Sis Don t touch my hair you will mess it up
- 4 years ago
- 74
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After what happened Saturday morning with Em on our couch, I was worried about how things would be between us going forward. After I came I went to shower and Em cleaned the kitchen and did laundry. When I got done she was in her room. I knocked to check on her from the bathroom door.
“Em, you ok?” I asked. “Are WE ok?”
“Yes” she responded “I just need some time to process everything is that ok?”
“Of course it is. I’m going to watch TV come down when you’re ready.”
About an hour later our Mom returned with groceries so I helped carry everything in. Mom was always in a good mood, and we loved her to death, but always clueless about us. She didn’t even notice her daughter was absent. After some small talk and shuffling around the kitchen mom told me she was going to the base to meet “The Wives” as they were called, to welcome some new families to the on base housing. She made a tray of food and off she went.
Em and I grabbed some dinner from the fridge and she went to her room and I to mine. My mind kept thinking about earlier when I jerked off in front of my sister, and shot the biggest load of my life. She hadn’t said much since. I went to bed thinking about my sister, her panties, and what else may come of this.
Not much happened that week. We went to school, came home, did homework, ate and went to bed. It was a normal week. We talked to each other less than usual but it just seemed like neither of us had much to say. More involved in our own thoughts than in each others lives.
The weekend was coming and Dad wasn’t home yet so mom asked if I could mow the yard Friday after school. It’s not much of a yard so I did it quickly after I got off the bus. I asked mom if I could go to the movies with some friends from school and she agreed. When I asked her for some money she pulled a fifty out of her purse and said, “Only if you take your sister.”
“I don’t think she will want to go with us Mom” I lied “It’s a guys thing”. We were going to see an R rated movie and I didn’t need her ratting us out. Our friend Tony works at the cinema and he can sell us the 18 and over tickets so we can get in.
“Keith, take your sister, she doesn’t have many friends it will be good for her to get out and be social.”
So upstairs I went. I called out to her and invited her to the movie and of course she said yes. I knew my friends would shit on me for it later when she wasn’t around but what could I do mom wanted me to take her.
Mom dropped us off outside the theatre and we met up with my friends. My said to text her when the credits were rolling and she would come right back to get us. To my surprise the guys weren’t too mad Em came with me. We went to see a raunchy comedy movie that had lots of nudity, foul language and even a raunchy fake sex scene. We all laughed a lot and ate junk food and overall it was a good time.
I text Mom and sure enough just as we walked out she was pulling up. God bless that woman she had the best timing. She was a typical Air Force wife. Mom chatted the whole ride home about Dad and his assignment. He had called while we are out and was going to be gone another 2 weeks at least, BUT, his C/O promised him some family time after he got back which should be almost when school lets out for the summer. Hopefully that meant we could go away somewhere cool for a few weeks. Nothing is worse than Oklahoma in the summertime.
When we returned home Mom announced she was off to bed. Em went toward the kitchen and I headed for the stairs and my room.
“You heading to bed?” Em asked. “Or do you want to watch some TV with me?”
I had just watched a hot movie with lots of tits and wanted to rub one out so I declined her offer. “Thanks. I’m beat and I want to run in the morning so I’m heading up now.” Em just smiled and said goodnight and off I went. Up in my room I fired up the laptop and striped off everything. I went to my bookmarks and pulled up a link to a video I’d had seen many times and always got me going. I sat there stroking as a middle aged blonde with huge DDD’s jerked off two dudes. For some reason though I wasn’t sealing the deal so to speak. I needed release, that was for sure, but this time old faithful didn’t cut it. I searched a few more vids on the site’s homepage and followed a few links. Eventually a short clip of 2 girls sucking a guy off got me to pop. I cleaned up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and brush my teeth. I noticed no light from Em’s room. Either she was asleep or still downstairs. My session had taken over an hour and I figured maybe she fell asleep.
I threw on a pair of sweats and headed out my door. At the top of the stairs I could tell the TV was still on. It was quiet but the flicker was unmistakable.I wasn’t sneaking down the stairs but I also didn’t make much noise in case she was asleep I’d just k**l the tv and head back up. As I turned the corner I saw the top of Em’s head moving. At first I thought she must have her earbuds in and her head was moving to the rhythm of the music but I almost immediately discounted that notion.
