- 2 years ago
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It was a hot Monday afternoon in late June at the university library and it was six years since Jack had been back to the university. The basement of the old library was nice and cool and smelled exactly as he remembered. As Jack wandered through the building, the old smells and sounds were like an old familiar friend and he opened his mind to the flood of great memories. He had taken classes off and on at the local extension university while he was teaching, but this summer he returned to his alma mater where he hoped to complete his Masters degree. Being back on campus was a real trip of nostalgia. When Jack was an undergraduate, he found an area down in the bowels of the ancient building with a couple of old tables stuck in a back corner. This was where he'd hung out, studied, and done his research and as he wandered to the back of the building, he wondered if the tables were still there.
It was so cool down in the basement and the temperature was so much different from the outside he almost wished he was wearing a sweater. As Jack rounded the end of one of the stacks, he saw the two massive old tables still sitting exactly where they'd been when he'd used them six years ago. However ... there was one thing different today. Sitting at one of the tables was a young lady ... a young lady who was stunningly attractive. Long, honey blond hair; a powder blue V-necked sweater showing excellent cleavage and when she looked up at him, she revealed beautiful blue eyes. Her face was flawless and her perfume teased his nostrils with its scent. In the darken recesses of the library, Jack thought she looked like a vision.
Jack realized he must have stood staring for too long because finally she asked, "Is there something wrong?"
He was positive he blushed as he murmured, "I'm sorry ... I don't wish to be rude ... when I was an undergraduate, I used to hang out down here and study. I just didn't expect to find anybody here. And to find somebody here ... somebody as lovely as you ... well..."
The young lady's cheeks took on a flush of their own and she looked down. When she looked up, he was again struck with her loveliness. "Are you back here for more studies or..." her voice trailed off.
"I teach at Stewart High School over in Bedford Falls. I am here for the summer to finish my Masters. Are you a student here this summer?" After he asked her, he realized what a stupid question he'd asked; why would such a good-looking woman be sitting down here studying in the library on a day like this if she didn't have to?
"I have this quarter and I'm finished with my degrees." She told him.
"What's your major?"
"I have two..." She told him.
Jack interrupted, "Wow ... that's impressive. All I've got is a degree in US History and minor in psych." He hung his head in mock shame.
The young woman smiled for a moment and then replied, "Great ... I've always enjoyed history. Do you like teaching?"
Jack grinned at her, "Well, I am also the head football coach. I hate to admit it, but that's my true love. Teaching history got me in the door. I love history mind you, but getting the youth to see why it's interesting is a real challenge." She laughed at his comment and her laugh sounded like soft music. Jack stepped forward, stuck out his hand, "I'm Jack, Jack Frost." His name put a huge grin on her face. Jack held up his hand in front of his chest and replied sheepishly, "I know ... I know ... what can I say, my parents had a sense of humor. Let me tell you, junior high really sucks when your name's Jack Frost. But now, it isn't so bad. Coach Frost has a nice ring to it,"
She held out her hand, when he looked down he saw well manicured nails, lovely long tapered fingers and a most interesting ring on her middle finger. "Tara, Tara Howard." When he grinned back at her, she quickly continued, "My mother loved the movie 'Gone With the Wind'. I teased her one time she was probably watching the movie when I was conceived and she was a bit mad I'd say such a thing." Again, the musical laugh and Jack laughed with her. He looked down at his watch and noticed he needed to get going if he was to make his next class on time.
"Tara, I hate to end this, but if I don't leave now I'll be late for my next class." Jack was surprised by the look on her face; she seemed sad and looked almost like she was going to cry. He did want to see her again so he asked, "Do you come here often?"
"Yeah ... this is my hiding place too. I can study here without being bothered and..."
Jack interrupted before she finished, "Oh damn, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you..."
She quickly held up her hand, "No ... not you." She gave him a quick glimpse of her killer smile, "I've enjoyed our little talk. I like it down here so I'm here off and on."
"Would you like to meet for a cup of coffee after class?" Jack asked hopefully.
She paused so long he started to wonder if she had heard him. Finally, she frowned and replied, "That sounds wonderful, but I already have plans. Sorry."
Jack figured it was true, as her "Sorry." sounded sincere; he said goodbye and headed off to class. Over the next few days, he returned often to the back of the library, but she was never there. Their brief encounter had left an indelible imprint on Jack; he desperately wanted to see her again.
On Monday morning on his way to school, he remembered it was just last Monday when he met Tara at the library. Not a day passed since he'd seen her that he didn't think about her; her beauty seared into his memory. Jack wanted to get to know her better ... to be able to talk to her some more. After his class, he ran down the stairs to the basement and headed back to his old haunt. As he walked between the stacks, he wondered if she would be there today and his heart leaped when he saw her sitting at the big table in exactly the same place she was last time.
"Good afternoon Tara ... I was hoping you'd be here today."
"Hello Jack." A slight pause, and then, "Why were you hoping I'd be here today?
"Well..." Jack felt just like a schoolboy he was so embarrassed and tongue-tied. Finally, he just blurted it out, "I've thought about you every day since last Monday and I've checked down here several times to see if you were here. I just really wanted to see you again."
Her wonderful smile spread across her face, making Jack feel as if he had said the correct thing. "Well ... aren't you sweet. Why don't you sit down?"
Jack sat across from her and their conversation seemed to flow like a gentle stream right from the start. He was surprised to find that as beautiful as she was, there was no guile about her. She was completely down to earth with a delightful sense of humor. As they talked, Jack started to feel as if her good looks were almost a hindrance. Tara was just as attractive and lovely inside as she was to the eye. The time passed quickly and when he glanced at his watch, Jack realized he had missed his next class and his surprise must have shown on his face.
