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Copyright © 2000 - All rights reserved. Today - Saturday evening:

She sat alone in her small apartment, the radio softly playing in the background as she waited for him to call. He had said that he would, and hoping against hope, overlooking her past experiences, Caroline waited. She wanted his promise to be true, not just a convenient fiction that he had used to paper over an awkward reaction. He had learned the truth about her the previous night - had seen it with his own eyes. She remembered her own pain on seeing the look of shock on his face. Caroline had to admit that he had recovered well - had been the perfect gentleman in fact - but she KNEW what was likely to happen now. She had lived through this kind of thing too many times before to still have any illusions that it would not matter.

Still, she waited for his call; even though she did not really expect it to come.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Caroline thought bitterly. It was not as if she was an evil person. She had tried to live her life like most people do - not expecting very much, either good or bad - just trying to get by with some small measure of comfort and happiness. She had struggled in school, working her butt off to get the same grades her older sister had found so easy to achieve. Not that she had been stupid; she had just needed to work much harder than her sister to succeed. But if she had not been blessed with the brains in her family, she had been blessed with the looks. While her sister had only had a few boyfriends in high school and college, Caroline had seemed to have a new one every week. She had never been without a date for the weekend and had her choice of escorts when the prom came around. But now life had turned out so ironically - her sister Fran ending up the one that had become happily married. Caroline had just never worried about ending up alone - had felt no pressure to chase after a serious relationship. She had always thought that there would be plenty of time to find that one special person and settle down - had in fact once thought that she had found just such a companion. Too bad that fate had made other plans for her.

Now she was thirty-one and never-married. Nor did she feel that she was ever likely to wed. Caroline had learned too late that a person only gets so many chances in life, and she feared that she had used all of hers up. So now she was sitting at home, alone on a Saturday night, waiting for a phone call that might never come, and thinking about the man that she was ready to once more risk her heart for, despite all the disappointment and pain she had felt whenever she had previously allowed herself to care about a man. She dreamed that maybe this time things would be different. The romantic part of her still wanted to believe. She clung to that. What else could she do?

Several months ago, before Christmas:

His name was Brandon Knight and she had first met him at the Christmas party for the real estate company where she was a junior partner. He had caught Caroline by surprise. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, for the same reasons that she had broken up with the half-dozen boyfriends before him, and had not yet been seeking another relationship. But as fate would have it, her friend and co-worker Gloria had been in the same boat - between boyfriends - and had brought Brandon, her brother, along as an escort.

Gloria had seen Caroline standing off by herself in the corner and, waving to her, headed over to talk, dragging her brother in her wake.

"Caroline... What on earth are you doing hiding over here? You are being absolutely anti-social."

"Sorry, Gloria. I was feeling out of place amidst all the couples. As you can see, I am unfortunately without male companionship at the moment."

"Tell me about it," Gloria responded, taking a swallow from the highball in her hand. "Between boyfriends? That's the story of my life. Why is a good man so hard to find? Just look at me - I'm stuck with my brother here," she said, gesturing to the man beside her. Gloria gave Caroline a sly smile and continued, "Maybe I could lend him to you. He's not much, but he might do in a pinch."

"Thank you for your enthusiastic endorsement, Sis," Brandon said with a laugh. "Instead of offering me such halfhearted praise, why don't you introduce me to this lovely lady?"

"Oh, sorry. Brandon, this is Caroline Foster, just about the only junior partner in this place worth a damn," Gloria proclaimed, the alcohol having loosened her tongue a bit too much.

Caroline glanced around to see if anyone had overheard Gloria's remarks. A quick scan indicated that no one had. Gloria might have been indiscreet, but fortunately she had not been loud. Still, Caroline was embarrassed by her comment.

Brandon stepped in to ease the awkwardness. "So you're Caroline. It's so nice to meet you at last. My sister has mentioned your name in several of our conversations."

"Really?" Caroline responded. "Only good things, I hope."

Gloria jumped back into the conversation, "Now that wouldn't be much fun, would it?" She then looked up at her sibling, who stood almost a full head taller than she and continued, "Anyway Caroline, this is my brother Brandon. He's the baby of the family."

Brandon shook his head, laughing again. "Jesus, Gloria. Will you ever stop pulling rank on me?" He turned back to Caroline with a smile and explained, "We're fraternal twins. Gloria is a whole sixteen minutes older than I am."

"That's what makes me the big sister," she gloated.

"Big pain-in-the-ass is more like it," Brandon proclaimed, teasingly.

"Well!" exclaimed Gloria, mock indignation filling her voice. "I do not have to put up with this... this abuse."

"So don't. Caroline and I will manage just fine by ourselves."

Gloria's sly smirk returned to her face. "Are you trying to tell me something, Brandon?"

"Take a hint, Sis. I'd like to talk to the lady."

"O.K. by me," she replied. "Just don't get too involved. You're MY escort, remember?" Gloria then rose up on tiptoes and gave her brother a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later."

"Just go easy on the drinking," Brandon admonished her. "I WILL get pissed if you throw up in my car."

"Spoilsport!" she laughed, poking Brandon in the ribs and then bouncing off to rejoin the party.

"Well," Caroline stammered, "That was... different. Now I know what a fly on the wall feels like."

