Mom's Stocking Stuffer free porn video

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It started out innocently enough - but I guess it always does.

As long as I can remember, Mom had always greeted me and wished me goodbye with a little peck on the lips. Naturally, I tried to avoid it as I got older out of embarrassment, and by the time I was a teenager, it was something rare that only happened at home.

That changed when Dad walked out on us. Mom was devastated, and I did everything in my power to help her through it. On a whim, I brought back the old childhood ritual. The way it made her smile convinced me to keep it up.

I didn't realize at the time the effect it was going to have on me.

A look at the clock told me that I was right on schedule. Mom would be home any minute, and dinner would be waiting for her. I'm not much of a cook, but it wasn't rocket science to heat up the leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. I had the day off from work, but Mom worked in a high-end department store, and this was the kick-off of her busiest time of year.

The car pulled up in the drive, and I winced at my reaction.

I'd come to anticipate those welcome kisses far more than I should have. I knewthat what I felt was wrong, but that didn't change it. Hearing her heels clicking on the porch, I made my way to the front door.

"Welcome home," I said as she opened the door.

She gave me a weary smile as she closed the door behind her. I could tell she was exhausted as she put down her purse and walked toward me, running fingers through honey-blonde hair slightly mussed by the wind. My breath caught in my chest as I noticed something new.

The store expected employees to dress well, so Mom was in a nice button-down blouse with a vest and a skirt. The outfit drew attention to her curvy figure, which I'd begun to notice shortly after resuming the kissing ritual. I knew that her breasts were a large C-cup, because I'd peeked at her bras and discovered that she wore C in some brands, and D in others. They were a perfect compliment to the swell of her hips.

What had caught my eye were her legs, though. I got an even better look as she removed her long coat, draping it over the back of the couch. She'd always had gorgeous legs, but I'd never seen her wearing stockings, and I couldn't believe how sexy they looked on her.

As she reached me and leaned in for a kiss, I realized to my shock that I was getting hard. Our lips touched ever so briefly, and I swelled even more.

The last thing in the world I wanted was for Mom to notice that, so I said, "Go sit down. I warmed up some leftovers."

"Thank you, honey."

I gave my cock a squeeze and adjusted it once out of sight in the kitchen, and I could feel my ears burning. I could still see her legs clad in dark nylon in my mind's eye. Something about those stockings was pushing my buttons, and it took me a minute or two to get myself under control.

I made us both a plate and took them back into the front room. "I got the sink in the bathroom unclogged."

"Thank you, Justin," she said as she took her plate. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't taken over as the man of the house."

"Just helping out."

"And you do a good job of it."

Her smile almost made me break out in goose bumps.

We didn't really talk much as we ate. Once finished, I took both plates to the kitchen and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher. When I returned, Mom had taken off her heels and reclined on the couch. The sight of her feet in the dark nylon stockings had the same effect on me as her legs. I'd never seen anything so arousing in my life, and had no idea why it turned me on so much.

She started to pull her legs up, but I waved to stop her. "You're okay. There's plenty of couch left."

She nodded and let out a sigh of relief as she stretched her legs out again. "I certainly can't tell that the economy is down from the way things were today. Ohh, my legs are so sore. And my poor feet. I barely had a chance to sit down all day."

After a moment, she looked at me with pleading eyes and asked, "Is there any chance you could give me a foot rub?"

Somehow, I spoke around the lump in my throat. "I could try, I guess."

I sat down, lifted one of her heels, and started rubbing her right foot. Mom let out a groan, and then a sigh, leaning her head back on the arm of the couch. The sexy sound gave me chills, and the motion drew attention to her breasts, but the feeling of her foot in my hand was what really got me.

"Oh, honey. That feels so good."

I was careful of the delicate, slippery fabric as I kneaded and caressed her foot. She curled her toes as I worked, occasionally moaning. I was hard again - and not just halfway - in no time. I moved up to her calves, working out the knots in the muscles. My eyes darted every so often to the hem of her skirt, my fingers eager to move higher still - beyond that line.

Mom chuckled, and then sat up a little. "You're putting me to sleep."