"What's the matter?"
"I got so caught up here, I missed my class."
"Is that bad?"
"Well, to be honest, I would rather be here." This comment brought out the musical laugh again. Jack continued, "Ah ... I have a question ... and I really don't know how to ask it any way except to just ask."
"And your question..."
"Are you like involved, or seeing anybody or engaged or..."
Tara held up her hand to stop his babbling. "No. I am none of the above. Are you ... how did you put it ... involved?"
"No ... I thought I found the person I wanted to marry, but at the last minute I realized she was not the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. One more question ... how come somebody as exquisite as you and as interesting as you hasn't been snapped up yet?"
Again the great laugh, "Just hasn't happened ... don't know what to tell you."
Jack really did have to get going and he did not want this meeting to end. Again, he asked her if they could meet for a cup of coffee and she politely declined. He asked her if there were any other times she was in the library. "I'm here usually on Thursdays. I have a late afternoon class and then come here. I am here after 5 ... why?
"Because next Monday is so far away..." She laughed. "I am sorry, I have to go." He stood and leaned over and picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. "Until Thursday?"
"We'll see..." One last killer smile and Jack left.
Over the years and all during school, Jack dated several women and had many girl friends; he always felt he was comfortable with women. Jack was a handsome man who played sports all through school and still moved with the grace and poise of a natural athlete. Being a coach allowed him to work out at the high school gym and he still possessed a lean, strong body.
Jack hadn't found the woman he wanted to settle down with, but if asked, he would just say he was picky. He felt he held some romantic notion one day he would meet the woman of his dreams. Right now, he had to admit, Tara was coming really close. However, the question was ... how could he get a chance to meet her away from the library?
Thursday seemed to take forever to arrive. All during his last class, he kept looking at the clock on the wall and the class seemed to drag on forever. Finally, the professor released the class and he quickly headed across campus to the library.
When he came to the end of the stacks, sitting at the table was Tara. Today she wore a cute top that again showed off an abundant amount of her cleavage. Her hair was up in a ponytail and Jack thought she looked cute the way she was dressed. She smiled up at him and motioned for him to sit. He pulled up a chair and their conversation started as if they hadn't been apart for four days. Finally, it was time for Jack to get going and he asked Tara once more if he could meet her for a cup of coffee. Once more, she politely declined. As he parted, he asked if she would be there on Monday and she said she would.
In the past, Jack always felt weekends went by entirely too quickly ... but this weekend seemed to drag on forever. Monday's classes seemed to be just as bad and by the time he could head for the library, Jack was surprised by how badly he wanted to see Tara. As he headed across campus, he wondered if sharing some of his feelings he felt would help her understand why he wanted to see her away from the library.
As he rounded the stacks, Tara was sitting at one of the tables. A warm smile lit up her face and Jack felt she was truly pleased to see him. Her hair was down today and she was wearing a sweater that was almost the same color as her hair. Around her neck was a band of blue velvet the same color as her eyes. Jack felt if he wasn't already smitten by her, he shurely would have fallen for her today.
The time they shared together passed quickly and finally Jack realized how late it was. Decided he was going to take a chance and share his feelings about Tara, he tired to put them into words. "Tara..." he started, long pause, "Um ... I find I'm developing really strong feelings for you." Again, he paused, searching for the right words to convey his feelings. "I'd like for us to meet some place else besides here..." Jack motioned with his hand, indicating the basement of a library, "Um ... a date if you will ... Tara, I feel you like me, and I know I like you and..."
Tara hung her head and when she lifted it, Jack thought he saw a tear in her eyes. "Jack, I just can't. I can't tell you any more than that ... and I ask you ... I beg you ... if you really care for me ... you will not ask for any more information. Please..." her voice was soft and pleading.
"Tara, I don't understand. In one breath, you tell me you care for me ... and in the next ... you tell me you won't see me away from this library. Is it you don't trust me?"
"Jack ... please don't ask questions ... please..." and now there were tears brimming in her eyes. Jack stood up, looked down at her for a moment and told her he needed to get going.
As he turned to leave, she asked, "Will you be back on Thursday?" Her voice was so soft Jack barely heard her.
"Why?" His voice was much softer than the feelings he had inside.
"I understand if you won't ... maybe some day I can explain ... but I do enjoy our conversations and if you still want ... Thursday... ?" the last word was more of a question than a statement.
Jack knew he wanted to see her again. Somehow, he was going to find out why she wouldn't leave the basement of the library. He nodded, "Till Thursday ... good night Tara." Jack turned and left.
On Thursday, Jack had a mid-term test. The instructor told the class once they were through with the test they were free to leave. This was Jack's favorite class and he was well prepared for the test so he breezed right through it. As he left the classroom, he noticed he was going to be almost an hour earlier than usual to meet Tara. Since it was much earlier than normal, he wondered if she would be there when he arrived. He hoped so; it would give them more time together.
When Jack turned the corner to pass down the row between the last stack, he thought his heart had skipped a beat. He was pleased to see Tara standing in front of him at the far end of the stack, but facing the other way. Walking towards her, Jack noticed she was wearing a different sweater today along with a skirt of matching color. As she started to take a step, her body dipped slightly. Her actions caused Jack to stop and look down at her legs. He noticed her right leg was bent and disfigured; also that her right shoe was built up to help compensate for the difference with her left leg. Tara took another step, again with a noticeable limp. Jack came up behind her and when she became aware she was not alone, she whirled around. Jack wasn't prepared for what happened next.
