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The day started out like any other, boring and seemingly endless, I got to the office late, received a dirty look from my boss and felt tired from a late night with too little sleep. The coffee in the office was terrible but I helped myself freely to it anyway hoping the caffeine would revive at least a tenth of my energy and get me through another long day. To make matters worse it was a Monday. Ugh!

I was busy with reports, but was so bored by them and had such a backlog that I was tempted to shove them into the trash bin all morning. I was forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh yelling from the guy's radio in the cube next to me. From the other side I heard Larry King talking to a radio guest, compliments of my other cube neighbor. I didn't like either Rush or Larry, but this was cube life at its most humiliating and I had few choices and no power.

Then after the morning was halfway finished I heard the office sweetheart/slut talking with one of the managers in the hall outside my cube. She was trying to get in with the boss and finagle another promotion. Good for her, I thought, certain that with a body like hers she would make it. I had been in the de-humanizing world of corporate America for over three years and far from ever being promoted I had just barely managed not to get demoted.

During the last hour of the morning we had a team meeting. Oh god how I hated these! The one hour drug and drug and drug by, my back was hurting by the time I rose up out of the chair, and my right leg had gone to sleep. The meeting was aimed at being a morale booster but I was always amazed at how demoralized the team was when we trudged out of one of these meetings.

When I got back to my cubicle the red light was blinking on my phone telling me I had a message. The growing ulcer in my stomach burned at the sight. This was no doubt another message left by one of my unsatisfied customers wanting to know where their flipping reports were. I could have told them what to do with their reports, but then of course I wouldn't have had a job any longer. I was fairly low on my savings and my debt was mounting because of the new car I had purchased the year before, so I couldn't afford to be with out the job. As I picked up the phone to listen to the message I just hoped that the irate customer had not copied my boss on the message.

The message was not from an irate customer. Instead my first impression was that it was worse. The stern voice of an older man informed me that he was an attorney with a big firm downtown and wanted me to call him ASAP. What kind of trouble had I gotten myself into this time I wondered?

I wrote down the number the stern voiced attorney had left and quickly dialed it. A receptionist answered the line and I told her who I was and gave the name of the attorney who had called me. She was polite and told me to hold. I did as I was instructed and felt my palms grow sweaty as I held the phone to my ear.

My boss walked by my cube and I tried to give her my best smile. She frowned back at me and passed. Then the attorney came on the line.

"Mr. Jones?" asked the attorney. "Mr. Jimmy Jones?"

"Yes. That's me."

"My name is Max Strickland. I'm a partner with Hart, Hadley, and Strickland. I need to see you in my office as soon as possible Mr. Jones."

"What is this about?"

"It concerns your Uncle Richard. I'd prefer not to go into any more detail on the phone. I have some time this afternoon at one. Plan on staying for at least an hour, my receptionist will give you directions over to the office. I'll see you then."

I stayed on the line long enough to get the directions. I already knew where it was. I worked downtown and could walk about three blocks and be at the front door of the skyscraper the law firm was a tenant of.

I sent my boss an email saying I would be taking lunch from one to two that afternoon. I never got a response back, but my boss never responded to my emails unless I was in trouble, so I assumed it was all right to take the late lunch hour and waited impatiently for the time to arrive. I still had no clue as to what this was all about, but he had mentioned my Uncle Dick so I was not too worried. Uncle Dick was my favorite uncle, and was a cool guy. If he was involved in this somehow it might be all right, and would definitely be interesting.

I got caught on the phone with one of my worst clients five minutes before I was to leave. The client call lasted ten minutes and so this made me late. Nothing was accomplished by the call, the client just got to ball me out. They probably felt better after the call. I felt worse and not too much like going to a law office to spend my whole lunch hour.

I walked the few blocks down from my modest office building, and to the giant skyscraper where Hart, Hadley, and Strickland were located. Entering the building lobby I read the directory and found the firms name listed on the twenty-first through twenty-third floors, and a part of the twenty-fourth floor. The reception area was on the twenty-second floor, and so that's where I took the elevator.

The reception area was fancy and spoke of money right from your first step off the elevator. Oak wood panels covered the walls, and even the pretty young receptionist had a big desk and a leather chair. She was friendly to me, but only in a polite sort of way. I got the feeling she thought I was an important client. Maybe she wasn't too smart.

I only had about two minutes to wait. I flipped through a magazine in the reception area and sat in one of the over stuffed chairs. Then the attorney I had spoke with on the phone, Mr. Strickland came out and introduced himself.

"Come right this way Mr. Jones," he said as he led me back through the firms' offices. Soon we reached a huge conference room with a spectacular view of the city, and I was invited to have a seat at a long formal table. There were about half a dozen people in the room. All wearing expensive suits, and all attorneys, I felt out of place immediately.