“Fuuuuhhhhhkkk….mmmph,” I knew these noises, I made them on my way to climax often. I moved around behind the sofa quietly. I wanted to see. I needed to see. As I closed in I could see the back of her head, 6-7 feet away, and the tops of her shoulders, covered in a black tee shirt. Her right arm moving rapidly in succession. I moved further off to the side for a better angle. On the TV was some old episode of MASH. She wasn’t watching it, her eyes shut tightly. I moved further toward the kitchen. There I got a good side view. Dressed in a black tee shirt and clearly no bra as her nipples pointed out, she had her hand under the waistband of a pair of black sweatpants. She was going at it. Rubbing herself off for all she was worth. Every few seconds a light whimper or and ahh would escape her mouth. There in the TV glow Em looked so hot. My little sister, sexy as fuck. My dick responded and started to rise up. I took a step closer.
“Stay there” Em ordered. She hadn’t opened her eyes so I knew she heard me somehow.
“Em, what are you doing?” Such a stupid question but it was all I could think to say.
“Shhhh. Close. So close.” Was all she offered. Her left hand moved up to grab at her right boob. She pinched the nipple through her shirt and her body shuddered slightly. Her other hand was going hard at it now. Moving quickly up and down, and in a small circle.
Suddenly she stopped. Her eyes opened and she got a scowl on her face. “FUCK. I can’t do it” she said. “I’m turned on from the movie and I need to release and I keep getting close and then…nothing. What is wrong with me? This is why boys hate me, Keith, I’m not sexual enough, have no tits, and can’t cum even when I NEED too.”
“Em you are sexy as anything. I got so turned on just now watching you. And I had a hard time cumming tonight too. It took me an hour, so I understand.”
“No, you don’t understand. You got to cum right? Well I don’t ever cum.”
“Never? You never had an orgasm?” I was shocked.
“NO” She was clearly frustrated. “I go and go and it builds up. I feel like a wave flowing through me, like a damn is about to burst, and then it tails off. I keep at it but I only end up sore and disappointed.”
“Oh geeze Em, that sucks. I’m sorry. Have you ever tried with a boy?” The thought of her with some clumsy k*d made me annoyed for a second.
“No. No boy would touch me like that. They want tits and ass and I’m lacking in both departments. I would have let Jimmy do whatever that day in the woods, just to feel like a girl finally.” Her hand came out of her pants and went to wipe a tear away that had started rolling down her cheek.
“Oh Em honey no no,” I started “You are an amazing young woman. You have an incredible athletic body.” I moved toward the couch and sat next to her. I took Ems hand in mine and squeezed it. “Even as your brother I see what an amazing body you have now, and when you catch up to the other girls, Em, you’re gunna be MORE desirable then they are!” I was selling it. I wanted her to stop being upset.
Then something happened and I can’t tell you if I did this on purpose or not, but I leaned over and kissed her hand. It was meant to be a loving, reassuring, calming gesture, but that had had only moments ago been buried in her pussy. Without even thinking, as I kissed it, I inhaled deeply, loud enough to be heard.
“Oh my GOD perv… You can’t help it can you?” Her tone was a mixture of teasing and annoyance.
“Sorry not sorry” I offered, “What can I say except I love the way you smell.” Slowly I pulled her hand up to my mouth and looked her in the eye as I put 2 of her fingers into my mouth. Em immediately closed her eyes and grunted some approval. I licked, then sucked her juices from her fingers. My shorts popped a tent. I went till there was nothing left on her hand. She opened her eyes. I wasn’t sure how she would take this. I know I crossed a line but I wanted to go further.
“Em?” I started, “Can I try and help you with your problem? Maybe see if you need a guy’s touch to get things completed so to speak?” I could tell she was thinking about crossing a line too, and what it could mean to us. We both knew if our father ever found out, we would be dead.
“Maybe just a little?” This was more a question than consent. “But if you do I don’t want to be naked. OK? That’s going to far.”
I jumped up to enthusiastically. “What ever you want Em. You got to see me cum so it’s only fair.” Lets not forget that to this point I hadn’t fingered a chick much less seen a vagina. My only experience was what I saw online and some crude jokes my dad and his mates made when they were drunk one weekend.
I slid closer to Em on the couch. I moved my right hand to her exposed tummy. We both jumped a little when I touched her. My head was swimming. Slowly I made little circles down past her belly button. At her waistband I stopped, and didn’t know if I should go over or under her pants. Em supplied the answer quickly by using her left hand to lift the waistband a little. I continued south. Still making the small circles I encountered the elastic of her panties. Again a crossroads, Over or under? I started to slide a finger under and felt some hairs before she stopped me.
