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Chapter One

It was a typical December afternoon in Minnesota. The sky was overcast and the gloomy clouds threatened to add to the foot of snow already on the ground. A chill wind whistled through the birch and fir trees outside my window. I looked out from my study onto the frozen surface of Loon Lake. I'd bought the house a dozen years ago with the proceeds from my first novel, and I owned all of the property around the rest of the tiny lake as well. It was a good location, far enough off the beaten path for solitude but not so far out that I missed out on the amenities to be found in Minneapolis.

A flash of color out on the lake caught my eye: A young woman was skating on the ice, moving gracefully back and forth across my field of view. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a black sweater and blue jeans. I didn't have a problem with the local kids coming to the lake and skating on the ice. This girl had probably been skating here since she was old enough to lace on a pair of skates. From a distance, she had the look of one of the descendents of the Norwegians and Swedes who had settled the state in the mid-nineteenth century. My only concern was about the thickness of the ice. I hadn't heard that the Town Council had declared the ice safe to skate on yet.

I continued to watch her skate as I pondered some plot concepts for a new novel. She spun and pirouetted with the natural grace of a ballet dancer. Her breath steamed in the frosty air, trailing behind her like a diaphanous scarf made of fog. She continued practicing her figures, arms and legs moving rhythmically. Then she seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if her skate had caught on something. I saw her stumble and fall to the ice, then disappear from my view. I watched for a moment but she did not reappear.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, "She's fallen through the ice!"

I was already running as I said it. I grabbed my parka on the way out the front door and pulled it on as I ran. No time for the rubber boots. I fumbled with the zipper of the parka, then pulled on my gloves. I took a quick look around, saw a large branch that had broken off a tree during an ice storm a couple of weeks before. I ran to the branch and picked it up, then continued running down to the icy lake.

I could see the hole in the ice about fifty feet out onto the lake. The water was about nine feet deep there. I saw the girl struggling to keep her head above the dark water. I slid out onto the ice, using the branch to keep my balance as best I could. I saw her gloved hands scrambling on the edge of the broken ice, trying to get a handhold.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran towards her.

"Help me! I fell in!" she screamed, splashing in the water as she tried to pull herself out.

"Hang on! Don't panic! I'm almost there," I yelled again, sliding across the ice as fast as I dared. In a few seconds, I was almost to the hole in the ice. I pushed the end of the branch toward her and yelled, "Grab the branch and I'll pull you out!"

She tried to catch the end of the branch but it slipped away from her. Then she tried again, caught it and held on for dear life. "I've got it!" she cried. "Pull me out!"

I set my feet as best I could on the slippery surface and pulled back on the branch. Slowly, her upper torso slid across the broken edge of the ice, then her hips and legs followed.

"Don't try to get up until I pull you back to more solid ice," I told her, pulling her backwards away from the hole in the ice. After a few more feet, however, her hands relaxed their grip on the branch. I could see that she was shivering and her teeth were chattering uncontrollably. Her face was a pale white and her lips were turning blue. I ran to her and scooped her up in my arms and carried her back to the house, running as fast as I could.

I laid her down on the the couch and ran to the telephone.

"911. What is your emergency?" the female voice on the line asked.

"My name is Dan Sutherland. I'm at 100 Loon Lake Road. A woman was skating on the lake and fell through the ice. I managed to pull her out. I think you need to send an ambulance."

"Okay, Mr. Sutherland. I am dispatching an ambulance to your location. What is her condition? How long was she in the water?" the dispatcher asked.

"She was only in the water a few minutes," I replied. "She's unconscious, shivering and her teeth are chattering. Her skin is pale and her lips are kind of bluish. She seems to be breathing okay."

"You'll need to get her out of her wet clothes and get her warmed up, Mr. Sutherland. It will take our ambulance about twenty minutes to get there. Take her wet clothes off and wrap her up in as many blankets as you can find."

"But I don't even know this woman!" I objected.

"If she stays in her cold, wet clothes, she runs the risk of pneumonia," the dispatcher said bluntly.

"Okay," I answered. "Anything else?"

"Yes," the dispatcher replied. "Check her hands and feet for frostbite. If you see whitish patches on them, don't rub them. Otherwise, you need to rub her feet and hands to get the blood circulation flowing."

"Got it," I told her. "I'll be waiting for the ambulance."

I hung up the phone and went to the closet for a towel and then grabbed the extra blankets and spread them out on my bed, one on top of the other. Then I went back to the shivering blonde-haired woman on the couch. She was still unconscious, but she was breathing fine. She was pretty in a bland, clean-cut sort of way, the type of girl you see by the hundreds at the Mall of America, although her water-smeared mascara ruined the effect. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were blonde, so her hair color was apparently natural. She looked to be in her late teens. I unlaced her skates and pulled them off, and then pulled off her gray wool socks and her black leather gloves. I quickly inspected her hands and feet and was relieved to see no signs of frostbite. Then I picked her up and carried her to the edge of the bed. I felt awkward about undressing this perfect stranger, but the dispatcher had made it clear that the wet clothes had to come off.

I reached underneath her and grabbed the bottom of the black sweater and pulled it up over her head and arms. Underneath, she wore a gray sweatshirt. I pulled it off, revealing a white sport bra. Next, I unzipped her skin-tight jeans and tugged them off. Underneath, she wore white bikini panties. This girl was a hardbody, perfect in the way that only a young woman who has never borne children can be. Both her bra and panties were soaked from her time in the water. They would have to come off. I rolled her over onto her stomach and unfastened her bra. Then I rolled her back onto her back and pulled the bra off. Her breasts were a pale, milky white and her nipples were red and hard from being in the icy water. Finally, I pulled her panties off, revealing a neatly trimmed blonde triangle. I quickly dried her off as best I could with the towel. Then I picked her up again and placed her on the edge of the blankets, reached under her and rolled her up in them like a burrito.

