Curious Friends free porn video

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Tonight we found the wait was a bit longer than we had expected. Katie and Reagan suggested we go down to one of the stores they loved downstairs.

We walked down, with the kids pausing to take pictures next to the Christmas tree that was still lit post-holiday.

The store was filled with beachy, girlie stuff, and I just wandered around -- admittedly a little preoccupied with my increasing hunger. I guess I should have eaten a little lunch.

I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up and saw the clerk eyeing me. She glanced away when we made eye contact, seemingly a bit embarrassed.

I went back to browsing as the kids sorted through decals and Katie and Reagan looked at cozy looking beach sweatshirts. Our youngest toddled about, but luckily just wanting to be close to her mother.

Meanwhile, I sensed I was still being watched. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the clerk still looking at me. I purposefully wandered in the direction of the counter. I looked up and she blushed.

"How are you doing this evening?" she managed to ask.

I looked her over as I replied. She was blonde and I judged in her late 40s. She wore a teal colored paisley blouse that showed of just a bit of cleavage.

"Can I help you find anything?" she asked.

"Just killing time..."

"I get it, I just started this job a few weeks ago. But most of the customers are women... I haven't seen too many men in here." she replied.

Just then Katie walked up with two sweatshirts and a few stickers. "Hey love, I just got a text that we are already near the top of the list. So, I guess we should pay for these and head back up."

She showed off one of the sweatshirts. "Isn't this cute? It is on sale!"

I nodded, the sweatshirt was ordinary but Katie's enthusiasm was what was cute.

"You two are married?" the clerk asked as she rang up the items. I figured she was likely wondering how an average looking guy like me had such a stunningly beautiful wife.

Katie smiled proudly, "Yes!"

A bit of a disappointment seemed to flash across the clerks face and Katie noticed it. "Oh, were you flirting with him before I walked up?" she asked with a giggle.

The clerk flushed red and attempted to stammer a denial.

"It is okay! I am totally use to it -- and don't mind at all."

Katie ensured her as she grabbed a pen from the desk. I saw her write the number of my burner on the back of her receipt and hand it back to the clerk. "...our marriage is anything but conventional"

Katie took the bag of purchases from the somewhat dazed store clerk. "Come on love, we better hurry before they give up our table."

We made our way to the front of the store to meet Reagan and the girls. Katie paused to plant a wet kiss on Reagan's lips and turned to see the clerk looked even more confused.

As the kids raced back up the stairs towards the restaurant, I scooped up our youngest. Katie leaned against me with a satisfied smile on her face. Reagan smiled, "Did you find him yet ANOTHER playmate?"

Katie whispered "Oh I think she really wants it. And you have so many young playmates, I think you need to balance it out a bit with an older woman."

We got to the restaurant and talk of the episode stopped as our older girls were in earshot.

As we got ready for bed later that night, I took a quick look at my burner phone and saw among various other messages, a message from a new number. It simply said. "Hi, this is Heather... your wife gave me this number."

I didn't reply, simply laying down the phone and slipping into the already running shower. Reagan joined me and kicked off a rather characteristic night of love making between myself, Katie, and Reagan.

I didn't respond to Heather the next day either. In fact, it wasn't until Tuesday that I did so.

If you have followed along with any of my escapades, you know that Tuesday is my day of play. Katie and Reagan set me free to have whatever fun I want, letting me push whatever limits I choose. In the meantime, they engage in their own fun between each other, but sometimes inviting others of our girl friends to the fun. Aside from a few *********** days -- birthdays, our wedding anniversary, Christmas Eve -- if it is a Tuesday night I am not typically allowed to join them. It is their "girls night". If I stayed around the house, I was banished to the sofa in my man cave.

I had spent the entire morning with my college-aged playmate Taylor. I had enjoyed getting thoroughly soaked by her propensity to squirt during orgasm. But instead of spending the night with her I had returned home.

I lay back on the sofa and grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. I then picked up my burner phone. I replied to a few messages from my other playmates, and then opened that single message from Heather.

"Hi! What are you doing?" I typed.

Within a minute she replied. "Nothing. Just laying in bed. You?"

"Just laying on the couch, flipping channels on the TV."

"Were you bad? Have to sleep on the couch tonight?"

"My wives are having their own night of fun. It is the one day of the week I am not allowed to join them."

She replied "Oh, that sucks. I would never kick you out of the bed.". The text message was ended by a smiling devil emoji.

"Is that so?" I teased in response.

There was a pause and then a minute or two later. "Do you want to be in my bed?" followed by a blushing emoji.


"Ok, I don't want you to think I am a complete slut. But, I would love that!" she responded.

"Address?" I questioned.

"For real? So your wife really doesn't mind???"

The next message was her address.

I did a quick Google Map lookup and replied. "It will take me 25 minutes"

"Wait, you really are coming???!?"

I was already on my feet and headed to the garage. I pulled my car from the stall a d double checked that my overnight bag I kept ready was complete.

The phone dinged again. "Text me when you get here, please don't ring the bell." Heather had messaged.