An uncomfortable few minutes of silence ensued and there was the rustling of papers across the table as a couple of the attorneys opened brief cases. I realized all eyes were upon me and I looked nervously at the unblemished varnish of the tabletop.

"Can you give us a picture ID, Mr. Jones?" Strickland asked, and I fumbled in my wallet for my driver's license. I handed it over to one of the lesser attorneys and he hustled out of the office with it to get a photocopy.

"I need you to sign here," Strickland said handing me a serious looking document. "I also need a signature on the third page from the last, and initial everywhere I've placed a red circle."

He handed me his personal pen, embossed with his initials. I bent over the pages to start to sign, but then thought better of it. What in the hell was all of this?

"Could I get an explanation as to what this is all about?" I asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Jones," Strickland said, and I was surprised how deferential he was to me. "Of course, let me start at the beginning."

"You said this is about my Uncle Richard?"

"It is," Strickland, answered directly. "Your Uncle Richard died last Friday night."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"This matter concerns his Last Will and Testament."

"Uncle Dick remembered me in his Will?"

"Yes. He did. In fact he has left you everything in his Will. You are his sole benefactor."

The importance of these words, or how they were about to change my life didn't sink in right away. I sat there and still felt out of place in the elegant conference room surrounded by attorneys.

"We are notarizing your signature now. There are quite a few more papers that I am going to need you to sign. That's why I told you on the phone this could take an hour or longer."

You see, my Uncle Dick had been rich. He had started off his own business when he was a young man, and sold it a few years later at a sizable profit. Then in his middle years he had opened a string of mid sized companies. Those were a success as well, and he sold them for a huge profit. Then in his later years he had opened a couple of gigantic international corporations. After selling those when he was a very old man he had become a billionaire.

My family had been proud of all Uncle Richard's success, but at the same time held him up as the black sheep of the family. He had lived a non-conventional life, and there were conservative elements in my family who despised him. My dad had not talked to him in a number of years.

I had always been very close to Uncle Dick growing up as a boy. He was my favorite relative by far, and not because of his money, because he never shared any of that with the rest of us. He was just a personable guy. Very low key, he never let anything get to him or upset him, and he seemed to have a kind of innate wisdom about him that made you look up to him regardless of his financial standing. I actually respected Uncle Dick, and I have respected few people in my whole life. I was sorry he was dead. I had not seen him since I graduated from college three years before.

The paper signing took over an hour. Actually it took over two hours. My arm was tired, and my right hand had a cramp in it by the time I had initialed the last document. I don't know exactly what all I had been signing, or why I was required to sign so many different papers. I was just in a daze. While I sat there signing documents I felt genuinely bad that Uncle Dick was dead, and the money aspect of things had not occurred to me yet.

"Now on this last one - we're going to have to have some discussion before you sign off here," Strickland told me as I rose up my head from the table and felt the start of a headache. "This concerns a personal matter of you uncle's. He gave specific instruction of how he wanted you to handle it, but as I informed him before he passed away his instructions on this matter have no legal bearing. You are free to make your own decision."

"No. That's all right," I said. "Whatever instructions my uncle left for me I want to follow through on all of them."

"That's commendable of you, Mr. Jones, but don't you think you should hear what the matter is before committing yourself?"

"All right, what are we talking about here?"

"Firstly, your uncle's penthouse condo overlooking Central Park, he owns - owned the building. Now you own the building. He has requested that you take up residence there. Of course you are under no legal obligation to do so."

"Well the apartment I have now is shit," I replied. "So I think I'll do as my uncle wished."

"Very good," Strickland continued, overlooking my language. "There are three current occupants of your uncle's penthouse."

"Three occupants?"

"Yes. They all are under contract to your uncle's estate and it will continue to pay them for the next year. At the end of that time you are of course free to discontinue their services."

"What services did these three people perform for my uncle?" I asked.

Strickland cleared his throat. I was amazed to see the hardened old attorney almost blush. "They were personal relaxation consultants to your uncle."

"What does that mean?" I was intrigued because I knew my uncles reputation.

"A part of the girl's contract is that they get to live in the condo free of expense," Strickland continued, blowing by my question.

"Girls?" I asked and I'm sure my eyes were a little wider as I said this.

"Yes," he looked rather annoyed with my interruption. "The three girls will be living in the condo for the duration of their contracts. For that reason I thought that perhaps you might want to take up residence at one of your late uncles other properties."

"I'll think about it."

