Child's Play free porn video

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We sat in deck chairs and watched our children play. My seventeen year old girl was chasing her cousins with a garden hose trying to soak my sister’s two kids, Jodie had them cornered and was spraying them mercilessly.

Wade and Lexis my nephew and niece were my older sister’s twins. Jodie and I were on vacation for a few days visiting to celebrate the twins eighteenth birthday two days before, Jodie was two months shy of eighteen but we feted her birthday with her cousins’. The big party was history but I was planning on two more nights at my sister’s place before I took my daughter home. My brother-in-law had left that morning for a four day business trip leaving my sister Maxine and me to keep the three teens corralled while they celebrated in the aftermath of the milestone birthday. My wife couldn’t make the trip so I was getting anxious to get back to her.

Maxine offered me another rum and coke while we idled under the sun, watching the next generation frolic. “I hate that they are getting older” my sister said between sips of her drink.


“Because in a year, maybe two, they’ll be gone and then it will be just Joel and me. I’m not sure I’m ready for the ‘empty nest syndrome’.

“I hear that most people really start to enjoy themselves then. You know, trips, longer vacations, new toys and more time with each other. I wouldn’t mind having some uninterrupted private time with Meg.”

Maxine looked at me “Maybe I’ll get pregnant, have another kid.”

I almost choked on my drink “Yeah, that would make Joel real happy, just throwing two out when the third arrives.”

“But he’d sure enjoy the time I would be trying to get knocked up. I’d put his balls into a coma.”

“You’re too old to have a kid” I reminded my sister.

A frown clouded her face briefly then she returned “I’m only 41 you dick, everything I have still works.” She hesitated slightly then continued with a rueful smile, “Just not as often as it used too.”

I knew what she meant. Meg was still a hot sexy woman but the older I got, the less I got it up. I mean she and I still screw but now instead of twice a night, it’s more like twice a week. It eased my mind a little to hear that Joel was aging in bed too.

She woke me up by shaking my shoulder. At first I was disorientated but as my eyes focused and adjusted to the dim light I looked up into my sister’s distraught face. She was standing beside the bed in her robe looking like the world was about the end. She looked scared, worried and angry all at once which startled me out of my sleep. “What’s wrong?” I blurted.

“The kids. It’s --- it’s the kids” she stuttered.

I bolted upright, swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my pants off the chair. As I was pulling them up I asked “What the hell is going on? Are they all right?”

She looked at me blankly, nodded and sighed softly “They’re not hurt, it’s something else, be quiet” then turned and walked out of the room. I followed with bare feet, no shirt, wondering what was going on. I glanced at the bedside clock to see that it was 2:04 in the morning.

She led me to the kitchen, to the window over the sink and stopped, staring into the back yard. I stepped up beside her and peered into the darkness. At first I didn’t see anything but as my eyes adjusted I began to make out pale shapes and forms in one corner of the yard. My heart picked up its pace, my mind slowed down as I realized what I was looking at.

Three bodies, two girls and one boy on a large blanket spread out on the grass. Our family lying on the blanket; Wade between Jodie and Lexis. And all three were naked. Lexis was lying on her side, head propped up by one arm watching Jodie pulling on Wade’s tall erection. Wade said something to his sister and she twisted around and kissed the end of his cock while Jodie stroked it. Jodie leaned to him and put her mouth over his while her cousin began to suck on her own brother.

I was dumbstruck! I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe. I turned my head and asked my sister one of the stupidest questions I had ever uttered. “Is that our kids?”

She looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded then replied with the equally stupid “They’re having sex.” I wasn’t reacting, reality fled the moment I saw my daughter lying with her cousins and it wasn’t coming back. I looked back at the three just as Jodie took Lexis’ place on Wade’s hard-on. My girl was giving him a blow-job and it shocked me even deeper. Lexis moved to her knees over Wade’s face so he could lick her body while Jodi blew him. He was using his tongue on his own sister! My heart was pounding, I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead, I felt dizzy.

Maxine grabbed my arm and turned me away from the window “What the hell are we going to do?”

I knew exactly what I was going to do. I pulled away from her and started for the back door. I was going to kick the shit out of my nephew and beat my daughter’s ass until she bled. She wouldn’t be sitting on anything for a month. My sister lunged for my arm again and pulled me to a stop. She saw the rage in my face and gripped me harder. “No! Not like that! If you go out there like that none of us will ever get over this. We have to be calm, it’s too late to stop anything, it’s obvious this isn’t the first time they’ve done something like this. Getting mad and beating them won’t help now, it won’t change anything.”