"Don't let it bother you. My sister and I banter like this all the time." He lowered his voice level to a near-whisper. "Gloria is really sweet, but I do have to remind her not to drink too much. She has very little tolerance for alcohol. I wouldn't want her saying something she shouldn't."

"Like that remark about me?"

"Like that. Although from what Gloria has told me about you, I suspect she was only telling the truth."

Caroline blushed, feeling like a schoolgirl in the presence of the male talking with her.

"So tell me," Caroline demanded, "What has Gloria told you about me?"

Several months ago, after Christmas:

Caroline and Brandon had hit it off immediately. She shocked herself by giving him her phone number before the party ended. She was usually not impulsive like that, particularly where men were concerned.

He called her two weeks later, right after Christmas. She was running a bath when the phone started ringing. Pulling her robe tightly around herself, she entered her small bedroom and picked up the receiver.


A male voice responded, "Hi. Is Caroline Foster there?"

"This is she. Can I help you?"

"This is Brandon Knight. I hope you remember me. We met at your office Christmas party."

Caroline perked up immediately. "Gloria's brother?"

"The same." There was a slight hesitation. "Ah... look, I've been meaning to call you, but I thought you'd be busy for the holidays. I know this is last minute, but my sister said you don't currently have a boyfriend and I was wondering if you might possibly be free for New Year's Eve? That is, if you don't already have plans."

She smiled to herself at his request. She had made plans all right - like getting into bed early, and maybe indulging in a little white wine before turning out the lights. She had not even planned on staying up until midnight to see the New Year in.

"So what if it is last minute?" she thought. She had found herself attracted to this man. Now he said he wanted to spend New Year's Eve with her. She knew she should be coy - a woman should not let herself appear to be too eager. But Caroline didn't care.

"I'd love to join you for New Year's Eve," she responded brightly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, Gloria and I had reservations at Benton's, until she and her boyfriend got back together. Did she tell you? They made up on Christmas Eve. So now they've made other plans and I was going to have to cancel if you hadn't agreed to accompany me."

"Don't you dare!" Caroline exclaimed.

Benton's was only the best, most exclusive restaurant in the area - so fancy she had never even set foot inside. She had heard about it, though. The serving floor was reputed to be huge, with white linen covered tables accented with cut flowers, no matter what the season. The dining area surrounded a real dance floor, complete with orchestra stand. Every cook on the staff was imported directly from France. Every morsel of food from the most complex entree down to the breadsticks was prepared on the premises. More importantly, Benton's was famous for their New Year's Eve blowouts. For that one night, everything was served buffet-style - if you can imagine a gourmet buffet - with an open bar and, come midnight, as much premium French champagne as the patrons could drink.

"All right. Then Benton's it is for New Year's Eve. Pick you up at eight?"

"That would be perfect," she confirmed.

They spent another five minutes on the phone while she gave him her address and they made small talk about his sister. When they were finally done, Caroline replaced the phone on its base, smiling inwardly to herself. This New Year's Eve she planned on having a lot more fun than just white wine and early to bed.

Several months ago, New Year's Eve:

New Year's Eve turned out to be a dream first date. The food was otherworldly and Caroline ate and drank more than she normally would have. She then practically made a spectacle of herself on the dance floor, throwing herself into the fast numbers, with Brandon matching her move-for-move. When the music changed to waltz tempo, he turned out to be a perfect gentleman, gracefully accepting her begging off from further dancing. He did not question her request to return to their table, and instead just spent the hours talking to her; really talking - a comfortable conversation between two people who respected each other's intelligence. By the end of the night, Caroline found herself really liking the man across the table from her.

Brandon remained ever the gentleman when he finally dropped Caroline at her door at three in the morning. By then she was more than a little intoxicated and had a case of hiccups, which, along with the champagne she had imbibed, had led to giggles. When she invited him in, he turned her down politely.

"You're sure you don't want to come in?" she said, giggling.

"Maybe next time, when I'm certain you know what you've doing."

"O.K. then," she replied, a hiccup breaking through, "But you've got to give me a goodnight kiss." She then leaned her head back, half-closing her eyes.

Brandon acceded to her request. Caroline felt a pair of lips cover hers gently, pressing softly against her mouth with an almost brotherly kiss. Then it was over. They completed their good nights and, as the door closed between them, Caroline realized that for the first time in months she had forgotten about herself and her problems. It was a good feeling. She stood in wonderment, trying to understand what it all might mean.

One month ago:

Their first date led to a second, and then a third and fourth. Soon they were together every weekend. Caroline could sense danger approaching. She had no problem picking up on the signs that she was falling for this man. Try as she may, she was unable to deny how attracted she was to Brandon, and began to feel her old fears returning.

"How the hell did he do this to me?" she wondered. She had carefully built up walls to avoid being placed in exactly such a position. There was just something about Brandon - about how he had just seemed to fit with her - that had allowed him to get around her defenses.

She told herself that if she didn't act soon she could really get hurt. She had been hurt too badly and too many times in the past, and knew she did not want a repeat of that pain. She would have to let Brandon know her secret - and soon - before she became too vulnerable.