"Now second, your uncle has requested that you keep the girls on in their contracts past the expiration dates. In effect, he would have wanted you to renew their contracts, and he even gave specifics on bonus and the sum of the contract extensions. Again, since these contracts will be expiring shortly, you are under no obligation to follow through with this."

"I still don't know what a personal relaxation consultant does," I said confused.

"Frankly Mr. Jones, I don't either," Strickland said, getting up from the table to wrap things up. "But I suspect you will be finding out shortly. The girls, Jill, Sabrina, and Kelly are all waiting for you in the penthouse as we speak. They expressed quite a lot of interest in meeting you."

I walked back to the lot where my car was parked. The law office had given me a large folder of legal papers to carry and I hung onto them for dear life since they were worth several hundred million dollars to me. When I got in my new car and realized the twenty thousand I owed on it had been killing me for the last year, the money side of things began to hit me. That's when I started to feel good. Real good!

I phoned up my boss from my apartment as soon as I got home. She began to yell at me and ask me where I had been all afternoon and why I had not returned to work, and informed me I was in a lot of trouble and would be written up for this infraction. I told her simple and quietly. "I quit," and I hung up the phone.

Next I opened up a couple of over due notices from my creditors that had come in the mail that day. A few hundred dollars here and there, what difference did that make to me anymore? I tore them up and threw them in the trash.

Then I looked around my little bachelors pad and thought about what I wanted to take with me to my new Central Park penthouse. I use to think this was a pretty happening place, but not now. The whole thing looked rather pathetic to me.

Nothing! I would take nothing with me, I decided then, and walked out of my old apartment for the last time, leaving everything behind and taking only the clothes I wore. Oh and of course the thick legal folder that said I was worth millions.

Getting stuck in rush hour traffic on the way over to my new penthouse gave me a chance to think. What was I going to do with my new life? I was twenty-five-years-old. I had a college degree and a fledgling career as a computer systems engineer, and a job I had just quit. I had no girlfriend, and in fact other than a few times when I had got lucky at college I had never really had a girlfriend. Definitely I had never had a permanent girlfriend. And now here I was worth millions!

By the time I got to the exclusive address of the condo my head was spinning with possibilities. I had almost, but not quite, forgotten about Jill, Sabrina and Kelly, my uncle's personal relaxation consultants. They would be waiting at the penthouse when I got there. What would they be like? My uncle had always been a man of fine taste. Hum, very interesting.

I parked my car next to a Porsche convertible in the underground lot of the building and took an elevator up to the front lobby. Music was piped into the large and thickly carpeted elevator with me as I took a smooth ride up. A huge mirror behind me allowed me to ensure the part in my hair was good since I was the elevators only occupant.

When I stepped into the big lobby I was overwhelmed with the atmosphere at once. This place was really rich. The lobby itself was about fifty feet high with huge chandeliers hanging from the ornately carved ceiling. Uniformed attendants stood at attention about the art deco lobby, hundred thousand dollar wall pictures hanging behind them.

"Pardon me sir," I was approached by one of the uniforms, an older man that had a European accent. "I'm the head bellman here. May I be of assistance?"

"Hello," I tried to be friendly. "My name is Jimmy Jones. My uncle was Dick Jones."

Immediately the demeanor of the guy changed. He was no longer looking down at me. Now he was treating me almost like I use to treat one of the executives at the job I had just quit that afternoon. I've never been too sure what groveling looks like but I'd say he did a pretty good job of it right then.

"So sorry, sir," he said, cracking a smile for the first time. "Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Fountain Ritz.My name is Cecil. Anything you want, anything at all, and either my staff or I will most gladly assist you."

"Thank you, Cecil," I said and shook hands with him. A moment ago he had seemed like such an asshole, and now he seemed like my best friend. Yes, I definitely liked to be rich. "Mr. Strickland told me my uncle wanted me to move into his penthouse here. I thought I would just come over and move in tonight if that's all right?"

"Why certainly, sir! May I carry your bags up for you?"

"Actually, Cecil, I don't have any bags. I just would like to get a good look at the penthouse and see what it's like before I do anything else."

"Go right on up, sir," Cecil said leading me across the lobby area to another bank of well-appointed elevators. He punched a button and an elevator door at the head of the hall slid open. "This is the private elevator to the penthouse. It will take you non stop to the fiftieth floor."

"Floor fifty?" I asked, and was certainly impressed.

Cecil held the door for me and I stepped inside. This elevator had a large window behind instead of a wall and gave me a nice display of the Park beyond the condo.

"Good evening, Mr. Jones," Cecil said. He was not coming up with me. "Remember don't hesitate to give me a call for anything."

