Innocent Asian Teen Gangbang
- 3 years ago
- 37
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Cindy and I are teachers at the same school. We car-pool because we
live only a couple of miles from each other and the school where we
teach is a 40 minute drive away. We have been good friends for
years and often shop together as well as go to a movie or have a
drink together after work. Cindy had been going with a new guy for
just a couple of weeks. The guy was from England and his name was
Larry. I’d met him once and thought he was kind of sexy and exotic
and that Cindy was pretty lucky.
Then one Saturday, I went over to Cindy’s apartment: we often drop
in on each other without calling ahead. I had to shop for a dress and
I was going to invite her to come along, but when she answered the
door, she refused to let me in–she didn’t even open the door all the
way–just poked her head out the door. “Is Larry there?” I
whispered. “No”, she said. “Someone else!” I whispered. “No” she
said. “Then what’s wrong?” “Nothing.” She was acting very
strangely. Finally, I left… more than a little peeved.
On Monday when we drove in to work, she apologized and seemed
embarrassed about it. “Larry *was* there wasn’t he? How come you
couldn’t tell me?” “No, he wasn’t.” “Then what was going on?”
“Well”, she said, “Larry and me play this game.” “But you said he
wasn’t there!” “He wasn’t.” “What’s going on?” I was getting
frustrated. “I’m sorry”, said Cindy, “I’ll explain. Larry and I play this
game where …” she paused and seemed unwilling to go on. “Well, I
am… I pretend to be his slave.”
I sat there in silence with my mouth hanging open. “It’s only a game”
she said nervously. “He *makes* you do this?” I asked
incredulously. “No!” she said “we are both just playing, for fun.” “So
what was with Saturday?” I asked warily. “Well, Larry had ordered
me to stay, uh, undressed all day.” Once again I was speechless.
“The pervert” I muttered. “No!” she said sharply, again, kind of
nervously, “It *is* different, but I kind of like it.” “Kind of?” “I
*do* like it. This is embarrassing!”
“So Larry told you to stay naked all day, so you spent your Saturday
sitting around your apartment with no clothes on?” “I guess it
sounds dumb. He came over later after you left.” We rode in silence
for a while. “I imagine he also orders you to do other things.” I
finally said. “Well, yes.” she said. Once again she seemed
embarrassed, so once again I stopped talking. Before the ride was
over, we started talking about other things and again we were on
easy terms, but we avoided the subject all week. The following
Saturday, Cindy called me up and asked if I would go to a matinee
with her. I was kind of glad she called me because I had become
nervous about approaching her . We decided to discuss our choice of
movies after she came over. But before we actually started
discussing them, she shocked me again. “Larry was pleased that you
were curious about our game” she said. I couldn’t believe she’d told
him about our conversations! “He told me…” she broke off and
obviously she was very embarrassed. “He told me to be your, uh,
slave.” I was speechless.
“Uh, how was that?” I finally managed to get out. “Like with him.
Anything you tell me to do, I do it.” “Look Cindy, I guess it’s all right
for you to play those games with Larry, but…,but please don’t make
things weird.” “I’m sorry” she said, but in such a pentinent way that
I was suspicious. “Well, let’s decide what movie to see,” I finally
said. “OK” she said, once more in a voice that sent shivers down my
spine. *The asshole* I thought. But our discussion of movies was a
sham: anything I suggested, she agreed to. I asked her to make a
suggestion and I could tell she was just trying to name the one *I*
would choose. Finally I blurted out “I can’t take this!” “I’m sorry”
she whimpered and she looked genuinely alarmed.
“How does he make you do these things?” “He doesn’t” She looked
distressed at my agitation and my line of questioning. “Did he
threaten to drop you?” “No!” she shot back, looking really hurt. “It
was his idea, but…, but I find the game… exciting!” “Well, you don’t
have to play it with me!” “Yes, but…, that’s part of our… his and my
game. He told me to, to be your slave, and I want to keep playing.”
Then my curiosity got the best of me, and in retrospect, I was lost. I
began to wonder how far she would go with this game. “And you’ll
really do anything I tell you to?” “Yes,” she said. I thought about it.
