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The heat of the African sun beat down on my naked body like an open furnace. The krit-trrrrrrrr of the woodland kingfisher cut through the hot morning air, declaring its territory, close to water. My body absorbed the sensations of the African bush as a soft breeze blew in my direction, cooling my hot pussy. I became one with nature as the naked soles of my feet sought the next safe spot to touch down.

It was midmorning when I saw the unmistakable tracks of Clarisse, a two-and-a-half-year-old lioness, in the soft sand of a dry riverbed. Dropping on one knee, squashing my naked breast against my thigh, I studied the tracks. The limp of her right front leg and the blood on the ground were clearly visible. She might have been injured by a male lion that took over her mother’s pride. The tracks were fresh and the wind carried her scent to me.

Before I could walk around a large river bushwillow tree, I heard the soft growl of my quarry and the crackling laughter of hyenas. I froze at the sight before me. Clarisse, with her behind quarters secured in a buffalo thorn bush, faced two hyenas, her mortal enemies. Although injured and young, this lioness would not give up without a fight.

It was only then that I became aware of my own vulnerability. As usual, I was on my morning foot patrol through the most isolated part of a private game reserve. Every morning, my job as a game ranger was to look for fresh movements of various animals. I usually got rid of all my clothes about ten minutes from the lodge. If Gerald knew I walked around naked and without a weapon, he would’ve fired my naked ass long ago.

Now, I had to get to safety before the hyenas turned on me. But my concern for Clarisse, whom I saved when she was just a cub, brought my maternal instincts to the surface. Grabbing two thick dry sticks beneath a dead Mopane tree, I stormed the hyenas and banged the sticks against each other, shouting at the top of my voice.

The hyenas saw this five-foo-eleven-inch, naked woman with short flaming red hair charging at them. At first, it looked like they wanted to laugh at this strange apparition, but the ruckus I made was enough to raise the dead. They turned and fled into the bush, leaving the wounded lioness staring at her new adversary.

I stood before her in a half crouching position, a stick in each hand, ready for the inevitable. Clarisse licked her paw and bowed her head. A porcupine quill got stuck between the toes of her paw and one in her neck. Her leg was also bleeding, but not too seriously. She could die if those quills were not removed. I wondered if she would still remember me and without any thought of danger to myself, I dropped the sticks and moved towards the lioness.

Careful not to make any sudden moves, I took her massive right paw and squeezed the skin at the point of entry and removed the quill. She made no sound, except her heavy breathing.

The quill in her neck proved to be more difficult to remove. She had to lift her head for me to reach the quill. Her yellow eyes betrayed a recognition, or so I hoped. I could smell the pus in her neck from the infected wound. Moving with speed, I yanked the quill from her neck before she could react and saw the pus draining from the wound. As I slowly retreated towards safety, Clarisse just licked the blood from her leg, shook her head, got up and walked away. She never looked back.

Steadying myself against a tree, my legs apart and my knees wobbly, my bladder suddenly released its load. I had to laugh at myself. There I was, scared shitless, but still had to mark my territory with my urine. It took the best part of an hour for my body to recover from the aftermath of my insane act. Just one swipe of her paw and I would have been turned into lunch.

I was lucky. I was given another chance. After three years of running away, trying to hide from my past, I was still as vulnerable as Clarisse was. Being naked and defenseless turned every moment into an act of oneness. The two-legged “hyenas” could still find me and destroy the peace I found in the African bush. But was this peace enough for me? Wasn’t there something more I could do to secure a future for lions and hyenas?

Retreating from my close encounter with death, I felt a long-forgotten pulse beating within my pussy and breasts. For three years I have been celibate and the possibility of my own death awakened the longing within me. I wanted to feel that desire, the passion of being alive again. I wanted to make love, to feel a throbbing cock inside me, my tongue on a wet pussy and my mouth sucking on a dick. What I would’ve given to feel the naked breasts of another squashed against mine again, or a tongue fucking my pussy.

I didn’t want to die alone with lots of regrets. Picking up my pace, I hurried to the spot where I left my clothes. I was only vaguely aware of the two adult giraffes and their young lunching on an acacia tree as I passed a herd of zebra and impala. The first thing I did when I reached my clothes was to use a little water from my canteen to wash off the urine from my pussy and legs.

Fishing out my clothes from a dead leadwood tree, I pulled on my tight-fitting shorts and shirt, and stuffed my panties and bra into my pockets. In my haste, I broke all the buttons of the shirt and had to tie the shirt across my stomach, leaving my full breasts half exposed. At that stage, I didn’t care. I knew what I had to do. I had to confront my own “hyenas.” Only then did I pull on my boots.

