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“She’s cheating on you, you know.”

Missy set my coffee down next to my loaded hash browns, then smoothed her apron while she waited for me to answer.

The sounds of the diner seemed to fade away, I glanced up from my phone and found her huge blue eyes staring at me intently. “How would you even know that?”

She shrugged and wrinkled her elfin nose. “I’d say women’s intuition, but really ... It just takes one to know one.”

There was no sadness or loss in her raspy voice, no wistful tone in her admission of being a cheater. She’d never even really apologized for cheating on me. But there was no malice either. That was probably the most disconcerting thing about it, the thing that really caught my attention. She wasn’t trying to sabotage my marriage, wasn’t trying to hurt me or even hurt Caroline.

Worse yet, I didn’t feel shocked or surprised as she said it. There’d been a feeling, initially more a ghost of a feeling, but now more and more clear, that Caroline’s recent business trips had been more than just business.

Missy was just telling the truth as she saw it. “I seen you in here with her, and I can just tell. I know it’s none of my business, but I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“Huh.” I felt my lip involuntarily twitch in a wry smile.

“I know. I know, kinda hard for me to be in a position to judge, what with me being a ho with the morals of an alley cat.” She said it with remarkable cheer.

“I wouldn’t say...”

“Yes, you would. You did say that. Those were your exact words after you threw Cash out the window.” Missy grinned.

Well, that was true, now that I thought about it. I had said that. “I feel bad about that.”

“About what you said?” She almost looked offended.

“No, for throwin’ Cash out the window like that. I forgot we were on the second floor.”

She wiped her forehead in mock relief, pushing back her blonde pixie-cut hair. “Thank goodness. I don’t want you pussyin’ out on me. Besides what you said was true. Still is. I like cattin’ around. I really should have thought about that when you asked me to marry you.”

“Damn glad I figured that out before we got married.” Missy really wasn’t the “marrying kind,” but we’d been too young and stupid to figure that out the easy way. Robert “Cash” Monet had been the unfortunate casualty of our discovery. Or rather of my discovery of a man in my bed with my theoretically-exclusive girlfriend. He hadn’t even known she had a fiancé, or that she lived with him, so he’d immediately charged me when I came through the door. If we’d have taken a moment to talk, it’d have saved him two broken arms and a broken nose. I’d gotten away with claiming I thought he was assaulting my girlfriend, though I wasn’t completely sure whether anyone really believed it or just wanted us all the hell out of their offices.

When cases get a bit too “Jerry Springer,” most officials just desperately want it to go away. They get way too much of it and it just isn’t funny anymore.

“Me too.” She nodded agreeably. “That would have been a disaster. I mean, what if we’d moved to a higher floor? Poor Cash.”

I nodded along with her and chuckled at the memory of the wide-eyed shock on Missy’s face as we looked out the window together. “Yeah, he didn’t really deserve that.” Once he had known what was going on, Cash’s memory had gotten really fuzzy, much to the annoyance of the prosecutor. Hell, Cash was probably one of my best friends now. It’d been a long time since his brief and ungainly attempt at flight.

She stood silent for a second. “Well, I gotta be getting back to my other customers...”

“Are you sure, Missy?”

She caught the still, dead tone of my voice and looked down at her toes for second. “Yeah. I mean I’ve got no proof, but yeah. I can feel it. But why would you trust me?”

“You’ve got nothing to gain by it.”

She made a mock-frown. “I guess you do trust me. I’m alone with your food a lot.”

“Is that why it always tastes like cinnamon?” I’d teased Missy for years about her fondness for cinnamon gum.

She started to say something flippant and funny, but just stopped and looked at me with sympathy. “You don’t seem surprised.”

“Something’s been off for a while. Even when she’d home ... she’s just not really there.”

“Are you arguing?”

“No. We’re not really talking much at all.”

“That’s worse, you know.”

The idea of Missy as a relationship counselor was beyond bizarre, but she’d always been easy to talk to, always good with ideas, even if she didn’t listen to her own suggestions most of the time. “She’s leaving her wedding rings at home when she travels. I found them in her jewelry box, at least the last two times.”

Missy’s eyes widened at that, “Well ... Damn. That’s probably not good.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“You outta ask Cash to look into that, he does that whole detective thing.”

“He’s an insurance investigator, Missy. He’s not a cop.”

She pursed her lips. “Pretty much the same thing, even has some kind of PI license. He can do the computer thing. He knows how to look into things, do you?”

“No. Not really.” Cash did have access to all kinds of databases, and chasing things down was really what he did. “I’ll drop by Cash’s today. You might be right.”

She gave me a twisted smile. “I usually am. But when I’m wrong, I’m really, really wrong.”

Cash looked at me over his desk. “How sure are you?”

“I don’t know, it’s not like I’m an expert here.”

