Incall With A Succubus free porn video

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Jack Newman checked the house number against the address on the card. It was the third time he'd done it since climbing the small flight of steps that led up to the front door. He knew it was nerves. He'd never done this before; had never even considered it.

He reached up to push the doorbell and his finger stopped just before pressing the button.

He checked the address on the card again. Just to make sure.

He looked up and down the street. There was no one around. Bridgwater was a quiet residential area, a little way out from the centre of town. The row of immaculate town houses extended up the hill in an unbroken terrace. It was a nice neighbourhood. Jack had considered buying a house here for his daughter once she graduated from university.

He reached for the bell again. Once again his finger stopped just before the button.

Come on. This was ridiculous.

He jabbed his finger forward. He heard the far off chimes of a bell somewhere deep inside the house.

Now he'd done it. Too late to back out now.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on Susan back there?" Kimberly Yeovil said as they walked along a corridor in the Houses of Parliament. "Her heart is in the right place."

"Her suggestion was impractical," Jack replied. "People don't need dreams and idealism; they need to be given the means to improve their own lives."

"I know, but you didn't have to cut her down so forcefully."

No he didn't, Jack thought. Susan was one of his junior assistants. She was young, eager and very intelligent. Jack just hated to see talent wasted in woolly pie-in-the-sky thinking. The smaller policies might not catch the headlines, but they stood a better chance of positively impacting people's lives.

"Could I have a quiet word?" Kimberly said once they reached his office.

"Of course," Jack replied.

He followed the Deputy Chief Whip into his office. Kimberly closed the door after him

"You're a good man and a fine MP Jack, but I worry about you," Kimberly said, sitting down behind his desk. "We all have needs whether we realise it or not. What happened was tragic and I can understand why you'd want to lose yourself in your work, but I've seen the results of too many good people denying their basic natures. They become irritable and isolated, or they take reckless risks and get found out and destroyed by the tabloids."

He reached over and handed Jack a small white card. Jack read it and looked up at Kimberly in surprise.

"Are you serious?" he asked. "Isn't this one of your reckless risks? What if the papers found out? They'd have a field day."

"They won't. She's very discreet."

Jack stared at Kimberly, looking for the slightest trace that this was a joke. There was none.

"She's special. Have fun."

Jack fidgeted nervously on the doorstep. This was a mistake. He shouldn't be here. What if someone saw and recognised him?

Jack was about to bolt when the door swung open in front of him. Revealed in the doorway was a strikingly beautiful girl. Her black hair was cut short in a stylish bob, framing an elegant, enigmatic face. She was very attractive, but also aloof, like she'd been carved from marble by a master artisan. She was wrapped in a white fur coat and inexplicably was wearing large black sunglasses even though it was night time. She reminded Jack of chic actresses from French movies.

"Nicole?" Jack asked.

"Yes, and you must be Mr Newman. Please come in."

Jack entered and Nicole closed the door behind him. As she took his coat she came close enough for Jack to smell her perfume. He hadn't encountered this fragrance before. It was exotic, yet subtle enough to tantalise rather than overpower him.

"Would you like a drink?" Nicole asked. Her voice held the faint trace of a foreign accent. Not French though, maybe Eastern European.

His mouth did feel a little dry. "I wouldn't say no to a glass of red wine, as long as it's not too much trouble."

"No trouble at all," Nicole said. She smiled and beckoned him to follow.

Jack was a little surprised at how ordinary her house looked. It was well-kept and not that much different from most other houses he'd visited. They entered a spacious, modern kitchen and Nicole poured him a glass of wine. He took the first gulp a little too fast and it felt like a hard pebble in his dry throat.

"You're not drinking?" he asked, noticing she hadn't poured herself a glass.

Nicole shook her head. "I don't drink wine," she said.

Jack took another swallow of wine, this time a sip. The wine was better than he expected. It was sweet and had a slightly fragrant bouquet that made him think of leaves falling in autumn.

"So what ... er ... happens now?" he said.

Nicole smiled. Her moist red lips parted slightly to reveal her white teeth.

