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Thanks to Mikothebaby for her tireless work editing this story. Let's get to it.

It was yet another perfect late summer day as I hopped over the edge of the giant bucket and unsteadily ran towards the closest restroom. I dodged a man and his small son who were standing in the doorway, lost in a conversation about whether or not the boy needed to go. Coming at them from my angle, I could already see what the boy's dad couldn't. The reason his child no longer needed to go, was because judging from the stain on the back of his shorts, he'd already gone.

"Excuse me," I said, as I lurched past them with one hand over my mouth and the other over my stomach. Luckily, I was the only one in the room. And even better, my stomach had settled down to the point where I just felt queasy. Like the little boy outside, I no longer had to go, but in my case everything I was about to vomit, stayed inside.

I stood there looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I was such a wimp. Why would I let myself get pushed into doing something that I knew terrified me, not once but over and over again?

Before the question was even voiced, I answered myself. Love; I did it for love. Okay, there was a bit of lust thrown in there too, but I really do love Penny. Or at least I did back then. Shit, there was nothing about her not to love. She had rich, beautiful, brown hair, smoldering brown eyes and a smile that lit up any room she was in. She was thin yet curvy, with the cutest, tightest ass ever imagined and a rack that belonged on a much bigger girl.

Penny could probably have had any guy she wanted, but for some reason she seemed to want me. Me being plain old Greg Stephens. We were, as usual, spending my off day at the Great Lakes Adventures Amusement park. Penny loved roller coasters and all kinds of thrill rides so we went on quite a lot of them.

After getting my equilibrium back, I went back outside of the bathroom and found Penny, her sister Julie and her best friend Rebecca, who for some reason was called "Bucket," waiting for me.

"What should we ride next, Hon?" smiled Penny.

"Whatever makes you happy, Sweetheart," I said.

"Greg, could we get something to eat?" asked Julie looking at me. "We've been riding the rides all day and I'm kind of hungry."

"God damn it Julie," snapped Penny. "We can eat when we get home. It's a pretty long drive to get here and the only day that we get to come is on Greg's off day. It's going to be dark soon. We'll grab something to eat and you can eat it in the car."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out some money for the next ride. I handed it to Penny and she kissed me. "This isn't enough for all of us," she said.

"I know, Honey," I told her. "But I promised your parents I'd make sure that Julie had a good time. You and Bucket go ride the roller coaster again and I'll take Julie to get something to eat."

"Greg, you don't have to give in to that brat's whining," she said.

"I know, but some day, hopefully soon, she'll be my sister in law," I said.

"Count on it," said Penny, kissing me yet again. "As soon as we get off of the coaster, I'll meet you by the exit." She and Bucket walked away from us heading for the next thrill ride they could experience. That was one of the things about Penny that I didn't share. Penny was very adventurous and seemed to go from one thrill to the next. She loved all of those terror inducing rides and scary movies and anything with a risk involved.

"Thanks Julie," I said, as we watched her sister walk away from us.

"Any time, brother in law," she smiled. Julie was as different from Penny as two sisters who shared both parent's DNA could be. Where Penny's hair as mentioned, is a luxurious brown color; Julie's is blond. Penny cuts her hair short so it's easy to manage; Julie's tresses hang halfway down her back. They both share those smoldering brown eyes, but Penny seems to have smaller eyes like their dad, and Julie has those big innocent peepers like their mother.

"You'd think that my sister would realize that you're afraid of heights and stop forcing you to go on that type of ride. I mean it's not my business, but for as much as she goes around claiming she loves you, she really doesn't treat you very well," she said.

"Well, she's young," I said. "I guess when she has a chance to, she just likes to get out there and experience things."

"Greg, I'm young," said Julie. "I'm nineteen. Penny is twenty two years old. What she is, is selfish. And you've spoiled her. She goes after cheap thrills no matter what the consequences to anyone else. She's always been like that though; even when we were little. Someday, her cheap thrills are going to cost her more than she's willing to pay."

"What are you in the mood to eat?" I asked to lighten the mood.

"Anything is fine, Greg," she said smiling at me. "I'm not really that hungry, but I'd better get something now, because I know you're not going to let me eat anything in your Mustang."

I found myself wondering how the younger sister could be so much more mature sometimes, as we wandered off to find something to eat.


"How come you always get the good guys?" asked my best friend Bucket, as we walked back towards the roller coasters. I was so pissed that I almost missed her question.

"Two reasons," I said smiling. "Nice guys don't marry sluts is one reason. And the second is because of the balance."

"What balance are you talking about?" asked Bucket. "And it really isn't nice to call me a slut."

"I meant it in the nicest possible way though, Beck," I smiled.

"And you're the lucky one. You don't have to drag your annoying ass little sister around with you everywhere you go," I said. "And you don't have your parents constantly on your ass about trivial bullshit, every day of the fucking week."

"They're only showing you that they care," smirked Becky.

"Why can't they care for me from a distance," I said. "Or better still, why can't they be like your parents and just stay the fuck out of my business. I'm twenty two years old not four. My life is already planned out. Julie has to get good grades in school. She's going to be a career woman. Those two years of college that I finished were the worst two years of my fucking life and a big waste of time. I don't need college to be a housewife." We got into the shortest line we could find for any roller coaster.

"Then I have to listen to them asking me why I don't have a God damned job like Julie has. Julie needs to have a job because after college she'll be entering the work force. I'm just going to marry Greg and sit back and make babies with him. We'll have all kinds of gorgeous little kids who are as smart and hard working as he is and as pretty as I am. Nuff said. My contribution to society will be handled," I said.

Becky smiled as she listened to my rant. She'd heard it all before. "Well, you seem to have your life planned out and everything seems to be in perspective," she said smiling. "One question though..." I looked at her suspiciously because Beck could be a wise ass at times.