He raised one eyebrow. “I’d think you’d have some ideas. I mean it’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened...”


“Well, we at least know you’ve got a pattern. Cluelessness.”

“Wow. Glad I’m getting sympathy here.”

He chuckled. “Hey, I’m gonna help you all I can, at least it won’t be me getting thrown out of a window this time.”

“Jesus, how many times I gotta say I’m sorry about that?”

Cash grinned. “I’ll let you know when you reach it. Did you get some stuff together like I asked when you called?”

“Here’s Caroline’s schedule for the last six months, the schedule for the next three months, cell phone bills and all the credit card info.” I slid the folder over to him.

“You on all of these?”

“Not her business credit card.”

“Probably won’t be able to do anything with that one. I don’t mind helping you out, but I’m not losing my license over this. Don’t worry though, if there’s something going on, I’ll probably be able to figure it out, most people aren’t as clever as they think.” He shuffled the papers. “You know this won’t fix things, right?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“And you know it won’t matter for shit in divorce court, right?”

“Yeah. I just want to be sure. I’m hoping I’m wrong. I don’t want to blow things up without some kind of proof. But the way things are, if I confront her and I’m wrong, I might as well plan on a divorce anyway.”

“You think you can fix it?”

“Depends on what’s really wrong. If she’s done with us, I’m done. Maybe I’m misreading all this and she just has issues she doesn’t know how to talk about.”

Cash shrugged and I got the feeling he didn’t have much hope for me. “Yeah, well, I’ll look into it. Give me a few days to work it.”

“Seriously, if she’s got problems, I want to help her. Maybe it’s just work pressure getting to her.”

“You’ve tried to talk this out?”

“She’s barely talking to me at all. When I try, she deflects, then suddenly has things to do.”

“That’s not good sign. How long have things been off like that?”

“I’m not sure, it came on kind of slowly, but at least a year. Maybe it started a year and a half ago.”

“Anything happen then?”

“All I can think of is when she wrecked her car on the ice. She picked up Chinese on her way home from work and hit that hill intersection before they had it salted.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I remember that. But it wasn’t serious, was it?”

I shrugged. “Some body work on the car, and a mild concussion, but insurance got it all. She was a little moody for a couple days, but what would you expect?”

“Sometimes little things like that make people evaluate their lives. Maybe it scared her more than you think.”

“You think she decided to cheat on me because of a fender bender?”

“I don’t know. But weirder things have happened. We don’t even know if she is cheating on you yet.” He wrote something on his notepad. “So a year and a half ago.”

“I’m not sure, I didn’t catch it at first. Seems like it is getting worse over the last few months, she’s practically stopped talking to me at all. Her business trips used to be months apart before this started, then it was weeks, now it’s a week or two at most.”

“Where is she going?”

“Just the North-Central region for her office, same as always. Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Iowa. Just the big cities.”

“That will work. I have a lot of contacts that will work – we have a kind of network across the area. Sort of a you-scratch-my-back thing. Cuts down on the cost of footwork. A lot of guys owe me favors.” He shifted and pulled his jacket back showing me a large black revolver. “Had to start carrying because of one those favors. Scanning a bit of hotel security video is pretty simple.”

I stared down at his desktop for a moment. “I hope I’m wrong.”

“Yeah, me too.”

I was expecting to regret bringing Cash in on everything, but for the next week, Caroline was even more distant. If we’d have talked less, we would have been utterly silent.

I didn’t get the feeling she was ignoring me so much as watching me.

Her next business trip took her to Omaha, not a place I pictured as a hot bed of illicit activity so I was stunned when Cash called me to meet him at the diner a few days later.

Missy put us at booth as far from anyone as she could get us.

Cash pushed a series of photos over to me. “I’m sorry, Lee. This sucks, but it looks like you might be right.”

I stared at one of the pictures of Caroline hanging all over some guy in a hotel lounge. “Shit.”

“She left with him, can’t be sure where she went, but she didn’t get back until three in the morning.”

“Well, that just sucks.” Missy leaned over and looked down at the picture. “Looks more like a random hotel bar hook up than a regular thing.”

I looked up at her. “How the hell can you even tell?”

She tilted her head and studied it for a second. “The way she’s standing. She don’t really know this guy, she’s fishin’ for him.”

Cash nodded. “Yeah, Missy’s good at body language, that’s why I occasionally hire her to watch people.”

Missy wrinkled her nose at him. “I thought it was ‘cause of my short skirts and long legs.”

He gave the ceiling a rueful glance.

I glance between them. “Are you two, you know...”

Missy erupted in giggles. “Not ‘no,’ but ‘Hell No!’”

Cash sighed. “Christ tell me you’re kidding. Both my arms still ache whenever the damn weather changes.”