I acknowledged her instructions and headed out. Being later at night the road was fairly free of traffic. I pulled into a well-kept neighborhood of homes. I guessed from the architecture that they had been built in the 80s. I killed my headlights and slipped into the empty driveway. I texted her "Here", quietly exited the car, and approached the front door. It was a smaller house -- from an era before everyone had to have a master bath and chef's kitchens.

I had barely reached the front door when it opened. I saw Heather's silhouette lit by the street light.

"Quiet" Heather whispered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the darkened house.

I started to remove my shoes but Heather whispered "You can take them off in my room. I don't want my daughter and her friend to know you are here." She then quickly pulled me into a darkened hallway. I made out a bathroom to the right, lit by a small night light. Girlish laughter came from behind the closed door next to it. This must have been her daughter's bedroom. Another closed door lay beyond it, but Heather whisked me to the single door on the left side. She pulled me inside and shut the door behind me.

A singular lamp with a flowery shade added a soft light to the room. A purple bedding set with with a dainty floral pattern covered a queen-sized four poster bed. The comforter was pulled back on one side, revealing an impression of where Heather had been laying. I turned my gaze to her. She was wearing a silky mauve colored bathrobe. It wasn't very flattering, but likely was comfortable.

I slipped out of my shoes as I quietly asked "So you just have the one child."

"Geeze, diving right into my dysfunctional life" she sighed. "I have two. But only one has anything to do with me."

I looked a bit confused. She took my hand again and led me to the bed. I sat down on the plush mattress and she sat down next to me. She took a deep breath.

"I was stupid and got married right out of grad school to a handsome Navy helicopter pilot. A little over a year into the marriage, I was pregnant. I had a healthy son while he was deployed. But he was always going up for deployments. I was left to raise my son myself. I kept asking him to retire from the service and get a civilian job, but he didn't want to. Eleven years into the marriage, and we were on the rocks -- always fighting. But then we were stupid and had makeup sex, and I got pregnant again. It was a girl this time. He was livid, said he didn't want another child, urged me to have an abortion, and said I had intentionally gotten pregnant to guilt him into retiring. Then the last straw was a month after our daughter was born, he accused me of cheating and said the baby wasn't his. I had been so loyal and put up with him leaving me all alone only to have him accuse me of that. I filed for divorce after that. But the messed up thing is my son sided with his father. He was jealous of the attention I gave his sister, he said I had ruined his life. The courts gave me primary custody, and he stuck it out -- begrudgingly. When he turned 18, he left and went to live with his dad. I have received a few Christmas cards, but that's it. Even then it is always just the standard card, with no personal greeting. It has been nine years. So. Yes, I technically have two kids, but only my daughter is in my life." she finished with a big sigh.

"Well damn, I am sorry" I replied. I hadn't meant to open that emotional Pandora's box.

She shook her head, "It is okay, you had no way of knowing. I am sorry if I killed the mood."

I pulled her close to me and lifted her chin. "You didn't."

I brought my mouth to hers and she tensed momentarily in surprise. But I felt her lips part as she gently sucked on my lower lip.

I felt her hand gently cup the side of my face and I heard a pleased sigh escape her lips.

I ran my tongue along her lip and she grasped down and sucked on it. She suddenly pushed back. She looked at me directly and whispered "I don't want you to think I am a slut for inviting you over here late at night. I've never done this. I've only been with my high school boyfriend and then my husband. It has been a very long time..."

I cut her off by pulling her back to me and kissing her more agressively. My hands moved to her waist and I pulled her down onto the bed. Her eyes looked surprised but she eagerly accepted my advances.

I could feel her body had a bit of middle-aged padding. She seem to squirm with a bit of self consciousness as my hand gently squeezed it. I slid my left hand upward and cupped her right breast in my hand. I could feel she was wearing a bra under the bathrobe.

She broke from our passionate kissing. "Are we going to really... I mean I have seen your wife. I can't compare to her. Or your -- what is she, your girlfriend?"

"Nobody can." I replied truthfully. "And yes, the other one is our third. We live as a throuple."

"So why then?"

"I enjoy the variety!" I said as I pulled my shirt over my head.

She smiled as she ran her fingers through my chest hair. I then shucked my shorts, leaving my boxers in place. She eyed the bulge in them and I saw her swallow nervously.

"Are you sure. I mean I am as far from your wife as possible. She is young, and beautiful, and Asian, and fit. I know other men must be so jealous of what you already have."

She slipped off the bed and began to undo the tie of her bathrobe. "I might look younger than it, but I am 51 years old. I am overweight and saggy."

She pulled open her robe, revealing a purple filagreed bra and a pair of black panties. Her breasts were full and her hips were wide. "Sorry, I really don't own much sexy lingerie. I didn't think I had much of a need for it." she apologized as she dropped the robe to the floor. She modestly held her arm over her chest as if to conceal it from my view.

I smiled, "Well, you look plenty sexy."

She shyly protested as she climbed back onto the bed "You are just saying that."

I pulled her to me again, my hands grabbing her round ass. We began to kiss again and soon my hands began to roam again. As she felt my firm hand cupping her breast, she fumbled to unfasten bra. She pulled the shoulder band down and let the boob I had been caressing fall free. It was bigger than I expected and soft and pendulous. Her nipples were light brown and the areola sagged into an oval shape under the weight of her motherly mammaries. I brought my mouth to her nipple and sucked firmly on it. She let go of the bra and clasped the back of my head as she tried to stifle a loud moan.

