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It was a fine summer evening, a Friday. The sun still had two more hours of hang-around time, and the gentle breeze wafting in from the west filled the air with the scents of summer...cut grass and honeysuckle. The radar unit sitting on the dash of my patrol car showed a steady "00" as no one was using County Route 2, my assigned post for violators duty. Write tickets, they told me. Lots of them. So I sat here and waited. On most days, I could write three tickets an hour, and that kept my sergeant happy. Friday nights, though, this road was quiet, because it led further up county, in the opposite direction of the city where everyone wanted to go. I used the time to daydream and think and just kind of take a break from a hectic week. Summer Fridays were the best, because of the weather ( I despise cold weather! ) and the general laid- back attitude of everyone. The green blur that went by my windshield shocked me back to reality. I was already turning the key before I checked the radar readout. I didn't need it to tell me that the driver was speeding, but I was slightly curious as to how much this particular driver was going to be 'donating' to the county coffers. Seventy-eight in a forty. A least a hundred bucks, I thought, gunning the motor and hitting the switches for the lights and sirens. My roof rack came alive, as did my high-beams, alternating with the red grille lights. The car sped up, and I dropped the hammer. I was reaching for the radio microphone when something stayed my hand. Normally, procedure requires that I call for backup when a pursuit situation arises, but something told me not to. The driver wasn't running...really, just speeding up a little. County Route Two is a windy, twisty little road that stretched for another six miles, and I kept right on the car's tail, taking every turn like Mario Andretti. I was just enjoying the ride, not worrying too much, because something told me the driver was just...playing. The car wasn't making a serious attempt to evade me, it just wasn't pulling over. The other car, I noted, was a Porsche Cabriolet Turbo, and could have easily left me in its dust. The county line was fast approaching, and at our current speed, we would close the last half mile in under fifteen seconds.

With three seconds to spare, my speeder hit the brakes, her rear lights filling my windshield as the car pulled to the side of the road. Again, I would normally have run the plate through the NCIC from the terminal in my patrol car, but that small voice told me that I wouldn't need to, that the car would come back clean. I wasn't sure what was going on here, but I knew that it wasn't what it had appeared to be at first glance. I wasn't stupid, though. I put the take down lights on, flooding the car in front of me with with several hundred thousand watts of aircraft-grade lights. I worked the thumbreak of my holster so that my Baretta 92F would be within easy grasp, should things turn ugly. I approached the car slowly, watching for any sudden movement. "You were going at quite a clip," I said, loudly. And then, from the driver's side window, came a voice from my past. "Hey, copper! You'll never take me alive!" And then came the giggle. And then came the memories.

Kris...Kris was the girl of my past, of my youth. She came into my life at that time between boyhood and manhood when I was still discovering who I was going to be in this world. I was 13 when Kris moved in next door to me. She was 12, the daughter of an Army officer assigned to Fort Stern. Even at 13, I knew that when it came to the fairer sex, I was not what was considered boyfriend material. Some of my friends had begun to go on dates, attend makeout parties...all those wonderful rituals of growing up that, for some reason, I had been excluded from. The girls my age all dated boys a year or two older. The girl I could date, as it were, were a year or two younger...and none of them wanted to date me, or go into the closet to play Post Office with me, and my invitations to the neighborhood Spin the Bottle games got lost in the mail, I guess. So when Kris moved in next door, you could say that I was a little bit excited. Our houses were set off from the rest at the end of a winding, grassy cul-de-sac, and I knew that I might have a day or two to get into her good graces before she explored beyond the boundaries of our two properties, before the other girls in the area poisoned her mind. Looking back on those days, I remember thinking that it was a lost cause anyway. The first time I saw Kris I knew that I didn't stand any kind of a chance with her anyway.

She was too beautiful, to perfect to be satisfied with a pogue like me. She was so...sweet and innocent and perfect. Tall for a girl, even at 12, standing five and a half feet and seemingly growing more every day. Long blonde hair that she wore in a bobbing ponytail that just added to her almost magical allure, wide-set blue eyes the color of the ocean on a stormy day. Her voice was slightly husky, almost man-like. Her laughter was a song that the birds in the trees themselves envied. I know it sounds like I idolized her, and to a certain degree, that is true. Kris was more of a tomboy than I realized at first. She liked wearing jeans and sneakers and t-shirts. She kept her hair pinned up under a baseball cap that she always wore. One of the great pleasures of my young life was watching her take that cap off and shaking her long, golden hair out. She always looked like a goddess to me when she did that, some magical metamorphosis taking place that turned her from a dusty, baseball-playing, tree-climbing, insect-catching, frog-racing tomboy into a vision of young beauty and innocent perfection. Kris showed up two weeks into the summer, and to my complete surprise, we became fast friends. Best friends, as a matter of fact. The Orioles were our favorite team, and by mutual, unspoken agreement, we would listen to every game together, either on the radio, or watching the night games at one or the other's house. I saved my allowance and bought her a fitted Orioles cap as a present. It became her pride and joy, and she wore it everywhere.

Seeing her in that cap, and seeing the fat lip she gave Bobby Chambers when he stole it off her head made me feel proud. Kris and I spent that first magical summer together, doing all the things kids do together. Climbing trees, taking long walks in the woods, spending entire afternoons flat on our backs, staring at the clouds, talking about Important Things like Life and Love and The Meaning Of Everything. She had little time for Love, she told me.

She thought she was ugly and fat. That was about as far from the truth as you could get and still speak English, and I didn't hesitate to tell her so. She thanked me, but I could tell by her expression that she didn't believe me. As I got to know Kris better, I also understood a little of why she was the way she was.