“What if I tell you to drop Larry.” “Well, no,” she said, “I guess I have
to do anything you say that doesn’t contradict what Larry tells me to
do.” “What if I told you to jump off a cliff?” I said. “You’re my
friend–you wouldn’t injure me,” she said, “That is one of the
reasons I can play with you”. I thought some more. “What if you
want to quit?” I asked. “I don’t”.
“But if you change your mind? He’ll drop you, won’t he?” “Oh, we can
quit any time. He’s not mean–he wouldn’t drop me.” “Yeah, right.”
“Well, I guess I don’t really know until I try, but, well, so far he has
been really good about, well, uh, making sure I’m feeling OK about it.”
That got me thinking. After a little while I said “Do you enjoy this?”
“Yes” she said in a quiet, unsteady voice, obviously embarrassed. I
thought again. “What if I asked you to do something that wouldn’t
injure you but that you really don’t want to do?” “I’d… do it if I
could… I don’t know, maybe there are some things that would make
me quit.” I thought some more.
“OK” I said, and I think my worst side came out in that moment, “take
off your clothes, kiss my shoes, then…,” I thought for a second “go to
my room and get a leather belt, come back, give it to me, and lean
over the table so I can whip your ass.” I think I smirked. But she
immediately started taking off her clothes! I was speechless again!
Soon she was nude and she got down on her knees and put her head
down right to my shoes and kissed them! And something about it
excited me! *Me…on a power trip*, I thought. Then she went over to
my room, came back with a belt, gave it to me and leaned over the
I sat there thinking. “Are you enjoying this?” I asked quietly, at
last. She didn’t say anything right away. “You have to answer me
honestly, don’t you?” I asked. “Are you enjoying this?” “Yes” she
said in a half whisper. “You like to wait, nude, for your best friend
to whip you?” “I’m sorry” she said, and again she seemed pentinent.
“So you’re just going to *let* me whip you?” “Yes” she answered.
Then, the devil got into me again–I swung the belt around a couple
of times, not touching her, but so that she could hear the swishing
sound. She still remained there, not moving. I touched the belt to
the skin of her rear, then tapped her rear lightly a couple of times
with it. She still didn’t move. “Are you ready?” I asked. “Yes” she
said again, in a hoarse whisper. Finally, I raised it up and slapped
her ass with it once. She jumped, but didn’t say anything nor did she
even yell. I waited a little while, then I whipped her again. Then a
third time. Then I spoke: “Did you like that?” “Yes” she said.
I thought some more. “Do I turn you on?” “Y… Yes” she answered.
“But never before this game.” I suggested. “No… Yes…” she said. “Uh,
did I turn you on before you ever met Larry?” “Yes” she whispered.
That was one of the shocks of my life. But my curiosity kept me
from stopping the questions: “so you were going to come on to me
some day?” “No” “You were going to remain attracted to me and
never do anything about it?” “Yes”. I thought some more. This
certainly was a surprise. I’d never had a single feeling for any
female, and here I find Cindy had been harboring these feelings…
“Have you ever been attracted to other females?” “Yes” “Have you
ever… *done* anything with other females?” “No” “So you were
going to go through life like any ordinary female, but harboring these
secret feelings?” “Yes” “Do you like men?” “Yes” “Do you… ever
think about females when you… *masturbate*?” “Yes” “Me?” “Yes.
I’m sorry.” She seemed about to cry, but I didn’t stop. “Did you think
about this? Me, uh, with a belt and you…” “No” “You think about us
doing it” “No” “Then what?” “Uh, kissing” “That’s all? You
masturbate just thinking about us kissing?” “Yes… well…” “Go on”
“Well, I’ve thought about your breasts: about me kissing your
I didn’t continue ‘the third degree’ any further, and I noticed that I
was wet! Upon thinking about it, I noted that I was really excited
and it made me wonder about myself. But I had had enough. I told
Cindy to get dressed and that I wasn’t in the mood for a movie and
maybe we’d see a movie some other day. Of course, she went along
with everything I said, soon leaving me to my thoughts.
Well, once again, our ride to work on Monday was beyond
embarrassment. In fact, we rode in complete silence all the way to
work, but we managed to get conversation about neutral topics going
on the way home that evening. Wednesday evening, Cindy convinced
me to stop on the way home for a drink, and wonder of wonders,
Larry showed up. He was all charm, and set me at ease quicker than
I would have thought possible, but then I’d just had a gin and tonic.
