- 3 years ago
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Note to the reader: This is a seventh in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story features 14-year-old Michael. He thinks he’s gay. In fact, he is gender-trapped, a female in a male body. He stands barely 1/2” taller than his 6th grade sister Mina, outweighs her by only 2 pounds. He secretly wears her underwear. With the help of some potent weed, a 12-pack of his mom’s Heineken, and his renegade reflection, Michael transforms over the weekend into girlhood. Note that Michael is my most effeminate, undersized, least endowed protagonist yet. He pleasure’s himself with the usual vibrators and dildos overnight as all my Home Alone for The Weekend characters. This story is not for homophobes or gay-bashers. It contains explicit self-sex.
Although Mina figures prominently in the story, in keeping with SOL guidelines, no sexual relationship exists between she and Michael (or anyone else), and none occurs in the story. She is never detailed in sexual terms, nor does she appear nude, or doing anything indiscreet. I state this, to avoid any issues with SOL’s moderators.
The story features a Sci-Fi element, where weekend activities slowly effects a change in Michael. This occurs in most of my Home Alone stories, so it won’t be a surprise to most repeat readers.
The other stories in the Home Alone series are (Listed oldest to newest): World’s Record, Apparition, Power Failure, Star Light, Star Bright, Mrs. Dexter’s Magic, & Event Planning.
Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018
Michael was 14 years old. He stood 58.7 inches tall and weighed 88 pounds, the average height and weight of a 6th grade boy. Michael had just started 9th grade.
He was the smallest boy in his class, arguably the entire student body. He certainly bore the smallest penis of any boy in his school, through only a certain deity knew that. He measured 3-1/2” long, achingly erect, and the thickness of his middle finger. His penis was the humiliation of his life. His testicles were the smallest in school, also, known only to Michael’s higher power.
He stood in his bedroom, dressed in his sister’s panties and bra. Mina was 11 years old, and not yet graduated to big-girl’s bras. It disgusted Michael that Mina’s underwear fit him so well. Twisting effeminately, hands on hips, he inspected his girlish behind. It looked perfectly suited to Mina’s red and white panties. She and her friends still preferred Hello Kitty, Shimmer & Shine, and Sofia The First to more mature underwear, giggling about it in school and teasing each other relentlessly. Cartoon characters suited Michael just fine.
“I’m gay,” he told his reflection. Giggling, he lowered his Hello Kitty panties and exposed his tiny pinkus and accompanying peanuts. He was devoid of hair, a little boy’s plaything. Despite appearances otherwise, however, his pinkus and peanuts worked just fine, dispensing copious confection on demand.
How gay was Michael? Training bra gay. Gay as Mina’s nighties, which he longed to wear to bed. Gay as David Miller’s exquisitely perfect penis and testicles. (Okay, not really a ‘Gay as’ descriptor, but hey.) He was the gayest boy in Martin Luther King High School. Yet, Michael had never been with a boy, and had no desire to do so. (Except possibly, David Miller.)
“I’d get gang-banged if anyone saw me in these,” he muttered. Twisting again, he admired his imitation-Mina backside. (She’d kill him for wearing her underwear; of course, she would.) In truth, he was nearly as shapely as his sister, though he hadn’t seen her compromised in years. (Of course, he hadn’t; she’d scream bloody murder.) He often fantasized of being gang-raped, preferably by the varsity football squad on the team bus coming back from a game. Often, he wondered if it would be better if the team won or lost.
“I want to suck your cock,” he said. Of course, he did. “Would you suck my cock?” he asked.
“Of course I would,” his reflection snorted. “How’d you like to 69, Michael?”
Conversing with his reflection in Mina’s Hello Kitty panties and training bra had his finger stiff as a widget. In a moment, he’d flood her panties if he weren’t careful. Uh-oh, he thought.
“Have you ever 69’d?” his reflection asked.
Michael sadly shook his head. “Look what I did to Mina’s pretty panties.” He’d need to wash them and her training bra before putting them back in her drawer. Let’s hope she doesn’t miss them, he worried.
Twisting to see his backside again, then turning to face the mirror, he considered his remarkable effeminacy. “I really am more girl than boy,” he mused. No one present disagreed. If any boy at MLK was destined to become a girl, it was certainly Michael Greenlaw.
Suddenly excited, Michael stripped naked and shoved Mina’s panties and training bra under his mattress. He quickly lay down and fingered the delicate head and finger wide shaft. How he wished he were only one inch longer. Just long enough to allow his small hand to efficiently wrap and masturbate the poor thing. Maybe someday, he thought, sighing.
He ejaculated 20 minutes later, shooting sperm high in the air to pepper his flat slender chest. He laughed when a drop landed squarely on his chin. He thoroughly enjoyed his afternoon delight.
Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
Friday morning, Mrs. Greenstein dropped a bombshell. “Michael, can I trust you alone here tonight?”
Michael stopped with a Pop-Tart halfway to his mouth. Blinking, he gazed at Mina, who gazed back at him unblinking, smiling wryly. “What?” he croaked.
“Mina wants to attend a Girl Scout Jamboree tomorrow in Wessex, and obviously that’s no place for a boy.”
Michael returned his gaze to Mina. Blonde and blue-eyed, pixyish with short, spiky hair, snippy and foul-mouthed away from her mother, a terrible boy-magnet, despite her obvious shortcomings, and terribly precocious, she grinned impishly.
She knows I wear her underwear, he thought distractedly.
“Me home alone?” he questioned.
“If I can trust you, yes. Can I trust you alone, Michael?”
He looked at Mina again. She appeared his age, rather than a 6th-grader. Her eyes were lined with mascara and highlighted with eye shadow. Her lips were red, and blush camouflaged whatever slight imperfections marred her cheeks. What possible interest would someone looking like Mina have in Girl Scouts?
“I told Mom you’d have a freaking heart attack,” she said tartly.
“Mina!” Mom admonished automatically. “Can you be good, Michael?”
Michael flashed to his bed, Mina’s underwear drawer (her other drawers and closet concealing her jeans and tops and skirts and dresses and bathing suits and nighties), and Mom’s closet and her safely guarded cache of intimate playthings and weed.
