What Happened Last Night? free porn video

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My long sleep halted and a horrible pain in my head was noticed immediately as my back arched up on my bed in my bedroom.

"Fuck, my head." My hands leaped to my head and rubbed it.

Then my arms and legs were stretched out and a decent amount of relief was felt as I was alone.

"I feel like shit." I yawned and my eyes toured my bedroom of my apartment.

There were clothes, beer cans and a million other things on the floor. One thing that definitely stuck in my vision was a purple thong.

"Is that what I think it is?" I squinted my eyes.

I pushed the blanket off me and my feet met the floor as I was naked. I drifted over to it and leaned down. My hand seized it and I ran all my fingers from my right hand through it. A little moisture was detected and then I brought it up to my nose.

A deep inhale was taken. "Oh, shit. These couldn't be more dirty. Did Sarah come over last night?"

The scent got my cock hard and my head leaned back. Then my headache was cured and I held them as I ambled out of there. As I arrived at the entrance of my living room I saw more beer cans, trash, movies and torn up trash bags among other things on the floor. In slow paces, I strolled into the kitchen. Broken dishes and pizza plagued the floor.

"Did I have a party and not remember it?" My hands rose to my head.

I also got a sight of my cellphone on the floor. I rambled towards it and crouched down. My right hand grabbed it and I had hopes I'd receive some answers. It was in camcorder mode and there were several newly recorded things on there.

They all began with an image of a beautiful brunette woman. She appeared to be in her mid twenties and she was just in her bra and panties.

"So I have an image of the thong owner." I saw the purple thong.

Then I played the video. There were a million different noises on there including music, voices and beer cans opening. The main thing was the woman in my living room.

"Are you ready to get your cock sucked?" She lowered herself to her knees and the phone followed her.

"Shit, you are not Sarah." I got a good look at the mysterious woman's face.

Her lips opened and my cock ventured into her mouth.

"Holy shit."

Moans coming out of my mouth were on the video as she began thrusting her mouth onto my cock. My eyes widened and my I felt my blood flow come to a standstill as it was all trapped in my cock.

It was harder than a rock as my eyes enjoyed the best porno ever. I saw my other hand come to rest onto her head and follow it with each passing thrust.

"Yeah, suck on his cock, woman." I heard another woman mention say as I stroked my cock.

Sweat went down my forehead and I felt my heart stomp. My eyes were glued to my phone and my mind was sucked out.

"Oh, you sexy woman." I heard myself say in the video. "Are you gonna make me cum?"

My entire cock disappeared into her mouth and the picture began vibrating. I still got to see her gag on my cock and moan too.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum down your throat." I dropped the phone in the video.

My cock was extracted from her mouth. "No, cum on my face."

From the angle on the floor, I saw myself douse her face. "Oh, fuck."

Then the time limit was reached and the recording ended. With a hard cock, I heard the shower water start all of the sudden.

My head turned to the bathroom. "Whose there? Sarah?" My feet strolled towards it.

As no answer was received, I rambled closer to it. The door was opened slightly and my right hand came in contact with the doorknob.

"Hello?" My hand pulled the door open completely.

My eyes looked in there and saw the shower curtain was covering the shower with some clothes on the floor. A petite blue tank top, small black shorts and a purple bra. The exact same purple as the mysterious thong.

My heart shifted into overdrive and my lips departed. My teeth began to grind as I found myself on my tippy toes. I inched a little further as my right hand could reach the curtain. Then my hand shot it back and my eyes viewed a naked twenty-something brunette with medium sized boobs washing herself with her back to me.

Her head turned and her eyes came to me. "I thought you'd never get up." Her body turned and her hands seized my right hand.

She yanked me right in there with her and immediately super glued her lips to mine. Her hands made their way onto my butt as a ten second make out session commenced.

Mine flew straight to her hips and pushed her away a few inches. "Whoa, hold it. Who are you and what are you doing here?" My eyebrows went north.

An odd look was shot my way. "What, you don't remember me?"

My eyes took a decent look at her face and the light bulb lit up. On the other hand, I still had no idea even what her name was.

"I don't know who you are, or who invited you here, but I have a girlfriend."