"Whatever you wish," she said, "within reason."

Jack took another sip. He nervously dabbed his lips with his tongue. A host of different emotions and desires were charging back and forth across his body.

"We don't have to get started right away," Nicole said. "We can talk for a while if it would make you feel more comfortable. I don't believe in running a meter."

"Yes ... thanks..." Jack said. "I'm sorry. I haven't done this before."

"That's okay," Nicole smiled warmly. "It's the first time for a lot of my new clients. Think of this as harmless fun between consenting adults and those nerves will go away in no time."

"I wish I could," Jack said. "The guilt keeps getting in the way."

"A conscience, in a politician, I would have thought that was a liability."

"We're not all as bad as the papers try to make out," Jack said.

"So who's footing the bill for this evening's fun?" Nicole asked playfully.

"Me," Jack replied. "I don't use taxpayer's money for my own personal entertainment."

"An honest politician as well, I do appear to have come across a rare breed. What makes an honest man want to enter a career as disreputable as politics?"

"I wanted to do some good," Jack said. "I started my own business, got lucky and made my money. Now I feel like it's time to give something back."

Jack took another sip of wine and smiled. "Sounds corny doesn't it."

Nicole laughed. "No. It's sweet."

"I like it," Jack said. "I used to be a problem solver for things that didn't matter. Now I can use the same skills to actually help people's lives.

"What about you?" He asked. "How did you come to be in this..." He realised what he was saying. "No. Forget I asked. It's none of my business."

Nicole laughed even louder at his discomfort. "It's okay. I don't mind," she said. "I do it because I like sex and the money is good. Don't pay too much attention to what the moral crusaders say. We're not all victims."

It was good to hear that, but Jack did wonder if she was saying it for his benefit. Those sunglasses preyed on his mind a little. He did wonder what they might be hiding. He doubted her profession was a bed of roses, even at the top.

"So what brings an honourable servant of the people to my highly disreputable little house?" She rolled her tongue over 'disreputable' like it was an organ to be pleasured and Jack felt a little erotic shiver slither down his spine and nest in his balls.

It had been so long since he'd enjoyed the company of a woman.

"A friend recommended you. He knew I was lonely and he said you were very discreet."

"I imagine that was a hard sell," Nicole said.

"You could say that," Jack laughed. "It's not every day a respected colleague suggests engaging the services of a 'Professional Relaxation Therapist'."

"That's a nice title," Nicole said. "The old words have such a stigma attached to them."

"I think I know which words the tabloids would use if they found out," Jack said. "I've watched those rags tear apart too many lives over a minor moment of weakness."

"And yet you're still here," Nicole said.

"Yes," Jack said. "I don't know why."

He must be insane to take such a ludicrous risk with his career. There was an urge within him though, he tried to ignore it, but it nudged him nevertheless, nudged him all the way into the house of a ... he couldn't even bring himself to whisper the word in the confines of his own mind. This was not him.

"I do," Nicole replied. "It's an animal need. Your body needs it as much as it needs to eat or breathe and the body always overrules the brain."

She noticed Jack's discomfort.

"It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Over five years," Jack admitted truthfully. "My wife died. Cancer," he added. "There's been no one since. I don't think anyone could ever replace her in my heart."

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that," Nicole said.

An image of Geneviève entered his mind. It was the time they went sailing off the Isle of Wight. Her auburn hair was blowing in the wind as the sea sprayed behind her.

"I'm sorry," Jack said. "I don't think I should do this. I'll leave the money and go."

A warm hand touched his and electricity crackled with her touch.

"Please stay," she said, looking up at him. "You need this."

Jack's heart raced in his chest. It had been so long. He knew he should leave, but his feet didn't move.

"My friend said you were special," Jack said.

Nicole smiled.

"Did your friend say anything else about me?" she asked.

"No," Jack said, a little puzzled. "Should he have?"

Nicole turned away and carefully took off her sunglasses. "Please excuse me Mr Newman. I'm afraid this will be quite a shock to you."

Shock? What was she talking ... then Nicole turned back to him and Jack fell back in horror.