I started to work massaging her feet. They felt like blocks of ice. I rubbed them for a couple of minutes until they started to warm up and more color came back into them. I tucked her feet inside the blankets and moved my attention to her hands. She had long, slender fingers, and I rubbed first one hand, then the other. I noticed that she wasn't wearing any jewelry. Soon her hands were warmed up as well. I put them back inside the blankets, then went to the bathroom and brought back a towel to dry her hair. I sat her up and toweled her hair off.

Who was this young woman? I looked through her pockets but found no identification. Then I had an idea. I grabbed my parka and went back outside and looked along the edge of the lake to where it met the road. Sure enough, there was a bright red canvas bag by the edge of the road. I trotted over to it, my breath steaming, and picked it up along with the white boots and pink quilted Gore-Tex jacket next to it, then ran back to the house.

Inside the bag was a sweat suit and another pair of wool socks, and a wallet. I opened the wallet and found her Minnesota driver's license.

"Kristen Lund," I read aloud. "Born 5/12/82." That would make her eighteen. I noted the address, then went to the phone directory and looked through the Lunds for one that matched the address on the driver's license. Ah, there it was: Erik and Julia Lund. I jotted the number down, then called it but only got an answering machine.

"It's three-fifteen. My name is Dan Sutherland," I told the machine. "Kristen fell through the ice at Loon Lake but I managed to pull her out; I think she will be okay. I called 911 and they are sending an ambulance. I will call you again once I find out to which hospital they are taking her. My number is 555-9012, if you get this message before I call you back."

I had just finished the message when I heard the sirens of the ambulance approaching. I checked on Kristen, who was still out of it. I went to the front door and greeted the EMTs as they entered.

"Her name is Kristen Lund," I told them. "Here's her address and phone number. To which hospital will you be taking her?" I asked.

"Hennepin County Medical Center," one of the EMTs replied. They unwrapped Kristen and gave her a quick examination, then, satisfied that her condition was stable, they rolled her back up in the blankets and placed her on a gurney, then took her out to the ambulance.

"I'd like to come see her at the hospital and bring her things to her," I told the EMT as they were preparing to leave.

"That will be fine," the EMT replied.

"Okay, then I'll be down there in about an hour or so," I said.

I watched the ambulance crunch its way along the snowy road, then went back inside to call the Lund's number again. I left another message, telling them that their daughter had been taken to Hennepin County Medical Center at about 3:20 p.m. Then I picked up Kristen's wet clothes, along with the bedspread, and tossed them in the clothes dryer. I looked at her skates, which were in pretty bad shape. The white leather wasn't really designed to be soaked in water for several minutes. I blotted them dry with a towel, then put them in the bag. When the clothes were dry, I folded them up and put them in the bag as well.

The drive into Minneapolis took forty-five minutes, not bad considering that I was having to battle rush hour traffic. My Ford Explorer handled the slippery roads like a champ, though. Four-wheel drive and snow chains will do that for you. I pulled into the hospital's parking lot and lucked into a spot in the front row of parking spaces. I scooped up Kristen's things and went in.

The receptionist was a stern-looking matronly woman with gray hair and deep frown lines around her mouth.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Miss Kristen Lund?" I asked. "The ambulance brought her in about an hour ago."

"Are you a family member?" the receptionist asked suspiciously.

"No, ma'am," I told her, "But I did pull her out of the lake when she fell through the ice. I brought her things in for her."

"Oh! That's who you are!" she said, an obviously unaccustomed smile threatening to crack her face. "Her parents are up in her room, number 224 on the second floor. They said that they wanted to talk to you when you came in. Go down that hall and take the elevator up to the second floor, then take the hall to your right."

Her directions were good enough that I didn't get lost. I walked down the hall to the elevator, then went down the hall to the right when the doors opened on the second floor. I could see a man and a woman standing in the hall outside of one of the doors. They turned toward me, smiling. The woman was a pretty blonde in her forties who bore a strong resemblance to Kristen. The man was graying, bearded, tall and heavy-set.

"Mr. Sutherland?" the man asked.

"Dan," I replied. "Mr. and Mrs. Lund, I presume?"

"Yes," he replied. "I'm Erik and this is my wife, Julia."

"How is Kristen? I brought her things in for her," I said, handing the bag to Julia.

"The doctors say that she'll be alright," Erik answered. "We just want to thank you for what you did for her. Nothing we can say or do is adequate to tell you how grateful we are to you for saving her life."

"She's a very lucky girl," I told them. "I just happened to be looking out of my window onto the lake when she fell through the ice. If I hadn't seen her, things could have turned out very differently."

"Well, Dan, I'm just glad you were there to be her guardian angel," Julia said, then she reached out and hugged me.

"I just did what anyone would do," I told her. "Is she awake?" I asked as Julia let me go.

"No, the doctors wanted her to sleep, so they have her under sedation," Erik answered.

"Well, when she wakes up, let her know that all of her things are there," I told him.

"Thank you again, Dan," Erik said, giving me a firm handshake. "We won't forget this."

"Oh, and tell Kristen that swimming season on Loon Lake doesn't usually start until late May. No more swimming in December!"

We all laughed.

"I'm going to head home," I told them. "I'm just glad that your daughter is going to be okay."

"Thank you again, Dan," Julia told me. She hugged me again, and then Erik surprised me with a bear-hug that I thought might break my ribs.

"Yes, thank you, Dan," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"You're very welcome," I told them. I made my way back to the elevator, basking in the warmth of their gratitude. It's not every day that a guy gets the chance to be a hero.

Chapter Two

Late the next morning, I lingered over a cup of coffee as I sat in front of the computer, trying to piece together my next novel. I was still in the process of roughing in the characters and the plot. I'm a professional; don't try this at home, boys and girls. As I continued to work on the protagonist's motivations, my concentration was broken by a knock on the front door.