It was late afternoon when I sneaked unseen into the lodge. It was easy because I have mastered the art of doing it for more than two years. The first item on my new agenda was to see Gerald. The luxury silver SUV parked outside Gerald’s office barely registered in my consciousness. I knocked once and opened the door:

“Gerald, I want to hand in my…”

“Sam,” Gerald interrupted, slouching behind his mahogany desk. “Or should I call you Christine Marais, a South African billionaire’s long lost daughter?”

Sitting in the easy chairs in Gerald’s office were two “hyenas,” getting ready to pounce on me for my jugular.

“How did they find me?”

“I just happened to read that Mr. Piet Marais, the billionaire, died in a motor accident and left everything to his only child, Christine Marais. They had a picture of you with long red hair. I recognized you and called his office. Monique answered and I told them that I know a Samantha Brown who looks like Christine Marais.”

“My father died? When?”

“Three days ago,” said Gerald. I didn’t expect Father to die so soon. I still had to make amends for my stupidity. My heart was torn apart with grief, but only for a moment. I decided that mourning would come later.

Monique stood up, a tall beautiful woman, sensual in every way. Her short grey hair, alabaster skin, designer safari clothes and painted nails oozed confidence and to me, humiliation. She glided over to me with open arms.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for so long.” She hugged me and then pushed me at arm’s length, sizing me up from head to toe. Her gaze hovered an extra moment on my cleavage. “It was worth the wait. You look fantastic.”

"Do you want to humiliate me further?” This was the first touch of another human being in a while for me. My body reacted in a strange way, not how I expected. I didn’t know if it was lust or just the gratefulness of being touched.

“Oh, au contraire,” Monique assured me. “I want to help you take control of Tau Enterprises.”

“Control? How do you expect me to step into Father’s shoes after the scandal I caused?”

“The company thrived because of it and we doubled our profit and helped millions of people,” the other woman interrupted as she stood up and approached me. Her blue eyes sparkling with laughter and delight. “My name is Lisa and we want to give you the opportunity to prove that the faith your father had in you was not misguided.”

“How? By showing that I am a slut?”

“Of course not,” Lisa said. She undid the knot in my shirt, opened it and slid it over my shoulders. When my shirt dropped to the floor, Lisa took my full breasts in her hands and squeezed them. I wanted to stop her, to stop this humiliation and flee back into the bush. My body didn’t want to cooperate. My feet were glued to the floor.

“Oh, fuck,” Gerald said. “What a great fucking pair of tits.”

“Yes, they are beautiful and perfect for what we want to show women across the world,” Monique said as she undid my shorts, leaving me naked.

“Look at that pussy.” Gerald was beside himself. “I never knew you were so fucking fuckable.”

“I love your tan,” Lisa said as she walked around me, sizing me up. “Women, and men,” pointing to Gerald, “will go nuts over your body. You will be our new image.”

“I thought they saw it all three years ago,” I said, not making a move to cover myself up. Humiliation or not, I have been hiding myself from the eyes of others for far too long.

“That was the old Tau Enterprises. They haven’t seen you for who you really are,” Monique assured me.

“Do you know the real me?” I was pissed off. Did they know that I faced a lioness this morning? Did they care about the harsh beauty of the bush? Picking up my discarded clothes, I walked to the door. Before opening it, I turned to the two hyenas and said: “How do you plan to shame me more?”

“Hey, Sam, eh, Christine, you can’t walk around naked in the camp,” Gerald said.

“I quit,” I said and opened the door, wiggling my naked ass in Gerald’s direction as my resignation letter.

“You can’t quit. I own your ass.”

Slowly I turned around, dropped my clothes on the chair next to the door, walked up to Gerald, put my hands on the desk and said: “You know what? I’ll buy this lodge and then I’ll own your ass.”

Gerald’s eyes were fixed on my swaying tits. “Ladies,” I said to the two hyenas without taking my eyes off the handsome Gerald. “Take note: I want this place before I leave for Johannesburg tomorrow.”

Licking his lips, Gerald was so engrossed with my tits that he didn’t hear what I said. He slowly moved his right hand to my breasts. I let his hand get close before I grabbed it and pushed it away.

The realization that I was naked in the office and in the presence of three clothed people warmed my pussy and hardened my nipples. Or was it the sudden surge of the power money gave me that made me so bold? On the other hand, I longed to be touched, even by Gerald, just to feel desired again.