I continued to suck on her nipple and then moved to the other one. She gasped and squirmed.

I felt her one hand slip from it's grip on the back of my head and then felt her suddenly grab the front of my boxers. Her hand closed against my throbbing shaft. "Holy fuck!" she exclaimed to herself. I felt her tug on me several times and then felt her fingers pull back my waistband.

She pushed me back. "I know I shouldn't be such a slut... but I want you to have your way with me." she gasped.

I wasn't waiting for to change her mind or ask twice. I pushed her onto her back and kissed her again. She clumsily reached down and shoved her panties down. My hand immediately plunged between her legs and found the damp stubble of her shaven pubic hair. My fingers slipped between her slick pussy lips. They encountered her hot, wet vagina. Heather moaned loudly. I pushed two fingers deep inside, and she bucked against my hand. My whole hand was getting wet from her juices.

I carefully withdrew my fingers and brought them towards my mouth, but she grabbed my hand and pulled it to her own mouth and sucked on them. She then pulled me in for a kiss. I now tasted a combination of her minty breath with the tang of her pussy juices.

"Fuck me, I can't wait any more." she whispered hoarsely.

I pushed myself back and stood up. She looked confused until I grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards me until her ass was at the edge of the bed.

I grasped my cock and positioned the tip between her slippery pussy lips. I thrust forward and easily entered her. I began to pump into her. She moaned loudly as I thrust. Her cunt was hot and slick. It gripped my cock as I fucked.

"Mmmm, harder baby. Have your way with me she gasped excitedly."

With her legs over my shoulders I buried myself deep. I pumped hard.

"Mmmmmm fuck, yes like that. Don't you dare pull out. I don't care if you knock me up, I want to feel you cum in me." she demanded in between moans.

I thrust harder. The bed squeaked loudly as I forced my cock deep into her hot pussy.

She gripped the sheets as she felt my throbbing married manhood deep inside her.

As I was fucking, I got the feeling we were being watched, and I swear I heard girlish giggling. I had my suspensions that Heather's daughter and her friend had heard her mothers exclamations and were now enjoying the free show. But I wasn't about to ruin the moment by calling attention to their peeping.

But the thought of being watched was enough to detonate the sizzling charge in my balls. I grabbed her hips tightly and slammed into Heather repeatedly. After about five pumps, the explosive blast of cum fired hard and fast into her pussy.

Heather's eyes grew big as she felt my cum filling her. She grabbed her pillow and shoved it into her own face. She groaned into it as her hips bucked uncontrollably against my cock in pleasure.

Eventually I slowed and let her legs down. I leaned down to kiss her. "Don't worry I've been snipped so..."

She kissed me and then smiled. "Like I said, I didn't care if you did. It would be worth it for something so amazing."

She hesitated, "I know this was probably just a fling for you. But can you stay for a little bit?"

I nodded. "Definitely. And just so you know, I tend to fuck my playmates quite regularly. Not to say a one-night thing doesn't happen occasionally... and I understand if that's what happens since we didn't really discuss beforehand. But, I would rather that you belong to me."

Heather sighed contentedly. "Really? So you want own me -- for me to be yours and yours alone??"

I nodded.

She exclaimed "I like the sound of that!" Then she made a bit of a frown "Unfortunately, you probably need to sneak out by six in the morning, I don't want to have to explain anything to my daughter."

I nodded in agreement, but I wondered if my senses had been playing tricks on me. Or did her daughter already know?

She crawled back towards the pillow and I clambered behind her. She reached over and switched off the lamp and I lay there spooning with her. My now deflating cock continued to ooze the last drops of cum against her curvaceous ass. She giggled and snuggled closer.

"I see why your wife lets you fuck other girls. You must wear her little body out... because I am so sore right now." she happily complained.

We snuggled in closer and quite exhausted from our activities, I heard her soon gently snoring. I quietly rolled into my back and lay there in the quiet. The room was softly lit by the moonlight seeping through the sheer curtains. The repetivd sound of her breathing soon lulled me to sleep too.

I am not sure how long I had slept, but something stirred me awake. I felt a warm wetness on my groin and heard whispers. I opened my eyes, and blinked to let my eyes adjust. I could make out the dim figure of a young black girl knelt between my legs and gently running her tongue on the underside of my waking cock. Another skinny blonde hovered next to the bed, her long hair shimmering in the moonlight.

Even in my delirium, I put together that the blonde must have been Heather's daughter and the black girl must have been her friend. I closed my eyes until they were open just a slit.

What should I do? I mean, I had no idea how old the friend was, but some quick math using the info from Heather's earlier conversation indicated her daughter was not yet of age. Heather had no idea of my proclivities. What if she woke up to see what was happening?

As my mind raced and my cock stiffened I listened to their whispers.

"This is so crazy, what if he wakes up." Heather's daughter whispered.

"Stop worrying Emma! Look, he is getting bigger!"

Well at least I knew Heather's daughter's name now. And, indeed I was getting erect.