An only child, it was obvious to me that her father had wanted a son. The way he talked about Kris, the way he treated her, made me hate him quickly. He called her "TuffStuff," and was constantly treating her like he would a son. He once told her, in front of me no less, that she had better learn a trade, because no guy was going to want to marry her, ever. I saw the hurt and the shame in Kris's eye, and I wanted to punch and kick and bite her father until he apologized. The fact that her father was a US Army Ranger, a Major in command of an entire Battalion, made me reconsider my actions. The man was huge; he could have snapped me in two with his little fingers. The summer ended, and school began. One of the first social events of the year was the Sadie Hawkins turnaround dance. When I saw the posters going up in the hallway, I got a little depressed and morose. I knew there weren't going to be any girls shyly coming up to me, wondering if I would say yes. That's just the way my existence was. When the girls went down the mental lists as to who they would ask, my name just never came up. Kris and I were still close, but she had found some other friends, and we didn't spend as much time together as we'd used to. It was hard, but I took great pains not to let her know how much I missed her.

She needed to have other friends, I felt, other, more popular friends, lest her entire school social life be ruined by her association with me, the outcast. So you can imagine my surprise when Kris asked me to go to the dance with her. I accepeted immediately, and instantly began wondering what was behind the invitation. Kris explained, haltingly, that she wanted to go to the dance badly, but didn't know any boys well enough to ask, and was sure that anyone she did ask would have turned her down. So I kind of won by default. She was glad, she said, that she was going with 'a friend,' and that she would be able to meet people there. The phrase 'a friend' rang in my head like the death knell of my social life. I understood what the parameters of the evening and of our relationship were, and just gave silent thanks that I was going with someone. It was at that point that I knew I was in love with Kris. Quietly, desperately...but still in love. The night of the dance will stand out in my memory for the rest of my life. I put on my best clothes, what might have been called "Sunday Clothes" had my family been religious. I went over to Kris's house to pick her up, and knocked on the door. There was a wait of perhaps thirty seconds, and then the door opened. Kris stepped quickly out and shut it behind her. I turned at the sound, and felt my breath leaving me, my throat locking. Gone were the jeans and t-shirts.

Gone was the by-now dusty Orioles cap I'd given her seemingly a thousand years ago. Gone was the rubber-banded ponytail she wore to school most mornings. Replaced, instead, by a stunningly beautiful little girl wearing a gorgeous royal blue party dress. It came down to just below her knees. Her long blonde hair had been washed and brushed, and it cascaded around her shoulders and neck like waves of hand-spun gold. "What?" she asked, seeing my dumbfounded expression. "'re beautiful!" I managed to croak out. Kris punched me in the shoulder. Hard. "Shut up!" she said, but there was the smallest hint of a smile in her voice. "Don't say that.

It's not true." I started to open my mouth to argue with her, and then thought better of it. "C'mon," she said, tugging at my arm,

"Let's go." We walked to the party silently, me scuffing the soles of my shoes on the sidewalk, Kris looking off in the distance with this look of intense concentration on her face. We didn't talk, didn't say a single word to each other. We got to the dance, and I knew that I was the luckiest guy there. None of the other girls could even hold a candle to Kris...and they knew it. Seeing the looks of jealousness and outright bitchiness Kris got from the other girls made me feel proud and excited that she was my date.

Well...that wasn't exactly true. Kris and I had arrived together, and I had every intention, at that point, of leaving with her. But as I was to discover, I wasn't her date. Not by a long shot. The dance was held...where else? In the gym. Streamers dangled from the ceiling, and a low-grade garage band was pounding out tunes from The Eagles and Bob Seeger in one corner, drowning out most conversations. A long table filled with refreshments occupied one corner of the room. I mimed drinking with my hands and then raised my eyebrows, and Kris nodded, so I went off to get us some punch.

Returning with two paper cups, I saw Kris and Billy Warner standing, talking. Kris had her back to me when I came up, and the band had just finished a song. "I said, you look beautiful tonight!" Billy said, a little loudly. I winced, waiting for Kris to belt him, and then was both surprised and hurt by what happened next. Kris laughed this nervous little giggle, looked down at the floor and said, "You really think so? Thank you." At that moment, I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I'd said the exact same thing to her on her porch, and gotten a punch in the arm. Billy had said it, and gotten the reaction I wanted. The smile, giggle and thank-you. And then it all became clear. What I had said didn't matter to Kris, wasn't important to her, because...because it had come from me. I guess she felt that since we were friends, it really didn't matter what I thought. She wanted me to think of her as a friend, not as a girl, so my feelings for her towards that end were...extra, unimportant. Make no mistake. I knew that Kris didn't mean to hurt me, wouldn't have said those things for the world had she known the effect they ended up having on me. But that didn't lessen the pain one iota. That's when I began to understand what role I was going to play in the lives of all my female friends. I was always going to be the best friend, the surrogate big brother. They would take the flattery I offered in the spirit in which they thought it was intended, that of a friend who was 'required' to say such things. On that warm fall night, that scent of sweat and moisture that seems to be in every school gym in the world filling my nostrils, the sounds of the band pulsing against my eardrums, I watched silently for almost ten minutes as Kris flirted with Billy. She laughed at his jokes and tossed her hair, and even went so far as to scuff the toe of her shoe back and forth on the floor when Billy told her she had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. When he asked Kris if he could call her, sometime, maybe? I closed my eyes and wished with all my heart and soul that she would tell him thanks, but no thanks. Her quick and eager acceptance made another little piece of my heart break off and float away. Billy left, smirking at me over Kris' shoulder as he walked away. She caught the expression and turned to see me there. I smiled my best smile and handed her the cup I'd brought.

