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I don't know how long I've been here now. Stopped counting the years not too long after my wife ... my life ... left this world. Mine is a story of common irony. We worked together, spent our years trying to give our children every advantage as they grew into adulthood. Always looking forward to the day when it would just be the two of us, when together we would sail off into the sunset. It was a classic dream.

Our kids did grow up, healthy and mostly happy. Some did better than others in the highly competitive game of life, but they all did all right. We were just putting the finishing touches on our getaway platform, a thirty-six foot cutter-rigged sailboat called Undine, when it struck. The dreaded "C" word. Cancer. Uterine cancer, which, by the time it was diagnosed, had metastased. The doctors had tried heroically to save her, and did extend her life by a year or so, but that was all. She hardly had time to say goodbye.

I barely made it through the funeral. My oldest daughter, herself distraught from the loss of her mother, had to care for me like a baby. I couldn't think, could barely breathe, and didn't want to. The kids settled Claire's affairs; I wasn't capable. Eventually though I had to try and have some sort of life, even if it was without her. That's how I ended up as a troll.

Yes, a troll. You know the kind. Lives under a bridge. Grumpy. Doesn't want company. A long time ago, I read a series of essays called Magic Harbor1, by a fellow named Don Berry. In one of the essays, he described himself as a troll. I find myself in a very similar physical and emotional situation. I live on my boat, not under a bridge - that doesn't work well with a real mast - and without the light in my life. I really don't want to interact with anybody and I don't even think about finding someone new. No one could take her place in my heart; it had been torn out when she died.

Things have been odd lately. I would be puttering around, doing minor maintenance stuff, and have to go to the head. So, I'd put down whatever tool I was using, or whatever small item I was working on, to go take care of business. When I returned, the tool or item was several feet away from where I'd left it. Sometimes, something would totally disappear, only to reappear somewhere else later that day, or the next morning.

I wonder if some of the local kids are playing pranks on me. Another odd thing happens, that pretty much convinces me of it: I'm frequently finding wet spots on the deck, that could only be small, wet footprints. Oddly shaped, though. Almost triangular.

This is getting out of hand! I was trying to tune up the dinghy outboard this morning, when "nature called." When I returned to finish the job, my Torx screwdriver was missing. I need that damned Torx! It's the only one I had, that I could use to tune that carburetor! Fuck it. Maybe it'll turn up soon. I need a drink. Or nine.

I should never drink that much. I know I shouldn't, if only because of the dream.

Three times it's happened now. I go on a binge and end up lying in the cockpit, hanging over the side. In my dream, I wake up staring into the water, and I see her. At first I think it's Claire, but it isn't. Claire was a brunette, and this woman is a blonde. Besides, Claire's dead.

Anyway, I see her, there in the water, looking up at me through the wet surface, her hair sort of floating around her face in a halo. I reach out to help her, and she quickly disappears. In the dream, I pass out again.

When I awake for real, there I am, hanging over the side. It was a dream, wasn't it?

She's real. I know that now. I don't understand it, or why she seems interested in me, but she is. I know it, because now I hear her at night. Her song entraps my mind, suspending me between sleep and wakefulness.

She's calling me. Not with words that I can understand, but I know she is. Mesmerizing. Such a sad, beautiful sound, it makes you want to cry. What am I supposed to do? When I try to help her, she disappears. I'm at a loss.

I have a plan. I'm going to set a trap. Not a real trap, but I'm going to try to lure her out of hiding.

I had to put into port for provisions a couple of days ago. While I was there, I bought a lot of dark chocolate miniatures. What woman can resist chocolate? Tonight I'll start by leaving one open in the cockpit.

No dice. She's still around, because I still hear her singing at night, and I still find wet footprints in the cockpit. It's obvious she finds the chocolate, because it's never where I left it. She isn't eating it, though, just moving it around. Could it be that she doesn't know what it is, or what to do with it?

I have an idea. I haven't eaten chocolate in years; I don't really like it that much, but it's evening now, and I suspect she's watching. Lounging in the cockpit, in full view of whatever cover she normally uses, I'm pigging out on the candy. Maybe she'll get the idea. I have to quit soon, though. I'm starting to get a little sick...

I'm leaving the empty wrappers where I drop them, instead of cleaning up like I usually do. When I quit for the evening, I'll leave a few candies in the cockpit. I'll even leave one open again, as if I started to eat it and changed my mind. Hope it works.