Then he said “I hear you two had an interesting time.” This time I
wasn’t embarrassed or even too pissed off–I just made a snide
comment about his getting his jollies through vicarious experiences.
He just looked amused, then quietly told Cindy to kiss my hand! And
right there in the bar, she took my hand, brought it up to her mouth,
and kissed it! And I got wet, of all things! Suddenly we weren’t
gabbing, and each word we spoke seemed carefully chosen. Larry
ordered each of us another drink, and I drank mine too fast. “Now you
kiss Cindy’s hand,” he said to me. He was so self-assured and sexy,
even if he was saying things he never should. I loved his voice. I
was a bit drunk, and I actually *did* it. And I was really wet!
We left soon after that, and they took me home, Larry driving Cindy’s
car. When they dropped me off, Cindy invited me to her house for
dinner on Friday. Her “we” assured me that Larry was going to be
there. Then my nervousness returned, but had I mumbled an assent
before I had time to think clearly about what I ought to do. After
they left, I was left wondering what was up. Almost surely, they
intended to play their games with me. It seemed like Larry was
going to watch Cindy be my slave, or maybe he wanted to have two
slaves! I knew I wouldn’t stand for the latter, but the thought of
being a slave didn’t seem to dampen my excitement the way I thought
it would. I ended up making myself come in bed that night.
Well, Thursday morning, I was feeling really weird about the whole
thing and told Cindy on the way in to work that I didn’t think I could
make it after all. She took it in stride, but said they would prepare
it for me anyway and that I should come if I could. What could I say?
Well, Friday evening came around and I showed up at her apartment,
right on time. To my surprise, a fourth person was there, a young
woman whom I had never met, named Lisa. She looked like a
teenager, and it turned out she was: 19 years old and a sophomore in
college. She was young, athletic, and beautiful and I was instantly
jealous. I wondered if they had invited her in my stead, but they had
set four places at the table. As we ate, I found out that she had met
Cindy at school–she was planning on being a teacher, and the
university she attended arranged for sophomores interested in
teaching certification to visit a teacher for a day. She was so
young–she was enthusiastic, yet not quite sure of herself, and she
looked up to both Cindy and me as gods! I started thinking,
presumably with the help of the wine, about what Larry (and Cindy)
might have planned for the evening. I had accepted that it would be
fun to have Cindy as my slave, but I started thinking about Lisa! My
mind saw her as the perfect slave! Eager to please, young, lithe, … I
couldn’t believe my mind could lead me in these directions! I hardly
noticed the dinner I was eating, which is highly unusual for me. By
the end, my mind was turning over all kinds of possibilities,
imagining that maybe Larry wanted three slaves, or maybe he was
going to have Cindy as his slave and Lisa would be mine! Or maybe he
wanted to try Lisa as his slave and would have Cindy serve me again!
I begin to imagine Lisa as a slave! Nude, kneeling in front of me,
kissing my shoes, handcuffed, licking me! Whimpering! I got excited
just sitting there at the table, and more than once, conversation
failed me.
Well, after dinner, we all adjourned to the living room. None of us
three women offered any conversation, and it seemed we three had
an unspoken understanding that Larry would start a game of some
sort. “Lisa, unbutton your blouse,” he said. She looked at him
sharply and studied him a minute. Then she started unbuttoning it.
“Leave it closed–just unbutton all the buttons,” he added. We all
watched in silence as she unbuttoned all the buttons. She wasn’t
wearing a bra and we could see her skin all the way down to her
waste, but her breasts were still covered. Even so, I stared at the
opening of her blouse, transfixed. “Now, Debbie, you unbutton yours
the same way.” Without thinking, I followed Larry’s command. I
still looked at Lisa. “OK, Debbie, now take it off.” The air was thick.
I glanced briefly at Larry, then took off my blouse, almost without
thought. I still wore my bra. Lisa and I just sat there, eyes glued on
each other. Someone unsnapped my bra–it was Cindy. “Take off
your pants, Debbie.” I started to do it, but faltered, and seemed to
come to my senses. “Do it!” came Larry’s stern voice. When I didn’t,
he said “Lisa, kiss Debbie’s lips.” Lisa approached without taking her
eyes off me, and I melted. She gave me a soft kiss, but didn’t linger.