“No, please, just leave them?” She was pleading. Trying to keep some dignity I suppose. My hand continues across the soft cotton fabric toward a heat source. It was crazy how much heat she was putting out. I slid 2 fingers down the slope, I felt the bump of her clit, and beyond the warm wet target which I was seeking. Slowly but firmly I started moving up then down, side to side, then back up again, repeat the pattern but slightly different each time.
“Mmph..god..yes,” She was encouraging me. I felt confident. The next upstroke I slowed by her clit, and made a firm circle around the small nub, and then again, and again. Her hips raised and she made a sound like a fighter jet engine taking off. Almost a roar. I felt her cum and shake as her panties became extremely wet. “Keith more please stop” she begged. “That was fucking amazing.” She started to cry and I immediately got worried.
“What’s wrong? I’m sorry Em, are you ok?” There was obvious concern in my voice. I did not understand what was going on.
Em rolled slightly on her side, and looking me in the eyes leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “That was the most amazing release of emotion ever. I didn’t know it felt like that. I didn’t know it should feel so good. Thank you.”
Now that we were facing each other my boner was more obvious to her. Em giggled and asked, “Is that thing always hard?”
I nodded. “It’s SO hard right now.”
“Do you want to take it out and play with it again? I don’t mind.”
Within seconds my pants were to my ankles and my rod was in my hand. Em slid back away from me to the arm of the couch and watched with much more interest this time than last. This time I kept my fist just around the head and made short quick strokes. I was so turned on but had also just come an hr ago and had more stamina this time.
“Em, could I see your panties?” I asked through shortened breath. “I’m a visual guy and if you could just let me see them, I’ll cum so hard baby.” I could see her thinking and then she nodded. My heart raced. She stood up, and turned away from me. She slid the black sweats down to reveal a white, panty covered, perfect ass. She stepped out of her pants. But then she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the panties and started sliding them down too. There before me was her bare ass. She slid the panties down to her ankles, then slowly bent over away from toto step out of them, and pick them up. I couldn’t see much where her pussy was, except an outline through her thigh gap. She slid the sweats back up and turned around. Her panties in hand she stepped forward. She was closer that I expected as I continued my short strokes.
“Here,” she cooed, “A reward for a job well done.” With both hands she displayed the panties crotch side toward me and moved then to within an inch of my nose. “Take a good smell brother.”
Between the smell and the way she said BROTHER I stiffened up and started cumming immediately. My balls tightened and I shot four good spurts all over her pant legs. I was grunting and sweating, and she stared at me in wonder. “Does the smell of me really get you going?”
I laughed and looked down at her legs. “The evidence suggests it does.” We both chuckled a bit and I stumbled trying to get my sweats back on. Em moved over and shut the TV off. I couldn’t see in the dark but I could feel her presence. Suddenly there was the softest pair of lips on mine. “Thanks big brother. I needed that. And I never knew I needed that till you gave it to me. Here’s a present to remember this night by. I felt her tiny hand in my pocket. When she pulled it out, she moved it over and gave my shrinking wet cock a tint squeeze.
We headed back to our rooms and she took the bathroom first. I sat on my bed. The most amazing experience of my young life just happened, and it was with my sister. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out her white panties that she’d given me. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly with a smile. I loved Em’s panties.
Neo here again, with a lovely softcore, this time. Me and My sis just enjoyed two times and she was getting sexier and horny. After that theatre time, we didn’t got lonely time to have it again. One fine day we were alone, but she had to study as her exams were near and one of her friend, a boy named Amit, was going to come to study with her. He came, sat on sofa, my sis got water for him, while she was giving him water, he was starring at her, from top to bottom and specially at boobs. She was...
“Damn, that stings,” John said aloud. He turned the water off and opened the shower door and keeping his eyes squeezed shut tightly as he blindly reached for the towel rack searching for his towel. His hand felt along the wall unable to find his towel. “Your towel fell on the floor; it’s to your right.” He recognized his younger sister’s voice. What was she doing in the bathroom while he showered? John bent down and searched to his right and found the towel. He stood up and pulled the...
My sister in law is 50 years old dyed mousey blonde hair a 14 to 16 size and has lovely 36b tits that obviously after k**s and age sag lovely. She has a nice round bottom that in my eyes really turns me on. Even her feet are sexy.I'm always in her dirty wash basket when we visit licking her bra cups and panties and have a walk into them then rub my spunk into the gusset then put them back and carry on with our visit. I've done it for years.This summer I was off work and about to take the dog...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When sis and I were teens we became curious like any other teenagers did. It all started innocently with you show me yours I'll show you mine kind of stuff. Sometimes when we were home alone we would play around some in the pool. Generally just some skinny dipping and touch and feel. One day sis and I were home alone and the weather was raining outside so we were just horsing around in the house. We both ended up naked in her bedroom. Sis was sitting...
