- 3 years ago
- 50
- 0
Our ‘affair’ for want of a better word, had to be and was kept very discreet. Other than when we returned after that first weekend we never came into or left work together.
Lucy had also been promoted and moved to a different part and building in our work's complex. That made things a lot easier as we no longer interacted at work, even though I also had been promoted and was now ‘Head of Section’.
After a few months of behaving like an old married couple, we realised that lust, not love, had been the driving force in our relationship. Not that that in itself was a bad thing, just that we both realised that the long-term view was not going to happen. In a way, it all came to a head, when I also realised that my long-term future in the industry was not looking good. The textile industry of the sixties was dying on its feet, helped on the way by cheap overseas imports.
I jumped before being pushed out of an industry that was ceasing to exist. Lucy was in the process of doing the same. In that process, she ended up about a hundred and fifty miles north of our current location and I was going to be about the same distance in the opposite direction - three hundred miles apart was not going to work for either of us.
‘Parting - such sweet sorrow,’ as dear old Will put it in his play - and it was. Dinner, a lingering bottle of wine and then a last (by choice) return to my apartment.
We played the game of alternate pieces of clothing removal with suitable kissing and hugging as we went along. Lucy’s nipples stood out like organ stops when I removed her bra. In turn, she giggled when, kneeling in front of me, she got slapped in the face by ‘him’ when she freed him up. Angry, red-tipped, hard and leaking slightly as Lucy took me in her mouth. She had taught herself to swallow all of me, which, given my rather larger than average size took a bit of doing.
She always did it slowly, to give herself time to get used to him, and the effect was knee-trembling. No need for words or comment, she could tell how close I was and she decided to help me along; fingernails scratching behind your balls will do that and it definitely had the effect she was seeking. Several great surges and spurts left me clinging onto a chair to keep upright as Lucy slurped and swallowed the last vestiges of, what felt like, the odd pint or two of sperm.
She licked her lips and said lovely, then ‘Your turn’. Such a hardship - I finished undressing her with the gentle removal of her lacy black knickers to reveal her lightly-furred pussy. Lips already excited and her ‘little’ man peeking out - she groaned as I sucked on her lips, each side in turn. The taste of her liquid nectar exquisite and the world's most wonderful, natural aphrodisiac. Writing those words, some fifty years and odd later my sense of taste and smell that go with this memory have just made me hard. Very hard. Senses are wonderful things when triggered.
I ran my tongue into her opening and she pulled my head into her, her hands playing with my hair as she did so. I pulled my foreskin back and forth and spread my own lubricant, not that, given Lucy’s arousal, I was going to need much.
She was now sat on the very front of the sofa edge, so my kneeling between her legs was at a perfect height. Holding my shaft, Lucy pulled me so that his tip was now nestling between her lips. I eased forward as Lucy wrapped her legs around me and used her heels to encourage me further. A quick push and I was in, all the way, meshed.
Holding her I rolled back onto my back taking her off the settee. Lucy now in her favourite position, sat on me, controlling and able to dangle her lovely titties in my face.
Rolling in and out and squeezing him at the same time produced marvellous sensations for both of us.
Even though I had not long produced a very wet cum I did so again. By now Lucy was on the pill and we were able to enjoy the added pleasure of bareback riding; it did tend to get a lot messier though. Don’t know who said it, probably me, I guess, but unless sex is messy, you ain’t doing it right.
Both sated, Lucy lay forward on my chest and we dozed lazily. A couple of hours later and after a shower, I ran Lucy to a place about a quarter of a mile from where she lived. That way no one saw us come and go.
We parked up and looked at each other, Lucy spoke first, “Well here we are then…” and laughed nervously. “So it stops here.”
I looked at her wistfully and took her hand in mine. “We had some lovely times…” and Lucy continued, “but only really in bed. It never developed beyond that did it.”
I had to admit that was true. But then said that we should keep in touch and if and when we got the chance to meet and catch up. By now we both had fairly basic mobile phones and already had each other's numbers.
Lucy abruptly undid her seat belt, gave me a quick kiss and started to get out, “before I end up in floods of tears.”
I didn’t stop her.