She had no eyes. Where were her eyes? Jack stared into two empty black pools. It was like looking through two windows into the void.

The horror didn't end. Two wings, black and leathery like those of a giant bat, erupted from her back and sent shadows skittering over the pristine surfaces of the kitchen.

She was on him before he even had a chance to draw breath to scream. Two hands gripped either side of his face and her soft lips crushed against his in a kiss. He took a breath and his lungs filled with a strong musky perfume that sent his heart pounding and his senses spinning. His cry was smothered in her hot mouth and dancing tongue. Her wings blotted out the light as they wrapped around him and crushed his body against hers in a tight embrace.

She held him like that, breathless in her kiss, until fires ignited in his veins and drove the fear away. The passion was too much. Pure naked desire surged through his body like a wildfire out of control. Too much. It was overwhelming him. He was falling. He was fall-.

Jack opened his eyes. He was naked and lying on a large, soft bed. Black silk sheets felt luxuriously smooth against his exposed skin. He looked around and realised the bed was perfectly round. Beyond it stood a ring of black candles. They suffused the room with an intimate glow and filled the air with aromatic smoke.

Nicole sat at the foot of the bed, revealed now in her true form. Her eyes were two windows into the abyss. Small jet-black horns protruded from each temple. Her naked flesh, pale almost to the point of being white, was covered in an intricate series of lines and whorls, as if a master alchemist had run out of blackboard space and had continued to scrawl across her body instead. She sat with her knees tucked up against her breasts and her wings partially folded around her like a cloak.

She was the most beautiful thing Jack had ever seen in his life.

No, that wasn't quite right. Beauty was too abstract a concept. She was the most desirable thing Jack had ever seen in his life.

Nicole gently wafted her wings and a warm, perfumed breeze passed over Jack's body, causing his skin to tingle.

"Welcome to my bedroom," she whispered, her words dripping with honeyed sin. "Please forgive the manner in which I brought you here. I find it the best way to get my first time clients over the shock of what I really am."

"What are you?" Jack asked. He thought he should be afraid, but he didn't feel any fear. Instead he felt relaxed and — something he never thought he'd experience again, not since Geneviève had died — pleasantly aroused.

"Your word for me is demon," Nicole said. "More exactly, succubus. There is no need to be afraid though, I will not harm you."

Demon? She did look like a demon, he supposed, she even had a slender black demon's tail. It curled around her slender ankles like a snake. But demons weren't real. They didn't exist ... did they?

"This is all a little difficult to take in," Jack said.

"Then don't," the demon, Nicole said. "Think of me as nothing more than your personal Professional Relaxation Therapist."

Smiling, she crawled up to Jack on all fours, as lithe and as graceful as a cat, until her ripe breasts were just above his knees. "Turn over," she said, playfully slapping him on the side of his buttocks.

He did as he was ordered. There was a dreamlike quality to what was happening. His hairs had pricked up, as if a light electric charge was running across his skin. He felt a soft pressure pushing down on him as Nicole sat astride the small of his back.

"Before we begin there are some rules you must follow, for your own safety." The tone of her voice indicated these rules were not up for debate.

"First. When I say we stop. We stop.

"Second. During the act of intercourse you must not struggle or fight against me. We can fight during foreplay, if that's what you'd like, but once we start having sex you relax and let me take control. I don't want to hurt you, but if you trigger my feeding response I may not be able to control myself."

Jack didn't know what she meant by a feeding response. He suspected he didn't want to know.

"Third," she bent over his body, close enough for him to feel the heat spilling from her. "Relax," she whispered in his ear. "I have centuries of experience. You're going to enjoy this."

Skilled hands began to gently knead the muscles of his neck and shoulders and Jack felt his doubts melt away.

"People pay you to fight them?" he asked.

"Not exactly fight," Nicole replied, her hands moving down to smooth the muscles between his shoulder blades. "They pay me to overpower them. Their guilt doesn't allow them to fully enjoy the pleasure. It's easier for them if they can pretend to be unwilling."

