W & Little D 07 free porn video

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2022 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Rescue and Return

It wasn’t the first time I have been unwillingly stripped naked in public. At least this time I didn’t have a gun or two pointed at me and I didn’t have to do it myself. Andre` had returned to the platform. He picked up my shirt from where the eunuchs had thrown it and pulled the pen from the pocket. Then he walked over to stand in front of me holding the pen almost against my chest.

“I assume this is one of your signature needle guns,” he said in a mocking voice. “Is it a knock-out dose or does it perhaps contain a kill shot?”

He pressed it directly onto front of my chest and said, “Shall we try it out?”

Firing one of my needle pens usually requires twisting the top all the way to the left, then all the way to the right to arm it, and then pressing the plunger three times to fire it. You can preset everything up to the final click if you think you are going to need it in a hurry. Andre` laughed slowly and deeply as he went through all the required motions. He had to pull the pen slightly back from my skin in order to click the plunger the three times.

A slight look of shock appeared on his face when all that happened was the writing tip of a ballpoint pen appeared three times as he pressed the top. He furiously unscrewed the pen and then threw the parts down on the floor of the platform.

“You pathetic excuse for a man,” he snarled angrily. “You walked into what you knew was a trap and you brought no weapons... not your Glocks... not your knife... not even your needle pen.”

He then stalked away to stand behind the general as the eunuchs carried me down the front steps of the platform. I struggled weakly against them. I really wanted to knock them on their ass, but a man who had been drugged as I has supposedly been would be able to do no more than struggle weakly against the combined strength of the eunuchs.

The soldiers had brought a small platform out and placed it on the ground directly in front of the general. There was a thick pad of some sort which covered the entire top of the platform. The eunuchs threw me into the middle of the pad where I crumpled face up. Then they went to get Tatiana.

She was naked and slightly sweaty, but it didn’t appear that she had been beaten. Maybe she had been beaten, but with her deep black skin it was hard for a white man like me to discern the bruises. In any case, she stood next to me defiantly staring at the general.

“So Malagasy woman,” he said with a sneer, “do you think you are woman enough to make a man out of Mister W today?” He looked out toward the gate and then said, “Or do we have to beat him until he gets a hard on out of fear like we did with Mister Bricker?”

“Tat,” I said weakly. She looked down at me and I croaked out, “It’s important.”

She knelt next to me and set her ear down next to my mouth.

“I’m faking it,” I said very softly. “I didn’t drink the wine.”

Her eyes widened, but she showed no other response.

“I have a needle gun and a beacon,” I continued. “The attack group will be here seven minutes after the beacon is pressed. But we must capture the general. And you have to have be close enough to hit him in the chest with the needle gun. It self-activates on impact. Just hit him in the chest with it.”

“Get on with it!” a voice yelled from the platform. It wasn’t the general. I think it was Andre`

Tat stood up and said, “He’s telling me how he could never fuck me even if you hadn’t drugged him,” she called out. “But give me a minute and I will get him up and ready.”

Tat didn’t ask where the beacon and needle gun were. She was a pro who knew where such things could be hidden for an operation like this. I was naked. There was only one place they could be. She swung around and straddled my face with her legs. I’ve been in this position before, but usually there is not an audience, and there is the strong smell of an aroused woman. Tatiana was not aroused. She was totally dry and there was almost no woman smell.

She leaned over and began rubbing my stomach and my legs. Then she bent over and took my prick into her mouth. That was not helping me stay flaccid, but she knew that. She knew that I was going to get hard regardless of what she did, so she was hiding my erection from the general by keeping my prick in her mouth. She began more frantically rubbing the insides of my legs and my ass. One hand slipped between my asscheeks while the other continued rubbing and rubbing.

Luckily Tat was not bobbing on my prick because a man can only withstand so much. Her forcing two fingers into my ass also helped keep things in check. Then I felt her pulling the small capsule out of me. Both hands were now deep between my legs. I couldn’t tell what she was doing, but she wasn’t rubbing my leg and her fingers weren’t in my ass. Hopefully, it looked to those on the platform like she was playing with my balls.

Then I felt something pushing against my rosebud. I hadn’t told her that the beacon would work “in situ” as they called it, but evidently she knew it would. She must have opened the case, triggered the beacon, and then put everything except the needle gun back inside me.

“Time for a little dramatic display,” she said softly. Her words were muffled from speaking around my prick. “When I pull my mouth off of you,” she continued, “I want you to spurt high up in the air.”