My free hand involuntary found its way to my wet pussy. Touching my clit sent shivers through my body. As I inserted two fingers inside my slippery sex, my breath shortened and my bosom heaved. On impulse, I tasted myself and offered a taste to Gerald. He greedily accepted my offer and sucked on my fingers.

Monique and Lisa were at my side, caressing my breasts, squeezing my nipples and kissed my naked behind. I was beyond caring about decorum.

“Already brown-nosing the new boss?” I asked. I stood up and drew Monique closer to me, ripping off her clothes. “Where lies your loyalty?”

“With you of course.”

“Why? Because you get a great salary?” I kissed her on her full lips and kneading her firm tits, effectively smothering her answer.

Feeling a hot breath from behind on my pussy, I opened my legs to allow Lisa to lick my slit and pleasure my clit.

“What about me?” moaned Gerald.

“Give me your cock. Let me suck it for you,” I answered. In no time I had to fulfil my desire of this morning but only because I was suddenly one of the richest women in South Africa. I hated it.

I broke up our sexual ménage, left my clothes where I dropped them and walked back to my quarters in the lodge. I needed time to think about the events of the past hour.

During my shower, I had time to reflect on my desires, Father’s death and my position. Did I really want to lead a huge company in turbulent times or continue my isolation in the bush? Tackling such a task as being a CEO would take guts and fearlessness. As I dried myself, I was overtaken by grief and cried for the time I wasted away from Father. He was such a gentle man and all he wanted was to give me the opportunity to be the best I could be. Dropping naked on my bed, I buried my face in my pillow, crying.

I didn’t know how long I laid on my bed, sobbing my heart out, when I felt soft hands on my naked flesh. Monique and Lisa sat on the bed next to me, both naked.

“Your father loved you dearly,” whispered Monique. “He wasn’t angry with you. He knew everything you did since you left. He knew you were here and bought this place for you two weeks after you arrived.”

“But I caused such a scandal with my public display of naked defiance.”

Lisa took my face in her hands, kissed my tears away and softly said: “He applauded it and he was very proud of you.”

“When he called to speak with me, I thought he wanted to punish me.”

“He wanted to offer you the position of marketing,” Monique said, touching my lips with her fingers.

I was stunned and my heart broke into a million pieces. How could I have been such a fool? And I thought he didn’t understand my need to be sexually free. I wrapped my arms around Monique and sobbed into her naked bosom. Lisa moved behind me and kissed my neck and caressed my breasts. The two hyenas turned into saviors as they kissed me all over, soothing my heartache with their concern.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, as Lisa continued her kissing down to my navel. Why would they be so friendly to me? I was still very skeptical about the motives of people.

“We loved your father, and he loved us,” whispered Monique as she sucked on my nipple.

“Don’t you two want to be the next CEO?” I had to know if this charade was just to get rid of me. But when Lisa sucked my clit into her mouth and pushed three fingers into my wet pussy, I was willing to give up everything for more of her expert mouth and fingers.

Through my orgasmic build-up, I heard Monique say, “Piet provided for us and made us promise to help you take over Tau Enterprises.” With that she moved to sit on my face, offering her pussy to me.

As my orgasm continued to build, I came face to face with an exquisite vulva, smooth, wet and puffy, inviting me to a feast. It had been a while since I tasted another woman’s essence and all I had to do was to stick out my tongue to drink from her fountain. Oh, the joy, the absolute pleasure it was to be able to taste her as the first wave of my orgasm moved across my body and into Monique’s pussy.

As Lisa’s tongue entered my sanctum, the ecstasy was so great that I started to sob and cry, tears mingling with Monique’s juices. This was the most sacred experience I’ve had in my life. This was a prayer, a ritual and the universe’s answer to all my prayers in one orgasmic bliss.

I woke from my pleasure induced slumber to find Lisa and Monique in a sixty-nine position, lapping each other’s pussies. Not to disturb them, I quietly went into the bathroom, took a small ring from my vanity case and put it back where it belonged. I pulled on an old, comfortable t-shirt, slipped into a pair of sandals and went outside.

The sun dipped its head behind tall sweet thorn and fever trees, displaying the majesty of nature in different hues of purple, red, blue and yellow. A lone nyala bull browsing on the acacia (thorn) trees ignored me as I made my way to Gerald and his wife’s home. His lovely wife, Tina, opened the door and invited me in. She was dressed in a loose-fitting gown, her cleavage inviting with a nipple peaking behind the flimsy cloth.