Curious as to who it might be, I went to the front door and looked out the window. I was surprised to see that it was Kristen, wearing blue jeans and her pink quilted Gore-Tex jacket, with a white scarf around her neck and a white knit cap and knee-high white snowboots to complete the ensemble. I had thought she'd still be in the hospital. The rosy glow of her cheeks from the frosty air seemed to say that she was healthy. I opened the door and said, "Good morning, Kristen."

"Good morning, Mr. Sutherland," she said, smiling a bit shyly. Her voice was a rich, warm contralto. I realized that the only time I had heard her voice before was when she was screaming for help.

"You can call me Dan," I told her.

"Okay, Dan," she replied. "May I come in?" She gazed at me seriously, her eyes a deep blue, the color of the summer sky.

"Of course," I told her. She kicked the snow off her boots and came inside. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" I asked, closing the door behind her.

"I don't want to put you out," she said with a slight frown.

"Oh, it's no problem," I told her. "I just brewed a fresh pot half an hour ago. Cream and sugar?"

"A little of each please," she replied. I motioned her toward a chair in the living room, then went to the kitchen to get her coffee. I returned to find her looking around the living room.

"Here's your coffee," I told her, handing her the mug.

"Thank you," she said. Then she pointed at a fading picture on the wall and asked, "Your wife?"

"No," I answered in a level tone. "She might have been, but things didn't work out. Her name's Ann. She's an archaeologist. Last I heard, she was somewhere in Asia Minor doing an excavation. We're still friends, but we haven't been involved with each other for... Years."

"Ah," she said. She paused, then continued, "So, do you live all alone here?"

"Yes," I replied. To change the subject, I said, "You know, I was kind of surprised to see you this morning. I figured you'd still be at the hospital."

"They kept me overnight for observation," she told me. "They really didn't want to let me go this morning, either, but I felt fine and I insisted. And after I went home and cleaned up, I wanted to come over here and thank you personally for what you did for me yesterday."

"You're very welcome, Kristen," I said.

"I haven't thanked you yet," she said. She stood up and unzipped her jacket and tossed in on the chair. She wore a red-and-black plaid flannel shirt over her jeans. She walked over to me, looked me in the eyes and said, "This is my 'thank you'," and then she put her arms around me and kissed me passionately on the lips.

Needless to say, I was totally in shock. Her lips were warm and hungry, and the kiss seemed to promise a lot more. For a moment, I reacted, kissing her back. Then I realized what I was doing and pulled away from her lips, feeling like a heel.

"Stop, Kristen!" I said. "This is wrong. You don't even know me!"

A flurry of emotions raced across her face: Surprise, hurt, disappointment. Then she composed herself, her face carefully neutral.

"You don't want me?" she asked in a small voice.

"Kristen..." I said, trailing off, trying to think of what to say to her. "It's not that. You're very desirable. You are every man's dream. But you don't know me, and I don't know you. Besides, you had a very traumatic experience yesterday. It's natural for you to have a... fixation on me, after what happened. But it would be wrong for me to take advantage of your upset emotional state. And besides that, I'm twice your age."

"So?" she said. "What does age have to do with anything? I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. And you wouldn't be taking advantage of me. I wanted to do this -- want to do it. You are a good-looking man and you saved my life! All I'm offering you is a proper hero's reward."

"Couldn't you just give me a thank-you card?" I asked.

Kristen chuckled. "I can't believe you're turning me down," she said incredulously. A sudden look of suspicion on her face, followed by, "You're not gay, are you?"

"Not hardly," I replied. "That kiss was not the kind you'd get back from a gay man!"

"True," she admitted. "I almost had you for a minute." She smiled and the temperature in the room went up five degrees.

"What makes you think that sex is a hero's reward?" I asked her.

"Oh, come on!" she said. "Why do you think the birth rate skyrocketed at the end of World War II? All those heroic soldiers and sailors coming home, all those breathless wives and sweethearts just aching to reward those heroes properly. It's always been that way. And it always will be. We women love heroes, and we love to love them. And you're MY hero, but you won't let me do this little thing to reward you..."

"Kristen, it may be a little thing to you, but it's a big thing to me. Besides, what makes you think I don't have a girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Dan, this place is totally 'Guyville'," she told me. "There's no woman's touch to the place at all."

I looked around and realized that she was right. My cabin was functional in a spartan sort of way, but Martha Stewart didn't have to worry about any competition from me.

"Okay," I said. "That's true. But surely a girl as pretty as you already has a boyfriend."

"I'm between boyfriends right now," she replied, batting her eyelashes outrageously at me. "But I might have a new candidate."

"I thought this was just supposed to be a tumble," I said.

"It was," she admitted. "It was. I was going to give you a day to remember..."

"And it has been," I told her.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet, mister," she replied.

"You still don't know me," I told her. "I could be a real creep for all you know."

"No," she replied. "You couldn't. You saved my life. And now you're refusing to do something that you think might be wrong, even though I wouldn't mind if you did it. And I know you must be tempted. So I know a lot about you, Dan. And the more I find out, the more I like you." She smiled again, dazzling me like brilliant sunlight on snow.

"You realize that I would have tried to save anyone who fell through that ice?" I asked her. "Whether you had been a child or a man or whatever. And I'm sure any decent person would have done the same thing. So it really had nothing to do with you personally. But I am very glad that I was looking out my window when you fell through the ice, and very, very glad that I was able to help you."

"So what were you doing yesterday that made me so lucky?" she asked.

"Writing," I told her. "Or trying to write. I'm starting work on a new novel and was roughing in the characters and the plot. My study looks out over the lake. I find the view very soothing. I happened to look out and saw you skating. You're very graceful."

"Thank you!" she said, pleased at the compliment.

"You're welcome," I replied. "Anyway, I was watching you skate and then I saw you stumble and disappear, and I knew immediately what had happened."

