Harry s Journey part 2
- 4 years ago
- 47
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"Wake up, sleepyhead. You don't want to miss the bus." Scotty rolled over and grumbled. He burrowed deeper into the rumpled sheets, barely batting his long black eyelashes. "I brought some orange juice." He rubbed at his still closed eyes.
I put the glass of orange juice on his night stand and switched on the lamp. Dawn hadn't quite broken through the clouds this morning. Shards of light from his race car lamp pierced the calm darkness, making Scotty squint his eyes shut tighter. He rolled away, clutching a stuffed Snoopy to his chest. "I know you're awake." I jiggled him a little. "I can always drive you to school. I know how much you wanted to take the bus, though." I stood to leave the room.
"NO!" Scotty shot out of bed and grabbed me around the waist. "I wanna ride the bus. You said."
I laughed, ruffling his little bed head. "Gotcha! I know I said you can ride the bus, I was just testing you." I picked up my seven-year old son, trying to balance him on my hip. He'd grown so much in the last year. Wasn't it only last year that I was able to carry him around like this?
He was getting so big. "Can I walk to the bus stop with you?" I kissed his freckled nose and smiled as he hugged my neck.
"Yeah. I guess."
"Good. Mommies need to do those things, you know. It's in the job description somewhere." Carefully I walked down the stairs leading from his loft bedroom. I stepped over the Lego jet fighter he left on the small living room floor, dumping him into his chair in our kitchen.
"Can I have waffles and chocolate milk?"
"And three cookies?"
"Two cookies?"
"I'll put three cookies in your backpack for you to eat with your lunch," I compromised. We couldn't afford any luxuries so when he asked for something so simple like cookies, I found it hard to deny him.
I watched Scotty eat his breakfast as I sipped on my coffee. His straight black hair stuck up at funny angles. He looked up at me between bites, crystal blue eyes serene and cheerful. Sometimes I wonder if during my pregnancy he somehow knew the turmoil I was going through and adjusted back then, became this sweet, mature little boy, eager to help me, so lovable and dear.
I pushed away from the table to get his backpack ready. I slipped in his Hot Wheels lunch box and, as promised, a plastic bag with three cookies.
"I had a weird dream," Scotty said, finishing his milk.
"Yeah? Tell me about it." I looked over my shoulder at him, meeting his gaze.
He shrugged, reaching for a hot wheels car, rolling it back and forth on the formica. "My dad was there."
"Only I couldn't exactly tell what he looked like. I just knew it was him. He was flying in the sky, way up in the clouds. He was happy to see me and everything. He wanted to take me for a ride, you know, like around the clouds for a little while before bringing me back home. I was a little scared so I told him you had to be there." Scotty paused, draining his glass. "He said okay, that it would be a good idea for you to come along. He picked us up in his silver jet fighter. Then we flew over the ocean and watched some whales and then we were home."
"Sounds like a good dream." My heart ached.
"Yeah. I guess." Scotty continued to play with his car. He pushed his chair back with a screech and ran to the bathroom.
I had some time to collect myself. Scotty never knew his father. I did and I didn't. It's a long story, one I realized I would have to face one day.
I cleared the table, fighting back the emotions that were threatening to boil over. I ran hot water into the sink hoping the sound would drown out one little sob I couldn't hold back. The time was upon me to make a decision. I was terrified.
"C'mon Mom! Let's go." Scotty ran from the bathroom, grabbing my hand. He pulled me towards the door of our apartment. He had dressed himself in his favorite denim shorts and Dallas Cowboys football jersey. He even combed his hair.
"Whoa, tiger. Did you brush your teeth?" I asked him as I grabbed a dishtowel.
Scotty rolled his eyes comically, exposing all of his little white teeth, all except the one missing from the bottom row.
"Excellent. Let's go." I took a deep breath and succeeded in containing my tears.
We walked down the sidewalk to the designated bus stop, a little covered bench outside the leasing office door. I knelt down in front of my son and straightened his shorts which were twisted at an odd angle. "Okay, listen. Don't walk around on the bus, don't make loud noises. Bus drivers hate those kind of things. Stay in your seat. Sit with the kids your age, leave the older kids alone. Maybe if you sat at the very front of the bus that would be--"
"Mo-om." Scotty moaned in a sing-song voice. "I'm a big boy."
I almost started crying again. "Yes, you are. Remember that Grandma will pick you up from school today since tonight I work at the restaurant. Don't forget."
Scotty rolled his eyes, "Every Tuesday and Thursday you work at the restaurant, I know that already. I'm not a baby."
I kissed him on his soft little cheek, still slightly chubby with baby fat. I recognized that he was growing taller and the baby fat was slipping away. I hugged Scotty probably a little longer than needed, for him at least. "I love you, doodlebug. Have a happy day."
We watched the bus pull around the corner, yellow to red lights flashing. I checked my watch and noticed the bus was running late. Usually the bus was pulling out of the apartment parking lot just as I was finishing up my morning dishes. If I didn't hurry I would be late for work. "Did you pack my cookies?"
"Yes, darling."
"See ya Mom. Tell Mr. Mayes I said hi!" Scotty yelled over his shoulder. He disappeared down the aisle of the old school bus. I stood at the entrance, unsure of what to do or say, not even sure I could restrain myself from hopping on the bus with him. The bus driver, an elderly woman wearing big round sunglasses and a denim shirt with apples painted across the front, must have sensed my anxiety. "Don't you worry none, Momma. I'll take real good care of him. We're running just a little behind today. The school's already been notified. Terrible accident on FM 280. Happened late last night or maybe early this morning. When I made my first run at 7:00 am on up to the high school they were still investigating. I'm afraid what might have happened with them kids couldn't have been good. But enough about that, your little boy is in Thelma McCrae's hands, he'll be taken care of. Yes ma'am." She waved at me before shutting the door. The bus pulled away with a shudder and a shriek, echoing the way I was feeling inside. A tear slipped down my cheek as I watched my little man drive away, smiling at me through the smudged window. One of those steps a mother has to face in her child's life. He was growing up. One day he would be gone.