It was a paper dixie-cup, and was dented from where I'd been gripping it. She took and sipped from it, her eyes finding and tracking Billy Warner across the room. The rest of the dance passed slowly. About six different boys came up to her and asked her to dance, and she did with all of them. She and I danced, but she was always looking elsewhere, following the boys. I just watched her, entranced by her subtle and captivating beauty. And truth be told, I felt like an ass, because I knew that she would never look at me the way I was looking at her. I wasn't in Kris' future as anything but a friend, and a little part of me died that night. But the worst was yet to come. With twenty minutes left to go before the dance ended, Kris came up to me. "Uh...Dan," I thought I knew what was coming, and I was right. "Billy wants to walk me home, and I was wondering if..." I let her off easy, because at that moment I wanted to be anywhere else but there. "Sure," I said quickly. "No problem. Have fun. Call me tomorrow." She smiled and I smiled back, and I turned on my heel and left. I walked home...alone...and knew with a certain sureness and sadness that that was the way I'd be spending most of my life anyway. As good a time as any to get used to it, I supposed. The walk home seemed to take three times as long as the walk over had. I was in my room (which faced Kris's house) working on my tie when I heard noise through the open window. I got up and walked over and saw Kris and Billy on her front porch. They were standing in front of her door, talking quietly. And then they fell silent, and Billy started... leaning towards Kris. I was rooted to the spot, powerless to move, watching this happen like you watch a car accident happen. You can see it coming, but you know it's too late to do anything, and it's all in slow motion. They kissed, and I wanted to scream and shout.

That was my kiss, the one I'd earned. I'd been Kris's friend, I'd fallen in love with her, I knew all her secrets. I knew her favorite color was royal blue. I knew her middle name was Ethel ( a name she hated,) and I knew that her father thought she was fat and ugly. I knew that her cat's name was Mr. Cheevers and that her mother liked to sing "Amazing Grace" while doing the laundry. Kris and I had a thousand and one experiences together, an entire summer of history that this...boy couldn't begin to touch. That was my kiss, with my girl. And Billy was getting it. They pulled apart.

The kiss hadn't lasted more than a second or two, but all that had flashed across my mind in that time. Billy pulled back further, and then Kris lunged at him, kissing him back. This kiss lasted longer, and I felt the tears starting, hot, fat drops of salty water slowly filling my eyes only to spill out and run down my cheeks. That kiss ended, and Billy turned to leave just as Kris turned to go into the house. As you can probably guess, she turned towards me, saw the light, looked up, and saw me standing there crying like a baby. I just turned away from the window and went to bed. Things between Kris and I...changed after that. There was a new coolness, a new distance between us. Kris had seen me, had seen the manifestation of my feelings for her with her own two eyes. As much as she was my friend, that's all she would ever be, and Kris didn't want to lead me on or encourage me. Even at that young, tender age, she understood more about the dynamics of our relationship than I did.

What I did was try and forget how much I loved Kris. I put it away, in a secret place deep inside, and worked to rebuild the friendship. Kris and Bill started dating, as much as you can date at that age. They would go for ice cream or go to an afternoon movie together, always holding hands, always staring into each other's eyes. Billy took every opportunity to kiss Kris when I was around, and it drove me quietly insane. Kris eventually broke up with Billy, but the damn had been broken. Kris was a beautiful young woman and she had no trouble finding suitors. I had taken to watching her on her front porch with my lights turned off. Kris was always proper and virtuous, never allowing more than a peck on the cheek and a fast hug. It still hurt like hell to watch, though.

Kris and I grew further apart. She was popular now, both with the boys and the girls. She ran for Sophomore class president and won, with a lot of help I campaigned for her, put up posters, did everything her campaign manager asked me to. When she won, and made her short acceptance speech, she thanked everyone who had given time and effort on her behalf...except me. I felt my face flush with anger and embarrasment as she walked off the stage. She caught my eyes, and silently mouthed the words, "Thank you," and kept walking. That was it. Since I was a year ahead of her, my prom came first. But Kris was dating a kid in my class at that time, and I knew she was going, too. As you can probably guess, I went stag.

Kris looked beautiful in her special dress. She was 16 then, a gorgeous young woman in the full bloom of her young life. Her date, Richard, was the handsomest kid in our class, and they made a wonderful couple. I watched them slow dancing around the gym, eyes locked together, a little smile on her face. It was late in the evening, about twenty minutes until the entire thing was over. I was staring at the streamers taped to this ring hung from the center of the ceiling when I felt this tap on my shoulder. I looked over as Kris sat down in the empty chair next to mine. "Dance?" she said softly. I nodded and stood. I wanted to dance with her very, very badly, but didn't want her to know badly. We moved to the floor just an an old Elvis tune started playing. "I Can't Help Falling In Love (With You)" We danced slowly, at arms length, even as I tried to bring her closer. We stared at each other, and I felt something... break loose inside me. I was six days away from graduation, and college called. This was Kris' way of saying goodbye, her final gift to me. Or so I thought. The dance ended, and I leaned in and quickly kissed her on the cheek, and squeezed her hand. "Thank you," I said sincerely, turned and left. I walked home (again,) that same walk I'd taken four years ago. I got home and trudged upstairs, thinking about college and my future, trying to forget my past and Kris. But it wasn't to be. In my bedroom, sitting on my bed, was the dusty, creased Orioles cap. No note, nothing. Just the cap. It looked lonely and forlorn sitting there, and I joined it, running my fingers over it, thinking back to that first summer, the seemingly endless days spent making memories, memories that were going to have to last a lifetime for me, because I knew there wouldn't be any more. When I came home from college and joined the local police department, Kris' family had moved. Her father had been promoted and transferred, and Kris was...gone. A new family lived next door, an elderly couple who had retired and were spending their twilight years in the house the love of my life once lived in. They turned Kris' bedroom into a sewing room. That was four years ago. I was 22 at the time, Kris was 21 and somewhere else. It was four years later, now. I was 26, and Kris was 25, and she was in the car, laughing that same laugh. "Hey, copper! You'll never take me alive!"