Sometimes it nice to work with a real professional spy. This wasn’t one of those times. She needed to get to the general, and there was only one way that was going to happen. She had to taunt the general into coming to her. And as part of her plan, I was going to ejaculate in public on command like a common slave.

I’ve done worse. But this is definitely on the list for the top ten... or bottom ten, however you want to phrase it.

Tat began working with her tongue as she bobbed up and down. Even if she had not told me I had to cum on cue, I wouldn’t have been able to help it. She knew how to press a man’s buttons and where those buttons were. A few moments later she went upright on her knees gasping for air. She bent way back as if needing to gulp in air and pressed her ass against my face. Strangely, this time there was the smell of woman. She had me so close that her smell was all it took to take me over the edge. I spurted high into the air in front of her.

I could hear the general laughing. “Didn’t you understand what you were supposed to do, Malagasy woman?” the general said mockingly. “You were supposed to fuck him, not jack him off with your mouth.”

Looking between Tat’s legs I could see the general coming down from the platform.

“I am sure that Mr W, in his drugged state,” he was saying as he walked, “had only one in him, so... I guess I will have to fuck you.” He laughed and said, “But I have much more than one in me and will enjoy all of your openings.”

One of the eunuchs reached up and rolled me off of the padded platform. I dropped to the ground on my side and lay there as if in a stupor. There was nothing else I could do now. It was up to Tat to keep the general occupied for the seven minutes it would take for the assault/rescue team to arrive.

I could see the general step up onto the padded platform. Tat was more or less sitting facing him. “How do you want me?” she said flatly. Her voice sounded oddly distorted.

“Let’s start with your cunt, Malagasy woman,” the general said as he pushed her legs apart and then forced her back flat on the mat. She truly was a beautiful woman, but I doubt the general saw her as that. His repeated phrase, “Malagasy woman,” clearly showed he thought she was from an inferior tribe or area of Africa. All he could see was a cunt, ass, and mouth that would satisfy his needs.

He opened his zipper and pulled out his prick. It was flaccid, but was quickly coming up to hard.

“I expect you to respond like a proper Malagasy slut,” he said harshly as he knelt between her legs. Then he reached down and fingered her cunt.

“Not wet,” he said derisively, “but not totally dry.” He smiled at her and said, “That’s good, because I like things a little dry. It gives more grip on my prick.”

He then pushed into Tat and began thrusting. She lay there for a moment and then began matching his thrusts. It was only a couple of minutes until he groaned slightly and pushed heavily into her.

Almost immediately, he pulled out and said harshly, “Ass!”

Tat sat back up and reached down to scoop some of the cum from her cunt. She rolled over onto her hands and knees and reached back with one hand to smear the slickness onto and into her rosebud.

The general laughed and then said, “That’s enough.”

He did have a very short recovery time. He was already back to hard, or at least hard enough to try to push into her ass. He grabbed her hips and began thrusting. Again Tat waited for just a moment and then began pushing back at him to meet his thrusts.

“You are a true slut,” the general said with a smile just before he groaned and pushed her down onto the mat. He lay on top of her for a moment and then pushed himself back up to his knees.

“Now you can clean me off with your mouth,” the general said, laughing.

Tat got back onto her hands and knees facing him. She moved forward as if to suck his cock, but instead bent down coughing loudly into her hands as if trying to throw up... or not throw up. I saw something about the size of a short pen slide out of her mouth and into her hands.

“If you stain my pants,” the general said harshly, “I will have you whipped to death.”

In response, Tat raised quickly up on her knees and swung her right fist toward his chest. For a fat man, the general’s reactions were very fast, however, and he caught her fist with both of his hands.

He held her hand high and said with a sneer, “What do you say now, Malagasy woman?”

Tat looked directly into his eyes and said firmly, “I’m left-handed.”

The general’s eyes widened as her left fist slammed into his chest. He released her right hand and grabbed for her, but she moved sideways and let him fall face first onto the mat.

I jumped up onto the mat and pulled the general’s pistol from its holster. It was old... a WWII era Colt 45 automatic, but I was sure it was in good order. I clicked off the safety and pointed it at one of the eunuchs who was running toward us. Then I said loudly, “Your general is dead. Do you want to die for a dead man?”

The general was just unconscious, but the eunuch couldn’t know that. He stopped running and started walking slowly toward me. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to shoot him. It wasn’t that I liked him or anything, but once anyone starts shooting in a situation like this, all hell could break loose.