I watched through my mostly closed eyes as the friend peered at my pulsating shaft, intrigued. She rubbed her fingers lightly over it and I saw a bright smile light up her face as it twitched in response.

She then brought it back to her mouth and gently licked a few circles around the ridge. "Here, touch it!" she urged Emma.

Emma shook her head nervously.

I felt her friend's fingers wrap around my shaft and begin to tug it's length.

"Janelle! You are going to wake him up!" Emma hoarsely whispered.

Well, now I knew the friends name too.

I felt a slight stirring to my left as Heather rolled from her back towards me. A feeling of panic flooded through me. The girls froze too. I was pretty sure all hell would break loose if Heather saw what was happening. I continued to feign sleep. My only choice was to pretend I wasn't aware of what was going on.

But Heather didn't stir further. Janelle began to boldly stroke me again.

"We should stop..." Emma urged. Janelle shook her head no and paused, grabbing Emma's hand. She pulled it to my cock and I felt Emma's slender fingers wrap around my shaft.

I felt a shudder and heard Heather inhale sharply. Neither girl noticed. Then I felt Heather's breath next to my ear and I felt her lips touch my ear lobe. Then I heard her say in a barely audible whisper. "Let them..."

I realized that not only was she awake but had been watching the girls for some time!

Meanwhile, Janelle was guiding Emma's hand as they both excitedly watched my cock.

Even in the dim lighting it was an erotic scene to see the girls working their young hands on my cock. Emma leaned closer, and I felt her young perky nipples pressed against my leg.

A drop of precum oozed from the head. "Did you see that??" Emma whispered excitedly.

Janelle replied. "I think it is meant to lubricate us. God, but I am already so wet already. Are you wet?"

Emma whispered "So wet..."

Janelle's face hovered directly over my cock as she guided their strokes. The two were definitely getting caught up in the moment, their enthusiastic whispers getting louder.

I could hear Heather's breathing getting heavier too as we continued to watch them unknowingly.

"I can't stop thinking about how hard he fucked your mom. I want him to do that to me." Janelle pined.

Emma sighed. "Me too! I wish I could feel him pound me."

I heard Heather unintentionally let out a soft moan as she heard her daughter admit that. The girls froze mid stroke, but it didn't matter. The trigger had been pulled. My cum blasted from the tip of my dick and hit Janelle squarely in the face. Even in the dim light, I could see her dark complexion was plastered by my thick white cum.

The girls didn't know what to do. The moan had caught them off guard but the forceful ejaculation had apparently been even more unexpected.

Heather reached over and flipped on the bedside lamp. The girls guiltily stared like deer caught in the headlights. Janelle tried to babble some sort of excuse or apology.

"You don't need to apologize." Heather said dismissively before she turned to me. "I mean, right? I think we both enjoyed the surprise. "

I nodded.

"Janelle, you're 18 right?"

Janelle proudly nodded as she tried to wipe my cum from her face. "Yes, I turned 18 three months ago."

"Still, you can't say anything to anyone. Because Emma isn't."

Janelle nodded understandingly. She then looked over at me as she seductively sucked my cum off her fingers. She raised her eyebrows and mouthed the word "Yummy!" towards me.

Heather sat up, covering her breasts with the sheet. She sked "Would your wife be mad that this happened -- with my daughter?"

I shook my head. "Definitely not. I mean this isn't the first time."

Heather looked shocked. "So you've..."

"Yeah, I've..." I started, but Heather leaned forward and grabbed both sides of my head and planted a wet kiss on my lips.

"I want you to know I had no plans for this part to happen tonight." she said.

"Nor did I." I assured her.

She looked back at her daughter, who still kneeled at the side of the bed. "Emma, do you really want him to pound you?"

Emma looked shock that her mother asked such a question and stammered something unintelligible.

Heather seemed to realize what she had just said and became a bit flustered too. "I am sorry, I don't know what came over me. I have never had these thoughts before. In fact, if you had suggested it I would have said it was wrong and illegal." She hesitated for a moment and shook her head. "But when I saw you two touching him, I don't know... I didn't get mad, I didn't think it was gross. It turned me on. And when Emma said that... I could only picture it happening."

Emma blushed crimson with embarrassment.

"It is okay!" I assured Heather.

"And Emma, you don't have to be embarrassed."

I swung my leg off the edge of the bed. I may have just left a nice load across Janelle's face, but the thought of fucking Emma was getting me all turned on again. I stood up, and held out my hand to help Emma to her feet.

She stood about 5'4" with fair skin and green eyes. Her blonde hair was wavy and fell midway down her back. Freckles covered both her cheeks. She was wearing a tank top with a high school mascot on it and a pair of light blue panties. I could see she hadn't been fibbing about being wet, as a obvious wet spot was visible on the fabric.

I bent to kiss her and she awkwardly accepted. I could tell it was her first kiss. My cock was pressed against the fabric of her shirt. I heard Heather make a little moan of satisfaction as she watched me kiss her daughter.

I paused and looked down at Emma, "Are you sure? Once we get started you can't change your mind. You will belong to me."

"So does that mean my mom belongs to you?" Emma

Heather nodded. "I guess I do. I never thought I would do this. But are you sure you want to go that far, Emma? It means never having a boyfriend, or getting married, or having kids."