"You were very brave," she told me seriously. "You could have fallen through the ice trying to rescue me."

"I knew that," I said, " but I couldn't just let you drown, could I?"

"No," she said, "You couldn't." She smiled again and my resolve was starting to waver.

She sipped her coffee, then asked, "What sort of novels do you write? Might I have read any of them?"

"It depends on whether you like romance novels," I replied. She nodded, so I continued, "Have you read anything by Terry Clarke?"

"Of course! I love her stories... Wait a minute! You're telling me that YOU'RE..." she trailed off, shocked.

"Nom de plume," I told her, looking at her with a grin. "A deliberately androgynous one. When I first started writing, my publisher loved the stories but didn't think that women would buy romance novels written by a man. So she suggested a feminine nom de plume. I went as far as androgynous. I drew the line at 'Penelope'."

"You're not kidding, are you?" Kristen asked.

"Nope," I said. "Come on, I'll show you some of my work." I led her back to my study and showed her the shelf lined with my first edition hardbacks. "Notice that there is no photograph in any of the books. The readers just assume that the author is a woman. And of course, I don't do book-signing tours, which is just as well. I'm comfortable here in the woods doing my writing. If I have to go farther than Minneapolis to get something, I don't really need it."

"This is just too much!" she said, leafing through one book after another.

"What about you, Kristen? What do you do?" I asked her.

"I'm studying at the University of Minnesota. This is my freshman year and I'm mainly getting the required courses out of the way. I'm planning on majoring in psychology, although that could change," she told me.

"I went to U of M a long, long time ago. That's where Ann and I met. She was mainly interested in history, anthropology, that sort of thing. For me, it was literature, creative writing, English composition." I paused, lost in memories. The silence stretched uncomfortably.

"So is that when she broke your heart?" Kristen asked.

"Actually, it was a little while after that, but that's the general time period," I told her. "When you're young, you think that everything will turn out fine and that love will last forever..."

"Gee, Gramps, thanks for the sage advice!" Kristen chirped impudently, then giggled.

"You young whippersnapper, I ought to turn you over my knee!" I cackled in my best imitation of a geezer.

"Oooo, Dan, I might even let you!" she cooed. She stopped laughing and looked deep into my eyes.

"Where is this leading?" I wanted to know.

"Well, I'm hoping it's going to lead to a first date," she said.

"What would your parents think about you going out with a man twice your age?" I asked.

"Dan, you saved my life. You are GOLD to them right now. They've never made an issue of any of the other guys I chose to date, no matter how much they didn't care for them... And there were a few that they didn't care for. But they knew that I was going to do what I was going to do. And they knew enough psychology to not say anything. Eventually, I figure out my mistakes. If you're a mistake, they'll let me make it, and they'll be there for me afterwards. But I don't think you are a mistake." She paused for a second, then folder her arms across her chest and said, "Well?"

"Miss Lund," I said in a formal voice, "Would you like to go out with me tonight?"

"I'd be delighted, Mister Sutherland," she replied, eyes shining.

"What would you like to do?" I asked.

"I'm easy," she said. "Well, not EASY, but not hard to please, either. Dinner and dancing might be fun."

"Hmmm, what about Mezzaluna? Have you ever been there?" I asked.

"No, but I've heard the food is really good there. Pick me up around seven?" she asked.

"Seven o'clock it is. I'll call for reservations," I told her.

"Great!" she said. "Tonight, you're mine."

"Maybe if you play your cards right," I answered.

She grinned, then said, "I usually get what I want in the end. You can fight it all you want and it won't make any difference in the end."

"We'll see," I told her. She finished her coffee, got to her feet and put her jacket back on. Then she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

" I have to go now, but don't think that you're getting rid of me. I'll see you tonight, Dan. Do you know where my parents' house is?" she asked.

"No," I said.

"Down the road, right on Minnetonka Avenue, left on Larkspur to 2115," she said. "It's not far at all. It's the white house with green shutters on the left side. I'll see you tonight." She kissed me again, brushing her lips across mine, then smiled and walked out the door.

Chapter Three

I called Mezzaluna and made reservations for 7:45. I spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the computer, lost in a haze. My brain was fogged by images of the beautiful young woman who had just left. I couldn't get her out of my mind. All I could see was her face, her eyes, her smile. I knew that it wasn't right. She was so much younger than me, and yet, I couldn't help but want her. If I could have designed the perfect woman for me, she would have looked just like Kristen. I didn't have a prayer of writing anything, of course. The screensaver came on the computer, lights and sounds played as my thoughts focused only on the evening to come.

I started getting ready around 6:30. I'm normally a jeans-and-flannel-shirt kind of guy. I'm into comfort. But the Mezzaluna is a ritzy place and certain standards of decorum are expected. I showered and shaved, making sure that my face was baby-smooth. I put on my navy pinstriped suit and a red paisley tie, then my khaki overcoat, and headed out the door. I arrived at the Lunds' house at exactly 7:00 p.m. I rang the bell and Mrs. Lund answered.

"Good evening, Julia," I said.

"Good evening, Dan," she replied with a smile. "Here to pick up Kristen?"

"Yes," I replied. I wanted to blurt out that it was all Kristen's idea, that I wasn't some sort of monster who would take advantage of a young woman's jangled emotions, but I couldn't. I wanted to go out with Kristen. I wanted to spend time with her. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to run my fingers through her long, blonde hair, to caress her face, to kiss her...

"Ah, there you are!" I heard Kristen say as she swept down the stairs, a vision of loveliness in a short black dress that showed off her legs to great effect. She turned the full force of her smile on me and I felt myself melting like a snowman in July. I smiled back at her, and I could feel the brains draining right out of my head. I felt like a fool, and yet if I could be her fool, that would be fine with me. She reached the foot of the stairs, took my hand in hers and looked deep into my eyes, her smile widening. She had me and she knew it. She took her coat from a hook by the door and put it on, ready to brave the chill of the outdoors.