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Hello to all ISS friends. First of all thanks for the hot emails you gave me for my previous three stories. Sorry I wasn’t able to keep up with my promise of continuing my last story ahead with my elder sister Mehak as was tied up with some work. Anyways, just to re-cap of the story am jotting down the last part of it, when my elder sister Mehak caught me and my cousin younger sister Guddu red-handed. I quickly go up, collected my clothes and ran towards the bathroom. From the bathroom, I could...
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Sis Learns a Lesson Chapter 1"Dear Frank,I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to take your sister under your wing and try to knock some sense into her. Since your father died last year, Amy has become belligerent, sassy, and disobedient, and I haven't been able to speak to her about anything important. She either walks away from me, when I try to tell her something or, worse yet, yells at me to shut up.Last Saturday, for the third time last week, she snuck out, after she was...
Who’s down for a Sis Swap? I’ll admit that things have been a little bit weird between sissy and me since the incident at Christmas dinner when I allegedly got caught digging dirty panties out of the laundry hamper. But you never know, maybe we can all have a mutually beneficial exchange: everybody gets laid, and I’m no longer banned from family gatherings. So perhaps I’ll send her a link to this review after I post it, and we’ll see where it goes from there. (I still love you, kiddo!)Then...
Premium Incest Porn SitesNote : This story is completely fictional! Sis and I had always had a close relationship. Like most kids we grew up curious and had done the usual you show me yours I'll show you mine kind of thing. But being young we didn't ever take it far. As sis gre older I knew she had turned into a hot looking gal and I had many fantasies about her over the years. A number of years later sis had come to visit on vaction. By this time she had become a very hot looking woman who would turn the head of any...
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Sis: Oh, no I am a girl now! by Princess Panty boy Today started like pretty much every other day except for two things. The first thing that was different, was today was the first day of school. I really hoped that other kids would start this year picking on someone else, because all the other boys always made fun of me for being so small. The girls pretty much just ignored me because of the same reason, they all seemed to only like to talk to the boys that were...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister Susan and I spent lots of time together, as we grew up. When we was young we would rassle in the back yard, play baseball on the school field, run with all our friends, and in general just have fun. This went on right up into High School. As we grew, I was amazed at the transformation Susan's body went through. As she gained height (she is 5 foot 10 inches, to my 6 foot even now), she also grew curves that were very pleasing to the eyes! Her...
IncestHi all, this is Sunil. This is my first incest sex story on Indian Sex Stories dot net, apologies for any grammatical mistakes. Please do leave your feedback to mail id Without wasting time, I shall start with my sex story. I live with my father and elder brother in a semi-urban locality. I & my elder brother Sunder, are like close friends, after all, he’s 3 years elder to me. We lost our mother 6 years back. My father runs provision store, my brother Sunder works as a policy agent and I, in...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! I was about 18 when I went to spend a summer with my older sister, Lynn. She was 5 years older than me and unmarried with a 3-bedroom house with a large yard, so she wanted to have some help with some yard work. I had been there almost a month when I discovered my sister's stash of porn magazines in a drawer beside her bed. At first I was shocked (my parents had always been very "proper" about such things, and I had never seen anything like these...
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Her one year older brother was passing by and saw her through the slightly open door. Seeing her topless wasn’t anything really new for him, but he stopped to appreciate the view nonetheless. “Whatcha doin', sis?” He asked. “Are they too small?” She asked him, so he entered her room. “Too small for what?” He asked. “They look just fine. Maybe even perfect for your size, truth be told.” Fran was a petite girl, only about five feet tall, with a trim little behind. All she was...
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IncestSis and I Sis and I
My sister had invited my girlfriend and I over for a bbq at her and her boyfriends new place. When we arrived my girlfriend, Celina, and I found my sister, Rekha, and her boyfriend, Ram, out back already preparing the grill. We all greeted each other, and then Ram took drink requests. We all decided on long island iced teas and before long Ram returned with a large pitcher filled as well as a tray of cups already full. As the food was prepared we made small talk as most people do around a bbq,...