“Can I have something to drink tonight? Your beer?” he blurted mindlessly.
Mina exploded in laughter and Mom shook her head disgustedly. “No guests. No posting on social media that you’re home alone tonight, and no leaving the condo. Understood, Michael?”
Michael nodded dumbly. His mouth hung open; he should close it, he thought. Do something about the glazed look in your eyes, also. Make your heart ratchet down before you really do have an effing heart attack.
School Friday was the awful-most experience of his life. Every minute spent in class, at lunch, in gym (where every guy but he strode about, proudly displaying their huge members), the bus ride home ... pure torture. Then he finally arrived, and just inside the front door, he yelled without thinking: “Mina? Mom? Are you home?”
They left here ten minutes ago, asshole. You need to answer Mom’s goodbye text before she gets pissed and turns around, too. About now she’ll have the front end pointed at the on-ramp to 95. And you are...
In the house. Alone. With.
Gulping, he recited the litany under his breath: Mina’s clothes. Mina’s underwear. Mina’s pajamas and nighties and makeup and dresses and shoes and skirts and blouses and tops and leggings and tights and...
Jesus, he was on the verge of hyperventilating.
Drawing a deep breath, he held it deep and counted to 10. Blowing out slowly, he thought of Mina’s underwear, stuff she’d discarded yesterday or the day before, tossed negligently on the floor, or possibly into the hamper in her closet. He could put them on dirty, something he’d never done before. Wear the same panties and training bra that had caressed Mina’s--.
“Stop!” He closed his eyes, shaking the unwanted image from his head. She was 11 years old: Sacrosanct. He couldn’t imagine anything having to do with Mina in the flesh. Her clothes were enough.
Obediently setting the alarm, he dashed room to room, assuring the house was truly safe. Things he did to and of himself demanded absolute, undisputed privacy. “Mom?” he hollered again. “Mina? Anyone here?” He’d probably run squealing like a girl if somebody answered.
Dropping his backpack on the floor, he went for a Diet Coke. Grabbing one from the half-empty 12-pack, he cracked the lid, and chugged down half the contents.
He still had his clothes on. Why the fuck wasn’t he naked with clothes strewn on the floor from here to the hall bathroom? (Had he checked the tub? Of course, he had. He’d checked behind Mom’s shower curtain as well, under and behind the beds, inside all closets, the rear balcony, and even inside the washer and dryer, how crazy was that?) More patiently, he consumed the remainder of the Diet Coke and then grabbed one of Mina’s real Coke’si for a follow-up. He liked Diet Coke better, but needed the rush of real sugar. Or corn sweetener. Or whatever the fuck it was they put in regular Coke.
He headed for Mina’s bedroom, disrobing one article at a time. He arrived at her door in his Adidas and socks. Predictably, his penis stood at perfect attention, his minute testicles (only Conner Allnut’s, another 9th grader at MLK, came close), tucked tightly against his groin. He shivered, chilled and excited, licking his lips. Behind this door with its No Admittance sign in huge capital letters were Mina’s underwear, her pajamas and nighties and makeup and dresses and shoes and skirts and blouses and tops and leggings and tights and...
He laughed, feeling rightly stupid. Gazing down, he bumped Mina’s bedroom door with the tip of his penis. Knock-knock, anyone home? He tapped the door six more times with his knuckles and went in.
Mina was such a slob! Scattered everywhere were tops and jeans and cords, panties and training bras. Selecting a duplicate set of Hello Kitty’s (she had 3), he wriggled the bra down over his head and about his thin chest, adjusting the snug fit. He weighed a mere two pounds more than his 11-year-old sister and stood only an inch taller. A moment later, he wiggled into her panties.
I am so effing queer, he thought. Flushed with excitement, he adjusted his pitiful erection, tucking it vertically against his hairless belly. Tiny or not, it ached from engorgement. How he wished for a hole there instead, with ovaries instead of peanuts. And breasts. Let’s not forget breasts. And a big girl’s bra to put them in.
Embarrassed, he touched his chest through the thin front of Mina’s bra. Maybe someday, he thought. Maybe Mom would talk about it once he got older, sit down in private, and discuss all the things he wanted to say. He looked in Mina’s vanity mirror. Would she talk to him, he wondered? Miserable pain in the ass she was, Mina could be amazingly adult at times, causing something of a mental disconnect. She had recently helped with his trig homework.
She wore this, he thought, fingering her bra. I wore her other set yesterday (one of her other sets, anyway), and soiled her panties with ejaculate. He planned to do it again, wearing these or another pair of her undies the rest of the day, and all night long. He’d sleep in her bra and panties and one of her nighties. Maybe he’d sleep in two or three, ejaculating all night long, filling her panties with cum. Oh, my God, he moaned. Why do I do this to myself?
He lay on her unmade bed, splayed his arms and legs and squirmed all over her mattress. Burrowing between her sheets, he wriggled free of her panties and bra and leaked a liberal amount of semen into her Hello Kitty bedclothes. Turning onto his stomach, he continued to squirm, naked and excited between Mina’s questionably clean sheets. Locating her panties with his right toes, he flipped onto his side and rubbed them all over his body, especially his aching penis and strangled peanuts, then pulled her panties over his head. He worked her training bra up his legs and around his slender hips. This was just madness.
Mom texted a message. An instant later, she called via Face-Time.
Tearing from Mina’s bedroom across the condo into his own, he reversed course, dove into the bathroom, and whipped the shower curtain closed and cranked over the faucet to hot. Panting, he set his phone on the tank top, wriggled free of Mina’s training bra and dove into the still-freezing water. He squealed, exactly as Mina would if sprayed by cold water. Frantically lathering his hair, he reached out and jabbed the green button to accept the call. His voice was appropriately strident.
“Mom! I’m in the shower, dammit!”
Mom laughed, and Mina cried “You better be alone!” slapping her thigh and stamping her feet on the floor. “Loser!” she caterwauled, making Michael complain more stridently still: “What do you want?”
“I wanted to make sure you’re okay. You never answered my text, Michael.”