"If you're just going to be a housewife then..." She began before I interrupted her.

"There's no such thing as JUST a housewife," I snapped. "Housewives ... domestic engineers are the mainstay of American society. They are the main pillar supporting the family unit. As a woman and a feminist, I'm making a choice and I choose to stay at home and assure that my children are brought up properly."

"Okay, Oprah," she smirked. "Can I finish my question?" I nodded at her again, but I was suspicious.

"Why can't you get a job until you get some kids?" she asked. I just growled at her.

"Or how about this," she stepped back a bit, just outside of the reach of my arm. "If you're going to be this awesome domestic engineer, why aren't you practicing and preparing for your career by helping out around your house. Your room looks like a fucking pig sty."

"Well bitch," I said, swinging at her and missing. "It's because number one, the house I live in right now isn't my house. And two, because I'm sure Greg is going to make enough money that we'll be able to afford a maid to do all of that boring shit."

"I totally agree. Fuck the boring shit," said a voice from behind us. I turned around and noticed three guys behind us.

"Hey cutie" said the tallest, most muscular one of them. I looked him over at the same time that he was checking me out. I stuck my chest out just a bit further to let him see what he'd never have.

"How many tickets ya got?" he asked. He was dirty. He even had smudges of dirt on his face like a naughty little boy. And his face, his features were no more handsome than Greg's but he just looked wilder. His hair wasn't combed. It looked like somebody tried to combine a mullet with a bird's nest. He had on a dirty t-shirt and his pants still had holes in the knees, like it was still the nineties. But there was just something primal about him. And looking at him, you could tell that he knew it.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Well, because this coaster isn't as cool as the one over there," he pointed. "And that one is half the price. So, if we go over there, all four of us could ride on your tickets."

I just looked at him.

"Why would I want to pay for you and your friend to ride the coaster?" I asked.

"Because it's no fun to ride alone," he spat. "Do you really want everyone in this park to think you can't get a man? Besides..."

He spread his arms and gestured around him.

"It IS fun meeting new people and doing things right? Have you ever ridden a coaster with your hands up the whole way? I'll bet as soon as we take off you'll grab for that safety bar like a baby grabbing for its bottle." His taunting got to me.

"Will not," I said, sounding extremely juvenile.

"Prove it," he said.

Bucket and I got out of line and got into another line with him and his friend. I noticed that one of the guys didn't get into line with us.

The guy who'd been talking to me was named Brett. His friend, who hadn't said anything to me, was Ronnie. I never found out the third guy's name.

I gave the man who ran the ride our tickets and we started to get into the car for the roller coaster. As soon as I got in, Brett jumped in front of Bucket and sat beside me. Bucket sat down next to Ronnie. I noticed that his third friend had a camera.

As he took a picture, I turned my head. "That's unusual," said Brett. "A pretty girl who isn't so stuck on herself that she wants to always have her picture taken."

"Not so unusual," I said. "I have a boyfriend who might get upset if he saw pictures of me on a roller coaster with another guy."

"Getting upset with me would only get him hurt," said Brett. "I'm an MMA fighter. I've never lost a fight."

Just hearing that got me more excited for some reason. The car started to move and the thrill of what would soon be happening sent a thrill through me.

"Damn, we haven't even started yet and you're already hanging on the safety bar like a life preserver," spat Brett. I looked down at my hands and reached upwards as the car chugged its way up the initial hill.

The view was spectacular as the car climbed higher and higher and the distance between us and the ground got bigger. I stubbornly refused to grab the safety bar, and the thrills I normally got from anticipating the first big drop were magnified.

Suddenly, the car hung there on the track for a second as we started to drop and the speed increased dramatically. With the increase in speed, came my need to increase my safety. I wanted to grab the safety rail but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I kept my hands in the air and it felt marvelous. The breeze blowing my hair wildly was exhilarating as we rocketed down the track and approached the loop. My eyes were as large as saucers and I screamed as we reached the bottom of the hill and started upwards. Then I felt them. I looked down and Brett was grabbing my breasts. I don't know why I didn't say anything. Maybe it was the fact that I was upside down and not holding onto anything as the car flew through the loop. Maybe it was the fact that the combination of thrills and fear overloaded my mind and left me open to other things, but before I could tell him that I wasn't the type of girl who let men other than her boyfriend fondle her; I was.

As the car went around the track to build speed and went through a series of curves, I moved his hands and said, "No, I have a boyfriend." He looked at me as if my words meant nothing but he moved his hands. I looked behind us to see if Bucket had noticed anything, but she was out of it. She had her legs spread and Ronnie was finger fucking her and sucking one of her huge tits. Her head was back and her eyes were closed and she was too far into what he was doing to her to care what I was doing or not doing.

"See your friend knows how to have a good time," said Brett sounding disappointed.

"My friend isn't about to get married," I said. "She's a slut and everyone knows it."

"I think she's just a woman who knows how to let her hair down and enjoy herself," he said.

For a few minutes neither of us said anything. Then the car did a series of hills that gradually got bigger building us up for the last huge hill and another even bigger loop. As the car hurtled down the last huge drop Brett made his move. I was almost expecting it. His fingers slid down into my jeans and past the waistline of my panties.

"No," I said. "I don't want that."

"Then why are you already so wet?" he asked. And he was right. I don't think it was Brett. In fact, I had no interest in him other than some kind of animal-magnetism that I could have easily ignored. But the fact was that I loved the sense of danger of the bigger faster rides and when you coupled that thrill with the idea of illicit sex, I had an itch in my pussy that I'd never felt before. "Don't worry, he'll never know," said Brett. That was the end of the conversation as we shot into the last loop. As soon as we got out of the loop, I wanted to pull his hands out but I was so close to cumming, that I just couldn't stop and he knew it. He kept rubbing my overly sensitive clit until I screamed one final time and just snatched his hand away from me. I couldn't get away from him fast enough. Almost before the car stopped moving, I was trying to hop out of it and distance myself from him. I looked back and just saw him laughing.