Emma looked up at me pensively.

"Do it!" Janelle urged.

"Would you?"

Janelle laughed. "Hell yes! If he asked me I would..."

Emma breathed a big sigh. "Mom? What should I do?"

Heather smiled. "I shouldn't try to influence this... I should tell you that it is wrong, but I can't. Baby, just let him have you. "

Emma looked back at me and before she could change her mind, I scooped her up and tossed her slim frame back on the bed. Her head landed in her mother's lap. I tugged down Emma's panties, revealing a soft tuft of fine blonde pubic hair over a set of rosy pink labia.

"Oh wow, he is really gonna do it." Janelle exclaimed.

I gently slipped my fingers against Emma's slit. It was wet, but a quick prodding found it extremely tight. She squirmed under my touch.

I spread her legs wide and stepped between them. I grabbed my cock and pressed the tip against her. She took a deep breath and nodded. She was ready for me to make her mine.

I pushed my hips forward and she tensed as she felt my cock begin to stretch her. Heather was holding her breath -- forgetting to breathe as she watched the depravity she had encouraged.

I pushed in deeper, my head working fully inside Emma.

"Pound me. Like you did my mom." she said yearningly.

"Honey, you should go slow it is your first time." her mother warned.

"Pound me!" Emma begged.

I grabbed her skinny hips and shoved deep. I repeated this several times, letting her young cunt lubricate my cock.

I then slid back and brought her legs up to my shoulders, like I had her mom.

"Ohh here he goes!" Janelle said excitedly.

I began to thrust hard against her. She winced at first, clearly not enjoying it as much as she had imagined. But she knew she couldn't ask me to stop now. As I continued, she gradually became accustomed to the thick, hard member that was violating her vagina.

Heather shook her head, "I can't believe this is happening. I am going to burn in Hell for this."

"So what? I think it is so hot!" Janelle reasoned.

Heather smiled. "Oh, I didn't say I didn't like it. I am so wet thinking about how we are gonna share the same cock."

Janelle nodded excitedly. "I am so horny. My panties are soaking wet."

"Mmmm, do you want to take them off?" Heather asked.

Janelle nodded her head emphatically.

"Well go ahead, and maybe you can let me taste?" Heather suggested hopefully.

"Mom!" Emma protested.

"What? I mean it is only fair. When she licked his cock earlier she tasted me." Heather reasoned.

Janelle had slipped out of her bottoms. Her chocolate slit was waxed clean, but literally bubbling with wetness.

I felt my cock twitching as I watched Heather reach forward and pull Janelle's shirt over her head. She had a set of perky tits - I judged to be at least a B cup.

Emma noticed I was distracted by Janelle and got my attention. "Fuck me! Hard!" she ordered.

I drew back and slammed into her full force. She yelped, as I did it again and again. The bed shook violently as I fucked her hard, just as she had requested.

I looked back at Janelle and Heather. They had become distracted from each other as they watched me fucking Emma.

I noticed that Heather had her fingers plunged deep in her own pussy and was squirming in wet pleasure. She breathlessly asked me, "How is her little pussy?"

"Tight, wet, and about to get pumped full of my cum." I said as I felt the pressure building in my balls.

I leaned in and pressed tight against Emma. I grunted as I dumped a generous load into her teen cunt. She was clawing at my skin as she felt my fill her tight void.

I let her legs down and reburied myself into her. Her little body quaked with tension.

I pulled up her shirt and revealed two cute pale A-cup titties, centered by pale pink nipples. I brought my mouth to one and roughly sucked on the rubbery nub. She moaned loudly and I felt her wetness course across my cock.

I thrust my pelvis against her and brought my mouth to her other nipple. She gasped as she fought to retain some semblance of bodily control. Her tight teen pussy convulsed on me.

We slowed as I looked into her young eyes. By now, I had lost track of how many not-yet legal girls I had fucked. A few I had fallen in love with, but many would remain just good fucks. Emma was the latter, but regardless the thrill of being with the forbidden was intense. The look in her eyes showed she was completely smitten with me. As if to confirm that she pulled me close and whispered "I am yours."

I nodded.

We were distracted by the sounds of gentle moaning. I looked up to see Janelle and Heather laying face to face, slowly kissing, while Heather slowly worked her index and middle finger into Janelle's slot.

Emma got up and walked over to the lamp, turning it off again. She then nudged me over so I was in the middle of the plush bed and climbed in. She pulled the covers over us and pushed her small ass up against my quickly shrinking dick.

I sighed as I flipped onto the plush bed next to her. "I am empty. Between fucking your mom earlier, getting jerked off by you two, and then filling you up, my balls are drained."

Emma sighed happily as I spooned with her. "It feels so good dripping out of me." she whispered.

I looked at alarm clock and saw it was just after 2:00am. I gently caressed Emma's body and then -- tired from an evening of activities -- fell back asleep to the sounds of Heather and Janelle quietly exploring each other.