Jack understood. She'd brought him to the bed and taken off his clothes without him ever having a chance for second thoughts. Now he was here it was easier to just relax and let her do her job.

"Don't worry," Nicole said, kissing him lightly on the back of his neck. "I know you don't want any rough stuff. You want me to pamper you thoroughly."

"How?" Jack asked, puzzled.

"I read it on your lips when we kissed," she said. "Your breath whispered it in my ear. And your skin screams it to me now. It's so hungry for contact. It's been a long time since you allowed anyone to touch you."

It had, Jack thought sadly. Her soft hands kneading away his aches were like water to a man lost in a desert.

"It's a special talent of my kind," the succubus said. "The only pleasure we feel is that which we instil in others."

"You don't feel your own pleasure?" Jack said. "That sounds sad."

"It isn't," Nicole said, walking down his spine on feather-light fingers. "The pleasure you feel now, I feel it too and I can raise it to peaks you never thought possible to climb. If I wanted to be really naughty I could even take you beyond the limits of what your body can withstand."

She lightly blew on his back and Jack's muscles unwound as he felt the warm air flow over his skin.

"You like your back being massaged," Nicole said. "Your erogenous zones are lit up to me. I can see them glowing. I know exactly where to touch..."

She gently applied her thumbs to points between Jack's neck and shoulders and began to loosen the muscles underneath.

" ... where to kiss..."

Her soft lips pressed down against a sensitive spot on his neck.

" ... where to rub."

She lay flat on him and he felt her firm breasts push against his back. Jack relaxed and murmured his contentment as her nipples moved across a receptive patch of skin in slow, circular motions. He was melting beneath her.

Nicole used all of her body to massage, squeeze and knead every knotted muscle in Jack's back and shoulders. It felt heavenly. It had been so so long. She knew exactly which spot and how much force to apply to cause the maximum amount of pleasure. Beneath her attentions Jack melted into a warm, blissful puddle.

She stopped and lay languidly on top of his body, her heat seeping into him. She murmured contentedly while lazily running her fingers through his hair.

"Shall we fuck?" she whispered in his ear, her words dripping with delicious sin.

Jack needed no encouragement. He rolled over, revelling in the sensation as he slid against the luxurious silk sheets. His eagerness dampened a little as he looked up at her and was reminded again of the horns, the tail, the wings, the skin far too pale to be human and the eyes, those empty black eyes like windows into the abyss. It had been easy to put it all out of mind when he'd been lying on his front and wallowing in the sensation of her warm curves sliding over him. Now his doubts returned to the surface. She sat astride him, her black wings partially unfurled like a bird of prey or carrion feeder, as he lay on a black bed surrounded by a ring of black candles. Was he her lover or her sacrifice?

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The Age of the Succubus

I couldn't believe it, I was dead, killed in a car accident I could've sworn that I was wearing my seatbelt, but now its too late. I find myself being dragged by a pair of strong men through a dark plain of perdition, I have no idea what's to befall me, but I could tell it wouldn't be fun. I was in Hell... I was brought before a great demon judge, who looks me over. "Lets see, Mary Lee Robinson, such an interesting life story, it seems that your soul is guilty of the sin of lust, which will...

3 years ago
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I Succubus

Soulless, silent, I am the woman of your dreams, even as I haunt your nightmares. I am everything and nothing at once, taking on the form necessary to take from you your very essence, to spill your mortal seed, my demon mouth and condemned cunt warm, wet and welcoming in perpetuity. Endless, insufferable want drives me on, drives me from bed to bed, man to man. I am damned to be indiscriminate, forced to take you as you are, young, old, wandering the night cast over your living world in search...

1 year ago
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Author’s note: Any characters depicted in this story are purely fictional therefore any similarities to real life or events are entirely coincidental and unintentional. Prologue.She had finally found a way through, the portal between Her world and theirs, but it was rapidly closing and She couldn’t miss Her chance of freedom. She dashed towards the time rip as it shrinked and leaped through the blinding white light. Moments, or was it days later with Her skin smouldering in the woodland where...