“Gerald,” Tina called to her husband. “The new boss lady is here to see you.”

“Actually, I want to speak with you both,” I said as Tina directed me to their lounge.

“Are you here to fire me for what I said and did earlier?” Gerald asked when he entered the room. He had a pair of boxers on, his strong upper-body naked and smooth, with six-pack abs. Then he looked at my t-shirt, my naked legs and my sandals. My first instinct was to cover up, cross my legs and be professional. But I realized that this was not the time for modesty, not what I had to offer Gerald. The bulge in his boxers indicated that he was glad to see me or that the two of them were having sex when I knocked.

“I want to make you a proposition. I want you two to turn this lodge into something different. It’s not making money. How long since you’ve had any guests?” When they shook their heads I continued. “I want you to develop here a swingers’ nudist resort.”

“A what?” both nearly choked on their own astonishment. “You want us to start a fucking nudist club?” Gerald asked after he got his breath back.

“Well put. Yes, that is what I want.”

“What do you take us for?” Gerald asked. The bulge became more prominent.

“You might not remember me, but I was there when you got busted four years ago.”

“Where?” Tina moved uncomfortably in her seat, her gown revealing more of her ample breasts.

“At the Swingers Club when Gerald’s boss caught him fucking his wife.”

“Oh. How could I forget?” said Gerald.

“But I don’t remember you,” Tina said, uncrossing her legs. Her open gown revealing her smooth naked legs and a hint of her pussy.

“Maybe this will jog your memory,” I said as I pulled up my t-shit and spread my legs to show them my exposed pussy. Tina dropped to the floor between my legs and looked at my clit ring I had earlier reinserted.

“You’re that Christine? You were the best fuck I’ve ever had. I will never forget your clit ring.”

“I was hoping it would bring back memories,” I said as I pulled off my t-shirt and shoved my open legs towards Tina. She took the hint and kissed my labia. I was dripping wet. For a moment, memories flooded back to when Tina was between my legs. That was a game-changer for me. When I was caught in my own uncompromising position a year later, Gerald and Tina were the first people I sought out. After some research, I found them as managers of this out-of-the-way lodge. They didn’t recognize me but took me in.

Tina nibbled on my clit ring, pulling at it and then flicking her tongue over the tip of my clit. Closing my eyes, I let go of all the tension of the day and welcomed Tina’s oral skills. She took my clit between two fingers, pulled it up and then zigzagged her tongue from my clit, over my lips to my anus. And up again. This continued for a while as I felt my pussy lips getting more engorged with blood rushing to my pussy.

“I am not going to sit around waiting for an invitation,” said Gerald as he presented his beautiful hard cock to my mouth. Grabbing the base of his shaft I glided my hand up and down before bringing it down to my mouth. Sliding the foreskin down to uncover the velvety head of his cock, I flicked my tongue around the base of the helmet. His knob felt smooth and throbbing. I tasted the salty precum oozing from the small slit on the top of his head.

Putting my mouth over the knob, I continued to play my tongue over the slit and swirled it around the smoothness of the head. Gerald became impatient and pushed his cock into my wet mouth. It had been a while since I accepted an erection into my mouth, but I hoped that it would be like riding a bicycle. It took me a moment or two to swallow his shaft over my gag reflex point. Once passed the point of no return I accepted his sword to the hilt. I played and squeezed his loose-hanging balls until I could feel him tightening up.

“Hey, Gerald, why don’t you come and fuck her for real?” suggested Tina. “I’ve prepared her for you.”

Gerald pulled his cock from my mouth and like a teenager ran around to get between my legs.

“Hold it,” I said. “Gerald, come and sit on the chair and I’ll sit on your dick and Tina can play with us.”

Gerald took his place, holding his erection upright. I turned around in a reverse cowgirl position and lowered myself onto his cock. Tina licked his cock and my soaking wet pussy as Gerald entered me. I gasped and held my breath for the duration of that first entrance, stretching my pussy like it hadn’t been for three years.

How I missed this closeness of other human beings, this expression of desire and passion. As his head touched my cervix for the first time, love flooded my being. Using my strong legs I pushed off his shaft and lowered myself again. Up and down, up and down.

“Oh, fuck,” cried Gerald. “Your pussy is deliciously tight.”