"Kris?" I asked, my hand still on my gun. I knew it was her, but I was still careful. "Dan!" she squealed, getting out of the car and running into my arms. Her hug was ferocious and tight, and I found myself wrapping her up in my arms, pulling her closer. She smelled wonderful, just the way I remembered from those summers almost fifteen years go. We pulled apart, and I got my first look at her in eight years. The time had been kind to Kris. She was a beautiful young woman, mature and luscious. Her breasts were full and firm, held in a tight grasp by the black leotard top she wore, and were pressed together by the size-to-small leather vest she was wearing. Her tight, round butt was molded by the snug jeans she wore. Long, slim legs were tucked into cowboy boots. Her hair was kinky now, either naturally or by some beauty parlor magician, and it looked wonderful. "I stopped by the station, and they told me you were out here looking for speeders, so I figured I'd let you finally catch me!" I just smiled and hugged her again. "When do you get off?" she asked. I told her that my tour would be up at midnight. "Would you like to...oh, I don't know...go out for a drink or something?" I agreed, and she told me to meet her at Finnegan's, a local pub. She turned to get back into her car, and then stopped, turning back to me to kiss me quickly and chastely on the lips. "It's so good to see you again, Dan!" she enthused. Kris got in the car and was gone. I spent the rest of my tour in a daze.

Three people blew by me at over sixty miles an hour, and I let them all go. I was in too good a mood to chase anyone, let alone write any tickets. Midnight came, and I rotated out, chaning into street clothes and taking my Baretta and shield with me. Department regulations required that I have my gun and sheild at all times, but I wasn't thinking about enforcing any laws that night. My mind was filled with questions. Climbing into my PathFinder, I drove over to Finnegans in two minutes flat, a trip that normally took ten. Walking in, I spotted Kris talking to two guys at the bar.

Spotting me, she excused herself and walked over to greet me.

Throwing her arms around my neck, she gave me a kiss that took my breath away. It was a close-mouthed kiss (no tongue!) but it still shocked me to my socks. "God, it's sooo good to see you!" she said, smiling up at me, her arms still around my neck. Her hands dropped to my waist, and she felt my pistol, snug in it's inside- the-pants holster. "So, is that a gun in your pocket-?"

"I'm just happy to see you," I finished. "But yes, it's a gun." We cracked up at the stupid joke and made our way to the bar. The two guys she'd been talking two had vanished, and she didn't even give them a parting glance. We sat and I ordered a beer. "So," I asked, "What are you doing in these parts?"

"Well...I finished medical school, and...I'm back."

"Back? Back where?"

"Back here. I've decided to start a family practice here. I'm going to be the new town doctor. You can call me 'Doc.'" That news, frankly, blew me away. "Really..." I said, not sure, exactly, what this meant. Kris was apparantly back in my life...but in what capacity? "You don't sound very excited, Dan." There was soft reproach in her voice, and I moved quickly to control the damage. "I just thought that I'd never see you again."

"Didn't you get any of my letters?" That shocked me. "No. Not one. What letters? I never got any letters from you!"

"I...gave them to your mother to mail to you after you left for college. When I left, I mailed them to my parents, and my mother gave them to your mother...and you didn't get any of them? Not one?" I nodded, suddenely understanding. My mother knew how I felt about Kris, and knew how Kris, at the time, felt about me. Trying to protect me, I suppose, she hadn't given me a single one. "I thought you hated me," Kris said softly. "I kept apologizing in my letters for...ignoring you. For not..."

"Shh," I said, holding a finger to her lips. "Don't worry about it. I got over it. I...went on."

"So," Kris said brightly, after a minute, "What's going on in your life? Got anyone special?"

I snorted. "You know better than that." She heard the hurt and lonliness in my voice and just let it sit there.

"Still have my hat?" she finally asked. I nodded. "Why did you put it on my bed?" That had been bothering me for nine years. Kris took a while to answer, sipping at her beer as she framed a reply. "Back then...on the night of the prom, I wanted you to have a fresh beginning. You were going off to college, and I was still home, in town. I wanted you to move on, Dan. I knew how you felt about me.

Hell, the whole school knew! I didn't think it was fair for you to carry around all that baggage...especially since I couldn't return the feelings."

"So why'd you write me?" I challenged. Kris sighed.

"Because once you were know the old saying. You don't appreciate something until after it's gone." At that moment, I remembered another old saying. 'If you love something...let it go.

If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't it never was.' I had let Kris go, and now she was back. Was she mine? Kris and I spent that night catching up on nine years of each other's lives. I told her about college and being a cop in a small town. She told me of college, and medical school, and her internship. She'd graudated a year early from college, and then finished medical school in three years instead of two. "I was looking for something. What, I didn't know. But I do now." I left that alone for the moment. Too many explosive, voilitile emotions surrounded that. Kris was leaving me openings left and right...and I was determined to be sure what she was thinking before I made my move. If she was hinting, one more day or week or month wouldn't make a difference. If she wasn't, and was just making conversation, I couldn't stand the pain and the humiliation again. We went our seperate ways that night, Kris kissing me again before she got into her car. I drove home and fell into a deep, restless sleep. I dreamt of the prom, only this time we were adults, and Kris was my date, and she was wearing that same dress, only in adult proportions, and the cowboy boots, and we danced every dance together in an empty gym, just the two of us. I had four more four-to-midnight shifts left to go before I rotated to midnights, and three days off before I had to start midnight-to- eight shifts the following Saturday night. Those four shifts I spent thinking about Kris and I...together. She had been hinting the entire time that night at the bar, and I was trying to work up the courage to call her up and ask her out. Finally, I did it.