The doors swung shut and my ears began to pop as I was lifted up over five hundred feet into the air and toward my new home. I suddenly felt tense and expectant. I don't know why. I guess the environment, one that I was definitely unused to, was starting to have its effect on me.

Soon I was lifted up to the penthouse and my ears stopped popping. The doors slid open in front of me. I stood with my eyes agape.

A gorgeous woman with long, curly red hair and a snow white complexion of twenty-four years of age, wearing a tight fitting pant suit that probably cost more than I use to make in a month stood before me. She had a beautiful smile of greeting on her face, and did not seem at all surprised to see me. I unconsciously began to run my eyes up and down her tall and tight body gripped so snugly in the pant outfit, with just a whiff of her white stomach showing under the shirt and above the pant waistline.

"You must be Jimmy?"

"Yes," I answered still staring at this beautiful creature.

"HI, I'm Kelly," she said. I stuck out my hand to greet her, but she moved fully up to me and gave me a kiss full on the lips. She smelled good, and all though I didn't really get a chance to feel her at that point I could tell by her press against my body how soft she was. The kiss was not long, but gave me a hint of what was to come.

She hooked her arm under mine and led me into my new home. The elevator closed behind me and was gone for the night. Ahead of me was a huge single space on multiple layers with a tinted window from floor to ceiling surrounding the entire space.

I think the condo was over three thousand square feet. This was enormous! It was arranged like a modern day loft, all one single room, but with little stairs that led up to different levels. There were a total of four different levels. And all of it was out in the open. No walls were in the apartment to afford privacy.

The elevator had come up into the penthouse from the middle of the room. This allowed a full-length floor to ceiling window to surround the loft-like single room. Beyond this gigantic room was what appeared to be a very large outdoor patio. The entire space of the penthouse was filled with soft, romantic rock music. Each of the many sections seemed to have a different theme of furnishings. I even saw what I thought must have been an open shower stall, but the stall itself was larger than my entire apartment use to be in my old life. Come on over here Jimmy and I'll introduce you to the other girls. They have been just dying to see you," Kelly said as she took me on a walk through all of that open space.

We came to a sunken area with several big comfortable looking couches - well these almost looked like beds to me, and a giant screen television set that was on and playing some old classic movie. Two girls were lying on top of these bed-like structures. They were both equally as beautiful as Kelly.

Sabrina was Chinese, with flowing black hair down to her waist. She was twenty-six-years-old and dressed in tiny short pants with sequins on them. The shorts accentuated her tight little bottom. Her shirt was a Hard Rock Café shirt from Shanghai, and it fit her tight little chest just right, showing the impression of two pert nipples sticking out proudly beneath the fabric.

Jill was a California blonde. She was short, but with a large C cup and twenty-two, wearing a mid rift top, and a mini skirt that hugged her hips and ass delicately. Her tan was really tantalizing against her long blonde hair, and her perfect smile when she met me got a boner started in my pants. This had to be love at first sight.

"We're so happy to finally meet you, Jimmy," Sabrina said, and she kissed me on the lips just as Kelly had. A little bolder by this time, I let my arm wrap half way around her before she giggled and backed off.

"You're uncle told us everything about you, Jimmy," Jill said as she came up to kiss my lips as well. I felt her smooth skin as I reached around her back to hug her and felt the tight curve leading beneath her mini skirt.

"You're uncle didn't tell us just how handsome you are, Jimmy," Kelly said, teasing me.

All three girls surrounded me and took turns giving me hugs and kisses. They all felt so good, and smelled so nice, and were so sweet to me. This was a dream I thought. I was afraid someone was going to wake me up before the evening had a chance to run its course.

"It's very good to meet all three of you girls," I said as they led me over to one of the big couches. I fell back into the cushions, one of them, Sabrina I think, took my shoes off my feet. Jill followed up by taking off my socks. I lay all the way back on the pillows as the girls gathered around, one on each side of me.

"I'm a little confused by all of this, girls," I told them, and found that I was actually shaking a little at that moment.

"Oh sure, you must be," Jill said, massaging my feet for me. It felt damned good I can tell you that.

"We'll tell you anything you want to know, Jimmy," Kelly said. "How much did Strickland tell you about our arrangement with your uncle?"

"Well not very much," I said. "He told me you had contracts with my uncle as personal relaxation consultants."

"That's right we do," Sabrina said. "All our contracts are a little different. They all run out at different times. But we all get to live here, and we all worked for your uncle."

"But Sabrina," Jill interjected. "Jimmy is probably wondering what in the hell is a personal relaxation consultant anyway. What do we do?"

"That's right," I said leaning back and enjoying. "I was wondering something like that."

"Well?" All three girls said at once and looked at each other, "How do we explain it to him girls?"