Stupid fuck!
“I’m fine!” he answered truculently. “I just got all sweaty in gym, that’s all.” Mom didn’t ask why he hadn’t showered in gym. He never did.
“I wanted to remind you that I left $30 in the kitchen for a pizza tonight.”
“I saw it,” he lied. “I’m ordering pepperoni.” Mina snickered in the background for some reason. Where the fuck were they, anyway? “Are you there already?”
Mom laughed sarcastically. “We’re at a standstill on 95. According to Waze, a tractor-trailer hit a minivan and the backup is 5 miles long. We’re getting off at the next exit and taking Route 1 until we pass the backup.”
Michael heard a warble of sirens in the background. It had to be a bad situation if the backup was 5 miles long.
“Can I finish my shower now?” he asked petulantly.
“Can I finish my shower now,” Mina parroted in the car. Unseen, Michael jabbed a middle finger in the air.
“Yes,” Mom sighed. “I’ll text you later, dear, or your sister will.”
“I will not!” Mina disavowed loudly. Michael shot her another unseen bird. I had your underwear on, he wanted to yell, and I--
He killed that thought with a savage jerk of his head. “Fine. Bye Mom.”
“Bye,” she got in before he jabbed the red button. No goodbye to or from Mina.
“Stupid bitch,” he muttered.
Michael finished the shower, dried and wrapped in the towel as his sister might. Planting a foot on the toilet seat, he meticulously inspected his baby-smooth groin for any sign, even a hint of pubic hair. Nada. Nothing. Zippo. Zilch.
“Fuck,” he muttered disgustedly. 5260 days old, and not a sprig of pubic hair.
Playing it safe, he wrapped the towel about his middle and proceeded to retrieve discarded clothing from around the condo.
51550 Westland Avenue, Unit 504 was a four-bedroom, 3-1/2 bath floor plan, centered about a central kitchen/dining room combination. His bedroom was the soul sleeping accommodation this side of the condo; Mom and Dad’s room, Mina’s and the guest bedroom were on the parent’s side. The condo had balconies east and west, with access to the front balcony via the family room/den. Mom and Dad had their own balcony entrance out back, though Mina did not. It lay down the short hall from her bedroom door, however. Michael wished his bedroom had a balcony door.
Pitching his clothing and backpack on the bed, he allowed the towel to fall away, landing with a soft plop around his ankles. It had threatened to leave him bare all the way up and down the condo; he had refused to acknowledge or remedy the problem. Finally the tuck just failed. He stood naked before his bedroom window.
Add exhibitionism to his list of perversions. Never once had he closed a blind, curtain or drape when naked or performing perverted sexual acts in the daytime, knowing from experience that spotting someone naked or performing deviant acts in their bedroom in daylight was a lost cause. He acquiesced to common sense at night, of course, closing his blinds, and/or drawing his curtains. A 20-story condo sat across the parking lot, and another was catty-cornered to the west of his building.
“I’m naked. I’m also a girl,” he lied. “Want to see my naked body?” Thoughtfully, he made a quarter turn to face the open blinds, giving someone with binoculars his or her best opportunity to see his tiny erection. (He guessed a woman might have binoculars trained on his bedroom window; anything was possible.) Armed with binoculars, he’d done a bunch of spying himself. He’d spotted naked flesh at night, but never during the daytime. Unless (as he’d occasionally caught a stupid female doing) someone approached the window with no clothes on.
Gracefully, he spun about as his sister might, displaying--
Stop it, he mentally commanded. No thinking about your sister.
He turned his back to the window, more specifically, his tight little backside. The same little backside (encased in Hello Kitty panties, of course) he planned to slide into Mina’s skinny jeans tonight. Gazing over his shoulder out the open window, a hundred windows and balcony doors gazed back. He would never do something this stupid at night.
That’s what he told himself.
Retrieving and donning Mina’s panties, he wormed her training bra on over his head and about his slight, girlish chest.
Girlish chest, girlish bottom. Girlish boy.
“I am a girl,” he complained. “A girl with a penis, testicles, and no breasts.” No ovaries, either, or a vagina or the requisite uterus for making a baby. “I’d be a good mother,” he complained. Of course, he would. Twisting, he eyed his reflection in the mirror.
He liked the concept of boys. Boys, not so much. Given a disembodied penis to suck (David Miller’s, for instance), he’d critique it for size, color, and smoothness (the pinker and smoother the better), the type of head, preferring one such as his own (much larger, of course). Only then would he open his mouth. Often, mostly at night in bed, he fantasized sucking or masturbating David Miller into his mouth. And swallowing his deposit, of course. His precious deposit.
“You are such a faggot,” he muttered.
He crossed the condo to Mom’s bedroom, cautiously entered and approached her closet door. The top right shelf halfway down the walk-in held her no-longer secret stash. It contained her playthings, whatever marijuana and powdered cocaine she and Dad had on hand, issuing an irresistible siren song. Standing on tiptoe, Michael lifted the box and brought it down to his waist. Inside were plastic bags containing her stash and Mom’s various playthings. Startled, mouth dropping open, he ogled the latest edition.
“Are you fucking kidding me!”
Wrapped in Saran Wrap was a black monster the length and thickness of his forearm. Shaking his head, Michael reopened his eyes to discover the fearsome object was one of a duo of new objects, the second specimen a mottled, ghastly gray and red contrivance shaped like the penis of a large canine. It bore an unmistakable crested tip, a knot the size of a tennis ball, and realistically sculpted doggie testicles. Half the size of the black monster at only 8” long, the dog phallus was nonetheless horrifying.
“Mom,” he groaned. “You gotta be kidding me.”
5 p.m. In Mina’s panties and training bra, he sat in the kitchen nook, sipping a Diet Coke. He was rattled. A horse cock, and one from a dog. Polypropylene, yes ... but still the sexual appendage of a horse and a dog. Did Mom like dogs?
Michael barked laughter. Was it a personal perversion, he wondered, or did Dad join in the madness when home? They’d never owned a dog--not since he was born, anyway--and certainly never a horse. (He choked laughter, imagining his joy at being gifted a pony on his birthday.) “Jesus Christ,” he muttered.