"Enough of this, Torie," I chided myself, swiping at the tear. "You've got a living to make. Let's go to it." I had taken to talking to myself over the years, mainly because there was no one else around to talk to. It was better that way, I think. There weren't too many men willing to stay with a woman who already had a child. At least that had been my experience. Except for Charlie, but then that had its own complications.
Charlie had been my next door neighbor for almost eight months. We would pass by each other, say hello, make small talk. He was always friendly. He was a college student at the local university sharing an apartment with a roommate who also happened to be his girlfriend. I was attracted to Charlie in a physical sense and, since he was always so nice to Scotty, he held a special place in my heart on that count. But he had a girlfriend and I certainly wasn't going to get myself stuck in the middle of that situation.
One night when Scotty was spending the night with my mother I ran into Charlie. Apparently we both had a really boring weekend planned since it was a Saturday night and we were both waiting our turn for the lone working clothes dryer in the laundry room. We laughed about it. He explained to me that his girlfriend, Maribeth, was away for the weekend. She was attending a family reunion in Oklahoma. He wasn't invited since their relationship was kept quiet from her parents. Her parents didn't approve of their living together, he said. In fact, as far as they were concerned, Charlie was out of the picture long ago. I got the feeling he was a little depressed over the situation. He told me he had just mixed up a batch of margaritas and asked if I would like one. Of course, I wouldn't pass up an offer like that, I told him. He returned no more than five minutes later with a plastic pitcher of margaritas and two plastic cups.
The dryer was free at last and Charlie let me go first. I stuffed my load in the dryer and sat down next to him again. By that time I was feeling very relaxed, undoubtedly from the alcohol. I wasn't accustomed to drinking anything stronger than a single glass of wine on occasion and his margaritas were definitely heavy on the tequila. Charlie's company was very nice and he made me laugh. I loved his smile, how it reached to his eyes when he broke out in laughter, which was often. He didn't seem the type to come on to me if I wasn't giving him a signal first. I boldly decided to give him a signal. I don't know why exactly. I was attracted to him, despite his love for his girlfriend. And, in truth, I didn't want a relationship. For once, I reasoned, let me enjoy the company of a man again. No strings attached.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips very softly against his mouth. He didn't seem shocked. I felt him return my kiss, warm and soft. Soon we were locked together in a wild embrace. What happened next will forever be fired in my memory. It was so good, so carnal, so different for me.
I hadn't been with a man since before Scotty was born. It's hard to believe I remained celibate for so long, especially to me. But when Charlie began rubbing and caressing my back and hips, lifting me against him, so much of those feelings I suppressed came flooding back. We rushed through the motions the first time, desperately tearing at each other's clothes right there in the laundry room. Our mouths sought skin, tongues clashed and our lips found each others again and again during the quick coupling. He propped me up against a washing machine in the beginning stage of the spin cycle. I hurriedly stepped from my cut-offs, peeling my panties away at the same time. I released his penis from his jeans, wantonly wrapping my legs around his hips. He thrust into me with one wet motion, slamming me again and again into the vibrating machine. Within seconds I was flooded with my own orgasm, digging my nails into his back and shoulders, prompting him to release his semen deep into me. This time, though, I was protected.
After the laundry room incident we spent another energetic hour in the comfort of my bedroom, the first time I had even had a man in the sanctuary of my home. Charlie was an excellent lover, slow and attentive, paying special attention to my breasts and nipples, a spot that was so sensitive to me. His mouth and tongue traveled lower over my curved belly, to the spot right above my pubic bone, pulling a delicious shiver from me. He paused to look up at me for a moment, smiling that gorgeous smile, before sliding lower, tonguing me to another deep and powerful climax. I gladly reciprocated, reveling in the feeling of having a man in my mouth once again. I took my time with him, wanting him to feel just as good as he had made me feel. When he finally found release I willingly took it all in, licking him clean afterwards. It was a wonderful night.
And that was it. One night. He had Maribeth, I knew that and I didn't have the desire to interfere. My child always came first and I wasn't ready to bring a man into the mix just yet. But I thanked him with my eyes every time we passed each other. He always smiled back. A month later he and Maribeth had moved out. I never heard from him again and I never expected to.
Charlie was the only man I had been with in the last eight years. I give him credit for re-introducing me to one of the things my body was made for: the ability to feel and give pleasure. Not since that weekend eight years ago have I ever thought again about being with a man. Not that I didn't want to. It was more a feeling of punishing myself for being careless. After discovering my pregnancy, I pulled back from intimacy. Charlie managed to crack through the thick wall I had built around me. Now Scotty was providing another source of ammunition, forcing me to deal with the role I played with those three men years ago.
Unprotected sex wouldn't get ME pregnant. I was a teenager and invincible. But it did. I should have known better but I didn't.
I found out I was pregnant a little over a week before I was due to start college. All my plans fell apart as I devoted myself to the new life growing inside of me.
I grew up ten years in the first few weeks. I had wild nightmares of having my child taken from me, either by the state since I was young and unmarried (a fact I know now would not have happened), or by an unknown specter wanting to do my baby harm. It fueled my commitment to my child, to provide the best possible home for him. I immediately began looking for work. I didn't want to become a welfare mother. I couldn't stand the thought of being pitied or looked down upon because of my status.