Suddenly more serious, Missy looked back at the pictures. “So it’s a random hook-up, and not some steady guy. Probably don’t make a difference though, right?”

“I don’t see how it would.”

Cash shrugged. “I’m going to be in Omaha next week, I’ll see if I can find the guy, it kind of looks like he’s a regular, maybe a local, from the way he and the bartender seem to know each other. I don’t know what difference it could make, but I’ll see if I can talk to him.”

I couldn’t see how anything the guy could say might change my mind, but I didn’t see any reason to tell Cash not to look into it either. “Well, let me know what happens.”

He nodded. It was probably my imagination, but I felt the pitying looks from both of them as I left.

Not that it mattered, I was getting plenty of pity from myself as I pondered how one even chooses a divorce lawyer.

It was a week and a half and a very depressing visit to a divorce lawyer later that Cash called me. “Is Caroline around?”

“No. She’s in Dayton until next week.”

“I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to talk to you about and show you, but I’m running behind on a personal injury claim. I’ve got to get pics of a demolition site and then I have to get to the airport. The guy with the supposed back injury is apparently water skiing in Florida. It’s short notice bullshit, but it’ll be a couple weeks before I get back and I think you need to see this now.”

“So, what is it?”

“There’s a folder on my desk at the office with your name on it, just take it out to the school at the old Gooseland superfund site, that’s the demo site where the guy supposedly got hurt. I’ll meet you there.”

“And just how am I supposed to get into your office.”

“Shit. I forgot ... just a sec.”

I waited a minute while he did something.

“Okay, I texted Missy. She has a key and she’ll meet you at the office.”

“She could drop off the key.”

“Nah, the office is about halfway between you, it’s easier all around if she just meets you there.”

Fifteen minutes later I walked up to his office where an annoyed-looking Missy in full warpaint-and-skimpy-outfit club clothes was waiting impatiently.

She picked up a large brown envelope and held it out to me. “I’m going to be late for my date.’

I glanced over her midriff top and very short skirt. “Looks like a promising date for some lucky guy. If that skirt were any shorter, it’d be a belt.”

“Um, yeah. That’s kinda the point. I even got a six piece body jewelry set. So let’s get a move on so I can get my moves on.”

She had the door locked and was down the stairs before I could even thank her.

I trudged over to my car and got in, wondering if it even mattered or if I was using the whole thing as an excuse not to file for a bit.

Tossing the envelope into the passenger seat I reached to fire up the engine just as Missy pounded on my window. “Hey, my car won’t start.”

“I don’t have much time, but I can look at it real quick.”

“Don’t bother, it’s the alternator.”

I raised an eyebrow and she gave an exasperated shrug. “Okay, I know, my mechanic told me he thought it was going out, but it was expensive and there were these shoes ... Never mind, I just need a ride to Club Electric, I’m sure I can get a ride home tomorrow morning.”

“You’ll have to wait until I talk to Cash, he’s headed to the airport soon and I have to talk to him.”

Missy looked like she was going to argue, but she shrugged and got in, picking up the envelope. “I’m worth the wait. I’ll text him.”

We were halfway to Gooseland before she lost her cell signal and started talking to me instead of texting the guy.

“So what did Cash say he was doing out at the old lead mine place? They emptied that town and shut it down years ago.”

“Injury claim. The town’s gone, and the school is all that’s left. I guess they’re taking it down or something.”

“Uh huh.” She started looking at the envelope. “You didn’t get a chance to look in this?”

“When would I have had a chance?”

She gave me a calculating look. “Do you mind if I look at it?”

I thought about it. “No, not really. Probably nothing but more of the same.”

She tore it open eagerly, pulled out a thick folder and began thumbing through it.

“All the cell phone and credit card info you gave him. Some notes, but I can’t read his writing...”

Missy looked through the folder as I turned down the half-overgrown road past the warning signs.

She sat up abruptly, lips pursed and nose wrinkled. “Cash has files for like twenty guys in here.”

“Seriously? When did she sleep?”

She stared at it, giving a tiny head-shake of confusion. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

“What doesn’t make any sense?”

“Maybe he mixed your stuff up with something else.” She shook her head in confusion.


“These are all missing person cases. From the last year and a half or so.”

I glanced over at her and she shrugged then went back to paging through the folder.

“This guy, though, he’s the one Cash sent that cell phone picture of two weeks ago...” I could hear hesitation in her voice. “He’s in a missing person report from last week.”

“We need to ask Cash what the hell is going on.”

“You’ll have to ask him in person. I don’t have one damn bar on this cell phone.” She looked around at the desolate area. “Lee, I don’t like this.”