Then they spent the next couple of hours telling me their stories. All the while Jill kept rubbing my feet, and Sabrina climbed behind me on the bed and started giving me a back rub. Kelly played little kisses along my face and into my hair. I was content to lie back and listen.

Kelly was from the Ukraine. She had been heavily involved with the Russian Mafia while she lived there and they had helped her to immigrate to America. Her boyfriend had been one of the dons, but he was abusive and soon got her involved with drugs and forced her into prostitution. She had been working for my uncle for the past two years. She spoke of him as if she loved him, and there were tears in her eyes when she spoke of his recent death.

Sabrina had been with my uncle the longest at just under five years. She was from Mainland China and her father had been a dignitary in the party over there. This gave her the status of a very privileged girl as she grew up under the repressive regime. However, her dream had always been to live in America, and when she met my uncle he had arranged for her to get a work visa to come over and work for him. She also seemed to have loved my uncle very much, and was still emotional about his death.

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Applaachian TeenChapter 3

On Friday I took Sarah to the local Wal-Mart that was about twenty-five miles from my house. I bought Sarah what I thought was a complete wardrobe for a thirteen year old girl. Sarah had her own ideas and we shopped from the young woman's section. I got plenty of stares from the older women in the store and Sarah got a few stares a couple of times when she walked out of the dressing room to get another change of clothes to try on. I noticed several teenaged boys closely examining women's...

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40SomethingMag Suzi Grande Suzi and her guy have a Grande ol8217 time

Suzi Grande wants to play, and when Suzi wants to play, she gets played with. This 42-year-old divorcee and mom from the Czech Republic has blond hair, a hot body and big, fake tits. She spits on cock before she sucks it, and she loves to have her tits played with and her pussy eaten. And then she loves to fuck. She’s a passionate fucker. Silly question: Where does the dude cum? All over her tits. Suzi’s tits are basically made for glazing. Favorite movie: A Star is Born. Favorite...

3 years ago
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Chapter 3 Santa Clara Valley Before Silicon A Poor Girl Faces the World

 On the morning of June 8, 1950, I met the world in a ramshackle farmhouse surrounded by a pear orchard. As I gasped for air, then screamed to announce the importance of my arrival, the Mexican midwife carried me outside and bathed me in cool water from a hand pump.  Properly bathed and blessed in her Mayan dialect, she carried me back to be soothed with the milk of my mother's breasts.  My father selected an auspicious spot and buried my placenta and umbilical cord.The "ranch", as orchards...

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St Searles Academy Graduation part 3 of 3

For decades male criminals in the Federal Witness Protection Program had been secretly placed in St. Searle's, an all-girl private school where they were transformed into one of the girls. But St. Searle's was gone, so what happened now? ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: GRADUATION - part 3 of 3 by BobH (c) 2017 (Note: This is the concluding part of the story that began in ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS and contains spoilers for that tale.) - Interlude...

4 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 42 The Full Monty

The party broke up about eight o’clock or so. It was a group of ten that decided to take the party to the next level - Lauren, Soupy, the four future sisters-in-law, Helen and Shirley, and finally a pair of Lauren’s coworkers, secretaries. “So, exactly what is the plan for tonight?” asked Cheryl Benson, one of the secretaries. “I don’t know!” answered Lauren. She pointed at Susan and Soupy. “These two have been planning something, but they wouldn’t tell me!” Susan grinned at Soupy and...

2 years ago
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Angies Impregnation

“It’s alright if I drive you home” Angie said “Adam is okay with it but what would he know he is always drunk and doesn’t really care for me”. Even then George knew it would be an interesting journey. In her late thirties now Angie had a pretty soft face with a mature and voluptuous body. Standing there in a long dress her large drooping breasts could be made out through the fabric, and would be in the fashion of an E-Cup. Like most women that had bore children she had constantly erect eraser...

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My Kathy

Introduction: She was my biggest fantasy untill that night that it all came true. I was just an ordinary 16 year old boy and she was tthe most beautiful women that i have ever known. Well to be honest she was very beautiful but definently not the hottest girl in the world. But for me there was just something about her that drove me crazy. I wanted her more than any other girl in the world. Her name is Kathy and she was the mother of my two best friends that lived across the street. She is 34...

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Predators Job Offer        Sherry nervously entered the President’s office for her performance appraisal. The pert blonde hadn’t been doing well and her probationary period was over. She fully expected Mr. Grant to fire her. Every assignment she had been handed had gone wrong. A divorced mother new in town with no alimony and a teenage daughter to support isn’t in a good bargaining position. She had recently moved to the small town to flee her abusive ex-husband that the law wasn’t doing much...