Tara's face crumbled as she moaned, "It's you ... oh no!" Tara's hands went to her face as she bent her head and she started to cry. Jack instantly stepped forward to slip his arms around her and try to comfort her. She put one of her hands on his chest, pushing him back.
"No ... please go." She cried. "You don't have to stay; you don't have to be nice to the cripple." Tara continued to sob.
As Jack swept her hands from his chest and gathered her in his arms, he was stunned by her actions. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Hey ... please stop crying. What's this all about?" A thought suddenly came to mind and he asked, "Is this why you wouldn't meet me away from here? You didn't want me to see you had a limp ... see your leg?"
Jack felt her nodding her head against his chest as she continued to cry. Her words were difficult to make out as she spoke against his chest. "I wanted to see you some more ... I wanted to have a few more meetings before you found out. Because you didn't know it was easy to pretend you cared about me and ... and..." her tears came once more and she could no longer speak.
Jack pulled her tightly against his chest again. So many things made sense now, why she refused to see him away from the library. In the softest and most gentle voice possible, he whispered, "Tara ... for a person of your intellect, you are kinda stupid." She stopped sobbing and looked up at him, tears still brimming in her eyes.
"Excuse me ... I have never been called stupid!" Even though her lip was quivering, Jack was pleased to see she still stood up to his insult.
"Can't you tell?" Jack asked as Tara dropped her head. "Look at me ... don't you see I care about you ... the person inside? The package is cute ... and I don't care about the limp or your leg ... to me, those are not who or what you are. Listen to me ... I have feelings for you. Do you understand?"
Her bottom lip was still quivering and she hiccupped. "I didn't want to ... I tried so hard ... I wanted to be just a friend ... I didn't want to care for you the way I do. I just knew once you found out about ... well ... you know ... you could never be interested in a cripple ... and..."
"Tara ... all right ... now I know ... can WE get the hell out of this dungeon and go someplace together?" Jack had stressed the word, 'we'.
"You still want to be seen with me?" Her voice showed her surprise and her pleasure at his request.
Jack tipped her face up and gazed into her eyes. Slowly he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently on the lips. His lips parted slightly and he felt her tongue tentatively slip between them. As their tongues gently touched, she whimpered softly. When he pulled away, Tara was breathing deeply and her face was flushed. "Does that answer your question?" He asked.
Tara gathered her belongings and showed Jack to the elevator which she took from floor to floor to help her gain access around the library. He carried her stuff and she held onto his other arm. They walked into the student union and sat down at a corner table. She asked for a soda and he went off to get them both one.
When he returned, Jack found one of his classmates talking to Tara. His classmate turned and asked him how he felt Jack did on the test. Jack explained how much he liked the subject and why he felt he aced it. The classmate turned to look at Tara and asked, "Why is this beautiful lady wasting her time with you?"
Tara smiled as Jack made the introductions and as the classmate left, he looked at Tara and told her, "If you ever get tired of this oaf ... give me a call. You are stunning..."
Jack smiled at her. "See ... I don't think he even noticed your ... ah..."
"Say it ... my limp. If we are ever going to go anywhere together, you need to get over..."
Jack interrupted her, "Wow ... ain't this the kettle calling the pot black?"
Tara dropped her head for a moment, when she looked back at Jack; she had a warm smile on her face. "Thanks ... I was so afraid once you knew ... once you saw me ... Jack, all of my life I have been ... well ... ashamed."
"Would you please tell me what happened?"
Tara told him about the accident when she was 12 years old and how as she was riding her bike home at dusk, and about the drunk who struck her with his car. She continued to tell him about the massive settlement the court had awarded her due to his considerable wealth and his many prior convictions for drunk driving. "I really don't have to go to school if I don't want too. There is such a vulgar amount of money just sitting making more money." She smiled at him a little and then went on to tell him at one time the doctors thought she might loose her leg and then how they were finally able to save it.
Tara continue to explain how the doctors were very sorry nothing could be done, but the leg would be shorter, even though part of it could be compensated for with a built up shoe, there would still be a limp. "I have always been so self conscious about it. I have always felt that was all people see ... not see me, just my handicap. Mama always told me I was going to be a spinster ... she said nobody wants to be with a cripple ... handicapped people like me are supposed to live alone."
Jack smiled at her and told her, "The only handicap I see is you are so good looking, I find it hard to concentrate when we talk."
Tara giggled and put her hand on Jack's arm. He placed his hand over hers and squeezed. "Thanks ... thanks for coming here with me..." As they sat talking and nursing their drinks, Jack found himself continuing to fall for this lovely lady sitting across from him ... more and more. Once he stopped mid-sentence and told her, "Do you have any idea what I think of you. I just can't believe you're sitting here with me. I can't believe how lucky I am."
Tara smiled at him and shook her head, "No ... I'm the lucky one. Look at you ... I'll even bet you were a jock all through school ... right?"
"Yeah ... but what has that got to do with anything." His face looking totally puzzled.
"I've always felt all the jocks looked down at me. In both junior and in high school I was the poor little cripple girl. Because I couldn't participate in PE class, I was teased. I didn't even start to develop," and she motioned towards her lovely breasts, "these until I was a junior in high school. I took a lot of teasing and when you told me you were a high school football coach, it just took me back to a time I have really tried to forget."