“Now, take off her pants, Lisa.” I didn’t resist. How could I? Since
I’d kicked off my shoes, I was wearing nothing but panties. “Now,
the panties, Lisa.”
I was nude. Standing on my knees. “Kiss her again”. I was in a daze.
My eyes shut. Something clicked, and I realized my hands were held
behind me. Handcuffed! Lisa withdrew her kiss and I opened my
eyes. Larry was giving her a whip! It was little, about as long as a
belt. “She’s frightened, let her see it,” said Larry. Lisa brought it
over, and held it up in front of my face. I noticed her blouse was
buttoned again. Then she held the whip to my lips and said “Kiss it.”
It was a quiet voice, but with an assurance I never would have
expected, based upon our dinner conversation. When I didn’t do
anything, she put a hand to the back of my head, and gently pressed it
forward until my lips touched the whip. When she released my head,
I looked up at her. She looked deadly serious. I noticed that Cindy
and Larry were sitting together on the couch, fully dressed, but
hands all over each other. They were watching us.
“Put your head on the floor” said Lisa. I glanced down, a little
confused. “Stay on your knees, but bend down with your ass in the
air and your head on the floor” she clarified. When I still didn’t
budge for another second, she put her hand on the back of my head
again, and guided it down to the floor. “Count each time you are
whipped” she said. Subconsciously, I had realized that I was to be
whipped, but this made it explicit. Suddenly, my ass exploded in
pain. Then I realized I had heard the sound. I didn’t scream. I sort of
sang a little note, involuntarily. “Count. Say ‘One’,” came Lisa’s
voice. It was still soft, but sterner than before. “One,” I whimpered.
She whipped me 25 times. I counted them all. Then she put her hand
to my cunt. It was soaked. She looked amused. I felt so humiliated.
I glanced at Larry and Cindy. Cindy’s blouse was unbuttoned and
Larry had his hand inside. She was looking at me and breathing hard.
Larry was looking at her. I felt the handcuffs being released. Lisa
made me get dressed without my underwear, then handcuffed me
again with my hands in front. Then she took me outside, to her car,
handcuffed. It was a Corvette, in perfect condition. I realized she
was a rich k*d. She drove me to her apartment and I stayed the night.
She taught me to eat her, making me practice all night. I’ve been
here ever since, at her beck and call. Cindy and Larry have come over
a couple of times and she makes me lick Cindy and suck Larry’s cock.
Cindy is very amused by it all.
I can’t believe the things I do for Lisa. She taught a girlfriend of
hers to enjoy whipping me. Now she’s hinting at some sort of party
she is going to throw. I think about Larry and Cindy now and what
they do seems like such innocent fun.
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Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...
Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother’s gone and my mom’s a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...
IncestHi I'm Jane, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. - Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...
IncestHi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...
IncestPlease read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am a horny teen boy. I have a hot sexy mom who is innocent. She believes everything I tell her. I fantasize all perverse things with her, even while standing with her she doesn’t know. I will explain some of such events here. Once my friend was with me in my room. We were supposed to study. We were fooling around on his laptop watching some porn etc. He had a boner and wanted to jack off. I showed him the washroom. That’s...
IncestHi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback. Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL...
Incest(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 18, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde ***** - CHAPTER 2: Revealed - After a few long minutes, Gabriella finally stepped down off the last step and began slowly walking in my direction, toward the couch. I was facing away from her, but I knew she could see that I was sitting up. She carefully walked around the corner and then stopped when she saw that my face was completely hidden against my...
School Fundraiser by Le Chat Author's note: This story was inspired by the drawings of Splyf ("Visitto the Restaurant", "Dolcett Palace", "Westworld",and others). The story was written around Splyf's favourite charactersand was submitted here with his approval. "Welcome to Merle's Bar and Grill! A table for four?" The Malcolmfamily was greeted at the door by a nude waitress. She looked very youngbut, as Brent didn't fail to notice, her slender frame was adorned with a pairof fairly...
?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President, ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...
DISCLAIMED - READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...