“So what the hell do you suggest?” I snarled.

“Leave them alone. Let them think we don’t know.”

“But he’s fucking around with his own cousin. That’s my daughter out there.”

Maxine flared red in the face. “And the other girl is his twin sister! They’re screwing each other, how do you think that makes me feel? You’re not alone in this.”

I looked out the window again “Oh crap.”



Maxine looked over my shoulder to see Jodie on her back with Lexis lying on her, face to face, they were kissing. Wade was mounted over them, between their wide spread legs, alternating pussies, fucking both.

We were silent, keeping our thoughts private as we watched our teenaged children cavorting on the blanket. The shock was wearing off, my rage slowly turning to despair as I watched the next generation enjoying their young lives. Just as Wade pulled out of my girl and plunged into Lexis I turned to my sister and said “I understand how cousins might start screwing but brother and sister?”

Maxine flinched as she watched her son penetrate her daughter then looked back at me. “They are twins, they’ve always been close” she offered weakly.

“How long do you think this has been going on?”

“I don’t know but they don’t look like fumbling amateurs.” I had to agree with Maxine on that. It was evident that our babies weren’t doing this for the first time.

Just then Wade pulled out of his sister’s pussy and flopped onto his back. The two girls grabbed his cock and began to stroke it together. In seconds he began to hump his ass as his prick started spraying like a fountain. Jodie whispered something in his ear while Lexis stroked his balls. When he was done spurting cum both girls put their hands in the mess then reached for each other, spreading cum like lotion on the breasts of the other.

“At least they’re being careful” I muttered.

“What are we going to do?” my sister asked.

“What can we do? It’s sure as hell too late to talk to them or warn them. All we can do now is hope he doesn’t knock one of them up.”

“You don’t want to talk to them?” Maxine asked incredulous.

“No, not now. You’re right, we wouldn’t be doing any good, it would only put up a big wall between us and our kids. They’re fucking now, and it looks like they’ve done it before, we are way too late.”

I gave up my post in the kitchen and stumbled away, back to my room. I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep but I needed to get off my feet. Maxine cast one more long sad look out the window then followed me. I stretched out on my bed and my sister sat beside me, denting the mattress far enough that I slid closer to her. My hip was lodged against hers, I rested a platonic hand on her robe covered thigh, she covered it with hers. She looked sad “I feel old. I’ll never be eighteen again and I miss that sometimes.”

“How do you think I feel? Your son just screwed two girls at once. I haven’t done that since I was in college. We’re both getting old.”

Maxine looked into my eyes, “You had sex with two girls at the same time?”

“Yeah, they were roommates. I was dating one and the other refused to leave the room when we wanted to go to bed so I invited her too. We did that about three months.”

Her eyes sparkled briefly, “You randy little devil you, I never knew.”

“You don’t know lots about me. How about you, did you ever get laid by two guys at once?”

Bright red spots grew in her cheeks and she looked into her lap. “Five.”

“Really? You let five at the same time?”

She defended herself “I was stoned and horny,” she paused, remembering, “I got screwed most of the night. I took them one, two and three at a time. If there had been any more I would have fucked them too, I would have let an army have me that night. I had cum in all three holes, all over my body, on my face and in my hair. That was a fun night.”

“Wow, I’ll bet Joel doesn’t know that little historical fact.”

She looked down on me, “Nope, and he never will. Tell me about your girlfriends. I caught you with Hazel that once but what about the others.”

I thought back on the day Maxine came into the living room and found me deep inside my date. I remember she stood in the door and watched me hump that girl for five minutes before she left. I didn’t care, I was fucking a hot little cheerleader and the whole world could have watched. I must have taken too long with my memory because she tapped me on the chest with a finger and said “Tell me prick, how many and who was first?” She hadn’t called me ‘prick’ since I was nineteen.

The shock of the backyard antics of our kids gave way to private memories as I thought back twenty-four years. I got my first piece of ass in the back seat of a car one night when the moon was high. She was one of Maxine’s friends. I looked into my sister’s eyes “You’re not tired?”

“You can sleep? After what we just saw I won’t sleep all night.”

I slid over to the far side of the bed, rolled to my side and invited her to lie down. “Get comfy, I’m not tired either.”

We were lying on the pillows, facing each other, me in my slacks and her in the robe. “Carrie seduced me in her car. She was the first.”

“Carrie? My friend Carrie?”

For the next 45 minutes I revealed my sexual history to Maxine. She would interrupt with questions and when I got to the point when I got married I stopped and told her it was her turn. She took a deep breath and began to relate her intimate past. As she talked I began to get stirrings in my nuts as I envisioned her nude and fucking her ass off.