I found my bratty sister and Greg and ran to them as quickly as I could. I threw my arms around Greg and started to kiss him as if doing it would somehow take away my guilt.

We drove home with me holding his hand the entire way. We dropped off Bucket first and then drove to my house. My sister took her time getting out of the car. She thanked Greg about ten times and just wouldn't leave.

"Uhm Julie," I said loudly. "Do you think I could have a few minutes alone with my boyfriend? You did get to monopolize him for the last half hour or so that we were at the park."

Julie looked at me strangely and nodded her head. "I have to go anyway," said Greg. "I have to be at work early in the morning." He kissed me. It was a really good kiss as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I was horny as hell and if Julie hadn't been standing there, I'd have taken him around to the side of the house and let him fuck me right on the grass. It was dark outside and no one would see us. My knees got weaker as he kissed me. The thing about it was that I realized then, that it made me feel even more ashamed of what I'd done. Greg didn't have awesome technique as a kisser. The thing that made his kisses so powerful was the feelings of love that I got from them. Each kiss told me that this man loved me. They told me that he would do anything on earth for me and they made me dizzy.

It wasn't the kind of dizziness you get from being on a roller coaster with your hands in the air. It was a more solid, more substantial dizziness that stayed with you long after the ride or the kisses were over. In the dizziness I dreamed. I saw Greg and me in a beautiful house together with two little kids running around. The kids ran all over the yard and finally the little girl came over and told Greg, "Daddy, mommy loves you and I do too."

"Are you okay, Penny?" Greg asked me, pulling me out of the dream. He was smiling and my sister was looking at me really strangely. Her mouth was set in a straight line and she was pissed about something. I guess it wouldn't be too weird for the younger sister to have a crush on her older sibling's boyfriend.

"I'm fine, Honey," I said. "You just take my breath away every time you kiss me." He smiled.

"Augh, oh shit. I just threw up," said Julie. " ... God damn that was cheesy." She walked into the house singing Berlin's "Take my breath away," from Top Gun.

Greg waved at me one final time and got into his Mustang and drove away. I walked into the house, floating on a cloud not realizing that my life was about to change. As I walked into my room and lay down on my bed to think about what had happened, Julie went by on her way to the bathroom to take a shower. She shook her head as she went by and I laughed.

My sister stopped and walked into my room. "Listen, today is the only time I'm ever going to cover for you," she said. "Greg is too good a guy to let you fuck over."

"Are you jealous little sister?" I smirked.

"If I was, I wouldn't have distracted him and you'd probably be walking back here from Ohio right now," she spat. Suddenly I looked at Julie, and realized that she wasn't just my bratty little sister. She was a grown woman too, and she was really angry at me.

"What are you babbling about?" I asked.

"It's really stupid for a woman who thinks she's about to get married to let some other guy feel on her boobs on a roller coaster with her boyfriend sitting in a food court right under her where he could see her," she said. Then she just rolled her eyes at me and walked into the bathroom for her shower.

Before I could do anything my phone rang. I smiled thinking that everything was fine. Greg always called me right before he went to bed and again first thing in the morning. He always said that he wanted my voice to be the last thing he heard before he fell asleep and the first thing he heard every morning.

"Hi, Honey," I said, pulling the blanket around me. "I wish you were here in my bed with me. I could show you exactly how much I love you."

"Shit, Penny, we've known each other since we were eight and I never knew you liked women. If I had known, we wouldn't need any guys. I don't really have any experience eating pussy, but hell I'll try anything; especially since I know that you love me and all," said Becky.

"Bucket," I gasped. "I thought you were Greg."

"Sure you did," smirked Becky. "Want me to come over right now so you can show me how much you LOVE me?"

"What the hell do you want retard?" I said affectionately. "Hurry up. Greg is going to call me soon."

"Those two guys we met at the park want to hook up with us," she gushed.

"How did you find that out?" I asked.

"I gave Ronnie my number and he texted me," she said. "Then he called me and we talked. I'm gonna do it and I need you to come along with me."

"Becky, that's why you can't hold onto a guy," I said. "As soon as another one comes along, your head swivels around so fast it looks like it's going to fly off."

"I got off twice on that roller coaster," spat Becky. "I'm going to find out whether his dick feels as good as his fingers."

"What about Jason?" I asked. "Earlier this morning you were telling me that you thought he might be the one."

"I'm not very good at thinking," she said laughing. "I'm even worse at it when I need my pussy filled. I've got it all worked out though and my plan will work for you too. First thing in the morning I'm going to call Jason. I'm going to be sweet and angelic, but then I'm going to start an argument with him and break up with him. Then we can meet the guys and if it isn't any good, I'll call Jason back or just try to run into him later. I'll get back with him and then if he ever finds out, I'll just tell him it happened while we were broken up. You could do that too."

"I'd never do that to Greg," I said. " ... Besides Greg isn't stupid enough to fall for something like that. I could lose him."

"Then don't do anything. Just come with me to make sure that things don't get out of control," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well there are three of them," she said. "I might not be able to handle all three of them."

"Since when?" I asked laughing.


The next morning I woke up and called Penny first thing. She didn't pick up her phone which told me that she was still asleep. After all of the excitement she'd had the previous day at the amusement park, I'd kind of expected her to sleep in. I left a message telling her that I loved her and went to work.