"So?" I responded, realizing I had a smile on my face as I continued to knead her leg muscles.

"So, I need to have a shower. I think I'll turn in early. Thank you, Justin. You're good at that, honey."

"You're welcome," I said as I reluctantly uncurled my fingers from around her leg.

As she sat up and swung her legs off the couch, I got one last reward for my efforts. Her skirt bunched up just high enough for me to see the top of her left stocking in the shadows beneath her skirt, and the clip attaching it to a garter belt.

"Goodnight," she said as she stood, straightening her skirt.

"Night," I replied.

The moment she turned to walk toward the bathroom, I once again found my eyes doing things I hadn't told them to do. I don't know whether it was natural, or something she'd practiced. All I knew is that I'd never seen another woman move quite like her. The way her butt danced beneath the skirt with her every step was mesmerizing. Even the way she held her hands was sexy. When she passed out of sight, I turned on the T.V.

I don't know what was on, because I couldn't get her out of my head. The thoughts made me tingle and cringe at the same time. I mean, who has sexual thoughts about his mother? Granted, I was in a slump several months long between girlfriends, but that wasn't enough to explain why I couldn't ignore how sexy Mom looked in her work clothes. Finally, a favorite show distracted me.

The house was quiet when I turned off the T.V. It had been over an hour, and Mom had already gone to bed. I stretched and thought that I should probably do the same. I didn't have to work the weekend, but I knew from experience that staying up too late would come back to haunt me when I did go back to work on Monday.

Besides that, as soon as I turned the television off, I had started thinking about Mom in the shower. Shaking my head vigorously, I pushed the thought aside as best I could and went to bed.

The next day, things played out much the same. Mom was wearing stockings again, and it was the very first thing I noticed when she walked in the door. If anything, her legs looked even better than the day before. After we'd eaten, she again asked me for a foot and leg rub.

Despite my best efforts, I was rock hard before I even touched her foot.

A moan that had a note of finality, similar to the sound Mom had made before getting up the previous day, left me torn between relief and disappointment. I expected her to say that she was going to take a shower and go to bed.

"Do you think you could do my shoulders, too?"

My expectations turned completely around, it took me a second to answer, "Yeah."

I stood up and walked to the other end of the couch, where Mom was reclining against the arm. She scooted back a little, sitting up straighter, and said, "Thank you, honey."

"No problem, Mom."

Of course, I did have a problem, and I prayed that she hadn't noticed the bulge in my jeans when I stood up. What's more, she'd undone a single button at the top of her blouse. As I settled my hands on her shoulders, I could just see the upper valley between her breasts in the shadows beyond the parted cloth.

As I kneaded her shoulders, she arched her back a little. The combination served to pull her blouse tighter against her body, thrusting her breasts up toward me. I tried not to look, but it was nearly impossible to take my eyes off them. Most of the girls I'd been with had been pretty flat, and Mom was anything but.

The gorgeous, mesmerizing globes moved ever so slightly whenever my fingers squeezed over the bra straps, further drawing my eyes. My cock was throbbing, and for a few minutes, Mom's tits were the only thing I could think of. My imagination took over, peeling away the bra and filling in the details of what was beneath.

I snapped out of it when Mom let out a moan and leaned her head back. I panicked and backed up when the top of her head bumped into my raging hardon.

"Oops. Sorry, honey."

My heart pounding and my ears burning, I managed to say, "Huh?"

"Didn't mean to headbutt you," she answered, and then let out a little laugh. "Oh, that's so much better. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I moved in behind the couch, letting the high back hide my erection.

"Well, I'd best get in the shower and to bed. Goodnight, honey."

"Night, Mom."

It was quite some time before the swelling in my pants went down.

Mom didn't have to work on Sunday, so she was dressed casually. To my embarrassment, I missed her legs terribly the whole day as we put up the tree and decorated the house. The jeans she wore did hug her hips and bottom, and I was about half mad at myself for noticing.

What's wrong with me? She's my mom, I remembered thinking. By the end of the day, I'd convinced myself to stop thinking about it, and had some success.

It lasted right up until she came home from work again on Monday.