We did keep in touch, although intermittently. I have to admit that I had a succession of girlfriends although none measured up or lasted over long. As this is written with the benefit of hindsight it would actually be four or five years before my soulmate came on the scene - didn’t stop me from ‘playing the field’ for a while though.
Lucy in the meantime with the benefit of being older did have someone that she seemed to be settled with, although was not, as yet married. Out of the blue one evening, I had a call from her. That coming weekend she was going to be in a town about fifty miles away and could we possibly get together for a quick hello and maybe a drink.
As it happened I knew the town and suggested I buy her supper in a restaurant there. That fitted in with her plans, although she wouldn’t be able to stay because of staying with an old girlfriend that night. We finished the call and I was actually looking forward to catching up and having a chat as I was, at that point having a slightly ‘dry spell’ with lady friends.
So it was three days later in the early late autumn evening I was sat in the restaurant, slightly early and really looking forward to seeing her. I was delighted when a new, slimmer and very attractive dressed Lucy came in the door, saw me and walked across.
She threw a mock curtsy and said, “Well hello handsome - do I pass?”
As I got up laughing, she threw her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest of big hugs and kisses. So started a wonderfully memorable evening. We chit-chatted about old friends and the work we were now doing. Nearly three years of time to update.
She glanced at her watch and the time and said that for what she needed to do, we needed, if I didn’t mind, to go shortly and could I also give her a lift to where she needed to get to. Of course, we could and no, of course, I didn’t mind.
We walked to the car and I opened the passenger door of the SUV I now needed to drive, although, fortunately as it turned out, I had emptied out my samples and tidied it up a bit.
She said, “Now, we’re in a corner of a very quiet car park, where neither of us or the car are known - let’s hop in the back please.” Mystified I shut the front, opened the back, let her get in and went round to the other side for me.
“Sven - indulge me please, I need a hug and a kiss.” I moved in and Lucy gave me a kiss that would have raised the dead. It certainly raised me!
Shades of a time gone by with her hand rubbing the front of my chinos I was the owner of a very proud erection. Lucy, busy undoing me, simply said, “I need and want that back where it once belonged.”
As she finished getting me down to just my shirt, I was undoing her blouse and front-loading bra. God those lovely hard nipples I’d so missed came back into view, clearly visible in the light of the distant street lights. My hand was stroking her thigh and on reaching her sticking tops - the ‘giggle band’ - get that far and you were laughing, found a wet, furry ready mound.
Making love or even having sex on the back seat of even a fairly large SUV is neither delicate or easy, but it’s greatly helped by having two very willing participants. Especially if there are no knickers to be removed. I laughed and said “You Minx” - Lucy just laughed, moved astride me and fed my cock into her wetness.
We both groaned at the sensations that only intensified as she took me in all the way. Me on the front edge of the seat both hands engaged with her wonderful breasts. As she moved back up my cock I moved my hands to hold and squeeze her lovely bottom and then, with no danger of me coming out basically speeded up our now very fast fucking motion. Her keening getting louder, she bit my shoulder - thank god not my neck - to keep herself quiet.
When it happened we both came like an express train. My back arched as I tried to get impossibly deeper into her. If I spurted once I spurted about ten times. Lucy was so overcome she was crying with the pleasure. I found some tissues to try and stem the leakage that had already started. Lucy took over, grabbing more from the box.
Then panicked, “Sven - what time is it please?” I told her and she said, “Oh shit, my Hen night starts in twenty minutes!”
I was gob-smacked and could only stutter, “What?”
Lucy repeated, “Tonight is my Hen-night - in a week's time I’me getting married…
“I so loved having sex with you, I wanted for both of us to have one last time together. My new husband to be has a lot to learn about making love, but has so many other attributes that I want him forever.”
Then she told me his name.
My old drinking buddy from when we had worked together. My sharp intake of breath gave me away.
“You didn’t know,” she said.
Having got my breath back I just said, “No - we hadn’t kept in touch.”
I did get my head around it, was invited to the wedding, but politely declined the invitation. In fact, I did have a prior event I did have to go to.
Don’t think I’ve had sex in a car since. Too damned uncomfortable and tends to do my back in.
Lucy and her new betrothed moved much further North, beyond where we could comfortably meet - which I suspect was just as well.