My morning was the same as always. Filing reports, processing invoices and adding details or making minor changes on prints. Near the end of the morning though, my boss called me into the office and asked me if I was any good on Master CAM. I assured him that I was and he gave me a support bracket that had come off of one of our customers machines. That bracket had snapped in two and needed to be replaced. Since those brackets were fairly common and they failed a lot, my boss decided that we should just make them ourselves instead of wasting time and money ordering them from the manufacturer. He wanted me to reverse engineer the bracket and make it a little more beefy and then draw up the blue prints for the new bracket.

I was over the moon. At lunchtime, I went over to the jewelry store in the mall, with my chest stuck out.

Julie, my girlfriend's little sister, came over to see me.

"Hey Greg," she smiled at me. "Do you want to take another look at it or just make another payment?"

"I'm just making a payment," I said. "But with the bonus my boss is going to give me for the job I'm working on, I might be able to pick it up early." Julie just shook her head.

"I hope my stupid sister realizes how lucky she is," she said. I gave her the money and she gave me an updated receipt that showed how much I still owed on the ring. She called her boss over and handed him the money.

"Greg, do you want to just take the ring with you?" he asked. "You only owe me three hundred dollars more."

"Thanks Mr. Burton," I said. "But I haven't actually asked her yet. She might say no."

He just looked at me and laughed. "She'd have to have rocks in her head." He called out to a woman working on the other side of the store. As she came over and looked at us, he started talking to her. "Helena," he said. "If Penny decided not to marry Greg, would you step in for her and marry him?" His daughter looked at me and immediately smiled and nodded her head.

"She'd have to get in line behind me," laughed Julie. I was feeling pretty good when I left the store and headed back to work.


Becky was as good as her word. She went ahead with her stupid plan. She broke up with Jason and I swear I don't understand it. Neither of us were virgins, but Becky was just a slut. That's why they called her "Bucket."

"Bucket," was short for, "Cum Bucket." Becky had gotten a reputation for doing multiple guys at parties and just letting all of them cum in her and on her wherever they wanted. I thought that what she was doing was stupid. Jason had grown up and gone through school with us and he was the one decent guy in town who'd have anything to do with her. He was the only guy I knew who'd tried to look past her reputation and see the real Becky.

Becky is a complicated woman. She can be the most caring and sensitive person in the world. She'd never hurt a fly and she was always volunteering to help out with any cause you'd name. What she really wanted, like me, was to find a man who loved her and settle down so she didn't have to work all of those ten hour shifts waitressing at the diner for less than minimum wage.

But at the same time, Becky is a round heeled slut. She will literally fuck any guy who so much as asks her for some pussy. She doesn't care what they look like. Big or small, black, white or in between, old or young, when Becky gets an itch, all it takes is a dick to scratch it.

We met them at the park near my house. There were lots of secluded areas in the park. It was early in the afternoon because Becky had to work the late shift at the diner and I wanted to be done with this by the time that Greg came home from work.

They pulled up in a beat up pick up that had seen better days. Ronnie was driving and he went right over to Becky. Brett got out and came over to me. I wouldn't speak to him or even look at him.

"So it's going to be like that huh?" he laughed. "Ronnie, she's playing hard to get."

Ronnie wasn't paying him any attention. He was whispering in Becky's ear and she was smiling like it was Christmas. She rubbed the front of his pants and then grabbed him by the arm and led him off into the bushes. The other guy seemed to follow them. I was glad that she'd gotten started quickly. The sooner she got her fix, the sooner I could get away from them. I knew that Becky wouldn't stay with Ronnie for very long. I figured she'd get bored with him and start to miss poor Jason as soon as she got her daily dose of dick.

It took less than a minute before I heard Becky moaning from behind the bushes. "Hey you want to see something?" asked Brett.

"Nope," I said. He held his phone near my face anyway.

"You sure looked like you were having a good time," he said. He flicked from picture to picture. The first few were photos of him and me on the roller coaster the previous day.

The next few showed me with my hands in the air and him with his hands on my boobs. Suddenly, I knew what the third guy was for. As I looked, the next pictures showed Brett with his hand in my panties. Then he showed me a video with the coaster coming down the track close to the exit with Brett fingering me, while I shouted at the top of my lungs that I was cumming.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked.

"My stupid friend took those pictures with his iPhone," said Brett. "I think I should make him delete them don't you?"

"I'm not giving you any money," I said. "I have an uncle who's a cop. He'll handle this blackmail for me and you and your two stupid friends will go to jail."

"I'm on your side, dummy," he said. "I don't want this to get out any more than you do. And I don't want any money. How much could you actually give me any way? I WAS listening to you, yesterday so I know that you don't even have a job. It's just that if I'm going to stick my neck out and possibly lose a friend, I didn't want to do it for nothing."

"I thought you didn't want any money?" I snapped.

"I didn't say anything about money," he said. "Besides he's probably already uploading it to his Facebook page. Shit, he has over a thousand friends. We only live two towns over. A lot of his friends live around here. You never know who might see it. It only takes one person you know. That person tells a friend. And they tell two friends and the next thing you know, you no longer have a boyfriend."

"What do you want asshole?" I asked.

"A blow job," he said.

"Fuck you," I spat.

"Okay," he said. "But I really would have settled for the blow job. Hey, don't worry about it. It's your choice. These are really good pictures. Maybe we'll put them up on one of those amateur porn sites. You're really a pretty girl. We'll get a lot of hits."

"Let's go," I said.

"Let's go where?" he asked.

"Into the bushes so you can get your blow job," I said. "But give me the phone first. I'll delete the pictures and give it back after we're done."

"Unh uh," he said.

"I'm not going to beg you to do it," I snapped. "Now let's go or just forget it."

"Right here, right now," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I know you Penny," he said. "You're like me. You get off more on the excitement and the nastiness more than what you're actually doing. You need a thrill. In this case it's going to be the thrill of possibly getting caught. Now get on your fucking knees slut and suck my dick."

I just stared at him. "I'm not..." I began.

"The longer you wait the bigger the chance that someone sees you," he said.