By the time she was done telling about her pre-marital sex life wild unbidden thoughts were running rampant through my mind. I kept thinking about what we’d seen earlier and wondering if sex with my sister would be as despicable as I always thought it would be. I also had a big boned hard-on.

Maxine finished her stories then got off the bed “I’ll be right back.”

She came back a short minute later and told me that the kids must have gone to bed, they weren’t outside any more. It was close to four in the morning so I asked her if she was going to bed. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll stay here a little longer.”

“Sure, I don’t think I’ll get any sleep, it will be a while before I get this out of my system.”

Maxine untied the sash of her robe and let it fall open “I know one way you can.”

I was pulling off my pants when the robe slipped to the floor, she wore nothing beneath it. She got onto the bed, on her knees and reached for my straining erection. She held it firmly; inspecting it, then lifted a leg and straddled my thighs. With her fingers still wrapped around my cock she lowered herself onto it. We were both turned on so she was hot and wet which made my penetration into her easy and smooth.

It only took seconds to realize that sex with my sister wasn’t going to be as vile and evil as I had always imagined. She was rocking her hips, sliding her hot wet pussy on the shaft of my cock which was swelling stiffer each time she moved. Her eyes were closed, head back, rocking with the rhythm of sex, she was beginning to pant from the heat we were generating.

I felt the need building in my balls as Maxine rocked and rolled her hips, I was climbing to a high orgasmic peak when she began to vibrate under my hands. Her eyes flew wide open and she stared down at me just as she erupted with her orgasm. Lust flowed from her eyes to mine like an electrical current as she gasped deeply then expelled the air in sharp yelps of pleasure, each time she jammed her pelvis against mine her clit rubbed against me causing another shiver. My cock sensed the moment of her release and began to seize, flooding her with hot ball juice.

Maxine collapsed down on me, heaving for air. “My god! What did we just do?” She pushed up again and looked at me and stammered “What was that?!” She rolled off me to her face contorted with shock and puzzlement. She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed the looked at me over her shoulder “I can’t believe this! We’ve got to forget this ever happened!” She grabbed the crumpled robe from the floor and fled the room. I didn’t get a chance to say a damn thing to her.

I only slept about three hours so I was dog tired when I dragged myself into the kitchen for a cup of life giving coffee. Jodie was sitting at the table sipping orange juice when I came in; she brightened the room with her smile “Good morning dad” she gushed, “you still look tired.”

“Yeah? Who the hell are you? Queen of the Morning, expecting all your subjects to be bright and happy every day?”

Watching her lips form a seal on the rim of the glass as she sucked down orange juice brought back the clear vision of her giving Wade the blow job. That led from what I’d seen in the back yard to what I’d done with my own sister just three hours before. The tiredness and fatigue fell away as the trauma of the night’s events reestablished itself in my mind. Jodie’s eyes were sparking with life when she asked me “What are you thinking about?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean your whole face and attitude just changed instantly from tired to something else. What’s going on?”

I sat at the table opposite of my offspring, “Forget it, get me a cup of coffee.”

My niece and nephew arrived a few minutes later looking as young, fresh and eager as my daughter. I was struggling against the urge to slap the cheerful smiles off their faces as they told me about their plans. They were going to a theme park for the day. Lexis invited me and her mother but I assured them I had no desire to wander around a crowded park in the summer heat and I was sure Maxine felt the same way. Just then my sister joined the four of us and confirmed my thinking. She and I would do something else while the teens were gone.

I shelled out a fist full of cash to my girl and they piled into a car and left for the day. Maxine watched the car until it disappeared from sight then turned to me, “About this morning...”

I interrupted her, “Forget it, the whole night was fucked up, we just have to forget about it.”

She stepped closer to me, looked into my eyes and said “I don’t want to forget about it, I want to take a shower. Come on.” She wrapped her fingers around my left wrist and led the way toward her bedroom. We walked past the bed to the adjoining bathroom where she spun to me then opened her robe and let it fall to the tiles.

Maxine was standing in front of me with her charms glowing in the sunbeams dancing through the small window. Forty-one years of gravity was beginning to pull on her breasts and tummy but from head to toes she still radiated a vibrant sexuality; my sister had a hot mature body. She smiled “You can’t take a shower with your clothes on.”

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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Erins Playdate

As I slipped out of bed at 4:30am I tried to be as quiet as possible. I always got up well before Erin as I have a little over an hour commute to work. Normally I stay nice and quiet trying not to wake her, but this morning was a little tougher. My heart was beating a little faster and there was almost a little tremble in my hands. No matter how many times we had done this, I always got super excited the morning of. After getting all my things together I gently kissed Erin on the forehead and...