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Sex With Office Colleague Debra 8211 Part II

Hello All, its Harry here back with the second part with my colleague. (you can find my part on at ) like i said on the previous post, the second one happened in just few days. From the i left her place I did not call her, and neither did she, so I thought this was a perfect one night stand, but once when we returned to work, at our immediate glance we were talking through our eyes and we were like lovers. Going for...

1 year ago
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The Fuck store for mature girdled ladies Clara part 1

As readers will know, I work as an assistant at a boutique clothes and lingerie shop catering specifically for chubby and larger over 50 mature ladies who like wearing girdles. We provide a discreet and private place where they can feel safe – and satisfied -- to buy fashionable, sensuous garments and lingerie that flatter them. And the staff are specially selected to help them fulfil their sexual fantasies whilst shopping. Women do not (or very rarely) lose their sex drive as they get older....

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 50 When It Rains It Pours

November – Year 2 On Monday morning I packed up my wives and we headed off to breakfast and then to the OB/GYN and Lynn’s sonogram. Lynn was lying on the exam table while the technician warmed some gel and began moving the probe around Lynn’s little belly. “Let’s see what you’ve got growing in there.” The tech was a very jovial lady. She was moving the instrument around and she suddenly made a very confused face before she spoke to me in a firm but calm voice. “Paul, you better go and get...

3 years ago
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Girls Night In1

I got to the video store, and started looking through the movies. What kind of mood was I in? What did I want to see? I picked up a couple comedies, and made my way around to the back of the store. My pussy started tingling, giving me an unconscious reminder of not having any dick lately. I made my way into the adult section, and locked the gate behind me. I started browsing through the shelves of porn movies, looking at the pictures on the covers. Big dicks, wide open pussies, big titties,...

1 year ago
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Mom Ko Papa Ke Dost Ne Choda

Dear readers I am Prashant here, I am reader of ISS and also want to share my mom’s real hot story with u that I seen in her bed room my mom’s description is name  -Ranjana age – 42 height – 5.5 mummae – 40 kamar – 38 gand – 42 Moti hai par bhaut sexy hai, uske andhar sex koot koot ke bhara hura hai, kapde bhi sexy pehnti hai…… ghar mein to kabhi kabhi lehnga, skirt nhi pehnti hai mere papa tour par gaye hue the, dopahar ka time that mein so raha thatabhi phone aya aur mom ne uthaya maine bhi...

1 year ago
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Work harrasment

Note : This story is completely fictional! My first experience with sexual harassment on the job just occurred and I can tell you I thorough enjoyed every harassing minute of it. It all started when I changed jobs joining a large company and working for a female boss. This was new to me but since she was fairly young and very good looking with a great figure my mind went into its flights of fantasy from my first day. Mary my boss is about 38 and stands 5' 10" and has a figure that runs 36 26...

First Time
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Revenge Of The Nerd Original version

The age is getting lower and lower these days when boys are worshipped as athletes and given special treatment. It's down to seventh grade in basketball. Middle schools are trying to recruit the top players away from their neighborhoods, even supplying bogus addresses so they can play for them. These guys don't have much academic pressure either. They get all the help they need, including alteration of grades to keep them eligible. What do they learn from all this? That they are special;...

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 11

Wyoming Territory, April, 1875 Cletus was suitably chastised for not telling Ellie that he would be out the extra night. Logic had nothing to do with it! Ellie was getting more and more possessive of Celtus' time, so that he was starting to find it difficult to make his rounds. Cletus felt that Ellie was acting less like the wife of an Indian warrior and more like the wife of a White shop keeper. Ellie would often cry as Cletus began his scouting sweep and nearly collapse with relief when...

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Megans education 1 a bitchs fall episode e

As he felt his dick grow hard from his sister's love, john noted that the bus had begun to fill. Most of the early pickups sat in front, oblivious to the goings on in the back. John didn't really care, most of them were kids by his standard (sexual standard that is). But that soon changed. The bus stopped in front of a housing complex, and stewie the geek got on. He looked a bit tired, like he was up all night, and half collapsed onto the seat in front of John. He seemed not to have...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 7

Chapter 7“Fuck my ass,” Jennifer Smith was whimpering aloud, breathing and biting into the soft pillow beneath her head. The 39 year old glasses-wearing assistant sales-director, wife, and mother of two was positioned on her marital bed on hands and knees with her perfectly shaped ass in the air. Her husband Tim was sitting in a chair in the corner pumping his own meat, and her 19 year old son Mark was sitting on his knees behind her, about to insert his 8 incher into the only orifice belonging...