Her lips jetted right back to mine and got another ten second kiss out of me.

My hands snatched both sides of her stomach and nudged her away again. "Didn't you hear me, strange, but sexy woman? I have a girlfriend and she is not you. Her name is Sarah."

"I know, your friends told me last night at the party because they brought me along. They mentioned she wouldn't suck your cock and I told them I'd love to slither my tongue on it for you." Her hands migrated over to my cock, with her left hand at the base and the other stroking it. "Do you really not remember fucking the shit out of me in front of people?"

My palms leaped to the sides of my head and my feet took a step back. She followed and dropped to her knees.

"Maybe this will refresh your memory." She took my cock into her mouth.

She promptly began to deep throat me.

"Fuck, that's good."

Her eyes came to mine and her fingers from both hands wrapped around my wrists. She brought mine to the back of her head and mine leaned back. Those intuition voices were yelling in my head, but the physical pleasure was no match.

My toes clenched up and my hands began to caress her head. The very end of her tongue pressed up right against my cock hole and brushing up and down in slow paces.

My left hand jumped off her head and hit the wall. "Holy shit."

Both of my hands reached over to the shower curtain bar and squeezed it. Her lips rubbed against my cock as she backed up. My cock remained in her mouth though as her eyes met mine once again.

"Who the fuck are you?"

To answer, her mouth began thrusting onto my cock in slow paces. My head leaned all the way back and my hands zoomed to my face. They covered my eyes and my feet inched backward. As I ran out of room, my butt and back met the wall.

I fell down to the floor. "Fuck, that hurt."

Her head leaned towards my cock. "I'm sorry, maybe making you cum again will make up for that." Her lips wrapped around my cock again.

Another thrusting expedition had began, but with faster thrusts. My hands voluntarily launched onto her head and began rubbing the sides of it. The left side of my head met the floor and my eyes closed.

"I don't know who you are, but you are a sexual demon."

No break was taken and the progress bar was nearing completion. Cum was rushing around inside me.

"Shit, lady."

Her mouth came off my cock and her right hand was placed onto it. "Cum on my face again."

She stroked it incredibly quickly for ten seconds.

"Son of a bitch, woman." Then her face became drenched with my seed as my head leaned up.

Four shots of cum splashed onto her face as it was only about six inches away. My mouth was wide open and giant gusts of air flowed in and out very quickly.

Her upper lip rose and let the top row of her teeth show. "That was even better than last night."

She leaned towards me and laid her body right onto mine. Without letting the water hit her face, she set her lips right onto mine. She kissed me for a minute before I found my hands crawling up onto her back.

We made out for five minutes and my hands pushed her away a little bit. "No, no, I have a girlfriend. I can't do this."

She leaned up a bit with her cherry above my cock. "Then let's see you resist this." She reclined down letting my cock seek shelter inside her twat.

Her knees met the floor and the tips of her fingers met my stomach. She began riding me and caressing my stomach. Her boobs flopped around as her eyes stayed on mine. My fists clamped up as they remained on the floor.

"I knew you'd remember me." She saw the smile on my face.

Still clueless, I just enjoyed the sweet pleasure considering my sex life with Sarah was down significantly. My bare cock rubbed up against her slit several times and I felt my system getting worked up again.

I felt like cumming right into her womb, but with every single ounce of strength I had, I resisted. I already felt horrible about cheating.

Her body continued bouncing up and down as if the floor was a trampoline. "Are you gonna cum inside me?"

My body was moving quite frequently as well with her thrusting her pussy onto my cock on a doused surface.

"Put your hands onto my tits and cum for me, Adam."

So my hands migrated over to the greatest destination there was in the moment. They were wet, soft and easy to move too. My hands slithered around them and let her nipples drag across my hands too.

"Oh, yes, rub those nipples and me cum too."

Her nipples found my fingers on each side of both of them and they pressed together on both of them.

Her head jolted back "Oh, fuck that's good!"

Her breathing began to get heavy and her thrusts came to a halt. Her nipples were pinched rather hard and my head rose up to her. I looked right at her and she began fluttering around as my grip on her nipples intensified.

"God damn it, Adam! Make me cum!"

My head floated even closer to her and her's leaned back up to me.

