovers based on where they are and to be honest, long distance relationships never work out. It only takes one moment of wrong judgement to ruin a relationship of years.


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The next morning, Brad woke up to his work clothes neatly folded on the back of a nearby chair, joined by a pair of clean socks on the arm rest, and his shoes and keys in the seat. Next to the chair stood his smiling wife Kerri. ‘I got you all ready for work today, this is my way of apologizing for brushing you off last night. I wasn’t feeling well, baby, I’m sorry,’ she lied. Her purpose was to get him dressed and out of the house immediately. ‘That’s a nice way of apologizing, but I have...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful 2

Kerri followed closely behind Valerie as she gave a tour of her new home. The tour ended upstairs in Val’s bedroom, where she asked Kerri to help start unpacking. ‘So what brings you to town?’ Kerri asked as she pulled folded sweaters out of a box. ‘The love of my life,’ Val smiled widely. So, she’s not single. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to compete with her. Kerri thought as she sized Valerie up. Valerie stood a bout 5 feet, 5 inches, same height as Kerri. Not an ounce of fat on her...

4 years ago
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Your name is Juliette, currently 22 years old. You're very inexperienced with everything considered sex and most your friends would definitely describe you as an naive girl who somehow always finds herself getting into various misadventures. Ever since you lost your virginity an urge for sex has been brewing inside of you. The problem has recently become very overbearing as the once prevelant bedroom-magic has now been gone for weeks or maybe it's just because your boyfriend is incapable of...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful Milf Slut

Julia lay across the bonnet of her car completely naked her 34dd tits pressed against the cold metal. Her long legs slightly spread exposing her pink arsehole and hairy pussy lips hanging down. She had been positioned like this for 30 minutes in the car park. It was midnight now and she wondered if he was going to turn up. She’d left her husband looking after the k**s making excuses about getting something from the office. When the only thing she wanted from the office was the big cock of the...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful Wife On A Platform

Hi my friend, Here’s your story Hi people we are back but in this case I have another story which involves a friend of mine who wanted his wife to feature in this story. This is for you my friend. This story starts at a railway station. I am waiting on a platform when a beautiful goddess in a long skirt walks in and sits next to me on the bench. She has a figure of 36d-28-38; amazing ass and curvy. I say hi and she tells me her name is Sameena and she is married to a wonderful man called J. I...

4 years ago
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Unfaithful Sister 8211 Part I

Hi friends and followers of ISS this is my second story in here. This is a fantasy story about me and my cousin sister. I am Kumar from Chennai and and this happened when i was in my 12th grade she is my cousin sister and lives near by she was so close to me during those time we used to share all sorts of things even the websites in which i used to watch pron and she would consult with her friends and used to suggest me with good sites. But this was all like a good strong bond between a brother...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful 2

Kerri followed closely behind Valerie as she gave a tour of her new home. The tour ended upstairs in Val's bedroom, where she asked Kerri to help start unpacking. "So what brings you to town?" Kerri asked as she pulled folded sweaters out of a box. "The love of my life," Val smiled widely. So, she's not single. Thank goodness. I didn't want to compete with her. Kerri thought as she sized Valerie up. Valerie stood a bout 5 feet, 5 inches, same height as Kerri. Not an ounce of fat on her...

3 years ago
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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri's lustful eyes scanned her neighbor's backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years. Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most...

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Unfaithful A Romance

Part 1: The Incident When Michael thinks about it after the fact it seems all jumbled, and time heaves in huge blocks. Sometimes it is as if everything happened instantaneously. Coming down the hall, home a night early. Surprise her. Sarah will be so happy. She must be in the bedroom. What are those sounds from back there? A man is grunting? "Unnh!" he's saying, complete with the aspiration. Then, "Oh you're good, you're good, keep it up, keep it up!" Hurry now! Something's happening!...

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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 2

Jessica's aunt, Mildred Whithers, was asleep when they arrived, a small blessing she was indeed grateful for, as Aunt Mildred had a tendency to ramble on for hours, particularly when she had the rare privilege of meeting new people. Jessica helped her boyfriend make up his bed on the sofa and tip-toed upstairs to her bedroom, kissing him affectionately before her departure. She unfastened the clip at the back of her head and brushed the day's knots and tangles from her thick blonde hair,...