Yesterday - Friday night:

He had been standing at her apartment door, returning her from their latest date, when Caroline had impulsively made her move. Brandon had kissed her goodnight - not the safe brotherly kiss he had first given her, but not exactly displaying the height of passion either. Caroline held him to herself and this time, instead of releasing him when the kiss was over, she continued holding on, her arms around him.

"I'd like to thank you for a wonderful time," she said, looking up into his eyes. "Would you like to come in for a nightcap?"

Like a true gentleman, Brandon replied, "Are you sure? It is a bit late."

"I insist," Caroline replied, smiling. "I am my own woman. I am not some high school girl whose parents are waiting inside. And you're overdue for sampling my bartending skills."

"Just one then," Brandon replied, returning her smile. He watched her unlock her door and followed her into her apartment, shutting the door after them. She hung their coats on the rack beside the door.

"Anything in particular I can interest you in?" she said, leading him into the kitchen and opening one of the small cabinets above the counter. "I have rum, gin, whiskey, some Scotch, and a bit of tequila. Plus some assorted mixers in the fridge."

"How about something simple - rum and Coke maybe?"

"You've got it. Sit down and make yourself comfortable."

Caroline watched him nod his assent and return to the living room. She then set about her task, first mixing Brandon a stiff drink, adding almost two fingers of rum to the six ounce glass and filling it with cola. Then she made another for herself, a bit weaker than her companion's drink.

She was pleased when she re-entered the living room to see that he had chosen to sit at one end of the sofa. She gave him her best smile as she handed him his glass and then sat down next to him, sharing his half of the seat. She let him take a pull on his drink, then inquired, "Well, what do you think? Are my bartending skills any good?"

"You sure don't fool around," he responded, taking a second swallow. "It wouldn't take too many of these to lay a fellow out."

"Well, that isn't my intention. I'm hoping to keep you fully conscious. I WANT you to know what I'm doing to you."

Brandon's eyebrows rose at that statement, but he made no move to leave, took no action to dissuade her. A wordless agreement took place between them. They both knew it and, having agreed silently to continue, Brandon was able to relax. Their conversation turned light - a comfortable banter taking place as they worked on their drinks and discussed their evening.

Caroline was the first to finish her drink, placing her glass on the end table next to her. The moment had finally arrived. Caroline took the now almost-empty glass from Brandon's hand and placed it next to hers. She turned back to the man beside her and, leaning into him, kissed him open-mouthed, her tongue slipping through her lips to pass between his. He responded to her, kissing back, abandoning the gentlemanly type of kisses they had previously shared. His right hand slid up to the small of her back, pulling her closer. They broke from the kiss just long enough to take a breath, and then their lips became joined once more. This kiss was deeper and more impassioned, the heat between them rising as Brandon's hand moved from her back until his palm lightly cupped her left breast. Caroline offered no protest, and made no effort to remove his hand. Instead, she bit down lightly on his lower lip as their tongues flirted with each other. Finally she broke from him, and slipping to her knees before him, her fingers went to the buckle on the belt around his waist.

She unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned the waistband of his pants and lowered his zipper. She slid both her hands under his buttocks, indicating that he should rise. He was quick to pick up on her prompting and raised his hips as she grasped his waistband and the elastic of his underwear, lowering his trousers and allowing his semi-rigid cock to spring free.

Brandon groaned softly as her lips slide over the head of his manhood. "Damn, that's good," he murmured to her as she commenced ministering to his cock. Her lips slid up and down the hardening organ, her tongue swirling over the sensitive head at the top of each bob of her head.

Caroline smiled at his reaction. She was an experienced oral lover, and was totally confident in her blowjob abilities. No matter what happened another day - no matter how badly any later encounter went - she knew that at least he would remember this night and how well she had done this. His hands once more sought her body, but she wasn't ready for that, and she deflected them by bringing her own hands up, encircling the base of his penis with her fingers. He was forced to settle for placing his hands on her shoulders and guiding her movements as she blew him.

A change in his responses - an involuntary matching of his thrusts into her accepting mouth with the rise and fall of her head - signaled the approach of Brandon's orgasm. Caroline read the signals of his impending release and responded to them, engulfing more of his shaft on each down-stroke until she was deep-throating him, her lips circling the base of his cock, her saliva dampening her fingers as they grasped him.

"Oh God, Caroline," he groaned. "I can't hold out much longer. I'm going to have to cum soon."

Caroline replied by sliding her lips back up his cock to just below the ridge at the bottom of his cockhead, running that sensitive area in and out of her lips and mouth, providing maximum sensation to him. That produced exactly the effect she sought. With a loud groan Brandon came, his first spray hitting the back of her tongue to be followed by several more as she continued her intense stimulation. She allowed some of his cum to leak from her mouth and down her chin, knowing that seeing the overflow of his semen had a powerful erotic effect on a man. As the bursts tapered off, she once more engulfed the majority of his cock, applying suction and swallowing his seed. When his orgasm was finally over, she looked up at him - just the tip of his cockhead between her cum-coated lips - with a smile on her face.

"I've been wanting to do this since almost our first date," she said. "I couldn't wait any longer."

"You don't hear me complaining," he said, his face still flushed. "Now it's your turn. Come up here where I can touch you."

Her response was not what he was expecting.