“Well, we’re almost there, so we’ll get some answers from Cash and I’ll just go back...” I stopped as the trees finally cleared, passing through an open gate in a tall fence marked “Construction Zone” and “Keep Out.” We finally reached a long-abandoned parking lot in front of the crumbling corpse of a long-empty school. A lone school bus sat rusting alone in the middle of the lot, apparently waiting for Mad Max to come by. I could see a Cash’s car over by the entrance near the Gooseland School sign. A giant crumbling concrete and rebar skeleton of the school mascot loomed next to the building.

I did a double take at the graffiti on the giant goose. “Go Honkers? Damn, that must have been a rough football season.”

Missy answered distractedly. “Could be worse. My school mascot was “Trojans.” Nothing by wall to wall condom jokes all year long.”

I slowed to pull in by Cash’s car. Just as I started to say something, she waved me quiet as she read half-silently to herself. She started frantically flipping through the folder. “No ... no ... no.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

She shoved folder into my hands. “The pictures. Jeez-us. The pictures.” She was having trouble getting words out.

I shuffled through them. They didn’t have anything in common. Different jobs, different cities. “So what. A bunch of different guys...”

She caught her breath. “Flip through them.” She sounded like she was going to throw up.

It was like one of things I used to draw in the corner of my school books to make cartoons. In the right order you flip the pages and the bird flies, the ball bounces, the spider crawls...

Or the man morphs.

He changed slowly as I flipped, looking more and more familiar.

He was changing into me.

Hair color. Eye color. Each victim looked more and more like me.

The last three were like looking into a mirror.

I froze. “What. The. Holy. Fuck...”

She gulped air spastically for a few seconds. “Some of those guys were found dead.”

I fumbled through the file again. Words like “unsolved” and “murder” kept leaping out at me. “I ... fuck.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Jesus Christ.” I said it as a prayer, having trouble even getting my head around everything.

“Caroline gets back next week, right?”


“You can’t be here. Not at all. We’ll take it to the police. Then you just ... go. Go somewhere. Go anywhere.”

I nodded dumbly for a second. “That’s ... if Cash had this, what the hell else does he know?”

She slowly shook her head. “It’s gotta be real bad.”

“Let’s just get whatever the hell Cash has for me and get back to town.”

“He must be inside.”

In retrospect, going into the school was probably not one of my more brilliant decisions.

Just past the school office, where the ceiling had completely fallen in, was an open classroom and I could see what had to be Cash in some kind of overcoat slouched in a chair waiting for us.

Trailing behind me, Missy was still trying to look through the file in the dying light.

I stopped short when I realized the overcoat was a blanket and it was draped completely over the figure.

Missy looked up from the file and stared, almost hypnotized while I moved slowly forward.

The iron smell of blood hanging in the air was a pretty clear sign that whatever was under the blanket wasn’t something we wanted to see.

Against my better judgement, I reached up, grabbed the blanket and gave a slight tug. It caught for second then dropped away.

Missy stifled an involuntary scream with both hands and a mass of files, then backed away slowly until she was stopped by the wall. She blew out a breath. “Holy shit.”

Cash was cuffed to the chair, blood soaking his clothes and dripping slowly and sluggishly into the pool under the chair. His eyes were open and dull, a cloth gag still firmly in his mouth.

The huge gash across his throat made a second, repulsive mouth, a nasty humorless ear to ear smile.

I stated the obvious. “Okay, this is really bad.”

Missy nodded. “Time to make a new plan...”

“Yeah, new plan. Run like hell.”

“Too late.” Caroline’s voice cut through the air. But there was something wrong with it. Too high. Quavery and manic sounding.

Worst of all, the voice was coming from the hallway just outside the classroom. Caroline shuffled slowly into sight. Her head was hanging forward at an odd angle, her hair almost covering her face. A butcher knife hung from one hand and a gun in her other.

Missy jumped away from the wall and scurried behind me, recoiling as she brushed Cash’s hanging hand. “Oh God.”

Caroline slowly looked up from the floor to look in my eyes. Her gaze was unfocused, staring right through me. “Too late ... too late ... toooo late.” A weird childish rhythm in her voice made my stomach flip.

I held a hand up trying to figure out what to say. “Caroline... ?”

She blinked and slowly pointed the knife at me. “You cheated. You shouldn’t have peeked. That’s not how we play this game. You’ll take aaaaaalll the fun out it.”

“Holy Fuck!” Missy flung the files at Caroline, blinding her with a blizzard of paper. “Run!”

Missy shoved me and we both bolted for the side door to the classroom, a shot boomed deafeningly as we turned down the hall and headed for a door that had to be an emergency exit.

We launched ourselves into the bright moonlight, damn near running into the giant decaying apocalypse goose sculpture.

As we raced across the weed-and-gravel parking lot to the car, I took a quick, terrified look over my shoulder.


Where I expected Caroline to be racing after us, the fire door hung open, the black yawning darkness just empty. I slowed to a jog and Missy looked at me wildly. “What are you doing, she...” Her voice trailed off as she saw what I was looking at. “Where is she? I thought she’d be chasing us...”