Mr. Mayes, the owner and manager of Lucky's Restaurant off the interstate, took a chance on hiring this skinny little unwed mother-to-be all those years ago. He was like my second Dad. I worked all through my pregnancy, took a leave of absence and went right back to work, all the while Mr. Mayes asking me what I needed, if the baby was alright, so many questions. But not once did he ask about the father.
My mom, I thought her face would crack the day Scotty was born. During my pregnancy she pressured me to have an abortion. When that time had passed she begged me to consider adoption. I just couldn't. She thought I had been drugged at a local nightclub, and had sex with a man I didn't know. It was my fault. That was the story I told her. It also changed the way she saw me, her only child. I'll never forget the look of utter disappointment on her face.
Mom regretted any idea she ever had of getting rid of Scotty the minute I went into labor. She was there every step of the way. If our relationship had suffered during my pregnancy, the bond we shared when we both brought Scotty into this world repaired it. She loved him deeper than anything else in her life. Ever.
After Scotty started Kindergarten I went back to school myself. I completed the two year course in medical transcription between day shifts at the restaurant and the occasional night shift. Scotty stayed with Mom on those nights. Three months ago I went to work for a group of pediatricians as a receptionist while transcribing all the doctors' notes. I love my job. I still worked two nights a week at the restaurant mainly because Mr. Mayes hadn't found a reliable night manager yet. That and I was finding it difficult to leave the place.
Now, the subject I had been dreading since the day the doctor at the clinic handed me all six pounds, three ounces of wiggling, screaming pink flesh and black hair was staring me in the face. Scotty needed answers. He deserved answers.
That night nearly eight years ago was still a fog. I'll never regret having Scotty, I just wish I would have been thinking clearly that night.
The time had come to contact the group of us that partied together that weekend. How would I go about telling them why I needed to see them? Where would I even start?
I finished the dishes and freshened up before work. I stopped to check my makeup in the bathroom mirror. Would they recognize me now? My hair was still pretty much the same, straight and black. While it used to be a few inches past my shoulders, now it fell level with my chin. I had filled out a little more. I was always such a skinny little thing in high school. Now, at least, I had a curve to my figure. My eyes hadn't changed. They were still big and hazel with maybe a line or two now.
I left for work, still deep in thought. I'm a firm believer in fate. Things happen for a reason. Just like Scotty happened to me for a reason. I wasn't very grounded before then, in fact I was a real bitch to put up with sometimes. I guess most teenagers behave that way at one time or another. I think I could have easily headed down the wrong path. I was very impulsive back then. And rebellious.
I had another good day working at the doctor's office. Karen, one of the nurses at the office, invited me to lunch. We had a good time. Karen was married but didn't have any children yet. She wanted to know if I was seeing anybody. I always get nervous when someone asks me that, like they want to set me up on a blind date. I didn't want a blind date. I didn't even know if I wanted a regular date. Her brother-in-law was recently divorced, no children, and she thought I might like to meet him. I hated to say no. I told her that maybe they should all stop by the restaurant some night and I'll be glad to meet him. What happens after that would be left to chance. She seemed satisfied with my answer. Later that afternoon she mentioned that her brother-in-law was going to be in town that evening. A good friend of his was in the hospital after being involved in a terrible accident on 280 last night. She wasn't sure how long he was going to be in town but even so, he didn't live that far away.
I left work feeling nervous. Karen told me she might stop by the restaurant with her husband and brother-in-law. I parked my car in my usual spot at the restaurant, under one of the only oak trees shading the lot. I looked at my reflection in the visor and decided a little freshening up would be a good idea, just in case. I dabbed on a little more lipstick, brushed on a little blush and powder then wiped at the smear of mascara under one eye. Not bad, I thought, for a woman working a double tonight.
I noticed the brown beat-up Dodge Ram parked near the entrance to the restaurant. The lot had a few cars, but this one still held the driver. I passed by the truck, glancing at the man in the driver's seat. His window was open and he was smoking a cigarette. His hair looked dirty and stuck to his head in greasy clumps. I wondered if he lived in that truck; bags from fast food restaurants, old cups, wadded up paper and a baseball cap littered the dashboard. He whistled at me as I walked past, sending a shiver up my spine.
The restaurant was located off a busy highway. We usually got an odd mix of strangers in addition to our few regulars. I glanced over my shoulder at this stranger one more time when I pushed through the double glass doors. He lifted his fingers in some kind of greeting, smiling, his cigarette still clenched between his lips. He made me feel uneasy.
I kept busy for the next hour, working on schedules in the office and helping out in the kitchen. A few times I brought the orders from the kitchen and helped the waitress with the big parties.
After delivering a round of drinks, I turned the corner into the non-smoking section. There was Karen, her husband and Parker Lewiston. Parker was one of my old high school gang. I hadn't laid eyes on him since that weekend nearly eight years ago. It was fate again, I told myself.
"Torie! There you are. Got a minute?" Karen called out to me. I must have been white as a sheet at that moment because she stood and rushed over to me.
"Are you okay?" Karen asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"No. No. I'm okay, really. Just a little surprised, that's all. I haven't seen Parker since high school." I replied, trying to breath some life back into my complexion.
"You know Parker already? Y'all went to school together? Well this will be just great then." Karen guided me over to their table.
Parker Lewiston looked every bit as intimidating as I remembered. No. More intimidating. He was half- Cherokee and half-Irish with a sexy little smirk that made my knees a little weak. He had the eyes of a man that always had something sinister on his mind, as though he was undressing you and imagining all sorts of things with just that little twinkle behind his expression. His blue eyes stood out against his tanned skin, and his black hair was shorter than I remembered. He was handsome as all get out.