I got down onto my knees and pulled his pants around his ankles. I can't begin to go into how degrading it was to be forced to do something so personal for someone that I hated as much as I hated Brett. At the same time, it only took a few minutes of me looking out of the corners of my eyes and seeing cars come in our direction only to turn off at the entrance to the park for my pussy to start becoming moist. He was right. The chance of getting caught was adding to my excitement. I imagined bringing Greg here and doing something like this.

Brett reached down and pulled my shirt up and started playing with my tits. He flicked my nipples and made it hurt, but it only made me wetter. I was licking his dick and moaning like there was no tomorrow. The next thing I knew, he had stood me up and bent me over the bench we'd been sitting on. He rammed his dick into me and started fucking me."

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We Found Our Thrills

Remember those high-school Friday nights? Sitting in the car in the driveway, the radio playing on low---the conversation faltering as you tried to prolong the pleasure of your date’s company.   Remember wondering when the kiss would happen?   How did those days disappear so quickly?   If you’re like me, and high-school was more than half your life ago, then you might enjoy a little tale about the last time my guy and I made out after a date:   The air was chilly, and the stars were bright in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Cheap deal all the way

It was just a cheap weekend break to another city for a change of scenery. Anna and Dave had arrived early in the day and had managed to pick somewhere for dinner on their walk through the city. It would be late enough as it was the second sitting. Anna had chosen a new outfit a nice blue sleeveless top with a plunging neckline, it was tight fitting accentuating her curves. Anna also wore some fitted trousers which covered some blue platform heels she had also taken a like to. The waiters were...

2 years ago
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We Found Our Thrills

Remember those high-school Friday nights? Sitting in the car in the driveway, the radio playing on low—the conversation faltering as you tried to prolong the pleasure of your date’s company.   Remember wondering when the kiss would happen?   How did those days disappear so quickly?   If you’re like me, and high-school was more than half your life ago, then you might enjoy a little tale about the last time my guy and I made out after a date:   The air was chilly, and the stars were bright in...

3 years ago
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White Hills Thrills

Your name is John Doe. You grew up in the inner-city projects of Calhoun City, one of the worst ghettos in the USA. Most of the guys you grew up with are in jail, in gangs, on drugs, or dead. You tried to keep on the straight and narrow as much as you could, staying in school and playing basketball at the youth mission. Recently, your family fell apart: your dad went away for some serious time on a drug charge, and your mom descended into a drug addiction of her own. It looked like you were out...

2 years ago
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A House of Thrills

Picture it: A house full of celebrities, each one wanting sex. It's a massive mansion, out in the "backyard" of Hollywood, if you will. The only way you're getting into this mansion is if you're famous. All celebrities are informed about it upon their rise to fame. Movie stars, TV stars, music stars, sports stars ... you name it. If they're famous, they're invited. Now, the biggest day ever: Literally hundreds of celebrities invited to have the biggest celebrity fuck session ever seen on the...

2 years ago
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Cafe Thrills

A bit of background, I am a 21 year old lady who works evenings in a café to help pay university fees. A couple of nights ago I was nearing the end of my shift and looking forward to locking up and heading home, unfortunately just then a group of 3 young men came in wanting coffees.Oh well I thought should only take a few minutes, so I agreed and put the kettle on and when to lay their table. As I reached over to place milk in the centre of the table, I felt a hand brush to back of my leg....

2 years ago
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Lockdown thrills

It happened! I can't tell you how long I've wanted a horny stranger to come on to me in a big way when I'm out on my mountain bike. He was a brut of a guy too with fingers thicker than many a cock I have encountered. His hands were like dinner plates. He didn't know it but he came to my rescue in more than the way he thought.I'd been out on my bike a few times recently in this particularly rural area of North Wales not so far from home. A woodland with some great tracks and technical sections....

3 years ago
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Cheap Date

Nikki and I have been dating for a few weeks now. I’m falling for her hard, and I think she feels the same way. She definitely is the more dominant and sexually adventurous one, and it’s clear she likes to be in charge in almost everything we do together. She has a strange fascination with her breasts, and loves having me drink her breast milk from them almost every day now. Sometimes it’s a full meal replacement, and it’s all I get for a breakfast or a lunch. She has this power over me that...

4 years ago
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Cheap Move

Pai tried to sit as still as possible. She was sitting on Kastor’s lap, Moore was driving and Hunter, evil bloodsucking Hunter, was sitting so close to him she was almost wearing his t-shirt. Hunter was just that, a hunter. Her prey was any man she set her sights on whether for sex or money. She was dressed and ready for her sport, her long blonde hair pulled back into the perfect messy ponytail . She had big blue eyes and spotless fair skin. She wore just the right amount of make up to look...

2 years ago
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Cheap Thrills With Shriya 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, What’s up! Hope you all are doing good ;) I’m Shayan and I’d really like to share with you guys an incident which really changed my life *sexually*. This would seem a long story but the built up is necessary. So boys grab your cocks and girls keep your fingers ready. This started when I was still in college. Being the head boy I was involved in a number of activities and was quite popular in the institution. This in turn also increased my popularity among the girls as I was decently...

4 years ago
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Cheap Move

Pai tried to sit as still as possible. She was sitting on Kastor's lap, Moore was driving and Hunter, evil bloodsucking Hunter, was sitting so close to him she was almost wearing his t-shirt. Hunter was just that, a hunter. Her prey was any man she set her sights on whether for sex or money. She was dressed and ready for her sport, her long blonde hair pulled back into the perfect messy ponytail . She had big blue eyes and spotless fair skin. She wore just the right amount of make up to look...