“Yeah, so did I.”

“Why would she just let us ... This probably isn’t good, is it?”

I looked around the abandoned lot. Maybe just a bit frantically. As far as I could tell, Missy and I were alone, but the moonlight falling through the trees left shadows so stark and black we could be surrounded by an army of Carolines. “I don’t think so.”

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3 years ago
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First Sex Awesome Experience

Hello, Friends i m Pankaj mai Gujarat ka rehne vala hu so koi b bhabhi aunty interested ho to muje mail karna mai iss regular read karta hu but kabhi maine sex nahi kiya tha aise hi 2-3 ladkiyo ko kiss matlab forplay tak samjo. ye baat hai ek sal pehle ki hai. Ek aunty thi jiske sath maine pahle baar sex kiya dosto uski ager 35 or kya mst lag rahi thi usko dekh te hi deewana ho jata tha. uska naam tha Mital. maine kabhi uske bare me aisa socha b nahi tha vo hamare paas me hi rehti thi. bas...

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New Year Chill

She stood there transfixed on him for the longest time, I was in the crowd dancing before the bells rung out for new year, watching as my wife Terry gazed at our friend Jordan while he sat in the back of the bar drinking and crowd-watching. He locked eyes with her for a quick moment, smiled and then looked away.I approached, held her close and spoke near her ear saying "Is something wrong?". She looked at me and shook her head, then replied with "No, not really. I.. eh.. I'm kinda horny right...

3 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 2

Quantum Entanglement Syndrome. Great. It was a common thing, actually. There was a rip in spacetime a few years back, when I was starting high school. Since then, every few weeks someone would end up "QES'd" with someone in a slightly different reality. Usually it was pretty benign, a fingernail, or an appendix. Sometimes it was a little more significant, affecting organs or entire body parts. In rare, extremely rare cases, you'd get someone like me. My name is Rachel Graham,...

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Captured During WarChapter 1

I was living with my dad in a small town in the outskirts. He worked as a carpenter and he was the pillar of the family of two. My mother had passed away while giving birth to me and I knew little about her. My dad always told me that she was a great woman and one day I would grow up to be like her. Together with my dad we lived in a small humble cottage with a small river in our backyard. The house had two floors and a basement where my dad would do his carpentry and keep his small...

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Sue A MiddleAged Hottie

Sue is one of those women who certainly don't look their age; they're sexy, they're beautiful and they know how to use the natural assets they've been given to make them feel good about how they look and to use those assets in luring the men they want attention from. Sue is one of those kinds of women. She's totally hot. One of the things I first noticed about Sue was that she nearly always wore tops and sweaters and dresses that showed off her nice breasts. Oh yeah. One of the first...

2 years ago
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Sexy Indian Girl Ramya Drunk Fucked By Interviewer 8211 Pt 2

After the interview, Mr. Alwat asked me to join after a week. He gave me a joining bonus and asked me to get myself all clean and buy new office clothes. He asked me to make sure, I come to the office each day dressed in the sexiest way. Anything less will mean a violation of the contract and I will be fired with financial implications. I really wanted to continue with the job, so I made sure I followed everything. I went to a beauty salon and asked them to wax my body and do facial and stuff...

2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 12 Adrift in a Swift Current

It was two weeks later when the group, which now included Rucar and his outcasts, made its way to the big river that bisected Azkoval. Julia, who had walked near Joseph for the first two months of the march, made it a point to be as far away from his as possible during the final leg. She either joined the scouts in going ahead or stayed behind with her mother and sister. Joseph wondered what he had done to offend his little shadow but figured that she would let him know soon enough. He had...

1 year ago
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Birthday MagicChapter 2

"Wow," Jennifer said. "I don't remember seeing that before. The pages must have flipped when I put the book down." "It doesn't sound like a coincidence, Jenny. I think this magic book is real," Peter replied. "Let's go see what that page says." Holding on to Jennifer's hand, Peter pulled her towards the bed. Picking up the book, he quickly scanned through the contents on the page. "Well," Peter began. "It doesn't seem like waving your arms around is part of the spell. There...

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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 6

Tom and Samantha had been active and very lusty lovers since she'd started working for him. They hadn't planned on it happening, but suddenly one day, Samantha realized that she'd gotten herself knocked up by her horny well-hung boss. She'd actually had to go to the local drugstore and buy an EPT because she'd never planned or expected to get pregnant. That had been four months earlier and now Samantha (or Sam as she liked Tom to call her) was definitely showing that there was a baby...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Neha Kaki Ka Asli Roop Dikha

Namaste dosto mera naam Pratik hai. Main 25 saal ka hu. Meri athletic body hai thode gym karke muscle banane ki koshish ki hai. Main Mumbai mein ek MHADA society mein rehta hu. Hamare yaha bahar se aye hue bohut se log rehte hai. Jyadatar rent pe hi rehte hai aur waise hi ek Mahesh uncle hamare niche wale floor pe rehte hai. Mahesh uncle mujhse 12 saal bade hai. Jab woh hamari building mein aye tabse hamari jaan pehchan hai. Mere gharwalo ke aur Mahesh uncle ke acchi jaan pehchan thi. Pehle to...