Wednesday night, I was in my house (the same house I'd grown up in, my parents long retired to Florida,) pacing in the living room, staring at the silent phone, letting it mock me. Nothing ventured, etc, I thought, and sat down. Unfolding the bar napkin that Kris had scrawled her telephone number across, I dialed the seven digits with a shaking hand. The phone was answered by a machine, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I'd already rehearsed the message I'd leave on the machine. It was easier to talk to the machine, because it couldn't say no. And the message I'd leave would give me an easy out. "It's Dan," I said after the beep. "It's nine-thirty Wednesday, and I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me Friday night. If you do, call me at home. Leave a message if I'm not here. If I don't hear from you... I'll understand. Talk to you-" There was a click on the line, and then Kris, out of breath. "I heard the phone ringing when I pulled into the driveway," she gasped, "and almost broke my key off in the lock when I heard your voice. Give me a second..." She caught her breath, and I heard sitting noises in the background: the scrape of a chair against a kitchen floor, the weight of her body settling into it. "Dan...are you asking me out on a date?" My blood turned to ice and I wanted to die. Another ten seconds, and the messsage would have been safely with the machine. Forty- eight hours of silence from her, and I would have realized that once again I'd made an asshole out of myself, that there was no way in hell this intelligent, sexy woman would ever want any part of a pogue- "Dan?

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Many sisters and brothers fight almost constantly. As for me and my sister Kristina, she and I have a great relationship, she was always close to me from day one and as long as her and I could remember. Kristina was a beautiful girl, she had 42DD boobs and she was a bigger girl but it filled her in the perfect places, she was 5’7’’. She never knew but when she was around me I always got hard imagining her naked. As for me, im 5’8’’ and im average body structure and I play football. Last...

1 year ago
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                                                                         chapter 1 For as long as I can remember ive noticed Her, recognized her beauty and longed for it, to touch and kiss and love her. A silently secret crush heavy enough to weigh down my heart through my high school years, up until now just before my 18th birthday, at the beginning of my senior year. I've never told anyone for fear of the social and parental effects of that come with "coming out". There are girls in my school...

Love Stories
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                                                                         chapter 1 For as long as I can remember ive noticed Her, recognized her beauty and longed for it, to touch and kiss and love her. A silently secret crush heavy enough to weigh down my heart through my high school years, up until now just before my 18th birthday, at the beginning of my senior year. I’ve never told anyone for fear of the social and parental effects of that come with ‘coming out’. There are girls in my...

2 years ago
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Transformed into a black cock whore 4

Steve drove Valerie from Joel's. Tits out of course showing all who looked her new piercings, when Steve's hand wasn't in the way that is as he played with them. "Dam you are looking fine whore with those adorning your fucking tits," he said as he flicked then up and down causing Valerie to wince as they still hurt."But god, You and Mary oh my god watching that will be fun. Mary the Mistress who would have thought," he laughed."Steve, can I ask something," Valerie asked, "did you have anything...

2 years ago
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Taping A Family GetTogether

Introduction: My wife has me cheer up her widowed mom. Janet and I have been married three years now. We get along great and the sex is even better than great. Janet is rather a free spirit in the bedroom, even more than I am, I love it. Weve never talked much about our sex lives before we met each other but I suspect that my wife would get the blue ribbon. Janet is very close with her mother, Jean, who lost her husband nearly five years ago, not long before we first met. She is a very...

1 year ago
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New MagusChapter 17

Jordan was gone to get a room and Danielle held me to her gently while we kissed. The thought that kept rolling around in my head was Jordan’s advice to show Danielle that she was wanted and desired. I couldn’t argue with what I was doing. It felt good to kiss Danielle, to be pressed against her like I was, but I didn’t want to push things too far. The real problem with having our lips locked together was that we couldn’t talk. For her part, Danielle made no move to pull away or push me off...

2 years ago
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Road trip

Mr and Mrs Johnson had all their c***dren and grandc***dren over for their fiftieth wedding anniversary. While the adults talked the boys were outside playing and the girls were listening to music and catching up on gossip. Afterwards everyone said their good byes. Mary and her sister headed to the van. Sally told her son Tom to drive since she had a few drinks. Ann and her aunt sat in the back seat and settled in for the six hour drive. Even though Tom was eighteen, he had made the drive...

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Mom Ko Doston Ne Choda

Hello friends, I am ap and I am writing another story.In my previous story my servant fucked her.Main bata dun ki meri mom ka kareeb brandi love jaisa figure hai aur same sexy ass hai.Thursday morning main apne doston se milne bahar nikla.Mere 4 dost the,woh sab ghera bana kar baatein kar rahe the unke piche waal thi jisme ek square hole tha jahan se rasta tha,main yun hi usme se jankhkar unki baatein suna. Mera dost raj mere birthday ke baare main bol raha tha jo kalthi.Woh bola”are yaar...

1 year ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Broken Part One

It was her. He smelled the essence of her blood almost six miles away. And he found her here, at Club Serenity. Never had a human’s essence called to him like this before. His nostrils flared at the scent of her, it was heady, intoxicating. Making him want, making him need. He was torn between the thoughts of fucking her and drowning in her blood. He knew that he needed to feed soon but by the Gods who would want to harm such a delectable creature? She was wearing a skin tight black dress that...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Skylar Snow You8217ve Been Avoiding Me

Bunny Colby is lounging at home when her friend and cycling partner, Skylar Snow, drops by unannounced. Skylar is upset and Bunny lets her inside to talk but looks guilty. Skylar confronts Bunny about how she’s been ‘ghosting’ her lately. Bunny is dodgy and hesitant to say exactly WHY she’s been avoiding her, which causes Skylar to worry that she’s done something wrong. Not wanting Skylar to feel she’s to blame, Bunny eventually admits that she’s been...