Looking into Tina’s smoldering eyes, I knew then why I had become a swinger. That first time we met and fucked at the swingers' club, she showed me that fucking was more than a game. It was an intimate expression of love. I stopped, pulled Tina to me and tongue kissed her passionately.

“I love you,” I whispered. “Thank you for awakening me again. And for letting Gerald make love to me.” Then Gerald began pumping his piston in and out and came with a scream inside me.

Before my own orgasm could be released, Monique and Lisa stormed through the front door, still naked, screaming:


On unsteady feet I rushed to the door and saw Clarisse standing five meters away, bathed in the moonlight, wagging her tail. She walked up to me and licked my hand with her rough tongue. I dropped to my knees and hugged her. She purred for a moment, broke my embrace and walked away.

“I don’t fucking believe it,” said Gerald. I looked around and in the doorway stood my four lovers, all naked.

“Believe it,” said Monique. “Piet Marais built Tau Enterprises because Christine was his little lioness. Tau means lion in most indigenous languages. She is the lioness of the company.”

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Sue gasped. Arnie’s hand was on her breast now, under her t-shirt but over her bra. He had parked up his neighbors’ long gravel driveway because he knew they were away for the weekend and the young lovers could find some privacy there. Arnie and Sue had been dating for a couple of months but had only graduated to heavy petting a couple of weeks ago. They had really known each other since they were was almost a given that they would start to date when they got old enough, and sure...

4 years ago
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Forgotten FamilyChapter 2 The Final Outing

It was hard for me to keep going. I loved Amber and Alex, and both of them accepted me as their parent, but it was not the same without Missy. That first weekend alone, Amber and Alex wanted to go to the park. At first I wanted to refuse, but the hope and love in Amber's eyes softened my heart. I ended up mostly sitting on a bench watching Amber and Alex play in the sandbox of the playground. It was helpful though, and the happy shouts and cries of the children brought a smile to my face for...

4 years ago
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A Fate Worse Than DeathChapter 8

Ed lit a fire in Cynthia. After being almost celibate for twenty-six years, she wanted him to make love to her every day and often. They awoke, made love, ate breakfast, made love, skipped lunch to make love. ate dinner then made love again. Cynthia was well aware she was playing Russian Roulette as far as her becoming pregnant. Now that she had a cock in her, she became a penis junkie; addicted to sex. The moderation of the weather allowed them to move to his bed upstairs. It was still...

3 years ago
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Bete se chudai

Mai ek bidhwa aurat ho mera nam gita jaiswal hai mai nepal mai rahti ho mai kafi gori lambi smart ho meri bur kai salo se land ke lia tadap rahi hai mai apne bete ke sath akele rahti hu mera beta ab jawan ho gya hai apni chudai ki story likh rahi hoo : 52 saal ki ho jane ke meri bur ka sahara bus meri ungliya or gajar mombatti hi the. Ek din maine apne se chhote rashu or uski wife ki chudai dekh li. Tab se aag or bhadak gayi. Phir mai apne bete rashu ko jo apni gf se sex ki baat kar raha tha wo...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 5

Jessica was nervous and embarrassed as she parked her car in the parking lot. She was nervous because it was her first photo shoot and she was embarrassed because she was dressed in what she thought was ridiculous clothing. Jessica was currently wearing a black tank top which she wore underneath a pink blazer. She also wore black leggings and high heels that match her blazer. Jessica sighed and got out of the car which was a pink convertible. As she was about to shut the door, she...

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MissionsMission 20

I know many of you thought I would end this series with a big battle and blood and gore and etc., but I thought I would end it in a different way. I know all of you have heard of the Tet Offensive and I described some of it in the previous mission, and I will throw a few things in to describe it a little more, but I mainly wanted to give you my impression of my time in country. I stepped off the plane in Vietnam at the ripe old age of 17 1/2 years old because some remf screwed up my...

3 years ago
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On the ReboundChapter 2

Robin and I had a nice dinner that we had worked together to make. That is, it was nice until I brought out my after meal requirements. Her eyebrows rose a bit at the three pill bottles, but when I grabbed the bottle of Southern Comfort to take them with she almost freaked. "Mark! What the hell are you doing? Don didn't say anything about you being an alcoholic." "I'm not Robin. Did Don tell you that I was injured in Vietnam?" "He said something about that, but not how bad it...

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Hindi XXX HD

Even in 2022, Hindi XXX HD porn is something of a rarity. Whether your chalk it up to a supply and demand issue or you feel it’s more of a reflection on Indian cultural standards, the fact remains that fans of sexy naked Hindi chicks are often at a loss when they’re looking for something to beat off to. Perhaps that’s why this next website has been gaining popularity so fast lately. In just a few months, they went from a couple hundred thousand visitors to about three million a month, which...