He was just about at the point where I would have to shoot or run when the whole area turned to extremely bright daylight and the soft “whup, whup, whup,” of stealth helicopters filled the air.

One of them must have been a gunship because a stream of bullets thudded into the ground directly in front of the big platform with the general’s throne on it. Several loudspeakers began blaring in at least four different languages. I recognized French and I could understand the English. One of the other languages was probably Swahili. God knows what the fourth one was.

They were saying, “If you leave you will live. We only want the general. If you fight you will die.” It was evidently a recording on a repeat loop because it continued the same words at exactly the same pace. The wording was perfect. “If you leave you will live,” means get the hell out of here, we won’t stop you as you escape. “We only want the general,” means we will leave with him and not go after you. “If you fight you will die,” means exactly that.

Most of the soldiers began running back into the relative darkness of the compound. A few soldiers, evidently roused by the commotion, came rushing to the open area from one of the buildings deeper in the compound, but the gunship... or gunships... drew a clear line across the ground in front of them with a mini Gatling and they stopped where they were. After the warning tape cycled once or twice, they too melted back into the darkness.

Almost everyone on the big platform around the general’s throne was standing stiffly looking out at the fallen general. One figure, however, bolted off the side of the platform and ran toward the edge of the compound. It was Andre`. I really wanted that bastard, but there was no way I could risk leaving the general unguarded. A helicopter landed in the open area and a small squad of troops rushed out. Whoever was in command yelled out, “Get the general and any captives.”

He held up a small radio and said something while pointing toward the gate. A second helicopter landed outside the gate and began freeing those captives.

You don’t realize how silent a stealth helicopter is until a regular helicopter takes to the air. The loud engine and rotor noise of the helicopter rising out of the dust caught everyone’s attention. It was Andre` trying to make his escape.

He should have known better, but either he panicked or he wasn’t very bright or both. A bright streak of light flashed from one of the stealth helicopters and Andre`’s craft exploded in the air creating a bright ball of light that illuminated three other copters sitting at the edge of the compound. One of the gunships moved over slightly and soon there was nothing left on the ground but wreckage.

“Time to go,” the officer said to me as two of his men picked up the unconscious general and carried him toward the open doors of the copter. Tat and I and little D walked under our own power. Once inside, someone gave Tat and Denise a blanket to cover themselves. I got a smaller hunk of cloth that I wrapped around my middle.

As soon as we were in the air, I requested the use of a satellite phone and called Master Tyrone, the head of The Society’s Council. “Master Tyrone,” I said quickly, “rescue was successful, but we have thirty-six African pleasure slaves with us that we weren’t expecting. Whether they were sold or captured, they will never be accepted if they try to return to their villages. So, they will need some special care and assistance to adapt to a new life somewhere. Would you please contact Mistress Ramala and get her to London? She is native African and speaks Swahili along with several other African and European languages.”

Master Tyrone laughed and replied, “Mistress Ramala is already here in London. She is again living up to her name as Predictor of the Future. She said you would be coming soon with guests and that she would need at least ten hotel rooms for herself and what she called ‘the dancing girls.’ She also asked me to get in touch with Master and Mistress Renault in Las Vegas. Something about a fabulous new act for their casino.”

“Sounds like everything is in good hands,” I said, matching his laugh. “I will file a full report when we get to London.”

Two hours later we landed at the Juba Airport in South Sudan. Juba is not the safest place in the world, either, but evidently the various warring factions there decided it was worth setting aside their differences for a short while to help bring down the Divine General Agua Amin. I would not doubt that a sufficient amount of money also changed hands to facilitate the negotiations.

There was a huge US Air Force C5M sitting on the edge of the runway. Support crews quickly folded the rotors and pushed the helicopters aboard. There were also two charter jets for personnel. I was still a little worried about our safety, but as we boarded the plane, I noticed two fighter-bombers flying low circles around the airport. There were probably more of them at higher altitudes. Our takeoff and flight back to England was uneventful.

I sat next to Little D for the flight. Someone had gotten her– and me– some clothes. “Thank you, Uncle W,” she said softly after the plane was in the air. She looked around and added, “To think all of this just to rescue me.”

“It wasn’t just to rescue you,” I said. “I would have done that somehow regardless, but your rescue was possible because the general had thumbed his nose at too many rich and important people from too many important countries.”

“Oh,” she said softly and curled up against her pillow. I let her stare out the window for a long while and then asked, “Did you find out what you wanted to know?”

She turned very red and stammered back, “I think so.”