2 years ago
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Cheaper By The Quarter

CHEAPER BY THE QUARTER Christine, Judy, Karen and Beth asked me to come to their apartment at noon for Champagne. They had finally saved enough money for complete make-overs and were ready to go to the clinic. By make-overs I don't mean just new hair styles and exciting new make-up. Far from it. What had taken them so long to save the money - a couple of years I was told -- was that they each had wanted to have substantial -yes, substantial - - plastic surgery. They knew exactly...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Part 3 View to a Thrill

Brandon and Jeannette finished their hike down from Mt. Crestview, being as friendly and jovial as they could, but sometimes getting completely lost in their own thoughts. It had been an quite the interesting day. Jeannette was the daughter of a sex genie, and had the power to see the fantasies of those around her. They had decided to put that skill to good use, and had fulfilled the fantasy of a shy schoolmate to find someone to love that shared her love of the outdoors. The buildup had been a...

4 years ago
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A View to a Thrill

A View to a Thrillbyblaster666©(found on the net)Jimmy Morris listened to his friend and neighbor Greg Norton blabber on enthusiastically while finding it impossible to believe a word he was saying. Greg was known to tell some whoppers from time to time, but what he was saying now was way beyond anything he'd claimed before. "It's true I'm telling ya," Greg squeaked. "Yeah right, whatever dude," Jimmy shot back while fixing Greg with a look that clearly showed he thought he was full of shit....

2 years ago
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New Place New Thrill

We have this old film venue in our town. A theater with a basic ground floor, lots of lower seats with two aisles. And a balcony above it all. The theater has been in operation since the 1940s and now only plays older movies that you can see on regular TV. So not a huge crowd. Sometimes it plays semi erotic films like the Emmanuel ones with Silvia Crystal. Tastefully done soft core. So it has become a meeting place for various types who want to play a bit in the darkness. My guy told me that...

4 years ago
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LIndas Beach Thrill

Linda Payton slid out of bed and went, naked, to the window. Who could sleep in this heat? Barely one a.m. and she had been tossing and turning since coming to bed. Too hot, plus the fact that her mind wouldn’t stop churning over her problem with her third novel.Writer’s block had never bothered her before but she had landed her heroine, Kate, in a romantic impasse which she just could not resolve. Her first two novels were selling well so it had seemed she could well afford a getaway to this...

3 years ago
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my first sloppy second thrill

i'm 65 haha - but what a thrill to wait for :)I got on a meetup site that's commonly used for sex hookups - just thought i'd give it a try. my only rqmt was that they not be local, be here for work etc.I got a guy that works for a state agency, that comes here for occasional training. well first I got a gal, a flight attendant that was passing thru - that was fun. new pussy haha.anyway, this guy, we met, had a little dinner, then we went to his hotel room and he fucked me royally. he was in his...

2 years ago
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Dressed To Thrill

None of my stories are intended to offend and I welcome all comments both positive and negative. Feel free to leave comments or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with comments or ideas for stories. Dressed To Thrill He didn’t hear the front door open. All he could hear was his own breathing. And besides, he wasn’t expecting her back for hours, so when it did open it did not occur to him to listen to anything, except his own erotic thoughts. But...

3 years ago
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Julies fomer lover calls and gives her a thrill

I was in my new girlfriend's bedroom. One of Julie's old schedule books had a day circled on it. "All right John!" was the only entry for that day. I asked her about it and she told me about an affair she'd had with this guy John the previous year. She gave me lots of erotic details. I was really turned on by her stories and the way she described the details. We fucked ourselves silly. When she said things like,"I told him I wanted to suck his cock until he came," it drove me wild! I loved...

4 years ago
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Dressed to Thrill

Dressed to thrill.Keeping in line with the company policy as advertised, the phone was answered by the third ring.Max the co-owner of the company lifted the receiver and in his most business like tone answered:.“Eroscotia Entertainment, how we can we help?”The voice on the other end of the line sounded dry and warbled huskily with each syllable.“I’m looking to book a high class stripper to perform at a private function”The owner responds. “Is it a male or female audience sir?”“It’s all male. A...

4 years ago
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New Trip New Thrill

Hi, Indian Sex stories dot net readers, this is my real sex story. Having sex with different partners helps a person leave these ideas behind and can open the door to focus on the physical act, pleasure, and experimentation. It can offer an experience that has the potential for the person to focus on himself, his needs, and alleviate the pressure of partner satisfaction or performance worries, leading to more fulfilling sexual experiences. I have always been inclined towards having sex with new...

5 years ago
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Surveillance Camera Thrill

Surveillance Camera Thrill By Silly Sissy Sarah This material contains adult-themed scenarios. Please do not read it if you are not permitted to do so, by law or whatever else you should know ... *** It was one of those hot and stuffy nights that I hated most. I was making my way back to the guardroom after two routine rounds of prowling around the school compound. My thick janitor uniform felt...

3 years ago
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My Thrill

*Part One* ‘Another beer?’ the bartender asked me. ‘Yes. Two please.’ He looked at me suspiciously. I smiled. ‘One for me and one for my friend…who should be here shortly.’ I was waiting for my friend of twelve years, Charlie. Charlie was thirteen years older than myself, and had been a friend of my family for years. He had worked closely with my father for many years and had become close to us after my mom had left us. At the time I was only seven and my being surrounded by my three older...

3 years ago
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A Licence To Thrill

Inhaling deeply, I turned the key in the ignition to silence the roaring engine. Megan was always running late, however I didn’t mind. The sight of those perfect little pins, strutting down the concrete steps at the front of her house, was an image I would never tire of watching. Perfect driving conditions made the day feel even hotter than it was about to get. The sun was nestled perfectly in the mid-day, blue sky. The soft, cotton clouds shielded the sun’s glare. I had decided to take Megan...