"Kiss me, bitch."

Her lips zipped right to mine and caused my torso to collapse right down to the floor. A long make out conference was inaugurated and my arms found their way across her back. I held her close to me as my cock maintained it's position in her cherry.

"Oh screw Sarah, I got this hot chick to fuck."

A giant grin struck her face and then she boosted herself up onto her feet. She turned around and got down on her hands and knees.

"Fuck your new girlfriend, Adam. I'll fuck you whenever and wherever you want. You'll love me even more than her. I've never met her, but I know you cheated on her because you are bored. So fuck me doggie style you horny bastard."

I shot the guilt out the window and rose to my knees. Still without a condom, I aligned my cock with her pussy and stuck it right in there.

"Yes! Fuck me just like you did last night!"

My hands dropped to her ass. "I will you, hot bitch."

A big thrusting exercise became initiated that began with small thrusts. My big cock dug deep into her snatch so my skin next to my cock pressed firmly onto her butt. So my entire eight inch cock was inside her pussy.

"Fuck, you have big cock!"

Her head turned and saw the top row of my teeth smiling at her. My cock was pulled on a couple inches and then went right back in there in slow motion. I repeated the process many times as my cock became lubed up completely with her slit juice.

Every time my cock slipped out even a little bit, some juice floated out along with it. Even as the water was still going, my sweat was added to the mix on my head. A giant yawn exited my mouth too as I still felt out of it. Then her torso arched up with me and her head turned.

"Give your new girlfriend a kiss."

My hands left her smooth butt cheeks and raced over to her boobs. They covered her small, but perky tits completely as our lips drifted to one another. Her wet hair covered my right shoulder as I actually felt my cock get even harder.

Our lips let go for a minute. "Are you going to cum inside me, Adam?"

Heavy inhales were taken and shot right at her face. Her face grinned and her left eyebrow raised up.

"Are you on the pill?"

Her head shook 'no.' and I pushed her right back down. My hands slipped back down to her butt and all of my cock except for the head was extracted from her slit.

"You are a special kind of woman." My cock slammed right back into her pussy.

"Oh, fuck yes!"

I began thrusting my cock incredibly quickly and my knees hurt. My hands maintained their place on her butt for the duration of our doggie style adventure. I felt it getting sweaty as well when I was blocking the water from it.

"Fuck, you are making my pussy sore. Jam it in there deeper. I wanna feel the whole thing in there. Do it for me, do it because you love me."

The words entered my ears, but I threw caution to the wind completely.

"Fuck!" Streams of white cum jetted right out of my cock and went directly into her womb.

We both exhaled sharply and looked at each other.

She chuckled for a few seconds. "That's good, Adam."

My cock exited her slit in slow motion and she turned around. Her hands grasped my cock and caressed it.

Her eyes came to mine. "Sense you clearly don't remember, my name is Autumn and we had filmed ourselves having a lot of sex in front of people. I could already be pregnant because we didn't use condoms last night either."

My right hand lifted to top of my head and my fingers scratched it.

"Did we have sex in my room?"

"Yes, but we didn't film anything in there."

Then my head leaned towards hers again and our lips pressed together. A make out session came about as all the hot water was gone. Feeling that didn't distract me as I found a new woman to enjoy my time with. Then footsteps entered the airwaves and we turned our heads to the door.

"What the fuck?" Sarah stomped into the bathroom. "Adam, are you cheating on me?"

My heart sprinted as her five foot three figure with red hair stood in front of us.

My feet lifted out of the shower. "It just kind of happened, but she has already had more sex with me in less than a day than you have in the past month. I have someone that wants to have sex with me. I resisted at first, but she gave me what I wanted."

A dirty look was shot my way and her arms crossed. "You are just gonna throw away our relationship for a fling? Four years just shed to pieces?"

"I guess so. I'm turning over a new leaf and throwing caution out the window. I'm not too sure you ever wanted to be serious anyway, why else wouldn't you move in here?"

Tears sparked from her eyes as she stepped forward. "How dare you, Adam? You told me you loved me and even said you would love me to have your baby. Now after one day with this slut, you are really willing to flush it down the toilet? As if I meant nothing to?"