"Oh God ... I'm so sorry ... I didn't..." Tara put her finger against Jack's lips.
"Shhhh ... stop. I told you so you could understand a little more about me. I was always jealous of jocks. To me, jocks seemed to be so at ease in every situation. However, when you sat down that first day and we talked, it was like you were no longer a jock, you became a real person to me, with wants, desires, and feelings ... it was such a revelation. You hadn't seen my handicap and I was able to look beyond you being an athlete. I started to feel things about you I knew I couldn't do anything about..."
"Please ... Stop ... you are telling me you ... ah ... care about me ... that you have feelings for me? Too??"
Tara blushed and nodded. "Yes ... but I felt it was hopeless. Once you saw me standing, that would be the end. I wanted to try and keep your visits going as long as I could. Mama warned me about men and once you saw my handicap, you would either leave of use me and then leave."
"In a way ... I guess I am a bit hurt. You didn't even give me the chance to show you I might be different. But to be honest ... getting to know you as I did, all I could see was your beauty, your intellect and your cute sense of humor. I got to know you ... and your ... well, your handicap never got in my way of getting to know you. Now I don't care. It is part of you ... it is something that makes you unique ... special ... more mysterious..."
"You do know how to turn a girls head ... I never thought of my handicap as unique or special and never, ever mysterious." She laughed and Jack enjoyed the sound and the knowledge he was able to make her laugh.
"Will you let me take you to dinner?"
"Do you really want to..."
Jack interrupted, "Look, can we make a deal? If I ask you something, I mean it. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to do whatever I am asking. So ... if I ask you to dinner ... I asked you because I want to take you. Because I ask, you may assume I want to ... now, will you let me take you to dinner?"
The way she answered almost broke his hear, "Yes Jack ... I would love to."
Jack took her to an old favorite restaurant of his. He hadn't been able to afford going there very often when he was in school, but he really liked the ambiance of the place. They were shown to a booth and Jack slid in first and asked Tara to sit next to him. He explained why he slid in first, "That way you don't have to move so far."
"You need to stop being so thoughtful ... I just might decide to keep you," She told him with a smile.
Dinner was delicious. There was a bottle of wine to go with the excellent Italian food and afterwards, they sat side by side and looked at each other. Jack leaned over and kissed her softly on the mouth. As he started to draw away, she reached behind his head and pulled him back so she could kiss him again. When they drew apart, she drew a heavy breath. "What was that for?" he asked.
"I need to tell you something ... and I don't really know how to go about it."
"How about you start at the beginning?"
"Well, I have been on very few dates. I only dated a couple of times in high school and those were a disaster. Mother was right, all they wanted was ... well you know?" Jack nodded his head. "I've had a few dates here at school too. There was a young man here I dated a couple of times ... well, no ... wait ... he was more of a boy ... anyway, we went on three dates and on the third one, he took me to his room and..." Jack could tell by the way she fidgeted this was a memory that still pained her.
"Did he rape you?"
"NO ... he told me I was lucky to be with him as most men didn't want to waste time with a cripple like me and then he started to paw me and when he tried to pull on my clothing, I was able to kick him in the ... well, you know ... down there." And she pointed to his lap.
"So ... what are you telling me here ... that you haven't' dated much? I don't care."
"No Jack ... I'm trying to tell you I'm a virgin. I've read men don't like to have to teach a woman how to ... well ... you know ... do those kinds of things."
Jack couldn't help himself as he smiled, "Well ... I haven't read any books on the subject. In addition, I'm sure there a lot of men who are much better at 'those kinds of things' as you call it than I am. If and when it comes time, just promise me you won't worry. OK?"
Tara laughed, "If and when huh? So you think there might be an 'if' or 'a when'?"
Now it was Jack's turn to blush. Tara enjoyed watching him squirm seeing how uncomfortable he was right now. She leaned close to him and whispered into his ear. "I hope some day there is an 'if or when'."
The evening sped by and soon it was time to take Tara home. As they sat in the car in front of her house, he asked her, "Where do we go from here? I want to see you again ... tomorrow?" They compared schedules and agreed to meet after their classes.
The next few days flew by as Jack and Tara had dinner with each other every evening. Jack wanted to take the relationship to a different level, but he also didn't want to frighten Tara. When she had told him about the attempted rape, she didn't seem to upset by it, but he wanted to make sure the time was right when they finally made love.
Finally, Jack decided he wanted to take Tara out to some place special. For the few days they had been together, Tara was pleased with the way Jack treated her, but she still had the doubts ... doubts planted by her parents over so many years. Tara could still hear her mother's words ringing in her ears, "Honey, remember you are handicapped. Men don't want to live with a handicapped person. Men will just take advantage of you and after they get what they want, they will leave you. To them, women like you are just to be used. Men know women like you will be desperate. Remember, men don't marry cripples." Years and years of hearing those words took their toll and Tara couldn't help but wonder when Jack was going to leave her. Desperately she wanted to believe her mother was wrong, but her mother's words kept coming back to haunt her and the years of negative programming had done their deeds to her beliefs.
Jack decided he was going to take Tara to a very special dinner. Since \the semester would be over in a couple of weeks, Jack wanted to make their relationship a bit more permanent. He dreamed of getting her to move to Bedford Falls and live with him. Jack picked a restaurant, which featured a large massive deck across the front of the place with a commanding view of the bay and the mountains in the distance. He checked to see what time sun down was and made reservations for a front table, making sure they would be seated just in time to catch the sunset.