"I think we should wait," she said. Then she lowered he head a bit and continued, "We need to talk. It's important. There is a lot you don't know about me."

He chuckled, "Don't be silly. I'm dying to make love to you. What kind of secrets could you possibly have?"

Caroline realized that she had been fooled by his always gentlemanly manners. She had but to look at him - at his still present erection - to see that she had seriously misjudged his staying power. She had initiated this encounter. Could she deny him now?.

She surrendered to the inevitable. "If you don't want to wait, at least let me change first. Please? I need to do this my way."

"Whatever you want," Brandon replied, thrown by her request. "Take as much time as you need."

"Thank you," she responded. "You'll understand everything when I get back."

Rising from her knees, she went to her bedroom, Brandon's eyes following her as she exited the room and closed the bedroom door. He leaned back on the sofa feeling totally confused. He was strongly attracted to Caroline - strongly aroused by the thought of making love to her. Now that the moment had arrived, he suddenly found himself unable to comprehend the events taking place around him. She was obviously willing, having initiated the blowjob he had just received. Why was she so nervous?

"Damn! That sure could have been handled better!" Caroline thought as she latched the door behind her. Her self-criticism continued, "I should have waited until I'd told him - until after he knew. What will he do now when he finds out?"

Caroline felt trapped. All she had wanted to do was give him a blowjob - to show him she was still a sexual being. She had let her desire cloud her better judgment. Now he wanted more from her. "I should have foreseen that," she told herself. He wanted it all. And Caroline knew she would give him what he desired. It was too late to back out now. She had committed herself.

She began removing her clothing. First was her skirt, followed by the high-necked white sweater. Then she sat on the end of her bed and removed her shoes. She stood back up and, hooking her thumbs under the elastic at her waist, slid her pantyhose down her shapely legs. She stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. She wore just one remaining article of clothing. She could see herself in her vanity mirror as she unhooked the back of the hated padded bra and threw it on the bed. She shuddered slightly at her reflected image and, retrieving the heavy terry robe hanging in her closet, covered herself.

The moment of truth had arrived, coming much sooner than she was prepared for. Caroline steeled herself and, taking hold of the doorknob before her, reentered her living room.

Caroline found Brandon still sitting at the end of the sofa, his underwear and trousers where she had left them, just below his knees. She smiled slightly. At least he had not left, although there was no guarantee that he didn't regard her as a madwoman. She stood before him, her arms folded across her chest.

"Well, I'm back," she said, tentatively.

"So I see."

"Would you mind doing me a big favor?" she said, trying to delay the inevitable. "I'm really nervous about this. Could you undress first?"

He looked at her, perplexed, then shrugged and said, "Sure. No problem."

Brandon watched her mouth a silent "Thank you" as he began disrobing before her. He removed his shoes and socks, followed by his underwear and trousers. Moving on, he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and the buttons down the shirt's front. He removed the shirt, tossing it into the opposite corner of the sofa. Then removing his undershirt, he casually leaned back in his seat, nude before her, awaiting her inspection.

"O.K. I'm done. Now it's your turn."

Caroline tensed, her nervousness showing. "I have to warn you. I'm not what you might be expecting. I hope you'll try to understand."

"Well, I'm trying," he said, his confusion growing. "What could possibly be such a big concern?"

"You don't understand," she replied, breaking eye contact with him.

"How should I do this?" she wondered, her memories of past attempts with other men providing no guidance. All of those attempts had ended in disaster. Finally, saying a silent prayer of "Please God... " and throwing caution to the wind, she told Brandon, "Maybe it would be best if I just show you."

Still not making eye contact with him, looking at the floor in front of his feet, she fumbled with the belt of the terry robe protecting her. Slipping it off her shoulders with both hands, she allowed it to fall to the floor around her feet. She stood before him naked, exposed, her secret revealed to his unprepared eyes.

Throughout high school and college she had been so proud of her body. She had exercised regularly. She had watched her diet. Her reward had been a five-foot seven-inch figure that had never failed to turn men's heads. "If Brandon could only have seen me then!" she thought. Instead, she stood before him, the proud thrust of her left breast mocking her. Surgical scars marked her loss, her right nipple off-center and displaced downward slightly, out of line with its unmarred companion. Only that and loosened flesh remained to mark where her right breast had once been, before the mastectomy that had taken it. Caroline had survived her cancer, but not intact - not as a whole woman.

She finally looked up to gauge his reaction, fearing what she would find in his expression, and found all her fears confirmed. Shock was plain on Brandon's face. He was unable to keep his eyes off the scarred flesh that marked her missing breast. Finally, she saw him brace himself, and stood impassively as he came to her and enfolded her in his arms.

"It's O.K., Caroline," he said, his arms encircling her. "It doesn't matter." He loosened his hold on her and sought her mouth with his lips.

But Caroline knew that it did matter. He had managed to recover well, but the mood in the room had changed in the moment when he first beheld her misshapen body. He was holding her, but his grip was tentative and awkward. Still, he was trying. He would do what was expected of him. He caressed the skin of her back as he kissed her, his hands sliding up and down her naked flesh.

Only Caroline could not avoid noticing that his hands never moved toward her chest or nipples.