Parker looked up at me and grinned. He stood up, all six feet something of him and gave me a hug. It felt okay. I wasn't going to push him away or anything. It just felt okay. "Torie, long time no see. How've you been?" Parker smiled down at me. All at once I noticed a tiredness to him. I thought about why he was in town. He was visiting someone in the hospital, a friend who had been in an accident. I hugged him back.
"Parker. Wow. Of all the people to run into... " I didn't know what to say. "Busy. Um, I've been busy with work and all. I guess Karen told you that I work with her at the clinic."
Parker slid back down into the booth, patting a chair at the end of the table. "Got a minute to chat? It's been so long."
"Yeah, I'm due a break here in a minute. Let me just go check on something and I'll be right back, okay?" I turned and hurried to the kitchen before anyone could stop me. My heart was pounding in my chest, my shirt was sticking to me. I felt like I was going to faint. I fanned my damp skin with a laminated menu and smoothed down the wrinkles in my beige skirt. I tugged at my hose, making sure no bags were evident. My blouse was still decent. No stains yet. My hair, I was sure, needed to be combed. I fluffed my black bob with my fingers, hoping that would be enough. I turned to look behind me at the floor, checking that I wasn't dragging something behind me on the floor, like a trail of toilet paper.
Five minutes later I sat down at their table, all smiles and pounding chest.
"Parker lives not too far from here, Torie. He owns his own construction company," Karen beamed, patting her brother-in-law's arm.
"Small construction company. Not a big deal, really." Parker interjected.
I nodded and smiled. "Construction? That's nice." I could have crawled under the table and died. Nice? Conversation was not on my mind at the time. I was trying to find a resemblance between Parker and Scotty. It was possible they had the same eyes. Parker's eyes shone a deep blue, almost sapphire, with a slight exotic slant. Scotty's eyes were lighter and were big and round. The hair had possibilities, though. This was ridiculous, I thought in the very back of my mind.
Suddenly a disturbance drew my attention away from the table. A man, disheveled and obviously drunk, was manhandling one of the waitresses. I recognized the grimy man from the parking lot. My heart pounded in my chest.
"Excuse me" I said, slowly standing, not sure how to handle the situation unfolding. Darla, the waitress, screamed which drew the attention of all the customers. The man was saying something to her, something I couldn't make out, but Darla was clearly terrified.
Darla stared at me, unable to speak. I cautiously approached the man. He had Darla by the arm, twisting it slightly behind her back. He was shaking, maybe strung out. Darla's eyes begged me to help her. I startled him and stared in complete bewilderment at the gun clutched in his hands, digging into the back of Darla's uniform. What happened next was a blur, but a very slow and painful blur.
"Torie, get back!" Someone yelled. It was too late. I felt the blast more than I heard it. Fire tore through my body. I was stunned and fell to the floor, clutching my arms to my body.
"Please no!" I think I cried before hitting the tile. That was the last thing I remembered before the searing pain spread through me.
I drifted in and out of a cloud of pain, vaguely aware of others around me. I recognized the stained ceiling of the restaurant and knew, with more than a little relief, that I had not been killed. At least I hoped heaven didn't have tobacco-stained ceilings. Karen was at my side, saying something in a soothing voice. Parker held my head in his lap. "The ambulance just pulled up, Torie. Don't you worry. The bullet looks like it missed anything vital but you have lost quite a bit of blood. No, don't look. Trust me on this one."
Parker's hand was on my forehead. "She hit her head pretty hard when she fell."
"Scotty? Where's Scotty?"
"He's at your mother's house. He's fine. He wasn't here." Karen answered back.
"She's in shock, hand me a tablecloth."
"Tell my mother--no, don't tell my mother. Scotty shouldn't know about this, he'll have nightmares. Karen?" I called out to the spinning room.
"I'm right here."
"What will I do about Scotty?" I cried out.
"Who's Scotty?" Parker asked.
"Honey, don't worry about a thing. You're not going to die. You'll see Scotty again. Just hold on a second."
Karen stepped back, allowing the paramedics to push through the growing crowd. I heard Karen mention that Scotty was my little boy. Was? I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to go away. This couldn't be happening.
I turned my head as the paramedics loaded the gurney into the ambulance. The pain was intense. I tried to smile at Karen who was being held by her husband and his brother, Parker, but I don't think I succeeded. Before closing my eyes I noticed a flash of gold with a burgundy stone on the floor of the ambulance, tucked back in the corner underneath a fire extinguisher. It was a high school ring partially caked with dried blood. Must be from one of those kids last night...
I woke up in the emergency room, groggy but not feeling much pain. Parker was on one side of me, Karen and her husband on the other. My arm was heavily bandaged. I looked up at Parker and waited. Waited for what, I don't know, just waited. I wanted to speak but didn't trust myself to make any sense. Their images continued to swim in front of me.
"She's awake," Parker said, feeling my forehead. There was another bandage on my temple.
"Let me get the nurse," Karen said, leaving the room followed by her husband.
"Parker, tell me what happened?" I managed to get out from between my cracked and dry lips.
"You were shot, Torie, in the arm. The bullet went clear through but it may take a long time to heal." Parker stroked my forehead.
"I'm not dead."
"No. Not dead."
"What about--"
"The asshole was trying to run out the back when a deputy nailed him. He's dead."
I closed my eyes. "Parker, where's my son?"
"Scotty? He's still with your mother. Karen told her everything and your mom is keeping Scotty for the night. I think you'll be spending a few nights here anyway."