4 years ago
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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 4

It took nearly a full minute for the horrible realization to sink in, to etch its rabid truth in the cells of her drugged brain. Again she tried to speak, to scream, anything, but it was useless. She looked at him dumbly, her eyes now glazed with the grayish translucence familiar to chronic hashish smokers. He was fatter than she would have imagined... his flesh sagged and was smeared with the wetness of his perspiration. Under the drooping sag of his belly, his penis jutted out like a small...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 5

Phillip glanced around furtively as he stepped from the cab at Valerie Dodge's riverside address, then laughed at his needless cautiousness. Hell, there was no sense acting like some super-spy outrunning the KGB; after all, there wasn't a chance in the world of Jessica being within miles of this place. He had not seen her now for several days, something of a rarity in itself, but the odds were rather slim she'd be strolling about in this neighborhood at ten o'clock in the evening. Or in...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 6

Jessica Wright waited nervously for the doorman to open her door as she sat, somewhat afraid, in the enormous Mercedes-Benz limousine that had brought her to this fashionable riverside high-rise. The uniformed employee was fast on his feet for an old man, or at least he was when he recognized the car. She politely thanked the driver, a middle-aged black who only nodded in reply, and lifted the hem of her silvery gown, her arm firmly but gently held by the doorman, as she made her way to the...

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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 7

Bill Dodge placed his hand very properly in the small of the beautiful young blonde's back, just lightly enough to guide her through the double doorway and into the tiled entrance foyer. He took her light wrap and hung it in the formal-sized coat closet, along with what looked like a million expensive furs and cashmeres. She turned to look down the corridor toward the living room doorway, and Dodge was able to get a few seconds of uninterrupted, unabashed staring in before it was necessary...

4 years ago
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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 8

A little over a half hour before, Phillip had obediently followed Bill Dodge's wife into the same darkened room. He had wanted immediately to turn on the light so that he could again see her nakedness, to marvel at that wondrous body of hers, but she talked him out of it. He wasn't aware that her bringing him here was no accident, and that Valerie and Bill Dodge had planned all along to get him into this room with Jessica here at the same time. He had stripped his clothing from his body...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful GirlfriendChapter 9

Mrs. Jessica Wright dumped her tired body into the decorator-designed barrel-based leather chair at the closest corner of the plush loft-type apartment, kicked her shoes off onto the Persian carpet that stretched across the huge room and panted to regain her breath. It was nearly ten o'clock, and she had been on her feet, mostly in front of banks of bright lights and flashing strobes since nine this morning. But she wasn't really tired; physically a little worn out, but that would pass....

3 years ago
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Unfaithful FianceChapter 2

One thing made both of them nervous-when they were staying under the roof of Dan's parents, Luke and Lucy, they would have to sleep in separate rooms. For the sake of peace in the family, the rules would have to be observed. At first, Sue had been appalled by the idea of such hypocrisy. After all, Dan was twenty-eight years old! Why should he have to pretend in front of his parents that he was still a virgin? Or whatever it was he was trying to prove! She expressed her point of view to Dan...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 3

Dan had been right about his family's reaction to Sue. They all seemed to love her. As for Sue, she thought they were pretty nice, too. But her nervousness was still with her. She could not forget the idea that she had been brought to these people's house so they could inspect her. It was not in Sue's nature to be self-conscious, but being taken home to meet the family made her feel shy as a sparrow-for a while, at least. Luke, Dan's father, gave Sue a warm hug when he met her, and...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 5

When Lucy arrived home from her meeting, she found the house just as quiet as it had been when her husband had arrived. Luke's pickup in the driveway told her there had to be someone about. The natural place to look was the garage. Her big husband had been a master carpenter before he set up his construction business. He still spent many hours engrossed in projects in his workshop, that took up half of the double garage. When Luke saw her enter, he pushed aside what he had been working on...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 6

After only a few days, Sue and Lucy were already growing close as mother and daughter. Sue liked the older woman's quiet competence. She wished she could apply some of Lucy's patience to her own hectic thought processes. Whenever Lucy was at home, Sue was quick to inquire if there was anything she could help with. She used the time they spent at chores together to learn more about the pretty, older woman. She realized she was actually looking forward to becoming Lucy's daughter-in-law....