Brandon managed to maneuver her around and backed her to the sofa, where he sat her down and, pressing back on her shoulders, leaned her against the cushions. He knelt at her feet and, spreading her knees with his hands, placed his head between her legs and began kissing her inner thighs. Finally, getting down to the job at hand, he snaked his tongue between the lips of her pussy.

Caroline let out an agonized groan. It was so long since she had last had sex. She responded strongly, driven by the desire she felt toward the man whose mouth feasted between her legs. She grasped his head and pulled him into her vagina, steering his tongue into the most secret recesses of her being as her lust built toward its inevitable release.

"Oh God! Eat me. Don't stop. Make me cum. I need to cum so bad!"

Brandon redoubled his efforts, his fingers opening her pussy lips as she spread her legs wider for him. He ran his tongue from the base of her vulva to her pubic hair, rasping his tongue's surface across her clitoris on each upstroke until she suddenly tensed, clutching him with her thighs as a spasm shook her body, her juices on Brandon's tongue marking her orgasm. Several more spasms racked her body before she relaxed, her release over.

Brandon slipped from between her legs and sat next to her on the sofa. Once more he kissed her softly on the mouth. She responded by sliding her hand up his thigh until her fingers circled his erection. She then moved herself over him, straddling him while he held her waist, guiding her as she directed his cock between her pussy lips and into her awaiting vagina. She slid down its rigid length, a moan rising from deep in her throat.

She began to ride him slowly, ascending and descending on the cock impaling her, almost its entire length slipping in and out of her tight wetness. Brandon's eyes widened as a frenzy began to overtake her. Caroline became a banshee as she rode him, her juices foaming around his cock as she drove herself and him toward orgasm. There was nothing he could do but lay back and let the pressure in his groin built toward its release.

"Oh Jesus, I'm going to cum again, Caroline. I can't hold back."

"Oh please, Brandon! Cum in me. I want it so bad. If only just this once, I want to feel you cum in me."

They exploded together. She could feel him stiffen and fill her with his sperm as he repeatedly came within her vaginal walls. Her own climax overtook her and she let loose with a high-pitched wail as she joined her partner. She clung to him as she came, hanging on for dear life as their release peaked, then tapered down and faded. They remained like that until Brandon lost his erection and slipped out of her flooded pussy, their combined juices leaking from her vagina and down over his pubic hair.

An awkward silence hung between them. They finally broke it, saying all the expected things to each other - about how good it had been and how they had both wanted it, but Caroline was able to read between the lines. Always the gentleman, Brandon had done what he had to do, but during all their intimacies, from the point when he had first seen her nude, he never touched even her single intact breast. He had done his duty, but she knew that he wouldn't be staying the night.

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Damn, old-school Image Fap! A man must sometimes take time to appreciate the classics. Mozart. Rembrandt. And photo gallery porn sites. Do you kids know that before high-speed internet came along, a man had to jerk off to pictures? Like out of a fucking magazine, a man’s jerk off material was either image files or waiting two fucking hours for a shitty minute video to download that you would replay twenty times while you took out your frustrations on your poor cock. Those videos were so fucking...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Finding a free image hosting site like Image Bam is not that difficult, but most of them do not allow adult content. Well, that is why I am here, to find a site that does actually allow that crap, and that is where steps in. This is a place meant for everyone; whether you want to upload some family-friendly crap, or you would prefer to upload pornographic shit, it does not fucking matter.We all know that sites like don’t come easy, but this is an exception since they...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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ImageVenue is a free image hosting solution designed for you to share your digital images with friends, post the images on bulletin boards, and blogs. Whatever variety of photos that may be in your possession, Image Venue hosts them for you with unlimited bandwidth and the option to upload as many photos as you possibly can. With an evolving world web that is increasingly becoming more visual, having a free image hosting platform is the Holy Grail, so to speak.If you are still reading this,...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Knowing the kind of naughty freak you are, I’m guessing you have a collection of adult images and hot memes you’ve collected when not fapping your small dick sore. Getting a free image hosting site to place your erotic stash should be your next step. Which is why today I’m the bearer of good news in the name of a free image hosting site; Image Twist. Even better, you get fucking paid according to the number of views your photos have garnered, which is as good an incentive for you to share some...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Judging by the name of Image Post, we could freely assume that they specialize in pornographic pictures, but we know that this isn't true. How? Well, make your way inside the page, and you will quickly find out that they post videos on their page as well. I mean, it's right there, underneath the home button. Not the videos...rather, they just say it themselves: "Yeah, we got a ton of videos too!". The page looks very simple, and your eyes surely aren't fooling you, it truly is simple. Let's...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Its All About Image

ITS ALL ABOUT IMAGE A Power Broker Story. An entertainment for Adults only. By James Anderton. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. ————————————————- Previous stories in the POWER BROKER Series are: A Crude Business The Ambassador’s wife Vengeance Ambition Also by James Anderton For Love of France ————————————————- PROLOGUE: AUTUMN 1987 –...

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Matrix Residual SelfImage

Matrix: Residual Self-Image By Lynn Lefey I walk from the stage, alive with the sound of eighty thousand cheering fans. I glisten with sweat from the exertion of the performance. I've done my two encores; I'm done for the evening. The backstage area is alive with life. Roadies, reporters, groupies, performers... and the last thing I expected to see. I gravitate to the man, painfully professional in his black suit. He has the short, immaculate haircut and dark glasses marking him...