We said our good-nights to her parents and then we walked out to my Explorer, hand in hand. I opened the passenger side door for her, then walked around to the driver's side and got in. Sensible girl, Kristen had already buckled up by the time I sat down in the driver's seat. I buckled my seat belt, fired up the SUV and we were off. The roads were in pretty good shape, so we made it to Mezzaluna with time to spare.

I walked around to the passenger side of the Explorer and opened the door for her. She smiled at me and took my hand. I helped her out of the SUV and we walked into the restaurant arm in arm. I knew Steven, the maitre 'd, and he showed us to a nice table by the window. Kristen sat down and I followed. She eyed the menu a little apprehensively.

"Feel free to order anything you like, Kristen," I told her. "I want you to enjoy yourself."

"Okay, Dan," she told me. "I want steak, to keep my strength up... And I want YOU to have some oysters."

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© Copyright 2013 Chapter 1 — In the Beginning July 1973 It didn’t matter that she wasn’t pretty. He had been watching her watching him. He knew what that was all about. It was Hildy Wertz, the lobby receptionist at the Operations Center of the utility company where Jim worked his summer job while he was in college. He knew her well enough to say ‘hello’ and that was about it. Sometimes, after showering but before actual quitting time, the summer college workers would gather in the lobby to...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alexia Anders 09102020

Hello devout followers. Let thy drink and eat from the trough of perversion because super sexy and kinky Alexia Anders is here for thy divine pleasure. Yes it’s no mistake above. This 21 year old is half Latino / half Asian with a sexual appetite that will make you love her more than “half” long time. And her frijoles? You’re going to want to refry her frijoles more than once as well because Jay filled all free of her hole’es. Yes Asian three’s sound like...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 70

"I take exception to "disease"" Dell expostulated, and then grinned "But what a wonderful way to take over the place. Screw your way to power. Seriously, TJ, all you have is a proposition and no proof." "Even so," Morg added "does it matter? Don't think so. There is no control — all that happens is our genes spread in the best traditions of natural selection." "I like the idea of natural selection" Allie almost leered at TJ. Bet vamped TJ, "Can I share my genes with you,...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Heat Part 1 My Secret

"I'll fuck you so hard that you'll forget all about him..." Natalia has been lusting for her stepfather for the longest time. Suddenly, her stepfather is engaged to another women while his younger brother found out about Natalia's secret... What will happen to her secret relationship with her cousin when a bodyguard is hired to monitor her... “Ah Ah Ahh! ... Uncle please stop…we…ah…cannot do this…ahh” I panted between kisses as his tongue invaded my...

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my bdsm check list

Bdsm check list for meNote | 13 days agoBDSM check ListAnal Play- Curious is a Hard limitBeating (General) YesBeating - Canes YesActs in which one partner is beaten with a cane. YesBeating - CropsActs in which one partner is beaten with a crop. YesBeating - FloggersActs in which one partner is beaten with a flogger. YesBeating - HairbrushesActs in which one partner is beaten with a hairbrush. CuriousBeating - HardActs in which one partner is beaten hard. YesSmall Limit Yes (Asthma may kick or...

4 years ago
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Young Stepmother Part 9

Young Stepmother Part 9 By Mark Dayette When Reginald asked me to marry him I was terrified, I knew this decision was serious and would impact my entire future. I had nothing against him as a person and he was definitely wealthy and nice. I asked him if he could give me time to think about it. I went back home and my Stepmother told me I should have said yes immediately and that I was running the risk of offending him. However, I told her to give me a few days alone upstairs in my...

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Schooldays My First Threesome FFM

I was supposed to be revising for my exams but had spent most of the morning lazing around, masturbating over my secret hoard of porn mags, and feeling ever so slightly guilty about being so lazy.Just as I was on the point of giving in to my guilt and getting some books out to start revision the door-bell sounded. “Saved by the bell” I thought as I opened the door to find two of my female friends standing there.“Hi”, they said, “we were passing and thought we’d drop in for a coke or something”....

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Postcards Ch 01

Prelude: Economy Flight Author’s Note: This short section is largely a repeat of the end of How [K]itten Met [T]eddybear. If you have read that story, you can skip this chapter. *** Depart: 9:20 a.m., Arrive: 12:05 a.m. Sat, May 26 Philadelphia (PHL),Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Travel Time: 5 hr 45 mn Distance: 3,406 miles Flight: IT641 Aircraft: Airbus A301 Class: Economy Meal: For purchase Sean: Every girl supposedly dreams of her wedding. I had no such illusions about Sheila, but I...

3 years ago
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You are sitting on the bed, blindfolded, naked except for the soft, velvet collar at your throat and sheer hold-ups with your high-heeled shoes, in nervous anticipation of what is to follow. Your senses are acute to any changes around you and you hear the door open, with quiet murmurings of several voices. Your heart beats faster and the warmth in your body seems to concentrate in your cunt – sensitive, wet and throbbing in anticipation. You are startled as fingers stroke your arm, the...

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DDFBusty Kesha Ortega Venezuelan Voyeur8217s Talented Titties

DDFBusty presents Venezuelan vixen Kesha Ortega in a 5K stroke worthy scene that you definitely want to grab your lube and cum-rag for. The busty bombshell finds herself unexpectedly locked out of her house and being the voyeur that she is, trots right over to her neighbor Yanick Shaft’s house wearing a barely-there bikini that bares her big tits and big ass. When Yanick answers the door to find this curvy cutie, he welcomes her in for a good time. Join the duo as they get dirty in this...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

“Strip down and get on the bed, Richard.” “Yes Mistress!” 'Richard? Not slave? Or slut? Oh well...' He ruminated on their relationship while disrobing. Alice had been happy to indulge his Femdom fantasies over the years, but only halfheartedly most of the time. She never seemed to fully get into character. It was a sore spot for Richard, but he rarely brought it up. He didn't want to discourage his wife from engaging in kinky play. Richard had a stressful job as a high profile defense...