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The husband has been out of the picture for a long time now. Only you and your son in his early twenties live together and the nights can be lonely. Recently you cannot help but notice your son, now much more grown, getting out of the shower with just his boxers on as his muscles seem to catch your eye. Every time you try to act like you are not looking, however recently you cannot help it as the both of you talk to each other in full on conversations while he stands in front of you almost...

3 years ago
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Curious Clients 1 Ariel Analyzed

Awesome Ariel and virgin Vanessa visit us in Amsterdam for a free consult and answers to their curious questions. Both brunette beauties can come as often as they want, but each has her setback: Ariel is as shy as dry, when she has sex, while Vanessa is still a virgin, who can't decide how to switch from masturbation and tools to the real thing.We first invite Ariel for Carnival long weekend. And secretly book Vanessa as well for next day. Ariel comes first.In this tasty sexy short series, we...

2 years ago
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Curious WM 30 Ch 02

slut boy – cunt boy – cock sucker – ball licker – naughty slut – curious – bi-curious"Karl, can you pickup the dry cleaning today?""What, dear?""Aren't you listening? You seem distracted.""It's nothing, dear. What did you say?""I need you to pick up the dry cleaning today, can you do that?""Of course, dear. I'll get it this morning after I do the breakfast dishes and make the beds." We've been sleeping in separate beds in separate rooms for some time now because she says I snore, maybe that's...

2 years ago
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Curious Hubby

I watched my wife’s mouth as she effortlessly slid my cock in and out of it. It seemed as everything was in slow motion. Her lips were wrapped tight around me as I watched it slide slowly out to its tip and then back in. I loved how her lips glistened with her saliva. My cock looked large against her small mouth. I wondered how she took all of me inside her. Her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in the moment. I wasn’t sure if I was enjoying what she was doing as much as I was enjoying...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Curious Pt2

For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...

2 years ago
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Curious Lorrie

Lorrie and I had been married for almost fifteen years and it was a good marriage. We loved each other and we were also each others best friend. We were a typical middle class couple. We both worked at fairly decent jobs and had typical outside activities. I bowled on Wednesday night, played poker a couple of times a month with friends, and played golf almost every weekend that Lorrie and I didn't take the boat and go to the lake. Lorrie played cards with her sorority sisters from college...

3 years ago
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Curious Teen Jessica

Ok got that out of the way so being in a small town i don’t really have a lot of people around my age to interact with apart from the ones i know or the ones that know me but treat me like i don’t exist but the weird thing is i see a lot of older people, I’m talking like people in their 20's older guys and they seem to know how to hold a committed relationship and people always say the older you are the more you know whenever i walked around town i just look at them and think being an adult...

3 years ago
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Curious No More

I began dressing in my sister's clothes. I would get so hard and excited when I felt the soft panties against my cock and the bra wrapped tightly around me. But my dress up time was always short. Now that I live on my own I have my own femme wardrobe and plenty of time to dress and perfect my makeup and appearance. The more I dressed and the longer I stayed dressed, the more I wondered what it would be like to be held closely by a man and feel his warm embrace. Soon I began to wonder what it...

3 years ago
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Curious Sister 4

his is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

2 years ago
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Curious Sister 4

this is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

3 years ago
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Curious Sister 3

Please read curious sister 1 and curious sister 2 on my blog to keep up with the latest story update.It was the red hot summer of 1976 when my showing off naked in front of my sister and her friend escalated,it was a Saturday morning when my sister informed me that mum and dad were going out that night and her friend Christine would be sleeping over, I felt a surge of excitement go through my body as I knew they would expect a nude performance from me.Saturday evening came round and our parents...

1 year ago
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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

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It was in the early 80s .It was summer time and school was out. Our parents were off to work as usual and we had the house to ourselves all day. Not much to do other then some house hold chorse etc. Ove the years I had always wondered what it was like to have real sex and also wondered what it was like to be a girl and have a cock fuck me. Oh well, that late morning the curiosity got the best of me. I had snuck into moms room and stole one of her nighties and some of her panties. I snuke them...

4 years ago
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curious no more the story version

I wrote a short blog entry about my first experience with another man. A number of folks asked if I could give more detail and make it a story. This will also be my first story. Be forewarned. I write how I talk. And I am prone to going off on tangents and derailing my own train of thought. It sure is sunny out. What sounds good for lunch today. A little background on the characters that appear the fun event that took place. Myself, late 40’s married over 20 years. Wife is hot and cold on...

1 year ago
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The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, hardcore sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Curious(An audacious look behind the façade of a seemingly proper girl)The most intriguing part of life is in its details. A hidden reality is found in unexpected gestures that only last a split second. A different secret side of a person, discovered within a moment. These unexpected...

2 years ago
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When I married my ex-wife we had both only had sex with one other person in our lives. This was one of the few things we had in common. Our marriage lasted 8 years but before we divorced (we fell out of love and couldn't get along) she had let it slip that although she had sex with only one other guy before me, she had given about 8 other guys blowjobs. I was a little surprised but she treated these incidents as though it were nothing more than goodnight kisses. My ex-wife could give a good...