This really is a true end to this little tale - it’s written, pretty much as it happened. And ‘Yes’, as I said at the start of this tale, ‘Sleeping with the boss’, I was told that Lucy had passed... by my old drinking buddy, her husband.
Lucy Moore sat in bed reading the file on the Jorgenson prosecution A Pretty woman of 43 she was a Prosecutor in the Attorney Generals Office. Widowed at 28 she had used her husbands insurance proceeds to get an education and to raise her son Troy. He was 18, she was as happy as a person could be professionally and as a Mother. at 10 she turned off the light and prepared to go to sleep. Damn she said softly, there's a light on somewhere. Going into the hallway she could see the light coming...
LUCY 1 Paul snuggled down into the warmth of his bed feeling the silkiness of the lace panties he was wearing on his thigh. In his half sleep he smiled as he anticipated the day ahead. "Are you getting up today?" His mother's voice roused him from his slumber. "If you don't get up now I'm coming to fetch you out!" Not a good idea, thought Paul as he eased himself out of bed slipping his panties off and pushing them under the mattress. He wandered downstairs where his mother was...
"Lucy." "Mm, what?" "I want to have sex with you." "Uh." More kissing. "OK, let's do it." More kissing. "Sssh, we have to be quiet." "Then let's go someplace." "Where?" "C'mon." He grabs the blanket and they race off her parent's porch and into the trees. He spreads the blanket over the grass, they collapse upon it, rolling together, against one another. She's underneath him, lying on her back when he starts to kiss farther down her body. He raises her shirt to...
My name is Lucy. I’m twenty-six years old, and for the past five years I’ve been a sex slave to a machine; a machine I created. This is the story of it’s inception and the beginning of my self-imposed slavery.* * * * *1 - Japan I came into a large amount of money through the development of various popular software in my late teens, while studying at University. More than I knew what to do with, in fact, and a lonely life with it. Following my studies was a period of...
‘Just kiss her!’ I screamed at myself. She was still talking quite seriously about work, but I had completely zoned out by now. My entire world conscious and subconscious, limited though either was under this heavy an alcohol influence, was trained entirely on thoughts of her. Thoughts I knew I should not be having. I tried to listen to her and nod along, offer what might seem like a reasonable contribution to the conversation, but all I could do was be hypnotized by the movement of her...
‘Just kiss her!’ I screamed at myself. She was still talking quite seriously about work, but I had completely zoned out by now. My entire world conscious and subconscious, limited though either was under this heavy an alcohol influence, was trained entirely on thoughts of her. Thoughts I knew I should not be having. I tried to listen to her and nod along, offer what might seem like a reasonable contribution to the conversation, but all I could do was be hypnotized by the movement of her lips...
TabooLUCII only went into the bar on that stormy winters night because I was drenched, and I had to get out of the rain.As I walked in a soft dark voice beside me said: “Oh you're wet, you should get out of those clothes.” I turned and saw a lovely lady sitting at a corner table near the door.Well, I'm not the ugliest bloke in the world, but it's the first time an absolutely gorgeous woman has told me to take my clothes off as an opening line!I told her I was very flattered by her invitation. I saw...
LUCII only went into the bar on that stormy winters night because I was drenched, and I had to get out of the rain.As I walked in a soft dark voice beside me said “Oh you're wet, you should get out of those clothes.” I turned and saw a lovely lady sitting at a corner table near the door.Well I'm not the ugliest bloke in the world, but it's the first time an absolutely gorgeous woman has told me to take my clothes off as an opening line!I told her I was very flattered by her invitation. I saw...
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It was about 3 PM Sunday afternoon when Megan arrived at her parent's house with Michael in tow. Her mom fawned over her, asking several times if she was all right. Megan played down the horrors of the previous 24 hours not wanting to send her into a tizzy. Michael was polite and demure during the introductions, making a very good impression on mom but making her dad wonder if he wasn't something of a milquetoast. "Dear, come in the kitchen and give me a hand, I'm putting together an...
‘For God’s sake, Lenny, you should be off book by now.’ Eleanor Ingram was directing a play I’d written. I was standing in the wings watching the cast slowly destroy it despite Eleanor’s best efforts. With a sigh I turned away and poured myself a huge glass of red wine. ‘Drinking your way through a crisis?’ This was Emily Tibbett. Emily is the leading lady. She played the part of a ruthless, driven politician and could have been type cast. In fact she had been type cast. I’d written the part...