I was having a little luck ignoring her gorgeous legs, sheathed in white stockings this time, but out of the blue, she upped the ante. After our kiss of greeting, she did something that I swear bordered on witchcraft. Mom reached behind her back, and then in a series of coordinated movements, slipped out of her bra and pulled it out the sleeve of her blouse.

Even as she sighed in relief and dropped the bra on an end table, my manhood was swelling to full attention. Two buttons popped open on her blouse this time while I was in the kitchen heating us up something to eat. I felt as if I had to concentrate all my will each and every moment to keep my eyes from drifting to her as we ate. Then came the newly minted ritual of the evening massage.

I could feel a slight chill in my underwear when I moved from the foot of the couch to her shoulders, and knew it was because I had been leaking pre-cum from touching those incredible legs. I could see more of her cleavage this time as I caressed and kneaded her shoulders. Knowing that only the barrier of her blouse remained between my eyes and her breasts kept my gaze fixed on them.

Mom's moans mingled into my imagination, taking on a far different tone. I was lusting after my own mother, and there was nothing I could do about it. I wanted nothing more than to let my hands slip lower, off her shoulders, and into the part of her blouse to the globes beneath. Her nipples pressed against the cloth, tenting the material, and I silently wished it was transparent enough for me to see more.

When she got up to go to the shower, I was still trapped in my imagination. She leaned in for another kiss before leaving the room, and my lips wanted to linger. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, pull her close to me, stroke my fingers over her legs - far higher than I'd dared while massaging them. I found myself standing outside the bathroom door, listening to the shower run, imagining her standing beneath the cascade of water. I barely snapped out of it enough to hurry to my room when the shower stopped.

Lying on my own bed, I was still thinking about her, and still rock hard. One too many glasses of tea caught up with me, and I had to go to the bathroom.

The room was still a little warm and steamy from Mom's shower. Beyond a second door, I knew she was lying in bed, and I wondered what she was wearing. It took me forever to talk down my erection enough to pee, and it didn't last long after I flushed. When I turned back toward the door, I saw Mom's stockings draped over the top of the hamper.

I couldn't resist, and picked them up to feel the slippery material between my fingers. They too were still a little warm. I lifted the lid of the hamper with my other hand, and there they were. Before I could even form the thought, I reached in and pulled out Mom's panties.

They were simple cotton briefs, with just a little lacy accent. When my fingers stroked over the crotch, they felt a little damp. I lifted them to my nose, taking in the warm, musky scent of a woman that permeated them.

There was no way out.

I pulled down my pants, filling my lungs with the scent of Mom's sex from her panties as I wrapped her stockings around my cock. I was so worked up that I didn't even last a minute. Clenching my teeth against making any sound, I shot thick ropes of cum toward the toilet, amazed by how hard I was spurting.

I had to support myself by leaning against the sink when the long, intense orgasm finally waned. I opened my eyes to find that I'd shot cum all over the lid of the toilet where it stood open, up onto the tank, and a sticky trail even decorated the wall behind. Looking down, I realized I was dribbling on Mom's stockings, too.

In a panic, I grabbed toilet paper and cleaned the mess up, blotting the evidence of what I'd done from the stockings. Once satisfied, I carefully replaced Mom's panties and stockings, and made my way on weak legs back to my bedroom. Somehow, taking the step of masturbating had broken down a wall inside me. The shame I had felt in varying degrees since starting the kissing ritual faded almost completely away, leaving behind only desire.

I lay down in my bed, welcoming the dreams of her that started even before I had completely drifted off into sleep.

A week went by, and I inserted good morning and goodnight kisses into the now familiar routine. Mom seemed happy about that, and didn't protest at all as my kisses lingered a little - though not too long, and certainly not as long as I wanted.

Every evening, I would drink in the sight, sound, and feeling of her as I relieved the tension of her weary muscles. Mom seemed to relax, and the sounds of pleasure she made as I massaged her grew louder - more frequent. She would reach up to stroke my hands as I worked on her shoulders and reveled in the sight of her breasts rising and falling with her breath.