4 years ago
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for his love

He said hello and my heart skipped a beat, his voice low , deep and seductive had my complete attention. His intense stare warned of danger, his crooked smile froze me in place. "Come here often" he asked as he leaned in closer....GULP!" No, not too often you?" "Often enough" was his vague reply. He studied me like an open book of information he was hungry for. He leaned even closer and took a deep breath , let out a growl of satisfaction...".you smell like heaven" he said.....I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Daddy and daughter Kelly

Kelly came out of her room dressed in and tight blouse and short skirt that left nothing to the imagination, her outfit gave her a whorish look. I wondered if she'd been in her mothers closet. "Kelly, I think you could dress more appropriately for a young lady." "Like you care." Her voice sounded of acid. I was pissed. "That is no way to talk to your father Kelly." "Yeah well my father would be a man, I don't know what you are." Fuck this, I got up just in time to have...

4 years ago
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Mom And Me

Helow indian sex stories dot net dosto mera nam raj hai.Main uttarakhand ka rehne wala hu.Main apko aj apni real story batane ja raha hu apko acci lage to apne feedbacks aap pe bhej sakte hain. Ye bat un dino ki hai jab main apni job me puri terh se settle ho chuka tha.Humari family me 5 log the.Main meri mom.Bhaiya bhabhi aur sister per sister ki sadi ho chuki thi.Meri mom ek purane khayalo wali anpadh mahila thi jinki age 50 ho chuki thi.Main 25 sal ka tha.Meri mom ki hight 5 feet 8 inch...

3 years ago
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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

Gay Male
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Grandpa Jackie 4

Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting Marge in helping her to divorce him, she finally found betrayal. Probably worse betrayal then she has ever given to anyone in her life, but that is probably because no one trusted her enough to let her that close. Ellen began calling her...

1 year ago
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Main Ek Male Escort

Hello ISS readers, main ye nhi keh skta main fan hun iss site ka mggr main kafi stories padhi hai wo safi fake lagti hain ,but main apna asliye encounter bta raha hun apko.Ye story hindi mein isliye likh raha hun jisse sabko smjh aa jaye…Mera naam ronny singh aur main ek male escort hun ,dehradun se aur 2 saal se ladkiyo aur bahbhiyo ko satisfy kr raha hun..About me main 6 feet ka gora nhi but acha dikhta hun aisa mere clients bolte hain and gym jata hun to muscles bhi hain.Waise mujhe ladkiyo...

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Susan Karen

I went to see my friend Nick on the way home from work, but it was his wife Susan that opened the door telling me Nick was away for a couple of days but still invited me in. I hesitated but have always fancied her and thought I might be in with a chance if Nick was away. I followed her in and was a bit disappointed when I saw her grand daughter Karen on the sofa watching TV. Nevertheless, I accepted the offer of a coffee and sat down. I soon realised that Karen was in her nightie ready for bed...

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 04

This story is a fantasy written to be as realistic as possible. All characters are fictional. Any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental. New residents and new challenges make life interesting for David and Hosi in Part 4—Eternal Love. © 2013 by Senorlongo. Please feel free to comment and vote. ***** CHAPTER 1 I woke too early the following morning, but I really didn’t have a choice. Hosi was still spooned in front of me and my hand was still on her smooth firm breast....

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NuruMassage Silvia Saige Familiar Face

The moment client Ramon Nomar meets his sexy brunette masseuse Silvia Saige, he’s convinced that he knows her from somewhere. She’s not hit with the same blast of recognition and chalks it up to having a familiar face. But once his brain finishes making the connection, he remembers walking in on her while she was in the middle of riding some guy. He still wants to get to the bottom of this mystery. She brings him into the massage room and begins to undress. He helps her remove her...

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Baby Sitting The Niece

I had just got home and my sister in law asked me to baby sit her daughter while she slept. I had thought for a minute and said hey I'm off. Why not? I knew she had been sick for a few days and is a bit stressed and tired. I decided to do her this favor. She gave me a big warm welcoming hug that somewhat threw me by surprise. She hugged me tight making sure her breasts squeezed firmly against my chest. I thrust back making sure my dick didn't run into her. She informed me on what to do if her...

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The Reunionpart 1

It has been more then twenty years since I had seen her but my mind was racing. My stomach was getting queasy, not from the plane ride but the butterflies squirming to escape. Questions pierced every corner of my mind. Would she even recognize me? Would she greet me with open arms or with one of those looks from the corner of her eye, you know…the looks only women can give you? Was I wasting my time? Her face was etched in my thoughts? What I wanted to do was carving its own designs in my...

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The Omega PathChapter 13 Confessions and Medical Supplies

Hands hurt. Arms hurt. Knuckles raw. Enough. Joey sat slumped on the floor of the small utility room staring at his sloppily wound bandages. The loose bindings of gauze kept slipping off, exposing raw and tender flesh to the air. Flexing his fingers hurt, and holding anything was agony. Even trying to fix his own bandages hurt, so he was reduced to just staring at them drooping from his hands, and he ground his teeth in frustration. Just what the hell does she want? The unopened first aid...

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Man watches his wife in action from a distance

Summary: Man watches his wife in action from a distance.Distribution: May be copied to your website provided you include this preface. Please visit www.nyllover.comAuthor's Note: This story was inspired by, and is dedicated to, the hottie who worked in the eye clinic in our downtown skywalk.A few days ago my whole life, or rather the life I thought I was living, turned upside down in the space of an hour. I'm living a completely new existence now, it's unfamiliar, but it's beyond anything I...

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The Interview pt 2

Rachel was staring down ward at the floor, through the fake window looking into the movie set thinking, “This is where I will be revealing myself as well as my private parts for people ‘strangers…’ to look at. Fondling another woman and being fondled by another woman are experiences I have never really thought about, and now my god I will be doing both in front of a group, maybe hundreds of people looking on and bidding as if I were a car, or a house, or a piece of meat on the butchers block up...