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Mirror Image

Mirror Image By Cherysse St. Claire (c) 2004 Rachel Roberts was at the top of her game. At thirty-two, she had endured and survived the rigors of the feature circuit, made a pile of money through careful investments, and got out with her voluptuous body, sanity, and self-respect intact. Well, she hadn't got out completely. She still operated her web site, which would be a lucrative source of income for several years yet. Her fans still craved her, even...

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His Mirror Image

His Mirror Imageby Dr Dorothy Strangelove T.L.C., C.P.,B&DPART ONE: My former lover we shall only call Damien. Of course that wasn't his real name it has been changed as has mine for obvious reasons. Of all the men who had come and gone in my life and contributed to my knowledge and understanding of true pleasure, he was the one, I had a lust for him that knew no end and felt for him the kind of love that could make or break my soul.We met in 1999 on a miserable rain-lashed night in October, I...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Bodyguard Copyright 2021 reserved by author. A bodyguard is in disgrace - Unfairly found guilty of interfering with a minor. Facing prison, he is offered a chance to redeem himself by taking on a job that nobody else wants. 1. The Shame "James Robertson McKenzie, you have been found guilty of insidiously exploiting and interfering with Maria Helen Carruthers - A minor in your care. This offence is against a girl of only thirteen years old, who relied on you for her care and...

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2 Cousins 1 Berth The Pilgrimage

Hey, guys, it’s been a while, for those of you who don’t know me go check out my stories. So I have been busy trying to finish off my education and get a job and just somewhat sorted now but that is enough about me. This is the pilgrimage continuation with my cousin sister Namitha. I hope you guys enjoy for this is a rollercoaster love story. For context read the first story. Family Pilgrimage turns into sex mania with smoking hot cousin sister I felt my heart drop as I walked away from her,...

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It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...

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Random Images

Random Images by Deena "I thought they would never leave! God, don't these people ever sleep?" The blonde behind the cell bars groused loudly enough so that the female cop slammed the door to the holding cellblock and strode over to her cage. "What's the problem, babe? Didn't take your hormones today? You wanta wake up the computer geeks?" "Furthest thought from my mind. In fact, that's what I was griping about. You know, it's hard to have any fun out here in...

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BodyguardsPart 3

It was still almost a week before the final bids were due to be tallied and I was beginning to feel a little stir-crazy. Going out for anything other than major natural disasters or direct hits on my bedroom by cobalt-clad thermonuclear devices, was, of course, verboten. Mei and Wei, as delightful as they were, could not fill every waking minute of my time, even though they did their best. I was in the best physical shape of my life. I could hit anything within fifty feet, shooting with...

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Bodybuilder Bestie

I have a big weakness for muscles and this is a story about one my favorite bodybuilders that I ACTUALLY got to meet in person and he's such a cool and sexy man. This bodybuilder from the Netherlands, Quincy Winklaar, is the bodybuilding man of my dreams and this story is fictional and derived from my imagination so just go along for the ride. Oh and just so you can get a visual on who I'm talking about in this story here's what he looks like:So this takes place in college around the fall...

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Bodybuilder by shalimar Rose White took the next specification sheet off the pile. She looked over the information on the form. 'This is going to be a fun one to make,' she thought. 'A Fabio face with chin a dimple al la Kurt Douglas. Humm 6' 3" and ALL muscle.' "Maybe I'll keep this one myself," she said out loud to no one in particular. Being a bodybuilder was a job she liked to do. She especially enjoyed building the children for the "parents" who couldn't conceive. ...

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Somebodys Knocking

Somebody's knocking Author's note: This one is based on the old song "Somebody's knocking" a version of which you can find here: When I heard the knocking, I jumped, even though I had been expecting it. He'd been sniffing around lately, and I figured it was only a matter of time before he made a move on me. After all, I was a "tranny", and because of my gender issues I was alone, and lonely. He'd left me loving notes telling me he only...

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Santa Specials Mirror Image

We’d loaded up the service car with the presents, trolleys, boxes of food and drink, and spent the empty stock working readying the train for the influx of excited families. The lead steward asked me if I’d pop up to the loco when they’d run round and do drinks for the crew while the rest of the buffet crew helped with settling the passengers. The loco crew would have been on several hours before us lighting up and getting up steam for the day’s trains, so they’d be grateful for a drink. I...

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In Laurens Image

In Lauren's Image By Lowie Chapter 1 Before college, I played baseball, competed for national debate titles, threw it around on the court regularly, and seemed obsessed over girls. When I first started school at the small private college Tiffs University, I had no idea that I would end up being a cock-crazed gay boy. The first year was pretty normal. Pledged a fraternity, smoked weed, got decent grades. Even got laid once in a while. Partied enough that I gained 15 pounds. By...

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Second Nature 2 Mirror Image

Second Nature: Mirror Image By Crystalline Chapter 4 - The Realization "Repeat! Entire team is down! Unidentified female and subject Powerkeg appear to be fighting just beyond the pile of bodies. Over!" "Can you get a reading on the female, Psyche?" "Affirmative! ..." "Psyche? Report!" "..." "Psyche! Report now! What is the reading on the female?" "Unbelievable. Sir! The female appears to be Matrix!" "What??" "This is Metalshaper. Reading is confirmed, sir. The...