“There is no need to be ashamed, Little D,” I said softly. “If that is what you are, that is what you are.”

“When they broke into my room,” she said, not looking at me, “they tied me up with these big belts and put me up against my door to take my picture. I should have been afraid... and I was. But I was also very turned on. My legs were wet from... from me.”

“I know,” I answered. “I saw it in the picture.”

“Then when they got me to that place,” she continued, “that fat old general was going to fuck me, but one of the big men told him I was a virgin.”

“Are you?” I asked, “or did he lie?” I knew I was pushing things a little, but it might be important for... her future.

“He didn’t lie,” she answered, “I’ve never had anything in there... not a tampon... not a vibrator... not even my fingers.” Her voice became very flat. “It’s like it’s there, and it feels nice if I rub my button, but nothing really happens. ... Unless I spank myself or put clothespins on my nipples or use mom’s TENS machine set on strong pulses as I rub it. Then I get off.”

She looked up at me with wide and fearful eyes, “I’m a freak, aren’t I?”

“No,” I said, “you’re not a freak. Your pleasure and pain circuits are just wired differently than most people’s.”

“He spanked me,” she said softly.


“The fat general,” she replied. “When they told him I was a virgin, he said, ‘Then we will treat her like the baby that she is.’ I think he wanted to send a video of him fucking me to my parents, but since I’m a virgin, he instead decided to send one of him spanking me.”

“Did he send it?”

“I don’t know,” she wailed. “He expected me to cry or something, but I didn’t... I didn’t. Instead I had the most powerful orgasm I have ever had in my life. After I calmed down a little, he pushed me off his lap and I collapsed down on my knees in front of him. I was crying and trying to hide my face. He looked down at me and smiled that really evil smile of his and said, ‘Well, well, well, a virgin painslut. What a marvelous price you will bring at my auction.”

She started crying. “I am so ashamed,” she said. “I should have been yelling at him or something, but instead I almost had another orgasm at the thought of someone owning me... and maybe whipping me... and fucking me.”

“Little D,” I said, stroking her hair, “your parents will understand.”

“How can they?” she said, her eyes widening. “I am what the general said I am, I’m a painslut. Pain turns me on.”

“Your mother is a Dominant,” I said, “And your father is a submissive. He may even have some pain-pleasure issues of his own.”

“Are there a lot of painsluts?” she asked. She was now looking like the inquisitive Little D that I remembered.

“Not a lot,” I answered, “but many.” I ruffled her hair slightly and said, “And the trick is to find a masterful man... or woman... who will love the painslut for who she... or he... is in addition to being a painslut. Then the Master or Mistress will have a mutual relationship where the slave will be treated properly and not used up or destroyed.”

“How can that happen?” she asked.

I laughed slightly and said, “I need to have a heart to heart talk with my little sister. I think it is time that Mistress Laney and teddybear... and you... joined The Society.”

“You also need to have a heart to heart talk with me,” a pleasant voice said from the aisle. Tat was standing there looking down at both of us.

“I will call you at your hotel after we get to London,” she continued. “I want to thank you personally for rescuing me.”

“That really isn’t necessary,” I said quietly.

“And it wasn’t necessary that you treated me with respect at Finn’s club,” she replied. “Nor was it necessary for you to have me be the one who needled the general.”

“That was necessary,” I said firmly.

“You could have waited and needled him in the back or in his ass or wherever,” she said almost angrily. “I didn’t have to do it.”

“Yes, you did,” I replied softly.

She looked shocked for a moment and then smiled and said, “Maybe I did. It did feel really good to jam that device against his chest.” She smiled at me and continued, “He was an arrogant, racist bastard. That was the first time I have ever encountered black on black racism.”

“But you defeated him,” I said.

“You are a very strange man, W,” she said, looking into my eyes. “I really would like to have a heart to heart talk with you... and maybe a little more than that.”

“Call me,” I said, smiling back at her.

As she walked back up the aisle, Little D leaned over to me and said, “You both have that look. Maybe that’s why you are attracted to each other.”

“What look?” I asked and she laughed slightly. “That look,” she said firmly. “I was told that Andre` was the only casualty in the raid, but I saw you standing there. You were ready to kill and so was Tat. It’s inside you. It’s what you are. And you have to work all of the time to control it.”

“Are you talking to me or to yourself,” I asked firmly.

“Both,” little D replied with a shrug and a smile. “We are both what we are, and we both have to live with that as best we can.”