2 years ago
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The Officeplay

Your handle was officefuck69. This intrigued me. I checked the rest of your profile and thought you were worth sending a message to. 'Hi: Thanks for the flirt. I checked out your profile and you have my attention. What exactly are you looking for? Tell me a bit about yourself and feel free to ask me anything. I will answer any and all questions.' SEND I checked out a few web cams, read a few articles and was about to log off when I saw that I had a message. 'I'm looking for...

2 years ago
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Sheridan had been suspicious from the moment she heard David’s voice on the other end of the phone. ‘I’m coming over in fifteen minutes. Don’t ask questions, don’t argue. Trust me,’ he’d said. Worse still, he had used that damned devilish tone of his which, in the past, had caused her to make several poor decisions, none of which she regretted. Now, she was standing in shock at her front door. He wasn’t holding flowers, but instead, three full grocery bags. He brushed past her with just a...

3 years ago
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*Originally posted on ANS story board 3 years ago and then again on girlspns TGSP archives *You will notice a few points have been changed to comply with the guidlines on CHYOA Our story begins with Eric Lingle, a sly but shy 18-year-old boy who often hangs out with his many friends from school and the neighborhood, both boys and girls. His parents are complete hippies, and therefore let him do pretty-much whatever he wants and are far-too-open about sex topics with their son. Whenever he has a...

4 years ago
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You get home on friday evening, a little tired after a week of work, but glad and excited to be able to enter your fantasy realm within the VR machine you have in your bed room. The machines were invented a little over a decade ago. At first it came out that they were being developed for military purpose, but soon people got their hands on the technology, through illegal means or maybe even leaked by the government? Who knows. Either ways, you're glad it happened because they are now a public...

2 years ago
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New playpal

So, I have a new play pal and is exceedingly tall but also exceedingly hung, at a whole 11 inches long he is well endowed. It is a thin cock, totally shaved all over apart from the hair on his head. He is not the cutest guy in town but with an 11inch cock, who is complaining? Certainly not me!We met via a gay site and chatted for a while, he invited me up to his place and we briefly chatted and then it got down to serious business. He sucked my cock for a while and then bid me to suck his after...

2 years ago
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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...

1 year ago
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The Playmaker

"Mollie, pass it here!"Mollie fake passed it to her teammate and kicked the soccer ball in for the win. Mollie was thrilled and excited!"Now that's how ya play soccer guys!" Mollie told them. The girls on Mollie’s team really weren’t too fond of her. They said that she was always a ball hog and never let any of them really score. “Great game, huh guys?” Mollie asked as they were walking to the locker room.“Not’re always fucking hogging the ball and never let us have our moment.”...

3 years ago
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“Hairplay”Of all the towns and cities that I’d been in and all the hair salons that I’d seen, I’d never seen one with the name “Hairplay”. Was it deliberate? Was there more to it? Was it just an attempted pun on “Airplay”? Why wasn’t it two words? So many questions, so many images, so much wishful thinking.I’d never been to this town before, never had occasion to, but it had just been added to my “patch” under a restructuring. You know the sort of thing: fire half your staff and double the...

4 years ago
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Wife gets Even Butt I still Win Assplay

I have been simmering over the incident where my wife "accidentally" slipped a finger into my butt while rubbing around the brown eye. She just slipped a wet finger over my anus and tapped it like a button. She enjoyed watching my ass react to her touching it. She told me how it looked like it might be time to goose the gander and slid her wet finger into my butt-hole. I had just suffered through a string of failed anal pokes lately. The last time I got to stick it in her rear, I snuck it in...

1 year ago
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A Pick Up At Playlinda

A Pick-Up At Playalinda I'm sixty seven years old and married to a really sexy, sixty eight year old wife who has a fabulous body for her age. Hazel and I have been married for six years and have always had a fantastic sex life, but due to health problems, my ability to perform has declined over the last year. Although we still have a good sex life, I've begun to feel that I'm letting her down. Hazel loves to feel a good hard cock in her and the longer it stays there the better she likes...

3 years ago
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It was the speed of the attack that did it. One minute I was walking the short distance from the main road to my house in the silent darkness, the next someone hurtled into me, knocking all the breath out of me and slamming me against the wall. I was stunned and disorientated. I was aware of dropping my bag of shopping and hearing the bottle of wine break on the floor; I was aware that already hands were gripping my shoulders and spinning me round. I was jerked roughly forward, my feet...