When Jack picked her up, he was pleased with Tara's outfit. Her hair was down, the blue velvet band around her neck and a dress which showed off her cleavage to its best advantage. When she opened the door, Jack just stood and gaped at her. "What? You don't like the outfit?"
"Like? No dear ... I don't like it ... I love it! You are beautiful." Her smile warmed his heart and he leaned forward to kiss her. As they pulled apart he whispered, "And you smell divine..."
"And you look most handsome too ... and you don't smell so bad yourself." She pulled his face down and kissed him again.
When they arrived at the restaurant, the valet took his car and they entered the restaurant arm in arm. The table was perfect. There was nothing to obstruct their view of the setting sun or the passing ships in the distance. As the sun finally slipped behind the distant mountains, Tara leaned close and kissed Jack's cheek. "Do it again daddy ... that was beautiful."
"If I could make it happen ... I would do it over and over for you if that is what you wanted."
"Jack ... the past few days have been like a dream for me. I have never been so happy ... so at peace with things. For the first time in my life, I don't curse my leg or the person who did this to me. For the first time ... I don't care. You gave me that ... you have helped me ... and I adore you for it." Tara wanted to add how she didn't expect their relationship to last very long, but she kept it to herself. Her mother's words continued to dampen her hope for any kind of long-term relationship with Jack.
"I have a question to ask..." Jacks words chilled Tara's heart. She feared his next words. "I understand if you don't want to do this ... or if this is too soon ... but in a couple of weeks, the semester is ending and I will be going back to Bedford Falls." Tara looked at Jack with trepidation in he eyes. She knew the season was drawing to an end and she wondered what was going to happen to the two of them. Tara had feared Jack would leave at the end of the end of the term and she had resisted her desires to take their relationship to the next level. She was positive from what her mother had told her, eventually he was going to leave her, but she had really enjoyed the time she had shared with Jack.
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Group SexThis story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Thrashing against herself, her ass bobbed up and down in desperate need of relief, and suddenly, from the doorway, a voice boomed out against the wall of her near-orgasm. ‘Miss Rogers, you filthy little girl!’ Frozen in horror and on the brink of massive climax, ass high and breasts pressed against the slippery wooden desk, she peered round and stared into the face of Mr. Williams! He regarded her...
Wilma had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a short, sheer robe that barely covered her body and left absolutely nothing to the imagination, her 38C breasts and red haired pussy were very, very visible. This was one of the best parts of having the place to herself; she could indulge her nudist tendencies. Wilma Flintstone loved sex. She was a very sexual creature and having Fred away for the past week had left her horny. Whenever Fred would go away on a bowling trip with Barney...
August – October – Year 3 The lights came down and the host walked to the microphone. Behind him Bobby Cee, our drummer, walked out and took his place behind his kit. Leon James, the bass player was standing in the wings. Gery Zobbert, the keyboard player, was behind him. Ryan was behind him and I was behind Ryan. “Hello Woods!” The Host yelled into the mic. The crowd roared. “The Eagle and Budweiser welcome you to tonight’s show. We want to welcome our first band. All the way from the...
We both were desirable and a natural fit, that's how people saw us at school, we were tops in grades and sports, we had the looks and the bodies, I was modelling clothes and making good money, and he was on his way in football, so girls backed off and guys were reduced to voyeuring me, which if I am honest, was pretty hot for a girl just into her mid teens, though if I am honest, I preferred men, because secretly, I had been with one, one of daddies friends, had sneaked into my bedroom when I...
Chapter IVTwo days after this memorable afternoon, I received the following letter from Alice:My darling Jack, I must write and tell you the sequel to yesterday's lovely afternoon at the Snuggery.Fanny didn't say a word on the way home, but was evidently deeply thinking and getting more and more angry. She went straight to her room and I to mine. I did not expect she would resume her duties, in fact I rather anticipated she would come in to say she was going away at once! But in about ten...
This is the continuation of how Phil & Helene met and the start of their sexual journey together. It starts by repeating the first few lines of the first part of the story.I then heard her footsteps returning and as I stood up and turned towards the door I said, “I like your taste in m...”I stopped mid sentence as she entered the room. The yellow heels were still there but apart from that, all she wore was a matching (of course) yellow g-string oh and the gold necklace. My mouth stayed open but...
Straight SexI sat nervously at my vanity table. Tonight I was having a date with a girl named Emily. I was nervous because tonight was my first ever date. I had decided to go casual; I was wearing a blue strapless sundress which had little daises on it. I also wore white open toed sandals, my finger and toenails were painted blue to match my dress. My makeup was simple but cute and my blonde wavy hair fell down past my shoulders. As I checked my makeup in my mirror one last time. I heard the doorbell...
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min'? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o' lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne." Song by Bobbie Burns, national poet of Scotland. Auld lang syne literally means "old long ago" but might better be translated as "times gone by." 1993 was a sad, bad year. The tattered and torn fabric of my marriage to Barbara came apart like a sail in...
Copyright© 2006 "That was extraordinary," Joan said as she modestly straightened her skirt and plopped down on the couch; forgetting for the moment that her big breasts were still exposed. Jill made another round of martinis, but took a moment to cover her breasts with her blouse before bringing the drink over to Joan. Joan accepted the martini, took a sip and sighed. "Extraordinary, ' she said again. Jill took note of the fact that Joan's nipples were still erect, and felt a momentary...
Hi guys, hope you all are doing fine. Today I am here to present one of my incidents from my life that will always remain on my head. Hope you people will like the incident. It is a incident happened sometime back in 2005 or so. I was then around 20 years. We had a huge family and living together. The incident is relating to my Aunt Swati who was that time around 30-31 years old. She has a 5 years old boy also. So coming to the incident, our family is a very fun loving family and we used to...