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In Bed With Faith

For the past four years, Dean raised his daughter, a blue eyed and blond person named Kerri, alone. One day four years prior, his wife left him and got a divorce after apparently suddenly realizing she was a lesbian. And in the four years since, neither he nor his daughter had heard from her. He dated from time to time, but nothing ever got too serious. But that didn't matter. Four years later his daughter turned eighteen, graduated high school, and was accepted into the college she had been...

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Dost Ke Bhabhi Naina Ko Choda

Mera naam rohan hai me mumbai ka rehne wala hu, meri age 24 years old hai, aur me ek private company me job karta hu, ye kahani is December month ki hi hai jab mene mere sabse close friend ki bhabhi ko choda tha, aur us din se vo chahti hai ke vo har roj mujse chude. Mere dost ka naam karan hai aur vo mere sath collage me padhta tha tabse hum pakke dost hai akshar humara ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rehta tha. Humare family jese relation ho gaye the uske ghar me vo uske mummy papa uska bhai...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 24 The Surgeons Wife

A heavy snowstorm swept over the central mountains on November 15, putting an end to travel, foraging, military drills, and just about anything else that involved extended activity outside. The Defenders congregated in the bathhouse and the kitchen, the only two buildings that were adequately heated. Isauria and Danka spent much of their free time sitting on their bed, wrapped in blankets while Isauria practiced writing or doing arithmetic problems. There were not many books in the...

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Friday night in the club

Friday night in the club.First let me describe the club. This was an adult club, there was a small bar, which was also entrance and wardrobe. There was a TV room, with a coffee table and a horseshoe-shaped sofa, in which ther was shown film.Then there was ”the big video room” with seven, tre to five persons sofas, and a pair of armchairs. At the back of the club there were a couple of runs, where you could either be alone, or leave the doors open and let others look or participate. This friday...

2 years ago
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I was sitting on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, stark naked, my back against the equally cold porcelain of the tub. Greg was short enough, and I was tall enough, so that his cock lined up pretty nicely with my mouth. My hands massaged him along the backs of his marathon runner muscled legs, from the tops of his heels to the bottom of his ass. One hand continued upward to trace along the crack of his ass and to insinuate a finger between his cheeks into his puckered asshole. He liked...

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Mandis train ride

About me:-I am a successful business executive, happily married and in my forties. I have a figure that attracts attention, men and sometimes women and I dress sexily always in stockings. I enjoy teasing and flirting with the people I meet or see as I go through my normal daily life. I suppose at some time it had to happen when a situation would arise where those I had teased would get their revenge. This was that day!!!Dressed as usual in a wrap over dress, stockings and heels, very skimpy...

1 year ago
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Fucked Naani Her Daughters 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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My Cousins Ch 1

My twin cousins Matthew and Nick started college at the same time that I did and we were all going to the same university. Our parents got together and decided that the best thing would be for the three of us to share an apartment. It would be cheaper than dorm fees, Matthew and Nick would supposedly be good protection for a young college girl and I would make dinner each night to make sure that my cousins got fed (for a fee of course). I had mixed feelings about living with my cousins. They...

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Their StoriesChapter 4 Allans Story

I had been a nervous wreck all week. Fortunately I had found a large costume shop in the city and had acquired a Roman Toga and a mask that was of a size that would cover my face and hide my identity. If I did things right I might be able to join the party without questions being raised. It was a case of finding just the right moment and method for entering the house. Arriving in Miami I drove north and found a decent Courtyard Inn just outside West Palm Beach. I went down to the restaurant,...

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Cock CandyChapter 15

Together Luke and Candace arrive at the station the next day with everything they need to start their new lives together. For Luke it is going to be the first time, for Candace a second chance. They ride the bus to the port, making a few other stops along the way. By the time they reach the docks it is late in the afternoon. They check the bags and then check onto the ship. Their tickets and passports are checked and quickly they are cleared to board. “See? I told you everything would check...

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The Tide RisesChapter 9 downsized

Humorous Parody, Sexy?, Depraved, and Tongue in Cheek. I Hope Entertaining! Conclusion. Closing this part of the story. A sequel, High Tide, takes the story in a new direction. C’ya later! Bye for now! Hasta la vista, Baby! Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. Please? Please? Yob ????

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The NIS Scholars BlogsChapter 11

Jerry Shrum, June 22, 2009 At the beginning of class today, Dr. Wagner announced that she would be going to a conference about The Program after the end of the course, and asked if anyone wanted to go and present their research. The conference was near Orlando, on the way to my house, so I volunteered. So did Justin Robinette, Pete Nowak, and Will Travis. Today was the first day of the last week of class, next week we'll present our projects one on one to Dr. Wagner. After the end of the...

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Twas The Night Before

With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring..." except for me and I was getting more and more pissed as I went from room to room looking for what should have been there. There should have been a wife and three children in the house, but they weren't. I had been away from home working on a project that was in trouble. We had a hard target deadline and a contract that called for sanctions if the job wasn't...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 36

I got Janet to help me get over to Violet’s prone body, remembering the sound of bones breaking when she had hit the corner of the wall. She was breathing shallowly, but she was still alive. “Why did you do that, Violet? Why did you try to help me after trying to hurt and even kill me?!” “I did not do it for you, dummy,” Violet said, struggling to get air. “He had to pay for deceiving me and then casting me aside!” “He played on your insecurities and desires, Violet, you could not control...

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Rape Gone Wrong

This will be short stories about people getting revenge (either sexually or not) on people that did them wrong in the past. Let's hear your rape-revenge stories, whether real or fantasy. The first chapter will be a fantasy I've been wanting to write for years. It will go slightly sideways to some people's tastes but I'm hoping every story does that in some way! Enjoy and feel very free to contribute!