"Does he know?" I sobbed.
"She told him you got hurt at the restaurant, that's all. If you want to tell him, that's up to you," Parker said.
I blinked back more tears. "I have to tell him. I have to tell all of you." I felt like closing my eyes again, just to rest for a moment. I looked up and caught the frown on his face before drifting away again.
I woke up later in a different room. Parker stood against the window, his body casting a shadow over my bed. I watched as he combed his hand through his short hair making it spike up in odd places. Cowlicks, I thought. Like Scotty. He leaned against the wall and rubbed at his eyes. He looked tired and worn down. It was time to open the box I sealed away so long ago.
"Parker?" I tentatively called out, almost hoping he didn't hear me. He straightened slowly, pushing his fingers into his pockets. He pushed away from the wall with his shoulder and came towards me.
Scotty almost lost his mother, I thought. Where would that leave him? An orphan or cared for by another woman who wasn't going to be around for much longer? Scotty deserved the whole package. He was a good kid. I was the one being selfish. Long ago I faced up to part of the responsibility. Now it was time to accept the rest.
"What is it, Torie? Can I get you something?"
"We need to talk. It's important."
"Sure." Parker approached my hospital bed, pulling a chair up to my side. "Go ahead."
"This isn't going to be easy to accept. It's going to be just as hard for me to say it, but it needs to be said. And resolved." I took a deep breath, waiting for him to say something. He just looked at me. I wish there was some way I could have read a little of what he was thinking in his deep blue eyes. It was impossible. He was stoic and strong. This was going to be damned hard.
"Remember the weekend after graduation, the weekend we spent at Lance's lake house? We all went skinny- dipping, Blake brought out the weed and we did body shots? Can you remember?" I stopped. His expression shifted somewhat. He combed a hand through his hair again.
"Yes, I remember. I remember some of it, not all of it. We all got so wasted that weekend. There was a lot going on."
"Parker, it was an orgy. A gang-bang. None of us cared what we were doing, or the repercussions of our actions. None of us." I pushed myself up a little higher to a seated position. I held my breath as pain shot up my arm.
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I slammed the door to the house and muttered a few choice words after getting home from my nine to five piece of shit job irritated by the course of events that I had encountered that day. What was I going to do? I needed to find a new job desperately, but the job market in the city I lived in was shit. My husband wasn’t home from work yet, so I decided to do some job searching. After doing nearly an hour of searching on several job seeker sites I was coming up empty. Feeling defeated I...
Home PartyBy Miss Anonna My 16 year old brother and I were just opportunists and had always been, so when my parents decided they were going out for the evening, we knew there was a chance to do something exciting but there was no way we were going to be able to have a party. We opted to sit at home and watch movies and ordered several before mom and dad left and threw a pizza in the oven. The minute they were out the door, Tommy was all over me with questions. “Can Mike and Billy come over?”...
IncestIt happened the morning of day fifteen of our sojourn into the past, a week after having met Gort and Unna. By then Unna was up and about, wanting to prove her usefulness. To my amazement I found out that the little girl was smart. I know I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise; but then again, I’d spent the last dozen years or so of my life being a soldier. I hadn’t been exposed to kids, and I had no idea about how smart they really were. I found out the error of my ways when Unna pointed out to...
Breaking in the New Sales CounterA few years ago I worked for a local convenience store chain. I was in charge of the maintenance and construction of the companies facilities. One night about three am i get a phone call from the company director telling me that # 39 was on fire. I laughed and said real fucking funny Chuong. He said no shit it was on fire and to meet him there. It was on fire and he and i watched the fire dept try to save it but with no luck. An arsonist had set it on fire to...
I have read several great stories over the years and this inspired me of sharing an encounter that happened with me a few months ago. The incidence is completely true other than the names which I have changed to conceal the identity. My name is Rahul -30 years old I am 5’6’’ tall and have a slim body and I am based out of Mumbai. I met Neha at a common friends place at my home town about 12-14 years ago. We became very good friends and applied to various Universities after passing out of...
Doctor von Siemein's office wasn't exactly as I remembered it, even though it had only been six months since my last appointment and I really hadn't paid a whole lot of attention on my previous visits anyway. The musty old furniture was gone, replaced with some new brightly colored leather chairs and a kidney shaped coffee table with a black and yellow Ying-Yang design printed on it. The walls were brighter too, I thought, gloss white with abstract paintings hanging on them. I looked at...
Note: This story is completely fictional! My Daniela is really my center of attraction in the world of my sexual instincts. I morgan is college graduate from Illinois institute of technology. I got my graduation in adult sexual psychology. Our curriculum included subjects like how people are seduced and what are the organs for the seduction that leads to sexual urges in man kind both for man and woman in general. As I am a man I was interested a lot in learning about the seduction techniques...
IncestDie neue Erfindung Die Herrin war zur?ckgekehrt. ?berraschend stand sie in der K?che, so unvermutet, dass Severin fast den Teller h?tte fallen lassen. ?Du bist noch nicht fertig mit dem Abwasch?? fragte Wanda mit hochgezogenen Augenbrauen. Mit einem eleganten Wurf bef?rderte sie die Handtasche auf den Stuhl am Fenster. Er war nicht leicht zu treffen. Es gelang ihr zwar, aber die Tasche ?ffnete sich und ihre Utensilien ergossen sich ?ber den Boden. Severin beeilte sich, sie au...