These could be fake, he thought, a plant. Sitting up with a jerk, he imagined a webcam in Mom’s bedroom, live-streaming his entrance into her room wearing Mina’s panties and training bra. Violating her closet, returning empty-handed and flushed scarlet some two minutes later? Did a webcam point at him now, ramrod straight at the kitchen table wearing Mina’s panties and training bra? His heart trip-hammered, and stars burst in his narrowing field of vision. OMG, no ... please! Suddenly strength-less, he collapsed back against the cushion, gasping.
Get hold of yourself, he thought angrily. Mom would not plant cameras around the house, her bedroom included. (Mina, just might, he thought with sick realization, envisioning one in her bedroom.) The question was, did his Mom really like animals, or was she into taboo, like her son? (He obviously got it from someone.)
He arose sharply, disjointedly, dropping back onto the seat. “Fuck!” he croaked, smacking the table. His second attempt was more successful--if equally stumble-footed--and he floundered away from the table, grumbling, “Mother-fucking hell!”
What had him so fucking rattled? He should be enthralled, he told himself, knowing his mom liked horse-cock. Online, he watched a cute CD bone a 16” long Rambone all the way up his ass. Had Michael not seen it with his own eyes on three separate occasions, he wouldn’t believe it possible.
Had Mom had done it with her fat horse-bone? He could do it tonight if he wanted to. (Maybe.)
Back in her closet, tape measure in hand, Michael confirmed the length as 16 impossible inches. It was 2-1/2” thick. (A Coke can measured 2-1/4” in comparison.) He measured the canine phallus next and found it 8” long. Fuck.
He’d never touched a boy’s cock before, but he’d sucked Mom’s dildos, numerous times. Her shoe box contained a sleek electric vibrator, a pair of anal eggs, and twin Ballsy Cock’s. One was flesh-colored, the other a beautiful black. Both stood 6” tall from head to the faux-scrotum base, (7-1/2” overall length). He’d taught himself to deep-throat with the two, becoming semi-proficient at not gagging. He preferred Black Beauty. Mom would shit.
Returning everything to the box, he closed it tight and placed it back on the shelf. Whatever activity he chose to do tonight, it wouldn’t start until after dark. Not until Mom was in bed or had made her final phone call of the night. Dithering, he wondered if Mina knew about this.
In her bedroom, he slipped between the sheets and wriggled free of her training bra, and then her panties. He enjoyed his naked presence between her sheets. Slowly, he fingered his laughable erection with his fingertips. Each time he leaked a drop of semen, he worked it into her Hello Kitty sheets. Relaxed, his mind occupied with thoughts of canine and equine endowments, he drifted off to sleep in Mina’s bed, naked.
He awoke to the phone. As before, Mom sent a text and then followed a moment later with a call. Dashing to his bedroom, he yanked on a shirt and then a pair of shorts. Zipping up, he smoothed his hair and frantically glanced about the room. “Hey,” he said, picking up. It was Mina, not Mom.
“Loser!” Laughing, she hung up.
Michael stared at the screen. Fuck you, he thought, and then followed with a thought which can’t be repeated here.
Rattled, he dropped the phone and looked at his alarm. The red numerals told him it was 7:14 pm. He’d slept in her bed for an hour and a half, naked. “Fuck you,” he said, grinning. “I slept in your bed for an hour and a half, and starched your Hello Kitty sheets, you little...” He wisely left the sentence unfinished.
Dialing Mom’s number, he raised the iPhone to his ear, tapping his foot. They should be there by now, he thought; it was dark outside, and he’d run across the condo naked, into his bedroom with the window open. He’d never done that before. He might have been seen naked. “Hi,” Mom said. “What’s going on?”
“Just wondered if you were there,” he lied. “Dimwit called.”
“Called you a loser!” she yelled in the background. “Loser, loser, loser!”
“Mina!” Mom chastised. “We got here ten minutes ago. Got up to our room, just now. The motel is packed with Girl Scouts, Michael, everywhere you look!”
Disconnect again: Mina and Girl Scouts sharing the same sentence.
“I was just about to order pizza,” he lied.
“You know where the money is, right?”
“Sure,” he lied again. Crossing to his window, he closed the blinds. “You know when I asked this morning about having a beer... ?”
Mom chuckled at his faltering tone. “You can have 2. One with pizza if you like, one before you got to bed. I guess you deserve a little latitude, stranded the way you are. No more than 2, though, and no telling anyone, Michael!”
“Drunk!” his sister yelled. “Silly drunk on 2 beers like a little girl!”
Grinding his teeth, he jammed a finger in the general direction of her bedroom.
“Tell her to stick it,” he growled. “Better yet--” He laughed. “Tell her we’ll have a drinking contest when she gets home. Whoever throws up first, loses!”
Mom laughed, appalled. Mina cried, “Yes!” indicating Mom had her speakerphone actived. “I can outdrink you any day of the week, sissy little queer-boy!”
Shocked, Michael rocked back on his heels. Mortified, he listened to Mom cry: “Mina!” and his sister’s horrified yet silent realization of what she’d just said. Being 11 years old and all that entailed, she defended herself vigorously.
“What? I didn’t mean anything by it!”
“Mina! You apologize to your brother right now!”
“I will not!”
“You will too! Or I’ll take you home right now!”
“Fine!” Mina yelled. “Take me home then! I don’t want to be here, anyway!”
Michael heard a door slam closed. So much for his night home alone, he thought.
“Michael, I’m so sorry. Mina meant nothing by that. I’m sure she’ll apologize once she’s gotten over her embarrassment. You know how she hates to be wrong about anything.”
By extract, her mother’s daughter.
“It’s okay,” he allowed. “She’s only telling the truth, anyway.”
“Michael!” Appalled, now. “She is not!” Too embarrassed to continue that thought, she cleared her throat. “I really have a good mind to take her home.”
His phone pinged. Taking a moment, he saw the text came from his sister. The notification contained only three words: ‘Sorry. I’m sorry!’, followed by a tearful emoji.