2 years ago
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Angela and the Cruel Dentist

Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...

4 years ago
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story Mors gets his man and woman

I surprised my 19 year old chocolate son that we were going on a vacation! I told him to pack swimsuits, speedos and huge towels cause we are going to a nude beach to have sex!! We get to our destination, check into the hotel and change and head right to the nude beach...I laid blankets down and stripped off my bathing suit laying down with my soft dick hanging to the left over my balls....Mors was a little more shy but I convinced him his dick is big enough to flaunt on the beach...he...

2 years ago
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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 8

Later that evening we holo-called their Grandma to give her the great news. She and Cassidy are from the same mold. She started crying. Cassidy followed suit. It’s like a dormant virus in the Mulgrew women. It becomes active and extremely contagious at times! Ok, it choked me up a bit, too, to know it meant so much to my dear mother. We agreed to bring the twins on Friday evening to visit for the weekend. We called the twins into the room to tell them. They spoke with their Grandma for a...

3 years ago
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My Mom Tested Son InLaw Before Marriage

Hai this is Nagaraju from nellore. I am 15 years old having dick 4 inches. I masturbate every day nearly for 15 times. Mainly I masturbate on my mom and sister. My mom Nirmala now 50 years a voluptious lady with modern out look. My sister Anuradha is 20 years with high sex avegations. My moms nose is too long and she look like heroine Jayaprada. My sister look like iliyana with sexy body. I do not know english properly that s why I am posting this in Telugu. Ee story real gaa jarigindi ma...

2 years ago
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Warm Night Warm Dream

The rain was falling most of the morning, but in the late afternoon, the sun came out, and warmed the day up. As evening came, we chatted via instant messenger and had a quick call on the phone to wish each other a good night, trying to impart some feeling to each other over the static of an unusually bad connection. I sat in the porch swing, and listened to the sound of the wind in the trees, wishing for you to be here with me to share this moment. Next door, Tom's daughter was outside,...

3 years ago
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A stranger watched us

It was late September 2016. Grace had never been to the beach before, so we decided to take a long weekend and drive down to Pensacola, FL. I was never really into camping, but Grace loved it, so I bought just a small 2-person tent, we packed our bags and headed south on I-75. We left early in the morning, hoping to arrive late afternoon/early evening. I'd booked a campsite with enough room for a tent, one parked car, and with a campfire built in. We arrived earlier than anticipated, at...

3 years ago
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Form a More Perfect Union

Charles: To form a more perfect Union 1) ________________ 2) Public face 3) Arguments 4) Bills 5) Cooking 6) Sniping 7) Workdays 8) Decor 9) Socializing 10) Kath stays solvent Kathleen: It will be OUR house. (1) Society (and church?) (3) All sorts of pleasure from sex (6) Learn to clean (4) Mrs. Johnson? (2) Time for ourselves (9) Allowing me freedom of judgement (10) Expanding the menu (7) Entertaining your family (8) Contribution to HB clinic (5) After dinner Sunday, Kathleen and...

2 years ago
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Twiddling My Thumbs And Clit At Work

I spent the morning bored out of my skull at work. I just couldn't focus on anything and wasn't getting anything done, so after chatting with various waves of coffee-breakers for about an hour, I ended up back in front of my computer, answering messages and browsing porn.It didn't take long for me to get a little wet and I could feel it start to soak through my panties. I started stroking along my pussy lips under my skirt, through the thin fabric, my eyes shut tight, enjoying every sensation....

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A Secret Sex Life

[ Every day, somewhere, there's a race-baiting, white supremacist, who's actually secretly envious, and more than a little jealous, of the very people he says in public, to friends, as well as to family, that he despises...who set alone at night watching interracial porn; with a hard on in their hand, and stroking it up and down as his eyes are fixed, riveted, on the sight of a huge black cock as it slides deep inside a white females eager pussy. Their out there right now. Thousands and...

2 years ago
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There, in the gloom, was a typical Welsh cottage: small, square, all stone and slate. A candle burned in a window. Gwenneth went to the door and knocked. A woman answered the door, dressed in black, just like the "witches" on Welsh postcards. "Pardon me," said Gwenneth, "but could you tell me where I might be able to rent a room for the night?" Sternly, the woman looked down on Gwenneth, who was all of five feet two. Then she turned and bellowed, "Elspeth!" A girl came to the door:...

3 years ago
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Do Dreams Really Cum True

Robert Baird walked in the classroom and took a seat. Normally he tried to sit all the way in the back of classrooms at the university but not when he was in Economics 201. No, in Econ 201, the sophomore macro-economics class, he always made sure to arrive early enough to get a seat as close to the dais as he could, close enough that he could almost smell her. The 'her' was Robin Redgrave, the 41-year-old economics professor, and the woman that he and all the other males on campus, including...

1 year ago
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sister in law

After my wife passed away at 40, my life really changed. I had always been successful in business but after 18 years of marriage I was lost when it came to dating or even finding a date. I started spending most of my time with my wives family (two sisters families) and became a workaholic. One night I went to a dating site and one thing left to another and I ended up pumping a load of cum all over the floor while reading sexy bios and looking at photos of nude and exposed women that generally...

4 years ago
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Knock OverChapter 3

Shelly spent the next couple of days thinking about the situation with the twins. Those two boys, Louie and Teddy, had managed to not only catch her off guard as she was baby sitting them, but also tied her to one of their beds where they tortured the poor girl by tickling her feet with feathers. Then they stripped her, and somehow got some incriminating photos of her in compromising positions, as well as audio tape. Finally, Teddy, the younger of the twins, managed to get her to agree to...