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Max stepped out of the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT-8 and surveyed the mining site. His muscular frame cast an imposing shadow on the rocky parking lot. Through his dark tinted aviator sunglasses he noted the worthless guards doing their best to look competent. The Mole, the reason for Max's unannounced trip to this wretched site, was slinking behind the four pickup trucks the workers used to travel between the nearby town of Eagles Landing and the mine. Like the rest of the miners, he was hired...

4 years ago
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My exs sister

Last week I went over to my ex-girlfriend’s house. I’ve always had a great relationship with my ex’s family. And with her as well. The break-up between Kaitlynn and I was the best decision for the both of us, so we stayed friends afterwards. Her parents and little sister, Emma, also recognized this. From the time I started dating Kaitlynn till now, they’ve always been great to me. We mostly stay in contact with simple WhatsApp messages, but we also call each other from time to time. A week...

1 year ago
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My Mother in Law is a Bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a Friday evening, I was bored. I lived on my own and I was single and it was raining quite hard, my girl friend and I had just broken up the week before, and I was feeling lonely, and there was nothing of interest on the TV, so I decided to go to the local cinema, but there was nothing on that interested me. So I decided to go to a local porn movie theatre close to home as it was easy to get to from my apartment, and afterwards I would then go...

4 years ago
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The Trade OffChapter 18

Lucy "Mum, you are no such thing," I told her, you are in a sexual situation where you have seen how attractive and sexy your son is. You have also seen that he is a lover who is as committed to seeking his partner's pleasure as much as his own. It is natural you should be aroused by that. "That does not excuse me for having these feelings about my own son." If you don't mind your submissive stepping into a teaching role here mistress, then I will say this. 'What you should be...

2 years ago
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A pastoral tale

holiday, anal Cycling holiday turns out for the bestLast summer I cycled through Britain, sticking to the less traveledroutes. Overall the weather was kind, in fact, even when it poured itturned out for the best.I was laboring through some hilly but very open farming countryside, apatchwork quilt of green fields separated by winding hedgerows, when theskies opened up. Now, I don’t mind a little rain and it does keep thecountryside pretty, but this was coming down in buckets and the wind...

3 years ago
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A Study in GraysChapter 10

Jeanne looked at her elder daughter entwined with the boyfriend she didn't know she had. They certainly looked a handsome couple she thought. Jean-Claude had a tanned and muscular body for a sixteen year old. His cut-offs showed well contoured calves and a summer's sandal wear had left his feet tanned. The jeans held his backside firmly. His buttocks were muscular and tapered into a narrow waist. When had he got a 'six-pack', Jeanne wondered? His blond hair was drawn back into a...

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My Brother and the Delivery Guy

Sixteen-year-old Mia's parents were out for dinner one evening and she was completely bored. She had done her homework, picked out an outfit for school the next day, packed her bags, and was waiting for pizza to get delivered that was ordered by her brother Dan. Since there were a few minutes till dinner, Mia decided to go to her room for some 'pleasing time' aka masturbation. She laid on her bed, got her phone out and went to 'Lush Stories' and started reading an erotic story. Her hand soon...

3 years ago
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Throw Mama On The BedChapter 3

Roxie wanted to run away. The way her son looked at her was embarrassing. He seemed to stare right through her clothing. He seemed so much different, acting bolder with her than before. But then, she thought, hadn't she just given him that right? "Please, Ritchy, listen to me," she said, almost pleading, wringing her hands. "This is very important. Please, let me talk." He leaned back, looking at her, his face serious. "Ritchy, something is... something has happened to me. I don't...

4 years ago
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Nicoles Reward

As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...

3 years ago
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A Game Of Seduction Part 3

I begin to stir as sunbeams dance their way through the partially open blinds. Turning on my back, the familiar tingling between my legs and the feeling of my nipples stiffening need my attention.Cupping my breasts, I push them together and lift them toward my waiting mouth. My full lips kiss each nipple as my tongue flicks all around them. Gently biting down on a nipple, my thumb and forefinger pinch the other until it is fully erect. Letting the nipple 'pop' from my mouth, I move to my other...

2 years ago
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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 9

Jack woke up. He could feel Erin in his arms. They had awakened a couple of hours after he had made love to her and had taken a shower. Going back to bed, they cuddled until falling asleep. The small lamp on the table in front of the window was on and when he opened his eyes, he could see her sleeping peacefully; her head on his chest; her curls covered her left cheek. Hating to disturb her, but needing to go to the bathroom, he gently shifted his body out from under her. She turned over on...