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Image Belladonna Adam Loehman was a brand name to the clients of Hathaway Marketing. Adam was renowned for his ability to understand the consumers of their products. He knew how to make them want the product his customers sold. Adam was highly sought after by many large companies. They recognized the value of his advertising campaigns. Despite this, Adam was unknown to them. He was a phantom to his clients. After his first few major successes, Adam had managed to avoid dealing...

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Mirror Image

MIRROR IMAGE Deviously manipulating a pair of women into an evening of erotic sex, both individually involved in their own playful bondage with him previously, he dresses the pair in identical fetish gear and introduces them into his game. Chapter One        Guiding her into the bedroom, her nakedness, her all black leather and latex bondage paraphernalia mirroring the other woman already standing silent at the foot of the bed facing the doorway, both are blindfolded with full covering bondage...

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Loves MastersChapter 1 New Image

On the first day of my sophomore year of high school, I skipped my Algebra 2 class to fuck a freshman in the boy’s locker room. “Oh Shepherd,” Connie Whittingham moaned as I fucked her tight virginal pussy while she was on her hands and knees on the coach’s desk. “Oh, Shepherd!” I slowed down and said, “Yes, my child?” Connie panted and said, “I wish ... Can I...” Connie turned around and inhaled my cock into her throat. I resisted rolling my eyes, for this was the third time she had...

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In a valley far to the north, cradled between the frozen mountains of the Freljord, lived a very special community of creatures. Akin to massive bears that evolved to resemble humanity, the Ursine are a secluded tribe of spirit warriors known for their savage efficiency in combat. For hundreds of years they waged wars in the Freljord and the lands beyond, where they were respected for their strength, but today they live a tranquil life of seclusion away from the petty squabbles of the world....

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BodyguardsPart 2

As expected, the product announcement generated a LOT of interest. The auditorium floor was still buzzing as Mei and Wei hustled me out the side door. The locked case chained to my left wrist was, at my bodyguards' insistence, suspended by a strap under my left arm and the chain velcroed to my arm, allowing me freedom of movement, without having the chain flopping around uncontrolled. This left both hands free for whatever might come up. The girls were dressed in loosely fitting jumpsuits...

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Bodypainting Competition

I flew to Perth to spend the weekend with my friend Kate, who lives there. Although she is so different from me, we have managed to stay close friends for years. She is vivacious, outgoing and has great model-like looks.I had gone to watch her take part in an annual bodypainting competition. She recently qualified as a beautician, and her beauty school takes part in a national inter-beauty-school bodypainting competition.The beauticians are selected to be either amateur artists or amateur...

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Bodywork Part 2

I grab her arm then close and lock the door. Then forcing her into the back storage room. I force her aganist the wall. I stare at her; she was lovely. Long black hair, silky tan skin. Wearing a white sleeveless button down blouse and khaki shorts, I stroked her legs while my cock grew rock hard. I just smiled as I knew that sweet pussy of hers was going to be all mine tonight.... I quickly undressed, standing there naked and my tool throbbing achingly. Stroking my cock, giving her time to...

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Jenny's family are super-rich real estate investors, and as long as I've known her she's sped around town in a flashy sports car. On this saturday morning, Jenny came roaring into the shop. I was just about to leave for the day, when I noticed the sizable dent in Jenny's car. "Mr. Malone!" Jenny hopped out of the convertible without opening her door. Her cute pleated skirt flew up on her thigh as she vaulted the distance. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her sweater provocatively due...

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I know that Americans don’t ‘get’ the English sport of cricket – but then, a lot of English people don’t really understand the game either, or at least they don’t understand its interest and pleasure. That goes especially for women, because – like football – it always used to be seen as a man’s sport. But that has been changing for a while now, and, as with golf and football, the women’s game is slowly developing a following. Why am I telling you this? Well, I have enjoyed playing...

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i stood in front and slightly to the side of nikky waiting for them to make the first move, if they even made one. i mentaly told myself that not everyone is like me they dont always fight, maybe this will just be a verbal thing.i looked at the group and sized them up. they all looked physicaly big especialy the one who seemed to be leading the pack. they kept coming until they where about 5 feet away. i tried to get nikky to back up but she stood firm and stared them down. hey...

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my name is zen im 16 and my dad was an highly paid assasin it was his pride in life and he always tried to bring me into the family business starting from when i was only 4. i've learned alot of tactics, how to handle and fire a firearm with precise pinpoint aim, and i am extremly good at martial arts it just came naturaly to me. before i was old enough to know what my dad was training me for he'd always bring me with him to his client meetings and show them what he called...

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Autobody Brad Part 1

As the tumblers fell in place she pulled the key out and walked slowly and confidently to the restored candy apple red Camaro Z28 SS. She loved the deep purr of the engine, and the smooth detailing on the interior. Although she was never a car buff, something about this car drove her mad. When she was younger she would’ve done anything to get a ride in this car, now that she was in it, she would do anything to stay there. The date was her idea, sort of. Brad worked at the auto body shop...