Then, when the house was quiet and I was sure she was asleep, I would relieve the pressure with her stockings and panties. Though I lasted longer, I still spurted with a ferocity unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.

The weekend left me feeling down, as Mom wasn't dressed up for work. I might have normally gone out, but I didn't want to miss a moment, even if I wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing her in her stockings. I stayed home, watching television with her, ecstatic when she remarked about how much she enjoyed spending the extra time with me.

On Sunday night, she dozed off as we sat on the couch. In her sleep, she leaned against me with her head resting on my shoulder. My hand was so close and my desire so strong that what happened next was inevitable.

I reached up, cupping her left breast in my hand. I had just a moment to feel the weight and softness of it before a moan caused me to snatch my hand away. Not long after, I again cupped the breast that had once nursed me. This time, her moan was louder, and her back arched slightly.

It was my first time touching her in what was a purely sexual manner, and it set me to throbbing. It was a bit of a reach, but my hand moved toward her legs. I only rested my fingers on her leg at first, feeling the warmth through the pants she was wearing. Need got the best of me, and my fingers moved higher, to her thighs - a place I had yet to touch her. Still a couple of inches from the V of her legs, I stroked my forefinger and thumb over her for a moment.

I probably would have gone on all night - maybe even gone further - if her eyes hadn't fluttered open.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay, Mom. You were tired."

"I'm the one who's supposed to cradle you, not the other way around," she quipped, and then yawned. "I should really get in the shower and get to bed."

She sat up straight, and I did the same. Mom leaned in, and our lips met. As she was pulling away, she said, "Thank you, honey."

"For what?"

I noticed her cheeks growing a little red as she answered, "For keeping me company. Goodnight."

The days passed by. I remember that it felt a little like when I was a kid, anticipating Christmas and feeling like it would never come. Every day seemed to drag on and on, right up until the moment when Mom came home from work. Then, the time seemed to fly away, a few fleeting moments when I could have just a taste of what I really desired.

Those little tastes weren't nearly enough to satisfy me any longer, either. Ever since I'd touched her in those far more intimate places as she slept, I'd wanted more - far more. My urges grew stronger, more difficult to resist. Though I wasn't afraid of my feelings any longer, I was afraid of what would happen if Mom found out about them.

It was a battle I nearly lost on the final Friday before Christmas Eve. Because Mom had worked Black Friday and there were several seasonal workers below her, she had earned a four day weekend for Christmas. I was looking at four days of not seeing her dressed up for work, so sexy in her stockings and skirt. Four days of not touching her.

That was somewhere in the back of my head as I kneaded her tired muscles that evening. I had to get as much from that night as I could, to tide me over for those days that I knew would each feel like an eternity.

For the first time while she was awake, I slipped my fingers past the hem of Mom's skirt and touched above her knee.

I could feel her start, and she sat up a little, but when I squeezed the muscle, her eyes rolled upward and she let out a long moan. I smiled at her, hoping my nervousness didn't show through, and thankfully, she smiled back at me before reclining again.

I stayed low, just above the knee at first. Slowly, I worked my way higher, my heart rate increasing with every inch. The feeling of her nylon clad legs and skirt on the back of my hands was invigorating. When I reached the top of her stockings, I felt the lace and clips holding them up with the tips of my fingers. The warmth beneath her skirt matched that rising within me, and it only seemed to increase as I switched legs.

Quiet at first, Mom began to moan again, and her legs even parted a little, giving me better access to the muscles. It was all I could do not to move higher still. I wanted to seek out the source of the warmth I felt - to see if the dampness of her panties I breathed deep of each night was real.

"Thank you, honey," she suddenly said when the tip of one finger crept past the top of her stockings, to the soft, bare skin above.

"Did that feel good?" I asked. Almost immediately, my heart stuttered. There was far more to my tone than I'd intended.

"Mmm hmm." Her next words sounded a little rushed. "I think I should get in the shower and to bed."

"Don't you want me to do your shoulders?"

"Not tonight," she said as she swung her legs over the edge of the couch. "Goodnight."

Crestfallen, I nodded. "Night."