It worked! Not only was the one I left open gone, but she had opened and removed all the miniatures I left, still wrapped, in the cockpit.

With that bit of success, I was able to establish a routine: just before retiring each evening, I'd carry a small handful of candies into the cockpit and eat one or two. The rest I'd leave in the cockpit, close to the main hatch. I've been doing that for about a week now, and I when I am very still, and listen very carefully, I can tell when she comes aboard.

Tonight, instead of actually racking out, I'll take up a station in the cabin, where I can see into the cockpit.

I've seen her twice now, and I'm waiting for her again. I said before she was blonde, but she isn't blonde like we know blonde. Her hair is so white, it's almost silver. Her skin is pale, as well, almost ghost-like. She's small, no taller than a girl in her early teens, but seems to have all the physical attributes of an adult woman. I can see everything she has, because she's nude. So beautiful.

There she is, moving silently, cautiously to the bait. She really likes the candy. She tears open the packages, almost viciously, and crams the contents into her mouth as if afraid that they will vanish. The look on her face is almost spiritual.

I sit unmoving, just watching, but because of a chance look in my direction she spots me. Fear replaces the serene expression I've been enjoying, and quick as a flash, with a splash, she's gone.

I hope she comes back.

It's been three days since she left in a panic. The candies I leave in the cockpit remain untouched. Every morning, I gather it up and toss it into the refuse bin. Every night I put fresh candy out, hoping for her return, but so far, nothing. She's still there though. She still sings to me.

In a funk, I look around for something, anything, that might bring her back. I spy my old guitar. I haven't touched it since we buried Claire. I never was that good, but I can pick out a few tunes. My favorite thing to do with it is to improvise around Malagueña. I drag it out into the cockpit as twilight descends, and start to strum, then to finger-pick a little.

I find myself getting lost in the music, the way I did when I played for Claire. She enjoyed my limited talent enough, that it was worth the effort. Feeling her love and sincere appreciation, I could ignore the sore fingertips, and just play; my eyes losing focus, as I felt the classic strains moving into my soul.

I play a little while, then I feel her gaze. She's treading water a few yards away, just looking quizzically at me. I reach for the candies on the adjacent seat, and she starts, as if to flee.

"Please!" I beg softly. She may not understand the word, but she hesitates, long enough for me to put the candies on the gunwale closest to her. I retire to my seat and begin playing again.

As I play, she slowly approaches. When she is close enough, she grabs a candy and unwraps it, never taking her eyes off me. There is a wildness in her eyes akin to that one might find in the eyes of a deer. As she watches me play, she slowly chews and swallows. My fingers are really sore now, so as I finish the current stanza, I stop and set the guitar aside.

Watching me intently, she moves a little closer again; then she grabs all the candy remaining on the gunwale and disappears into the dark water. Later that night, I hear her singing again, closer this time than before.

We have a routine now. Each evening, I take a few candies, and my guitar, out to the cockpit. I put the candies on the gunwale, then I sit and start to play. A few minutes later, she surfaces a little way off, and slowly moves closer. She stays close to the boat now, eating candies and watching, while I play.

I'm running low on candies now, so in an effort to make them last, I haven't been putting out as many at one time. Instinctively, I suppose, she spaces her consumption, making my offerings last as long as she can. Maybe she's also gotten her fill of chocolate. Last night she left a piece on the gunwale, unopened.

I've decided to try to push a little harder. Tonight, I don't put the candy on the gunwale. Instead, I left it on the seat next to me and I start playing immediately. Right on time, she pops up through the water's surface. Looking at the empty gunwale, she appears vexed, then she looks at me, as if in askance.

In full view, I put a candy on the locker seat near the transom, and retreat to my seat, where I resume playing. She doesn't move immediately, but after a while she gingerly pulls herself over the side and into the cockpit. Her eyes are locked upon me, as if expecting attack. I just continue playing.

She stays as far away from me as she can, while she opens the candy, and pops it into her mouth. She continues watching me intently as I play. She looks at the small pile of candies next to me, then looks at me again. When I reach a place in the music where it seems right, I pause and reach for a candy. She makes as if to dive over the side, until she sees what I'm doing.