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Everbody Loves Sue

Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master’s degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn’t put too much emphasis on fidelity. I’d sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I’d joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....

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My name is Ben Harker. I’m one of the Forester Five, the group of kids you probably read about in the paper a decade ago. We were five unrelated kids born on the same day across the world and given up for adoption. Some billionaire-funded research group swooped in and took us for these strange experiments. They gave us weird drugs and monitored us day in and day out. To this day, no one knows the purpose of these experiments or the full extent of the physical or psychological effects they had...

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Ok, cut the background crap. Your name is Rob and you've woken up to find yourself in a different body. Don't ask how it happened you don't know. You don't particularly care either since the first thing you noticed was the amazing pair of breasts you've now got. You bring your hands up and hold them, liking the weight they carry. You've always wondered what it would be like to have a set and now you've got them they're amazing. You feel a sensation as you touch your new nipples. Adrenaline runs...

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Bodyswap Nights Alone

I never know how to start, this is especially difficult since its something I wanted for do long. Like every day I was working. I drive trucks so I'm not home often. I tend to finish my day as quickly as possible and park. I had a bit of a problem, I loved porn. I had a great wife at home, and my obsession didn't affect our love life. But I'd been into a lot of different styles as of late. My main focus was body swap porn. It fascinates me, the dream of feeling like a woman even for just a day....

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Tonygoodbody forfeit

Re Tony’s forfeit As Tony had failed to keep up the agreed full hour of mutual sexual gratification without exploding into the very meaty dripping wet pussy of the very hard to fully satisfy Gemma. On saying that you would need to be a very well-endowed and more importantly very hard to keep it in without it dropping out. She can usually go through several explosive orgasm with either someone who is very good or at the same time several mere mortals who are average especially if more than one...

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Everbody Loves Sue

Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master's degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn't put too much emphasis on fidelity. I'd sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I'd joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....

Straight Sex
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Anybodys slut

My name is Valerie. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Hal, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Hal's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first condition...

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Bodyswap Live

AUTHORS NOTE: The following story is based upon one of my least favorite types of TG based stories and role playing, the body swap. The only RP where you secretly get forced to act in a way you don't want your character to act if you don't want to play out living someone else's life (other types do it overtly so you can avoid them, body swapping does it secretly). It contains forced behavior, an attempted rape, and violence. This story is meant to mock the body swap concept, the...

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BodySwitched Book 2 New Bodies New Lives

The first part of this story, written by Caleb Jones, can be found elsewhere on this site, and it should be read first to get the most out of this story. We have done our best to supply you with all you need to follow the story if you choose not to read the first story. So please enjoy? BodySwitched - Book 2 New Bodies, New Lives! By Caleb Jones, and Eric (Based on a story and characters created by Caleb Jones and Brad Miller) Chapter 1: No One Suspects a Thing! A group...

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This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Bodywear by Pretzelgirl "Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes." -- Henry David Thoreau * * * "Hi Bodywear!" Inanimate objects do not talk, strictly speaking. But this is Big Brenda's Boutique, a place so welcoming, so accepting, and so open to the unconventional that if you take the time to just shut up, you really...

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This is one of my earliest stories - and I think you can see how I started, BUT? Jezzi? I see that you read most of my stories. Have tried to get with you - but failed. Will you PLEASE write me at [email protected]? HARDBODY By Bea Everything was just fine until Bobbi took up body building. We'd been married a couple of years, and I was pretty sure I'd found the ideal mate. Pretty and shy and very easy to get along with - in other words seemed only to happy to do what I...

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Autobody The Beginning

I'm really a pretty simple guy. My name is Drew and I like a drink now and then and read a good book or watch a good movie, but mostly I'm concentrating on figuring out my dissertation and moving on to teaching, maybe writing a novel or two and getting on a tenure-track as an English professor at a small private college somewhere in New England in the next decade or so if everything works out like I'm planning. That might sound grand, but I have no delusions of grandeur and I'm in no...

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BodySwpsie by Kelly Newman At first the government tried to ban it. The fear was that people would use the new Japanese body swap devices to steal other people's bodies to trade up to a better life or commit crime. There was a little of that, but the reality was mostly unhappy people changing their lives. And since the machines were expensive, they remained owned by the BodySwpsie Company, which meant the whole process was rigorously policed. Potential swappers were vetted to ensure...

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I could feel myself tiring, my muscles aching, my back straining, and the damn woman beneath me was still sobbing and writhing, her legs clamped about me, pulling me deeper, belly fluttering and saliva drooling from her slack mouth as she moved her wide pelvis and big rump up and down. "Enough?" I asked after another series of deep thrusts that shook the high bed. "Enough?" Her big breasts were flopping about and her breathing was very ragged. Her legs fell away and she nodded, looking up...

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Peabodys Improbable History

"Peabody here (dog genius), and this is my boy Sherman. Say hello, Sherman." "Hello," said Sherman. "Where and when are we going today, Mr. Peabody?" "Set the Wayback Machine for Cairo, Egypt and the year 1916, Sherman. We're off to visit Lt. T. E. Lawrence of the British Royal Army." Sherman adjusted the controls and we stepped into the Wayback Machine (my own invention, by the way) and in less time than it takes to tell it we were standing outside Lieutenant Lawrence's personal...

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