3 years ago
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First Thrill

You are locking your door on the way out of your apartment for your first day of your new job. You are headed to the dentists office to start your new career as a dental assistant. You were nervous but ready for the task. Before you leave, you look at your 21 year old body to make sure that you look right. Your nice, blonde hair is waving perfectly down behind your white gown. Your smooth skin looked almost like silk and everything on you looked perfect. You take off down your road and are...

2 years ago
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Judy gets a thrill

After our weekend fun everything got back to normal except one day at work Judy was in my office. We were going over some reports and she was sitting across from me at my desk. For the longest time she kept everything just business. It was getting close to lunch time and I asked if she wanted to take a break and get something too eat. She said sure and I asked where she wanted to go for lunch, she just sat there a minute then said why don't we just order sandwiches and have them delivered here....

2 years ago
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The Thrill

He bent her over the chair and pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles. He rubbed her ass cheeks and admired what a sexy smooth ass she had. He spread her legs wide and removed his pants so he was completely naked now. His cock was rock hard as his hands caressed her ass. He thought about the moment when his cock would enter her tight ass. He loved the feel as he pushed into her tight hole. He gave her ass six quite hard smacks. She always loved to be spanked hard before he fucked her...

3 years ago
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The Thrill

There are things that you never know about yourself until they happen. There are corners of our mind that are out of sight to us.  Sometimes things happen and they open whole new worlds to you.  My wife, Carol, and I, Dick, had a wild and fulfilling sex life.  We did everything we could think off and more.  Carol is a stunning brunette with long thick hair, firm tits, tight ass and the most beautiful lustrous skin.  We did everything sexual we could imagine and then more.  We had sex in the...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A View to a Thrill

Sometimes when she took me up on the mountain for a hike, she'd let me have some more unconventional fun. I was in nowhere near as good a shape as her, so I was often asking to stop and rest. When we did, I would take photos of the view and of her. As there was usually no one around at all, I often got her to take her undress down to her sports bra and underwear and pose like she was some outdoorsy model or something. She thought it was fun and sometimes would indulge me further by posing...

1 year ago
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Dressed to thrill

I had lost and now I had to pay the forfeit, the four of us never played for money nothing so boring for us. The one who lost his stake first had to carry out the order of the final winner. It was king who won this time,a devious man who played cards well, never yet had he lost first in two years but on the times he won his forfeit was always sexual in some way. This time was no exception but still it was a surprise when he spelled out to me what I had to do. King told me I had to go to his...

4 years ago
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The GodBitch Sisters

Some years ago, a cruel and wicked Goddess came to this Universe from another, one whose essence she had already consumed. To conquer her new possession, she chose to raise an army. To raise an army she needed loyal officers, and who better for that than her own daughters? She grew herself a phallus and sowed her seed widely. Her daughters are demigoddesses, and they began coming of age recently. As they do, their mother has begun granting them their full powers. The suffering among the mortal...

2 years ago
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Love Treatment Part 3

Hi Indian sex stories readers, myself Ravi prasad.I live in Chennai. I am of 20 years at my B.Tech. I am a fair guy with sexy looks for a girl to take a second glance at me. I am of 5’ 8” height. I have athletic body with 6.5” dick. I am very good at bed to give priority to partner’s feelings and fantasies. Any girl of age 18-25 can contact me for love treatment. Now coming to the female lead of story. Her name is Pooja (name changed). She is of good fair body, sexy curves, dimple cheeks, and...

4 years ago
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the book store

FantasyI love sexual fantasies. What is it? I think I'm past addiction, when i say that i get so excited... I love to read about others and their fantasies, I am always having them, through out the day, and i mean all day... I was at the book store in the erotic section... took a little courage but curiosity and my intense arousal these days got the better of me, There I am reading when suddenly I notice that some one is standing very close to me. I look up he a very tall and thick. He is so...

2 years ago
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DNA Chapter 2

A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...

3 years ago
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Tilc a girl with a few kinks

by Vanessa Evans Young man meets a girl from an abusive background at university and discovers that she has a few unusual ideas which he loves. I met Tilc at one of the Freshers parties at university, she was stood propping up the wall in a corner of the big room and looking bored. I was attracted to her by all sorts of things, her height, about 150 cm, the size of her breasts, small, her weight, about 55 Kg, her hair, blonde and shoulder length, her top, a simple tank showing the 2 handful...

3 years ago
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RayChapter 7

Picking up his phone, Ray was pleasantly surprised to hear a soft feminine voice. At first Ray didn't recognize the voice but then he knew it was Beth. They exchanged pleasantries for a while, reminiscing a little about the last time they had gone out. Ray chuckled when he thought of Beth struggling to pull down her dress over her hips. Beth could hear Ray chuckling over the phone and she immediately knew why. Beth smiled herself remembering herself doing the wiggling and blushed a little in...

4 years ago
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Feelings We all have feelings. No matter who we are or what we do or how we live, we have feelings. I would like to explore some of my feelings and, possibly, some of your feelings as well. For example: When a GG enters a Beauty Salon, she may have feelings of entitlement, smugness, anticipation of happiness, adulation and relaxation. When a Cross Dresser enters the same Beauty Salon, he may have feelings of anxiety, uncertainness, and, surely, feelings of hopefulness and...

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At the Door Your feet feel heavy as you slowly make your way up the narrow stair case. Your heart races and your palms sweat as you prepare yourself for what may very well be one of the most important nights of your life. After months and months of gathering up courage, you've finally asked out Katherine, the most beautiful girl at work. It wasn't easy; Katherine was someone who could only be described as complete knock out of a beauty. She immediately caught your attention on your first day on...

2 years ago
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A Life in the Week

Hi guys. Wow, it's been a few years since my last contribution in the form of fiction, how you been? I felt the urge to get creative again recently and this was the result. As previously I've gone for a Magic story, as I feel there is plenty of CD already; I've also tried to be a little more original than the clich?," plots which I greatly hope satisfies. Also as previous, have I stuck to the first-person viewpoint, as I like to be a little different and was?appreciated a few years ago w...