2 years ago
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Monique the ClubHopper

PLEASE RATE if you aren't pleasuring yourself too much! ;) Monique squeezed her 32-C (almost D) breasts together and jumped slightly. They jiggled sexily in the mirror. Aaaah.. Not too big, not too small. She backed up to her bed and sat. She started rubbing her clit, causing her ultra-easily excited pussy to become automatically wet. She moaned, but held off getting to a climax. She was planning to have fun tonight! She grabbed a "top" that had two tiny triangles meant to go across her...

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Life With sis Pt 15

This was turning out to be one heck of a day for all of us. Lexie and Terece said that we should keep it going all day, why not just have a fun day. I liked the idea and we didn't even need to ask Jeff, he was just sitting there grinning.It was pretty fun, we fixed something to eat and drink. We had a couple of things to do on the computer. Then there was clean up after eating. What made it fun, we stayed naked. I'm usually not too fond of being naked, but with my friends, it just didn't...

3 years ago
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Becoming a sissy chapter 2

I wake up in a bedroom that is not mine wearing a little red teddy with red stockings . The sunlight streams through the bi-fold doors that are open to the private court yard. I lie on my back legs spread as I remember how I come to be here. Thinking of the mystery visitor in the wee hours who arrived while I was gagged and bound to the kitchen cabinets. Michelle had entertained them for sometime then headphones had been placed on my head and loud rock music had played. My little butt plug was...

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A wild taxi driver

That Friday night was Helena’s birthday. My girlfriends Camilla, Susan and I had enjoyed too many margaritas and none of us could not drive after the party; so we decided to share a taxi to get our homes safely…The cabby followed our directions and dropped both girls at their houses. After waving goodbye to Camilla, I was the only one left with the cab driver. I realized I had not paid him any attention and feeling guilty, I decided to be polite with him…Then I moved to the middle of the rear...

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Little More SIN For You

(The genesis of my wife's erotic non-fiction, "tail" telling foreplay.) © 2003 SINdora freely admits that when we first began dating ( but not yet mating) she was intimidated by my porn photography occupation. How could she "compete with the gorgeous, nude women that posed for my cameras?" It wasn't the subject matter that bothered her... spicy porn pleases her. Initially I had no idea that the pert, bouncy little mite I was dating was so afraid that she wouldn't measure up. I...

1 year ago
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A Family Matter

Jack stepped away from the taxi and turned to watch his daughter in law climbing the short but steep steps to the hotel doors. It was hard not to notice the movements of her shapely bottom under the tight grey skirt. He cursed his son, Colin, under his breath. Suzy was tired; she had been on her feet all day at the trade exhibition while her lazy husband was away playing golf with his friends. He should have been there helping out in the family business. “He didn’t deserve her.” He thought to...

Wife Lovers
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 799

Retirement I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the “John” and renamed it the “Jim”. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning. The biggest lie I tell myself is...”I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” Why do I have to press one for English when you’re just going to transfer me to someone I can’t understand anyway? Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert...

3 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein Part 8211 24

Agar koi pyasi bhabhi maza lena chahti hai to hangout aur email pr bina kisi dar ke contect kare.Hubby ko bina bataye sex ka maza le sakti hai.Only married bhabhi hi contect kare.Email id hai   Reena ko bathroom mein chod raha tha.Reena boli ki bedroom mein chalo.Reena nangi hi bedroom ki taraf chal padi.Main bhi uske pichhe tha.Ab aage…..   Reena bed room mein pahunch gai.Main bhi uske pichhe chala gaya.Reena ne gate band kar diya.   Reena-aaahhh darling ab theek hai…Ab aaram se apna kaam...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Busty Czech Chick Loves Anal

Sofia Lee is a hot brunette babe with brown eyes and wonderful natural tits. That big ass of hers looks so inviting and it’s impossible to resist this curvy goddess. She’s here today to take a bath and enjoys herself in the bathtub when her hubby Cristian enters the bathroom and reveals his massive boner to her. Sofia Lee sees his hard dick and starts sucking that rod to lube it up for her warm wet pie. The two start making out and soon his fat cock disappears inside her shaved...

1 year ago
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The House on the Hill Complete Story

The House on the Hill Chapter 1 Opening his eyes, Michael slowly took in his surroundings. He appeared to be in a bedroom although he had no memory of falling asleep in this room. It was impossible to guess the time of day because it was so dark. He felt like he was awakening from a dream; or waking up after an operation. Lots of hazy memories and fuzzy visuals and, what was worse, his body felt sore and uncomfortable. As he slowly shook away the cobwebs he realized that he...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal14 Sick Time

The sudden chirping of a phone woke me. I started to sit up, but the sudden motion hit my head hard and I groaned. Cate mumbled an obscenity besides me and pulled her cell phone out. I think she was about to shut it off when she recognized the number, so she went ahead and answered it. She was getting up to leave the room but I reached out and held her, feeling this was probably something that I should hear. “Hello? You’re going to have to keep it quiet, because Alex is trying to sleep,” she...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 5

The four girls looked up when the head nurse came inside the waiting room. "Ladies, follow me for your physical," the head nurse said. The girls stood up and followed the nurse through the corridors again. This time, most girls tried to hide their breasts and vulva in someway while following the head nurse. It was only Sylvia, who still wasn't showing any distress about her nakedness and Petra held her arms in front of her big breasts. The woman brought the girls to a room where they...

2 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirty

Sissy Farm - Chapter Thirty - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James, AKA....