1 year ago
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Cheeks By ABC de F Chapter One His immediate concern was transportation. How could he get a job, even a "no experience required" job, without transportation? Since his unemployment checks had run out his folks had been sending money for food and rent, but he knew that was a serious strain on their modest income. At 23 it looked like he'd be moving back home. Not that Michigan had a much better job market than Nevada. The economy was improving, but it had a long way to...

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PornstarPlatinum Dee Williams PTA And Monster Cock Investigation

Seems Will Tile & his monster black cock has got him into trouble with the PTA at our school. I told Will a investigation will have to be conducted regarding this situation. He didn’t like that very much & walked out. So I decided to catch up with Will & do my own investigation & have a real one on one session in a attempt to modify his behavior. And the conclusion is this… Honestly I can’t blame the ladies at the PTA for getting letting Will get “close”...

4 years ago
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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight Part II

I stumbled up the stairs and pushed myself into my room. My parents had gone to bed long ago, or so it seemed. It was dark in the house and they were good at going to bed at way to early of hours. I was glad they were asleep though, they would not have to see me as I was now. Taking off all of my clothes, I shoved them into the back of my closet and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood in front of the mirror as I waited for the water to heat up. I looked over my body and could...

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The Pizza Guy

I watched as Jenny Card came out of the rear entrance of her parent's pizza place. She trotted lightly across the parking lot and jumped into Eddy's car. I was parked next to Eddy, but it was late in the evening and I was sure that Jenny couldn't see me in the shadows. I scrunched down in the seat of my old Mustang and prepared myself for a show. Jenny immediately wrapped her arms around Eddy's neck. Their faces moved in and out of the shadows, but it was obvious that they were swapping...

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SisLovesMe Maddy O8217Reilly It8217s Called The Cum Treatment

Maddy O’Reilly isn’t a the brightest stepsister in the world, but she is fucking hot and gullible! She is distraught over having two zits on her face. Her creepy brother tricks her into thinking that male cum will clear her problem up. He gets her to suck him off so he can pump his bro lotion all over her face. The next day, she is on the ground scrubbing the floor in a nice dress that shows off how much junk is in her trunk. She wants out of this work so that she can go and see a concert. She...

4 years ago
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Closer To Uncle

Hi friends, this is Princess here with my first and fake story. I’m 18 yrs old and studying in college. This happened a few months back when I went to my uncle’s for some exam. My figure is 34-28-36 which is the reason why men keep staring at me may them be strangers or friends.I had finished my board exams, to begin with, and was preparing for the college entrance test. The centre for my exam was my uncle’s city. So, a month before the date for the examination I went to my uncle’s city to join...

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Aw Fuck MeChapter 7 Whats next

As I pushed the button a fleeting recollection of Murphy’s law passed through my mind: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’ As I waited, I thought to myself, “Damn!” nothing had happened... A blinding painful flash, then darkness. I must have passed out then as awareness slipped away from me... I came to with pain pounding in my head, colors flashing through my mind, and the loudest damn noise in the world in my ears. As my head slowly cleared, I realized the sound was the...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysWake Up Call

“Mark! Mark! Hello ... Earth to Mark!”, Annabelle was speaking to him. Mark jumped and said, “Sorry! What did I miss?” Annabelle asked, “You zoned out, what were you up to?” Mark told everyone, “Those guys are trying to sneak in through the trees by the trailhead.” Maren asked, “How do you know that? Are we in danger?” Mark answered, “No, we’re in no danger, I just told them to go home or to knock themselves out trying. One guy rushed the perimeter, so he got knocked him out.” Maren was...

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AssParade Willow Ryder The Perfect Booty

Johnny Love has been looking for the perfect booty. Little did he know, his step sister, Willow Ryder possessed said treasure. After spending weeks trying to draw the most perfect ass, he noticed that in was right in front of him the entire time. He confronted her and let her know what she held in her possession. Willow was a bit shocked by the revelation but her shock soon turned into excitement. From there, they decided to have some fun. First, johnny worshiped her booty. He was glimmering...

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EvilAngel Maya Woulfe Ejaculates Squirt Facial

Maya Woulfe is a young, slim starlet with a talented twat. The eager beaver teases and strips off her skimpy bikini, fingering her sweet cunt and tasting her juice. Talking dirty for director Pat Myne, Maya pulls down her panties to show the plug wedged between her perky butt cheeks. Veteran stud Michael Stefano arrives to worship Maya’s tight pussy. The darling girl orgasms within minutes, squirting hot girl cum into Michael’s mouth! Maya moans when Michael’s meat drills her...

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AelinorChapter 4

Now, what? Aelinor has been so intent on getting some money and killing the alien rulers in Newberry that she was at a loss for what to do next. They had been so successful so quickly that she had not planned far enough ahead. Even Armor was caught short; he had not expected their success to be so complete so soon. Armor finally realized that it had been so long since the Glaxoi had faced any opposition that they simply were not prepared for it. However, Armor was sure that they would react...

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Majburi Ka Faida Utha Ke Choda

Hi mera naam Amit hai aur main 26 saal ka hu. Main ek company mein engineer hu jo mining site par equipments supply karti hai. Mujhe kaam ke silsale mein Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand aur West Bengal bohut ghumna hota hai. Mining site par jyada tar mujhe mining company ke guest house par rukaya jaata hai machine installation and operation start hone tak. Ek baar main Jharkhand aur Bengal ke border par ek site par tha. Woh bohut pichda hua ilaka hai aur log bohut hi sadharan se hai. Guest house mein...

2 years ago
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Losing rights

Breaking news: Sweeping legislation to remove basic human rights from a number of groups. Depending on how the negotiations go various groups could lose various rights from free speech to boldly autonomy, even personhood could be removed leaving the poor souls victim to the whims of the majority around them.


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