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That first day owning a bra was quite amazing. First having my wife take me to a woman's clothing store, having a clerk help us look for bras and panties when she definitely knew they were for me, then taking them home and slipping on a bra for the first time were all quite emotional experiences for me. While I was very embarrassed when we were shopping, I was surprised by how much I loved seeing breasts on my chest when I put on the bra. And the sex with my wife that evening was...
We were on a winter break vacation at a very busy resort town. We had made the reservations months in advance to get any kind of a place to stay. We were real lucky to find a beautiful rental chalet with a big view of the snowy mountains all around. The master bedroom was on the second floor. Our folks got that room leaving the two downstairs bedrooms for my sister and me. My sister Patty is a sophomore at Washington High. I go to MLK Jr. High. The first night we were all on the deck in the...
Introduction: This is part 3 of my Slutty Teen Slave story. Enjoy! I awoke, groggy and unfocused. I sat up slowly, causing Jessica to move in her sleep. A small smile played across her lips. Turning to look at the clock, I cursed under my breath. It was already 6:28. There was still so much for us to do. My feet sank into the carpet as I crossed the room. I pulled on my pants as I stepped out into the hallway. I had a call to make before the festivities could begin. I could already feel my...
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Oral 101 “Damn I wonder what it is like to eat pussy,” I woke up one morning in my dorm room with this random thought running through my mind. I had never thought about this before, so why is it crossing my mind now? “I would never do that. That shit is gross,” I brushed the thought away as I got dressed in my freshly pressed uniform and headed to work. As I walked through the door, my supervisor was the first person I saw. By the way she immediately charged towards me I could tell she...
First TimeCarl and Stephanie were invited to her friend Brenda’s annual Halloween party. They were both trying to decide what costumes to wear that would be both fun and sexy at the same time, costumes that allowed easy access to each other, but kept them anonymous. Carl is not much for costume parties and has always chosen to stay home, but this year he was going to go until a last minute phone call from a buyer changed his plans. Stephanie always wears a sexy costume and Carl has fun teasing her...
Shego smiles a nasty little smile before answering “Of course I did, though I don’t know what you would want a dried up old mummified arm for.” She said, tossing the arm towards Dr. Drakken. Drakken sneers, “You don’t need to know, with this I’ll bring Middleton to its knees.” He said as he grabs the mummified arm. “Now all I have to do is place the arm in the center of the altar and read the ancient runes carved on it.” “Yeah…right this will turn out good, just like all your other...
Chapter VIII produced a large bottle of champagne and, pretending that the opener was in my alcove, I went there, but my real objective was to satisfy in Fanny the raging concupiscence which my torturing of Alice and Connie had so fiercely aroused in me.I found her shivering with unsatisfied hot lust. I threw myself into a chair, placed my bottom on the edge and pointed to my prick in glorious erection.Instantly Fanny straddled across me, brought her excited cunt to bear on my tool and impaled...
A short letter to my readers. First, I need to apologize. Real life got in the way of this story. First my wife had a life threatening accident. Then a sibling collapsed and was on a death watch for a while. He’s better now, but not out of the woods yet. Then my wife had another accident, not life threatening but very painful. Happily, she’s on the road to a full recovery. And the dog ate my homework. Seriously, when you spend as much time in emergency rooms and intensive care unit waiting...
(Hello to the fans that enjoyed the other stories I wrote in collaboration with CBSummers. We’re at it again. This one is long. Very long. If submitted to a publisher, it would qualify as a full length novel. Just letting everyone know that from the beginning. It had to be long to cram all the super hot fucking we wrote into one story. Our three little stoner chicks are at it again, and there aren’t many lines that don’t get crossed. Incest, male and female bisexuality, sex in exchange for...
The covered truck drove through the gates and past the bit white house. It pulled off the concrete roadway onto the dirt track that led to the quarters. The small unpainted buildings were set in a circle. Nine small houses each one room, twenty feet square with a door and two windows. They were not proper houses with sheet rock covering the wall studs, but the roofs would keep out the rain and each had a small kitchen with a pantry and two beds against the back wall. Now they were new, but...