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IncestChapter 1 I was a nineteen year old sophomore in college, still living a home when my sister and her best friend decdied on having a sleepover. I ogled these 18 year high school seniors in their nightclothes and it wasn't long before I had to retire to my room because my anatomy was betraying me. As I lay on my bed with shorts and no shirt I again was thinking that the girls were hot looking and I had the starting of an erection. I ran my hand under the waistband of my shorts and felt the...
In July of that year I turned eleven. Our parents came home from work to take us out to eat lunch at Farrell's. It's an ice cream parlor that serves food, too. I felt like a dork when all the waiters and waitresses brought over the little birthday cake and sang to me -- along with everybody else in the place. But I like their burgers and banana splits. By then, my sister, Stephanie, and I had been exploring and playing with sex for several months. I wanted to stick my cock into her but she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was a nineteen year old sophomore in best friend decided on having a sleepover. I ogled these 18 year high school seniors in their nightclothes and it wasn't long before I had to retire to my room because my anatomy was betraying me. As I lay on my bed with shorts and no shirt I again was thinking that the girls were hot looking and I had the starting of an erection. I ran my hand under the waistband of my shorts and felt the head of my now almost...
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One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...
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Sis oh no I am a girl now!!! Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Kevin/Karen: 12-year-old boy Donna: older sister 16-years-old Sally: little sister 4-years-old Cindy: neighbor girl 13-years-old Pam: girl in class 12-years-old Max boy in class 12-years-old Tommy boy in class 12-years-old Mrs. Springsteen ...
She heard him come in and clomp up the stairs so she followed, hoping to get what she wanted, what she felt she needed, actually deserved. His door was open a crack so she stepped in and leaned against it. He turned when it clicked. "Hi, Sis, why are you looking at me like that?" "I talked to Ginger at lunchtime today, Ginger Wilson. Did you know she was a 8th grader when you boned her?" He blinked at her and blushed. "All this time you told me I was too young, that we couldn't do it,...
Stephanie got her driver's license on the first try. When she and Dad came home she ran in the house squealing and waving it in the air. Mom hugged her and then Steph came and hugged me. As I said, I wasn't as happy about everything as I probably should have been. After things calmed down a little bit Steph commandeered the telephone. She wanted to call all her friends to brag. I went up to my room to work on the model hot rod I was building. I had finished with the glue a half hour later....
I was watching TV late last Saturday in my room over the garage. I had built the attic room myself as a statement to the family and myself that I was growing up and it was getting close to the time I would need a place of my own. Even now I needed to feel a bit of separation. My folks went along with me, remembering perhaps the same times in thier lives. It wasn't a palace, but it was mine, sort of, and it was good to get time to myself to think out the changes that were piling up in my...
First TimeThis Story is 100% fictional. One day I happened to be walking by my brother's room when a crack in the door caught my attention. I peeked into his room wondering what he was up to. I couldn't believe it; he was standing there with his penis sticking out. His hand moving up and down on it. "What was he doing," I thought to myself. I couldn't move. I just stood there starring at him. My heart started pounding. I watched as he moved his hand faster and faster until he started grunting out loud,...
IncestThe Sphinx layshidden between the pyramids and sand dunes like my clit between the folds of my pussy lips. It is 45 o C in the shade, if you can find it. We are busy producing a cheap documentary film on the Egyptian theology of an afterlife for a PBS channel. Michael, my cameraman, is a tall well-build man with long blond hair. He handles his Sony digital video camera as if it is a toy. We are pretending to be tourists to avoid paying bribes to the authorities and to evade their scrutiny. The...
Vulcan here; what I am about to do is take a massive step in my long journey toward carnal ecstasy. Me being an adventurous creature, all the experiences in the Genesis series were true happenings in my life and in the interest of keeping identities a secret, all names and other demographics will be aptly substituted or omitted entirely. The content is explicit, and primarily about THICK middle aged WOMEN. It’s a long chronicle (writing is on-going) with interspersed very detailed sexual...
Please note: I do not play DDR in real life. My only attempt at it led to a broken ankle, which took 6 months to heal. :-) So if what I am writing doesn't jive with the game: Tough. :-) It's a story for a reason. For the two of you who are overtly offended, bugger off. The rest, enjoy. -Saintly Genesis Club: Shift Shift Revolution I got up to do my next song. I knew it was not really going to be great. I kept the challenge low and didn't achieve much. Stepping up onto the large...
Hi this Sam form Pune this is my 3rd story .many thank for all those emailed me and inform that the like my last stories. This is another incident happed between me my sis. . Let me tell you once again about my sister her name is Kavita she is good looking girl with physic 32 28 34.she one year younger than me. After that wonderful night everything got change between me and my sis I used to kiss her if our parents are not around I also started fondling her breasts over the clothes, many time I...