Hi friends. I am a 25-year-old guy working in an IT firm in Chennai. I was also born and brought up in Chennai. Prologue: This is an introductory brief, people who aren’t interested can jump to the story part below. From my 11th standard, I have been watching porn videos and used to masturbate but this ‘sex stories’ is something I am new to. Recently, I started reading these stories and became a fan of them. I am someone who has had around 8 sexual encounters in my life till now. So, I...
It was August 22nd Monday Night around 9 P.M. It was raining heavily outside. This is my room, a bit small with one attached bathroom. I got it at very less rent because this area is a newly built area and there are very few houses around in this area. And my room is almost isolated as their are yet no houses constructed nearby room. There are just distant street lamps around and its completely dead silent during nights. But the Highway is just some 500 meters from where there you can find...
Hi ! This is Anuj here 24 years old. This story that I am sharing happened a year back. I am from Bangalore. Doing my post-graduation. I am good looking guy, I love body building. I have 6 inch penis and its thick. This story is about a cute, innocent and pure sex-story between me and my girl-friend chuii. If you want to enjoy do keep yourself into characters place. First time I m sharing this forgive my mistakes, its long story so have some patience. I m basically from Bangalore and gal was...
Hello guys, this is my second story in ISS. I use ISS only to post my stories. My first story was in ‘Office/ Teacher’ section with title ‘Revenge of my HR’. Hope you liked it. This is my second encounter in my life which is as below: I am Sonu. 26 years guy, very fair and handsome. But always horny. I am working in Bangalore in an IT company. On one weekend, we friends planned to go to a pub. It was a long time that we didn’t go there. So wanted a nice night life to hang out as well as to get...
IncestHi friends, Myself Ram.Mai iss ka bhut bada fan hu aur kafi stories padhne ke baad,mujhe feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni aap biti aap sab ke sath share karni cahiye.Ye story meri aur mere neighbor priya ki hai jo ek innocent ,simple and sweet ladki hai jo mujhse kuch saal choti hi hai.Ye mera phla sexperience hai kisi virgin ke sath. Aapko priya ke baare me btata hu ek sweet innocent girl hai rang gora aur figure to aisa ki dekhte hi lauda khada ho jaye.Ab story pe aata hu priya mujhse bhut close...
Hello, dear readers. This is Sonia again. This story is the continuation of ‘Innocent College Pussy.’ Rohitha came to my flat and was in the middle of confessing what had happened to her. Let’s continue with the story in her words. In Rohitha’s words: The next day, I went to college as usual but feared getting caught cheating in tests and sexcapades. When the class started, I wondered where is Sujeet, the asshole who blackmailed me. Since he was late, I thought he didn’t make it to the college...
Technology Malfunction A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Just because technology allows you to do it, doesn't mean you should do it." It was not the first time that Ashton had said the words to his friend Cody, but it seemed like it might just be the last time. He was on the gurney now. The surgery was less than an hour away, and Cody would soon be unconscious as the drugs took effect. "You don't understand," said Cody. "This is what I want. What I've always wanted. To be...
Alan smiled as he went with his parents to visit the Morgan's. The fact that he was already bored out of his skull was hidden under that well practiced smile. The only bright spot he had to look forward to was that his pious parents and the holier-than-thou Morgan's would fob him off into Clare's care.He liked Clare. She was smart, even if a little naïve. OK. Even if she was hellishly naïve. Her parents fault, of course. They controlled every aspect of her life, never giving her the slightest...
Kara walked at her friend’s side through the Halloween Festival grounds, feeling as if the world was closing in on her. Never comfortable in any social situation, the vast number of people patronizing the fair made her feel anxious – on edge.Jamie let out a quiet moan at her side and said, “Look, there’s John. God, he’s so fucking hot.”Though she did instinctively follow Jamie’s gaze, the sight of the handsome, popular guy filled her with a combination of longing and despair, causing her to...
HorrorHi everyone this is my first story.i am afooking from Bangalore age 20.this story is about me and my maid.her name is rani.age 18 stats 32d-30-34 height 5ft. Coming to story. this incident happened 2 years mom and dad hired a maid from take care of household my parents work in gulf and come once in a year. Coming to story i was in 11th when this incident happened my parents had provided me a computer.i used to watch lot of porn and masturbate in my room.once my maid...
It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...
It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...