Indian Porn Sites
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Office Fun0

I had met a girl online and got to chatting with her for probably a few months. She lived in a different part of L.A. We enjoyed talking about everything but it was usually ending up being about sex. She was single, she knew I wasn't, but didn't seem to mind the secrecy of it all. Eventually we agreed to meet at my office for a little fun. I was nervous as hell, as she was too. I've been with many girls, but this was the first online meeting I've ever been apart of. I didn't know what to...

4 years ago
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Jing Dynasty

I went into a Chinese restaurant one day for lunch, my waitress walked up and smiled, hi I’m Jing, what would you like today?I stared into her dark brown eyes, they were so beautiful. Oh umm can I have a soda I’m still looking the menu over. I watched her walk away, floored of how adorable she was. Her shiny black hair accentuated her diamond shaped face, her body tiny, she stood 5’ 6 weight 109 pounds. Her figure was small, with small breasts 29-22-31 / 34A breasts. I was in love. I watched as...

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Milf Domination

Alex was your typical 20 year old who love living life on the edge. He was a good looking young man who had a prestige body that any guy would want. When he wasn’t at the gym working out he love to just hang out with others. Alex even though good looking also processed another trait that any man would want and that he was very well hung. His cock was almost 9 inches in length and was very thick. He also learned early on that he could hold out from cumming for a very long time and that he...

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With Dad8217s Friend8217s Daughter

My dad Shankar is a business man. He has a restaurant in Bangalore and he has timber mill in Madikeri, his friend Naresh is his partner in this business and he is the one who look after his business. He and his family stays in Madikeri, family husband, wife and alone daughter. Dad doesn’t visit Madikeri that often. Both Naresh uncle and Dad has good understanding in the business and both of them have been best friends since college days. Uncle’s daughter name is Kavana after her schooling she...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 62

Waking up knowing we would be leaving made me sad. Mike would be staying on and working on the film. Michelle would be moving in with Michael. I would be putting Marie on a plane the next day. Tamara woke up and snuggled up to me. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said. "That was so beautiful last night." "Yes, it was," I answered. "Are you ready to get back into our world?" "Not really, but I guess it's inevitable. The boring, humdrum life in Albuquerque; which has been anything...

3 years ago
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Pokmon Misty II1

“Alright, don’t go too far, and be back before those storm clouds get here! Charmander, don’t let your flame start any forest fires, okay? Be careful!” Each of them ran off into the woods and Ash smiled. They were a good team. The smell of sizzling peppers and stew drew Ash back to the fire and his friends. He eyed Misty as he sat down. They had walked a fair ways from the Pokémon center over the course of the morning, and the road led through a forest. They wouldn’t see anyone else,...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 02

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 02 - Post University Days ------------------------------------- Ryan invited me to go and stay with his parents with him for a few weeks while we waited for our results and planned what we were going to do for the rest of our lives. I’d already decided that if Ryan asked me, then I’d go with him to where ever he got a job, and then look for one myself. I discussed knickers with Ryan. I said that I thought...

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Her Epiphany

I'm Victoria, but my close friends call me Tori. After work Friday night, walking from my car to meet my girlfriend at the night club which she had recommended, I was late. I should have skipped those last minute errands to get coffee, bagels, and cream cheese for my usual lazy Saturday morning breakfast alone. Penny expected to meet me outside of the club at eight o'clock, but it was almost eight-thirty as I arrived. I looked all around for her, but there was no sign of her anywhere. I hated...

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Shoplifting trouble pt 1

I'm in target doing my weekly shopping and sneaking a little makeup in my purse. I put the makeup in my cart and proceed to the food part where I sneak the makeup into my backpack. I get my food and proceed to the checkout, I pay. As I'm walking to the door I get a tap on my shoulder, I look behind me and it's a cop. I pause and decide if I should run or not, I just stand there and ask "what's happening?". The officer says I'm being arrested for shoplifting and he's going to search my bag and...