IncestAfter a short summer vacation with too much to do, I thought I'd get my hair done before the school doors open for the year. One thing, one project, one crisis lead to another and I just couldn't get to my usual hair stylist in time. I called three days before school started and she was booked solid, right through the following week. So out of desperation, and with my eyes closed tight, I prayed that things would work out as I, with great hesitation, opened the heavy metal door of this new...
HI THIS IS STORY OF ONE OF MY GOOD NET FRIEND WHO IS IN ABROAD AND SEND ME THIS STORY BY NET TO PUBLISH IN ISS SO PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME YOUR REPLAY MY MAIL ID IS Mother Jackalyn felt an intense sexual ache in her stomach, which was a hot, almost uncontrollable desire, and this time there was no guilt about it. Of course the wine did the job and she was more than eager because tonight . . . will be the night of a very taboo scene. She pretended to clean the dishes over the sink as her two...
IncestCHAPTER 1 Rainsford City Council’s appointments panel selected Darcy le Green as the mayor’s replacement chauffer from ten applicants. Unlike other applicants Darcy passed the driving test without losing marks, had no drug or alcohol convictions and was well groomed and looked trustworthy. The previous chauffer was found knocking on the door of the apartment by a very jealous husband who wasn’t to know the chauffer was attempting to find why the mayor was taking so long. The unfortunately...
"What are you thinking?" You ask. I don't reply, I can't. I'm trying so hard to be good, to not touch you, I promised I wouldn't, and yet you seem to be trying your hardest to push my endurance to its limits. I don't understand you sometimes. I don't understand myself. Sitting on the beach again you reach out and push me. I know what you're trying to do. I want to grab your arms and pull you on top of me. But I don't. I promised. Besides, in 20 minutes my parking runs out and...
From Chapter 1 “…I don’t want to interrupt what sounds like a fascinating lesson, but I need to ask the Professor here a question. Mr. Simmons has taken ill and will be out for a while. He and I were supposed to accompany the students on the annual school trip in two weeks. We’re going to Fraser Island, which you would find interesting. Would you like to go on the school trip, Professor? We will be staying ten days.” The room was silent for a moment before Cindy said, “Oh Professor,...
The invite says 8 pm sharp. Thanks to the slowest taxi in the world I am twenty minutes late already. The driver and his overbearing opinions are beginning to grate on me as we finally arrive outside the Cedar Rooms. He is angling for a tip, but he doesn’t get one as I pay him and angrily slam the door behind me as I exit. If there is one thing I hate it is lateness. I’ve always been the same since I can remember, to me it’s a personal insult if somebody can’t keep time. So I am really hacked...
Second Officer Charles LeBoeuf had been contemplating acquiring an English wife for some time. He was well aware that he could not court an English woman while on duty for long periods in the Gulf, and that a mail-order bride, or something comparable, was his best hope. He realised that a virgin was out of the question, but felt that virginity was over-rated. After all, virginity was once-only and in an English bride would always come with a total lack of sexual training. With the return of...
I remembered Netlor well, I had been here with the Mother Superior who turned out to be the Commandant of NAVINT. I didn’t know all that much about Deepa, but I knew she cared for me and I knew she was able to change her appearance. How this exactly worked was a secret of the Sojonit Order. A secret, Shea had not yet and now most likely learned. Even though I was technically a Sojonit too, neither had I. Back then I assumed it was a form of Psionics, and to this day I was not a big fan of...
“I want to pleasure both of you, we should have done this before now, I have been so horny ever since I watched you with two hung men, very horny. And the way they both kissed your ass was really something, I loved that,” she confided over coffee during the week. “Have you been using your vibrator?” “Yes, I have been Sarah. Would you like to watch me?” Mary asks sheepishly. “You took the words out of my mouth, I was going to ask if you would like me to watch you use it?” “It’s a cliche,...
Tammy Goes Black After the Prom – Part I[Written by me http://xhamster.com/user/hannahmom and my ghostwriter http://xhamster.com/user/dwayne369]Hello, my name is Tammy, and this is my version of “Tammy's Prom Date”. A true story written by my husband of the night he set me up to be fucked by my first big black cock. I urge you to read it and get both perspectives. ENJOY!http://xhamster.com/user/slimyonehttp://xhamster.com/user/slimyone/posts/371542.htmlI was encouraged to write my version of...
This is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...
I for sure never thought it would happen. Not in a million years. I’m a straight, masculine guy, although I admit to having Gay and Bi fantasies. However, falling for a guy, wanting to be with him night and day? Wanting to pleasure him in any way he needed, never. I first meet Juan through a Gay dating site. I was just looking to explore my man on man desires, no strings attached. Our first meeting was at his place, I was super nervous and I could tell he was a little bit too, but hid it...
It’s a warm summer’s morning. The sun is glowing radiantly, slowly heating the white Acapulco sand in this deserted, crescent shaped bay. It also illuminates the calm ocean, giving it a beautiful sparkle. The turquoise water of the Pacific is casually lapping at my feet. I’m still covered in beads of water from my swim, it has had a the most wonderful rejuvenating effect. I lie back and let my eyes wonder around the clear blue Mexican sky. Soon the heat of the day will come. With it crowds of...