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Saturday evening, just after dark, I arrive at your house. Small shopping bag in hand, I ascend the steps and ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, you open the door. You smile and step back to let me in. I step inside and close and lock the door behind me. Setting the bag down, I reach for you and take you in my arms. " Are you ready for me to pay my bet, darling", I ask. "Of course I am", you say, smiling. I lean over slightly and kiss you, our lips brushing first lightly, then...

3 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 9 Working Nine Till Five

Annabelle was both shocked and riveted by how this story was unfolding. How Lulu was able to sit across from her and speak so matter of factly about the horrors she had endured filled her with a blossoming respect for her interviewee. She was finding herself becoming torn between wishing the story would never end and hoping that for Lulu's sake that her salvation was near. Hearing of the things that Lulu had been forced to do every evening for almost a year, she couldn't believe it...

2 years ago
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Discovering Your Roommates Hidden Treasures

Darla walked down the hall of her new home for the next nine months with butterflies in her stomach. This was the first time she had been back here in the dormitory since move-in day two weeks ago. Darla moved down the hall passing by others moving their things in at the last minute. Unlike most colleges, Darla’s future alma mater allowed students an easy weekend to move their belongings in instead of a mad rush at the beginning of school. Darla was very grateful for this since her dad would’ve...

College Sex
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Fucking a Reluctant Sitter

My babysitter, Melissa was downstairs watching my son while I was working in my office upstairs. My wife was at work so we needed Melissa to watch Mark so I could get my work done. Melissa was very plain looking and was about 5'4" tall and around 120 lbs and had dark brown hair. She just put Mark in for a nap and was watching TV when I called her up to my office. It was her 18th birthday."Happy Birthday Melissa!" I handed her 3 presents. "Open this one first." She said "THANKS MR C!"She opened...

4 years ago
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Summer surprise2

I sigh to myself and close the book I’m busy reading “I’m in my room” My mother comes into my room and frowns at me “Why do you always have to read so much?” I shrug and put the book aside “You taught me to read to keep me busy, I’m reading to relax” “Don’t get snippy with me young man, get up, Zinnia phoned and asked if you wouldn’t be able to come and help with the grass and garden” I sigh and get up “Yes mother” She decides to let it lie there and storm out of my...

2 years ago
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Hartford 2Chapter 2 More Mora

Slowly it dawned on Mora that all her sexual fantasies might come true, right here -- right now. Mora's lips parted and she absorbed Terry's swollen nipple into her mouth and sucked upon it. Terry moaned. It was a first for her, having both nipples suckled at the same time. The thrill shot right to her cunt and she trembled in Paul's arms. Terry released Paul's cock, leaving it to bob and jerk of its own accord. Closing her eyes, she felt compelled to touch this young girl before her,...

4 years ago
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The Mens Locker Room Club Part II

Brad smiled at Georgina. It was one of those ‘knowing’ smiles. She returned his smile as he approached her. It had been almost two weeks now since their encounter and it was the first time they had come into contact since that night. Somehow work and personal commitments had kept them apart. She had seen most of the others around during that time but there had been no physical contact between them; just silent acknowledgements. “Everything okay since the inauguration?” He smiled. Georgina...

Group Sex
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LoveHerFeet Dee Williams Testing Out His Foot Worship Techniques

Dee Williams is a hot mom raising her son Joey alone. His best friend Jake while waiting for his buddy to come home falls asleep on the sofa in their living room. Ms Williams got a text from her son that he is not going to come home for a few more hours because he is stuck at work. Ms Williams wakes up Jake and delivers the news. She tells him to feel free to hang out there until he gets back. She is about to walking away when she turns back and ask Jake if he would mind to talk about some...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 172

I rode the bike very early every morning. It was barely light out most morning when I began. Time passed slowly while Agent Lisa Morris did her thing. Then on a Friday, when I got back from my ride, Agent Morris was sitting in her car in my drive. "Well hello, are you Lisa or Agent Morris this morning?" I asked. "I'm Lisa, I just came to say goodbye. We are giving the investigation back to the Sheriff. We have done all we can do, now it's just slog is out and hope for the break that...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 6

The great hall was filled with young men, young women, and veteran warriors. They were celebrating their last night at the citadel with a large feast. Row after row of tables were piled with roasted chickens, bread, green beans, and other foods that would be rare once they left on their adventure. It might be a while before they missed those foods, but they would miss them before the adventure was over. Looking at all of the young man and women gathered together, Sid couldn't help but feel...