My disappointment mingled with a touch of panic as she quickly walked to the bathroom without our goodnight kiss. She also forgot her bra on the end table and her heels beneath the coffee table in front of the couch.

Did I go too far? Does she know?

I closed my eyes, dropping my chin to my chest and shaking my head. I wondered if I'd just closed the door on the only relief I had for my steadily increasing need. I got up off the couch and went to my room, not wanting her to see me agonizing if she remembered her bra and shoes. From down the hall, I heard the shower start up, my thoughts growing ever more chaotic.

Out of caution, I waited longer before making the trek to the bathroom that night. The room was cool, and the steam faded from the mirror when I entered. The warmth of her had likewise left her stockings as I picked them up. When I retrieved her panties from the hamper, something was different as well.

The scent of her was stronger - far more intense. I could smell it long before the cotton reached my nose. Worries lost in Mom's womanly perfume, I unzipped my pants and freed my cock.

Just as I wrapped her stockings around the throbbing organ, I heard something. I froze, not daring to make a sound in case she'd noticed I was there. I strained my ears over the sound of the furnace, and it finally dawned on me what I was hearing.

The explorations that had told me what size bra she wore had also revealed something else that had shocked me so much at the time that I stopped snooping in her drawers completely. Then, the thought of Mom using a vibrator had been too much to contemplate.

Hearing it humming from her bedroom caused me to shudder and bite off a gasp.

Every other sound faded into the background as I stroked my cock with her stockings, listening to the toy hum. I could hear the rhythmic muting as Mom plunged it into her pussy, the louder buzz of it emerging from between her nether lips growing shorter with each passing second.

I was on the verge of orgasm when one other sound reached my ears. It was quiet - obviously restrained - but just loud enough for me to hear, and unmistakable. My cock erupted in a geyser as Mom whimpered, the hum of her vibrator stilled from it being buried deep in her as she climaxed. Try as I might, I couldn't prevent the clipped grunt that escaped me along with my cum.

My pulse thundered in my ears, and I felt light headed. Only a few feet away, I knew Mom was quivering in release, even as I was. Though I listened through the cacophony of my racing heartbeat, I didn't hear her make another sound. Then the sound of her vibrator ceased.

I caught my breath, a flash of worry burning through the post orgasmic fog in my head. She might bring the toy to the bathroom to clean it. In a rush, I replaced her panties and stockings before flushing the toilet. I had no choice, even though it would reveal that I was in the bathroom, because thick ropes of cum floated in the water below.

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moms new year gang bang

Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...

1 year ago
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Moms 50th

It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...

3 years ago
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Moms birthday treat

It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...

4 years ago
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Moms pussy dp told from two perspectives

Today was the day. Mom was going to get two dicks in her pussy at once. She had always imagined what it would be like, i would lie if i said i didn't wonder as well. However today was her day to get two dicks in one hole. It just so happened that i knew two guys who were close and wouldn't mind doing it. I came home and walked through the door. Eric and Jason were sitting on the couch, watching some porn and jerking off together. Mom was in the chair across from them watching them and the...

2 years ago
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Moms Night Out Part 2

Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...

1 year ago
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Moms Hot Halloween Party Surprise

Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...

2 years ago
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Fully fashioned nylon stocking high heeled fun

I’ve been a ffnylon stocking lover/Pervert since I was of a much much much lower age of my 57 years now. Seeing my mother and Auntys & there friends in the most exquisite dark ffnylon stockings, wrinkles and high heels caused certain feelings in my Penis, it tingled and swelled as I looked at hints of stocking tops, dipping, sheer, shiny Nylon hypnosis calmed me. I loooooove ffnylon stocking high heeled kinky fun with the same, and it does happen sometimes............... My friend had asked...

1 year ago
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Moms Big Dicked Boyfriend

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...

3 years ago
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Moms Dress

Moms dress Janet L Stickney [email protected] My mom likes to look at those web sites have a lot of pictures on them, and once in a while they show a girl wearing her moms prom dress or wedding gown or some other very nice dress. Sometimes she sees a womanless pageant or contest and she almost always points out the very best looking boys to me, and some of those boys dressed as girls looked better than their mom! I never gave it any thought, although I do however, like to dress...