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I am sitting at my desk when the phone blips a new text, it simply says “hurry……or I will start without U” I make my excuses and leave.I arrive at your apartment and knock on the door, not really knowing how sexy you will look, had you started without me? You open the door “that was quick” you say. I look at you, wow you look fab, stockings, black bra and knickers with a loose grey sweater which is low enough that I can see your great looking tits inside your bra.We kiss tongues eager to touch...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 19 All Alone

About a fortnight after Helen arrived at Hugo's house, they were having their evening meal together with Dina and Jon when Hugo said, "Tomorrow Jon and I have to go to the Outpost Mine which is about nine hundred miles away. I'll be gone for at least three days, but Jon may be back sooner. Helen, it might be boring for you, but it can't be helped; you'll just have to make yourself at home here in my absence. Dina, while we are away, I don't want you playing any of your silly bossy...

3 years ago
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The Office Girl

Scott woke with a startle... "Shit!" he thought, "I'm late for work". He looked over at the time, it was only 3am.. "bugger" he muttered... He lay there for a bit and images of the office girl Dianne were swirling around in his mind. He hadn't touched his wife in over 6 months, since he had started his devious plan to seduce the new office manager and laying there thinking about her had his cock stiffening and before too long he was fully erect.. "Fuck me, what am i gonna do with this"? he...

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Totally unexpected, that’s the only way to describe it. I hadn’t been prepared for him taking part of my heart. I hadn’t even realised there was a part of my heart left to take. I know him from work. He’s my boss of sorts, his position in management. I see him in meetings and read his memos; they always make me smile, he has such a way with words. I say work, but my time’s given on a totally voluntary basis. I do it for the love and experience. I also do it to occupy the moments that should be...

Wife Lovers
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Story Of Young Pathan And College Boi

Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...

1 year ago
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Delhi Hotel Me And Mommy

By : We checked into the hotel. It had a double bed a dressing table with a big mirror you can have a look of yours from head to toe. Mom came in and landed on the bed on her tummy her voluptuous ass dancing as she fell on it. Ahh I’m so tired yet I feel lively she said. I knew the reason why it was it was the sexy sleep we had on the single hot berth of the train. I adjusted the luggage in the room and sat beside her her eye were closed. I leaned on ma elbow placed my hand on her back just...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Reign 03012022

Riley has always wanted to try a threesome but her boyfriend Jovan has never been too keen on it. She has brought girls in for threesomes with him hoping it would open him up to other guys doing her but to no avail. Until today. Jovan’s old college buddy Jonathan has come to town and he opens up about the fun times they had back at school. In fact Riley soon learns that Jovan used to love sharing his girlfriends with other men and was always up for group action. So now it’s time to...

3 years ago
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Seducing the Man in Black

At 2 am Laurie comes home from the late shift, earlier than usual. She tosses her frumpy nurse’s scrubs to the floor next to the rest of her laundry, both dirty and clean. “I’ll clean up tomorrow,” she says to herself, knowing she won’t. After a long shower that fogs up the mirror and leaves more water on the floor than her regular shower, Laurie makes her way to the bedroom of her tiny, one-bedroom apartment, vibrator in hand. “I can always count on you.” She squeezes the handle of her...

2 years ago
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Monogamy is not for Me

PART I:I am a 5'5" 115lbs real estate agent, 39 years old, my husband Bob is 45 and we have a daughter Bella who just turned 20. She started her college a few months ago, which left me pretty lonely. My husband knew how I felt and one evening suggested me to see a plastic surgeon and have a makeover. I was a bit surprised but then the idea grew up on me and few days later told him, I'd like to take his offer.He set me up with Dr. Julie. I went to see her, as I waited at the reception, I was...

2 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 14

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 14 "Hold still," Amanda said as she tried to do Nicole's hair. "Ouch," Nicole said as Amanda worked to get her hair up into a bow. "Oh come on, sweetpea," Amanda said. "I think you're worse than Kayla." Amanda was just glad Nicole's hair was finally getting long enough to do things with. "There, we're done," Amanda said. "Tell me what you think." Nicole couldn't believe it when she looked in the mirror. She looked nice, fancy even. She...

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 65

In the morning candle light, Laudus heaved again as my hips thrust up into her channel. Swarta began innocently stroking Laudus' nipples when I paused to spurt my seed into my concubine's womb. Laudus continued to arch her back as my wife played with my lover. I knew Laudus was close so I flicked her nub. "Ahhhhhh, Master!" Laudus shouted. I saw the babies suckling on Palus's teats stop for a moment, waiting for my lover's cry to fade. "Laudus, this is the third morning in a...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 185

Laura couldn't keep her eyes off April. It was remarkable because, compared to most of her lovers, April wasn't that gorgeous. She was a good five inches or so shorter than Laura. Her face was pleasant though nothing special, and her body was square and fleshy. She had a submissive, quiet personality. Maybe it's just because I'm around her all the time, Laura thought. I mean, she is physically attractive, let's face it, she thought. Just because she doesn't have a body like Mavis or...