2 years ago
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Holiday With Mum chapter nine

We spent the morning on the beach, swimming lazily in the beautiful blue water, the girls flirting outrageously with me as well as each other.They walked out of the water hand in hand and kissed at the water's edge while I just stood and watched.It was an achingly beautiful scene, almost as if one of the women was kissing her own reflection in a mirror and it made me very sad to think that it had to end soon.But did it? A germ of an idea began to form in my mind, an idea so outrageous, so...

3 years ago
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I Passed My 12th

By: Bangalorebanger Hi guys and gals this is Sam from bang lore this is my 1st story here. Please give your feedback Coming to the story: I’m doing my 12Th in Banglore I am 19 years old with 6.2ft height and average body build, average 6″ penis. I was pretty good with girls and that was one of the factors that led to this incident. During my 12Th I always used to bunk classes and go to pubs movies roads trips etc. with girls from my college. I always was trying my luck to get a good fuck...

4 years ago
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How A Dick Feels

Not as squishy as you would think.Not as hard as described either. Penises are very smooth. They have very good skin too, you never see a zit on someone’s dick.At least I haven’t.Thank god.When something is weird about a penis you aren’t sure what to do or say. I have a tendency to overcompensate because I would feel awful if I was making someone feel anxious or alone for something they can’t help, like how their body is. So I don’t say anything. I’m not sure if that’s proper protocol. I also...

3 years ago
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Kelly Arrives and We Get A Surprise

Kelly Arrives and We Get A Surprise----------(This story is the continuation of 'Midnight Interlude')----------"Daddy, last night I thought I heard a car in the drive. Do we have guests today?" I asked at he came in the door. He looked at me, raised his eyebrows stepping to the kitchen table, and sat down. "Yes, I spotted a door ajar on the guest cottage this morning and discovered that we had a guest. She should be along in a few minutes. She apparently arrived very late last night. I only...

1 year ago
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A Secret Zoom From Home

Ella is nervous. It's Thanksgiving and her first time back with her parents in her family home since she decided to chase her dreams in New York City. She has a good relationship with her parents. She Facetimes with them regularly, and she tells them all the news about her job and her roommates.She hasn't told them everything, though. A couple of months after she moved to the City, she met an older man. He is unlike any of the boys she knew growing up in her small town. What's more, he isn't a...

4 years ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 6

For the fourth time, Jake Kruthers watched the DVD of Lt. Jerry Ranthom winning his second straight Foreign Legion Savate championship. It had been two weeks since the incident at the club. There were several reports on his desk-notes in the margins, highlights, dog-eared corners and an empty pizza box.One on one I don’t stand a chance. He’s a trained killer, I’m not. How to even the odds? Hanna and Julie have potential. Master Himerous would not take kindly to that. I need to make sure he...

3 years ago
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The new BBC in the neighborhood part 8 finally

Sorry this story is so long. Every time I am at the end,I find more to add. This is the last part. When Barbara again return to the party, she stayed topless, since most of the women were and it didn't offend anyone. Also she she wore only the wrap that she had covering her bikini bottom earlier, she also kept my load deep in her which was slowly running down her leg, bus she didn't care, it was her mans cum. I then saw Bella, she was off to the side out of view of most and had Denise licking...

2 years ago
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A Tricky Quickie

It was a great night, spent with one of my best friends, Breanne. We hung out at her place, talked with her roommates and watched the end of Fast 5. Later, Breanne, our friend Cara and I went out to Wal-Mart so she could pick some stuff up she needed. Plus I needed to do some early Christmas shopping. Now to be completely honest, Breanne and I had serious feelings for each other. The down sides being that I had a girlfriend and Breanne was gay. Not bisexual, but a full-on lesbian. Now I know...

Quickie Sex
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Three In A Storm Pt 2

Preparations for breakfast brought back a sense of normality to the threesome. The ladies were wearing jeans and blouses while Mark had donned his heavier clothes. He planned to shovel out the doorways and bring in more wood for the fireplace as soon as breakfast ended. The wind had lessened and the snowfall decreased as temperatures began to plummet.The telephone buzzed for the first time in days. Helen answered, "Oh hi, Steve, thanks, but I am fine. Not to worry, all's good here, lots of...


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