3 years ago
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MILF stories my toy boy and the young maid

After cumming in my pussy, seventeen and half years old, Ronald, lay down next to me. In the beginning, he was shy and didn’t know much about sex, but in past six months I had taught him everything. I was old enough to be his mother; I was thirty-nine years old, but now he fucked me hard like a street whore. “What are you doing this Saturday?” I asked, as I caught my breath after a heavy orgasm. I got up and wiped all the cum coming out of my pussy. I picked up my panties, put them on and...

4 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 48

I was deep inside Rosie from behind while her boyfriend Kevin probed Jessica when I noticed that it got much closer to dawn. I also realized that even Sookie, Sam, and Bill were intimate in some capacity with someone, much to my pleasant surprise. They didn’t have the black bug eyes, of course, but they were very much caught up in a new kind of debauched frenzy. I mused about this for a little bit when I heard a cough. “Don’t worry ... that was us. We have far more power than any Maenad or...

3 years ago
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Black Out True Story

The storm was starting to subside.Mike and I sat on the front porch,bored as hell. It was so humid and the night air was scarce.With nothing to do,Mike and I just talked for a while and tried to keep cool. We both walked inside for a moment to get a cold drink. We were feeling our way through the house for candles and making our way to the kitchen. I pulled out a bag of ice and put a couple of cubes in my mouth. I stood on my toes to give Mike a sexy kiss. I glided the ice across his lips and...

1 year ago
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Can I Love Ch 08

Hi guys, thanks for voting, it really helps me with my writing. I am so glad people are happy with the way i write. Thanks for commenting and voting and don’t forget to keep it up. It only takes a second. ——————— I looked down at the envelope, processing the words. Flipping it over, I opened it, pulling out the letter. Unfolding the sheet I started to read aloud. Sarah, I have started writing many letters to you, each one awful in its own sense. Words to try and make you forgive me, this...

2 years ago
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Helping A FriendChapter 2

Benny's world was turned upside down. Holly was gone. For the past two years they had shared every important event of their lives with one another. Although they only met once each week, every meeting was a renewed familiarity that hurdled absences. Yet, each meeting rang with excitement, with the anticipation of new discoveries. Holly had scheduled the meetings randomly. They often met at an out-of-the-way diner, several blocks from the office but on different days of the week and never at...

4 years ago
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York1Chapter 2

"Why would bandits attack a wagon load of vegetables? There are only two possible reasons. The less likely one is that 'if it is a wagon hauling freight to market, it must be worth stealing.' The more likely one is 'I want to drive James York into bankruptcy; therefore, I will attack all ways that he has of earning money.'" Catherine remarked, "You can probably ignore the first reason and try to fathom the second reason. Since we have no obvious enemies, it must be enmity from some...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Evelyn Claire The Girl Next Door 2 Part 2

With her long legs and lush lips, Bethany distracts her landlord while fellow con artist, Leslie steals a key to a neighbors apartment. In the world of con, it takes two to make sure a job does down right. So while Bethany fucks her clueless landlord silly, Leslie takes it upon herself to steal everything important she can find from their dead neighbor’s apartment. Leslie goes down on the landlord, getting his dick nice and wet and ready so he can fuck her long and hard — distracting him from a...

1 year ago
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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 2 Stranded

Doug Bryant lay on the sandy beach gasping for air. Mary was dry heaving beside him, the contents of her stomach having been left far out in the water. Alyson was crying on the other side of her. Mary and Alyson had briefly gone under with the boat, but had somehow escaped. They broke surface on either side of another life vest. Mary and he had insisted Alyson wear it. He'd had to half-drag Mary to the beach against the pressure of the wind. It hadn't been easy swimming in his canvas deck...

4 years ago
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In the family part 4

Introduction: Part 4, lake house In The Family (Part 4) I woke up to the ringing of my alarm, and immediately felt the weight of something on my left arm and chest. Openeing my eyes I saw skin. Smooth, creamy, beautiful skin, and the peaceful, lovely face of my sleeping sister. Smiling, I felt for my phone on my bed and switched off the alarm. Alarm for 5 oclock. Damn you. After a peaceful moment I realized. 5 oclock! Fuck! Cam! Cam get up! I shook her shoulders slightly, waking her up. ...

3 years ago
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Hollys night out Ch 1

Holly’s night out Chapter 1 © 201 by Jennifer O’Donnell Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and I appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including...