1 year ago
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My Dating Experience

By: Gayboy The most haunting question of my life is; should I get married to a man or woman? On the road or on computer screen, television, or wherever my eyes fall, they’re searching for the men. But while masturbating, I dream of having woman most of time. If I come across a naked couple, I’ll definitely stare at the male I was in love three times, but only with men. I joined plenty of dating sites, but only gay sites. I always dream of spending the rest of my life with an older man, aged...

Gay Male
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My First Time

I had just turned 15 and was a freshman in high school sitting in my first period English class. My English teacher was a very young, very attractive young woman, Miss Jackson, who enjoyed wearing her skirts very short. It was the early 70's after all and mini skirts were in style. She was in her mid 20's and I couldn't help but be attracted to her, often day dreaming about what was under that short skirt.I was in the middle of just such a dream, not paying attention to the time or the fact...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 26

Edited by tangentjoker. Great job. Thank you. —– On his way home, Todd was in an emotional turmoil. He was torn between the fact his exciting sex life and the closeness with his lovers were temporarily over and the alluring prospect of what may happen in Berkeley with him and the female species. He felt some sadness but also had to smile as he thought about the humorous fact his exciting sex life was just a little more than three months old. From the day Andromeda took his virginity until...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 48 The Patriots Blood

Introduction: Alison and Desiree have found the Patriots headquarters as the terrorist are about to unleash a devastating attack on Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Eight: The Patriots Blood Visit my blog at For those of us that remained free of the Tyrants control, one of the great mysteries of their rule was the Patriots. They had appeared almost immediately to challenge Mark and Mary. From their...

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My journey to the wild side part four

Graham called me the following day to tell me that he would be home on Monday and I felt sad because I knew this would keep me from my lovers. I got further disappointment when Gary called me to tell me that his daughter and grandchild were visiting him for the weekend and that he would be away until Monday!I explained to Gary that my husband would be home on Monday and he eased my sadness by telling me to fuck Dave tonight and Sunday!I went into town and bought a sexy short black dress for my...

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LoveHerFeet Lia Lin Liv Revamped Girl Friends Comforting Each Other

Breakups are hard. However, moving on is harder. Having a supportive and comforting friend to get over a bad breakup can make a big difference. Lia Lin is quite lucky to have a friend like Liv Revamped. The gorgeous hottie with curly hair doesn’t hesitate to cancel her plan with her boyfriend to be with Lia. Liv knows her friend needs her more today than ever. Aside from being there to comfort Lia, Liv also can’t resist having fun with her. Seeing Lia’s big feet is more than...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 7

Shadows still stretched across the median of I-5 as Cameron headed south. It was Saturday again, and again he was on the road to Seattle. The previous weekend had included a fair amount of frustration because the stores that carried the specialized items required to construct the portal were all closed by the time he and Leia had made the decision to go ahead with it. This time Cameron carried a list compiled by Leia. One column identified stores and the other the specific items needed from...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

We got Teri and the kids away from the scene, and I had the pilot take us to the airport. We boarded the "G" and took off for Dale Hollow, rather than have them go back to the ranch with too much time on their hands, and start to worry. Teri kept her thoughts to herself, but never let go of me, or the children. She was pretty near the edge and I was as comforting, calm, and collected as possible, to keep her from losing her poise. When we hopped out of the chopper, right beside the "G"...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Blues

Taylor is sitting in the lounge reading a book when Sally comes home. She looks up as the young girl races past the sofa and upstairs to her room, her schoolbag swinging wildly on her shoulder. “Whoa, Sally be careful!” Taylor calls out. “What’s going on?” Taylor puts her book down and makes her way up the stairs too. Coming to a stop in front of Sally’s room, Taylor lets out a groan. Clothes are being strewn everywhere as Sally searches through her drawers in a frenzy. “Sally... You’re going...

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Return to the Fortune Teller

FORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...

3 years ago
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Agnes Delivers

The newspapers told how the gallant policeman had cornered the Pimlico Rapist after a tip off, and how the knife wielding villain had gone into the Thames following a tussle; his body swept away conveniently down to the estuary by the flood tide, serving him the justice he avoided from the law. P C Barnett had received the highest commendation for his bravery in bringing the rapist to a swift end; chancing on him in the act in an alleyway close to the embankment, his poor victim, Millie...