Hi this is khan, am an engineer and am in holidays at my aunt’s place .I am 30. I was feeling extremely lonely, and the only thing that I could do to make myself feel better was watch a few porn DVDs that I had lying around and jerk off. I decided I would watch a new DVD called “Schoolgirl Sluts,” which featured a bunch of young girls in schoolgirl outfits getting fucked by guys with huge dicks. I was rubbing my cock, and it got to full attention as I watched a young Asian girl with pigtails...
IncestINNOCENT GIRL KEPT AGAINST HER WILL: OR THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT A Work of Fiction by THE Traveller It rained like it was going to turn into a storm any moment. Rita Page sits on her comfy couch, lost in thought. She's neither readingthe Cosmopolitan in her hand, nor is she watching The Collector, which happensto be on tv. It happens to be that today is her husband's birthday. And Rita is cursingherself for not going shopping for a birhday present earlier this week. Now in this weather, it...
The next day, band practice was first thing in the morning. Liam saw Sophia standing around while most people were taking their seats. She seemed rather reluctant to sit down. Eventually, Sophia sat down slowly and hesitantly as if the chair were hot to the touch. Her ass still stung and felt like it was on fire. Some parts of it started to bruise. “I’ll make sure that I never disobey Liam’s orders from now on.” Sophia thought to herself. The sight of watching Sophia uncomfortably squirm in...
Several years ago, my neighbor sold their place to this middle age couple. The husband was in his late forties while his wife was ten years younger. I was another five years her junior. Her husband always seemed to be busy and not around. I noticed them mainly because his wife, Jenny, as she was friendly and usually in her smiling mood. Let me illustrate a little more of her, so at least you have a visual imagination of what she is like. Would not say she got a pretty face but she was...
This is a little different than my other stories but it was written with a little help from my own talented wife at the request of a persistent reader. You know who you are. Hope you enjoy. *** Have you ever loved someone so much that loving them nearly destroyed you? My name is Jake and I met my wife, Heather, in college. I know it sounds stereotypical, but I was the dumb jock, and she was the mousy brain. Our chemistry professor paired us together in lab, and I guess you could say we...
She gasped as his lips moved down from her mouth, leaving a wet trail down her neck to her nipples. Her gasp turned into a moan as he took a nipple in his mouth, her fingers tracing patterns on his back. His hand came up to circle the other nipple while his mouth worked away and she involuntarily arched up against him. Her body was on fire and she craved more contact with his body, wanted to feel his skin, damp with sweat, slide across hers. She pushed up against him and he groaned as she...
Introduction: How I managed to hit on my neighbors wife This is a rather nasty yet kinky story about my next door neighbor Several years ago, my neighbor sold their place to this middle age couple. The husband was in his late forties while his wife was ten years younger. I was another five years her junior. Her husband always seemed to be busy and not around. I noticed them mainly because his wife, Jenny, as she was friendly and usually in her smiling mood. Let me illustrate a little more of...
Innocent AffairBy: Londebaaz ChohanIt was strange but still innocent. Ms. Alize and her teacher Mr. Austin Gibbs; always cracked goofy jokes and other such stuff, pushing the limits of the propriety whenever she came to help him. Mr. Gibbs was a teacher of Statistics at Langley High School and Alize was inspiring to be a teacher. She tried to do the finest job as an intern with him for the best learning possible. The most honest fact was that Alize was fucking her teacher or should it be said...
Hello my name is Innocent and I am a habitual masturbator. I can't help myself. It seems that's all I want to do anymore. It all started at the early age of 14. I was bored one night and decided to get naked and explore my body. I let my hands roam over my budding tits and between my thighs. I took my index finger and traced the lips of my young twat. I did it slowly,I wanted to feel the sensation of a young man discovering pussy,for the fist time. So I closed my eyes,imagining a young teen...
Hello, friends, Today, I am going to tell you the real sex story of my mom who became a whore from an innocent mother. I am Viraj, 19-year-old and a 2nd year BSc student from a reputed college in Mumbai. We are North Indians, basically, I am from Kanpur but resides in Mumbai since several years. The local people usually call us bhaiya (in disrespect) as we are north Indians. My father is a businessman and run a medical shop in the nearby market. My dad is very dedicated towards his work and is...