“Don’t,” he said. “She just apologized via text.”
Mom snorted. “As if that means anything. She only did it to keep from missing the jamboree tomorrow, the brat.”
Sorry. I’m sorry! (Tearful emoji.)
“I don’t think so,” he countered. “I think she really means it.”
“Of course, she does.” Her sarcasm would cut through a tree limb, Michael thought.
“Anyway, I need to unpack. And prepare for a night of tearing my hair out wondering what she’s getting into with all these girls. Literally, Michael, this is a mother’s worst nightmare. A million pre-teens running around the hotel, intent on getting in trouble.” She sighed. “I should tie her to her bed.”
Laughing, Michael pushed that image out of his head and said they’d talk later.
“You behave yourself. I don’t need fighting on a second front. Eat your pizza and drink your beers, and be in bed by 11 o’clock. Do not stay up all night playing your X-Box, Michael.”
“Sure, Mom.” It won’t be my X-Box getting played with tonight, anyway. Was it you or Dad who ordered the doggy cock and horse dong online, he wondered. I assume you have a post office box I know nothing about?
“I mean it, Michael,” her voice sterner now. “Don’t make me regret leaving you alone tonight.”
Safely alone, he slipped the phone in his back pocket and went about the condo, securing windows and the balcony doors. The time was 7:33 pm, too early to consider doing anything perverted. If changing into Mina’s undies wasn’t too devilish.
Sorry. I’m sorry! (Tearful emoji.)
Apology accepted, he thought. Better than Fuck Off, or Up Yours!
Eschewing underwear for now, he instead headed to the kitchen to eat. Anticipation had his appetite suppressed (imagine a giant hairy foot mashing an ill-fated native), and pizza of any kind was out of the question. What he wanted (besides Mina’s panties and training bra and a giant black cock up his ass) was a beer. He yanked open the refrigerator door.
Mom (and Dad those times he was home on leave) was a Heineken drinker. Her second favorite lager was Samuel Adams. On the refrigerator shelf sat side-by-side 12-packs of beer, Heineken and Samuel Adams. (A trio of O’Doul’s inside the door was available for non-alcoholic guests.) Michael withdrew a Heineken’s and savored the cold, slightly moist green bottle. This would fit nicely up my ass, he thought idly. (He thought that idly about many things, not all in the condo.)
The kitchen clock read 7:36 pm, too early to drink a beer. (It would only lead to more, and he could possibly justify drinking 4 bottles tonight, but no more.) “Fuck,” he muttered, hating the restrictions placed on 14-year-olds everywhere. Replacing the bottle, he turned to lean against the refrigerator door.
Reflections CBA Oh god, I don't know if I will ever truly get used to this. But I dutifully laid back on the bed and let my head hang back off of the side. Just the way he liked me to. In a matter of moments his hard cock was positioned a hairs breadth from my lips, and so I opened my mouth to dutifully accept him. He gingerly placed the tip inside while at the same time taking ahold of each of my sizeable silicone enhanced tits in each hand. I knew what was coming next, but...
REFLECTIONS By dharmon As I sat naked looking at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that, for a thirty year old housewife, I didnt look half bad. At 5 feet tall 115 pounds, Im very petite and can usually pass for much younger than I am. In fact, just last week, I was out of town at a bar and they carded me at the door. I only have a thirty-four inch bust but very well defined nipples. In other words, when theyre hard you can see them from a half mile away. Ive been married for 11 years, no...
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Reflections A short story for Valentine`s day - - - The mirror on the wall sees all and hides nothing. Here he comes again he looks sad and seems to have lost his way and all interest in life. Standing in his bedroom the one door of the wardrobe is missing altogether the other hanging on for dear life by it last remaining hinge, the hanging rail sloping with his suits and jackets crushed together. The drawers of the small bedroom unit all open with items in total disarray...
REFLECTIONS by CutePatti (3/2018) I have written and posted 31 stories on Fictionmania since the year 2008. I've also had a break from writing for several years, suppose it's maybe writer's block...but in actuality it's been more of a 'reflection' on myself as an author. Pausing to give myself a break and to consider other more important things in my life. And there have been many including a new marriage and health issues. So maybe it's time for me to share with all of you how I see...
“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...
ExhibitionismChapter 1: A older man reflects back. It's hell getting old. Not as much getting old as losing your friends and loved ones. My wife passed away last year of the dreaded cancer. I'm a little mad at God for that. I went up to the alter many years ago and told God that I would do my best to live a good Christian life if he would do me one favor. I wanted to die before any of my kids or my wife. I later went back to the alter and included the grandchildren. I just didn't want to be one of those...
“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...
He once told me I'd probably kill myself before I was 40. When I realized "my god" as he referred to him had indeed forsaken me. We always had this discussion in a bar, mostly as he nursed the last beer he rushed to order as the bartender yelled last call. As we discussed his bleak prediction of my doomed future, his hands ran up and down my thighs under my short sun dress, never quite going high enough for my taste. "You're wrong." I laughed. "You see, God made me disabled so I can...
Hi. I'm Lena. You won't know me. Although some of you may, in a way. I wasn't always known as Lena, you see. I'll explain. When I was 15 I was in all the papers locally. A schoolboy went missing. Massive hunt. Then, several weeks later, he showed up again. There was no real explanation and all was forgotten. Until now. I was a regular teenager. Chased the girls a little, never really pushed my luck, I should be quite clear. I had a pal from early childhood, let's call her Anne....
Sex cycle – It may sound odd but sex cycle used as a name because my sex life started just as we paddle cycle continuously to go forward same way my sex was continuous for a long time as I described after losing virginity to my GF Simran we start meeting daily for making love To ab roz roz bahane banana mushkil ho raha tha to usne SSC ki tayari ke liye coaching join kar li matlab ghar pe keh dia ki coaching join kar li hai taki roz ke 5 ghante hume mil sake aur sex kar sake aise hi 4 mahine...
I turned up at my s.....s flat, ready for a Friday night out. We got the drink flowing and started to get dressed up for the night. Pru said that she was going to wear knee high leather boots, a short skirt that will show off her ass and a top to die for. I said " what the heck do I wear that will make me stand out".pru stood there in her robe and said " let's dress you as a girl, that'll make you stand out!I jumped at the chance to get dressed as a woman,.She looked into her draw and came...