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Friends with benefits 2

I went out to supper with an old friend of the family; she was my mom’s age and still looked about as good as a twenty year old. We went to a fancy Italian restaurant, and caught up on things that we had missed in the others life. As we were talking, I could not help staring at her breasts, which were DD, and nearly spilling out of her tight top she was wearing. I thought to myself how much I wanted to touch them, and have them in my mouth, squeezing them and playing with her nipples as they...

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Things get wild in Africa

Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and I had saved up two months leave having been given permission to take an extended leave to visit my parents. They lived at the time in a very remote area with only a small handful of European engineers and a number of Indians, mostly Sikhs who occupies mainly admin roles. I quickly realised how boring those two months were going to...

2 years ago
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Singer Ki Wife Ko Choda

Hlo dosto ma vishal from haryana apna mare pichile story paddi app logo na bada acha response diya ushka lea bahot bohot dhanavad dost app to janta hi ho ki mugha chut marna ka bohot shonk h kisi bhi mast chut gand ko dakhta hi mera lund jhatka marna suru kar deta h. Han to dosto ma apko kuch apna bare ma bata du mare hight 6 fit h lund ka size 7″ kisi bhi ladies ko santust kar sakta h agar koi bhi housewife girls ladies jo secret sex enjoy karna cahti ho so mail any time app logo ko boor na...

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Black Jock College Threesome

Part 1 ­ Prologue, and Extending the Invitation It was my first year as an upperclassman, and I was finally the starter at shooting guard. Most of our players were upperclassmen; all of our starters except at point guard, where highly­touted freshman Marcus Washington was expected to earn the starter's spot. We had been a very good team last year, just missing out on winning our conference, and with most of our players from last year returning plus our...

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In Reflection of Earlier Times 5

Chapter 5   On the front verandah there were two lay back canvas chairs you could sit in and listen to the surf very relaxing and just snooze. One evening as the world went by something to my left caught my attention. It was Kate I didn’t hear her approach I asked her where she came from and she only shrugged offering out her open palms as a gesture. Kate and I were like two kids. We were our world. I christened her Bright Eyes it just seemed to suit her. The dress she was wearing was familiar...

3 years ago
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The Imposter

Sarah didn't know that her mother was about to visit her in her chamber and had already surrendered herself to the throes of sexual ecstasy. The warm liquid tongue of one of her handmaids, Cherry, was extruded deep within the inner lips of Sarah's vulva, while Sarah had thrust an exploratory finger up her servant's anus. But Lady St. Cuthbert knew better than to interrupt her daughter until the moment of orgasm was achieved, although she observed that Clematis, Sarah's other handmaid—also...

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Sushila Aur Uski Beti Ko Choda 8211 Part III

Dosto sushila ko kaise choda ye mai pichli story me bta chuka hu ab bari sushila ki beti priya ki chudai ki to dosto sushila ko chodne k bad karib 15 din tak lagatar maine usko alag style me choda ab mera mann sushila se bhar chuka tha lekin sushila chahti thi ki mai usko zindgi bhar aise hi chodta rhu aur dil to uski beti ko chodne ka kar rha tha dosto un dino ki hai jab sushila ka mariyal pati aur beti ghar laut chuke the aur uska pati delhi job karne chala gya tha ghar par Sushila aur uski...

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Winter FiresChapter 10

Caroline breathed a satisfied sigh as she put down her empty coffee cup. Pearl eyed her over the rim of her own one as she drained it. "Are you going to go and find Simon, Caroline?" she asked the young brunette. "That's the idea," Caroline replied, "but I have no idea how." "Ask him?" Pearl suggested, pointing out the doorman nearby. "Yeah... good idea, Pearl." Caroline was clearly psyching herself up, she wasn't normally this forward. "Excuse me?" she asked the big man,...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 571

Love those Newfies A person of color and a Newfie go into a pastry shop in north Edmonton. The black guy whisks three cookies into his pocket with lightning speed. The baker doesn’t notice. The black guy says to the Newfie, “You see how clever we are? You Newfies can never beat that!” The Newfie says to the black guy, “Watch dis, any Newfie is smarter din you, and I’ll prove it to ya.” He says to the baker, “Gimme a cookie, I’ll show ya a magic trick!” The baker gives him the cookie,...

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The Enterprise crew

Captain’s Log: May 15, 2153. We are studying a Class 4 red giant. The crew is enjoying some down time and relaxing, except for my communications officer Ensign Hoshi Sato. I ordered Ensign Sato to sickbay and report to Dr. Phlox.Hoshi walked into sickbay and looked around, when she didn’t see anyone she said, “Dr. Phlox, are you in here.”Dr. Phlox walked out from behind a curtain and said, “You’re up late Ensign, shouldn’t you be in your quarters resting?”Hoshi looked at Dr. Phlox and said, “I...