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NubileFilms Lady D Down On You

Lusty Lady D. is always up for a good time, even when it’s first thing in the morning. When she wakes to find Jorge still asleep beside her, she knows just what to do. Moving slowly, she runs her tongue up his hardon to give Jorge the type of wakeup he loves. After accepting an actual kiss from him, Lady goes back to work wrapping her puffy lips around his shaft to suck him off. When Jorge interrupts Lady’s blowjob to lay her down and lap away at the nectar between her thighs, Lady...

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Our First Morning

It had been an amazing night, but the late night spent wooing the prettiest girl in the club with terrible dance moves masked by strong libations paled in comparison to the morning that followed. She had invited me over and I had obliged. Her outfit was revealing though not enough to appear overly slutty and had nonetheless remained a permanent fixture of my imagination the entire evening. But all of this paled in comparison to the morning after. I did not wake when she had rolled over into...

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KatieChapter 10

Previously: "What are those?" I asked, pointing to what looked like really long black socks and some harness of sorts. "Stockings and knee garters." "You're kidding!" "Please?" She came up and rubbed against me. "It will be worth your while." What could I say ... I gave up and stripped off my clothes and put on the boxers and undershirt then sat on the bed to try to figure out the knee garters. Katie solved them, since I had no experience at all with garters and she did. When...

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The Alley

We meet at a local coffee shop in your town, having never met face to face but months and months of emails, chats and camming.   I was only a little nervous well maybe a lot nervous because I got lost twice and half expected you to call my cell wondering where I was.   I finally got there, changed my shoes into my heels instead of runners, and made my way into the coffee shop.   I looked around and there weren’t many people there and only one table with a lone male with his back to the door.  ...

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My husbands overseas part 3

Jenna returnsI fetched my daughter from crèche and headed home. I bathed my daughter and soon started making dinner, when the doorbell rang. It was Jenna she returned to hear the rest of the story from earlier. Not being able to chat yet about my affair with Nick as my daughter was still awake, we chatted regarding work etc. Jen kept giving me this naughty dirty smirk. We soon ate dinner and afterwards put a movie on for my daughter to watch in the lounge while jen and I chatted in the kitchen....

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Cheerleader Gets Noticed

Sandy was the instructor for the cheerleading squad. She was twenty-nine, with shoulder-length black hair. Her shadowy amber eyes were always shifting from one senior cheerleader to the next, seeking. The instructor was five-five, with muscular--but feminine--legs that were the color of rolling fields of wheat. Her tits were B-cups, and they filled out the light sweater she was wearing now as she watched her girls doing high leg kicks. She's been with plenty of men, but always wanted a juicy...

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Marys DiscoveryChapter 7

The intelligence types were ecstatic over the capture of Hawk. There was no question about it, we were going to get all of the shit details from now on. By that, I meant that a job that was really tough was going to handed to us, and we would be expected to bring home the bacon. Oh, well, that was what made this job so interesting. Hawk gave up so much intel (intelligence) that the system was overloaded. Now the problem was not finding a job for us but was deciding which job would be the...

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His and Hers

I have just got back from a three week trip overseas. My girlfriend has picked me up and driven to undercover parking at the Hyatt to make out: His Story After kissing you for a while in the front seat we will climb over and get into the back. You have parked in a spot where we will not be easily seen in the back. I told you not to wear panties under your dress and you have obeyed me. I hope you have followed all my other instructions! Quickly my hand reaches under your skirt and I slide a...

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Getting lucky at the Korean Liquor store

I was visiting friends in Southern California today , back in the old area I used to live at . Went cruising around looking at how badly the area has gone downhill . Stopped in to this little Korean liquor store to grab something to drink . Was just a handful of people inside , the guy at the counter was a younger had to be early 20's Korean guy in glasses , he looked up when I walked in and the bells on the door jingled . He kind of smiled and he wasn't bad looking at all really...I went back...

2 years ago
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One Long Dream

“Back in black, I hit the sack. I've been too long, I'm glad to be back. Yes, I'm let loose from the noose, that's” blared from Janet’s phone until she reached over and dismissed it. She turned over to face Jim and said, “Good Morning”. “Morning” Jim replied “AC/DC! Good song to wake up to. Aren’t you afraid it will get stuck in your head?” “AC/DC is always stuck in my head. I love those guys”. Janet then leaned over, reached down and grabbed his dick and gave Jim a small kiss....