Her tears attacked my defenses like bombs and tears made appearances out my tear ducts too. My hands became fists and Autumn hands came over to mine. My head turned to her and her lips set on my once again.

"Go to her, I wouldn't ever truly want to break someone up. You just better not show her the videos."

My eyes were drawn to Sarah as the obvious was stated. With a drenched body, my feet strolled to her. Both of us shed several tears as our arms wrapped around each other.

"I still love you, Sarah."

"I still love you too. If you were gonna cheat because of our sex life, you could have told me you wanted me to move in at least. I wanna work through whatever we have to, I don't wanna lose you. Now will you invite your friend to politely leave so we can enjoy each others company in the shower?"

Then Autumn stepped out of the shower too and grabbed a towel. She leaned down above her clothes to seize them.

Her eyes met Sarah's. "Call me a bitch and tell me to fuck off if you want, but I just ask you to love him mentally and physically. He deserves that at least. In my defense, I had a few drinks in me too."

Sarah looked at her straight in the eyes. "Thank you, I guess, but find your own boyfriend. He's mine."

"Already than and don't let him drink too much either. He couldn't remember anything, even as the whole party was his idea." She headed to the bathroom door and blew me a kiss.

She walked out and Sarah kissed me. Her clothes were stripped off her and we both got back in the shower.

"I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"

Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip and her head angled down for a minute. Both of us wrapped our arms around each other and said nothing. I felt her boobs on my chest and the love seemed to be rediscovered.

"Of course, because I love you."

I never saw Autumn again and after that day, my relationship with Sarah soared. A month later Sarah moved in with me and I proposed to her too. One drunken night with a woman made Sarah and I value our relationship a hell of a lot more. I never got her last name so I could never look her up. I just hope she didn't get pregnant.

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Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

3 years ago
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He Suggested a Nightcap

Em met him in the bar, during a break in the awards dinner she was attending. They chatted briefly and had a cigarette, and said they’d probably see each other at the bar again when next there was a break in proceedings. Or perhaps, he said, they could have a nightcap later. His name was Jean and he was French. He was a big man with a nice laugh and twinkling eyes. Em hadn’t met him before and wouldn’t again. He was from the other side of the world and was in town only for the convention of...

Quickie Sex
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The Stuff of Nightmares

A second kick knocked out the window. The supervillain’s fist reached out. Her segmented bracers ran the rim of the pane to clear away the burrs and shards that had been left behind. She swung out of the warehouse before the glass had shattered on the concrete walkway below. She was a blur of cloud white, soulless black, and wine red. The glass shards crunched under her armored boots as she dropped the story and a half to the ground. “Wrong exit, criminal,” came a loud, authoritative...

4 years ago
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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 27 The Last0

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

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Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...

Group Sex
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Aertheril Geschichten aus dem Elfenpalast

[Allgemeine Infos -Die ganze Geschichte als solches gibt es bei http://www.fanfiktion.de/s/407944b3000004640c9055f0 zu lesen! -Bilder und Infos zum Comic erhaltet ihr unter http://lesyamina.lesandira.net/] Die folgende Geschichte trägt sich auf Aertheril, dem schwebenden Kontinent, zu. Aertheril unterscheidet sich von anderen Kontinenten, anderer Welten dadurch dass er sich über der Wolkendecke der Welt befindet. In der Mitte der sternförmigen Landmasse ragt ein hohes, unüberwindliches...

1 year ago
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Entkommen Sie von Inga Palast der Snde

Inga war eine mächtige vollbusige deutsche Frau. Sie war groß und sehr mächtig. Sie war auch ein sadistisches, Nymphomaneherrscher. Kein Mann könnte sie in Bett behandeln. Sie hat Freude aus Zerquetschenmännern und Frauen mit ihrer sexuellen Fähigkeit und Kraft genommen. Niemand könnte sie behandeln. Sie vorbereiten alle eigenes Deutschland und bewegten auf zu anderen Ländern. Sie hat in einem cheesy Karikatur Akzent gesprochen. Sie beherrscht gern Leute und war ein wenig verrücktes. Einige...

1 year ago
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Dolcett Palast Teil 2

Leicht verdientes Geld"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen.""Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und entferntesich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern."Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!""Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und...