She was on the back deck, laying in a lounge chair. The sun kissing her naked body, warming her in places that the sun hadn't touched since last summer. She arched her back to the warmth, a slight breeze danced across her breasts, her nipples responding with a welcome quiver. Her eyes closed, she listened to the hum of the mowers in the neighborhood, the birds chirping, the distant rumble of the traffic on the highway. She felt her body tingleing and she relunctly rolled over so not to...
I find you alone one night. I am peeking in thru your window. You see me but continue with what your doing, ignoring me. You decide to take a shower, leaving the door open, hoping I will come in. I do. I watch you for awhile, lathering up, touching yourself all over, enjoying the show you’re putting on for me. I enter the bathroom and you act startled, but your acting, and I can tell. I take you by the hand right out of the shower. You don’t protest. I lead you toward the...
As the days passed, I looked forward to Tonya's nightly visit and my fucking her in front of the large vanity mirror. More than once, I tried to get her to spend the night as I hated to think of her driving home in the early morning hours, but she always refused."Now you know that everyone looks like hell when they first get up. Well, I look ten times worse," she would tell me. "Seeing me the first thing in the morning would ruin your day."Soon Christmas Eve was a week away and I was a little...
TrueTony obediently fucked Evelyn's sloppy cunt. I rubbed her clit, taking many photos of Jody's hard cock being mastubated while I did so. Wendy was stroking Jody's giant erection, while Evelyn was playing with his balls. Jody, being an amatuer, managed to produce two cums while Tony kept up his relentless pounding of Evelyn's hairy snatch. He never even lost his erection between orgasms, merely softening a little before Wendy's expert touch had him ready again. By his fifth cum of the day, his...
DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesInadequateJohn sat down at the breakfast table across from his wife, Dawn. He had on a simple pair of shorts and an undershirt. Dawn was sitting in her silk robe, underneath just a bra and panties. They each had a cup of coffee in front of them.“You said you needed to...
Mom, Dad, Abby and Betty had left to drive to the airport. I had to put all four of them in trances to make them quit asking why Cathy was not going home with them. After the trance, they understood Cathy was going to live with us until further notice and asked no more questions. They did not know she was going to live naked in my dungeon, my prisoner until I had another way to keep her securely. As I thought about Cathy there, naked, the steel collar around her lovely neck, the heavy chain...
I’d set my alarm extra early because I had to be at the CBS This Morning studio by seven. It was snowing out, so I went down to the pool and swam. I really hated to run on a treadmill, so this was the best alternative for me. When I was done, I went to the little diner next to Tyler and Adrienne’s condo building to eat breakfast. I’d just finished when I received a text from Caryn to let me know our car was out front. The driver put my garment bag into the trunk, and I found it was just the...
It is a warm summer's day when I decide to take a stroll in the meadow a short ways away from my house. It is fair and warm, and a light cool breeze blows the tall grass in the wind. Wanting to watch the clouds, I lay down in the blowing grass, and rest my head on my arms. Everything is so picturesque ... I love this meadow. For a while, I watch the fluffy clouds drift by me, and I begin to lose track of the time ... Suddenly, my eyes flicker open. It seemed to take only a second, but in fact...
RomanceA few days ago I told the story of my wife getting caught in the bathroom with a neighbor by his wife and another neighbor lady had invited me to help her with some household chores while her husband was out of town. Cammy was going to cooperate by making sure their kids were not going to be home while I was helping. This is what happened. When I arrived, Julie was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt but had a bra on (unlike when she accosted me in my yard a few days ago). Nothing too provocative...
We’re only a few miles out of Doña Anna when we hear shooting up ahead just off the road. Since our scouts haven’t reported back it either started after they went through or they’re caught up in it. We gallop ahead and soon top a rise to view what’s happening. There’s an Indian village set up in a small flat beside a curve in a stream a few hundred yards off the road. A group of about fifty or sixty gringos are working their way toward the village on foot while they’re shooting at the...
Copyright© 2003 - A.F. - All Rights Reserved "OK, which exit is it?" Trish was driving with Penelope in the passenger seat up front. Meredith sat in the back behind Trish's seat with Angela behind Penelope. The quarter were sisters in a sorority attending an annual Alpha Phi event together. Every year different chapters across Southern California sent between three and five members each to Las Vegas for the weekend. After a hard day poring over sorority business in workshops (with a small...
Hello my son. If you are hearing this then it means you have reached the age of maturity in your new universe and are ready to start your journey. You have extraordinary powers that could bring your new home to an everlasting golden age, or endless torment and ruin. I will be explaining your ultimate goal, your powers and how they are used, and briefly what you are and how you came about. Your goal is simple to say, birth a son. That's it. Our species exists through our sons and we conquer the...
Mind ControlHello. My name is Jane and I have a problem. I’m addicted to anonymous sex through Craigslist. Well, Jane isn’t my actual name. I don’t really ask for or give names as that defeats the purpose of wanting an anonymous fuck. Sometimes I wonder if there are many others like me out there. I wonder what would happen if I started a support group like they have for Alcoholics Anonymous. If we were all in the same room and started talking about our addiction, if we vocalized the things we’d done or...
BisexualHowdy, people!My name's Big Benny, I'm 21 and from New York but I'm working here at Television Dubai and there's no fucking way I'd work anywhere else! Why? Because I work directly under that sexy slutلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly and you guys would not believe how horny, depraved and perverted she is! She's a oversexed, kinky. nymphomaniac who loves her extreme, hard and rough sex.The day I started I was only there for the first hour when I already found out how much of a horny whore she is. I...
“Angel, I need you to wake up. Come on, now. You aren’t hurt. You just fainted. Wake up, Angel of Mercy.” Somewhere in the distance behind Ernie’s voice I could hear sirens. Someone had at least called the police when the shooting started. Shooting! That woke me up. I could hear Ernie’s voice, so he was alive. He said I wasn’t hurt. That left ... I pushed myself up with Ernie’s help and my eyes tracked instantly to the two crumpled bodies on the sidewalk. The black Cadillac was gone....