We took Wednesday off to relax and do a bit of sightseeing in Seattle. Catherine had been here before but it had been a long time ago and she didn't recall much of the city. I had never been here, so everything was new to me. If I took one lasting impression from the city it was traffic. It seemed to be present all day long, with rush hour being the worst. We ended up planning our day to avoid it, heading south back to the Kent area well before the normal crowd formed on I-5 or...
Taylor is sitting in the lounge reading a book when Sally comes home. She looks up as the young girl races past the sofa and upstairs to her room, her schoolbag swinging wildly on her shoulder. “Whoa, Sally be careful!” Taylor calls out. “What’s going on?” Taylor puts her book down and makes her way up the stairs too. Coming to a stop in front of Sally’s room, Taylor lets out a groan. Clothes are being strewn everywhere as Sally searches through her drawers in a frenzy. “Sally... You’re going...
TabooOne morning after my girlfriend spent the night, I finished my shower and was getting dressed for work. My girlfriend had just finished her shower and saw my naked body. She dropped her robe, laid back on the bed, spread her legs and asked, "How about a quickie before work?" Although I was going to be late, I couldn't turn down her invitation. I eased my face between her legs to get her wet and ready. She must have been horny and masturbating in the shower as she was already very wet...
Daisy is feeling playful and so steps into the bathroom and immediately strips. This girl really has the most amazing ass. There’s nothing hotter that white girl with a thick booty. So, first she brings out the enema and uses it to squirt out of her asshole. Then she bring the the black dildo out, and yes, in her ass it goes. Ricky happens to be passing by in the hallway and sees this beautiful site. When she sees him, she gets more turned on and quickly gets on her knees. After sucking...
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After an amazing afternoon with Tracy, Suzy, and Brooke regarding my transformation and amazing feminization via sexual acts that wore me out, it was time to meet my friends. Before we left, I called my friend John and told him that female Jesse would have to wait. I told him a little white lie that I had developed stomach flu and had been throwing up all afternoon. John told me that he was disappointed, and was and certain that our friends will also be as they were excited to tease me...
CrossdressingMy continuing story. Please read parts 1 – 11 first to understand where I am in my sexual development That Friday night party lifted my sexual awareness and energy to a new level. The next two weeks had me on high rotation with my ‘at school’ guy, my boyfriend, and his brother when I could get him. There was a new buzz around me at school as the stories from the Friday night had obviously filtered out. More of the guys were talking to me for no apparent reason and the ‘in crowd’...
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SO FAR: Jilted days away from the altar, Bianca White returns to her homeland to become a business problems consultant in Auckland. Business is beginning to take off but her first client Marty Young has become her romantic quarry and at last his interest in her appears about to erupt. Bianca White regarded as encouraging the response of her client Marty Young that he thought she could be so funny. As well as plying her with Harvey Wallbangers he was inviting her out to the ranch or whatever he...
Xeena Mae looks extra sexy in a see through swimsuit today. She gets into the pool and immediately is soaking wet. But the pool water is not the only thing that is getting her juicy. Xeena is horny for some hard cock, and her pussy is dripping. Luckily, our stud shows up just in time to satiate her cock hunger. He sticks it in from behind and fucks her for some rough doggystyle. He pulls her hair, and Xeena reacts orgasmically. Her pigtails bounce as he pounds her hard, and she cannot seem to...
xmoviesforyouTags: brother and sister incest A brother finds he really loves his sister in more ways than one then ........... View Author's Copyright Information Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest. The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem. With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only...
I was talking to two guys and looked over and Kelly was surrounded by a bunch of others. From the smile on her face, I could see that she was enjoying the attention. When she went to the kitchen to get herself some wine, she had three guys follow her like little puppies! She was trying to walk back to the living room, but was being swarmed. She finally come up to me and pulled my arm, wanting me to go to the kitchen with her. When we were in the kitchen, she was speaking very softly and...
it was a Friday night , I had some beers with a co worker Nick , later We stopped back at His house , an I met His wife Bonnie , who was cute , Blonde her, halter top an very short shorts . We all had some more beers an Nick said He and His wife like threesomes, I said I never had , and He asked if I like to watch some porno , I said sure . Bonnie was sitting across from Me an Her shorts were all in Her crotch , I looked up as she smiled an asked if I had a girlfriend , I replied no , at that...