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 7

Sue had no idea what it really was that made young Dick nervous in her presence. The boy couldn't forget the night he had watched the blonde and his older brother making wanton love in the kitchen. He couldn't forget the hot longing the sexy Sue had inspired in his young cock. Ever since that night, it had been agony for the boy to keep from getting a hard-on whenever he was near her. Many times, lie did not succeed, and lie was forced to take great pains to make sure no one noticed his...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 8

Only with the sobering cold light of dawn did Sue face the hard truth of what she had done. She had sucked the cock of her boyfriend's younger brother, a youth years younger than she was! She had encouraged Dick in the lust that she had been trying to deny ever since her arrival. Though her pussy pulsated in recollection of her lewd behavior, Sue could not avoid the fact that she might have put her relationship with Dan in danger. If Dick could not be cool about what had happened between...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 9

Much as she had enjoyed her night with Dick, Sue was not free of the anxiety that had struck her after she had sucked the boy's cock. She could not shake off the fact that it was just plain stupid to fool around with the brother of a man who meant so much to her-especially in the very house where they all were living. The next night, when Dan coaxed her to visit his room, Sue was reminded of how important the big handsome man was to her. He was her pillar of strength. It was his strong love...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful FianceChapter 10

Dan knew he had set himself up for this one. And he must have intended it all along. It was no accident he had just happened to call up the girl he had bad the biggest crush on in high school, when he heard she was still in town working as a city planner-and not married. Lola had been one of the few girls in school who had not thrown themselves at Dan. For that reason, she had captivated him. She was the unattainable. And she was beautiful, with her high Indian cheekbones and her flashing...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 12

The family was out. Dan and Sue were alone in the house. The big man decided to seize the opportunity to find out what had been bugging his girlfriend lately. She was not her usual bouncy self. "What's up, Sue? You getting tired of me, maybe?" That was his worst fear. Their trip to his parents' home had only helped to confirm Dan in his feeling for Sue. Even his encounter with Lola had helped convince him how right his blonde lover was for him. Sue was shaking. She had made her...

3 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 2

"What are you doing in there? I gotta pee now." My wife was at the bathroom door demanding entry. "I'm just cleaning up before bed," I replied. It was true. I was cleaning up. I had just masturbated and my come had shot off all over the sink and counter. My balls had been even more full than they had been the night before. The aching was even deeper and the relief even more satisfying as I emptied myself in the direction of the sink, missing the bowl with my first few...

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UnfaithfulChapter 3

So began the ten-year roller-coaster of my one and only affair. I just couldn't get enough of Rebecca. Her cherubic body was perfect in every way. She wasn't a beauty queen, but she had curves and mounds in all the correct places. That soft, plump, white body was just right for every type of imaginable sex act. Those perfect breasts so kissable and suckable, her vagina so big and juicy. It looked and smelled so wonderful. And her bush was so thick yet soft. Having my face buried in her...

4 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 4

Rebecca didn't make a lot of money at her job, so she made a little extra cash by house-sitting for friends. Sometimes I'd visit her at the places she was sitting. One I remember particularly because the back yard was so beautiful. The house itself was not out of the ordinary, but the back yard had been land- scaped with so many trees and colorful flowers. Even though there were neighboring houses, the trees and bushes hid the back yard from view. So we could be as amorous as we liked...

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UnfaithfulChapter 6

In the years that have passed since Rebecca and I decided to end our affair, my life has taken many twists and turns, as probably has anybody else's life. Some of the things that transpired were good, and others not so good. I guess we take what life sends our way, hoping for the best, but knowing that sometimes things just don't go the way we want. For the first five or six years, I kept track of Rebecca, looking up her address and phone number on Internet web sites. The place where she...

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UnfaithfulChapter 2 Camping and Phone Calls

When not spending her weekends in Atlanta, Kayla lived with her husband in the city of Columbus Georgia, about a hundred miles south-west. She had been very careful to keep her nocturnal sexual exploits in Atlanta secret from everyone in Columbus ... especially her husband Alex! Kayla was confident that he was totally unaware of her swinging. She was also confident that he had no idea that she'd never been satisfied with their sex life. She loved Alex, of that she was sure. He was just too...