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The Queens Whipping

The Queen could not believe what she was reading;a letter had arrived from the Abbess of the Abbey of St.Deaglan that was accusing her of cowardice.It had all started a long time ago,when the now Queen was a young Princess.Her father,the King had made sure that a girl of noble birth would be appointed as a 'Whipping Girl' this girl would take any beating that the then Princess should have received, "Her Royal skin shall not feel the hand or the lash...the 'Whipping Girl will be honoured for...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 10

It wasn’t long before Kal and Sandy discovered that their activities while traveling were impractical for such a long journey. After a few stops, he pulled his pants up and respectfully declined the golem’s offered rear end, for now. Though disappointed, Sandy accepted the promise of pleasures to come. The golem then secured him in the harness once again before dropping them into the floor of the small cave. After a quick pause to get her bearings, they continued their way north. Later on,...

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Private Roxy Lips Enjoys Anal And Sushi

We haven’t seen Roxy Lips on for a while, but today the wait is finally over as this beauty returns in Private Specials, Irresistible Anal Teens as sexy as ever ready to show off her new tattoos. Roxy can’t wait to eat at her favourite sushi restaurant, however first she has treat in store for her man Vincent Vega as she strips off revealing her incredible body before heading down on her knees for a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy this hot teen in action as she offers up her tight...

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DaughterSwap Adria Rae The Webcam Turnover

Adria and Cara seem to live the same normal yet boring lives. They wake up, get ready, kiss their dads goodbye, then head to the bus stop for school. This is usually the place where Adria and Cara gossip before its time to get their heads down in the books. Little do they know their dirty daddys are up to no good. As soon as the girls leave, they log on to their faviorite cam model site. Its their guilty pleasure! Little did these dads know that the next girl they would get hard to would be...

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My Sexy Reshma 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing engineering and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1...

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Deajahs New adventure Chapter 1

It had been seven years since Deajah had left her life back in LA to move out to New Orleans. Since then she had been doing well, upon arriving she had immediately gotten a job at one of the local strip joints. Nightly she was pulling in roughly about $6000. She had to admit she loved her life. However, she was only twenty-nine years old, and currently, she had no one special in her life. Yeah, the few flings she had had were something. But she wanted something more. Something lasting. Of...

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Daddy Are You

Daddy, Are You? By Reeb It all started the summer of my 16 th birthday. Daddy and I had lived together by ourselves since we lost mom in a car accident when I was around ten. It was tough on daddy, raising a young girl mostly by himself with the exception of my aunt Amy. She was daddy’s sister and was around a lot to help with the cleaning and the cooking. Daddy was very smart and had a great job that let him work at his home office quite often. He made good money so we had a beautiful house...

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A Mans Place is as a Woman Part 36 The End

A Man's Place is as a Woman! Part 36 After we returned from our trip, Ben continued his studies. But I decided to drop out of school and go full time at The Women's Place. Becca and Steph weren't happy with my decision, but Jennifer understood what my future was now going to be and that being a secretary and future mom would make me very content. I had to mock slap Steph for leaking the news to my Ben about my true past life. But I had the last laugh because her wicked intentions...

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Hai readers, it is a continuing story. So read it’s next episodes without fail. It’s one of the most erotic stories I have ever written. I”m sure u”ll like it. It’s a read and Cum Incest.As Kalyani finished her shower in her bedroom bath, she could hear the shower running in the main bathroom. She laid down on the bed, still in shock, and tried to sleep. After a few sleepless hours of reliving the night”s events, she went downstairs in her nightee in the morning light and made some coffee....

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Simon and Sebastian Part 4A5

CHAPTER 15 Chris’s embarrassment at our total nudity had now totally vanished. It was unbelievable the change that his sudden triple loss of his cock, anal and oral virginity had had on him. One could almost have believed that his earlier shy behaviour was an act, and that he was in fact a highly experienced young stud. Simon and I were delighted with the change in Chris’s character, which had been brought about by our shock therapy. It is just that first step which is frightening, but once...

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GirlsWay Gia Paige Adria Rae Kissa Sins 2 Scenes In 1

Adria Rae is at home, anxiously tending to a teapot while preparing for the new day. At the same time, she checks her phone, trying to get in touch with her girlfriend, Gia Paige, but Gia’s voicemail cheerfully declares that she’s out there living her best life. Adria only becomes more worried as she hangs up, but it looks like her prayers are answered because Gia stumbles groggily in mere moments later. Adria is relieved that her girlfriend is home safe and sound, but she makes a...

2 years ago
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River 7

CHAPTER SEVEN So far: River had spent much of the morning in town treating and finally liberating several elders from the local hospital, where they had been encouraged (trapped?) to stay in a scheme rigged by the administration of the hospital to maintain a higher bed count. With the elders freed, River needs to take them to the river, to allow them to be cured in the ceremony that they had missed on Monday. At the river River pretty much duplicated the ceremony from Monday. After...

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