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Dreadlock Holiday A Wifes Revenge Day 6

Day 6The day of our Wedding Anniversary and Sally woke up early and without any consideration poked me in my back and said, “Mark, wake up we have a trip booked for today. We need to get away from here, even for a short time.”This was the first I knew of it; Sally had ordered and arranged all this without having had any discussion with me. I knew better than to make any protest so we sorted ourselves out and got our things together before heading off for a quick bite of breakfast. I prodded and...

4 years ago
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Is It Worth It

First of all, I have to thank cK1, Skribble, and TGMaster for ideas in this story and Steve Zink for editing it. Is It Worth It? By Troy My life, while far from perfect, was going all right. I was nearing the end of school, and I had a job waiting for me when I graduated. Therefore, it was in a bit of irony that my life was about to be turned upside-down. It all started three months ago, when I got a strange gift. I was flipping through the boring mail. It was mostly junk....

3 years ago
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It all started when I bumped into an old work colleague. She was the most beautiful blonde-haired woman, I had ever seen with a breast size of 36D and she was only twenty. She had beautiful body to go with it and a matching arse, but her best feature was her feet. Her skin was like butter and she had a rose tattoo on her foot. She had the sexiest Russian accent to go with that rocking body; it would get you hard every time she spoke. She was working in a small clothes shop, (it does not matter...

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discovering i am gay part 3

I walked out of the college building and went to my car. When I got to my car I kept saying to myself "Your not gay. Your work your way out of it. Your not gay" I got into my car and drove around. I found a place near the park and parked there I kept thinking who can help me out with this stuff and thought Leon. (Leonardo) I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called him. It took a few phone calls for Leon to answer but when he did he said to me "Blake do you know what time it is? You...

2 years ago
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Curiosity at its Finest

I've always been a little curious about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend whom I love and find very attractive. But yet I find my self wondering what it would be like to be with a girl. I have this attraction to women that I can't get over. Don't get me wrong, I have an extremely good sex life with my boyfriend and we always have amazing sex, but being with a girl has always sparked my curiosity. There's just something about them that turns me on. There is just something about them that guys...

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The Awakening Trina comes home

Since arriving at the farm to stay with Geoff and Linda, Trina’s adopted parents I had learned of her real parent’s gruesome death. Trina was five years old, her parents had just received the joyful news that they were pregnant and Trina was looking forward to a brother of sister. Her parents were preparing a small celebration dinner. Her family didn’t have extended family and friends since becoming involved with the ‘Kawalang hanggan’ gang in fact they had been rejected completely by them....

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Amys quickie

Amy closed and locked the door to the disabled toilet and slipped the lanyard off, she didn't want it getting caught on anything after all. Checking herself in the mirror she confirmed she looked hot. Her vest top showed off enough boob, her jeggings emphasised her arse just the way she wanted. Checking the time on her phone she realised he'd be there any second. They'd arranged this single meeting through messages on xhamster the week before. A relative stranger invited to pleasure themselves...

4 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 12 Curiosity Kills the Cat

The new year brought many good things, events and occasions with Tracy that Mel could look back on with a smile and no small amount of sexual delight. And then there was the ugly, his need to know leading him to a revelation that made him wish to emulate Oedipus and stab out his eyes. But that would have done nothing for Tracy and it was for her that he finally acted. Many good things as the first couple of months went by, if you ignore the lonely nights and count only the times Mel and...

1 year ago
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Ero Full Sets! I have to admit; I don’t get invited to a lot of fancy dinner parties. The black-tie affairs I’ve attended are few and far between. Regardless, I’m not wholly unfamiliar with high-class living. I’m not always devouring the filthiest whores I can find on the internet. I like me a luxury bitch now and again, and Erofullsets has my back covered. These sluts stick a pinky out when they gorilla grip a cock.DELUX TNAI’ve gotten used to watching cunts get drenched in every excretion the...

Porn Pictures Sites
3 years ago
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The Doctor is in

I got a call the other day from a friend who wanted a favor, she would not tell me on the phone so we decided to meet at my place. I opened my front door to see her standing there (the beauty that she was) carrying a bag. She told me her husband wanted to try something new-enemas, and she wanted to be prepared beforehand. I fixed us each a glass of wine and we talked about what was going to happen. After we relaxed, I got up, took the bag and went to prepare the soapy water for her special...

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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 3 The Third Day

The two were still entwined, jumpsuits around their ankles, when lights returned and “Wall” command was given. They pulled up the suits and were against the wall before the jumpsuits were completely buttoned up. The gruel no longer smelled noxious. Amy realized that she hadn’t had anything to drink since her arrest. She needed nutrients if she was to survive. She dipped the bread in the gruel and ate ravenously. The cockroach swimming in the gruel didn’t even give her pause. She picked it...

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Becoming Emily Part XIII

Waking up with Lilly next to me on the bed was amazing. The feel of her nude body sent tingles down my body that ended at my suddenly wet pussy. I couldn’t help but touch myself while I looked at her. I guess I was a little louder than I intended to be because when I looked up from her tits to her pretty face I saw that sweet, sexy grin. She didn’t say a word though, just pushed my legs open and kissed her way down to my cunt.“MMMM such a naughty little girl, already wet huh?” she asked...

3 years ago
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Fun Continues With Melissa The Cook And Padma Gets Involved Too

This is in continuation from my previous story. Obviously things were now quite at a different level between me and Melissa. When my wife would be away traveling, she would pretty much hang around at my flat almost all the time and we would have lots of sex. I must say I was happy and couldn’t complain. My wife would come back from her office travels all extremely horny and we would have great sex for a few days, during which time Melissa would keep out of the way. In December however, due to...

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