JACK DROVE US TO THE AIRPORT, but Lexi came along so she could say goodbye to everyone. It was a tearful parting for the girls and me when we said goodbye to Mom, Dad, Allie and Beth at the homestead. Jack decided to trade the van for a smaller car for the rest of the weekend. On the way to the airport, my phone rang. I hadn’t had a call or text all week since everyone who knew this number was with me in Nebraska. “Tony! Where are you?” “On my way to the airport,” I answered. It was...
Convincing my wife to cuckold me was a breeze. At five foot three and one hundred pounds even Andrea always drew attention from men when we were out. She keeps her mousey brown hair bleached blond and it's shoulder length. With her blue eyes she is a doll. Her perky thirty four b cup tits never needs a bra and she never wears one. One evening I asked her if she ever thought about having sex with someone else. She said sure, she added everyone thinks about it. I pushed on and said would you...
Time Together Angie basked in the glow of the afternoon's events. First the proposal and now she was cradled in Scott's arms being carried back to the house. Her head lying on his shoulder, her dreams it seemed had come true. Scott walked into the ranch house carrying the petite Angie in his arms. As he was about to enter the living room he heard Angie softly say "Take me to the bedroom. Scott." Scott turned and went down the hallway to his bedroom; the room that had once been his...
I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...
BisexualHi, my name is Kishore 24, 5.7 height and 7 inch cock size am working as an engineer in an mnc, I am a regular reader of is from 6-7 years I used to enjoy and masturbate regularly reading the stories. Today I got a chance to write my story of a beautiful girl whom I fucked recently. It all started online, I used to masturbate watching porn and doing an online show on a website, one day a met a girl on that site she saw me masturbating online. My dick size is 7inches she was amazed by seeing...
In the process of changing to story around Judge me for my choice as you may, and trust me, you likely have every right to judge. But looking back on it now, I doubt I would change a thing. When it all started, I was a 32 years old male whose life hasn't been easy. I mistakenly believed the hype and went to an expensive top of the line college for a liberal arts degree. As you can expect, when I graduated, all I for you four years of effort was a sizable crippling debt and a job that didn't...
BDSMAs we kissed, he continued to lick and lap at her cum filled pussy, and I could feel the tremors of arousal run through her body and knew she was going to come again. I was doing my part, kissing her and cupping her breast in my hand, tweaking and teasing her hard nipple, and when she came she moaned into my mouth, her hand finding my exhausted sex and gripping me tightly, her fingers curled behind my balls.When her body began to relax following her orgasm, we both looked down at Mitch’s big,...
Wife LoversMegan held the Gucci purse possessively with her free hand. She felt self-conscious as they descended in the elevator but a part of her mind constructed an elaborate fantasy - she was a wealthy heiress on an expensive dinner date, her fiancé at her side. She added detail after detail as they exited the elevator - she would dine with him and then they would take the motor launch out to his yacht anchored in the Marina where they would make love under the stars. They walked across the lobby to...
The room was dim when Tom awakened, with what light there was coming from the bathroom. He looked over and saw that he was alone in bed just before he heard the shower come on. So Mark hadn't left, he thought, and realized how pleased that made him.He got out of bed. Seeing his own image in the mirror, he stopped to appraise himself. Salt-and-pepper hair only slightly mussed from sleep. The beard could stand a trim. He'd worked hard over the last year to slim down and tone up, and he was...
BisexualThree days in Tokyo Day 1 By The Old Sailor This is as good a place as any to remind you that there is something very erotic about having a cock between your lips, and feeling the shaft glide over then and the head brushing over the roof of your mouth as it slips deeper into your mouth. The heat of the shaft, the taste of the pre-seminal fluids, the knowledge that you are giving pleasure just as you is receiving it. And there is the frequent tap of the balls on your forehead as you...
Larry had mixed emotions as he watched Beth load her clothes and other possessions into her Ford Edge. He almost broke into tears when she drove down his driveway and was hidden by the dust of her passing. Finally, after the dust was almost settled as far as he could see into the distance, he turned and trudged back to his small abode. He took a beer from the fridge and walked down to his favorite spot beside the millpond. He listened to the water splashing as it poured from the slowly...
A couple weeks after moving to a new city we were still getting to know our neighbors. The back is wide open and we can easily see into the back yards of five other houses. Since we moved in June we got to know them quickly because there was usually someone outside. Jeremy and Shelley Brooks, who live directly behind us, are very outgoing. My first impression of Jeremy was that he is a stereotypical alpha male. He can often be seen riding his bike on the roads or off-road trails, but you never...
[ Again, this one is for Robert and Tara! Exploring new territory can be very, very exhilarating, and even a little bit nerve-wracking (but still a lot of fun)! ]I'd told Tara that I owned a 'chastity cage' (not an expensive one, but still, it did the job pretty well for all that), and she was very intrigued by knowing this!"Hmmm," she'd said as I told this. "Can I see it?"I had it stashed away in a hard-to-find place, and when I brought it out and showed her, her face broke into a beaming...
Around 8am Pam and Tom came around for breakfast. Pam explaining what occurred last night and laughed, We walk in, Jill, Neil and Eddy were sitting at the dining table waiting for us with a box of tissues in front of them. Tom announced to them about our engagement, they broke out into tears. Cuddles and hugs all around. Eddy was so pleased. Later she told us, she had a warning from a person, that she did not know weather to kill or hug, and all they were told was, to have a box of tissues...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As per their lease, Natalie and Cora moved into their new apartment on the first day of November. However, the twins did not feel entirely settled in until about a month later. The first few days of December had passed by the time they were completely unpacked with no more boxes lying around, and they finally had the place arranged the way they wanted it. It was a smaller apartment; just a living room, a kitchenette, a cramped full bath, and one...