Wife Lovers
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ManuelFerrara Lena Paul Bounces On Manuels Big Fat Cock

Lena Paul bounces her beautiful big breasts and rides Manuel’s big cock. Lena’s looking super sexy in her fishnet bra and legging set as she shakes and moves her body to show off all her amazing assets. She tears her clothes to give us a better look at her perfect rack and spreads her cheeks to give us a glimpse of her horny holes before Manuel shows up. He joins her on the bed and gets right to servicing her ass and pussy. Manuel licks her sweet holes then switches to fingering as...

2 years ago
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First time with Ashli part 1

My first time with a Trans It all started back at a Halloween party. I went as myself I wasnt big on dressing. Up and I only knew a few people at the party. I noticed this absolutely stunning redhead looking at me from across the room I looked up and gave a smile I then grabbed my drink and went over to talk to her. Her name was Ashli and she came to the party with only a few people as well we hit it off and I could not get over how sexy she was in her tight little dress she was maybe...

4 years ago
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The Pastors Wife

“Damn, it’s hot!” I think to myself as I wipe the sweat out of my eyes. The weather report predicted it will get to ninety-five today. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is beating down on my bare back. At least this yard work job is better than flipping hamburgers in some hot fast-food kitchen. It’s just a summer job to make extra spending money until I start college in the fall. The landscaping service assigns me to the Jones’ each Saturday to mow the lawn, weed the flower beds and...

Wife Lovers
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The Office XXX Christmas Party

It was going to be a long night. I love my husband so much but the annual office Christmas party was tonight and it was just for office personal. He never liked those things anyway but I told him before I left the house how much I would miss him.My husband fits me to a key. We are so perfect together. We are not a couple that goes out for one reason; we love to have sex with each other. Oh, don’t get me started on us now, tee hee. His cock is the perfect size for me. I know I have had many...

3 years ago
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Taller than most women, with very good long legs, fabulous large taut arse, still firm and large 36C tits and a very large area of trimmed short blond pubic hair. Earlier in our relationship I trimmed her pubic hair right back, but she insisted on growing it back, ‘because she liked it’ and I must admit an excess area of trimmed blond pubic hair is a turn on for me, especially the way she flaunts it as foreplay. “But we haven’t had a second man for four weeks now baby. You know I like to be...

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Tuckers Island 2125

by Gail Holmes Chapter Twenty One David allowed the girls to bathe him, he quite enjoyed their hands rubbing his body; Rodjana stood back watching, she knew which part she wanted. It was big and it was long, the thought of a virgin cock up her began to excite her, the twins just sat back and observing the...

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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 1

Crystal Davis let out a startled squeak as her boyfriend reached out to massage thequivering round mounds of her beautiful buttocks. She set the steaming platter ofspaghetti on the table and whirled around to glare at him in simulated shock.“Jerry Lambert!” she snapped, trying to give him a stern, no-nonsense look. “Cut thatout! You almost made me drop our dinner!”“Then we would have had to go out to eat,”Jerry grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. “Or maybe we could have just settled foreating out...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 46

17:50 Wednesday, November 13th, 1991 392 7th Ave San Mateo, CA 94401 It's nearly time, Jack Kostowe knew. Tonight, they were to have supper with two couples that had contacted them through the Oakland Yacht Club, inquiring about the berth the Joy Redux wasn't actually occupying. Jack and Deb had discussed possibly subletting the spot out, and she'd advised sounding the other couples out, first, over supper. Deb had done some research, and found both couples were partners on a wooden...

4 years ago
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Making More Changes

Ann and I had been waiting eagerly to see the photographs Giles had taken. Tonight he was bringing them around. Ann dressed in a white crop top and blue skirt.The top was translucent, so her areola and nipple showed through. The skirt the shortest I had ever seen Ann wear, and no panties.Time dragged and Ann's nipples pushed harder against the material, causing my cock to stiffen too.Finally, we heard a car pull up outside. Ann rushed to the door to meet Giles. They kissed, and Ann brought...

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How I Became Bisexual

It all started several years back, sex with my wife of ten years started to get slow and repetitious. We were constantly looking for ways to spice things up. One day she suggested we get some sex toys. I ordered some through the internet. The usual stuff; a vibrator and some lube. We used it and she didn't like it so it went into the drawer. Well, she starts work at 7am and, unlike some of my previous girlfriends, she doesn’t like sex in the morning. I, on the other hand, always have “morning...