IncestEpidemic Sissification II How could he have done that? His throat felt strange, almost like it wanted to rebel against what he'd just done. Sayuri's anus tingled from what had just happened. Why had he felt such a rush to be taken by a thick cock? To his shame he could feel how much he'd enjoyed it. When he finally reached orgasm it had been better than anything that he might have felt before. His eyes looked around, feeling like he was lost in a whirlwind. The uniform he wore felt...
Chapter 1: Poutos Veritas realized the change in his surroundings. Standing in a large hall, amidst thousands of others new players. From his point of view everyone wore the same outfits, a black pants with matching shirt and sandals. He found himself standing near a wall, which contained a graffiti with instructions for beginners. Feeling claustrophobic he opted to go outside through the large double doors. Taking a step he noticed a difference in his body movement. It seemed more rigid,...
GENESIS BY M.M. I was born on 3 rd October2078, which means 22 years from end of the Genesis. Woman that broughtme to this world was not DNA compatible to have a female child. Once shewas pregnant, the tests were ran and she, as incompatible DNA mother, wassupposed to be given a male factor 17 which is a limit for having a malechild. However, by mistake she received factor 40 on male DNA carrier,and brought me to this world not knowing how I would turn up. She, likeany other, expected an...
SISSY'S NEW LIFE Part 1 By Goddess Laura My name is Laura. I married my husband James when we both very young. We had a relatively normal marriage for the first year or so. We role played occasionally, James being the submissive and me, of course being dominant. We were both naturals at those positions. I loved being waited on, tying him to our bed and teasing him, and he loved groveling at my feet and being controlled by me. It wasn't until I came home...
Thesis by Caitlyn Masked ------------------------------------------------ I started writing this story in February of 2020 and didn't finish it until late April. Proof reading took until June. It's by far the longest I've ever worked on a project as most of my previous writings came in a single session or at most over a few days. I want to especially thank my precious Tygress Kitty as without her reading along and giving me her opinions, I'm not sure I could have finished this. ...
It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...
AnalMichael was in an emotional turmoil.He had finally given up to his sexual urges and made a move.After all those nights of fantasies he finally ended up fingering Rachael.She must be a virgin he thought how else could she possibly be so tight.It was hard to even push his finger inside her he could only imagine how tough it will be to push his long thick cock inside her tiny hole.Then his eyes caught the sight of Rachael's pink cotton panties that she had left behind in hurry.Michael picked...
Don’t you just love it when a subreddit is super direct? Well, that makes two of us, and I am here to talk about all the juicy pussy content that r/PantiesToTheSide/ has to offer. Well, take your time and explore everything on r/PantiesToTheSide/, because as long as you love looking at dirty muff pictures of hot Reddit sluts, I am sure that you will love everything this subreddit is about.There is not much for me to explain about this subreddit when it comes to the content, because the name...
Reddit NSFW ListSissy's Humiliation-4 by: SissyFellatrixFL There I was, with three other slaves -one dressed as a harem girl, another as a cheerleader, the third in a mini bridal dress, and me in my frilly little girl party dress - ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder to be used as their "toy" for the evening. Mistress Victoria introduced a tall, extremely muscular man as the slave master. As the audience quieted down, the slave master began instructing the audience on the rules of the...
It was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...
LesbianMy sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I've since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and...
Group SexMy younger sister, Lisa, has been a cock tease for as long as i can remember. Now 18, she loves walking around the house showing off her long, lean legs and her tight ass. Although she was a little taller than I was at 5'08", she had small but firm breasts and seldom wore a bra under her shirts. As she grew into a young woman, again she paraded around the house, now with the very developed body of a young woman rather than a young girl. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a way of walking...
StepsisterBy Sonya EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK - Monday Later AfternoonJames was out by the backyard. He was smoking a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched!! His backyard faced a cliff, that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. He lived in a big mansion, on the top of a hill, somewhere off the coast of Miami, Florida. He quickly threw away the cigarette, since he believed his parents would be home any moment!! James ...
Note: this story is completly fictional.. It's been months since Bobby has seen his sister Karla, and now he can't wait to see her this weekend. Bobby is a masculine guy he wrestled for his high school and became state champ. Bobby couldn't wait to see Karla he planned to do so many things with her like take to kings dominion to have fun. What Bobby didn't realize is that Karla was visiting to tell everyone that she was pregnant. Bobby was happy and sad at the same time because he wanted to...