3 years ago
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Devil Daughter Succubus

My wife passed a little over a year ago, and it would be an understatement to say I've been struggling since. She left me in sole charge of our teenage daughter and I wasn't really equipped to be a single parent.I started counselling six months ago and things started to improve, but I still had real trouble sleeping. I would lie awake all night thinking of my wife and even when I did sleep she would haunt my dreams, I was a walking zombie during the day. So my counsellor prescribed me sleeping...

4 years ago
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The HalfSuccubus

What did I get from my typical human dad? Braces and glasses. I’m just blessed, aren’t I? If you have a Y-chromosome and get a single glance at me, you will push your own mother out of the way while fumbling to get your cock out of your pants. It doesn’t matter how much I beg you to stop; the spell will only break after you ejaculate the biggest load of your life inside one of my holes. That’s why I don’t beg anymore or scream or cry. I just let it happen; attracting attention only makes it...

2 years ago
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St Clair 25 Succubus

Saint Clair CH 2.5 Succubus: Night shift on a full moon {He walked carefully up to the back of the house. He’d “visited” earlier, long before nightfall when the house was deserted and quietly oiled the hinges on the gate and the back door. He knew she always left the back door unlocked. He watched her for a second through the window from the darkness. She was scrubbing dishes like she always did this time of night. Like he watched her do so often. He pulled the ski mask down over his face and...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of the Succubus

Isaiah 3:12 "As for men, children will be their oppressors, and women will rule over them." By the year 2030 the American culture was in a state of chaos, somewhere the powers to be, figured out that single parent households weren't good for society. To repair the mess, it became the law that if a woman became pregnant the father would be required to marry her and would remain with her till the child reached 18 years old. With every one's DNA being of public record, establishing who the...

3 years ago
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A Summer Dance With a Succubus

Terry Gaiman adjusted his black bow tie in the mirror, trying to get it straight. He twisted it first one way, decided he'd gone too far, twisted it back, realised he'd overcompensated, twisted it again. Why did evening wear have to be so complicated? He fussed with his cufflinks. The shirt cuffs felt like a pair of oversized floppy manacles. He looked back in the mirror and tried, again, to straighten his bow tie. He checked the clock and felt his heart flutter in nervous panic. She was...

4 years ago
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Streetwalking With a Succubus

Cold night. Misty. Steven Shearsmith's breath fogged the air in front of him. He heard the blood pounding through his ears as he pressed close to the rough brick wall on the corner of the street and spied on the scantily-clad girl. She wore a short jacket of stripy brown fur that seemed two sizes too small for her. It didn't even reach her midriff and couldn't have provided much benefit against the chill night air. That wasn't really the point. The jacket was open at the front and the...

1 year ago
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Dante the male succubus

Dante was sitting at the far end of the table with racheal behind him resting her big tits on the back of his head. Racheal was a huge slut she always wore tight shirts that showed off her big tits and really short skirts that showed off the fact she dosen't wear panties. She was only 5 foot tall but she had a curvy body that drove the guys nuts except dante, which drove her crazy. She had even flashed her pussy to the class trying to get dante's attention if he noticed (or cared) he didn't...

3 years ago
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Invisible finger the hand of fate Finds you and lingers to agitate From without to within that whispered smile Caressing your soul… at least for a while. Passion building so hard to control An aphrodisiac for your soul Skin is tingling… a feathery touch Yearning, wanting, needing so much. Waking your body with carnal desire Playing your mind, stoking the fire Incredible feeling… swallowed by lust Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. To rise again, hunger anew She is calling… calling to you Sugary...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend is a Succubus

Note from author: Thank you for the views, likes, and favorites. This is my first story here, so any feedback (positive or negative) you can give would be appreciated. You are free to add your own chapters as well. Special thanks to Regudeku or Regdic for her original manga chapters that this story is based on. Special Thanks to marshall626 for pointing out my mistakes in a few chapters. It was a nice summer morning. Kazuma was walking to high school. This was the start of his third and...