2 years ago
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Curious Pt3

Here it is the next chapter, Yes I know it's been too fucking long between chapters, yes I know my grammer and punctation suck and yes I know it's too fucking short. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene so bear with me CURIOUS PT3 By Dake9872 My peaceful slumber is disturbed by the most unsettling, realistic dream of my life. In the dream I'm Brooke and I'm in Brooke's room, I look around and wondering what's going on . I look down and realize I'm naked as a newborn....

4 years ago
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© 2002 Today is the day. I am so nervous. This is my first real experience. I just met this guy online and I am going to meet him. Did I mention that I'm so nervous? Breath Nancy it will be ok. I remember talking to him. He asked me so many questions. He always liked my answers. I am so afraid he won't like me, so afraid. I wasn't prepared for this. I was thinking this was going to happen next weekend. All of a sudden the day is here. I have to get to work and I'm waiting for his...

1 year ago
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Bicurious no more

I am a 40 year old man, I have a good body and have been bicurious for some time. I frequently fantasise about being with another man when I masturbate.This summer I took myself off to a Greek Island for a short break and a bit of Sun.The first evening at my hotel I felt quite tired so sat in the bar with a beer and just absorbed my environment.  The evening’s entertainment was a karaoke.  Some of my fellow guests at the hotel were good singers and they sang a few songs I quite like.One of the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Curious3160 in Vegas with VerySexy

A erotic chat from the netcurious3160 [06/07/2013 11:53 am]I go to Vegas the first part of every year for some seminars. (That part is true & fact) You've flown out to meet me. We meet in the lobby of the hotel/casino. Off to the elevators & up to my room on the 25th floor. Reaching down and caressing each other as the elevator climbs. In the room, the curtains are pulled back, letting in the warm sun. We stand in front of the window, kissing and caressing. Starting to remove each...

2 years ago
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Bicurious first time true story

Hope you enjoy my true story of my first time, this is the only place I can share this, not something I can chat about with friends down the pub.A bit about me, I have an athletic build, short hair and a nice trimmed 6.5 inch uncut cock and had come out of a long term relationship 8 years ago. At that time I had always considered myself straight and had no attraction to men, the difference now is that while I don't have an attraction to men, I am attracted to a nice cock and open minded enough...

3 years ago
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Bicurious roommates Ch2 An escalation

Luckily my worries were shortly laid to rest, as my colleague cheerfully greeted me like always. Not once, during this day, did he mention anything about last night or act out of the ordinary. He did seem in a slightly better mood than usual, but everything else was perfectly normal. Later that evening, lying on my bed, I was thinking if I should go see what he’s up to. Was he watching porn again? Should I join him again? I had asked him yesterday to show me another hot video today, after...

3 years ago
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Bicurious roommates Ch1 Yeah I told you was a pretty hot video

As part of the ground rules of living together as two guys and with our loved ones far away, we agreed early on that we’d both need our private time to do you-know-what. We agreed that we’d just do it in our own respective bedrooms with the door closed and locked. No questions asked, no judgment. At first it was as we agreed, but as the days went by, my temporary roommate became more relaxed with the whole privacy thing. He’d forget his door slightly open or take “long squeaky showers”. I...

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Bicurious roommates Ch3 Shower Hour

Thinking about it made my morning wood even harder and I couldn't resist stroking it and imagining his cock in my mouth again. This was still just roommates helping each other out in this difficult time, right? I just used my mouth instead of my hands this time. That’s how I tried to justify my lust filled actions this time. Unfortunately I was quickly interrupted by the alarm. I reluctantly stopped touching myself and got up to meet the new day. Like the previous day, my...

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Bicurious roommates Ch4 Submission in the Dark

Thinking I’d sneak off to my own bed, I slowly started to get up. I didn’t want to wake him. I did not get far, however. Sensing movement, he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me close. I wasn’t sure if he was awake or still half-asleep, embracing me out of instinct. He was now spooning me from behind, pushing his substantial manhood between my thighs. I felt its hardness and the heat it radiated. He slowly started moving his hips and rubbing his cock against me. He was hard again. Or...

4 years ago
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Bicurious In College No Longe

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

1 year ago
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Bicurious In College No Longer

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

1 year ago
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my bestfriends

my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...

2 years ago
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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

1 year ago
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Gay sex while out from Gfriends

We were planning to have a couples trip down to a lake for the weekend. Just 4 of us as me and my coworker ended up telling out gfs that we would go to check out the place. They told us to just call ahead but we had plans of our own and thought this would be the perfect time to go by ourselves. We got to the place after a nice little drive and rented it for the night for ourselves. It was right by the lake and was a good distance between the other cabins, offering some much needed privacy. We...

3 years ago
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One night touch from SecretFriends

Story taken from forum!I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind...

2 years ago
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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

4 years ago
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Kim Kardashian banged by Ray J his friendsInterrac

Sex StoryMy boyfriend Ray J had kept in contact with several of his college buddies over the years and they would meet on weekends to do things together. Over the years they began to get pretty competitive with their activities and to add money to their quests. At first it did not concern me as he would loose $25.00 over a weekend or come home a winner with several hundred dollars that he always used to pamper me. However, as their competitiveness continued to increase the losses starting...

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91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...

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The picnic The beginning of an amazing friendshi

This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...

4 years ago
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Awesome Threesome With Two Bestfriends

Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first​ story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...