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Road TripChapter 27

Later, Friday week, Hairy was in town to pick up his pickup ... and I related the events of the past week. Done, I looked at him. “Good Lord, Karen. That’s the stuff of fiction.” “There’s more.” I said. A burned out car with a female body was found in the river. Three days later a wealthy ... exceedingly wealthy ... family lost their eldest son to an accident on the Red Grade Road above Big Horn. Rumor had it that he was so drugged up that neither he nor his high school buddy were in...

4 years ago
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School DazeChapter 2 Miss Simpson Gym Couch

I am a teacher at the local high school. A few weeks ago, the basketball coach had to leave right after school, and the team had a game that night. Since I was normally the teacher who handled his gym class when he was gone, the Principal asked me to take the team to the game. Even though I had never been a coach for a team, I agreed to do it. I wasn't looking forward to it though. Right after my last class, I went down to the boy's locker room to find the players. Pausing at the door, I...

2 years ago
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Sunday and Monday

Denise liked Mindy a lot. She had been attracted to the short-haired, vaguely butch girl ever since they met at a party held by a mutual acquaintance, but at this point it was beyond physical lust. There was something about the girl's personality, the quiet energy she radiated, that Denise found herself addicted to. She couldn't put her finger on it, but after Mindy left she always found herself desperately wanting more. So they spent more and more time together, rationalizing it as just...

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Die Klassenfahrt zur Reeperbahn

Was nur schief gehen kann, ist heute auch schiefgegangen. Erst die Panne auf der Autobahn, dann waren die gebuchten Zimmer in ihrem Hotel bereits belegt, und schließlich hat sie irgendein Witzbold zu dieser Absteige in unmittelbarer Nähe der Reeperbahn geschickt, in der die Zimmer vermutlich stundenweise vermietet werden. Jenny, die hübsche blonde Klassensprecherin und auch die beliebteste Schülerin der Klasse des Mädcheninternates, sieht ihre Lehrer an, wie sie unschlüssig vor der Rezeption...

4 years ago
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Amateur Sex With Young Teacher

My name is Rittwik. I live in a metropolitan city with my parents and both my grandparents. Presently I study in one of the most reputed government engineering colleges in India and I am in my second year of study. Her name is Vasundhara. My is, presently, 29 years old and happily married. She was my home tutor, who used to teach me at my home, two days a week. She had been hired by my parents to teach me when I was studying in a reputed English medium school in my city. Before her arrival, I...

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The Cruise All Chapters Rewritten and Revised

Chapter 1 Last year I decided to treat myself to a vacation I would remember, I work hard as a computer systems consultant and thought I deserved it, so after a little research into the different types of vacations available a cruise round Europe caught my eye, this was duly booked and preparations made. I really need to describe myself, I'm 36 years old, six foot tall fairly well built blue eyes and short cropped fair hair I'm not too bad looking although I say it myself, I've never...

3 years ago
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“Or perhaps for both of us? You have often told me you would like me to watch another man blow you.” “I will baby, I have just the man in mind. I often see him at the gym. Fifteen-years younger than us, huge cock, bigger than my eight-inches and bisexual apparently.” I am Anne, a forty-five year old woman with a very strong sex drive. I still have a good body, men love my legs and dimple free forty-three inch arse. My current man, Jon, who is two years younger than me tells me I have given...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

2 years ago
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Sexy threesoome fun

Hi iam sahil 23 single male from chennai i love this website and fsi i had read many stories in this website here iam sharing my exp with cpls whom i recently met in chennai name changed (umesh & mala) 42,37 married husband and wife she is homely female very sexy body nice boobs very freeky in bed When i was 19 i met first couple i had thresoem fun i met this umesha nd latha through one internet website first i strted to speaking him for 1 week later he gave introduction to his wife mala daily...

1 year ago
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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

The Visit: Part IIThe crisp late night breeze flowing from my open window seemed like a gentle caress all over my body as I laid on my bed, running my eager little hands over my breast and my hardened nipples. Soon, my hands became blury as I visualized Liam's mouth closing on my nipple. Moaning softly, so I wouldn't wake anybody up in the house, I placed my pillow over my face as I opened my legs some, squeezing my breast with my left hand. My other hand strayed down toward my moist little...

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