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UnfaithfulChapter 3 Crashing The Party

The next night, at 9:00 sharp, Kayla arrived unannounced at Chloe's front door. When she rang the doorbell, Kayla was astonished when the door opened and she was met by a man dressed only in a dark brown silk robe. After looking her up and down, the man greeted, "High gorgeous; welcome to the party!" "Eugene?", Kayla asked, assuming she knew the man's identity. He looked at her cautiously, "You're not an ex-wife or girlfriend are you? Because, if you are, take it somewhere else. We...

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UnfaithfulChapter 4 Preparations

Kayla's cell phone rang just as she was pulling up to Chloe's house. It was Alex. Ever the considerate husband, whenever he was out with the motor home, he'd always made a point to call her the same time every night. "Hi honey! How's the fishing at Florence Marina?" She asked. Disappointment in his voice, Alex replied, "Lousy. But I took a nap and I'm going to go out with a buddy and do some night fishing. How's Atlanta?" "Nothing new here." Kayla answered. Then thought,...

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UnfaithfulChapter 5 Greetings

From what she could tell, Kayla was back in the living room. 'Jack' on the other hand, being unfamiliar with his surroundings, wasn't so sure. On the floor beneath their feet was a two inch thick foam mat. It was 72 inches by 72 inches square. Chloe had picked it up at a factory outlet store operated by an Atlanta based adult furniture manufacturer. Neither 'Jack' nor Kayla knew it at the time but they were standing facing each other at arm's length. Through their earplugs, they...

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UnfaithfulChapter 6 What Happened Next

She had intended to see who she was fucking after Chloe removed her blindfold, but then he came. When he did, his member swelled inside. It was just what she'd needed to throw her over the edge. But once she heard someone calling her name, she was compelled to see who it was. Kayla looked down at the man. They made eye contact. "Alex? You're in Florence Marina!" Eugene laughed, "No Kayla, he's inside you. Can't you feel him?" The room exploded in laughter. Kayla didn't reply....

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Please fuck my Girlfriend

One of the hottest cuckold stories I have ever read!from: cuckottPlease Fuck My Girlfriend (M/F, wife, voy, asian, cuck)by Anonymous Author (Address withheld by request)***This is the story of a young man who has fantasies abouthis girlfriend having sex with other men, and once hisboss declares his intentions to fuck his girlfriend,events lead to him watching her screwing his boss'smassive cock and stealing her from him.***This is a story about how I asked another man to fuck mybeautiful...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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The prude and my girlfriend

Chapter 3For the first time I was living in this town I went to church that next Sunday. Not many people were visiting the service, but I stayed at the back of the church. I could see Marjory sitting somewhere in the front of the church. The service didn't take that long, maybe 45 minutes. Afterwards they always drink coffee and I attended this coffee meeting. I knew some people and just mingled somewhat, until Marjory came up to me. She wore a nice skirt with low heeled pumps. I Gave her a...

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Camping with my girlfriend

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm a bi-bottom guy, and I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me and also watching me being fucked.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story.This story is about a cuckold experience I had with my girlfriend...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Well lately we’ve been watching porn of threesomes. It can be either mff or mfm either way it seems like we fuck so much crazier afterwords. So I have always wanted to have a threesome with her but never really had the courage to ask her. So one night while we were watching this white get fucked in the ass while eating a black girl’s pussy out I was horny enough to ask her if she would ever consider a threesome, I said it kind of jokingly. But to my surprise she said yes. I was so excited but...

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Teenage Cuckold ndash Catching My Cheating Girlfriend

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! As I analyze my past...

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Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Let me give y’all a bit of backstory in case you don’t already know me. My name is Brian, and I’m dating this girl named Ashley. We’ve been together for a few years now. Ashley is a very… outgoing person. She’s not shy at all, and in fact, she’s a bit of an open book, especially when it comes to her sex life. I realize that’s a lot to tell you right off the bat, but it’s relevant to this story. Ashley’s adventurousness has led to us having a number of incredible experiences with other...

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My Sons Girlfriend

Joel Patterson was sitting at home alone watching television one Friday night. His wife, Julie, was gone to visit her mother for the weekend. Joel’s eighteen-year-old son, Jay, was out on a date with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Amy Holloway, when he got a call from his son. Jay had been arrested for DUI and would not be able to see the judge until Monday to set his bail. He asked his father if he would go to the police station and get Amy, because they had impounded his car until he made...

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