IncestHe had d**gged her lightly with a mild sedative added to her cup of tea that night, so he had to be careful not to wake her. This was a bold plan for a boy so young, but his hormones were a raging torrent in his healthy powerful young body. They had overcome his will and conscience and he just had to have her. He had oiled the hinges on her bedroom door during the day, so it opened without a sound as he gently turned the handle and entered her room. The full moon shone strongly through the...
She groaned theatrically before we started to walk down the steps, together and one at the time. I had to let go of her arm, even though I had wanted to find a way to slip my hand kind of naturally into hers. But I couldn't. The stairway was not very wide, and it was almost cramped as we walked down. My senses told me we should be fleeing instead, fleeing with the money we, if not had earned, then at least did deserve. Instead the light was slowly fading with each step we took downwards,...
LAS VEGAS - The Private Show I got some water for you, which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the nightstand lights while I waited. Flipped the TV on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I...
ExhibitionismNote by the author Mera naam XXX hai, I am very emotional guy and believe on true friendship. Mujhe sex stories likhna pasand hai aur main chahta hu ki reader meri stories padhkar apne personal sorrow and problems bhul jaye. Hamare desh main rural areas undeveloped hai, logo ko khana nahi milta, bacche ashikshit hai aur bahut sare problems hai. Maine decide kiya hai ki inke liye kuch karu, par ye itna aasan nahi hai, because of economical and political problems. Agar aapki dua sath ho to ye...
Michelle and Akeema’s Dark Journey Part 1By Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected]:This story starts off slow, but keep reading. If you enjoy the sexual humiliation of women you will get off on this tale. It might also be described as ?politically incorrect?. It features the sexual abuse and degradation of black women. The ?N? word, and other offensive racial terms are used. This, in no way, reflects the values of the author who, in reality, disapproves of such language. This...
Roger didn't know how long he stood naked in the middle of the basement recreation room, his lustfully swollen penis standing out hard and hot in front of him. His attention was riveted to the lewdly fucking teenagers on the couch -- his younger daughter and his older daughter's boy friend. Ellen and Harold were making the couch rock noisily back and forth on its legs with their abandoned love-making. The young blonde girl was groaning, teeth tightly clenched, hair tossing, eyes open but...
“Ah Ah Ahh! ... Uncle please stop…we…ah…cannot do this…ahh,” I panted between kisses as his tongue invaded my mouth, twirling against my own tongue as he gently sucked them with passion.“Didn’t I tell you to call me ‘Professor’ while we are at work?” he replied mockingly before continuing to defile my mouth. My body froze from shock at what was happening as my hands clenched tightly against his white lab coat. I tried to break my lips away from his kiss only for his warm and large hands to push...
SeductionMy name is Kimmy and I was a college sophomore at the time. I'd just walked into the apartment I shared with my twin sister Karen. I found her sprawled on the front room floor next to her ex-boyfriend Roger. They were both naked. "What the hell are you doing here?" "What do you think I'm doing here," Roger responded. "It looks like you two have been fucking." As proof of that, a couple of used condoms were laying on the floor beside them. "Right in one. Why don't we make it a...
Busty babe Kenzie Love is ready to show you a fucking good time teasing you as she strips from her purple lingerie so you can admire every beautiful curve of that sexy body! Don’t you wish you could just motor boat those beautiful tits! Dan makes sure to give you the angles you desire as he drills her pussy deep with his hard cock! Kenzie loves feeling that dick penetrating her so deep. You guys suggest pile driver and Kenzie has never done that position so of course she wants to try.....
xmoviesforyouHi everyone, this is Varun back with another sex story. First of all I want to thank you all for your feedback for my first story “Fucked my neighbour aunty”. Coming to my second story. Just last year, one fine day, I got a call from my chacha. He told me that my chachi fell from stairs and had some serious injury in her legs. I was told to come there as soon as possible. I reached their house in the next morning. I met chacha. He looked quite tensed and chachi was laying on bed. Chacha :...
IncestMy wife and I have been together for over fifteen years and we enjoy a great sex life together. Like many couples, we like to spice things up sometimes and before COVID, we used to attend a naturist health spa quite often. We are both very comfortable in a nudist environment, having visited several nudist beaches throughout Europe over the years.The Spa comprises of the main swimming pool and several hot tubs, along with steam rooms and saunas, all of which are located inside the building....
SwingersFortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 21 Paul arrived home with dinner almost ready. "Did you have a good time?" asked Laura. "Yes, met Kelly and her parents didn't know a thing," said Paul. "Thats good. Did you do anything apart from kissing Kelly?" "Watched Lord of the Rings part one," said Paul. "Watching part two next time?" asked Laura. "Probably. Alicia says there are loads of differences between the books and the films. I might try reading it again," said Paul. "By...
They came again in the early hours of the morning, moving silently behind the outer wall. They triggered the wards Yuki had set, causing the kitsune to watch their approach through the window with bated breath. She could see them now, ominous shadows that peered over the wall and then vanished, gathering near the entrance for their next attack. Yuki had spent hours building her defenses back up, her mind and body tired from the effort, hoping to catch some sleep. Now, she watched with eager...
My hands went up your sides then back down your legs. You started to purr. I continued on like this for several minutes, but finally when you couldn't take it anymore you leaned your head back and pushed your ass back into my crotch. "Oh baby,†you whispered softly, “I love that. Let's go back to our room." I walked into the pool area and you were still on the lounge chair at the far end.  When I left, you were laying on your back soaking in the sun.  Now you were sitting up reading a magazine....