1 year ago
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Moms Curtain Call

Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...

1 year ago
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The Door to Door Stocking SalesmanChapter 2

Michele thought about her first sexual encounter with the door to door stocking salesman; she had certainly enjoyed giving him a footjob and she would like to explore their burgeoning relationship further. She particularly liked it when he had kissed and cuddled her just before he left. Of course the dilemma was how to explain to him that she was a transvestite. So far nothing more than masturbation had occurred between them, but Michele was fantasising about going a lot further than that....

1 year ago
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Moms sweet pussy

She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....

4 months ago
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Moms bus ride

This is the story of my mom getting banged hard inside bus by driver and conductor Hi this is raji and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad works in a bank in banglore and my mom name is velamma and she is 38 years old.My mom is a house wife she is malayali women.She is so fair,long haired,pink lips,good assets.Her figures are 36-34-44 and her boobs are so huge in size and are round for her age.she wears saree chudithar and nightie at home.Dad never bothers her he is a workaholic and money...

2 years ago
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Moms Plumbing

The sink disposal was broke so mom called a plumper to come over to take a look. After an hour he'd would have it fixed up and roaring to go. Mom was delighted that it was working again, "how much do we owe you sir?" mom asked! "That's ninty dollars mam." said the man, "oh my, I only have fifty! Is there something we can do?" mom replied! After a minute of thinking, the plumber walked over to me and untied my shorts and pulled the down saying "lady, you could make the difference up by playing...

1 year ago
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Moms man

Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm Rekkaa and just graduated high school and haven't quite made up my mind what I want to do for a job. It was a rainy day and I was coming out of my room and as I passed room I couldn't help but notice through opened dads bedroom door mom had just emerged from her shower and was standing there nude with a towel in her hand. She hadn't noticed me and as I stood there looking at moms body. I was hard and wanted to cum soI went for a shower and jacked...

2 years ago
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moms gangbang

After watching my mom being ganging on New Years I thought about getting some of my friends together for some fun with her. So last Sunday I invited my mom over to watch some football with my friends and me. Now my friends knew about what I wanted to do but my mom didn't because I wasn't sure if she would do it. S o when Sunday came my friends and I were watching tv when my mom got to the house. She came down stairs in a white tight blouse and a black spandex pants on One of my friends Jason...

4 years ago
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Black stocking blowjob heaven

I was working from home as I usually do when I received a call from a sales rep who I had been dealing with for a few years. She was in the area and wanted to put a face to the name.She did tell me the week before that she would call in, but I dismissed it, and although I was swamped and nearly put her off, I didn't want to be rude, so I agreed to meet with her.I grabbed a quick shower and put on a smart shirt to make a good impression.About 30 minutes later she rang saying the satnav was...

2 years ago
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Moms Best Mate Pt2

As I mentioned in my previous story, Beryl and I became regular fuck partners after the first encounter and I regularly dropped in to see her and Mom, on nearly every occasion I ended up fucking her or at least squirting her with my spunk. Mom always joined in but I couldn?bring myself to fuck her. This lead to an interesting situation one night. Beryl and Mom held regular Bridge nights with 2 or 3 of their friends, Ann who was divorced, early 50?and had a nice tight ass, Barbara who was...

2 years ago
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Moms property 2

Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...

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moms foot slave

Mom's footslaveI just turned 18 My mother is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'5", shoulder length brown hair, pretty fair sized breasts, a nice firm round bottom, and her best feature lovely toned legs and pretty feet and toes. My Dad died when I was very young, so I live alone with my mother. She works as a officer in a bank so she is always dressed very smartly for work. Her outfits consist of mainly form fitting expensive suit skirts..the skirts are usually very short, only a few inches...

3 years ago
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Moms Confession Lands Her In Trouble

sanju_s93Hi friends myself sanjay i am here with an imaginary story hope you would like continuing to the story..My name is Paul. I am 20 year old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have...

1 year ago
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Moms Confession Lands Her In Trouble 8211 Part I

My name is Paul. I am 18 years old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have extra marital affairs with his friend. My mother was very sad about his behaviour. She repeatedly said that he was wrong....