IncestInnocentbycyber_pussy0119©The mountains, though beautiful, can be very lonely. Especially to an 18 year old girl. But this wasn't the case for Holly Franklin. She had grown up in the mountains, just her daddy, Jeff, and her. She loved them. Holly couldn't even imagine living anywhere else, although her father often told her, while they were sitting by the fire, that someday she would have to leave him and live her own life. She would always just smile and cuddle closer to her daddy, knowing she...
This is a true story and still an ongoing one.. I live in Bangalore, 27m still unmarried running a business. Many girls came and moved on like passing clouds in my life. We have a 3 story house and the locality where I live is pretty cramped, it’s easy to jump on rooftops. The window in my room is adjacent to my neighbour’s kitchen. There was a new family in the neighbor’s building as the land lord usually rents it out. It all started few months back. I woke up in the morning went to the...
My name is Kiran I am 34 years having two kids the story I am narrating is about my lovely wife who is a heroine of this story her name is Ramya. So coming to the main story my wife who have a beautiful body with 34 26 34 will little chubby having fair complexion just looking like an south Indian heroine anybody who see her just imagine to share a bed with her. I always has a suspect of my wife character one fine day I found her mobile with her ex boy friend number in her call log I was very...
Hi to all the ISS readers I am great fan of ISS since my 10th class that means from age 18 and now I want to tell you that I am not that much fluent in English please excuse me for my grammatical mistakes and thanks to ISS for their great journey. Now coming to story my name is Vijay I am from small village in Tamil nadu my mother’s name is Padma she is house wife with great boobs and mouth watering ass and do some small tailor works for ladies and my dad is farmer very busy with our...
IncestHi myself Vijay and I am a big fan ISS site and I am 25 years old man, 6 feet tall good gym toned body and a have a nice 10 inches long and 4 inches thick cock and this a true story of how I shared m wife and I have my own business of transport, my parents wanted me to get married and settle down with a nice girl. My parents found me a nice innocent village girl. My wife’s name is Asha, she is 5’5, big boobs and a round ass and was very fair and we got married and enjoyed a great sex life but...
Hi, my name is Sagar from Delhi. It is a story of a innocent housewife who is fucked by golgappe wala. housewife ka naam SHWETA hai…jo 30 saal ki innocent aur achi wife h..uska figure 38-28-36 hai….mein jab bhi uski chuchi dekhta hu toh lund khada ho jata h…unki ek shop thi jispe saara saaman milta tha…for ration….uske ghar mein aksar vo aur uski saas rehte the jo ki shop k ander tha..mera ghar uske ghar ke saamne h..jahaan pe dukaaan h uske saamne….hamare ghar k paas kuch bihari log ne room...
I am Rajesh again from Garden city. I am 24 years old and unmarried . Here is my other story. Friends in my childhood I was very innocent and loved sex . You can treat me as a child who is inclined towards sex. I must have watched my father fucking my mom in my early days, and one day I copied him on pillow and enjoyed it. But I was very straight and simple in front of all the people. This is the incident happened when I went to my village in summer vacations. I was 13 years old and just...
Hello, dear readers. This Sonia and Rohitha again. I hope you read the previous parts. By now, all the boys are reading this story with a swollen dick in their hands due to masturbation. All the girls are reading this story with a wet pussy. Without any delay, let’s get back into the story. Ravi and I were sitting in a restaurant after having a wonderful fuck session in my house. I liked Ravi and his cock strength. So, I broke the silence in no time by telling him that he will have to take...
LesbianAmong the usual bills and mailshot letters one envelope caught my attention. My name and address on the front side, handmade paper and instead of a sender just the words “Come and enjoy”. I sought for my paper knife. Tearing such an expensive envelope open would be an act of barbarism. Golden letters in fancy type read: “Are you looking for high class entertainment? Are you fed up with the impersonal and boring services of the run-of-the-mill night clubs? Mr. Martin B. is cordially invited to...
Group SexWE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...
I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...
Impregnation game using a funnelIt is just so very slutty to get impregnated from a funnel, especially with multiple guys contributing sperm. I love the videos our avid members have found and contributed. I hope there are more posts and videos coming.A SEXY PREG RISK GAMEWhat I think would be sexy is a game at a swingers club or at a breeding party.Everyone signs waivers saying no one else will be held responsible for any results and it is fully consensual. STD test results can be exchanged or...