MarriedOur first time seeing Nao Mizuki as she shows her new husband a good time. She can not belive she is now married and neither can he as he wakes up in the morning with her on the bed watching him. This is like a dream as he gets up and goes to the kitchen to see that she is preparing food for them. This is all strange and weird as he goes about his day with Nao helping him clean and then even wash himself in the bath. He had no idea that he was going to be with her all day when he married her....
xmoviesforyouThe sibilance in her voice echoes around the underground office car park as she furtively glances over the row of vehicles either side of her black Lexus. "Seriously? Here? Now?"I reach out and tuck a stray tawny lock behind her ear. Lean in close enough to brush the swell of her chest from the low-cut, two-tone dress, and growl, "Panties. I won't ask again.""But I'm… It's nearly five…""You should hurry then. I need you to see what your scent does to me."She exhales. Focuses on the currently...
Office SexI am wrong or are mistakes as such. I also like opinions and tell me what I should add and do in my story. It is also quite short too but it is just an introduction and need ideas. Eliza and Me. It started off being a normal friday day at school. I was 15 and at that age everyone knew what they had on their minds which was ofcourse sex. I was a muscular young teenager standing at 6"3, I played in our team for football I would go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I would jack off...
This story begins about twenty years ago. I am the general manager of a large produce farm here in the United States. My company ships fresh produce all over the world, year around, in season. During the early years, I spent a lot of time away from home, trying to be successful in my chosen field. I had graduated from college, then spent three years in Vietnam in the US Army. When I returned to civilian life, I married my high school sweetheart and found a job working for...
It was a grey day in February as the train approached Leicester. Belinda Masters – Captain Belinda Masters – Linnet – was tense. Her lover and fiancé, Jamie MacAllan, was painfully aware of her discomfort and took her hand. "Goldie, my love..." She looked at him, biting her lip. "We don't have to do this if it's going to be painful for you." Her lips quivered a little. "We've come this far ... and I think you're right; I need to do this. I need to give them a chance. If they...
My friend Mandy wanted to go on a week’s holiday and asked me if I would consider looking after her Doberman called Max. He’s a great dog, just a big softy and I said yes of course, he would be company for me in the long winter evenings. I had always had this fantasy about being fucked by a big dog ever since my early teenage years, I have come to realise that it is not an uncommon fantasy for young women to have, although most would not admit to it. This particular evening I was...
As I knelt, naked, next to the table scattered with the remains of the evening’s refreshment and picked through it for something to still the gnawing hunger in my stomach, it occurred to me that these people had no more regard for me than the lowliest slave who only ate after her betters and then only what they’d deemed not suitable for themselves. I’d seen myself in the small bathroom mirror, smudges of drying semen under my lower lip, my breasts reddened from being slapped and squeezed, my...
"Harry - Captain Thrust ... whoever the hell you are, don't you dare get in my way!" Tattie, the Duchess Turov, spat as she hauled the struggling Third Mate Bum into the house. "Wouldn't think of it, Duchess me darlin'," Thrust chortled. "Just try to leave me crewman in one piece when ye're through." "Oh, no worries there, Captain," she replied. "I won't do anything permanent." Her eyes snapped back to where Bum was scrambling along on all fours behind Turov's long-legged...
I walked inside my house. It’s a 30 year old, Victorian style house, in the middle of nowhere. “Dad?” I yelled… No response. He was still at work, I could have checked the garage but, I came in through the back door. I set my bag down on the rocker and decided to take a bath. I drew the water and grabbed the waterproof vibrator from the back of the drawer…. It had been a long day. My name is Eliza Connie Westerfield, and I am 16 years old. I live with my father Herald, my mother Connie, and...
IncestElectra told us she likes to be told what to do, so naturally the guys start to take her clothes off and tell her to bend over and shake her ass (which is a sight to see). Most of the other Cocksmen follow suit and add more directions before they ask Electra to turn over and get onto the pedestal. Nacho, the winner of GUESS THE V is the first to enter Electra before everyone else gets their turn. Electra makes sure all her hands and holes are being used. We wanted this gangbang to be LEGENDARY...
xmoviesforyouLEPRECHAUN TRICKERY by JENNIFER SUE Part 2 of 3 (For the reader's convenience, there is a directory at the end of part 3) Heather gasped and sighed as she looked deep into her memories and her past actions. Everything seemed to bear out all that Dr. Trate had pointed out. Her stubborn masculinity had blinded her to the truth about her fraudulent boyhood. "I see what you mean," Heather agreed in obvious shock over the revelation. "I guess I never really was much of a...
I was lying on the bed, and the big window and the opening to the veranda allowed the sea breeze to freely flow. I enjoyed the feeling of a warm wind on my naked body. It must have been shortly before lunchtime, but I wasn’t hungry. I could only think about Pharomé’s incredibly soft and tight pussy and I closed my eyes to cherish what had happened just moments ago. Minutes later I opened them again because I had heard a metallic click. When I opened my eyes she was standing in front of me. It...
So here we are years later and I am still with Amber. Eighteen months ago we moved in together and just this past May we were married. There are very few people in my inner circle of friends and within my family that know the truth about Amber’s sex. Not that I am embarrassed or ashamed, it’s just that I don't feel it is any of their business. My parents and brothers know even though I didn't tell them until we had been together for a little over a year. By this time she had been around my...
This scene features the amazingly cute, 19 year old, Riley Star and I having sex for the first time. We have strong chemistry and love kissing and being all over each other. We have fun, energetic sex all over the bed. There is POV shot during blowjob portion and when Riley is riding my dick with her butt facing the camera and while she rides on top of me facing the camera. Riley has multiple orgasms while I fuck her while holding a hitachi on her clit and a hand around her throat. The scene...