Hi guys, I am Hardik from Delhi, this story is not a fantasy but something that really happened and changed my life. This happened a couple of months ago (December 2014), I was in 1st semester so not everyone in my class knew everyone but everyone knew Kanika (All names in the story are real too), she is easily the sexist girl of our class, I don’t know the stats but she has a flat tummy, a round big ass and the nicest pair of boobs I have seen in real life. I had tried talking to her many...
My MILF Village Uncle Charles left me his huge farm on the outskirts of town. It was six hundred and forty acres or what they call a section. It is one mile by one mile in size. My father had left me his section and they joined of course. On the backside of my land was a steep cliff into a wide riverbed. That made the back center almost invisible to anyone outside of my property. I had a small business making and selling prefabricated homes. Essentially double wide trailers. When my...
Rain poured down on me as I hiked my backpack on my shoulder as I raced across the green. I checked my watch again, 6:30pm, I only have two and half hours till I have to meet Blake at the dorm. I started dating him in a chat room as a friendly flirt but life changed after we met. Blake took our dating seriously. He was always a very quiet person in chat but for some reason everyone seem to respect and not annoy him. I watched for months while other girls had flirted with him off and on. So...
BDSMI wake up to Marie cuddling me as she rubs her breasts into my back and kisses my neck while she whisper to me to wake up. I start sucking Judy’s breasts again, lovely way to go to sleep and wake up. Someone turns my hips a little, and I’m leaning on Marie as a mouth engulfs my dick and sucks it. Judy moans and opens her eyes as her body shudders. She goes “Fuuuck,” and faints. Great, another wake to sleep routine. I stop sucking and look about. Jehra is sucking on Judy’s other breast while...
Things didn’t go well for Felicity Feline at her job interview. Apparently she looks like a slut with all her tattoos and she would be better off sucking cock than applying for jobs. She asks Ricky Johnson if he could help her with her rent and she is so grateful that she would suck his black cock and even let him cum all over her face. Ricky is so happy, I mean it’s not every day that a hot tattooed babe pops out of nowhere wanting to suck you dry and let you cake her with your...
xmoviesforyouHello friends, How are you, I am back with my new story. Per us se pahle, jaisa ki aap jaante hain ki Mai aryan karnal se hoon or aap logon ne meri pahli story (PAHLI BAAR ITNA PYAAR) ko kafi pasand kiya or mail bhi kiye Aage bhi aap logon se achhe comments ki ummid karta hoon. As you know that I am a call boy now or ye kahani bhi meri ek sachhi ghatna hai, hua yun k mai ek baar apne kisi dost se milne k liye karnal city gaya tha or mere us dost k ghar par uske alava uski maa thi jo ki ek do...
January 16, 4:38 PM. Case #1122187 – Suspect is a blonde, adolescent female. She has been caught stealing small, low priced items from the storefront. As the value of stolen merchandise does not exceed twenty dollars, standard catch and release protocol is followed. However, while in custody, the suspect attempts to steal the Loss Prevention Officers wallet. An extensive strip search is conducted, and the items are recovered using advanced retrieval methods. Evidence logged on January 16, 2019.
xmoviesforyouI stood in the shower with one foot propped up so I could shave my pussy as clean and as smooth as possible. I was groggy after an almost sleepless night, and the steamy water was only making me want to crawl back into bed for the rest of the day. But I knew as soon as my head hit the pillow my mind would start racing again. I couldn't stop thinking about what my sister Dana and I had been doing for the past two nights of her visit. Mental images of her and I masturbating together dominated...
The Departures area of LaGuardia International Airport was packed as the black limousine waited its turn to pull into the departing passengers drop off area. Kevin, the chauffeur, tapped the steering wheel of the car as he impatiently waited to pull in and drop off Richard Thorndyke so he could catch his plane. He looked into the rear-view mirror and saw Mr. Thorndyke arguing with his wife, Mrs. Thorndyke, and he seemed pretty angry.The privacy glass was up so he couldn’t hear what was going on...