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A Shadow Succubus

Lilin was over 100 years old. She wasn't the oldest nor as experienced as her sisters, however she was certainly capable. Her passion to consume the souls of her prey was unwavering and unapologetic. Her natural thick black hair, tin lips and ample sized 34DD breasts would make sternest of men weak. Her jade green eyes gave her a natural enchantment over men and women, with focus and direct eye contact she could make them do whatever she wanted. It was that feeling of invincibility that...

Mind Control
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My Girlfriends a Succubus

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock blaring. After smacking it repeatedly till it shuts off you look at the time. 07:00 AM You roll out of bed and throw on some jeans before going to your bathroom. Looking over yourself in the mirror and you sigh at your messy hair. The fairness of it, and its blondish red tinge, makes it difficult to style which is why you wear it high and tight. You quickly fix up your hair, styling it with gel combing it up and over. After you finish up in the...

2 years ago
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Becoming a succubus

Two different stories in one! (Hey you, yes you with the brain. If you like something here hit that thumbs up, otherwise I will never know what people want more of. So like rate 5 stars, comment, subscribe, follow me in the cool cult, and donate to my kick starter for a giant dick to be sent into space or something. Or just like it please)

2 years ago
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Interlude (It didn't even start, and it's already nonsense) Okay guys, before I start to tell you this story, I have to make sure you are prepared. This one is really weird, and it doesn´t make any sense at all. It's stupid and ugly and wears a pink tutu for some reason. And the fact that I can´t explain to you why is the fucking point. I, for example, and I don´t make this shit up, am a green 19.5-inch large demon with a 20-inch large dick (if erected). Yes, I know that's nuts but don´t tell...

3 years ago
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A lost Succubus

Alex was walking down the path, having been taking his nightly walk. The forest was peacful, and even more so this late at night. The full moon gave him enough light to walk around even without his flashlight on. Living near the woods had its perks. But, He heard a strange sound. Something like an animal whining. Alex, in all his wisdom, decided to go check up on what this sound was. And due to the fact that he was very superstitious, he had a silver knife in his pocket, so where-wolves...

1 year ago
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You, Venus Xana, are ready for some fun. You sigh in petty annoyance though, because instead of going and doing as you're supposed to, you have been called back to hell to check on the humans you've captured, instead of finding another soul to steal. It has become so common, and you have lived so long, stealing the souls of men (and some women, when the times call for it) when they cannot control their desire for you. You've mastered your abilities to give them just what they want, and you are...

3 years ago
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Kendras Succubus

“Now, who here can give me the reasons as to why the USSR collapsed?” Professor Gunther asked the class. It was another exciting lecture today for Kendra who as usual was sitting in the front of the class. The class International Relations had it’s challenges. With the pop quizzes and the grueling testing that took place, many students struggled to even get a C grade. Kendra currently was holding a A. Multiple students raised their hands. “Yes Mr. Duran?” Professor Gunther said. “The Soviet...

2 years ago
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She was like the cheerleader who gang bangs the entire football team. Only she was never going to be exhausted at the end of her debauchery. This was the one and the only reason she existed. She drew her strength from their semen. Every man who landed his load on her, and grinned, thinking how messy he had made her, had given her additional years to further her sticky existence. Every last ounce of jizz that came anywhere near her was converted into life giving essence.She could change shape...

3 years ago
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I glanced over to the passenger in my car, marveling at her beauty, and my good fortune. She looked back with a soft smile that sent a tingle straight through my spine. God, how I wanted her. It was only a few hours ago that I had met her at the bar, her long blond hair shining even in the dim light of the smoky room. The thin, light blue dress she wore clung to her form, the loose skirt wrapping itself around her legs with every step she took. Her feet were displayed in silver heels, the hem...

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I glanced over to the passenger in my car, marveling at her beauty, and my good fortune. She looked back with a soft smile that sent a tingle straight through my spine. God, how I wanted her. It was only a few hours ago that I had met her at the bar, her long blond hair shining even in the dim light of the smoky room. The thin, light blue dress she wore clung to her form, the loose skirt wrapping itself around her legs with every step she took. Her feet were displayed in silver heels, the hem...