Hay i am Amit mai iss ka regural patakh hu or aaj me apani realy story batane ja raha hu pahale me apana intro karwata hu me 26years old hu meri hight 5.7’or waight jyada nahi 54kg he jo koi bhi ladaki utha sakati hai waise mai dikhane me kafi smart hu.Abb jyada apane bare me nahi likhata hu aur apani story par aata hu…aaj tak maine apane bhai ki shali ko jamkar choda hai aaj me apani moshi ke ladake ki shali ko kese choda wo batata hu moshi ke ladake ka name Dinku or usaki shali ka name hai...
Who wins ... in love? Who cries tonight? Who's left behind? And who, who is lost? -- Nan Moravia Love Lost It's sad when a woman, a loving, passionate woman awakens in a cold, empty bed with no one there to embrace her, to hold her in his arms. To love her. There was this one woman. She was the saddest case of all. She knew what she wanted, but it just wasn't hers to take. "I don't know why you, of all people, think it's so disgusting." "Lisa!" "It's not as if it's...
Allie's coming out! By Robin Y. My life under the thumb...I mean guidance of strong women has been exciting, interesting and very fulfilling. I have learned so much that I feel like I have an advantage over most males....I have some idea what it feels like to be a girl....I am not female, so I can't ever know exactly, but compared to other males I am quite the diligent student of femininity. Some people might call me a sissy....but that is a label that only conveys a very small part...
Chapter 7Her hand firmly grasped the vibrating toy I had instructed her to pick up. She slowly pulled the 6" dildo up to her parted lips and slipped her tongue out to lick it. I told her to stop, hold it down next to her clit for a moment because I wanted her to taste her own juices as she showed me her oral skills. Her eyes were on fire as the pulsing toy touched her clit. A long slow moan escaped her as she held the toy next to her drenching wet pussy as long as she dare before pulling it...
Last year I met a girl named Karina, when she was hitchhiking. I told her about nudist city Cap d'Agde and some nude activities and she was clearly excited. „I feel myself also a little bit as a nudist,“ she said. And after saying this was very easy to agree naked walk in forest with her. Obviously it was exciting, but I never tried something else, only walking naked with young girl, what was enough thrilling for me. Some interesting walks we also did in winter, when I wore boots, gloves and...
Japanese Cuckold Slave by Fornicatio ([email protected])Chapter OneThe first time we’d met in person was at a small, quiet little place near my house. I was instantly struck by the beauty of the girl as she crossed the room heading toward my table. She was thin, and absolutely gorgeous, precious almost. Her skin was soft and smooth like porcelain, pale, but utterly fabulous, and it contrasted with her long, straight, jet-black hair perfectly. She looked taller than she actually was as...
Monique was a faded beauty. Her long, rather straggly black hair betrayed her age with its grey roots and her skin was dry and pale but her eyes were those of the 20-year-old she had once been, cheeky and vivacious, cool and seductive.She had been married to the same man for 40 years and had seemingly led a nice life. He was a sculptor of international repute and they had traveled the world, he working and speaking and lecturing, she taking care of the administration. She could probably have...
MatureHi my name is akshat I am from Indore this is my new story I posted few stories long ago I am 25 and strong guy and my dick can satisfy any lady, aunt, girl, bhabhi… So let’s come to the story which started 7 months ago I have posted a story in indian sex stories dot net about a lady called Neetu whom I got from a bar and then the relationship started and going on till now So after reading that story lots of people mailed me their valuable reviews I reply them all but one day I got a mail from...
Jason and Philippa returned early the next morning to have breakfast with Ouma Chatzke. “Jason I do agree with your hypothesis. I suspect yesterday went some way towards its validation. I would not bother researching it while you are at University, the validation will occur nevertheless,” Ouma Chatzke said. “You know mother, sometimes you are really obscure, and I don’t understand what you are talking about!” Philippa said. “Jason, I assume you do understand me?” Ouma Chatzke asked...
The next weekend was the last weekend before school started. After Tuesday I started to worry about how I was going to have time to earn points during the school year. I had 90 points saved up, but facing 9 months of schooling, that didn't seem like much of a reserve.Wednesday I worked all day and earned enough to get a handjob and still have 20 point left over. Thursday I worked most of the day again and earned 37 points, putting my total to 147, but I decided to save them all. I knew once...
Two weeks later...I arrived from school on Friday. We had a week long break and my siblings had all hightailed it to their friend’s houses and both my parents and Myra and her parents had went on vacation. “Surprise!” a voice suddenly screamed when I walked in and I was suddenly pressed between two massive breasts.I struggled to breathe but soon adjusted to the soft warmth. “How you doing nephew?” My Aunt Nadia asked smiled broadly. She pulled me into another tight hug between her two 32K tits....
This story happens after the Good laid lemon. "I'm warning you guys! If you try anything, anything at all I will break your balls!" Tifa screamed to the soldiers surrounding her. There were some sweat around her forehead and she was scared as hell. Highwind MK II turned right, to the new headquarters of Shinra. When the highwind landed, they were greeted by a small army of Perfect Clouds. All fully...
Dad looking a little put out. He think he saw how Mr Burke looked at me. Finally he couldn’t hide his feelings. “I reckon he wants you Sally” he said. “Yes” I replied “but don’t worry dad. He pays to have sex with me. I have sex with you because of love”. Dad nodded. He seemed resigned to the fact that there would be times when I would go with someone else. “I know he pays because Sue told me” he said and the subject was dropped. It was late afternoon when I got a message on my mobile phone....