3 years ago
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It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...

1 year ago
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plasterer fucks rich mature lady

this is a true story. I am a plasterer (dryliner) and when this happened i was 29 years old and running my owe business.I went too the job and with my college john (dad who is a lot older 58) the job was i harrogate an expensive part of north yorkshire and when i pulled up outside the house was very old and very big there was a nice car on the drive and the place smelt of money.I went to the door and rang the bell the lady of the house answered the door she introduced herself as Caroline and...

4 years ago
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MailmansLast Day

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a $25 gift certificate to a fine restaurant. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a box of chocolates. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a...

3 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

3 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

1 year ago
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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 11 The Last Batch

There was no question that we would limit the number of other males who would be brought into our little sex club, in part because it was inevitable that we would have to control other males, much as we did those at the Sunny Tropic contest. Dad and I talked it out. And even though he now generally agrees with me, it was still a nice reinforcement. Having harvested the best of the upperclassmen, we were going to either branch out into the community at large or aim at the next...

1 year ago
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Reddit PLASTT, aka r/PLASST! Have you ever heard about PLASTT? If you are a part of Reddit.com and have been for a while, then you must have run into a subreddit called r/PLASTT/. However, if you have not, I am here to explain all that you really need to know. Starting with what r/PLASTT/ even means, to what it offers, and whether I think that this subreddit is worth your time.Let’s not forget who you are talking to… I am a pro when it comes to talking about porn and telling you what is what....

Reddit NSFW List
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Jav Last! There are currently so many tube sites on the net and more continue to pop up every day. The thing is, though, tubes often don’t focus on specific niche content and instead dedicate their time to availing large quantities of all kinds of content. The result is websites with a little bit of everything that’s often not enough to satisfy your needs fully. So what can you do when you want to jerk off to a fantastic assortment of, say, quality Japanese adult videos (JAV) without having to...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Sniffing Sisters Sock Ends in Punishment and Cumblasts

Note: This story is completely fictional. All the characters in this story are of or over the age of 18. This is intended for adults only. And you must be 18 years or older to read this. Enjoy! "Have you seen my pink socks Jon?" Anna shouted from her bedroom. "Those are my lucky socks, I can't win without them" She said as she prepared for her track meet. My sister Anna unintentionally waited for the last minute often before heading out to her track meets. Directly across from hers, I watched...

1 year ago
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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

2 years ago
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Audition for a Knight

Aug 8, 2011 I tried to get this info into my biography - but couldn't. I've written a paperback book of three of my long stories that I normally sell separately at magselectronics.com There IS a great discount offered by the publisher, but only until August 12, 2011 If you're interested go to beastv.blogspot for details. I hope that you enjoy the following story. It's a lot different than my usual. Hugs Bea AUDITION FOR A KNIGHT By Bea The horseman appeared out...

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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

4 years ago
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Girlie Knight

I. The Message Paul Norton sat in his dimly-lit room somewhere in the suburbs of Boston. He looked outside and saw a blizzard pounding the neighborhood. White-skinned and with blond hair, Paul suffered from an overactive intelligence which compelled him to notice things that other people did not. He disliked authority’s instructions, and frequently called people names which they would not otherwise deserve. Fortunately, those same people had been understanding as Paul learned to keep his...

1 year ago
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Heart of a Knight

Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...

4 years ago
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A Knight

The Knight scowled as he glared at the Succubus sitting before him. His armoured hands were bound above his head, the chains bearing an unnatural purple glow. "My, my, my..." the purple-haired demon teased as she leaned forward, her red eyes running down her captive's body. He was exactly what you would expect of a knight; tall, muscular, and clad from the neck down in metal. She had already disposed of his helmet, exposing his handsome, bearded face. "You're quite the catch, Sir...

1 year ago
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White Knight

Carmine wiped the sweat off her brow with the dirty towel she was using to clean the table. Although it was nearly dark, the heat of the day still had its grip on the land. It was even worse in the dark, windowless inn where she worked. Grunting with the effort, she hoisted the pail of water and sent another splurge of water coursing down the long wooden table, sending several chickens flying out from under the table cackling and complaining loudly that she had ruined their meal of table...

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