2 years ago
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Stocking Boys

Stocking Boys By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Scholarship Daddy always wanted me, Jason Spermer, to get an athletic scholarship. I wasn't big or athletic or manly enough to even make my high school football team, let alone get a scholarship at a big-time college. So I guess it was only natural that I would train for competitive femininity. As I'm sure you know, colleges have gotten into competitive femininity in a big way since ESPN6 became the "all-compfem-all-the-time"...

1 year ago
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Moms Mistake Part 2

Mom's Mistake Chapter 2 Upon returning home after thoroughly destroying mom's body and half ofher mind at the cabin, there was a new pecking order and she was at the bottom.This position made everyone, including her, very happy for a brief time.Unfortunately "living happily ever after" came to a halt within days. Honey andI fucked up a storm at my place. The first few days back couldn't have beenbetter as far as she and I were concerned. Tits however began to get on ournerves...

2 years ago
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Moms Timeless

I couldn't wait to get home from school today because last night I found for the first time the thrills of discovering internet porn. All day I was thinking about looking at all those sexy mature dames the night before and how they made me so hard. By the time three thirty came around I knew I was only a few minutes closer to mature heaven. I walked through the front door and headed straight to my room for a good jack off session, but to my surprise my mom was on her way to her own little...

3 years ago
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The week after Jerome,Travis and myself watched their dad's and uncles fuck my mom, I ran into them at the mall, I asked them if they had found out anything about who Tyrone was, Jerome said he heard his dad calling someone the night before and then said Tyrone, this is Charles how ya been? Jerome picked up phone in his room and listened to them, Charles told him Millie wants another party in a couple weeks, said Harold, Billy and myself will bring her to where ever you have it, then he said...

2 years ago
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Moms Horney Pills

Moms Horny Pills r My mom Megan, felt she was not performing in bed very well. She didnt get dad, who was way older, turned on anymore. She didnt want dad to stray to another woman so she went to the Doctor. This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw...

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Moms Sweet Soiled PantiesPRT 2

Honey, Whow`s it going in here, my mom said as she slowly opened the door. Just getting started mom, I said as I was slowly pulling my monster. God Baby!, Your such a big boy. Can mommy watch you? Sure mom, Is it alright if I suck on your panties? Hoping she would`nt mind. I was hoping you would baby. With that, she sat down in a chair at the foot of my bed. She pulled her robe open and crossed her legs. I could see her entire tanned leg right up to her waist. But my eyes were focused on...

3 years ago
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Moms Blidfold P2

The next morning found Karen getting bent forward and pounded from behind from her husband as she was getting ready for the day in the bathroom. John had just heard most of yesterdays story and his response was obviously sexual. He bent Karen over and was plunging into her wet and open sex with no effort at holding back. His plan was to spurt his seed inside her as hard and fast as he could before heading off to work. As he was pumping his way towards his finish Karen was trying to tell him...

1 year ago
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Moms Teach Sex

MomsTeachSex! In the words of the late great Dr. Sigmund Freud: “There’s no pussy like mom pussy”. Now I certainly wouldn’t give my mom a ride, but your mom? I’d fuck your mom like there’s no tomorrow, and so should you. Now if you’re gonna be a pussy about it and you’d rather keep fantasy from becoming reality, you can head over to They will hook you up with the hottest, horniest moms on the planet. Seriously, these moms are so fucking hot that they’ll have you thinking that...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Moms Sleep Mask Secrets

Moms Sleep Mask Secrets …..I can no longer keep this to myself. Moms who find they can no longer resist the desire to be with their son sexually….this is for you. It may not work for you, but it sure the hell worked for me. I knew all the taboo stuff, but one event changed all that when my son was a young teen.…..I went out to our lawn shed in the back yard to get something, when I opened the door…there stood my son just as he was shooting cum as he jacked off. In a millisecond I didn’t close...