Dave stood atop Kill Devil Hill on the outer banks, looking around at the landscape of beach and sand dunes on the North Carolina barrier island. He tried to imagine what it must have been like in the year 1903 for Wilbur and Orville Wright and their motorized glider aircraft that wasn’t much more than a kite with a clunky motor. He closed his eyes and tried to think what December seventeenth must have been like as their craft made three journeys across the dunes from the launch rail. The...
Well,a few hours after my first encounter,I woke,needing to go to the toilet again.I just had to lie there waiting until Louise or her s*s looked in on me.The effects of the d**gs had worn off and I just needed to pee before my bladder burst.After 5 mins the pressure was too much and I looked in desperation for something,anything to pee in.Then I spotted an empty vase in a box of junk that was going to be thrown out,but it was at least 6 ft away.Only one thing for it,lean out of the bed and let...
Hello readers kasay hain ap?mera nam fahad khan hai aur mein pehlay b 1storysend kar chuka hoin aur aj phr 1 story apko suna raha hoin.mujhy gay sex bht pasand hi.yeh kahani b aik larkay ke hi. Yeh un days ke bat hai jab mein apnay first year k exams say farag ho kar pindi apnay bhai k pass gaya thamere bhai un dino masters kar rahay thay yahnmein batata chalo mein basically multan ka rahnay wala tha.bhai k pass 2 larkay tution parhany atay thay.un mein say aik 10th mein tha aur 2nd abhi prap...
I was home alone for the long week end; so I decided to invite any of my girlfriends to share the time with me.I called Laura; but she was going out with one of her lovers, since she was lucky enough to choose; she had more than one…Camilla was also busy; she said her hubby was horny and she wanted to catch this occasion, since she was horny as hell…Helena apologized with me; but she was not in the mood for a pussy; the slutty bitch wanted a huge hard black cock that night.So, my last opting...
by Diomedes050465 Gang Banged Simone Richards had been born poor white-trash and had married just short of her eighteenth birthday, a marriage that had lasted barely fifteen months, he had beaten her, whored her out to his friends and turned her into a street hooker. The trouble was that after she had finally had the courage to walk out she had no means of supporting herself except on her back or with her mouth. She was however a natural beauty and quickly became an expensive escort...
They were a vision of passion-filled female beauty lying side by side on the bed. Their naked bodies glowed as the overhead strobe-light whirled, sending its myriad colors down to caress their tantalizingly perfect forms. Their breasts, their skin, even their dark pubic hair took on new vistas of sexual allure as they glowed amber, blue, red, a cream-white and then started slowly going through the whole color spectrum all over again. Les Jacobs stood at the foot of the bed, also naked, his...
Last Friday was an astonishing and strange day,! I was sitting in a local café, having just spent an hour in a married girlfriend’s bed, when my ex-wife’s partner approached and asked if he could join me. I had only previously met him once, so was surprised he wanted to spend time with me. I should explain that while I talk of my ex-wife, we are legally actually only separated. She threw me out a year ago after she caught me playing around: we had enjoyed an extremely active and varied sex...
“Another drink, Urvi darling?” I asked, stroking my wife’s half exposed thigh under her pleated skirt, throwing a furtive glance at the middle-aged couple seated about fifty feet away from us across the balcony seating area of the restaurant we were at overlooking a deep valley.“Noooooo, Rishi.” Urvashi shook her head with her eyes half-closed, rubbing my hand with hers and helping me stroke her thigh. “Too much.”The husband was trying his best to pretend he was not staring at my...
Some of things we did were improvised around the circumstances we found ourselves in; others were, for me at least, planned set pieces though I didn't always tell her what was about to happen. An example of the former would be the Friday night I noticed her heading into the university library. I followed her in without alerting her to my presence. The library was mostly deserted, as was to be expected on a weekend evening. I trailed her at a distance as she made her way toward the stacks...
Well, this was turning out better than I could have imagined. First I get to take my own sister's cherry and we eat each other out thoroughly. I fuck her ass for a great time and finally we get caught by Mom. So what do I do? I get a blow job from Mom and fuck her brains out. This was turning out great. And it was going to get better. My sister, Wynter, walked in on Mom and me as Mom was licking and sucking my balls. Wynter grinned. "I love my new family," she cried. And then she ran and...
Working with Trista Ch. 01byamberbmaid©Day 1:I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a full-time role if all went well during the 3 month "probationary period." The marketing department I was temping in was made up of all women so that was a nice...
After the great wars of creation, the gods had decided to create the universe and their children: Futas. And what came were factions of Futa. And then came the Hallows. Beacon Academy lived up to its reputation of being the one of the best, if not, the best academy for new Huntresses to attend across the great wide world of Remnant. Only the top of the top from Vale and even beyond came here, and for a very good reason. Futas that came here were among the most sexually driven and thus powerful...
Gwenda was a tall and strikingly beautiful young woman, even dressed up in the plain leathers of a guards-woman. Even this, Lady Ayleth had to grudgingly admit. She was also quite smart and had grown up in a northern barony that was always on the pointed edge of danger, even in more relatively peaceful days. Her sharp green eyes missed little and her generously wide red lips stayed tightly shut when they needed to be, all the better to hear and listen, and react, to what was happening around...
Ed decided to talk to Bynum's wife. He knew that it would be risky, but he had a strange feeling about the way the investigation was going. Either every detective had suddenly come down with a terminal case of dumb or someone was trying to cover something up. Ed knew that he would have been fired, in his day, for conducting an investigation the way this one was being conducted. He drove to a phone booth and found the Bynum address. Bynum's house was in an upscale section of town and Ed...