2 years ago
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I have a fetish. I love to sniff my sister's dirty underwear. When she isn't home, I'll rummage through her clothes hamper and pull out all of her panties, sniff them, lick them, shove them in my mouth and jack off in them. My name is Jimmy, I'm 17 and my twin sister, Jenny just got her fist job which meant she wasn't home that often anymore. So, relished my fetish. Since both my parents worked, I was home alone a lot of the time. Now, it wasn't at a point where I couldn't get a woman. I had...

4 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 3

They were off to his Saturday night A.A. meeting. Jane’s mother had originally started going along “to be supportive”, as she’d explained to Jane at the time. Also to make sure he got there, Jane thought. But her mother had come to, if not enjoy the meetings exactly, look forward to them somewhat; to sitting and talking with the other wives and husbands in the same situation. This of course meant that, between A.A., the counseling sessions and her parents’ other commitments, many nights...

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Mile High Club

Samantha initiates Hannah into the Mile High club.The cabin lights dimmed. The attendants had retreated to the forward galley and the silence was only punctuated by the hum of the jet engines, some light snores and the occasional cough.Samantha and Hannah sat next to each other in First Class. They were on a red-eye from Sea-Tac to LAX – They were on their way to visit their grandparents in L.A. California.It was time.Samantha pulled the buds from her ears, cutting off "Only Girl (In The...

2 years ago
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Sex At The Jazz Club

I've been sharing my horny wife, Karen for several years now and we have a great sex life. Late last summer Karen and I decided to go to Chicago for a few days to do some shopping and enjoy the city. She had never been to Chicago and I'd told her about the great downtown area. On the third night there we decided to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a jazz club later in the evening. Karen got ready for the evening and slipped on the little black dress she brought and a pair of...

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Widows CompanionChapter 8

Amy Winthrop looked at her watch. It was ten a.m. and still no sign of Ellen. She shook out her long black hair and stood up to take the dishes back to the sink. Not that she regretted giving the child permission to visit with the Carters down the block for the weekend. They had plenty of room, and probably too much money, and they could always find interesting things to do with Ellen. As for herself, she had welcomed a free night so that she and Billy Erspamer could cavort in various...

2 years ago
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Valerie part II

So she calls me to come into the bathroom a few moments later and I remember feeling a little embarrassed to go in there but after that mind blowing blow job there was no way I could say no to her. When I walked in she was sitting on the bowl with her perfect pussy hanging over the edge of the seat. With one hand she was playing with one of her titties and the other one was playing between her slightly spread legs with her red pubic hair. She was pulling it and stroking her fingers through it...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 87

~~Damien~~ He looked at the picture again, then put the phone away. Gulping, he pulled the phone out again, and looked at the picture. She was so beautiful, and fun, and joyful, and overwhelmingly sexual. The frizzy red hair, bouncy and big, her soft face and pale skin, her golden eyes, it was all gorgeous. Of course, she knew she had large breasts, and in classic Dolareido fashion, had no issue using them to get what she wanted; in this case, him. Lucky him. He was damn glad she left her...

2 years ago
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Sissy Academy

(feel free to message me about anything! I'd love to hear from my readers :)) The alarm beeps away as you groan at the sound of it. A cool breeze rustles the curtains, letting the sun peek through. Pushing your hair to one side, you check the time. "Oh, it's still early," you say, pushing the sheets away to reveal your blue satin panties and chemise, the standard sleepwear you were given when you enrolled. "Better get started." You recall that you share this dorm unit with 2 other sissies, and...

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The HomestandersChapter 11

Just from the way the schedule worked, Emily didn't have to be in early on Friday morning, so she made a point of leaving for work earlier and stopping off at the Courier. The Bradford Courier was over a hundred years old, the last survivor of a newspaper war that had gone on for close to forty years back around the turn of the century, with four newspapers involved. Just a little country weekly usually running eight full-size pages, sometimes more and sometimes less; it occupied a...

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DaastanESex 8211 Part I

Hi doston, ye ISS pe meri pahli story h.main MP ki rahne wali hu.mera naam bharti hai mere ghar me 5 log hai,mom,dad,mai aur do bhai. meri age 22 saal h aur Engineering last yr ki student hu.meri height 5.4 hai aur mera figure 30-28-34 hai.mere bade bhai ka naam jayant hai wo mujse 2 saal bada h. aur mumbai me job karta hai.uski hieght 5.10 h aur well built hai.mera chota bhai ka naam nitin h wo 19 saal ka hai, aur engineering 2nd yr me padh raha h.dad government service me h aur mom housewife...

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