2 years ago
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Str8 guy playdate

Jake and I met on-line and agrred to meet at my hotel for some guy play. We were both str8 and married but wanted to see whst it was like to play with a guys cock. We were not going to kiss, hug, fuck or do bjs just play with our cocks.I had a fridge full of beer ready so Jake and I could enjoy a few beers when we got to my room. I took my shower first and came out wrapped with only a towel but with a boner already. Jake took his shower and came out with a boner without a towel on. He was not...

2 years ago
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UglyBugs Bedplay

They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...

1 year ago
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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

1 year ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again.Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

3 years ago
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I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her

4 years ago
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The final round. The permanent changes no undos. I lose the toss, she drums fingers. Thinks. "You have to say the first thing you think of" Fuck. Good move. "You get hot: big tits, longer legs. Blonde" Blurted out, her form shimmers, solidifies: a wet dream. She nods and writes a note. "You're a billionaire." Confusing, but whatever. "You're a braindead slut. Loves cock" She starts to say something, notices the note. Reading seems hard but "You and I swap lives" --...

4 years ago
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SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...

1 year ago
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Gods Playgrounds

This level of nothingness, no sound, no sight, no touch... It's a unique kind of nothingness. You hear nothing, but it's too little noise to even be called silence. You see nothing, but it's not pitch black or any colour at all. It's just nothing. You feel nothing, but it's not the kind of numbness you'd feel under anesthesia. It's really nothing. You don't really know how long you've been here. Or, well, if 'here' even counts as a here. This anti-location, you can only describe it as existing...

Mind Control
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Turnabout is ForePlay

When I was in high school, I was a belligerent brat who was pissed off that my genes didn't make me into "A" material, sexually. I wasn't stupid, but that's not an asset when trying to make male friends. As a result, I found myself bullying several of our cheerleader types just as a way of lording something over them. The upshot of that was a surprising attraction from my gym teacher! I was still sexually naïve as regards lesbianism so I didn't see it coming, that first time Miss...

1 year ago
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"No, no, no, no!" I sighed getting to my feet, "Some Romeo you'd make." I was helping my son with his lines for the school play, it was supposed to be Romeo and Juliet, but poor old Will Shakespeare would have turned in his grave if he could hear the way my sixteen year old boy was making a hash of one of the most romantic scenes in the play. "Aw mum, it's rubbish." Angus moaned as I took the book from him. "It's not rubbish, as you would quickly see if you took an interest in the...

2 years ago
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Turnabout Is Fairplay

Belinda was terrified! She had been in her laundry room folding clothes one second and was outside the next. Not just outside, but an outside she had never seen before. The sky was purple for Pete's sake! Not just a normal purple, but with lime green streaks running through it. A normal God fearing Christian woman, mother of two normal grade school kids, married to a boring, but safe accountant; Belinda did the only thing she could think to do. She closed her eyes and confidently counted to...

2 years ago
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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

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The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...

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When I was young, I found out about a very interesting fascination I had. You see, a friend of mine came from a very rich family. His parents were not around much, and he had way too much freedom. One day, when we were 12, he showed me his new toy. Somehow, he had actually managed to get the most realistic sex doll possible. It was scary to see at first, it was so realistic, yet just a doll at the same time. It was a beautiful woman, and it definitely made my cock hard to see it. I touched...

2 years ago
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EllenChapter 6 Swordplay

Over the next weeks, Ellen and Richard saw each other regularly, but they found it difficult to get as close as they had been used to. They were never left alone and a sense of frustration built up in both of them. The opening of the ball season should have provided them with an outlet, but at that point they had become slightly irritated with each other. Ellen, in her naïve excitement, had come to enjoy the gossiping and scandal mongering of society, something that Richard did not appreciate...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 222 Swordplay

See if I try to help someone, and they want to be an ass in return. She didn’t even kiss me or thank me as she hurriedly dressed and rushed off. I’m giving her a yeast infection that a one-treatment egg won’t cure. I washed my dick off, dressed, and headed back down the stairs to the store and workshop. Just inside the door, the older woman reached out to grab my arm in a much firmer grip than I would have expected from a woman twenty years younger. She guided me into the storage room and...

2 years ago
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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

1 year ago
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When somebody says that they prefer to watch animated pornography instead of actual pornstars I completely understand them. Everything is possible in a hentai world, not to mention that all the chicks who are animated are just fucking perfect. If you are looking for such a naughty site, I suggest that you take your time and explore the beauties has to offer.At the beginning of such reviews, I always wonder if I should explain what ‘hentai’ even means since I am sure there are...

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