This story is a continuation of a previous story I have written. Please see Part 1 on my profile to get the whole story.I awoke on the floor, with a blanket we had pulled off the couch lazily d****d over my body. I looked over towards the hallway and just caught Kris’ beautiful ass turning the corner. It seems she had just woken up as well, and I could see she was headed to the front hall washroom. I threw the blanket off and sat up, looking down at my spent dick in the process. My mind...
My mates Aunty who is around 50 yrs old had a bad car accident about three weeks ago, she has broken her collar bone and is plastered up she also has a fractured ankle. My mate and all his family have gone away on holiday for 3 weeks and his mum and him asked if I would pop in from time to time to make sure she is ok. I popped in yesterday and I found her on the bedroom floor and she was unable to get up. i helped her back on to the bed and noticed as i was lifting her on to the bed she was not...
Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her large breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Amy was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in this corner of the club. Her short flared skirt did little to hide her...
Home was a small little apartment overlooking a public park, with a nice balcony I had always imagined having sex on, for everyone to see. After living there for 2 years I still had never gotten the chance, and told myself I probably never would. It wasn’t long before I was in bed trying to sleep, anticipating the next day like waiting for Christmas. I wondered what it would be like around her. I gave up all my stupid thoughts and went to sleep. I woke up pretty late that day; I knew I...
Stuart Middleton, aged fifty-five, had now been living with Hannah Shackleton for about a month.He and his sixty-six-year-old lover had sex almost every day and sometimes a tawse was applied to bare buttock.Stuart had no regrets about leaving his sexless and loveless marriage to Eileen and he also enjoyed it when Bridget Farrow from the local village made the twosome a threesome.Business at the B&B was steady although there was the occasional night when the guest room was unoccupied which at...
SpankingI caught my step-daughter Alina Belle was skipping class and I got a call from her teacher because she’s been doing that a lot lately. Her and I have an agreement that if I catch her skipping class, I get to fuck her. As of lately she’s been doing it more and more and I think it’s because she likes being able to fuck me. She’ll never learn if I keep giving her what she wants so I decided to do something a little different today. I set up my camera and everything started...
xmoviesforyouBill watched Morgan pack her things. "I can't believe I lost that bet," she shook her head. He watched his gorgeous girlfriend prepare for the weekend away. It was all part of the bet. They bet on who could go the longest without sex, not even masturbation. Morgan had made the bet as a joke. If Bill won, she would do whatever he wanted for a whole weekend. If Morgan won, Bill had to promise alot of things. To be nicer to her friends (he was an asshole), and not put his hands all over her all...
RomanceGrowing up on a farm in Wisconsin Linda learned two important skills: how to repair any piece of machinery and sex. She learned about sex from one of the farm hands behind the old barn a few hundred feet from her parent’s house. When he left, she learned from other workers on the farm, most times in the barn, but other times out in a field, in the woods, or the backseat of a car. College expanded her interests in and experiences with sex. She experiment with other women, had multiple...
Baby.......I finally found the silk pantie hose I have been looking for. I had to stop by the mall this afternoon to pick up a few things....I suddenly found myself among the sexy lingerie on the third floor...without even thinking i picked up several items and hauled them into the dressing room...the room was large in size and had three mirrors...i quickly undressed and put on a red and white satin felt so good against my skin...the fabric was thin yet to the rising...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Here again on a Saturday morning I was awakened by my mother to make sure that I finished my chores this weekend. She had wanted me to rearrange my furniture in my bedroom so my things wouldn't look so clutered in there. i slowly roll over to look at my mother to let her know I am awake. I told her, ok mom. I will be sure and do it today. But I may need Daddy's help. She said, yes dear. Daddy is going to stay home and help you. I made sure of that. I...
Incestرومانسية مش جنسية بالدرجة الاولى ابداع ليس له حدود دي اكبر قصة كتبتها وفيها احداث كتير عادية بس كتبتها علشان اجاوب على اسئلة كتيرة كتبت القصة دي بعد ماعملت كل حاجة علشان احقق اجمل متعة في الدنيا وهي متعة الحب بس للاسف ملقتش الانسانة المناسبة عملت المستحيل علشان اوصل لانسانة احبها بجد وامتعها هيا وبس وتكون كل حاجة بالنسبة ليا تخيلت قصص كتير مع حبيبتي الخيالية وكلها قصص مثيرة جدا ودي قصة منها وكتبت فيها اوصافي واوصافها اللي بتمناها وطبعا بكتبها من ناحية البنت زي اغلب قصصي:حبيبي المجنون انا بنت...
Hi, This is Rajesh again with my new story working in MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I am having a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying many Ladies and Aunties. I met my old college flame Bharathi recently in Chennai who had married our classmate, a Brahmin boy Rahul from our class. She had opposed her parents and married Rahul. Rahul Parents had accepted her as their daughter in law, but her own parents had disowned her. She had flown to...
It had only been three months since Selene’s eighteenth birthday and she had already all but mastered animation and transmutation spells. She was wandering through the library when she came across the forbidden section.“Naughty naughty,” said a voice behind her. Selene spun around and found Cadence, an upperclassman who was known for her lewd yet sly nature.“Oh, um hi Cadence. What are you doing here?” Selene sheepishly backed into the bookcase, nearly knocking all the artifacts off the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEliza Eliza by Carmenica Diaz
Hello all, I’ve missed you. We had two major snowstorms blow through my area, and my boys were home for school vacation, so I’ve been busy. To begin with, I had told you about a swing party that I was supposed to attend. It was canceled due to the blizzard, and will be rescheduled for sometime in March. Debbie is throwing a small one of her own this coming Saturday night, so stay tuned. Now, on with my story. After the first major blizzard we had up here, I had a rough time. We got a lot of...