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I glanced over to the passenger in my car, marveling at her beauty, and my good fortune. She looked back with a soft smile that sent a tingle straight through my spine. God, how I wanted her. It was only a few hours ago that I had met her at the bar, her long blond hair shining even in the dim light of the smoky room. The thin, light blue dress she wore clung to her form, the loose skirt wrapping itself around her legs with every step she took. Her feet were displayed in silver heels, the hem...

2 years ago
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Tribute to My Succubus

suc*cu*bus (suk'yoo-be, n. [pl. SUCCUBI (-bi') In folklore, a female demon thought to have sexual relations with a sleeping man. I was having the weirdest dream over a several week period. It was always the same dream and as time went on the dream became more and more vivid. It was getting so that I enjoyed going to bed in anticipation of my dream. This reoccurring dream was always about my sexual domination by a beautify female who never quite seemed to materialize. All I could ever see was a...

3 years ago
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Invisible finger the hand of fateFinds you and lingers to agitateFrom without to within that whispered smileCaressing your soul... at least for a while.Passion building so hard to controlAn aphrodisiac for your soulSkin is tingling... a feathery touchYearning, wanting, needing so much.Waking your body with carnal desirePlaying your mind, stoking the fireIncredible feeling... swallowed by lustAshes to ashes, dust to dust.To rise again, hunger anewShe is calling... calling to youSugary sweet this...

3 years ago
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I Became a Succubus

I was walking home from the store one night, when the strangest thing happened. I heard the sound of a girl’s voice in an alleyway. She was making a lot of noise, and she seemed to be struggling with somebody. Given that it was late at night, I was worried, so I peeked down the alley. To my shock, I saw a girl, naked from the waist down, pressed again the wall, with a man in a tracksuit behind her. As I drew closer I could hear the wet slapping, and moaning. Seconds after I arrived, the man...

4 years ago
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It was a warm sunny summer morning as Dave West left his car in the tiny village car park and followed the path across the fields towards the distant woods. He allowed his mind to drift, enjoying the sounds, sights and smells of the countryside around him. As he walked he could feel the hassles of work drop from his shoulders, thoughts of his cramped office with piles of paperwork slipped to the back of his mind. Climbing a stile he entered the cool canopy of the woods, surrounded by trees he...

4 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 12 The Peril of the Succubus

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Fatima smiled and reached for her husband, who was also her brother. Kyle was naked, his body dark-brown and muscular, his cock hard and ready for her. She loved her brother so much, and was so happy that Aaliyah had made their marriage possible. She was also glad to have Kyle all to herself tonight. Fatima loved her brother's wives and concubines dearly, and loved fucking them even more, but sometimes you just wanted to be with the man you love...

3 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 21 The Desires of the Succubus

Wednesday, January 27th – Kamifurano, Hokkaido, Japan Fumi licked her lips as Zaritha led in the two men, snow swirling through the motel room's doorway. Another blizzard was smothering the mountain town of Kamifurano. She could "see" the individual snowflakes swirling on the wind thanks to Windfeather, the bow Kyle had gifted her. Her sight had been the price to be with him, but thanks to the kami dwelling within the bow, she could see the currents of the air painting the solid objects...

2 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 5 The Appetite of the Succubus

Saturday, January 17th Kyle couldn't help but admire how beautiful Christy was as she slept curled up next to him. He had finally made love to his girlfriend last night, and she had been as lithe and eager as Aaliyah and Fatima had been. Would Fumi be as good? In the last few days, since he had freed Aaliyah from her lamp, Kyle had found himself in love with not just his girlfriend, but the sexy Genie, his sister, and Fumi, a girl he had met once. But she was so gorgeous. His thoughts...

1 year ago
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When I got home, I closed the door casually, took off my shoes, and walked straight into my small bedroom, feeling a little strangely looking forward to it, and my pace was unavoidable, because I knew that what awaited me next was unique beautiful. I can't wait any longer. Pushing open the door, I saw a beautiful figure similar to a human woman lying quietly on my bed. The reason why I use "Zhang", which seems an inappropriate quantifier, to describe her is because she is lying on my bed at the...

3 years ago
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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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