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Gia Derza Has Her Teen Ass Opened

Gia Derza is back for more ass pounding from Manuel! Gia’s a sexy spinner who can’t get enough cock in her tight little asshole. She’s dressed in red lingerie with high heels and matching fishnets as Manuel inspects all of her amazing curves. Gia takes off her top then drops to her knees in front of Manuel and starts rubbing and kissing his big cock through his jeans. Manuel lets her suck his cock momentarily then has her stop so she can take off her panties and show off her bare ass before...

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me and the girl next door

this is my first attempt at writing about my experience with the girl next it was summer last year and we haven't long moved in to our new house.Its been about 3 month and since we moved in i cant help notice the girl next door her and my parents are best friends and have known each other for years, she is 26, 5ft9 slim but has curves in all the right places shoulder length red hair and stunning blue eyes, she doesn't have huge tits but they are just perfect and her arse looks firm but...

2 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 7

For the first time since that impossible event had happened, Jeff managed to calm herself down enough to examine her new body. She looked down at her chest. When she had put the T-shirt on that morning, it had been tight against her muscled torso and thick arms. Now it was as loose as a tent. It was still tight in one area though, where her breasts stretched the material. She closed her eyes and pulled the T-shirt off. The soft curls of her long hair brushed against her bare shoulders, but...

3 years ago
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Clothes Shopping Surprise written by my friend

I was walking through the store browsing some clothes and I noticed her workingthere. She was talking to another employee and she caught my eye. Maybe it washer sexy red hair, maybe the way she filled out her blouse with those nice softlooking breast or maybe it was how Nice and curvy she looked. Non the less, Icould not take my eyes off her and the twinge in my cock told me...that I'd loveto fuck her if I had a chance. I caught her glancing my way, not sure if shecaught me staring, but I...

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Forced to be Used Part 2

'What the fuck?' She blurted out, as her hands were snagged down, unable to be shifted. Suddenly her grogginess was gone, as she strained her neck trying to see what was happening. This room wasn't hers. It was large and dimly lit, a small old fluorescent bulb flickering in the corner. No windows, but a set of stairs to the far right leading up. The room was mostly bare, other than some basic tools, a cupboard, desk and chair. And the bed she was on. Not just on, but tied down to. 'What...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 24

Two days later, Lauren swung the car into the long term parking space, the effort registering on the muscles in her arms which still ached from carrying the suitcases to the car and her swimming the day before. Their flight was at four thirty that afternoon, and they had arrived with several hours to spare. She made sure she had locked the car and (to her own surprise) wrote down the number of the space for her return. The coach whisked them (at a leisurely San Falino pace) to the...

2 years ago
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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 11

Linda was seated at one end of the small mahogany conference table in the Executive Conference Room. On either side of her were the four men who had controlled the daily operation of Modern Electronics, allowing Sam, who was the owner and founder, to exercise his creative talents. Frederick Nelson was in charge of research and development. Frederick was not a designer himself, although he had a degree in electrical engineering. Frederick was an expert at detail. He seemed to know everything...

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Adventures of Krimson

Legends spread through the land like wildfire of the mightiest of demon slayers. Some say she was a demon herself. Others that she was immortal. The huntress known as Krimson was famed for being the best in her field. Her prices didn't come cheap, however. But for those that could afford her, it was guarenteed their demon problem would be solved quickly. Krimson frowned as she wiped the black blood from her sword before sheathing it, glancing down at the slain demon before her. The fight was...

4 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 69

As she watched Annalise’s face disappear underneath Ana’s ample derriere, Lexi was struck with a brilliant idea. Returning to the kitchen, she found Annalise’s purse and searched through it until she found the wallet. Riffling through the credit cards, Lexi selected a Platinum Visa card and repaired to her computer, where she called up an adult website and started shopping.As the sound of soft moans drifted in from the bedroom, Lexi picked out a couple of strap-ons, handcuffs, leather...

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Dailey diet of my wifes creamypie II

As promised I'm going to relay to you what I was told happened Saturday night. We returned to our room after a day by the pool, slightly sunburned and definitely buzzed. Andrea went straight to the bathroom to take a cold shower and wash off all her coconut scented tanning oil. I laid across the bed so the AC was blowing on me. After the shower turned off Andrea came in the room wearing only a towel on her head. She hollered look at this shit. I raised my head to see what was wrong. She was...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith Part IX

Mackenzie:Ponte was still asleep when I awoke the next morning. Slipping into my panties I headed downstairs. My clothes were strewn everywhere but I had gotten so used to him seeing me naked, I didn't bother getting dressed. Plus I enjoyed the effect my nakedness had on him.He came down in pants but was shirtless as I was making us breakfast. He gave me a nice good morning kiss and sat down as I served our meal."You never opened your gifts he said"As I opened each one I was thrilled with his...

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Girl in Mumbai Local train A Toilet Slut

I mentioned in the earlier part, the way I found a girl in Mumbai local train. Read that part first, So that you won't get any confusion while reading this part. Link is mentioned in comments. If you can't access link, then you may get it in my profile. Let's begin.Next-Day I got inside a crowded train. Still, I couldn't find her. I thought, Maybe she must be travelling in the ladies compartment. Next day I got out of a running train at Borivali and stood in front of the ladies compartment. I...

4 years ago
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Les Bob Part 4

Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read the forth chapter in a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, woman and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by sending a message via this site or by email...

1 year ago
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Higher Education Ch 03

I recommend reading Chapters One and Two before reading this. Thank you ZB for editing this story. Drew sat on the couch in the sun room, mindlessly flipping channels. Nothing seemed of interest to him, not even predictions about the upcoming football season. The large clock on the wall had only moved ten minutes in what seemed like hours. He had to get up, go do something, anything to get Kaitlyn off his mind. What was it about her that had him so bent out of shape? Figuring that he still had...

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