Doctor visit with folow Fixed and fucked It’s a beautiful sunny warm summer day, Sandy and Melanie were preparing the morning on your last working day before before the practice for 14 days will be closed for holidays. Sandy and Melanie are working in a practice of gynecology and urology, with emphasis and focus: Ambulatory surgery as nurses. You are 22 and 25 years old. When we arrived, in practice, we looked forward to the earned Feierabend. Our boss Vivien was dead against us having...
When Christa opened her eyes the next morning and stared at the clock it was already 8 o’clock. She sighed and looked over to where Wayne had slept, and saw the heart shaped paper on his pillow that he had left for her. She opened it, smiled and began to read the note. ‘Angel eyes, Good morning my love. I wish I could have stayed in bed with my arms wrapped around you and watch you sleep, but I had to help some of the guys unload the new herd of cattle we have coming in. Things are going to be...
It was midnight before Ricky and Dean arrived at his office. His cute, big chested dispatcher had been entertaining his only other Deputy and me for almost an hour. I asked him where Special Agent Webber had been lost when he showed up without him. "Agent Webber is searching an area North of town and will not be joining us tonight. I'll send someone for him when and if we need him." "It's strange you should mention North of town. That's where we need to be looking ourselves. I have a...
Really By Arecee My breathing was becoming ragged and shallow as I looked at my red painted nails showing through Dave's black hair. I pulled his mouth tighter against my bare breast. The sexual tension had built beyond any control on my part, but that's exactly what I wanted to happen. I felt an orgasm building and Dave hadn't even penetrated me, yet. This was the night I would prove my love for him. His tongue...
A Not So Prim and Proper Wife- Chapter 3The story so far…A dedicated wife has cheated on her husband, with a black man who has seduced her. This black man is a highly-placed administrator in the school district she teaches high school students in. Caught in the bedroom, the husband has had a bad reaction, and his wife, in her attempt to satisfy her husband, got herself looking seductively pretty the next evening, only to wind up the victim of a nonconsensual sexual act with a third man. To make...
"He's a good guy, Conrad. He's no threat to us, and he's nobody gonna be spreading any bad stuff about us out there either. Okay?" she said. "No, it's not okay. You're either his or you're mine. Which is it going to be, Pamela. There is no in between. Call him now tell him he's history or I am. History that is," I said. I'm Conrad Winston. Age thirty-eight. I'm a building contractor, mostly commercial stuff. Pay's good: 200K annual on average. Pamela my wife is twenty-eight, average looking,...
Cuckold"I'm not looking for a job. I have an idea I want to pitch to you. We can both benefit from it. I really would prefer to pitch it over dinner." He said it smiling his boyish smile of course. "What time?" I asked. "I know I'm going to regret this maybe not tonight or tomorrow but someday soon and for the rest of my life." I know it was a flagrant violation of some copyright law somewhere, but there it was. "I'll be by at seven, and trust me you want regret this," he said. "Yeah,...
Hello this is rakee again here I am going to narrate another fiction here with all ISS reader Hope few will like it Well this is the story about me and my Peddamma (aunty) my mother’s elder sisterIn my vacation I have gone to my Peddamma (aunty) house and they were so happy to warm me up there Peddamma (aunty) had 2 daughters who as my cousin out of 2 one got married the other one is working as an accountant in one school, the first is Mamatha and the younger one is Kavitha they both...
I was woken up the next morning by J’s roommate, giving me a very enthusiastic blow-job. I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at her, she was on her knees between my legs, leaning over to suck my cock. She was using one hand to stroke my spit-shiny shaft, and she was using her other hand to hold her hair back. I reached down and put my hand on the side of her face. “You look amazing first thing in the morning with my cock in your mouth,” I told her.She quietly cooed as she lifted her head...
Straight Sex“Daddy,” she purred sweetly as she knelt between his wide-spread legs and sucked in his other testicle and then licked his swollen scrotum with her talented tongue, her left hand filled with his quivering cock, thumb on its head, rubbing his juices, right hand stroking his hairy thigh after probing his anus, nipples still hard and raking back and forth across his knees. She slurped loudly, gasping for breath, determined to get what she wanted, having brought him off and swallowed...
Great story I just had to post“The Wet Nurse 2”Story By Jason K.S. HauckZoë & Valerie had been “friends with benefits” for some time. Zoe, was the duo’s designated follower; &, Valerie, was the brains of the whole operation. They’d been thrown together in several group homes as adolescents and gotten each other through some serious sexual dry spells. Their initial relationship consisted of banging each other for its own sake, adventuring around town, stealing things to pawn for cash to...
Hi, my name is Jonas and I´m 25 years old. This is the Story of how I became a sissy. So actually my name is Jenny now. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. The story has a slow build up, I hope it´s interesting for someone. Thats part one, I will continue the story from time to time. Everything sexual in this story happens to people over the age of 18.I guess it all started whit my mom being a gold digger. One of those women who have a pretty face and a nice body and try to make a living out...
The lights are off as I walk into the room and I edge my way to the bed, trying hard not to bang into anything. I remove my clothes quietly, as I hear your soft breathing I presume you have fallen asleep. I lift the cover and crawl into bed with you and notice you are on your side, so I edge gently to snuggle into your back. As I cuddle into you, I feel the shirt you have borrowed from me and your bare legs. I place my right arm over you and I feel your hand being placed on mine. We are spooned...
The sun was shining brightly through the curtains of my room when I woke up late the next day, I came down stairs to find the cabin for the most part, quiet..I found David in the living room, cursing loudly at the soccer ball game he had playing on the big screen,“ Where is everybody?” I ask,“ The ladies have went shopping” he said with a smart ass tone, that did nothing to alleviate my fears that he had heard us all last night.I decided I was going to go for a trail run, I wanted to avoid any...
S i m o n & S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 2: DIE REISE NACH BERLIN (Vielen Dank an Skinner, dessen Idee(n) diesen Teil der Geschichte nicht ganz unwesentlich vorangebracht haben) Als ich am n?chsten Morgen aufwachte, bekam ich einen Schreikrampf. Bis jetzt war ja alles gut gegangen, niemand und vor allem nicht meine Tante hatten etwas von dem gemerkt, was sich wirklich zwischen mir und ihrer besten Freundin abspielte. Ich war f...