3 years ago
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wife fucked by her friendss

VISIT on to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...

3 years ago
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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

First Time
1 year ago
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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Two bestfriends

He called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...

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Curious Friends

When I was f******n me and my buddy would watch porn together at first we would just watch and laugh or comment. Time went on and it became more frequent and once in a while I or he would bring a movie over with good sex scenes. We did this so frequently we became very comfortable and eventually we couldn't help but make jokes about each other when we would get boners. Eventually you couldn't help but make the joke of wiping out your dick and swinging it around. Inevitably you couldn't help but...

1 year ago
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Curious Clients 5 Ariel Abused

Ariel's anal abuse was a wonderful warm sexy successful satisfaction. She still badly needs to pee. However, she finds herself back under the control of Professor Peter. Shyly, she remains silent and wonders which price she will have to pay to get his permission? ... Or in her filthy fantasy, which price she secretly would want to pay so dearly?Ariel is a sweet shy student with sexual obsessions, which is why she consults a friend found in the net, Professor Peter at his Experimental Erotics...

3 years ago
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Curious About Sex

Kate had been walking in the park for almost two hours, walking and thinking. She had just turned fourteen and like most freshmen in high school she was tremendously naïve when it came to boys. Also like most teenagers she was curious about sex and she wanted to know was what it was all about. What did it feel like to kiss a boy? Did people really stick their tongues inside each others mouths ... and if so, why? What did a cock feel like? Did girls really suck on boys' cocks and then swallow...

3 years ago
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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 2 THE COTTAGE

It is a dreary damp, late summer day and the coach shudders as wheels crash into pothole after pothole, the degree of depth and danger disguised by the many full to the brim puddles strewn over the road surface, there barely being a yard length of flat road surface in the entire Weald and Downland of this county. Lord Ferdinando Briant, pulls back a drawn curtain to glance out of the unglazed coach window. There is little to see as the mist from the fields reduces visibility to less than a...

2 years ago
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curiousity satisfied fantisy fulfilled

All my life I had been curious about gay sex. From the time I was old enough to jack off I was shoving objects up my ass, it always seemed to intensify my orgasm. I grew up, got married, had 2 k**s and before I knew it I was 45 and had never experienced gay sex. From time to time the desire, the wonder of what it would be like would consume me, but other than buying larger dildos I did nothing about it. Finally, I decided that I was getting no younger, threw caution to the wind and posted on...

2 years ago
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curiousity satisfied fantisy fulfilled

All my life I had been curious about gay sex. From the time I was old enough to jack off I was shoving objects up my ass, it always seemed to intensify my orgasm. I grew up, got married, had 2 k**s and before I knew it I was 45 and had never experienced gay sex. From time to time the desire, the wonder of what it would be like would consume me, but other than buying larger dildos I did nothing about it.Finally, I decided that I was getting no younger, threw caution to the wind and posted on...

1 year ago
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Curiousity Turned Exciting In Theater

Hi everybody..this is Arun from Banglore…27 years, fair tall and good looking…i am a very huge fan of ISS and hence thought of posting my first experience here itself…This happened when I had to take a compensatory leave from office on a weekday( only other option was to forgo the leave.,,which i was obviously not interested..:-))… Since all my friends were having office…the day started off boring…nothing nice on tv too…so after lunch i thought of going for a movie….in innovative...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Curious 1st Timer

“Ok sexy, see you when you get here.” I’d been emailing “BlackStallion281” since 7pm. I’d always been curious about what it would be like to be with a man. Since high school, I’ve read and seen erotic material about gay sex on the internet. It always gave me a hard on. But this was it, I’m 21 and a man and I can do whatever I want. We’d been emailing each other after I found him on Craigslist. He seemed like a nice guy. Much older, which was ok with me. He was willing to “show me the...

3 years ago
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Curious Josh Edited Part 1

We got a new student, about 2 weeks into the third quarter named Josh. He was obviously an athlete, same age as me, well built, about 125 pounds and very tight abs. probably 5 ft 8' . He had blond hair, Hair that made it look like he took care of it every second of the day. If Aphrodite had a son it would be Josh He had baby blue eyes that could kill a girl with a glance. To me, he looked like a god, but he looked too good to be gay. He seemed way out of my league. He hung around the...

3 years ago
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Curious Josh

We got a new student, named Josh. He was obiously a athlete. About 14 years old, same as me. Well built, about 125 pounds and very tight abs. Probabily 5 ft 8' because he was a little taller than me. He had blond hair. Hair that made it look like he took care of it every second of every day. If aphrodite had a son, Josh would be the perfect match. He had blue eyes that would kill any girl with a glance. To me (which i am obiously in the closet) he looked like a god, but he looked too good to...

4 years ago
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Rather unexpectedly, I went on a special shopping outing with a long-time girlfriend — for a wedding gown! Libby was finally getting married to Ben, a guy she’s known since grade school, and I was to be her maid of honor.They might have got married much earlier in their lives but, for various reasons, it didn’t happen. Sadly, one serious problem was Libby’s father. To be blunt, he wasn’t keen on mixed-race relationships and, despite her love for Ben, Libby wouldn’t do anything without her...


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