CheatingSaturday.We arrived at Jessica's house just on 2pm and after greeting her parents she got me a beer while I helped her dad start the fire for the braai. Jes and her mom soon joined us outside where we sat down and chatted about verious things. He mom was rather pretty for a 52 year old and a number of times while she spoke I wonder how her moans of pleasure would sound while being fucked. While helping with the braai I started receiving messages from my stepsister Amy and the first one was if I...
Ted walked down the hallway, passing people who were being guided out of the medical bays, and were being lead back down to the shuttles. Passing a side passageway, he started to head into medical when he heard the crying. Turning around, he saw a brown haired girl sitting against the wall. Her dress was slightly dirty, and her knees were pressed tightly to her chest as she rocked. Walking over, he saw she was about eight years old. Kneeling beside her, he said, "Hi, I'm Ted. Are you...
Gerta swallowed hard. Embarrassed, she didn't know what to say. "Mommie, you're making me blush." "Nonsense, my baby. How could I tell you how I've suffered without a man's prick? I couldn't risk having you taken away from me, baby." Gerta suddenly realized that this was the private side of her mother's life that she had kept secret, all these long years. She extended her arms. "Mommie! Kiss me!" The bed creaked softly as Mrs. Beck sat down and leaned over her daughter. She...
My wife likes to role-play her favorite game is for me to be a nasty boy and she is the teacher. It usually starts out like this, she will go out on the town and come home about 1 A.M. I know she is out fucking and sucking other men but it turns me on to know that she will be home nice and horny and will share her sexual adventures with me.A typical night will go like this: She will come home and release my cock and balls from my cock cage. I am not permitted to play with my cock, and the only...
Introduction: Robin is a demure and inexperienced lady until she meets Harry. Chapter 1 Harry sat at the table watching his wife, Robin, and his best friend and lawyer, Mark dance. Marks girlfriend Tanya sat in the circular booth next to him. Harry smiled as he watched Marks hands cup Robins ass and squeeze softly. She didnt pull away or give any indication that she was offended. He laughed lightly. That was his wife! He had turned her from a shy, demure virgin into a married slut, his slut....
by mdb9555Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I...
Deepthroat Flip: Discontent There isn't much that I remember from before the Great Change. I was only 3 years old when it happened, and my father changed into the modern male. When I imagine him, it's in skirts with breasts that he kept in a loose top that always showed his cleavage. Now that I'm 16 I found it rather hard to make friends. After all when a boy reaches that age of 13 he gets the urge to suckle on a girl's thick cock. Like any other boy I had those urges, but I kept...
Hello everyone,I am from Ahmadabad. I am a regular Indian sex stories reader and stories inspired me to write my real life incidents… In this part im gonna tell you how i had sex with my friend’s girlfriend and took her virginity… Characters in this story:- Nishant(me):- 22 years old,6″2 feet height, average body, handsome boy having 8 inches dick to satisfy any girl. Margi(friend’s girlfriend):- 21 year old, 5″6 feet height, damn beautiful and cute girl having figure of 34-28-36. Long...
Jen watched her husband sleep. Their sex the night before had been amazing. Michael got so turned on by what she had done with Gerard. They fucked until the early morning. They hadn't done that in a long time. In fact, Jen couldn't remember the last time they had made love more than once. Last night, Michael fucked her 3 times. And each time, he was so hard. She couldn't remember the last time he had been so hard, for so long. She needed it, too. Gerard had gotten her so hot, she needed...
Ariston was suddenly awake. He looked around; nothing. He lay absolutely still aware of danger without knowing why. He had just purchased this house with gain from a necklace he had received as a token to the Goddess Ashtar. He intended to settle into this city and become a merchant, leaving behind his hard life on the road. He had not yet become weak from the city life and his feral senses brought him instantly alert. In the dim light of the stars, he saw a black line at the top of the...
My best friends and roommates, Savanna and Jaiden, know a lot about my sex life, which is a very small amount of information. They know I masturbate and I've never used any sex toys of any kind. I'm an innocent young eighteen year old college girl, with no boyfriend. I've also never kissed a dude; sad, I know. Savanna and Jaiden are both very experienced when it comes to sex, which is why this night happened.I was laying in bed, wearing a long sleeve shirt and black lace panties, when they...