2 years ago
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Braless and stocking tease

Part one - Bra-less teaseI don’t usually wear a bra. I’m a student and also work part-time in a travel agency. For work I wear a uniform skirt, white blouse and jacket (although the jacket is rarely needed in the office). Most times I wear a camisole under my work blouse. For college I wear a variety of T’s and tops, unless I am going there straight to or from work. I particularly like wearing loose rather than tight tops. My boobs are 34B and quite perky so I don’t need any support and I find...

3 years ago
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Captain Quentin Stocking

This morning I popped down to Pret a Manger to meet up with my good friend Albert Einstein for a slice of red velvet cake with a vanilla butter-icing topping and a medium cappuccino on the side. "Albert Einstein," I hear you say in a somewhat incredulous tone. Yes, Albert Einstein! THE Albert Einstein. I gave you all a perfect opportunity to invite me out for a yummy little Pret-fest back in Dr Flappyduck, but did any of you offer? Did you fuck, so it's just me and Albie yet again for our...

1 year ago
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Dear Cum Captain Quentin Stocking

This morning I popped down to Pret a Manger to meet up with my good friend Albert Einstein for a slice of red velvet cake with a vanilla butter-icing topping and a medium cappuccino on the side. "Albert Einstein," I hear you say in a somewhat incredulous tone. Yes, Albert Einstein! THE Albert Einstein. I gave you all a perfect opportunity to invite me out for a yummy little Pret-fest back in Dr Flappyduck, but did any of you offer? Did you fuck, so it's just me and Albie yet again for our...

4 years ago
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Moms MasturbateChapter 15

Leave it to me, the instigator, to get cold feet. It used to be Mary Ann who was always nervous about going too far; and I was nudging her along. But this time it was me. "Mom, what's wrong?" my son Robert said as he sat down next to me. "Sweetheart, I don't know," I replied. "I just..." "Is it something we did, Mom? I mean, Andy and me really wanted tonight to be special for you both." "Oh, Honey, no! No, not at all. You and Andy are ... I don't even have words for how...

1 year ago
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Moms UPS Delivery

I was a freshman in high school. I lived alone with my very sexy and extremely slutty mother who had been divorced since I was 3. Mom worked for a local law office, so she always dressed the part, business suits with short skirts, pantyhose ( vintage seamed or RHT nylon stockings on Fridays, which is another story in itself). My mom is the classic foot tease, always dangling her stiletto ( 5" minimum heel hight) and giving those men around her big hard ons to deal with. This story took...

2 years ago
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This story picks up where MOM IS GETTING FUCKED suddenly stopped. A 40 ish man name John invited Mr Black, a friend from work, over to his house to meet his 69 year old Mother (Mama). John failed to tell his mom that company was cuming over that night. He knows his Mother very well and decided to surprise her. And what a surprise for her it has turned out to be.One minute Mother and Son are sharing a meal and the next Mom is stark ass naked with her pussy full of her son best friends huge cock....

3 years ago
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My Wifes Friends Stocking Feet

I work at home so I often, I get to meet my wife’s girlfriends. On a recent day, while my wife was out, one of her friends whom I had not met, called and asked if she could drop something off. I said, ‘Yes.’ She arrived about ten minuets later. The day was cold and kind of snowy. She rang the bell and I answered. She was very attractive in her blue jeans, turtle neck, boots and leather jacket. She handed me the item she needed to return to my wife and we stood chatting at the door for a few...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Friends Stocking Feet

I work at home so I often, I get to meet my wife's girlfriends. On a recent day, while my wife was out, one of her friends whom I had not met, called and asked if she could drop something off. I said, "Yes." She arrived about ten minuets later. The day was cold and kind of snowy. She rang the bell and I answered. She was very attractive in her blue jeans, turtle neck, boots and leather jacket. She handed me the item she needed to return to my wife and we stood chatting at the door for a few...

1 year ago
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Moms Choose Jif

Moms Choose Jif The day started off as every other day would, by having to hit the snooze a couple of times before getting out of bed. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and started get ready for work. As I do every morning, I flipped on the local news channel. I usually don't really pay too much attention to it unless something catches my eye, maybe weather or traffic. Then came the commercial that changed my life. I remember sitting there on the edge of the bed. I...


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