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Seema8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 1

Hi, indian sex stories dot net readers. This is my first story here. All the characters and events are purely fictional. Hope you like it. Feedback is appreciated. Reach me on Cheers!!!. The path was covered with thorny shrubs and tall trees with a thick canopy. Seema and Rakesh had a fair distance to cover to a camping ground before nightfall. Both worked at the same place and were on a week-long business trip. Having finished their duties two days prior, they planned this abrupt 15km trek to...

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Voyage dEtude en Europe The Sexy French Girl

(episode 23) This follows The First Annual “Pool” Party.Earlier that school year during Fall Semester I had applied for a UGA summer trip to Europe. It was a partnered program by the university and private businesses created to enlighten the cultural, business, and historical perspective of Europe for students studying for business degrees. Later during spring semester I received the great news that I had been accepted for the program. I would get credits toward graduation and also get to see...

College Sex
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The Mask

She couldn’t believe she had let her sister talk her into this. She was the older one, the one who was suppose to know better, but did she take that into consideration as Carrie-Anne dared her? Nope. ‘This way,’ a harsh whisper said as a window was slowly opened. ‘It’s not even locked, come on Randy.’ the whisper giggled. ‘Don’t call me Randy,’ she whispered back as she followed her sister into the window. The room was dark, except for a light glow coming from what she assumed was a fire...

2 years ago
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DiscoveryChapter 4 Growth Spurt

I was glad it was all over. Mama had told me that I slept for two whole days after the surgery. I don't know why they called it surgery since they didn't cut into me or anything, but they did. And she told me not to be scared. I wasn't. But the other predictions the doctor made were also true. I couldn't move anything, not a muscle. I couldn't talk, I couldn't cry, I couldn't even scratch my nose, and it really needed scratching more than once. I couldn't do anything. I understood...

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My First Time At A Bath House

Since I got a lot of comments on my bath house experience, I thought I'd share my first bath house experience with everyone. I was 20 the first time I went to a bath house. I had read about it online, and was curious as to how it worked so set out one afternoon to check it out. It was an older place, and has since been torn down, and like most places, had a window at the front door where you paid, and then you walked into a long hallway that brought you to a locker room. This place had no...

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Business Trip German

Sie war sch?n und sie war rothaarig. Das gen?gte, um in mir ein unb?ndiges Gef?hl des Verlangens zu erwecken. Aber ein ganz spezielles Verlangen.Ich sah sie zum ersten Mal, als ich eine Gruppe von ausl?ndischen G?sten meiner Firma in ein altes Gasthaus f?hrte, wo w?hrend des Essens und Trinkens mittelalterliche Darbietungen stattfanden. Die Kellnerinnen waren wie ihre m?nnlichen Kollegen in mittelalterliche Kleidung geh?llt, so wie sich G?ste die Arbeitskleidung von Wirtshauspersonal im 15. oder 16.Jahrhund...

4 years ago
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Caring Doctor

This is a fiction story I posted on another site.That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for; on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was...

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Fucked and torn her

Hi i m from nepal.i love2read incest story lot.i had read many from dis site n i really liked all.myself is raj i m from nepal.i m from middle class family.da story dat i m going 2share wid u is true n it had happen before 5 months.lets run 2da point. It was my close friend’s birthday.i was walking back wid two of my friends after celebrating birthday of my close friend.we were drunk n walking on street.the crowdy street had turned into peaceful was nearly 1kilometer2reach our...

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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...

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The New Guy Chapter 8

Jennifer closed the door to her office and carried all her papers and Tim’s reports to her desk. Standing in front of her desk as she set down the pile, she moved the flower arrangement to the very edge. Now that she knew they were more than likely from Tim, she did not want to admit how beautiful they were. As she stood there and looked at them again, she noticed how perfect they were. Just like him, she snickered to herself. Jennifer buried her face in her hands as she sat down. What was...

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Model Seduction Chapter 2

During the drive over to the party I found it was hard to focus when I just keep thinking about Sarah and her naked body. I wanted her more than anything and she was all the nourishment my body needed. The fact was Sarah made me into a girl that was easy to fuck. The state that I was in right now I would fuck any woman that showed any interest in me. That thought scared me knowing if a girl hike her dressed up I would crawl over and eat her pussy without a word spoken. I know it was mostly the...

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Daddys little girlboy Part 3

"Hello Daddy! I really need you to teabag my balls." I reflexively opened my mouth and she dropped her nutsack and precious balls right onto my tongue. What was surprising to me was her penis was limp. That was a rarity with her when we frolicked. So when I began furiously cleaning her balls with my mouth, the hooded tip of her penis was hanging in my nostrils. "Mmmm Daddy that feels so good." Within seconds, her erection began and I got to watch as her cock grew right...

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